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Menstrual disorders in

adolescents and young adults

with eating disorders
Nadia Saldanha, MD, and Martin Fisher, MD

Although amenorrhea is no longer a specific criterion ing of the body, including regular menstruation, is linked to
required to make the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa (AN), both appropriate nutrition and weight. Patients who are not
the relationship between restrictive eating and menstrual underweight based on their body mass index (BMI) may still
status remains important in the diagnosis, treatment, and have oligo/amenorrhea due to their caloric restriction; thus
consequences for patients with eating disorders. Clinicians any patient who has irregular menses should have a
should understand the relationship between menstrual irreg- detailed dietary evaluation as part of their workup. Timely
ularities and malnutrition due to eating disorders, as it may diagnosis and treatment of patients with eating disorders
be possible to intervene sooner if the diagnosis is made ear- and amenorrhea is important due to the impact on bone
lier. Treatment of AN (in those who are underweight) and mass accrual for adolescents who have prolonged amenor-
atypical AN (in those who are not underweight) is aimed at rhea. Menstrual abnormalities may also be seen in patients
cessation of restrictive thoughts and behaviors, restoration with bulimia nervosa (BN).
of appropriate nutrition and weight, and normal functioning
of the body. While eating disorder thoughts and behaviors Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2022; 52:101240
are helped by both therapy and nutrition, regular function-

ating disorders are a common diagnosis of guilt or not wanting anyone to know about their
E among adolescents and young adults,
impacting 0.3F1.6% of
eating disorder behaviors. Vital sign changes and
physical examination findings,
adolescents1 in the United such as bradycardia or hypo-
States, depending on eating One of the key findings for tension, may indicate the pres-
disorder subtype; and there many patients with malnutrition ence of an eating disorder, but
has been an increase in eating is the absence of regular peri- often these abnormalities are
disorder behaviors and diag- ods. This amenorrhea may even only present when the malnu-
noses during the COVID-19 trition is more severe.4
pandemic.2,3 While patients occur before any weight loss as One of the key findings for
may present with a clear his- was noted in approximately many patients with malnutrition
tory of intentional weight loss 20% of patients with anorexia is the absence of regular peri-
and dietary restriction, often- nervosa (AN) in one study. ods. This amenorrhea may even
times patients do not disclose occur before any weight loss as
their behaviors due to feelings was noted in approximately
20% of patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) in one
For this reason, it is important for clinicians to
understand the relationship between menstrual irregu-
larities and malnutrition due to eating disorders, as it
From the Division of Adolescent Medicine, Cohen Children's Medical
Center, Northwell Health, 410 Lakeville Road, Suite 108, New Hyde Park,
may be possible to intervene sooner if the diagnosis is
New York 11042, USA; andDonald and Barbara Zucker, School of Medi- made earlier.
cine at Hofstra / Northwell, Hempstead, New York, USA. Patients with restrictive eating disorders will pri-
Corresponding author.
marily carry the diagnosis of AN, atypical AN, or
Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2022;52:101240 Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
1538-5442/$ - see front matter (ARFID). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
Ó 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. of Mental Disorders (Fifth Edition) (DSM-5)

Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care, August 2022 1

currently defines AN as a disorder in which restric- Patients with malnutrition may have primary or sec-
tion of energy intake relative to a person’s require- ondary amenorrhea—primary amenorrhea defined as
ments leads to a significantly the absence of menarche by age
low weight or, specifically in 15 years in someone with other-
adolescents, a weight that is Amenorrhea in patients with wise normal growth and devel-
less than what is minimally eating disorders is generally opment, and secondary
expected. Other features classified as functional hypotha- amenorrhea defined as the
include an intense fear of lamic amenorrhea, which is absence of menses for three
gaining weight despite being consecutive months in someone
at a low weight and a lack of
amenorrhea not attributed to who has achieved menarche.
recognition of the severity of another organic cause and is Amenorrhea in patients with
the illness. Notable in the cur- instead related to stress, inade- eating disorders is generally
rent definition is the absence quate caloric intake, or, in some classified as functional hypo-
of amenorrhea.5 In previous thalamic amenorrhea, which is
versions of the DSM, amenor-
cases, excessive exercise. amenorrhea not attributed to
rhea was required to make the another organic cause and is
diagnosis of AN. The removal of amenorrhea as a instead related to stress, inadequate caloric intake, or,
requirement for the diagnosis of AN was done in in some cases, excessive exercise.
part to broaden the group of patients who could be The timing of the malnutrition as it relates to puber-
diagnosed with AN—those who despite being at a tal development will determine whether the amenor-
low weight continue to have regular periods and rhea is primary, as the patient may present with
otherwise meet the criteria of AN, and in part delayed puberty, but more often patients will present
became amenorrhea is now acknowledged to be a with secondary amenorrhea.8
physiologic response to the weight loss rather than In functional hypothalamic amenorrhea, gonado-
a core psychological aspect of the condition.4 AN trophin releasing hormone (GnRH) drive is reduced,
and atypical AN have a similar pathophysiology, leading to a reduction in lutenizing hormone (LH)
with the main difference being that patients with pulses and follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) lev-
atypical AN do not lose to a weight that makes els, which cause ovulatory dysfunction.9 The follicu-
them underweight based on age and height percen- lar phase becomes prolonged, and without adequate
tiles, but those patients can and do have the same stimulation, ovulation and the luteal phase may not
degree of medical compromise as patients with occur. The impact of stress and malnutrition is medi-
typical AN based on the amount and/or rapidity of ated on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO)
their weight loss. Patients with ARFID, who axis by a combination of hormonal and neuroendo-
tend to be younger than those with AN and atypical crine changes. The mechanism of this suppression
AN and thus may present earlier in their pubertal involves neurotransmitters, including leptin, cortico-
course, restrict their diet due to anxiety or avoid- tropin releasing hormone (CRH), norepinephrine,
ance of a particular food or fear of inciting a partic- beta-endorphins and dopamine, as each are involved
ular event, such as vomiting, choking, an allergic in the regulation of GnRH. The energy depletion of
reaction, or abdominal pain, among others. Due to weight loss and exercise are thought to exert their
the restricted caloric intake for patients with AN, effects on the HPO axis through leptin, while stress
atypical AN or ARFID, in addition to the psycho- and exercise may exert their effects through the
logical stress related to fears about eating or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, norepi-
weight gain, these patients can develop irregular nephrine, beta-endorphins, and CRH.10
menses or amenorrhea. It is important to note that The HPA axis is directly impacted by insufficient
patients who are not underweight based on their nutrition. Caloric restriction activates the HPA axis,
body mass index (BMI) may still have oligo/amen- which leads to a decrease in LH pulsatility. The HPA
orrhea due to their caloric restriction; thus any axis is also activated by psychological stress.9 Stress
patient who has irregular menses or amenorrhea results in the release of norepinephrine and CRH,
should have a detailed dietary evaluation as part of which leads to increased levels of glucocorticoids,
their workup. which in turn suppress pituitary release of LH and

2 Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care, August 2022

ovarian release of estrogen and progesterone. Cortico- nutrition and weight. One area that has been studied,
tropin-releasing hormone is also found in ovarian tis- but still remains unclear, is what weight best predicts
sue and other reproductive organs, having a direct the resumption of menses in patient with restrictive
effect on all aspects of reproductive function. Higher eating disorders. Identifying a weight range in which
levels of CRH directly inhibit GnRH pulsatility and resumption of menses can be expected is an important
indirectly inhibit GnRH through the activation of part of treatment as it often provides clinicians and
endorphins, which then further inhibits GnRH.10 patients with a target to work towards; but identifying
Leptin is secreted in proportion to the amount of adi- the weight range is not uniform and needs to take into
pose tissue and is an indicator of the amount of energy account multiple factors. In an older study of 127 ado-
reserves the body has. lescents with AN and secondary amenorrhea, the
Leptin has been well-studied weight at which menstruation
with regard to malnutrition and resumed was closely related to
amenorrhea, as leptin levels Leptin has been well-studied the weight at which menstrua-
have been shown to be a marker with regard to malnutrition and tion was lost.15 Weight gain is
of energy stores in fat and amenorrhea, as leptin levels necessary for resumption of
changes in caloric intake. have been shown to be a menses, as androgens are con-
Lower levels of leptin are verted to estrogen in fat tissue.
believed to be an adaptive marker of energy stores in fat Because of this, there has also
response to an energy-deficient and changes in caloric intake. been discussion as to whether it
state, as leptin decreases appe- is just weight that helps predict
tite, so in a malnourished state resumption of menses or if
leptin levels are lowered in order to prevent the body body composition also plays a role. Ghoch et al. found
from being susceptible to its appetite suppressant in their study of adult women with AN who had
effects. In women who are normal weight and have weight restored to a normal body weight, those who
hypothalamic amenorrhea, leptin levels have also had resumed menses had significantly higher total
been found to be low. In a study by Bruni et al. that body fat percentage.16 In another study of adult
looked to differentiate patients with functional hypo- women, those who resumed menstruation also had a
thalamic amenorrhea from those with amenorrhea due significantly higher body fat percentage than whose
to eating disorders, they found that leptin was lower in who remained amenorrheic. The authors also found
those with eating disorders, although it was lower that total fat mass and lean mass were less strong pre-
than normal in both groups.11 In an older study of dictors of resumption of menses compared to fat per-
women with a BMI less than 17.5 kg/m2, those who centage.17 When counseling patients, it is important
had amenorrhea also had lower leptin levels than those for them to understand, therefore, that weight alone is
women who had periods but were at a low weight.12 not the only metric to determine resumption of men-
Because of this, studies have looked at a possible ther- ses, as many patients will be reluctant to gain more
apeutic effect of leptin on patients with amenorrhea weight once reaching their presumed goal weight, but
and eating disorders and have found that administra- it may be that they need to also regain body fat.
tion of recombinant leptin led to LH pulsatility and Prospective studies to address multiple factors that
ovulation in patients with hypothalamic contribute to resumption of menses in patients with
amenorrhea.13,14 Clinically, however, treatment for restrictive eating disorders are limited. Golden et al.
resumption of menses has been focused on improved followed patients with anorexia nervosa for two years.
nutrition and not by providing leptin replacement in During that time, in addition to measuring weight and
patients with eating disorders. percent body fat, they also measured several hormones,
Treatment of AN and atypical AN is aimed at cessa- including estradiol, lutenizing hormone and follicular
tion of restrictive thoughts and behaviors, restoration stimulating hormone. In their sample of 100 adoles-
of appropriate nutrition and weight, and normal func- cents with anorexia nervosa, 86% had resumption of
tioning of the body. While eating disorder thoughts menses within six months of reaching 90% of standard
and behaviors are helped by both therapy and nutri- body weight. In their study, percent body fat did not
tion, the regular functioning of the body, including predict resumption of menses. Those that did have
regular menstruation, is linked to both appropriate resumption of menses had an estradiol of at least

Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care, August 2022 3

30 pg/mL. The authors also found that a weight of to be to have periods return. In a study of 163 adoles-
approximately 2 kg above the weight at which the cents with anorexia nervosa and secondary amenorrhea,
patient last had menses was necessary for resumption Seetharaman et al. found that the amount of weight gain
of menses in most of their patients.18 More recently, needed for resumption of menses was somewhat differ-
Castellini et al. performed a similar study that followed ent for patients whose pre-morbid weight was normal as
patients with anorexia nervosa for four years. In addi- for those who were overweight. Those who were at a
tion to measuring estradiol, LH, FSH, and BMI at study normal weight prior to weight loss needed to gain to
enrollment, they also included two self-administered approximately 94% of the weight at the 50th percentile
eating disorder questionnaires, the Symptom Checklist- BMI for those patients while those who were overweight
90 and the Eating Disorder needed to gain to approximately
Examination Questionnaire. In 106% of the weight at the 50th
their sample of 50 patients, 29 A primary concern for patients percentile BMI for those
had resumption of menses dur- with eating disorders who patients.21 When setting the goal
ing the study period. Those who develop amenorrhea is the treatment weight for resumption
had resumption of menses ear- impact of amenorrhea on their of menses, therefore, it is neces-
lier had a shorter duration of ill- sary to use estimated average
ness and the binge-eating/
bone health. Unlike an adult body weight for height and age,
purging subtype of AN.19 This who has already achieved peak weight at last menstrual period,
study highlights the importance bone mass and then develops and the patient’s own growth
of early diagnosis, as those with an eating disorder, adolescents history.
a shorter eating disorder course A primary concern for
had resumption of menses
are at risk of impacting both patients with eating disorders
sooner. their bone growth and who develop amenorrhea is the
In another study of adoles- mineralization. impact of amenorrhea on their
cents and young adults with bone health. Unlike an adult
anorexia nervosa, resumption who has already achieved peak
of menses occurred on average at 95% of expected bone mass and then develops an eating disorder, ado-
body weight, which the authors suggested means that lescents are at risk of impacting both their bone
previous goal weights set at a lower percentage may growth and mineralization.
be insufficient for resumption of menses. Risk of osteoporosis is related to accrual of bone min-
In the same study, about one third of patients who eral density; thus, if adolescents have suboptimal bone
did not have resumption of menses did achieve at least mineral density they are at risk of developing osteoporo-
95% of expected body weight, sis and fractures even after they
indicating that average In another study of adolescents achieve weight restoration, with
expected body weight may not
be a high enough goal weight
and young adults with anorexia long term studies suggesting this
risk persists for at least 10 years
for all patients.20 nervosa, resumption of menses after the eating disorder diagno-
It is important to note that for occurred on average at 95% of sis is made.10 Even in patients
patients with atypical AN, whose expected body weight, which with subclinical eating disorders,
weight may have always been there may be loss of bone min-
the authors suggested means
above the expected body weight eral density, highlighting the
for age, a goal weight at what that previous goal weights set at need for early diagnosis.22 High
would ordinarily be the expected a lower percentage may be estrogen levels impact bone
body weight for height and age insufficient for resumption of growth via IGF-1 by stimulating
is likely too low for them to have menses. the growth spurt and playing a
resumption of menses and reso- role in the accrual and mainte-
lution of their eating disorder. In nance of bone mineral density.23
practice, using an individual patient’s own growth curve Given the impact of secondary amenorrhea on bone
is often the most useful tool to identify the growth trajec- growth, it has been theorized that estrogen replace-
tory for that patient in order to project where she needs ment would be a beneficial treatment to manage the

4 Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care, August 2022

effects of amenorrhea. Multiple studies have shown, concerns of a fertility issue than those without AN, but
however, that weight gain is necessary to raise estro- did not require fertility treatment more than others in the
gen levels in these patients and that administration of cohort.29 In a study by Linna et al., patients with eating
estrogen via oral contraceptive pills does not help disorders were less likely to have children and had lower
improve bone mineral density. This is believed to pregnancy rates compared to controls.30 Whether this is
result from the lowering of IGF-1 caused by the estro- due to fertility issues, or a desire to not get pregnant due
gen in oral contraceptive pills. IGF-1 enhances bone to persistent body image concerns, is unclear. In a recent
formation through its action on mature osteoblasts, study, Pitts et al. measured Anti-Mullerian hormone
and circulating levels of IGF-1 are necessary for the (AMH) as a marker of ovarian reserve in adolescents
preservation of cortical bone mass. Physiologic estro- and young adults with eating disorders, hypothesizing
gen replacement at doses higher than what is found in that these patients would have lower levels of Anti-Mul-
oral contraceptive pills does lerian hormone due to their mal-
increase bone accrual rates in nutrition. Prior studies have
those with AN. In a study by In a systematic review of studies shown that AMH is a marker of
Misra et al. of 150 girls with of women who had recovered ovarian reserve and is not
AN, those who were given from AN and were followed-up affected by the activity of the
estrogen via a transdermal over the long term, Chaer et al. hypothalamic-ovarian axis.31
patch twice a week containing Interestingly they found that the
100 microgram of estrogen did
found that weight gain and levels of AMH were higher in
show an increase in their bone weight restoration lead to the those with anorexia nervosa
mineral density Z-scores of the normalization of reproductive when compared to healthy study
spine and hip when compared function.33 Patients can gener- participants and published nor-
to those who did not receive mative data, concluding that
estrogen. An increase in bone
ally be counseled that with AMH could be measured to
mineral density in these appropriate treatment of their identify ovarian reserve in
patients may result in mainte- eating disorder, their fertility patients with anorexia nervosa.32
nance of bone mineral density will return to that which was In a systematic review of
depending on the duration of expected prior to their malnutri- studies of women who had
amenorrhea and where the recovered from AN and were
patient is in their skeletal devel- tion and amenorrhea. followed-up over the long term,
opment and thus catch-up for Chaer et al. found that weight
existing losses may not occur, gain and weight restoration
likely because of the effect of other hormones. lead to the normalization of reproductive function.33
Clinically many providers will start patients on cal- Patients can generally be counseled that with appro-
cium and vitamin D to help improve bone health, but priate treatment of their eating disorder, their fertility
studies have not shown an improvement in bone min- will return to that which was expected prior to their
eral density in those with anorexia nervosa who are malnutrition and amenorrhea.
given these vitamins for supplementation.27 Because While the menstrual abnormalities are more com-
of the potential long term impact of the malnutrition mon among patients with restrictive eating disorders
and hypogonadal state, it is important to highlight for compared to those with bulimia nervosa (BN), patient
patients why the resumption of menses is such a key with bulimia or purging behaviors can also see disrup-
marker of progress in treatment. tions in regular menstrual function. BN is defined by
Another concern of many patients and families is the recurrent binge eating episodes that include a lack of
impact of amenorrhea on future fertility. Some studies control over eating during the binge episode. Binge
have shown higher rates of fertility problems and eating occurs in a discrete amount of time and
increased rates of obstetric complications in those who involves consuming a larger amount of food than
have had anorexia nervosa, while others have shown no what most people would eat. In addition to the binge
difference in rate of pregnancy or need for infertility episode there is a compensatory mechanism to prevent
treatment.28 In a large cohort study, women with a his- weight gain, which may include vomiting, laxative or
tory of AN were more likely to seek medical care for diuretic use, or excessive exercising.5

Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care, August 2022 5

In a study of adolescent girls, Fortunately, with appropriate
those reporting vomiting as a treatment, adolescents with
weight control behavior 1 to In a study of adolescent girls, amenorrhea due to their eat-
3 times per month were those reporting vomiting as a ing disorder are not likely to
1.5 times more likely than those weight control behavior 1 to develop future fertility issues,
without vomiting to have irreg- 3 times per month were which may provide some
ular menses, and girls vomiting comfort during what can be a
more than once per week were
1.5 times more likely than those challenging illness and treat-
3 times more likely to have without vomiting to have irregu- ment course.
irregular menses after adjust- lar menses, and girls vomiting
ment for body mass index more than once per week were
(BMI), age, and race,
3 times more likely to have Declaration of
Including only those with a
normal BMI.34 This is impor- irregular menses after adjust- Competing Interest
tant, as patients may present ment for body mass index (BMI), The authors do not have any
with irregular menses and not age, and race, conflicts to declare.
amenorrhea to their primary
care doctor, and in those References
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