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Name:________ Class: VIII Roll no:_ _ Sub: Biology FM:40

I. Choose the correct answer [5x1=5M]

1._____ is a life process that helps maintain the continuity of the race
a. Fertilisation b. Gestation c. reproduction d. Respiration
2. Human gestation period is of about _________ days.
a. 280 b. 380 c.480 d.180
3.Which of the following factors support life on the earth?
a. Optimum temperature b. Right distance from the sun
b. optimum gravity d. All these above.
4. __________ always begin the food chains.
a. Plants b. Herbivores c. Carnivores d. omnivores
5.Which of the following groups consists of biotic factors.
a. Air, water, light b. Plants, and animals, micro organisms
c. light, plants, water d. Animals, plants, water
II. Fill in the blanks[5x1=5m]
1.___________ make the base of an ecological pyramid.
2. A food web is formed of interconnected ______________.
3.Mistletoe is a ______________ plant.
4. The organism from which another organism benefits in parasitism is known as
a _________________.
5._____________ gas is required by plants for photosynthesis.
III. Write true or false [5x1=5M
1.the earth is a very hot planet. ____________
2.The sun is the primary source of energy on the earth ____________
3.A deer is a secondary consumer. ______________
4.Water And soil are abiotic components of environment. ___________.
5. Head lice share a symbiotic relationship with human beings ___________.
IV. Define the following [5x2=10M]
a. Ecosystem b. Food chain c. Food web d. Symbiosis
e. Parasitism

V. Answer the following question any 5 [ 5x2=10M]

1. Define asexual reproduction and explain it with an example.
2. Define Fertiliastion and state one difference between a sperm cell and an
egg cell on th e basis of the structure.
3. Differentiate between internal and external Fertiliastion.
4. State the functions of testosterone hormone in males and oestrogen
hormone in females.
5. What are consumers? Discuss with their types with examples.
6.Discuss the importance of soil as an abiotic component with the help of an
7.What are the factors that cause ecosystem to change.
VI. Label the parts of male reproductive system [5x1=5M]

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