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Well if everyone especially the point is so bad amazing production and I want to start by

thanking the department of the open development studies for day. And your land chair in the
great disappearing, sell my own background, might my PhD was in the village informative and
very engaging engine. So I'm very much aware of how influence. Professor bass Long Haul. And
I want to also post our by anchoring The acknowledgement that are not ha own isn't asking
Norris will be indigenous. Now, as you know, houses is in the traditional land of the program
where the Seneca and the business out of the practice. I also want to acknowledge the history and
the tremendously courageous and inspiring strawberries with . All the world of the divers of
Nations Inuit and métis weakened and I think it's it's pretty valuable what you need to do this
because when I'm teaching and researching and improving development one Remember, I'm
trying to reach my school movie. In relational. Well, mineral available for example, Colin needs
a milestone would not be possible but before In other organisms in the soil and in this
possession, be a junction and enslavement of Africans Foods continuous, and instructional
resources. And of course, all of these activities being assisted in a multiplicity of way. And these
are going to go to Japan, engineering. So in my home today, I'm going to be referring .Name
employees to be in the context of India, the autonomously or indigenous communities fornicates
mining person. So, before I start, I just want to make problem other points about my tall. One is
that That I am going to be in, firing to vomit event, on Nation eyes and drink environment, in
inventory. And the other point, I wanted to make it not going to be talking points about women
because that's how the policies on talking about a pre-engagement, actually, no incident. Women
at constant even close to a very strong movement. And in particular I'm going to talk about in the
context of planning and population policy. This doesn't mean of course that I want to leave
Force. Being very aggressive and also people only environment is agenda and I recognize of
course that - maybe people can have rooms without having women in Brussels. I'm going to be
talking today about revisiting gender development in a time of functional. And the reason that I
chose this time is that we are living in a time. When particle is on the right. And in many cases
it's all relative power. In this region, we have trauma, and possibly. Well, in terms of getting on
all the way. I'm wasting movements of the far-right like an indecent Trump has protest here in
Canada in Europe. We already have our and computing power, and hungry and sleepy and
rupture and schools. Over the last Monday, we have the nutrifix The first woman climbing,
strategy is the leader of operations. False statements, a lot of passion in the same team every
year, almost the Eunice Mountain room that we seize power. All this going on. We intelligent
people about fashion from the global South Who is supported and enabled by home repair and by
impurities from mr. President. - function. Amazing. What is the reasons for this integration? Is
19 years about this morning and somehow inherently and culture people for a man who gives
intensified and hydration. I mean history about morphology video about it. These women went to
from Canadian, women are about her being in jail and still mad about those who are deeply
engaged in resisting those Passions. Won't change. Its name is for tomorrow which I use and it's
also good quality pair and it's in there. They need to arshad renowned and some valuable. And
they are happy now. When we were meeting some of the many protests which took place in 2019
and only takes 20 and insist the government, trying to regain energy, plant cell phone with
Amendment, Constantius didn't shit consent. So I don't know, which would essentially exclude
members of a minority Muslim population. From also mention, when we think about hashes are
subjective, they made her house landscape of this notion of children teaching and religion. I'm
afraid you've seen us in Germany, but also we need to remember, A gender is. We stayed at the
emphasis on reproduction goals, was intended for women of the Dominique will basically
constructed within fashion Technologies as niches for the nation or great. On the other side of
this of holes in the infinity mod environment, Spirits are wondering of racialized Minorities and
demonized communities in fascist regime. But just as the owners of not thinking young, what we
figured by the genocide of the overhead, a role and normal single-celled, Olivia and. I was
involved with an American Scholars. No even want to drive more old-fashioned lead role is
important and mom's name from the module deeply wounded and taken for granted by yourself
and strategy, known reason and imperialism and racialized over. I want to see his face like a
bean, which was painted by black women and women of color and doing here in Arizona who
dare to beat out about rejection, fear and violence at the time of the Queen's Day. I'm actually
apologizing, but I have to make sure the police today but just don't see where you have to go
through 12.

Patient morning, awarded will coverage the. It's a touch of a graphic Style. Now as we know
visualization is an ongoing process and increasing their needs. They should I say teachings of
Islam as in some cases. So most surprising events are operating this notion of Islamic. Unity
aggressive avoided and I don't need a general apology Farrell. Exactly. Other patient. Love Allah
wants animal article from 2002 to 2004, Madrid savoring. This is only one of the home, bring the
research and - Polynesian on the journey at the same time. We think feminism and feminist and
genocides problem. Okay, so significant being honored, So I'm teaching Joe transphobic and
homophobic for rival Vector happening across Europe and Brazil in North America and
Vineyard I just lost and sustained an estimated attacks on existing and established around
building. Every two months for many work by will be simple in Chinese.

And when your mom comes in bright to control women's facility in ways which are arranged in
different sheet, As plant, a nice reproduction, just a like director also argue reproductive Justice
encompasses regarding to have children as well as not have children and write a and juniors and
safe and healthy. These variances of indigenous women here in Canada. Love very likely and of
course genocide Visualizing minority constructed as a different effect to the make looking to be
founded. Provoke the Shoring up. Reporters will often be two Bibles as well as direct integration
Junction Station from propolis draw on the far right things that great place.

It's about dr. Bryce and I will just to think today about the functions again, you're developing it
may seem that I've described of sustainable source of the games and conveyed, my family
school, the responsibles of us can even develop home to face. Mostly to defend needs
experiences on gender and gender equality, which is normal. But how did you think I would like
to argue with the dominant General development ideas? I've been involved since the nineteen
nineties in particular in a direction which is shaped the perfectly to meet the needs of pavement
with your I suggested 23 decide either cream cheese. I will and he instrumentalizing gender,
equality, or as fluted individual feminism. That's really not enough. In fact, we need to recognize
that these approaches rely on reinforce and expand on it project, instructions and relationship. I'm
missing, but they can also be quite comfortable with context in which precious books in The
Rhythm dominate. So Robin and the defensive response trying to sort of steam.

Situation in India. I just wanted a more daunting when I drove about. Imagination is in all praise,
the whole complex of unequal achieve Nations. A crucifix which structuring people between the
bill moves out on the field with no. And it also provides again, we can these relationships have
talked about. I'm husband - yes, Development.

I came is inextricable from the ground with the shampoo and 1810 operations of global
company. And you should understand development, always information on sense of
individualism, rather than is an alternative which somehow renders home phones are invisible.
At the same time.

Is a notional, principal desirable thing. You draw attention to the distance, building houses and
struggles for patterns, full of Destruction Keen. Anticipation is altogether, different forms of
development. Also, what you might be and isn't very familiar with the debates around. General
environment, which moved from a liberal feminist in SkyDrive, or improving weather into
development. Primary people reasonably neighbor wrong which is to be known as the women in
development. Be shifted from that in general about. And this shape he wants your family Jewel
falling at your feet going on between liberal feminism, Mom's family, I'm demoting Me Francis
on black diamond is in North America, the room and sending his own agency building South

And of course, Out of this environment anything about 50 codes which if you excel at the most
influential work when we can be genuine development approach has shifted the focus from
women as attached to the Dynamics of our need to inject and recognize the extensive labor of
social reproduction, which remained invisible. Most natural vibe in the air. I will live with you
getting into better than his speech commitment to gender mainstreaming incomplete
development and policy in practice. It was the original living and development approaches of
Asian women into the day before to be dominant, also two small saving function But in the last
two games.

Globally. Japan, donated developments in promoting a much more explicitly, new liberal
approach to gender, and this is a picture of my, by the world, My slogan. General ecology spot
know me and in Orange Global development. Focus on adolescent girls, all under foot and
development, Charter going by the night Which has been a key player space, as have others,
hope and Now, we bring you these approaches.
Even delivery starting is pretty cool, existing composition, as being discriminated, treatments
with it Armenia ignore. Rather these new approaches New Journey that I should bring my eye on
and actively give false and extend existing parking lot and stuff. And divisions of labor is newly
freed from all sources of disposable General developmental produce new representation over
universalized for women in the global South. We've hyper Industrial

Every skin and still here, I'm only entrepreneur. These GTA racialized verification. So now I'm
here, alongside you and your construction. Also called cardboard. Women wear this time to
develop a more engaging, and more about my responsibilities as a missing person.

An Optics. It's very nice, only assumption that we operate in the labor market. We automatically
delete namakkal because when they are adults, we succeed to gender equality I'm student.
Excuse again, it's called Facebook name from me when I was wrong. So, the idea is there are
women, who gave, additionally, how a more like language of nature welfare, or the magic diet,
for the household on, sending their children to school, and so on. Batman, wait, one more, large
State additional income on things, like tobacco and alcohol of themselves. And this is a function
of what we need to do. See it granted access to all over the world but surely as permanently, it's a
form that we question, why? Innocent? And then we look out for example. Big, differential
access to his office, which that it would again have to prove it. And we title for polishing from
women, particularly hard. We also have to look at the general responsibility for child, care for
the well-being. And we have to also known as well as the material stuff. These are questions of
gender diet.

The fact that Where do we go in the world? We was only from Notions about what makes a good
mother. You can help me except for questioning anything. Exactly. See, things aspects of a of
you as a resource that can be drawn and importantly it's assumed that he being smart economics
model where women join the labor market. There is me. It will also continue to beg a full budget
of reproduction is not always just the model doesn't work. So about is the district's Evil Within a
global economy into entering it intensifies. Women globes in politics, where State provision,
Helping jobs and warehouses are being pushed to the limits of survival. My new Neighbor policy
and policies of austerity and some things like spending on health and so on. And the same thing
with neighbor. It seemed as if he contacts the international monetary fund, and I'm talking phone
was cleaning and expanding from. So that doesn't mean we're going to need for which the world
about functions on all remaining Windows operated to.

Thanks very much for finding and ditch the financial impact Imaging and and other forms of
financialization where women smoke is not only to the building right now. So I'm to the work of
Maryland. State tells us a great deal about me as I said wait. No income households and you'll
be found are increasingly represented as productive entrepreneurial and everyplace me recipient.
As in the sense, I mean, you would read something

Oh, This is great. Change and for the last remains of wasted within racialized women are seen as
having and different capabilities forward is something which has a very low quality. And this is
something which has been highlighted. Our black feminist going from all the way to one of the
only part from is suggesting the truth. I was tagging of speech entitled holding and of course a
will be equal to the time. Think a really important book by one the day's one. 43 talking about is
precise to get your site to the fact that genuine speech ground and that for black with it. The idea
about when they were fragile or women couldn't make one work and span and form simply apply
and the idea that we need for black women, And so, she talks about Adventure and she asked,
I'm really want anything today. I would argue in the Constitution, develop, some people say
notion that women work is in the field exam and is only included program has become really
pervasive with in all ways of development. And so forth every battle and this is an example of
iPads produced by researching whether the state government and state governments in. Yeah,
We're basically the obviously rapport with us, keeping with the ventilation into the conditions,
faced by women agricultural laborers. For a lot of this household, they were maybe donate on so-
called Untouchable rhythm.

Staying long. I mean found this and the end of the report describes make that recommendation.
He opens with the report said, a needs women should be given income generating activities to do
in their Leisure Time and actually been home for five days. At least. We've been waiting
somewhere Legend time.

So this is pretty good, notion Bounce With Me. Can always come home or leave them. I hope we
have increasing the exist. Response is a new, my whole childhood. I wish you guys were on the
old victorians diary of the desert and Beyond himself. So what women in the building styles?
And now, we're than Judas, could change the ideal or to escape by a industry industry has
numerous subjects Manor. See,

Indeed mediation, both ways as a doubtful to act in response. And as we be concerned with a
central location, There's a contradiction here because Nations and Jen preventing complications
women from low-income household and Global sound conserve them on the one hand in the way
you don't about and high more industrious neighboring for and in the same time, simultaneously
as dangerous reproductive or only begotten, son is better when we go besides first century
population. I was all within this point, and we're looking fabulous is both of Reproductive
Rights, and individual chocolate frogs fish, nice and gently. Anybody see how they were? Martin
will energy, drain holes, the ideology and worlds.

He's expanding bit more about what I am talking about fashionable. And little more about here,
lies knowledge, opening these vents, which is the best by the day. So firstly, one is exploding
stage and enter the child's age. Engages issue. Disabilities actually take people on you and it's a
product of the 19th century. It was changed by the way, too stressful for Independence in ancient
Greece. This was an unprecedented wave of uprisings which demonstrated the potential for anti-
colonial solidarity.

Hey, Victor said they started me writing in dentistry. As a deliberate strategy of divide this room.
So then we wrote is creating and, and a Jones routing tables on the one hand and Muslims who
are in different ways, Invaders from the other. None of this make, don't continuous single state,
so they don't get home safe. By the, I will go to the physics chemistry, biology need to be
targeting women as a He's an outside. Now, these in perseverance, and persistence has a very
viscous part of the Angelo is struggling because they were focusing their energies on Muslim
from. And in fact, the actively collaborated on a number of occasions, Now the second point to,
to understand about this, I don't know, but this is it because I'm standing in the synagogues and
the fact that is always already Brown anticipating severe than the Browns being the people. And
the impact on this, extremely oppressive system of a Regency stages and division of labor, we
don't call me Jason organism by many set. I see, Jason the better. It's also been incorporated into
capitalism and they belong system, generally found. So we have the tablecloth honestly, when
we talk about it as fashion, when don't simply being rhetorical, I don't all jump in a far-right
Services organization is Soccer balls are sa, the Russia is one of which The Irregular, moons,
independent spirits, and long, long time. Electricity different from 1960. It also Drew inspiration
from 1939. Nazi Germany. The IRS sij. Don't I must not work. When before receiving to get this
defending, the Jews as a module of multiple base Prime and some of the beginning, there is an
end the game in its treatment of minorities.

Outside is, there are since I was a soldier for the fascination of done in 1948, for the eight ball,
over my books, Now, while it's important to always remember that jeep dies of European
fashion, and I also wanted to highlight some of our interest in cooking these premises, a
indicating parasite. Functional group in contemporary, post-colonial, Global sound and engineer
out of here, representing monster engine. So there's some differences, among firstly, goes
Infinity, speaking with your, with iPhone Cortana, Indulging whole engine and more imposing.
So very clearly was not under building in India itself, including large-scale and grab all same
privatization dissolvable. Find out tonight age is specifically linked to this in this word fascism in
Europe. Neoliberalism are no policies which would be considered economically nationally.
There is no significant economic benefits for the World Geography. George From private homes.
So they therefore must be the Champions and and the long-sleeved spectacles of in 45 minutes
against movements from the enemies of the nation of all those which is our souls desire. Desire -
that organized, homes organic vitamin C and the perpetrators and then not only protected by the
state but their arms out

Most recent University in this, in the case of a responsible young woman who courageously with
incredibly party, Freedom, brought to Justice. Those were gang raped and murdered 14. Your
parameters. Including some three-year-old daughter, image, anxiety attacks on Muslims. Look
Mason City. This was one of very few cases, where perpetrating Branch be convicted.

The song and being a nation by the quality of the camera. We have received in in general, by
more people, getting a false positive energy lies in integration specifically, noted determination
in Hindu women animals nickname, which they don't belong. You are these laws are imposed by
originality which also engage in multiple other forms and so forth, more room for mistakes,
many along, It's just to keep our travel adventure and specifically the Prime Minister 2015, 14
woman's apartment For Maori, shut up. As a sentient life will be suggesting there with us. I'm
already free to dismiss this as a mere veneer is not considering that empowerment is identical to
the World Bank. They should buy smart economics month. I'm on the prime X is positive,
Westside, Women's and comfortable ride as now. The most critical reader, Don't Be Cruel and
change the labor market entrepreneurship, very financially, and once again, on the exam,
And you put woman as independent school after birth.

And conform to all of the gestures expectations while also now generating income for the
household. Meanwhile the unspoken aspect of for this particular project for. This is their
mobilization in supremacist women Solomon which are engaged directly. Environment is
minority. I mean, Forcing fact he owns and controls on in the woman's dress friends and public
speaking and of course, falls apart. In this version of the new friendship, great replacement. Gary
Wilson, woman's virginity is explicitly constructed as in French, in the nation. Imagine it I'm
undefeated violence, businesses new legislation regarding for gauging earring, for 6, million
employees, and buying patient. Now, last year in morning, in this was prompted, this protein,
escaping separate each. We saw the introduction of a single provision population control State
language than one occasion.

This is my needs respective axes disqualification from the Firestone and drugs, for a promotion
for existing government employers and individuals receiving any problems of two people have
more than two children. And secondly if you want to access whenever things are, then it's my
pages and all part of the experiment.

And in fact means almost, Now, these no involved and also the kitchen, my the only going to be
protocols plate and bleeds about Muslims in India, make sense out of context, which I think is
familiar to all of us from different content, is idea of of the minority program, going to grow, and
grow to normal in the some another vegetable stage. The Bold Escape, I can see why.

If my mom finds and polyamide assuming the feeling wasn't unfair, a chief minister announced
multiple 1,000, strong population, always to distribute contraceptives and create awareness about
population, control spending taking a percentage or a, is a scene.
Now, these policies and laws which are embedded into the supremacist and reminding. Visitors
disgraceful are also consistent with current Global sustainable development responsibility. For
vegetables. Today were I think formation point is very clean location. Came through
interrelationship between passion, ideology life

The one I'm using from the old town. The science of formation for contain care which a very
dull. History is being deeply. I obviously designed to be safe in Creative aspect Independence,
yearning for dispossession and displacement. The intensity image and extension of women's
labor, but we can't understand English Home Depot for me. If I sub each of the global
coordination of objective, which itself is included.

In the fridge, a foundation policy under proud. They are all created settlement activities team. I
own from construction site Today, we for mainstream from the human, be moved in by things
like a Bill Gates Foundation and we're doing it. I'm constructing formation growth in regional
service, one of the main drivers of climate change and essentially shifting responsibility for
climate change. Listen, broke this. Nice Ovation eyes is on page, migration of Journalism as
traced soon as the same time, we also means new different circumstance. And the productive
Brian legitimizing, prevent the phone is a facility of the most modern library in the global South
So I want to talk about volume is your relationship, which is probable that has like 20 or x equals
its launch in London. A great friend posted by the British government and needs Foundation
along with usaid Nordic aliens or with a vocation hundred protective million more women in the
poorest countries to lose ball.

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