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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name Liza Price Activity Title: At the Farm

Number of children participating at one time: 9 Ages: 3 – 4 years

Ohio Early Domain: Approaches Toward Learning

Learning &
Strand: Initiative
Standards: Topic: Planning, Action, and Reflection
List at least 1 Standard Statement: Develop, initiate, and carry out simple plans to obtain a goal.
standard that is
addressed by this
activity. Write Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
out each
component Sub Domain: Science
completely and Strand: Science Inquiry and Application
exactly, as
published in Topic: Inquiry
Standard Statement: Record observations using pictures, words, charts, graphs, etc.
Standard Statement: Uses simple tools to extend an investigation.
Lesson Children will be exploring what they will see on a farm. We will be talking about and exploring some of the
different materials we will see on our field trip at the end of the week. Children will be using cameras / tablets to
take photos and find items for their scavenger hunt. Children will be making real life connections to the items they
find on the farm as they investigate and explore.

Estimated This lesson will take about 200 minutes. I plan on dividing the lesson into four days.

Preparation of What preparation is needed? Contact Lehner Farms to set up a school scheduled tour explaining what we will be
materials and doing. Preparing the scavenger hunt checklist. Buying a few of the items on the scavenger hunt list for students to
environment explore prior to the field trip.

What materials will be used? Ipad, camera, paper, magnifying glasses, flashlights, scale, bowls, scoops

How will the learning environment be set up? Day one the environment will be set up during our large gathering
time on the carpet together. The tv will be on ready for the children to watch the short videos and we will read the
story The Big Red Barn for our morning story.
Day two the environment will be set up with three investigation tables with multiple tools placed on each table for
the children to explore. Corn, a small pumpkin, gourd, leaves and pinecones will be spread across the table for the
children to examine. Paper and pencils will be on the table as well for children to draw pictures as they observe the
items. A camera will also be on each table for the children to take photos of the items as needed.
Day three the environment will be Lehner’s Pumpkin Farm where the children will explore the farm with their
group and designated chaperone.
Day four the environment will again be set up with three investigation tables like day two but with the new items
from the farm added to each table. Students will now be comparing the items and photos found at the farm
compared to the items from Tuesday.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:
First 20 minutes: Introductory activity- Students will engage in conversations about what they think a pumpkin patch is, they will
discuss if they have ever been to a pumpkin patch, and what they think they will see when we go to the pumpkin patch on Wednesday.
Students will watch two YouTube videos about Lehner’s Pumpkin Farm to see where we will be going and some of the things we will
be seeing!
YouTube video one:
YouTube video two:

Day 2: 30-minute investigation – Students will investigate some of the items they named yesterday that they believe we will be seeing
on our field trip tomorrow. Children will be exploring how much items weigh, making observations about their size, weight, and
contents. Items and observations will be kept for our final activity on Thursday. To explore these objects children will be using
technology items such as flashlights, iPad, camera photos, magnifying glasses and scales as tools.
At the end of this activity students will receive a paper copy of their scavenger hunt list for tomorrow. We will go over the 15 items on
the list and split into groups of 3 to complete our scavenger hunt the next day. Students will decide if they will be using classroom
cameras or iPad to take pictures and record the items found for their list. Each list will have a special item for that specific group to be
responsible for finding and bringing back to the classroom for the next day.

Day 3: Students will arrive at the pumpkin patch and split into their groups with their chaperones. Children will receive their iPad or
camera, along with their scavenger hunt list. Students will have 120 minutes to explore the farm, find the items on their scavenger
hunt list, and retrieve their special item.

Day four: 30–50-minute investigation – Students will take their observations from Tuesday and use them as they compare the items
retrieved and seen during their visit to Lehner’s Pumpkin Farm. Children will share their photos with the class to see which items they
found that were same and which items they found that were different. Students will share their special object with the class and set it
out on the table to use for the investigation. Students will once again use their technology tools (magnifying glasses, scales,
flashlights, cameras, iPad) to examine the differences in the items from Tuesday and Wednesday. Which pumpkins were bigger, what
are the differences in corn bought from the store versus the corn brought back from the farm? How many seeds are inside the pumpkin
you found at the farm verses the pumpkin bought at the store?

Extension A website about the life cycle of a pumpkin for the children to watch as we
talk about where pumpkins come from, exploring the farm they grow on and what the need to get bigger and bigger.

Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted
or accelerated students: having a child figure out the missing letters of the words in the scavenger hunt for these children who are
working on site words and letter sounds / spelling.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material: Using photos of
the items needing to be found for the children who are younger to go along with the spelling of the word.

Vocabulary: comparing, scavenger, farm, barn, life cycle,

For teachers Ipad, magnifying glasses, flashlights, scale, camera, tv

For students Ipad, magnifying glasses, flashlights, scale, camera, tv

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