Chemistry Final

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Elements & Compounds 01

02. Periodic Classification of Elements 05
03. Atoms and Molecules 06
04. Chemical Equilibrium 07
05. Oxidation and Reduction 08
06. Acid Bases and Salts 09
07. Petroleum Products 12
08. Fertilizers and Pesticides 15
09. Metallurgy 17
10. Applied Chemistry 18
11. Medicinal Chemistry 20
5. Match the following:
2021 Actinide element Atomic number

1. The common table salt is A) Plutonium 1. 102

a) Compound b) Element B) Curium 2. 100
c) Mixture d) Alloy
C) Fermium 3. 96
e) Answer not known
  D) Nobelium 4. 94
a)  b)   
c)  d) 
 
e) 
A)   
2019 B)   
C)   
2. The Indian Salt Petre is
a) Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) D)   
b) Sodium nitrate (NaNO3) A B C D A B C D
c) Potassium nitrate (KNO3)
d) Calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2 a) 1 2 3 4 b) 3 4 1 2
 c) 3 4 2 1 d) 4 3 2 1
a)   (NH4NO3)
b)   (NaNO3)
c) (KNO3)
d)  Ca(NO3)2
6. Which of the following gases accounts for the
3. Which one of the compounds is not a protonic
maximum of the atmosphere?
   a) Hydrogen b) Oxygen
a) SO(OH) 2 b) SO 2(OH) 2 c) Water vapour d) Nitrogen
c) B(OH)3 d) PO(OH) 2    
a)  b)  
2015 c)  d) 
7. The toxic carcinogenic metal ion in the follow-
4. New elements and rare - earths are discovered
ing is
and fixed in the periodic table using
 
a) Bragg’s law b) Moseley’s law   
c) Compton’s effect d) Bravais lattices a) Cro b) Cr3+ c) Cr2+ d) Cr6+
     
    2009
 8. The carbon dioxide dissolved in water
a)   a) enhances corrosion
b)   b) suppresses corrosion
c)   c) prevents corrosion
d)   d) has no influence on corrosion

THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 1
a)  
b)  2021
c)   1. a) Compound / 
d)     Sodium Chloride (NaCl), also known as com-
9. Which one of the following is correctly mon salt, is an essential compound of our
matched? body.
a) Baking soda - Sodium Bicarbonate - A compound is a pure substance which is
b) Caustic soda - Calcium carbonate formed due to the chemical combination of
c) Sodalime - Sodium carbonate two or more elements in a fixed ratio by mass.
d) Washing soda - Calcium hydroxide - An element is a pure substance that cannot
    be broken down by chemical methods into
simpler components.
a)   
     
b)      
(NaCl) 
c)    
d)   
 
2007    
       
10. Which of the following is a laughing gas?    
a) Carbon monoxide 
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Nitrous oxide 2019
d) Sulphur dioxide 2. c) Potassium nitrate (KNO 3 )/
     (KNO 3)
a)   - Indian Salt Petre - KNO3
b)   - Nitre is potassium nitrate compound of
c)  nitrogen
d)   KNO3
11. Which one of the following is correctly     
matched? 
a) Liquid gold - Lead 3. c) B(OH)3
b) Liquid silver - Mercury - Boric acid B(OH)3 is not a protonic acid
c) Aqua regia - Silver - It is a Lewis acid
d) Green silver - Copper - It behaves as an acid by accepting a pair of
electrons from a suitable lewis base
    
- A protonic acid forms positive hydrogen ions
a)    
(Protons) in aqueous solution.
b)   
   B(OH) 3   
c)    
d)   
 
12. TV antenna elements are made up of      
a) aluminium b) copper     
c) tin d) zinc  
      
a)  b)    
c)  d)  

2 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
2015 2011
6. d) Nitrogen/
4. b) Moseley’s law /  
S.No/ Gas Name/ Chemical % Volume
- Henry Moseley, a British scientist in 1912,
discovered a new property of elements called Formula /
atomic number, which provided a better basis    
for the periodic arrangements of the     
elements. 1 Nitrogen
       N2 78.08%
   
2 Oxygen
     
 O2 20.95%
3 Water
5. d) 4 3 2 1
F - inner transition elements  H2O 0 to 4%
1. Lanthanoids 4 Argon
2. Actinoids  Ar 0.93%
- The series of ‘Fourteen elements’ following 5 Carbon
Lanthanum is called ‘Lanthanide series’. Dioxide
- Lanthanide series (58 to 71): [Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm,  CO 2 0.0360%
Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu]
- The series of ‘fourteen elements’ following
6 Neon
actinium is called ‘Actinide series’.
 Ne 0.0018%
- Actinide series (90 to 103): [Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu,
7 Hydrogen
Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No, Lr]
- Lanthanides and actinides are placed at the  H2 0.0005%
bottom of the periodic table. 8 Methane
F -     CH4 0.00017%
  9 Nitrous
  Oxide
     ‘  N2O 0.0003%
’   ‘
’ 
10 Ozone
 (58 to 71): [Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm,
Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu]  O3 0.000004%
     7. d) Cr6+
‘ ’   - Chromium (VI) compounds, such as calcium
‘’  chromate, zinc chromate, strontium chromate
 (90 to 103): [Th, Pa, U, Np, and lead chromate, are highly toxic and
Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No, Lr] carcinogenic in nature.
 
    
   (VI)    
   
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 3
  
2009 (NaOH)
8. a) enhances corrosion /    
 
(K 2CO 3)
- Carbon dioxide dissolves in water and release
hydrogen ions which facilitate the oxidation of    
ferrous ions and hence rust formation. (CaCO3) 
          
    
   
9. a) Baking soda - Sodium Bicarbonate/ 2007
     
Chemical Compounds Commercial Name 10. c) Nitrous oxide /  
- Nitrous oxide (N2O)
Sodium chloride (NaCl) Common Salt - Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Sodium bicarbonate Baking Soda - Carbon dioxide (CO2)
(NaHCO3) - Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
Sodium Carbonate Washing Soda -  (N2O)
(Na2CO3.10H2O) -  (CO)
Sodium hydroxide Caustic Soda -  (CO2)
-  (SO2)
(NaOH) 11. b) Liquid silver - Mercury /
Potassium Carbonate Pearl ash - Aqua regia - HNO3 + 3HCL
(K 2CO 3) - Liquid gold - Petroleum
Calcium Carbonate Chalk (or) Marble - Liquid silver- Mercury
    HNO3 + 3HCL
    
Calcium hydroxide Lime Water -   
(Ca(OH)2) 12. a) aluminium /     
  Aluminium is used in,
- household utensils
   
- Electrical cable industry
(NaCl) - Making aeroplanes and other industrial machine
  parts.
(NaHCO3)  
  
    
(Na2CO3.10H2O)  

4 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
a) A - 5 B - 3 C - 2 D - 1 E - 4
2017 b) A - 4 B - 1 C - 2 D - 3 E - 5
c) A - 2 B - 3 C - 5 D - 4 E - 1
1. The compounds formed when hydrogen com- d) A - 3 B - 2 C - 1 D - 5 E - 4
bines with p-block elements are called
a) Ionic hydrides 2011
b) Molecular hydrides 3. How many electrons can be accommodated in d-
c) Metallic hydrides orbital?
d) Polynuclear hydrides d-    
p -  a) 3 b) 6 c) 10 d) 8
a) 
b) 
c)  
d)   1. b) Molecular hydrides /  
Covalent (Molecular) hydrides
2015 - They are compounds in which hydrogen is

2. Match the following: attached to another element by sharing of

A) Na and K 1. Obtained by electrons.
electrolysis of fused salt - The most common examples of covalent hydrides
B) Cu and Ag 2. Occur only in native state of non-metals are methane, ammonia, water and
C) Au and Pt 3. Occur both native and hydrogen chloride.
combined state   
D) Na and Ca 4. Reducing agent in    
metallurgy 
E) Al and Mg 5. Occur only in combined    
state.   
 
A) Na  K  
  2015
B) Cu  Ag    2. a) A - 5 B - 3 C - 2 D - 1 E - 4
- The electrolysis methods are used for the
C) Au  Pt  
extraction of highly reactive metals from their ores
 
D) Na  Ca    
   
E) Al  Mg     
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 5
3. c) 10
Number of electrons in subshell
Shell number (Symbol) 1 (K) 2 (L) 3 (M) 4 (N)
Sub shell 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p 4d 4f
Maximum number of
electrons in each sub shell 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 14
Maximum number of
electrons in each shell 2 8 18 32
  
 1 (K) 2 (L) 3 (M) 4 (N)
 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p 4d 4f
 
 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 14
 
 2 8 18 32

2021 2019
1. What are isotones?
2. What is the covalency of nitrogen in ammonia
a) Atoms have same number of protons but
different number of neutrons
b) Atoms have same number of neutrons but
different number of protons a) 2 b) 4 c) 3 d) 5
c) Atoms have same number of protons and
d) Atoms of the same element with different
masses 3. The radius of an atom is
e) Answer not known (radius) 
   a) 10-12m/ b) 10-15m/
a)  c) 10-16m/ d) 10-10m/
 
b) 
 
c)     
 1. b) Atoms have same number of neutrons but dif-
d)  ferent number of Protons /  
  
e)    
6 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
- Isotopes are the atoms of the same element    
having same atomic number but different    
mass number. 
- They have similar chemical properties but dif-
ferent physical properties. 2019
- Isobars are atoms of different elements hav-
ing same mass numbers (that is, the sum of 2. c) 3
their protons and neutrons are same) - The number of electrons lost from a metal atom is
- Isotones are atoms of different elements hav- the valency of the metal.
ing same number of Neutrons.    
       
    
     
   
  3. d) 10-10m/
      - Thomson proposed that the shape of an atom
    resembles a sphere having a radius of the order of
    10-10 m.
   10-10

2021 2015
1. In the Haber’s process for the manufacture of 2. For the Daniel cell Eo=1.10V. the value of equi-
ammonia librium constant (K) for the reaction (at 298K) is
2+ 2+
Zn(s) +Cu(aq)  Zn(aq) +Cu(s)
a) Finely divided iron is used as a catalyst
b) Finely divided molybdenum is used as a   E o =1.10V  
catalyst  (298K)   (K) 
2+ 2+
Zn(s) +Cu(aq)  Zn(aq) +Cu(s)
c) Finely divided nickel is used as a catalyst
d) No catalyst is required a) 4.36 x 1039 b) 2.79 x 1041
e) Answer not known c) 6.53 x 1035 d) 1.55 x 1037
   
a)     2014
 3. For a cell reaction
b)  
A(S)+2B+  2+
 A +2B the equilibrium is found to
 be 1012. Then the E0cell value is
c)     
   A(S)+2B+  2+
 A +2B
 12 0
10 E cell 
d)    a) 0.354V b) 0.708V
e) 
c) 0.0295 V d) 0.177V
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 7
2021 2. d) 1.55 x 1037
1. a) Finely divided iron is used as a catalyst/
- When Daniel cell is connected in a circuit, the two
  
 electrons on the zinc rod pass through the external
Haber’s process: circuit and reach the copper vessel thus
 Ammonia is mainly used as a source of nitro- neutralizing the copper ions.
gen fertilizer, in nitric acid production and in
- This constitutes an electrical current from copper
nitrogen containing pharmaceuticals
- Ammonia formation reaction is an equilib- to zinc.
rium reaction   
N2 + 3H2      
 2NH3
    
- Iron catalyst is chosen to speed up the attain-
ment of the equilibrium concentration of am- 
monia.  
- The maximum yield of ammonia is nearly 37% 
 
     2014
   
    3. a) 0.354V
    E = Eo - logk
 2
At equilibrium/ E = 0
 N2 + 3H2 
 2NH3
 0.059 0.059
     Eocell  log k = log 1012
2 2
   
 0.059
Eocell   12 = 0.354V..
      2

2019 2015
2. Match the Number of electrons transferred (A)
1. SO2 acts as when one mole of KMnO4 is reduced to (B)
a) a reducing agent    (A)  
b) an oxidizing agent KMnO4 
c) both reducing and oxidizing agent  (B)  
d) neither reducing nor oxidizing agent A) 1, 3, 4, 5
SO2  B) Mn2O3,MnO2, MnO 4 , Mn2+

a)   a) 1 - MnO 24 , 3 - MnO2, 4-Mn2O3, 5 - Mn2+

b)  b) 1 -Mn2+ , 3 -Mn2O3, 4 -MnO2, 5 - MnO 24
c)     c) 1-MnO2, 3 - MnO 24 ,4 -Mn2+, 5- Mn2O3
d)  d) 1-Mn2O3, 3 - Mn2+, 4 - MnO 24 ,5 - MnO2
8 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
- Substance which have the ability to reduce other
2007 substances are called Reducing agents
3. Consider the following statements     
Assertion (A) : Silver articles on exposure to air
 
become black
Reason (R) : Silver is oxidised to silver oxide.
Now select your answer according to the coding 2015
scheme given below : 2. a) 1 - MnO 24 , 3 - MnO2, 4-Mn2O3, 5 - Mn2+
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct Addition of oxygen
explanation of (A) Oxidation Removal of hydrogen
b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the Loss of electron
correct explanation of (A) Removal of oxygen
c) (A) is true, but (R) is false Reduction Addition of hydrogen
Gain of electron.
d) (A) is false, but (R) is true
 
      
 (A)       
  
(R)   
    
    
a) (A)(R)(A)(R) 3. a) (A)  (R)   (A)    (R)
- Silver is oxidised and forms silver sulphide
b) (A)  (R)   (A)   
(R) and silver oxide
- But black colour of layer is formed due to
c) (A)(R)
sulphide formation (due to high affinity with
d) (A) (R)
silver) which forms when silver is exposed to
     
2019 
1. c) both reducing and oxidizing agent /   
   
     
- Substances which have the ability to oxidise other
substances are called oxidising agents.

2. Blue Litmus paper is dipped into oxalic acid

2021 and it is changed into Red colour
3. Blue Litmus paper is dipped into sulfuric acid
1. Specific Experiments :
and it is changed into Red colour
1. Blue Litmus paper is dipped into hydrochlo- General Law : Acid is turned into blue litmus
ric acid and it is changed into Red colour red. It is called ----------- Reasoning.

THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 9
a) Deductive b) Critical 5. Among the following salts, which is a salt of weak
c) Everyday d) Inductive acid and strong base
e) Answer not known     
      
 
      a) NH 4Cl b) CH3COONG4
 c) NaCN d) NaCl
      
      2015
a)  b)  6. Which of the following is/are wrong?
c)  d)  I. Mg2C3 on hydrolysis gives acetylene
e) 
II. Be2C on hydrolysis gives methane
2019 III. Al4C3 on hydrolysis gives allylene
a) I and II b) II and III
2. Which of the following is strong acid and strong c) I and III d) I, II and III
base reaction?
  
     
I. Mg2C3 
   
II. Be2C 
a) HCOOH + NH3 b) HCOOH + NaOH
c) HCl + NH3 d) HCl + NaOH III. Al4C3 
a) I  II b) II  III
2017 c) I  III d) I, II  III
3. The aqueous solution of potassium chloride is 7. Arrange the following in the order of increasing
a) a weak electrolyte solubility in water
b) a strong electrolyte 
c) a non-electrolyte  
d) initially weak and then become a strong i) NaHCO3 ii) KHCO3
electrolyte iii) Mg(HCO3)2 iv) Ca(HCO3) 2
    
a) (iv) < (iii) < (ii) < (i) b) (i) < (ii) < (iii) < (iv)
a)   
c) (ii) < (iii) < (i) < (iv) d) (iii) < (i) < (iv) < (ii)
b)   
c)  2014
d)     
 8. Which is the strongest acid?
4. An acid is a substance that can lose a proton is    
called a) HCOOH b) CH3COOH
a) Arrhenius concept c) C3H7COOH d) C2H5COOH
b) Bronsted-Lowry concept
c) Lewis concept 2011
d) Usanovich concept
9. Ammonia burnt with O2 liberate which of the
    
following ions/radicals?
a)      
b)     
c)   a) NH4 + OH- b) N2+H2O
d)   c) NO2+H2O d) N2 + H2
10 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
      
2007  HCl
10. Drinking soda is       
a) Neutral b) Amphoteric     
c) Basic d) Acidic CH3COOH
       
a)  NaOH, KOH
      
b) 
NH4OH, Ca(OH)2
c)  
d)   2017
11. Tincture of iodine is
3. b) a strong electrolyte /  
a) Iodine
  
b) Iodine and iodoform - Water is a weak electrolyte and undergoes
c) Iodine and potassium iodide selfionisation to a small extent. “ The product of
d) Iodoform concentrations of H+ and OH- ions in water at a
 particular temperature is known as ionic product
a)  of water”.
b)  - Pure water is a weak electrolyte
- HCl, H2SO4, NaOH and KOH are strong electrolyte
c)        
d)  “
H+ OH-
2021 
 HCl, H2SO4, NaOH  KOH  
1. d) Inductive/
 
- Litmus paper is a neutral indicator.
4. b) Bronsted-Lowry concept /  
- A blue litmus paper turns red in acidic solu-
tions and red litmus paper turns blue in basic
solution. - According to Bronsted - Lowry theory, acid is
- Blue/red litmus paper does not change color a substance which donates an H+ ion or a
in the presence of a neutral solution. proton and forms its conjugate base and the
  base is a substance which accepts an H+ ion or
        a proton and forms its conjugate acid.
    - For example: HCl  H+ + Cl-
   - HCl is donating a proton in the aqueous me-
      dium.
- Hence it is an acid.
  - 
 H +    
2019    
2. d) HCl + NaOH 
- Strong acids: These are acids that ionise com-  HCl  H+ + Cl-
pletely in water Ex: HCl       
- Weak acids: These are acids that ionise Par- 
tially in water Ex: CH3COOH  
- Strong Bases: These are bases which ionise 5. c) NaCN
completely in aqueous solution Ex : NaOH, - Strong base - NaOH
KOH - Weak acid - HCN
- Weak Bases: These are bases which ionise - NaOH + HCN  NaCN + H2O
partially in aqueous solution Ex: NH 4OH, - Salt of weak acid and strong base - NaCN
Ca(OH)2.  NaOH
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 11
 HCN - CH3COOH - 4.7 (pKa value/)
 NaOH + HCN  NaCN + H2O - CH3CH2COOH - 4.88 (pKa value/)
 
NaCN  2011
2015 9. b) N2+H2O
- 4NH3 + 3O2  2N2 + 6 H2O
6. c) I and III / I  III
- Acetylene (C2H2) is the simplest alkyne, which 2007
contains two carbon atoms. 10. d) Acidic/ 
 (C2H2) - Soda is a acidic in nature as it has a pH of 3-4
  
7. b) (i) < (ii) < (iii) < (iv) pH 
- Solubility is a measure of how much of a solute 11. c) Iodine and potassium iodide/
can be dissolved in a specified amount of a solvent  
  Tincture
 - Iodine + 2 to 3% alcohol - water mixture soap,
Iodoform, Phenolic solutions, ethanol; Boric acid
2014 are examples
8. a) HCOOH 
- pka value  acidic nature   -
  
- pka         
- HCOOH - 3.77 (pKa value/) 
- C6H5COOH - 4.22 (pKa value/)

2014 2011
1. The compound is used as rocket propellant 3. Whisky and Brandy contain _______% of Ethyl
a) Hydrazine b) Nitric acid alcohol?
c) Ammonia d) Nitrogen     
    
 a) 80-90% b) 25-30%
a)  b)  c) 40-50% d) 4-12%
c)  d)  4. Which of the following is a natural polymer?
2. The major component of natural gas is a) Cellulose b) Polystyrene
a) Ethane b) Methane c) Polyethylene d) Nylon
c) Butane d) Propane
    
 
a)  b) 
a)  b) 
c)  d)  c)  d) 

12 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
2009 a) 2 1 3 4 b) 1 3 2 4
5. Nylon is a c) 2 4 3 1 d) 2 3 4 1
a) polyster b) polyethylene 9. Which of the following is not correct?
c) polyamide d) polysaccharide Mixing of alcohol with petrol
 a) Saves foreign exchange
a)  b)   b) Is ecofriendly
c)  d)   c) Supports sugar industry
d) Prevents the possibility of adulteration
6. Dry ice is
  
a) liquid nitrogen
  
b) purified ice
a)   
c) solid carbon dioxide
b)  
d) supercooled ice
c)    
 
d)  
a) 
10. Fuel cells are used in
b) 
a) aircrafts b) electric locomotives
c)  c) space crafts d) submarines
d)     
7. The calorific value of the fuel is of the order a)   b)  
c)   d) 
a) coal> peat> lignite > dried wood
11. From which of the following bidiesel is obtained?
b) peat> lignite > coal> dried wood
a) Ethyl alcohol b) Cellulose
c) lignite>peat>coal>dried wood
c) Bagasse d) Jatropha
d) coal> lignite> peat> dried wood
  
a)   b) 
a) >>>
c)   d) 
b) >>>
c) > >>
d) >> > 2014
2007 1. a) Hydrazine/
- Hydrazine (N2H4) is used as a propellant in
8. Match List I with List II correctly and select the space vehicles.
answer using the codes given below : - Hydrazine is used as a reducing agent for se-
List I List II lenium, arsenic and tellurium.
- Hydrazine used as a solvent for inorganic com-
A. Lead tetraethyl - Global warming pound.
B. Liquid hydrogen - Antiknocking  (N2H4)
agent  
C. Hydrogen peroxide - Rocket fuel     
D. Carbon dioxide - Bleaching agent    
 I   II   
        
  
2. b) Methane / 
 I II
- Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocar-
A    
bon gas mixture consisting primarily of meth-
B     
ane along with other higher alkanes and a
C      small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen
D     and hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 13
- If the natural gas contains lower hydrocarbons
like methane and ethane, it is called dry gas. 2009
- If higher hydrocarbons like propane and bu-
tane are also present in the gas, it is called 5. c) polyamide /  
wet gas. - Nylon is a plastic polymer made of chemical units
       called polyamides.
 - polyamides are made with monomers –
 (H 2 S)    hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid.
- Solid chips of these polyamides are melted and
  
forced through a heated spinneret which has very,
 
very tiny holes.
        
    
       
          
      
       
   
2011 
6. c) solid carbon dioxide/  
3. c) 40-50% 
- Ethyl alcohol - CH3 - CH2 - OH (C2H6O) - Solid carbon dioxide, called as dry ice is used
 - CH3 - CH2 - OH (C2H6O) as a refrigerant.
4. a) Cellulose/ - The gas is so cold that moisture in the air con-
Natural Polymers: denses on it, creating a dense fog which is
 Natural Polymers are high molecular mass used in stage shows and movie effects.
macromolecules and are found in nature. -       
  
- They are formed by plants and animals.
- The examples are proteins, nucleic acids, cel-  CO 2    
lulose, starch, etc. 
Synthetic Polymers:  
- Synthetic polymers are man-made high mo-     
lecular mass macromolecules. 
- These include synthetic plastics, fibres and 7. d) coal> lignite> peat> dried wood/ >
rubbers.   >  >  
Calorific Value
- The two specific examples are polythene and
- It is the quantity of heat produced by the com-
dacron. plete combustion of fuel at constant pressure
  and normal conditions.
  - It is measured in terms of KJkg-1.
   Calorific value of some fuels
     Fuel Calorific Value (KJ/kg)
 Cow dung cake 6000 – 8000
  Wood 17000 – 22000
Coal 25000 – 33000
 
Petrol 45000
  Kerosene 45000
      Diesel 45000
   Methane 50000
  CNG 50000
 LPG 55000
      Biogas 35000 – 40000
 Hydrogen 150000
14 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
      
  
       
     
  KJkg-1   
          
    (KJ/kg)   
 6000 – 8000
 17000 – 22000
9. d) Prevents the possibility of adulteration/
 25000 – 33000
 45000  
 45000 - A adulterated substance will not indicate the true
 45000 properties of the original substance
 50000 - For example, used tea leaves are sometimes used
CNG 50000 as adulterants in tea.
LPG 55000      
  35000 – 40000  
 150000    
   
2007 
8. d) 2 3 4 1 10. c) space crafts/ 
- Several practical liquid oxidizers (liquid oxy- - In space crafts, the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell is a
gen, nitrogen tetraoxide and hydrogen per- source of electrical power.
oxide) are available which have better spe-      
cific impulse than the ammonium perchlor- 
ate used in most solid rockets, when paired 11. d) Jatropha  
with comparable fuels. - Jatropha oil is produced from the seeds of Jatropha
- Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen are used curcas
as propellent for rockets.     
        
   

2017 2015
2. The Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) policy for fer-
1. Choose the micronutrient needed for plant tilizers was implemented in India in
growth   
a) Oxygen b) Hydrogen   
c) Nitrogen d) Zinc a) 1966 b) 1977
     c) 1991 d) 2010
a)  b)  3. An example of commonly used herbicide is
c)  d)  a) p, p’ - dichlorodiphenyl trichloro ethane

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b) 2,4 - dichloro phenoxy acetic acid    
c) Benzene hexa chloride  (N) 
d) Naphthalene  (P) 
     (K)  
  
a) p, p’ 
 
    
b) 2, 4 
 (Ca) (Mg)(S)
c)      
d)    (Cu)  (Fe) (Mn) 
 (Mo)(Zn)(B)
4. Which of the following known as complete fertilizer?
a) Nitrogenous fertilizer
2. d) 2010
- Nutrient Based subsidy (NBS) policy - April 1, 2010
b) Potash fertilizer
 (NBS)
c) NPK fertilizer
d) NP fertilizer
3. b) 2,4 - dichloro phenoxy acetic acid / 2, 4 
   
a) 
- Benzene hexa chloride - C6H6Cl16
b) 
- Naphthalene - C10H8
c) NPK 
- 2, 4 - Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid - C8H6Cl2O3
d) NP   C6H6Cl16
 C10H8
         
2017 C8H6Cl2O3

1. d) Zinc / 
- Farmers add nitrogen fertilizers, tens of mil- 2014
lions of tons of it annually —so much that it
becomes deadly to soil organisms and in run- 4. c) NPK fertilizer/NPK 
off kills animals and fish in lakes, streams, Chemical Fertilizers:
and rivers. - Fertilizers are chemical compounds added to
- Fertilizers enhance the growth of plants. crop field for supplying essential micro and
Three primary macronutrients: macro nutrients required for crop growth.
- Nitrogen (N): leaf growth - Ammonium nitrate, calcium phosphate, urea,
- Phosphorus (P): Development of roots, NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium),
flowers, seeds, fruit; etc. are some of the fertilizers.
- Potassium (K): Strong stem growth, - Depending on the nature of soil, these fertil-
movement of water in plants, promotion of izers are used singly or as mixtures.
flowering and fruiting;  
Three secondary macronutrients:      
- calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S);
    
   
- copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), manganese (Mn),
molybdenum (Mo), zinc (Zn), Boron (B).
    
      
         
        
    
          
      
     
16 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
1. The main constituent of steel in India are
a) Ni and Cu b) Mn and Cr 1. b) Mn and Cr/ MnCr
c) Fe and Cu d) Ti and Cr - Stainless steel contains iron, chromium, man-
  ganese, silicon, carbon and in many cases, sig-
a) NiCu b) MnCr
nificant amounts of nickel, molybdenum and
c) Fe Cu d) Ti Cr
- Metals present in earth - O, Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Na,
2. Which of the following is a wrong statement? K, Mg
a) All the minerals are not ores
b) All the ores are not minerals - Metals present in human body - Na, K, Mg,
c) All the ores are minerals Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn & Mo
d) From ores, metals can be extracted
-     
        
     
a)       
b)    
 O, Si, Al, Fe, Ca,
c)    
d)    Na, K, Mg
  - Na, K, Mg,
2014 Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn & Mo

3. Which of the following is halide ore? 2017

a) Dolomite b) Rock salt 2. b) All the ores are not minerals /
c) Bauxite d) Galena   
    Types of ores
a)  b)  - Oxide ores
c)  d)  - Carbonate ores
2007 - Halides ores
- Sulphide ores
4. Coating of zinc over iron article is known as
a) Galvanisation b) Electroplating
 
c) Electrorefining d) Etching
 
    
 
a)  b)  
c)   d)   

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d) Cathodic Protection:
- It is the method of controlling corrosion of a
3. b) Rock salt /   metal surface protected is coated with the
- Bauxite - Oxide ore metal which is easily corrodible.
- Galena - Sulphide ore   
- Rock salt - Halide ore
 
     
     
      

2007       

   
4. a) Galvanisation / 
   
Surface Coating:
     
- It involves application of a protective coating     
over the metal. It is of the following types: 
a) Galvanization:
   
- It is the process of coating zinc on iron sheets
  ,  
by using electric current.
,    
b) Electroplating:     
- It is a method of coating one metal over an- 
other metal by passing electric current.     
c) Anodizing:     
- It is an electro chemical process that converts ,   
the metal surface into a decorative, durable  ,   
and corrosion resistant. Aluminium is widely
used for anodizing process.   

2019 a)  b) 
1. Methane is the carbon compound. It’s Molecu- c) C 60 d) 
lar Formula is 3. Graphene is used for manufacturing bendable
      smart phones. What is the other field for which it
 can be used?
a) CH4 b) CH3Cl a) Medical Radiation therapy
c) C 2H 6 d) CCl 4 b) Super lenses
c) Quantum computers
2014 d) Ultimate water purifier
2. ........... is called buckminster fullerene.    
a) Diamond b) Graphite    
c) C 60 d) Coal
18 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
a)     - The best known fullerene is Buckminster
b)   fullerene, which consists of 60 carbon atoms
c)   joined together in a series of 5 and 6 mem-
bered to form spherical molecule resembling
d)   a soccer ball.
- So its formula is C60.
2009      
4. One carat of diamond is      
a) 100 mg b) 200 mg
     
c) 300 mg d) 400 mg      
 
a)   b)      
 
c)  d)     C60 
3. d) Ultimate water purifier   
2007  
5. Which one of the following is correctly - Graphene is most recently produced allot-
matched? rope of carbon which consists of honeycomb
shaped hexagonal ring repeatedly arranged
a) Charcoal - Inactive carbon
in a plane.
b) Diamond - Conductor - Graphene is the thinnest compound known
c) Graphite - Insulator to man at one atom thick.
d) Fullerene - Soluble form of carbon - It is the lightest material known (with 1
square metre weighing around 0.77 milli-
    
grams) and the strongest compound discov-
a)     ered (100-300 times stronger than steel).
b)    - It is a best conductor of heat at room tem-
c)    perature.
- Layers of graphene are stacked on top of each
d)    
other to form graphite, with an inter planar
 spacing of 0.335 nanometres.
- The separate layers of graphene in graphite
are held together by Vander Waals forces.
2019    
  

1. a) CH4     

- Methane - CH4
 
- Chloro Methane (or) Methyl Chloride - CH3Cl  
- Ethane - C2H6      
- Carbon tetrachloride (or) Tetrachloromethane -   
CCl4      
 CH4      
   
 CH3Cl
    
  C2H6    
 - 
CCl4      
 
2014     
2. c) C 60     
     
- The third crystalline allotrope of carbon is     
fullerene. 

THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 19
Graphite :
2009 - Graphite is grayish black, opaque and Shiny.
- It is soft and greasy to touch
4. b) 200 mg / 200 - It has a comparatively low density, ie, 2.39 g/
- A carat is a unit of weight for diamonds and other cm3
gemstones [1carat = 0.2g] - It is good conductor of electricity
        
[]  
   
2007  3.5g/cm3
   
 
5. d) Fullerene - Soluble form of carbon        
     
Diamond :     
- Pure diamond is colourless and transparent. 
- It is the hardest naturally occuring substance.     
- It has high density, (i.e) 3.5g/cm3   2.39g/cm3
- It is bad conductor of electricity   

it forms a toxic carbonyl chloride. Hence it is

2019 not used now.
1. Nitrous Oxide is known as Laughing gas. It is also - Ether: Diethyl ether or simple ether (C2H5-O-
used in medical field as C2H5) is a Volatile liquid. This is mixed with a
a) Instant horse power stablizer, 0.002% Propyl halide. After absorp-
b) Propellant tion by tissues it attacks the central nervous
c) Antiseptic system and makes the patient unconscious.
d) Anesthetic  
          
      
   
a)  b)       
c)   d)   
 (N 2 O)   
 
2019 (CHCl 3 )   
1. d) Anesthetic /       
Anaesthetics:   
 The drugs which cause loss of sensation are   
called Anaesthetics. 
Chemicals as Anaesthetics:  
- There are three major chemicals which are     (C2H5-O-C2H5)  
used as anaesthetic. They are:  0.002%
- Nitrous Oxide(N2O): It is a colourless, non-    
irritating, inorganic gas. It is the safest of the (Stabilizer)
anaesthetic agents.     
- Chloroform(CHCl3): It is a Volatile liquid. It has   
pleasant smell and sweet taste. With oxygen  
20 THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566
THOOTHUKUDI 99445 11344 | TIRUNELVELI 98942 41422 | RAMANATHAPURAM 75503 52916 | MADURAI 98431 10566 21

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