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Arch534 - Graduation Dissertation - B.Sc.

Faculty Of Architecture
Design & Built Environment

Theme of the Graduation Project: Creative Sustainable Development

Graduation Project Typology: Research Centre for climate change and extreme conditions
The Chosen Site: Beirut

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that the topic

Title of Graduation Dissertation:

Investigating the viability of adaptive reuse of Heritage buildings

to reduce environmental impacts

Layal Ajami
ID Number: 201900392

This research is submitted to the

Faculty of Architecture - Design & Built Environment, Beirut Arab University
In order to obtain the Bachelor Degree of Architecture

Academic Year 2022/2023


The recognition that human activities have resulted in environmental degradation, habitat
destruction, and ecosystem changes that affect human well-being, has prompted the search for
more sustainable strategies. Thus the concept of Adaptive Reuse. Adaptive reuse of abandoned
streets and buildings is an architectural approach aimed at preserving the existing built fabric
while coexisting with the ecosystem and neighbourhood. It is a method of recycling buildings
to modify the interior and exterior of the structure. Adaptive reuse of buildings serves well the
needs of the local community and leads to sustainable economic, social and environmental
development, and work on creating a more sustainable urban development.
This dissertation aims to investigate the viability of adaptive reuse of Heritage buildings and
their impact on the environment . To achieve this aim, this dissertation relies on scientific
methodology beginning with a literature review based on desk research. Followed by an
investigation of similar examples covering the different applications of this energy in
architecture. As a case study…

Keywords: Adaptive reuse, Heritage buildings, Abandoned building, Sustainable

urban development, Environmental impact,


1. Introduction
1.1. Research Approach:

Several academic fields, including architecture, economic policy, planning, and economics, are actively
researching how to create and manage cities with growing populations (Andersson, 2006; Hassan and
Lee, 2015; Hoornweg and Freire, 2013; Lehmann, 2010, 2011; Lehmann, 2013; Lewin and Goodman,
2013; Quintero, 2013; Rodwell, 2011; Wolch et al., 2014).

According to 2018 estimates from the United Nations, 55% of people now live in cities (United Nations,
2018). In many nations, this rising trend is present (Habitat, 2016). The following premise is stated in
the UN study Urbanization and Development: Emerging Futures. When a crucial link is made between
the environment, urban planning, and governance, "promoting environmental sustainability... [that] can
lead to transformative change" 2016 (Habitat)

At both the international and regional governmental levels, culture is largely discussed in relation to
sustainable urbanization. As an example, in 2015, UNESCO launched the "Culture for Sustainable
Urban Development Initiative." The aim "Strengthen efforts to maintain and safeguard the world's
cultural and natural heritage" is part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11, which is
to "Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable." 4 The 2016 Pact of
Amsterdam's Urban Agenda for the European Union also includes cultural heritage as a key
component of urban development.

Urban regions are home to the majority of the buildings that will be repurposed in the future, even though
not all cultural heritage structures are found there. They are essential to the development of sustainable

1.2. Problem Definition

The need for shelter is unquestionably fundamental to human well-being. A large amount of natural
resources are withdrawn from the environment and waste is released back into it during the following
manufacture, use, and disposal of buildings for housing. Due to this demand, the construction sector is
the world's greatest consumer of resources and raw materials (WEF, 2016).

Additionally, the greenhouse gas emissions from the construction sector that are linked to climate change
have been gradually increasing. The International Energy Agency recently reported that since 1990,
building-related emissions have increased by 45%. (IEA 2017). These findings highlight the importance
of regulating building environmental consequences, especially greenhouse gas emissions, to developing
a sustainable economy and reducing global warming.

In October 2018, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessed possibilities for keeping
global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The IPCC emphasized that in order
to achieve this target, the building sector would need to undergo fast changes (Rogelj et al., 2018). A
clear statement from the International Energy Agency in 2017 that "More efficient buildings help the
complete energy system transition" emphasized the industry's enormous sustainability opportunity as
well as difficulty. 2017 (OECD/IEA)

Construction industry experts are increasingly incorporating life cycle assessment (LCA) and
environmental considerations early in the procurement process. Building lifespan is crucial to LCA

since data must be annualized for comparison and adjusted. The scientific literature demonstrates,
however, that building lifespan issues are still not sufficiently addressed.

In comparison to a lifespan of 50 years, a building's environmental effect is reduced by 29% on average

over an 80-year lifespan, 38% over a 100-year lifespan, and 44% over a 120-year lifespan.
Therefore the term “building life cycle” is one of the most important factors when it comes to the
environmental impact of buildings. In the intend to extend the life cycle of a building, construction
industries are working on transforming the building industry’s linear product supply chain (Figure 1 )
to a circular product supply chain ( Figure 2 ).

Figure 1.1: Building Life Cycle Phases as

a Linear Supply Chain.


Figure 1.2: Circularity strategies Employed for Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Heritage
Buildings (reproduced with permission).

1.3. Aim of the Study:

This dissertation’s main aim is to investigate the potential of adaptive reuse of Heritage
buildings as a strategy for more sustainable urban development.

The achievement of this aim will emphasis on the importance of achieving more sustainable building
development plans, which focus on longer lifespan buildings, leading to sustainable economic, social
and environmental development

This goal is linked to secondary goals to guarantee that the study incorporates the various facts
required to support such a topic:

a) This study first aims to investigate the concept of building conservation, types and uses, as well as the
adaptive capacities of buildings

b) In addition to an environmental goal, that will further enquire on the sustainable goal of adaptive reuse.

1.4. Research Hypothesis:

This study makes the assumption that new approaches to urban planning and urban issues are
necessary if coastal cities are to survive into the future. According to this viewpoint, if even partially
implemented, the suggested research agenda's components could significantly increase coastal
communities' resilience, survivability, and sustainability while reducing risks and vulnerabilities as
they deal with the increasingly severe effects of climate change. And the adaptation of Amphibious
architecture as a main solution will be the determent factor in their survival.

1.5. Research Determinants:

Temporal determinant: The time span I'm working on is between the topic's historical context and
the most recent prevailing technologies and procedures that have been adapted. As a result, this
instructs the research to concentrate on the most recent approaches to this problem that, in comparison
to earlier, traditional approaches, are by far the most effective and durable.

Analytical determinant: Different disciplines (examples and case studies) are analyzed throughout
the dissertation on a standard of Scientific approach, adapted technology and techniques, and
eventually environmental efficiency.

Scientific determinants: This dissertation has a limit of 20% of adaptation from known sources that
are referenced at the end as well as citations when needed.

Moral determinations: This dissertation is based on scientific research and environmental concerns
and nothing that lacks to the moral standards.

1.6. Research Methodology

This Dissertation uses a qualitative methodology approach to gain an understanding of this subject.
It is conducted through an interdisciplinary research that incorporates, in addition to the architectural field,
knowledge from other disciplines like the environmental sustainability, social sciences and technical engineering


To achieve its aim, this dissertation uses mental methods, starting with the deductive approach, giving a proposed
theory, formulating a research hypothesis, collecting and analysing data and examples, in order to verify or reject
this hypothesis.
In the similar examples and Case studies, the comparative approach will be adapted.

1.7. Research Structure

Part 1: Theoretical part

Chapter 1 : The Concept and History of Cultural Heritage


1. Introduction

1.1. Concept of Cultural Heritage:

Cultural heritage is the legacy of tangible objects (cultural property) and intangible characteristics that
a group or culture has inherited over time. With the use of certain methods in the present, the idea of
cultural heritage provides a link between the past and the future. Cultural heritage is preserved in the
present and passed down for the benefit of subsequent generations as a result of its associated values
for these groups or societies.

Cultural heritage is a concept that has evolved over time as a result of intricate historical processes. A
historically evolving set of value systems serves as the foundation for the notion of cultural and natural
legacy. Different social groups accept these values. These many groups' concepts, which they
developed and adopted, result in a variety of cultural and natural heritage categories (world heritage,
national heritage, etc.).

Objects from cultural heritage serve as symbols. They serve as cultural and geographical
representations of identities. A sense of community is created by ties to and customs centered upon
these items. Choosing whether artifacts, monuments, or natural areas are conserved also determines
the course of future cultural narratives and societal agreement about the past and present.

Figure 1.1: Cultural Heritage

Tangible and Intangible

1.2. The history of the Concept:

The idea of cultural heritage came into being as a result of a protracted period of historical
development during which various values were placed on various structures, artwork, artifacts,
landscapes, etc. These items' systematic loss or destruction gave rise to terms like "outstanding
universal value" and the claim that they are "humanity's" property. These concepts emerged from an
awareness of the singularity and irreplaceability of cultural legacy and the natural environment with
which it is intricately intertwined. The concept's development is directly tied to the notion of
preservation or protection.

"Antiquarian interest" refers to the practice of collecting tiny items like artwork and other classics of
culture. The first collections in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period were either finely curated
assemblages or encyclopedic collections that contained "the whole world in a room." This was the
beginning of a protracted institutionalization process. They made their choice based on the perceived
worth associated with the object's rarity, aesthetic value, or time and place of acquisition. They also
served as a demonstration of how quickly knowledge is developing nowadays as more and more of the
known world is discovered.

The idea of national heritage has played a significant role in this process since the 19th century.
National museums and commissions or institutes for monument protection were established as a result.

Through the inclusion of ideas like "World Heritage," "World Memory," and other similar terms, both
spontaneously evolving movements, organizations, and political groups, like the international
organization UNESCO, have been successful in garnering the necessary support to preserve some
specific aspects of the heritage of many nations.

Despite the inherent biases in the World Heritage method, a more comprehensive approach in modern
heritage studies or the heritage industry was made possible. The use of the term "heritage business"
has come under intense criticism due to recent changes in cultural heritage practices and, more
broadly, the uses and abuses of the notion. Although the idea of cultural heritage helped to conserve
important ideas and items, it has frequently had a negative impact on resurgent nationalist movements,
extreme groups, and even chauvinistic grass-roots organizations. In different parts of the world,
influenced by various ideologies, there is deliberate destruction of heritage values and artifacts on the
one hand and distorted, ahistorical, or propagandistic interpretations on the other.

Now, in the 21st century, it is better understood that heritage has meaning on multiple levels served
best by multidisciplinary approaches and methodologies that can be developed and used worldwide.
Cultural heritage is in the scope of inquiry of a range of humanities, social sciences and environmental
studies. Solutions to Cultural Heritage and resource management issues are best achieved by
acknowledging differences and legitimating conflicting interests, so as to seek common ground.


1.3. Defining Heritage Building :

The term "heritage buildings" refers to structures that are older and have historical or architectural
significance (Chien, 1992). Existing structures of substantial cultural worth to society are also referred
to as heritage buildings (CIB Commission, 2010). In his book Conservation of Historic Buildings,
Feilden (1994) describes a heritage building as one that inspires respect and a desire to learn more
about the inhabitants and their culture while also recognizing its aesthetic, historical, archaeological,
economic, social, and political worth.

2. Classification of Cultural Heritage:

The notion of heritage buildings has been expanded to cover all structures of architectural and cultural
significance since the turn of the century and the adoption of the Venice charter for architectural
conservation in 1964. Additionally, the idea of architectural conservation has been expanded. The
buildings that should be preserved have been separated into two primary groups, according to Itma
(2007), and are no longer just restricted to religious and palace structures and archaeological markers:.

1. Monuments: These significant structures have a global, regional, or denominational humanitarian

value. In order to preserve them, their original context must be maintained. This rule only applies to
archaeology and a few iconic structures, such as the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem (Kobbat Assakhra-
Kodos) in Palestine and the Colosseum in Rome, Italy.

2. Documentary structures: These are regarded as proof of earlier periods in a cultural area. Because
they are more widely available than the earlier structures, they generally have less historical significance.
They are typically found in historic city and town heritage centers.

UNESCO's Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972) defined a
nd categorized cultural heritage as follows, according to the UNESCO World Heritage website (30 De
cember 2012):

 Monuments: architectural works, monumental sculpture and painting, archaeological materials

or buildings, inscriptions, cave dwellings, and combinations of traits of exceptional universal
worth in history, art, or science; ( fig 1.2)

 Building clusters: clusters of unconnected or interconnected structures that, due to their archite
cture, uniformity, or location in the environment, have great universal worth from the perspect
ives of history, art, or science;

 Sites: works of man or combined works of nature and man, as well as places containing
archaeological sites, of exceptional universal worth from the standpoint of history,
aesthetics, ethnology, or anthropology. ( Fig 1.4 )

It's hard to say how old a structure needs to be to be considered "heritage." In certain locations, being
100 years old is considered legacy, whereas in others, 50 years old may be sufficient. However, if a
building is more than 50 years old, Itma (2007) categorized it as a heritage building under Italian law.

Figure 1.2: The Monument to Nicholas I Figure 1.4: Roman Colosseum, Italy
from Saint Isaac's Square in Saint
Petersburg (Russia)

3. Values in Sustainability :

Outside of historic preservation designations, there is little framework in place to maintain

existing buildings. Reusing an old structure or demolishing it is never an obvious choice. As
was said above, historically, buildings were saved primarily for their historic and cultural
value.Yet buildings have as well vast amounts of environmental value that is the result of their
complex extraction, construction, and use. And Although they are valued as historic artifacts,
buildings are still environmental artifacts and repositories of valuable energy and resources.

Building reuse has only recently come to be recognized as an important aspect of sustainable
building practices. Since the beginning of the "green building" era, which started more than 20
years ago, the phrase has nearly always been used to describe brand-new structures. Green
building has a broad definition and is frequently misunderstood.

Building reuse has only recently come to be recognized as an important aspect of sustainable
building practices. Since the beginning of the "green building" era, which started more than 20
years ago, the phrase has nearly always been used to describe brand-new structures. Throughout
a building's life-cycle, from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation,
and deconstruction, "green building" is broadly defined and sometimes misunderstood. 18 It
can also be used to describe passive or efficient heating and cooling systems, efficient building
envelopes, rainwater collection, and the use of recycled or sustainably obtained materials in
construction. frequently refers to brand-new construction.

These elements are necessary for sustainable building, although they do not fully capture
sustainability. Despite the fact that new construction necessitates a large quantity of new
materials and energy, it may demonstrate an immediate energy savings in building operations.
Nevertheless, new construction does not always produce a more sustainable building. The
widespread misconception that modern buildings are more "green" stems from outdated notions
of older structures as being inefficient energy users. Due to their passive designs, which predate
mechanical heating and cooling systems, many older, existing buildings not only can be
converted with contemporary green technology, but in many cases already perform as well as
or better than new structures.


When a structure is demolished, more than just the built resource and its accompanying heritage
are gone. Buildings are excellent carriers of "embodied energy," which is the energy used to
extract, transport, manufacture, and build a structure.

3.1 . Building Life Cycle stages and their related environmental impacts

According to Crawford (Crawford, 2011), there are six stages in the life cycle of a building: the
extraction of raw materials, production, construction, operation and maintenance, demolition,
and disposal, reuse, or recycling. Each stage of a building's life cycle is highly complicated
since it requires the usage of energy, water, and natural resources. For instance, energy is needed
for the following tasks as a building develops: I raw material extraction; ii) processing and
manufacturing of the raw materials to produce usable construction materials or components; iii)
fitting the produced construction material components together; iv) ensuring the building's use
(e.g., use of energy for cooking, lights, among other things); and v) the building's demolition
(the use of equipment); and finally vi) to remove the debris from the site, recycle

The environmental impact of buildings, such as greenhouse gas emissions and pollution, among
other things, is significant due to the various and relatively long life cycle stages that a building
has. Each stage of a building's life cycle involves the consumption of natural resources, energy,
and water, which results in the production of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants
(Crawford, 2011) . According to (Horne et al, 2009) present a classic Life Cycle Assessment
dilemma since they use a lot of resources and energy and have an impact on the environment
during at least two key life cycle phases: construction and operation.

Figure 1.1: Building Life cycle table

3.2. Environmental impact of Buildings:


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