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Poster assessment Max

Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Poor No attempt

criteria Mark

5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0
Poster title, Poster title, Poster title, Poster title, Poster title, Poster title,
presenter’s name, presenter’s name, presenter’s name, presenter’s name, or presenter’s name, or presenter’s name, or
professional professional affiliation professional affiliation professional affiliation professional affiliation professional affiliation
affiliation are all are all included and are all included but may be missing. Also, may be missing. Also, are all not present.
included and mostly appropriately may not be presentation in terms presentation in terms
Main title is present
 5 perfectly presented presented in terms of appropriately spelling, of font size, of spelling, font size,
& clearly identifies
in terms of spelling, spelling, font size, presented in terms of highlighting or font highlighting or font
the poster theme. font size, highlighting and font spelling, font size, colour may not be colour may not be
highlighting and colour. All highlighting and font appropriate. All appropriate.
font colour. All information is correct. colour. All information is correct. Information given
information is information is correct. may be incorrect.

Abstract assessment Max 50-40. 39-35. 34-21. 20-10. 10-1. 0.

Poster presents infoVery good
Poster presents info Good presents info Satisfactory
Poster Poster presents info Poster Poor presents info Very poor
criteria Mark
in excellent detail. in very good detail. in good detail. Info is in an overall in poor detail. Info
All info is correct All info is correct and largely correct and satisfactory detail. has errors. Overall,
and conveys a very good conveys a good level Info is mostly correct, there is a limited
conveys an understanding of the of understanding of with some minor understanding of the
30-25. excellent 24-20 poster topic. Key19-15. the poster topic.14-10. 4-1
Key errors. Overall, 9-5. there poster topic, and key
Word limit is Word limit is adhered Word limit is adhered Word limit is adhered Word limit or, correct Major formatting issues,
Info is accurate & understanding of findings findings are is a clear findings may notintroduction/conclusion
shows a good  50
adheredthe to,poster
to, correct text
summarized to, correct
in an text
highlighted, correct text
understanding text
of thetense/fonts notRelevant
highlighted. may have been omitted.
understanding of text tense/fonts
Key findings tense/fonts
are all effective and tense/fonts.
succinct Relevant and tense/fonts.
just poster topic, butadhered
Key to, or
referencing may not
Organisation and 30 Organizational
summarized inOrganizational
a manner. Relevant Organizational
and sufficient Organizational
findings may notorganizational
be be present, or refs
style of writing patternshighly effective patterns (introduction
and substantive patterns (introduction patterns (introduction patternsmay
referencing is present sufficiently (Introduction
not be referred
Introduction and
succinct manner. and conclusion) are and
referencing is present conclusion) are and conclusion)
highlighted. Relevant to inmay
are conclusion) not
the text.
conclusion) are very
Relevant and clear and consistent mostly clear and not clear or not
referencing be clear or present.
is present,
clear andsubstantive consistent consistent.
but refs may not be
referencing is referred to in the
70-60. present 59-50. 49-40. 39-30. text/there are missing29-20 19-1
Info in abstract is in Info in abstract is Info in abstract is references.
Info in abstract is Overall, there is a Very little content with
excellent detail. All largely in very good largely correct and mostly correct, with limited very limited
10. 8. 6. 4. 2. 0.
info is correct and are
All graphics detail. AllAllinfo is are conveys
graphics very All a good levelare some
graphics well minor errors. are understanding
All graphics There are of the
not enough No graphics –text only.
an relatedcorrect and conveys
to the well related to a the
of understanding
related to of Overall,mostly
the topic, there isrelated
a poster
to the topic in the
graphics present, or
Microbes and 70 excellenttopic, cited very good the poster
topic, cited correctly, buttopic. Keybe clear
may not cited understanding
topic, but may not abstract,
be they andare
keynot cited
application understanding of
correctly and understanding of the
positioned in the findings are
correctly, or of the poster topic,
cited correctly, or findings may not
correctly orbediscussed.
the poster topic.
positioned in the poster topic. Key highlighted well.
poster appropriately, positioned in the but Key findings may
positioned in the sufficiently
There may be other
Pictures, drawings, Key findings are all findingsare numbered and not be sufficiently highlighted/absent.
poster poster appropriately, poster appropriately, presentational issues.
diagrams, graphs add summarized in a summarized
10 appropriately, are have in an
a legend. Figures or may not be highlighted/absent
or may not be
to over-all highly effective andandeffective and succinct
numbered have included make it numbered or have a numbered or have a
effectiveness of the succinctamanner.
legend. Figures manner. easier to understand legend. Figures legend. Figures
poster. included make it the poster message. included make it included might not be
easier to All cited graphics have easier to understand fully related to the
understand the a source citation. the poster message. poster message. Cited
poster message. All All cited graphics have graphics may not
cited graphics have a source citation. have a source
a source citation. citation.
10. 8. 6. 4. Mostly satisfactory 2.

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