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Histopathology 1998, 32, 568–578

Foam cells and histiocytes in endometrial
stromal tumours
Sir : The excellent paper of McCluggage et al.1 reports
one case of low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma
with trabecular sex cord-like areas. In these areas the
tumour cells had a rhabdoid morphology. Among the
tumour cells there were nests of foam cells, which were
considered by authors to be histiocytes. Both ultra-
structural and immunohistochemical studies concen-
trated on the cells of the stromal sarcoma, including
Figure 2. Stromal sarcoma cells (left) and foam cells (right) positive
those of the sex cord-like areas. However neither the with anticytokeratin antibody (AE1-AE3).
immunophenotype nor the ultrastructure of the foam
cells were determined.
Recently we have studied a very similar case in a 52- but negative were the rhabdoid cells of the trabecular
year-old woman with a 120 × 140 mm solid mass in her areas. Likewise, the foam cells showed cytokeratins
left ovary. A hysterectomy, including both tubes and (Figure 2) and vimentin in their cytoplasm. However,
ovaries, was performed. The ovarian tumour was a only some isolated foamy cells were positive for smooth
fibrothecoma. In the uterus several intramural leio- muscle actin. The clear, non-vacuolated cells had an
myomas were found. A submucosal, white-yellow immunophenotype according with its histiocytic mor-
nodule, 25 mm in diameter was also present, which phology, being stained with anti-vimentin and KP1
corresponded to a low-grade stromal sarcoma with (Dako) antibodies. Staining for EMA (Dako), CEA (Dako)
frequent sex cord-like areas and others composed of and S100 protein (Biogenex) antigens were negative in
epithelioid cells in a trabecular pattern. Some of these all these cellular types.
epithelioid cells showed intracytoplasmic inclusions and The presence of foam cells in endometrial stromal
rhabdoid phenotype. Contiguous to the tumour cells, tumours and sex cord-like uterine tumours has been
there were numerous groups of cells with large and reported2,3. They may be also present in hyperplasias
multivacuolated cytoplasm (Figure 1). Moreover aggre- and carcinomas of the endometrium4. On electron
gates of histiocytic cells, with clear, not foamy, microscopy abundant lipid cytoplasmic vacuoles and
cytoplasm were also present. In the immunohistochem- membrane junctions were observed, being partially
ical study, stromal sarcoma cells and sex cord-like cells surrounded by basal membrane and containing scanty
were strongly positive for vimentin (Biogenex), AE1- lysosomes3,5. Based on these findings, the foam cells
AE3 (Biogenex) (Figure 2) and 8,18-anti-cytokeratin have been classified as specialized, transformed stromal
(Medac) antibodies. Focally, the cells of the stromal cells instead of true histiocytes. The foam cells in our
sarcoma, were also positive with anti-smooth muscle case showed immunohistochemical features similar to
actin (Biogenex) and anti-desmin (Biogenex) antibodies, other stromal tumour cells and were negative with the
KP1 antibody. So endometrial stromal sarcomas can
present tumour foam (non-histiocytic) cells, true
histiocytes or, like our case, both cellular types.
D.Suarez Vilela
F.M.Izquierdo Garcia
Servicio de Anatomı́a Patológica
Hospital de Leon
Altos de la Nava s/n

1. McCluggage WG, Date A, Bharucha H, Toner PG. Endometrial

stromal sarcoma with sex cord-like areas and focal rhabdoid
Figure 1. Groups of foam cells close to sex cord-like trabeculae. differentiation. Histopathology 1996; 29; 369–374.

q 1998 Blackwell Science Limited.

Correspondence 569

2. Norris HJ, Taylor HB. I. A clinical and pathological study of 53

endometrial stromal tumors. Cancer; 1976; 19; 755–766.
3. Fekete PS, Vellios F, Patterson BD. Uterine tumor resembling an
ovarian sex-cord tumor: Report of a case of an endometrial stromal
tumor with foam cells and ultrastructural evidence of epithelial
differentiation. Int. J. Gynecol. Pathol. 1985; 4; 378–387.
4. Dawagne MP, Silverberg SG. Foam cells in endometrial carcinoma.
Gynecol. Oncol. 1982; 13; 67–75.
5. Fechner RE, Bossart MI, Spjut HJ. Ultrastructure of endometrial
stromal foam cells. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 1979; 72; 628–633.

Composite early carcinoma (ordinary

adenocarcinoma, carcinoid,
microglandular-goblet cell carcinoid,
neuroendocrine mucinous carcinoma)
of the stomach
Sir : Mixed or composite gastric carcinomas are rare
tumours, characterized by an intimate admixture of
glandular and endocrine components with frequent
histologic transitions1. We have observed a case of
composite early gastric carcinoma that showed areas of
tubular adenocarcinoma, carcinoid, microglandular-
goblet cell carcinoma and areas of mucinous adeno-
carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation.
The patient was a 60-year-old woman. Approxi-
mately 2 months prior to admission she developed
epigastric pain. Gastric endoscopy revealed a small
protuberant lesion with ulcer in the posterior wall of the
gastric body, and a subsequent biopsy showed adeno-
carcinoma. A partial gastrectomy with perigastric
lymph node dissection was performed. Postoperative
recovery was uneventful, and the patient has been
asymptomatic without evidence of recurrence or
metastasis for the following 36 months. The resected
stomach had a protuberant lesion with ulceration
measuring 20 × 15 mm in the posterior wall of the
body. On histological examination the tumour appeared
to occupy the mucosa and to infiltrate deeply in the
submucosa without extension to the muscularis pro-
pria. It was diagnosed as early gastric cancer. Four
distinct components of the tumour were readily
recognizable showing features of (intestinal type)
tubular adenocarcinoma, carcinoid, microglandular-
goblet cell carcinoid and mucinous adenocarcinoma. In
the deeper part of the mucosa the tumour cells were
arranged in a classic carcinoid pattern of solid nests and
trabeculae, composed of polyhedral cells with uniform
round-to-oval nuclei and finely granular eosinophilic Figure 1 a, Carcinoid tumour with solid nests and trabeculae
cytoplasm (Figure 1a). The adenocarcinomatous glands (haematoxylin and eosin). b, Histological appearance of the
concurrent adenocarcinoma and carcinoid. Chromogranin A
were more abundant in the upper half of the mucosa
immunoreactivity is intense in the middle and deep lamina propria of
(Figure 1b), and showed no intracytoplasmic mucin. the mucosal component of a carcinoid, but is absent from
The carcinoid pattern merged in many areas with adenocarcinoma (immunoperoxidase–chromogranin A with
the adenocarcinomatous pattern (Figure 1b). The haematoxylin counterstain).

q 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Histopathology, 32, 568–578.

570 Correspondence

Figure 2. a, Trabeculae of neoplastic goblet cells within the

submucosa (haematoxylin and eosin). b, Microglandular-goblet
cell carcinoid tumour within submucosal lymphatics. Cluster of
serotonin-positive neuroendocrine cells in intimate association
with goblet cells (immunoperoxidase–serotonin with haematoxylin
counterstain). c, Mucinous adenocarcinoma in the submucosa.
Numerous chromagranin A-positive neuroendocrine cells, floating
in the mucus lakes (immunoperoxidase–chromogranin A with
haematoxylin counterstain).

microglandular-goblet cell carcinoid was mainly situ- the gastrointestinal tract except for nuclear
ated in the submucosal layer (Figure 2a). The tumour compression. Tumour cells invaded submucosal lym-
cells were arranged in small clusters or trabecular cords phatics (Figure 2b). Mucinous adenocarcinoma was
composed of between three and 12 cells. The nuclei found in the submucosa (Figure 2c). It showed
were generally thin and crescent shaped. They were extracellular lakes of mucin in which tumour cells
compressed to the rim of the cells by abundant were present in small clusters together with neuroendo-
cytoplasm mucin. A peripheral orientation of the crine cells (Figure 2c). The mucin stained mainly with
nuclei predominated within the cellular clusters Alcian blue, but some traces of diastase–periodic acid–
(Figure 2a). The cells resembled normal goblet cells of Schiff positive material were also present. The acid
q 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Histopathology, 32, 568–578.
Correspondence 571

mucin was of non-sulphated sialomucin type, blue Italy and

staining with high iron diamine–Alcian blue. The *Laboratoire D’Anatomie Pathologique B,
Grimelius silver staining demonstrated that the major- Centre Hospitalier
ity of neuroendocrine cells were argyrophilic, whereas Regional et Universitaire de Nantes,
the argentaffin reaction of Fontana–Masson was France
negative. The six lymph nodes found were free of
tumour deposit. Very strong immunoreactivity for 1. Lewin K. Carcinoid tumors and the mixed (composite) glandular-
endocrine cell carcinomas. Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 1987; 11 (Suppl. 1);
chromogranin A was identified in carcinoid nests as 71–86.
well as in neuroendocrine cells of the microglandular- 2. Bordi C, Yu JY, Baggi MT et al. Gastric carcinoids and their
goblet cell carcinoid and the mucinous carcinoma precursor lesions. A histologic and immunohistochemical study of
(Figures 1b and 2c). The results of an immunohisto- 23 cases. Cancer 1991; 67; 663–672.
chemical search for the presence of specific endocrine 3. Capella C, Hetz PU, Hofler H, Solcia E, Kloppel G. Revised
classification of neuroendocrine tumors of the lung, pancreas and
products revealed a moderate number of serotonin- gut. Virchows Archiv 1995; 425; 547–560.
immunoreactive cells within the neuroendocrine por- 4. Yang GCH, Rotterdam H. Mixed (composite) glandular-endocrine
tion of the tumour (Figure 2b), but no evidence of cell carcinoma of the stomach. Report of a case and review of
gastrin, somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide, VIP, literature. Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 1991; 15; 592–598.
ACTH, glucagon, or calcitonin. In the non-malignant 5. Pasquinelli G, Santini D, Preda P, Cariani G, Bonora G, Martinelli
GN. Composite gastric carcinoma and precursor lesions with
gastric mucosa there was a nonerosive, non-specific amphicrine features in chronic atrophic gastritis. Ultrastruct.
gastritis without evidence of Helicobacter pylori infec- Pathol. 1993; 17; 9–24.
tion. Chromogranin-positive cells were singly scattered
and did not form nodular aggregates.
Our case was not associated with atrophic gastritis, Solitary fibrous tumour of the submandibular
metaplastic epithelium, dysplasia or with multiple gland
proliferative lesions, such as intramucosal microcarci-
noid and endocrine cell proliferations of the micro- Sir : We describe a solitary fibrous tumour (SFT) within
nodular and linear type, which are currently regarded the submandibular salivary gland, a rare location.
as carcinoid precursor changes2,3. Therefore, we Although most evidence favours an origin from
suggest that the composite early gastric carcinoma mesenchymal cells1,2, the histogenesis of these tumours
arises de novo from pluripotential neck stem cells, which is still uncertain. An immunohistochemical analysis of
are capable of endocrine and epithelial differentiation. cellular markers has been performed and, to further
The intimate admixture of the different cell types and investigate the nature of the lesion, the extracellular
patterns within the tumour is also compatible with this matrix has also been examined.
hypothesis. A 46-year-old woman noticed a painless swelling in
In 1991, Yang and Rotterdam4 reported one case the right submandibular region, that had appeared
of mixed carcinoid-adenocarcinoma of the stomach about 1 year before. Physical examination revealed a
and reviewed 20 cases from the literature, approxi- well circumscribed, nontender nodule in the right
mately evenly divided between well differentiated and submandibular gland, and the patient underwent
poorly differentiated adenoendocrine cell carcinoma. surgical excision of the affected gland. The resected
Recently, a composite carcinoma of the stomach con- submandibular gland contained a well circumscribed,
sisting of endocrine and mucous epithelial cells with firm, grey-pinkish 23 × 19 mm nodule with a central
interspersed amphicrine cells was reported5. The brownish cystic cavity (Figure 1). Microscopically, the
present case differs from that reported previously in lesion comprised a patternless proliferation of spindled-
its range of histopathological patterns including areas to-ovoid cells associated with a fibrous matrix (Figure
of carcinoid, microglandular-goblet cell carcinoid, 1). Vascularity was prominent, and in some fields
tubular adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine mucinous suggested a haemangiopericytic pattern. Tumour cells
adenocarcinoma. exhibited a diffuse, strong immunoreactivity for vimen-
tin and CD34 antigen, and a moderate cytoplasmic
staining for bcl-2 protein. Apart from vascular base-
ment membranes, the tumour tissue resulted negative
for laminin and type IV collagen. However, in focal
areas, a patchy pericellular staining for both of these
Department of Human Pathology and substances was seen in the tumour (Figure 2). The
†Medical Genetics, University of Messina, abundant fibrous matrix interposed among tumour cells
q 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Histopathology, 32, 568–578.
572 Correspondence

components type IV collagen and laminin around

tumour cells. This finding agrees with the ultrastruc-
tural evidence of basement membrane in some SFTs
reported in literature and, in turn, could be in keeping
with the postulated differentiation of the tumour cells
towards myofibroblasts1 which are known to be partly
enveloped by a basement membrane3. Most of extra-
cellular matrix was immunoreactive for type III
collagen, fibronectin and tenascin, all of which are
mesenchymal-type matrix substances that have been
found in lesions with fibroblastic/myofibroblastic differ-
entiation4. In our case the only immunohistochemically
detectable cytoskeletal filament was vimentin that, in
absence of any ultrastructural evidence, is not specific to
substantiate a myofibroblastic character of the tumour
cells. Due to their capability to undergo morpho-
functional modulation in response to environmental
stimuli, fibroblasts seem to represent an extraordinarily
heterogeneous cell population, among which the myofi-
broblastic phenotype is only one type3. This view could
Figure 1. Submandibular gland prenchyma (top) is seen at the be in line with the somewhat changeable immunophe-
periphery of the tumour (bottom). Tumour cells have elongated notype observed in SFT which, in addition to variably
nuclei and poorly defined cytoplasm (inset) (haematoxylin & eosin). express fibroblastic/myofibroblastic markers, has some-
times been found to label for totally unrelated substances
was immunoreactive mainly for type III collagen (Figure
such as neurofilaments and neuron-specific enolase2.
2) and, to a lesser degree, for fibronectin and tenascin.
As observed in other SFTs1,2,5 our tumour exhibited a
Scant CD68-positive macrophages were present,
vimentin-CD34-bcl-2-positive phenotype and, in addi-
whereas antibody to Factor XIIIa stained many
tion, comprised a population of factor XIIIa-immuno-
histiocytes interspersed among tumour cells.
reactive cells. The latter have often been found in CD34-
The location of SFT within the salivary glands is very
positive tumours6. Occurrence of vimentin-CD34-posi-
unusual, and only occasional examples have been
tive mesenchymal cells has been observed in both adult
documented in the literature2. On ultrastructural
and fetal normal submandibular glands (M.Guarino,
examination, presence of basement membrane material
F.Giordano, and F.Pallotti, unpublished observations).
around neoplastic elements has been described in some
Whether these fibroblast-like cells are the origin of the
but not all SFTs1. We found in the present case a focal
SFT we described, or whether the vimentin-CD34-
patchy immunostaining for both basement membrane
positive immunophenotype has emerged during tumour
development from relatively more undifferentiated
mesenchymal cells, is speculative.
Departments of Anatomical Pathology and
Hospital of Vimercate,
Milan, Italy
1. Steinez C, Clarke R, Jacobs GH, Abdul-Karim FW, Petrelli M,
Tomashefski JF. Localized fibrous tumors of the pleura: correlation
of histopathological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural
Figure 2. Immunostaining for extracellular matrix components features. Pathol. Res. Pract. 1990; 186; 344–357.
discloses a patchy pericellular reactivity for type IV collagen. The 2. Hanau CA, Miettinen M. Solitary fibrous tumour: histological and
intercellular matrix shows widespread staining with anti-type III immunohistochemical spectrum of benign and malignant variants
collagen antibody (inset) (ABC method on paraffin sections). presenting at different sites. Hum. Pathol. 1995; 26; 440–449.

q 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Histopathology, 32, 568–578.

Correspondence 573

3. Schmitt-Graff, Desmoulière A, Gabbiani G. Heterogeneity of

myofibroblast phenotypic features: an example of fibroblastic cell
plasticity. Virchows Arch. 1994; 425; 3–24.
4. Berndt A, Kosmehl H, Katenkamp D, Tauchmann V. Appearance of
the myofibroblastic phenotype in Dupuytren’s disease is associated
with a fibronectin, laminin, collagen type IV and tenascin
extracellular matrix. Pathobiology 1994; 62; 55–58.
5. Chilosi M, Facchetti F, Dei Tos AP et al. bcl-2 expression in pleural
and extrapleural solitary fibrous tumours. J. Pathol. 1997; 181:
6. Silverman JS, Tamsen A. Mammary fibroadenoma and some
phyllodes tumour stroma are composed of CD34þ fibroblasts and
factor XIIIaþ dendrophages. Histopathology 1996; 29; 411–419.

Thymoma arising with a thymolipoma

Sir : On review of a series of thymomas from the personal
consultation files of one of the authors (JR), we
encountered a unique case of a hitherto undescribed
occurrence: a thymoma arising within a thymolipoma.
The patient was a 67-year-old, otherwise healthy
female who was found to have an anterior mediastinal
mass on radiographic examination. No symptoms of
myasthenia gravis were reported. At thoracotomy, a Figure 1. Cut section.
100 mm, well circumscribed ovoid mass was found
attached to the pericardium. Following resection, the
patient was free of tumour recurrence for 10 years, after of the adjacent pericardium, it can simulate cardiome-
which she was lost to follow-up. galy radiographically2. Thymolipoma is distinguished
On cut section, most of the 100 × 60 × 40 mm lesion from the more common mediastinal lipoma by the even
was lobulated, soft and yellow, consistent with adipose admixture of thymic parenchyma with adipose tissue
tissue. At one pole, a 25 mm firm, circumscribed while throughout and the increase in thymic parenchyma
nodule was identified (Figure 1). relative to normal for the patient’s age.
Microscopically, the larger lesion comprised an even While several theories have been proposed, the
admixture of approximately 40% unremarkable mature pathogenesis of thymolipoma remains controversial.
adipose tissue and approximately 60% normal thymic One theory, citing the haphazard mixture of thymic
parencyma. Both thymic cortex and medulla containing parenchyma and fat, holds that it is a thymic
Hassal’s corpuscles were present (Figure 2a). In hamartoma1. A malformative theory3 is supported by
contrast, the 25 mm nodule was a cellular lesion a reported case in which parathyroid tissue was
divided by thin fibrous bands emanating from a fibrous admixed with a tumour resembling thymolipoma.
capsule (Figure 2b). It comprised plump epithelioid cells This case suggests possible origin from aberrant
having pale chromatin, prominent nucleoli and pink ill- development of the third pharyngeal pouch. Other
defined cytoplasm, along with equal numbers of theories suggest that thymolipoma represents fatty
interspersed mature lymphocytes. Mitoses were scarce. regression of a thymoma or of a previously hyperplastic
Perivascular serum lakes and areas representing thymus. Perhaps the most intriguing theory is of
medullary differentiation were identified. We categor- thymolipoma representing a benign tumour of specia-
ized this encapsulated thymoma as predominantly lized thymic stroma4 which maintains its relationship
mixed under the Lattes–Bernatz classification and with the thymic epithelium as it grows. In this scenario,
cortical under the Müller–Hermelink classification. A thymolipoma would be analogous to other tumours of
thin rim of normal lobulated thymic tissue uninvolved specialized stroma such as fibroadenoma of the breast
by either thymolipoma or thymoma was microscopically and adenofibroma of the uterus. To further support this
identified at the periphery. analogy, cases of a malignant tumour of specialized
Thymolipoma is usually asymptomatic and inciden- thymic stroma, thymoliposarcoma, have been reported5.
tally identified as a large, well circumscribed anterior In these, liposarcoma expands the stroma between
mediastinal mass. Reported cases have reached 16 kg lobules of thymic parenchyma, again preserving the
and 360 mm1. Because the mass conforms to the shape relationship of thymic stroma to epithelium.
q 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Histopathology, 32, 568–578.
574 Correspondence

Department of Pathology,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NYand
*Laboratory of Pathology,
Buenos Aires,

1. Moran CA, Rosado-de-Christenson M, Suster S. Thymolipoma:

clinicopathologic review of 33 cases. Mod. Pathol. 1995; 8; 741–
2. Rosado-de-Christenson ML, Pugatch RD, Moran CA, Galobardes J.
Thymolipoma: analysis of 27 cases. Radiology 1994; 193; 121–
3. van Hoeven KH, Brennan MF. Lipothymoadenoma of the para-
thyroid. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 1993; 117; 312–314.
4. Hall GFM. A case of thymolipoma with observations on a possible
relationship to intrathoracic lipomata. Br. J. Surg. 1948; 36; 321–
5. Havlicek F, Rosai J. A sarcoma of thymic stroma with features of
liposarcoma. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 1984; 82; 217–224.
6. Hull MT, Warfel KA, Kotylo P, Goheen MP, Brown JW. Proliferating
thymolipoma: ultrastructural, immunohistochemical, and flow
cytometric study. Ultrastruct. Pathol. 1995; 19; 75–81.

Jejunal hamartoma as a rare cause of

gastrointestinal haemorrhage
Sir : Magnus Alsleben first described myoepithelial hamar-
tomas or adenomyomas in the submucosa of the stomach
in 19031. These tumours are very rare. They predomi-
nantly occur in the antrum, duodenum and then in
decreasing numbers in the remainder of the small bowel2.
Figure 2. Microscopy shows, a, large lesion to be composed of unre-
Adenomyomas are considered to be hamartomas since
markable mature adipose tissue and normal thymic parenchyma, they contain muscular, glandular and fatty elements. We
and, b, nodule to consist of thin fibrous bands emanating from the report the second case of a small bowel myoepithelial
fibrous capsule. hamartoma causing gastrointestinal haemorrhage.
A 65-year-old man was referred to our hospital with
a 4-day history of melaena. There were no other
This unique case of thymoma arising within thymo-
lipoma may be interpreted in several ways. One can
suggest that it strengthens the link between thymoma
and thymolipoma that is supported by their common
association with myasthenia gravis, though myasthenia
gravis is far more commonly associated with thymic
hyperplasia than with either of these two. If one views
thymolipoma as a benign tumour of thymic stroma
analogous to fibroadenoma of the breast, a thymoma
arising within it would be somewhat analogous to the
development of epithelial neoplasia in fibroadenoma,
such as lobular carcinoma in situ. Of note, a case of
thymolipoma showing diffuse thymic epithelial
proliferation6 has been reported.
P.Argani Chiocca* Figure 1. The submucosal hamartoma clearly visible in the small
J.Rosai bowel wall.

q 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Histopathology, 32, 568–578.

Correspondence 575

Departments of Surgery and

*Pathology, KLINA Brasschaat,
The Netherlands

1. Vandelli A, Cariani G, Bonora G, Padovani F, Saragoni L, Dell

Amore D. Adenomyoma of the stomach. Surg. Endosc. 1993; 7;
2. Olmsted WW, Ros PR, Hjermstad BM, McCarthy MJ, Dachman AH.
Tumours of the small intestine with little or no malignant
predisposition. A review of the literature and report of 56 cases.
Gastrointest. Radiol. 1997; 17; 231–239.
3. Serour F, Gorenstein A, Lipnitzky V, Zaidel L. Adenomyoma of the
small bowel: a rare cause of intussusception in childhood. J. Pediatr.
Gastroenterol. Nutr. 1994; 18; 247–249.
4. Gonzalvez J, Marco A, Andujar M, Iniguez L. Myoepithelial
Figure 2. Detail of the hamartoma. hamartoma of the ileum: a rare cause of intestinal intussusception
in children. Eur. J. Ped. Surg. 1995; 5; 303–304.
5. Gourtsoyiannis NC, Bays D, Papaioannou N, Theotokas J, Barouxis
complaints. Laboratory tests showed only an anaemia. G, Karabelas T. Benign tumours ofthe small intestine: preoperative
Oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy and colon-radiography evaluation with barium infusion technique. Eur. J. Radiol. 1993;
revealed no abnormalities. A small-bowel transit clearly 16; 115–125.
showed a side standing mass in the distal part of the
jejunum. At laparotomy, an intraluminal tumour was
found at about 1 m from the ileo-caecal valve. A segment of
Genital carcinoma secondary to pagetoid
small bowel containing the tumour was resected and a spread from a pagetoid urothelial carcinoma
primary end-to-end anastomosis performed. Postoperative in-situ
recovery and follow-up was uneventful; anaemia disap-
Sir : Pagetoid spread of urothelial carcinoma to the
peared. Histologically the lesion was submucosal and
genital tract is a rare phenomenon producing a pattern
composed of glands surrounded by muscular and con-
resembling that of Paget’s disease. We report a case of
nective tissue. The epithelium of the glands was cylindric in
pagetoid urothelial carcinoma in-situ of the bladder
shape and cystically dilated with no signs of cytological
associated with pagetoid spread to the vulva and the
atypia—a jejunal hamartoma (Figures 1 and 2).
cervix. This was associated with bilateral ureteric and
Macroscopically the adenomyoma presents as a
urethral pagetoid extension.
sessile polyp with a diameter ranging from 5 to
A 71-year-old woman presented in 1995 with
15 mm. It is a submucosal lesion containing glands
painless haematuria. Following the diagnosis of carcin-
lined by a columnar epithelium and smooth muscle
oma in-situ, she was treated for 3 months with BCG.
fibres. Diagnosis is always made postoperatively, simply
Eighteen months later, a routine cervical/vaginal smear
because most patients have no symptoms. Intussuscep-
demonstrated malignant urothelial cells, although
tion is the first complication in the majority of cases.
clinical examination was negative at this time and the
High quality small-bowel transit radiography can only
patient was asymptomatic. As the haematuria and the
confirm a lesion in the small bowel. But that gives us a
pelvic pain dramatically increased, a radical cystectomy
broad differential diagnosis. Even if the tumour can be
with hysterectomy and resection of the vagina was
reached by endoscopy, it is still situated submucosally. So
performed. The patient is well 3 months after surgery.
in practice only resection and pathological investigation
Typical carcinoma in-situ was seen in the original
gives a definitive diagnosis.
biopsies and the cystectomy specimen (Figure 1a). In
On reviewing the literature we could only find 13
the bladder, pagetoid changes was extensively present.
case reports describing small-bowel myoepithelial
Similar cells were present in the urothelium of both
hamartomas: eight in the ileum, four in the jejunum
ureters and the urethra (Figure 1b). They were also
and one in a Meckel’s diverticulum3,4. Only one of these
identifiable in atrophic epithelium of the vaginal and
patients had anaemia as presenting symptom5.
cervix (Figure 2). There was no evidence of invasive
S.H.van Helden disease. Staining for Alcian blue and PAS confirmed the
G.Jutten absence of mucins. The malignant cells were positive for
H.Van Hoey epithelial membrane antigen only and negative for CEA,
A.M.Dierick* S100, HMB45 and PSA.
q 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Histopathology, 32, 568–578.
576 Correspondence

Pagetoid changes in urothelial carcinoma in-situ are documented3,4,6. In the study published by Breen6,
rare and only 0.6% of all the bladder carcinomas had Paget’s disease represented only 5% of the carcinomas
focal pagetoid features1. These changes occur either in of the vulva. In this study of 98 cases, only 25% of the
pure CIS or in CIS areas accompanied with papillary cases of vulvar Paget’s disease were associated with
and/or invasive carcinomas and these changes are often other malignancies which were mainly gynaecological
present in patients first treated with radiotherapy2,3, carcinomas, and only two cases were related to
with chemotherapy1, by diathermy1,4 or by bacillus transitional bladder carcinomas. Three situations can
Calmette–Guerin1. Pagetoid changes do not seem to explain the association of a Paget’s disease and a bladder
have clinical or prognostic implications1. The histo- tumour: the coincidental presence of two unrelated
genesis of pagetoid changes in urothelial carcinoma malignancies with no continuity between the two
remains unknown. However, non-specific local reaction lesions4; an extension of the Paget’s disease into the
of the neoplastic cells to injury1 or loss of E-cadherin urinary tract4; and, as in our case, a pagetoid extension
expression5 have been proposed. to the vulva of the bladder carcinoma3,4.
The association of genital Paget’s disease with bladder Our case is unusual because of the extent of the
carcinoma has been previously described. Thus, there gynaecologic involvement. Pagetoid extension of an in-
have been reported cases of Paget’s disease of the glans situ urothelial carcinoma into the vagina up to the
penis due to a urothelial carcinoma2,4, but there were cervix has not been previously described. This gynae-
pagetoid changes in only one case of these bladder cologic extension did not give rise to any symptoms and
carcinomas4, and only one case of these tumours was was detected by chance on a routine cervico-vaginal
an in-situ carcinoma3. Association of Paget’s disease of smear. Occult and asymptomatic pagetoid spread is yet
the vulva with bladder carcinoma has also been known in other localizations, and the pathologist must
be aware of the possibility of urethral, ureteral, or
genital extension in such pagetoid urothelial carcino-
mas in-situ or infiltrating. As in our case, frozen section

Figure 1. a, Bladder specimen: urothelial carcinoma in-situ with

large atypical cells dispersed in a pagetoid fashion. b, Pagetoid Figure 2. The carinomatous pagetoid cells involved the epithelium of
urothelial cells dispersed along the urethral mucosa (haematoxylin the vagina (a) and the epithelium of the cervix (b) (haematoxylin &
& eosin). eosin).

q 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Histopathology, 32, 568–578.

Correspondence 577

during surgery can help to verify the status of the visualized but showing no abnormality. No further
surgical margins. investigations were performed.
Macroscopically the specimen weighed 320 g and
was unremarkable except for a 40 mm diameter fundal
fibroid mass. Histological examination of one section
showed a typical leiomyoma. However, another section
showed an infiltrate of mitotically-inactive small
rounded cells with mildly pleomorphic nuclei and a
small amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. These were
Departments of *Pathology and orientated in single or ‘Indian’-file between the smooth
‡Surgery, Centre G.F.Leclerc, Dijon; muscle cells (Figure 1a). Further sections failed to reveal
†Department of Pathology, a similar infiltrate. The infiltrating round cells were
University Hospital, Strasbourg; and positive for cytokeratin, CAM5.2 (Figure 1b) and
§Department of Pathology, negative for desmin on immunohistochemical staining.
University Hospital, The small cell size, ‘Indian’-file pattern and immuno-
Besançon, France histochemical profile in this case allowed a diagnosis of
leiomyoma with metastatic adenocarcinoma, probably
lobular from the breast, to be made. This finding
1. Orozco RE, Zwaag RV, Murphy WM. The pagetoid variant of resulted, on re-examination of the patient, in the
urothelial carcinoma in situ. Hum. Pathol. 1993; 24; 1199–1202. discovery of marked right-sided nipple and skin retrac-
2. Tomaszewski JE, Korat OC, Livolsi VA, Connor AM, Wein A. Paget’s
disease of the urethral meatus following transitional cell carcinoma
tion and a 40 mm mass behind the nipple. Fine
of the bladder. J. Urol. 1986; 135; 368–370. needle aspiration cytology, mammography and breast
3. Turner AG. Pagetoid lesions associated with carcinoma of the
bladder. J. Urol. 1980; 123; 124–126.
4. Powell FC, Bjornsson J, Doyle JA, Cooper AJ. Genital Paget’s disease
and urinary tract malignancy. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 1985; 13;
5. Rebel JMJ, Thijssen CDEM, Vermey M. E-Cadherin expression
determines the mode of replacement of normal urothelium by
human bladder carcinoma cells. Cancer Res. 1994; 54; 5488–
6. Breen JL, Smith CI, Gregori CA. Extramammary Paget’s disease.
Clin. Obstet. Gynecol. 1978; 21; 1107–1115.

Fortuitous diagnosis in a uterine leiomyoma

of metastatic lobular carcinoma of the breast
Sir : Tumour-to-tumour metastasis is a rare, but well-
described phenomenon. We present a case of metastasis,
from a previously undiagnosed breast carcinoma,
detected in a leiomyoma during routine microscopic
examination of a uterus removed for treatment of
A 54-year-old woman presented with irregular
vaginal bleeding which was unresponsive to norethis-
terone. An uncomplicated total abdominal hysterect-
omy and bilateral oophorectomy was performed and the
patient was discharged home on oestrogen patch
hormone replacement therapy. The patient’s past
medical history included investigations for breast
lumpiness and an FNAC diagnosis of fibroadenosis on
the left. In 1994 the patient had presented with
indentation of the skin of the right breast near the Figure 1. a, H & E. b, Immunohistochemical staining with
nipple. A mammogram was reported as poorly cytokeratin (CAM5.2).

q 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Histopathology, 32, 568–578.

578 Correspondence

ultrasound confirmed primary lobular breast carcinoma To our knowledge this is the first reported case in
and no other metastases were seen on bone scintogram which a primary breast cancer was only diagnosed
or abdominal ultrasound. following the fortuitous finding of metastasis to a
Histopathological examination of uterine leiomyomas uterine leiomyoma. This case clearly illustrates the
may result in the diagnosis of unsuspected leiomyo- necessity for pathological investigation, with adequate
sarcoma, or atypical leiomyoma, the main differential sampling and thorough microscopic examination by a
diagnosis in this case. In addition, a number of cases trained pathologist, of all surgical specimens, no matter
have been reported of breast cancer metastases dis- how apparently routine.
covered incidentally within leiomyomas1–4. However, in
these cases the diagnosis of tumour-to-tumour meta- R.D.Liebmann
stasis was usually made at autopsy in the presence of K.D.Jones*
numerous other metastases or represented an unusual R.Hamid*
site of recurrence of a known malignancy. Therefore the M.Lapsley
phenomenon was interesting but did not affect the
Department of Histopathology and
patient’s management.
*Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
The histopathological and immunohistochemical
St. Helier Hospital,
findings in this case were characteristic of metastatic
lobular carcinoma from the breast. Interestingly, the
Surrey, UK
atypical cells were present in only one of the six sections
examined. The primary lesion had previously remained
undiagnosed despite presentation to a breast clinic,
clinical examination on several occasions and admis- 1. Spiro RK. Breast cancer metastatic to a uterine leiomyoma. J. Med.
Soc. N. Jersey. 1979; 76; 285–287.
sion to hospital for hysterectomy. In addition, the
2. O’Brien TF, Gaber LW. Extragenital metastases to uterine leiomyo-
patient had been prescribed hormonal treatment for mata. A case report. J. Reprod. Med. 1992; 37; 476–478.
menorrhagia and, immediately following hysterectomy 3. Kumar NB, Hart WR. Metastases to the uterine corpus from
and bilateral oophorectomy, had been commenced on extragenital cancers. Cancer 1982; 50; 2163–2169.
hormone replacement therapy. The histopathological 4. Beattie GJ, Duncan AJ, Paterson AJ, Williams ARW, Geirsson RT.
Breast carcinoma metastatic to uterine leiomyoma. Gynaecol. Oncol.
diagnosis of metastatic lobular breast carcinoma
1993; 51; 255–257.
enabled hormone replacement therapy to be discon- 5. Banoni F., Labes J., Goodman A. A uterine leiomyoma containing
tinued and prompted referral for appropriate further metastatic breast carcinoma. Am. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 1971; 111;
investigation and management. 427–430.

q 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Histopathology, 32, 568–578.

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