MIGG-Clinic 2

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Date Event/Health condition Who iResult/Description of the case/Treatment Study

Moving from Sao Paulo Brazil to Mexico City (Age: 50 Years old)
May 2015- Muscle contracture in the Various doctors. Indicated Ibuprofeno (intermittent).
Sep 2019 neck (right side) The neck had only a muscle contracture with the
form of something like a stripe. Later on time it
evolved to something like a capsule or ball.
Jul 24, Diagnosis of Osteopenia at Gynecologist (1) requested a bone densitometry and
2018 1% in the spine treatement with Zolnic (zoledronic acid). With this
dose, Isabel refers that at midnight she felt like her
entire body was paralyzed and her bone structure
sound like “cracking from inside”.
Aug 9, Hormonal re-balancing Gynecologist (1) – inserted a pellet with Bioidentical
2018 hormones
Mar 11, Hormonal re-balancing Gynecologist (1) – inserted a pellet with bioidentical
2019 hormones
Jun 25, Osteopenia (reinforcement) Gynecologist (1) injected Zolnic (zoledronic acid) (2nd
2019 dose)
Aug 2019 Forehead Botox Dermatologist (2) – cosmetic treatement
Moving to Monterrey, Mexico from Mexico City (Age: 54 Years old)
Sep 2019 Vaginal bleeding Gynecologist (3) – Bleeding resulted from stop the
bioidentical hormones injection. Bleeding
intermittent until March 2021. Isabel referred that
the blood was in the urine and Gynecologist directed
to an urologist.
Sep 2019 Urine infection Urologist (4) identified a urine infection treated with
Bredelin and Azitrocin
Oct 2019 Back muscle contracture and No doctors in particular - Started with massages and
neck contracture started with chiropractic
Nov 2019 Bleeding identified as vaginal Gynecologist practiced a pap smear and identified
the blood coming from the endometrium and
indicated Depoprovera, Provera and Ibuprofen.
Bleeding stopped for 3 months until March 2020.
Nov 2019 Back and neck contracture Sports Doctor (5) indicated a Magnetic resonance of
all the spine and cervicals. No issues from this study
other than wear of vertebrae disc. Doctor diagnosis
was a bursitis and indicated Piascladine 300mg,
Oralgelab for 4 months and Tafirol for 10 days. We
don’t have a copy of the study.
He also indicated massages in cervical and dorsal
Jan 2020 Back and neck contracture General Practitioner (6) started a treatment with
massages and B complex vitamins plus minerals.
Mar 2020 Vaginal bleeding appeared Gynecologist (3) in Monterrey – identified the
to May again in March 2020 but bleeding was not in the urine and treated with
2020 stopped in May 2020 contraceptive
General Practitioner (6) took over the case to avoid
the contraceptives as they had a bad reaction in
Isabel and treated with Pinkham Liquid 8 oz and
herbal infusions (pulsatila, Ignatia, Natrum
muriaticum, sepia and chamomile)
Bleeding stopped in May 2020.
July 2020 Bones densitometry General Practitioner (6) requested a new bone
densitometry with the osteopenia corrected
Jul 2020 to Back muscle contracture and General Practitioner (6) with massages, sauna,
Oct 2020 neck contracture hyperbaric capsule and biomagnetism. The pain
decreased significantly but the little ball in the neck
was still there preventing to turn the neck or face to
the left side (like pulling)
10 Nov Little ball in the neck broke - General practitioner used massages, biomagnetism
2020 Tingle started in the right and hyperbaric capsule reduced the size of the
side of the body ball/capsule in the neck and since this date (Nov 10,
2020) Isabel started to feel tingling the body and
pain in the upper side of the back – in the area of
the shoulder blade.
10 Nov No sleep Since this date, Isabel practically didn’t sleep
10 Dec 1st visit to Chiropractor Chiropractor did a first session and the tingle
2020 disappeared for 20 minutes approximately
22 Jan Visit to Neurosurgeon Neurosurgeon requested a Magnetic resonance of Please
2021 specialist in spine brain and cervicals and also an hematic biometry, check
rheumatic profile and hematic biometry. Indicated Appendix
to take Etoricoxib, Trileptal and Nucleo CMP Forte. 1 for MR
25 Jan Visit to Traumatologist Visit to a Traumatologist to another opinion and Please
2021 reviewed the magnetic resonance results. Indicated check
to take Nucleo CMP Forte, Etoricoxib, Sertralina and Appendix
Trileptal. To sleep, indicated Rivotril. Isabel followed 1 for MR
this treatment. results
28 Jan 2nd visit with a Chiropractor Chiropractor – started weekly sessions to reduce
2021 pain in the neck and in the back (right side from the
coccyx to the neck)
18 Feb 2nd visit to Traumatologist Traumatologist reviewed the results and the
2021 progress and indicated also Neurontin 300mg
25 Feb X Ray - Diagnosis of scoliosis Chiropractor requested X Ray. Diagnosis attached.
2021 14° Chiropractor added reflexology
14 Apr X Ray - Diagnosis of scoliosis Chiropractor requested another X Ray and continued
2021 5° with reflexology, biomagnetism and acupuncture.
After 14 sessions with the Chiropractor the pain
disappeared but tingle continued. Isabel described
it as it is going from the coccyx in the right side and
going up crossing the shoulder blade and passing
through her skull from the back to the face. She
refers the feeling like she is draining from her back
to her face
26 May No more progress with Traumatologist and orthopedist using NLS Diagnosis
2021 chiropractor – trying another Metatron and treat illness with pulsating
method – now alternative electromagnetic fields.

From that new treatment, now Isabel refers not only

numbness/tingling but also itching in her body and
also feeling burning particularly in the palm of the
hands (left one). Importantly, the feeling or
draining sensation increased when drinking or
eating. Itching or burning increases around 16h00

Isabel is using CBD to sleep in addition with the

Rivotril (eliminated the Neurontin)


Isabel took medicine and Etoricoxib from Feb 9, 2021 to Feb 17, 2021
supplements as follows Nucleo CMP Forte from Feb 8 2021 to Mar 19, 2021
Neurontin from 18 Feb 2021 to 8 Jun 2021
Tramadol from Jan 30, 2021 to Feb 14, 2021
Rivotril from 31 Jan 2021 to date (1mg)

Ortiga ajo rey from Jan 28, 2021 to Mar 26, 2021
St Johns root from 30 Jan 2021 to 16 Mar 2021
Isabel is still taking Rivotril (1mg)
Isabel is taking psychologist sessions to go through the health issue.

General information:

Isabel Gonzalez Gallegos

Date of birth: May 11, 1965
Height: 1.65mts / 5.41 ft
Weight: 50 kgs /110lb

Brain magnetic resonance


Cervical magnetic resonance

APPENDIX 2 - X Ray February 25, 2021 – Scoliosis 14°
APPENDIX 3 - X Ray Apr 14 2021 – 2 months later Scoliosis 5°

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