Santiago Perez Lopez - (Template) IO 10 Point Outline Form - Editable Version

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Language A: Language and Literature Internal Assessment

Student outline form

Global issue:

“Examine the ways in which the effect of negative racial stereotyping of muslims on their
identity and treatment in the west is presented through the content and form of one of
the non-literary works and one of the literary texts you have studied.”
Texts chosen
Literary work: Homefire

Non-literary body of work: Sara Rahbar Artwork

Notes for the oral (maximum of 10 bullet points)

● Global issue: [...]
● Introduce Best novel award 2017 > Homefire, 2017, Kamila Shamsie,
Pakistani/British muslim writer. > Pasha family > British family of muslims >
perspectives of the different characters, Isma, Eamonn, Parvaiz, Aneeka, and
Karamat. > explores themes of love, family, duality of Stereotypes/Identity
● Extract: Isma gets called out to get interrogated and searched
○ “Do you consider yourself british?”,“But do you consider yourself british?”
“Shias, homosexuals, the queen, democracy…”
[mention time jump anecdote of aneeka]
○ Enumeration → similar to repetition > describes muslim beliefs >
Repetition → reinforce points > insistence of officer’s beliefs, closed-minded
> extract convenient information
● Introduce Body of work: Oppression series, Sara Rahbar, 2007, Iranian born
contemporary artist > explores the ideas of war, negative stereotyping of muslims,
America, etc.. through art, photography, and sculptures.
● Introduce specific artwork extract: Photography of muslim woman with american
flag veil
○ Symbolism → american flag veil
Juxtaposition → american flag and the word “Terrorist” on her forehead
● Both works > negative racial stereotyping > lose their identity > treated like
terrorists and criminals
Homefire extract → Racially profiling is very common
Sara Rahbar → Perceived identity of muslims > U.S

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Sarah Rahbar Artwork extract

Homefire extract (Page 5 Lines: 4-31)

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