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MAHAPLAG, LEYTE” prepared and submitted by JAASEIA GIAN R.
ABENOJA, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the course,
PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 has been examined and recommended for
acceptance and approval for Oral Examination.



Research Teacher

Adviser Co. Adviser (Optional)

Approved by the committee on Oral Examination with the Grade:






Member Member



ACCEPTED and APPROVED in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the


Date of Oral Examination: __________ 2022

Research Teacher, Senior High School


Jaaseia Gian Rodriguez Abenoja
Mervin Quanque
Mark Joshua Sabarez Lorejas

Senior High School

Mahaplag National High School – Upper

This study focused on the effects of child labor to the academic

performance of the children particularly in Brgy. Malinao, Mahaplag, Leyte.
Specifically the researchers aimed to address the (1) impact of child labor to the
academic performance of the Children, (2) root causes and factors which makes
the Children vulnerable to child labor, (3) factors parents consider in making such
decisions as whether to let their child work or not. Five childrens who engage in
child labor together with their parents were selected using purposive sampling
The study employed case study qualitative research design. All of the data
that the researchers collected are based on in person interview with the
respondents together with their parents. The study revealed that child labor can
really affect the academic performance of the children, by limiting the child’s time
to do academic task. In addition, the findings also stated that the main cause of
child labor is poverty or the financial gap.

Keywords: Child labor, academic performance, childhood time, financial gap


First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God the almighty for his

showers of blessings throughout our research to complete the research


We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our practical

research 1 teacher, Mr.Jay I. Montaño for his endless guidance, encouragement,

and critics till the success and completion of this work. This gives us the

experience of cooperating and engaging ourselves in a serious

project/schoolwork. We would also like to thank the Brgy. Captain and parents for

giving us the permission to conduct this research in their vicinity. Also thank you

to the children who are involved with this research study as our respondents.

Finally, we sincerely thank our parents, family, and friends, who provide

the advice and financial support. Thank you specially to our friend Mr. Razile

Lora for guiding us toward the respondent’s household, you’re the reason why

we have our data thank you. The product of this research paper would not be

without all of them.

Jaaseia Gian Abenoja

Mervin Quanque
Mark Joshua Lorejas



This research study is whole heartedly dedicated

to Abenoja
family who have been
our source of inspiration and gave us strength
when we thought of giving up,
who continually provide their moral,
spiritual, emotional, and financial support.
To brothers, sisters, friends, and classmates
who have also lent a helping hand by offering words of advise and encouragement
during in my research trip.
We appreciate their time and effort,
especially the respondents who also gave us some of their time.
We also give our joyous thanks
to our almighty God, who bestow upon us the power and strength
to produce this output of research.
We also offer our deepest gratitude to our almighty God
for the guidance and wisdom
to make this output of research possible.

Thank you very much!

- Researchers

TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………………………….i

APROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………………………………..ii

ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………………..iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………………………iv

DEDICATION …………………………………………………………………………..v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………………vi

Chapter 1


Background of the study………………………….……………………1

Statement of the problem……………………………………..…..…...3

Scope and delimitations.……………..……………………………..….3

Significance of the study ..……………………………………………..4

Definition of terms……………………………………………………….5

Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Research Design ……………………………………………………….8

Population and Locale of the Study…………………………………...9

Data Gathering Tools...………………………………………………...9

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………..…..10

Chapter 4


Results and discussions……………………………………………..11

Chapter 5




BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………………......15


Appendix A …............Letter of Permission ………………………...17

Appendix B ……..…….Interview Guide………………………..…....19

CURRICULUM VITAE ………………………………………………………….…….20

Chapter 1

Background of the Study

We all know that child labor is a common problem in some developing

countries. Child labor is work for children that takes away their childhood time for

the work that their force cannot handle. There are millions of children aged from

(Authority, 2021)to 5-17 who work in child labor across the world, jobs that take

away their time that affects their education and social wellbeing. The types of

child labor may vary depending on the geography of the country and cultures.

According to Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) (2020) the population of

children aged to 5-17 years old in 2020 was estimated at 31.17 million, 2.8

percent(872 thousand) of the population are working children.

The child labor status in the Philippines is high to the point where it’s seen

as normal. In Brgy. Malinao the child labor status is awfully disturbing, you can

clearly see how the child work and how it can affect them physically. You can see

them carrying copra, rice and charcoal sacks that weights more than their body

weight. Even though it is hazardous for the child to carry something that heavy,

the people does not give a thing about it.

The consequences of child labor are concerning, child labor can result to

physical, mental and social stress brought by doing hazardous work that may

affect the child’s academic performance. Child labor also takes away their time

resulting to them having a tough time on socialization. Given that time for work

takes away from the time allocated to studies and the attention to academic

activities is reduced, due to the fatigue produced by the labor which can be

expressed most visibility in the form of cutting classes and sometimes absence in


As we can see, child labor might negatively affect the children’s academic

performance. Even though child labor has so many consequences, what are the

parents doing all this time? Why are they letting their child work so much that

they barely have any time for their education? So, in this study, The proponents

aimed to evaluate those questions and determine the impact of child labor on the

child's academic performance.

Statement of the problem

The study was conducted to determine how child labor affects the

academic performance of selected children in Barangay Malinao, Mahaplag,

Leyte. Specifically, the study aimed to provide an answer to the following


1. To provide the demographic profile of the respondents as to;

1.1 Age:

1.2 Gender:

1.3 Economic status:

1.4 Grade level:

2. What is the impact of child labor to the academic performance of the


3. What are the root causes and factors which makes the Children

vulnerable to child labor?

4. What factors parents consider in making such decisions as whether to let

their child work or not?

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the effects of child labor to the academic

performance of the children. The basis on the data collection were bounded in

within Barangay, Malinao, Mahaplag, Leyte.

The selection of respondent will be the students or pupil of any grade level

below 17 years old together with their parents in the school year 2021-2022.

Significance of the Study

This study focused on explaining the effect of child labor on the children's

academic performance in Mahaplag. Moreover, the results of this study will be

beneficial to the following:

Respondents. The respondents will have an awareness of the negative impact

of child labor on themselves. This way they might stop doing it for their good.

Parents. The result of the study will make the parents of the respondents aware

of the negative effects of child labor on their children especially on their

education. This might result to the parents forbidding their child from working.

The Researchers and Future Researchers. This research served as a learning

experience to the proponents in developing the writing and making research.

Also, the study and its findings will serve as a reference material and a guide for

future researchers who wish to conduct the same study, or any study related to

child labor.

Definition of Terms

To facilitate better understanding, the following keywords that were used in this

study were defined by the proponents as follows.

Child Labor – an any work performed by a child that is harmful to his/her health

and social well-being.

Academic performance – the academic capacity or measurement of the child.

Hazardous work – is the work that endangers the child physical, mental and

social well-being

Economic status- the child’s economic state at the moment (high, middle and

low class)

Copra- dried meat of the coconut, copra one of the main sources of income in

some rural areas

Academic task – the school task given by the teacher that are the student's or

pupil expected to hand in time

Chapter 2

Related literatures

According to the study conducted by the International Labour Organization

(ILO) n.d , 95 percent of the child laborers in the Philippines are in a hazardous

work or in a dangerous work environment. Note that there are 2.1 million child

laborers in the Philippines that is aged 15-17 based on the 2011 Survey on

Children > of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) . This children works in

farms and plantations, on streets and in private homes. The sector which child

labors can be mostly found is on Agriculture. ILO states that child labor interferes

with their childhood, they stated in the study that child labor takes away the

child’s quality time. In summary child labor might affect the academic

performance of the child, the study says that child labor takes away the child’s

time. By taking away the child’s time it might interfere with their schooling, it

might requiring them to attempt to combine school attendance with excessively

long and heavy work.

In the study of ‘’Child Labor and Its Effects on Schooling, Health and

Recreation of Filipino Children’’ by Gloria Luz M. Nelson1 and Jovelyn D. Quiton,

it states that work and schooling are just in a trade-off relationship. Children, in

general, devote their time to three kinds of activities: school, work and leisure

activity. The more time is spent on working, the less time is spent on schooling

and leisure, which will likely influence their health and development. In summary

of this study, by trading off the time to school this will likely to affect the academic

performance of the children.

In accordance to the study of Child Labor, Poverty and School

Attendance: Evidences from the Philippines by Region by Russell Cristian E.

Fernandez and Ferdinand T. Abocejo conducted in 2014. The study examined

the relationship between poverty and child labor in the Philippines by region. It

investigated how school attendance of working children relates to poverty

incidence. They determined that dropping out from school by working children

takes effect when their income is not enough. They also stated that the

respondents in their study or the children are forced to work to shoulder the

burden of supplementing and providing for their families' financial requirements.

They strongly conclude that Lukas' (1988) endogenous growth theory remains

true in their study, where education is a critical long-term answer to ending child

labor and poverty.


Chapter 3


Research Design

In this study the proponents utilized the case study qualitative research

design. By utilizing this research design, this gave the researchers the

opportunity to have a better understanding on the subject in hand. This research

design provided the proponents the in dept information about the root causes

which makes the Children vulnerable to child labor and what factors parents

consider in making such decisions as whether to let their Child work or not. The

proponents selected the respondents through purposive sampling method.

Identify and list appropriate questions
Consent forms

Select the respondents

Data collection(conducting interview)

Analizing the responses

Summary of findings

Figure 1.0
Shows the thematic diagram of the data collection strategy of this study

Population and Locale of the Study

Our population are the students or pupil of any grade level below

seventeen (17) years old together with their parents. The study is conducted in

Barangay. Malinao, Mahaplag, Leyte. Malinao is a barangay in the municipality of

Mahaplag in the province of Leyte. It’s population as determined by the Barangay

Captain is two thousand and thirteen (2,013) with four hundred ninety eight (498)


Figure 2 Figure 2.1

Show the transitional geographical illustration of Brgy. Malinao Mahaplag, Leyte

as the research location through global positioning system (GPS).

Data Gathering Tools

The proponents used an interview-guide as a tool in data gathering. The

tool were consist of semi-structured open-ended questions, so this helped the

proponents collect to in-dept and relevant information. Particularly the

proponents utilized the semi structured interview guide this resulted in a fair and

same experience for all the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the approval of the proponent’s data gathering tools, the researchers

prepared a formal consent letter signed by the research teacher for the Brgy.

Chairman and the parents of the respondents to have a permission to conduct

the data-gathering procedures of the research. After the Brgy. Chairman and

parents gave their positive consensus, the researchers proceeded to conduct the

in-person interview as the data gathering. The researchers first interviewed the

respondents and then the respondent’s parents in the purpose of corroborative

responses. The data gathered are dispensed with utmost confidentiality. All

collected data are compiled accordingly in the data analysis.

Chapter 4

Result and discussion

After a thorough analysis on the consolidated findings, it states that the

root cause which makes the child vulnerable to child labor is poverty or the

financial constraint of their family. Out of the five respondents that the proponents

interviewed all of them states that their reason for working is all related to

financial gap or their poor economic status. It is also with their own free-will and

own decision to work and are not forced nor not working for someone else. In

terms of compatibility the findings states that three respondents are not

comfortable with their work specifically their workplace. Amidst working all the

respondents are still on school. The respondents also states that their work really

affect their ability to do academic task, three out of the five respondents says that

because of the time taken from them by working for a long time.

Respondent No. Age Gender Grade level Economic Status

1 13 Male 7 Low-class

2 15 Male 8 Low-class

3 14 Male 9 Low-class

4 16 Male 10 Low-class

5 16 Male 9 Low-class

On the side of their parents, they all know that their child is working. About

the consequences of the child labor three out of five parents/guardian do not

know about the consequences of child labor. Most of the parents is just letting

their children go to work, out of the five parents three of them states that they

want their children to work to aid their family financial needs. The two parents is

just letting their child work because their child wants to work. The proponents

analysis child labor can really affect the academic performance of the children,

given that all of the parents/guardian admitted that their child’s academic

performance is not that good. One parent said that their child is not a good

reader as a high school student, the other parent is also disappointed in their

child recent academic card because of the incomplete grades in some various

subjects. Three other parents’ states that their child is only depending on their

sibling and friends to answer their module.

Chapter 5


Upon the data collected and presented evidence hereon, the researchers

safely conclude that child labor can really affect the academic performance of the

children by hindering the child’s ability to do academic. Due to the limited time to

do module or any kind of academic tasks this will result to a poor academic

performance. The researchers also concluded that the main common cause of

child labor engagement is due to poverty. Which is also evident because all our

respondents’ economic status is poor or belong to low-income class.

Furthermore, the results showed that the parents are aware and just let

their child work despite of the consequences which is against the law that is in

accordance to Republic Act (RA) 9231 also known as the Child Labor Law. They

all state that they want their child to work to help their family financially.


In consideration of the findings and conclusion of the study stipulated

here, the proponents highly recommend that the Brgy. Officials together with the

local government unit must take an action on the child labor status in their

barangay. They can make a meeting about the consequences of the child labor

and discuss them because on our findings there are parents that do not know

about child labor consequences. To the parents they should respect the child’s

childhood time, the parents or guardians must forbid their child from working in

order to them having the time to develop socially and mentally.



Fernandez, Russell & Abocejo, Ferdinand. (2014). Child Labor, Poverty and

School Attendance: Evidences from the Philippines by Region.

CNU Journal of Higher Education. Volume 8. 114-127.

Online reference

Working Children and Child Labor Situation. Philippine Statistics Authority. (2020,

December 15). Retrieved June 2, 2022, from

Child Labour. Child Labour (Child Labour). (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2022, from

Nelson, G. L., & Quiton, J. D. (2017). Child labor and its effects on schooling,

health and recreation of Filipino children. Journal of Population and Social

Studies, 26(1), 68–82.

Lukas' (1988) , (2014, March 23). The Endogenous Growth Theory: Models and

policy implications. The Endogenous Growth Theory: Models and Policy

Implications. Retrieved June 2, 2022, from






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