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Symbol Meaning
(A) Army
(AF) Air Force
(MC) Marine Corps
(N) Navy
a adverb
ab abbreviation
af affix
BK book
c conjunction
e expression
i interjection
j adjective
lv linking verb
m modal
n noun
nbr number
O Objective
p preposition
r pronoun
R Recognition
t contraction
U usage
v verb

Term Class BK Less Usag Definition/Explanation

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0-20 nbr 1 1 O numbers
a j 1 1 O indefinite article
A-G; a-g 1 1 O letters of the alphabet
alphabet n 1 1 R letters aA to zZ
be v 1 1 O to exist (is/are)
book n 1 1 O collection of papers
fastened together to be
read or written on
capital letter n 1 1 R a letter written in its
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large form: A, B, C, etc.
chair n 1 1 O piece of furniture used for
circle v 1 1 O to draw a circle around
classroom n 1 1 O a room where classes meet
clock n 1 1 O an instrument for
showing/measuring time
close v 1 1 O to shut
door n 1 1 O a flat, movable surface which
opens and closes entrances
eight j 1 1 O 8
eighteen j 1 1 O 18
eleven j 1 1 O 11
example n 1 1 R something to be copied
fifteen j 1 1 O 15
Fine, thanks. e 1 1 O a polite response to a question of
health, comfort
five j 1 1 O 5
four j 1 1 O 4
fourteen j 1 1 O 14
go (to) v 1 1 O to proceed/move in the direction
Good morning/afternoon. e 1 1 O an expression of greeting
Hello e 1 1 O informal greeting
How are you? e 1 1 O greeting used when meeting again
is/was v 1 1 O to be/exist (used with he, she,
it r 1 1 O that thing, group, idea, etc.
already mentioned
it's t 1 1 O it + is
lab n 1 1 O room for listening to/ speaking
letter n 1 1 O symbol of the alphabet
listen (to) v 1 1 O to give attention in hearing
look (at) v 1 1 O to observe; direct eyes to
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my j 1 1 O possessive form of I
My name is… e 1 1 O self-introduction
name n 1 1 O word by which a person, thing, or
class is known
nine j 1 1 O 9
nineteen j 1 1 O 19
notebook n 1 1 O book of papers for notes
number n 1 1 O symbol/word which shows how many
Okay. Good-bye. e 1 1 O All right. Farewell.
one j 1 1 O being a single thing
open v 1 1 O to cause/become open
page n 1 1 R one side of a piece of book paper
pen n 1 1 O device for writing with ink
pencil n 1 1 O device for writing/drawing with
picture n 1 1 O a painted/drawn image of
please i 1 1 O polite request
repeat v 1 1 O to say again
See you later. e 1 1 O Goodbye, for now.
seven j 1 1 O 7
seventeen j 1 1 O 17
sir n 1 1 O respectful form of address to men
six j 1 1 O 6
sixteen j 1 1 O 16
small letter n 1 1 R lower case letters
table n 1 1 O furniture having flat top set on
ten j 1 1 O 10
that p 1 1 O any object farther away
that's t 1 1 O that + is
the j 1 1 O definite article
thirteen j 1 1 O 13
this r 1 1 O demonstrative pronoun
three j 1 1 O 3
to p 1 1 O movement toward/in the direction
twelve j 1 1 O 12
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twenty j 1 1 O 20
two j 1 1 O 2
what r 1 1 O which thing or event
what's t 1 1 O what + is
What's your name? e 1 1 O request for your name object
window n 1 1 O a glass opening in a door/building
which lets in light and air
word n 1 1 O a written/spoken sound for
write/wrote v 1 1 O to form words/letters on a surface
your j 1 1 O possessive singular of your
zero j 1 1 O the symbol 0
zero — twenty n 1 1 O numbers
21-100 nbr 1 2 O numbers
am/was v 1 2 O be/exist (used with I)
and c 1 2 R plus/in addition/also
are/were v 1 2 O be/exist (used with you/they)
barber/barbers n 1 2 O a person who cuts men/boys hair
cook/cooks n 1 2 O person(s) who prepares food
doctor/doctors n 1 2 O a person who takes care of sick
don't m 1 2 O negative command
eighty j 1 2 O 80
fifty j 1 2 O 50
forty j 1 2 O 40
her j 1 2 O possessive form of she
Her name is (Mary). e 1 2 O identifying a female and her name
his j 1 2 O possessive form of he
His name is (Bob). e 1 2 O identifying a man and his name
H-P; h-p 1 2 O letters of the alphabet
I r 1 2 O pronoun for person writing,
speaking, etc.; me
I'm t 1 2 O I + am
mechanic(s) n 1 2 O person who repairs cars
ninety j 1 2 O 90
pilot(s) n 1 2 O a person who flies a plane
radio(s) n 1 2 O device for receiving/listening to
radio signals
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recorder(s) n 1 2 O device for copying sounds for
future use
seventy j 1 2 O 70
sixty j 1 2 O 60
student(s) n 1 2 O one who studies/is enrolled in a
tape(s) n 1 2 O recorded material on thin
magnetized ribbon
teacher(s) n 1 2 O instructor/professor
television(s) n 1 2 O device receives transmitted
these r 1 2 O demonstrative pronoun (plural)
thirty j 1 2 O 30
those r 1 2 O demonstrative pronoun (plural)
TV ab 1 2 R television
twenty-one — a/one hundred n 1 2 O numbers (21 — 100)
What's her name? e 1 2 O request for woman's name
What's his name? e 1 2 O request for man's name
you r 1 2 O singular/plural; the one being
you're t 1 2 O you + are
$ nbr 1 3 O dollar sign
= nbr 1 3 O equals sign
¢ nbr 1 3 O cent sign
Aa-Zz 1 3 O letters of the alphabet
aren't t 1 3 O are + not
cent n 1 3 O a penny
dime n 1 3 O coin equal to ten cents
dollar n 1 3 O a unit of money in the U.S. equal
to 100 cents
half dollar n 1 3 O coin equal to 50 cents
he r 1 3 O man, boy, male
he's t 1 3 O he + is
isn't t 1 3 O is + not
money n 1 3 O coins/paper notes
nickel n 1 3 O five cents
no a 1 3 O nay; not so
not a 1 3 O in no manner (expresses negative
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penny n 1 3 O one cent; coin
quarter n 1 3 O coin equal to 25 cents
she r 1 3 O subject form used for a female
she's r 1 3 O she + is
spell v 1 3 O to name the order of letters in a
student control number n 1 3 R identification number for students
they r 1 3 O persons previously mentioned
they're t 1 3 O they + are
we r 1 3 O everyone, including you
we're t 1 3 O we + are
yes a 1 3 O expressing agreement, consent
at p 1 4 O on/near time of
blackboard n 1 4 O smooth black surface for writing
with chalk; chalkboard
box n 1 4 O a stiff container for holding
solids, usually with a lid
calendar n 1 4 O chart showing days and months of
the year
chalkboard n 1 4 O smooth green/black surface for
day n 1 4 O a period of 24 hours
desk n 1 4 O table for reading, writing, or
doing business
dialog n 1 4 R a conversation between two or more
Friday n 1 4 O 6th day of the week
in p 1 4 O location
It's (10) o'clock. e 1 4 O expression for telling time (used
with hour only)
It's (10:30). e 1 4 O used when telling time(used with
hour and minutes)
map n 1 4 O a drawing representing countries,
town, rivers, etc.
Monday n 1 4 O 2nd day of the week
o'clock a 1 4 O according to/of the clock
on p 1 4 O in contact with; supported by
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put/put/put v 1 4 O to set/place
Saturday n 1 4 O seventh/last day of the week
sit/sat (down) v 1 4 O to take a seat/occupy a chair
sound n 1 4 R what can be heard; a sensation in
the ear
stand/stood (up) v 1 4 O to rise to upright position on
your feet
Sunday n 1 4 O 1st day of the week
Thursday n 1 4 O 5th day of the week
time n 1 4 R precise instant in hours/minutes
today n 1 4 O the present day
tomorrow n 1 4 O the day following today
Tuesday n 1 4 O 3rd day of the week
under p 1 4 O below; beneath surface of
wall n 1 4 O upright structure used to
support/divide (rooms)
Wednesday n 1 4 O 4th day of the week
week n 1 4 O 7 days/Sunday through Saturday
weekend n 1 4 O Saturday and Sunday
101-999 nbr 2 1 O numbers
alphabet n 2 1 O letters aA to zZ
and c 2 1 O plus/in addition/also
angry j 2 1 O filled with anger (a strong
feeling of displeasure)
boy n 2 1 O a young male child
brother n 2 1 O a male having the same parents as
another person
Bye i 2 1 R good bye
child/children n 2 1 O young human being(s); sons and
cold j 2 1 O not warm; having a lower than
usual temperature
consonant n 2 1 O a letter of the alphabet that is
not a vowel
dad n 2 1 R informal word for father
family n 2 1 O a group of people related by blood
or marriage especially parent and
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father n 2 1 O a male parent
friend n 2 1 O a person one knows well and is
fond of
girl n 2 1 O a young female child
Glad to meet you. e 2 1 O a polite reply used with
happy j 2 1 O feeling pleasure and contentment
Hi i 2 1 R informal greeting
hot j 2 1 O having a relatively high
let's t 2 1 O let + us, suggestion
man/men n 2 1 O fully grown human male(s)
Miss n 2 1 O unmarried woman
mother n 2 1 O female parent
Mr. ab 2 1 O Mister/title of married/unmarried
Mrs. ab 2 1 O title of married woman
Ms. ab 2 1 O title of woman whose marital
status is not known
Nice to meet you. e 2 1 O rejoinder
now a 2 1 R at the present
old j 2 1 O having lived a long time; not
or c 2 1 O an alternative/different choice
sad j 2 1 O not happy; sorrowful
sick j 2 1 O ill; infected with disease
sister n 2 1 O female related to one by having
same parents
tired j 2 1 O without strength or energy
too a 2 1 O also
very a 2 1 O extremely
vowel n 2 1 O letter representing speech sound
(a, e, i, o, u)
well j 2 1 O not sick
What time is it? e 2 1 O request for hour and minute of the
woman/women n 2 1 O fully grown human female(s)
young j 2 1 O not old
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1,000-500,000 nbr 2 2 O numbers
Air Force n 2 2 O a branch of the military
an j 2 2 R indefinite article before a vowel
answer n 2 2 R a reply to a question, letter,
ask v 2 2 R to request information, favors,
at p 2 2 O place
barracks n 2 2 O building(s) for lodging personnel
base n 2 2 O military installation
bed n 2 2 O a piece of furniture made to be
slept on/in
belong(s) to v 2 2 R to be the property of
big j 2 2 O large in size
building n 2 2 O a usually permanent structure with
walls and a roof
bulletin board n 2 2 O a board on the wall where special
notices are placed
bus n 2 2 O a large passenger vehicle
bus stop n 2 2 O a place where buses stop for
BX n 2 2 O Base Exchange; a military store
commissary n 2 2 O a food store for military
dining hall n 2 2 O mess hall; a place where meals are
dispensary n 2 2 O a place where medical care and
medication is given out
Excuse me, please. e 2 2 O Pardon me, (a polite expression)
hospital n 2 2 O medical treatment facility
inside a 2 2 O indoors; in a building
It belongs to (....) e 2 2 O It's the property of....
library n 2 2 O building where books are kept for
public use
Locator n 2 2 O place on military base which
locates personnel on base
mess hall n 2 2 O eating area for military
office n 2 2 O place where business affairs take
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our j 2 2 O belonging to us; possessive plural
outside a 2 2 O outdoors; not inside
question n 2 2 R an inquiry
room n 2 2 O living/working quarters
schedule n 2 2 O a list of times when things are
usually done
Sgt ab 2 2 R sergeant: Army, AF, MC NCO (E-4
AF, E-5 Army, MC)
small j 2 2 O little/tiny in size
snack bar n 2 2 O place where snacks are served at a
Thank you. e 2 2 O interjection; expression of
their j 2 2 O belonging to them; possessive
thousand j 2 2 O 1,000
where a 2 2 O in/at what place
whose r 2 2 O possessive form of who
your j 2 2 O possessive plural of you
an j 2 3 O indefinite article before a vowel
apple n 2 3 O a type of fruit
banana n 2 3 O a usually sweet, yellow fruit
beef n 2 3 O meat from cow or steer
bored j 2 3 R not interested in what is being
said/done, etc.
bread n 2 3 O a common food made of baked flour
breakfast n 2 3 O the first meal of the day
buy v 2 3 O to purchase; to get something by
using money
cherry n 2 3 R a small, soft, usually red fruit
chicken n 2 3 O a common farm bird and its meat
coffee n 2 3 O a type of hot drink
come v 2 3 O to arrive
come on v 2 3 R to hurry
dinner n 2 3 O the main meal of the day, usually
eaten in the evening
drink v 2 3 O to swallow a liquid
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drinks n 2 3 R liquids or refreshment
eat v 2 3 O to put food in the mouth and
egg(s) n 2 3 O food from chickens often eaten for
fish n 2 3 O flesh of water creatures
food n 2 3 O nourishment for bodily growth;
meat, fruit, vegetables, etc.
fruit n 2 3 O the edible part of a tree/bush
which contains seeds
here a 2 3 R at/in or to this place
hungry j 2 3 R needing nourishment
juice n 2 3 O liquid drink
just a 2 3 R only
lamb n 2 3 O meat from sheep
lunch n 2 3 O a meal in the middle of the day
meal n 2 3 O a time to eat; breakfast, lunch,
meat n 2 3 O animal flesh used for food
milk n 2 3 O white liquid secreted by mammals
used as food
movie(s) n 2 3 O a showing of a motion picture
nothing r 2 3 O not anything
nothing much e 2 3 R not much; very little
now a 2 3 O at the present time
orange n 2 3 O reddish-yellow citrus fruit
pear n 2 3 R greenish-yellow fruit
pork n 2 3 O meat of pig used as food
read v 2 3 O to comprehend meaning of
words/symbols; speak aloud the
written words of something
rice n 2 3 O grain sized food
salad n 2 3 O a dish, usually cold, of
vegetables, fruits, meats, etc.
study v 2 3 O to engage in study; learn;
consider attentively
talk v 2 3 O to deliver or express in speech;
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tea n 2 3 O drink/refreshment
to p 2 3 O movement toward/in the direction
watch v 2 3 O to look at someone/something
water n 2 3 O a clear liquid which falls to the
earth as rain
What are (you) doing? e 2 3 O request for information about
501,000-1,000,000 nbr 2 4 O numbers
answer n 2 4 O a reply to a question, letter,
answer v 2 4 O to reply to a question, letter,
ask v 2 4 O to request information, favors,
check v 2 4 O to examine to see if something is
correct j 2 4 O right, without mistakes
daughter n 2 4 O someone's female child
different j 2 4 R not the same/alike
do v 2 4 O to perform an action
for (It's time for....) p 2 4 O at the time of
homework n 2 4 O work to be done at home
husband n 2 4 O the man to whom a woman is married
Me, too. e 2 4 O So am I; I am, also
million j 2 4 O 1,000,000
money n 2 4 O money in amounts over $1.00
right j 2 4 O correct
same j 2 4 R not different; alike in every way
son n 2 4 O a person's male child
time n 2 4 O precise instant in hours/minutes
who r 2 4 O which/what person(s)?
wife/wives n 2 4 O the woman a man is married to
wrong j 2 4 O incorrect; mistaken; not right
You're welcome. e 2 4 O a polite expression used when you
are thanked for something
a.m. ab 3 1 O before noon (ante meridian)
after p 3 1 O at a later time
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afternoon n 3 1 O the period between midday and
at p 3 1 O during
before p 3 1 O earlier than
class n 3 1 O group of students being taught
together; period of time students
are taught
do v 3 1 O auxiliary
does v 3 1 O do (3rd person singular)
doesn't t 3 1 O does + not
don't t 3 1 O do + not
early a 3 1 O before the usual/expected time
early j 3 1 O happening before the usual time
evening n 3 1 O the end of the day and early part
of the night
every j 3 1 O each of all of two or more
for (eat something for...) p 3 1 O as purpose
get dressed e 3 1 O put clothes on
get/got up v 3 1 O to rise from bed; to leave your
go to bed e 3 1 O to get into bed
hungry j 3 1 O have a desire for food
in p 3 1 O during a time period
late a 3 1 O toward the end of a period
late j 3 1 O coming after the usual/ expected
lesson n 3 1 O exercise for a student to learn
midnight n 3 1 O 2400 hours
morning n 3 1 O first part of a day up to noon
night n 3 1 O period of darkness from sunset to
noon n 3 1 O 1200 hours
p.m. ab 3 1 O after noon (post meridian)
shave v 3 1 O to cut off hair from the body with
a razor
shower n 3 1 O a bath given by spraying water
over the body
sleep/slept v 3 1 O to rest in sleep
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snack n 3 1 O small amount of food eaten between
regular meals
swim/swam v 3 1 O to move through water by arm/leg
take a shower e 3 1 O to bathe/wash in a shower
thirsty j 3 1 O needing water/fluid to drink
toast n 3 1 R browned/toasted bread
airplane n 3 2 O a type of aircraft
always a 3 2 O at all times; forever
Arabic n 3 2 R language of Arabia; spoken in
Asia, Africa and throughout the
car n 3 2 O automobile
Chinese n 3 2 R language spoken in China
English n 3 2 O language spoken in the U.S., U.K.,
French n 3 2 R language spoken in France and
other countries
French fries n 3 2 O fried thin potato slices
hamburger n 3 2 O a cooked beef sandwich
has v 3 2 O 3rd person singular, present tense
to have
have v 3 2 O to hold/own/possess
have (food) for (meal) e 3 2 O to eat/drink something
hear v 3 2 O to receive and understand sounds
by using the ears
how often a 3 2 O frequency/number of times
I don't know. e 3 2 O the answer is unknown
know v 3 2 O to recognize/distinguish
language n 3 2 O human speech
learn v 3 2 O to get knowledge by studying
leave v 3 2 O to depart
never a 3 2 O not ever; at no time
on p 3 2 O at the time of
plane n 3 2 O airplane
Russian n 3 2 R language spoken in Russia
say v 3 2 O to speak; express in words
see/saw/seen v 3 2 O to perceive with the eyes
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sometimes a 3 2 O occasionally
Spanish n 3 2 R language spoken in Spain and Latin
speak/spoke v 3 2 O to talk; communicate by talking
take (a bus) e 3 2 O to travel by bus
taxi n 3 2 O auto in which passengers are
carried for a fare
train n 3 2 O connected railroad cars pulled by
truck n 3 2 O vehicle usually used for hauling
want v 3 2 O to wish for; desire
What language(s) do you speak? e 3 2 O request for linguistic background
when a 3 2 O at what time
ago a 3 3 O in the past
answer sheet n 3 3 O paper onto which answers are to be
April/Apr. n 3 3 O 4th month of year; ab
August/Aug. n 3 3 O 8th month of year; ab
Canada n 3 3 O country in North America north of
the USA
China n 3 3 R country in East Asia
choose v 3 3 O to select; to select something
from a group
country n 3 3 O a nation, including its land and
December/Dec. n 3 3 O 12th month of year; ab
dictionary n 3 3 O an alphabetically arranged book of
words and their meanings
Egypt n 3 3 R country in northeastern Africa
England n 3 3 O country located in the southern
part of Great Britain
February/Feb. n 3 3 O 2nd month of year; ab
France n 3 3 R country in western Europe
hour n 3 3 O 60 minutes; one of 24 parts of a
how many a 3 3 O amount; quantity
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in p 3 3 O within a time limit
January/Jan. n 3 3 O 1st month of year; ab
July/Jul. n 3 3 O 7th month of year; ab
June/Jun. n 3 3 O 6th month of year; ab
last j 3 3 O most recent
look up v 3 3 O to find in a book
many (How many...?) e 3 3 O quantity/amount
March/Mar. n 3 3 O 3rd month of year; ab
mark v 3 3 O to put a mark/line/dot on
May n 3 3 O 5th month of year
memorize v 3 3 O to commit to memory by studying
minute n 3 3 O 60 seconds
month n 3 3 O approximately 30 days; 1/12th of a
next j 3 3 O immediately following
November/Nov. n 3 3 O 11th month of year; ab
October/Oct. n 3 3 O 10th month of year; ab
quiz n 3 3 O test; exam
review v 3 3 O to look at again; restudy;
Saudi Arabia n 3 3 R country in the Middle East
second n 3 3 O 1/60 of a minute
select v 3 3 O to choose; pick out
September/Sept. n 3 3 O 9th month of year; ab
Spain n 3 3 R country in southwestern Europe
test n 3 3 O exam
test booklet n 3 3 O book with test questions inside
United States n 3 3 O a North American country
Venezuela n 3 3 R a country in northern South
was v 3 3 O past tense of be (singular)
were v 3 3 O past tense of be (plural)
What country (are you) from? e 3 3 O request for information about your
What country (is he) from? e 3 3 O request for citizenship background
Where (are you) from? a 3 3 O request for information about your
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Where (is he) from? e 3 3 O What is his origin?
Where (is she) from? e 3 3 O What is her origin?
year n 3 3 O 365 days; 12 months
yesterday a 3 3 O on the day before today; recently
Zaire n 3 3 R central African country
airman/airmen n 3 4 O enlisted man/woman in AF (E-2)
all right a 3 4 O satisfactory; unhurt; correct
Army n 3 4 O a branch of the military
bad j 3 4 O not good
captain n 3 4 R Air Force officer (O-3)
civilian n 3 4 O a person who is not in the
drive v 3 4 O to operate a vehicle
driver n 3 4 R one who drives a vehicle
enlisted j 3 4 O military person below the officer
fly/flew v 3 4 O to pilot an aircraft; travel by
good j 3 4 O having a favorable character;
opposite of bad
here a 3 4 O at/in this place
Here (they) are. e 3 4 O expression to point to
Here it is. e 3 4 O at this place; over here
in (the Army, Navy, etc.) p 3 4 O a part of; included in military
London n 3 4 R capital city of England
military n 3 4 R armed forces
Navy n 3 4 O branch of military
new j 3 4 O having been made a short time ago
officer n 3 4 O military position of authority
right now a 3 4 O immediately
sailor n 3 4 O enlisted Navy man
short j 3 4 O opposite tall; little in height
soldier n 3 4 O enlisted man; army member
tall j 3 4 O higher in stature than average
there a 3 4 O at/in that place
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There it is. e 3 4 O at that place; over there
walk v 3 4 O to go on foot at a moderate pace
want (to) v 3 4 O to desire (to)
work n 3 4 R occupation
work v 3 4 O to labor
again a 4 1 O another time; once more
all j 4 1 O the whole amount/quantity of
ball n 4 1 O a round object used in games
baseball n 4 1 O a game played with a bat and ball
basketball n 4 1 O a game played with a ball and a
Chicago n 4 1 R a city in the midwestern U.S.
city n 4 1 O a large town with many people and
clean/cleaned (up) v 4 1 O to free from dirt
cook/cooked v 4 1 O to prepare food for eating using
Dallas n 4 1 R city in north central Texas
did v 4 1 O past tense of do
didn't t 4 1 O did + not
downtown a 4 1 O the business center of a city/town
end/ended v 4 1 O to finish; to stop
football n 4 1 O game played with a ball and goal
game n 4 1 O a form of sport or play
Houston n 4 1 R U.S. city in southeast Texas
like (to) v 4 1 O to enjoy
live/lived v 4 1 O to have your home in a particular
long a 4 1 O covering a certain time
Los Angeles n 4 1 R U.S. city in southwest California
New York n 4 1 R city in northeast U.S.
play/played/played v 4 1 O to take part in a game or sport
restaurant n 4 1 O place where meals are bought and
San Antonio n 4 1 R U.S. city in south central Texas
show n 4 1 O program for entertainment
soccer n 4 1 O a game of football played by
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kicking a ball
sport n 4 1 O a game/activity done for fun or
start (to) v 4 1 O to begin; commence
tennis n 4 1 O a game played with rackets, a
ball, and a net
town n 4 1 O where people live/work; a small
visit n 4 1 O time spent in a place or with a
visit/visited v 4 1 O to go and spend time in a place or
with a person
begin/began v 4 2 O to start
break n 4 2 O a period of rest
bring/brought v 4 2 O to take with oneself to a place;
to carry
butt can n 4 2 O can (usually red) where used
cigarettes are put
cap n 4 2 O a flat, close fitting head-
Capt ab 4 2 R captain
captain n 4 2 O military rank (O-3): Army, AF,
cigarette n 4 2 O rolled tobacco used by smokers
Col ab 4 2 R colonel (O-6)
colonel n 4 2 O Army, AF, USMC officer (O-6)
false j 4 2 O not true
first lieutenant n 4 2 R Army, AF, MC officer (0-2); 1Lt
Gen ab 4 2 R general
general n 4 2 O military rank (O-7 to O-10) (AF)
gold j 4 2 R a color
I.D. card n 4 2 O identification card
identification n 4 2 R something that proves who you are
It's 2210 hours. e 4 2 O It's ten after ten p.m. It's 10:10
lieutenant n 4 2 O low ranking officer (0-1, 0-2
Army, Air Force, USMC)
lieutenant colonel n 4 2 R 0-5 Army, Marine Corps, Air Force
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Lt ab 4 2 R lieutenant (0-1, 0-2)
Lt Col ab 4 2 R lieutenant colonel (0-5)
Maj ab 4 2 R major (O-4)
major n 4 2 O rank 0-4 Army, AF, USMC
military n 4 2 O pertaining to the military
name tag n 4 2 O label bearing a name
naval j 4 2 O pertaining to the navy
on time e 4 2 O at the right time
pack n 4 2 O a box (of cigarettes)
post n 4 2 O an Army installation
rank n 4 2 O official military rank
razor n 4 2 O a device used to remove hair from
the body
report v 4 2 O to tell a supervisor you are
present and ready for work
salute v 4 2 O to greet an officer by raising the
right hand to the forehead
second lieutenant n 4 2 R low ranking Army, AF, USMC officer
sergeant n 4 2 O NCO rank (E-4 to E-9) Army, AF,
Sgt ab 4 2 O sergeant Army, AF, MC NCO
silver j 4 2 R a color
smoke v 4 2 O to put a lit cigar/cigarette/pipe
in mouth
stripe n 4 2 O bands of color
take a break e 4 2 O to stop working, to rest/relax for
a short time
true j 4 2 O yes; according to fact
uniform n 4 2 O distinctive clothing worn by
military personnel
with p 4 2 O by means of
apostrophe n 4 3 R punctuation mark (')
asleep j 4 3 O sleeping
awake j 4 3 O not sleeping
belt n 4 3 O a band worn around waist
blouse n 4 3 O shirt worn by women
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boots n 4 3 O a kind of shoe which covers the
can/can't m 4 3 O permission/ability
cannot m 4 3 O inability
clothes n 4 3 O pants, shirts, dresses, etc.
coat n 4 3 O a type of clothing usually worn to
keep warm; jacket
contraction n 4 3 R shortened word with an apostrophe
dress n 4 3 O woman's clothing that covers from
shoulders to knees or below
fall asleep e 4 3 O to go into a state of sleep
gloves n 4 3 O garment used to cover the hand and
hat n 4 3 O cap with complete brim
indent v 4 3 R to put a space at the beginning of
a paragraph
jacket n 4 3 O short coat
may m 4 3 O permission
must m 4 3 O obligation/necessity
must + not m 4 3 O prohibition
necktie n 4 3 O tied band worn around neck, under
pants/trousers/slacks n 4 3 O two-legged outer garment extending
from waist to ankles
paragraph n 4 3 R distinct written section usually
period n 4 3 R punctuation mark (.)
punctuation n 4 3 R marks used to divide sentences
(. , etc.)
put/put on v 4 3 O to cover the body with clothes;
question mark n 4 3 R punctuation mark (?)
scarf n 4 3 O a piece of cloth worn around head
or neck for decoration/warmth
sentence n 4 3 R grammatically selfcontained speech
shirt n 4 3 O man's garment worn above the waist
shoes n 4 3 O outer covering for the feet,
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usually of leather
skirt n 4 3 O women's garment that hangs from
the waist
slacks n 4 3 O pants/trousers
socks n 4 3 O a soft covering for the foot and
lower leg
statement n 4 3 R sentence
stockings n 4 3 O close fitting foot and leg
covering for women
suit n 4 3 O a set of clothes with a jacket and
pants or skirt made of the same
sweater n 4 3 O a knitted garment used to keep
take/took off v 4 3 O to remove
tie n 4 3 O necktie
trousers n 4 3 O pants; slacks
T-shirt n 4 3 O usually collarless shirt or
wake up/woke up v 4 3 O to stop sleeping
wear/wore v 4 3 O to have on clothing
well a 4 3 O in a good way
autumn n 4 4 O fall; cool season between summer
and winter
black j 4 4 O the darkest color, like night
blue j 4 4 O the color of the sky on a clear
brown j 4 4 O the color of the earth
clerk n 4 4 O a person who works in a store
color n 4 4 O various portions of the light
spectrum, i.e., red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo,
cool j 4 4 O not warm; pleasantly cold
cost/cost v 4 4 O to have (an amount of money) as a
dance n 4 4 O a party with music and dancing
dance v 4 4 O to move to music
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fall n 4 4 O the cool season between summer and
winter; autumn
green j 4 4 O color of leaves and grass
headphone n 4 4 O used to listen to tapes privately
headset n 4 4 O same as headphone
help v 4 4 O to do something for someone; to
Here (you) are. e 4 4 O here's what you want
How much...? e 4 4 O What is the price?
music n 4 4 O combination of tones to form
expressive compositions
orange j 4 4 O a color, reddish yellow
over here e 4 4 O near, on this side
over there e 4 4 O in the distance, on that side
pink j 4 4 O light, red color
purple j 4 4 O bluish-red color
rainbow n 4 4 R multicolored arc caused by
sunlight refraction in rain or
record v 4 4 O to copy music/voices for future
red j 4 4 O the color of blood
season n 4 4 O a period of time marked by changes
in weather
sell/sold v 4 4 O to give goods in exchange for
spring n 4 4 O the warm season between winter and
store n 4 4 O a shop; a place which sells goods
summer n 4 4 O the hot season between spring and
take/took v 4 4 O to carry from one place to
another; to buy
that j 4 4 O demonstrative adjective; farther
the day after tomorrow e 4 4 O two days into the future
the day before yesterday e 4 4 O two days ago
these j 4 4 O demonstrative adjective (plural)
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this j 4 4 O demonstrative adjective
those j 4 4 O demonstrative adjective (plural)
warm j 4 4 O moderately hot; not too hot and
not too cold
white j 4 4 O the color of milk and snow
winter n 4 4 O the cold season between autumn
(fall) and spring
yellow j 4 4 O a color like ripe lemons or butter
about p 5 1 O relating to; on the subject of
ankle n 5 1 R the joint between the foot and the
arm n 5 1 O the part of the body between the
shoulder and wrist
body n 5 1 O the head, arms, legs, and trunk of
a person/animal
bone n 5 1 O the hard parts of the body which
make up the skeleton
date n 5 1 O the number of the day, month, year
ear n 5 1 O the organ on the sides of the head
for hearing
eighth j 5 1 O 8th
elbow n 5 1 R the joint where the arm bends
eleventh j 5 1 O 11th
eye n 5 1 O the sense organ for sight
eyebrow n 5 1 R hair that grows on the bony arch
over the eyes
eyelash n 5 1 R hair that grows on the edge of the
eyelid n 5 1 R the skin that covers the eye and
opens and closes
fifth j 5 1 O 5th
finger n 5 1 O one of the movable parts of the
hand which has joints
fingernail n 5 1 R the flat hard piece that covers
the fronts of the fingers
first — twelfth j 5 1 O lst — 12th
foot/feet n 5 1 O a movable part of the body below
the ankle
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fourth j 5 1 O 4th
hand n 5 1 O the movable part at the end of the
arm, including the fingers
head n 5 1 O part of body which contains the
eyes, ears, nose, mouth, the
brain, etc.
heel n 5 1 R the back part of the foot
hurt/hurt v 5 1 O to feel pain
knee n 5 1 R the middle joint of the leg
large j 5 1 O big
last j 5 1 O final
last a 5 1 R at the end; conclusively
left j 5 1 O on or belonging to the left side
of body
leg n 5 1 O limb above the foot used for
walking and supporting the body
limb n 5 1 R an arm or leg
lip n 5 1 R part of the mouth
long j 5 1 O measuring a large amount in length
medicine n 5 1 O a substance used for treating
disease/controlling pain;
mouth n 5 1 O opening through which food passes
into the body
move v 5 1 R to change position
muscle n 5 1 R body tissue
nail n 5 1 R finger/toe; flat, hard covering on
end/top of toes/fingers
neck n 5 1 O the part of the body which joins
the head and shoulders
next a 5 1 O the one after this one
ninth j 5 1 O 9th
nose n 5 1 O the facial organ for smelling and
of p 5 1 O during
one r 5 1 O any person or thing
order n 5 1 R the special way in which things
are arranged
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ordinal j 5 1 R showing position/order: 1st, 2nd,
part n 5 1 R any of the pieces into which
something is divided
point to v 5 1 O to use a finger to indicate
direction/ position
right j 5 1 O on or belonging to the left side
of the body
second j 5 1 O 2nd
seventh j 5 1 O 7th
short j 5 1 O opposite long; little in length
shoulder n 5 1 R the joint connecting the arm with
the body
sixth j 5 1 O 6th
skin n 5 1 O the tissue covering the body from
which hair may grow
sore j 5 1 O painful or aching (due to illness
or overuse)
take medicine e 5 1 O to use medicine
take/took v 5 1 O to consume; to use
tenth j 5 1 O 10th
then a 5 1 O next
third j 5 1 O 3rd
throat n 5 1 O a passage from the back of the
mouth down inside the neck
thumb n 5 1 O short, thick finger set apart from
the other four
toe n 5 1 O one of the five parts on the end
of each foot
toenail n 5 1 R the nail on the toe
tongue n 5 1 R movable, muscular mouth structure
touch v 5 1 O to feel or press with a part of
the body, usually the hands or
trunk n 5 1 R the human body not including the
head and limbs
twelfth j 5 1 O 12th
What's the matter? e 5 1 O what's wrong
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What's wrong? e 5 1 O what's the problem
which j 5 1 O used in questions when a choice is
to be made
wrist n 5 1 R joint between hand and the lower
part of the arm
a few j 5 2 O not many; some (used with count
a little j 5 2 O a small amount/quantity (used with
noncount nouns)
a lot of j 5 2 O a large amount/quantity (used with
count, noncount nouns)
any j 5 2 O some; even the smallest
barbershop n 5 2 O a business where men and boys get
their hair cut
bathroom n 5 2 O a room with a toilet and/or
birthday n 5 2 R the day/anniversary of someone's
brush n 5 2 O an instrument for grooming hair or
brushing teeth
brush v 5 2 O to clean/smooth with a brush
butter n 5 2 O a thick, yellowish product made
from milk or cream
can m 5 2 O possibility
cannot m 5 2 O impossibility
can't t 5 2 O for cannot
chalk n 5 2 R a soft type of rock used for
writing on chalkboard
change v 5 2 O to replace or make different
clean j 5 2 O not dirty
comb n 5 2 O usually a piece of plastic used to
arrange hair
comb v 5 2 O to use a comb to arrange the hair
dirty j 5 2 O not clean
drugstore n 5 2 O pharmacy; store where medicine is
dry v 5 2 O to remove the water/ moisture from

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eighteenth j 5 2 O 18th
face n 5 2 O front of the head from chin to
fifteenth j 5 2 O 15th
fourteenth j 5 2 O 14th
get/got v 5 2 O to obtain, acquire
grocery store n 5 2 O a store that sells food and
household goods
hair n 5 2 O threadlike growth on the head,
haircut n 5 2 O having your hair cut/styled
lots of j 5 2 O many, much
mirror n 5 2 R reflecting surface
need (to) v 5 2 O to have a need for (to)
nineteenth j 5 2 O 19th
only a 5 2 O just
pepper n 5 2 O hot, ground seasoning
pocket n 5 2 O bag/pouch sewn into clothing
rinse v 5 2 O to wash in clean water to remove
soap, dirt, etc.
salt n 5 2 O white crystalline seasoning added
for flavor
seventeenth j 5 2 O 17th
shampoo n 5 2 O liquid soap used for washing hair
sink n 5 2 R basin, as in kitchen, for
sixteenth j 5 2 O 16th
soap n 5 2 O a product used with water for
some j 5 2 O a certain amount; a little
soup n 5 2 O a kind of liquid food with small
pieces of meat/fish/vegetables
subject n 5 2 R field of knowledge; something
being considered
sugar n 5 2 O a usually white substance used to
make food/drinks sweet
there + be (nonreferential) e 5 2 O used to show that someone or
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something exists/ happens
thing n 5 2 O an object
thirteenth j 5 2 O 13th
thirtieth j 5 2 O 30th
toilet n 5 2 R seat-like bowl in bathroom used
for eliminating body waste
toilet paper n 5 2 R soft paper for cleaning after
toilet use
tooth/teeth n 5 2 O hard bony object(s) in mouth used
for biting/chewing/etc.
toothbrush n 5 2 O a small brush used for cleaning
toothpaste n 5 2 O a substance used for cleaning
topic n 5 2 R subject
towel n 5 2 O a piece of cloth used for drying
twentieth j 5 2 O 20th
twenty-eighth j 5 2 O 28th
twenty-fifth j 5 2 O 25th
twenty-first j 5 2 O 21st
twenty-fourth j 5 2 O 24th
twenty-ninth j 5 2 O 29th
twenty-second j 5 2 O 22nd
twenty-seventh j 5 2 O 27th
twenty-sixth j 5 2 O 26th
twenty-third j 5 2 O 23rd
wash v 5 2 O to clean with water or other
washcloth n 5 2 R small cloth for washing the face
and body
airline n 5 3 O a company which provides air
travel services
airport n 5 3 O place where aircraft land and take
arrival n 5 3 O the act of arriving
arrive v 5 3 O to reach a place
button n 5 3 O a small round/flat object used to
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fasten clothes
button v 5 3 O to close or fasten with buttons
call v 5 3 O to talk by telephone
come/came back v 5 3 O to return
cuff n 5 3 R the end of a sleeve
customer n 5 3 O person who buys things from a
depart v 5 3 O to leave; to go away
departure n 5 3 O the act of leaving
doorknob n 5 3 O a handle used for opening/closing
a door
first a 5 3 O before all others
flight n 5 3 O a trip by plane
from p 5 3 O starting at
gate n 5 3 R an entrance
go/went back v 5 3 O to return
graduate v 5 3 O to complete school or a course
graduation n 5 3 O a ceremony where you receive a
handle n 5 3 R part of an object especially made
for holding/opening it
in p 5 3 O use after (no more than)
instructions n 5 3 R directions which tell how to do
key n 5 3 R a device used for
locking/unlocking doors, engines,
knob n 5 3 R control button on a radio, TV,
lock n 5 3 O an apparatus used to close and
fasten something with a key
lock v 5 3 O to use a key to close and fasten a
make a reservation e 5 3 O to reserve a seat on a plane,
train, etc.
meet/met v 5 3 O to come together by chance or plan
next to p 5 3 R close beside
off a 5 3 O not lit or operating
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on a 5 3 O lit; in operation
one-way (ticket/fare) j 5 3 O going in only one direction
pack v 5 3 O to arrange clothes in a suitcase
phone n 5 3 O telephone
pick up v 5 3 O to go and get
pull v 5 3 O to move something towards yourself
push v 5 3 O to move something away from
yourself, sometimes with force
push-button j 5 3 R able to be put in operation by a
button that starts/stops a machine
reservation n 5 3 O accommodations secured in advance
return (to) v 5 3 O to go back to
round-trip j 5 3 O a trip to a place and back again
school n 5 3 O a place of education for
shampoo v 5 3 R to wash the hair with shampoo
sharpen v 5 3 O to make sharp
sharpener n 5 3 O a device used to sharpen things
sleeve n 5 3 O a part of a garment which covers
the arms
stop v 5 3 O to cease/cause to cease the moving
or continuing of an activity
suitcase n 5 3 O a container for carrying clothes,
etc., when traveling
take a trip e 5 3 O to travel
telephone n 5 3 O phone
ticket n 5 3 O admission
together a 5 3 O with one another; joined into one
tonight a 5 3 O on this present night
travel agency n 5 3 O a business that arranges people's
travel agent n 5 3 O a person who owns/works in a
travel agency
trip n 5 3 O journey from one place to another
turn v 5 3 O to move in a circular motion
turn on/off v 5 3 O to start/stop the flow of
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twin n 5 3 R either of two children born to the
same mother at same time
will m 5 3 O indicates future tense
will not m 5 3 O negative future tense
won't t 5 3 O will + not
zipper n 5 3 O metal/plastic device used to
fasten clothes, especially pants
and jackets
among p 5 4 O in the middle of/ surrounded by
three or more things
bar n 5 4 O a piece of candy, soap, etc., that
is longer than it is wide
bean n 5 4 R a seed from which food or drink
can be made; a vegetable
between p 5 4 O in the middle of two things
bottle n 5 4 O glass/plastic container with a
narrow neck used to hold liquids
bowl n 5 4 O a deep, round container for
holding soup, cereal, etc.
cake n 5 4 O a sweet, baked dessert
can n 5 4 O a small closed container in which
foods/drinks are preserved without
candy n 5 4 O a sugary snack, such as chocolate
carrot n 5 4 R a long, orange vegetable
cheese n 5 4 R a solid food made from milk solids
chocolate n 5 4 R a candy made from chocolate
cookie n 5 4 O a sweet, flat, snack/ dessert cake
corn n 5 4 R a yellow vegetable; maize
cup n 5 4 O a small round container usually
with a handle which holds liquids
dessert n 5 4 O usually sweet food served at the
end of a meal
dial n 5 4 O face of a telephone
dial v 5 4 O to make a telephone call
dial tone n 5 4 R sound which indicates the phone is
ready for use
dish n 5 4 O flat, round, or oval container for
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holding or serving food
dozen n 5 4 O a group of 12
gal. ab 5 4 R gallon
gallon n 5 4 O 4 quarts; 3.78 liters
glass n 5 4 O container used to hold liquids for
half j 5 4 O either of two equal parts; 50%
ham n 5 4 R a type of pork
have to m 5 4 O must; obligation
ice cream n 5 4 O a sweet frozen dessert made of
kg. ab 5 4 R kilogram = 1000 grams
kilo/kilogram n 5 4 R equals 1,000 grams (approx. 2.2
lb. ab 5 4 R pound
lettuce n 5 4 R a green vegetable used in salads
make/made v 5 4 O to do or construct; equal
many j 5 4 O lots of
much j 5 4 O more/most
onion n 5 4 R a strong smelling/tasting
ounce n 5 4 O measurement equal to 1/16 pound
oz ab 5 4 R for ounce
paper n 5 4 O material used for writing,
covering walls, etc.
pie n 5 4 O baked dessert made with filling
and a crust
piece n 5 4 O a part of a whole
pint n 5 4 O a unit of measure equal to 16
fluid ounces
potato/potatoes n 5 4 R a root vegetable
pound n 5 4 O weight measurement; 0.373
pt. ab 5 4 R pint
qt. ab 5 4 R quart
quart n 5 4 O a unit of measure equal to .946
receiver n 5 4 O the part of the phone you hold to
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your ear
sandwich n 5 4 O two pieces of bread with meat,
cheese, etc., between them
slice n 5 4 O a thin, flat piece cut from
squash n 5 4 R a type of vegetable
tomato/tomatoes n 5 4 R a soft, red fruit eaten as a
ton n 5 4 R a unit of measure equal to 2,000
tube n 5 4 O a metal container with a cap; a
hollow, pipe
vanilla n 5 4 R a flavoring for food
vegetable n 5 4 O a plant grown for food
change n 6 1 O something different
clear j 6 1 O without clouds
cloud n 6 1 O a vapor mass in the sky usually
white or gray
cloudy j 6 1 O full of clouds
cry v 6 1 O to produce tears as a sign of
sorrow, sadness, pain, etc.
dry j 6 1 O not wet
get/got lv 6 1 O to become; to acquire (a
grade n 6 1 O score
how a 6 1 O state/condition; in what
nice j 6 1 O pleasant, kind, good
rain n 6 1 O water drops condensed from the
atmosphere; precipitation
rain v 6 1 O to fall as water drops from the
raincoat n 6 1 O water repellent coat
rainy j 6 1 O abounding with rain
score n 6 1 O a grade, as on a test
shine v 6 1 O to emit light
shower n 6 1 O rain that lasts only a short time
sky n 6 1 O space around the earth and beyond
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snow n 6 1 O white, frozen, water vapor
snow v 6 1 O to fall like snow
storm n 6 1 O atmospheric disturbance like rain,
sun n 6 1 O bright sphere about which the
earth and other planets revolve
sunny j 6 1 O full of sunshine or brilliant
sunshine n 6 1 O light and heat from the sun
think/thought (about) v 6 1 O to consider; form/have in the mind
umbrella n 6 1 O a device used for keeping rain off
your head
upset j 6 1 O worried, unhappy about something
weather n 6 1 O the condition of the atmosphere
concerning temperature, moisture
wet j 6 1 O not dry; moist; damp
windy j 6 1 O with a lot of wind
anything r 6 2 O any one thing
anything else e 6 2 O more
awful j 6 2 O very bad/poor in quality
blade n 6 2 O the flat cutting part of knife;
the flat wide part of a propeller
boat n 6 2 O small, open vessel for traveling
across water
by p 6 2 O through the use of
check n 6 2 O restaurant bill
cut/cut v 6 2 O to divide into parts with a sharp
delicious j 6 2 O tasting very good
fork n 6 2 O an eating utensil
get/got v 6 2 O to arrive
get/got in v 6 2 O to arrive
get/got off v 6 2 O to leave a vehicle
get/got on v 6 2 O to enter a vehicle
helicopter n 6 2 O aircraft with horizontally mounted
her r 6 2 O objective form of she
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him r 6 2 O objective form of he
home a 6 2 O at home
home n 6 2 O place of residence, e.g., house,
house n 6 2 O building occupied by one family or
jet n 6 2 O plane
knife/knives n 6 2 O utensil used for cutting food
later a 6 2 O at a future time
leave a tip e 6 2 O give a gift of money for a service
leave/left v 6 2 O to allow to remain
me r 6 2 O objective form of I
menu n 6 2 O detailed list of foods served at a
napkin n 6 2 O paper/cloth used while eating to
protect clothes/wipe lips
nothing r 6 2 O not anything; no thing
nothing else e 6 2 O not anything more
order v 6 2 O to request (food) be supplied
plate n 6 2 O shallow dish from which food is
ship n 6 2 O large boat for navigating deep
something r 6 2 O some unspecified thing
something else e 6 2 O a different unspecified thing
spoon n 6 2 O eating implement/ utensil
sure a 6 2 O certain; without a doubt
sure j 6 2 O having no doubt
them r 6 2 O two or more things (in the
objective form)
tip/leave a tip e 6 2 O to give a gratuity/money
travel v 6 2 O to go from one place to another
us r 6 2 O objective form of we
vehicle n 6 2 O something designed for carrying,
i.e., car, truck, bus, etc.
waiter n 6 2 O man who serves food in a
waitress n 6 2 O woman who serves food in a
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without p 6 2 O lacking; not having
would like (to) m 6 2 O desire/want/wish (to)
address n 6 3 O number and name of a location
where someone lives, works, etc.
also a 6 3 O too; besides
bank n 6 3 O a place where money is kept and
paid on demand
cash v 6 3 O to exchange a check/money order
for cash
cash a check e 6 3 O to exchange a check for cash
check n 6 3 O a written order to a bank to pay
chop down v 6 3 O to cut down a tree
crowded j 6 3 O filled with many people
deliver v 6 3 O to take things to a person's house
or place of work
driver's license n 6 3 O license which allows holder to
drive car
envelope n 6 3 R the paper cover of a letter
finish v 6 3 O to bring/come to an end; to
give/gave/given v 6 3 O to hand over as a gift; to supply
help n 6 3 O assistance; aid
identification n 6 3 O evidence of identity
in line e 6 3 O in a row; to be in an organized
succession of people
letter n 6 3 O mail
license n 6 3 O driver's license
mail n 6 3 O letters, packages transported by
post office
mail v 6 3 O to send by mail
mailman/mailmen n 6 3 R mail delivery person(s)
money order n 6 3 O an order for payment of sum of
near p 6 3 O close to
package n 6 3 O wrapped/boxed item; parcel
people n 6 3 O persons of all nations/races;
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pick out v 6 3 O to choose
post office n 6 3 O place where mail is sorted, stamps
are sold, etc.
postcard n 6 3 O picture card for mailing
return address n 6 3 R sender's address on a
send/sent v 6 3 O to dispatch; have a package
show v 6 3 O to exhibit; display
sign v 6 3 O to write one's signature
stamp n 6 3 O postage stamp
state n 6 3 R political subdivision
street n 6 3 O public road in a city
teller n 6 3 R bank clerk who pays out/receives
traveler's check n 6 3 O check used to exchange foreign
money to local currency
write a check e 6 3 O to pay for with a bank draft
at first e 6 4 O at (in) the beginning
at last e 6 4 R finally
because c 6 4 O for the reason that
but c 6 4 O on the contrary
camera n 6 4 O a device for taking pictures
check in v 6 4 O to register; to report your
check out v 6 4 O to leave; to report your departure
film n 6 4 O a roll of substance used to take
final j 6 4 O last; coming at the end
for p 6 4 R time

to go about seeing sights of

go sightseeing (sightseeing) e 6 4 O interest
hotel n 6 4 O an establishment providing lodging
for travelers
lake n 6 4 O large body of water
load v 6 4 O to put (film) into(camera)
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long j 6 4 O duration
mountain n 6 4 O land mass higher than a hill
ocean n 6 4 O body of salt water that covers 70%
of the earth's surface
overnight a 6 4 O during the night; the length of a
relax v 6 4 O to rest from work
rest n 6 4 O inactivity after exercise
rest v 6 4 O to lie down; to stop being active
roll n 6 4 O a cylinder
short j 6 4 O brief in time
sightseeing (go sightseeing) n 6 4 O looking at places of interest
smile v 6 4 O to show pleasure, amusement,
affection on the face
spoonful n 6 4 R as much as a spoon will hold
state n 6 4 O political subdivision
stay v 6 4 O to dwell/live
take (a) picture(s) of e 6 4 O to photograph
take a rest e 6 4 O to be temporarily still or
take a vacation e 6 4 O to have a period of rest and
relaxation away from school or job
tree n 6 4 O large woody plant with one trunk
and many branches
vacation n 6 4 O period of rest from work/school
why a 6 4 O for what cause/reason/purpose
alike j 7 1 O like one another; the same
both j 7 1 O involving the two together
circle n 7 1 O a round figure
compare v 7 1 O to judge things based on their
similarities and differences
describe v 7 1 O to tell or write about something;
to picture with words
description n 7 1 O statement that describes or
pictures something
draw/drew v 7 1 O to cause to move; to extract; to
produce a likeness
edge n 7 1 O part along the outside of
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fast a 7 1 O rapidly; quickly
It/This is called.... e 7 1 O The name of it is....
job n 7 1 O profession; occupation
like p 7 1 O of the same kind as
line n 7 1 O a thin mark
little j 7 1 O small
math n 7 1 O mathematics
mathematics (sing) n 7 1 O study of numbers, symbols, and
mistake n 7 1 O a wrong, thought, act, etc.; error
narrow j 7 1 O not wide; slender
opposite a 7 1 O entirely different, exactly
other j 7 1 O remaining one; different one;
additional one
rectangle n 7 1 O parallelogram with right angles
round j 7 1 O shaped like a circle
shape n 7 1 O form
side n 7 1 O bounding line of geometric figure
slow j 7 1 O not fast; moving at less than
usual speed
square n 7 1 O equilateral rectangle
strong j 7 1 O not easily changed; having power
triangle n 7 1 O figure with three sides and three
weak j 7 1 O lacking physical strength
What do/does/did...look like? e 7 1 O describe (its) appearance
What is/are...called? e 7 1 O request to name an
What is/ e 7 1 O describe what it is similar to
wide j 7 1 O not narrow; broad
÷ nbr 7 2 0 division sign
add v 7 2 O to combine to form a sum
any r 7 2 O some/one/thing/person
both r 7 2 O the two together
bottom n 7 2 O lowest part/place; opposite of top
center n 7 2 O the middle part or point of
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circumference n 7 2 O the distance around a circle
count v 7 2 O to name the numbers in order, one
by one or in groups; total
curved j 7 2 O bent, not straight
diameter n 7 2 O a straight line passing through
the center of a circle
divide (into) v 7 2 O to separate into parts
divided by e 7 2 O to find out the number of times
one number contains or is in
another number
each j 7 2 O every single one (of two or more)
easy j 7 2 O not difficult
equal v 7 2 O to be the same in size, number,
rank, etc.
error n 7 2 O mistake; something done wrong
explain v 7 2 O to give the meaning of something;
to make clear
explanation n 7 2 O something that explains/makes
half/halves n 7 2 O either of two equal parts of
hard j 7 2 O difficult to do or understand
heavy j 7 2 O having great weight
into p 7 2 O to the inside of; to the
condition/form of
light j 7 2 O not heavy
make a mistake e 7 2 O to create/produce an error
minus (-) p 7 2 O subtract; deduct
more j 7 2 O additional
multiplied by e 7 2 O to find the product by
multiply/ied v 7 2 O to increase
other r 7 2 O the other one; some other one
plus p 7 2 O added to
price n 7 2 O cost
problem n 7 2 O a question proposed for solution
radius n 7 2 O line/distance from the center of a
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circle to the outside edge
some r 7 2 O certain, unspecified
straight j 7 2 O not crooked or bent
subtract v 7 2 O to take away/deduct
than c 7 2 O in comparison to
times (x) p 7 2 O multiplied by
top n 7 2 O opposite of bottom; highest
total n 7 2 O sum; total of addition
understand/understood v 7 2 O to grasp/perceive the meaning of
x nbr 7 2 O times/multiplication sign
above p 7 3 O over; higher than
absent j 7 3 O not in class/here/school
animal n 7 3 O living creature having senses and
ability to move itself
around p 7 3 O so as to encircle
back j 7 3 O of the back/rear
back n 7 3 O rear/reverse of something

backyard n 7 3 R area behind the house

below p 7 3 O under; in a lower place/position
bird n 7 3 O a creature with wings and feathers
which can usually fly
by p 7 3 O near/next to
cat n 7 3 O a small feline, house pet
climb v 7 3 O to go from a lower to a higher
dog n 7 3 O a canine house pet
earth n 7 3 O planet/world we live on
fence n 7 3 O a wire or wooden wall used to
divide two areas of land
flower n 7 3 O the beautiful, colored part of a
plant which produces seeds
front j 7 3 O at/near/in/on the part facing
front n 7 3 O the forward part/surface of
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something; a position ahead
garage n 7 3 O a building for cars
gate n 7 3 O a passage through a fence
grass n 7 3 O green plants with narrow leaves
growing in meadows or lawns
high j 7 3 O point well above the ground
hill n 7 3 O raised part of earth's surface not
as high as a mountain
land n 7 3 O solid part of earth's surface;
leaf/leaves n 7 3 O flat, thin, green parts of plants
low j 7 3 O opposite high
moon n 7 3 O earth's revolving satellite
next to p 7 3 O close beside
over p 7 3 O position above
past j 7 3 O gone by, ended
past n 7 3 O an earlier time
present j 7 3 O existing in attendance
present n 7 3 O existing/happening now; right now
rear j 7 3 O in back of; in the back
rear n 7 3 O not front; position at the back
river n 7 3 O natural flowing stream of water
roof n 7 3 O outside top covering of a building
run/ran v 7 3 O to move swiftly
star n 7 3 O any luminous heavenly body
world n 7 3 O earth
yard n 7 3 O the ground around/next to
armchair n 7 4 O a chair with supports for the arms
bookcase n 7 4 O piece of furniture with shelves
used for storing books
cabinet n 7 4 O a piece of furniture with shelves
used for storing things
can opener n 7 4 O device used for opening cans
carpet n 7 4 O a rug which usually covers large
areas, i.e., floors, stairs
ceiling n 7 4 O the interior upper surface of a
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coffee table n 7 4 O a small low table, usually in
front of a sofa
couch n 7 4 O a piece of furniture used for
sitting/ sleeping; sofa
curtain n 7 4 O a piece of cloth used to cover a
drapes n 7 4 O heavy curtains
drawer n 7 4 O a sliding box like container with
an open top
end table n 7 4 O small table usually next to a sofa
fan n 7 4 O a cooling device, especially
faucet n 7 4 O device for controlling the flow of
floor n 7 4 O the surface you stand on when
furniture n 7 4 O things in a room which equip it
for living
keep v 7 4 O to store
kitchen n 7 4 O place/room for cooking/food
lamp n 7 4 O light producing device
lay/laid (down) v 7 4 O to put/place
living room n 7 4 O room in a home with furniture for
often a 7 4 O frequently
outlet n 7 4 O electrical socket to plug in
pan n 7 4 O broad, shallow container for
plug n 7 4 O electrical device with prongs for
connection to an outlet
plug in v 7 4 O to insert a plug into an
electrical outlet
pot n 7 4 O round container for cooking
pretty j 7 4 O attractive; appealing
refrigerator n 7 4 O appliance for keeping food cold
rug n 7 4 O thick fabric used as floor

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seldom a 7 4 O rarely; infrequently
shelf/shelves n 7 4 O a flat, long, narrow board placed
along a wall or in a frame
sink n 7 4 0 a basin
sofa n 7 4 O a comfortable seat wide enough for
two/three people to sit on
stove n 7 4 O kitchen device for cooking
ugly j 7 4 O not pretty; unpleasant to see
use v 7 4 O to put into action or service
usually a 7 4 O often, generally, most of the time
° nbr 8 1 O degree sign
be going to m 8 1 O will
better/best j 8 1 O comparative/ superlative of good
block n 8 1 O distance between two cross streets
Celsius n 8 1 O Centigrade; scale for measuring
centigrade n 8 1 R a scale of temperature
comma n 8 1 R punctuation mark (,)
corner n 8 1 O the place where two streets meet
degree(s) n 8 1 O a measurement of temperature
direction(s) n 8 1 O the point to which something
faces; north, east, south, west
directions n 8 1 O a set of instructions
east a 8 1 O towards the east
east j 8 1 O to/toward the east
east n 8 1 O the direction in which the sun
exclamation mark n 8 1 R punctuation mark (!)
Fahrenheit (F) n 8 1 O a scale of temperature
fall/fell (down) v 8 1 O to lose your balance, especially
follow v 8 1 R to listen to carefully, to
understand clearly
for (time) p 8 1 O used to indicate amount/extent/
freeze/froze v 8 1 O to (cause to) harden into/become
covered with ice
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ground n 8 1 O soil, earth; the surface of the
grow/grew v 8 1 O to increase in size; to allow to
grow (especially plants and crops)
highway n 8 1 O broad main road used especially to
go from one town to another
How do/can I get to...? e 8 1 O used when asking for directions
ice n 8 1 O water frozen solid by cold
kilometer n 8 1 R 1,000 meters (approx. .6 mile)
land v 8 1 O to come to earth
Mexico n 8 1 R country south of U.S.
mile n 8 1 O 5,280 feet; unit of measurement
north a 8 1 O to, toward, in the north
north j 8 1 O located toward/at the north
north n 8 1 O direction to the right when facing
of p 8 1 O at a distance from
park n 8 1 O recreation area
quotation marks n 8 1 R punctuation marks ("...")
road n 8 1 0 along which wheeled vehicles can
south a 8 1 O to, toward, in the south
south j 8 1 O located toward/at the south
south n 8 1 O direction to the left when facing
straight (ahead) j 8 1 O forward; the way you are facing
take (a right/a left) e 8 1 O to go (to) a street)
take/took off v 8 1 O to depart
temperature n 8 1 O warmth or coolness of environment
thermometer n 8 1 O temperature measuring device
west a 8 1 O to, towards, facing west
west j 8 1 O in, from the west
west n 8 1 O one of four main points on
compass, left of north
worse/worst j 8 1 O comparative/superlative of bad
beautiful j 8 2 O very pretty
difficult j 8 2 O not easy, hard; tough
exciting j 8 2 O (something) that excites
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exercise n 8 2 O use of any part of the body or
mind to strengthen/improve it
exercise v 8 2 O to (cause to) get exercise
forget/forgot (to) v 8 2 O to fail to remember
free time e 8 2 O unoccupied time
fun n 8 2 O pleasure; something done for
pleasure, amusement
get in shape e 8 2 O to become physically fit
gymnasium (gym) n 8 2 O large room used for indoor sports
have a good time e 8 2 O enjoy oneself
have fun e 8 2 O have a good time
healthy j 8 2 O in good health
hers r 8 2 O possessive form of she
his r 8 2 O possessive form of he
hit/hit v 8 2 O to give a blow to; strike
important j 8 2 O has much significance/value
in (good) shape e 8 2 O in good physical condition
interesting j 8 2 O arousing or holding one's
its j 8 2 O possessive
mine r 8 2 O possessive form of I
miss v 8 2 O not hit
ours r 8 2 O possessive form of we
out of shape e 8 2 O not physically fit
pushup n 8 2 O an exercise performed lying face
down, raising/lowering body with
remember (to) v 8 2 O to take care not to forget
shut/shut v 8 2 O to close
situp n 8 2 O athletic exercise; physical
terrific j 8 2 O unusually fine; great
theirs r 8 2 O possession; belongs to them
try/tried (to) v 8 2 O to attempt
volleyball n 8 2 O game played by volleying a large
inflated ball over a net
watch n 8 2 O a small clock worn on the wrist or
carried in a pocket
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work out v 8 2 O to exercise
workout n 8 2 O session of physical exercise/hard
yours r 8 2 O possessive pronoun
0 pronounced/read as "oh" n 8 3 O zero; number for telephone
busy j 8 3 O in use, as a telephone line
call n 8 3 O a phone conversation
call up v 8 3 O to telephone
change n 8 3 O money returned when the amount
given is more than enough
cheap j 8 3 O inexpensive; low in price
coin n 8 3 O a flat, round piece of metal money
conversation n 8 3 O informal talk between/ among
deposit v 8 3 R to place money in pay phone
expensive j 8 3 O costing a lot of money
factory n 8 3 O a building where things are made,
usually by machine
find/found v 8 3 O to discover by looking for
hang/hung up v 8 3 O end a phone conversation
just a 8 3 O only
just a minute e 8 3 O wait a minute
kind [kind(s) of] n 8 3 O type [type(s) of]
least j 8 3 O superlative of less
less/least j 8 3 O to a smaller degree (than)/to the
smallest amount
line (phone) n 8 3 R wire for phone
local (call) j 8 3 O a call for which there is no
additional cost
long distance (call) j 8 3 O a call for which there is an
additional cost
make (phone call) v 8 3 O to call someone on phone
may m 8 3 O possibility
might m 8 3 O possibility
more/most a 8 3 O to a greater/greatest degree
operator n 8 3 O a person who works a telephone
switchboard (telephone operator)
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page n 8 3 O paper which comprises a book,
pay phone n 8 3 O coin-operated public phone
pay/paid v 8 3 O to give (money) to (someone) in
return for goods bought
person n 8 3 O human being, especially somebody
unknown or unnamed
person-to-person (call) e 8 3 O operator assisted (call)
public phone n 8 3 O pay phone
slot n 8 3 O narrow opening for a coin
station-to-station (call) e 8 3 O usually a non-operator assisted
whom r 8 3 O alternate form of who
...(minutes) past/after e 8 4 O indicates time after/or to/til the
...(minutes) till (hour) e 8 4 O indicates time before the hour
...(minutes) to (hour) e 8 4 O indicates time before the hour
a quarter past/after e 8 4 O 15 minutes after the (hour)
a quarter to/till (hour) e 8 4 O 15 minutes before the hour
apartment n 8 4 O a set of rooms (usually bedroom,
kitchen, bath) where person lives
basement n 8 4 O a room/rooms below street level;
be back v 8 4 O to return
bedroom n 8 4 O a room for sleeping
bell n 8 4 O a metal device which rings
call back v 8 4 O to return a telephone call; to
call again
deposit n 8 4 O a partial payment
dining room n 8 4 R room used for meals
for rent e 8 4 O available to be rented
from p 8 4 O shows starting time
garden n 8 4 O a piece of land where flowers and
vegetables are grown
half past (hour) e 8 4 O 30 minutes after
hold the line e 8 4 O to wait on the telephone
hold/held v 8 4 O to keep in one's grasp
hold/held (on) v 8 4 O wait on the phone
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leave a message e 8 4 O give information
look for v 8 4 O to search
manage v 8 4 O supervise; control behavior of;
manager n 8 4 O supervisor
message n 8 4 O spoken or written information
passed from one person to another
moment n 8 4 O very short period of time
past/after (hour) p 8 4 O after
rent n 8 4 O payment for use of things
rent v 8 4 O to lease
residence n 8 4 R place where one lives
return a call e 8 4 O to call (someone) back
ring/rang v 8 4 O to sound (of a bell, telephone,
take a message e 8 4 O to write/give a message to another
tell/told v 8 4 O to express in words
that c 8 4 O used to introduce a noun clause
till p 8 4 O until
to (time) p 8 4 O before
until p 8 4 O up to the time of
wait (for) v 8 4 O to stay until something expected
account n 9 1 O a business arrangement involving
credit or the exchange of money
bill n 9 1 O paper money
bitter j 9 1 R having a sharp unpleasant taste;
card n 9 1 O flat, stiff piece of paper
cash n 9 1 O coins/paper money; money paid at
time of purchase
checkbook n 9 1 O a book of forms for writing checks
checking account n 9 1 O bank account from which money can
be taken out by check
close an account e 9 1 O to end/withdraw all money from the
complete v 9 1 O to finish
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deposit n 9 1 O money put in a bank account
deposit v 9 1 O to place money in a bank account
feel/felt lv 9 1 O to experience by touching or
being/seeming to be
fill out v 9 1 O to complete (a form) thinking
form n 9 1 O document which requests
hide/hid v 9 1 O to conceal; conceal oneself
immediately a 9 1 O at once
information n 9 1 O facts; news/knowledge
lemon n 9 1 R a fruit; flavor
look lv 9 1 O to seem; appear
lose/lost v 9 1 O to fail to keep; can't find
open an account e 9 1 O deposit money for first time in
bank account
passport n 9 1 O a government document of identity
right away e 9 1 O at once; without delay
right here e 9 1 O exactly in this place
safe j 9 1 O secure; free from danger
salty j 9 1 R containing or tasting of salt
save v 9 1 O to keep for future use
savings account n 9 1 O a bank account that draws interest
signature n 9 1 O a person's name written by
slip n 9 1 O a small piece of paper
smell v 9 1 O to have an odor
soon a 9 1 O in a short time; quickly
sound lv 9 1 O to seem when heard
sour j 9 1 O having acid taste; distasteful/
spend/spent v 9 1 O to give out as payment
sweet j 9 1 O having a sugary flavor
take/took v 9 1 O to carry along
take/took out (of) v 9 1 O to remove
taste v 9 1 O to have specific flavor
wallet n 9 1 O billfold
withdraw/withdrew v 9 1 O to take out
withdrawal n 9 1 O money withdrawn
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accident n 9 2 O a mishap; an unintended happening
across p 9 2 O opposite
at fault j 9 2 O deserving blame
auto ab 9 2 O automobile, car
automobile n 9 2 O auto/car
behind p 9 2 O in back of
bicycle n 9 2 O two-wheeled vehicle ridden by
pushing pedals with the feet
bike ab 9 2 R bicycle
bother v 9 2 O to annoy or cause trouble in
little ways
break/broke v 9 2 O to come apart or separate into
pieces; violate the law
buckle (up) v 9 2 O to secure/fasten a belt,
especially a seat belt
careful j 9 2 O using care to avoid danger
careless j 9 2 O not taking care
cause n 9 2 O something that produces an effect
cause v 9 2 O to make something happen
cross v 9 2 O to go/extend across
curve n 9 2 O sharp bend in the road
dark j 9 2 O little/no light or brightness
dent n 9 2 R small hollow place on the surface
of something caused by a blow
different from e 9 2 O not the same as; unlike
face v 9 2 O to turn toward, to turn in the
direction of
fasten v 9 2 O to attach; to make secure
fault n 9 2 O defect; mistake
fine n 9 2 O money paid as punishment
happen v 9 2 O to occur, to take place
heavy traffic e 9 2 O a lot of cars on the road
in back of a 9 2 O behind
in front of a 9 2 O toward/outside front of
insurance n 9 2 O a contract giving protection
against loss
keep/kept v 9 2 O to continue/maintain in
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law n 9 2 O all/any rules made by government
left a 9 2 O opposite right
light a 9 2 O with little weight
light j 9 2 O not dark
light n 9 2 O electric lamp
obey v 9 2 O to carry out orders
place n 9 2 O location
pole n 9 2 R a long, thin stick/post
police/police officer n 9 2 O dept. which enforces law; member
of police force
ride/rode v 9 2 O to be carried/conveyed
rider n 9 2 R one who rides
right a 9 2 O opposite left
run/ran v 9 2 O to pass through (e.g., red light)
seat belt n 9 2 O a safety strap/harness
similar (to) e 9 2 O alike, though not identical
stop n 9 2 R the act of stopping
the same as e 9 2 O identical
ticket n 9 2 O paper showing fine for breaking
driving rules
traffic n 9 2 O movement/of cars/trucks/people in
traffic jam e 9 2 O a lot of cars, usually moving very
a little white lie e 9 3 R a diplomatic well- intentioned
advice n 9 3 O counsel; opinion given by one
person to another
anyone r 9 3 O any person; anybody
badly a 9 3 O in a bad manner; not acceptable
borrow v 9 3 O to take something from someone
with the intention of returning it
care (about) v 9 3 O to be concerned about/interested
care for v 9 3 O to like
carefully a 9 3 O using care
carelessly a 9 3 O without concern; indifferently
correctly a 9 3 O right; properly
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easily a 9 3 O without difficulty
enjoy v 9 3 O to get pleasure or happiness from
excited j 9 3 O full of strong, pleasant feelings
fast a 9 3 O quickly
feelings n 9 3 O emotions; sensations of love,
hate, etc.
fix v 9 3 O to repair
friendship n 9 3 O the state of being friends
garage n 9 3 O place for auto repair
go out e 9 3 O to leave the house, especially for
guess v 9 3 O to believe, suppose
how a 9 3 O manner
hurt (someone's) feelings e 9 3 O to offend (someone)
hurt/hurt v 9 3 O to cause pain, injury, distress
in my opinion e 9 3 O I think/believe
lend/lent v 9 3 O to let another use/have it
lie n 9 3 O falsehood
lie/lied v 9 3 O to tell a falsehood
-ly af 9 3 O adj + -ly = adv
maybe a 9 3 O perhaps
not care for v 9 3 O not to like (something/someone)
opinion n 9 3 O belief not based on certainty
park v 9 3 O to leave (a vehicle)
party n 9 3 R a social get-together
repair v 9 3 O to fix
roommate n 9 3 O a person with whom one shares a
safely a 9 3 O in a safe way
secret n 9 3 O something hidden
should m 9 3 O advice; obligation
should not m 9 3 O negative of should
shouldn't t 9 3 0 should + not
slowly a 9 3 O not quickly
someone r 9 3 O an indefinite person
story n 9 3 O a tale; description of an event
tell (somebody) a lie e 9 3 O to tell a falsehood
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tell (somebody) a secret e 9 3 O to relate something unknown to
tell (somebody) a story e 9 3 O to relate a tale
tell (somebody) the time e 9 3 O to inform (somebody) of the hour
tell (somebody) the truth e 9 3 O to relate a fact
tool n 9 3 O an instrument used to do a special
truth n 9 3 O fact
alarm clock n 9 4 O a clock that can be set to make
noise at a desired time
almost a 9 4 O nearly but not quite
apologize (for/to) v 9 4 O express regrets for fault/insult
baggage n 9 4 O luggage; suitcases, etc., carried
by traveler
bath n 9 4 O act of washing your body usually
in a tub; a room with a bathtub
bathe v 9 4 O to take a bath
bathtub n 9 4 O a tub used for bathing
bill n 9 4 O a statement of charges
blanket n 9 4 O a covering used on a bed; a
covering of any kind
closet n 9 4 O small room/cupboard for
empty j 9 4 O having nothing/nobody in it
end n 9 4 O conclusion; the point where
something stops
fill (up) v 9 4 O to make/become completely full
forgive/forgave v 9 4 O to be/say you're no longer angry
about something
full j 9 4 O filled to capacity
gas station n 9 4 O a service/filling station
gas/gasoline n 9 4 O liquid obtained from petroleum
used for powering engines in cars,
airplanes, etc.
gauge n 9 4 O an instrument for measuring
amount, size, etc.
hang/hung (up) v 9 4 O to put on a hook or hanger
hanger n 9 4 O clothes-hanging device
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hard j 9 4 O not soft
hope (to) v 9 4 O to want/expect
ladies' room n 9 4 O restroom
lady n 9 4 O woman/female
laundry n 9 4 O dirty clothes
mean/meant (to) v 9 4 O to intend to convey/indicate
men's room n 9 4 O short for men's restroom
motel n 9 4 O motor hotel
pillow n 9 4 O a cushion used to support the head
while sleeping
pleased j 9 4 O happy, satisfied
ready j 9 4 O prepared; willing
realize v 9 4 O to become aware
really a 9 4 O actually; in fact; very
restroom n 9 4 O public bathroom
run/ran out of v 9 4 O to use up
sheet n 9 4 O covering used on a bed
so a 9 4 O to such an extent
soft j 9 4 O opposite hard; giving way easily
under pressure
sorry j 9 4 O feeling regret/pity
spill v 9 4 O to pour out accidentally
step (on) v 9 4 O to move by alternately lifting
feet up and down; put weight on
take a bath e 9 4 O to bathe oneself
tank n 9 4 O container
worried (about) j 9 4 O concerned about; anxious about
worry v 9 4 O to be concerned; to be anxious
after c 10 1 O following the time when
another j 10 1 O one more (of the same kind)
another r 10 1 O one additional; one more of the
same kind
be supposed to m 10 1 O to be expected to
before c 10 1 O earlier than the time that
candy bar n 10 1 R a solid confection of chocolate,
nuts, sugar, etc.
chip n 10 1 O a type of snack food
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coin return/release e 10 1 R lever/button which activates a
machine to return coins
cream n 10 1 R fatty part of milk which rises to
the top of a container
detergent n 10 1 R a chemical substance used for
cleaning clothes or dishes
diet drink e 10 1 R artificially sweetened soft drink
dispense v 10 1 R to give out; to distribute
drop v 10 1 O to fall; let/make fall
everywhere a 10 1 O in every place
exact j 10 1 O correct; precise
exactly a 10 1 O precisely; with complete accuracy
favorite j 10 1 O being liked better than another
finally a 10 1 O at last
find out/found out v 10 1 O to learn about something; to
discover a fact that was hidden
for p 10 1 O purpose
get/got back v 10 1 O to receive
gum/chewing gum n 10 1 R a sweet substance for chewing
insert v 10 1 O to put something into something
knob n 10 1 O small, round handle
last a 10 1 O at the end; conclusively
last/lastly a 10 1 O after everything else; in the end
lift v 10 1 O to raise
machine n 10 1 O man-made apparatus using power to
do work
no a 10 1 O not at all
no j 10 1 O not any
nut n 10 1 R food
opening n 10 1 O a hole, a slot
operate v 10 1 O to run/control
out (of) p 10 1 O away from
out of a 10 1 O having no; don't have any
out of order e 10 1 O not working
popular j 10 1 O well-liked; sought after
selection n 10 1 O a choice
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soda/soda pop n 10 1 O sweet-flavored carbonated drink
soft drink n 10 1 O soda/soda pop
stick/stuck j 10 1 O to become fixed or obstructed;
adhere to
stuck j 10 1 O fixed in place; fixed by sticky
teach/taught v 10 1 O to impart knowledge
time n 10 1 O occasion
tray n 10 1 R a flat object for holding/
until c 10 1 O up to the time
vending machine n 10 1 O coin-operated machine used for
selling food
washing machine n 10 1 R a machine used for washing clothes
when c 10 1 O at the time that
while c 10 1 O during the time that
work v 10 1 O to function
adult n 10 2 R a grown person, usually over 18 or
21 years
afraid (of) j 10 2 O frightened (of); full of fear (of)
alone a 10 2 O without any other person; only
cafeteria n 10 2 O restaurant where people serve
clothing store n 10 2 O store that sells clothes
decide (to) v 10 2 O to make up one's mind; to make a
department store n 10 2 O retail business selling a variety
of merchandise
down a 10 2 O from a higher place to a lower
down p 10 2 O to or in a lower place
downstairs a 10 2 O to or on a lower floor
downstairs j 10 2 O on a lower floor
escalator n 10 2 R a set of moving stairs
everybody r 10 2 O every person
everyone r 10 2 O everybody; every person
floor n 10 2 O level/story
go shopping e 10 2 O go to store to examine purchase
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Have you met (noun/pro noun/proper e 10 2 O Have you been introduced?
How do you do? e 10 2 O greeting used when meeting someone
for the first time
I'd like you to meet (somebody) e 10 2 O I'd like you to know (), used with
introduce v 10 2 O to make known by name for the
first time to each other
introduction n 10 2 O an occasion of telling people each
other's names
It's a pleasure to.... e 10 2 O It's a joy to know you/meet you.
Let me introduce… e 10 2 O allow me to introduce…
let/let v 10 2 O to give permission, allow
mall n 10 2 O a shopping center
neighbor n 10 2 O one who lives near another
parking lot n 10 2 O place where vehicles can be parked
polite j 10 2 O having/showing good manners
politely a 10 2 O showing good manners
receive v 10 2 O to get
rule n 10 2 O custom; regulation
shake/shook v 10 2 O to cause to move; clasp hands
shop n 10 2 O store
shop v 10 2 O to visit stores to buy goods; buy
shopping center n 10 2 O a group of retail stores in one
large building
stairs n 10 2 O series of steps
supper n 10 2 O a light meal served in the evening
up a 10 2 O from a lower to a higher level
up p 10 2 O to a higher place
upstairs a 10 2 O to the upper floor of a building
upstairs j 10 2 O on the upper floor of a building
variety store n 10 2 O retail store that sells different
kinds of goods
write/wrote down v 10 2 O to put words on paper
air n 10 3 O mixture of gases surrounding
earth; that which we breathe
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can m 10 3 O polite request
can't m 10 3 O polite response
certainly a 10 3 O of course
common j 10 3 O usual; found often and in many
could m 10 3 O polite request
cover n 10 3 O a lid, top, etc.; a shelter
cover v 10 3 O to place something on/over; to
hide, protect
do e 10 3 O to help or do some thing nice for
somebody, a favor
enough j 10 3 O a sufficient amount
enough r 10 3 O sufficient; as much/many as is
extra j 10 3 O additional
flat j 10 3 O smooth, not contoured; deflated
hand out v 10 3 R to pass out
hubcap n 10 3 R metal cover over center of wheel
hurry (up) v 10 3 O move fast
in a hurry e 10 3 O without delay
inflate v 10 3 O to fill with air or gas
jack n 10 3 O a tool for lifting a car
jack up v 10 3 O to lift
keep lv 10 3 O to remain
key n 10 3 O unlocking device
loose j 10 3 O not restrained
loosen v 10 3 O to make less tight; to untighten
lower v 10 3 O to be below in position, rank
lug n 10 3 R nut; kind of fastener
mind v 10 3 O to object to
nut n 10 3 O securing device
of course e 10 3 O certainly
pass (out) v 10 3 R to give to someone else
quick j 10 3 O prompt; without delay
quickly a 10 3 O moving fast or rapidly
raise v 10 3 O to lift up
remove v 10 3 O to take off
replace v 10 3 O to put back
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spare j 10 3 O extra; kept in reserve
the back (of) e 10 3 O the rear part of something
the front (of) e 10 3 O a place or position before
tight j 10 3 O not loose
tighten v 10 3 O to make or become tighter
tire n 10 3 O inflatable rubber tube placed on
trunk n 10 3 O compartment
wheel n 10 3 O a circular frame turning on a rod
or axle
will m 10 3 O request/response
would m 10 3 O request/response
wrench n 10 3 O tool used for loosening/tightening
about a 10 4 O approximately; a little more or
less than
article n 10 4 O story in a newspaper, magazine,
aunt n 10 4 O mother/father's sister; uncle's
baby n 10 4 O infant; a very young child
be able to m 10 4 O to have the ability to do
boss n 10 4 O the person in charge
business n 10 4 O commercial enterprise (i.e.,
store, shop)
businessman/woman n 10 4 R a person in business
cashier n 10 4 O person in charge of cash, receipts
in bank/store
collect v 10 4 O to accumulate; to bring/gather
collection n 10 4 R things collected
company n 10 4 O business enterprise
cousin n 10 4 O the child of one's aunt/uncle
dentist n 10 4 O doctor who repairs and takes cares
of teeth
driver n 10 4 O one who drives a vehicle
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famous j 10 4 O very well known
far a 10 4 O a long way; not near
far j 10 4 O distant, a long way off; lengthy
folks n 10 4 R relatives; especially parents
from p 10 4 O place, position
get married e 10 4 O be joined as husband and wife
grandfather n 10 4 O the father of somebody's
grandmother n 10 4 O the mother of somebody's
grandparent n 10 4 R the mother/father of someone's
how a 10 4 O degree/extent
it r 10 4 O impersonal
It e 10 4 O It
magazine n 10 4 O a periodical with
marriage n 10 4 O state of being married
married j 10 4 O having a husband/wife
marry v 10 4 O to wed/take in marriage
nephew n 10 4 O the son of one's sister or brother
news n 10 4 O information reported in a
newspaper/ newscast
newspaper n 10 4 O a daily/weekly publication
reporting news/opinions
niece n 10 4 O the daughter of one's brother or
occupation n 10 4 O a job
own v 10 4 O to possess
parent n 10 4 O mother or father of somebody
pleasant j 10 4 O enjoyable
relative n 10 4 O family member
sales person/people n 10 4 O one who sells goods man/woman
secretary n 10 4 O a person employed to handle
single j 10 4 O not married
take/took v 10 4 O to need (distance relative to
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type v 10 4 O to write with a typewriter
uncle n 10 4 O the brother of one's mother or
What (kind of work) e 10 4 O request for specific information
work n 10 4 O job
work on v 10 4 O to repair
writer n 10 4 R one who writes for a living
ache n 11 1 O a continuous dull pain
ache v 11 1 O to have or suffer continuous dull
annual j 11 1 O happening every year
any longer a 11 1 O not now; not anymore
anymore a 11 1 O at the present time
appointment n 11 1 O a meeting at a special time
back n 11 1 O the part of a person's body
opposite the chest
backache n 11 1 O pain in the back
catch/caught/caught v 11 1 O to get hold of something to stop
motion; to get an illness
checkup n 11 1 O a general medical exam
chest n 11 1 O the upper front part of the body
enclosing the heart and lungs
cold n 11 1 O an illness of the head, nose, and
come/came/come in v 11 1 O to arrive as expected
connect v 11 1 O to join; to unite two or more
cough n 11 1 O the sound coming from the throat
when pushing air from lungs
cough v 11 1 O to push air from the lungs
suddenly and noisily
dot n 11 1 R small, round mark
earache n 11 1 O pain in inner ear
emergency n 11 1 O unexpected and dangerous happening
which needs immediate action
examination/exam n 11 1 O physical examination by a doctor
fever n 11 1 O a high temperature (caused by
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headache n 11 1 O pain in the head
horizontal j 11 1 R parallel to the horizon
How about...? e 11 1 O What do you think about?
in a 11 1 O to the inside; to/at a certain
inch/inches n 11 1 R measure of length/one twelfth of a
make it e 11 1 O to achieve; to be on time
middle n 11 1 R center
nurse n 11 1 O person who cares for people in
out a 11 1 O away from a place; to the outside
pain n 11 1 O hurt or physical suffering
parallel j 11 1 R of straight lines going in same
direction which never meet
patient n 11 1 O person who is being treated by a
perpendicular j 11 1 R vertical; at right angles
physical n 11 1 O medical examination
problem n 11 1 O trouble
regular j 11 1 O consistent/usual
run a temperature e 11 1 O to have a fever
run/ran v 11 1 O to flow
runny j 11 1 O inclined to run/flow
see/saw/seen v 11 1 O to visit
since a 11 1 O at a time in the past
since p 11 1 O from a time in the past
sneeze n 11 1 O sudden uncontrollable burst of air
from nose and mouth
sneeze v 11 1 O to blow air involuntarily through
the nose
sometime a 11 1 O some uncertain time
still a 11 1 O up to and including the present
stomach n 11 1 O bag-like part of body which
digests food
stomachache n 11 1 O pain in the stomach
symptom n 11 1 O indication/sign, usually of a bad
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temperature n 11 1 O fever
then a 11 1 O at that time
vertical j 11 1 R straight up, right angles to a
horizontal line
ahead a 11 2 O in front; in advance
anybody r 11 2 O any person
become/became lv 11 2 O to come to be
caution n 11 2 O act of paying attention; great
cautious j 11 2 O careful; paying attention
cautiously a 11 2 O carefully
confuse v 11 2 O to cause to be mistaken; to mix up
crossing n 11 2 O intersection; a place where you
can cross
fail (to) v 11 2 O to not perform or do; does not
produce the desired result
flash v 11 2 O to send out sudden light
follow v 11 2 O to obey; to go behind
get/got lv 11 2 O to become
in advance e 11 2 O ahead of time
instructor n 11 2 O teacher
intersection n 11 2 O place where two or more roads
lane n 11 2 O part of road
lost j 11 2 O unable to find one's way
m.p.h. ab 11 2 R rate of speed
mean/meant v 11 2 O to signify
miles per/an hour e 11 2 O rate of speed
mind n 11 2 R attention
nervous j 11 2 O uneasy
no one r 11 2 O no person; nobody
nobody r 11 2 O no person
one-way j 11 2 O moving/allowing movement in one
pass v 11 2 O to reach and move beyond; to
pedestrian n 11 2 O a person who is walking
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pull over v 11 2 R to stop at side of road
railroad n 11 2 O a track for trains
relaxed j 11 2 O not tense/worried
right of way n 11 2 R the right of traffic to drive,
pass, etc. before other vehicles
sidewalk n 11 2 O path for pedestrians at the side
of a street
sign n 11 2 O a mark/notice set up to give a
signal n 11 2 O a sign/mark to give a warning
signal v 11 2 O to give a warning
slow down/up v 11 2 O to make/become slower
somebody r 11 2 O someone
speed n 11 2 O rate of movement
speed limit n 11 2 O the fastest speed allowed
speed/sped v 11 2 O to move/cause to move rapidly;
steering wheel n 11 2 O wheel in a car used for guiding it
stop sign n 11 2 O sign that warns cars to stop
that r 11 2 O used to refer to a person or thing
turn n 11 2 O point at which one can change
two-way j 11 2 O moving/allowing movement in both
way n 11 2 O direction; manner
which r 11 2 O refers to things only
who r 11 2 O refers to persons only
yield v 11 2 O to give way; allow to pass
brake n 11 3 O device for slowing or stopping the
speed of a car, truck, etc.
bug n 11 3 R any small insect
charge n 11 3 O price asked/paid for
charge v 11 3 O to ask as a price; to pay with a
credit card
credit n 11 3 O a way of buying something now and
paying at a later date
credit v 11 3 O to enter as credit; to place an
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amount of money in an account
dissatisfied j 11 3 O displeased; not satisfied
engine n 11 3 O machinery which changes electric
power to movement
exchange v 11 3 O to give and receive something in
return for something else
fly n 11 3 R a small flying insect with two
give/gave back v 11 3 O to return
grease n 11 3 O lubricant/fat
grease v 11 3 O to lubricate
greasy j 11 3 O covered with grease/an oily
guarantee n 11 3 O written assurance
guarantee v 11 3 O to give a statement of assurance
hose n 11 3 O flexible tube
leak n 11 3 O opening allowing escape of
leak v 11 3 O to permit something to escape
through a hole; to escape
leaky j 11 3 O allowing water/liquid/ gas to leak
motor n 11 3 O machine that gives motion or power
noise n 11 3 O unwanted/confused sound
noisy j 11 3 O making a loud noise
oil n 11 3 O substance used to make machines
run better
oil v 11 3 O to put oil on/rub oil onto
oily j 11 3 O covered with/ containing oil
on sale e 11 3 R offered at a lower price
part n 11 3 O partial segment; separable element
refund n 11 3 O an amount of money returned
refund v 11 3 O to give money back
sales slip n 11 3 R receipt given at a store
satisfaction n 11 3 O contentment or pleasure
satisfied j 11 3 O pleased
satisfy v 11 3 O to please (someone)
service n 11 3 O work or duty done
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stall v 11 3 O to stop through lack of power (an
too a 11 3 O more than enough; excessive
tune-up n 11 3 O act of adjusting engine
tune-up v 11 3 O to adjust an engine
unhappy j 11 3 O dissatisfied
warm (up) v 11 3 O to make ready for performance
-y af 11 3 O noun + -y = adj
as a matter of fact e 11 4 O really; actually
boring j 11 4 O uninteresting, dull
busy j 11 4 O active; at work
cards n 11 4 O a set of 52 cards; game played
with cards
channel n 11 4 O TV/radio frequency band
commercial n 11 4 O advertisement on radio or TV
could m 11 4 O ability (in the past)
couldn't t 11 4 O could not
dish n 11 4 O a particular kind of food
dull j 11 4 O boring; not sharp
entertain v 11 4 O to amuse or interest
entertaining j 11 4 O amusing and interesting
entertainment n 11 4 O the act of amusing people
feel/felt v 11 4 O to think
frequently a 11 4 O happening often
frighten v 11 4 O to make afraid; terrify
frightening j 11 4 O terrifying
funny j 11 4 O amusing; causing laughter
great j 11 4 O good; large
If you ask me,.... e 11 4 O In my opinion
impolite j 11 4 O not polite; rude
impolitely a 11 4 O rudely
in fact e 11 4 O really
intend (to) v 11 4 O to plan to
laugh (at) v 11 4 O to make sounds with voice showing
loud j 11 4 O strongly audible; noisy
loudly a 11 4 O strongly audible; noisy
love n 11 4 O a strong feeling of fondness for a
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love v 11 4 O to have strong feelings for; to
care for
plan n 11 4 O a scheme
plan (to) v 11 4 O to intend to
program n 11 4 O show; plan; list
prompt j 11 4 O acting without delay
promptly a 11 4 O quickly
reasonable j 11 4 O fair
reasonably a 11 4 O fairly
recommend v 11 4 O to suggest; endorse
rude j 11 4 O not polite
rudely a 11 4 O not politely
serve v 11 4 O to set food before somebody
sharp j 11 4 O having a fine edge/point; keen
since c 11 4 O because
spend/spent v 11 4 O to devote time
terrible j 11 4 O very bad
terribly a 11 4 O very
variety n 11 4 O different things; an assortment
wonderful j 11 4 O unusually good
be over v 12 1 O to end; to be finished
beach n 12 1 O sandy shore by the ocean, sea,
lake or river
belong(s) to v 12 1 O to be the property of
blow/blew/blown v 12 1 O to send out a strong current of
breeze n 12 1 R a light, gentle wind
calm j 12 1 O still; not moving; not windy
clear j 12 1 O free of obstruction; transparent;
clear up v 12 1 O to make or become clear
climate n 12 1 O the average weather conditions of
a place
could use e 12 1 O to need
dangerous j 12 1 O unsafe; able to cause danger
deep j 12 1 O extending far downward;
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during p 12 1 O all through a length of time; at
some moment in time
ever a 12 1 O at any time
except p 12 1 O but; not including
expect (to) v 12 1 O to think something will happen; to
freezing j 12 1 O very cold; icy
frightened j 12 1 O afraid
heat n 12 1 O hotness
humid j 12 1 O damp, moist (weather)
humidity n 12 1 O dampness, especially of air
if c 12 1 O in case that; on condition that;
last v 12 1 O to remain in use/ existence;
endure; be enough
like p 12 1 O almost the same as; show same
no longer a 12 1 O not anymore
none r 12 1 O not any, no one
occasionally a 12 1 O infrequently
quiet j 12 1 O inactive; not noisy
remain v 12 1 O to be left behind; stay
remain lv 12 1 O to continue without change; stay
sea n 12 1 O various bodies of water smaller
than oceans
slip v 12 1 O to fall down
slippery j 12 1 O liable to cause slipping
stay v 12 1 O to remain
thought n 12 1 O idea, concept, etc.; act of
unpleasant j 12 1 O disagreeable
wind n 12 1 O strong moving air
accept v 12 2 O to take/receive; approve
already a 12 2 O by or before a particular time;
previously; so soon
associate degree n 12 2 R a degree given after 2 year's
study at a college
bachelor's degree n 12 2 R a degree usually given after 4
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years of college
career n 12 2 O profession which one plans to have
for a long time
change one's mind e 12 2 O change one's decision or opinion
choice n 12 2 O selection; a variety from which to
college n 12 2 O school for higher and professional
confused j 12 2 O mixed up; unable to think clearly
confusing j 12 2 O causing inability to think clearly
course n 12 2 O series of studies or lessons
decision n 12 2 O choice/judgment
degree n 12 2 O title given by a university
diploma n 12 2 O certificate of completion of a
discuss v 12 2 O to talk about something from
several points of view
discussion n 12 2 O a talk about something with
another person or other people
educate v 12 2 O to teach
education n 12 2 O teaching or training of the mind
educator n 12 2 R teacher
elementary school n 12 2 R first 6-8 years of school where
basic subjects are taught
field n 12 2 O job area; a branch of knowledge
future n 12 2 O time after the present
grade n 12 2 R level in school
high school n 12 2 O secondary school
instead a 12 2 O in place of that
instead of p 12 2 O in place of; rather than
just a 12 2 O a short time ago
make up one's mind e 12 2 O to decide
master's degree n 12 2 R degree, which requires 2-3 years
beyond bachelor's degree
medical j 12 2 O relating to medicine
middle school n 12 2 R grades between elementary/ high
offer n 12 2 O act of offering; thing offered
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offer v 12 2 O to present for acceptance/refusal;
express willingness
Ph.D. n 12 2 R advanced degree beyond master's
profession n 12 2 O career; way of earning a living
professional j 12 2 O of/engaged in profession
professional n 12 2 R one engaging in activity requiring
special training/knowledge
refusal n 12 2 O act of refusing
refuse (to) v 12 2 O to reject; decline (to do, grant,
retire v 12 2 O to stop working
so c 12 2 O with the result/consequence that
take/took/taken v 12 2 O to accept; study
talk over v 12 2 O to discuss
technical j 12 2 O of industrial/mechanical arts
think/thought/thought v 12 2 O to consider carefully over
turn down v 12 2 O to refuse (a request, person,
university n 12 2 O educational institution composed
of graduate/undergraduate schools
yet a 12 2 O up to now; at the present
add on v 12 3 O to increase size of
addition n 12 3 O something added
boil v 12 3 O to turn rapidly from liquid to
vapor when heated
build/built/built v 12 3 O to form/construct one or more
things by putting pieces together
builder n 12 3 O person who builds things,
especially houses
burn v 12 3 O to be/become on fire
cassette n 12 3 O a cartridge for film or magnetic
could m 12 3 O possibility
den n 12 3 R family room used for relaxing
dining room n 12 3 O room used for meals
enlarge v 12 3 O to make larger
fire n 12 3 O something burning; light/heat from
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fireplace n 12 3 O an opening in the wall with a
chimney (for building a fire)
get/got/gotten together v 12 3 O to meet
get-together n 12 3 O an informal meeting
heat v 12 3 O to become warm/hot
idea n 12 3 O plan; opinion
interested j 12 3 O showing/having interest
leave v 12 3 R to allow to remain
meeting n 12 3 O a coming together; a gathering,
for a purpose
microwave n 12 3 O device for cooking
near a 12 3 O close in place/time
near j 12 3 O close in place/time
oven n 12 3 O compartment for baking food
patio n 12 3 O open paved area by house
perhaps a 12 3 O maybe; possibly
plan n 12 3 O diagram
play v 12 3 O to emit sound or be sounded;
record n 12 3 O grooved disc
room n 12 3 O space
shed n 12 3 R a small building for protection or
solution n 12 3 O an answer to a problem
solve v 12 3 O to find an answer to
stereo n 12 3 O a sound system with two or more
story n 12 3 O floor/level in a building
suburb n 12 3 O area on outskirts of city/town
where people live
take/took/taken place v 12 3 O to happen
then a 12 3 R in that case/accordingly
tiring j 12 3 O causing physical tiredness
tour/tour of duty e 12 3 O military overseas assignment
trouble n 12 3 O cause or source of difficulty
wood n 12 3 O hard substance beneath tree bark
all over a 12 4 O everywhere; in all parts
bang! i 12 4 R a sudden loud noise
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catch/caught/caught v 12 4 O to capture
country n 12 4 O area outside a city, often a farm
deer/deer n 12 4 O a large, four-legged animal with
duck n 12 4 O a type of bird that swims
farther/further a 12 4 O more far; comparative of far; more
fish n 12 4 O creature that lives in water and
fish v 12 4 O to try to catch fish
fishing rod n 12 4 R a pole for fishing
further a 12 4 O comparative of far
furthest a 12 4 O superlative of far
go/went/gone v 12 4 O to travel somewhere to do
gun n 12 4 O weapon with a long tube through
which a projectile is fired
hard a 12 4 O with great effort; difficult
high a 12 4 O to a high level in position/sound
hunt v 12 4 O to pursue animals/birds for food
or sport; search for
in the open e 12 4 O outdoors
indoors a 12 4 O inside a building
instructions n 12 4 O directions which tell how to do
kill v 12 4 R to cause the death of
line n 12 4 R string/cord, etc.
low a 12 4 O in/to a low position, point,
more r 12 4 O a greater number/amount
once a 12 4 O one time; some time ago
outdoors a 12 4 O in the open air; outside
outdoors n 12 4 O the open air: outside
out-of-doors a 12 4 0 outdoors
own j 12 4 O belonging to oneself
own n 12 4 O belonging to
pistol n 12 4 R a small hand gun
plenty n 12 4 O a lot; more than enough
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practice v 12 4 O to perform to gain skill
prepare v 12 4 O to cook; get ready
rifle n 12 4 O long-barreled gun
several a 12 4 O a few/not many
several r 12 4 O a few/not many
shoot/shot v 12 4 O to fire from a weapon
shoot/shot v 12 4 O to hit/wound/kill with a missile
fired from a weapon
shot n 12 4 O the firing of a weapon
slow a 12 4 O slowly
twice a 12 4 O two times
used to v 12 4 O used to show past routine;
discontinued habit
walk n 12 4 R a usually short journey on foot
weapon n 12 4 O tool for harming/killing
whole j 12 4 O all of
would m 12 4 O past routine
beat/beat/beaten v 13 1 O to defeat; to be better than in a
believe v 13 1 O to hold as an opinion; to think
certain j 13 1 O sure; positive; definite; having
no doubt
certainly a 13 1 O surely; positively; definitely
coach n 13 1 O person who trains athletes for
coach v 13 1 O to give instruction/advice
doubt n 13 1 O feeling of uncertainty
doubt v 13 1 O to be uncertain about/to consider
farthest/furthest a 13 1 O most far; superlative of far
field n 13 1 O open farm land; an open area for
outdoor sports
for sure e 13 1 R certainly, without a doubt
goal n 13 1 O aim/purpose; points scored; place
where points are scored
imagine v 13 1 O to think
join v 13 1 R to become a member of
kick v 13 1 O to hit with foot
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knot n 13 1 R fastening formed by tying
lose/lost/lost v 13 1 O to fail to win
match n 13 1 O contest/game; device for igniting
match v 13 1 O to be suitable for use with
meaning n 13 1 O definition
most j 13 1 O greatest number/amount
player n 13 1 O one who plays
point n 13 1 O unit of value in games
positive j 13 1 O sure
practice n 13 1 O repeated performance
quite a 13 1 O very
race n 13 1 O contest
race v 13 1 O to have a contest of speed
reporter n 13 1 R one who writes news for newspaper,
rope n 13 1 O thick cord
score n 13 1 O points gained in game
score v 13 1 O to make points in a game
shoe laces n 13 1 R strings/cords used for tying shoes
so a 13 1 O noun clause substitute, "I think
stadium n 13 1 O building with or without a roof
where sports events are held
string n 13 1 O thin cord
suppose v 13 1 O to think; assume to be true
surely a 13 1 O of course
team n 13 1 O people who work, play together
tie n 13 1 O equal score
tie (up) v 13 1 O to bind/fasten; even the score of
toward(s) p 13 1 O in the direction of
uncertain j 13 1 O doubtful, undecided
win/won/won v 13 1 O to be first/best in a game, etc.
allow v 13 2 O to permit; to let somebody do
appreciate v 13 2 O to be grateful for
ashtray n 13 2 R container for cigarette butts and
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away a 13 2 O in another direction; at a stated
be made (up) of v 13 2 O to be formed of; consisting of
bracelet n 13 2 R kind of jewelry usually worn
around the wrist
chain n 13 2 R a length of metal rings which are
copper n 13 2 R a type of soft reddish metal
cotton n 13 2 O a type of plant; a woven cloth
could m 13 2 O permission
diamond n 13 2 O precious stone; shape
Do you mind if...? e 13 2 O Do you object if...? Is it okay,
do/did/done over v 13 2 O do again
earring n 13 2 R ear ornament
fond (of) j 13 2 O having a liking
glass n 13 2 O material
gold n 13 2 O metal
into p 13 2 O to the inside of
iron n 13 2 O a kind of metal used in making
jewelry n 13 2 O decoration worn on clothes/body
leather n 13 2 O animal skin
leave n 13 2 O permission to be absent from duty
man-made j 13 2 R produced by people
material n 13 2 O substance
metal n 13 2 O mineral (gold, copper, etc.)
natural j 13 2 R not made by people
necklace n 13 2 R an ornamental chain worn around
the neck
nylon n 13 2 O man-made material
owe v 13 2 O to have to pay; in debt to
past p 13 2 O gone by and after beyond
pay/paid/paid back v 13 2 O to return what is owed
plastic n 13 2 O man-made material
polyester n 13 2 O man-made material
put/put/put out v 13 2 O to extinguish
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ring n 13 2 O circular band
rock n 13 2 O large piece of stone
rubber n 13 2 O a stretchable, water repellent
silk n 13 2 O a kind of cloth
silver n 13 2 O a kind of metal often used in
making jewelry
stone n 13 2 O a small rock
throw/threw/thrown v 13 2 O to toss
throw/threw/thrown away v 13 2 O to get rid of
throw/threw/thrown out v 13 2 O to dispose of
wake/woke/woken up v 13 2 O to (cause to) stop sleeping
wool n 13 2 O animal hair; cloth
' nbr 13 3 R symbol for foot/feet (measurement)
" nbr 13 3 O symbol for inch/inches
% nbr 13 3 O percent sign
amount n 13 3 O quantity/sum
amount to v 13 3 O add up to; to be equal to
bargain n 13 3 O something bought at a lower than
usual price
bargain v 13 3 O to talk about the conditions of a
sale, trying to lower the price
cloth n 13 3 O material made from wool, cotton,
deal n 13 3 O a business arrangement made for
mutual advantage
decrease v 13 3 O to cause to become less in size,
number, etc.
discount n 13 3 O reduction in price
discount v 13 3 O to reduce the price
dressing room n 13 3 O area for trying on clothes in a
-er/-or af 13 3 O verb + -er/-or = noun
fabric n 13 3 O cloth, material
fit/fit/fit v 13 3 O to be the right size, shape for
foot/feet n 13 3 R measurement
for sale e 13 3 O offered to be sold usually at a
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reduced price
free j 13 3 O no charge; not busy
hip n 13 3 O area on side of the body
in. ab 13 3 R inch/inches
inch/inches n 13 3 O measurement of length
increase v 13 3 O to become larger in amount, size,
number, etc.
irregular j 13 3 O unusual; not even or uniform
item n 13 3 O an article, unit, separate thing
jeans n 13 3 R kind of pants
length n 13 3 R distance from end to end; extent
of time
less j 13 3 O smaller amount
measurement n 13 3 R dimension
medium j 13 3 O of middle size, amount, etc.
much a 13 3 O intensifier
off a 13 3 O so as to be less; away from work
off p 13 3 O no longer on or attached
on sale e 13 3 O offered at a lower price
pair n 13 3 O two similar things used together
percent (%) a 13 3 O per hundred
percent (%) n 13 3 O one part in a hundred
percentage n 13 3 R a proportion in relation to a
receipt n 13 3 O written statement that one has
received money
reduce v 13 3 O to decrease
sale n 13 3 O selling; offered at a lower price
sales j 13 3 O of, for, or related to selling
sew v 13 3 O to make by sewing; fasten by
size n 13 3 O degree of bigness/ smallness
special 1 13 3 O not ordinary or usual
tax n 13 3 O money paid to government according
to income, property, goods bought
try/tried on v 13 3 O to put on for size
waist n 13 3 O narrow part of body above the hips
(go) on a diet e 13 4 O restrict food intake
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a few r 13 4 O a small number
a little r 13 4 O a small amount
a lot r 13 4 O a great many/amount
age n 13 4 O period of time a person has lived
or a thing has existed
by p 13 4 O term used with measurements
centimeter n 13 4 O measurement of length
cm ab 13 4 R centimeter
depth n 13 4 O distance from the surface to the
diet n 13 4 O the kind of food/drink you usually
diet v 13 4 O to restrict intake of food/drink
distance n 13 4 O the amount of space between 2
fat j 13 4 O having too much fat; not thin
foot/feet (ft.) n 13 4 O linear distance of 12 inches; ab
ft. ab 13 4 R foot/feet (meas.)
gain v 13 4 O obtain or add as an increase
height n 13 4 O distance from top to bottom;
jump n 13 4 O a distance jumped
jump v 13 4 O to leap; move or rise suddenly
kilometer n 13 4 O measurement of length
km. ab 13 4 R kilometer
length n 13 4 O linear measurement
m ab 13 4 R meter
many r 13 4 O many persons/things
measure v 13 4 O to find size, length, amount, etc.
meter n 13 4 O 100 cm
mi ab 13 4 R mile
millimeter n 13 4 O measurement of length
mm ab 13 4 R millimeter
much r 13 4 O a great amount
scale n 13 4 O device for weighing
strength n 13 4 O quality of being strong
thick j 13 4 O large distance between opposite
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thin j 13 4 O not thick; slender
weigh v 13 4 O to measure weight; have a certain
weight n 13 4 O heaviness of anything
width n 13 4 O distance from side to side
yard n 13 4 O linear distance of 3 feet
yd(s) ab 13 4 R yard(s); 3 feet, 36 inches
advanced j 14 1 O ahead/higher in
airman basic (AB) n 14 1 R Air Force enlisted (E-1)
airman first class (A1C) n 14 1 R Air Force enlisted (E-3)
Amn (Airman) ab 14 1 R Air Force enlisted (E-2)
armed forces n 14 1 O combined military forces
assign v 14 1 O appoint; give a particular job to
assignment n 14 1 O an assigned task
bar n 14 1 R a long narrow piece of metal
basic j 14 1 O fundamental; on which everything
else is built
be assigned v 14 1 O to be appointed to a post or duty
be promoted v 14 1 O to be raised to a higher
be stationed v 14 1 O to be assigned to a place
be up for v 14 1 O to be eligible for
captain (O-6) n 14 1 O Navy officer (O-6)
chance n 14 1 O opportunity
commander (O-5) n 14 1 O Navy officer (O-5)
corporal (CPL) n 14 1 O Army NCO (E-4)
duty n 14 1 O work; responsibility; something
you must do
E-1/E-6 n 14 1 R enlisted ranks
enlist v 14 1 O to enter the armed forces
enlisted j 14 1 O E-1/E-6 ranks
ensign (O-1) n 14 1 O Navy officer (O-1)
follow-on j 14 1 R describes consequent military base
and/or training
grade n 14 1 R rank
insignia n 14 1 O emblem(s) of rank
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lance corporal (MC) n 14 1 R Marine Corps enlisted (E-3)
lieutenant (O-3) n 14 1 O navy officer (0-3)
lieutenant commander n 14 1 R navy officer (0-4)
lieutenant junior grade n 14 1 R navy officer (0-2)
Marine Corps n 14 1 O branch of the military
noncommissioned officer n 14 1 R a junior/senior (NCO) enlisted
person (E-4 to E-9)
O-1/O-6 n 14 1 R officer
opportunity n 14 1 O a chance
personnel n 14 1 O people employed
petty officer (PO) n 14 1 O Navy NCO (E-4 to E-9)
private (PVT) n 14 1 O Army/Marines enlisted
private first class n 14 1 R Army E-3 (PFC) (A)
promote v 14 1 O to raise to a higher rank/position
promotion n 14 1 O advancement to a higher
recruit n 14 1 O newly enlisted member of armed
retired j 14 1 O having stopped working
retirement n 14 1 O period after giving up work
seaman (Seaman) n 14 1 O Navy enlisted E-3
seaman apprentice (SA) n 14 1 R Navy enlisted E-2
seaman recruit (SR) n 14 1 R Navy enlisted E-1
serve v 14 1 O to work or do a useful job for
service n 14 1 O duty in any of the armed forces
staff sergeant (SSgt) n 14 1 R Air Force/Marine Corps; Army NCO
(AF E-5, Army, MC E-6
station n 14 1 R place of duty
station v 14 1 O to assign to a place
technical sergeant (TSgt) n 14 1 R air force rank
train v 14 1 O to instruct; make fit
training n 14 1 O instruction
a green thumb e 14 2 R to have good luck or talent for
making things grow
a little a 14 2 O not much
a lot a 14 2 O to a great extent; very much
around a 14 2 O on all/various sides
barn n 14 2 O farm building for storing
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be born v 14 2 R to be brought to life by birth
because of p 14 2 O on account of; by reason of
bloom v 14 2 O to produce/yield flowers
blossom n 14 2 O flower of a tree/bush
blossom v 14 2 O to produce/yield flowers
bridge n 14 2 O structure built over a river,
road, etc.
bull n 14 2 R adult male of any bovine family
cabin n 14 2 R small, rustic house; hut
calf/calves n 14 2 R young of bovine family
cattle n 14 2 O farm animals kept for their meat
or milk
cow n 14 2 O adult female, bovine farm animal
which provides milk
crop n 14 2 O agricultural product
destroy v 14 2 O to put an end to existence of
destruction n 14 2 O act of destroying/state of being
dirt n 14 2 O unclean matter, earth, soil
extremely a 14 2 O very
farm n 14 2 O land where crops/animals are
farmer n 14 2 O a person who manages a farm
forest n 14 2 O trees/bushes that cover a large
graze v 14 2 O to feed on grass
harvest n 14 2 O a season's crop; the gathering of
a crop
harvest v 14 2 O to gather a crop
horse n 14 2 O large domestic animal
in (full) bloom e 14 2 R abundant in blossoms
light/lit v 14 2 O to ignite a match, etc.
locate v 14 2 O to learn position of; find
location n 14 2 O place/position
make/made v 14 2 O to cause to be
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much a 14 2 O by a great degree
picnic n 14 2 O a meal eaten outdoors
plant n 14 2 O vegetation
plant v 14 2 O to put in soil
probably a 14 2 O likely
raise v 14 2 O to grow; bring up
ranch n 14 2 O farm where cattle, sheep, etc.,
are raised
rancher n 14 2 O a person who owns or works on a
raspberry n 14 2 R a small, soft, red fruit
rather a 14 2 O somewhat
reflect v 14 2 O to throw back light from a surface
reflection n 14 2 O image in mirror
sheep n 14 2 R animal kept for meat and wool
silo n 14 2 R a round tower on a farm used for
take/took/taken care of v 14 2 O to assume responsibility for
thick j 14 2 O dense; abundant; wide depth
valley n 14 2 O land between hills/mountains
wheat n 14 2 O plant/grain from which flour is
when a 14 2 O relative adverb
where a 14 2 O relative adverb
afford v 14 3 O to be able to do, spend, buy,
without loss
all r 14 3 O everyone; everything; every part
be born v 14 3 O to be brought to life by birth
believe in v 14 3 O to accept as true; consider to be
of worth
beside p 14 3 O by the side of; next to
besides a 14 3 O in addition to; also
besides p 14 3 O in addition to; as well as
birth n 14 3 O act/time of being born
birthday n 14 3 O date of birth
blow/blew/blown out v 14 3 O (cause to) stop burning by
blowing; to burst or explode
blowout n 14 3 O bursting of a container/tire
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born j 14 3 O brought into existence/life by
broke j 14 3 O temporarily without money
candle n 14 3 O stick of wax which gives off light
when it burns
come/came/come over v 14 3 O to make a short, informal visit
comfortable j 14 3 O having/providing comfort; free
from tension
comfortably a 14 3 O having/providing comfort
continue v 14 3 O to last; to state again after an
interruption; to go on happening
couple n 14 3 O two of the same kind; two people
drop by v 14 3 O to visit unexpectedly or
drop over v 14 3 O to visit unexpectedly or
from now on e 14 3 O from the present to the future
gift n 14 3 O a present
go/went/gone over v 14 3 O to make short/a short, informal
look forward to v 14 3 O to anticipate
microscope n 14 3 R instrument which magnifies
must m 14 3 O deduction
poor j 14 3 O having little money; unfortunate
poorly a 14 3 O badly
present n 14 3 O gift
pretty a 14 3 O fairly
proud j 14 3 O feeling great pride/joy
proudly a 14 3 O with pride
rich j 14 3 O wealthy
scared j 14 3 O frightened
sing/sang v 14 3 O to make musical sound with the
soft j 14 3 O not loud
softly a 14 3 O not loud
song n 14 3 O music with words
take turns e 14 3 O to alternate
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turn n 14 3 O duty or chance to do something
turn down v 14 3 O to decrease the volume
turn up v 14 3 O to increase; be found
uncomfortable j 14 3 O not comfortable
uncomfortably a 14 3 O not comfortably
underneath a 14 3 O below
underneath p 14 3 O below
volume n 14 3 R loudness
wrap v 14 3 O to cover
abroad a 14 4 O to/in another country
accidental j 14 4 O happening by chance
accidentally a 14 4 O happening by chance
as soon as c 14 4 O not later than; when
attempt (to) v 14 4 O to try (to); to make an effort to
do something
better/best a 14 4 O comparative/ superlative of well
board v 14 4 O to go on board; take passengers on
a plane, train, ship
by p 14 4 O no later than
by accident e 14 4 O happening by chance
by chance e 14 4 O by luck; with no apparent cause;
cancel v 14 4 O to call off a planned activity,
idea, etc.
chance n 14 4 O a risk
fare n 14 4 O price of a trip (by plane, bus,
foreign j 14 4 O of a nation or country that is not
one's own
group n 14 4 O persons/things gathered together
just as [when/as] c 14 4 O while, when
lottery n 14 4 R gambling game for prizes or money
with numbered tickets
luck n 14 4 O good/bad happening by chance
lucky j 14 4 O having good fortune
off a 14 4 O not working
on p 14 4 O working for; using; by means of
on and on e 14 4 O for a long time; continuously
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ought to m 14 4 O used to express advisability
passenger n 14 4 O person riding a bus, train, car,
promise n 14 4 O statement that one will do/not do
promise (to) v 14 4 O to make a promise; pledge
put/put/put aside v 14 4 O to save; keep for later
refreshment n 14 4 O food and drink
report n 14 4 O a written account of something
report v 14 4 O to tell or/give a written account
of something
rough j 14 4 O uneven surface; not calm or even
in movement
smell n 14 4 O odor
smell v 14 4 O to detect the odor of
smooth j 14 4 O an even surface; even in
smoothly a 14 4 O an even surface; even in movement/
take a chance e 14 4 O to endanger; place in jeopardy
taste n 14 4 O sensation when food/drink put into
mouth; flavor
taste v 14 4 O to detect/experience the taste of
tour n 14 4 O trip to/through a place
tour v 14 4 O to visit as a tourist
tourist n 14 4 O person traveling for pleasure
worse/worst a 14 4 O comparative/superlative of badly
area n 15 1 O region; a particular space or
at attention e 15 1 O military position in which the
soldier stands straight and still
attend v 15 1 O to be present at
Battle Dress Uniform n 15 1 R informal military (BDU) clothing
briefing n 15 1 R meeting where concise
instructions/ information are
broom n 15 1 O long-handled brush used for
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cadet n 15 1 R a student in a military school
complain v 15 1 O to express
crawl v 15 1 O to move on hands/knees
dorm n 15 1 R dormitory
drill n 15 1 O exercise; practice which is
drill v 15 1 O to train/exercise by drills
drill instructor (DI) n 15 1 R a military training instructor,
usually a sergeant
enter v 15 1 O to go into; to become a member of
everything r 15 1 O all things; each thing
fall in v 15 1 O line up in formation
firing range n 15 1 R a place for shooting practice
guard n 15 1 O one whose job is to protect
guard v 15 1 O to protect
instruct v 15 1 O to teach; direct; guide
instruction n 15 1 O process of being taught
-ion af 15 1 O vb + -ion = noun
iron n 15 1 O electric device used to make
clothes smooth with heat
iron v 15 1 O to make smooth with an iron
join v 15 1 O to become a member of
march v 15 1 O to walk with regular step as in
military formation
mop n 15 1 O a tool for washing floors
mop v 15 1 O to wash; clean with mop
physical j 15 1 O of the body
physical training (PT) n 15 1 R training of strenuous physical
polish n 15 1 O a liquid used to make something
polish v 15 1 O to make clean/shiny
scrub v 15 1 O to wash with hard rubbing
sweat n 15 1 O perspiration
sweat/sweat v 15 1 O to perspire
sweep/swept v 15 1 O to clean with a broom/brush
This is killing me. e 15 1 R to cause extreme pain or
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tough j 15 1 O difficult to deal with/overcome;
trainee n 15 1 O a person being trained
training instructor (TI) n 15 1 R one who gives military training
yell v 15 1 O to speak/shout loudly
afraid j 15 2 O sorry (polite expression)
afterward(s) a 15 2 O later, after that
anniversary n 15 2 O the yearly return of the date of
some event
anywhere a 15 2 O any place at all
as c 15 2 O while, when
barbecue n 15 2 O party where the food is cooked
over a fire
barbecue v 15 2 O to cook meat over an open fire
beer n 15 2 R alcoholic drink
before a 15 2 O at an earlier time; previously
catsup n 15 2 R a type of thick tomato sauce
celebrate v 15 2 O to mark a special event or
occasion with public/ private
celebration n 15 2 O the act of celebrating
ceremony n 15 2 O formal acts performed to mark
important events/ customs
cheese n 15 2 O a dairy product
chocolate n 15 2 O food/flavor made from cacao
club n 15 2 O a society of people who join for a
certain purpose
company n 15 2 O guest/guests
drink n 15 2 O any liquid to drink
drop in v 15 2 O to pay a visit informally
fresh j 15 2 O unprocessed/not stale
guest n 15 2 O visitor
have got v 15 2 O to have
have over v 15 2 O to invite someone to your home for
a visit or meal
help yourself e 15 2 O serve yourself
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hold/held/held v 15 2 O to be able to contain; to convene
or assemble
inside p 15 2 O in/within
invitation n 15 2 O message used to invite
invite v 15 2 O to ask to go/come somewhere
ketchup n 15 2 R thick tomato sauce (catsup)
luncheon n 15 2 O a formal lunch
mayonnaise n 15 2 R creamy salad dressing; bread
miss v 15 2 O to feel sorry/unhappy at the
absence of
mustard n 15 2 R spicy, yellow condiment
nowhere a 15 2 O not at, to; in any place
outside p 15 2 O on/to the outer side of
pickles n 15 2 R preserved cucumbers
potato salad n 15 2 R cooked potato dish usually served
cold with dressing
rain check n 15 2 R assurance of deferred extension of
an offer
reception n 15 2 O social function for receiving of
roll n 15 2 O a small, round piece of bread
sauce n 15 2 R condiment that adds flavor to food
slice v 15 2 O to cut
somewhere a 15 2 O in or to some place
stale j 15 2 O not fresh
steak n 15 2 R slice of meat, usually beef
strawberry n 15 2 O small soft, red fruit; flavor
wedding n 15 2 R marriage ceremony
will m 15 2 O willingness
wine n 15 2 R alcoholic drink made from grapes
or other fruits
would m 15 2 O willingness
Africa n 15 3 R a continent south of Europe
between the Atlantic and Indian
air n 15 3 O travel by plane
alive j 15 3 O living; not dead
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Antarctica n 15 3 R continent on Arctic Circle at the
South Pole
application n 15 3 O written request, usually for
apply v 15 3 O to request something, usually in
around p 15 3 O approximate; about
Asia n 15 3 R a continent separated from Europe
by the Ural Mountains
Australia n 15 3 R a continent southeast of Asia
between the Pacific and Indian
certificate n 15 3 O an official document
continent n 15 3 O any of the seven main large masses
of land on the earth
dead j 15 3 O not living
death n 15 3 O end of life
die v 15 3 O to stop living or functioning
document n 15 3 O papers of proof, information or
earn v 15 3 O to gain for work/effort; deserve
else j 15 3 O other/different; more
Europe n 15 3 R a continent
history n 15 3 O past events; record of past events
holiday n 15 3 O day free from work; legal
commemoration of an event
honeymoon n 15 3 O trip after a wedding
in addition to a 15 3 O as well as
in addition to j 15 3 O different; in addition
ITO ab 15 3 R invitational travel orders
leave/left/left v 15 3 O to fail to include or take along
life/lives n 15 3 O time/act of living
museum n 15 3 O artistic/historical/ scientific
exhibit building
North America n 15 3 R northern continent in western
notice v 15 3 O to observe; pay attention to
order n 15 3 O a request; a command
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order v 15 3 O to request; command
overseas a 15 3 O beyond/across the seas
overseas j 15 3 O beyond/across the seas
photograph v 15 3 O to take a picture/photograph of
photograph (photo) n 15 3 O picture made with a camera
postpone v 15 3 O to put off until later
reason n 15 3 O cause/motive
require v 15 3 O to need; to demand as necessary
ride n 15 3 O a trip in a vehicle or on an
South America n 15 3 R southern continent located in
western hemisphere
stage n 15 3 R raised area on which plays are
unusual j 15 3 O uncommon; out of the ordinary
unusually a 15 3 O out of the ordinary
usual j 15 3 O common, customary
visa n 15 3 O passport endorsement granting
entry into a country
was/were going to m 15 3 O past intention
while n 15 3 O a short length of time
(all) by oneself e 15 4 O alone
allergic j 15 4 O sensitive to foods, pollens, etc.
allergy n 15 4 O a physical sensitivity to foods,
pollens, etc.
appear lv 15 4 O to seem; to look
aspirin n 15 4 O a type of medicine used to reduce
bed rest n 15 4 O confinement of a sick person to
bleed/bled/bled v 15 4 O to lose blood
blood n 15 4 O red fluid which flows through the
body and is circulated by the
blood pressure n 15 4 O measurable force with which blood
travels through the body and blood
calm (down) v 15 4 O to become calm, still
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care n 15 4 O responsibility
clinic n 15 4 O center usually for specialized
medical treatment
dizzy j 15 4 O feeling unsteady, faint
drug n 15 4 O medicine
examine v 15 4 O to look at a person or thing
closely to find something out
flu n 15 4 O influenza; grippe
get a prescription filled e 15 4 O receive medication from druggist
herself r 15 4 O reflexive, feminine pronoun
himself r 15 4 O reflexive, masculine pronoun
ill j 15 4 O sick
injure v 15 4 O to hurt
injury n 15 4 O wound; broken bones
itself r 15 4 O reflexive form of it
laboratory n 15 4 O room for scientific work/research
lie/lay down v 15 4 O to recline
-ly af 15 4 O noun + -ly = adj
medication n 15 4 O a drug
mirror n 15 4 O smooth, reflecting surface
muscle n 15 4 O elastic body tissue which
contracts and expands to produce
myself r 15 4 O reflexive form of I
operate v 15 4 O to perform surgery
operation n 15 4 O surgery
ourselves r 15 4 O reflexive form of we
penicillin n 15 4 R antibiotic; drug
pharmacy n 15 4 O drugstore; place to buy medicine
pill n 15 4 O small tablet of medicine for
prescribe v 15 4 O to advise as a medicine/treatment
prescription n 15 4 O written direction for preparation,
use of medicine
pulled j 15 4 R strained (muscle)
pulse n 15 4 O regular beating in arteries due to
heart contractions
quiet (down) v 15 4 O to become less noisy
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record n 15 4 O statement of facts, etc.
seat n 15 4 R a place to sit
seem v 15 4 O to appear to be
shot n 15 4 O injection
sick call n 15 4 O scheduled time for reporting as
sick to doctor
sign in/out v 15 4 O to write one's name on roll for
record keeping purposes
social security card/number n 15 4 R ID card/number issued by
government agency
sprained j 15 4 R twisted/injured (a joint)
still j 15 4 O silent; not moving
sulfa n 15 4 R drug used to inhibit bacterial
swollen j 15 4 O bulging/distended (with fluid)
tablet n 15 4 O pill
themselves r 15 4 O reflexive form of they
treat v 15 4 O to give medical attention to
treatment n 15 4 O medical care
twisted j 15 4 R sprained (injured at a joint by
sudden twisting)
wipe v 15 4 O to remove dirt, liquid, etc., with
a cloth
yourself r 15 4 O refers to you; reflexive pronoun
for you
yourselves r 15 4 O refers to you and every one with
you; plural reflexive pronoun for
active j 16 1 O engaged in an action or activity
activity n 16 1 O action; movement; something that
is done
avoid v 16 1 O to keep away from, especially on
check out v 16 1 O to examine closely; to borrow
closed j 16 1 O not open to the public
convenient j 16 1 O suited to one's needs; near; easy
to reach
cut/cut/cut down (on) v 16 1 O to reduce in quantity or amount
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cut/cut/cut out v 16 1 O to stop/give up practice
doubtful j 16 1 O full of doubt; uncertain
energy n 16 1 O full of life, action, strength
equipment n 16 1 O things needed for an activity
even a 16 1 O in fact/indeed
fit j 16 1 O in good physical condition;
fitness n 16 1 O the state of being healthy and in
good physical condition
gradual j 16 1 O occurring in small stages
gradually a 16 1 O slowly
had better m 16 1 O should, ought to
health n 16 1 O the state of being well and
without disease
impossible j 16 1 O not possible
it r 16 1 O anticipatory
jog v 16 1 O to run at a slow pace
lap n 16 1 O one circuit around track/ across
little by little e 16 1 O gradually
look after v 16 1 R to take care of
nap n 16 1 R a short sleep
nap v 16 1 R to sleep briefly especially during
the day
necessary j 16 1 O that which must be had or
obtained; needed
open j 16 1 O not shut
possible j 16 1 O that which can happen
possibly a 16 1 O in accordance with what is
possible; maybe
proper j 16 1 O right/suitable
properly a 16 1 O suitably
regularly a 16 1 O at regular time
relaxation n 16 1 O rest and amusement
skip v 16 1 O to omit
sleep n 16 1 O state of being asleep
suggestion n 16 1 O an idea to be considered
swimming pool n 16 1 O concrete tank for swimming
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take/took/taken part in v 16 1 O to participate in
take/took/taken up v 16 1 O to begin to do or study
try tried out v 16 1 O to test first
unnecessary j 16 1 O not essential
weights n 16 1 O heavy objects; sports equipment
admiral (0-10) n 16 2 O highest ranking naval officer
against p 16 2 O contrary to
authority n 16 2 O the right to command and power to
behave v 16 2 O to conduct oneself in a
polite/particular way
behavior n 16 2 O a way of acting in social
brigadier general (O-7) n 16 2 R Army/Marine/Air Force officer
chain of command n 16 2 R steps of command within an
commissioned officer n 16 2 R 2nd lieutenant/ensign or higher
compulsory j 16 2 O required
courtesy n 16 2 O polite behavior or good manners
custom n 16 2 O an established, socially accepted
general n 16 2 O military rank (O-7 to O-10) (A,
have got to m 16 2 O obligation; must
honor n 16 2 O esteem, respect; glory, fame
honor v 16 2 O to show high regard for
honorable j 16 2 O worthy of being honored
installation n 16 2 O military base/post
junior j 16 2 O lower status
lieutenant general (09) n 16 2 R high ranking officer(Army, AF,
loyal j 16 2 O faithful
loyalty n 16 2 O the state of being loyal
major general (O-8) n 16 2 R high ranking officer(O-8) Army,
observe v 16 2 O to adhere to; celebrate; watch
privilege n 16 2 O special right/favor granted to
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rear admiral (lower half) n 16 2 O high ranking Navy officer (O-7)
rear admiral (upper half) n 16 2 R Navy officer (O-8)
regulation n 16 2 O rule for conduct
render v 16 2 R to give; perform
respect n 16 2 O admiration; feeling of honor
respect v 16 2 O to show honor for
responsibility n 16 2 O something for which one is
right n 16 2 O privilege
salute n 16 2 O a military sign of recognition
senior j 16 2 O of higher rank
seniority n 16 2 O the state of being senior in
sense n 16 2 O awareness/feeling/ understanding
subordinate j 16 2 O below another in rank
subordinate n 16 2 O lower in rank
take advantage of e 16 2 O to profit by/exploit
vice admiral (09) n 16 2 R Navy officer one rank below an
act v 16 3 O to perform; behave
actor n 16 3 O man who acts in play or movie
actress n 16 3 O woman who acts in a play or movie
adventure n 16 3 O exciting, strange, sometimes
dangerous experience/activity
antique j 16 3 O belonging to an earlier period,
usually old and valuable
ballet n 16 3 R a kind of dance which tells a
classical j 16 3 O put together and arranged with
serious artistic intention
close to p 16 3 O next to, near
comedy n 16 3 O funny play/film with a happy
concert n 16 3 O musical performance given by
dislike v 16 3 O opposite of like
drama n 16 3 O a serious play
either j 16 3 O one or the other of 2
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either r 16 3 O one or the other of 2
fight/fought/fought v 16 3 O to use violence around others
furthermore a 16 3 O besides; in addition
hate v 16 3 O to dislike very strongly
humor n 16 3 O comical quality;
expression/appreciation of what's
humorous j 16 3 O funny
kind j 16 3 O helpful
likewise a 16 3 O in the same way
modern j 16 3 O of the present time
musical j 16 3 O of, like, or producing music
musical n 16 3 O play/film with music
musician n 16 3 O a person who plays a musical
neither j 16 3 O not one and not the other of two
neither r 16 3 O not one and not the other of two
opera n 16 3 R a play with musical text,
accompanied by an orchestra
orchestra n 16 3 O group of musicians playing
perform v 16 3 O to carry out; act
performance n 16 3 O ability to do something; a public
play n 16 3 O a stage representation of a story
prefer (to) v 16 3 O to like better
preference n 16 3 R liking one thing rather than
quit/quit/quit v 16 3 O to stop
rather than c 16 3 O preference
rock music n 16 3 R music with strong, regular beat;
rock and roll
row n 16 3 O seats in a line
scary j 16 3 O frightening, causing fear
seat n 16 3 O place for sitting
serious j 16 3 O not joking; important; dangerous
stand/stood/stood v 16 3 O to bear/endure
symphony n 16 3 R large orchestra for playing music
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theater n 16 3 O building where plays/movies are
type [type(s) of] n 16 3 O kind [kind(s) of]
walk n 16 3 O action of walking
would rather m 16 3 O preferably
ability n 16 4 O power and skill to do/think/make
adjust v 16 4 O to change in order to make
air conditioner n 16 4 O apparatus to cool air in a car,
room, building
assemble v 16 4 O to put parts together to make
-ation af 16 4 O vb + -ation = noun
battery n 16 4 O a device for storing/furnishing
electrical current
be unable to m 16 4 O cannot/could not
capable j 16 4 O able/competent
computer n 16 4 O machine which can store
copy n 16 4 O a thing made to look exactly like
copy v 16 4 O to make a copy of something
data n 16 4 O information; facts
drums n 16 4 R musical instrument played by
beating on it with sticks
dumb j 16 4 O stupid
enough a 16 4 O sufficiently
experience n 16 4 O knowledge gained by direct
observation and participation
figure out v 16 4 O to understand by
for example e 16 4 O for instance
glasses [eye] n 16 4 R lenses worn to aid vision
guitar n 16 4 R musical instrument with six
strings played by picking strings
handle n 16 4 O part of an object especially made
for holding/opening it
handle v 16 4 O to operate; manage; respond to
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incapable j 16 4 O not able
install v 16 4 O to set (an apparatus) up, ready
for use
installation n 16 4 O act of installing
instrument n 16 4 O object played to give musical
intelligent j 16 4 O having power of reasoning; smart
key in v 16 4 O to input (to a computer) by means
of a keyboard
keyboard n 16 4 O row of keys on a machine or
musical instrument
lend a hand e 16 4 O help
piano n 16 4 R large, stringed keyboard musical
print n 16 4 O letters/words in printed form;
photo; mark
print v 16 4 O to write/press letters using
print; make photo
printer n 16 4 O device that prints; person in
print shop
put/put/put together v 16 4 O to assemble parts
puzzle n 16 4 O a game or toy which tests
radiator n 16 4 O device that uses water to cool an
replace v 16 4 O to exchange for another
screen n 16 4 O surface of an electronic device on
which pictures/info appear
shut/shut/shut off/down v 16 4 O to stop in operation
smart j 16 4 O intelligent
take/took/taken apart v 16 4 O to separate into pieces
typewriter n 16 4 O a machine used for printing
letters, etc.
violin n 16 4 R 4-stringed instrument played with
a bow
appearance n 17 1 O outward aspect or look
attractive j 17 1 O appealing; pleasing; common terms
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used to express this are pretty
(for women)/handsome (for men)
bald j 17 1 O with little or no hair on the head
beard n 17 1 O hair on the face below the mouth
blond j 17 1 R light colored, usually yellow hair
blond/blonde n 17 1 R somebody with blond hair
brunet/brunette n 17 1 R somebody with dark hair
character n 17 1 O the qualities which make a person
different from other people
clever j 17 1 O quick at learning and
curly j 17 1 O having curls
demand n 17 1 O something asked for strongly
demand v 17 1 O to ask for very strongly
demanding j 17 1 O requiring a lot of attention;
making demands
deny v 17 1 O to declare untrue; with-hold
(food, medical care, permission)
depend on/upon v 17 1 O to trust a person; to rely on
dependable j 17 1 O trustworthy; reliable
dishonest j 17 1 O not honest
elderly j 17 1 O nearing old age; advanced age
friendly j 17 1 O acting or ready to act as a friend
generous j 17 1 O willing to give/share
glasses n 17 1 O eye glasses, used to improve
gray j 17 1 O a color
handsome j 17 1 O good looking
hardworking j 17 1 O industrious
honest j 17 1 O having principles; truthful
if c 17 1 O whether
irresponsible j 17 1 O not responsible; lacking a sense
of duty
judgment n 17 1 R an opinion
mean j 17 1 O bad tempered; liking to hurt
messy j 17 1 O untidy
middle (mid) j 17 1 O in or nearly at the center
mustache n 17 1 O hair grown above the upper lip
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neat j 17 1 O showing care in appearance
observation n 17 1 R action of noticing
personality n 17 1 O quality/characteristics of a
redhead n 17 1 R person with red hair
reliable j 17 1 O dependable
rely on/upon v 17 1 O to depend on
responsible j 17 1 O having the duty of or looking
after someone or something
scream v 17 1 O to cry out loudly
selfish j 17 1 O concerned excessively with oneself
stingy j 17 1 O not generous; not giving/spending
-tion/-sion af 17 1 O vb + -tion/-sion = noun
trust n 17 1 O confidence in or reliance on
trust v 17 1 O to have confidence in or rely on
unfriendly j 17 1 O not friendly
unselfish j 17 1 O generous; not selfish
wavy j 17 1 O having curves; not straight
whether c 17 1 O shows a choice between
possibilities; if
advertise v 17 2 O to make known to public (sale,
service, etc.)
advertisement (ad) n 17 2 O notice of something for sale
(usually in paper or TV)
air conditioning n 17 2 R system to cool a building
appliance n 17 2 O household or office equipment
operated by gas or electricity
argue v 17 2 O to quarrel; reason in defense
argument n 17 2 O quarrel; reason given to
available j 17 2 O able to be obtained
central j 17 2 O being in the center; at or near
the center
classified j 17 2 R listing
consider v 17 2 O to think about; take into account;
court n 17 2 R playing area for ball games, i.e.,
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dishwasher n 17 2 R a machine that washes dishes
district n 17 2 O division/region of a city or
dryer n 17 2 R an appliance that dries
due j 17 2 O required payable/expected
dye n 17 2 O a substance used to change the
color of something
dye v 17 2 O to change the color of something
efficiency n 17 2 R a one-room apartment
electricity n 17 2 O power which provides heat, light,
exclude v 17 2 O to keep or leave out
excluding p 17 2 O not including
fairly a 17 2 O for the most part; rather,
furnish v 17 2 O to supply with furniture,
equipment, etc.
furnished j 17 2 R having furniture
garbage n 17 2 O waste material
garbage disposal n 17 2 R an appliance for getting rid of
waste material/garbage
gas n 17 2 O vapor used for lighting/heating;
heating n 17 2 R system to warm a building
include v 17 2 O to contain in addition to other
including p 17 2 O having as a part
lease n 17 2 O written agreement to rent
lease v 17 2 O to give/take the use of
off p 17 2 O turning away from of a street/road
paint n 17 2 O liquid used as coloring
paint v 17 2 O to put paint on surface
perfect j 17 2 O highest possible degree; suitable
privacy n 17 2 O being away from others
private j 17 2 O not public
public j 17 2 O not private; accessible to
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real estate n 17 2 R property in land/houses,
especially to be bought
section n 17 2 O district/part/portion
security n 17 2 O being secure/protected
transportation n 17 2 O a carrying of
unfurnished j 17 2 R without furniture
utility n 17 2 O service of gas, water,
electricity, etc.
want ad n 17 2 R an advertisement
wonder v 17 2 O to wish to know
although c 17 3 O in spite of the fact, even if
anthem n 17 3 R a country's official song; song of
praise or loyalty
associate v 17 3 O to join as a friend or business
chief master sergeant n 17 3 R Air Force/NCO (E-9) (CMSgt)
chief petty officer (CPO) n 17 3 R Navy/NCO (E-7)
chief warrant officer n 17 3 R a military officer (W2-4) ranking
between an NCO and an officer
Class A Uniform n 17 3 R dress uniform, uniform worn for
special occasions
debt n 17 3 O something owed to someone
discipline n 17 3 O control gained as a result of
physical/mental training
discipline v 17 3 O to train a person's mind/body to
produce obedience and selfcontrol
disciplined j 17 3 O self-controlled in body and mind
display n 17 3 O an exhibit; something that is
display v 17 3 O to exhibit; to show
E-7/E-9 n 17 3 R senior enlisted ranks
even though c 17 3 O although; in spite of the fact
first sergeant (1Sgt) n 17 3 R Army, MC NCO (E-8)
flag n 17 3 O the unique national emblem of a
fly/flew/flown v 17 3 O (to cause) to float or flutter in
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formal j 17 3 O ceremonial; following accepted
rules and customs
gather v 17 3 O to meet in a group; collect
gathering n 17 3 O a meeting
govern v 17 3 O to rule (a country)
government n 17 3 O the people who rule
gunnery sergeant (GySgt) n 17 3 R Marine NCO (E-7)
heart n 17 3 O the organ which controls blood
indicate v 17 3 O to show
informal j 17 3 O not formal
international j 17 3 O concerning more than one nation
mandatory j 17 3 O required
master chief petty n 17 3 R navy senior NCO (E-9) officer
master sergeant (MSgt) n 17 3 R AF NCO (E-7); Army, USMC(E-8)
nation n 17 3 O community of people possessing
defined territory and government
national j 17 3 O of, concerning, or belonging to a
occasion n 17 3 O special event/ceremony
official j 17 3 O of/about/from a position of trust,
power and responsibility
official n 17 3 O a person who holds an office
parade n 17 3 O a gathering together for a march
or ceremony
participate (in) v 17 3 O to take part or have a share in an
activity or event
place v 17 3 O to put
position n 17 3 O point of view; rank or status;
posture; job
precede v 17 3 O to be/come/go before
retreat n 17 3 R time when flag is lowered
senior chief petty n 17 3 R Navy NCO (E-8) officer (SCPO)
senior master sergeant n 17 3 R Air Force NCO (E-8) (SMSgt)
sergeant first class n 17 3 R Army NCO (E-7) (SFC)
sergeant major n 17 3 R Army, Marine Corps NCO (E-8)
set/set/set v 17 3 O to furnish; put
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support v 17 3 O to maintain with strength or
subsistence; hold up
symbol n 17 3 R an object used to represent
something abstract
though c 17 3 O in spite of the fact that
warrant officer (WO) n 17 3 R military officer, between NCO and
commissioned officer
aluminum n 17 4 O a type of lightweight metal
attach v 17 4 O to fasten/join
bare wire e 17 4 O wire that is not insulated
charge n 17 4 O energy stored
charge v 17 4 O to cause to take in the correct
amount of electricity
circuit n 17 4 O circular path of an electric
conduct v 17 4 O transmit/convey; direct
conductor n 17 4 O substance that conducts
copper n 17 4 O a type of soft reddish metal
cord n 17 4 O insulated wire on an appliance
which is plugged into a power
current n 17 4 O flow of water or air
dead wire e 17 4 O wire without electricity
electric j 17 4 O producing or worked by electricity
electrical j 17 4 O concerned with or using
electrician n 17 4 R a person who fits and repairs
electrical apparatus
-en af 17 4 O adj + -en = verb
energy n 17 4 O the power which does work and
drives machines; electrical energy
flow n 17 4 O a pouring out; the rate of a
smooth steady movement
flow v 17 4 O to run or spread smoothly
generate v 17 4 O to produce

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generator n 17 4 O machine that produces electricity
go/went/gone out v 17 4 O to stop burning/shining
insulate v 17 4 O to cover or wrap to prevent escape
of electricity, heat, sound
insulated j 17 4 O covered to prevent escape of
electricity, heat, sound
insulation n 17 4 O something that protects/ covers
insulator n 17 4 O material used to prevent undesired
flow of electricity
live wire e 17 4 O wire with electricity flowing
through it
magnet n 17 4 R any object (especially iron) which
can draw other objects to it
power n 17 4 O force; ability
power v 17 4 R to supply with power
powerful j 17 4 O having force; a strong affect
produce v 17 4 O to make; bring forth
product n 17 4 O something made in a factory or
grown/ raised to sell
production n 17 4 O the act of producing
protect v 17 4 O to shield from danger; defend
protection n 17 4 O act of protecting; something that
run/ran/run v 17 4 O to work or be in operation
screw n 17 4 O fastener
screwdriver n 17 4 O tool
shock n 17 4 O jolt
short n 17 4 O faulty electrical circuit
solder v 17 4 R to join or repair metals with
liquid tin
splice v 17 4 O to join two pieces of wire or rope
switch n 17 4 O apparatus for stopping flow of
switch on/off v 17 4 O to turn on/off
through a 17 4 O into one side and out the other;
by means of
through j 17 4 O finished
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through p 17 4 O into one side and out the other;
by means of
twist v 17 4 R to turn
uninsulated j 17 4 R not covered to prevent passing of
heat, electricity, etc.
use n 17 4 O act of using; purpose for using
wire n 17 4 O metal drawn into long thread
wiring n 17 4 R arrangement of wired electrical
academic j 18 1 O concerning teaching/studying
academy n 18 1 O school for training in a special
acquire v 18 1 O to gain/possess as one's own
active duty n 18 1 O presently in military service
anthropology n 18 1 R a scientific study of the human
appoint v 18 1 O to choose for a position, etc.;
appointee n 18 1 O person who has been appointed
appointment n 18 1 O the choosing of someone for a
position/job; a position
as p 18 1 O in the role/function of
biology n 18 1 O a science which studies living
both...and c 18 1 O not only...but also; the one as
well as the other
candidate n 18 1 O one who seeks or is nominated for
an office, prize, honor, etc.
chemistry n 18 1 O a branch of science which studies
the elements of the universe
commission n 18 1 O an official document making a
person a military officer
commission v 18 1 O to give military rank
design n 18 1 O a plan; drawing/pattern showing
how to make something
design v 18 1 O to draw /make plans
economics n 18 1 R the study of money
either...or c 18 1 O one or the other of 2
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eligible j 18 1 O suitable to be chosen especially
for marriage/promotion
engineer n 18 1 O person who plans/understands the
making of machines, roads, etc.
engineering n 18 1 O science and profession of an
establish v 18 1 O to set up (an organization,
school, etc.)
graduate n 18 1 O person who has graduated
ineligible j 18 1 O not qualified
lead/led/led v 18 1 O to direct/guide; to be ahead; live
leader n 18 1 O person who directs/guides; the
head leader
leadership n 18 1 O capability/ability to lead;
position/office of leadership
motivate v 18 1 O to provide a motive/ incentive
motivated j 18 1 O having motivation
name v 18 1 O to give a name to; say the name
of; choose/appoint
neither...nor c 18 1 O not either
not only...but also c 18 1 O not just this, also that
physics n 18 1 O subject of science
President n 18 1 R president of U.S.
primarily a 18 1 O chief/main
primary j 18 1 O chief/main/first
program n 18 1 O plan/procedure
qualification n 18 1 R ability/training enabling one to
do something
qualified j 18 1 O competent/eligible
qualify v 18 1 O to make/declare competent or
quality n 18 1 O characteristic element
reach v 18 1 O to arrive at; attain; get a
message to
science n 18 1 O study of knowledge which depends
on facts and general natural laws
scientist n 18 1 R a person who works in science
social j 18 1 O of/concerning society; shared with
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social science n 18 1 R study of people in society
sociology n 18 1 R social science
strategy n 18 1 O skillful planning, especially
accustomed to j 18 2 O in the habit of
barricade n 18 2 O something that blocks passage
barricade v 18 2 O to block off passageway
be used to m 18 2 O be accustomed to
condition n 18 2 O state of existence; prerequisite
damage n 18 2 O harm/loss
damage v 18 2 O to cause harm to
danger n 18 2 O possibility of harm/loss
drizzle n 18 2 O fine, misty rain; rain in very
small drops
drizzle v 18 2 O to rain very lightly or in small
evacuate v 18 2 O to take/move people away from a
place and out of danger
evacuation n 18 2 R the act of moving people out of
favorable j 18 2 O advantageous, pleasing; approving
favorably a 18 2 O pleasingly; approvingly
flash n 18 2 O sudden light/occurrence; a brief
news report
flash v 18 2 O to appear suddenly; exhibit
flood n 18 2 O an overflowing of water on an area
normally dry
flood v 18 2 O to cause to be covered with water
fog n 18 2 O a thick mist which makes it
difficult to see
foggy j 18 2 O full of fog; not clear
forecast n 18 2 O prediction
forecast/forecast/ v 18 2 O to predict what will forecast
happen in the future
hail n 18 2 O frozen rain
hail v 18 2 O to shower hail
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hazard n 18 2 O danger
hazardous j 18 2 O dangerous
invisible j 18 2 O that can't be seen; hidden
lightning n 18 2 O flash of light
likely a 18 2 O probably
likely j 18 2 O probable
look out (for) v 18 2 O to take care/be careful of
probable j 18 2 O likely
rise/rose/risen v 18 2 O to come/go up; get higher
run/ran/run into v 18 2 O to encounter; collide with
set/set/set up v 18 2 O to establish; erect
severe j 18 2 O not kind; harmful
severely a 18 2 O not kindly; harmfully
sleet n 18 2 O partly frozen rain
sleet v 18 2 O to shower sleet
strike/struck/struck v 18 2 O to hit; come suddenly; ignite a
take precaution(s) e 18 2 O to protect against danger
thunder n 18 2 O loud noise which follows lightning
unfavorable j 18 2 O detrimental; not approving
unfavorably a 18 2 O detrimentally; disapprovingly
unlikely j 18 2 O not probable
visibility n 18 2 O degree of clearness
visible j 18 2 O able to be seen; evident
visibly a 18 2 O noticeably
warn v 18 2 O to caution
warning n 18 2 O sign of danger; advise to beware
watch out (for) v 18 2 O to take care/be careful of
weatherman n 18 2 O weather forecaster
wish (to) v 18 2 O to want/desire
advise v 18 3 O to give advice, recommend, or
agree v 18 3 O to have/share same opinion
feeling, purpose, etc.
agreement n 18 3 O an understanding between people; a
benefit n 18 3 O an advantage or good effect
benefit v 18 3 O to be useful or helpful
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can't be m 18 3 0 indicates logical impossibility
chief j 18 3 O highest in rank/most important
chief n 18 3 O leader/person with highest rank
chiefly a 18 3 O mainly
concern n 18 3 O a matter of interest or importance
to someone
concerned j 18 3 O worried; interested in
convince v 18 3 O persuade by argument/ evidence
couldn't be m 18 3 O logical impossibility
definite j 18 3 O clear/without any uncertainty
definitely a 18 3 O without a doubt; clearly
disagree v 18 3 O to have/show a different opinion
disagreement n 18 3 O a difference of opinion
employ v 18 3 O to use a person as a paid worker
employee n 18 3 O a person who is employed
employer n 18 3 O a person who pays people to work
employment n 18 3 O the state of being employed; work
excellent j 18 3 O very good
fire v 18 3 O to dismiss from a job; shoot
get the point e 18 3 O to understand the main idea
get/got/gotten off v 18 3 O to leave work
get/got/gotten rid of v 18 3 O to free oneself from; to throw
away/to give away
head n 18 3 O leader/ruler
hire v 18 3 O to employ someone for pay
indefinite j 18 3 O not clear/not fixed, especially as
to time
indefinitely a 18 3 O for a period of time without a
fixed end
main j 18 3 O chief/most important
mainly a 18 3 O chief/most important
now (that) c 18 3 O since; seeing that
on the one/other hand e 18 3 O one point of view/the opposite
permit v 18 3 O to allow
personal j 18 3 O private; done/made by a particular
personally a 18 3 O speaking for oneself
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point n 18 3 O fact/idea; a sharp end
point of view e 18 3 O a way of considering/judging a
thing, person, event, etc.
point out v 18 3 O to explain; show the way
supervise v 18 3 O to keep watch over
supervisor n 18 3 O one who supervises
to tell you the truth e 18 3 O truly; actually
unemployed j 18 3 O not having a job
unemployment n 18 3 O lack of jobs; lacking a job
without p 18 3 O lacking; not having
accuse v 18 4 O to charge with an error or offense
all of a sudden e 18 4 O unexpectedly
along a 18 4 O forward; with others, as a
companion or associate; in line
along p 18 4 O parallel with the length or
direction of
blame v 18 4 O to consider someone responsible
for/being at fault
blind j 18 4 O unable to see
blind v 18 4 O to make unable to see
bring/brought/brought back v 18 4 O to cause to return; recall to mind
carry v 18 4 O to bear, convey, or transport
childhood n 18 4 O period of being a child
coast n 18 4 O the land next to the sea/ocean
consideration n 18 4 R careful thought for the
wishes/feelings of others
control n 18 4 O power to direct/regulate
control v 18 4 O to direct/regulate
could have m 18 4 O past possibility
deaf j 18 4 O unable to hear at all or to hear
detail n 18 4 O small point or fact
dormitory n 18 4 R a building where students live and
study; barracks
fact n 18 4 O something known to be true
force n 18 4 O power of wind, water; body
strength; group of people trained
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for special purpose
force v 18 4 O to use physical power or influence
get/got/gotten v 18 4 O causative
have/had/had v 18 4 O causative
however a 18 4 O in spite of this
hurricane n 18 4 O storm with high wind/rain
in the back of p 18 4 O in the rear part of
in the front of p 18 4 O in the front part of
look after v 18 4 O to take care of somebody/something
may have m 18 4 O past possibility
memory n 18 4 O act of remembering; something
-ment af 18 4 O vb + -ment = noun
might have m 18 4 O past possibility
must have m 18 4 O past deduction
ought to have m 18 4 O unfulfilled advisability
persuade v 18 4 O to cause to do by reasoning;
remind v 18 4 O to tell/cause to remember
semester n 18 4 R either of two periods into which a
school year is divided
set/set/set aside v 18 4 O to save for a special purpose
share n 18 4 O part of
share v 18 4 O to use, have, etc., with others
should have m 18 4 O unfulfilled advisability
should not have m 18 4 O past inadvisability
sign language n 18 4 R system of hand movements for
expression as used by deaf/mutes
spoil v 18 4 O to ruin/decay; treat very/too well
such as p 18 4 O for example
sudden j 18 4 O unexpected; abrupt; quick
suddenly a 18 4 O unexpectedly; abruptly; quickly
take into consideration e 18 4 O to keep something in mind when
making a decision
take someone/something for granted e 18 4 O to treat without consideration or
therefore a 18 4 O for that reason; so
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tornado n 18 4 O whirling wind
all at once e 19 1 O suddenly
along with p 19 1 O together with/in addition to
alongside a 19 1 O beside/parallel
alongside (of) p 19 1 O beside/parallel
attract v 19 1 O draw to; allure
complete j 19 1 O whole; lacking nothing/to full
consequently a 19 1 O as a result
divorce n 19 1 O ending of a marriage
divorce v 19 1 O end a marriage
eager j 19 1 O full of interest/desire
end up v 19 1 O finish in a certain place/way
ex- af 19 1 O no longer/former
female n 19 1 O one of the sexes
general j 19 1 O most common; not specific
get/got/gotten along v 19 1 O progress (in)
get/got/gotten along v 19 1 O be in agreement (with)
grandchild/-children n 19 1 O child/ren of one's son/daughter
granddaughter n 19 1 O daughter of one's son/daughter
grandson n 19 1 O son of one's son/daughter
in addition a 19 1 O also
incomplete j 19 1 O lacking something
in-law n 19 1 O relation by marriage
inquire (about) v 19 1 O ask/ask for information
knowledge n 19 1 O that what is known/ understanding
male n 19 1 O one of the sexes
neglect (to) v 19 1 O give little care to or fail to do
once in a while e 19 1 O sometimes
put/put/put up with v 19 1 O tolerate without complaining
relationship n 19 1 O connection, as in thought,
meaning, blood
sand n 19 1 O small, loose pieces of rock found
on beaches and deserts
sex n 19 1 O male/female
specific j 19 1 O particular; definite; exact
spouse n 19 1 R husband or wife
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tolerance n 19 1 O being tolerant
tolerant j 19 1 O showing tolerance
tolerate v 19 1 O allow/respect others' beliefs,
absolutely a 19 2 O completely
according to p 19 2 O in agreement with; as stated by
arrange v 19 2 O set in order/plan in advance
assist v 19 2 O help/support
assistance n 19 2 O help/aid
at least a 19 2 O not less than; if nothing else
bite n 19 2 O act of biting; something to eat
bite/bit/bitten v 19 2 O cut/crush with the teeth, mouth,
can't have m 19 2 O past logical impossibility
convinced j 19 2 O very sure
convincing j 19 2 O persuasive
could have m 19 2 O unfulfilled past ability
couldn't have m 19 2 O past logical impossibility
drop off v 19 2 O take/deliver; doze
drown v 19 2 O die/cause to die under water
entire j 19 2 O whole; lacking nothing/to the full
fatal j 19 2 O resulting in death; disastrous
few j 19 2 O absence of almost all quantity
fuel n 19 2 O material used for producing power
get/got/gotten through v 19 2 O finish; reach someone, (with/to)
especially by phone
in order e 19 2 O properly arranged; neat
in place of p 19 2 O instead of
insist (on) v 19 2 O declare firmly; order something to
keep/kept/kept away (from) v 19 2 O avoid
kill v 19 2 O cause to die
little j 19 2 O absence of almost all quantity
misplace v 19 2 O put in wrong place
order n 19 2 O arrangement where everything is in
proper condition
otherwise a 19 2 O if not
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prevent v 19 2 O stop/keep from doing/happening
preventable j 19 2 O able to be prevented
rest n 19 2 O remainder
run/ran/run across v 19 2 O find by chance
stay away (from) v 19 2 0 avoid
telegram n 19 2 0 message sent by telegram
trim j 19 2 R in good condition
use up v 19 2 O consume; finish completely
vitamin n 19 2 O chemical substance important for
-able af 19 3 O verb/noun + -able = adj
accomplish v 19 3 O succeed in doing; complete
account for v 19 3 O explain
achieve v 19 3 O do successfully; get by effort
adjust to v 19 3 O adapt
assume responsibility e 19 3 O take on responsibility
attendance n 19 3 O act of being present; number
capability n 19 3 O quality of being capable
communicate v 19 3 O give/exchange info; impart
confidence n 19 3 O belief in one's ability; assurance
confident j 19 3 O full of confidence; certain
congratulate v 19 3 O express pleasure at one's good
develop v 19 3 O cause to/give or become more
complete; stages of production
educational j 19 3 O pertaining to education
guidance n 19 3 O leadership; advice
guide v 19 3 O lead; control
-ible af 19 3 O verb/noun + -ible = adj
make sense e 19 3 O be logical
method n 19 3 O manner of doing
mission n 19 3 O duty/purpose
object (to) v 19 3 O state by way of objection; express
obtain v 19 3 O get possession of
once c 19 3 O from the moment that/when
quite a few e 19 3 O many
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quite a(n) (adj) + noun e 19 3 O to some degree, rather
routine j 19 3 O regular
routine n 19 3 O fixed way of doing things
self-confidence n 19 3 O confidence in one's ability
sensible j 19 3 O having/showing good sense
skill n 19 3 O ability/proficiency
someday a 19 3 O at some future day or time
succeed v 19 3 O be successful
success n 19 3 O a favorable result
successful j 19 3 O turning out as hoped
sufficient j 19 3 O enough/adequate
technique n 19 3 0 manner of doing
annoy v 19 4 O bother
annoyed j 19 4 O angry
annoying j 19 4 O irritating
as well as c 19 4 O in addition to
attention n 19 4 O thought/consideration
disappoint v 19 4 O fail to satisfy hopes/expectations
disappointed j 19 4 O unhappy at not seeing hopes come
disappointing j 19 4 O causing to be unhappy at not
seeing hopes come true
drop out of v 19 4 O quit
guilty j 19 4 O having or showing a feeling of
hand in v 19 4 O submit
helmet n 19 4 O protective head covering
helpful j 19 4 O willing help; useful
helpless j 19 4 O unable to look after oneself or
act without help
in a rush e 19 4 O hurrying
lack v 19 4 O not having enough of
lack (of) n 19 4 O absence of
lazy j 19 4 O avoiding work/activity
learn a lesson e 19 4 O learn from experience
lenient j 19 4 O not harsh; merciful
lose one's temper e 19 4 O become angry
pay attention to e 19 4 O give thought/consideration to
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put/put/put aside v 19 4 O reserve for later use
regret n 19 4 O sorrow over acts/omissions
regret v 19 4 O feel sorry about
rush n 19 4 O hasty movement; great activity
rush v 19 4 O hurry/act quickly
start out (on) v 19 4 O leave/begin a trip, career, etc.
stay up v 19 4 O to remain awake
strict j 19 4 O enforcing rules
stupid j 19 4 O silly/foolish
take/took/taken off v 19 4 O leave; take time from work, etc.
turn in v 19 4 O submit
volunteer n 19 4 O one who gives services without
volunteer v 19 4 O give services without payment
waste v 19 4 O use wrongly; use too much of
a good deal of e 20 1 O a lot of
a great deal of e 20 1 O a lot of
apart a 20 1 O separately
apart from p 20 1 O separate from; with the exception
bag n 20 1 O container made of paper, plastic,
etc.; suitcase
become/became/became of v 20 1 O happen to
bet n 20 1 O wager/agreement
bet/bet/bet v 20 1 O wager
call for v 20 1 O go and get; require
can't help e 20 1 O unable to refrain from
combine v 20 1 O mix together
cost n 20 1 O price/amount paid/asked
create v 20 1 O make; produce
depend on v 20 1 O be contingent on
feel like e 20 1 O would like to
from time to time e 20 1 O sometimes
give/gave/given away v 20 1 O make a gift of
groceries n 20 1 O items sold at a grocery store
ingredient n 20 1 O one of the parts of a mixture
jar n 20 1 O glass container
label n 20 1 O paper/cloth attached to something
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as identification
list n 20 1 O series of items in order
list v 20 1 O make a list of
mix n 20 1 O combination
mix v 20 1 O put ingredients together
mixture n 20 1 O product of mixing
most r 20 1 O almost all
mostly a 20 1 O chiefly/for the most part
on hand e 20 1 O available for use now
property n 20 1 O anything owned; land
purchase n 20 1 O act of buying
purchase v 20 1 O to buy
put/put/put off v 20 1 O postpone
quantity n 20 1 O an amount
raw j 20 1 O uncooked
recipe n 20 1 O list of things needed and
directions for preparing food
separate j 20 1 O not together/different
separate v 20 1 O keep apart; divide into parts
set n 20 1 O number of things, etc. that form a
stir v 20 1 O mix
tear/tore/torn (up) v 20 1 O pull apart/to pieces by force
thus a 20 1 O therefore
additional j 20 2 O in addition/added
alert j 20 2 O watchful
alert v 20 2 O warn as to be ready
ally n 20 2 O person/country joined with another
attack n 20 2 O an attacking
attack v 20 2 O act upon harmfully
authorize v 20 2 O give power, authority to
battle n 20 2 O conflict
border n 20 2 O line between nations; edge
call up v 20 2 O summon for duty
combat n 20 2 O battle
defend v 20 2 O guard from attack; protect
defense n 20 2 O something that defends against
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define v 20 2 O give meaning
enemy n 20 2 O person, etc., hostile to another
engage v 20 2 O enter into conflict; mesh together
freedom n 20 2 O state of being free
maintain v 20 2 O keep in a certain state;
maintenance n 20 2 O maintaining/being maintained
neutral j 20 2 O supporting neither side
nevertheless a 20 2 O however
notify v 20 2 O tell/inform
on alert e 20 2 O ready for danger, etc.
peace n 20 2 O absence of conflict
secure j 20 2 O free from danger
security n 20 2 O protection
settle v 20 2 O to reach an agreement; take up
permanent residence
situation n 20 2 O condition/circumstance
take control of e 20 2 O assume control of
take sides e 20 2 O support a group
take steps e 20 2 O begin to act
take/took/taken over v 20 2 O begin controlling
threaten v 20 2 O make threats
war n 20 2 O armed conflict/hostility
accelerate v 20 3 O increase the speed of
align v 20 3 O bring into a straight line
altogether a 20 3 O in all; completely
-ative af 20 3 O verb/noun + -ative = adj
automatic j 20 3 O done as from habit; working by
carburetor n 20 3 O device for mixing gasoline with
clutch n 20 3 O device for gears
defect n 20 3 O lacking something; imperfection
defective j 20 3 O having defects
estimate n 20 3 O general guess; opinion
estimate v 20 3 O guess size, cost, etc. of; form an
exterior n 20 3 O outside part of
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fluid n 20 3 O liquid
function n 20 3 O operation
function v 20 3 O operate
gear n 20 3 O toothed wheel
have a look at e 20 3 O examine
hydraulic j 20 3 O operated by movement/force of
ignite v 20 3 R set fire to/catch fire
ignition n 20 3 O starting system
interior n 20 3 O inside part of
-ive af 20 3 O verb/noun + -ive = adj
lever n 20 3 R bar used to apply pressure
liquid n 20 3 O fluid
look over v 20 3 O examine
manual j 20 3 O made, done, worked by hand
pedal n 20 3 O lever operated by foot
pipe n 20 3 O metal tube
provide v 20 3 O furnish what is needed
pump n 20 3 O device used for pumping
pump v 20 3 O move fluids, gases to and from
release v 20 3 O allow to come out/let go
repair n 20 3 O work done in repairing
service v 20 3 O make fit/furnish with a service
shift v 20 3 O move from one person/place to
another; change position
spark n 20 3 R small part of fire
spark plug n 20 3 O device which produces electric
standard j 20 3 R regularly used
step on the gas e 20 3 O accelerate
supply v 20 3 O furnish what is needed
system n 20 3 O arrangement of things to form a
whole; method
take a look at e 20 3 O examine
-tive af 20 3 O verb/noun + -tive = adj
transmission n 20 3 O part of automobile
transmit v 20 3 O send out
used j 20 3 O second hand; used before
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wear/wore/worn out v 20 3 O reduce to useless state; tire
worn out j 20 3 O used until no longer effective;
tired out
antifreeze n 20 4 O chemical substance used to keep
liquid from freezing
circulate v 20 4 O move in a circuit and return
combustible j 20 4 O that can burn
combustion n 20 4 O act/process of burning
component n 20 4 O part
coolant n 20 4 O fluid used for cooling engines
cylinder n 20 4 O hollow/solid body with circular
base and straight sides
eliminate v 20 4 O remove/get rid of; omit
exhaust n 20 4 O air, smoke which escapes from
external j 20 4 O of/on the outside; foreign
filter n 20 4 O device through which liquid/air is
filter v 20 4 O pass through a filter; remove with
a filter
for the purpose of p 20 4 O in order to
friction n 20 4 O rubbing of one object against
in order to p 20 4 O with the purpose of
internal j 20 4 O of/in the inside
least r 20 4 O smallest amount
lubricate v 20 4 O make slippery; apply a lubricant
malfunction n 20 4 O instance of malfunctioning
malfunction v 20 4 O fail to function as it should
overhaul n 20 4 O a major repair job
overheat v 20 4 O become excessively hot
overheated j 20 4 O excessively hot
piston n 20 4 O cylinder fitted within hollow
pressure n 20 4 O applied force
process n 20 4 O system of operations
purpose n 20 4 O reason; objective
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rebuild/rebuilt/rebuilt v 20 4 O construct again
regulate v 20 4 O control
rub v 20 4 O move along a surface with pressure
and friction
so (that) c 20 4 O in order that
speedometer n 20 4 O device used to indicate speed
surface n 20 4 O outer part; top of a liquid
tear/tore/torn down v 20 4 O destroy; disassemble
thermostat n 20 4 O device used to regulate
threat n 20 4 O warning; menace
useful j 20 4 O that can be used; helpful
wear and tear e 20 4 O damage resulting from use
abnormal j 21 1 O not usual; odd
anyway a 21 1 O in any manner/at any rate
appetite n 21 1 O desire
approximately a 21 1 O not exact, but nearly
average j 21 1 O normal/usual
average n 21 1 O usual amount; result of division
average v 21 1 O figure out the average
brand n 21 1 O kind/make/name
call off v 21 1 O cancel
conclude v 21 1 O finish; decide
contribute v 21 1 O to join with others in giving;
bring about
dense j 21 1 O thick; crowded; close together
density n 21 1 O number per unit
desert n 21 1 O dry, barren region
drain v 21 1 O draw off; empty
growth n 21 1 O act/rate of growing; increase in
habit n 21 1 O custom; usual way of doing
in that case e 21 1 O conditional adverbial phrase
industry n 21 1 O business; manufacture
keep/kept/kept up with v 21 1 O maintain pace; remain informed
maximum j 21 1 O greatest possibly allowed
minimum j 21 1 O smallest/lowest
model n 21 1 O particular type; representation
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normal j 21 1 O regular/usual
occur v 21 1 O happen
once again e 21 1 O again as before
once more e 21 1 O one more time
peak n 21 1 O highest point
per p 21 1 O for each
pick up v 21 1 O learn at random
populate v 21 1 R live in a particular area
population n 21 1 O number of people living in a place
portion n 21 1 O section/piece
rapid j 21 1 O fast/quick
rate n 21 1 O price; amount measured in relation
to something else
recent j 21 1 O done/occurring not long ago
region n 21 1 O area
scenery n 21 1 O surrounding views
spread/spread/spread v 21 1 O open out; cover with; make known
take/took/taken after v 21 1 O resemble
absorb v 21 2 O take in
affect v 21 2 O produce an effect on
airtight j 21 2 O so tight that air cannot get
artificial j 21 2 O not natural
as a result a 21 2 O consequently
as a result of p 21 2 O shows effect/result of something
bend/bent/bent v 21 2 O force into a different shape
bounce (back) v 21 2 O rebound
characteristic n 21 2 O feature/quality
chemical n 21 2 O a substance
contain v 21 2 O hold
content n 21 2 O amount contained; all that is
effect n 21 2 O result caused by something
effective j 21 2 O producing a desired result
elastic j 21 2 O capable of being stretched
escape v 21 2 O come/get out of a place
flexible j 21 2 O able to bend; adjustable to change
form v 21 2 O take the shape of; make
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hardly a 21 2 O almost none
-ility af 21 2 O adj + -ility = noun
inflexible j 21 2 O unable to bend; not able to change
-ity af 21 2 O adj + -ity = noun
nowadays a 21 2 O at the present time
original j 21 2 O first
property n 21 2 O characteristic
real j 21 2 O natural; not artificial
resist v 21 2 O fight against/withstand
result n 21 2 O what happens because of an action
result from v 21 2 O be the result of
result in v 21 2 O cause a result
rigid j 21 2 O stiff/not bending
seal n 21 2 O something that seals
seal v 21 2 O close/fasten tightly
shape v 21 2 O give form to
so...that c 21 2 O introduces clause of result
soak v 21 2 O to draw in; to enter/ be/place in
squeeze v 21 2 O apply pressure
stretch v 21 2 O pull to a greater length; extend
substance n 21 2 O material
such (a) j 21 2 O of that kind; so bad, great, good,
such...that c 21 2 O introduces clause of result
-ty af 21 2 O adj + -ty = noun
waterproof j 21 2 O so tight that water cannot get
watertight j 21 2 O so tight that water cannot get
-y af 21 2 O adj + -y = noun
abbreviation n 21 3 O a shortened form
abundance n 21 3 O more than enough
aid n 21 3 O assistance
aid v 21 3 O help; assist
architect n 21 3 R designer of buildings
be no use e 21 3 O be useless
case n 21 3 O problem tried in court; a
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particular instance
civil j 21 3 R relating to citizens rights
client n 21 3 R person who engages the
professional service of another
commit v 21 3 R do something wrong or unlawful
court n 21 3 O judicial assembly
crime n 21 3 O act prohibited by law
criminal j 21 3 O relating to/involving/being a
determine v 21 3 O decide; form a firm intention
dis- af 21 3 O negative/opposite
dual j 21 3 O of two/double
efficient j 21 3 O producing desired result with
little effort
enforce v 21 3 O compel observance of
fair j 21 3 O not stormy; just
fill v 21 3 O order the use of
for a living e 21 3 O as an occupation
illegal j 21 3 O against the law
in general e 21 3 O usually
innocent j 21 3 O not guilty
interpret v 21 3 O explain; translate
judge n 21 3 O public official; one who judges
judge v 21 3 O form an opinion about; believe
judicial j 21 3 O of judges, courts, etc.
jury n 21 3 O group of people who decide
just j 21 3 O fair
justice n 21 3 O fairness
lawyer n 21 3 R attorney
legal j 21 3 O within the law
pharmacist n 21 3 O druggist
plumber n 21 3 R one who works with plumbing
represent v 21 3 O express by a symbol; act in place
rescue v 21 3 O save from danger, etc.
search v 21 3 O examine to find something
stand/stood/stood for v 21 3 O represent; tolerate
un- af 21 3 O negative/opposite
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advantage n 21 4 O favorable condition
be in contact with e 21 4 O be in communication with
be in touch with e 21 4 O be in communication with
beneficial j 21 4 O helpful; useful
beyond a 21 4 O to the further side of; past the
limits of
beyond p 21 4 O to the further side of; past the
limits of
branch n 21 4 O section
brief j 21 4 O short, especially in time
brief v 21 4 O give necessary information
category n 21 4 O division/class
command n 21 4 O order; control
command v 21 4 O order
conduct n 21 4 O behavior
contact v 21 4 O be in touch with
department n 21 4 O division/branch
disadvantage n 21 4 O unfavorable condition
discharge n 21 4 O act of discharging
discharge v 21 4 O release; fire a gun
discover v 21 4 O find/learn something
extend v 21 4 O reach/stretch/continue in relation
to time and space
extension n 21 4 O continuation; addition
get in contact with e 21 4 O get in communication with
get in touch with e 21 4 O get in communication with
hesitate v 21 4 O pause in/before an action
influence n 21 4 O effect
influence v 21 4 O have an effect on
inform v 21 4 O tell; give info to
obligation n 21 4 O duty/necessity
prohibit v 21 4 O not permit; prevent
recruit v 21 4 O get new people for
re-enlist v 21 4 O enlist again
request v 21 4 O ask for something; ask someone to
do something
subject to j 21 4 O under authority of; contingent
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suggest v 21 4 O offer/propose
urge v 21 4 O advise
veteran (vet) n 21 4 O ex-military person
ambulance n 22 1 O vehicle for transporting
approach v 22 1 O come near to
as if c 22 1 O as it would be if something were
as though c 22 1 O as it would be if something were
at once e 22 1 O immediately/now
breathe v 22 1 O respire
call on v 22 1 O pay a visit; request one to
choke v 22 1 O have difficulty breathing; cause
not to breathe
concern v 22 1 O to relate; to worry
conscious j 22 1 O awake; able to think
crash n 22 1 O loud impact
crash v 22 1 O hit with force
critical j 22 1 O at an important stage; the crisis
of a disease
cut/cut/cut in v 22 1 O interrupt
faint v 22 1 O pass out
favor n 22 1 O helpful act
give a hand e 22 1 O help
guy n 22 1 O man/boy; male person
insect n 22 1 O six-legged invertebrate
interrupt v 22 1 O cause break in activity; cut in on
a conversation
major j 22 1 O main/most important
minor j 22 1 O unimportant
-ness af 22 1 O adj + -ness = noun
object n 22 1 O thing that can be seen or touched
particular j 22 1 O special; unusual; worthy of notice
pass out v 22 1 O faint
poison n 22 1 O deadly chemical
poisonous j 22 1 O having capability to kill
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re- af 22 1 O again/back
shout v 22 1 O speak loudly
slight j 22 1 O small in amount/extent
snake n 22 1 O cold-blooded, crawling animal with
no legs
steal/stole/stolen v 22 1 O take dishonestly
stuff n 22 1 O things
swallow v 22 1 O pass from mouth to stomach
within p 22 1 O inside the limits of
beauty n 22 2 O something that pleases/ satisfies
the senses
catch/caught/caught up with v 22 2 O overtake
complex j 22 2 O difficult
complicated j 22 2 O difficult
declare v 22 2 O state; make known officially
designate v 22 2 O name/appoint
differ v 22 2 O be unlike
difference n 22 2 O unlikeness
due to p 22 2 O because of
elect v 22 2 O select by vote
entrance n 22 2 O place of admission; door or gate
entry n 22 2 O entrance
exit n 22 2 O place for leaving
familiar j 22 2 O closely acquainted
feature n 22 2 O prominent part
flame n 22 2 O burning fuel
flammable j 22 2 O easy to burn
former j 22 2 O first of two; in past time
huge j 22 2 O extremely large
latter j 22 2 O second of two
lens n 22 2 O optical glass
nominate v 22 2 O name/propose for a position
note n 22 2 O short written message
patience n 22 2 O ability to endure
patient j 22 2 O showing forbearance
plain j 22 2 O simple; easy to see, hear, or
reckless j 22 2 O careless; not caring about danger
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run/ran/run across v 22 2 O meet by chance
simple j 22 2 O not complex
spot v 22 2 O locate
surprise n 22 2 O sudden unexpected event
surprise v 22 2 O amaze/come upon suddenly
voice n 22 2 O sound produced by people when
speaking or singing
vote v 22 2 O formal expression of choice
yet c 22 2 O but; strange but true
adhere (to) v 22 3 O stick firmly; follow
aim n 22 3 O purpose/intention
back and forth e 22 3 O one way and then the opposite
bare j 22 3 O not covered/naked
blunt j 22 3 O dull
board n 22 3 O long, flat piece of wood
bolt n 22 3 O metal fastener; bar that positions
the cartridge
bore v 22 3 O make a hole
carpenter n 22 3 O person who builds/ repairs things
made of wood
clockwise a 22 3 O in direction of a clock's rotation
clockwise j 22 3 O in direction of a clock's rotation
coarse j 22 3 O rough
counterclockwise a 22 3 O in opposite direction of clock's
counterclockwise j 22 3 O in opposite direction of clock's
device n 22 3 O mechanical apparatus
dig/dug/dug v 22 3 O break up and move earth
drill n 22 3 O tool for boring holes
drill v 22 3 O make a hole by boring
drive/drove/driven v 22 3 O push or force
enable v 22 3 O make able
fine j 22 3 O not coarse
-ful af 22 3 O noun + -ful = adj
glue n 22 3 O sticky substance used to attach
glue v 22 3 O make stick
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goggles n 22 3 O protective eye covering
grip v 22 3 O hold tightly
hammer n 22 3 O tool for driving/striking nails
hole n 22 3 O empty area
join v 22 3 O fasten
-less af 22 3 O noun + -less = adj
motion n 22 3 O movement
nail n 22 3 O metal pin to fasten wood
pliers n 22 3 O gripping tool
rust n 22 3 O residue of oxidation on metal
sand v 22 3 O make smooth
sandpaper n 22 3 O paper coated with sand used to
smooth wood/metal
saw n 22 3 O edged tool for cutting
saw v 22 3 O cut with saw
scissors n 22 3 O twin-bladed cutting tool
shovel n 22 3 O tool for lifting/moving loose
tip n 22 3 O point/end
workshop n 22 3 O place where work is done
adequate j 22 4 O sufficient
ammunition n 22 4 O projectile used in a weapon
arm v 22 4 O supply with weapon
barrel n 22 4 O tubelike part of weapon; round
bullet n 22 4 O projectile
cartridge n 22 4 O case of a bullet
case n 22 4 O container
chamber n 22 4 O compartment
check off v 22 4 O mark items on a list
detect v 22 4 O discover
ease n 22 4 O relaxed effort
equip v 22 4 O provide what is needed
essential j 22 4 O important
explode v 22 4 O burst violently
extreme j 22 4 O excessive
firearm n 22 4 O weapon
firing pin n 22 4 0 pointed object which strikes the
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cartridge causing the bullet to be
identify v 22 4 O verify or recognize identity
ignite v 22 4 O begin burning
il- af 22 4 O negative/opposite
im- af 22 4 O negative/opposite
in- af 22 4 O negative/opposite
inner j 22 4 O inside
interest v 22 4 O attract attention of
ir- af 22 4 O negative/opposite
magazine n 22 4 O a compartment in some firearms to
hold cartridges
make sure e 22 4 O be certain
non- af 22 4 O negative/opposite
on account of p 22 4 O due to
outer j 22 4 O external
pin n 22 4 O pointed object used to detonate
bullet; fastener
powder n 22 4 O fine dust
risk v 22 4 O take a chance
shell n 22 4 O covering
sight n 22 4 O power/ability to see; aiming
stationary j 22 4 O standing still; fixed
tend v 22 4 O be likely
tendency n 22 4 O inclination
thorough j 22 4 O complete
trigger n 22 4 O lever used to discharge a firearm
troubleshoot/troubleshot/ v 22 4 O locate malfunction
upper j 22 4 O highest part
altitude n 23 1 O height
atmosphere n 23 1 O air surrounding the earth
atmospheric j 23 1 O of the atmosphere
atom n 23 1 O small particle
barometer n 23 1 O device that measures atmospheric
be composed of v 23 1 O be made up of
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carbon dioxide n 23 1 O gas produced in respiration
compress v 23 1 O press together
consist (of) v 23 1 O be made up of
convert v 23 1 O change
element n 23 1 O a basic or simple substance; part
of a whole
evaporate v 23 1 O change to vapor
exert v 23 1 O use strength, skill, etc.
exhale v 23 1 O release air from lungs
exist v 23 1 O to be
expand v 23 1 O become larger
float v 23 1 O suspend on fluid
form n 23 1 O arrangement/shape
gas n 23 1 O invisible substance
hydrogen n 23 1 O gaseous element
inhale v 23 1 O draw air into lungs
layer n 23 1 O single thickness of matter
lung n 23 1 O organ used in respiration
matter n 23 1 O basic substance of things
melt v 23 1 O change from solid to liquid
molecule n 23 1 O smallest part of an element
nitrogen n 23 1 O gaseous element
occupy v 23 1 O take up space
oxygen n 23 1 O gaseous element
particle n 23 1 O small amount
press v 23 1 O exert force
sea level n 23 1 O level of sea's surface
solid n 23 1 O not a liquid or a gas
space n 23 1 O universe; empty area
state n 23 1 O condition
steam n 23 1 O water vapor
surround v 23 1 O enclose
tiny j 23 1 O small
vacuum n 23 1 O space completely empty
vapor n 23 1 O substance in gaseous state
volume n 23 1 O cubic space/loudness
apply v 23 2 O put/spread on; put into use
artery n 23 2 O vessel taking blood away from the
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aware j 23 2 O conscious; having realization or
bandage n 23 2 O gauze strip for binding wounds
by the time (that) e 23 2 O when
carry on v 23 2 O continue; do/perform
carry out v 23 2 O accomplish
collapse v 23 2 O fall down; fall into pieces
collide v 23 2 O come into contact with
collision n 23 2 O violent contact
conscious j 23 2 O aware; knowing
continuous j 23 2 O constant
crush v 23 2 O press violently together
during the time (that) e 23 2 O during this time
elevate v 23 2 O raise
expose v 23 2 O bring into view; leave unprotected
firm j 23 2 O steady; solid
first aid n 23 2 O initial treatment
first of all e 23 2 O the first thing
fracture n 23 2 O a break/breaking of a bone
infect v 23 2 O put disease into body
initial j 23 2 O first
investigate v 23 2 O search/inquire into
procedure n 23 2 O method of doing things
proceed v 23 2 O start/continue
restrict v 23 2 O keep within certain limits
safety n 23 2 O condition of being safe
sequence n 23 2 O orderly series
series n 23 2 O one after another
somewhat a 23 2 O a little
steady j 23 2 O unchanging
step n 23 2 O stage in a process
unconscious j 23 2 O not alert/aware
vein n 23 2 O vessel leading blood to the heart
victim n 23 2 O one who suffers pain or harm
whenever c 23 2 O at whatever time
wound n 23 2 O injury
wound v 23 2 O injure
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arrow n 23 3 O symbol used to indicate direction
beneath a 23 3 O below
beneath p 23 3 O below
by means of p 23 3 O by using
by way of p 23 3 O via
converge v 23 3 O meet together
correspond v 23 3 O communicate by mail; be in
correspondence n 23 3 O mailed communication
destination n 23 3 O intended place of travel
direct v 23 3 O guide
distribute v 23 3 O give out/scatter
endorse v 23 3 O write name; support
-ern af 23 3 O noun +-ern = adj
fold v 23 3 O turn/bend
forward a 23 3 O to or toward what's ahead or in
forward j 23 3 O situated in advance
go/went/gone over v 23 3 O review
in the meantime e 23 3 O during this time
intersect v 23 3 O cross
island n 23 3 O land surrounded by water
look in on v 23 3 O make a brief visit to
means n 23 3 O method
meanwhile a 23 3 O during this time
northeast a 23 3 O to or toward the northeast
northeast j 23 3 O coming from the northeast
northeast n 23 3 O direction between north and east;
area of the country
northwest a 23 3 O to or toward the northwest
northwest j 23 3 O coming from the northwest
northwest n 23 3 O direction between north and west;
area of the country
on top of p 23 3 O on
opposite p 23 3 O facing
previous j 23 3 O past/before
route n 23 3 O line of travel
run short of e 23 3 O use almost all/not having enough
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secondary j 23 3 O second in order, rank, importance,
southeast a 23 3 O to or toward the southeast
southeast j 23 3 O coming from the southeast
southeast n 23 3 O direction between south and east;
area of the country
southwest a 23 3 O to or toward the southwest
southwest j 23 3 O coming from the southwest
southwest n 23 3 O direction between south and west;
area of the country
throughout a 23 3 O in every part; from beginning to
throughout p 23 3 O in every part; from beginning to
track n 23 3 O path
transport v 23 3 O carry
tray n 23 3 O flat receptacle with raised edges
-ward af 23 3 O noun + -ward = adj/adv
zip code n 23 3 R part of address
accuracy n 23 4 O correctness/precision
accurate j 23 4 O exact/precise
advance v 23 4 O go forward
aim v 23 4 O control direction
-ance af 23 4 O verb + -ance = noun
artillery n 23 4 O large guns
awfully a 23 4 O very
barely a 23 4 O almost not, by a very little
demonstrate v 23 4 O show
depress v 23 4 O push down
effort n 23 4 O attempt to accomplish
elementary j 23 4 O basic
-ence af 23 4 O verb + -ence = noun
event n 23 4 O a happening
expert j 23 4 O skilled; knowledgeable
expert n 23 4 O highly skilled person
failure n 23 4 O lack of success/ nonperformance
give/gave/given out v 23 4 O distribute
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give/gave/given up v 23 4 O surrender/stop doing
go/went/gone on with v 23 4 O continue
immediate j 23 4 O just then
improve v 23 4 O make better
infantry n 23 4 O foot soldiers
inspect v 23 4 O search thoroughly
interfere v 23 4 O hinder
intermediate j 23 4 O middle
level j 23 4 O horizontal; even
level n 23 4 O position/height
marksman/marksmen n 23 4 R one who's proficient with weapons
marksmanship n 23 4 R quality of being a marksman
ought to m 23 4 O present/future expectancy
phase n 23 4 O stage in a cycle
pre- af 23 4 O before
progress n 23 4 O development
progress v 23 4 O move forward
satisfactory j 23 4 O adequate
should m 23 4 O present/future expectancy
should have m 23 4 O past expectancy
skilled j 23 4 O having great proficiency
squad n 23 4 R the smallest unit of military
target n 23 4 O object aimed at
abundant j 24 1 O present in great quantity
access n 24 1 O means, place, or way of approach
actual j 24 1 O real
actually a 24 1 O existing in fact
alloy n 24 1 O mixture of metals
brass n 24 1 R copper-zinc alloy
bronze n 24 1 R copper-tin alloy
carbon n 24 1 O non-metallic element
cement n 24 1 O glue-like material that hardens
comparatively a 24 1 O in a comparative way
concrete n 24 1 O mixture of cement, sand, and rocks
construct v 24 1 O build
erect v 24 1 O build
extensive j 24 1 O having wide extent
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fixed j 24 1 O fastened; not movable or
-fy af 24 1 O noun/adj + -fy = verb
-ify af 24 1 O noun/adj + -ify = verb
liquefy v 24 1 O make or become a liquid
mine n 24 1 O excavated area where one gets
mine v 24 1 O excavate
mineral n 24 1 O material found in earth
ore n 24 1 R rock; earth
origin n 24 1 O beginning
overall j 24 1 O major; counting all
pour v 24 1 O dump out
pure j 24 1 O free of contamination
refine v 24 1 O make pure
relatively a 24 1 O in a comparative way
solidify v 24 1 O make or become a solid
source n 24 1 O place of origin
steel n 24 1 O alloy made of iron
turn into v 24 1 O become; change into
utilize v 24 1 O put to use
various j 24 1 O of different kinds
vary v 24 1 O change
aircraft n 24 2 O machine for flight
altimeter n 24 2 O instrument for measuring altitude
attitude n 24 2 O disposition; physical position
aviation n 24 2 O science of flying aircraft
bumpy j 24 2 O rough
co- af 24 2 O together with/joint
cockpit n 24 2 O part of aircraft where pilot sits
compass n 24 2 O direction finder
concentrate v 24 2 O direct one's attention
cross off v 24 2 O draw a line through
cross out v 24 2 O draw a line through
cross-check v 24 2 O check correctness
disaster n 24 2 O calamity
discard v 24 2 O throw away
dive v 24 2 O move downward; enter water
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headfirst; submerge
fear n 24 2 O feeling of danger
fear v 24 2 O be afraid of
flap n 24 2 O a wide flat part of anything that
hangs down
fuselage n 24 2 O body of an airplane
go right e 24 2 O work smoothly
go wrong e 24 2 O not working properly
ignore v 24 2 O pay no attention to
instrument n 24 2 O tool or device
keep track of e 24 2 O keep informed
lose track of e 24 2 O not keep informed
maneuver n 24 2 O movement
maneuver v 24 2 O move
mask n 24 2 O covering to conceal/protect the
missile n 24 2 O projectile
navigate v 24 2 O plot course
needle n 24 2 O indicator
panel n 24 2 O section for controls/ instruments;
group of people
precaution n 24 2 O care taken in advance
precise j 24 2 O exact
propel v 24 2 O move forward
propeller/prop n 24 2 O airplane propelling device
runway n 24 2 O landing strip
tail n 24 2 O end part
turbine n 24 2 R type of engine
velocity n 24 2 O speed
windscreen n 24 2 R glass protective device for
windshield n 24 2 O glass protective device for cars
wing n 24 2 O part of plane/bird
accumulate v 24 3 O collect or bring together
adapt v 24 3 O made adjustments
condense v 24 3 O change from vapor to
dissolve v 24 3 O cause to pass into solution
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especially a 24 3 O for a particular purpose
eventually a 24 3 O happening at last as a result
exceed v 24 3 O go beyond
excess n 24 3 O more than enough
excessive j 24 3 O exceeding the usual number
fertile j 24 3 O fruitful
fluent j 24 3 O speaking/writing in an easy manner
for instance e 24 3 O for example
gravity n 24 3 O attraction of earth for objects
look into v 24 3 O investigate
moisture n 24 3 O dampness
ordinary j 24 3 O usual
penetrate v 24 3 O pierce
precipitation n 24 3 O rain, snow, sleet, etc.
principal j 24 3 O main
principal n 24 3 O head of school
principle n 24 3 O basic truth
prior j 24 3 O earlier
prior (to) p 24 3 O earlier
reservoir n 24 3 O place for storing fluid
saturate v 24 3 O fill completely
saturated j 24 3 O filled completely
scientific j 24 3 O dealing with science; based on
scientific method
soil n 24 3 O dirt
vaporize v 24 3 O change into vapor
viscosity n 24 3 O thickness of a liquid
well n 24 3 R hole dug in ground for water
admit v 24 4 O allow to enter; acknowledge or
assent to
-ant af 24 4 O verb + -ant = adj
anyplace a 24 4 O anywhere
assure v 24 4 O make sure
brain n 24 4 O nerve tissue in the head
break/broke/broken down v 24 4 O separate
chart n 24 4 O sheet of tables, diagrams, etc.
confine v 24 4 O restrict to a space
cure v 24 4 O restore to soundness
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digest v 24 4 O change food taken into body into
absorbable form
digestion n 24 4 O process of digesting
digestive j 24 4 O relating to digestion
disease n 24 4 O sickness
dismiss v 24 4 O cause or allow to leave
dismissal n 24 4 O act of allowing to leave
ensure v 24 4 O make sure
-ent af 24 4 O verb + -ent = adj
erratic j 24 4 O irregular
eyesight n 24 4 O vision
faith n 24 4 O belief; trust/confidence
fluctuate v 24 4 O change irregularly
get/got down v 24 4 O to reduce
get/got/gotten over v 24 4 O recover
guard against e 24 4 O foresee and prevent
human j 24 4 O having qualities representative of
in charge (of) e 24 4 O to have the care/control of
inject v 24 4 O push into
intestinal j 24 4 O of the intestines
intestine n 24 4 O guts
manner n 24 4 O way
mild j 24 4 O not harsh
no place a 24 4 O nowhere
no place n 24 4 O nowhere
organ n 24 4 O part of a system; musical
pull through v 24 4 O recover
recover v 24 4 O regain
recovery n 24 4 O regaining of something lost;
becoming well again after illness
skull n 24 4 O bony framework of head
someplace a 24 4 O somewhere
stable j 24 4 O unchanging
surgeon n 24 4 O a doctor
surgery n 24 4 O medical operation
typical j 24 4 O representative
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undergo/underwent v 24 4 O experience undergone
unit n 24 4 O single thing; group/part
vision n 24 4 O sight
x-ray n 24 4 O photo made with x-rays
x-ray v 24 4 O to take photograph with x-rays
above all e 25 1 O before every other consideration
advances n 25 1 O progress in development
anti- af 25 1 O against
atomic j 25 1 O relating to atoms
compulsory j 25 1 O mandatory
contaminate v 25 1 O to pollute
coordinate v 25 1 O to adjust properly
emission n 25 1 O the act of giving out
emit v 25 1 O to give out
endanger v 25 1 O to risk
environment n 25 1 O surroundings
exhaust v 25 1 O to tire out; use up
expel v 25 1 O to force out
fume n 25 1 O a smoke like gas
if not e 25 1 O or else
in the same manner e 25 1 O similarly
in the same way e 25 1 O similarly
industrial j 25 1 O pertinent to industry
invent v 25 1 O to plan or make for first time
involve (in) v 25 1 O include as part; be interested in
manufacture v 25 1 O to make a product
moreover a 25 1 O in addition/besides
nuclear j 25 1 O relating to atomic bomb, power,
optional j 25 1 O voluntary
permanent j 25 1 O lasting forever
plant n 25 1 O a factory
pollute v 25 1 O to make dirty or impure
pro af 25 1 O in favor of
project n 25 1 O proposed activity
radioactive j 25 1 O giving off atomic energy
resource n 25 1 O wealth; assets
respiratory j 25 1 O relating to respiration
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similarly a 25 1 O in a similar manner
site n 25 1 O location
surroundings n 25 1 O things around a person
technology n 25 1 O the science of skilled processes
temporary j 25 1 O occurring for a limited time
toxic j 25 1 O poisonous
waste n 25 1 O scrap
abandon v 25 2 O to leave, quit, forsake
aboard a 25 2 O on/in a ship, plane, etc.
antenna n 25 2 O a device for receiving radio waves
bow n 25 2 R the front end of a ship
capture v 25 2 O to seize
cargo n 25 2 O the freight of ship/airplane
clearance n 25 2 O a space between two objects
crew n 25 2 O a group of working people
deal/dealt/dealt with v 25 2 O to be concerned with; handle
displace v 25 2 O to move from
equally a 25 2 O having same amount, size, number,
fleet n 25 2 O a group of ships
hull n 25 2 O the body of ship
launch v 25 2 O to begin something; fire
navigator n 25 2 O one who sets a course
on board e 25 2 O on/in a ship
port n 25 2 O a harbor; left side of ship
radar n 25 2 O an electronic detection device
range n 25 2 O extent
rocket n 25 2 O a self-propelled missile
sail v 25 2 O to travel by water
seaport n 25 2 O a city on the coast
sonar n 25 2 O a detection device
starboard n 25 2 R the right side of a ship
stern n 25 2 R the rear end of a ship
structure n 25 2 O something built
submarine n 25 2 O an underwater boat
submerge v 25 2 O to go underwater
torpedo n 25 2 O an underwater explosive missile
transmitter n 25 2 O a device for sending radio waves
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underwater j 25 2 O beneath the water
vessel n 25 2 O a ship
warfare n 25 2 O operations against an enemy
warship n 25 2 O a combat ship
wave n 25 2 O undulating movement through a
anesthetic n 25 3 O substance causing loss of
as long as c 25 3 O provided that
be about to v 25 3 O immediate future
cavity n 25 3 O a hollow place
comment v 25 3 O to remark
constant j 25 3 O never changing
delay v 25 3 O to put off for period of time
dental j 25 3 O concerning teeth or dentistry
despite p 25 3 O in spite of
dread v 25 3 O to fear
endure v 25 3 O to bear
even so e 25 3 O in spite of that
facility n 25 3 O establishment
fall/fell/fallen apart v 25 3 O to disintegrate
filling n 25 3 O a substance used to fill something
glance v 25 3 O to look briefly
go/went/gone through v 25 3 O to search; endure
grind/ground/ground v 25 3 O to rub harshly
in a way e 25 3 O in a way of speaking; partly
in spite of p 25 3 O taking no notice of
needle n 25 3 O a pin-like device
nerve n 25 3 O tissue of nervous system
nonetheless a 25 3 O nevertheless
nor c 25 3 O or not
numb j 25 3 O having loss of sensation
regardless a 25 3 O despite the fact that
regardless of p 25 3 O in spite of
relieve v 25 3 O to lessen or reduce
take effect e 25 3 O to become operative; to be
though a 25 3 O however
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to begin with e 25 3 O the first reason is
to start with e 25 3 O the first reason is
vanish v 25 3 O to disappear
vicinity n 25 3 O the surrounding area
withstand/withstood/withstood v 25 3 O to endure

-al af 25 4 O verb + al = noun

algebra n 25 4 O a branch of mathematics
amaze v 25 4 O greatly surprised
amazed j 25 4 O surprised
amazing j 25 4 O surprising
angle n 25 4 O separation of straight lines
approval n 25 4 O consent
approve of v 25 4 O to regard favorably
be fed up with e 25 4 O cannot tolerate any longer
calculate v 25 4 O to determine, compute
cheer up v 25 4 O (cause to) become happier
compute v 25 4 O to calculate, figure out
curious j 25 4 O inquisitive
despite the fact that e 25 4 O taking no notice of the fact
diagonal j 25 4 O having a slanting direction
digit n 25 4 O a number from 1 through 9
dimension n 25 4 O measurement
disturb v 25 4 O to bother
disturbed j 25 4 O annoyed
disturbing j 25 4 O unsettling
evident j 25 4 O clear
fundamental j 25 4 O basic
get/got/gotten across v 25 4 O to (cause to) be understood
impression n 25 4 O effect on the mind
in spite of it all e 25 4 O although
in spite of the fact that e 25 4 O although something is true
individual n 25 4 O one person
irritate v 25 4 O to disturb; make sore
irritated j 25 4 O angry; sore
irritating j 25 4 O annoying
mess up v 25 4 O to ruin

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obvious j 25 4 O apparent
once and for all e 25 4 O for the last time
recognize v 25 4 O to identify
valuable j 25 4 O having worth
value n 25 4 O worth in money; usefulness of
worth p 25 4 O of the value of
abrupt j 26 1 O sudden
activate v 26 1 O to cause to start/be active
allowance n 26 1 O a definite amount
ample j 26 1 O more than enough
be behind (in) v 26 1 O to be overdue in work
bear/bore/borne v 26 1 O to endure
bring/brought/brought up v 26 1 O to raise; introduce
capacity n 26 1 O volume
catch/caught/caught up (on) v 26 1 O to come from behind
concerning p 26 1 O about
dispose (of) v 26 1 O to get rid of
fall/fell/fallen behind (in) v 26 1 O to be overdue in work
forbid v 26 1 O to command not to do something
get/got/gotten behind in v 26 1 O to fail to keep up with
go/went/gone ahead v 26 1 O to permit to continue
hang/hung/hung on to v 26 1 O to keep
ideal j 26 1 O perfect
imply v 26 1 O to indicate indirectly
in place of e 26 1 O as a substitute for
in regard to e 26 1 O concerning
income n 26 1 O money earned
instant n 26 1 O a small amount of time
instantly a 26 1 O at once
mental j 26 1 O of the mind
overcome/overcame/overcome v 26 1 O to defeat
pertain v 26 1 O to have reference to
practical j 26 1 O useful
practically a 26 1 O almost
put/put/put away v 26 1 O to put in proper place
refer v 26 1 O to relate to; send to for aid
reference n 26 1 O a source of information
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steer v 26 1 O to guide
substitute v 26 1 O to replace
transfer v 26 1 O to convey or carry
-y af 26 1 O verb + -y = noun
amusement n 26 2 O entertainment
assume v 26 2 O to suppose; perform/begin to use
author n 26 2 O a person who writes books
be charged with e 26 2 O to be accused of
be up on v 26 2 O to be well informed about
break/broke/broken v 26 2 O to interrupt in (on)
cartoon n 26 2 O a humorous drawing
chapter n 26 2 O a division of a book
chip in v 26 2 O to contribute
column n 26 2 O a vertical arrangement of items
come/came/come across v 26 2 O to find or discover
come/came/come up with v 26 2 O to think of
comics n 26 2 O comic strips
editor n 26 2 O supervisor in a newspaper
editorial n 26 2 O an article giving opinion of an
emphasis n 26 2 O stress
emphasize v 26 2 O to stress
governor n 26 2 O political head of a state
handicap n 26 2 O disadvantage; physical distortion
hardship n 26 2 O anything causing suffering
legislature n 26 2 O a lawmaking group
objective j 26 2 O fair
oppose v 26 2 O to be against
-ous af 26 2 O noun + -ous = adj.
publish v 26 2 O print for public
put/put/put across v 26 2 O to make clear or understandable
resign v 26 2 O to leave a job, position
sort n 26 2 O a type or kind
strange j 26 2 O unusual
stress v 26 2 O to point out importance
subscribe v 26 2 O to order and pay for newspaper
think/thought/thought up v 26 2 O to invent or create
viewpoint n 26 2 O an opinion or attitude
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armor n 26 3 O protective covering
blast n 26 3 O an explosion
bomb n 26 3 O a shell that explodes
burst v 26 3 O to come apart
camouflage v 26 3 O to disguise
check out on v 26 3 O to make one familiar with a
chopper n 26 3 O a helicopter
clear away v 26 3 O to remove
conceal v 26 3 O to hide
contrast n 26 3 O a difference
contrast v 26 3 O to compare; show a difference
encounter v 26 3 O to meet
even if c 26 3 O though
hoist v 26 3 O to raise up
hover v 26 3 O to stay in one place
live on v 26 3 O to survive
no matter what e 26 3 O it is of no importance
no matter where e 26 3 O it is of no importance
no matter who e 26 3 O it is of no importance
obstacle n 26 3 O a hindrance
obstruct v 26 3 O to block
proficient j 26 3 O capable
-proof af 26 3 O noun + -proof = adj.
reverse n 26 3 O opposite direction
rotary j 26 3 O turning around on an axis
rotate v 26 3 O to spin around
rotor n 26 3 O rotating part of machine
set/set/set out v 26 3 O to begin course of action; to
arrange or spread out
shallow j 26 3 O not deep
shield n 26 3 O a protective device
spin/spun/spun v 26 3 O to turn around
survive v 26 3 O to remain alive
suspend v 26 3 O to hang
sustain v 26 3 O to keep strong; to maintain
tank n 26 3 O armored military vehicle
terrain n 26 3 O land contour
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unless c 26 3 O if not, except if
view n 26 3 O a range of vision
vital j 26 3 O extremely important
accompany v 26 4 O to go with
at all e 26 4 O in the least
be up to v 26 4 O to be good enough for; be the
responsibility of
come/came/come along v 26 4 O to accompany
commerce n 26 4 O buying and selling
commercial j 26 4 O of/related to commerce
community n 26 4 O a group of people living in an
compartment n 26 4 O an enclosed place
confirm v 26 4 O to make sure
currency n 26 4 O money in use in a nation
economy n 26 4 O the management of the money of a
equivalent j 26 4 O equal/same as
export v 26 4 O to sell items to another nation
historic j 26 4 O important in history
identical j 26 4 O the same
idle j 26 4 O inactive
import v 26 4 O to bring items in
in exchange for e 26 4 O in return for
landmark n 26 4 O an object used as a guide
lean v 26 4 O rest oneself on/against something;
limit n 26 4 O a boundary
limit v 26 4 O to set a boundary
part with v 26 4 O to relinquish
path n 26 4 O a course to follow
rarely a 26 4 O not very often
scarcely a 26 4 O almost never; almost not
stand/stood/stood by v 26 4 O to stay ready; support
stress n 26 4 O pressure
tension n 26 4 O stress
trade n 26 4 O commerce
vibrate v 26 4 O to move rapidly back and forth
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wait on v 26 4 O to serve
at a time e 27 1 O one after another
axis n 27 1 O imaginary line something spins
call down v 27 1 O to point out an error; to
challenge v 27 1 O to dare someone to compete
count on v 27 1 O to depend on
countless j 27 1 O too many to count
discrepancy n 27 1 O inconsistency
disregard v 27 1 O to ignore
equator n 27 1 O imaginary line around the earth
experiment n 27 1 O a scientific test
funds n 27 1 O money
geography n 27 1 O a study of the earth's surface and
human n 27 1 O a person
in/on behalf of p 27 1 O for
inferior j 27 1 O not as good as
isolate v 27 1 O separate
latitude n 27 1 O parallels measured north or south
from equator
longitude n 27 1 O distance measured east or west
from equator
look down on v 27 1 O to disapprove of or have a low
opinion of
look up to v 27 1 O to respect
mass n 27 1 O a large amount or bulk
period n 27 1 O an amount of time
periodic j 27 1 O from time to time
reprimand v 27 1 O to scold or firmly ` point out an
revolve v 27 1 O to go around in circles
silent j 27 1 O quiet or not speaking
surrender v 27 1 O to stop resisting, give up
talk back (to) v 27 1 O answer without respect
willing j 27 1 O agreeable to doing
won't v 27 1 O unwillingness
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work out v 27 1 O to solve
wouldn't v 27 1 O past unwillingness
zone n 27 1 O an area usually with defined
all in all e 27 2 O everything being taken into
basis n 27 2 O essential facts or reasons
catch/caught/caught on v 27 2 O to understand; learn about
considerable j 27 2 O large in extent or degree
dependent j 27 2 O relying on another
distinguished j 27 2 O famous, important
enthusiasm n 27 2 O a strong interest, liking
genuine j 27 2 O real
get/got/gotten ahead v 27 2 O to advance, progress
get/got/gotten by (with) v 27 2 O to do something with little
effort, work
gripe v 27 2 O to complain
-ic af 27 2 O noun + -ic = adj.
-ical af 27 2 O noun + -ical = adj.
imitate v 27 2 O copy in actions, manner
in all e 27 2 O altogether; everything considered
in common e 27 2 O shared together; equally with or
by all
in comparison e 27 2 O the act of comparing with
in conclusion e 27 2 O as the last thing, finally
in short e 27 2 O put it into a few words; briefly
independent j 27 2 O not dependent on others
intention n 27 2 O a purpose, plan
lecture n 27 2 O a talk to a group
leisure n 27 2 O free time
make/made/made up v 27 2 O create; settle differences
mechanical j 27 2 O having to do with machines
mechanism n 27 2 O a working system
muscular j 27 2 O relating to muscles; having a lot
of muscles
numerous j 27 2 O very many
orderly j 27 2 O neat, in order
protrude v 27 2 O to stick out, project out
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stick/stuck/stuck out v 27 2 O to protrude; to be noticeable
to conclude e 27 2 O to bring to an end
tremendous j 27 2 O very large or great
trim v 27 2 O to cut off excess
wealth n 27 2 O large quantity of money,
possessions, etc.
absolute j 27 3 O complete; without restriction
be to v 27 3 O indicates the future or
bit n 27 3 O a small piece or quantity of
anything; particle
blow/blew/blown up v 27 3 O to explode or cause to explode
classify v 27 3 O to arrange in or assign to groups
composite j 27 3 O made up of separate parts or
composition n 27 3 O a combination of parts
compound n 27 3 O a mixture of two or more parts or
contact n 27 3 O the point at which two things
touch or meet; connection
corrode v 27 3 O to eat away chemically
corrosion n 27 3 O the act, process, or effect of
detonate v 27 3 O to explode or cause to explode
deviate v 27 3 O to stray from
diagram n 27 3 O a plan or drawing
dynamite n 27 3 O a powerful explosive
explosive n 27 3 O a substance that explodes or
causes an explosion
fuse n 27 3 O a detonation device
impact n 27 3 O force of contact
in accordance with p 27 3 O as stated by; in agreement
in the event of p 27 3 O in case of
instantaneous j 27 3 O completed in an instant; immediate
interval n 27 3 O a period of time between
kit n 27 3 O a set of tools or instruments
retain v 27 3 O to keep
set/set/set off v 27 3 O to cause to explode; to set in
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motion or cause to begin
shatter v 27 3 O to break or burst into pieces
turn over v 27 3 O to transfer power, possession,
responsibility, etc.
turn over v 27 3 O to turn upside down or from one
side to the reverse
whatever r 27 3 O anything
wherever a 27 3 O anyplace
whichever j 27 3 O any, either; referring to a choice
whoever r 27 3 O anyone, used as a subject
whomever r 27 3 O anyone, used as an object
wind/wound/wound up v 27 3 O to finally arrive at a place,
situation, or condition; to end up
wind/wound/wound up v 27 3 O to finish or complete; to bring to
an end
wind/wound/wound up v 27 3 O to twist or wrap around; to move
in a curving or circular path; to
tighten the spring of a mechanism
acid n 27 4 O a chemical substance
background n 27 4 O past events
bar n 27 4 O a thick or long, solid piece
be in on v 27 4 O to participate in
beam n 27 4 O a ray of light
breakdown n 27 4 O a failure to operate correctly
century n 27 4 O a period of 100 years
check up on v 27 4 O to investigate; make inquiries
coil v 27 4 O to arrange in a ring
cut/cut/cut off v 27 4 O to stop suddenly; discontinue
drift v 27 4 O to move along slowly as driven by
the wind, waves, or current
each other r 27 4 O each the other (used to indicate a
mutual relationship or action)
electrode n 27 4 O either of the 2 points at which
the current enters and leaves an
electrical circuit
electron n 27 4 O tiny particles which carry a
negative charge
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electronics n 27 4 O a branch of physics
extinguish v 27 4 O to put out
flashlight n 27 4 O a small hand light, usually
powered by batteries
in case c 27 4 O if it happens that
in case of p 27 4 O if it happens that
in the event (that) c 27 4 O if it should happen that
magnet n 27 4 O something that attracts iron
magnetic j 27 4 O of a magnet
negative j 27 4 O opposite of positive
one another r 27 4 O to indicate a reciprocal
pole n 27 4 O northern or southern ends of the
positive j 27 4 O positive electricity
primitive j 27 4 O simple, not developed
provided/providing that c 27 4 O on condition that
repel v 27 4 O to drive back
rod n 27 4 O a long, narrow bar
static n 27 4 O a noise produced by electricity
stick/stuck/stuck to v 27 4 O to adhere; continue
surge n 27 4 O a sudden increase
surge v 27 4 O to become greater
volt n 27 4 O a unit of electrical force
voltage n 27 4 O an electrical force measured in
aisle n 28 1 O a path between or along rows of
seats or shelves
art n 28 1 O expression of beauty, truth
claim v 28 1 O to state; to take or ask for as
come/came/come by v 28 1 O to visit
come/came/come down with v 28 1 O to catch an illness
come/came/come to v 28 1 O to amount to
compact j 28 1 O closely packed; taking little
comparable j 28 1 O able to be compared; similar
compete v 28 1 O to be in rivalry
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conference n 28 1 O a meeting for discussion purposes
contest n 28 1 O a competition
criticism n 28 1 O a judgment about good and bad
criticize v 28 1 O to judge good and bad
denomination n 28 1 O a standard, especially of value
dent n 28 1 O a hollow mark
double j 28 1 O dual; in two parts or twice the
express v 28 1 O to say; show
extent n 28 1 O the degree or limits of something
first-class j 28 1 O best quality and/or costliest
go/went/gone by v 28 1 O to visit; to pass; to follow
hang/hung/hung around v 28 1 O to wait or stay near without
purpose or activity
have in mind e 28 1 O to be thinking of
-ist af 28 1 O stem + -ist = noun
junk n 28 1 O useless articles, poor quality
just in time e 28 1 O at the last possible time or
limited j 28 1 O restricted; confined
luxury n 28 1 O enjoyable things usually not
necessary and often provided by
mention v 28 1 O to talk of
occupied j 28 1 O being used; busy
pleasure n 28 1 O a source of enjoyment
reserve v 28 1 O to keep for a specific purpose
satellite n 28 1 O a body or object that revolves
around another
see/saw/seen about v 28 1 O to look into; to make arrangements
starving j 28 1 O extremely hungry
stay over v 28 1 O to remain for an additional period
of time
verify v 28 1 O to make sure something is true or
alternate v 28 2 O to do
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appropriate j 28 2 O suitable, fit, or proper
bubble n 28 2 O a thin film of liquid or solid
material containing air or gas
coat n 28 2 O the covering or layer over a
coated j 28 2 O having a coat, or covering
desire n 28 2 O a wish or want
desire v 28 2 O to wish or want
dip v 28 2 O to lower then raise
dismount v 28 2 O to get or take down from
fix up v 28 2 O to repair or improve the condition
get one's hands on e 28 2 O to acquire
groove n 28 2 O a long, narrow path, track, or
depression in a surface
hinge n 28 2 O a movable part that joins two
in the first (second, e 28 2 O first, (second, third, etc.) place
-ize af 28 2 O noun/adj + -ize = verb
leave/left/left out v 28 2 O to omit
light bulb n 28 2 O an electric device that emits
line up v 28 2 O to get in line; to align
mal- af 28 2 O wrong or bad
mark n 28 2 O a visible impression
mis- af 28 2 O wrong or bad
mount v 28 2 O to get up on; or put onto
pile n 28 2 O things laid on top of each other
pile v 28 2 O to put items on top of each other
portable j 28 2 O able to be carried
pull apart v 28 2 O to separate with force
roll v 28 2 O to move by turning over and over;
to move on wheels or rollers
slide/slid/slid v 28 2 O to move smoothly on a surface
stack n 28 2 O an orderly pile
stack v 28 2 O to arrange into a neat pile
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teamwork n 28 2 O cooperative effort for a common
trace v 28 2 O to follow
ascend v 28 3 O to move upward
ascent n 28 3 O an act of moving upward
calibrate v 28 3 O to mark, standardize, or adjust a
measuring device
code n 28 3 O a system of symbols used to
transmit secret messages
descend v 28 3 O to come or go down; to move from a
higher to a lower place
descent n 28 3 O the act of going or coming down
die down v 28 3 O to stop gradually or become less
diesel n 28 3 O an internal combustion engine
where air is compressed to a
temperature high enough to ignite
fuel in the cylinder; fuel
fight/fought/fought off v 28 3 O to defend against; to fight to
keep away, push back, or avoid
give/gave/given in (to) v 28 3 O to surrender; to stop opposing
in the course of p 28 3 O during
in the face of p 28 3 O up against; in the presence of;
despite the opposition of; in
spite of
input n 28 3 O that which is put in; power,
energy, or information that is
issue v 28 3 O to give out; to distribute
publicly or officially
minimize v 28 3 O to reduce to a minimum; to place a
low estimate on; to make something
appear to be of little importance
offense n 28 3 O the act of attacking; a wrong; the
act of breaking the law
output n 28 3 O a quantity produced; power or
energy delivered
petroleum n 28 3 O an oily, flammable liquid found

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underground: the source of
gasoline, oil, other lubricants,
prison n 28 3 O a place of confinement; a building
where criminals are kept
prisoner n 28 3 O a person confined in prison; a
person captured or held captive
relating to p 28 3 O concerning
remote j 28 3 O far away; far off in place or time
resistance n 28 3 O the act of resisting; the capacity
to resist; opposition
storage n 28 3 O the act of storing or keeping
things for future use; a place for
store v 28 3 O to keep for future use
systematic j 28 3 O based on a method; organized
take/took/taken on v 28 3 O to agree to do; to hire
theory n 28 3 O an explanation which may or may
not be true, but which is formed
on certain facts
tower n 28 3 O a tall structure sometimes used
for observation
trench n 28 3 O a long, narrow hole cut in the
unite v 28 3 O to join together into one; to join
together for a purpose
vague j 28 3 O not clearly expressed; indefinite;
not having an exact mean meaning
actuate v 28 4 O to put into action
amplifier n 28 4 O an electric device that increases
strength of signal
amplify v 28 4 O to increase strength
beacon n 28 4 O guiding or warning (light or
radio) signal
bearing n 28 4 O relative direction or position
blip n 28 4 O a spot of light on radar screen
blurry j 28 4 O not clear
cable n 28 4 O a thick wire or rope

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cliff n 28 4 O a high, steep, surface of rock
cycle n 28 4 O a regularly repeating occurrence
deflect v 28 4 O to bend or turn aside
distort v 28 4 O to pull or twist out of shape
echo n 28 4 O a reflected sound wave
encircle v 28 4 O to surround
enclose v 28 4 O to close in all around
find one's way e 28 4 O to regain direction
focus v 28 4 O to make image clear by adjusting;
center one's mind on a subject
frequency n 28 4 O the number of occurrences per time
grid n 28 4 O system of squares on a map
horizon n 28 4 O the meeting of earth and sky
image n 28 4 O a copy or likeness of person or
-like af 28 4 O noun + -like = adj.
minute j 28 4 O very small
moderate j 28 4 O of a middle degree
obsolete j 28 4 O out of date
plot v 28 4 O to chart or plan a course
radiate v 28 4 O to emit or send out; to move out
in lines from the center
radiation n 28 4 O movement of light, heat, etc.,
scatter v 28 4 O to spread out
scope n 28 4 O the screen of a radar set; range
or extent
technician n 28 4 O a person skilled in a technical
process or field
terminate v 28 4 O to end
variable j 28 4 O changeable
visual j 28 4 O relating to seeing
adult n 29 1 O a fully grown person, especially
of legal age
bundle n 29 1 O articles fastened together, a
call in v 29 1 O to summon for a particular purpose
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catalog n 29 1 O a list arranged along a specific
come/came/come out v 29 1 O to appear
direct j 29 1 O straight; honest, easily
flaw n 29 1 O a fault, weakness
glow v 29 1 O to shine
goods n 29 1 O merchandise
inventory n 29 1 O a list of goods, property
merchandise n 29 1 O things for sale
minor n 29 1 O a person who is not an adult
one after another e 29 1 O in succession
pass away v 29 1 O to die
periodically a 29 1 O occasionally; intermittently; at
regular intervals
reject v 29 1 O to not accept; refuse
repeatedly a 29 1 O again and again
salary n 29 1 O money paid on a regular basis for
doing something
since then e 29 1 O from a past time until now
stock n 29 1 O goods on hand
take inventory e 29 1 O to make a list of items or goods
take/took/taken in v 29 1 O to understand
take/took/taken leave e 29 1 O to take a vacation
trash n 29 1 O something worth less or of low
wreck v 29 1 O to destroy
-al/-ial af 29 2 O noun + -al/-ial = adj.
alcohol n 29 2 O a solvent; a product of
announce v 29 2 O to cause to be known
balance n 29 2 O remainder; equality
booth n 29 2 O a small enclosed space
brave j 29 2 O having or showing courage
cafe n 29 2 O a restaurant, bar
complicate v 29 2 O to make difficult
courage n 29 2 O bravery
distract v 29 2 O to draw attention from
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draw/drew/drawn v 29 2 O to pull; attract
flavor n 29 2 O taste
get/got/gotten on with v 29 2 O to continue
host n 29 2 O one who receives guests
in connection with p 29 2 O relating to
neighborhood n 29 2 O a small section of city/town
pass on v 29 2 O to give, convey
preserve v 29 2 O to save, keep
rare j 29 2 O not common
relation n 29 2 O a connection
reside v 29 2 O to live in a place
resident n 29 2 O one who resides
rivet n 29 2 O a metal pin used for fastening
segment n 29 2 O a part or section
specify v 29 2 O to state in detail
tin n 29 2 O a metallic element
torch n 29 2 O a device used to weld
tubing n 29 2 O tubes or pipes
tunnel n 29 2 O a passage underground
weld v 29 2 O to unite by melting together
wild j 29 2 O not domesticated; having no
wilderness n 29 2 O a place of rough land where people
don't live
admire v 29 3 O to regard with pleasure and
competent j 29 3 O capable, proficient, able
course of action e 29 3 O a plan, procedure
defy v 29 3 O to resist, oppose
distinct j 29 3 O clear; separate
distinguish v 29 3 O to recognize differences
encourage v 29 3 O to give hope, courage, confidence,
evaluate v 29 3 O to determine the value or degree
exhibit v 29 3 O to demonstrate, display, show
factor n 29 3 O an element contributing to a
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foundation n 29 3 O a solid base on which something is
supported or built
implement v 29 3 O to carry out, put into practice or
incorporate v 29 3 O to unite together, include
integrity n 29 3 O strict honesty, honor, principle
morale n 29 3 O the state of mind of a person or
organization especially with
regard to pride and determination
to succeed
nature n 29 3 O the qualities and characteristics
of a person, personality
outfit n 29 3 O an organization, group of people
working together
outfit v 29 3 O to supply, provide, equip
potential n 29 3 O an existing possibility, ability,
prime j 29 3 O main, first in importance, rank,
or time
relate v 29 3 O to tell; to see or show connection
self af 29 3 O of, by, in, to, or with oneself or
style n 29 3 O a kind or type; a manner, a way of
take/took/taken action e 29 3 O to begin action
take/took/taken charge (of) e 29 3 O to take control (of)
take/took/taken it out on e 29 3 O to express one's feelings by
making someone else suffer; be
unpleasant or unkind to someone
because one is upset or angry
trait n 29 3 O a distinguishing characteristic,
trustworthy j 29 3 O capable of being trusted,
values n 29 3 O standards, people's ideas about
the value of certain qualities
accessory n 29 4 O something extra

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auxiliary j 29 4 O helping; adding support
backbone n 29 4 O the spine; the row of bones
located in the center of the back
blank n 29 4 O an empty space to be filled out on
a printed form
bring/brought/brought about v 29 4 O to cause to happen
by hand e 29 4 O done with the hand as opposed to a
content n 29 4 O what is within an enclosed space;
subject matter of a paragraph,
core n 29 4 O the center; the most important
part of something
curvature n 29 4 O the degree of a curve; being
diseased j 29 4 O having a serious sickness
disk n 29 4 O round, flat object
file v 29 4 O to arrange in order
frame n 29 4 O a structural case which surrounds
or supports something
graph n 29 4 O a type of diagram with
intersecting vertical and
horizontal lines
intense j 29 4 O strong or extreme
kidney n 29 4 O an organ in the body which
separates liquid waste from the
monitor n 29 4 O a computer screen; a person or
device for checking performance
monitor v 29 4 O to watch or check performance
network n 29 4 O a group of things connected, such
as roads, computers, persons, etc.
perspire v 29 4 O to sweat
prove v 29 4 O to demonstrate as true
punch v 29 4 O to make holes in something; hit
with the fist
reveal v 29 4 O to tell or make known
skeleton n 29 4 O the bony frame of the body

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slam v 29 4 O to shut or apply pressure forcibly
spine n 29 4 O backbone; the row of bones located
in the center of the back
strip n 29 4 O a long, narrow piece of land,
tape, or wood
terminal n 29 4 O a station, as in bus, train,
computer, etc.
appreciate v 30 1 O to be grateful for
band n 30 1 O a belt or strap
boost n 30 1 O an increase or rise; an act that
helps or brings encouragement
boost v 30 1 O to raise
cleaners n 30 1 O a place where clothing is cleaned
compliment n 30 1 O an expression of praise or
compliment v 30 1 O to praise or express approval
decorate v 30 1 O to make more pleasing by addition
don't mention it e 30 1 O it's all right
figure n 30 1 O an amount/number; form
fraction n 30 1 O a part of
furnace n 30 1 O a device for giving heat
grateful j 30 1 O thankful or appreciative
hook n 30 1 O a catch for attaching
invite over v 30 1 O to ask to visit
just the same e 30 1 O anyway
keep/kept/kept an eye on e 30 1 O to watch carefully
kid n 30 1 O a child
link n 30 1 O a connection
mate n 30 1 O a companion; spouse; one of a
matched pair
microphone n 30 1 O a device to convert sound to
praise v 30 1 O to express approval
remainder n 30 1 O balance
research n 30 1 O an investigation to get facts
research v 30 1 O to investigate to get facts
souvenir n 30 1 O something that serves as a
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speak/spoke/spoken up v 30 1 O to speak louder
speech n 30 1 O a talk given to an audience
stick/stuck/stuck around v 30 1 O to remain in/at a place
stick/stuck/stuck by v 30 1 O to remain true/faithful
welcome v 30 1 O to greet or accept with pleasure
additive n 30 2 O a substance added to something to
change it in some way
bureau n 30 2 O a government department or
division of a department
compensate (for) v 30 2 O to make payment for; make up for,
or balance out
compressor n 30 2 O a machine that presses or squeezes
gases together
crank n 30 2 O an arm-like device used for
turning things
crumble v 30 2 O to fall apart or break into pieces
deposit n 30 2 O a natural accumulation especially
of a resource such as oil or gas
diminish v 30 2 O to reduce in size or effect
do/did/done away with v 30 2 O to get rid of or eliminate
duct n 30 2 O a tube-like passage for liquids,
gases, etc.
fully a 30 2 O completely
horsepower n 30 2 O a unit for measuring power
in search of p 30 2 O looking for
in working order e 30 2 O in good condition
intake j 30 2 O relating to taking something in
invert v 30 2 O to turn upside down
make/made/made up for v 30 2 O to substitute for, or compensate
for a mistake or offense
mechanized j 30 2 O automated, done with, or having
mercury n 30 2 O a silver-colored poisonous metal
used in thermometers, batteries,
nozzle n 30 2 O a device through which liquid is
discharged; used to speed up or
slow down the flow of liquid
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punish v 30 2 O to set as a penalty
rag n 30 2 O a worn cloth
reciprocate v 30 2 O to move back and forth or up and
residue n 30 2 O that which remains or is left
over, usually after some kind of
chemical or physical process
seep v 30 2 O to move or pass through slowly
simultaneous j 30 2 O occurring at the same time
spray v 30 2 O to discharge liquid in a mass of
small drops
thereby a 30 2 O by that means
underground a 30 2 O below ground
upside down e 30 2 O in a position with the top turned
to the bottom
valve n 30 2 O a device used to control the flow
of liquids or gases
wax v 30 2 O to polish or shine
well n 30 2 O a deep hole which is drilled in
the earth to obtain oil, gas, or
adopt v 30 3 O to take for one's own
ambiguous j 30 3 O not clear in meaning
base v 30 3 O to establish or use as a
foundation for
caution v 30 3 O to warn
commit v 30 3 O to obligate someone to follow a
course of action
concept n 30 3 O an idea or thought
conflict n 30 3 O a fight or war
conflict v 30 3 O to be in opposition to
contingency n 30 3 O an event that is uncertain or
dependent upon something else
contrary to p 30 3 O in opposition to
conventional j 30 3 O usual or ordinary
counter- af 30 3 O against or opposite
derive v 30 3 O to obtain or receive from a source
feasible j 30 3 O capable of being done
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formula n 30 3 O to organize into expression
global j 30 3 O relating to the entire world
in essence e 30 3 O basically or fundamentally
in opposition to p 30 3 O against or opposing
joint j 30 3 O shared by or common to two or more
missing j 30 3 O lost or absent
mobile j 30 3 O movable
mobility n 30 3 O ability to be moved
opponent n 30 3 O a person on the opposing side
originate v 30 3 O to start or create
pattern n 30 3 O a design
policy n 30 3 O a plan of action
political j 30 3 O of or concerning government
priority n 30 3 O preferential order or position
proportion n 30 3 O comparative relation
ratio n 30 3 O proportion
secure v 30 3 O to make firm or safe
security n 30 3 O freedom from danger
setting n 30 3 O time and place; environment
simulate v 30 3 O to give the appearance of, or
tactic n 30 3 O means or plan used to achieve a
task n 30 3 O a job to accomplish
accord n 30 4 O an agreement
amendment n 30 4 O a change
astonished j 30 4 O greatly surprised
astonishing j 30 4 O surprising
back on one's feet e 30 4 O be well again
burn down v 30 4 O to burn to the ground/cause to
condolence n 30 4 O sympathy
constitution n 30 4 O the structure or form of a person
or thing; basic laws of a nation
democracy n 30 4 O a government directed by elected
deserve v 30 4 O to be worthy of; earn
for lack of p 30 4 O because of not having
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for the sake of p 30 4 O for the good of
give/gave/given a ring e 30 4 O to call on telephone
in connection with p 30 4 O in relation to
It's a shame that.... e 30 4 O It's too bad that.
king n 30 4 O a male ruler
mayor n 30 4 O an elected official
office n 30 4 O a public position
pass v 30 4 O to approve
queen n 30 4 O a female ruler
religion n 30 4 O a belief system
religious j 30 4 O devoted; referring to religion
run/ran/run for v 30 4 O to campaign for elected office
senator n 30 4 O an elected official
send/sent/sent for v 30 4 O to request to come
service n 30 4 O a ceremony
set/set/set about v 30 4 O to begin a task
shocked j 30 4 O greatly surprised
shocking j 30 4 O surprising
sympathy n 30 4 O sharing in feeling or emotion
tragic j 30 4 O terrible
What a shame that.... e 30 4 O It's too bad that....
with respect to p 30 4 O in regard to/concerning


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