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A. Deskripsi

Modul yang berjudul "Perencanaan Pembelajaran" terdiri dari


A. Learning Activities

1. Learning activities I

a. Learning objectives

1. General learning objectives

After studying this material, students are expected to be able to understand what
learning planning is.

2. Specific learning objectives

After studying this material, students are expected to be able to know the functions
and benefits of lesson planning.

b. Material Description


A. Definition of learning planning

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary that planning is a process, method, act of
planning (designing), while learning is a process, method, act of making people or
living things learn. Meanwhile, Herbert Simon defines planning as a problem-solving
process, which aims to have a solution in a choice. Bintoro Cokroamijoyo said that
planning is the process of systematically preparing activities to be carried out to
achieve certain goals. Meanwhile, Hamzah B. Uno explained planning as a
satisfactory way to make activities run well, accompanied by various anticipatory
steps in order to minimize the gaps that occur so that these activities achieve the
goals that have been set.
Based on the above definition, it can be concluded that learning planning is all forms
of design made to facilitate the learning process so that the goals or objectives in
learning can be achieved.

B. Learning planning function

According to Sanjaya (2013:35) learning planning has several functions, namely:

1. Creative function

Learning that will be carried out with good planning can provide an overview of the
weaknesses or deficiencies that occur. Through this description, the teacher can
minimize weaknesses or correct any deficiencies in the learning program. Teachers
will be more creative in finding solutions and overcoming problems that occur.

2. Innovation function

An innovation will occur when a teacher understands that there is a mismatch

between expectations and reality. This discrepancy can be known if the teacher
understands the process that is carried out systematically. This structured learning
process is planned and can be programmed perfectly. This is what makes planning
an innovation function.

3. Selective function

Usually, in achieving learning goals and objectives, a teacher will face various
choices of strategies. Through this planning process, teachers can select and select
effective and efficient learning strategies to be developed. The selective function is
also related to the selection of learning materials that are in accordance with the
learning objectives. With planning, the teacher can determine appropriate and
inappropriate learning materials.

4. Communicative function
Adequate planning should be able to explain to the parties involved both to
teachers, students and to external parties such as parents and the community.
Planning should be able to communicate to related parties about the goals or results
to be achieved, strategies or a series of activities to be carried out. Therefore,
planning has a communication function.

5. Predictive function

Planning that is made accurately can give an idea of what will happen after the
treatment is carried out based on the designed program. Through its predictive
function, planning can give an idea of the difficulties that will occur. In addition, this
function can also provide an overview of the results to be obtained.

6. Accuracy function

Usually, when the teacher carries out the learning process the teacher is faced with
a situation of lack of time due to excess teaching materials. As a result, the learning
process runs abnormally, because the criteria for success can be measured from the
amount of material that has been delivered to students even though the material
has been understood or not. With careful planning, you can avoid this, because the
teacher can measure every time it takes to deliver the learning material.

7. Goal achievement function

Carrying out teaching activities, not just providing delivery but to form human
knowledge as a whole. Humans as a whole do not only develop in the intellectual
aspect, but also in attitudes and skills. Thus, learning has two important sides,
namely the learning outcomes side and the learning process side. With planning,
both sides can be achieved in a balanced manner.

8. Control function
Controlling the success of students in achieving goals is an inseparable part of a
learning process. Through planning it will be able to determine the extent to which
the subject matter has been absorbed by students and understood, so that it will be
able to provide feedback to teachers in developing further learning programs.

C. Benefits of Learning Planning

The benefits of learning planning obtained by the teacher, namely:

1. The existence of a planning process will avoid the success of chance, which means
that careful planning can predict how much success will be achieved. This is because
the planning is prepared to achieve success, so that the possibility of failure can be

2. As a tool to solve problems. An educator who does good planning is able to

predict the difficulties felt by students in understanding certain material. With this
planning, it is easier for teachers to predict this.

3. Can take advantage of appropriate learning resources. With the development

and progress of science and technology, currently there are many learning resources
that can be used to obtain information. Thus, students will experience learning
difficulties and choose the right learning resources according to the learning
objectives. This is what requires good learning planning, because the teacher can
determine learning resources that are in accordance with the learning objectives.

4. Planning can make learning take place in a systematic way, which means that the
learning process will not take place sober, but can take place in a directed and
orderly manner, so that the use of time can be more effective.

Meanwhile, according to Kemp (1994:20) explains the benefits of learning planning

for all parties involved in learning activities, namely:
1. Benefits for program managers, namely those who need evidence of an effective
and efficient learning process within reasonable or acceptable cost limits.

2. Benefits for learning designers that require evidence that the program designed is
satisfactory. In this case the best indicator is the achievement of all program
objectives by students within the right time limit.

3. Benefits for teachers to see their students get all the expected abilities and also
want to personally build positive relationships with students.

4. Benefits for students who want to succeed and also want to have a fun and
satisfying learning experience.

c. Summary

Learning planning is a process of designing learning activities carried out by teachers

before carrying out learning activities in the classroom which aims to find out
everything needed in the learning process and facilitate the achievement of learning
goals or objectives. Learning planning has several functions, namely: creative
function, innovation function, selective function, communicative function, predictive
function, accuracy function, and goal achievement function. In addition, learning
planning can provide benefits including: Can anticipate failures in the learning
process, as a tool to solve problems, can utilize appropriate learning resources, and
learning can take place systematically.

d. Task

1. What is the concept of planning?

2. Explain the definition of learning planning according to you!

3. Mention, and explain the benefits of lesson planning!

4. Explain why lesson planning has a communicative function!

e. Formative Test

Choose and answer the questions below by choosing options a, b, c, and d!

1. The activity of designing the learning process before carrying out teaching and
learning activities is called....

a. Teaching design

b. Learning experiment

c. Lesson planning

d. Teaching process

2. Below is a predictive function in lesson planning, namely....

a. Can make it easier for teachers to determine appropriate and inappropriate

learning materials

b. Can explain to the parties involved, both to teachers, students, parents, and the

c. Can provide an overview of the results to be obtained

d. Can measure every time it takes to deliver learning materials

3. The learning process carried out with good planning can provide an overview of
the weaknesses or deficiencies in the learning process. Through this description, the
teacher can minimize weaknesses or correct any deficiencies in the learning

Based on the statement above, the appropriate learning planning function is...

a. Innovation function

b. Selective function

c. Goal achievement function

d. creative function

4. An educator who does good planning is able to predict the difficulties felt by
students in understanding certain material. Based on this statement, lesson
planning has benefits as....

a. Learning takes place systematically

b. As a tool to solve problems

c. Planning can predict the success that will be achieved

d. Can take advantage of appropriate learning resources

5. Getting a fun and satisfying learning experience is a benefit of lesson planning


a. Teacher

b. Parent

c. Student

d. Public

f. Formative Answer Key

1. C 3. D 5. C

2. C 4. B


Module Title Learning Activities 1

Teaching Materials (Learning Planning) 1. Basic Concepts of Learning Planning

a. Definition of learning planning

b. Learning planning function

c. Benefits of lesson planning

Description Response/Answer

Describe the results of discussions with First meeting discussion

friends and lecturers, regarding problem
solving in understanding the material
when experiencing difficulties

Describe the results of discussions with Second meeting discussion

friends and lecturers, regarding problem
solving in understanding the material
when experiencing difficulties


2. Learning Activities II

a. Learning objectives

1. General Learning Objectives

After studying this material, students are expected to be able to develop theories
that underlie lesson planning.

2. Specific Learning Objectives

After studying this material, students are expected to be able to understand the
differences and similarities between each learning planning model.

b. Material Description


A. Theories Underlying Learning Planning

A theory is a rule of expression that allows us to explain, predict, or control events.

There are two types of theories that can describe learning planning, namely:

1. Descriptive Theory, is a theory that explains an event as a hypothesis or their

provisional conjecture. For example learning theory. Degeng (1989) defines
descriptive theory as conditions and learning methods as independent variables and
the parameters of these two variables interact to produce an effect on the learning
outcome variable, as the dependent variable.

2. Prescriptive theory, is the determination of actions that show definite results. For
example, systems theory, communication theory, and instructional theory.
Prescriptive theory is a goal-oriented theory, which is to present the optimal learning
method for the specified conditions and the desired results. According to Degeng
(1989) for prescriptive theory, the conditional variables and the desired outcome
may also interact, and the parameters of these two variables are used to determine
the optimal learning method, which is the dependent variable. The learning
outcomes observed in the prescriptive theory are the desired learning outcomes that
have been determined beforehand.

Based on these theories, several theories that underlie learning planning can be
explained, including:

1. Learning theories

Learning theory is a descriptive theory that provides an explanation of how learning

is placed. There are two main categories of learning theory that can influence the
structure of instructional design, including:

a. Behavioral Learning Theory

According to the behaviorist view (such as Ivan Pavlov, E.L. Torndike, J.B.Watson and
B.F. Skinner), learning is a change in behavior, in the way a person acts in certain
situations. This theory emphasizes what can be seen, namely behavior, and does not
pay attention to what happens in the mind because it cannot be observed. This
theory argues that humans are strongly influenced by events in their environment,
which will give them certain experiences. Therefore, learning is a change in behavior
that occurs based on the S-R (Stimulus Response) paradigm, which is a process of
giving a certain response that comes from outside.

b. Cognitive Learning Theory

Cognitive learning theory is the most influential learning theory in the practice of
designing learning. This theory emphasizes more on the factors that exist in
students and less emphasis on factors that exist in the environment, such as the
theory of behavior. One of the most influential contributions of cognitive learning
theory to the practice of instructional design is information process theory. The first
to model this theory were Arkitson and Shifrin (1968). Then R.Gagne (1988)
developed it by providing illustrations on the arrangement and process. According
to this theory, the sense organs send information to the sensory registers to be
stored briefly (one to two seconds), the information is given meaning through
attention and perception. After being converted into codes, the information is then
entered into Short Term Memory.

2. Systems Theory

The word system comes from the Greek "systema" which means a set of parts or
components that are interconnected regularly and constitute a whole, (Tatang,

Most learning planning models are influenced by systems theory contained in

several theories and individual learning models. In an article by Andrew and
Goodson (1980) who reviewed instructional design models, it was stated that 70% of
the models used systems theory as a basis. While Briggs (1977) defines a systems
approach in education as a combination of planning to carry out all the components
(sub-systems) of a design system to solve a problem, or find something needed.
3. Communication Theory

Communication theory has a strong influence in the field of learning planning. This
influence can be seen especially in making decisions when choosing media and
writing learning objectives. One of the contributions of communication theory is a
model of how information is communicated from one person to another. In
teaching, learning messages may be altered by competing stimuli or poor quality of
message delivery.

4. Instructional/Teaching Theory

Instructional theory is a set of integrated principles and can provide prescriptions to

regulate the learning environment, so that it can help students achieve learning
goals easily. These principles can be applied in situations where there is a teacher or
not, such as computer teaching, distance teaching, programmed teaching, inquiry
learning methods or other forms of discovery learning (discovery). This theory also
provides direction in the selection of which methods can work and why other
methods will not give adequate results if applied. Instructional theories not only
provide a description of the learning process, but also provide prescriptions about
what teachers should do to facilitate student learning.

B. Learning Planning Models

According to Good and Travers in Miarso (1987) a model is an abstraction of the real
world or a representation of complex events, or systems, in the form of narrative,
mathematical, graphic, or other symbols. It is also stated that a model can be used
to imitate, show, explain, predict or introduce something. Meanwhile, Guftasson
(1984) describes the function of the model as a tool to facilitate communication or
regular instructions (algorithms) that are prescriptive for decision making, or
planning instructions for management activities. Briggs in Miarso (1987) defines the
model as a set of sequential procedures to realize a process such as needs
assessment, media selection, and evaluation. Miarso (1987) defines a model as a
representation of a process in graphic and/or narrative form, showing its main
elements and structures.
In the preparation of learning plans, there are many models proposed by experts.
Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are several models
that will be listed, it is hoped that students (prospective teachers) can understand
and master one model perfectly, so that it can be used when designing a systematic
learning process, in addition to being able to evaluate learning that has been carried
out in a directed manner. The following are learning planning models, including:

1. The main model of the learning process according to Glaser.

This model is the main model of the teaching process (1962). The other model is
basically an extension of this basic model. In this model, there are four important
components, namely:

 Instructional Objectives (A). In carrying out learning, the teacher must

determine the goals that must be achieved by students after studying the
 Entering Behavior (B). In carrying out learning, the teacher should determine
how the initial process is for students, teachers and schools.
 Instructional Procedures (C). In carrying out learning, the teacher should
determine the strategy that will be used so that the goals to be achieved can
be achieved.
 Performance Assessment (D). In carrying out learning, the teacher must
decide both the right way and the right tool in determining the achievement
of the learning objectives that have been set.

2. Model J.E. camp.

According to J.E. Kemp (1994: 14) there are ten elements that must be considered
in making a teaching plan, including:

 Task subject
 Learning needs and teaching goals
 Characteristic
 Course content and task analysis
 Teaching goals
 Teaching and learning activities
 Teaching resources
 Support services
 Assessing learning outcomes
 Initial test

3. Model V. Gelder

This model is simpler than the previous model. Components that are extended
procedures components as well. However, when compared to the J.E. camp. there
are some differences. The differences between the models are as follows:

 In this model "student characteristics" is called "situation analysis". In

connection with this component, the teacher does not only make decisions
about the students to be taught, but also about the conditions in the school
that can support the learning process, and about the teacher.
 The components of teacher and student activities are significantly separated.
Apart from that, the components of teacher activities, student activities,
subject matter, tools/materials must be made in a matrix so that it is easy to
read horizontally.

4. Model Dick and Carey

The learning design model developed by Walter Dick and Lou Carey has similarities
with Kemp's model. However, the Kemp model can be performed not sequentially.
In addition, the Dick and Carey model has a component of carrying out a learning
analysis that will be passed in the development and planning process. Dick and
Carey's learning model consists of 10 steps, including:

 Identifying needs and determining general goals, this is the initial stage,
namely the stage of determining the desired needs so that students can
implement them when they have completed the learning program. In
addition, the determination of general goals will also be achieved.
 Conducting instructional analysis, namely determining the abilities involved
in the learning process so that the objectives and analysis of the topic or
material to be studied can be achieved.
 Identifying the initial behavior and characteristics of students, when
analyzing the skills that need to be trained or taught the steps of the
procedure to be passed, besides that the initial skills possessed by students
also need to be considered.
 Formulate specific performance goals or learning objectives. Based on the
instructional analysis and statements about the initial behavior of students,
then the formulation of specific statements regarding what students should
do after completing learning.
 Development of benchmark reference tests. The development of
benchmark reference tests is based on the objectives that have been
 Development of learning strategies. Information from the previous five
stages, a learning strategy was developed to achieve the final goal.
 Development or selecting learning materials. This stage will be used to
select and develop learning materials including instructional instructions for
students, materials, tests and teacher guides.
 Design and carry out formative evaluations. Formative evaluation is carried
out for data collection, identifying data, processing data, and analyzing data
regarding the developed program. These results are used to describe
whether the developed program is good or not. If not then it needs to be
revised and if it has to be maintained.
 Design and carry out summative evaluations. This stage is an advanced stage
to determine the use of the program after it has been implemented in the
 Learning revision. This stage repeats the development cycle of the learning
system device. Data from the summative evaluation that had been carried
out in the previous stage were analyzed and interpreted.

c. Summary

Theory is an expression that gives someone the opportunity to be able to explain,

predict or control an event. Theories that describe learning planning are divided into
2, namely: Descriptive theory which is a theory that explains something that is still in
the form of a hypothesis or provisional assumption. Furthermore, prescriptive
theory is a theory that explains something that is certain. Based on this theory, the
theories that underlie learning planning are formed, namely: Learning theories which
include behavioral learning theory related to behavior level and cognitive learning
theory related to knowledge. Next is systems theory, communication theory, and
instructional theory. Learning planning models, among others: The main model of
the learning process according to Glaser, Model J.E. Kemp, Model V. Gelder, and
Models Dick and Carey

d. Task

1. Name and explain two types of theories that can describe lesson planning!

2. Explain the meaning of learning theories!

3. Explain what is meant by learning models!

4. Mention a suitable learning model in your environment! And give reasons!

5. Explain the difference between the learning model according to V. Gelder and the
learning model according to J.E. Camp!

e. Formative Test

Choose and answer the questions below by choosing options a, b, c, and d!

1. Which of the following is a characteristic of descriptive theory....

a. Describing definite results

b. Explain hypothetical phenomena

c. Describe events in detail

d. Briefly describe the event

2. Behavioral changes that occur based on the S-R (Stimulus-Response) paradigm

are part of the theory.....

a. Behavioral learning theory

b. Cognitive learning theory

c. System learning theory

d. Communication theory

3. The learning model that has Instructional Objectives (A), Entering Behavior (B),
Procedures (C), and Performance Assessment (D) components is...

a. The learning model according to J.E. Camp

b. Learning model according to V. Gelder

c. Learning model according to Dick and Carey

d. Learning model according to Glaser

3. The learning model that has ten steps is the learning model proposed by....

a. According to Glaser

b. According to V. Gelder

c. According to J.E. Camp

d. According to Dick and Carey

4. One of the differences between the Kemp model and the V. Gelder model is....
a. Learning objectives achieved

b. Components of student and teacher activities are carried out simultaneously

c. The components of teacher and student activities are significantly separated

d. Easy development and planning process

5. Determining what abilities are involved in the learning process to achieve goals
and analyze the topic or material to be studied, are the steps of the Dick and Carey
model in step...

a. Identify needs and define common goals

b. Conducting instructional analysis

c. Development of benchmark reference tests.

d. Identify the initial behavior and characteristics of students

f. Formative Answer Key

1. B 3. D 5. B

2. A 4. C


Module Title Learning Activities 2

Teaching Materials (Learning Planning) 1. Learning Planning Models

a. Theories that underlie lesson planning

b. Learning planning models

Description Response/Answer

Describe the results of discussions with First meeting discussion

friends and lecturers, regarding problem
solving in understanding the material
when experiencing difficulties

Describe the results of discussions with Second meeting discussion

friends and lecturers, regarding problem
solving in understanding the material
when experiencing difficulties

Describe the results of discussions with Third meeting discussion

friends and lecturers, regarding problem
solving in understanding the material
when experiencing difficulties


3. Kegiatan Belajar III

a. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran Umum

Setelah mempelajari materi ini, siswa diharapkan mampu memahami definisi materi
pelajaran serta mengenali cara-cara dalam melakukan pengembangan materi

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

Setelah mempelajari materi ini, siswa diharapkan mampu membedakan jenis-jenis
materi pembelajaran, mengetahui kriteria materi pembelajaran yang baik, dan dapat
memahami langkah-langkah dalam pengembangan materi pembelajaran.

b. Uraian Materi


A. Pengertian Materi Pembelajaran

Menurut Sanjaya (2013:141), materi pembelajaran adalah segala sesuatu yang

menjadi kurikulum yang harus dikuasai siswa berdasarkan kompetensi dasar dalam
pencapaian standar kompetensi pada tiap mata pelajaran dalam satuan pendidikan
tertentu. Materi pembelajaran merupakan pokok pembahasan dalam proses
pembelajaran, yang berarti bahwa proses pembelajaran dapat diartikan sebagai
proses menyampaikan materi.

Sedangkan menurut Suryosubroto (2009:35) materi pelajaran sebenarnya adalah isi

dari materi pelajaran yang diberikan kepada siswa berdasarkan kurikulum yang
digunakan. Hal yang sama juga dijelaskan oleh Sudjana (2002:67) yang mengatakan
bahwa materi atau bahan pelajaran adalah isi bahasan yang diberikan kepada siswa
saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung.

Berdasarkan pemaparan di atas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa materi

pembelajaran adalah isi atau pokok pembahasan yang seharusnya dipahami oleh
siswa. Isi atau pokok pembahasan tersebut diberikan berdasarkan acuan kurikulum
yang digunakan.

B. Jenis-Jenis Materi Pembelajaran

Merril sebagaimana dikutip Sanjaya (2013:142) memaparkan bahwa jenis materi

pembelajaran terbagi atas empat kelompok, antara lain:

1. Fakta

Fakta adalah sifat dari suatu peristiwa, gejala, benda yang keberadaannya dapat
ditangkap oleh panca indera. Fakta merupakan pengetahuan yang berhubungan
dengan data-data spesifik yang sudah maupun yang masih terjadi dan dapat
dibuktikan atau diobservasi. Anderson dan Krathwohl mengungkapkan pengetahuan
fakta merupakan landasan bagi seseorang untuk menguasai ragam pengetahuan
lain. Elemen fakta adalah simbol-simbol yang dikaitkan dengan benda konkret yang
dapat memberikan gambaran pentingnya informasi tersebut. Fakta ini sangat
diperlukan untuk memperkenalkan apapun juga (Prawiradilaga, 2007:84).

Berdasarkan pemaparan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa fakta adalah sesuatu yang
berwujud nyata dan benar seperti nama-nama objek, nama orang, nama bagian atau
komponen suatu benda, dan sebagainya. Selain itu fakta juga berkaitan dengan
hubungan antar informasi tersebut, misalnya lampu dihubungkan dengan terang,
bintang terkait dengan keadaan malam hari dan demikian seterusnya.

2. Konsep

Menurut Merril konsep adalah kelompok objek atau sekelompok benda, kejadian,
simbol yang memiliki kemiripan karakteristik serta nama julukan. Selain itu,
Anderson dan Krathwhohl juga mengemukakan bahwa konsep adalah pengetahuan
yang mencakup pengetahuan kategorisasi atau klasifikasi berikut yang berkaitan
antar kategori atau klasifikasi tersebut (Prawiradilaga, 2007:85). Sedangkan konsep
menurut Sanjaya (2013:142) adalah abstraksi kesamaan atau hubungan antara
sekelompok benda atau sifat. Suatu konsep mempunyai bagian yang disebut atribut,
di mana atribut adalah karakteristik yang dimilik oleh suatu konsep. Gabungan dari
berbagai atribut menjadi suatu pembeda antara satu konsep dengaan konsep
lainnya. Oleh karena itu pemahaman tentang konsep harus didahului dengan
pemahaman tentang data dan fakta sebab atribut itu sendiri pada dasarnya adalah
sejumlah fakta yang terkandung dalam objek.

Berdasarkan pemaparan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsep adalah segala

yang berwujud pengertian-pengertian baru yang dapat terjadi karena pemikiran,
meliputi defenisi, pengertian, ciri khusus, hakikat inti/ isi dan sebagainya.

3. Prinsip
Menurut Merril prinsip dapat berupa penjelasan atau ramalan atas suatu peristiwa
di dunia ini. Prinsip menyangkut hukum sebab akibat dengan sifat hubungan korelasi
untuk menginterpretasi kejadian khusus. Sedangkan Kemp dkk memberi penjelasan
bahwa konsep adalah penjelasan mengenai hubungan antar dua konsep
(Prawiradilaga, 2007:86). Hal sama juga dipaparkan oleh Tafsir (2003:114) bahwa
konsep adalah pernyataan terkait hubungan konsep-konsep dengan kata lain prinsip
adalah susunan konsep-konsep yang membentuk susunan yang berarti. Biasanya
prinsip disebut juga hukum atau generalisasi.

4. Prosedur

Menurut Prawiradilaga (2007:87) Prosedur adalah isi atau materi metentang

pelaksanaan suatu pekerjaan atau tugas yang berurutan. Dalam hal ini Kemp
menjelaskan prosedur adalah tugas atau pekerjaan yang harus dilaksanakan oleh
peserta didik secara bertahap atau berurutan sedangkan Merril menjelaskan
prosedur adalah rangkaian langkah pelaksanaan pekerjaan yang harus dilaksanakan
secara bertahap untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu, atau untuk menyelesaikan suatu
masalah atau produk

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