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(a) Define motivation as in accordance with the definition of motivation given by
Huczynski and Buchanan (2010).
(1 mark)
Concept of motivation according to Huczynski and Buchanan (2010) is a
decision-making process through which the individuals choose desired
outcomes and sets in motion the behaviour appropriate to acquiring them.
Three desired outcomes according to Huczynski and Buchanan (2010) are
goals or outcomes, mental process of choosing desired outcome and social
process. Motivation concept is useful as the fact that the impact of motivation,
job satisfaction and morale such as discipline and confidence on performance
are difficult to measure accurately.

(b) Describe three (3) importance of motivation to the organisation /team

(3 marks)
The importance of motivation to the organisation are harder working
employees, fewer mistakes and error, less waste of time and resources, more
suggestions and idea generated, increased job satisfaction and therefore lower staff
turnover which will result more customer satisfaction due to better service from staffs.

The importance of motivation to individual are great job satisfaction towards

individual, improvement health due to lack of stress, improvement career prospect,
finding jobs become more interesting and enjoyable and more suggestions and ideas
can be generated.

The importance of motivation to team could increase cooperation and strong

bond among teammates, all teammates become more commitment towards their
responsibilities and duties and team could generate better idea and innovation.
2. Decide which of Maslow’s categories from the hierarchy of needs the followings are
fit into. Provide explanation to support your answer.

i) New job title iv) Christmas parties

ii) Large pay rises v) Challenging work
iii) Sick pay vi) Enough cash to live on

(6 marks)

2(i) New job title (ego)

New job title is ego needs based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. These needs may be
expressed as wanting the esteem and respect of other people and thinking well of oneself.
While status and promotion can offer short-term satisfaction, building up the job itself and
giving people a greater say in how their work is organized gives satisfaction of a more
permanent nature.
2(ii) Large pay rises (ego)
Large pay rises is ego needs based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. These needs may be
expressed as wanting the esteem and respect of other people and thinking well of oneself.
While status and promotion can offer short-term satisfaction, building up the job itself and
giving people a greater say in how their work is organized gives satisfaction of a more
permanent nature.
2(iii) sick pays (safety or security)
Sick pay is a safety or security needs based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. People want
protection against unemployment, the consequences of sickness and retirement as well as
being safeguarded against unfair treatment. These needs can be satisfied by the rules of
employment for example pension scheme, sick fund, employment legislation etc.
2(iv) Christmas parties (social)
Christmas parties is a social need based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The vast majority of
people want to be part of a group and it is only through group activities that this need can be
satisfied. Thus, the way that work is organized, enabling people to feel part of a group, is
fundamental to satisfaction of this need.
2(v) Challenging work (self-fulfillment)
Challenging work is a self-fulfillment need based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This is
quite simply the need to achieve something worthwhile in life. It is a need that is satisfied
only by continuing success, for example opening and running a new office.
2(vi) Enough cash to live on (basic/ psychological)
Enough cash to live on is a basic or psychological need based on Maslow’s hierarchy of
needs. The things needed to stay alive, such as food, shelter, and clothing. Such needs can be
satisfied by money.
(a) Describe two (2) factors of motivation according to Herzberg’s two-factor
(4 marks)
Herzberg’s model examined two sets of factors that can be used to help get the best out of
workers. The first factor of motivation according to Herzberg’s two-factor theory is hygiene
factors. These are issues that must be addressed to avoid workers becoming dissatisfied with
their jobs. They include:
 Policies and procedures for staff treatment
 Appropriate level of pay and conditions for the job
 Suitable levels of supervision
 Team working and interpersonal relationships at work
 Pleasant physical working environment

The absence of these will reduce satisfaction levels and lead to employees looking for work
elsewhere. However, their presence will not result in positive motivation.

The second factor of motivation according to Herzberg’s two-factor theory is motivators.

These are issues that will motivate workers and stimulate improved performance. According
to Herzberg, they include:
 A sense of achievement
 Recognition of good work by management
 Increasing levels of responsibility
 Career progression and status increases
 Enjoying the job itself
We will notice that the main motivators are to do with the value and satisfaction gained from
the job itself and are largely non-financial in nature. Herzberg argued that the potential boost
to employee motivation caused by increases to pay were in fact extremely limited.
(b) Explain three (3) types of job design introduced by Hertzberg with the relevant
(6 marks)
Herzberg suggested three types of job design that could be an effective tool for motivating
employees. The first type of job design introduced by Hertzberg is job enrichment (vertical
job enlargement). This is a deliberate, planned process to improve the responsibility,
challenge and creativity of a job. It involves giving an employee a greater level of
responsibility and autonomy within their job. Often involving problem solving or delegation.
For instance, an accountant who is currently responsible for producing quarterly management
accounts could have their role enriched so that they also have to submit and explain them to
senior management. The accountant could also be made responsible for dealing with any
unexpected variances that have arisen.
The second type of job design introduced by Hertzberg is job enlargement (horizontal job
enlargement). This is an attempt to widen the employee’s job by giving them a larger
workload. It does not involve higher level work, simply more of the existing work that the
employee already undertakes. While some employees may see larger roles as higher-status,
Herzberg argued that there was relatively little motivational benefit.
The third type of job design introduced by Herzberg is job rotation. This is the planned
rotation of staff between jobs to alleviate monotony and provide a fresh, challenging job. The
documented example quotes a warehouse gang of four workers, where the worst job was
tying the necks of sacks at the base of the hopper after filling. Job rotation would ensure that
equal time was spent by each individual on each job. While this would reduce boredom for
workers, Herzberg argued that it would often simply improve satisfaction, rather than
providing motivation.

4. Sonya lacks confidence. Her boss wants to motivate her by showing her that she has
regularly exceeded targets in the past.
Which aspect of the Vroom model is being focused on here? Explain your answer.
(2 marks)

The aspect of the vroom model that is being focused about Sonya’s situation is
expectancy. The perceived profitability of success is being modified, not the value of
the reward.

5. Highly satisfied employees always show increased levels of productivity in an

organization if compared to dissatisfied employees.
Is this statement true or false? Support your answer with an example.
(2 marks)
This statement is false. This is because satisfaction looks at whether the worker is
content with their existing job and not looking for another. It does not necessarily
mean that they are working harder within their role.
(Total: 24 marks)

Answer is based on the given scenario.

1. BED Plc. offers the following rewards to all of its 250 employees:

A Salary
B Career progression
C Holiday entitlement intrinsic rewards-related to the job itself
D Enjoyment of the job extrinsic rewards- outside of the job role
E Level of satisfaction
F Higher level decision-making
G Company car
H Sick pay allowances
I On the job training of new recruits
J Maternity leave entitlement
K Bonus payment
L Self-fulfillment of the job


Identify which of the rewards from the above are extrinsic rewards and intrinsic rewards by
categorizing each reward according to its types of reward in below given table.

Intrinsic Rewards Extrinsic Rewards

D- enjoyment of the job J-maternity leave entitlement
B- career progression K- bonus payment
I-On the job training new recruits H- sick pay allowances
E- level of satisfaction G-company car
L- self-fulfillment of the job C-holiday entitlement
F-higher level decision making A-salary
(6 marks)
2. There are a number of different theories surrounding the motivation of employees. The
following are examples of specific terms from these models.

A Theory X = assumes that individuals have an inherent dislike for work and will avoid it if
they can
B Theory Y = asserts that work is as natural as play or rest
C Valence = the strength of an individual’s preference for an outcome
D Expectancy = the individual’s perception that the behavior will result in a particular


The following sentences contain gaps which specify the appropriate term from the above list.
Complete the gap by choosing from the above A, B, C, or D. You can choose to rewrite the
term or just write A, B, C or D.

i) If Christoph, as a manager at Bombolini Ltd, acts in an autocratic manner and fails to

include staff when making decisions, this may be a sign that he is a _____A________
(1 mark)
ii) In order to motivate employees, Shirley, a manager at Beardy and Co. increases the bonus
employees can earn each year, from 10% of their salary to 20% of their salary. This increases
the _____C_______________ of the reward, increasing motivation.
(1 mark)

iii) At Addell& Sons, its workers are taking decisions on their own and very much self-
motivated. Hence, managers at Addell& Sons are practicing _______B______________ of
McGregor’s theory.
(1 mark)

iv) Olivia lacks confidence in her daily interaction with her colleagues. Her boss wants to
motivate her by showing her that she has regularly exceeded targets in the past. Shirley’s boss
is being focused on ___________D________ of the Vroom model.
(1 mark)
(Total: 4 marks)
(Total mark: 10 marks)

Full mark: 34 marks

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