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Staff Services: Safety, Security and Health Services in Organization

Safety and Security Services

Health Services
Staff Services: Safety, Security and Health
Services in Organization

Safety, Security and Health Services in There are also implementing rules and
Organization is a vast concept that is regulations governing OSH specifically, the
necessary for organizations to follow Philippine Republic Act No. 11058 of 2018
since there are laws governing this entitled “An Act strengthening Compliance
aspect in management. In the with Occupational Safety and Health
previous chapter, we were able to Standards and providing Penalties for
discuss Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Violations Thereof” aims to strengthen the
Safety and Security is on the third Health, Safety and Social Welfare Benefits
level of Human Needs. of employees under the Labor Code of the
Safety and Security
Employees feel secure in a lot of ways, although it is
undeniable that many organizations do not put
weight on the importance of occupational safety
and health especially those who are not in the
industrial businesses. Employees feel secure when
they are working in an organization wherein their
basic needs are met. That is why the organization
must make sure that their employees are paid on
time without delay, and ofcourse accurately.
Safety and Security

Employees also feel secure when they are promoted. A good

position in the organization gives them extra security in terms of
monetary rewards after a promotion is granted. The management
therefore must look after the movement of employees and take note
employees with exemplary performance.
Safety and Security
Through in-service training, the
The management must also management can ensure the safety and
protect their employees from security of the workers in many ways. In-
environmental hazards in the service training provides them an
working environment just additional educational background and
like danger, bodily harm, it could enhance employee’s self-
deprivation loss of job and esteem. The management must make
sure that deserving employees attends
in-service training and make effort.
Safety and Security

As part of staff service, the organization must provide

transparent information on where the organization is
heading. Employees feel secure when they know the
management’s goals and objectives. Employees must be
guided by the management in fulfilling their roles and
responsibilities. Some employees need a certain form of
security measures because of the tasks they perform.
One of the major concerns of an employer is also the mental and
physical well being of their employees. Since we also believe that
health is wealth. The distinction between health and safety is
somehow arbitrary in a sense that, “safety means the hazards
resulting in direct injuries such as cuts, bruises, sprains, impaired
hearing, broken limbs and loss of eyesight”. While health means
the role of working environment in producing diseases and
Health Services

Employers need to ensure the good health of its employees

especially those who are working in hazardous working
environment. Periodic examinations are mandatorily done
and medical consultations can help serve this purpose.
Another health service the management can offer is in line
with movement of employment or transfer among
employees. Employers should be able to make
recommendations regarding staff health conditions so that
those with notable sickness that can affect performance
should be transferred to more safer workplace.
Health Services

Since the Philippine economy as of now is “not buoyant”, there is little

the administration can do about health services. However, the passing
of the Republic Act 11058 is a manifestation that the government starts
to take leaps on ensuring that the employees are safe in the workplace.

The World Health Organization commends this action that will require
each and every employers to comply with the occupational safety and
health standards informing employees with the hazards in the
workplace. In this law, employees have the every right to refuse to work
in unsafe working condition. The employers must provide protective
equipment and necessary facilities and resources to keep employees

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