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2 BAC - U8 / READING Instr.

Oussama Sahri

[1] In 1969, the USA began a series of nuclear tests on a A. This text is most specifically about : ( ……. )
little island , called Amchitka, near Alaska . At that time , - a governmental organization
people in Alaska did not realize that those tests were dangerous. - an independent organization
(b) -(c) a
They did not even know that they were happening ! In 1971, two local charity foundation
Canadians, Irving Stowe and Dorothy Stowe, decided to do
something about this. They were aware of the danger. So, with B. Are these statements TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false ones.
the help of a group of American environmental activists, they 1. It took only two Canadians to found Greenpeace.
bought a boat which they named Greenpeace , in 1971 . In the  T  F ……………………………………………..
autumn of the same year, the boat sailed towards Amchitka and ………………………………….….…….…. 2. Greenpeace is funded by
faced the U.S. Coast Guard’s ship , just at the time when the governments all over the world.
Americans wanted to test another nuclear bomb. After this  T F
confrontation, the Americans had to end testing bombs in ………………………………………………………………………………….….
Alaska, and the Greenpeace people and their organization have
become famous all over the world. 3. 15,000 people work permanently for Greenpeace.
 T  F ………………………………………………..
……………………………….….………. C. Answer the following
[2] Now, Greenpeace is the most well-known
questions :
nongovernmental environmental organization in the world. It
focuses its campaigning on worldwide issues, namely, water 1. Why did Irving and Dorothy decide to do something about the
population,climatechange, deforestation, overfishing, genetic nuclear tests in Alaska ?
engineering, and anti-nuclear issues. The global organization ………………………………………………………………………………………….
does not accept money from governments, corporations, or ……………………………
political parties. It receives funding from its three million 2. What issues does Greenpeace focus on in its campaigning ?
individual supporters and from foundation donations. …………..………

[3] With offices in over 39 countries, the organization’s D. Find words or expressions which mean :
headquarters are based in Amsterdam. The executive director
of Greenpeace is elected by the board members of the the same as the opposite of
organization. The current directors of Greenpeace are Bunny stop ( p 1) = harmless ( p 1) #
McDiarmid and Jennifer Morgan. Greenpeace has a staff of famous ( p 2) = governmental ( p 2) #
2,400 and 15,000 volunteers globally.
located in ( p 3) = at a local level ( p 3) #
E. What do the underlined words refer to in the text ?
They : ………………….……………….. the boat :

F. Complete this table with information from the text :

Organization Founder Year headquarters Executive Director

2 BAC - U8 / READING Instr. Oussama Sahri

[1] In 1969, the USA began a series of nuclear tests on a A. This text is most specifically about : ( ……. )
little island , called Amchitka, near Alaska . At that time , - a governmental organization
people in Alaska did not realize that those tests were dangerous. - an independent organization
(b) -(c) a
They did not even know that they were happening ! In 1971, two local charity foundation
Canadians, Irving Stowe and Dorothy Stowe, decided to do
something about this. They were aware of the danger. So, with B. Are these statements TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false ones.
the help of a group of American environmental activists, they 1. It took only two Canadians to found Greenpeace.
bought a boat which they named Greenpeace , in 1971 . In the  T  F ……………………………………………..
autumn of the same year, the boat sailed towards Amchitka and ………………………………….….…….…. 2. Greenpeace is funded by
faced the U.S. Coast Guard’s ship , just at the time when the governments all over the world.
Americans wanted to test another nuclear bomb. After this  T F
confrontation, the Americans had to end testing bombs in ………………………………………………………………………………….….
Alaska, and the Greenpeace people and their organization have
become famous all over the world. 3. 15,000 people work permanently for Greenpeace.
 T  F ………………………………………………..
……………………………….….………. C. Answer the following
[2] Now, Greenpeace is the most well-known
questions :
nongovernmental environmental organization in the world. It
focuses its campaigning on worldwide issues, namely, water 1. Why did Irving and Dorothy decide to do something about the
population,climatechange, deforestation, overfishing, genetic nuclear tests in Alaska ?
engineering, and anti-nuclear issues. The global organization ………………………………………………………………………………………….
does not accept money from governments, corporations, or ……………………………
political parties. It receives funding from its three million 2. What issues does Greenpeace focus on in its campaigning ?
individual supporters and from foundation donations. …………..………
[3] With offices in over 39 countries, the organization’s D. Find words or expressions which mean :
headquarters are based in Amsterdam. The executive director the same as the opposite of
of Greenpeace is elected by the board members of the stop ( p 1) = harmless ( p 1) #
organization. The current directors of Greenpeace are Bunny
McDiarmid and Jennifer Morgan. Greenpeace has a staff of famous ( p 2) = governmental ( p 2) #
2,400 and 15,000 volunteers globally. located in ( p 3) = at a local level ( p 3) #
E. What do the underlined words refer to in the text ?
They : ………………….……………….. the boat :

F. Complete this table with information from the text :

Organization Founder Year headquarters Executive Director

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