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1. Identify the different ways one 1. Engage in discussing a wide range 1. Identify words, ideas, structure,
may evaluate a literary text, of literary texts and ideas within the and purpose of the text 1. Create a short essay
specifically by examining its scope of Philippine literature expressed through a type of
I. OBJECTIVES 2. Discuss how different imagery imagery
biographical context,
2. Analyze and explore in detail a enhance the text’s meaning and
sociocultural context, and featured 21st Century Philippine enrich the reader’s understanding
linguistic context literary text

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of 21st century Philippine literature from the regions.
B. Performance Standard The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st Century Philippine literature from the regions through: 1. a written close analysis and critical
interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived from research; and 2. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using
Explain the biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and discuss how they Situate the text in the context of the region and the nation EN12Lit-Ie-29
enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the reader’s understanding
C. Learning Competency/ies
EN12Lit-Ie-28 Explain the relationship of context with the text’s meaning EN12Lit-Ie-30

Study and appreciation of literary texts from the different regions written in different genres covering:

1. regions in Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao

2. major genres (poetry, fiction, drama, creative nonfiction, as well as hyperpoetry, blogs, mobile phone Texttula, chick lit, speculative fiction, flash fiction, etc.)

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Teacher-Made Presentation/Video
LEARNING RESOURCES Context and Text’s Meaning

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages pp. 1-21 pp. 1-21

3. Textbook pages


1. Greetings
2. Saying of one positive affirmation a day.
3. Checking of attendance
The students will answer the question:
Recap: The learners will do information-
In accomplishing your PT1, what are the The learners will do information-sharing
A. Reviewing previous lesson or (Asynchronous) sharing about what they recall about the
presenting the new lesson factors that helped you evaluate the about what they recall about the context.
Contextual Approaches
literary work that you have researched?

The learners will do a walkthrough of the The learners will do a walkthrough of the The learners will do a walkthrough of the
lesson expectations during which the lesson expectations during which the lesson expectations during which the
B. Establishing a purpose for the . (Asynchronous)
lesson content and learning objectives will be content and learning objectives will be content and learning objectives will be
presented. presented. presented.

C. Presenting examples/instances of (Asynchronous)

the new lesson
Discussion: Literary Reading Through Discussion: Context and Text’s Meaning
D. Discussing new concepts and (Asynchronous) Discussion: Context and Text’s Meaning
practicing new skills # 1 Contextual Approaches

E. Discussing new concepts and (Asynchronous)

practicing new skills # 2
Sample literary work for each
Contextual Approach will be presented
in which students must answer key
questions, such as:

1. Biographical Context- How

does looking at the author help
us better understand the text? The learners will answer a 5-item Let the students make a simple diagram
F. Developing mastery
2. Sociocultural Context- Why (Asynchronous) vocabulary word in context clues through showing the similarity and difference of
(leads to Formative Assessment)
would a particular event or an rapid assessment with a twist. types of imagery
outside situation affect a
literary piece?
3. Linguistic Context- What is the
importance of understanding
the way language is used in a
literary text?

G. Finding practical application of The students will think of a song they (Asynchronous) Show the students some funny confusing
concepts and skills in daily living love and share how they are able to street signs. The students must
understood the meaning of the song distinguish why the texts are confusing.
through one of the contextual Let them identify the imagery used and
why it is important to understand the text
approaches. and create correct imagery in the reader’s

Provide a sample poem with imagery and

One of the learners will share the terms Let one of the learners share the terms
let a student read it in class. Let him
H. Making generalization and and concepts he/she remembers about (Asynchronous) and concepts he/she remembers about
abstractions about the lesson identify the imagery used and explain the
the topic. the topic.
definition of imagery

The class will be divided into 7 groups. Each

group will do a critical analysis of a Filipino The students will write a 5-sentence essay
The students will answer a 5-item
Let the learners answer a 5-item rapid short story that is assigned to their group. describing a scenario upon entering a
objective type seatwork on analyzing
I. Evaluating learning assessment. They must apply at least one contextual Jollibee fast food chain using a type of
approach in the analysis. (Details at the imagery.
attached document)

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation

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