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ID Number:

Lecturer: Lab group / Tutorial group /

MADAM FAZILAH Tutor (if applicable):

Course and Course Code: Submission Date:

EDU2153 2/11/2022

Assignment No. / Title: Extension & Late

TERM PAPER submission:
Assignment Type: % of Assignment Mark Returning Date:

1. 10% of the original mark will be deducted for every one week period after the
submission date.
2. No work will be accepted after two weeks of the deadline.
3. If you were unable to submit the coursework on time due to extenuating circumstances
you may be eligible for an extension.
4. Extension will not exceed one week.

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regulations on plagiarism and cheating. I/we confirm that this piece of work is my/our own.
I/we consent to appropriate storage of our work for checking to ensure that there is no
plagiarism/ academic cheating.

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Full Name(s):
1.0 Introduction

Inhaling and exhaling the vaporised substance produced by an e-cigarette or other

similar device is known as vaping. Meanwhile, the process of smoking involves pulling
tobacco smoke into your mouth and exhaling it through a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. Based on
Global Tabacco Surveillance System Data, in 2012 students already start smoking at 15-18
years old with the percentage male smokers is 57.8% and female smokers is 6.4%.
(Windahsari, Candrawati, & Warsono, (Vol 2, no3, 2017). Around the world, 7 million people
used e-cigarettes in 2011. Based on the National Health and Morbidity Survey (2019), the
approximate calculation vapers in Malaysia are 1.12 million. Roughly 4.9 percent of the
country's total population. This issue is a worrying matter to the nation because it’s going to
damage your health. Moreover, students who are in middle school and secondary school.
Nowadays there’s many cases that are related to students regarding vaping and smoking.

2.0 Reasons

There are a few reasons that might attract the students to start smoking and vaping. One
of the reasons is family problems. The students that have family problems might think that with
smoking they can release their stress from the problem that their family has. According to (Lee,
Paul, Kam, Jagmohni, July 2005) stated that the environmental factors which are parental
smoking and staying with parents can be one of the reasons why the students start smoking.
The parents who smoke freely in front of the students would make the students want to try how
it feels to smoke or vaping. A broken family can also be one of the reasons why the students
might start smoking. There's research about “Children of divorced parents more likely to start
smoking” from a U of T doctoral student from the University of Toronto. According to Filippelli
(2013), a co-author of the research said that “The divorce that happened between their parents
might make them upset, smoking is used as their coping mechanism for them.

Nowadays, students also have this misconception that vaping is safer than smoking
cigarettes. They think that e-cigarettes are healthier than tobacco because they only contain
nicotine and no other chemicals. (Yusry, 2022) Lastly, the bad influence that they will develop from
their peers also can make them involved with this vaping phenomenon. This influence happened
because of peer pressure that they were exposed to other teens using vape varieties(Laguipo,
2019). This would increase the curiosity in them to try something new. It is a serious matter that
we need to prevent to create a healthy environment among the students at school.
3.0 Strategies

Strategies have been developed by many countries to curb smoking and vaping among
students. Many of said strategies are lenient and strict. These strategies can help battle students
from smoking and vaping; and can also help students to break their habits of smokingand vaping.
A few of the many strategies is one from the United States.

Another strategy that we found that can help battle the trend of vaping is from the country
Singapore. Their laws are strict and can lead to very heavy consequences. According toan article
from Abu Baker (2022), HSA dealt with more vape cases (7593) in 2021 than 2019 (2477). Just
last year, the authorities destroyed almost S$2 million worth of vape components. In Singapore,
the sale, possession for sale, import, or distribution of e-vaporizers and associated parts is illegal.
Anyone found guilty could be sentenced to a fine of up to S$10,000 and up to six months in
prison. The penalties for using and having a vape is up to
S$2,000. Just from this alone could be a major deterrent for many vape users because of the
increasing likelihood of getting caught by authorities of vaping or in possession of any types of
components that involve vaping. Singapore has a multitude of ways to tackle vaping. According
to research made by Hwee Min (2022), MOE stated that products are seized when a student is
discovered engaging in smoking or vaping offences, depending on the seriousness of the offence,
the schools then implement "relevant disciplinary measures" including detention, suspension, or,
for males, caning. Another statement that was made by MOE is that they are also reported to
HSA, which will issue fines and pursue legal action against persistent violators.

A generally good strategy would be for parents to take an interest in what their children
are doing and educate them on their hobbies. According to Dr. Taskiran, a clinical expert from an
article made by Martinelli (2022) parents need to educate themselves so that they are
knowledgeable about the subject at hand and adopt an open-minded and inquiring attitude about
their teen's experience. The most crucial factor, according to him, is maintaining communication.
Declarative comments such as "It's harmful for you" simply put an end to the discussion. Parents
should take notice of their children's habits and should give good advice in addition to good
support. By contacting a medical professional with experience in addiction therapy, parents can
provide good support for their children and help them to recover from theiraddiction.
4.0 Effectiveness of the strategies

Due to the authorities' seizure of or closure of all vaping- or e-liquid-related businesses,

Singapore's method is quite effective. Even though some of them try to avoid being discovered
by the authorities, it is hard to do that because the HSA, which is working together with
immigration and checkpoint authorities has been assigned to block or stop any negotiation
related to vaping, has managed to identify a few illegal resources who have begun to create and
come up with new ways or tactic to avoid being discovered by the authorities. This proves that
what the authorities have done is effective because they manage to prevent most illegal importers
of vaping from importing e-liquid components (Abu Baker, 2022). They also shut down every site
for buy and sell that was suspected of selling such illegal products and other vape components.
They also work together with other social media applications such as facebook, instagram and
carousell to prohibit or prevent any posting of tobacco related products. All age groups use
vaping, and adolescents in secondary schools are also developing the habit. They may start
vaping or smoking because their buddies are doing so, "just for enjoyment," or for other reasons.

Parent is a very close person to every child. That is why every parent should play their
role because they are one of the most important people to every child. Parents should give out
advice to their children and tell them how dangerous the effect of smoking and vaping is to body
health and most of the children will listen to their parent’s advice. Family support is very important
because it has many benefits towards every child's mental health as well as to protectthem from
health problems and to avoid life-threatening disease (Zaborskis et al., 2021). A relationship
between teenagers' perceptions of family support (particularly parental support) and their physical
and mental health as well as their propensity to participate in risky behaviours.
Higher mental health, fewer internalising and externalising difficulties, and better academic
results are all correlated with high parental support. Parents also should avoid any family
problems in front of their children. The problem that occurred at home could affect children's
emotions which can make children become stressed and it could lead them to have a miserable
life. Teenagers feel comfortable and secure with their families’ love, support, trust, and optimism,
which are effective against peer pressure, obstacles in life.
5.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, there are many reasons that could lead students or young people to get
involved in smoking or vaping, and the main factor of this problem is caused by family problems
that happen at home and the misconception of people on vaping which most of them think that
vaping is safer than smoking cigarettes. We need to avoid this phenomenon that has been
normalised among the students to produce healthier students who’s free from smoking and vaping.
This also will create a positive environment in school.
Windahsari, N., Candrawati, E., & Warsono, W. (n.d.). Hubungan Faktor Lingkungan
Dengan Perilaku Merokok Pada remaja Laki–Laki di Desa T Kabupaten Mojokerto. Nursing
News : Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from

Vape and e-cigarettes are part of the nicotine problem. (2022, January 27).

Lee LK, Paul CYC, Kam CW, Jagmohni K. Smoking among Secondary School Students in
Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2005;17(2):130-136.

Children of divorced parents more likely to start smoking. University of Toronto News. (2013,
March 15). https://www.utoronto.ca/news/children-divorced-parents-more-likely-start-smoking

Yusry, M. (2022, July 12). 'youths believe vaping safer than smoking'. www.thesundaily.my.

Laguipo, A. B. B. (2019, October 1). Peer pressure at school influencing Teen Vape use. News.

Int J Environ Res Public Health. (2021, Dec 2). Family Support as Smoking Prevention
during Transition from Early to Late Adolescence: A Study in 42 Countries.

Family Support as Smoking Prevention during Transition from Early to Late

Adolescence: A Study in 42 Countries - PMC (nih.gov)

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