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Death for death

Emilie and Yohan are a beautiful couple, Yohan always helps Emilie with the housework,
he is kind, hardworking, while Emilie is of nice character, very calm, patient, without a
doubt the perfect couple, they have good communication,
however, Yohan hides something from Emilie, today in the
morning Emilie woke up and saw Yohan preparing
breakfast, she washed her hands, approached and began
to help him by giving him a good morning kiss.
Yohan: Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?
Emilie: Yes, love, how did you sleep?
Yohan: Fine, fine, do you have plans for today?
Emilie: I didn't have a chance to tell you, but I arranged to go out with the girls and Tom,
Annie said that she had to give us some important news together with Tom.
Yohan: Oh, I guess you already suspect what the meeting might be about.
Emilie: Of course, they have both been very happy lately, they have been married for 2
years and love children, plus Annie is not discreet at all, I understood from the first
moment that it was something related to a baby.
Yohan: Wow, it's amazing, I think that we should also make the family bigger, don't you
Emilie: We will see that later, it will be amazing to have a family, I want a child
Yohan: I want a girl
Emilie: Mmmm, what if better both?
Yohan: That will be difficult, but it is not impossible, it will depend on our luck, I support
that idea hahaha
They finished preparing breakfast and ate, Emilie washed the dishes, and Yohan went to
work in the studio. Meanwhile, Yohan turned on his computer, checked his emails and
saw the threats he had, those he still did not tell Emilie, Patrick kept threatening him with
his death if he did not pay him that money he owed him, Yohan felt angry, but then calmed
down being scared again by what could happen to him or his beloved Emilie, he replied
to one of those emails that he needed more time to collect the money, which was not
ready, he asked for forgiveness hoping that they would take pity on him, he was very
nervous, but he managed to calm down and hide it towards Emilie, he was afraid to tell
him about the scandal in which he had been involved. Yohan despite being a good boy
he had an addiction to gambling, something that Emilie did not know since she hated
those actions which would make her upset with Yohan. In one of many bets he drank a
lot, kept playing and assaulted Patrick, a millionaire mobster, however, Yohan reacted to
seeing him, apologized, but Patrick proposed that if he won a bet with him he would let it
pass, but if he lost he would have to join the mafia with him, he could not refuse otherwise
he would do his best to annoy him until he gave in, he was not convinced by his apology,
while two of his bodyguards held Yohan to prevent him from escaping, Yohan nervously
that day gambled, even though he had been quite lucky with the previous moves in this
one he bet too much, he ran out of money, but he kept playing so as not to join the mafia
and put his beloved at risk because of him, it is well known that to join the mafia you
need a series of requirements, among those sometimes exposing the family, that was
what worried Yohan, as he ran out of money he began to bet with more things, little by
little he began to recover, however, there were still two games left, he had hope of getting
rid of it, but unfortunately he didn't make it, that's how he ended up involved in this.
He already had time since then, precisely because of that Patrick and several people had
already been following him for some time to pay all his debt or to join, he was already
warned of what could happen, Yohan could no longer hide from Emilie, so he requested
more time and to be able to talk about it, he was finally ready to express the truth, he
knew that he could not denounce Patrick or his threats since they also held Emilie's
capture hostage. Emilie knocked on the door and
told her that she was ready to leave, just then a
message came from Patrick, denying her request,
Yohan did not see the message, got up from her
desk and accompanied Emilie to the car, they said
goodbye and Yohan entered the house.
Meanwhile Patrick upset that Yohan did not respond
immediately checked his watch, he decided that he
was ready to go see him and give him a friendly chat
about his debts. He hurriedly got up from his seat, took the car keys, and went to him so
that he could go to see Yohan.
Yohan entered the house, decided to watch TV for a while forgetting to check the emails,
he wanted to de-stress a little, so he preferred to sleep for a while, he would not imagine
what would happen later. A few minutes passed, he woke up because he had a craving
for something, he stopped to look for what was in
the kitchen, but he remembered that he had some
chocolates in his study, so he went to look for
them, suddenly he saw his computer still on, he
was already nothing to turn it off, but he saw
Patrick's messages, he was afraid, so he
checked his accounts, in that he got a photo,
apparently Emilie was having a great time, he saw in the photo what they were eating,
which made him want to go for water to relax a little.
He went to the kitchen, took water and poured a little on his face to relax, noticed that the
kitchen was dirty from the stove, it was full of dirt and grease from meals, he prepared a
bucket and a sponge to clean it, he put a chair also to clean the grease that was on the
top of the wall, but in that they rang the doorbell, Yohan knew that they did not expect
anyone so he did not go to open, he was not even curious
to know who it was, he went up to the chair, grabbed the
sponge and the bucket, began to carve the wall while the
bell still insisted, a little annoyed he decided to get off, but
to his surprise a bullet in his arm made him fall suddenly,
Just entered Patrick next to the bodyguard who collapsed
the door, Patrick had the gun in his hand while Yohan saw
him lying from the ground, Yohan scared begged not to do
anything to him, to which Patrick laughed and said "you have already paid your debt,
today Emilie looked very cute with her hair loose, what a pity that she is no longer there
to tell you", giving her a large strand of Emilie's hair with blood, Yohan cried, promised
revenge, to which Patrick told her "I think not" and shot her in the chest, causing Yohan
to die, Emilie when she returned home called the police immediately, it was there that
she learned of her late husband's problems, but now she would be the one who would
exact revenge, after all appearances deceive, Emilie also had her stories hidden, she
would soon have another victim by her husband's side, since she would later be faced
with more stories in search of the man who killed her beloved, she would become a
murderer feared by many, end.

Teacher, sorry for so much text and in the end not give you a quality story, but I was
inspired by doing this story, which makes me want to do another great story to Emilie to
see how she would become one of the most fearsome killers by mobsters. :D

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