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A10 – ESSAY 2 (3 points)

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Tuesday 25th October 2022

“To write a biographical paragraph about how you,

or someone you know (a friend or family member), overcame an obstacle”

FINAL WRITING TASK - See pages 55 - 59 for guidance.

Please write your paragraph here:

(Remember to try and use vocabulary and grammar that we have learned in the unit).
Many people throughout their lives go through many obstacles, and it is precisely these
obstacles that help us to learn new things, to better face our path through this life, and
thus also to develop ourselves as people since it is these obstacles that help to be better
people not only for our family but also for society.

When I was in high school, I met my friend Esmeralda. I can tell that she was very bad at
math. She could solve some math problems, but she was never good enough because
she failed all her tests. She said that when she finished school, she would study a career
that had nothing to do with numbers because she would undoubtedly fail, this is something
that accompanied her throughout her time at school.

But it was not her only problem, she could not speak English, and it was very difficult for
her to pronounce and study grammar. She said that all this confused her. Another problem
she had is that she couldn't stand up and speak in front of an audience. That terrified her a
lot because her nerves always betrayed her, and she ended up forgetting everything she
had studied which is why she was terrified to go out in public.

This affected her a lot because she thought about her future and did not know what she
wanted to study when she finished high school. She wanted a career without math and
English, but almost all careers had those courses. She was also worried that all the
negative comments that she received from her because she was afraid that all that would
come true and worst of all she thought that if that happened, she would fail her parents.
When we finished school, she decided to undertake a challenge and she began to leave
behind the negative comments of her classmates, and she began to study a career that
was interesting to her since it was more math and English. She studied this career to show
that she could learn these courses and put them into practice all her life

She knows that they were the courses that did the worst for her in school, but as she said,
I don't know how I was able to study this career and pass each university cycle and finish
it. She has now completed her business administration degree and is working at a
company in the area. She mentions that her first few months were very difficult but with a
lot of dedication and determination, she was able to learn, although she spent many hours,
but she always succeeded.

In conclusion, we are all capable of achieving anything we set out to do, and this is a clear
example that we can do it, no matter how difficult it seems, nor does it matter how bad
comments we receive, as long as we do our part to be able to do it, we can do everything,
what we propose.

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