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Any object in subsonic flight which has some finite thickness or is producing lift will have local velocities

on the surface
which are greater than the free stream velocity. Hence, compressibility effects can be expected to occur at flight speeds less
than the speed of sound. The transonic regime of flight provides the opportunity for mixed subsonic and supersonic flow
and. accounts for the first significant effects of compressibility.

In aircraft which are capable of flying at high subsonic speeds, and of transition to supersonic speed, larger than normal
rearward movements of the wing centre of pressure occur and in consequence large nose-down pitching moments are
produced; the attitude change being generally referred to as 'tuck under'.

The attitude change is corrected and trimmed out by designing such aircraft so that they have the essential stability
characteristics and trimming method, e.g. the variable incidence horizontal stabiliser
Consider a conventional airfoil shape as shown in figure. If this airfoil is at a flight Mach number of 0.50 and a slight
positive angle of attack, the maximum local velocity on the surface will be greater than the flight speed but most likely less
than sonic speed. Assume that an increase in flight Mach number to 0.72 would produce first evidence of local sonic flow.
This condition of flight would be the highest flight speed possible without supersonic flow and would be termed the “critical
Mach number.”

Thus, critical Mach number is the boundary between subsonic and transonic flight and is an important ~point of reference
for all compressibility effects encountered in transonic flight.

By definition, critical Mach number is the “free stream Mach number which produces first evidence of local sonic flow.”
Therefore, shock waves, buffet, airflow separation, etc., take place above critical Mach number.
As critical Mach number is exceeded an area of
supersonic airflow is created and a normal shock
wave forms as the boundary between the
supersonic flow and the subsonic flow on the aft
portion of the airfoil surface.

The acceleration of the airflow from subsonic to

supersonic is smooth and unaccompanied by shock
waves if the surface is smooth and the transition
gradual. However, the transition of airflow from
supersonic to subsonic is always accompanied by a
shock wave and, when there is no change in
direction of the airflow, the waveform is a normal
shock wave.
The High-Speed CP - The position of the centre of pressure (CP) during transonic flight is determined by the angle of attack
and therefore is speed dependent. At Mach 0.75 the CP is located at approximately 20% of the length of the chordline from
the leading edge of the aerofoil. As the speed increases the CP moves progressively aft, increasing the longitudinal static
stability and requiring an increasing amount of nose-up pitch input of the stabiliser, at Mach 1.0 the CP is at approximately
45% of the MAC from the leading edge, until at Mach 1.4 the CP positioned at approximately 50% of the length of the
chordline from the leading edge of the aerofoil.

For swept-wing aircraft, this rearward movement of the CP restricts their maximum speed. Transferring fuel between tanks
to move the CG can generate a correcting moment that counteracts the rearward movement of the CP. However, this method
is limited because as the flight progresses and the fuel is used, although the aeroplane mass decreases enabling it to travel
faster, there is less fuel available for transference to move the CG and counteract the effect of the movement of the CP.
Mach trim - In aircraft which are capable of flying at high
subsonic speeds, and of transition to supersonic speed, larger
than normal rearward movements of the wing centre of pressure
occur and in consequence large nose-down pitching moments
are produced; the attitude change being generally referred to as
'tuck under' or ‘mach- tuck’. The attitude change is, of course,
corrected and trimmed out by designing such aircraft so that they
have the essential stability characteristics and trimming method,
e.g. the variable incidence horizontal stabiliser.

As in the case of a yaw damper, it is a subsystem to an automatic

control system in that it can be operational whether or not
automatic control is engaged. The actuating section of the
system forms part of the horizontal stabiliser trim and elevator
control system.

The principal components of the system are a trim coupler unit,

and an actuator. The coupler unit is electrically connected to an
air data computer from which it receives signals corresponding
to airspeed in terms of Mach number. It contains all the logic
circuits necessary for the processing of the signals and their
amplification before supplying them to the trim actuator.
At a certain Mach number,
compressibility effects arise which make
the counteracting nose-up pitching
moment produced by trimming the
horizontal stabiliser to a negative angle
of attack position, less effective as
aircraft speed increases. Under manually
controlled flight conditions, this would
necessitate the pilot having to make
prolonged trim changes and hold higher
forces on the control column when
displacing the elevators relative to a
specific trimmed condition.

It is usual therefore to install a Mach

trim system which automatically senses
increases of speed above the appropriate
datum Mach number and, by means of
servo coupling, automatically re-adjusts
the position of the horizontal stabiliser
thereby maintaining the pitch trim of the
As speed increases and exceeds the set value a signal is
supplied from the trim coupler unit to release the brake, and
a speed signal from the air data computer is supplied to the
motor which then rotates the screwed shaft. Since the shaft is
connected to the stabiliser via the neutral shift mechanism
the actuator body itself is traversed along the shaft.

Movement of the body also rotates the feel and centring unit,
and assuming that the automatic control system pitch channel
is not engaged, the main control valve of the power control
unit will be directly actuated and displacement of the unit
will move the elevators up so that they counteract the 'tuck
under' effect.
The Mach Trim System provides automatic repositioning of the elevators as a function of Mach number. As the airplane
enters the Mach tuck region, the elevator is repositioned to provide a new neutral in an upward direction which is
proportional to the increase in Mach.

In B737, Mach Trim System provides speed stability at the higher Mach numbers. Mach trim is automatically accomplished
above Mach .615 by adjusting the elevators with respect to the stabilizer as speed increases. The flight control computers use
Mach information from the ADIRU to compute a Mach trim actuator position. The Mach trim actuator repositions the
elevator feel and centering unit which adjusts the control column neutral position.

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