CamScanner 07-10-2022 20.08

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PART III: Read the text and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the numbered gaps. Then mark your choice (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet. (10 x 0.2 = 2 points) AVOIDING STRESS IN THE WORKPLACE We (31) great importance on staff health and job satisfaction. While some degree of stress is normal in working life, we know that excessive stress can be highly damaging. For this (32) , we have produced this information sheet to help you stay on top. Iris essential to recognize which projects need to come first and which can be (33) later. Try making yourself a to-do list and cross (34) each task as it is achieved. This will give you a (35) of moving forward. Perhaps you should also stop taking responsibility for every iast detail yourself and try delegating some projects instead. To be at your best, it is vital you (36) your body's blood sugar levels. Make sure you eat frequently throughout the day, which may mean’ bringing in light snacks to consume the (37) you feel tired. quite manage. Even 30 minutes Exercising is often something people mean to do but (38) of aerobic exercise a day will provide considerable stress (39) Try to include some kind of (40) activity in your daily routine — by walking or cycling to work, for example. Take regular rest breaks and avoid doing too much overtime in the evenings. Aim for at least seven hours’ sleep per night. Cau 31: A. impose B. take C. lay D. inflict Cau 32: A. fact B. reason C.phenomenon —_—_—De reality Cau 33: A. dealt B. processed. C. mended D. handled Cau 34: ‘ A. off B. out C. away D. into Cau 35: , ' ‘A. power B. feeling C. desire D. sense Cau 36: ; A. gain B. stabilise C. obtain. D. procrastinate Cau 37: ath A. time B. soon. C. minute D. timing Cau 38: ‘ A. hardly B. ever C. frequently D. tentatively Cau 39: Bs : A. release B. removal C. relocation D. relief Cau 40: ; : A. social B. energetic C. active D. physical Scanned with CamScanner

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