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Learning Area TLE-AFA-HORTICULTURE Grade Level Nine

W6 Quarter Three Date March 15, 2021


II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING LO 1. Prepare and maintain farm facilities
COMPETENCIES 1.2. Perform maintenance activities to maximize efficiency and effectiveness of
(MELCs)/CURRICULUM GUIDE nursery facilities (TLE_AFHC9- 12OH-IIIa-j-1 page 8-9)

III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Maintenance activities of nursery facilities

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction 60 minutes The lesson deals with the maintenance of farm facilities. It includes
Panimula cleaning and repairing of defective farm tools, implements and equipment.

Repair – to restore to good working order, fix, or improve damaged

Maintenance – work that is done regularly to keep a machine, building, or
piece of equipment in good condition and working order

Simple Repair and Modification of Tools and Implements

“Simple garden tools are simple to repair”. Spend a little time checking your
garden tools for things to fix and recycle.

To replace a tool handle:

1. Clamp the tool blade in a bench vise.

2. Remove the handle from the hasp using a drill, hammer, or
other tools as needed.
3. Insert the new handle into the hasp.
4. Tighten the handle in the hasp using fasteners. Use a screw
and screwdriver to firmly attach the handle to the tool head.

To fix a leaky hose:

1. Cut through the hose on either side of the bad section using
a sharp knife.
2. Attach male and female hose couplings to the cut ends,
following the directions that come with the couplings. If the
new hose fittings don't slide in easily, try softening the ends
of the hose in hot water or lubricating them with soap or
cooking oil.

To fix a broken tooth of rake/fork:

Bring this to the shop and weld the broken portion of the tools.
Do the same with the other tools and implement that need
welding. For farm machineries that need repair, contact expert
mechanics to the job.

B. Development 60 minutes Directions: In a sheet of paper copy the table as shown below. Write
Pagpapaunlad different ways on how you will restore, fix or improve into good condition the
damaged tools and implements. 5 points for each tools and implements.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities

Condition of Tools and Implements Simple Repair and Modification

To replace a tool handle

To fix a leaky hose

To fix a broken tooth of rake/fork

C. Engagement 60 minutes Directions: Following the Simple Repair and Modification of Tools and
Pakikipagpalihan Implements, assess your ability to perform the given task in repairing and
modifying damaged tools and implements. Put a check (/) mark on
personal assessment in either Yes or No. Share your Interpretation/ insights
why you have come up with that personal assessment.

Simple Repair and Modification of Tools Personal Assessment

and Implements
Yes No

To replace a tool handle of Pick-


1. Clamp the tool blade in a bench


2. Remove the handle from the

hasp using a drill, hammer, or
other tools as needed.

3. Insert the new handle into the


4. Tighten the handle in the hasp

using fasteners. Use a screw and
screwdriver to firmly attach the
handle to the tool head.

To fix a leaky sprinkler:

1. Cut through the hose on either

side of the bad section using a
sharp knife.

2. Attach male and female hose

couplings to the cut ends,
following the directions that
come with the couplings. If the
new hose fittings don't slide in
easily, try softening the ends of
the hose in hot water or
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
lubricating them with soap or
cooking oil.

To fix a broken tooth of harrow:

1. Bring this to the shop and weld

the broken portion of the tools.

2. Do the same with the other tools

and implement that need
welding. For farm machineries
that need repair, contact expert
mechanics to the job.

Write your Interpretation/ insights why you have come up with that
personal assessment.

D. Assimilation 30 minutes Directions: In a sheet of bond paper draw your own modified farm tools.
Paglalapat Explain the name and materials needed in making your modified farm tools
and your idea about its modification.

(Name of modified farm tool/s)

Descriptions: _______________________________________________.

Criteria Score

1. Idea/ Concept 60
2. Presentation/ Illustration 20
3. Cleanliness 20
Total 100

V. ASSESSMENT 30 minutes Directions: Complete the statement below by writing the missing words on a
(Learning Activity Sheets for
piece of paper. Select your answer on the words provided inside the box
Enrichment, Remediation or
Assessment to be given on Weeks below.
3 and 6)

To replace a tool handle 1. _________ the tool blade in a bench vise.

Remove the 2. __________from the hasp using a drill, hammer, or other tools
as needed. 3.__________the new handle into the hasp to tighten the handle
in the hasp using fasteners. Use a screw and 4. ____________ to firmly attach
the handle to the tool head. To fix a leaky hose 5. __________ through the
hose on either side of the bad section using a sharp knife. Attach male and
female hose 6. __________ to the cut ends, following the directions that
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
come with the couplings. If the new hose fittings don't slide in easily, try 7.
_________ the ends of the hose in hot water or lubricating them with soap or
cooking oil. To fix a broken tooth of rake/fork 8. _________this to the shop and
weld the broken portion of the tools. Do the same with the other tools and 9.
__________ that need welding. For farm 10. ______________ that need repair,
contact expert mechanics to the job.

Handle Screwdriver Insert Cut

Couplings Softening Bring Implement

Machineries Clamp Tighten

VI. REFLECTION  In your notebook, write your personal insights about the lesson
using the prompt below.
I realize that, modification/repair and modification of tools and
Implements are important because: ________________________.



Key to correction
Task1 Task 2 Task 3

It depends on their It depends on their It depends on their

answer answer answer

Task 4

1. Clamp
2. handle
3. Insert
4. Screwdriver
5. Cut
6. Couplings
7. Softening
8. Bring
9. Implement
10. Machineries

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