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MASSEY-FERGUSON GROUP II -- SECTION A ~ PART & DUAL CLUTCH 35, 50 AND 65 MF & TO TRACTORS INDEX Page Description end Operation Adjutiog the Cloith =. Removing the Clorch Siamenbling the Che Inspecting the Cluta Artaribling the Clutch Inetalling the Clutch -- Trovble-Shosting the Clutch... 0). 21 11) Cluteh Testing Speciticetions 20022222107 Beoaonaun— ‘The Dual Clute consists of a furward (primary) pressure plate and dry cushioned dige which is attached to the transmission input shafl, anda rearward (secondary) pressure plate and dry dise which is attached to the hydraulic pump and power take-off input shaft, Tho primary pressure plate is spring-loaded by twelve silicon-ehrome alloy call springs located between tho clutch caver and the primary pressure plate. ‘The secondary pressure plate 13 spring-loaded by an annular Belleville type spring located between the clutch cover and the secondary pressure plate or false flywheel ring. The false flywheel ring is interposed between and integrated with the primary and secondary clutch sub-assemblies, and is secured to the flywheel by the same cap screws that attach the eluted cover. In operation, the eluteh springs exert pressure against the clutch pressure plates, this in turn transmits the pressure through the discs to the false flywheel ring for the secondary cluteh and to the engine flywhool for the primary clutch, thus establishing a firm frictional contact between the respective discs and flywheel faces. Deprossing the clutch pedal through ie 1st stage moves the eluteh release fork, which in turn contacts the clutch release hearing, moving it forward oa the retainer and bringing It in contact with the clutch release fingers. The bearing depresses the fingers which in turn causes the primary pressure plate to retract from the digo and release the pressure on it, This intorrupts the power flow to the transmission, Depressing the clutch pedal further through the 2nd stage (noticeable by an increased resistance to overcome) causes the same release fingers to move the primary pres- sure plate to a point where it contacts and canses the secondary pressure plate 10 retract from its respective disc, thua releasing the frictional contact between the dise and the falee flywheel ring face. This interrupts the power flow to the hydraulic pump and power take-off input shaft, ‘The combination coil and Belleville spring dual clutchhas been uged in all 38 (MF & TO) trartors sinee Tractor Serial Number 177308, MF 50 Tractors since Tractor Seriar umber 515395 and all models of the MP 65 Tractor. MADDEE-FERGUSUN CLUTCH & FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLIES SERVICING THE CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 35, 50 and 65 CLUTCH ASSEMBLY DIFFERENCES There are five parts in the 104 S41 MOL clutch assembly (used in the 35 and 50 (MF & TO) tractors) which are changed in the 184 543 _MO1 clutch assembly (used in the MF 65 tractors), These changes are not all evi- dent, therefore, use care when ordering parts. NOTE: Be sure to use the correct paris whenever servicing the clufch assembly. This clutch may be used only with the ventélated type flywhecl, ADJUSTING THE CLUTCH ADJUSTING THE RELEASE LEVER HEIGHT Split. the tractor between the engine and tranamission if not previously done, When the chatch assembly has been properly attached to the flywheel, with a NEW primary disc in place, the clutch release lever height should be checked using the special gauge (No, 3, Fig. 1), The release lever height 1s measured from the machined surface of the chiteh cover to the adjusting screw on the release levers as iMustrated in Fig. 2. Loooen the lock nut and turn the adjusting screw in for out) as required to obtain the proper belght, Tighlen the lock aut securely and recheck the adjustment. NOTE: If is very important that the clutch release levers be adjusted mith a NEW primary disc installed. Hf it te desired to reinstall a partially worn 1 Special Toola es M9. Cae ge HL Abin To 2.00 ach Fee Gouge 4-€ath Be Meda ol PART 1 GROUP Il — SECTION A Fig. 2 Adjusting Clurch Plager tet dise, the cluich should strst be tnstall- ed with a new disc in place and the adjustments made. Then remove the clutch assembly and install the par- Hally worn disc without altering the adjustments. ADJUSTING THE SECONDARY PRESSURE PLATE CLEARANCE The proper clearance botwoen the adjusting cap screws and the secondary pressure plate 4s 0.08020,002 inch. Using the apectal 0.000 inch feelor gauge (No. 2, Fig. 1), theadjustment is made as illustrated tn Fig. 3. Loosen the tock nut on the adjusting cap screw, turn the cap serew in (or out) until the 0.080 inch feeler gauge can be ingerted between tne cap screw head and the secondary pressure plate. Hold the cep acrew and tighten the lock mut to lock the adjusting cap screw. Recheck the clear- ance. Be sure the clearance is the same for all three of the adjusting screws. NOTE: If @ partially worm but tii serviceable secondary dist is to be used in the clutch, the clutch should be adjusted to this partially worn second ary dist, It should be kept tn mind, however, that the clutch release lever hoight should always be adjusted with a NEW primary disc installed. MASSEY-FERGUSON GROUP Il — SECTION A — PART: MF 35, 50 & 65 CLUTCH & RLYWHEEL ASSEMBLIES Fig. 3 Adjusting Seenndaty Pressure Plate Clearance ‘This adjustment can be made through the inspection cover on the botiom of the clutch housing if shsolutely necogeary, REMOVING THE CLUTCH ASSEMBLY FROM THE FLYWHEEL 1. Split the tractor between the engine and the transmissicn, 2. Install the 1/4" x8” special “T"' bolts with nuts and washers through the holes in the elute cover to hold the assembly together while removing it from the flywheel. NOTE: Tighten the “T° bolt mets evenly until ihe velease levers ave do- pressed completely. (The coi! springs will be compressed to theiy solid height.) See Rig, 4, 8. Reference mark the clutch assembly and flywheel and remove the cap serews which sc- cure the cover assembly to the engine flywheel. 4. Remove the clutch sasombly and primary friction aise from the flywheel using care not to damage or distort the air ring between the * comeoMhitand the ventilated flywheel, Fig, 4 Installing the “1 Bolts DISASSEMBLING THE DUAL CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 1, Punch mark the engine flywheel, the clutch cover, 9 inch pressure plate, the flywheel plate Terry coe Fig. 5 Removing the Cluich MWA DoE -TERWUOUNN CLUTCH & FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLES GROUP II — SEGTION A — PART I 2 Gam ren and the 11 inch pressure plate so reassembly can be made maictaining the original clutch balance. Se Pig. 5, NOTE: It is necessary to mark the cover in twa places. 2, Unhook the release lever torsion spring ends (No. 22) from elutch cover (No, 16, Fig. 6) releasing the springs and tever arm preload. 3. Loosen the 0.090 inch adjustment cap serew lock nut {No, 6) and aghten the cap serews (No. 11, Fig. 6) until they bottom in the 11 in, pressure plate, 4, Back-off the “T'" bolt nuts evenly until it i possible to drive the upper release lever pivot pin retainer pins (No. 21) down sutfi- elently to remove the upper release Lever pivot pin (No. 20, Fig. 6). See Fig. 7 NOTE: Donot attempt to drive the' re- pee evpncnecey aul of the cover eae! Bernat Be Faroe Ph bileter Bn assembly. The pins can be removed nery easily ence the cover kas been ventoued from the clulch assembly. 8. Romove the upper release lever pivot pins and torsion springs. See Fig. 8. 6, Locsen the nuts on the “‘T”" bolts evenly tantil the coil springs (No. 10, Fig. 6) are fully extended and the cover is free. 7. Remove the ‘‘T”’ bolts. 8. Lift off the elutch cover, Belleville pres- sure plate spring (No. 15), the 9-fa. pressure plate (No. 14), the 9-in. friction dise (No, 13) and flywheel plate (No. 12, Fig. 6). ®, Remove the coil pressure aprings and pressure spring insulating washers (No. 9) from the 11-in, pressure plate and remove the lower release pivot pina (No. 1, Fig. 6) from the pressure plate. See Fig. 9 MASSEY- GROUF I — SECTION A — PART | Fig. 7 Removing Retelaer Pine 10. Turn the cover assembly over and drive out the upper release lever pivot pin retainer ping. See Fig. 10. ‘This completes the cluten disassembly except for the 0.090 inch adjuatment pusher cap screws which may be removed at this time if necessary. SPrenpriag Upper Pevet Pins FERGUSON MF 25, 50 & 65 CLUTCH & RLYWHEEL ASSEMBLIES Fig, 9 Removing Lewer Pivet Pine It 4s recommended that the pilot bearing and release bearing be replaced each time one or more clutch friction dises are installed in the eluteh assembly, (NSPECTING THE CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 1, Test the coil springs and replace those Not meeting minimum specifications. Replace insulating washers oach time a spring is replaced and whenever the washers show signs of deterioration or eacessive heal, 2. Replace the Helleville washers whenever there is evidence of excessive heat, 3, Inspect the upper and lower pivot pins and pin holes for wear and grooving. Fig. 10 Removing Retainer Pins Te Reveinee Pas SLUTCH & FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLIES GROUP {l— SEGTION A — PART + Fig. 11 tastalling Dytlerie Spring 4. Check the release lever torsion eprings for damage. 5, Examine cluteh facings for damage, signs of overheating and exceasive wear, Check for loose rivets and damaged driving splines. Replaces if necessary, 6. Inspect the cluteh cover for damage. ASSEMBLING THE DUAL CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 1. Place the cluteh cover upside down on a denen. a: 12. Assembling Seorrdary Clutch 2, Place the 9-in, pressure plate Belleville spring in the cover, convex side up, and cen- tralize it in the groove. See Fig. 11 NOTE: For 35 & 59 (MF & TO} Trac tors use a red paint marked Belleville spring. For MP 65 tractors use a blue baie! marked Belleville spring. See Fig. 12. 8. Place the 9-in, pressure plate on the Belleville spring with the shoulder side against the spring. Align the punch marks, Fig 4 Ball Lip of Primary Pressure Plate MASSEY- FERGUSON GROUP 11 — SECTION A — PART | ME 35, 50 & 65 CLUTCH & RYWHEEL ASSEMBLIES 4, Place the Q-in. friction dise assembly, centered, on the pressure plale with the hub side away from the flywheel. 8. Place the flywheel plate on the friction dige with the smooth side toward the disc. Align the punch marks. 6. Bolt the cover and flywheel plate together tightly with three 5/16" x 1-1/2" bolts through the cover to flywheel mounting holes, see Fig. 13, % Place the 1t-in, pressure plate, face down, on a bench and install the pressure spring insulating washers and predsure springs over the raised buttons on the pressure plate. Install the adjusting cap screwe and lock nuts, bottoming the cap screws fa the 11-in. pressure Plate. See Fig, L4. 8 Add a light coat of “Lubriplate (Grade 70} to the lower release pivot pins and Insert them into one side of the taba. 9. Place the cover assembly on the pressure springs, being certain the springs are sexted on the raised buttons of the cover assembly and that the marks are aligned, 10, Insert the ““T”’ bolts through the cover assembly and bottom thom in the J1-in, pres- sure plate. See Fig. 15. IL. Tighten the “T bolt nuts evenly until tne flywheel plate just clears the lower release Pivot pins. Install the release levers and lower pivot pins, Seo Fig. 16. Fig. 16 Inatalling Lewer Pivot Pins NOTE: Use this method of installation of the release levers because the re Tease levers may bind between the levers and the cover assembly, when lightening the “T” bolt nuts, causing damage to the cover assembly, 32, With tho release levers in position, tighten the ‘'T°" bolt nuts evenly until the upper release lever pivot pins can be Inserted easly. NOTE: Be sure when tightening the “T" dolt nuts that no binding of the releaseleversoccurs within the cover, 13. Install the upper release lever pivot pins Bee Fig. 17. and springs. MASSE N-FERGUSUN CLUTCH & FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLIES GROUP II — SECTION A — PART 1 14. Secure the upper release lever pivot pins with new retainer pins driven in from the top down, NOTE: Always use new vetainer pins whenever tke clutch is disassembled, It is also recommended that the hole in the clutch cover, through which the bin is tnserted, be distorted slightly with @ punch on the top of the cover. 18. Book the release lever torsion springs in position in the recesses in the clutch cover as shown in Fig, 17, 16, Tighten the “‘T"" polt nuts evenly unttl the release levers are completely depressed (The cofl springs will be compressed to their solid height.) 17. Remove the clutch cover to flywheel plate securing holts from the mounting holes. The clutch assembly 1s now ready for installation, INSTALLING THE CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 1, Place the ventilated flywheel air ring in poattion on the flywheel, 2, With the clutch pilot tool (No. 4, Fig. 1), inserted through the D-in, driven and 11-30, clutch discs, insert the clutch assembly into the ventilated flywheel and fasten # to the fly- wheel with the mounting bolts, Tighten the mounting bolts to 2 torque of 28-83 ft-lbs. NOTE: It is extremely important that the pressure plate Rellenille spring be centralized ix the couer assembly, If if is not centralized, adjust the “T"? doit muts, until the spring can be re- centered, 3. Remove the clutch pilot tool. 4. Remove the “T’ bolts from the clutch cover assembly and adjust the ciutch release lever height and secondary pressure plate clearance. See page 2. NOTE: Should it become necessary to install at entirely new clutch cover aasembly, the assembly received from the repaty parts will have three (3) cap screws securing the assembly as shoun in Fig. 18. These cap screws MUST be removed once the assembly is installed to the engine flywheel, 5. Reassemble the tractor. NOTE: Place a tight coat of “Lubyt- plaie (Grade 70)” on the PTO and Main drive shaft before reassembly, COMBINATION COIL AND BELLEVILLE SPRING DUAL CLUTCH TROUBLE-SHOOTING CHART PROBLEM — Clutch drag or apin POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTION a} Oll or grease on friction disc facings. Instalt new friction dise. 1b) Improper pedat adjustment not altowing. Correct pedat adjustment, sree idoreutemt tw"release bearing. MASSEY-FERGUSON GROUP Il — SECTION 4 — PART 1 POSSIBLE CAUSE c) Damaged pressure plate or elutcn cover. ) Friction disc hub binding on splined drive pinion shaft, €) Distorted friction diac, ) Broken facings or trlotion disc. ¢) Dirt or foreign matter in the clutch, PROBLEM — Clutch slip POSSIBLE CAUSE a) Oil or grease on friction disc facings. 1) Weak coil or Belleville spring. If excessive slip ia allowed to occur, the heat generated will soften the springs’ and aggravate the trounle, ©} Binding of clutch pedal mechanism, 4) Improper pedal adjustment preventing full engagement. PROBLEM — Ctuteh grabbing POSSIBLE CAUSE a} Ol on friction aise, b} Binding of clutch pedal mechanism, c} Worn out friction dise facings, PROBLEM — Clutch chatter POSSIBLE CAUSE a) Oll, grease or foreign matter on friction dise facings, b) Contact area friction facings not evenly distributed. NOTE: 100% contact will not Occur until clutch hag deen in use for some time, but contact area should te evenly distributed round the facings by muexieu arsenen dise(s), ME 35, 50 & 65 CLUTCH & RYWHEEL ASSEMBLIES CORRECTION Replace defective part. Clean up aplines and smear with small quantity of “Lubripiate (Grade 70)'* Install new friction ise. Install new friction disc. Remove clutch from flywheel and clean with dry rag. See that all working parts are free, CORRECTION Install new friction dige, Install a new set of thrust springs (cingle eluten}, or a new Believille spring (dual clutch). Free bearings. (NOTE: The clutch shalt bear- fags in the transmission ease are self-Iubri- cating. Oil or grease ahoula ON NO ACCOUNT be applied.) Correct pedal adjustment, CORRECTION Install new friction disc, Free bearings, (NOTE: The clutch shafl bear- ingo in the transmission case are self-lubri- cating. Oil or grease should ON NO ACCOUNT. be applied.) install new friction dise. CORRECTION Instali new friction diso, Adjust release levers correctly, using gauge. Wf this does not cure the trouble, install new irietion disc. Install new friction dise, MASSET-FERGUSON CLUTCH & FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLIES GROUP Il - SECTION A - PART 1 PROBLEM — Clutch Retile POSSIBLE CAUSE a) Anti-rattle spring(s) broken. Damaged fric- lion diac, Worn partsin retease mechanism, Excessive backlash in tranamiasion, Wear in transmission bearings, PROBLEM Abnormal facing wear POSSIBLE CAUSE 5) Usually caused by riding the clutch and excessive slippage. PROBLEM — PTO stops when tractor 1a halted ~ (Dual Clutch) POSSIBLE CAUSE a) Insnffictent dual plate clearance, PROBLEM — PTO cannot be stopped - (Dual Claten) POSSIBLE CAUSE a} Excessive dual plate clearance, CORRECTION Install new parts as necessary. CORRECTION Instruct operator on proper operation. CORRECTION Adjust clearance. CORRECTION Adjust clearance, COMBINATION COIL AND BELLEVILLE SPRING DUAL CLUTCH SPECIFICATIONS Hem MF (and T0}35 and 50 MF 65 Spring Color Yellow Lavender Number of coils - Total u-1/2 40 Number ef colls - Active 9-1/2 7/64 Free Length 2.45/64 in 2.21/64 An, Length in use - Minimum 1.11/32 fn. 111/32 in, Solid Weight - Maxtonum 1-9/32 in, 1-8/82 in Test Length 3-1/2 tn. 1-1/2 in, ‘Test Load 80-88 Ths, 111-123 Ibs. Belleville Color Mark Red Blue 10

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