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Architecture Design

Use case model

Use Case Create a new account

Description User enters the site and fills the
registeration form.
Actor Job seekers

Input User enters theirs necessary

informations to registration form

Precondition User going to the website

Steps 1. User clicks sign-up button
Architecture Design

2. User enter his/her

3. User clicks to create account
Alternate flows N/A
Output Website sends response “Account
successfully created.”
Exception If required data wasn’t submitted
when click create account button
the warning message will be
shown and it will look like
required data
If invalid character(s) placed in
form fields then page will show
warning message
Layout Asymmetrical layout

Use case Make portfolio page

Description User enters the profile page and
fills the portfolio.
Actor(s) Job seekers
Input User enters theirs necessary
informations and puts his/her
cv and put profile photo
Precondition User must be logged in
Steps 1. User clicks profile button
2. User clicks to make
portfolio button
Architecture Design

3. User enters him/her

informations to the page
4. Then clicks the save
Alternate flows N/A
Output Website sends response “Your
portfolio successfully created.”
Exception If invalid character(s) placed in
portfolio’s form fields then page
will show warning message
Layout Single column layout

Use case Search for jobs

Description User puts the keywords to
searchbar and searching for
the proper jobs.
Actor(s) Job seekers
Input User enters keywords to
Precondition User must be in the website
Steps 1. User clicks searchbar for
2. User writes keywords
about job
3. User clicks the search
button or just clicks Enter
Alternate flows N/A
Output Website shows the matching
Architecture Design

Exception If searching keyword(s)

matching information not
found then show “Not found“
Layout Asymmetrical layout

Use case Apply for the jobs

Description User apply for the job(s)
Actor(s) Job seekers
Input N/A
Precondition User must be logged in
Steps 1. User clicks Apply button
2. User review details of
3. User clicks the send
button to send their
portfolio to company
Alternate flows N/A
Output Website shows “Successfully
applied” message
Exception N/A

Layout Asymmetrical layout

Architecture Design

Sequence diagram
Architecture Design

Class diagram

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