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This chapter of the study gives an outline of research methods that will be

used by the researchers. The researchers describe the research design and

states why that was chosen type. It provides information about the participants,

the sampling technique and the sample that are going to use.

Research Design

This study employed Quantitative Research specifically, Correlational

Research Design to briefly know the Status of ICT integration in teaching

specialized subjects and the interest in learning of the Grade-12 Stem student in

OMNHS SY. 2022-2023.

Descriptive-correlational method will be used in this study. Ritchie et al.

(2013) opined that by using the descriptive method the researcher will be able to

observe a large mass of target population and make required conclusions about

the variables. The researcher by using descriptive research can effectively

design a pre-structured questionnaire with both open ended and closed ended

questions. The information collected from the responses of can be statistically

presented in this type of research method for the easy interpretation of the report

users. Since the researcher is trying to analyze the status of integration of ICT in

teaching specialized subjects, the researcher should effectively use the

descriptive method in order to statically analyze the data.

A non-experimental research methodology is correlational research

design. There is no independent variable manipulation in this research

methodology. The link between one or more quantitative independent variables

and one or more quantitative dependent variables is examined in correlational


Correlational research is the best method for swiftly collecting data from

real-world contexts. There are a few circumstances when correlational research

is the best option, since it enables you to apply your findings to actual situations

in a way that is externally valid.

Respondents of the Study

To determine the total respondents for this study, Slovins formula will be

utilized. The respondents will be the 182, who were taken from 334 Grade 12

Senior High School students in STEM strand of Oriental Mindoro National High

School in SY 2022-2023.

The respondents of the study will be selected using proportional stratified

random sampling technique. The size of the respondents will be determined with

the use of Slovin’s simple random sampling formula shown below:

n= 2
1+ N e

Where: n = sample size

N = population
e² = margin of error
The computation of the total sample respondents follows.

1+(334) ¿ ¿





To get the actual sample number of the student-respondents per section

in Grade 12 STEM strand, The computations follow:

section of Grade 12 STEM population

Respondents per section= × samplesize
total population

Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents

Remann 59 32
Leibniz 55 30
Roentgen 60 33
Planck 56 31
Hawking 52 28
Pythagoras 52 28
Total 334 182
Research Instrument

A two-part, self-made questionnaire was the main research instrument for

this study. The first section was made up of a series of questions addressing the

state of ICT integration in the teaching of specialized courses as projected by

observation, interviewing, and surveying data from those chosen Senior High

School students. The second section covered topics that the students' interest in

learning revealed through data collection, analysis, and evaluation as well as

conclusion-drawing and evaluation.

Data Gathering Procedures

Through a letter of request, the researchers petitioned the principal of

Oriental Mindoro National High School for permission to perform the study.

After the request was granted, the researchers personally gave the

questionnaires to the study's participants. The responders received the

questionnaire directly, one by one. The respondents are gathered in a classroom

by the researchers with the assistance of teacher-advisers to make

administration easier. All raw scores were then manually tallied, categorized, and

sorted. These were statistically handled using the proper statistical software in

Microsoft Excel.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In treatment of data, descriptive statistics like frequency, percentage, and

rank were utilized to describe the study's variables. Multiple Regression was

used to examine how well the independent and dependent variables correlated.
The statistical methods that were used in the analysis of data gathered are

the following:

Slovin’s Formula. Solivin’s formula is used to calculate the sample size

(n) given the population size (N) and a margin of error (e). It is a random

sampling technique formula to estimate sampling size.

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