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Task 3 Technology and human development

Cristhian Andres arias Ceron

English B2
Group number: 900005_30

Tutor: Yonny Xavier Galeano.



Technology in humanity has brought with it a series of changes positive and

also negative in certain areas this effect has not been as positive since it
causes displacement of people from their jobs with the advent of
technology, the work of ten or more employees can be done a single
machine, the technology can positively be blow up by of the community
since it shortens labor processes, in the pandemic were able to take full
advantage of technology and find out its great help when the carry out
payments virtual, were created news shapes of work, meetings and the
transformation of as study virtual that self-gone drop taboo of it
traditional, shortening communications with the people, the know use
the Technology can take good advantage but also it is care all you have
your risk and have people that go with bad intentions, by it must be have
caution at time of use the Technology.

The developing of the Technology brought the elderly part advantage for
humanity in different areas, both in the field of health, finance, agriculture,
etc. in a future technology will have reached everyone and it will
give one of the families, facilitating many of their tasks, in the area
of the finance is has dyed agreat impact positive for bankers since it helps
to minimize risks of fraud in the systems, many tools have been combined
for the area of accountants to facilitate accounting of a business where the
counter will reach the point of only analyzing information and
making decisions about what his systems are throwing, so every day
this is improving processes and minimizing expenses in favor of
businessmen, in the field of health we see that with each passing day
studies are advancing to combat diseases that in previous years had no
cure or simply had to be allowed to progress since there was no they had
the resources or the knowledge to stop it, now we can stop the progression
of cancer, which is a disease where human beings are exposed and we are
already seeing advances where people can stop this disease or even
disappear it from their body. In the county of the activity of crops we see
that for human talent it has not been so favorable, specific cases such as
cane cutting, they have begun to bring in machinery to be cut, previously
they had more men doing this work, but with the arrival of these The
machines have displaced several workers, but for the employers it has been
a great help since this minimizes costs and the diseases that each man
acquires in the work of cutting cane, such as rotator cuff wear or carpal
In this epoch the technology is a great help for humanity we can conclude
that it brings benefits to those who know how to use this tool and those
who take advantage of everything it offers, if we do not carry out a good
induction and awareness of the benefits and dangers that we are
exposed to when using technology, we can make serious mistakes,
a swe will be vulnerable to hackers, Despite this, we know that it has
brought us great benefits for both parties as human beings and
businessmen since it shortens communications, the way of interacting and
discovering new social interactions, it helps businessmen to minimize
expenses, to turn their companies to new platforms. of social networks
which have also been of great help to create companies and promote their
products reaching more people with internet access, we see that people
take advantage of this means of communication as a source of employment
where it is being the best paid job surpassing other trades, this is the new
era of marketing, but either we must be so slaves of this since we
will be vulnerable at times when technology does not work, it
makes us remain with our arms crossed,
clear example when we go to the banks and they say that there is no
system, this paralyzes all the operating functions of this, that is why we
must look for alternatives for these situations, where technology
abandons us and we are not so dependent on it.

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