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MATURA PRÓBNA 2016 – poziom podstawowy

Zapis nagrań
Zadanie 1.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę nastolatków. Jeśli zdanie jest zgodne z treścią nagrania, wpisz znak ✗
w kolumnie T (True). W przeciwnym wypadku wpisz znak ✗ w kolumnie F (False).

–– Hi, Chloe. How are you feeling?

–– Alex, how nice of you to come and see me. Just as you can see. The worst thing is that I can’t even get out of
bed on my own.
–– Is your leg broken?
–– Just badly hurt. My left elbow is a real problem, though – there’s a complicated fracture. I had an operation
yesterday and they needed to put a metal plate inside. So, I’m in for another operation in two or three months to
have it removed.
–– Oh, dear! How did it happen, anyway?
–– I was cycling with Martha. We were riding quite fast down a hill and I saw a big hole in the road. I must have
panicked and pulled the front brake instead of the back one. It worked too well and I went over the bike and
landed in the road.
–– You had your helmet on, I hope?
–– Without it, I’d have got a bad head injury. Apparently, it was smashed to pieces, but it did its job. Still, I’ve got
bruises and scratches all over my body. See this nasty scratch on my cheek? When I saw it in the mirror, I cried
hysterically until the nurse called for a doctor, who assured me it would disappear in a few days. Now, will you
help me get into the wheelchair? It’s next to the window.
–– Er, I’m not sure. What if something happens to you? Maybe I’d better call a nurse.
–– Alex, I’m not made of glass! But OK, go and get her. I really need the toilet.

Zadanie 2.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat imprez charytatywnych. Do każdej wypowiedzi (2.1. – 2.4.)
dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A – E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
UWAGA: jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo – nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

Wypowiedź 1.
Last year I heard that the local animal shelter was about to close down because the local authorities didn’t have
enough money to keep it going. As soon as the news came out, many local people, including me, began promoting
a series of fundraising events to save the shelter. Some of my friends and I helped to organise a fun run last year,
which was a great success. Since then, I’ve helped to set up several other events. I find this sort of work very

Wypowiedź 2.
I regularly take part in charity events because I feel that I can make a difference, and I’d really like more people to
take part in such events. There are so many reasons why these events are a worthwhile thing to get involved in –
the most important, of course, being the chance to help those in need. But if you try it, you’ll see other benefits, too.
Fundraising events are a great opportunity to meet new people and bring the local community together. So, why
wait? Check out some local charity events and give it a go!

Wypowiedź 3.
‘I need to get rid of those things!’ How many times have you said that to yourself? The jumble sale we are running
next Saturday in our town at 101 Garden Street is a great opportunity to clear out all your unwanted belongings and
do something rewarding with them. The money will go towards the renovation of the local old people’s home. If you
want to help us organise the event, phone us on 491300 856. Any help you can give would be warmly welcomed.

Wypowiedź 4.
And now a few words about the charity concert, which, as it has every year since 2002, will take place in our town
on 1 July. Although the concert was originally held to remember the work of David Stanton, the famous soloist who
was born in our town and died in 1999, it soon became one of the largest fundraising events in this part of the
country. This year the concert will be held in the recently renovated open-air theatre in the park.

Photocopiable © Macmillan Polska 2016

MATURA PRÓBNA 2016 – poziom podstawowy

Zadanie 3.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć tekstów. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.
Zaznacz literę A, B lub C.

Tekst 1.
–– I love it here. The place really feels like home. It’s great after such a tiring journey.
–– Yes, I’m glad we followed Tom’s advice about staying here. It might not be cheap but it’s definitely worth the
money. Do you feel like having something to eat?
–– Not really. I’m too tired after that long flight. I think I’ll have a nap.
–– All right. I’ll take a walk around the place, then.

Tekst 2.
When I told my parents a few months ago that I was giving up meat, they weren’t exactly over the moon. But when
I explained my reasons, they didn’t try to persuade me to go back to eating meat, which was a pleasant surprise.
The thing is, we’re a large family and my mum refuses to make two different dinners, so with my homework as well,
it’s quite difficult for me to find the time to buy the ingredients and make a vegetarian meal for myself. At least I get
some extra money for that from my dad, so my monthly budget hasn’t suffered.

Tekst 3.
–– I’ve just finished the book you lent me. I’ll bring it back tomorrow.
–– Great! Did you like it?
–– Well, to be honest, it was a bit difficult to get through.
–– Really? I found the story really interesting.
–– Me too, but all those old-fashioned words and the ancient grammar made it hard to follow.
–– On the plus side, though, the main goodies and baddies were really colourful.

Tekst 4.
As you know, we’re going to have the school football pitch renovated and it won’t be possible for anyone to use it,
including the school football club, for almost two months. Therefore, it will no longer be possible to run the football
training sessions, which took place on Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 pm, on the school pitch. To avoid cancelling them
for such a long period, Mr Benger, the school football coach, has asked the local football club to let us use one of
their training fields. Fortunately, they have agreed, so the training will continue on the same days at the usual times
on their training pitch.

Tekst 5.
Hello, Tom. This is Andrew. I’m sorry to be calling you so late but I’m afraid I need you to stand in for me at
tomorrow’s meeting with the people from Global Inc. There’s an urgent management meeting at the same time,
which I have to attend. If you go to the secretary’s office first thing in the morning, Ms Elson will give you the
materials for the meeting and you should have enough time to prepare. I’m sure you’ll handle the job perfectly.

Tekst 6.
–– Have you made up your mind what you’re going to do when the school year ends?
–– Actually, I have. It wasn’t easy, because my parents want me to stay at school and study for my A-levels,
but I feel I want to leave school and start earning my own money straight away.
–– I’m not sure that’s a good choice. In fact, I think you’re wasting your potential. You could easily get good results
and get a place at university. You told me once that you’d like to study medicine. Maybe you’ll change your mind.
–– I don’t think so.

Photocopiable © Macmillan Polska 2016

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