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Learning styles are the cognitive and physiological characteristics that students use to perceive

and participate in learning. We must be keeping in mind the following.

Learning Styles are cognitive, physiological, and affective characteristics that reflect how students
perceive, interact with, and respond to various learning situations.

When we educators desire to apply all of the theoretical knowledge we have into experience,
theory and practice can become the worst enemies a teacher can have. We understand that each
student is the only individual and that each situation requires an exceptional approach to
information acquisition. Students must be able to rank, organize, and prioritize their learning in
addition to employing their cognitive and metacognitive skills.

However, we should not confuse learning styles with the various strategies that each person
employs when learning. Individuals' learning approaches and tactics are usually strategies that
they have been acquiring (sometimes even by themselves), sometimes with less or more

Some teachers believe that learning style preferences are more important than learning styles
themselves; for example, some people prefer learning with images, while others prefer to study
simply with text, and yet others prefer to learn in groups. As a result, some styles may not be
appropriate for particular individuals. As a result, the holistic approach to teaching and learning is
a mix of theory and practice that varies with each student.

"A learner´s learning style can be defined as how he or she begins to focus on new and difficult
knowledge, deals with it, and retains it."

Each person learns at a different speed, has a variable level of curiosity, and even has a varied level
of interest. There are those who learn best through hearing, others through sight, yet others
through a combination of factors, and still others through a combination of elements. Learning has
the potential to understand each circumstance, every individual, so each situation in which they
may find themselves.

Preference for visual contact in the visual representation system. They struggle with writing, but
photos, films, and other visual aids help them learn more effectively. They are frequently good
students at visual memory or illustrating what they are learning. We can sometimes observe them
drawing symbols in their notes because they need extra visual aid in their learning process. For
these kids who have a more developed learning style, educational videos available now on the
internet are a very effective way to learn, and they will undoubtedly feel more relaxed.
The auditory perception system: auditory interaction choice is unusual in that it has a listening-
based learning preference. For this type of learner with this dominating learning style, for
example, face-to-face dialogues in which they are compelled to listen are really beneficial
scenarios. Many students use this method to record their classes and then listen to them silently
subsequently. They have a better aural memory than other people.

Preference for interacting with content in the kinesthetic schema. For these individuals, laboratory
lessons, for example, are ideal. Another example is learning to type on a keyboard; people who are
learning this skill learn more effectively when they engage with the content. They must be able to
sense the learning. It is sometimes assumed that these people are slower learners; however, this is
not totally true; when they learn, the knowledge is recorded in a far more detailed manner, and
they may never forget it.

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