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Q1) We want to design a Discrete Time Low Pass Filter for a voice signal. The specifications are: Passband Fp = 4kHz, with 0.8 dB ripple; Stopband Fs =4.5kHz, with 50 dB attenuation; Sampling Frequency Fs 22kHz. Determine a) the discrete time Passband and Stopband frequencies, b) the maximum and minimum values of H(w) in the Passband and the Stopband, where H(w) is the filter frequency response. Q2) Using the Bilinear Transformation, determine the order N and the cut off frequency QO. of the analog prototype filter for the following discrete time design: a) passband 8kHz; b) stopband 9kHz; c) passband ripple 0.5dB;Type equation here. d) stopband attenuation 40dB; e) sampling frequency Fs = 44kHz. Q3 Design a digital low-pass Butterworth filter with a 3dB cut-off frequency of 2kHz and minimum attenuation of 30dB at 4.25kHz for a sampling rate of 10kHz. Use the general form for second order Butterworth low pass filter defined as: _ (Qe)? H(s) = Sy P(ac\s+(O0) a” f= Okt. wih 08 aa Aiple $o> WSkHa with’ So ol alervation Fe Gampling 6e7) = 22eHe ® Discrete time 4 ‘Paset tent ea, woe Apis < 2 Frege wm mapped? ‘by, DIAG aii9e + Goda lp 1 fey Phe Sen roe 8, pang LF 3 ee | Ascree Hyg Fossboxd fag, 2RK4 key (Nh ia aQ KH bly nnd Soe Ame “band Req _ arora las eeg |, ae Pty Fesporneg ee ~ 1928 mag “3 * Passtena 8 ws, Css) 4 28648). a3? > = tooWee vane Ona ie | Hs hoae Niteoxy: ‘sites : | = Wt ee 6 Th tu Weptiand Bee: oespemey rept TBS, On «Care Grepband , ie Lm, % > sample my mreker Weg Given parameters are +400 pos bond = geue = fp: Stop bond = gene <5 PASS bart ripple = 0-5 dB Stop band atenuatin = qoag Sampling . poquiny 4p the = Be digital Frqjuiny parameters a ~ is = = = Wp = fe " ar X4p Fs atx 8xto° 44% 10> . te Iq2sqqy 1494 te Wp = Je (424 radians ahs 20 XI 49951964 Ose s 44K 2s F 1 2857 Bs = 2952. weaianl Now parameter In —finalog prototype miata Os, As Fs sé rtan ( =E) (44x08 ) 2 tan (ney S54 +2 at] sec Fs: 2a () = (44x108) 2 Tan (2882) = 65846. © ral. pow bard ripple = 0.5 ag 72s 0548 = ip 2 = 0-944 06, Sp = 0-duyoe we tnoto thar € ownuwoe) = “rma for enter ter = 4 ba] mt (3) Substitteh all thy Vatlespy: € = oO nwo Nz 34. oF, So NS Be order Galeadaxion catoft “fray + GD all te EO pitt . , oo TH = Ns 1-5 9 [5 , moe > (=) Substitte all thy Vata: Nd ot ‘ So ue Be o, Otder = = $6554.20 et eres O-9F2 F146 58 140. 59 © = 58-140 59 K rad fe, ‘According to chegg norms | have solved tho fst question thank you. comment a Answer f, = 10 Hz; hence T = 10- sec. wa: = 2m x 2 x 10° rads/sec; we = 2m x 4.25 x 10? rads/sec. Apply pre-warping transformation: wa =p tan 2b =2 x 10" tan 0.25 = 0.72654 x 2 = 14.53 x 10° rads/sec r a2 = Fan vat = 2x 10! tan 0.425 = 83.31 x 10° rads/sea (ic. fa = 2.3kHz and fey = 13.3kHz — this shows the warping effect near 4) The order of filter required can now be worked out as before: logA = ematOv0 _ =y'gs n = 2 meets the specification For a second-order Butterworth LPF, we G(s) = ———_ (s) 3? + sV2u,. + w? Substitute Wa, mation s We = 0.726542 in above equation and use the bilinear transfor- (#)?0.72654? OW) = BENT STEED FOO te) (#)? (FESt)? + V2(F)70.72654 (Fr) + (F)?(0.72654)? factor cancels out) 0.52786 G(2) = ene oars =) a ONT (EEN? + 1.027491) + 0.52786 1+ 221 +277 Ge) = 0.521805 55 — 9 onaaTs=* + 0508S? 1+ 2b 427 G(2) = 0.20657 Tr p5ae-1 + 0.195802? from which we can finally write the following difference equation: vlk| = 0.206572|R| + 0.413142|k — 1] + 0.20657z2(k — 2] + 0.36953y[k — 1] — 0.19582y|k — 2] In order to check the magnitude characteristics of the frequency response, re- write G(z) as: 2742241 G(2) = 0.20087 —Tae95 35 + 0.19582 # de gain: wT = 0+: = 1 which gives |G(1)| = ¢ 3dB cut-off frequency wa = 0.40 Thus cos 0.87 + jsin 0.8% + 2(cos0.4a + jsin 0.47) +1 G(e%") = 0.20657: cos 0.87 + jsin 0.8m — 0.36953(cos0.4x + jsin 0.4m) +0. 0.8092 + 2.4899) i O.4n3y = ic, Gle 0.20657 ————* <1 which gives |G| = 0.707

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