Assign1 PT4

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Assignment #1

Rhea Mae F. Melendres BSIT 3B March 24, 2021

1. Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of

people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and
arts. The word “culture” derives from a French term, which in turn derives
from the Latin “colere,” which means to tend to the earth and grow, or
cultivation and nurture.
 Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs,
values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles,
spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and
possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations
through individual and group striving.
 Culture is the systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of
 Culture is communication, communication is culture.
 Culture in its broadest sense is cultivated behavior; that is the totality of a
person's learned, accumulated experience which is socially transmitted, or
more briefly, behavior through social learning.
 A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values,
and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and
that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation
to the next.
 Culture is symbolic communication. Some of its symbols include a group's
skills, knowledge, attitudes, values, and motives. The meanings of the
symbols are learned and deliberately perpetuated in a society through its
 Culture is the sum of total of the learned behavior of a group of people that
are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are
transmitted from generation to generation.
2. Service is a means of delivering value to customers by facilitating
outcomes customers want to achieve without the ownership of
specific costs and risks, or the action of helping or doing work for
someone. A service business is one in which the perceived value of
the offering to the buyer is determined largely by the services
provided to him than the products offered. This includes the business
of all intangible services delivered to the customer. Some of the
tangible services where both the goods and services are provided to
the customer, like restaurants and supermarkets, also come under
the purview of the services marketing. The spectrum of services
ranges between the degree of intangibility and tangibility of the
offerings delivered to the user. Some offerings are clearly services
like enjoyment of movie, art exhibition or an athletic event.

3. Service Culture is an organizational culture where there is a

collective way employees think about providing outstanding service,
act to provide it, and understand how and why they do it. And is one
where employees are obsessed with customer service. A service
culture exists when you motivate the employees in your
organization to take a customer-centric approach to their regular
duties and work activities. Sales and service employees put
customer needs first when presenting solutions and providing
support. Other employees work behind the scenes to ensure
customers get a good product experience. Developing a service
culture requires time and consistency.

4. Customer Service is the provision of service to customers before,

during, and after a purchase. The perception of success of such
interactions is dependent on employees “who can adjust themselves
to the personality of the guest”. Customer service concerns the
priority an organization assigns to customer service relative to
components such as product innovation and pricing. In this sense, an
organization that values good customer service may spend more
money in training employees than the average organization or may
proactively interview customers for feedback.

5. Customer is an individual or business that purchases another

company’s goods or services. Customers are important because they
drive revenues; without them, businesses cannot continue to exist. A
customer is an individual or business that purchases another
company's goods or services. Customers are important because they
drive revenues; without them, businesses cannot continue to exist.
All businesses compete with other companies to attract customers,
either by aggressively advertising their products, by lowering prices
to expand their customer bases or developing unique products and
experiences that customers love, think Apple, Tesla, Google or

6. Service Excellence is the act going beyond customer expectations

and delivering an industry-leading experience that really wows your
clients. Most organizations provide good customer service, but
customers keep coming back to the ones that go beyond to provide
service excellence. Customer service is where your brand comes to
life. While you can design a really informative great looking
website and have all your internal processes running smoothly, it’s
your frontline teams and their interaction with customers that make
the biggest impression. So it’s important to remember how big a role
customer service plays in defining that impression.

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