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A Study of the Transient Liquid Phase Bonding

Process Applied to a Ag/Cu/Ag Sandwich Joint


Transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding is a process currently used for joining heat resistant alloys, for
example nickel- and cobalt-based superalloys. It involves the formation of a liquid layer between
two adjoining pieces and the formation of a solid bond as the liquid disappears during annealing at a
suitable constant temperature. In the present study, a model Ag/Cu/Ag sandwich joint associated
with a simple eutectic phase diagram was used to study the different stages of this process. The re-
suits confirm that the TLP bonding is a diffusional process occurring in clearly distinctive stages.
The two most important stages are the widening and homogenization of the previously dissolved liq-
uid interlayer, and the subsequent solidification and shrinking of the interlayer. Whereas the former
stage involves diffusional processes both in the liquid phase and in the adjoining solids, the latter is
controlled mainly by the diffusion in the solid phase. A modeling approach has been explored which
shows that in most eutectic systems there exists an optimal bonding temperature corresponding to
the shortest time needed for complete solidification. The results of a study on a Ag/Ag-20 wt pct
Cu/Ag sandwich joint provide evidence that the use of an alloy close to the eutectic composition as
an interlayer material shortens the TLP process substantially.

I. INTRODUCTION by dissolving some adjacent A. The liquid thus created

homogenizes to a composition C L~. Further diffusion of B
T R A N S I E N T liquid phase (TLP) bonding is a diffusion
into the adjoining solid causes a reversal of the widening
bonding process currently used for joining several types of
process, and solidification sets in as solute B atoms diffuse
heat resistant alloys, for example nickel- and cobalt-based
into A, the base material. This continues until the remaining
superalloys.l It has the advantage of not requiring the
liquid attains the composition C ~z on solidifying and the
rather high pressures needed in typical solid state diffusion
liquid is used up. The TLP process is illustrated in Figure 2.
bonding processes. Like brazing, it employs an "interlayer"
Lesoult has examined some simple analytical models to
material as a bonding agent. Unlike brazing, however, the
describe the TLP process. 4 Another approach, suggested by
process occurs isothermally. The interlayer melts and solidi-
Sekerka, 5 employs numerical solutions related to the two-
fies as a result of interdiffusion with the base material, all
phase moving boundary problem. 6 These models consider
at a constant temperature. As a result, the solidified bond
the influence of such parameters as the bonding tempera-
region consists of a primary solid solution similar in com-
ture, TB, the initial composition of the interlayer material,
position to the base material itself. Thus, the possibility of
and the phase relations in the phase diagram.
the formation of brittle phases in the bond region, as in braz-
Before further generalizations are attempted, it is desir-
ing or other joining processes, is largely avoided. On the
able to test the kinetics of the proposed models in systems
other hand, since the latter stages of TLP bonding involve
where some of the parameters mentioned above can be
solid diffusion the process is very slow, typically requiring
explored experimentally. In this paper, the results of ex-
several hours.
perimental work done on a A g / C u / A g sandwich joint
In principle, TLP is applicable to eutectic 1'2'3or peritectic
associated with a simple eutectic phase diagram are pre-
alloy systems, where a lowering of the liquidus tempera-
sented and correlated with some of the features of the
ture occurs during alloying. For a binary A-B eutectic (Fig-
above-mentioned models.
ure 1)* an interlayer of material B is sandwiched between
Afterward, the solid/liquid interface movement into the
*Figure 1 represents the actual binary eutectic phase diagram for the Ag sides of the sandwich reverses direction as the liquid
Ag-Cu system7 examined in the present case. The designations of the rele- zone shrinks.
vant concentrations in the figure, C ~ C L'~, C Lt3, C t3L, are used in the text
below to describe the general features of the TLP process.

pieces of A. The sandwich is then heated to a "bonding" II. T H E O R E T I C A L DESCRIPTION

temperature TB (above the eutectic temperature Te), in a In the proposed models 4'5 for a binary eutectic system,
vacuum or an inert atmosphere. As a result of an intimate the condition of local equilibrium at the interface is as-
contact between A and B atoms at the A/B interface, the sumed between the solid and the liquid. In such a case, the
interlayer rapidly melts and the molten zone further widens composition of each phase at the interface is that dictated
by the phase diagram and the equality of the respective
ISAAC TUAH-POKU is Senior Member of Technical Staff, Surface chemical potentials. Because of small thickness of the inter-
Mount Technology, AT & T, Engineering Research Center, Princeton, layer, the effect of convection in the liquid is assumed to
NJ 08540. M. DOLLAR (permanent address: Academy of Mining and Met- be negligible so that the problem can be considered as one
allurgy, Krakow, Poland), Research Associate, and T. B. MASSALSKI,
Professor, are with the Department of Metallurgical Engineering and
of pure diffusion. To simplify the analysis further, the in-
Materials Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. terdiffusion coefficients (Ds, DL) in the solid and in the
Manuscript submitted March 9, 1987. liquid are assumed to be independent of composition, and


A t o m i c P e r c e n t Copper
0 to z0 ao 40 ~o 60 ?o so go 10o


1ooo ~ ~ L


~ ~ ")'80aC


~L .L*~ Lp ~pL
o to aO aO 4o ~ 6o ~o eb 9o 1oo
Ag Weight P e r c e n t Copper Cu
Fig. 1--Eutectic phase diagram for the Ag-Cu system.7 The marked temperature T = 820 ~ denotes the
actual bonding temperaturein the present study.

the partial molar volumes of A and B in all phases (a, fl,

ever the B concentration in the a-phase adjacent to the
S, L) are assumed to be equal. The latter assumption makes
liquid exceeds C aL. In this process, the diffusion in the
it possible to express Fick's second law in terms of mole
solid, controlled by the diffusion coefficient D s , becomes
very important. At the same time, the liquid phase under-
By considering a moving boundary problem involving
goes homogenization by diffusion in the liquid, which is
two phases (solid and liquid) the TLP process can be ana-
controlled by DL. The liquid zone continues to widen until
lyzed in four stages (see Table I):
the concentration profile within the liquid flattens to the
1. Dissolution of the interlayer B equilibrium value C L" (Figure 2(c)). It has been pointed
2. Homogenization of the liquid out by Sekerka 5 that the effective diffusion coefficient dur-
3. Isothermal solidification ing this stage may well be a geometric mean between DL
4. Homogenization of the bond region and D s .
In the simplest case, one starts with two pieces of the During stage 3, isothermal solidification occurs over
base metal A to be joined by a slice of pure B (the inter- time t 3. The solid-liquid interface reverses direction and
layer material), as in Figure 2(a). The melting of B results the liquid zone begins to shrink as the liquid becomes en-
from mixing of A and B atoms at the A/B interface and it riched in A and impoverished in B (Figure 2(d)). The rate
starts when the interface attains the concentration equal of loss of the solute B, from the liquid to the solid a-phase,
to C ~ Since there is an infinite concentration gradient at controls the interface displacement rate. Since this is deter-
the interface, the dissolution of B is very rapid. The diffu- mined by the rate of diffusion of B into the a-phase, the
sion at this stage is controlled by D L. The total time t~ re- process is very slow, as would be expected for solid s t a t e
quired for complete dissolution of the B interlayer may be diffusion. The diffusion parameter which controls this
of the order of seconds. The driving force for continuous stage is clearly D s . The time t 3 needed to complete the
dissolution of B is proportional to the difference C L~ - C L~, solidification is typically of the order of hours.
which expresses the width of the eutectic depression at TB. In order to homogenize the bond region further (Fig-
During the second stage (which takes time t2), the inter- ure 2(f)), additional annealing may be done at an appropri-
layer material is completely dissolved, but the resulting ate temperature. Again, D s is the dominant parameter and
liquid is inhomogeneous and supersaturated, having an the annealing time, t4, during this stage may be quite long.
average concentration of B greater than C L~ (Figure 2(b)). The bulk of the bonding time in the TLP process is there-
The liquid zone is not, therefore, in equilibrium with the fore taken up by stages 3 and 4.
adjoining solid and more of it dissolves to dilute the liquid. The first three stages of the TLP process have been
The B atoms diffuse into the solid A to form the (primary modeled several years ago by Lesoult. 4 Below, we outline
solid solution) a-phase at the interface, and it melts when- some details of this earlier approach and tabulate informa-



iA Cp
: ' , 9 , , ,',,..,,"
9 ; , , ," 9 9 , . ' , .

cL a

A/BI-~I I A/B !

25 I II -A [ ]1

A la A B A B





T IXJ\~ / II
Fig. 2--Schematic illustration of the mechanism of the TLP bonding process.

tion which will be helpful in the interpretation of the results where E and F are constants determined by the specific
of the present study. boundary conditions. Equation [2] implies that the interface
During stage one (dissolution of the interlayer), the solute displacement obeys a general square root law: 4'8
conservation requirement in the liquid makes it possible to
express the diffusion conditions through the application of Yl = K l " ~ [3]
the Fick's law for the case of unidirectional diffusion: where KI is a constant* at the selected temperature TB, dic-
OC L 02C L
*The subscript 1 in Eq. [3] and subscripts 2 and 3 in subsequent simi-
0---~ = DL "--Oy 2 [ll lar equations refer to the respective stages of the TLP process.

where C L is the concentration of the B component in the tated by the respective phase diagram. 4 The values of K~,
liquid, and y is the distance across the bond region (the ini- evaluated by Lesoult, 4 for several different forms of the
tial position of the solid/liquid interface is chosen as the eutectic phase diagram, as determined by the respective ra-
origin of the y axis). The well-known solution of Eq. [1] is: tios (C L'~ - Co)/(C ~L - C L~) and (C L~ - CL'~)/(C ~L -- CL~),
CL ~- E + F " erf(y/4X/~Lt) [2] are given in Table II.

Table I. Stages of the TLP Bonding Process

Controlling Feature Controlled
Stage Parameters Rapidity during the Stage
Dissolution of the interlayer Dt very fast, t . - seconds~ maximum width of the transient liquid interlayer
Homogenization of the liquid D~, Ds fast, t - minutes J
Isothermal solidification Ds slow, t - hours~
Homogenization of bond region Ds slow, t hoursJ total time needed for TLP bonding


Table II. Values of Kt (See Eq. [3]) during the Table III. Values of K3 (See Eq. [9]) during the
Dissolution of the Interlayer for Typical Values of Isothermal Solidification for Typical Values of
(C L" - Co)/(C t~ - C Lt3) and (C ta - C t ~ ) / ( C e~ - C u3) (C ~ - Co)/(C L~ - C ~)

(C L~ - Co) (C La - C L~) (C ~ - Co) (C ~z - Co)

(C ~L - C L~) (C ~L - C Lt3) Kt (C La - C ~ K3 (C Lc~ - C ~ K3
0.5 0.1 0.13 0.018 0.01 1.19 0.40
I 0.44 0.093 0.05 1.73 0.50
10 1.05 0.199 0.10 2.44 0.60
1 0.1 0.16 0.317 0.15 3.40 0.70
1 0.47 0.450 0.20 4.69 0.80
10 1.06 0.602 0.25 6.45 0.90
0.775 0.30 8.85 1.00
2 0.1 0.18 1.000 0.36 12.35 1.10
1 0.51
10 1.08 From Lesoult's report4
F r o m Lesoult's report 4

While the process described above involves the pure

During stage two (homogenization of the liquid), the so- metals A and B which form a suitable eutectic system, a
lution of the diffusion problem is much more complex and TLP bond sandwich can be made up also, of course, by
no simple analytical expression has been proposed. choosing a suitable (primary) solid solution as the base-
During stage three (isothermal solidification), the initial metal, A, and an alloy of eutectic composition as the B
boundary conditions are as follows: metal intermediate layer.

C ~ = Co, y<0
Ca = C~ y = 0 [4] III. E X P E R I M E N T A L
C L = C L~, y > 0
A. Choice of a Suitable Binary System
The displacement of the interface now results from the
dilution of the B component in the solid a phase, driven (i) In order to study the kinetics of the TLP bonding pro-
by the concentration gradient O C ~ / O y . Again, the solute cess, several low melting binary alloy systems were con-
conservation requirement--now in the s o l i d - - m a k e s it pos- sidered. The selection criterion was that the A-B system
sible to apply the Fick's law for the case of unidirectional must have a suitable eutectic region, preferably with the
diffusion: eutectic composition in the base-metal rich zone, and also
that there must be a substantial solubility of the solute in
OC ~ 02C ~
the base metal.
0---~- = D s ' - - O y 2 [5]
Preliminary attempts to form a suitable sandwich joint
were made with A1-Cu, A1-Zn, A1-Ag, Pb-Sn, and Ag-Cu
where C ~ denotes the concentration of the B component in
systems. In the Al-based systems, the tenacious oxide at-
the solid. The well-known solution for the composition
tached to chemically cleaned A1 surface made bonding and
profile in the a-phase satisfying the above set of conditions
[4] is as given below: 4 precise interface displacement measurements difficult. In
addition, eutectic composition alloys in these systems are
C a = M + N. erf(y/X/4Dst) [6] brittle and difficult to roll into foils of desired width (25 to
100/xm thickness). Pb-Sn was rather soft, making section-
where M and N are constants determined by the specific ing difficult. The Ag-Cu system proved to be the easiest to
boundary conditions. The corresponding interface displace- use since there is no oxide problem and the alloys are rela-
ment during stage three will obey another form of the square tively malleable.
root law: (ii) Ag and Cu of 99.999 pct purity were used. Ag was
cast into cylindrical rods of 8 m m diameter and cut into
Y3 = /(3 " 4%/-~st [71 wafers about 2 mm thick. The interlayer foil was cut into
small circular discs of 4 m m diameter, to fit into a Ta
where D s is the diffusion coefficient in the solid phase and washer of 4 mm ID, punched from foil of 100/xm thick-
K3 is a constant. It has been shown by Lesoult 4 that K3 is ness. Interlayer foils, 80/.Lm thick, were made of pure Cu
the solution of the general equation: and Ag-20 wt pct Cu. The Ta washer/interlayer disc com-
bination was then sandwiched between two pieces of pol-
C ~ - Co ished Ag wafers. The assembly (Figure 3) was held in
K3" exp(-K~) 9 (1 + erf K3)%/--~ = CL~ _ C ~ [8]
place by a miniature clamp.
Thus, for a given ratio of ( C ~ - C o ) / ( C L'~ - C~162 as
B. W i d e n i n g o f the M e l t e d I n t e r l a y e r
dictated by the phase diagram and the selected TB tempera-
ture, the value of K3 may be obtained using numerical meth- Preliminary attempts to observe the process of initial
ods. The values of K3 given in Table III are those derived dissolution of the interlayer material were unsuccessful due
in Lesoult's paper. 4 to the fact that this stage of the process is very rapid and


Fig. 3--Specimen assemblyused for the present TLP studies (the width
of the interlayer foil is exaggeratedfor clarity).

Fig. 4--Stage 2 widening. Micrographs show appearance of the liquid

may be of the order of a fraction of a second. The widening region after solidification (annealing temperature 820 ~
process which results as the liquid zone undergoes homoge-
nization is also a rapid process, but is experimentally ob-
servable if the initial interlayer material is thick enough. bond region after annealing for 10 and 15 minutes at 1093 K
By selecting a pure Cu foil of about 80/xm thickness the are shown. As illustrated in Figure 4, the liquid region is
process is prolonged to the order of minutes. still widening with time so that the effective width after 15
A Pt-10 Rh thermocouple with a digital readout was at- minutes should be larger than after 10 minutes. However, a
tached to each sample at the joint. A heating curve was narrower section of the liquid zone in the 15-minute sam-
recorded until the temperature reading was within ---5 ~ ple was selected just to show the relative Cu concentration.
of the selected Tn. Subsequently, reaction times were al-
lowed to elapse while within this temperature range. Sev- C. Shrinking of the Interlayer
eral identical samples were inserted in a pre-heated furnace As mentioned above, this stage of the process is very
(with argon atmosphere) for various durations, followed by slow because the isothermal solidification is controlled by
rapid quenching in an ice-water bath. solid state diffusion. This allows a fairly accurate determi-
In the present study, widening of the melted interlayer nation of the width and time parameters. To make an esti-
was investigated in an A g / C u / A g sandwich joint. The sam- mate of the apparent diffusion coefficient controlling this
ples were annealed at 1093 K for 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, and 30 stage of the process, an accurate assessment of the width
minutes and quenched. They were then sectioned metallo- of the liquid zone was again of prime importance. Iden-
graphically in several regions. The observed widening of tical samples of the Ag-Cu-Ag sandwich were encapsulated
the interlayer is illustrated in Figure 4. in vycor tubing under argon gas (corrected to one atmo-
The "equivalent width" of the liquid zone was measured sphere at 1093 K). At the end of the heat treatments, the
on appropriate microsections. To obtain the equivalent
width, W, it was assumed that all observed dendrites (Fig-
ure 4) were formed upon quenching (i.e., that the region Table IV. Data for Analysis of Stage 2 of the TLP Process
was completely molten before quenching). The equivalent
width was then defined as the average width of the liquid Annealing Width of Interface
zone which has the same area as a given length of the non- Time, t, at Liquid Inter- Displacement
linearly bounded liquid zone actually observed. Thus, W is 1093 K layer, Wz Log t Y2 Log Y2
given by the ratio of the area obtained from a planimetric [min] [/xm] (t[s]) [/xm] (yz[cm])
measurement divided by the length of the liquid zone under 0 79 -- -- --
consideration. The data for t and W are given in Table IV 5 266 2.48 93.5 --2.03
and the W(t) plot is shown in Figure 5. 8 300 2.68 110.5 -- 1.96
In the present study, electron microprobe analysis was 10 351 2.79 126.0 -- 1.87
carded out to investigate homogenization of the liquid ac- 15 336 2.95 158.5 --1.80
companied by the widening process. In Figure 6 the con- 20 420 3.08 170.5 -- 1.77
30 419 3.26 170.0 -- 1.77
centration profiles of Cu in the liquid zone and the adjacent


7 300

z /

c~ IOO

=- Ilnitiol Thickness of Foil

I0 20 30
TIME (minutes)

Fig. 5--Width of the molten zone vs annealing time at 820 ~ (stage 2).


--- 15 Minutes
-- t 0 Minutes Fig. 7--Stage 3. Micrographs show shrinking of liquid interlayer (an-
32.0 820~ Ag-Cu A , nealing temperature 820 ~

.~,_o_--_z__~ _ _/~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. Dissolution of the Interlayer
We consider first Eq. [3] expressing the lateral displace-
ment of one of the interfaces:

.... \, Yl = K I " ~ [3]

The width of the liquid zone attains the initial width W0,
Fig. 6--Concentration profiles of Cu in the liquid zone after annealing corresponding to the width of the inserted interlayer, after
for 10 and 15 min at 820 ~ (Concentration inferred from microstructure the time tl required for complete dissolution. Equation [3]
at room temperature after solidification.) can be rewritten as:

Wo = KI " S/4DLt~ [9]


vycor capsules were broken in an ice-water bath to ensure Table V. Data for Analysis of Stage 3
of the TLP Process (Wmax = 420 pm)
rapid quenching. The samples were then sectioned and the
equivalent width, W, of the liquid zone was determined as Annealing Width of Interface
in Section III-B. Time, t, at Liquid Inter- Displacement
The shrinking of the interlayer is illustrated in Figure 7. 1093 K layer, W3 Log t Y3 Log Y3
The measured values of W are given in Table V. The times [Hours] [/xm] (t[s]) [/zm] (y3[cm])
recorded in Table V have been corrected for the initial 3 354 4.03 33.0 -2.48
time required to reach 1093 --- 5 K which was between 14 5 347 4.26 36.5 - 2.44
and 16 minutes. The corresponding W(t) plot is shown in 12 290 4.64 65.0 -2.19
Figure 8. 18 253 4.81 83.5 -2.08
The logarithmic scale of time applied in Figure 9 allows 24 246 4.94 87.0 -2.06
the plot to be expressed as W vs t for both widening and 48 172 5.24 124.0 -1.91
72 123 5.41 148.5 -1.83
shrinking of the molten zone.


4OO rounding matrix. The lateral displacement of one of the
ISOTHERMAL SOLIDIFICATION interfaces may be expressed in terms of the width of the

measured molten zone, W, as:
N 300 W - Wo
7 Y2 = 2 [lla]

O As indicated earlier, no simple solution of the diffusion
20O problem during this stage of the TLP process has been pro-
posed. However, since the displacement of the interfaces
is undoubtedly diffusion controlled, it can again be consid-
ered to be governed by a general square root law:
Y2 = K2 9 V~4De t , [llbl
where now De is an effective coefficient of diffusion depen-
Cr~ I I I I I I I dent on specific conditions to be determined. Combining
I0 20 50 40 50 60 70 80
T I M E (hrs)
the effective diffusion coefficient and the constant K2 into
a general kinetic constant, a, and assuming that the time
Fig. 8 - - W i d t h of the molten zone vs annealing time at 820 ~ (stage 3).
exponent can have values other than 0.5,* we can write a

*In general, it is unlikely that the time exponent should differ signifi-
cantly from 0.5, if the process is diffusion controlled in the usual way.

HOMOGENIZATION OF MOLTEN ZONE 8~ S O L I D I F I C A T I O N more general expression:

3'2 = a 9 t" [12a]
According to the plot of W vs t shown in Figure 5, W at-
tains a maximum width, Wmax, after a time t 2 of between
18 and 20 minutes. At that stage one would expect a ho-
N 300--
mogeneous liquid of composition C L~ (about 18 pct Cu) at
z 1093 K. This expectation has been confirmed by means
.J of the electron microprobe analysis. The superposition of
0 .'"
200-- the concentration profiles obtained after 10 and 15 minutes
of holding at 1093 K shows that after 10 minutes the mean
concentration of Cu in the liquid zone (C = 20.8 pct) is
.~ 100- close to but still higher than C L~, whereas after 15 minutes
.... llni~io, In,erloyer Thickness
the mean concentration (C = 17.8 pct) does not signifi-
~5rn I01rain 30,rain 3hr 12hr 72hr cantly differ from C L~.
10 2
I0 s
10 4.
I i I
105 seconds
Converting Eq. [12a] into a logarithmic form:
T I M E (log)
log Y2 = log a + n log t [12b]
Fig. 9 - - W i d t h of the molten zone vs log of annealing time at 820 ~
(stages 2 and 3).
the significance of the linear relationship between log Y2
and log t for the values given in Table IV (for t -< 20 min-
utes) can be examined. Values of log a = - 3 . 1 6 and n =
0.46 are obtained from the straight line best fit to the experi-
mental data. The corresponding plot of log Y2 vs log t is
yielding: shown in Figure 10. Since the correlation coefficient*
*The data in Table IV were treated statistically in the usual way. The
tl- 16K~DL [10] value of the obtained correlation coefficient (0.99) indicates a statistical
error not exceeding 1 pct.l~
In order to obtain numerical values of t~ we make use
of Table II to derive the appropriate values of K1. For the equals 0.99, for the present results Eqs. [12a] and [12b]
Cu-Ag system at 1093 K, K1 is about 0.33. We estimate may be taken to represent an acceptable description of the
Dz = 1.2 9 10-s cm2/s from published data. 9 With the ex- time dependence of Y2. The value of the slope n - 0.46 is
perimental value of the inserted interlayer W0 = 79 9 1 0 - 4 c m , sufficiently close to 0.5, the value one would expect for a
we obtain t~ ~ 3 seconds. Thus, with respect to the subse- diffusion-controlled square root law for a moving bound-
quent widening, the dissolution process may be considered ary. However, if Eq. [12a] is expressed as Y2 = a 9 t m/2,the
to be instantaneous. initial value of the constant a = l 0 -3"16 = 6.91 9 10 4 used
in the plot of this relationship makes the straight line devi-
B. H o m o g e n i z a t i o n and W i d e n i n g o f the Liquid L a y e r
ate from the experimental data by some 30 pct.* A much

If the initially inserted and subsequently molten interlayer *The use of this value of a leads to log Y2 = - 3 . 1 6 + 0.5 log t. This
straight line deviates sharply from experimental data, as shown in Fig-
has the width W0, this width will increase over time t2 as the ure 10.
liquid/solid interfaces on both sides penetrate into the sur-


and utilizing the D L and D~ values quoted above, the re-
quired relationship becomes D e = D~ 7D ~03, which clearly
underlines the expected dominance of diffusion in the liquid
Yz =- 3.16 + 0 . 4 6 t // phase. There are two processes occurring simultaneously
-I.5 Y2 =-3.16 + 0.50t // /v~/ during the homogenization and melting in stage two: dif-
Y2 =-3.28+0.50t / / / / ~ fusion in the liquid and in the solid. The former is clearly
the faster process. In parallel processes of this type, the
rate controlling process is always the faster process, so that
////~.7 the bulk of Cu atoms from the original interlayer material
remains in the liquid zone with only a limited diffusion oc-
curring into the solid. It is therefore reasonable that DL

// /// //./~ should be the dominant factor in stage two.
The physical sense of the above analysis, as well as those
of Sekerka and Lesoult's models, 4'5 is essentially as fol-
//~.// lows: a flat interface with negligible thickness and liquid
on one side moves into the solid. The rate of interface dis-
placement is influenced by processes occurring in the liq-
uid (homogenization to C ~z) and in the solid (enrichment
to C ~ ) . Such a picture is quite limited, but it allows one to
emphasize the still dominant role of the liquid diffusion in
/ stage two.
2. Alternative analysis of the effective diffusion coefficient
The interface description in the previous section neglects
the crucial role of processes occurring at the moving inter-
o l'.o 2'.0 31o face which is likely to be neither flat nor infinitesimally
Logt thin. An alternative is to treat the interface as a thin film
Fig. 1 0 - - L o g Y: vs log t relationships (for details please see the text). where the migration of copper into silver can be consid-
ered as a general phenomenon of surface diffusion.
Probably the most relevant representation of the physical
situation in such a case was provided by Frauenfelder's ex-
better fit is obtained (still retaining n = 0.5) if a is assumed periment in Ag-Cu alloys (quoted in Reference 12), where
to be 10 -3.28 = 5 . 2 5 " 10 -4 (see Figure 10). Thus, the equa- the diffusion of radioactive copper-64 on the surface of
tion which reasonably describes the present results can be silver was studied at 750 ~ Frauenfelder's measurement
expressed as Y2 = 5.25 9 10-4t ~ yielded a diffusion coefficient Of the order of 10 -6 cm2/s.
It is clear that the effective diffusion coefficient D e is likely Unfortunately, the measurements involved a good deal of
to be related to a combination of D L and D s at the respec- scatter. Later, Pines et al., quoted in Reference 12 as well,
tive compositions of liquid and solid in contact, but the exact studied the kinetics of copper surface diffusion on thin films
relationship is not known. To a first approximation, it may of silver --~10 nm thick and this work suggested a surface
be reasonable to assume that the predominant difference diffusion coefficient (at TB = 1093 K) of about 1 9 10 -6
between stage one and stage two melting is the difference cm2/s. Since the "effective diffusion coefficient" D e =
in the effective diffusion coefficients. If we accept that the 6.3 9 10 -7 c m 2 / s derived from the present experiment is of
constants are likely to be similar in both stages, i.e., K: = the same order of magnitude, the S / L interface displace-
KI = 0.33, and if we use the value of a2 = 5.25 x 10-4 ment in stage two could be viewed as being controlled by
derived above to obtain the best fit with experimental data, the copper surface diffusion in a-solid solution.
e q u a t i o n D e = (a:/2K2) 2 yields D e ~ 6.3 x 10 -7 cm2/sec. Afterward, the solid/liquid interface movement into the
1. Analysis of the effective diffusion coefficient Ag sides of the sandwich reverses direction as the liquid
Utilizing the published literature data for diffusion in Cu- zone shrinks.
Ag alloys, 9'11J2Dc at C L~ = 18 wt pct Cu in Ag is estimated 3. Estimation of the maximum width of the liquid interlayer
as 1.2 x 10-5 cm2/sec, and D~ at C ~ = 7 wt pct Cu in According to the data given in Table IV, the initial width
Ag is estimated as 4.6 • 10 -1~ cm2/sec. If neither D~ nor (W0) and the final maximum width (Wmax) of the molten
DL is dominant, D e may be expressed as a simple geometric zone, are, respectively, 79 and 420/zm. Wmaxcan be esti-
mean of Ds and DL, yielding mated in principle by applying the mass conservation equa-
De = D~ 1/2 " ~Ln1/2 = 7.4 X 10-8 cm2/sec tion to the molten zone. In this rough approach, the change
in volume due to liquefaction can be neglected. The mass
which is an order of magnitude lower than the value esti- balance relationship dictates that:
mated in the previous section on the basis of the W vs t
analysis. W o C B p B = (Wma x - W0). c L a p A Jr WoCLapB [13]
In order to increase De, the influence of D L must be
more pronounced over D~. One way to achieve this is to where PA and PB are the densities of A and B, respectively,
consider that De could be expressed in terms of a "weighted" and C B and C L~ are weight fraction compositions. Rear-
a c(,b
geometric mean, DL x Ds , w h e r e a + b = 1. Now, in ranging Eq. [13] and taking C B = 1, C L~ = 0.18, p~ =
order to arrive at the experimentally derived value of De, 8.9 g / c m 3, and PA = 10.5 g / c m 3 we obtain:


sate for the difference between K 3 and K; by adopting a
C~ _ CL~ P._~]
Wm,x = W0" 1 + CL,~ " =4.9" W0 [14] similar approach as in stage 2, i.e., by introducing an
effective diffusion coefficient for stage 3 that would be a
suitable mean between DO] and DL. However, unlike in
The corresponding experimental expression is Wm,x =
stage 2, it would be difficult to postulate a physical basis
5.3 " W0- The agreement is remarkably good and confirms
for involving the diffusion coefficient in the liquid in the
that mass conservation is maintained in this stage of the
rate controlling process of solidification during stage 3. At
TLP process. This allows reasonable predictions of ex-
this stage, DL is likely only to be involved in the homoge-
pected Wmaxin terms of the phase diagram, the respective
nization of the shrinking solute-rich liquid zone.
densities, and the width W0 of the inserted bonding layer.
A more likely explanation for the differences between
K; and K3 may be found by considering the possible mech-
C. Isothermal Solidification
anisms of the interface migration. Unlike in the process
During stage three, the liquid zone begins to recede and considered by Lesoult, involving a diffusion controlled
continues shrinking until all liquid is used up. Cu atoms movement of a planar interface, solidification process is
(component B) steadily diffuse into the Ag-base material almost certain to involve a ledge-type migration mecha-
(component A) at the S / L interface, converting it into com- nism. 13 Here, the diffusional mobility of the interface
position C ~L. Since the shrinkage of the liquid zone is con- would be controlled by a two-dimensional nucleation and
trolled by the rate of solute (i.e., Cu) diffusion into the growth.of ledges involving a cooperative movement of
Ag-based solid solution, the interdiffusion coefficient in groups of atoms. Such a process is likely to speed up the
the solid D ~ becomes predominant. The larger the D O], the advancement of the solid interface into the liquid and thus
faster should be the rate of solidification via the moving reduce the time t 3 needed for complete solidification.
S / L boundary. Relative to the preceding widening process An additional factor likely to accelerate growth during
(stage 2), the solidification process (stage 3) is slow. On stage 3 is the polycrystalline nature of the base metal. The
the average, the kinetics of stage 3 are at least two orders liquid interlayer intrudes into the grain boundaries (as in
of magnitude slower than in stage 2. However, in addition Figure 7) and thus p r o v i d e s - - a s in the case of l e d g e s - -
to the value of D~, the actual atomistic process occurring an extra surface area for diffusion.
at the interface may also play a major role. 1. Estimation of time for complete solidification
To analyze the kinetics during stage 3 we define a dis- To a production engineer interested in TLP bonding, one
placement variable Y3 in terms of the experimentally mea- of the most important considerations would be the time for
sured width W: complete solidification of the bond region, t 3. To estimate
this time we assume that a pool of liquid of initial width
Y3 = (Wm,x - W ) / 2 [15]
Wmax/2 is shrinking gradually to zero over time t 3 and we
Again, we define the time dependence of Y3 (and hence W) apply the mass conservation principle which was found
through a general relation: earlier to be valid for stage 2. According to Sekerka, 5 the
mass balance at any time during stage 3, under the assump-
Y3 = a 3 " tm [16]
tion that PA = PS, is governed by the relationship:
where a 3 and m are constants. The time, t, in this case is
actually an approximation for t - t 2, but since t3 is much
greater than t2, this simplification is justified. As before, a
logarithmic form of Eq. [15] provides a convenient way
W ' C L~ = Wmax'C L~ + 2
f0; D o] dt [20]

where W is the width at time t, and W 9 C L~ and Wm.x '

for plotting the experimental data listed in Table V: C L~ represent the actual and the initial mass values of the
log Y3 = log a3 + m log t [17] interlayer, respectively; the integral represents the leak of
atoms across one of the interfaces due to diffusion of Cu
Values of log a 3 = - 4 . 5 (or a 3 = 3.2 • 10-5) and m = into Ag governed bY2the diffusion constant D~ (we recall
0.495 (r = 0.99) are obtained from a straight line best fit D, = 4.6 9 10-1~ c m / s ) .
to the experimental data. As in stage 2, the interface dis- To evaluate the integral in Eq. [20] we recall the solu-
placement again follows essentially a square-root law (with tion of the Fick's equation [5, 8]:
m ~ 0.5):
C(y,t) = C ~162 +erf(y/4X/~t)] [21]
Y3 = a3 " t~ [18]
Integration over time yields [5]:
where a 3 can now be expressed in terms of the interdiffu-
sion coefficient in the solid at the interface D O]and a gen- fot ~ dc / 4 D st\ o 5
D~yy = - - c ~ L ~ - ~ ~) [22]
eral proportionality constant K;:
a 3 = 2K~X/-D-~
~ [19] and hence:
With the experimental value of a 3 = 3.2 9 10-5 and DO] -- 2 9 C ~z/'4D"_t\ ~
4.6 9 10 -m c m 2 / s , ~2 Eq. [19] yields a value of K~ = 0.75. W = Wmax C c" ~ z _ ~ ) [23]
As shown in Table III, the evaluation by Lesoult of a con-
stant K3 of the respective Eq. [7] for the Ag-Cu system at To estimate t3, w e set W = 0 at t --- t3:
1093 K suggested a value of about 0.28 which would make 2 {cL~ 2
the movement of the S / L interface much slower than ob- t3 = Wma x " [24]
served experimentally. One might be tempted to compen- \C~,] 16D~


Wmaxin terms of W0 was estimated earlier (Eq. [3] or [13]). In order to consider this, it is necessary to express C ~ as
If we assume that PA PB' Eq. [13] is simplified to:
= a function of temperature T. Then, by choosing T = TB ,
CB we effectively select a certain value of C ~z from the phase
Wmax : Wo.fL a [25] diagram. *
*In peritectic systems, as we increase Ts, both the exponential term and
Combining Eqs. [24] and [25] gives: C ~ (see Eq. [29]) will tend to reduce t3; thus t3 cannot be minimized.

In numerous eutectic systems the solidus line may be

t3 = 16D7" \ C ~ ] [261 represented to a first approximation by a straight line. We
consider a phase diagram, where ire is the eutectic temper-
For the present case of the A g / C u / A g sandwich with
ature, TM is the melting temperature of the base metal (A)
the Cu interlayer (Wo = 79 9 1 0 - 4 c m ) , C B and C ~ equal
and C ~z is the solubility of B in A at TE. For a given sys-
1 and 0.08, respectively. A calculation of the time t 3 using
tem irE, TM, C ~e are fixed. The corresponding straight line
Eq. [26] yields (with Ds~ = 4.6 • 10-1~ cm2/s) a strongly
solidus relationship can be written as:
overestimated value of t 3 ~ 1200 hours. The actual time
t 3 expected from the extrapolation of the curve in Figure 7 C~ = C~ (TM -- T)/(TM - TE) [301
is some 200 hours. Thus we must emphasize here that t 3
dictated by mass conservation principle (Eq. [26]) and in- which can be written in the form:
dependently estimated from diffusion considerations is in C ~z = C - nT [31]
both cases overestimated several times. This is an obvious
consequence of the very complex conditions prevailing at where:
the moving S / L interface as discussed above. n = C~ - T~), [32a]
Due to the nonplanar nature of the bond region and the
grain boundary trapping of liquid it is difficult to define a and
definite time for complete solidification in all areas of the C = C~ TMI(TM - TE). [32b]
sandwich. While some areas may still have liquid in the
joint region, other regions will already have solidified so To simplify the calculation we substitute Eq. [31] into
that homogenization may already be well underway in these Eq. [29] obtaining:
latter regions. t3 = y ' " [ e x p ( Q / R T ) / ( C - nT) 2] [33]
2. The combined effect o f the bonding temperature TB
and the solubility o f solute B in base metal A on the time or in logarithmic form,
f o r complete solidification 03) In t3 = In y ' + ( Q / R T ) - 2 ln(C - nT) = 7. [34]
As shown previously, for an interlayer of initial width
W0 and initial concentration C B used to join two pieces of a The resulting parameter z is dimensionless, and can be
base metal, the time required for complete solidification, designated as a new variable. It represents now the time
t3, is given approximately by Eq. [26]. for complete solidification.
The width W0 and the concentration C s are constants so By taking the first derivative of z with respect to T and
that we can rewrite Eq. [26] as: equating it to zero a quadratic equation in terms of T is
t3 = T / D ~ " (caL) 2 [27]
2nRT 2 -4- QnT - QC = 0. [35]
where y is constant. The temperature dependence of t 3 can
now be introduced via the Arrhenius relation: D~ = Do 9 From Eq. [35], the two solutions for T are given by
e x p ( - Q / R T ) . The expression for t3 thus becomes:
Y [exp(Q/RT)] T = [-Qn +- {(Qn) 2 + (8QCRn)} '/2] "4R---n" [36]
t3 = ~00" t (coL)2 j [28]
The positive term gives a temperature T corresponding to
If the composition dependence of Do is neglected, Eq. [28]
a minimum of z (the minimum in t 3 ) . Tmin is therefore
can be reduced further to: determined by the activation enthalpy for diffusion and,

I.exp(Q/Rr)[/ t29]
via C and n (Eq. [32]), the melting temperature of the
base metal.
Plots of z vs T for various binary eutectic systems (in re-
where Y' is a constant. gions of selected phase diagrams) are illustrated in Fig-
The above expression is in a convenient form which re- ure 11. The curves give a qualitative representation of the
lates t 3 to the solubility of the solute in the base metal (C ~ effect of the bond temperature on the time for complete
at Ts) and the bonding temperature TB. Qualitatively, as solidification. While the Ag-Cu system involves a local
we increase Ta, t3 will decrease via the exponential term. minimum near the eutectic temperature, other systems may
However, an increase in T8 simultaneously reduces the C ~ have a minimum at much higher temperatures. It must be
(solidus composition in a eutectic-type phase diagram) and emphasized, however, that the numerical magnitude of the
hence will tend to raise t 3. This interplay between the two z-axis is not drawn to scale since the curves have been
opposing terms offers the possibility of minimizing t3 by shifted to make it possible to show all plots on the same
an appropriate selection of the bonding temperature, as diagram. Nevertheless, the slope of these curves is qualita-
well as the inserted interlayer composition and thickness. tively related to the effect on t 3 of changing the bonding



Pb-Sn (26.2)\
\ ilJ / / / ,/



~-~-~r'~ d/' ""~ ""-~ . . . . - 4.0

FAI-Cu (52.6)Ja/t "r =ln B-2.~n [C eE f T . - T "~]'-4- ~

ra-O. ta..EV.CY" L ~ TM-TE./j RT 15 Hours

JO0 150
8 = (T-TE)

* r' x 0.5

1 t I I I I I
Fig. l l - - E f f e c t of bonding temperature (and hence C ~) on total time
for solidification for different eutectic systems (for details please see -200 - I00 0 I00 200 275
the text). Distance From The Symmetry Axis (/_tm)
Fig. 12--Concentration profiles of Cu in the resolidified interlayer after
prior annealing of the Ag/Ag-20 wt pct Cu/Ag sandwich for 8 h and
15 h at 820 ~

temperature. While t 3 is very temperature sensitive in the

Pb-Sn system, this effect is small in the Fe-C system.
3. The use of an Au-20 wt pct Cu alloy as the interlayer
material 1. A Ag/Cu/Ag sandwich joint associated with a simple
The TLP experiment discussed above involves the pure eutectic phase diagram can be used as a suitable sample
metals A (Ag) and B (Cu) which form a suitable eutectic to test the TLP bonding process.
system. While the Ag/Cu/Ag offers a simple and suitable 2. The present study has confirmed earlier theoretical
joint for an investigation of the TLP bonding process, the modeling which treats the TLP bonding as a diffusional
use of a pure material as the interlayer material makes process involving four distinctive stages: (i) dissolution of
the process quite prolonged (e.g., the time for complete the interlayer, (ii) homogenization of the liquid, (iii) iso-
s o l i d i f i c a t i o n , t3, the important parameter for engineer- thermal solidification, and (iv) homogenization of the
ing applications, is some 200 hours at 1093 K). To obtain bond region.
a significantly shorter process, the TLP bond sandwich 3. The first stage of TLP bonding occurs almost instanta-
should involve interlayer material in the form of an alloy neously and can be accounted for by diffusion that occurs
close to eutectic composition. To verify the gain in overall mainly in the liquid near the interlayer interface.
bonding time resulting in this case, samples were made 4. In the second stage, the kinetic behavior of the L / S in-
using a 75 /xm thick Ag-20 wt pct Cu foil. For compari- terface is influenced by processes occurring in both the
son with the "pure Cu" situation, samples were bonded at liquid and the solid. An effective diffusion coefficient
1093 K for 8 and 15 hours. can be derived from experimental data; it can either be
As expected, already after 8 hours the bond region was expressed as a "weighted" geometric mean of appropri-
solidified, except for some liquid trapped at grain bound- ate DL and Ds coefficients, or can be viewed as being
aries. Such regions show a concentration peak of about controlled by the surface diffusion of copper in the silver-
9 wt pct Cu (as in Figure 12). In the Ag-Cu phase diagram rich a-solid solution (on the Cu side).
this composition lies in a two-phase (a-Ag + Liq) region. 5. In the third stage, diffusion appears to be controlled
After 15 hours the bond region was completely solidified. mainly by Ds. The experimental time for complete so-
The highest concentration was about 6.4 wt pct Cu near lidification has been found to be shorter than the time
the initial center of the interlayer foil. At the bond tempera- predicted and this is at least in part due to the fact that
ture of 1093 K, the expected solidus composition, C ~, is the theoretical considerations are based on the assump-
about 7 wt pct Cu. Thus, after 15 hours solidification is tion of a moving planar liquid/solid interface, whereas
not only completed, but much homogenization of the bond the actual solidification involves curved interfaces and
region has already occurred. This confirms the expectation perhaps also a ledge-type migration mechanism.
that choosing an appropriate alloy for the interlayer mate- 6. A modeling approach is proposed which allows, for a
rial will shorten the TLP process. given TLP process and the associated phase diagram, to


predict an optimal bonding temperature, corresponding REFERENCES
to the shortest time for complete solidification. The 1. D.S. Duvall, W. A. Owczarski, and D. F. Paulonis: WeldingJournal,
model suggests that some eutectic-type systems are 1974, vol. 53, pp. 203-14.
more suitable for TLP bonding than others. 2. J.T. Niemann and R. A. Garrett: Welding Journal, Research Suppl.,
7. A clear experimental confirmation has been obtained 1974, vol. 53, pp. 175-84.
3. R.R. Wells: Welding Journal, Research Suppl., 1976, vol. 55,
showing that the use of an alloy close to eutectic compo-
pp. 20-27.
sition as an interlayer material shortens the TLP process. 4. G. Lesoult: Center for Joining of Materials Report, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, PA, Sept. 1976.
5. R.F. Sekerka: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, un-
published research, 1979.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 6. R.F. Sekerka, C.L. Jeanfils, and R.W. Heckel, Technical Report
No. 3, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, July 1975.
The authors are particularly grateful to Dr. G. Lesoult 7. Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, T.B. Massalski, ed., ASM, Metals
for many stimulating discussions and provision of unpub- Park, OH, 1986.
lished notes and calculations several years ago, which have 8. P.G. Shewmon: Diffusion in Solids, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New
led to their interest in the experimental work and model- York, NY, 1963.
9. T. Yamamura and T. Ejima: J. Japan Inst. of Metals, 1973, vol. 37,
ing described in this paper. They also wish to thank Profes- pp. 901-07.
sor R. E Sekerka for additional discussions of his interests 10. W. Volk: Applied Statisticsfor Engineers, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
and contributions to this subject. The experimental work was New York, NY, 1969.
supported in part by a grant from the National Science 11. M.G. Hall and C.W. Haworth: Trans. A1ME, 1969, vol. 245,
Foundation (DMR 81-06234). Support from the Center for pp. 2476-79.
12. D.B. Butrymowicz, J.R. Manning, and M.E. Read: J. Phys.
the Study of Materials, through the Materials Research Lab- Chem. Ref. Data, 1974, vol. 3, pp. 527-602.
oratory Section, National Science Foundation, under Grant 13. D.P. Woodruff: The Solid-Liquid Interface, Cambridge University
No. DMR-8521805, is also gratefully acknowledged. Press, Cambridge, 1973.


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