Health Center

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The Health Center Pavilion would work as a health community space.

It would be located near the

Zona Areological of Cholula and two soccer fields by the sides is located on 8 west and 3 north
avenues. Its function is that people can go to a nice space where 3 rectangular modules would be
divided working as small offices where medical appointments will be made, each module would be
for, a nutritionist a psychologist and for a general doctor they would be working for any rush or
need people could have. For a complement this space would be really nice for making relaxing
exercises like meditations or yoga on the middle of the triangular polycarbonate ceiling,3 paths
from the modules would be giding you to the center of the space where people would take their
mat of yoga and could gather together and have a yoga class with a nice view to the trees that
surround the space and have a view to the Cholula chapel while exercising or going out of your
medical appointment. What I try to transmit in this space is while you are on a medical
appointment everything its close and you don´t like going to the doctor so this a relaxing space
where medical people would help you on any rush on your health and evolve you to create a
better way of living by exercising, helping you knowing your mental health, and also on creating a
good diet day by day.In Cholula there´s not a health center with this type of services ,and as I
mention two soccer fields are located on the sides of the pavilion so if a player has any
inconvenient or needs help could be really helpful for them ,as well people visiting the zona
arquelogica can also enjoy the relaxing workout by the yoga and meditation classes. This space will
give you the opportunity to complement the expectation, of a sustainable space with a uniquely
style by a self-supporting space. The rectangular modules that work as Clinique’s for each of the
different utilities for the health of people have a 4x3.5 dimension, and the ceiling triangular
structure has a 15x15x15 dimension. The ceiling would be divided by triangular sections made of
Macrolux crystal policarbonated sheets which offers excellent resistance to impacts,it is a great
thermal insulator, it saves energy,withstands thermal deformation and has a high degree of
transparency for a great illumination to the space,fits indoors and outdoors resistant and will be
supported on light structural aluminum profile. The path designed to direct you to the center will
be made of concrete create as if they were steps of .3 x.6 guiding you to the center. The modules
would be made of bamboo which is a sustainable and renewable material taken from the outsides
sedlings located on Veracruz and Oaxaca, structured and atached with triangular sections
supported by will be supported on anodized hollowed albamobic aluminum beams, the hollowed
aluminum would be used because we are working with not really heavy and expensive materials
attaceched to the bamboo beams. The ceiling of the modules would be made of metal torsion
spring with an almond effect which is a resistant and sustainable aluminum material. Each module
will have a foundation of about 1.00m x 1.00m and 0.20m thick. Based on Concrete And a 1/8 steel
plate this will also work as the floor for the modules. Since this is a space where people will
healtheir body and become a better person we desire this space to transmit the harmony of peace
and feel comfortable in the atmosphere.

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