Makalah Global Awareness

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Dosen: Tri Rahayu Mayasari, SS.,M.Hum.

Disusun Oleh :
Dewi Kusumaningrum
Muhammad Keyaan Daanish
Ridhwan Sepriandana
Safhira Aghna Anggraini Panggabean

Ilmu Komunikasi

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik



TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................2

CHAPTER 1............................................................................................................................3


1.1 BACKGROUND.....................................................................................................3
1.2 THE MAIN PROBLEM..........................................................................................4
1.3 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES..............................................................................4
CHAPTER 2............................................................................................................................5


2.1 DO YOU HAVE ANY THOUGHTS ON THAT....................................................5

2.2 RELIGIONS TOLERANCE....................................................................................6
2.3 CULTURAN DIVERSITY......................................................................................7
CHAPTER 3............................................................................................................................9


3.1 CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................9




Awareness of globalization includes four major understandings. First, the

state is no longer the only actor in political and economic relations at the local,
national and international levels. Thus the state is no longer the only holder of
political legitimacy. Many economic, social, and political policies are not only
implemented by individuals and domestic communities, but also become the
subject of debate outside the borders of the country concerned.

In addition, state sovereignty is not absolute because the sources, impacts,

and solutions to problems that develop beyond the boundaries of state
sovereignty. It is even difficult to completely separate domestic and external
problems. Second, the emergence of a combination of economic power and
information technology that cannot be fully controlled by the state. By realists,
this phenomenon is seen as an expansion of the power of the great powers; as a
symptom of the emergence of new actors in an increasingly complex and
pluralistic world for liberals; and as a manifestation of the power of global
capitalism for Marxists and Neo-Marxists. However, thirdly, all agree that the
fundamental consequences of globalization are openness, competition and

Finally, fourthly, global interactions raise transnational problems that can

only be solved through international cooperation. The neo-functionalist paradigm
sees this as a path to regional integration. This is where the relationship between
individuals, groups and society, the state, and global/international actors gives
birth to high interdependence and vulnerability to each other. They become
sensitive to each other. Awareness of globalization as above raises the importance
of studies on: The relationship between the state, market, and society (state,
market, and society)

Major changes driven by information technology, individual and

community movements, and cross-national capital (economic power) Regional
integration in the economic, political, and cultural-sociological fields
Transnational and global problems: money laundering, migrant workers,
terrorism, drug trafficking, illegal migration, arms smuggling, cyber crimes (cyber
crimes), and environmental problems The emergence of identity problems as the
basis of interaction and interests of individuals and society both at domestic and
international levels.


Based on the results of the discussion, the formulation of the problem

carried out in this study as a learning medium is how:

1. How to apply tolerance

2. Understanding globalization

3. Various kinds of cultural division


Based on the results of the discussion and the formulation of the problem,
this discussion aims to find out the meaning or meaning of respecting others
among people and cultural diversity. train in the mastery of English language




Awareness of globalization includes four major understandings. First, the

state is no longer the only actor in political and economic relations at the local,
national and international levels. Thus the state is no longer the only holder of
political legitimacy. Many economic, social, and political policies are not only
implemented by individuals and domestic communities, but also become the
subject of debate outside the borders of the country concerned.

In addition, state sovereignty is not absolute because the sources, impacts,

and solutions to problems that develop beyond the boundaries of state
sovereignty. It is even difficult to completely separate domestic and external

Second, the emergence of a combination of economic power and

information technology that cannot be fully controlled by the state. By realists,
this phenomenon is seen as an expansion of the power of the great powers; as a
symptom of the emergence of new actors in an increasingly complex and
pluralistic world for liberals; and as a manifestation of the power of global
capitalism for Marxists and Neo-Marxists. However, thirdly, all agree that the
fundamental consequences of globalization are openness, competition and

Finally, fourthly, global interactions raise transnational problems that can

only be solved through international cooperation. The neo-functionalist paradigm
sees this as a path to regional integration. This is where the relationship between
individuals, groups and communities, the state, and global/international actors
gives birth to high interdependence and vulnerability to each other. They become
sensitive to each other.

Awareness of globalization as above raises the importance of studies on:

 The relationship between the state, market, and society (state, market, and

 Major changes driven by information technology, individual and community

movements, and cross-national capital (economic power)

 Regional integration in the economic, political, and cultural-sociological fields

 Transnational and global problems: money laundering, migrant workers,

terrorism, drug trafficking, illegal migration, arms smuggling, cyber crimes
(cyber crimes), and environmental problems

 The emergence of identity problems as the basis of interaction and interests of

individuals and society both at domestic and international levels


Tolerance is something that can reduce conflicts between religious

communities and create a sense of brotherhood despite different beliefs.
Tolerance in this life is viewed from two approaches, namely in Islam and
religious psychology. This approach will at least find two theoretical approaches,
namely the internal and external tolerance approach. Internally, tolerance in the
religious approach recognizes the concept of pluralism in choosing beliefs and
implementing them. Externally, tolerance can be believed based on the maturity
of attitudes in religion or the ability to adapt properly. The concept found is the
concept of tasamuh and tawazun in society and belief.

Religious tolerance is an attitude of mutual acceptance and openness to the

existence of people with diverse religions. No matter what religion they follow,
everyone should be able to respect each other. The purpose of religious tolerance
is to create a harmonious and harmonious atmosphere or situation and to create
cooperation between religious communities.

The form of inter-religious cooperation can occur in various forms. The
first is the enforcement of justice. Religion allows us to eliminate discrimination
that occurs in various forms and ways. The second is moral improvement.
Religion exists with the aim that the messages contained in religion can be used
as guidelines for action. The last form is to improve the standard of living. With
cooperation in the economic field, it can be done to improve health, cooperation
in the social and educational fields. The factors that drive religious tolerance are:

1. The first factor driving tolerance in inter-religious life is religious awareness.

Religion teaches good things and religious people will behave as much as
possible according to the teachings of their religion. The second factor is the
frequent participation in social activities. With social activities, we are taught
to help each other, appreciate & spread love and care for others. The third
driving factor is the regulatory policy made by the government. Religious
harmony is not only due to religion, but the government also facilitates
regulations that encourage religious harmony

2. Inhibiting factors can be mentioned several things. The first is the declining
spirit of the family. The declining familial nature will turn a person into an
individualistic one who is more self-centered. The second inhibiting factor is
religious fanaticism. Love of a religion is permissible, but also not excessive.
If we overdo it, we will not appreciate differences and close ourselves to
other truths.

What the younger generation can do to strengthen tolerance among religious

people in accordance with the first precepts of Pancasila is to act according to the
teachings of their respective religions. In this way, we can increase our faith. If
our faith is strong, we will get used to doing good things in life. In addition, we
can also increase our piety by practicing religion correctly so that it has a positive
impact on ourselves and others.


Culture,the way of life of a group that is passed on from generation to

generation. Diversity, the conditions of society are a lot of different. So cultural
diversity is about appreciating that society is made up of many different groups

with different interests, skills, talents and needs. One example of cultural diversity
is Indonesia. Cultural diversity in Indonesia is something that cannot be denied.
Due to the large number of cultural diversity in Indonesia, Indonesia is one of the
countries that has a lot of cultural diversity. With a population of 200 million
spread over several islands in Indonesia, each island has a diverse culture. They
also inhabit in areas with varying geographical conditions. Starting from the
mountains, forest edges, coasts, lowlands, rural areas, to urban areas. This is also
related to the different levels of civilization of ethnic groups and people in

Meetings with foreign cultures also affect the process of cultural

assimilation in Indonesia. Then also the development and expansion of major
religions in Indonesia also supports the development of Indonesian culture so that
it reflects the culture of certain religions. With the diversity of culture, Indonesia
can be said to have advantages compared to other countries. Indonesia has a
complete and varied cultural portrait. And no less important, socially, culturally
and politically, the Indonesian people have a historical fabric of the dynamics of
interaction between cultures that have been arranged for a long time. But it is also
based on the fact that with the number of ethnic groups of approximately 700
ethnic groups throughout the archipelago, with various types of diverse
community groups, and religious diversity, Indonesian society is a pluralistic
society that is in fact fragile.

Fragile in the sense that with the diversity of differences it has, the potential
for conflict that it has will also be sharper. Differences that exist in society will be
the driving force to strengthen conflict issues that arise in the midst of society and
cultural diversity. Therefore, even though Indonesia is superior in its cultural
richness, because of the many cultures in Indonesia, it can cause divisions easily
if we do not respect each other.




We, as a socialized human being, by respect of other people's opinion, then

our lives will be more peaceful and harmonious.



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