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1. What is OSHA?
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) was enacted on 25th February 1994 with the
intent to ensure safety, health and welfare of all persons at all places of work. It was
promulgated based on the self-regulation concept with the primary responsibility of
ensuring safety and health at the workplace lying with those who create the risks and work
with the risks. The Act also provides for a consultative process at the policy level with the
establishment of National Council for Occupational Safety and Health. This consultative
process extends to where safety and health programs are implemented with both employers
and employee representative as members of safety and health committee.

The Act contains 67 sections, divided into 15 parts and appended with 3 schedules. The first
three parts state the objects of the Act and provide the infrastructure for appointment of
officers and the National Council. The essences of the Act are the provisions in Part IV to VI.
These parts provide for the general duties for those who create the risks e.g., employer, self-
employed person, designer, manufacturer, supplier, etc and those who work with the risks
i.e. employees. How the Act is to be implemented and enforced are stipulated in other parts.

It is hoped that this document would contribute to the promotion of safety and health
culture in Malaysian workplaces. This guideline is published with the intention to provide
detail information and assistance to those enforcing the Act. It may also be useful for those
working towards ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Act. Grey areas in the Act
have been identified and guidance given on them.

2. What regulation under OSHA talk about chemical?

Occupational Safety And Health (Use And Standards Of Exposure Of Chemicals Hazardous To
Health) Regulations 2000 & Occupational Safety And Health (Classification, Labelling And
Safety Data Sheet Of Hazardous Chemicals) Regulations 2013

3. What is the regulation talk about?

Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standard of Exposure Chemical Hazardous to
Health) Regulations 2000 (USECHH Regulations) was made to provide a legal framework to
control exposure of chemical hazardous to health at workplace.

Occupational Safety and Health (Classification, Labelling and Safety Data Sheet of Hazardous
Chemicals) Regulations 2013 main objective is to ensure chemicals supplied provide
sufficient information on hazards of chemicals, so as to mitigate the risk of accidents
happening at the workplace.

4. Why employer and employee shall know the act & regulation?
Under USECHH Regulations, an employer is required to identify and register all chemical
hazardous to health used at workplace and record in a register known as Register of
Chemical Hazardous to Health.

Chemical Definitions
1. Definitions of ‘chemical’ and ‘chemical hazardous to health’ in USECHH regulation.
"chemicals" means chemical elements, or compounds or mixtures thereof, whether natural
or synthetic, but does not include micro-organisms;
2. Chemical Properties – solid, liquid or gaseous form
3. Chemical hazards – Health Effects, Fire & Explosion and Environmental Impact
4. Chemical Exposures – Route of entry (Inhalation, absorption, ingestion, injection)
5. Type of Chemical Exposure - Acute, Chronic, Environmental Pollution, Fire & Explosion
6. Consequences if not apply control measure –
i. Acute: shortness of breath, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, respiratory
irritation and lung injury, cyanosis
ii. Chronic: cancer, reproductive effects, genetic changes, damage to nervous system,
Review Safety Data Sheet
1. What is Safety Data Sheet?
“Safety Data Sheet” means an updated information sheet required under Part V containing
information relevant to hazardous chemicals;
2. Why SDS is important?
The safety data sheet provides information such as the properties of each chemical; the
physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety
precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical. It’s also provides
information on how to safely store such substances, as well as whether personal protective
equipment (PPE) is needed when using the product. Most important is information
regarding hazardous waste disposal of that substance.
3. What CLASS 2013 & USECHH 2000 explained about SDS?
 CLASS stated that SDS
 USECHH stated that SDS
4. Currently Chemical use for thermal fogging is Aqua Resigen & Gokilaht-S 5EC. All information
in regards these chemicals have been captured inside their own SDS. After CLASS 2013 is
gazette, all SDS shall in compliant with GHS which all safety data sheets must have the GHS-
specified, 16 section format and include certain types of information in each section.
Section 1—Identification: Product identifier, manufacturer or distributor name, address,
phone number, emergency phone number, recommended use, and restrictions on use.
Section 2—Hazard(s) identification: All hazards regarding the chemical and required label
Section 3—Composition/Information on ingredients: Information on chemical ingredients
and trade secret claims.
Section 4—First-aid measures: Required first aid treatment for exposure to a chemical and
the symptoms (immediate or delayed) of exposure.
Section 5—Fire-fighting measures: The techniques and equipment recommended for
extinguishing a fire involving the chemical and hazards that may be created during
Section 6—Accidental release measures: Steps to take in the event of a spill or release
involving the chemical. Includes: emergency procedures, protective equipment and proper
methods of containment and cleanup.
Section 7—Handling and storage: Precautions for safe handling and storage, including
Section 8—Exposure controls/Personal protection: OSHA’s permissible exposure limits
(PELs), threshold limit values (TLVs), appropriate engineering controls, and personal
protective equipment (PPE).
Section 9—Physical and chemical properties: The chemical’s characteristics.
Section 10—Stability and reactivity: Chemical stability and possible hazardous reactions.
Section 11—Toxicological information: Routes of exposure (inhalation, ingestion, or
absorption contact), symptoms, acute and chronic effects, and numerical measures of
Section 12—Ecological information: How the chemical might affect the environment and the
duration of the effect.
Section 13—Disposal considerations—describes safe handling of wastes and methods of
disposal, including the disposal of any contaminated packaging.
Section 14—Transportation information—includes packing, marking, and labeling
requirements for hazardous chemical shipments.
Section 15—Regulatory information—indicates regulations that apply to chemical.
Section 16—Other information—includes date of preparation or last revision.

Risk Assessment for Application of Insecticidal Fogs Using Thermal Fogger

For thermal fogger activity, there are not only present of chemical hazard. There are many hazards
associated in each step of ther activity. Below is the list of hazard and control measure that have
been captured in each steps of the activity.

1. Setting up Thermal Fogger

2. Application of
Fog using
Thermal Fogger
3. Shutting Down
Thermal Fogger

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