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The opposite of before (after)

B Food/meat in a typical English breakfast (Bacon)

C An animal that when it’s black, it means bad luck. (cat)

D A man whose job is to look after your teeth (dentist)

E The opposite of difficult (easy)

F Contains F  an animal with a very long neck (giraffe)

G A precious metal (Gold)

H You draw it when you are in love. (Heart)

I This is frozen water. (Ice)

J A type of music (Jazz)

K Tomato sauce. (Ketchup)

L A place full of books. (libray)

M An object which reflects your image. (Mirror)

N Adjective. Many students are …………. before a test. (nervous)

O A vegetable which makes you cry (onion)

P Fruit similar to apples. (pear)

Contains Q  an animal that you can find in the forest, on the trees
Q and eats nuts and seed.

R An animal with long ears which likes carrots. (rabbit)

S If you observe the night sky you can see them (stars)

T Another word for EXAM (test)

U Special cloth that some students wear at school (uniform)

V An alphabet has got CONSONANTS and ………….. (VOWELS)

W If you want to know the time, you look at your…. (watch)

X Contains X  A synonym of activities/homework (exercises)

Y Contains Y. A British sport. (Hockey)

Z A stripped horse-like animal. (Zebra).

My mother’s sister is my …… (aunt)
B The sport in which an orange ball is used (basketball)

C The favourite food of mice (cheese)

D Clothes that women usually wear (dress)

E A huge animal which “works” in circus and has a long nose (elephant)

F When you are very popular, you are ……….. (famous).

G A colour related to nature (green)

The part of your body where you have your eyes, ears, nose, mouth
H (head)

I What you need to prepare food. The ………… of a recipe.(ingredients)

J A sweater, a pullover, you use in winter (jumper)

You do this with your lips to your family, friends…etc. to show

K affection, when you are in love… ( kiss)

L Scientists work here to make experiments (laboratory)

M A scary mythical creature. You can see them in horror films (monster)

N An adverb of frequency, the opposite of “always” (never)

O What time is it? It’s nine ___________ (o’clock)

P A person who takes pictures with a camera (photographer)

Q Contains Q  Water, milk… etc are not solid. They are ….. (liquids)

R A disgusting animal bigger than a mouse (rat)

S The last day of the week in Spain (Sunday)

T Another word for EXAM (test)

U Adjective. The opposite of beautiful. (ugly)

V Complete the sentence: This game is ………… interesting. (very)

W You drink it every day. A transparent liquid (water)

Contains X  Another word for test (EXAM)

Y The day before today (yesterday)

Z Contains Z  a game with a lot of pieces to put together (puzzle)

An adverb of frequency, the opposite of “never” (always)

A means of transport  for travelling over wáter (boat)
Your uncle’s son is your…. (cousin)
Complete the sentence. “Sorry, I ……. Understand. Can you repeat,
D please?” (don’t)
You can send me a letter, a text message or an …….. (email)
You put food in this place to keep them fresh (fridge)
An animal with a very long neck (giraffe)
We have two and they have 10 fingers (hands)
The opposite of boring. (interesting)
Clothes to keep you warm. It usually has buttons. (jacket)
1000 metres are 1 …… (kilometre)
You turn it on when the room is dark. To see in the darkness (lamp)
The month of the year when we celebrate the Mother’s Day.
Mine is Cristina/Javier. (name)
The Spanish one has potatoes and eggs. (omelette)
An artist who paints pictures. (painter)
What time is it? It’s __________ to ten (quarter)
a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea or
R a lake (river)
The opposite of happy (sad)
Contains T. You do at school and at home to pass your subjects (study)
An object that you use when it rains. (umbrella)
Player is a noun, play is a ……………….. (verb)
The opposite of peace. A conflict between different countries (war)
Contains X  scientists make THIS in a laboratory (experiments)
Food with milk that you keep in the fridge and you eat it with a spoon
Y (yoghurt)
A number (zero)

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