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The media pervades our daily lives to such an extent that we are often unaware

of their presence, let alone their impact.The media tells us, teaches us, pleases us, and

irritates us. They influence our thoughts, affect our brains, and address our knowledge

and insight.

The media helps to portray us and create our materials. The media does not do

any of this on its own. They do it with us and also during mass communication, and they

do it as a central subject, or as many faultfinders and researchers call it, the central,

social push in our society.

Communication is the process of conveying information to another person. This

point of view on communication was recognised 70 years ago by the political researcher

Harold Lasswell's writing (1948). He believes that answering the following questions is

the best way to describe communication: (1)Who? (2)What does he say? (3)How will

this be accomplished? (4)Whom are you addressing? (5)How does this affect you? In

terms of the fundamental aspects of the communication process, communication occurs

when a source sends a message to a recipient through a channel and produces some


Wilbur Schramm, a communication analyst, created a realistic way to speak to

the corresponding nature of communication by utilising ideas originally created by

clinician Charles E. Osgood. This image of interpersonal communication depicts

communication between two or more people.

Feedback is the most important aspect of communication. Even a brief response

such as "Huh?" contains a message. Communication is thus a corresponding and

progressing preparation in which all parties involved are more or less locked in the

creation of shared meaning. Communication is better defined as the process of creating

shared meaning.

Mass media is a medium that reaches millions of homes with news,

entertainment, cultural, and educational programming. Print media and electronic media

are the two types of mass media. Print media includes journals, newspapers,

magazines, and so on, whereas electronic media includes the internet, TV, movies, and

so on. Reading newspapers and magazines, listening to the radio, and watching

television are all primary sources of information.

Radio is a popular mass medium in almost every country in this world. It has the

greatest reach. Almost everyone, regardless of economic status, can afford a radio set.

Hertz, a German scientist, was the first to produce electro-magnetic waves using

a simple device. However, the waves they created could not travel very far. Later, in

1885, an Italian scientist named Marconi invented electro-magnetic waves that could

travel long distances carrying messages. These electro-magnetic waves travel at 3 lakh

kilometers per second and cover the entire earth's surface in one second. Radio waves

are electro-magnetic waves with frequencies ranging from 100 kg hertz to 100000000

kg hetz. In their waves, we can see them transmitting in short and medium waves.

Radio operates on a basic principle. The microphone converts the sound waves

produced by the speaker into electro-magnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves on the

required wavelength are susceptible to the carrier wave by the radio transmitter. The

radio transmitter is very important.



A review of the literature for the general public research area revealed that

very little work has been done. However, there are some studies that provide

background and others, related to other dimensions of electric media, provide

information about the media audience in general.


Michael John Hopkinson examines the problem of the public image of FM

radio defined in the minds of those who listen, those who reject it and those who guide

its development in the industry. This study is not addressed to the public radio audience,

but the rationale is similar. Found confusion among programmers about the audience

and their programming rationale. Hopkinson then based his study on the need for a

better understanding of the role given by people who listen to FM radio, He found that

radio has a “ problem picture” there are people who don’t listen to radio FM because

their image is different from FM radio in reality.

Wenmouth Williams study. Jr, examined public radio audiences by comparing

lifestyle samples taken from the general population with theater customers found

through initial research more likely to be public radio listeners, educated, working

professionally, less in favor of classical music, and regular game viewers. Public radio

looks at why people don’t hear it and why:

1. First, some public radio programming does not meet commercial

standards, in part due to the fact many stations pay so low that they are

unable to attract the kind of talent needed to provide quality programming.

2. Paradoxically, it can also also be said that the reason the small audience

for public radio is that most of its programming is that very good listeners

who are stopped by commercial radio may find public radio too rich to


3. The third of the audience problems is the format of public radio

programming. Most of the programming supported through National Public

Radio (NPC) is what is called programming. Block programming is based

on the nation that there are specific and identifiable programs that the

public will listen to as they tune in to a particular television program. This

is a premise that can be proven false, however, because research shows

that people have high station loyalty in radio and high program loyalty on

television. That is, people follow a certain type of service when they use

radio, based on the expectation that the station is a rock station or a

classical music station or an information station, and if they don’t know

what to expect they tune in.

4. The fourth aspect of the audience problem is promotion. It is an

unfortunate fact that public radio does not promote itself well, either

nationally or locally.

While there has been little research on public radio, there are a

handful who feel a lot needs to be done about this area of study. They

suggest important questions and important reasons for research in this

field. Describe formative research methods in radio. As noted earlier,

emphasise the fact that the capabilities of assessment services are limited

and follow it up by briefly describing research methods such as case

studies, content analysis and questionnaires.

Deputy director of audiences for the CPB study of alternative

methods for measuring public radio auidences. Their concerns over the

lack of relevant public radio audience information are clear. The lack of

radio research is most obvious when educational or public radio is

concerned. Much of current radio research is now limited to creating rate

cards for commercial stations. Public radio suffers sharply from this

method of finding a radio audience, due to its programming nature.

Since many public radio stations broadcast programs available on

some commercial stations, the audience is usually very small. The public

radio audience is often so small that it is not included in many local rating

books. Knowing how popular a station is in ratings is not very valuable

information for public radio station managers. These broadcasters base

other legitimate information needs in terms of knowing who the audience

is and their program program preferences. Although the need for this

information is quite clear, methods for obtaining it have yet to be



There are now communication research methods that can lead to research to

find out why people listen to public radio. This approach to audience analysis,

commonly referred to as usage and satisfaction analysis seeks to determine the type of

programming. Attracting and retaining audiences to the type of media and content that

meets their social and psychological needs this approach has continued, growing in

sophistication, and even experiencing a recent revival 19. The use and satisfaction

approach provides a way of understanding the impact of media. Application and

graphical approaches to audience research may be labelled as functional approaches.


On-demand radio has dramatically altered the concept and essence of the radio

landscape, giving users direct freedom over their content consumption at any time and

from any location. Because on-demand radio is a new way to listen to radio, it is critical

to understand how different consumer groups adopt and use this innovation. The

study's main goal was to compare the effects of personality traits and digital skills on

on-demand radio usage among four generational cohorts: Baby Boomers, Generation

X, Generation Y and Generation Z. Different patterns of the effects of personality traits

on generations were discovered. A positive relationship was discovered between digital

skills and the frequency of on-demand radio use among Baby Boomers.

Hedonism and multitasking were positively correlated with on-demand radio use

among Generation X, while the need for social acceptance was negatively correlated

with the dependent variable. A positive correlation was discovered between the need for

social approval and the probability of on-demand radio use among Generation Y. Study

results, we propose a generational approach to on-demand radio marketing strategy

and discuss specific practical implications.

Radio has survived numerous threats to its survival as a result of the introduction

of new technological communication media. In the 1950s, television was one of its main

threats. One of the most recent threats has grown as a result of the shift to modern

media. To keep up with these changes, radio has gone online, indicating a drastic

transformation in its essence. Radio transmissions are now available in both analogue

and digital formats. Interactive tools, social media options, and on-demand programmes

are among the new elements added to its structure, giving online radio listeners more

flexibility in terms of choice and scheduling.

Furthermore, as far as we fully understand, little if any analysis on new radio

consumption in three generational cohorts has been conducted. The current study's

main goal is to compare the effects of personality traits on on-demand radio usage

among four generational cohorts: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and

Generation Z.

When developing a media strategy for mobilising new radio consumers and

increasing consumption among those who have already adopted and use radio apps, it

is critical to consider the preferences and behavioural traits of different generational

cohorts. As a result, greater knowledge in specific contexts about differences in the

psychological profiles of members of different generations may aid media authorities in

attracting more listeners.

Online radio is a digital age development. It is a type of audio product that is

delivered and received via smartphone apps, online radio stations, podcasts, satellite

radio, and other digital platforms. Online radio can share platforms with social media

platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, encouraging listeners to interact and actively

participate. Radio listeners are given numerous opportunities to react, respond, and

provide content and critique. Another advantage of online radio is that radio hosts are

more accessible via social media platforms.

Another added value of on-demand segmental listening, according to research, is

the time that listeners can save by filtering out irrelevant content. Using “time

squeezing”, as this practice is called, consumers can “shrink” content to adapt it to their

specific preferences. (InterConsult Bulgaria Ltd. & Moshe, n.d.)

The Apple iPod has become a "must-have" fashion accessory for the "wireless"

era, but has also completely transformed the way we stream music. At the time of

writing (November 2005), the audio revolution had already begun and had been

ongoing for the previous 18 months. Podcasting enables anyone with a PC to create a

radio programme and freely distribute it via the internet to portable MP3 players of

subscribers all over the world. Podcasting not only removes global reception barriers,

but it also removes key factors impeding the growth of internet radio: portability,

intimacy, and accessibility.

As previously stated, this study focuses on four generational cohorts: Baby

Boomers (born between 1946 and 1965), Generation X (born between 1966 and 1980),

Generation Y (born between 1981 and 1994), and Generation Z (born between 1997

and 2012). Although numerous researchers have provided these cohorts various

names, there is general agreement in the literature about the behaviors and attitudes of

these groups.

Baby Boomers make up a sizable proportion of the aging Western society. The

boomers enjoyed general prosperity in terms of social, political, and economic

parameters during their formative years. Because of these experiences, boomers are

generally idealistic, optimistic, self-confident, and communicative. They value education

and are voracious consumers of goods. The boomers are also seen as narcissistic,

greedy with regard to natural resources, hedonistic, and individualistic. In terms of

technology, Baby Boomers are typically described as the least involved of the four

cohorts studied in information and media technologies, despite the fact that their rate of

information and mobile technology adoption has been steadily increasing. Nonetheless,

they continue to lag behind younger generations. Baby Boomers were the first

generation to experience widespread television ownership and viewing television in

homes as a formative event during their childhood years, and are thus referred to as the

"television generation" by media researchers. (Aging in Place: Baby Boomers and What

We Can Learn From Japan | Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups. (n.d.). )

Gen X appears to lack their parents' social skills but possesses outstanding

technical ability. Nevertheless, members of Generation X are referred to in the literature

as "digital immigrants," as opposed to younger generations who are referred to as

"digital natives." Because Generation X was not completely immersed in and

surrounded by IT, they had to learn digital skills at a significant time and effort. In

contrast to Baby Boomers' optimism, Gen X is perceived as pessimistic, cynical, socially

insecure, and lacking in established traditions. They are also known to be individualistic,

self-reliant, and sceptical.

Economic growth, accelerated technological development, including the

introduction of the Internet, social media, globalisation, and the far-reaching effects of

popular culture on life style characterised the years in which Gen Y members grew up.

In contrast to their predecessors in Generation X, Gen Y is perceived as confident and

optimistic. When something goes wrong, they will take corrective action. Generation Y

can multitask due to their energy and speed. They appear to be more carefree and

relaxed than their ancestors, and technology plays an important role in their lives for

social interactions, hobbies, friendships, and civic activities. Because they are digital

natives who have grown up with technological advancements, Gen Y is often referred to

as "the Internet Generation."

Members of Generation Y will use their mobile phones to obtain both

grassroots-generated and more official information, whether it is social networking or

employment opportunities, whether the information sought is about travel destinations

or employment, schools, products, or services. Unlike previous eras, the Y-generation

prefers a wide range of media, not just the Internet; they also watch television, read

newspapers, and listen to the radio on a regular basis. Multitasking may explain the

diversity of preferences, as they can listen to music on the radio or watch a TV show

while browsing the Internet. As a result, apart from previous eras, Gen Y is not

restricted to a particular media preference.

In most every way, Generation Z is a digital generation, and they regard

newspapers as an outdated and even impractical medium. When members of

Generation Z require information, they will seek familiar and readily available sources,

such as social media updates, or they will use their smartphone, which is a basic

necessity for Gen Z-ers. ( Ageing in Place: Baby Boomers and What We Can Learn

From Japan | Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups.). Members of the

digital Generation Z, who prefer on-demand content, consume music and content

through dedicated apps such as YouTube, Facebook, Apple Music, Spotify, and others

because they consider radio to be an outdated, analogue medium.

Generation Z uses up more smartphone online media, with a preference for VOD

and YouTube. As previously stated, members of this era were born in a time with

widespread Internet access and smartphone use. That is, new contact had an impact on

their civilizational identity, which is identified by immediacy and connectivity. Generation

Y, on the other hand, embraced YouTube and VOD and grew up with on-demand

content despite not being born into it like Generation Z.



People nowadays do not listen to the radio much because they have other

alternatives such as mobile phone, television, internet and so on. We can see that from

the interview we have conducted, the most that listen to the radio is from ages 58-76.

Meanwhile, generation z is at the bottom of the chart when it comes to listening to the

radio. Radio broadcasting should improve many kinds of aspects in order to attract

many listeners, especially the younger ones. They should prepare and build a strategic

plan according to what listeners want.

Of course, listening to the radio is primarily done so that they may enjoy the

music. Too many commercials interfere with this and make it impossible for advertisers

to reach their target audience. The same principles apply to radio advertising as they do

to television advertising. It is nothing new that radio stations are frequently used by

businesses to market their goods and services.

However, I think the majority of us can agree that the DJs do not simply chat

without being asked to and that it is vital for them to engage in small talk as that is the

main reason people tune in to FM/AM, although some listeners would also like to take a

break from the music. But as if the brief interludes between music, weather, and traffic

updates weren't enough, radio stations frequently ran the same commercials again to

the point that some listeners could even memorize the entire script.

Besides that, one of the reasons most people don't listen to the radio anymore is

because most people have used public transport. As you know, the highest number of

users who listen to the radio is in the vehicle. This makes the number of people listening

to the radio decrease. Radio stations should think of effective ways to prevent this from

happening. In this era of technology, many initiatives can be done by radio stations for

example by creating an app that people can download so they can listen to radio

broadcasts no matter where they are. This can make it easier for people because they

no longer need to buy a frequency radio to listen to the radio or can only listen to the

radio in the car.

The music industry has had to adapt and change a number of its business

models as a result of the contemporary era's introduction in order to accommodate its

technical improvements. As physical music sales continue to decline and new music

consumption methods quickly emerge, digital downloads have become the norm. In

addition, there are more audio options available because of the development of the

internet and other media types, which can alter listener behavior. In place of radio,

younger millennials now prefer streaming, with many of those surveyed choosing

on-demand options. This demonstrates that radio simply isn't as appealing to younger

music fans as it was for older ones, and streaming is not only generally more


A younger millennial listens to 51% of their daily music via on-demand streaming

services like Spotify, Youtube Music, and Apple Music, per the study. When all age

groups are taken into account, that percentage is reduced in half to 24 percent. Daily

AM/FM radio also draws a sizable audience, accounting for 35% of all public listening

on any one day. Radios, which get older as time goes on, are only used by younger

millennials for roughly 12% of their time. It's interesting to note that while some younger

music fans still have access to radios, they rarely or never interact with them.

The issue with radio is that they essentially just play today's top songs. If you're

looking for a new album, you've come to the wrong place. You can listen to all the

channels, but they will all mix together the same song, so you won't ever want to turn the

radio back on. Additionally, radio stations play the songs they think their audience will

enjoy. Repeated songs and condensed playlists usually ensure that, even if you play the

same song 30 times a day, there's a chance that the listener will like it, be content, keep

listening, and eventually experience more of what they want. They'll need as many ears

as possible for that.


In the past, promoting products through radio was one of the effective ways to

grab people's interest or attention. Nowadays, for some people, it is not relevant

anymore because they prefer to look at the product with their eyes, not listen to it from

the radio in a traditional way. As it is not relevant anymore, that is why there are no

investors who want to try their luck by spending huge amounts of money to promote

their product through radio platforms. For some reason, radio will charge an expensive

price for someone who wants to promote their product from radio and for those who just

want to start their business, clearly they do not have a lot of money to pay hence that is

why radio is not relevant anymore for advertising.

In order to help businesses to grow faster, the product itself needs to get as

much exposure as it can to reach the target sales. Promoting it through radio will not

expose the product as much as it can since every radio channel will have different

listeners. To be honest, I myself don't remember any product that has been promoted by

the radio, especially if the product comes from an unknown company. Of course if we

hear about a product being promoted through the radio, we still need to search for it on

the internet because radio just could describe it but they could not show it to the

audiences. Compared to other exposure mediums such as Instagram, Whatsapp,

people just need to click the link that has been attached in the caption and they could

reach the business page in instance. Therefore, prospects could benefit from better

exposure by being given the opportunity to learn more about their goods or services by

looking at their reviews, company profiles, and product or service specifications.

According to media statistics, radio came in third place when it comes to promoting

products and this figure demonstrates how the convergence has a significant impact on

investors' decision to promote on social media, with radio undoubtedly being their third

choice because of the budget gap.

Obviously if someone spends their money on something, they want it to be worth

their need. As we know, in marketing, it is very important to have a target market

because it could help businesses to grow faster and to succeed. As everyone knows,

every radio station will have a different group of listeners. For instance, young people

love to listen to since the channel will provide a lot of english songs and for

adults they will listen to since they will play a lot of classic songs. We can see

different channels have different listeners and that is why it could not help much in terms

of promoting products. As a consequence, investors choose another platform to

promote their product since it could reach everyone instead of a certain group of people.

It could help investors to reach their sales target and it would not take a long time for a

business to grow.

Due to massive advancements in technology and social media, radio has far

away behind in terms of marketing. People can leave feedback regarding how the

product or services have been delivered. Nowadays, people just search any product

they want on the internet and in a few minutes, they will find what they are looking for.

Not to mention, radio advertising was unable to facilitate two-way dialogue between

investors and customers or listeners. As a result, it is challenging for investors to gauge

listeners' reactions to radio advertising.

This matter has been discussed as to why radio did not get as much attention as

in the past and also why advertising on radio is not relevant anymore. It is such a waste

if an investor decides to spend their money to promote the product through the radio but

the listeners do not even survey the product and even worse, they will just ignore and

not give any attention to the product. We need to realize that other platforms are far

away ahead in terms of business or marketing and radio advertising has a lot of cons

instead of pros which make them more irrelevant when it comes to advertising the



First of all, radio is a way to send sound through radio waves to a large number of

people. Radio is mostly used to get information out, to teach and raise awareness, and

to provide entertainment. Radio is a common piece of technology that is easy to get

because it is required to be installed in almost all cars in Malaysia.

Radio convergence happened when radio and the Internet came together, which

led to the growth of online radio services. Still, radio's reputation is often underrated,

especially since there are more and more apps that let you stream radio online.

Traditional media, like radio, are in danger because of media convergence. We said this

because a graph from an online statistics site showed that the average daily media use

from 2010 to 2014 has been going down for radio. Radio is an important mass medium

because listeners can get a lot of information from it. However, those who does not

listen to radio say they prefer to get information from other sources: they don't have a

radio, they prefer songs they've downloaded or songs they've found online, there are

too many ads, the content isn't interesting, and there are too many conversations (RUS,

2017). Just like with any other medium, advertising on radio involves buying

commercials, which are called "spots" in the radio business, to promote their product or

service. This is still the case. It is said that almost 75% of people who listen to music in

the car will switch from time to time during their commute. This shows that people are

becoming less interested in listening to the radio (EDISON RESEARCH, 2016).

People are not sure if advertising on the radio is still worth the money and still

important. One of the main reasons people listen to the radio is to hear music, but as we

all know, there are many more ways to listen to music these days that work the same

way. To defend our point, statistics show that 65% of US consumers prefer streaming

music services because they match their music tastes perfectly (STATISTA,2017). So

other digital music streaming apps have added radio features and are a major

competitor in the music business. Millennials now use services such as Spotify, Apple

Music, Soundcloud and YouTube Music to listen to music. They liked online streaming

music services, even if they required a monthly fee. These services had millions of

songs that could be played anywhere and at any time without ads. Which is much

easier, less trouble, and does not stop as often as radio. Streaming music has a lot

more to offer than just songs. It has a wide range of songs, more songs by favorite

artists, the option to choose what to listen to and when, and it fits the listener's needs

perfectly. Ahmad Muhaimin, a student from UiTM Shah Alam in 2022, said, "Radio is

still important, because I listen to the same radio every day. I think radio will converge

into a better medium in the future, no matter how technology changes."

Traditional radio, on the other hand, can't be paused or played. For example,

audiences cannot understand the message well if they are listening during a different

segment. The most important differences between radio and online streaming music are

their options, how easy they are to get to, and how they are set up. For example, we

use Spotify Premium ourself, which costs us RM14.90 per month, and we've been

happy with it so far. First and foremost, easy playlist management and the ability to skip

songs as many times as you want are seen as major reasons to switch music sources.

This lets users make a list of their favorite songs and skip songs based on their taste

and mood. These options are not available on the radio, and to make things worse, the

radio is always playing the same mainstream music over and over again, which can turn

people off after a while. In contrast to radio, Spotify will put together a new playlist every

week based on the songs you listen to the most. There are more genres of music

available on other music streaming services, such as lo-fi hip hop, trance, trap, and

other popular genres. Radio can't make money on its own besides from advertising

because there are other ways to stream music, and radio is free for everyone to use.

So, radio is having trouble making money and will be hard to run compared to digital

platforms like Apple Music, which offer high-quality music, make it easier to find new

music, and are paid for by subscription fees.


Based on observation, radio broadcasts are still relevant to all societies when it

comes to entertainment but in other aspects, radio is not relevant anymore. The

advance of other technology and media platforms have left a drastic impact on the

radio. As for the investors, we conclude that there are a lot of weaknesses for them to

invest in the radio sector. Our research clearly demonstrates that marketing products or

services through radio advertising will not increase sales as much as the budget put in

it, making the enormous expense required for exposure seem absurd.

Fewer people are listening to the radio, which means fewer people will notice the

advertisements. So, in order to maintain media digitization, radio needs to enhance their

system. Even though this business is developing slowly, traditional AM/FM radio will

continue to exist. However, there will be a better option for those who have access,

which will result in a decline in the number of AM/FM radio listeners.

Due to the realities of the modern business environment, these are the

constraints of radio advertising. Every business wants to maximize profits, and at this

point, radio is a medium that can't actually promise gains. The human mind may be

better at remembering what it sees than what it hears. Your brain does not adequately

record what you hear in rapid succession. What little is recorded won't be fully recalled

in the future.


InterConsult Bulgaria Ltd., I.-, & Moshe, M. (n.d.). CEEOL - Article Detail. CEEOL

- Article Detail; Retrieved June 30, 2022, from

Aging in Place: Baby Boomers and What We Can Learn From Japan |

Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups. (n.d.). ASHA Wire; Retrieved June 30, 2022, from

Götting, M. C. (2021, January 8). Reasons why consumers prefer streaming

music services over radio 2017. Statista. Retrieved June 30, 2022, from

Edison Research. (2016, April 8). Hacking the commuter code:what really

happens when commuters are driving? Edison Research. Retrieved June 30,

2022, from


Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, 2017R. Radio Users

Survey 2017. Retrieved June 30, 2022, from


▹ The media pervades our daily lives to such an extent that we are

often unaware of their presence and let alone their impact.

▹ The media tells us, teaches us, pleases us, and irritates us. They

influence our thoughts, affect our brains, and address our knowledge 4

and insight.

▹ Mass media is a medium that reaches millions of homes with news,

entertainment, cultural, and educational programming. Print media

and electronic media are the two types of mass media.

▹ Reading newspapers and magazines, listening to the radio, and

watching television are all primary sources of information.

▹ Radio is a popular mass medium in almost every

country in this world. It has the greatest reach.

Almost everyone, regardless of economic status,

can afford a radio set.


➔ studies that provide background and others related to other

dimensions of electric media information about the media audience in


➔ Frequency modulation (FM) is the method of varying a carrier waves

frequency proportionally to the frequency of another signal in our case

the human voice.


➔ The radio frequency electromagnetic field related to radio and

television broadcasting base stations for telecommunication also

mobile phone.

➔ Radio wave also called electromagnetic waves are generated by

electric changes that are rapidly accelerated to and fro in the

transmitting antenna.

➔ There are now communication research methods that can lead to

research to find out why people listen to public radio.

➔ The use and satisfaction approach provides a way of understanding 9

the impact of media.

❖ The study's main goal was to compare ❖ Radio has survived numerous

the effects of personality traits and threats to its survival as a result of

digital skills on on-demand radio usage the introduction of new

among four generational cohorts: Baby technological communication

Boomers, Generation X, and media. In the 1950s, television was

Generation Y and Gen Z. one of its main threats. One of the

most recent threats has grown as a

result of the shift to modern media.


❏ The boomers enjoyed general prosperity in terms of social, ❏ Gen X appears to lack their parents' social skills but

political, and economic parameters during their formative possesses outstanding technical ability.

years. Because of these experiences, boomers are ❏ Generation X was not completely immersed in and

generally idealistic, optimistic, self-confident, and surrounded by IT, they had to learn digital skills at a

communicative. They value education and are voracious significant time and effort. In contrast to Baby Boomers'
consumers of goods optimism, Gen X is perceived as pessimistic, cynical,

❏ The boomers are also seen as narcissistic, greedy with socially insecure, and lacking in established traditions.

regard to natural resources, hedonistic, and individualistic ❏ Members of Generation X are referred to in the literature

❏ Baby Boomers were the first generation to experience as "digital immigrants," as opposed to younger

widespread television ownership and viewing television in generations who are referred to as "digital natives."

homes as a formative event during their childhood years, Because Generation X was not completely immersed in

and are thus referred to as the television generation by and surrounded by IT, they had to learn digital skills at a

media researchers. significant time and effort.


❏ Economic growth, accelerated technological development, ❏ Generation Z is a digital generation, and they regard

including the introduction of the Internet, social media, newspapers as an outdated and even impractical

globalisation, and the far-reaching effects of popular culture medium.

on life style characterised the years in which Gen Y ❏ Members of the digital Generation Z, who prefer

members grew up. on-demand content, consume music and content 12

❏ the Y-generation prefers a wide range of media, not just the through dedicated apps such as YouTube, Facebook,

Internet, they also watch television, read newspapers, and Apple Music, Spotify, and others because they consider

listen to the radio on a regular basis. radio to be an outdated, analogue medium.

❏ They appear to be more carefree and relaxed than their ❏ Generation Z uses up more smartphone online media,

ancestors, and technology plays an important role in their with a preference for VOD and YouTube. As previously

lives for social interactions, hobbies, friendships, and stated, members of this era were born in a time with

activities. widespread Internet access and smartphone use.


➔ On-demand streaming services like Spotify, Youtube Music, and

Apple Music

➔ People have used public transport.

➔ The issue with radio is that they essentially just play today's top


➔ Radio is not relevant anymore for advertising.

➔ The product not exposed enough

➔ Could not give enough profit

➔ Other platform a way ahead of radio in term of marketing

➔ Radio convergence happened when radio and the Internet came

together, which led to the growth of online radio

➔ People are not sure if advertising on the radio is still worth the

money and still important.

➔ Traditional radio, on the other hand, can't be paused or played.

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