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1º, 2º, 3º

• Dalí (D):
• Picasso (P):
• Velázquez (V):
• El Greco (EG):
• Miró: (M):
• Red (R):
• Blue (B):
• Yellow (Y):
• Orange (O):
• Green (G):
• Purple (PU):
• Pink (PI):
• White (W):
• Black (BK):
• All Colours (AC):




Marta and Moncho

1925, Cadaqués. Spain.

(Dalí, with his moustache and strange face, near a wide window. He’s working on “Woman
at the window”) (He has a colour palette and he’s worried about something)

D- Mmmmmm (Thinking) What colour should I use now? (Looking at the palette) I don’t

(Shooting of the colour palette. Close zoom)

B- (To Yellow) He’s going to choose me. I know. I’m the color of the sea and the sky.
Y- (To Blue) I’m sure that he will choose me, not you. I’m the colour of the sun...
R- (To Y and B) Shut up!!! He’s going to say something.

(D raises the paintbrush) (Shooting from above of the colour palette)

AC- Choose me!!! Choose me!!! Choose me!!!!

(D wets his paintbrush in R)

R- Yess, yess!!! Thank you. I’m the colour of the blood and many flowers. (Looking at the

(D proud of himself)

D- This is the colour I need.

1917, Barcelona. Spain.

(Picasso in his study painting the “Harlequin”)

P- I’d like to use lots of colours in this painting. First, I need Orange....

(Shooting of the colours R and Y)

R/Y- Use us!!! Use us!!!

(P thinking...)

P- How can I get Orange? Maybe......

(He wets the paintbrush in Y and R) (Y and R very happy) (Y hugs R) (O shows up)

O- I’m the mix between Yellow and Red. I’m the colour of a delicious fruit. The orange.

(P proud of himself)

P- That’s what I need.....

(Years later....)

1937, Paris. France.

(Picasso once again. Painting the “Guernica”)

P- Now, I’m going to create a Black and White painting.

(Shooting from above of the colours W and BK)

BK/W- (Really happy) Oooooeee, oeeee, oeeeee, oeeeee, oeeeeeee.......

BK- I’m the colour of the night (Looking at the camera)
W- I’m the colour of the snow (Looking at the camera)
BK- (To W) Hey!!! What happens if we get mixed?
W- The result is Grey.

(Use silvered bags. BK/W both in grey jumping and laughing)

BK/W (in Grey)- We are the colours of many metals.

1656, Toledo. Spain.

(Velázquez painting “The Meninas”)

V- This portrait is very difficult but it will be my master piece. Now I need Green. (He looks
at the palette) What can I do?

(Y and B jumping and shouting)

Y/B- Mix us!!! Mix us!!!!!

V- I’ll try with Yellow and Blue.

(B hugs Y) (G shows up)

G- I’m the mix between Blue and Yellow. I’m the most beautiful colour in the world. I’m the
colour of the grass and the trees.

(V proud of himself)

V- Perfect!!!

1587, Toledo. Spain.

(El Greco painting “The burial of Count Orgaz”)

EG- What a sad picture but I’ll try to do my best. The painting is very dark but now I need

(B and R jumping and shouting)

B/R- Here!!!! Here!!!!!

EG- I’ll use Blue and Red. Let’s see what happens.

(R hugs B)

PU- I,m the mix between Red and Blue. I’m the colour of many flowers and I’m always in
the rainbow.
(EG proud of himself)

EG- Hurraaa!!!! This is the colour.

1949, Barcelona. Spain.

(Miró painting “Woman and bird under the moonlight”)

M- I know my paintings are strange but this one will last forever.... I need Pink for the
bird....What colours should I mix?

(R and W jumping and shouting)

R/W- We are the ones!!!!!!

M- Maybe...... Red and Yellow....
Y- (Very happy)Yes, me!!!!
W- Noooo, noooo!!! It’s me!!!!
M- No, no...White will be better...

(Y sad and W happy) (R hugs W) (PI shows up)

PI- I’m the mix between Red and White. I’m the colour of many flowers and pink flamingos.
M- Beautiful Pink I’ve got. That’s right.


AC- You can use us whenever you need. Bye bye (Jumping and huging each other)

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