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Child Maltreatment
A Systematic Review of Controlled-Trials ª The Author(s) 2020
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for PTSD in Maltreated Children and DOI: 10.1177/1077559520961176

Rhiannon S. Bennett1,2, Megan Denne1, Rosie McGuire1 , and Rachel M. Hiller1

Child maltreatment is associated with elevated risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can often present alongside
comorbidities. While evidence-based treatments for PTSD in young people already exist, there remains ongoing clinical and
academic debate about the suitability of these approaches, particularly cognitive-behavioral approaches, for young people who
have been exposed to more complex traumatic experiences, such as maltreatment. We conducted an updated systematic review
of the evidence-base for psychological treatments for PTSD, specifically for maltreated young people. Fifteen randomized
controlled trials and five non-randomized controlled clinical trials satisfied the inclusion criteria. Trials included treatments
ranging from trauma-focused CBT to creative-based therapies. Trauma-focused CBT remained the best supported treatment
for children and adolescents following child maltreatment, with new evidence that symptom improvements are maintained at
longer-term follow up. The evidence for other therapies remained limited, and there were concerns regarding methodological
quality. Implications for treatment decision-making are discussed.

systematic review, child maltreatment, PTSD treatment, youth

Child maltreatment—broadly defined as child physical, sexual, alongside the PTSD diagnosis (DeJong, 2010; Van der Kolk,
and/or emotional abuse, neglect, and/or exposure to domestic 2017). As a consequence, there remains little clinical consensus
violence, in the context of a relationship of responsibility for how to address this mental health outcome. This lack of
(WHO, 2016a, 2016b)—is considered a global social welfare consensus is problematic, given PTSD can be a chronic disor-
and public health issue, with substantial costs to the individual, der that places the young person at elevated risk of a range of
society, and economy (Fang et al., 2012; Ferrara et al., 2015; other mental health difficulties, as well as poorer educational
Gilbert et al., 2009). One well-documented consequence of and social outcomes. More broadly, failing to address the men-
exposure to child maltreatment is increased rates of mental tal health needs of maltreated young people has been identified
health difficulties across the lifespan (Ford et al., 2007; Hill- as a key pathway to the range of well-documented poor out-
berg et al., 2011; Leeb et al., 2011; Lewis et al., 2019). One comes associated with maltreatment (e.g., elevated rates of
such mental health outcome is posttraumatic stress disorder unemployment, increased service utilization; e.g. Jones et al.,
(PTSD), a trauma-specific psychological disorder defined by 2011).
symptoms of re-experiencing (e.g., intrusive memories, night- The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence
mares), avoidance (e.g., avoiding thinking about the trauma), (NICE, 2018) recommend individual trauma-focused cognitive
altered arousal (e.g., easily startled, difficulty sleeping), and behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) as the first-line treatment for
altered cognition and mood (e.g., thoughts like I cannot trust children aged six or older presenting with PTSD after a trau-
anyone; American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Rates of matic event, with eye movement desensitization and reproces-
PTSD have been shown to be particularly elevated in young sing (EMDR) recommended if young people have not
people exposed to maltreatment, with interpersonal trauma
exposure in childhood a key predictor of elevated PTSD in
later adolescence (Lewis et al., 2019). While efficacious treat- 1
Department of Psychology, University of Bath, United Kingdom
ments for PTSD exist (e.g., see NICE, 2018), namely Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, United Kingdom
trauma-focused cognitive and behavioral based treatments,
Corresponding Author:
there remains ongoing clinical and academic debate about their Rachel M. Hiller, Department of Psychology, University of Bath, United
relevance for young people exposed to maltreatment, where Kingdom.
complex comorbidities and other needs are often also present Email: E.
2 Child Maltreatment XX(X)

responded to TF-CBT. In contrast, the American Psychiatric PTSD in particular, understanding the quality and extent of the
Association suggests that the evidence-base for treatments for broader intervention evidence base is potentially particularly
child and adolescent PTSD remains too low in quality and necessary for guiding practice, given ongoing clinical debate
quantity to make strong recommendations (APA, 2017). and the wide gap between research and practice in the use of
Among academics and practitioners, there also remains first-line recommended evidence-based interventions (Finch
ongoing debate about the appropriateness of CBT-based treat- et al., 2020).
ments for PTSD in maltreated young people (DeJong, 2010; The aim of this review was to provide an update on
Van der Kolk, 2017). This includes widely-held beliefs that the evidence-base for psychological interventions for
these treatments are only appropriate for cases of maltreatment-related child PTSD, in controlled trials of
single-incident trauma exposure, whereas maltreatment is com- broadly-defined psychological interventions. The review builds
monly repeated exposure which is sometimes referred to as on Leenarts et al. (2013), but also considers interventions beyond
developmental trauma or complex trauma (Price-Robertson CBT and with children under 6 years old, to provide a broader
et al., 2013; Van der Kolk, 2005). Similarly, many young peo- update on the evidence base and recommendations for future
ple who have experienced maltreatment might not have a clear work in this field.
“pre-trauma” period of safety, which can pose a challenge
when applying existing models of PTSD treatment. Comorbid
symptoms in maltreated young people can also complicate
diagnosis and treatment of all symptoms, including those spe- Search Strategy
cific to PTSD (Ariga et al., 2008). While comorbidities are the The review was pre-registered on PROSPERO
norm for many groups of young people and adults who develop (CRD42017084727) and conducted according to PRISMA
PTSD (e.g., Kilpatrick et al., 2003), debate around the impact reporting guidelines (see Figure 1; Moher et al., 2009). We
of comorbidities on the suitability of cognitive-behavioral conducted a search of three electronic databases (PsychNET,
treatments for young people with maltreatment-related PTSD PubMed and PILOTS). As this review aimed to update the
has remained particularly strong. There also remains questions Leenarts et al. (2013) review, search terms were developed
about how routinely these recommended treatments are deliv- based on this review and with guidance from a University
ered in practice, particularly in cases of more complex trauma subject-specific librarian who supported the first author to
experiences. Clinician concerns about the appropriateness of identify appropriate synonyms and controlled terms within
more structured manualised approaches and their applicability each database. Free text terms were also included to account
in complex cases, have been identified as particular barriers to for articles that may have been indexed incorrectly. The final
use (Finch et al., 2020). search strategy combined words related to maltreatment (e.g.,
While previous reviews for psychological treatments for maltreatment OR abuse OR neglect) with PTSD (e.g.,
maltreated young people exist, there remains a number of post-traumatic stress OR emotional trauma OR acute stress
important gaps. These reviews often have focused on a specific disorder OR complex PTSD), treatment (e.g., treatment OR
type of maltreatment (e.g., exposure to domestic violence or therapy OR intervention) and children (e.g., child OR adoles-
sexual abuse; Macdonald et al., 2012; Miller-Graff & Campion, cent). The searches were limited to studies published between
2016) or incorporated a range of trauma exposures not limited 01/01/2011 and 15/12/2018, as an update to Leenarts et al.
to maltreatment (Gillies et al., 2016; Stallard, 2006; Wether- (2013). This start date was selected to allow some overlap
ington et al., 2008). Maltreatment rarely occurs in a single form between this review and Leenarts, to ensure papers were not
or as a one-off incident. Further, in 2013 the DSM-5 introduced missed that may have been In Press during the previous review.
the concept of pre-school PTSD for children aged 6 years and Age filters were used in PubMed and PsychNET. References of
under. Whether this has led to further evidence for TF-CBT or relevant review papers and included papers were hand screened
indeed other approaches (e.g., attachment approaches) largely to search for any overlooked papers not identified in the initial
remains to be incorporated in reviews. Finally, these reviews search. This resulted in the identification of 2,730 papers.
have typically focused on cognitive behavioral interventions
only (Leenarts et al., 2013; Stallard, 2006) or evidence from
randomized controlled trials [RCTs] (Gillies et al., 2016).
Study Selection
While RCTs are gold-standard methodology, a sole focus on Titles and abstracts were imported into COVIDENCE and
RCTs potentially excludes therapies that may be widely used in duplicate papers were removed (leaving 2,247 papers; see
practice, but have received less empirical focus. Leenarts and Figure 1). The review only included studies that were written
colleagues (2013) attempted to address some of these issues via in English. Titles and abstracts were screened by the lead
their systematic review of psychological interventions for author and excluded if they did not meet the following criteria:
trauma-related psychopathology in maltreated young people.
While they included controlled and uncontrolled trials, their Participants Studies. met inclusion criteria if participants were
focus remained exclusively on interventions employing cogni- children and adolescents 18 years old and the majority,
tive behavioral elements, with TF-CBT being the best sup- defined as 50%, of the sample experienced maltreatment.
ported intervention. In the context of maltreatment-related Maltreatment was operationalized according to the WHO’s
Bennett et al. 3

Records Identified Through Additional Records Identified

Database Searching Through Other Sources
(n = 2727) (n = 3)

Records After Duplicates Removed

(n = 2247)

Records Screened Records Excluded

(n = 2247) (n = 2067)

Full-text Articles Full-text Articles

Assessed for Eligibility Excluded
(n = 180) (n = 160)

Reasons for Exclusion:

No PTSD Outcome (n = 41)
No Control Group (n = 33)
Sample Not Maltreated (n = 23)
Sample Over 18 Years Old (n = 22)
Repeated Sample from Primary Paper
(n = 14)
Review Paper (n = 9)
Paper Not in English (n = 5)
No Psychological Intervention (n = 4)
Studies Included in Minority (<50%) of Sample
Qualitative Synthesis Experienced Maltreatment (n = 4)
(n = 20) Previously Included in Leenarts et al.
(2013) Review (n = 3)
Case Studies (n = 2)

Figure 1. PRISMA diagram for study inclusion process.

(2016a) definition: “all types of physical and/or emotional placed on the format of delivery. Studies in which parents/
ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, negligence and commer- caregivers were the sole recipients of treatment were only
cial or other exploitation, which results in actual or potential included if PTSD symptoms of the maltreated children were
harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in reported.
the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.
Exposure to intimate partner violence is also sometimes
included as a form of child maltreatment.” Studies focusing Comparison condition. The treatment group had to be compared
on war related trauma, community violence and traumatic grief to a control population, which could be a waitlist (WL),
exposure were excluded. treatment-as-usual (TAU), or any active intervention. RCTs
and non-randomized controlled trials (quasi experiments and
case-control studies) were included, providing the above cri-
Intervention. Studies met inclusion criteria if they included any teria were met, while single case and cross-sectional designs
psychological intervention, defined as any psychosocial inter- were excluded. Studies published as books, book chapters or
vention that targeted PTSD symptoms. No restrictions were theses were considered, provided they met the criteria above.
4 Child Maltreatment XX(X)

Outcome. Studies had to include a measure of PTSD symptoms reported in the original paper and available trial protocols reg-
as an outcome of intervention effectiveness, with a minimum of istered by the author (see supplementary material). Twenty-f-
two assessment points (pre and post). The measure could be an ive percent of the papers were also randomly selected (via
established symptom checklist or diagnostic interview. computer generation) for blind quality review by a second rater
(co-author RM). There was 75% agreement, with disagreement
Screening procedure. See Figure 1 for flow-chart. Of the 2,247 only on minor issues rather than overall quality, and resolved at
papers identified, a second independent rater also screened a consensus meeting with the senior author.
50%, with 99% agreement. Papers were primarily excluded We report standardized Cohen’s d between group effect
at this stage as the study was on adult survivors of maltreatment sizes at post intervention and at follow up. Where possible,
or there was no intervention delivered. Where there was dis- these were either taken directly from the paper or calculated
agreement, to be conservative, papers were kept in for further using the information provided in the paper (not possible for
screening. This left 180 papers, where the full text was three studies).
reviewed for inclusion. Of these, 15% were reviewed by a
second rater, with 72% agreement. Where there was disagree-
ment, discussion between the two raters was held and remain-
ing disagreements were discussed at a consensus meeting with Study Design
a third researcher. The primary reason for disagreement was Full details of the study design of each included study are
where it was unclear whether the majority of the sample had presented in Table 1. Of the 20 studies, 10 were from the
experienced maltreatment. In these cases, authors were con- US, five from Europe, two from Africa, two from Asia and one
tacted for further clarification. If no reply was received within from South America. Fifteen studies were RCTs and five stud-
1 month, the study was excluded. This left a total of 20 studies ies were non-randomized controlled trials (see Table 1 for spe-
that were eligible for inclusion. Two of these studies were cific references). Two of the studies used a matched control
longer-term follow-ups of past trials, of which one (Jensen group who received no treatment (Hamama et al., 2011; Razuri
et al., 2017) was a follow-up for a paper where the original et al., 2016), four studies utilized a TAU control group
trial publication is also in this review, and the other (Mannarino (Auslander et al., 2017; Brillantes-Evangelista, 2013; Jensen
et al., 2012) reported on a follow-up of an original trial that was et al., 2014; Murray et al., 2015), six studies included a waitlist
included in the Leenarts et al. (2013) review. Of the 18 original control (Barron et al., 2017; Carpenter et al., 2016; Church
samples, there were 2,714 participants. et al., 2012; Goldbeck et al., 2016; O’Callaghan et al., 2013;
Shein-Szydlo et al., 2016) and seven studies used an active
Data Extraction and Quality Assessment intervention as a comparison group (Bartlett et al., 2018; Dietz
et al., 2012; Foa et al., 2013; Gosh Ippen et al., 2011;
Data extraction forms were developed to retrieve information Mannarino et al., 2012; Overbeek et al., 2013; Pernebo et al.,
regarding publication details, study design, sample character- 2018). Further details on the study comparison conditions are
istics, maltreatment characteristics, outcome measures, inter- presented in Table 1.
vention and comparator characteristics, outcomes and
limitations. Full details of included studies are presented in
supplementary materials. The quality of studies was assessed
Sample Description
using the Cochrane collaboration’s risk of bias tool version 2 Nature of sample. Details of key study characteristics are pre-
(ROB-2; Higgins et al., 2016) or, where appropriate, the risk of sented in Table 1. Across all included studies, participants were
bias in nonrandomized studies—of interventions (ROBINS-I; aged 3–18 years old and were predominantly female (62%).
Sterne et al., 2016). ROB-2 assesses bias resulting from five Most studies (75%) included children six years old and over
domains: randomization process, deviations from intended only. Eight studies recruited teenagers only (aged 12–18 years).
interventions, missing outcome data, measurement of the out- Two studies focused on school-aged children (aged 4–13), with
come and selection of the reported result. Each of these the mean ages of 9–11 years old (when reported), and one
domains is judged on a 3-point rating scale: “low risk of bias,” focused exclusively on pre-school children (age < 5 years). Six
“some concerns” or “high risk of bias.” ROBINS-I has seven studies had a wide age range including both children and teen-
domains, with those domains from ROB-2 (except randomiza- agers (see Table 1 for references). Four studies had all-female
tion process) and three additional domains of bias: samples, while only one study had an entirely male sample.
confounding variables, selection of participants into the study Nine studies reported a majority of participants who
pre-intervention and classification of intervention. Each self-identified as White or Caucasian, three reported majority
domain is judged as “low risk,” “moderate risk,” “serious risk,” of participants who identified as Black, one reported majority
“critical risk” or “no information.” Studies judged as low risk Hispanic and one majority Latino or White/Latino. Six studies
are comparable to a well-conducted RCT in that domain, while did not describe the ethnicity of the sample (see Table 1).
those judged as critical risk are considered too problematic to
provide useful evidence about the effect of the intervention. Nature of maltreatment. Studies included a range of different
Papers were assessed for quality according to information types of maltreatment with 74% of studies (n ¼ 14 of 19;
Table 1. Overview of Study Design and Characteristics.

Authors, Country, Focal Intervention Measure
Design Participant Details Maltreatment Details Control Details PTSD Measure Timepoints

Auslander et al. (2017) N ¼ 27 Welfare History of abuse and neglect CBITS—Girls Aspiring TAU Self-report: CPSS Baseline; 3 m
USA Children Child protective services report toward Independence In-home therapy, post; 6 m F/U
RCT 12–18 years 10 sessions (90 mins) outpatient mental
(M ¼ 14.65) CBT Group health clinic services,
100% Females Parent—two sessions and school-based
44.4% Black counseling
Barron et al. (2017) N ¼ 17 Juveniles in Traumatic Events M ¼ 8.47 The Children and War WL Self-report: Baseline
Scotland secure (Range 4–12) Foundation’s Teaching Trauma SUDS (2w pre); Post
RCT accommodation Sexual abuse (71%) Physical abuse (88%) Physical Recovery Techniques CRIES-13 (2w after)
14–18 years assault (100%) DV (71%) Witness DV (47%) (TRT) ADES
(M ¼ 15.05) Neglect (59%) Emotional abuse (41%) 14 sessions (40 mins)
64.7% Females Trauma History Interview Twice weekly
100% Caucasian CBT-based Group

N ¼ 839 Physical Abuse, Neglect, Caregiver Impairment ARC; M ¼ 29 sessions TF-CBT Interview: PTSD-RI Baseline; 6 m;
Bartlett et al. (2018) 0–18 years (M ¼ 5 traumas) Individual M ¼ 21 sessions Caregiver 12 m; 18 m
USA (M ¼ 9.14) Child Welfare CPP; M ¼ 16 sessions Individual self-report:
Cohort Control 53.9% Females Individual & Parent YCPC
70.31% White
Brillantes- N ¼ 33 from shelters Physically and sexually abused ¼>1 year ago Visual Arts or Poetry No treatment Self-report: CROPS Baseline; Mid;
Evangelista(2013) 13–18 years No information 8 sessions (3 h) (optional access to Post
Philippines 63.6% Females Weekly activities/counseling
Quasi-Experiment Group in shelters)

Carpenter et al. (2016) N ¼ 242 Contact sexual abuse Letting the future in WL Clinical Status Baseline;
England 6–16 years M ¼ 6.9 age for onset 20 sessions M ¼ 15 Self-report: 6 m F/U;
RCT (M ¼ 10.7) Nearly 60% 2þ times Varied frequency TSCC 12 m F/U
75% Female 25% 65% intra familial, 35% extra familiar, 80% single Individual Parental
Male perpetrator, 58% adult perpetrator Parent—conjoint self-report:
9% BME >50% older children and 33.3% younger children TSCYC
17% Disabled experienced 3þ types of abuse including physical,
12% “looked after” verbal & sexual abuse at home and bullying by
other children
Caregiver & child completed Juvenile
Victimization Questionnaire. Interviews
by practitioners to obtain details of sexual abuse.


Table 1. (continued)

Authors, Country, Focal Intervention Measure
Design Participant Details Maltreatment Details Control Details PTSD Measure Timepoints

Church et al. (2012) N ¼ 16 Juveniles Physical or psychologically abused at home— Emotion Freedom WL Self-report: Baseline; 30 days
Peru 12–17 years neglect/sexual abuse. Technique (EFT) IES later
RCT (M ¼ 13.9) Residential treatment facility—ordered by judge 1 session
100% Malesa if parents have history of maltreating their Individual

Dietz et al. (2012) N ¼ 153 from child Sexual Abuse Storytelling—dogs (DWS) No storytelling—dogs Self-report: TSCC Baseline; Post
USA advocacy center 81% Adult Perpetrator 12 sessions (DNS)
Controlled Trial 7–17 years 62% 1–2 times Group Storytelling—no
(M ¼ 10.97–11.63) >20% 5þ times, dogs (SND)
93.5% Females 50% <6 m duration
43.1% Hispanic Validated cases

Foa et al. (2013) N ¼ 61 Sexual Abuse PET Supportive Interview: CPSS-I, Baseline; Mid;
USA 13–18 years Interview—screening by counselor at rape 14 sessions Counseling (SC) K-SADS Post; 3 m F/U;
RCT (M ¼ 15–15.7) center (60–90 mins) Self-report: CPSS 6 m F/U;
100% Female Weekly 12 m F/U
55.7% Black Individual
57% ¼ 1þ comorbid
Goldbeck et al. (2016) N ¼ 159 Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assaults, Physical Violence TF-CBT WL (4 m) Interview: Baseline; Post
Germany 7–17 years or Witnessing DV 12 sessions (90 mins) CAPS-CA
RCT (M ¼ 13.03) 76.7% Interpersonal Trauma Interview Weekly Self-report:
71.7% Females Individual PTSD-RI child
89.9% German Parent—parallel and PTSD-RI
Native conjoint caregiver

Gosh Ippen et al. N ¼ 75 Physical abuse (29.3%) CPP TAU Interview: Baseline;
(2011) 3–5 years Sexual abuse (12%) 50 sessions (60 min) Individual PTSD-SSI Post (1y)
USA (M ¼ 4.06) Witnessing DV (97.3%) M ¼ 32 Psychotherapy plus CAPS-CA
RCT 52% Females Neglect (5%) Weekly case management
38.7% Mixed Mothers report CTS-2 Parent—conjoint (30mins monthly
Ethnicity (Latino/ calls)

Hamama et al. (2011) N ¼ 18 Physical or Sexual Abuse History (3–4 years before Canine Assisted Therapy No treatment Self-report: PCL Baseline; Post
Israel 14–16 years study) 12 sessions (3 h)
Cohort Control 100% Femalesa Identified by school counselor Weekly
Table 1. (continued)

Authors, Country, Focal Intervention Measure
Design Participant Details Maltreatment Details Control Details PTSD Measure Timepoints

Jensen et al. (2014) N ¼ 156 Family violence, physical and sexual abuse and other TF-CBT TAU Interview: Baseline; Mid;
USA 10–18 years non-abuse traumas (accident, natural disaster, 12–15 sessions Individual CAPS-CA Post
RCT (M ¼ 15.1) sudden death of close person, robbed) Individual psychological Self-report: CPSS 12 m F/U,
Jensen et al. (2017) 79.5% Female 49.7% DV or physical abuse as target trauma but Parent—parallel and interventions Self-report: CPSS 18 m F/U
73.7% Norwegian endorsed by more conjoint deemed most
N ¼ 143 Checklist based on Traumatic Events Screening appropriate by
Inventory for Children. therapists
Mannarino et al. (2012) N ¼ 158 Sexual abuse TF-CBT (narrative) TF-CBT (no narrative) Interview:
USA 4–11 years 61% experienced contact/penetration, 8 vs. 16 sessions 8 vs. 16 K-SADS
RCT M ¼ 7.60 42% Adults Perpetrators (30 mins)
62% Females Verified by independent child abuse professional Weekly
65% Caucasian Individual
Parent—parallel and
conjoint (30 min)
Murray et al. (2015) N ¼ 257 OVC Physical Abuse (M ¼ 5 traumas) TF-CBT TAU Self-report: Baseline; Post
Zambia 5–18 years 70% Physically Abused 10–16 sessions Support groups, PTSD-RI
RCT (M ¼ 13.66) 65% Witnessed DV (60–90 mins) counseling,
48.1%–51.6% 17% Sexually Abused Weekly education, medical
Females PTSD-RI Individual support, weekly
45.8%–46.8% Other Parent—conjoint phone calls and
31%–32.1% Bemba monthly visit to
assess safety
O’Callaghan et al. N ¼ 52 war affected Witnessed or personal experience of rape or sexual TF-CBT WL Self-report: PTSD Baseline; Post;
(2013) 12–17 years abuse 15 sessions (60 mins) RI 3 m F/U
North Kivu 100% Femalesa Traumatic Life Events Questionnaire Weekly
RCT Group plus caregiver
Overbeek et al. (2013) N ¼ 155 DV ¼>1 psychological or physical violence in last “it’s my turn now!” “you belong” Self-report; Baseline; Post;
Netherlands 6–12 years year. 6.9 events of psychological maltreatment by 9 sessions (90 mins) Non-specific TSCC 6 m F/U
RCT (M ¼ 9.22) parent and 13.4 by partner. 0.45 physical CBT Group intervention Group Parental
44.5% Females maltreatment by parent and 3.62 by partner. Parent—parallel Self-report;
92.9% Netherland Duration in abusive relationship M ¼ 10.87 sessions TSCYC
native Continued contact with abusive partner 61.4%
Report from police/child protection agency.
Parent-Child CTS

Table 1. (continued)

Authors, Country, Focal Intervention Measure
Design Participant Details Maltreatment Details Control Details PTSD Measure Timepoints

Pernebo et al. (2018) N ¼ 50 100% DV and 62% Physical Abuse CAMHS psychotherapy “Children are People Parental Baseline; Post
Sweden 4–13 years Mother report on revised CTS Group Too” Program Self-report:
Quasi-experiment (M ¼ 7.4) Psychoeducation TSCYC
48% Femalesa Community
12–15 Sessions
(90 mins)

Razuri et al. (2016) N ¼ 304 adopted 78.1–82% Neglect TBRI No treatment— Parental Baseline; Post
USA children 37.5%–43.8% Physical Abuse Trauma informed matched group Self-report:
RCT 5–12 years 16.4%–25% Sexual Abuse parenting TSCYC
(M ¼ 8.15) Adoptive parental reports 18 online modules
50% Females (20–30mins) over 30d
Hispanic/Latino Individual

Shein-Szydlo et al. N ¼ 100 street 56% Sexual Abuse, 47% Physical Abuse, TF-CBT WL Self-report: Baseline; Post;
(2016) children 18% Witness Violent Event Individual PTSD-RI 3 m F/U
Mexico 12–18 years 35% >1 Traumatic Event Weekly (12  60mins) CPSS
RCT (M ¼ 14.89) DISC
64% Femalesa
Note. ADES ¼ The Adolescents Dissociative Experiences Scale; CRIES-13 ¼ Children’s Revised Impact of Events Scale; SUDS ¼ Subjective Units of Distress; RCT ¼ Randomized Controlled Trial; M ¼ Mean; N ¼ Sample
Number; F/U ¼ Follow Up; CPSS ¼ Child PTSD Symptom Scale; PTSD ¼ Post-traumatic Stress Disorder; m ¼ Month; w ¼ Week; h ¼ Hours; d ¼ Days; DV ¼ Domestic Violence; WL ¼ Waitlist; CROPS ¼ Child Report
of Posttraumatic Symptoms; PTSD-RI ¼ Posttraumatic Stress Disorder—Reaction Index; YCPC ¼ Young Child PTSD Checklist; CPP ¼ Child Parent Psychotherapy; TF-CBT ¼ Trauma Focused Cognitive Bbehavioral
Therapy; BME ¼ Black & Minority Ethnic Background; TSCC ¼ Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children; TSCYC ¼ Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children; K-SADS ¼ Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and
Schizophrenia; TAU ¼ Treatment As Usual; CPSS-I ¼ Child PTSD Symptom Scale Interview; CAPS-CA ¼ Clinician Administered PTSD scale for Children and Adolescents; CPP ¼ Child Parent Psychotherapy;
PCL ¼ PTSD Checklist Civilian Version; CTS ¼ Conflict Tactics Scale; CBT ¼ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; DISC ¼ Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children; ARC ¼ Attachment, Self-regulation, and Competency;
OVC ¼ Orphans/Vulnerable Children; IES ¼ Impact of Event Scale; TBRI ¼ Trust Based Relational Intervention; CAMHS ¼ Child and Adolescent Mental Health; PET ¼ Prolonged Exposure Therapy; SC ¼ Supportive
Counseling; PTSD-SSI ¼ PTSD Semi Structured Interview.
Ethnicity details absent due to paper not providing information. b One group received more intensely thrice weekly (120 mins)
Bennett et al. 9

excluding the Jensen et al. follow-up study) explicitly reporting delivered as groups, and one delivered the intervention online
that the sample had experienced more than one form of mal- (see Table 1 for details and references). Due to the heteroge-
treatment. Four studies reported sexual abuse as the primary neity between studies and study designs, we have discussed the
form of maltreatment and one study reported exposure to findings grouped by the focal intervention. Findings for
domestic violence (DV) as the primary type (see Table 1). Of individual studies are displayed in Table 2.
the 14 studies reporting more than one form of maltreatment,
two specifically referred to psychological/emotional abuse
alongside another form of abuse (see Table 1). The majority
of studies assessed maltreatment through interviews or check-
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Interventions
lists (n ¼ 13 of 19), five studies had maltreatment verified by Trauma-focused CBT. TF-CBT was evaluated in six studies
child protection services, judge orders or reports, and one study (Bartlett et al., 2018; Goldbeck et al., 2016; Jensen et al.,
had no information on how maltreatment history was obtained 2014; Murray et al., 2015; O’Callaghan et al., 2013;
(Brillantes-Evangelista, 2013; Table 1). Shein-Syzdlo et al., 2016) with two further included studies
evaluating longer term effects through follow up (Jensen
Method of PTSD measurement. Most studies (n ¼ 14 of 20) et al., 2017; Mannarino et al., 2012). The number of sessions
measured PTSD symptoms solely through self-report. The top ranged from 8–21 (M ¼ 14 sessions) and duration ranged from
three most commonly used measures were: Trauma Symptom 60–90 minutes per session. Five of the studies included care-
Checklist for Young Children (TSCYC; Briere, 2005, n ¼ 4), givers in the intervention either through parallel or conjoint
PTSD Reaction Index (PTSD-RI; Steinberg et al., 2004, n ¼ 4) sessions, although in one it was explicitly stated that most
and the Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS; Foa et al., 2001, n invited caregivers did not attend the intervention (Murray
¼ 5). All self-report measures in the included studies were et al., 2015). Three studies compared TF-CBT to treatment as
validated self-report measures of PTSD symptoms, although usual conditions (Bartlett et al., 2018; Jensen et al., 2014;
one study appeared to have used an adult-version of the scale Murray et al., 2015), which consisted of child parent psy-
(Impact of Events Scale). Two studies solely used structured chotherapy (CPP), Attachment, Self-regulation, and Compe-
diagnostic interviews. Four studies used a combination of tency (ARC) program, counseling, support groups, and
self-report measures and diagnostic interview (see Table 1 for “psychological therapy as usual” (see Table 1).
references). The most commonly used diagnostic interviews In all studies, post-treatment effect sizes and within paper
were the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizo- analyses showed TF-CBT to be the superior intervention,
phrenia (K-SADS; Kaufman et al., 1997, n ¼ 2) and Clinician although in some cases effect sizes were small (detailed further
Administered PTSD Scale for Children and Adolescents below). An exception to this was a study by Bartlett et al.
(CAPS-CA; Nader et al., 1996, n ¼ 3). All studies employed (2018), where TF-CBT was compared to ARC, and both treat-
the same measures across control and treatment groups but ments improved PTSD symptoms at a similar rate
those with a wide age range utilized different measures accord- (post-treatment between group effects not provided, within
ing to age (e.g., caregiver versions for young children, rather group pre-post treatment effects of d ¼ 0.68 for self-reported
than child or adolescent versions; full details in Table 1). Two PTSD severity in ARC and d ¼ 0.53 in TF-CBT). Overall,
studies measured PTSD solely through parental reports between group effect sizes comparing TF-CBT and control
(Pernebo et al., 2018; Razuri et al., 2016). Eight studies interventions post-treatment were reported for five of the six
included a further follow up after the post-intervention assess- studies and ranged from d ¼ 0.44–2.57 for self-report mea-
ment, with time frames ranging from 3 to 18 months sures, representing a small to large effect on PTSD symptoms
post-treatment. in favor of TF-CBT (see Table 1 for further details on compar-
ison conditions). Only one study had delivered TF-CBT in
Interventions. Information on the focal intervention for each group format and found a large effect size (d ¼ 1.99), suggest-
paper are presented in Table 1. Intervention length varied from ing that TF-CBT can be effective when delivered in a group
1–50 sessions (see Table 1). The majority of studies (n ¼ 11 of (compared to WL control; O’Callaghan et al., 2013). However,
19) delivered interventions underpinned by cognitive beha- the sample size may be considered somewhat small for
vioral theory (see Table 1). Of these, six studies delivered between group comparisons and conclusions on effectiveness
TF-CBT, two delivered exposure therapy and three delivered (N ¼ 52). The sample was also focused on females who had
general CBT interventions that incorporated elements of been sexually exploited and were victims of war. Between
TF-CBT. Of the remaining studies (n ¼ 8), two studies deliv- group effect sizes for PTSD symptoms assessed via diagnostic
ered Child Parent Psychotherapy, although one also delivered interviews post-treatment (n ¼ 2 studies) ranged from
TF-CBT as comparison intervention (see Table 1). Two studies d ¼ 0.44–0.46, representing small significant effects, favoring
provided animal assisted psychotherapy, one combined TF-CBT (Goldbeck et al., 2016; Jensen et al., 2014). Of those
TF-CBT with play and drama therapy, one employed art ther- studies that used a diagnostic interview, a greater percentage of
apy, one assessed unspecified psychotherapy, and one assessed those in the TF-CBT than control groups lost the diagnosis of
a trauma informed attachment-based parenting intervention. PTSD at end of treatment (77.8% vs. 54.8% in Jensen et al.,
Ten delivered interventions in individual format, eight were 2017 and 44.7% vs. 28.9% in Goldbeck et al., 2016).
Table 2. Overview of Study Findings.

Between Group Between Group

Effect Size at Effect Size at Fol-
Study Post-Treatment low Up Key Additional PTSD Findings from Papers Limitations

Auslander et al. d ¼ 0.77 d ¼ 0.57 40% of CBT group in clinical range post treatment Small sample size; only females; feasibility study with
(2017) (36% at 6 m follow up) vs 70% of those in usual care descriptive statistics; confounding variables not
(67% at follow up). measured—severity of child maltreatment, medication
and use of UC between groups.
Barron et al. (2017) d ¼ 0.36 (PTSD total Small sample size; low power; WL group indirectly exposed
symptoms) to intervention information as in same facility; limited
program fidelity observed.
PTSD-RI Parent Severity Lack of no treatment control group; groups not randomly
Bartlett et al. 6 m: assigned—age differences between groups; no
(2018) d ¼ 0.20 (ARC) d ¼ 0.35 (TF-CBT) procedures to evaluate treatment adherence and
12 m: optimum number of treatment sessions not received;
d ¼ 0.46 (ARC) d ¼ 0.30 (TF-CBT) small sample size for CPP; unblinded assessors; high
PTSD-RI Child Severity number of clinicians to did not complete discharge
6m assessments; high level of missing data means findings may
d ¼ 0.38 (ARC) d ¼ 0.62 (TF-CBT) under-represent those who terminated treatment.
12 m
d ¼ 0.68 (ARC) d ¼ 0.53 (TF-CBT)
YCPC Severity
d ¼ 0.46 (ARC) d ¼ 0.33 (TF-CBT) NR (CPP)
12 m
NR (ARC) d ¼ 0.80 (TF-CBT)
Brillantes- d ¼ 0.74 Interventions not designed by certified art therapists; use of
Evangelista(2013) (Poetry vs. Control) quasi-experimental design; effect sizes not reported for
d ¼ 0.90 some analyses; group allocation not random—groups may
(VA vs. Control) differ in demographics as information not reported.
d ¼ 0.05 (Poetry vs. VA)

Carpenter et al. ITT: Letting the future in > WL at 6 m F/U on TSCC Younger children still receiving intervention at 6-month F/U;
(2016) No significant different between groups at 6 m F/U on lack of control group as WL group begun treatment by
TSCYC (caregiver) total score. Clinical scores reduced at 6-month F/U; outcomes not available for all cases;
6 m F/U for older children in letting the right future in but assessors not blind; relatively short F/U period.
increased after. No significant difference in scores over
time between groups when controlling for baseline
Church et al. (2012) d ¼ 8.54 (IES total) EFT group no longer in clinical range whereas WL were. WL does not control for characteristics of active
treatments; no procedures to evaluate treatment
adherence; assessors unblinded; lack of F/U; adult
measure of PTSD used.
Table 2. (continued)

Between Group Between Group

Effect Size at Effect Size at Fol-
Study Post-Treatment low Up Key Additional PTSD Findings from Papers Limitations

Dietz et al. (2012) d ¼ 0.33 (DNS vs. SND) Allocation to groups not random; lack of no treatment
d ¼ 0.29 control group; baseline differences existed between
(DWS vs. SND) groups—PTSD higher in DWS; Impossible to distinguish
d ¼ 0.07 therapist effects by using different therapists and dogs for
(DWS vs. DNS) each group.
Foa et al. (2013) d ¼ 1.01 (CPSS-I) d ¼ 0.81 CPSS-I within group (baseline to post): d ¼ 2.72 (PET) Results only generalizable to specific group—sexually
(CPSS-I 12 m) d ¼ 1.71 (SC) abused females.
CPSS-I within group (baseline to F/U): d ¼ 2.67 (PET)
d ¼ 1.87 (SC)
Goldbeck et al. d ¼ 0.44 (CAPS-CA, 4 m) CAPS-CA within group (baseline to post): d ¼ 1.51 No active control group to control for attention; lack of F/U;
(2016) d ¼ 0.44 (PTSD-RI (TF-CBT) d ¼ 0.88 (WL) number of index events differed between groups.
child, 4 m) UCLA child within group:
d ¼ 0.46 (PTSD-RI d ¼ 1.20 (TF-CBT) d ¼ 0.79 (WL)
caregiver, 4 m) UCLA parent within group:
d ¼ 0.77 (TF-CBT) d ¼ 0.28 (WL)
Gosh Ippen et al. d ¼ 0.22 (<4TSE) Reduced PTSD diagnosis rates for 4þ TSE in CPP (5%) Small sample size; reliance on maternal report for measure
(2011) d ¼ 1.65 (4þ TSE) compared to UC (53%). of PTSD; restricted F/U period; arbitrary dichotomization
of <4 and 4þ as <4 TSE group typically had 2þ so might
be different for 1 TSE.
Hamama et al. d ¼ 0.42 Within group (change): Small sample size; baseline differences existed between
(2011) d ¼ 1.12 (canine therapy) groups—PTSD severity and exposure to traumatic
d ¼ 0.08 (control) events.

Jensen et al. (2014) d ¼ 0.50 (CPSS) CPSS: CPSS (within group change): Unable to control for therapist effects; majority of sample
Jensen et al. d ¼ 0.55 (fCPSS) d ¼ 0.17 (12 m) d ¼ 1.27 (TAU) d ¼ 1.92 (TF-CBT) female; high attrition rate at follow up (50%); restricted to
(2017) d ¼ 0.46 (CAPS-CA) d ¼ 0.25 (18 m) CAPS-CA (within group change) self-report questionnaires at F/U; relatively little ethnic
d ¼ 0.88 (TAU) d ¼ 1.49 (TF-CBT) diversity in sample.
At 18 m significantly fewer ppts in TF-CBT scored above
clinical cut off on CPSS compared to TAU.
Mannarino et al. d ¼ 0.44*1 60% decrease at Small sample size; results only generalizable to young
(2012) 12 m meeting children who have experienced sexual abuse and in stable
diagnostic criteria. home; unable to administer some measures due to age of
sample; measure may not be sensitive to differences
between two active treatments; children exposed to all
groups experienced some trauma exposure.
Murray et al. (2015) d ¼ 2.39 (PTSDRI 38 item) *2 Lack of F/U; single blind—participants aware of intervention
d ¼ 2.57 (PTSDRI 20 item) *2 received; few caregivers attended sessions; PTSD
d ¼ 0.34 (functional impairment) *2 measure validated in Zambia with sexual abuse sample not
Adjusted model (controlling for time between physical abuse.
assessment, primary caretaker, school status): d ¼ 2.41
(Total PTS) d ¼ 0.26 (Functional impairment)

Table 2. (continued)

Between Group Between Group

Effect Size at Effect Size at Fol-
Study Post-Treatment low Up Key Additional PTSD Findings from Papers Limitations

O’Callaghan et al. d ¼ 1.99 Within group total PTS: Use of self-report measures; small sample size; may not
(2013) d ¼ 2.04 (baseline to 3 m F/U) generalize outside of urban setting with existing
d ¼ 0.31 (post to 3 m F/U) vocational support available; no comparison with
alternative active treatment.
Overbeek et al. d ¼ 0.18 (parent d ¼ 0.07 (parent Exposure to DV may be double counted by measure used;
(2013) reported) reported) lack of no treatment control group. Control group had
d ¼ 0.22 (child d ¼ 0.02 (child higher mean levels of PTSD symptoms at baseline.
reported) reported)

Pernebo et al. d ¼ 0.68 (Total PTS) TSCYC Total within (pre to post): Lack of no treatment control group; lack of F/U; small
(2018) Community intervention, d ¼ 0.35 sample size; attendance rates not reported;
CAMHS intervention, d ¼ 0.47 heterogeneous population; baseline differences between
groups—CAMHS group greater percentage in clinical
range; use of imaginal exposure and memory processes
minor in both interventions.
Razuri et al. (2016) d ¼ 0.08 Caregiver reports PTS intrusion, avoidance, arousal, total Volunteer sample of adoptive parents may not be
severity and dissociation decreased in TBRI* but not representative; use of parent self-report who were
control. unblinded to intervention received; lack of F/U; restricted
information on samples pre-adoption experience.
Shein-Szydlo et al. d ¼ 1.73 (PTSD-RI) WL does not control for characteristics of active
(2016) d ¼ 1.47 (CPSS) Scores in CBT group 3 m F/U remained stable from post interventions; use of self-report and single informant; no
intervention (70% retention). Clinician ratings (blinded) F/U for those who left the institution; remaining at
61.2% much/very much improved in CBT and 4.1% of institution may influence F/U scores as provided safety.
those in WL.
Note. TSCC ¼ Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children; TSCYC ¼ Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children; PTS ¼ Post Traumatic Symptoms; F/U ¼ Follow Up; CAMHS ¼ Child Adolescent Mental Health Service;
DWS ¼ Dogs With Stories; DNS ¼ Dogs No Stories; SND ¼ Stories No Dogs; WL ¼ Waitlist; VA ¼ Visual Arts Group; TSE ¼ Traumatic and Stressful Life Events; CPP ¼ Child Parent Psychotherapy; ITT ¼ Intention To
Treat; PET ¼ Prolonged Exposure Therapy; SC ¼ Supportive Counseling; CPSS-I ¼ Child PTSD Symptom Scale Interview; TF-CBT ¼ Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; CBT ¼ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy;
TBRI ¼ Trust Based Relational Intervention; IES ¼ Impact of Event Scale; SUDS ¼ Subjective Units of Distress Scale; GAIN ¼ Girls Aspiring Toward Independence; TAU ¼ Treatment As Usual; PTSD-RI ¼ Posttraumatic
Stress Disorder Reaction Index; TN ¼ Trauma Narrative; ARC ¼ Attachment, Self-regulation, and Competency; YCPC ¼ Young Child PTSD Checklist; CPSS ¼ Child PTSD Symptom Scale; m ¼ Months; UC ¼ Usual
Care; NR ¼ Not Reported; N.S. ¼ Not Significant; d ¼ Cohens Effect Size; CAPS-CA ¼ Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for Children and Adolescents; DV ¼ Domestic Violence.
*Significant *1Taken from original trial. *2Mean change between group effect size calculated by dividing mean change different by pooled baseline standard deviation.
Bennett et al. 13

Given variation in effect sizes between studies, it is worth the control group. While these studies all showed group-based
noting that the studies assessed as at lowest risk of bias (see interventions drawing on CBT-techniques were feasible and
supplementary materials) found a small effect size from both potentially promising for maltreatment-related PTSD, effect
diagnostic interview and self-report (d ¼ 0.44–0.46) in favor of sizes were small and often non-significant, and the quality of all
TF-CBT compared with WL (Goldbeck et al., 2016), and small three studies prevented definite conclusions.
to medium effect sizes (d ¼ 0.46–0.55) when TF-CBT was
compared to TAU (see Table 1 for details of TAU; Jensen
et al., 2014). The study with the largest effect size
(Shein-Syzdlo et al., 2016) used self-report measures only as Exposure Therapy
an outcome and was also conducted in a low-middle income Exposure therapy was evaluated in two studies, both of which
country where TF-CBT was compared to waitlist. were RCTs. Church et al. (2012) found that a single 1-hour
Four studies investigated whether treatment effects were session of exposure therapy was substantially more effective at
maintained at follow-up (Jensen et al., 2017; Mannarino reducing PTSD symptoms than a WL comparison (d ¼ 8.54;
et al., 2012; O’Callaghan et al., 2013; Shein-Syzdlo et al., large effect). Foa et al. (2013) found that prolonged exposure
2016). Results presented in these papers suggested symptom therapy (PET) was more effective than supportive counseling
reductions were maintained at 3-month and 12-month in improving PTSD based on clinician’s ratings post treatment
follow-ups (see Table 2). However, a between group (d ¼ 1.01; large effect) and at follow up (d ¼ 0.81).
post-treatment effect size could only be calculated for one Self-reported PTSD severity was lower post-treatment and at
study (d ¼ 0.17–0.25; Jensen et al., 2017). Here, at the 12-month follow up in PET than supportive counseling, with
18-month follow-up, those who received TF-CBT were less significantly more individuals in the PET group (83.3% vs.
likely to score above clinical cut offs than TAU, and this dif- 54%) having lost the diagnosis of PTSD. Church et al. (2012)
ference was not significant (Jensen et al., 2017). As can be had an all-male adolescent sample living in an institution for
typical in long-term follow-ups, these studies all experienced abused children and Foa et al. (2013) had an all-female sample
high attrition rates resulting in small sample sizes with low of sexually abused adolescents, therefore findings may not be
power and potential confounders (e.g., safety away from abuse) generalizable (e.g., to younger children). The findings are pro-
at follow-up. mising given that both studies are of reasonable methodologi-
cal quality, although sample size may be considered somewhat
General CBT. Three studies evaluated more general CBT inter- small for between group comparisons or definitive conclusions
ventions. All three incorporated elements of TF-CBT (e.g., psy-
on effectiveness (N ¼ 51 and N ¼ 61; see supplementary mate-
choeducation, coping and expressing emotions) but two were
rials for quality ratings).
more closely aligned using Cognitive Behavioral Intervention
for Trauma in Schools (CBITS; Auslander et al., 2017) and
psychoeducation, coping strategies, and brief exposure (Barron
et al., 2017). All three studies were RCTs and delivered the Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
intervention in group formats (9–14 sessions lasting 40–90 min- Two studies evaluated CPP, an intervention approach focused
utes). All three reported reduction in PTSD symptoms for the on improving the parent-child attachment relationship (Bartlett
CBT group, however post-treatment between group effect sizes
et al., 2018; Gosh Ippen et al., 2011). One study found that CPP
were often small and non-significant. In Barron et al. (2017), the
was more effective in reducing rates of PTSD among treatment
reduction in PTSD symptoms in the focal treatment was
completers than individual psychotherapy in pre-school chil-
non-significant, and the post-treatment between group effect
dren who experienced 4þ traumatic events (d ¼ 1.65; large
small and non-significant (WL comparison). In this study, the
effect), however the difference between treatment groups in
quality assessment identified some concerns of risk of indirect
those who experienced fewer than 4 events was small and
exposure to the intervention in the comparison group, which
non-significant (d ¼ 0.22; Gosh Ippen et al., 2011). These
may have reduced any effect of the focus intervention, while a
results must be interpreted in light of the paucity of information
key issue was also that the study was substantially
under-powered. Auslander et al. (2017) demonstrated a medium to determine whether assessors were blind to intervention
effect post-treatment (d ¼ 0.77) compared to usual care, favor- received (see supplementary materials for quality ratings).
ing CBT. They found that 29% of the CBITS group no longer Again, the sample size may also be considered relatively mod-
scored in the clinical range (baseline to 6-month follow up) est (N ¼ 75). Bartlett et al. (2018) compared CPP to TF-CBT
compared to 3% in TAU. Finally, Overbeek et al. (2013) com- and ARC, delivered within community-based trauma treatment
pared a group programme focused on coping and emotions to a centers. They found TF-CBT and ARC were both superior to
non-specific therapy active control group intervention and found CPP (see Table 2). Of note, while this study had a wide age
comparative effects at post-test (d ¼ 0.18–0.22; small effect; see range (0–18 years old), most children who received CPP were
Table 2) and follow up (d ¼ 0.02–0.07; small effect). In this aged 3 years old or younger, while almost all who received
paper, direct post-treatment comparison between the two inter- TF-CBT or ARC were older, making direct comparisons
ventions was difficult, as at baseline symptoms were higher in difficult.
14 Child Maltreatment XX(X)

Animal Therapy Interventions avoidance/numbing and arousal decreased at 6 months for both
ARC and TF-CBT, however only TF-CBT was associated with
Two studies evaluated animal assisted psychotherapy, both of
improvement in avoidance/numbing and decreased total symp-
which were non-randomized control studies. CBT components
toms of PTSD at 12 months. Pernebo et al. (2018) compared a
are part of the intervention in both studies: “safe place” ima-
group trauma focused psychotherapy intervention in a child
gery and sharing feelings with others (Hamama et al., 2011)
and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) which
and disclosing abuse stories and related feelings (Dietz et al.,
consisted of exercises, dialogue and play to explore themes
2012). Hamama et al. (2011) compared canine-assisted psy-
pertinent to family violence and the outcomes to a psychoedu-
chotherapy to no treatment. While they reported a small
cation community-based group intervention. The psychoeduca-
non-significant effect size (d ¼ 0.42), favoring the treatment,
tion intervention focused on education in violence, family
the small sample size (N ¼ 18) makes comparisons statistically
relationships/communication and feelings/responses. The
inappropriate. Dietz et al. (2012), explored three conditions
CAMHS intervention reduced total post trauma symptoms
with a sample size of 153 7–17 year olds and compared no
(d ¼ 0.68; large) more than the community-based intervention,
dogs (the standard service therapy program, with topics and
however this does not account for baseline differences in total
activities related to struggles for survivors of sexual abuse),
PTSD symptoms between the groups. The authors report that
storytelling with dogs (therapeutic stories about the dogs and
interventions did not differ in effectiveness except for the
topics related to difficulties for survivors of sexual abuse), and
subscales of anger and dissociation, where larger reductions
dogs without story telling (same therapy format as “no dogs,”
were found in the CAMHS psychotherapy intervention
but with dogs present). They found storytelling with dogs was
(d ¼ 0.73–0.75). The authors concluded that the intervention
marginally more effective than their standard therapy without
(15 weeks) was more favorable for younger children exposed to
dogs (d ¼ 0.29; small effect) and compared to the dogs without
domestic violence with higher PTSD symptoms at baseline.
storytelling (d ¼ 0.07; small effect). Both studies were rated as
One study compared “Letting The Future In” (LTFI) interven-
being at serious risk of bias in at least one domain (see supple-
tion which combined components of attachment, psychodrama,
mentary material). Neither utilized a gold standard treatment as
play therapy and TF-CBT (Carpenter et al., 2016) with a wait-
a comparison group or randomization.
list (WL) control. The study did not report between group
effect sizes but found significant improvements in
Art Therapy Interventions self-reported PTSD at 6-month follow up in LTFI group. How-
One study evaluated eight sessions of a creative art intervention ever, at 12-month follow up there was a greater increase in
(Brillantes-Evangelista, 2013). Both the visual arts group clinical scores among older children in LTFI group than WL.
(d ¼ 0.90; large effect) and poetry group (d ¼ 0.74; large While the study has high ecological validity, it also has a high
effect) were superior at reducing PTSD symptoms post treat- risk of bias due to the WL group beginning interventions before
ment than the control group (no treatment). However, the study measurements were taken for the intervention group. Given
was assessed as at substantial risk of bias, due to serious meth- that LTFI integrates interventions including TF-CBT, future
odological issues, including a lack of randomization and inap- research might seek to understand if the program offers addi-
propriate statistical power for the quantitative analyses (see tional benefit to standard TF-CBT alone.
supplementary material).

Trauma Informed Parenting Quality Assessment

One study evaluated trauma informed attachment-based par- Overall, studies of cognitive-behavioral approaches, particu-
enting intervention (Razuri et al., 2016) and found that this was larly trials of TF-CBT, tended to be the higher quality studies
only marginally more effective than no-treatment control at (see supplementary materials) while studies of art or animal
reducing caregiver-reported child PTSD (d ¼ 0.08; small assisted based interventions tended to be poorer in quality. The
effect). majority of RCTs were rated as at low risk of bias for rando-
mization, deviation from intended intervention and missing
outcome data (see supplementary materials). All but one study
Other Psychotherapy Interventions (Church et al., 2012) used an age appropriate validated measure
We grouped remaining studies here, as although interventions of PTSD. The greatest risk of bias came from measurement
were heterogeneous, the authors indicated that the interven- of PTSD; the use of self-report outcomes. Several of the
tions were underpinned by attachment and psychodynamic the- non-randomized trials had confounding variables (e.g., base-
ory. The previously reported Bartlett et al. (2018) study line differences in PTSD severity, trauma exposure between
compared ARC, TF-CBT and CPP. In older children, ARC and groups and WL group beginning treatment) that were not suffi-
TF-CBT showed better outcomes for PTSD severity, and the ciently controlled for, however two studies were judged to be of
re-experiencing and arousal symptom subscales at 12 months, sound quality for non-randomized design scoring low or mod-
but only TF-CBT was associated with improvements in avoid- erate across most domains (Dietz et al., 2012; Pernebo et al.,
ance/numbing symptoms. In younger children, scores on 2018, see supplementary material).
Bennett et al. 15

Discussion where three studies of EMDR were identified. Of those

reviewed by Leenarts et al. (2013), two reported small to
While it has been well-established that maltreated children are
medium effect sizes favoring EMDR over WL and one “a trend
at increased risk of PTSD, there remains ongoing debate about
toward a decrease in PTSD symptoms.” However, the review
the best interventions for this group, including whether cogni-
authors noted that studies were limited by small sample sizes
tive behavioral interventions are appropriate in the context of
and an absence of treatment fidelity checks (see Leenarts et al.,
this more complex trauma exposure (Finch et al., 2020). In
2013). In general, the evidence-base for EMDR with mal-
their 2013 review, Leenarts and colleagues concluded that
treated young people remains scarce (Moreno-Alcázar et al.,
there was developing evidence for TF-CBT for
2017). Given some guidelines (e.g., NICE, 2018) have EMDR
maltreatment-related PTSD. In the 7-years since, the field has as a recommended treatment, understanding the relative bene-
continued to grow additional and stronger evidence that sup- fits of EMDR versus TF-CBT in this population is important.
ports TF-CBT for maltreated young people, as well as sus- While it did not meet our full inclusion criteria, Diehle and
tained longer-term effects and initial evidence that these colleagues (2015) have published one of the few studies to
interventions may also be appropriate in a group format and directly compare EMDR and TF-CBT, in a sample where a
in lower-middle income countries. The evidence for non-CBT proportion of young people had experienced maltreatment.
based therapies remained scarce, and these studies were often They found that the difference in effectiveness between the
plagued by significant quality issues. two treatments was small and not significant for PTSD symp-
Since 2012, our review found that there have been 15 addi- toms. Future research is needed to further refine treatment
tional RCTs and five non-randomized controlled trials of psy- recommendations around these two interventions.
chological interventions for PTSD in maltreated children, Our review also included non-CBT interventions to examine
predominately using cognitive-behavioral techniques. Overall, the evidence base for interventions that may be used more
based on the strength of study designs and replication of find- commonly in practice. We found eight studies that explored
ings across studies, TF-CBT remains the best supported treat- non-CBT based treatments in a controlled-trial design. These
ment for PTSD in maltreated children. Since the Leenarts et al. included animal assisted psychotherapy, an arts-based inter-
(2013) review, the evidence-base for TF-CBT now also vention, attachment-based parenting intervention, child parent
includes evidence that treatment gains can be maintained 1 year psychotherapy and other intervention programs (combining
later (Jensen et al., 2017; Mannarino et al., 2012) although psychotherapy, play, psychoeducation and attachment compo-
improvements 18-months later were less promising (Jensen nents). Between group effect sizes ranged from small to mod-
et al., 2017). While this is based on one study and further erate, but many of these studies were plagued by significant
research is clearly needed, it highlights the importance of methodological issues. No new conclusions can be drawn for
researchers committing to longer-term follow-up periods to the effectiveness of art-based interventions, primarily due to
better understand whether effects are maintained, and if not, significant methodological limitations. Further, the study
how this might be addressed, particularly for young people who included on animal-assisted interventions incorporated princi-
may be at risk of future trauma-exposures. Our review also ples of CBT and therefore future research would need to con-
found further growing support for prolonged exposure therapy sider comparing animal-assisted interventions to standard CBT
(PET) in reducing PTSD symptoms in maltreated children. to determine whether they offer any additional benefit, for
PET was more effective in treating PTSD than an active ther- example in engagement. Future research examining Attach-
apy, both at post-treatment and follow up. While studies of PET ment, Self-regulation and Competency (ARC) interventions
have had somewhat small sample sizes for between group com- may be warranted, given promising findings when compared
parisons, the methods used tend to be high quality. The treat- to TF-CBT. Of important note, non-CBT interventions were
ment programmes were also comparable in duration to typically longer than TF-CBT when delivered to individuals
TF-CBT, or less (just a single session in Church et al., 2012). (Mean ¼ 31 sessions vs. 14 for TF-CBT) and comparable in
It would therefore be useful for future studies to directly com- length (8–15 sessions) only when delivered in a group format
pare PET and TF-CBT, or begin to develop an understanding (e.g., animal, art-based and psychotherapy/psychoeducation
of, in which contexts, a certain treatment may be more useful. interventions). Overall, although creative therapeutic
We also identified three studies that all utilized general CBT approaches and psychotherapy may be popular in clinical prac-
techniques in a group format. Here, current evidence for effec- tice, the evidence base for such approaches remains limited,
tiveness was less convincing, particularly compared to evi- particularly compared to the evidence for TF-CBT, and such
dence of large reductions in PTSD symptoms when TF-CBT programmes are likely to be utilizing more of clinician’s time,
was delivered in a group format. Findings highlight the need for thus are potentially less economically efficient for services.
further exploration and refinement of group based CBT There remain important outstanding questions around
approaches, which are often designed to be lower-intensity and TF-CBT, including how to promote its use in practice, whether
more easily scalable (e.g., Barron et al., 2017), and could thus adjunct treatments might be needed for certain complex comor-
be useful as part of a stepped-care treatment model. bidities (e.g., substance use), and whether stabilization periods
Interestingly, our search criteria found no new studies that are indeed required for certain presentations (e.g., where there
had utilized EMDR post the Leenarts et al. (2013) review, is substantial dysregulation). However, this review also
16 Child Maltreatment XX(X)

highlights that based on current evidence, using existing comorbidities, including the complex features of complex
TF-CBT manuals with young people with PTSD. That said, it is important to note that comorbidities
maltreatment-related PTSD, remains the best evidence-based alongside PTSD are the norm, rather than the exception, for
approach (NICE, 2018). Many of the papers reviewed here many groups of trauma-exposed young people and adults. Cur-
highlighted samples with numerous complexities, and the evi- rent guidelines and evidence from the broader child PTSD field
dence certainly challenges the idea that TF-CBT is not appro- suggests TF-CBT remains the best evidenced treatment for
priate for young people who develop PTSD following these PTSD, both when it presents alongside complex features (Sach-
more complex trauma exposures (identified as a key barrier ser et al., 2017) and in terms of simultaneously reducing com-
to the use of this treatment in practice; Finch et al., 2020). mon comorbidities, such as depression and anxiety (Cobham &
This review also incorporated evidence for children aged six Hiller, 2019). Nevertheless, these remain important questions
years and under (i.e., pre-school PTSD); only two studies of for future reviews. Similarly, few studies examined other fac-
TF-CBT (Bartlett et al., 2018; Mannarino et al., 2012) sampled tors that may relate to treatment outcomes, such as premature
children under 6 years of age and met our inclusion criteria. drop-out or treatment engagement. While not the focus of the
However, the design and reporting of these studies prevented current review, these remain important areas for future research
any conclusions being drawn about effectiveness of TF-CBT in to guide clinicians in their decision-making. The experiences of
maltreated pre-school children, as it was unclear what propor- maltreated children may vary enormously based on age, gen-
tion of the samples were pre-schoolers, or whether results may der, ethnicity, education, comorbidities and the current circum-
have differed for this subgroup. That said, in previous research stances of these children (e.g., still living at home vs. in care);
on pre-school PTSD not covered by this review, a trial of such factors may have important implications for clinical prac-
TF-CBT with pre-schoolers exposed to different types of trau- tice and warrant further research.
mas (e.g., single event accidental trauma, domestic violence) In addition to the limitations of included studies described
showed promising preliminary evidence that TF-CBT can be above, this systematic review has some limitations. First, it was
effectively adapted with pre-schoolers and lead to significant beyond the scope of this review to apply our expanded search
PTSD symptom reduction (Scheeringa et al., 2011). Only one criteria to cover the date period by Leenarts et al. (2013). There
study in our review focused exclusively on pre-school children, may be non-CBT interventions from pre-2011 missed by this
in which child parent psychotherapy (CPP), which has a focus review, although broader reviews included relatively few
on strengthening the relationship between child and caregiver non-CBT interventions (Goldman Fraser et al., 2013). Second,
to restore a child’s functioning, resulted in reduced rates of while this review focused on PTSD, it is important to note that
PTSD diagnosis post intervention compared to individual psy- maltreatment can result in diverse difficulties (e.g., depression,
chotherapy (Gosh Ippen et al., 2011). The treatment of behavioral problems, and relationship problems) for which
pre-school maltreatment-related PTSD, and exactly how exist- other interventions may be more effective. Finally, there is a
ing treatments may need to be adapted, remains an important risk of publication bias across studies because of the decision to
area of research. exclude non-English papers.

Limitations of this review largely reflect general limitations in Conclusions
the literature including the heterogeneity among studies in In sum, findings from this systematic review show that
measures used, nature of maltreatment across samples and TF-CBT remains the best supported treatment for maltreated
small sample sizes. First, there are more studies investigating children and adolescents with evidence of effects being main-
sexual abuse and fewer studies of neglect and emotional/psy- tained 1-year post-treatment. Other cognitive behavioral based
chological abuse, which may influence generalizability. That interventions were also identified as promising (particularly
said, specific types of maltreatment rarely occur in isolation prolonged exposure) and worthy of further investigation. More
(Office for National Statistics, 2020). Second, most studies creative-based interventions were less well-studied and gener-
relied on child self-reported PTSD symptoms and full diagnos- ally poorer in methodological quality, including lacking com-
tic interviews, which are part of a gold-standard trials method, parisons to the gold-standard treatment. Future research would
were often lacking. Thus, conclusions were often limited benefit from examining the effectiveness of interventions for
regarding clinically-significant change. Third, this study spe- maltreated pre-school children experiencing PTSD, assessing
cifically focused on PTSD. However, the newly proposed for complex PTSD and a focus on whether particular treatments
complex PTSD is also likely relevant to these populations may be more or less effective for reducing common
(WHO, 2018). Relatedly, young people who develop comorbidities.
maltreatment-related PTSD often present with a range of com-
plex comorbidities and these are commonly reported as a
potential barrier to treatment decision-making (Finch et al., Declaration of Conflicting Interests
2020). It was beyond the scope of the current study to explore The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
whether treatments for PTSD resulted in reductions in the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Bennett et al. 17

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was partially funded by an ESRC Future Leader grant and University 18, 73–79.
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receives funding from the National Institute of Health Research (Grant disorders. In P. Muris, L. J. Farrell, & T. H. Ollendick (Eds.),
Reference Number NIHR200586). The views expressed are those of Innovations in CBT for childhood anxiety, OCD & PTSD
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