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A Morte Invocare Is there a need to appeal alive when they are blind and deaf like dead, when

they are insensible like cold steel?... Is there a need to call alive, when they are always subdued to the hand of Death at all?... Is it necessary to wake the dead, bringing them back to life, if not achieving made them speak? Is there a sense to listen to them, when they will speak as alive?... *** Step into the Abyss, concerning man, is akin suicide. But what can lead man to such inhuman mode he settles a score with his own fate? What can foredoom him to such a terrible lot, when his soul is dead and his body is alive? What is capable to force him to this last fatal line? What initiates man to search the way like this to release his potential, when he is just the obstacle himself?... *** Who said form is important? Is it not better to be free from forms in wild sea of unrestrained flesh? Or to be wild flesh in formless abode of dissected godlikeness?... *** Who can read those inexpressible signs sunk in blood, which deformed human inner structure? Would man understand the book written by Satan? He who wants to read it unlocks its pages, releasing blood, not like man, but like downright Devil. For who wants to read the book of the Devil except the Devil?... *** What is the measure of freedom of those idolized human mind? Human mind is just a tool, toy of fate among those dangerous games of the one who possess the keys from human fate. Human mind is to be the perfect one of all rough tools of Doom, but dont we forget that it remains the same tool, like the rest of all human features. *** When Demon is foredoomed to choose the most disgusting form of all, wont He choose the human flesh? *** One call the opportunity to overcome the fate as divine gift, other one says its the will of blind accident, some free choice of man, and only tempted ones call it satanic necessity in action But who can see completely clear what is hidden behind the feeble-hearted

impediments of conscious human sense, keeping life and freedom for the single death stake in infernal game?... What gods hand will hold when pawns corpses and cards of human suit? *** What is the superiority of one earth above the other one in the eyes heaven outcast?... of one epoch above the next one in the eyes of immortal?... *** Alive come away to dead But can dead repeat their way coming back to life? Could alive then be sure in their postmortem future?... What can supply the losses and failures brought to the world of alive by gaining entropy? What can recreate the image of the dead in alive and become insurmountable obstacle on the way back of the dead?... What the precepts more should be fulfilled by the dead, except those they follow and return?... Dont alive pay the tribute to Charon to pay the debts for their dead and to keep them behind the debt line forever?... And is the Universe not rushing to ruination?... *** Was there though one more human war won by humankind, or all these wars are just vain manoeuvres before each next one?... Was not find though one reason to justify these wars, except one true reason innate misanthropy, instinctive hate of human to the same one, hostility of part of destroyed prototype to the rest of fragments, jealousy to its forced copies? Humankind longs to take revenge over itself. Wont this war be the final war when the lot of humankind is to win the humankind in complete?... *** Is it possible to unite defective fragments before the menace of inner dissension in each one?... Who can foresee successive result? Pillars, sure that empire spreads not farther than neighbor settlement? Blind and cripples, sure what their crooks raise the alarm of progress?... *** Shadows of the dead, deprived of bodies, dreams and rest, they long away from the sun all the same, dog into the ground when the sun is in zenith, and rise following the setting sun. What is Death if not the gigantic shadow spread in time by who exists before time? What is Death if not incarnated nightmare of human ignorance, if not reality unexpected and rejected by life, if not blessed oblivion and cruel justice for ordinary reason exhausted with vision of Eternity? *** When the creature should take the image of the most monstrous way of thinking, wont it find the way to be incarnated through imagination of man of crowd? *** Man is chained with his time to the time of Universe Unsteady time of man is synchronous to time of Its processes, repeating them accordingly to the meaning of man himself, 2

generously giving to him time to be among living and not to be among dead But is man capable to overcome time and rise over living and dead?... Is man capable to rule his own inner time? When man breaks on through tight flow of human bodies, does he get expected concentration of existence outside himself alive?... Or infinity is just an infinity and nothing else?... *** Who speaks negligently about the dead? To whom they answer with rude?... *** Is it possible to find yourself in some other characteristics of the matter and in the same time not to lose conceptions set before?... One rejected the limits is embracing Chaos inside. One rejected the struggle is broken in masonry of alien world construction Humankind dead dry branch of tree of Death spread in emptiness Passive matter of man ancient catch to try the will, iron maiden to suppress the cruelty, archeic handful to lull the rebel Living soul dead dry umbilical cord of connection with creator lost in maternal shroud of cosmos Human speech sounds like funeral bells, like workaday requiem to all hearts of throbbing life *** Whose will can break the barriers?... Whose persistence can reject the inheritance of jealous gods fate taken from second hand? Only purifying fire is able to choose what or whom it should become, burning up the form, yawning the founded canons inside relations of primordial matter of organic world That black fracture in the basis of all foundations, there the wedge of violent invasion is forced into all secret and obvious metamorphosis of entity, chooses the one, who is in harmony with Death, who is able to chose when and how he takes his own Death *** Who can see that primordial under the surface of rude drawn divine plan?... Who is able depart irretrievably dead from falsely revived? Who is able to draw the line between that is vile assimilated and that has forced the way up in rebel, between that uphold its independence even in Death ant that is unjustifiably cared with destiny?... *** Sennacherib, rise from the ash *** Where leads the way of searching someones double beyond the edge of morality, human right and life itself? To the endless vigilance at the mirror of Fatum, to the Grail of all saints, to merging in amalgam of Nahemoth? Searching the points where the substance of entity mixed up in flesh is tearing to parts in highest stress is not without leaving a trace in any one of living and dead Searching of profits of highest looses is turning to the lot of slave or handicraft of skilful snares

Who is driven away across the edge of legality with withering thirst of knowledge in searching of immortal ideal, far away from the order, obedience, beyond the ultimate limit of self, and who is brought back from the edge to be destroyed, to destruction of the world?... *** Where is the edge of possible and impossible in the limits of self?... Where is that certainly other DIFFERENT beginning that is beyond the edge of inner world?... *** Ordinary, normal, disgustingly alive What will awake them in true Death from deadly dream, what will be exposed when the flesh is flayed from their essence?... Is it not too early for life, not too late for death, when hiding from self see sleepless nights of time, straddle uncontrollable dreams of mind?... Is it not too late for some ones self to cognize the beginnings of unbeing, to tread on pain and overgrow the thresholds, to hate settled reflection in the ocean of the universe?... *** Is there something more miserable than human need of labels, of these vainglorious consolations in illusions of power above the things unachievable by human mind?... *** Does dead flesh belong to any race?... Have the matter itself any nationality, or it is only human flesh squeezed in form is marked with brand or defect of workshop master? In conjunction and disruption brand new things get harmony; someone says that its happening in the embrace of god Is it possible?... Nego *** Always on the edge of Death, everywhere at the threshold of aging, searching the symbol of eternal life Does human need some one tool to cognize himself, a whip to restrain inner Chaos, or does he need just one more cross, one more symbol to rise above the rest, to justify savage reprisal over the similar?... *** What a highest reason affirms itself ramming piles in the human mind?... What a inquisitive mind hammering the nails in human flesh?... *** What is life of useless worthless being if not the effect of true divine mystery, phenomenon personified in earthly boundaries of divine mercy?... But in the same time only slaughter of children is the base of divine law propagation *** Which one of gods is able to dip into hell of human soul? Who of them has no fear to become a man? 4

Does man not appeal in his despair to soothe all life Sorrow every day and night, every hour, every moment of his existence, from birth till death? *** Who, when calling the Devil, does not fear to raise the voice, has no fear to cast a shadow, does not break all mirrors? Who, when calling the Devil, is not careful not to find Him inside? *** Is it so important if Devil favours the chosen or no one? Is it important if He is praised by all like god or damned like Devil? Is it important what is by His side rightness or iniquity? Is it important what He can share His favour or His suffering, if He is defeated or victorious? Or maybe its just words, insignificant words in comparison to the right of blood - to be like Devil?... *** Rest is just the accidental caprice in variations of Chaos Variations Variations *** When some one speaks about the unity with Satan, speaker is afraid of it could be actually possible Hiding in the crowd of alive, harboring behind the backs of dead, many are not able to make silent that is inside them, in that they fear to find themselves, if it god or Devil But how could they be enriched with knowledge of causes of this religious fear, with cognition of whole totality of supernatural causes violence existing inside their souls? And is fear known to the one, who is possessed by Satan voluntary, the one able to terrify by himself?... *** When it is a lot of gospels, all prophets tell about their exclusive truth When all of them appeal to believe in this excellent gift from above, promising safe asylum for soul and mind, for flesh and its posterity Who is able to bear inside, from whose lips it will sound that pretentious and merciless truth that is everyone escapes, that is almost no one alive wish to possess?... *** To ask insoluble question it is a crime in the world of given answers. When asked, they instigate the rebellion of mind and bring the failure of reality What the answers will become? Double-edged wisdom?... Honest prophesy of recognized falsefrophet? Or? Or maybe only fear before deathlike silence will make the rest of alive to call dead again?... *** There is no place to idea of individual honour in the system of public welfare There honour is expletive Man of honour is outlaw person What does anyone of great number of humankind desire if not about conciliating illusion to achieve individual well among

the crowd?... Whose hand first will throw test stone as far as the ideals not realized yet buy man?... *** What a consolation, what equality we can talk about?! The one chose the lot of slave voluntary must know his place *** He knows not a whip, the one who foredoom his nature to conscious counteraction and only Chaos magnitude to dissolve the paradoxes of mind and immeasurable by flesh *** Human thought is unprotected from its invasion into itself Every time, passing the threshold of insanity, it needs steel servants steel weapon to be hold in rod of iron It needs the anchors from outside triumph pillars of wit authoritarian rules of development *** Which gods are might be begotten by degenerated nations? Which one of them fell this despicable seed into human hell? Here, in human hell, there is no place to gods *** Mortal gods of living world They are real as alive, or they are more real than alive/ they inhabit living memories with corpses and poison the memory of still living generation with anxious presentiment of meeting not too far When left the bodies, those alive will find themselves in their reality absolutely. So will the living become unreal in comparison to time of now, living time? Will there be a hope in that they are finally irrevocable in this sorrowful ritual? Will there be a need to repeat everything from the beginning again, when funeral is not accomplished by their rules? *** God is happy two times when he is born without name, and when all memories about him are dead. *** What is not to bee seen by alive, what dead should not behold?... To see that others dont see is it curse or gift? Is it just - the feeling that overwhelms the dead to tear the eyes off, living or dead, which have seen the truth if just one time?... *** All common human values grow on the bones of the murdered, and what does it take from the one, whose inwards is like cadaver pit for outliving ideals, to bury any hope inside himself?... How many times it is necessary to take the souls from all alive to drain the Realm of the dead to the bottom?... 6

*** Truth from the Devil is everything that makes some one to never turn away from inevitable that makes him to wish impossible that makes him to play against the rules Something becomes the art of the Devil, when it initiates the wish to meet the obstacles on the way, the obstacles more cruel as someones wish to try his own art is stronger. *** Some one is able to restrain the human some one should opposite the human to himself Some one is to regulate everything in new canons of dissected order, in straightforward ideals of rude nihilism, but divine order is opposed to them all, the order that implants truisms from inside, original presets and clichs to be put on fragile reality, forms to justify the necessity of existence of circulating individuality Alas Imagination of something is always the base of forming of some other different thing Ugliness of the great ones is always the property of ordinary *** What is a tyrant who is quite consistent in using of power lest he wait slaves approve his actions? *** Irrational, disastrous way of thought is equal to the most terrible weapon It comes across; it comes in spite of, released and independent, breaking the barriers of Logos, creating some effective alien ins and outs counteracting the regular process of entity, infernal dreams and reality, frontal sin and cruelty pernicious evidences of merciless reality of confluence of inner and outer worlds of universal apostate *** What can he feel, calling to alive and dead, staying on the edge, on this side of Abyss? What can he see beyond the line of life from the throne of all blind, from the throne of all dead, what can he possess the one, who spend short time of his reign from the copper right hand of Death rider? Who summon the dead and disappoint the living? Who calls to follow alive and dead, possessing a gift to revive the dead Until dogs fight for the bone, the way is open Dum vivescere Morte

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