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Near and Far Eastern History and Archaeology
- Carl Whiting Bishop Papers
- Catalogue of the Herzfeld Archive
- Photographs of Antoin Sevruguin
Advisor: Colleen Hennessey, Archivist
Freer Gallery of Art & Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.


Register to the Papers of

Carl Whiting Bishop

in the

Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives

Compiled by
Colleen Hennessey

Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives

Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.


The Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery form the national museum of Asian art for the
United States. Under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution, they house the nation's collections of Asian art and are
dedicated to exhibition, research, and education programs that enhance awareness and understanding of Asia.

The Freer Gallery of Art holds some of the world's finest Asian art, and was a gift to the nation from the
Detroit industrialist and art collector Charles Lang Freer (1854-1919)., The Gallery, which opened to the public in 1923
as the Smithsonian's first fine arts museum, contains a growing Asian collection of twenty-six thousand objects
comprising Chinese, Japanese, Korean, South and Southeast Asian and West Asian art.. The Freer Gallery also houses
significant 19th- and early 20th-century American Art that includes the world's most important collection of works by
James McNeill Whistler (1843-1903) In accordance with the founder's wishes, only works in the permanent collection
are shown at the Gallery,

The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery was inaugurated as a separate museum in 1987 to increase the range of Asian
art activities at the Smithsonian and to develop an active international loan exhibition program, The Sackler Gallery's
growing collection of Asian art is founded on a gift of one thousand masterworks given by the late medical researcher,
publisher, and art collector Dr. Arthur M. Sackler (1913-1987). The Gallery houses ancient Chinese jades and bronzes,
ancient Near Eastern metalwork, South Asian sculpture and paintings from Iran and India.. Since the Gallery's
inauguration, the collection has been augmented with contemporary Japanese ceramics and prints, South Asian textiles
and village arts, Chinese paintings and contemporary photographs. Administered by a single staff, the Freer and Sackler
Galleries are located in adjoining buildings on the National Mall.


The Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives, under the administration of the Freer
and Sackler Library, serves as a depository for the records of the two galleries and has a mission to collect and preserve
primary source materials that support the holdings of the two museums. It seeks to acquire new collections, prepare
collections for research use, and create and maintain research tools in an effort to make these materials available to the
staff of the two galleries, research scholars, students, and the general public. As a user of the Research Libraries Group,
the Archives enters its cataloguing records into the automated information network RL1N. The Archives is open for
research, by appointment. For information telephone (202) 357-4880, extension 341, or write the Freer Gallery of Art
and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, 1050 Independence
Avenue., S.,W,, Washington, D.C. 20560-0707,


Fieldwork conducted by Carl Whiting Bishop (1881-1942) during the early twentieth century in China was
carried out at a time when such investigations were still in their pioneer phase, Bishop's report written to describe the
first Gallery-sponsored archaeological researches in northern and central China, and his accompanying photographic
illustrations, were done for the benefit of specialists in the field as well as students of antiquity. It is appropriate,
therefore, that since his death in 1942, this manuscript and other materials he created have been preserved, catalogued,
and made readily available for scholarly analysis in the archives of the Freer and Sackler Galleries.

Many people have contributed to this effort. During Bishop's lifetime, it was Daisy Furscott Bishop, his wife
and companion in China, who ably assisted him with many of these records. In 1976, Sarah Newmeyer organized the
Bishop Collection in the Freer Gallery of Art, as a thesis equivalent, in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of'
Arts in Museology at the George Washington University.. Her work to catalogue his photographs and the art and study
objects he accumulated during the fieldwork has been invaluable.

In 1988, intern Cynthia Mead carefully rehoused many of the manuscript materials. During the summer of
1995, generous support received from the Richard Louie Memorial Fund made possible the summer internship of
Konrad Fiedler, Thanks to his efforts, much of Bishop's correspondence, financial material, and the archaeological
news clippings in the Gallery's official records were made available for use.

I am grateful to Thomas Lawton, former director of the Freer Gallery of Art, who shared with the archivist his
knowledge of the Gallery's history and understanding of the materials; and to Douglas M. Haller, Head Archivist, and
Alessandro Pezzati, Reference Archivist, of the University of'Pennsylvania Museum Archives, Philadelphia, who
kindly provided information about their document holdings related to the University of Pennsylvania Museum-
sponsored field work in East Asia carried out by Bishop.

We are especially appreciative for the review efforts of editor Liesbeth Hugenholtz, the typing of the subject
index by Hanny van der Zalm-Prijs, and the fine photographic filming work of Peter Moerkerk of IDC Publishers.. Shu
Yue and Rieko Yoshimura of the library staff did much to assist in the final preparations, as did conservator Martha
Smith, Christine Hennessey, and volunteer Barbara Schultz who was helpful with the layout of the finding aid. Mostly,
I am indebted to Lily Chia-jen Kecskes, Head Librarian, who assisted greatly with this register.. Her time and expertise
taken to fully review and compile descriptions of the photographic materials, prepare a bibliography, and clarify the
romanization of certain Chinese personal and place-names contributed immeasurably to the finding aid, bringing this
project to fruition..

Colleen Hennessey



Introduction 1

Biographical Information 2

Note on Scope and Content 3

Organization and Arrangement 4

Series Descriptions

Series 1: Manuscript 5

Series 2: Still Photo Prints 6

Numeric List 6
Subject Index 9

Series 3: Photograph Books 42

Book I 42
Book II 50
Book III 53
Book IV 55

Bibliography 57


The Freer Gallery of Art was conceived by its founder Charles Lang Freer (1854-1919) as a museum and
research institution, whose mission would include "the encouragement of the study of the civilization of the Far East,"
Even before the Freer Gallery opened to the public in May of 1923, fieldwork had been started in China under the
arrangement of then FGA director John Ellerton Lodge (1878-1942), A joint expedition was made by the Freer Gallery
of'Art and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, from 20 February 1923 to 6 August-1927, and a FGA sponsored
expedition was conducted from 16 November 1929 to 11 April 1934. The primary purpose of the program was to create
a defined equitable agreement between the Chinese and American scientific communities for cooperative
archaeological research in China, with the approval of the Chinese government, From the outset, less emphasis was
placed on amassing archaeological collections or even of conducting field work..

Both expeditions were headed by Carl Whiting Bishop (1881-1942), Associate Curator of the FGA from 1922
to 1934, and Associate in Archaeology of the FGA from 1934 until his death in 1942. Bishop's field assistants included
Archibald Gibson Wenley (1989-1962); Kwang-zung Tung; and Harvard University and Ch'ing hua University trained
Dr,. Li Chi (1896-1979). Additional assistance came from Daisy Furscott Bishop and Elise Wenley. Research was
further aided by numerous scholars and diplomats such as Ch'iu Shan-yuan (Ch'iu Tzu-yuan), Vice Director of the
Historical Museum in Peking; Dr. Henry S. Houghton, Director of the Union Medical College; Dr, Jacob Gould
Schurman (1854-1942), the American Minister to China; and Dr.. V.K. Ting, Honorary Director-, and W.H. Wong,
Vice-Director, of the Geological Survey of China.

Their work helped to facilitate the founding of the Chinese Archaeological Society, which set the guidelines
for the excavations and determined the site selections. Permissions to dig were granted by the Peking Historical
Commission. Any archaeological finds would be shared in return for cooperation, Major excavation sites included:
Hsin-cheng Hsien, near Cheng-chou, Honan Province; the neolithic site at Wan-ch'uan Hsien, Shansi Province; the
tombs of Ho Chu-ping, Honan Province; the examination of the "White Horse Temple," Shansi Province; and the
historic initial excavations at Anyang, Honan Province, in cooperation with the Academia Sinica., Increasing
nationalism ended the FGA expeditions to China in 1934, It was perhaps Bishop's work with the young FGA field staff
member Dr. Li Chi, later a distinguished member of the Academia Sinica, that was one of the most lasting aspects of
the FGA expeditions.


Carl Whiting Bishop (1881-1942) was an archaeologist, anthropologist, and specialist in the field of East
Asian studies. Born in Tokyo, Japan, on July 12, 1881, he was the son of a Methodist missionary, the Reverend Charles
Bishop,. Except for a twelve month residence in the United States during 1889-90, Bishop spent the first sixteen years
of his life in Japan, before returning to this country in 1898 for college preparatory work at Northwestern Academy,
Evanston, Illinois. He studied at Hampden-Sydney College and in 1912 received an A.B. degree from DePauw
University, In 1913 he was awarded the degree of Master of Arts by the Department of Anthropology, Columbia
University, where he studied with the noted German anthropologist, Franz Boas (1858-1942).. That same year he
received his first scientific appointment as a member of the Peabody Museum Expedition to Central America..

From 1914-18 Bishop served as Assistant Curator in Oriental Art at the University of Pennsylvania Museum,
where on an expedition for that museum he made his first trip to China. Under the auspices of the university, he
conducted archaeological reconnaissance during 1915 and 1916 in China, Korea, and Japan, and again conducted
archaeological surveys in 1917 and 1918, although no systematic excavations were carried out at that time. When the
United States entered World War I on the side of the Allied Powers, Bishop enlisted in the United States Navy and was
shortly made assistant naval attache, serving in China in the years 1918-20, with the rank of lieutenant, junior grade. He
returned to Columbia University in 1921 to assume the position of Assistant in Anthropology, a post he held until the
end of the academic season in 1922.

Effective 10 April 1922, Bishop was appointed as Associate Curator of the Freer Gallery of Art by then
director John Ellerton Lodge (1878-1942).. Asked to undertake important archaeological work, Bishop headed the
gallery's first expedition to China, sponsored jointly by the FGA and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, lasting from 20
February 1923 to 6 August 1927. From 16 November 1929 to 11 April 1934, he headed another expedition, sent out
this time by the Freer Gallery alone. When conditions in China made further efforts impractical, Bishop returned to
Washington in 1934, where he remained at the gallery as Associate in Archaeology until the time of his death on 16
June 1942.

Carl Whiting Bishop was a member of a number of learned societies: the American Oriental Society, the
American Archaeological Society, the Anthropological Society, the American Society for the Advancement of Science,
the American Geographical Society, and he served on the advisory board of the American Council of Learned Societies
until his death.

The professional papers and official records of Carl Whiting Bishop selected herein for microfiche publication
measure 1.4 linear meters (about 45 linear feet) and include his unpublished two-volume manuscript, [not before
1940]; and photographs, nearly 4,000 images, 1915-1934; and undated. These materials document over a twenty-five
year period in the course of Bishop's research and archaeological activities, They were retained at the Freer Gallery of
Art after Bishop's death in 1942, and were supplemented with an addition received in 1956 from his widow Daisy
Furscott Bishop.

The manuscript was prepared in a typescript format, over 421 pages of text, with photographic illustrations,
and completed by Bishop sometime after 1939,. Properly titled "Archaeological Research in China 1923-1934," this
unpublished manuscript constituted a field report that chronicled Bishop's Gallery-sponsored expeditions in northern
and central China during the period 1923 to 1934. The reader is provided with a record of the day-to-day operations
completed, of obstacles and opposition encountered, and the results obtained from their work,. Key diplomatic and
scientific representatives from the West and China are recorded who aided and contributed to the investigations.
Moreover, there are descriptions of the academic, social and political climate in China during a period of civil war and
economic strife,, Against this background, Bishop also discussed their efforts in view of the history of China, with
commentary on the country's geography, topography, climate, flora and fauna, mineral products, and ancient customs
and legends,

The earliest still photographic prints in the Bishop Papers date from his employ at the University of
Pennsylvania Museum, where he conducted archaeological reconnaissance from 1915 to 1918 in China, Korea, and
Japan,, All subsequent images were created or collected by Bishop and his assistant Kwang-zung Tung during the Freer
Gallery-sponsored expeditions of 1923-1934 Further descriptions of these materials may be found under Series 2 and
Series 3 in this finding aid,,

In the transliteration into English of the names of Chinese characters, Bishop followed the Wade-Giles
system, with a few exceptions to those rules for certain well known and commonly used place-names, especially those
of cities, towns, territorial divisions, and bodies of water,, We have retained Bishop's romanization except in certain
areas where clarification was needed. The Chinese personal and place-names have been kept as they appeared in his

The Papers are open for research to scholars and to the general public. Copyright to those originals created by
Bishop while under the employ of the Gallery is held by the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
Archives,. Any commercial use or publication of text or images is prohibited without prior written permission from the
Archives, and must credit the "Carl Whiting Bishop Papers, Freer Gallery of'Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
Archives, Smithsonian Institution."

Other portions of the Carl Whiting Bishop Papers that were not reproduced in this micro-publication include
his card indexed notes; typescripts, mostly drafts written in preparation for his published articles; drawings and maps;
an incomplete photograph album; and Bishop's corresponding photonegatives on glass and film.

Additional material may be found in the archives of the Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
relating to Carl Whiting Bishop and the Gallery-sponsored expeditions to China as follows:

Charles Lang Freer Papers, including 1915 correspondence between Freer and Bishop; and documents dated
1912-1913, relating to Freer's support for a proposed "American School of Archeology" in China,
Freer Gallery of Art. Records.
"Expedition Records, including correspondence of Carl Whiting Bishop,1914; 1923-1942, nearly
3,000 letters arranged alphabetically by correspondent name; a manuscript catalogue of expedition
acquisitions, Peking, 1923-1925; financial records, 1923-1934, including expedition fund ledgers,
account statements, and receipts; and newspaper clippings, 1924-1932, documenting the gallery's
fieldwork and general archaeological work being conducted around the world at that time,

-Central Files, Bishop folders, 1923-1942, including expedition letters, field reports, and
photographs sent to John E. Lodge.
Personnel and Special Events Photograph Collection, containing portrait photographs of'Bishop.
FGA Photograph Reference Collection, housing duplicate prints of'Bishop's photographs,,
FGA Lantern Slide Collection, housing duplicate copies of Bishop's photographs in stereopticon format.
Li Chi Reports, 1926-1929, regarding Li's reconnaissance work at Hsi-yin Ts'un, Shansi Province, and the
excavation at Anyang.
Archibald Gibson Wenley Papers, 1924-1926, including field diaries, notes, and photographs documenting
his participation in the FGA expedition work in China,

A small number of objects from the FGA expeditions, including bronzes, ceramics, and stone sculpture, have
been accessioned into the permanent art collection of the Freer Gallery of Art, Additionally, remnants of antiquities,
potteries, and metalwork accumulated during the fieldwork, having little market value but of some scientific interest,
have been placed in the Freer Gallery Study Collection, Records for these items are retained with the Galleries'
Registrar's Office,.

The reader is also directed to the holdings of the University of Pennsylvania Museum Archives, Philadelphia,
Documentation of University of Pennsylvania Museum-sponsored field work in East Asia may be found there that
includes records of C.W. Bishop, dated 1914-1927 (measuring about.5 linear foot), much of it created during his
tenure as the Museum's Assistant Curator of Oriental Art from 1914-1918. Included are Bishop's journals consisting of
daily entries for two trips to China for the University of Pennsylvania Museum; letters to and from G.B.. Gordon, C..W.
Harrison, and Jane McHugh, written during Bishop's travel in China and subsequent to his return; and detailed
financial accounts of expenditures during the China travels. Additionally, the repository houses a group of Bishop's
negatives taken in China to visually record the expedition work.


The selected portions of the Carl Whiting Bishop Papers have been fully processed for this micro-publication
edition. They are catalogued at the collection level in the RLIN database of the Research Libraries Information
Network,. Arranged in Bishop's original order, the items have been organized into the following three series:

Series 1: Manuscript, [not before 1940]

IDC no. BP-1

Series 2: Still Photo Prints, 1915-1933

IDC no. BP-2

Series.3: Photograph Books, [not before 1931]

IDC no. BP-3


Bishop's unpublished typed manuscript entitled Archaeological Research in China 192.3-19.34--Washington, D.C.,:
Freer Gallery of Art, [n.d.] 2 v. : some ill,; 27 cm,,, a field report that chronicled the two Gallery-sponsored expeditions.

IDC no. BP-1

Mf. no. Contents

Volume 1: Text

1 Title page
1 Table of Contents
1 Preface
Chapter Headings:
1 Chapter 1: Inception of our Work. [page 1]
1 Chapter 2: Finding at Hsin Cheng Hsien. [page 17]
1 Chapter 3: Interment at Hsin Cheng Hsien., [page 35]
1 Chapter 4: Liang Dynasty Sculptures and the Yen Tu Site,. [page 56]
1-2 Chapter 5: Investigations in Central Shensi. [page 77]
2 Chapter 6: Investigations in Central Shensi (cont.). [page 99]
2 Chapter 7: Investigations in Central Shensi (concl.). [page 116]
2 Chapter 8: Excavations in Southern Honan. [page 128]
2-3 Chapter 9: Excavations in Southern Honan (concl.), [page 166]
3 Chapter 10: Alarms and Excursions. [page 195]
3 Chapter 11: Investigations in Northern Shansi. [page 216]
3-4 Chapter 12: Marking Time. [page 243]
4 Chapter 13: Further Work in Northern Shansi. [page 261 ]
4 Chapter 14: Fang Shan Plateau. [page 287]
4 Chapter 15: Investigations in the Yangtze River Valley,. [page 313-a]
4-5 Chapter 16: Yangtze River (concl.), [page 334]
5 Chapter 17: Southern Shansi: Partial Suspension of our Work.. [page 356]
5 Chapter 18: Return to China: Neolithic Site in Southern Shansi. [page 372]
5 Chapter 19: New Culture in Shansi: Termination of our Effort.. [pages 404-421]
6 Appendix I: Grand Empress Dowager Wen Ming and the Northern Wei Necropolis at Fang Shan by
A.G. Wenley.
Note:- No text included here; this was published as FGA Occasional Papers, v. 1, no.1 (1947)
6 Appendix 2: Rise of the Yangtze River States. [pages 1-29]
6 Appendix 3: Note on Chinese Bronze. [pages 1-5]
6 Bibliography [pages i-v]

7-9 Volume 2: Plates and Text Figures

Note. Plates are numbered 1-71, with figures, and are mostly silver prints that had been tipped in the


Original silver prints (nearly three-quarters have corresponding glass and film negatives), and a few collected photo
postcards, 1915-1933, and undated, nearly 3,000 images, arranged and indexed by Bishop into subject headings using a
decimal system. These may have been captioned with date, description, location, and negative number.. Most of the
photographs were taken, and in large part developed, by Bishop and his assistant Kwang-zung Tung, under rough-and-
ready field conditions,

The earliest photos are from Bishop's archaeological reconnaissance in China, Korea, and Japan during 1915-1918, for
the University of Pennsylvania Museum of the University of Pennsylvania.. The majority of the images document FGA
sponsored expeditions to China during 1923-1934. Specific digs are shown, including the American and Chinese
archaeologists and laborers who worked on the excavations; Chinese cityscapes, villages, landscapes, wateiscapes,
transportation modes, courtyards, pagodas, palaces, temples, the T'ien-lung Shan Buddhist caves, bronzes, ceramics, et
al.; and also a few sites in Hong Kong, Mongolia, Korea, Japan, and the Philippines, Postcards depict the peoples of
Korea, and civil war scenes around Peking.

Numeric List

Note: Still prints have been arranged numerically according to Bishop's decimal system. For additional caption
information, see the Subject Index that follows the Numeric List.

IDC no. BP-2

Mf. no. (frame) Bishop no. Subject

1(A3) -1(A6) 291-1 to -2 Tree Worship

1(A7) - 1(A8) 294-1 Buddhism
1(A9) - 1(B8) 355-1 to -17 Arts of War
1(B9) -1(B10) 355.1-1 Chinese Soldiers
1(C1) -1(C8) 390-1 to -14 Customs
1(C9) -1(D9) 390..1-1 to -22 Customs (Executions)
1(D10) - 2(B2) 390.,2-1 to -39 Customs (Funeral Rites)
2(B3) - 2(B7) 390.3-1 to -7 Customs (Ceremonies)
2(B8) - 2(C4) 390.4-1 to -11 Customs (Religious)
2(C5) - 2(E10) 390.5-1 to -53 Customs (Modes of Travel)
3(Al) - 3(C7) 391-4 to -53 People
3(C8) - 3(C9) 3984-1 Unicorn
3(C10) - 3(E2) 399-1 to -22 Arms and Armor
3(E3) - 3(E4) 495.3-1 Inscription
3(E5) - 4(A7) 549-1 to -20 Jades and Gold
4(A8) - 4(E5) 551-1 to -77 Rivers
4(E6) - 5(A3) 566-1 to -13 Bones (Inscribed)
5(A4) - 5(C4) 571-1 to -38 Mounds
5(C5) - 7(E5) 571,1-1 to -252 Tombs
7(E6) - 8(C9) 571.2-1 to -34 Stone
8(C10) - 8(D7) 571.25-1 to -10 Stone (Implements)
8(D8) - 8(E3) 571..251-1 to -5 Stone (Tablets)
8(E4) -10(Dl) 571.3-1 to -174 Bronze
10(D2) - 11(A8) 57131-1 to -59 Bronze (Implements and Misc.)
11(A9) 571.32-1 Map of Bronze Age, no print
11(A10) - 11(B8) 571.7-1 to -17 Iron
11(B9) - 12(A2) 571..81-1 to -88 Caves (General)
12(A3) - 12(E8) 571.821-1 to -132 Caves (Sculpture, Buddhist)
13(Al) - 13(A6) 581.3-1 to -14 Flora and Trees
13(A7) - 13(C3) 591.3-1 to -36 Fauna

Numeric List contd.

Mf. no. (frame) Bishop no. Subject

13(C4) - 13(C7) 620-1 to -8 Engineering (Wells)

13(C8) - 13(D5) 623.81-1 to -19 Boats
13(D6) -13(DIO) 625-1 to -7 Railways
13(E1) - 13(E9) 629..1-1 to -21 Airplanes
14(Al) - 14(A5) 630-1 to -7 Agriculture
14(A6) - 14(A7) 633-1 to -3 Agriculture (Grinding Grain)
14(A8) - 14(A9) 636.1-1 Ponies
14(A10) -14(B1) 639-1 to -3 Fishing
14(B2) - 14(B3) 656-1 to -2 Transportation
14(B4) - 14(C8) 699-1 to -14 Chariots
14(C9) -14(D1) 708.1-1 to -3 Museums
14(D2) - 14(D3) 714-1 to -2 Lakes
14(D4) - 14(E8) 721.1-1 to -26 Tiles
15(Al) - 15(A4) 721-1 to -8 Bricks
15(A5) - 15(C4) 722-1 to -48 Architecture
15(C5) - 15(E6) 722.1-1 to -59 Architecture (Pagodas)
15(E7) - 16(D5) 722.2-1 to -142 Architecture (Temples)
16(D6) - 17(B2) 722.3-1 to -72 Architecture (Walls)
17(B3) - 17(B9) 722.4-1 to -17 Architecture (Bridges)
17(BIO) - 17(C4) 722.5-1 to -10 Architecture (Gates)
17(C5) - 18(A5) 728-1 to -83 Palaces
18(A6) - 19(C3) 730-1 to -190 Sculpture (General & Buddhist)
19(C4) - 20(B3) 738.1-1 to -78 Ceramics
20(B4) - 20(C4) 738.2-1 to -28 Ceramics (Clay Figures)
20(C5) - 20(C6) 740-1 to -4 Arts & Crafts
20(C7) - 20(Dl) 7401-1 to -15 Rubbings (nos. 11-15, actual rubbings)
20(D2) - 20(D4) 750-la to -ld Paintings (Wall)
20(D5) - 20(D8) 913.31-1 to -7 Archaeological Sites (Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan)
20(D9) - 20(DIO) 913311-1 to -2 Archaeological Sites (I-chow, Hopei)
20(E1) - 20(E9) 913312-1 to -22 Archaeological Sites (Yen Ching, Hopei)
21(Al) - 21(A5) 913.313-1 to -10 Archaeological Sites (Lo-yang, Old)
21(A6) - 21(BIO) 913.314-1 to -39 Archaeological Sites (Pei-tai-ho & Lighthouse Pt..)
21(C1) - 21(C9) 913315-1 to -24 Archaeological Sites (Shasi, Hupei)
21(C10) - 21(D6) 913316-1 to -25 Archaeological Sites (Yu Ho Chen)
21(D7) - 21(E9) 913.317-1 to -33 Archaeological Sites (Yun Kang, Shansi)
22(Al) - 22(B2) 913.318-1 to -31 Archaeological Sites (Manchuria)
22(B3) - 22(B6) 913.319-1 to -8 Archaeological Sites (Shansi)
22(B7) - 22(C2) 913.320-1 to -15 Archaeological Sites (Hsi Yin Ts'un, Shansi)
22(C3) - 22(C5) 913.321-1 to -3 Archaeological Sites (Ku Shan, Shansi)
22(C6) - 22(D3) 913..322-1 to -42 Archaeological Sites (Nanking)
22(D4) - 22(D6) 915. 17-1 to -9 Archaeological Sites (Mongolia)
22(D7) - 22(D9) 931,1-1 to -4 Place-Views (Ch'u-fu)
22(D10)- 22(E10) 931..2-1 to -27 Place-Views (Hangchow)
23(Al) - 23(A3) 9313-1 to -5 Place-Views (Hsi-ling & Honan)
23(A4) - 23(A10) 931.4-1 to -18 Place-Views (I-chang, Hupei, and Vicinity)
23(B1) - 23(B5) 931.5-1 to -10 Place-Views (I-chang, Lung-wang tung)
23(B6) - 23(B9) 9316-1 to -7 Place-Views (Nanking & Vicinity)
23(B10) - 23(D4) 931.7-1 to -38 Place-Views (Pei-tai-ho)
23(D5) - 23(E5) 931.8-1 to -29 Place-Views (Peking)
23(E6) - 23(E9) 931.9-1 to -7 Place-Views (Shanghai)
24(Al) - 24(A3) 931.10-1 to -5 Place-Views (Shantung)
24(A4) - 24(D1) 931..11-1 to -74 Place-Views (Shansi)
24(D2) - 25(B2) 931.12-1 to -89 Place-Views (Shensi)
25(B3) - 25(B10) 931.13-1 to -19 Place-Views (Szechuan)

Numeric List contd.

Mf. no. (frame) Bishop no. Subject

25(Cl) - 25(C3) 931..14-1 to -4 Place-Views (Tangku Bar)

25(C4) - 25(D7) 950-1 to -38 Mongols and Kalgan Pass
25(D8) - 26(D6) 951-1 to -140 Korea
26(D7) - 26(D10) 951.1-1 to -6 Korea (Heijo)
26(El) - 26(E4) 951.2-1 to -6 Korea (Silla)

Subject Index

Note: This index was compiled by Sarah Newmeyer for her thesis entitled The Bishop Collection, in partial fulfillment
for the degree of Master of Arts in Museology at the George Washington University, Washington, D.C,., 1976.
Arranged alphabetically by Bishop's subject categories, the index included identifications for selected images that can
be cross-referenced to the preceeding Numeric List.

Bishop no. Caption

630-1 View of Yellow River at Tungkuan showing width at gap and cultivated fields on lowlands,
March 1924
630-2 Native vegetation high country between Yi Ho and Yellow River, Shensi, April 1924
630-3 Tsin River valley, horticulture, March 1924,
630-4 Terrace cultivation, Shansi, 1925.
630-5 to -7 Chinese foot plow, near Nanking.
Grinding Grain
633-1 Grinding millet, Wei-nan District, Shensi, March 1924,
633-2 to -3 Grinding millet, southern Honan, 1932.
See also Customs, 390-10

Bishop no. Caption

6291-1 to -4 Pei-t'ai-ho, August 1924,

629,.1-5 to -20 I-chow, December 1923
629.1-21 Pei-t'ai-ho, plane Bishop used to fly over Lighthouse Point, Aug. 1924

Archaeological sites
Bishop no. Caption

Hsi Yin Ts'un, Shansi

913.320-1 to -4 Where Dr. Li Chi was working in 1926
913.320-5 to -12 Dr. Yuan working with Dr. Li Chi, 1926.
913,320-13 Where prehistoric pottery found.
913.320-14 Excavation by Dr. Li Chi, 1926.
Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan Province
913.31-1 to -2 Roads, 1923.
91331-3 to -7 Topographical, Sept. 1923.
I-chow, Hopei Province
913..311-1 to -2 1923.
Ku Shan, Shansi
913321-1 to -3 Sept.. 13, 1932..
Lo-yang, Old
913313-1 to -10 Views
913.318-1 to -31 Pictures taken by Mr. Tung when he visited excavation site of Dr. Hamada's in May 1927
915.17-1 East wall of 3rd forbidden city of Shangtu, Tung's trip, 1927.
915.17-2 North city wall of Shangtu..
915,17-3 In back of Lama Temple, 3rd forbidden wall of Shangtu.,
915..17-4 to -5 3rd forbidden city wall of Shangtu in the east.
915,.17-6 Mongols with Mr,. Lu Yung Ming (center) before temple at Huang Chi Ta Yung.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

91517-7 Mongol yuxt, photo by Tung, 1927..

915.17-8 Temple where Tung stayed, also car used.
915.17-9 Stone image photographed by Tung,.
913322-1 to -24 Scenes and excavations, April 1930.
913.322-25 to -42 Excavations, Tse Hsia, near Nanking, March 3, 1930.
Pei-t'ai-ho and Lighthouse Point, Hopei Province
913314-1 to -26 August 1924.
913.314-27 Map
913314-28 No print.
913.314-29 to -30 July-August, 1925.
913.314-31 to -35 1925..
913..314-36 Rock forming foundation of wall.
913.314-37 Face of washout showing pressed earth-wall and rock forming foundation,
913.314-38 Washout showing wall.
913,314-39 Rock which formed base of wall near washout.
913319-1 to -2 Near Tatung-fu..
91.3..319-3 Stele, south-west Shansi, Photo by L,C, Goodrich, 1932.
913.319-4 Votive stele, unearthed by Li Chi..
913,319-.5 to -6 Crown Prince of Sweden, digging in 1926..
913.319-7 to -8 Stone stele at Tung Tu-ts'un,
913..319-9 to -11 Exploring country near Tai-ku, 1933, Sam Wilson, K,Z, Tung, C.W.. Bishop and Chinese
student. [prints missing]
Shasi, Hupei Province
913315-1 to -24 Views.
Yen Ching, Hopei Province
913.312-1 to -22 Views.
Yu Ho Chen, S. Honan Province
913..316-1 View of nearby country, May 1924..
913316-2 Street, May 1924.
913,316-3 Wang Fen Wa.
913.316-4 to -7 Surrounding country, May 1924.
913.316-8 Lei Ku Tai.
913316-9 to -14 General views, May 1924.
913..316-15 General views, with bridges..
913316-16 Yu Ho Chen Village.
913.316-17 General view of the Wang Fen Wa, looking south-east.
913316-18 Southern side of the Wang Fen Wa mound, looking nearly north; trench which led to cist.
913.316-19 FGA SCP-894 and -895.
913.316-20 FGA SCP-886.
913..316-21 to -24 Digging operations at Wang Fen Wa mound.
913.316-25 Above, modern brick kiln, eastern end of the Lei Ku T'ai; below, part of tomb no. 1,.
Yun Kang, Shansi Province
913317-1 to -6 Views, April 1925.
913317-7 to -18 Topographical, 1923.
913317-19 to -24 Road to YUn Kang, 1917..
913,317-25 General view from east, 1917
913.317-26 to -32 Views, April 1925..
913.317-33 Cliffs,

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

722..4-1 Peking and Vicinity..
7224-2 Hsi Ling (Western Tombs), stone bridges made in Ch'ing dynasty, May 1925..
722.4-3 Hsi Ling (Western Tombs), Tai Ling, May 1925..
722.4-4 Modern bridge at Lo-yang, July 1923.
722.4-5 Bridge over moat, south-east corner Tarter City, 1917..
722.4-6 Sian, March 1924.
722.4-7 to -10 Long bridge east of Sian, 1917.
722.4-11 Shensi stone bridge, 1917,
722.4-12 East of Sian, 1917.
722.4-13 Shansi, Tatung-fu, April 1925.
7224-14 Shensi, March 1924..
722.4-15 Ba Shui Bridge (Sung dyn.), March 1924..
722.4-16 Suspension bridge of bamboo cables near Kuan Hsien, Szechuan, on one of main routes
connecting Yangtze basin with Kansu and Central Asia, 1915.
722.4-17 Outside Shasi (town above Hankow and I-chang on Yangtze River).
722.5-1 Hsin Cheng Hsien, Honan Province, South gate, 1923..
722.5-2 to -3 Ming Tombs..
722,5-4 Yu Ho Cheng, looking thru city gates, May 1924.
722.5-5 Shensi city gate, March 1924..
722.5-6 Shensi, south-east gate of Hsien Wang.
722.5-7 Shansi, Pai-lo Memorial Gateway, 1917.
7225-8 T'ung-kuan, west gate, 1917..
722.5-9 P'ao-lo, 3 miles west of T'ung-kuan, Shensi, 1917..
722.5-10 West gate to T'ung-kuan; city gate tower, Shensi, 1917..
722-1 Hsi Ling (Western Tombs), May 1925.
722-2 Hsi Ling (Western Tombs), Soul Tower, May 1925..
722-3 Hsi Ling (Western Tombs), Spirit Hall, May 1925.
722-4 Hsi Ling (Western Tombs), Back view of Spirit Hall, May 1925..
722-5 Peking Observatory.
722-6 to -7 Hangchow, August 1923.
722-8 to -9 I-chang, Hupei Province, Chinese Long House, 1925,
722-10 I-chow, Hopei Province, April 1923.
722-11 Ming Tombs..
722-12 to -16 Sian, Mohammedan Mosque, 1917. (See also 722-21)
722-17 P'ai-lo, Szechuan, 1916..
722-18 Tung Kang watch tower, 1917..
722-19 Shensi inn yard, 1917.
722-20 Shensi, cave village in Loess, 1917..
722-21 Same as 722-12
722-22 Hsi Ling (Western Tombs), P'ai-lo, front of tumulus made of marble, 1925..
722-23 to -25 Ming Tombs, P'ai-lo..
722-26 Hsin Cheng Hsien, Honan, watch tower.
722-27 Shansi, beacon towers, 1917.
722-28 to -29 Kai-feng, drum tower, 1917.
722-30 to -32 Peking, bell and drum tower, 1915
722-33 to -34 Northern Japan, Ainu village.
722-35 Shansi, Yiin Kang, watch tower.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

722-36 Yu Ho Cheng, typical farmstead in southern Honan, in territory once forming part of ancient
kingdom of Ch'u; the buildings are usually arranged about three sides of a court, the whole
being partly or entirely enclosed by a moat. (Bishop)..
722-37 Yenenfu, Shensi, 1924..
722-38 San Yuan, Shensi, March 1924,
722-39 South of T'ai-yuan, bell and drum tower, Feb, 10, 1926..
722-40 Shi Li Pu, approaching Y. Kuin, Shensi, April 1924..
722-41 Inn, on Yi Ho, Shensi, April 1924..
722-42 Shansi, signal beacon tower.
722-43 Showing shepherd wind break; Kuang-lien on horse, Shansi, 1925..
722-44 Shansi, beacon tower.
722-45 Peking, courtyard..
722-46 Hui-lan Shih, Chieh-hsin, belltower, Feb. 15, 1926..
722-47 Beacon towers on road to Ta-tung to Yun Kang, 1917..
722-48 Ta-tung, corner tower..
722.1-1 to -11 K'ai-feng, 1917..
722..1-12 to -13 K'ai-feng, Iron Pagoda, 1917.
722.1-14 to -17 Cheng-chow, Honan, 1923.
722.1-18 to -19 I-chow, Hopei, 1923.
722.1-20 to -25 Hangchow, August 1923..
722.1-26 Hangchow Needle Pagoda, August 1923.
722.1-27 Hsin-Cheng Hsien, Honan, 1923,
7221-28 Peking, Summer Palace, 1915..
722..1-29 to -33 Jade fountain, 1915.
722..1-34 Ueno, Tokyo, 1915..
7221-35 to -38 Shensi, Hsiao-yin Ta Pagoda, Sian, March 1924..
722..1-39 to -46 Sian, Shensi, 1917.
722.1-47 to -48 Japanese pagoda.
722.1-49 to -50 Pagoda at south-west Peking.
722..1-51 North of Peking.
722.1-.52 Iron Pagoda, K'ai-feng, Honan, 1917.
722.1-53 Hsin Kuo Shih, An-i-hsien, south Shansi, 1926..
722.1-54 Pagoda on way to Western Hills.
722.1-55 Sian, Shensi, Pagoda of the Wild Geese, T'ang dyn.
722..1-56 to -57 Pagoda taken up Yangtze river, May 1926.
722..1-58 Kyoto, 1915.
722..1-59 Pai Ma Ssu, Lo-yang, Honan
722.2-1 to -4 Hangchow, August 1923..
722.2-5 to -8 I-chang, Hupei, LungWang Tung, 1923..
722.2-9 I-chow, Hopei, Nov. 1923.
722.2-10 to -20 K'ai-feng, Taoist temple.
722.2-21 Lo-yang, Honan, Pai Ma Ssu.
722.2-22 to -24 Outside Peking, Yellow Temple..
722.2-25 to -27 Peking, Confucian temple.
722.2-28 to -33 Peking, Fa Yuen Ssu.
722.2-34 to -42 Peking, Temple of Heaven.
722.2-43 to -44 Peking, Lama Temple, prayer-wheel.,
722.2-45 to -50 Peking, Lama Temple.
722.2-51 to -52 Honan, south of Lo-yang, tomb of God of" War, Kuang-ti; pavilion at East Gate of Temple.
(See also.: 571.1-202)
722.2-53 to -54 Tumulus marking tomb of Kuang-ti.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

722..2-55 Tomb of Kuang-ti, carved slab near East Gate.

722.2-56 Temple on road to Yun Kang, Shansi, 1917.
722.2-57 to -60 Yun Kang temple, 1917..
722.2-61 Yun Kang temple, 1925.
722.2-62 to -63 Pavilion in temple of Kuang-ti, 1917.
7222-64 Temple of Kuang-ti, near Lo-yang, Honan, 1917..
722.2-65 to -68 Small temple of Lohans, south of K'ai-feng, Honan, 1917..
722.2-69 to -70 Hsin Ping temple, Shensi.
722.2-71 Yun Kang, Shansi, April 1925.
722.2-72 Hsin Ping Hsien temple, Honan, March 1924,
722.2-73 Ta-t'ung, Taoist temple, April 1925.
7222-74 Shensi, temple at west corner of Sian.
722.2-75 Ta-t'ung, Taoist temple.
722.2-76 Shansi, temple courtyard.
722.2-77 Chong Pu, Shensi, view of big tree temple grounds, April 1924..
722.2-78 Wu Tai Shan, Shensi, iron tiled temple, April 1924..
722.2-79 Entrance to Pei-lin, Sian, Shensi, March 1924..
722.2-80 to -88 Temple in Ningpo.
722.2-89 Chin Ssu temple grounds, south of'T'ai-yuan, Shansi
722.2-90 to -119 No prints..
722.2-120 to -121 T'ai-yuan, Shansi, temple grounds, 1926.
722.2-122 Chin Ssu, Shansi, 1926.
722..2-123 Yao Miao, southern Shansi.
722.2-124 Front building, Hsin Hua Shih, Chi-shan Hsien, Shansi,
722.2-125 White Horse at White Horse Temple, Honan, 1931..
722.2-126 Near Ta-t'ung.
722.2-127 Yu-wang, Miao-, 1926.
722.2-128 to -130 Yao-miao, south Shansi, 1926..
722.2-131 Outside Lo-yang, Temple of Kuang-ti (?), 1917.
722.2-132 to -138 Temple at Chin Ssu, south-west of T'ai-yuan, Shansi, 1926.
7221-139 to -140 Confucian Temple at Chien-hsin, 1926.
722.2-141 Kuan-yo temple at Chieh-hsin Hsien, 1926.
7222-142 Temple ground of Chin Ssu, near T'ai-yuan, Shansi.
722.3-1 to -2 City wall of Sian, Shensi, 1917.
7223-3 North wall Forbidden City, Peking, 1917..
722.3-4 to -5 North-west corner city wall, Ta-tung, 1917.
722.3-6 to -9 Tartar City wall near Ch'ien Men, 1915.
722.3-10 Great Wall, Nank'ou Pass.,
722.3-11 to -14 Nank'ou Pass and vicinity.
722.3-15 to -22 Great Wall, Nank'ou Pass
722.3-23 Great Wall, Nank'ou Pass, Bishop and Wenley
722.3-24 Pei-t'ai-ho, retaining, wall of Russian Mission, Aug.. 1924..
722.3-25 Pei-t'ai-ho, Korean wall, Aug. 1924.
722.3-26 Pei-t'ai-ho, retaining wall of Russian Mission, Aug.. 1924.
7223-27 to -30 Pei-t'ai-ho, Korean wall, Aug 1924..
7223-31 Pei-t'ai-ho, retaining wall of Russian Mission, Aug 1924..
722.3-32 Pei-t'ai-ho, Korean wall, Aug. 1924.
722.3-33 to -35 Shansi, Ta-tong, city wall, Aug.. 1925..
722.3-36 to -37 Shansi, remains of old wall on site of N. Wei capital, Aug 1925..
722.3-38 to -41 Shensi, wall of Ch'ang-an..
722.3-42 to -44 Shensi, city wall of Tung Kuan, March 1924,
722.3-45 to -46 Shensi, part of old Sian wall in north-west corner of city, March 1924..
722.3-47 Shensi, walls Wei An Kung Palace mounds, March 1924.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

722.3-48 Shansi, Yun Kang city wall, April 1925..

722.3-49 to -51 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, city wall, Sept. 1923..
722.3-52 to -55 Peking and vicinity, 1917.
7223-56 to -57 Yu Ho Chen, May 1924..
722..3-58 Yu Ho Chen, wall made out of large pots, May 1924.
722.3-59 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, eastern wall near city, 1923,
722.3-60 I-chow, Hopei, city wall,
722.3-61 Shansi, Great Wall,
7223-62 Shansi, Great Wall new, Ta-tung.
7223-63 Shensi, wall of old Chang-an, photo fr. B. Moore's drawing, May 1924..
722.3-64 Korea, 1927..
722.3-65 Great Wall, 1915.
722.3-66 Part of Great Wall, Ta-tung, Shansi, 1925.
722.3-67 Line of old Great Wall, Shansi, 1925.
7223-68 Great Wall, Shansi.
722,3-69 I-chow, Hopei, city wall.
7223-70 Old Tung-chow wall, near Peking, 1924.
722.3-71 Old wall near I-chang, 1926.
7223-72 Peking, east of Tartar City, moat-wall.

Arms and Armor

Bishop no. Caption

399-1 to -2 Great Wall, Nank'ou Pass, guns.

399-3 to -7 Peking Historical Museum, guns.
399-8 Shansi, Yiin Kang, April 1925.
399-9 to -10 Shensi, Tung Kuan, March 1924.
399-11 to -15 Yu Ho Chen, May 1924..
399-16 Shansi, cannon..
399-17 to -19 Tai-yuan Museum, Ming cannon.
399-20 to -21 Rubbings of Han Warrior from Chavannes Portfolio no.. 190.
399-22 Cannon on old Chinese police boat, used along Yangtze river, 1926.

Arts of War
Bishop no. Caption

355-1 to -14 Wu Pei Fu.

355-15 Chinese soldiers after bandits near Ta-tung, Shansi, 1917.
355-16 Shansi, soldiers.
355-17 Drill ground and soldiers Yamen, Sian, Shensi, 1924.

Arrow Head, Bronze see Bronzes, Implements and Misc.

Arrow Stand, Bronze see Bronzes, Implements and

Subject Index contd.

Arts and Craft

Bishop no. Caption

740-1 Shensi, water turbine, March 1924.

740-2 No print,
740-3 Pei-t'ai-ho, fishing village, Aug. 1924.
740-4 Shansi, Ta-tung, Coffins, April 1925.

Bell Tower see Architecture

Bits (Horse) see Bronzes, Implements and Misc.

Boats (Junks)
Bishop no. Caption

623,81-1 Shanghai type junk - 3 mast.

62381-2 Wood anchors, Pei-t'ai-ho..
623.81-3 Boats between T'ung Kuan, Shensi and Cheng-chou, Honan
623.81-4 Upper river junk in Yangtze gorges.
62381-5 Boat found in Ningpo region.
623.81-6 Ya Ho, Szechuan bamboo rafts.
623.81-7 Shensi, Yellow River.
623,81-8 Canoe type boat near Shansi, northbank of Yangtze.
623.81-9 Keui-fu, north bank of Yangtze.
623.81-10 Yellow River type junk.
623.81-11 Tientsin, "A" mast.
623.81-12 Boat found in Ningpo region.
623.81-13 Boat near Shanghai.
623..81-14 Upper Yellow River junk.
623.81-15 Junk rudder, Hupei,.
623.81-16 Near Cheefoo (?)..
623.81-17 Tientsin.
623.81-18 Japanese war boat.
623.81-19 Drawing of Dragon Boat by Bishop.

Bones, Inscribed
Bishop no. Caption

566-1 to -6 In Peking National University Museum.

566-7 to -8 Huan Shan Ts'un, Changte, Honan, Nat'l Research Institute.
566-9 to -13 Anyang.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

721-1 YO Ho Chen, brick kiln, May 1924,

721-2 Yii Ho Chen, Han bricks in Lei Ku T'ai mound, May 1924.
721-3 YU Ho Chen, Han bricks built into village wall; Mr.. Tung in pix, May 1924..
721-4 to -5 Shensi, brick making.
721-6 to -8 Pei-t'ai-ho, Hopei, Han dynasty bricks, Aug. 1924 & 1925..

Bridges see Archaeological Sites, Yu Ho Chen, 913.316-15

Bishop no. Caption

571.3-1 to -17 Historical Museum, Peking.

571.3-18 to -34 Bronze finds from Hsin-cheng Hsien
5713-35 to -99 Hsin-cheng Hsien bronzes, given by Gen. Chin.
571..3-100 Bronze ornaments..
571.3-101 to -102 Bronze vessels, 1919.
571.3-103 to -107 Karlbeck bronzes..
571.3-108 Bronze bell in Provincial Museum, Sian, Shensi, March 1924..
571.3-109 to -110 Shensi, bronze and metal casting, temp. Possibly Ming, Wan-li..
571.3-111 to -112 Shensi, Sian, bronze bell.
571.3-113 to -116 Peking National University Museum..
571.3-117 FGA B10, bowl covered with coarse heavy patina, bought ft. Mr. Lee Sung-shan, Peking..
571.3-118 FGA B7 and B7..1, swords bought fr,. Ta Ka Shan-fang Curio Shop, Peking..
571.3-119 FGA B4, B5, B5.1 (A) and B5..2 (B), halberds and axe-head bought at Lo-yang, Honan
5713-120 FGA B 13, iron sword with bronze hilt guard, bought at Sian, Shensi.,
571.3-121 FGA 24.14, B12, vessel bought from Mr. Kee Sung-shan, Peking.
5713-122 FGA B7,1 (A), ? (B), B7 (C), B7 (D), iron swords with jade and bronze guards, bought
from Ta Ka Shan-fang Curio Shop, Peking..
571.3-123 FGA B6, B6, 1, B6..2, money (ancient) bought at a village near I-chow, Hopei.
571..3-124 FGA 24.11, B8, tripod with one leg missing, said to have come from Hsin-cheng Hsien,
bought from Mr,. Li Jui of that place,.
5713-125 FGA 24..13, B11, tripod bought from Mr. Lee Sung-shan, Peking..
571.3-126 FGA B3, Knife about 26 in.. long, bought at Lo-yang, Honan.
571.3-127 FGA B4, small axe-head, 3 '/4 "by 2", bought at Lo-yang, Honan..
571.3-128 FGA 24..12, B9, wine-pot covered with fine design and inlaid with some semi-precious
stone, bought from Mr.. Lee Sung-shan, Peking.
571..3-129 FGA B 1, lamp (Han) bought at Lo-yang, Honan.
571,3-130 FGA B2, small vessel (Han) bought from Tung-kee Curio Shop, Cheng-chou, Honan.
571.3-131 Pei-t'ai-ho, Hopei Province, bronze seal.
571.3-132 Karlbeck bronzes..
571,3-133 Vessel from Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, photographed from book by Kuan Po-i.
571.3-134 Bell, photo from same book as -133.
571.3-135 Helmet, Peter Bahr coll, bought in Shanghai..
5713-136 Rubbing showing inscription of one of Hsin-cheng Hsien bronzes..
571.3-137 Rhyton from Po ku t'u In,,
571.3-138 Rhyton from Kin shi so.
571.3-139 Single-horned rhinoceros on kettle attn. to Shang, fr.. Po ku t'u lu..

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

5713-140 FGA 15,107..

571.3-141 to -142 Kuang from the Hsi Ch'ing Hsu Chien,.
5713-143 Vessel, Nelson Gallery, Kansas City, Mo.
571.3-144 Helmet from An-yang..
571.3-145 Large vessel said to have come from Cheng-teh, Honan.
5713-146 Map of Hsin-cheng Hsien.
5713-147 to -161 Hsin-cheng Hsien bronzes.
571..3-162 Hsin-cheng Hsien, workman at pit.
571.3-163 Hsin-cheng Hsien, looking north-east.
571.3-164 Hsin-cheng Hsien, south-east corner of city wall.
5713-165 Hsin-cheng Hsien, sunken road inside city wall.
571.3-166 Historical Museum, garment hooks, 1923.
571.3-167 Knife and handle, see Karlbeck's letter, Aug 4, 1934.
571.3-168 No print.
571..3-169 Karlbeck bronze tripod.
571.3-170 Vessel from An-yang, belonging to Karlbeck.
571..3-171 Different view of -170..
5713-172 to -173 Ku from An-yang..
571.3-174 Objects found near T'ai-ku, Shansi, Fall 1933.
Implements and Misc.
571.31-1 to -2 Cheng-chou, Honan, sword belonging to Gen. Chin.
571.,31-3 Axes.
571,31-4 to -6 Halberds.,
571.31-7 Possibly cooking-vessel,
57131-8 to -9 Swords and knives.
571.31-10 Axes,
571.31-11 to -14 Historical Museum, Peking, misc.
571.31-15 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, bone implement.
571.31-16 to-21 Karlbeck bronzes..
571.31-22 to -23 Yu Ho Chen, fragments of bronzes, May 1924..
571..31-24 to -25 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, shell implement, 1923.
57131-26 Misc. agricultural implements, wooden pitchforks.
571.31-27 Arrow heads.
57131-28 Bits.
57131-29 Implements.
571.31-30 to -42 Karlbeck bronzes.
571.31-43 Peter Bahr coll., bought in Shanghai, from place near Chang-te, Honan..
571.31-44 to -46 Peter Bahr coll., 1919, bought in Shanghai.
57131-47 to -50 Karlbeck bronzes.
571,.31-51 Drawing of horse-bits.
571.31-52 to -54 Peter Bahr colt, 1919, bought in Shanghai, said to be from site near Tomb of Chou Wen
Wang, Shensi-Honan ?
57131-55 FGA objects.
571.31-56 Knife-BMFA
571.31-57 Sword in Eumopopfoulos coll.
571,31-58 Bronze and black jade knives, rubbings.
571.31-59 Arrow-stand inlaid with gold and silver, found in Honan.
Map of the Bronze Age
57132-1 Drawn by Bishop, redrawn by Benson Moore.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

294-1 Monk going to Nan Hsiian Tung, southern Shansi, 1926.

Buddhist Sculpture see Sculpture, General and Buddhist

Buffalo, Water see Fauna

Bull Fights see Fauna

Camels see Fauna

Canals see Engineering

Carts see Customs, Modes of Travel

Caves see Caves, General; and Caves (Sculpture, Buddhist)

Caves, General
Bishop no. Caption

571.81-1 to -23 Lung-men, 1917.

571.81-24 to -75 Min River, 1916..
571.81-76 Cave-home in Weipeh District, March 1924..
571,81-77 to -78 Yiin Kang, April 1925.
571..81-79 to -83 Chin Shan, Shansi, April 1925..
571.81-84 to -85 Loess caves in Shensi or Honan
571.81-86 Kia-ting Fu, Szechuan, entrance at artificial caves..
571.81-87 Inscriptions: Hsueh and Wa, meaning cave.
571,81-88 Lung-men, 1917.

Caves (Sculpture, Buddhist)

Bishop no. Caption

571.821-1 Yiin Kang, Shansi, April 1925..

571.821-2 to -20 Yiin Kang, 1923..
571.821-21 to -40 Yiin Kang, April 1923..
571.821-41 to -55 Yiin Kang, Post-cards..
571.821-56 to -57 Hangchow, August 1923..
571.821-58 to -70 Lung-men, 1917..
571.821-71 Shansi, near Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

571.821-72 to -101 Yun Kang, 1925..

571.821-102 T'ien Lung Shan, Shansi,
571,.821-103 to -105 Lung-men, photographed by Bishop and Dr, Ferguson, 1917,
571,821-106 to -111 Yun Kang, 1917.
571.821-112 to -126 T'ien Lung Shan, Shansi.
571.821-127 Yiin Kang.
571.821-128 to -130 Buddhist caves south of Hochow, South T'ai-y.uan, Shansi.
571.821-131 to -132 Yiin Kang, 1925.

Bishop no. Caption

738.1-1 to -3 K'ang Chuang, Rasmussen find.

738..1-4 to -5 Peking National University Museum.
738.1-6 to -7 Misc. pottery.
738.1-8 to -12 Yii Ho Chen, pottery from Lei Ku T'ai mound, May 1924..
738.1-13 to -15 Yii Ho Chen, pottery from Wang Fen Wa mound, May 1924.
738..1-16 to -22 Yii Ho Chen, pottery from Lei Ku T'ai mound, May 1924.
738.1-23 Yii Ho Chen, pottery in brick cist.
738..1-24 FGA SCP-2086.
738.1-25 FGAP3.
738.1-26 FGA 23.17.
738.1-27 FGA 23,16.
738..1-28 FGA SCP-2078..
738..1-29 FGA SCP-894 and -895..
738..1-30 to -33 Pei-t'ai-ho, 1925..
738..1-34 Karlbeck pottery.
738.1-35 FGA SCP-892 and -893
738.1-36 to -37 Lung shan, Chinan, Shantung, Feg 14, 1931.
738,1-38 Huan Shan Ts'un, Changte, Honan, National Research Institute..
738..1-39 to -40 Shop keepers and staff, Paomach'ang near Peking.
738..1-41 Beginning of coiling process, ropes of clay,.
738..1-42 Potter's wheel made of wood,
738..1-43 Combination, coiling and wheel.
738.1-44 Lifting finished pot off'wheel.
738.1-45 Finished pot.
738..1-46 Putting finished pot out to dry before baking.
738.1-47 FGA SCP-2084.
738.1-48 Hui Kang Ts'un pottery, Wenshi, Shansi, June 1933..
738..1-49 FGA SCP-891,
738..1-50 FGA SCP-2085..
738.1-51 Rhyton, photo from W.P. Pettus, 10/19/33..
738..1-52 Photographed from Palaeontologia Sinica, ser. D. v..1, fasc..2, PLL.
738.1-53 Photographed from Palaeontologia Sinica, ser.. D. v,. 1, fasc.2, P1.II.
738..1-54 Photographed from Palaeontologia Sinica, ser D. v,.1, fasc.2, Pl.IV.
738,1-55 Photographed from Palaeontologia Sinica, ser.. D. v.1, fasc.2, PLY,
738..1-56 Field Mus Nat'l History, Chicago, pottery jar, collected by C.T.. Loo, near Lo-yang, Honan
738.1-57 Painted pottery from Dr.. Andersson's book, Archaeological Research in Kansu.
73&1-58 Report of microscopic pottery by Dr. Li Chi at Hsi-yin Tsun site.
738,1-59 FGA 30.96 and 30.97.
738..1-60 In Nelson Gallery, Kansas City, Mo.
738..1-61 Pottery maker, Pao-mach'ang near Peking, pottery making.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

738,1-62 Pottery making, Hangchow.

738.1-63 Pueblo pottery making.
7381-64 From Cho-lu-hsien, He Pei in the south, Fan Shan, old Imperial Capital.
738.1-65 to -75 Former Karlbeck pottery.
738.1-76 to -78 Karlbeck coll.
Clay Figures
738.2-1 to -2 From Szechuan.
738.2-3 to -10 Peking Historical Museum.
738..2-11 to -12 Clay figures found in 1919,
7382-13 to -21 Peking National University Museum.
738.2-22 Peter Bahr coll.
738.2-23 to -24 Karlbeck coll.
738.2-25 Peter Bahr coll.
738.2-26 to -27 Peking Historical Museum..
738.2-28 Peter Bahr coll.

Bishop no. Caption

699-1 Egyptian chariot from book by Percy E. Newberry, Scarabs, Introduction to study of
Egyptian seals and signet rings.
699-2 Chariot design, early Han on a gilt bronze jar overlaid in silver, Art Inst. Chicago coll.,
699-3 to -6 Wooden Chinese chariots, Peking Historical Mus., 1926..
699-7 Nave cap of chariot,
699-8 Mesopotamian chariot.
699-9 Fitting, Nelson Gallery, Kansas City, Mo.
699-10 to -14 Rubbings of chariots and horses.

Chariots, Fittings see Bronzes, Implements and Misc.

Ch'i Huang Mu see Place-Views, Shansi, 93 1.11-1

Chinese Long House see Architecture

Chinese Soldiers
Bishop no. Caption

355..1-1 Soldiers looting in Peking, 1917.

Clay Figures see Ceramics

Confucius see Place-Views, Ch'd Fu, and Customs, 390.2-37

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

390-1 Hsi Ling (Western Tombs), Imperial Thrones in the Mu Ling Spirit Hall, 1925.
390-2 to -7 Ta-t'ung fu, Shansi, 1925.
390-8 to -11 Yu Ho Chen, May 1924.
390-12 Philippine Islands, Headhunter, the victim of Igorots,
390-13 Hauling water by donkey, Shansi, 1925,
390-14 Dyeing blue cloth, Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, Sept. 1923.
3903-1 Silver mask found in tomb near Joho, Ht.. 9 in.., Wd 7 in.
3903-2 No print.
3903-3 to -6 Peking, Lama Temple, Devil Dance, July 1924.
3903-7 Buddhist ceremony.
390.1-1 to -2 Lo-yang, 1923..
390..1-3 to -23 During civil revolution around Peking,.
Funeral Rites
390.2-1 to -13 Funeral of Ex-Premier Chow Tsu-chi, Peking Dec.. 8, 1923.
3902-14 to -32 Peking, 1924..
3902-33 Hsi Ling (Western Tombs), May 1925.
390.2-34 to -35 Ta-t'ung, Shansi, Taoist funeral, April 1925.
390.2-36 Tiles, funerary,.
3902-37 Chu Fu, avenue to Tomb of Confucius,.
390.2-38 Priest's burial urn,.
390.2-39 Burial urns, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Modes of Travel
390.5-1 Chinese saddle-horse, 1917
390..5-2 Peking cart at ford, 1917..
390..5-3 Hangchow, four-wheeled cart, Aug.. 1923.
390.5-4 to -5 Hsi Ling, cart and railway, May 1925..
390.5-6 I-chow, Hopei, mule-cart, 1923..
3905-7 to -8 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, ox-cart, 1923.
390.5-9 to -11 Yiin Kang, April 1925.
390.5-12 to -13 Yiin Kang, 1917.
390.5-14 Shensi, ox-carts, March 1924.
390.5-15 Ytin Kang, 1923.
390.5-16 to -24 Shansi, Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925.
390,5-25 to -26 North Shansi, ox-carts, 1917.
390.5-27 Shensi, crossing Wei Ho, March 1924..
390.5-28 to -32 Shensi, bullock-carts, 1917..
390,5-33 Honan, near Lo-yang, ox-cart, 1917..
390..5-34 Loaded cart on Tungkuan-Sian road, March 1924..
390..5-35 Shensi, April 1924
390.5-36 Tungkuan-Sian roads-upper for motors, lower for carts, March 1924.
390.5-37 Highlands of Shensi, approaching divide between Lo Ho and Yen Shui, 1924..
390.5-38 Rickshaw and waterwheel, on street (hutung) Wai-chiao-p'u Chieh, Peking, 1925..
390.5-39 Two-wheeled mule cart..
390,5-40 Two-wheeled ox-cart.
390.5-41 Mule Inn, south-west Shansi, 1932.
390..5-42 Wheelbarrow, Peking.
390..5-43 Mule cart, south-west Shansi, 1932.
390.5-44 Donkeys used on trip, Shansi, 1926..

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

3905-45 Donkey, head-stall.

390.5-46 Cart, country north China.
390.5-47 Carts, N. Shansi,
390.5-48 Mule Inn where mule carts stopped, S. Shansi, 1932,
390.5-49 Mule and drivers.
390.5-50 to -51 Country ox-cart, Shansi.
390.5-52 Carts on road to Yun Kang, 1915..
390.5-53 Camel train.
390.4-1 to -7 Yun Kang, Shansi, Priest, 1925..
390.4-8 to -10 Shansi, Buddhist priest, 1925,
390.4-11 Shansi, Ta-t'ung, Taoist priest, 1925.

Deer Horn (Impl. fr. Hsin-cheng Hsien) see Fauna

Dragon-Boats see Boats

Drum Towers see Architecture

Bishop no. Caption

620-1 Sian, well,.

620-2 Sung irrigation canal, Weipeh District, March 1924,
620-3 King River Gorge, showing intake of Sung irrigation canal, March 1924.
620-4 Ningpo, canal.
620-5 Chinese well, Peking,
620-6 Irrigation well, Shansi.
620-7 Country well, Shansi.
620-8 Soochow-to, canal, Spring, 1930.

Executions see Customs

Bishop no. Caption

591.3-1 to -7 Seoul, Korea, bull fights, 1915.

591.3-8 to -9 Yu Ho Chen, water-buffalo.
5913-10 Liang Dyn remains, Tse-chia Ssu near Nanking, water-buffalo..
5913-11 to -14 Shansi
591.3-16 to -17 Philippines.
591.3-18 to -25 Seoul, Korea, bull-fights, 1915.
5913-26 Camels in summer coat.
5913-27 Camels in winter coat, Mongolia,.
591.3-28 Western hills of north China, 1931.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

5913-29 Western hills of'north China, 1926,

591.3-30 to -31 Camels, road out to Western Hills, 1931.
591.3-32 to -34 Shansi.
591.3-35 Horse in Washington Zoo, April 5, 1929.
591.3-36 Deer horn, Implement from Hsin-cheng Hsien.

Bishop no. Caption

639-1 Fish-net, Yangtze river.

639-2 Fishing, Central China,
639-3 Fishing in rice field of flooded Hupei, June 6, 1926.

Flora & Trees

Bishop no. Caption

581.3-1 Hangchow, lotus flowers, 1923.

5813-2 Shensi, persimmon tree, 1917.
5813-3 to -5 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, sacred tree, 1923.
581.3-6 Ming tombs, trees.
581.3-7 Chong Pu, Shensi, A Thuja, in old temple grounds outside city wall, 1924..
581.3-8 Wu Tai Shan, Shensi, Pine stand being cut for repairs of temples, April 1924,
581.3-9 Near divide between Lo Ho and Yen Shui, sparse population permits native willows and
elm to regain possession of the ground, April 1924..
581.3-10 Wu Tai Shan, Shensi, temple lands, April 1924.
581.3-11 Tsin River Valley, wood lot on farmland which is irrigated three times per year, March
581.3-12 Wood lot, forestry along road from Tungkuan to Sian, March 1924.
581.3-13 Yao Ho Valley, Shensi, Thuja stand of'trees on protected temple lands, April 1924.
5813-14 Highlands, Shensi, walnut trees at edges of fields, April 1924..

Freer Gallery Collections see under Bronzes, Pottery, Painting, Tile, Stone

Frescoes see Painting

Gates see Architecture, Gates and see Tiles

Gold see Jade and Gold

Gorges see Rivers

Grinding Grain see Architecture and Customs

Han Pottery House Model see Ceramics

Subject Index contd.

Hangchow see Place-Views

Headhunting see Customs, 390-12

Helmet see Bronzes

Ho Ch'u-ping see Tombs

Honan see Place-Views and Architecture, 722-36

Horses see Ponies, Sculpture, General and Chariots, 699-10-12, Ceramics

Houses see Architecture

Hsi Ling (Western Tombs) see Place-Views and Customs

Hsi Yin Ts'un (Shansi) see Archaeological sites

Hsia Ying Chou (Shansi) see Archaeological sites

Hsin-cheng Hsien see Bronzes, Customs, Archaeological Sites, People

I-chang, Hupei and Vicinity see Place-Views and Architecture

I-chang (Lung Wang Tung) see Place-Views

I-chow, Hopei see Archaeological Sites

Igorotos (a group of people) see Phillippine Islands

Implements see Stone and Bronze and Iron

Inns see Architecture

Inscribed Bones see Bones, Inscribed

Subject Index contd.

Inscriptions see 495.3-1

Bishop no. Caption

571.7-1 Implements, spear-heads.,

571.7-2 to -3 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan: iron casting in Cheng-chou, 1923.
571.7-4 to -5 Pei-t'ai-ho, Hopei, bell, Aug. 1924..
5717-6 to -13 Shansi, iron ox at Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925.
571.7-14 Shensi, Hsing-ping, iron bell, March 1924
571.7-15 to -16 Pei-t'ai-ho finds, Aug. 1925.
571,7-17 Iron ox, near Ta-t'ung Fu,

Jades & Gold

Bishop no. Caption

549-1 Peking Historical Museum,,jade seal of T'ai-p'ing Rebellion,

549-2 to -3 Peking Historical Museum, jade.
549-4 to -9 Peking Historical Museum, jades.
549-10 to -15 Shansi, Lo Coll. jades, -13-gold, April 1925.
549-16 Jade tiger from Hsin-cheng Hsien,
549-17 Enlargement of -16,
549-18 to -19 FGA B 17, gold sheet, scabbard ornament..
549-20 Jade from Hsin-cheng Hsien.

Junks see Boats

Bishop no. Caption

951-1 to -140 Customs, dress, people, scenery, architecture.

Korea (Heijo)
Bishop no. Caption

951.1-1 to -6 Country scenes around Heijo,

Korea (Silla)
Bishop no. Caption

951.2-1 to -6 Post cards of objects in Shiragi (south-east Korea),

Ku Shan, Shansi see Archaeological Sites

Kuang Ti Tomb, Honan see Architecture, temple

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

714-1 Salt Lake, looked from Nan Chung-tiao Shan (near south-west of Ch'ih-yu Chang),
714-2 Salt Lake at Yi ng-cheng.,

Lei Ku Ta'ai Mound, map and plate see Mounds

Lei Ku Ta'ai Tombs see Tombs

Loess see Place-Views

Lo-yang (old) see Archaeological Sites

Long House, Chinese see Architecture

Manchuria see Archaeological Sites

Map of Bronze Age see Bronzes

Maps (prepared by Bishop) (Negatives only)

Bishop no. Caption

912-1 River Valley Civilizations of the Ancient World.

912-2 Known distribution of war-chariots in Antiquity.
912-3 Distribution of Traction Plow before Age of Discovery..
912-4 Wheat culture in Antiquity,
912-5 Known occurrences of bronze swords in antiquity.

Marble Boat, New Summer Palace see Palaces

Masks see Customs (Ceremonies)

Min River Caves see Caves

Ming Tombs see Sculpture (General) and Tombs

Modes of Travel see Customs

Subject Index contd.

Mongol Pony see Ponies

Mongolia see Archaeological Sites

Mongols & Kalgan Pass

Bishop no. Caption

950-1 Upper reach of Kalgan Pass looking north

950-2 Kalgan Pass going south,
950-3 Construction of Yuzt.
950-4 Mongol Yurt..
950-5 North in Kalgan Pass..
950-6 View of Mongolia showing undulations.
950-7 Mongol "cowboy",.
950-8 Lama shepherd with sheep.
950-9 Mongol-type woman.
950-10 Mongol ponies.
950-11 A Lama.
950-12 American Indian type in Mongolia (?).
950-13 Types of Mongols..
950-14 View in Kalgan Pall,
950-15 Mongol Lama.
950-16 Kalgan Pass showing denudation.
950-17 Martello towers on Mongolian side of Kalgan Pass, for defense.
950-18 Coming south in Kalgan Pass.
950-19 Woman with elaborate headdress, camel cart in background.
950-20 Mongol wild horse.
950-21 Mongol-type girl.
950-22 Mongol ponies.
950-23 Migratory Mongol.
950-24 Temple to God of Hills, north of Kalgan..
950-25 Mongol ponies.
950-26 Mongol-type woman,
950-27 Mongol woman of rank.
950-28 to -30 Mongol woman.
950-31 Mongol wife of chief, note headdress.
950-32 Mongol ponies.
950-33 Lama Sheperd and horses..
950-34 Mongol cowboy,.
Bishop no. Caption

950-35 Mongol cowboy in summer attire.

950-36 Mongols.
950-37 Construction of Yurt, stick brought from Siberia, Eastern Mongolia.
950-38 Mongolian tent in front of Chief Lama (Mongol) of seven districts.

Monk see Buddhism

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

571-1 to -3 Cheng-tu, Szechuan, double tumulus, 1916..

571-4to-8 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, mound, Sept.. 1923..
571-9 to -11 I-chow, Hopei, mounds, 1923.
571-12 Pei-t'ai-ho, Fishhook Point mound, Aug. 1924.
571-13 to -18 Shansi, Ch'i Huang Mu mounds, April 1925.
571-19 to -21 Shensi, Wei An Kung mound.
571-22 to -23 Shensi, Wei An Kung stone monument, March 1924.
571-24 to -25 Shensi, Ch'ang-an, palace mound, March 1924.
571-26 Shensi, Han Wu Ti mound, March 1924
571-27 to -34 Shensi, Han Ching-ti mound, March 1924..
571-35 Shensi, March 1924.
571-36 Shensi, Wei An Kung palace mound, March 1924..
571-37 Wang Fen Wa mound.
571-38 Lei Ku Ta'ai mound.
571-39 Shensi, mound of old Ch'ang-an, March 1924, photo from drawing by B.. Moore.,

Mule Carts see Customs, Modes of Travel

Bishop no. Caption

7081-1 Nanking Museum in Nanking, China, 1930..

708.1-2 Garden of Historical Museum, photo by Wenley summer 1923, Mr. Ch'iu, Tung and friend.
7081-3 Right wing of F'ang-kun-t'zu in magistrate's yamen of An-i-hsien, Photo by Dr.. Chi Li,

Ox-Carts see Customs, Modes of Travel

Pagodas see Architecture and Sculpture, 730-44 and -53

P' ai-lo see Architecture, Gates

Painted Pottery see Ceramics

Bishop no. Caption

750-1-A, B, C, D-FGA four wall paintings (called Frescoes by Bishop) bought from Mr.. Yao Kuei-fang of
F 1 (C), F 1.1 (D), I-chow, Hopei province..
F 1.2 (B), F 13 (A)

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

728-1 to -23 Old Summer Palace, 1915, Peking.

728-24 Road to Summer Palace, 1915.
728-25 Summer Palace, 1915.
728-26 Summer Palace, 1917.
728-27 Ruins of Summer Palace.
728-28 to -38 Summer Palace.
728-39 to -51 Winter Palace, Peking.
728-52 to -58 Imperial Palace, Peking.
728-59 Lung Pavilion (Palace of Fuh Wang), K'ai-feng, Early Ming.
728-60 Ch'ang-hsun's palace, Peking, after attack, July 12, 1917.
728-61 to -62 Looting Ch'ang-hsun's palace, July 12, 1917,
728-63 to -67 Interior of Ch'ang-hsun's palace, July 12, 1917.
728-68 to -70 Street in front of Ch'ang-hsun's palace, July 12, 1917.
728-71 to -78 Ch'ang-hsun's palace, ruins, July 12, 1917.
728-79 Old Summer Palace.
728-80 Marble Boat, New Summer Palace..
728-81 Summer Palace.
728-82 Long Corridor, New Summer Palace, near Peking..
728-83 New Summer Palace, Peking.

Pei-T'ai-ho see Place-Views

Pei-T'ai-ho & Lighthouse Point see Archaeological Sites

Peking & Vicinity see Place-Views

Bishop no. Caption

391-1 to -3 No prints.
391-4 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, 1923.
391-5 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, 1923, Bishop.
391-6 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, 1923, sentries,
391-7 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, 1923, Mr, Kao, Tung, Ch'iu; Wu Pei Fu's officers.
391-8. Old Summer Palace,.
391-9 YU Ho Chen, Mr.. Wenley at Lei Ku T'ai, May 1924.
391-10 Yd Ho Chen, C,W. Bishop, May 1924..
391-11 Yii. Ho Chen, facial types, May 1924..
391-12 Yii Ho Chen, soldier escorts, Lei Ku T'ai, May 1924.
391-13 Yii Ho Chen, Messrs Ch'iu, Bishop, Wenley at Wang Fen Wa, May 1924.
391-14 Yiin Kang, soldiers, 1923.
391-15 Yiin Kang, Dr.. Schulman, Major Magruder, Dr. Laufer, C.W. Bishop.
391-16 Yiin Kang, Dr. Laufer, Dr. J.C. Ferguson, Dr. Jacob Schulman, Mr. T.. Abbott, Major
Magruder, 1923.
391-17 Dr,. B. Laufer, Dr. J.C. Ferguson, Dr. Jacob Schulman, Mr. T. Abbott.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

391-18 Shansi, Mr. Ch'iu Tzu-yuan, Magistrate YU Han-chin, A.G. Wenley, Bishop.
391-19 Shansi, YUn Kang, Wenley.
391-20 Shansi, Mr. Ch'iu Tzu-yuan, Tung Kwan-lien, Wang Pai-yen, April 1925.
391-21 Shansi, Wenely, Bishop, Tung Kwan-lien, Ch'iu Tzu-yuan, Wang Pai-yen, April.
391-22 Shansi, party at Ta-t'ung Fu,.
391-23 Shansi, YU Han-chin, magistrate at Ta-t'ung Fu,
391-24 Messrs Yu, Ch'iu, Bishop,
391-25 Yiin Kang.
391-26 Ta-t'ung Fu.
391-27 Yiin Kang.
391-28 to -29 Ta-t'ung Fu.
391-30 to -31 Shansi.
391-32 Beggar woman near Peking, 1923..
391-33 to -34 Yiin Kang.
391-35 Shansi, 1926.
391-36 Ta-t'ung Fu peasants.
391-37 North Shansi.
391-38 to -41 South Shansi.
391-42 Peddler on road in Shansi.
391-43 Peasant in Shansi.
391-44 South Shansi..
391-45 South-west Shansi, Wan Ch'tian, 1932..
391-46 Hsi Yin Ts'un, Shansi, 1926,
391-47 Modern northern Chinese peasant; skeletal evidence shows that they are the lineal
descendants of Neolithic people of same region..
391-48 Man from Ping-yao Hsien, 1926, taken by Li Chi,
391-49 to -50 Native of Chieh-hsin, Shansi, 1926, taken by Li Chi..
391-51 Shansi, Mr. Tung in foreground with camera.
391-52 Chin-ts'un, village chief, Wang Shang-lu and his wife, 1932.
391-53 People of Chin-ts'un, Shansi, 1932..

Pig see Fauna

Bishop no. Caption

Ch'ii-fu, Shantung Province

931.1-1 Well of Confucius.
931..1-2 Avenue of Confucius.
9311-3 Temple of Confucius.
931.1-4 Tomb of Confucius.
Hangchow, Chekiang Province
931.2-1 View from mountains to west, looking toward Lake and Hangchow Bay, Aug,. 1923..
931.2-2 to -5 West Lake, August 1923.
931.2-6 to -19 Views of Hangchow, June 1930.
931.2-20 Pond of dancing fish.
931.2-21 to -22 Tomb figures.
931.2-23 Cave at Liyin, Hangchow.
931.2-24 Needle Pagoda.
931.2-25 Buddhist Figures, West Lake.
931.2-26 Bamboo grove,.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

931.2-27 New Hotel, overlooking West Lake.

Hsi-ling & Honan
9313-1 to -2 General views.
931.3-3 Loes country, T'ung Kuan, Honan, 1917.
931.3-4 Changte Field Station, Bones found in excavation, Huan Shan Ts'un, Changte, Honan,
931..3-5 Street in Lo-yang, Honan.
1-chang, Hupei, and vicinity
931.4-1 to -18 Views..
1-chang, Hupei, Lung-wang tung
931..5-1 to -9 Views, April 1923
931.5-10 Old earth works.
Nanking, Chiangsu Province and vicinity
931.6-1 to -6 Views of Nanking,
931,6-7 Tse-chia Ssu, near Nanking (Liang Dynasty remains).
Pei-t'ai-ho, Hopei Province
9313-1 to -31 Views, August 1924..
931.7-32 to -35 The Houghton House,.
931.7-36 to -37 Floods, August 1924..
931.7-38 View between Pei-t'ai-ho and Tientsin,
931,8-1 to -2 Observatory on East Wall, 1917..
931.8-3 View.
931.8-4 to -5 Coal Hill.
931.8-6 FGA Headquarters house, 19, Ta Yang I-pin Hutung, East City..
931.8-7 to -8 Mei Shan (Coal Hill), 1915
931.8-9 Mei Shan (Coal Hill), 1917
931.8-10 Observatory, 1915..
931.8-11 to -12 Mei Shan, 1917.
931.8-13 Looking east from south-east corner of Tartar City Wall, 1917.
9318-14 to -19 Views of Peking taken from roof of Peking Hotel, 1927.
931.8-20 Corner city wall.
931.8-21 Snow, 1925.
931,8-22 Hatamen Street, 1930.
931.8-23 Street scene outside Ch'ien-men, 1930..
931.8-24 Hatamen Street scene, 1930.
931.8-25 to -26 Street scene, 1930.
931 .8-27 to -29 Summer Palace, 1915.
931..9-1 to -7 Views.
931..11-1 Ch'i Huang Mu, north of Ta-t'ung, April 1925..
931.11-2 Excavation at Ta-t'ung, April 1925..
931.11-3 Road, Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925.
931.11-4 View, Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925.
93111-.5 View east of Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925..
931.11-6 to -9 N. Wei capital site just east of Ta-t'ung, April 1925..
931.11-10 to -12 Views, Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925.
931.11-13 Main street, Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925.
931.11-14 to -16 Excavation Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925.
931.11-17 to -22 Scenery, Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925..
931.11-23 View east of Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925..
931.11-24 to -25 Dust storm Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925..
931..11-26 View n.e. of Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925..

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

931,11-27 View Ta-t'ung Fu, April 1925.

931.11-28 Main street, Ta-t'ung Fu, 1917..
931.11-29 View of Shansi, April 1925..
931..11-30 to -32 Village in northern Shansi, 1917.
931.11-33 View, Ta-t'ung, April 1925..
931.11-34 to -35 View between Ta-t'ung and Yun Kang caves.
931.11-36 Shansi scenery..
931.11-37 Road from Yun Kang.
93111-38 to -39 Ta-t'ung,.
931.11-40 Luck Temple, south of Tai-yuan,.
931.11-41 to -42 Scenery in southern Shansi.
931.11-43 Ku-yi Shan, from Pe-hsuan Tung, 1926..
931.11-44 Ku-yi, Liu-feng-hsien, 1926.
931.11-45 Loess bluffs, south Shansi, 1926.
931.11-46 Loess village, south Shansi, Yao-fang Shio-yu Chen, Ping Yang Fu, 1926.
931.11-47 Village looking down from Yun Kang caves,
931.11-48 Road to Yun Kang, 1917.
931..11-49 Walled village.
931.11-50 to -51 Loess, Terrace village, T'ai-yuan..
931..11-52 Block house in village, protection against bandits.
931.11-.53 Road in Shansi
931..11-54 Fortified building, south Shansi..
931.11-55 Fortified wall village.
931..11-56 Road in north Shansi.
931.11-57 Village, Bishop and L.C. Goodrich, 1932.
931..11-58 Road in Shansi.
931..11-59 Sunken road.
931.11-60 Wayside Inn.
931.11-61 Loess terraces, northern Shansi.
931..11-62 Yellow River about latitude 36 degrees from foothills of Shansi,
931..11-63 Man plowing, central Shansi, near Yellow River.
931.11-64 Foothills of Yellow River, about latitute 36 degrees from Shansi site,
931.11-65 View from train en route to Tai-yuan.
931.11-66 Western central Shansi.
931.11-67 Village on loess divide about 37 degrees, western Shansi..
931.11-68 Road to Yun Kang, 1917..
931.11-69 to -74 Road between Yun Kang and Ta-t'ung, 1917..
931.10-1 to -5 Views of'peninsular Shantung.
931.12-1 to -4 1917.
931.12-5 Hot springs at Lin-t'ung Hsien, March 1924..
931.12-6 Scenery..
931.,12-7 Lin-t'ung Hsien.
931.12-8 Lin-t'ung Hsien, hot springs, March 1924..
931.12-9 to -12 Street scenes, Sian, March 1924..
931..12-13 Well, Ch'ang-an, March 1924.
931.12-14 to -15 Loess cliffs, March 1924.
931.12-16 Views.
93112-17 Hua-chan, Shensi.
931..12-18 to -30 Views around Yen-an Fu, taken by A.G. Loehr, 1915, and given to Bishop.
931.12-31 Yellow River between Shensi and Shansi, taken by A.G, Loehr, 1915, and given to Bishop.
931..12-32 No print..
931..12-33 Side hill cultivation in Shensi, taken by A.G. Loehr, 1915, and given to Bishop.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

931.12-34 View west of Yellow River, taken by AG,. Loehr, 1915, and given to Bishop..
931.12-35 to -48 Views at T'ung-kuan, at great elbow in Yellow River, March 1924.
93112-49 Tsing Kien, Market Day, April 1924..
931.12-50 Yen-an Fu, April 1924.
931.12-51 to -52 Highlands, approaching divide between Lo Ho and Yen Shui, April 1924..
931.12-53 Yao Ho valley, Thuja growth on protected temple lands, April 1924.
931.12-54 Yen-an Fu, Yen Shui flows around to the left, April 1924..
931.12-55 A gulch in the Loess, Weipeh District, March 1924.
931.12-56 Yeh River, Weipeh District, March 1924.
931.12-57 Y. Kuin, a walled town of the highlands, April 1924.
931.12-58 to -59 Country between Yao Ho and Lo Ho, April 1924..
931.,12-60 Mountain village in tributary of Yi Ho, April 1924.
931.12-61 No print..
931.12-62 Tsing Kien Valley, Near Tsing Kon, April 1924..
931..12-63 Approaching divide from west between Tsing Kien Ho and Yi Ho, April 1924..
931..12-64 Erosion north of Lo Chuan, Lo Ho drainage, April 1924.
931.12-65 Tungkuan, Yellow River, March 1924..
931.12-66 Base of loess on Yellow River, near Tungkuan, March 1924.
931.12-67 Mountain village in a tributary of Yi Ho, April 1924.
931..12-68 View from Tungkuan wall, south to the Tsing Ling Shan, loess land is much terraced,
March 1924.
931..12-69 Erosion near divide between Yi Ho and Yellow River, April 1924..
931.12-70 In Yi Ho water shed, April 1924..
931..12-71 View of Tungkuan, March 1924.
931-12.72 Vicinity of Tungkuan, March 1924..
931..12-73 Erosion in high country, between Yi Ho and Yellow River, March 1924.
931.12-74 Yen-an Fu, view of erosion from mountain which overlooks town, April 1924..
931..12-75 View of terraced fields above city of Tungkuan, March 1924..
931..12-76 Water shed cover of King River basin above gorge, March 1924.
93112-77 Village on high road, April 1924.
931..12-78 Base of loess, north of Lo Chuan, sandstone coffin is exposed by the caving loess wall,
April 1924.
93112-79 Weipeh, road northward from San Yuan crossed Tsin River in a canyon, April 1924..
931.12-80 Y.. Kuin, near view of town, April 1924.
931.12-81 Double road, Tungkuan to Sian, March 1924..
931..12-82 View of Hua Shan, from road Tungkuan to Sian, March 1924..
931..12-83 Hua Shan, 1917..
931..12-84 Temple road, Sian, 1917..
931..12-85 Persimmon trees on way to Sian, 1917.
931..12-86 Road to Sian, Yellow River in distance, 1917.
931..12-87 Just outside Sian, 1917.
931.12-88 Monastery, Sian, 1917.
931.12-89 Temple, road, Sian, 1917.
931.13-1 to -18 Miscellaneous views, winter of 1915/1916.
93113-19 Giant water wheels, Ch'eng-tu, Jan. 1915.
Tangku Bar
931.14-1 to -4 Scenes unloading at Tangku Bar, near Tientsin; June 15, 1930,

Plates see Archaeological Sites, Pei-t'ai-ho, Mounds and Tombs

NOW see Agriculture and 931..11-63

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

636.1-1 Throw-back of'Mongol wild pony, K,Z Tung on pony, 3 miles outside Sian, Shensi, 1917.

Porcelain see Ceramics

Potshards see Ceramics

Potter's Wheel see Ceramics

Pottery see Ceramics

Pottery (Lung Shan) see Ceramics

Pottery Making see Ceramics

Bishop no. Caption

625-1 to -7 Peking-Kalgan Railway, Ta-t'ung Fu, 1917.

Rhinoceros see Ceramics (Clay Figures), Bronzes and Inscriptions

Rhyton see Bronzes and Ceramics

Rice see Korea and Philippine Islands

Bishop no. Caption

551-1 to -2 Breaks in Kin-Han Railway, 1917.

551-3 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan.
551-4 to -10 Yellow River, Shensi.
551-11 to -12 Yangtze River, lower.
551-13 to -18 Yellow River, middle.
551-19 Yangtze River.
551-20 to -26 Yangtze River, middle.
551-27 Ya Ho, Szechuan, 1916.
551-28 Yangtze gorges, 1916,
551-29 Shansi, river bed, 1917.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

551-30 Yii Ho Chen, view of,junction of Yu Ho and Huai Ho, 1924.

551-31 to -32 Hii Ho Chen, Yd Ho, 1924.
551-33 Shensi, Yellow River.
551-34 Shensi, Yii Ho at Ta-t'ung Fu.
551-35 T'ung-kuan, Tung Shui at, March 1924,
551-36 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, Cheng Ho,
551-37 to -39 Yellow River between T'ung-kuan, Shensi and Cheng-chou, Honan, 1925.
551-40 Shanchow, Honan, Yellow River, March 1924.
551-41 Yellow River, base of loess near T'ung-kuan, March 1924.
551-42 to -43 Yellow River, mountains in Shansi on north bank, between Shanchow and T'ung-kuan,
March 1924
551-44 Yellow River south of crossing at San Chow, April 1924.
551-45 Ba Shui looking down stream from bridge, March 1924.
551-46 Yellow River between Shanchow and T'ung-kuan, terraced fields, sail boat and cotton
barges, March 1924.
551-47 Yellow River between Shanchow and south to Tsing Ling Shan, March 1924.
551-48 Yangtze gorges, early 1916..
551-49 to -50 King River gorge, limestone, Shensi, March 1924
551-51 to -54 Yangtze gorges, 1926.
551-55 River at Lo-yang, Honan.
551-.56 River valley, Shansi, Fen Ho.
551-57 No print,,
551-58 Lower gorges of Yangtze, 1926..
551-59 to -75 Yangtze gorges, 1926.
551-76 Yangtze River, just above Ichang, 1926..
551-77 Ford across Fen Ho, Fall 1926 or 1932 ?

Sculpture (General)
Bishop no. Caption

730-1 to -4 Hsi Ling (Western Tombs), May 1925..

730-5 to -8 I-chow, Hopei, 1923..
730-9 Lo-yang, modern, stele with historical inscription.
730-10 to -35 Ming Tombs.
730-36 to -41 Liang Dynasty Lions, near Nanking, 1923
730-42 to -85 Liang Dynasty, remains at Tse-chia Ssu, near Nanking.,
730-86 Shensi, Liu Chuan stone tablet.
730-87 to -91 Shantung, T'ai-an Fu, wordless stone, 1919..
730-92 Shantung, T'ai-an Fu, tablets,.
730-93 to -116 Miscellaneous.
730-95 FGAS8
730-97 FGA S 11
730-98 FGA S 11.1
730-99 FGA S 11.1
730-100 FGA S 5.2
730-101 FGA S 11
730-102 FGA S 14
730-103 FGA S 14 detail
730-104 FGA S 11
730-105 FGA S 11,.1
730-110 FGA S 5,4
730-111 FGAS5

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

730-114 FGA S 5.1

730-117 to -118 Shansi, Ta-t'ung, April 1925.
730-119 to -150 Shansi, Yiin Kang, 1917.
730-151 to -153 Shansi, Yun Kang, old wooden statue, 1917.
730-154 to -158 Shansi, Yun Kang, sculptured cliffs, 1917.
730-159 Shantung, T'ai-an, wordless stone, 1919.
730-160 Shansi, Yun Kang, carved cliffs, 1917.
730-161 to -163 Shensi, stone horses of T'ang T'ai-tsung, 1917.
730-164 to -169 Shensi, Sian, Nestorian Monument, March 1924,
730-170 Shensi, between T'ung-kuan and Sian, March 1924.
730-171 Shensi, near Lin Chuan, March 1924.
730-172 Shensi, March 1924.
730-173 to -174 Shensi, east of Lin Chuan, March 1924.
730-175 to -176 Shensi, coil. of Mr. Tung of Sian, March 1924.
730-177 Shensi, Sian, Nestorian Monument, March 1924.
730-178 Shensi, mud statues.
730-179 Japan, Ueno Park, Tokyo, Buddhist statue, 1915.
730-180 to -181 Hangchow, Buddha, August 1923.
730-182 Shansi, Yun Kang, view of gorge, 1917,
730-183 Yen-an Fu, Shensi, Cave Temple of 10,000 Buddhas, April 1924.
730-184 Carved bone (Shang ?) broken and repaired, Possibly from An-Yang, Colt, of Otto
Burchard. Peking, 1932..
730-185 to -187 Tang horses, photographed in Provincial Museum at Sian, Shensi, 1917.
730-188 Figure of warrior, Ming Tombs.
730-189 Stone lions at Liang Tombs.
730-190 Buddhist sculpture, Dr. Chi Li, 1926.

Shanghai see Place-Views

Shansi see Place-Views

Shantung Peninsula see Place-Views

Shasi (Hupei Prov.) see Archaeological Sites

Shell Implements (Honan) see 571.31-24-25 Bronzes, Implements and Misc.

Shensi see Place-Views

Shiragi see Korea (Silla)

Sian see Place-Views, Shensi

Stele see Archaeological Sites-Shansi and Korea

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

571.,2-1 FGA, A-S5.4,B-S5.2,C-S5..5,D-S5..5,E-S5.,5,F-S5.5..

571.2-2 FGA, S.2
571.2-3 FGA, S 13 and S 13.1
571.2-4 FGA, S 13.2
571.2-5 FGA, S 13.3
571.2-6 FGA, S 13,5
571.2-7 FGA, A- S 13.2, B- S 13.4
571.2-8 FGA, S 13.6
571.2-9 FGA, S 1
571.2-10 FGA, S 14.1
5712-11 FGA, S 10
571.2-12 FGA, S 13.8
571.2-13 FGA, 23.15
571.2-14 FGA, S 3
571.2-15 FGA, S 14.2
571.2-16 FGA, S 14
571.2-17 FGA, S 12
571.2-18 FGA, S 11
571.2-19 FGA, S 7
571.2-20 FGA, S 6
571.2-21 FGA, A-S5,B-S5.1,C-S5.2,D-2314(55.3)
571.2-22 FGA, A-S4,B-S4..1
571.2-23 FGA, S 7.1
571..2-24 Stone figure in front of Lama Temple, on site of ruined city of Shangtu,
571.2-25 to -27 Stone implements, Shensi ?
571.2-28 Implement said to be found in vicinity of Yellow River, Honan, Peter Bahr coll.
571.2-29 Stone hoes, Peter Bahr coll.
571.2-30 to -31 Implement and axe in Peter Bahr coll. -30- Honan, -31- Hopei
571.2-32 Figure, supposedly black captive.
571.2-33 Image, cave of Pao-fu-ai, Chieh-hsuih Hsien, Feb. 16, 1926, by Li Chi..
571.2-34 Stone bull, Hsin-ti, Chen, Chieh-hsin, Feb. 16, 1926, by Li Chi.

Stone Figures see also Korea

Stone Implements
Bishop no. Caption

571.25-1 Ceremonial objects, Shensi types, Peter Bahr coll.

571.25-2 Stone hoe, small one from Shensi, larger one from Honan.
571,25-3 to -4 Yii Ho Chen, implement excavated from Lei Ku T'ai mound, May 1924.
571.25-5 Pei-t'ai-ho, stone knife from Fishhook Point, August 1924.
571.25-6 to -7 Ceremonial stones, Shensi ?
571.25-8 Small stone hoes from coll. of S,.R, Wilson, T'ai-ku, Shansi.
571..25-9 Stone axes and adzes of northern Neolithic cultures,.
571,25-10 Stone implements from Shanghai area,,

Stone Lions (Liang Tombs) see Sculpture (General)

Subject Index cont'd.

Stone Tablets
Bishop no. Caption

571.251-1 to -4 Shansi, stone tablet from Ch'i Huang Mu, April 1925,
571.251-5 Nestorian monument, Sian, in Pei-lin, Forest of Tablets, March 1924.

Szechuan see Place-Views

Tablets see Stone Tablets

Ta-t'ung Fu see Place-Views, Shansi

Temples see Architecture

T'ien-Ling Shan,Shansi see Caves and Sculpture, Buddhist

Bishop no. Caption

7211-1 to -8 Peking, National University Museum.

721,1-9 to -10 Peking, National University Museum, Han painted tiles.
721.1-11 Hsi Ling (Western Tombs), tile, May 1925.
721,.1-12 FGA T 2
721,1-13 FGAT4
7211-14 FGA T 3..1
721..1-15 FGA T 1
721.1-16 FGAT3
7211-17 FGA T 5 and T 5,.1
721.1-18 to -23 Pei-t'ai-ho, roof tiles, 1925..
7211-24 Han tiles.
721.1-25 From a rubbing; ft. I-chou, Hopei.
721.1-26 Pei-t'ai-ho, tile end, Lighthouse Point, August 1925

Bishop no. Caption

571.1-1 Yii Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, Stone door socket
571,1-2 Yii Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, Brick wall of tomb..
5711-3 to -4 Yii Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, Brick cist,
571,1-5 to -6 Yii Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, General.
571.1-7 Yii Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, Pottery.
571.1-8 Yii Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, South cutting.
571,1-9 Yii Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, Wenley and Bishop..
571,1-10 to -11 Yii Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, Brick cist,
571.1-12 Yii Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, View,
5711-13 Yii Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, Beginning of excavation..

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

571.1-14 YU Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, View,

5711-15 to -16 Yd Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, Drain,
5711-17 Yii Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, Brick cist
5711-18 Yd Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, Stonework in doors..
571.1-19 to -21 Yii Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, General.
571.1-22 Yii Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, Stone door, socket.
571.1-23 to -25 YU Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, Stone doors..
571,.1-26 to -61 YU Ho Chen, Wang Fen Wa, May 1924, General.
571..1-62 to -66 YU Ho Chen, Lei Ku Ta'ai, May 1924..
571.1-67 YU Ho Chen, Lei Ku Ta'ai, May 1924, beginning excavation.
5711-68 to -70 YU Ho Chen, Lei Ku Ta'ai, May 1924.
571.1-71 YU Ho Chen, Lei Ku Ta'ai, May 1924, section of face, north-east cutting..
571..1-72 YU Ho Chen, Lei Ku Ta'ai, May 1924, digging out piece of pottery.
571.1-73 to -74 YU Ho Chen, Lei Ku Ta'ai, May 1924, views.
571 L 1-75 YU Ho Chen, Lei Ku Ta'ai, May 1924, north-west cutting.
571..1-76 YU Ho Chen, Lei Ku Ta'ai, May 1924, general view,
571.1-77 Yii Ho Chen, Lei Ku Ta'ai, May 1924, view of chambers of tomb.
571.1-78 YU Ho Chen, Lei Ku Ta'ai, May 1924, uncovering chambers of tomb..
5711-79 to -81 YU Ho Chen, Lei Ku Ta'ai, May 1924, excavation.
571.1-82 to -102 YU Ho Chen, Tomb of Lei Ku Ta'ai, May 1924..
5711-103 Shensi, original tomb of Ho Ch'ii-ping, March 1924..
571.1-104 Shensi, T'ang tomb, Sian, March 1924..
571..1-105 Shensi, Tomb of Li Fu jen, concubine of Han Wu-ti, March 1924..
571,1-106 Shensi, T'ang tomb, Sian, March 1924.
571.1-107 Shensi, Tomb of Han Wu-ti..
571.1-108 Shansi, shrine of Kuang-ti, God of War, 1917.
571.1-109 to -135 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, tomb, 1923.
571.1-136 to -140 Hsin-cheng Hsien, Honan, tomb, horses teeth, 1923.
571.1-141 to -157 Ming tombs..
571..1-158 Shansi, Fang Shan, April 1925..
571.1-159 to -165 Shensi, T'ang T'ai-tsung's tomb, north-east of Li Ch'uan, March 1924..
571.1-166 to -170 Shensi, tomb of Ch'in Shih Huang-ti, east of Lin-t'ung Hsien, March 1924..
571.1-171 to -174 Shensi, T'ang T'ai-tsung's tomb, March 1924..
571..1-175 Shensi, Han Wu-ti's tomb, March 1924.
571..1-176 Shensi, tomb of Han Ching-ti, March 1924.
571.1-177 Shensi, tomb of Han Wu-ti, March 1924.
5711-178 to -185 Shensi, tomb of Ho Ch'ii-ping.
571.1-186 to -187 Shensi, tomb of Ch'in Shih Huang-ti, March 1924.
571.1-188 to -196 Shensi, tomb of Ho Ch'u-ping, March 1924..
571..1-197 Shensi, Han Imperial tombs, March 1924..
571..1-198 to -200 Shensi, tomb of Ho Ch'ii-ping.
571..1-201 to -202 Honan, Tomb of Kuang-ti, God of War, 1917.
571..1-203 Plan of tombs at Lei-ku T'ai mound, YU Ho Chen, Honan.
571..1-204 Plan of tomb at Wang Fen Wa mound, Yii Ho Chen, May 1924..
571.1-205 to -208 Hopei, Western Hills, Tomb of Ming Ch'ing Wang (Lung En Ssu) April 1926..
571.1-209 to -214 Ming Tombs,.
571..1-215 N.. Wei tomb, north of Ta-tung Fu, Shansi,.
571.1-216 Tomb of Kuang-ti, near Lo-yang ?
571,.1-217 Cave tomb near Kia-ting Fu, Szechuan.,
571.1-218 Tomb of Huang-ti, Chong Pu, Shensi, April 1924.
571.1-219 Tomb of Huang-ti, looking out from summit, April 1924.
5711-220 to -221 N. Wei tomb and mound near Ta-t'ung,.
571.1-222 Tombs of Hsia Emperors,.
571..1-223 Grave of Emperor Shun, 1926.

Subject Index contd.

Bishop no. Caption

5711-224 Temple Ming Tombs, 1926..

571.1-225 to -227 Interior of temple, Ming Tombs, 1926.
571.1-228 Ming Tomb tower, 1926.
571,1-229 to -231 Surrounding country and mountains, Ming Tombs, 1926.
5711-232 to -233 Imperial Tomb of Ming T'ai-tsu, Nanking.,
571.1-234 to -237 Stone figures of Imperial Tomb of Ming T'ai-tsu, Nanking.
571..1-238 to -239 N. Wei tomb near Ta-t'ung, Shansi, 1925.
571.1-240 Village near N. Wei tomb of -238-.
571.1-241 Horse, Tomb of Ho Ch'u-ping, photo from Le Cheval Couche (Grant Lonqueur in Ars
Aitibus, V.27, p.87)..
571.1-242 Tomb of Wu-hsien, well known minister of Hsia dyn., 1926.
5711-243 to -245 Family plot of'relations of'Mr.. K.Z. Tung, in Ichang, Hupei, 1926.
571.1-246 Tomb, north-east side of Yao-ling, March 1926..
571.1-247 Second horse, tomb of Ho Ch'u-ping.
571 L 1-248 No print.
571.1-249 Mr. Chu, Pailow at Ming Tombs, 1925.
571.1-250 Mrs. Wenley on stone camel, Ming Tombs, 1925.
571.1-251 Ming Tombs, guardians.
571..1-252 Ogre and bear, stone sculpture at Ho Ch'u-ping..

Towers see Architecture

Bishop no. Caption

656-1 Cotton barge on Yellow River, March 1924..

656-2 Loading carts on Ferry boat, on Wei River, March 1924.

Tree Worship
Bishop no. Caption

291-1 Tai-ku, Shansi.

291-2 Tai-ku, Shansi, photo by S.E. Wilson.

Tumulus see Mounds

Bishop no. Caption

398.4-1 Bronze statue, Tai-yuan, Shansi..

Walls see Architecture

Wang Fen Wa see Mounds and Tombs

Subject Index contd.

Water Wheels (Szechuan) see Place-Views, Szechuan

Weapons see Bronzes, Implements and Miser.

Wells see Engineering

Western Hills, Tomb of Ming Ch'ing Wang (Lung en Ssu) see Tombs

White Horse Temple, Honan see Architecture

Yangtze Gorges see Rivers

Yen-Ching see Archaeological Sites

Yu HO Chen see Archaeological Sites

Yun Kang, Shansi see Caves (Sculpture, Buddhist), Sculpture (General), Archaeological Sites and Place-
Views (Shansi)


Carl Whiting Bishop Photographs (Originally in 4 Books)

Bishop assembled these photoprints, dated 1931-1933, into four volumes labeled as "Books I - IV." His intended use of
the volumes is unknown, but the images appear to document the last years of the FGA reconnaissance work in China.
Much of'Books I through III show the excavation conducted in 1931 by Bishop at the neolithic site at Wan-ch'uan
Hsien, in Shansi Province, as described in chapter XVIII of his unpublished-manuscript. Depicted also are some of the
nearly 8,000 potsherds and other artifacts uncovered at the site, under the authority of the Shansi Provincial Museum
and the Scientific Research Institute of Peking Normal University. Book IV illustrates the remaining investigations
made in the Shansi Province during 1933, When conditions in China increasingly made further attempts at
archaeological research futile, Bishop and his wife Daisy Furscott, returned to the United States in the spring of 1934,
thus ending the official gallery-sponsored expeditions.

Bishop Book I
Mf. no. 1(A4)-2(B8)

Note: The integrity of Bishop's original caption list for Book I has been retained, even though photoprints were not
included with all captions. Many of those images were cross-referenced as being in Book IT

IDC no. BP-3

Mf. no. Bishop no. Caption

1 1, la-c, 2-6 Laboratory & exhibition room in Tai-yuan, March 20, 1931
1 7 Field headquarters at Chin Ts'un
1 8 In front of Wanchuan Magistrate's court: Messrs LW.. Chang, C. Chao,
T..S. Chin, the Magistrate, Wei Jih-chin, K.Z. Tung
1 9 Staff members and field laborers, April 2, 1931
1 10 Laborers, April 27, 1931
1 11 View of excavation site from South to North trenches, April 14, 1931
1 12 Trenches 15, 16, 17, April 17, 1931
1 13 Trenches 3-8, April 5, 1931
1 14 Trenches S.E.W., April 17, 1931
1 15 Trenches 14-20, skeletons uncovered
1 16 Trench 01, April 14, 1931
1 17 Trench 02, April 8. Red polished bowl found
1 18 Trench 5, April 5, Coarse pottery jar
1 19 Trench 03, 04, 05, April 14
1 20 Trench 38, April 5
1 21 Trench 21. Two ovens uncovered, April 28
1 22 View of whole site, April 30
1 23 N.S. view, May 7
1 24 B. Site, May 12
1 25 Trench 48. Pottery tripod, May 7
1 26 Trench 48.. Pottery tripod, May 7
1 27 Trench 48.. Pottery jar, May 7
1 28A Trenches 15, 16, 17, April23
1 28B Trenches 03, 04, 05, 15, 16, 17
1 28C N.S. Trenches 15, 16, 17, April 23
1 29 Trenches 29-32,. April 27
1 30 Trench 21. Oven or furnace found, April 25
1 31 Trench 14.. Human skeletons found, April 20
1 32 Trench 10. Human skull found, April 17
1 33a General view of Wacha Hsien, May 12

Bishop Book I contd.

Mf. no. Bishop no. Caption

1 33b General view of Wacha Hsien, April 20

1 34 General view of site
1 35 Trench 5. Pit dwelling, April 6
1 36a View of sec 1 to 12 & 13 from N. to S., April 14
1 36b N.S. Trench, sea, 1-12-13, April 14
1 37 N.S. Trench, sec. 1-2-3, April 6
1 38 N.S. Trench, sec. 4-5, April 6
1 39 N.S. Trench, sec. 1-2-3, April 14
1 40 E.W.Trench, sec. 03-4-5, April 14
1 41 N,.S Trench, sec. 15-32, April 27
1 42 N.S. Trench, sec. 25-26, 33-34, April 27
1 43 N.S. Trench, sec 20-21, April 23
1 44 Pit dwelling, sec. 8-14-20. April 23
1 45 Pit dwelling, sec. 13-14-20.. April 25
1 46 N.S. Trench, sec. 14-20
1 47 N,S, Trench, sec. 20, April 24
1 48a-d N.S. Trench, sec 23, April 24 (View of the cave full of skeletons,
sec. 14 & 20, April 23, 1931)
1 49 N.-S., Trench, sec.. 23.. April 23
1 50 N,S. Trench, sec. 1-2-3.. April 14
1 51 N.S. Trench, sec,. 5. April 5
1 52 E.W.Trench, sea. 03-04-05.. April 14
1 53 N..S. Trench, sec. 9.. April 14
1 54 Shansi Provincial Library
1 55 At Pei-hsiang-ching, transporting fords from Wanchuan to Yunching
1 56 Same as #55 above
57 Same as Book 2, pl. 60 [no print]
1 58 Bottom. Book 2, pl. 38
1 59 [print not identified]
60 Book 2, pl.. 6, SCP-635 [no print]
61 Book 2, pl. 6, SCP-636 [no print]
1 62 [print not captioned]
63 Book 2, pl.. 43 [no print]
1 64 [print not captioned]
65 Book 2, pl. 1 and 39 [no print]
66 Book 2, pl.. 1 and 39 [no print]
67 Book 2, p1.40 and 42 [no print]
68 Book 2, pl. 40 [no print]
1 69 [print not captioned]
70 Book 2, pl. 45 [no print]
71 Book 2, pl.. 43 and 45 [no print]
1 72 [print not captioned]
73 Book 2, pl.. 38 and 40 [no print]
74 Book 2, pl.. 60 [no print]
75 Book 2, pl.. 41 and 44 [no print]
76 Book 2, pl. 41 and 43 [no print]
77 Book 2, pl. 38 and 40 [no print]
78 Book 2, pl.. 38 and 40 [no print]
1 79 SCP-888
80 Book 2, pl. 37 [no print]
81 Book 2, pl. 2 and 37 [no print]
82 Book 2, p1.. 45 [no print]

Bishop Book I contd.

Mf. no. Bishop no. Caption

83 Book 2, pl. 3 and 39 [no print]

84 Book 2, pl.. 45 [no print]
85 Book 2, pl. 25 [no print]
86 Book 2, p1.36 [no print]
1 87 [print not captioned]
88 Book 2, pl. 2 and 37 [no print]
89 Book 2, pl. 2 [no print]
90 Book 2, pl.. 39 [no print]
1 91 Book 2, pl.. 44 (2 left shards)
92 Book 2, p1,. 41 [no print]
93 Book 2, pl. 40 [no print]
1 94 Book 2, pl.. 39
95 Book 2, pl.. 60 [no print]
96 Book 2, pL 40 [no print]
97 Book 2, pl. 40 [no print]
1 98 [print not captioned]
1 99 [print not captioned]
1 100 [print not captioned]
1 101 [print not captioned]
102 Book 2, pl. 40 [no print]
103 Book 2, pl. 42 [no print]
104 Book 2, p1.. 60 [no print]
105 Book 2, pl. 44 [no print]
106 Book 2, pl. 43 and 44 [no print]
1 107 [print not captioned]
1 108 [print not captioned]
1 109 [print not captioned]
110 Book 2, pl. 41 [no print]
111 Book 2, pl. 41 [no print]
1 112 Book 2, pl. 42
113 Book 2, pl. 36 [no print]
114 Book 2, pl. 60 [no print]
115 Book 2, pl. 60 [no print]
116 Book 2, pl. 38 [no print]
1 117 Book 2, pl. 35
1 118 Book 2, pl.. 39
1 119 Book 2, pl. 40
120 Book 2, p1.35 [no print]
121 Book 2, pl. 35 [no print]
122 Book 2, p1.. 35 [no print]
123 Book 2, p1.36 [no print]
1 124 SCP-888
125 Book 2, pl.. 36 [no print]
1 126 [print not captioned]
127 Book 2, p1.. 41 and 45 [no print]
1 128 Book 2, p1.. 35
1 129 [print not captioned]
1 130 [print not captioned]
131 Book 2, pl.. 42 [no print]
132 Book 2, pl. 42 [no print]
133 Book 2, pl. 42 [no print]
134 Book 2, pl.. 42 [no print]
135 Book 2, pl. 42 [no print]

Bishop Book I contd.

Mf. no. Bishop no. Caption

136 Book 2, pl. 42 [no print]

137 Book 2, pl. 43 [no print]
138 Book 2, pl. 42 [no print]
1 139 SCP-652
140 Book 2, pl., 38 [no print]
141 Book 2, pl. 41 [no print]
1 142 Book 2, pl. 38
143 Book 2, pl. 43 [no print]
144 Book 2, p1.43 [no print]
145 Book 2, pl. 44 [no print]
146 Book 2, pl. 39 [no print]
147 Book 2, pl. 38 [no print]
148 Book 2, p1.4 (top), 5 and 38 (bottom) [no print]
1 149 See Book 2, pl. 43
1 150 [print not captioned]
151 Book 2, pl. 41 [no print]
1 152 [print not captioned]
153 Book 2, p1, 42 [no print]
154 Book 2, pl.. 45 [no print]
155 Book 2, pl. 40 [no print]
1 156 See Book 2, pl. 41
157 Book 2, pl.. 41 [no print]
1 158 See Book 2, pl. 38
159 Book 2, pl. 37 [no print]
160 Book 2, pl. 38 [no print]
161 Book 2, pl. 61 [no print]
1 162 Book 2, p1.20
163 Book 2, pl. 57 [no print]
164 Book 2, p1. 57 [no print]
165 Book 2, pl. 25 [no print]
166 Book 2, pl. 25 [no print]
167 Book 2, pl. 25 [no print]
168 Book 2, pl.. 25 [no print]
1 169 Book 2, p1.25, Class 66
1 170 Book 2, pl.. 25, Class 66
1 171 Book 2, pl.. 25, Class 66
1 172 Book 2, pl. 25, Class 66
173 Book 2, pl.. 32 [no print]
174 Book 2, pl. 32 [no print]
175 Book 2, pl. 22 (it..), 21 (rt..) [no print]
176 Book 2, pl. 57 [no print]
177 Book 2, pl. 32 [no print]
178 Book 2, pl. 21 [no print]
179 Book 2, pl. 34 [no print]
180 Book 2, pl. 20 [no print]
181 Book 2, pl.. 23 [no print]
182 Book 2, pl.. 23 [no print]
183 Book 2, p1.. 23 [no print]
184 Book 2, pl.. 23 [no print]
185 Book 2, pl. 15 [no print]
186 Book 2, p1.33 [no print]
187 Book 2, pl. 33 [no print]
188 Book 2, pl. 21 [no print]

Bishop Book I contd.

Mf. no. Bishop no. Caption

189 Book 2, p1.22 [no print]

190 Book 2, pl. 21 [no print]
191 Book 2, pl. 11 [no print]
192 Book 2, pl. 11 [no print]
193 Book 2, pl. 13 [no print]
194 [no caption] [no print]
195 Book 2, pl. 32 and 33 [no print]
196 Book 2, pL, 33 [no print]
1 197 [print not captioned]
198 Book 2, pl. 21 [no print]
199 Book 2, pl. 21 [no print]
200 Book 2, p1.21 [no print]
201 Book 2, pl.. 7 [no print]
202 Book 2, pl. 8 [no print]
203 Book 2, pl. 7 [no print]
204 Book 2, p1.58 [no print]
205 Book 2, pl. 58 [no print]
206 Book 2, pl.. 18 [no print]
207 Book 2, pl. 11 [no print]
208 Book 2, pl.. 15 [no print]
209 Book 2, pl 9 [no print]
210 Book 2, pl.. 9 no print]
211 Book 2, pl.. 19 [no print]
212 Book 2, pl.. 9 [no print]
213 Book 2, pL 59 [no print]
214 Book 2, pl, 13 [no print]
215 Book 2, pl.. 13 [no print]
216 Book 2, pl.. 16 [no print]
217 Book 2, pl. 16 [no print]
218 Book 2, pl. 7 [no print]
219 Book 2, pl. 7 [no print]
1 220 [print not captioned]
221 Book 2, pl. 7 [no print]
222 Book 2, pl. 19 [no print]
223 Book 2, pl. 19 [no print]
224 Book 2, pl 19 [no print]
225 Book 2, pl.. 16 [no print]
226 Book 2, pl. 16 [no print]
227 Book 2, pl. 9 [no print]
228 Book 2, pl. 16 [no print]
229 Book 2, pl. 16 [no print]
230 Book 2, pl. 14 [no print]
231 Book 2, pl. 14 [no print]
232 Book 2, pl. 7 [no print]
233 Book 2, pl, 8 [no print]
234 Book 2, pl.. 8 and 9 [no print]
235 Book 2, ph 59 [no print]
236 Book 2, pl. 8 fno print]
237 Book 2, pl. 8 [no print]
238 Book 2, pl. 8 [no print]
239 Book 2, pl. 10 [no print]
240 Book 2, pl.. 10 [no print]
241 Book 2, pl. 7 [no print]

Bishop Book I cont'd

Mf. no. Bishop no. Caption

242 Book 2, pl.. 10 [no print]

1 243 [print not captioned]
244 Book 2, pl. 10 [no print]
245 Book 2, pl. 18 [no print]
246 Book 2, pl.. 17 [no print]
247 Book 2, pl. 19 [no print]
248 Book 2, pl. 16 [no print]
249 Book 2, pl. 15 [no print]
250 Book 2, pl.. 10 [no print]
251 Book 2, pl.. 23 [no print]
1 252 Book 2, pl.. 23, Class 37
1 253 Book 2, pl.. 23, Class 12
254 Book 2, pl. 23 [no print]
1 255 Book 2, pl, 23, Class 8
256 Book 2, pl.. 11 [no print]
257 Book 2, pl. 15 [no print]
258 Book 2, pl.. 15 [no print]
259 Book 2, pl.. 38 [no print]
260 Book 2, pl. 24 [no print]
261 Book 2, pL 24 [no print]
262 Book 2, pl. 24 [no print]
263 Book 2, pl. 58 [no print]
264 Book 2, pl.. 20 [no print]
265 Book 2, pl.. 58 [no print]
1 266 Class 20
1 267 Class 70, 76
268 Book 2, pl. 20 [no print]
269 Book 2, pl.. 45 [no print]
270 Book 2, p1. 57 [no print]
271 Book 2, pl.. 57 [no print]
271a Book 2, pl.. 58 [no print]
272 Book 2, pl.. 25 [no print]
1 273 [print not captioned]
274 Book 2, pl. 7 [no print]
275 Book 2, pl.. 11 [no print]
276 Book 2, pl.. 13 [no print]
277 Book 2, pl.. 23 [no print]
277a Book 2, pl.. 51 [no print]
2 278 [print not captioned]
2 279 See Book 2, pl.. 51
2 280 Book 2, pl.. 52
281 Book 2, pl.. 27 [no print]
282 Book 2, pl.. 26 [no print]
283 Book 2, pl. 26 [no print]
2 284 Book 2, pl. 32, Class 11
2 285 Book 2, pl. 32
2 286 Book 2, pl. 29, Class 74
287 Book 2, pl.. 29 [no print]
288 Book 2, pl.. 32 [no print]
2 289 [print not captioned]
290 Book 2, pl.. 14 [no print]
2 291 Book 2, pl. 14, Class 18
2 292 Book 2, pl. 56, Class 164

Bishop Book I contd.

Mf. no. Bishop no. Caption

293 Book 2, pl. 56 [no print]

2 294 Book [2], pl.. 57, Bones & turtle shells,
2 295 Sec,. 20, Dog skull.,
2 296 Sec 20, Tiger skull.
297 Book 2, pl. 57 [no print]
298 Book 2, pl.. 54 [no print]
299 Book 2, pl.. 54 [no print]
300 Book 2, pl. 54 [no print]
301 Book 2, pl. 54 [no print]
302 Book 2, pl. 53 [no print]
303 Book 2, pl. 53 [no print]
304 Book 2, pl.. 55 [no print]
305 Book 2, pl. 55 [no print]
2 306 Class 153-160, Bone.
307 Book 2, pl.. 46 [no print]
308 Book 2, pl. 53 [no print]
309 Book 2, pL 46 [no print]
2 310 Book 2, pl. 52, Class 145, Stone..
311 Book 2, pl.. 62 [no print]
312 Book 2, pl. 61 [no print]
313 Book 2, pL 62 [no print]
2 314 Book 2, pl. 28, Class 75
315 Book 2, pl.. 28 [no print]
316 Book 2, pl.. 51 [no print]
2 317 Book 2, pl. 51, Class 143
2 318 Book 2, pl.. 51, Class 143
2 319 Class 143
320 Book 2, pl. 48 [no print]
321 Book 2, pl.. 48 [no print]
322 Book 2, pl.. 49 [no print]
323 Book 2, pl.. 50 [no print]
324 Book 2, pl.. 50 [no print]
325 Book 2, pl.. 45 [no print]
326 Book 2, pl.. 49 [no print]
327 Book 2, pl., 47 [no print]
2 328 Class 135, 138, 145, 134, Stone.
2 329 Book 2, pl. 47, Class 133
330 Book 2, pl. 47 [no print]
2 331 Class 133
2 332 Class 145 & 148
2 333 Book [2], pl. 47, Class 134-135
334 Book 2, pl, 49 [no print]
335 Book 2, pl. 27 [no print]
336 Book 2, pl.. 27 [no print]
337 Book 2, p1.45 [no print]
338 Book 2, pl.. 45 [no print]
2 339 Book 2, pl.. 50, Class 141
2 340 Book 2, pl.. 29, Class 73
2 341 Book 2, pl.. 29, Class 6, 74, 73
2 342 Book 2, pl.. 29, Class 73, 74
343 Book 2, pl.. 29 [no print]
344 Book 2, pl.. 29 [no print]
345 Book 2, pl.. 28 [no print]

Bishop Book I contd.

Mf. no. Bishop no. Caption

346 Book 2, pl.. 24 and 15 [no print]

347 Book 2, pL 17 [no print]
348 Book 2, pl.. 17 [no print]
349 Book 2, pl.. 17 [no print]
350 Book 2, pl. 17 [no print]
351 Book 2, pl.. 17 [no print]
2 352 Book 2, pl.. 14, 15, Class 27
353 Book 2, pl. 17 [no print]
2 354 Book 2, pl. 14, Class 5, 18
355 [No caption] [no print]
356 Book 2, pl. 24 [no print]
2 357 Book 2, pl. 10, Class 6, 15, 18
358 Book 2, pl. 9 [no print]
359 Book 2, pl. 24 [no print]
2 360 Book 2, pl. 22, Class 41, 36
2 361 Book 2, pl.. 24, 9, 14, Class 18, 16
362 Book 2, pl. 13 [no print]
2 363 Book 2, pl. 23, Class 9, 10
2 364 Book 2, pl.. 24, Class 55
365 Book 2, pl.. 24 [no print]
2 366 Book 2, pl. 31
367 Book 2, pl.. 31 [no print]
368 Book 2, pl.. 31 [no print]
369 Book 2, pl. 31 [no print]
2 370 Book 2, pl.. 31, Class 78, 120
2 371 Book 2, pl.. 18 and 25
372 Book 2, pL 13 [no print]
373 Book 2, pl. 12 [no print]
374 [No caption] [no print]
375 Book 2, pl. 12 [no print]
2 376 Class 13
2 377 Class 64, 14
378 Book 2, p1. 12 [no print]
379 Book 2, pl. 12 [no print]
380 Book 2, pl. 8 [no print]
381 Book 2, pl. 8 [no print]
382 Book 2, pl. 8 [no print]
383 Book 2, pl. 8 [no print]
2 384 SCP-632
2 385 SCP-634
2 386 SCP-633
2 387 Shang Hsien-ts'un, Wenshui-hsien
2 388 Shang Hsien-ts'un, Wenshui-hsien
2 389 Pei-li-ts'un
2 390 Purchased at Chien-ku
391 Book 2, pl. 30 [no print]
392 Book 2, pl, 30 [no print]
2 393 Temple of Hou-t'o, May 17, 1931
2 394 Goddess of'Hou-t'o, outside Wan-ch'uan, Shansi, May 17, 1931
2 395 Stone tablet in gounds of'Hou-t'o Temple, May 17, 1931
2 396 View of Chin Ts'un, from the hill, May 12, 1931
2 397 Taishan Temple, outside Wan-ch'uan, April 14, 1931

Bishop Book II
Mf. no. 2(B9)-5(B1)

Note: Objects depicted were captioned with a classification/number, i. e. 99/1a An SCP number indicated that the
artifact was in the Freer Study Collection. Some plates were accompanied by a description sheet that may have
identified the classification and number assigned to the pottery, its shape, color, pattern, and condition, the section and
dwelling pit in which it was found, and the date it was uncovered.

IDC no. BP-3

Mf. no. Plate no. Caption

2 Plate 1 99/la; 99/lb; 99/ 2 (SCP-657)

2 Plate 2 98/2a (v. 1-SCP-890); 98/2b (v. 2-SCP-890); 98/1; 98/21 (SCP-639); 98/28
(SCP-654); 98/6
2 Plate 3 98/10 (SCP-638); 99/14 (SCP-653); 94/1
2 Plate 4 100/828; 99/679 (SCP-652); 98/45; 88/7 (SCP-647); 88/8; 98/964 (SCP-643);
97/11 (SCP-644)
2 Plate 5 99/556 (SCP-656); 98/18 (SCP-640); 98/17 (SCP-646)
2 Plate 6 Pei-li-ts'un (SCP-635); Pei-li-ts'un (SCP-636); Chin-ts'un; see also pl, 77-- excavated
in Fall 1930
2 Plate 7 1/1; '/2; 1/4; 1/3; 1/5; 1/6; 1/8; 1/9; 1/10; description sheet: Earthen
2 Plate 8 4/1; 4/2; 4/3; 4/4; 4/5; 4/6; 4/7; 4/8; 4/9; 4/13; description sheet: Earthen Ware
Pot ( Kuan)
2 Plate 9 6/140; 6/143; 6/144; 6/107; 4/17; 16/175; 6/79; 4/16; 6/130a; 6/130b; description
2 Plate 10 6/121; 3/17; 17/1; 17/2; 19/3; 19/4; 19/5; description sheet: Earthern Ware--Stove;
Earthen Ware-Flagon
2 Plate 11 12/1; 12/3; 12/2; 12/4; 12/5; 12/6; 12/9; 12/12; 14/7; 14/1; description sheet:
Earthern Ware-- "Ting" Tripod
2 Plate 12 13/159; 13/12; 13/11; 13/160; 13/1; 13/14; 13/106; 13/96; 13/172; 13/163; 13/165;
13/13; description sheet
2 Plate 13 10/2; 10/1; 10/3; 10/5; 11/38; 10/4; 10/7; 11/57; 11/36; 11/15; 11/18; 11/14;
description sheet: Earthen Ware-- "Li " Tripod
2 Plate 14 57/1; 57/2; 18/3; 18/5; 72/12; 72/8; 44/4; 18/19; 18/22; 5/69; description sheets:
Pottery Jar; Earthen Ware--Lid; Sandy-Clay Potsherds
2 Plate 15 24/19; 22/5; 24/14; 27/60; 27/38; 28/3 1; 28/212; 22/3; 24/4; description sheets:
Pottery Pot
2 Plate 16 39/1; 39/2; 39/4; 39/3; 22/4; 22/1; 22/2
2 Plate 17 47/3; 47/8; 47/243; 47/234; 47/251; 47/9; 47/216; description sheet: Glossy Black
3 Plate 18 53/1; 53/2; 53/3; description sheet: Pot of Anomalous Type
3 Plate 19 19/1; 19/2; 19/9; 19/8; 19/10; 20/117; 19/7; 20/11; description sheet: Pottery
3 Plate 20 60/1, 60/17, 60/10, 60/16, 60/12, description sheet: Pottery Cylinder
3 Plate 21 30/1; 30/2; 31/1; 31/4; 30/4; 31/2; 31/6; 32/1; description sheet: Pottery Basin
3 Plate 22 42/1; 42/3; 41/15; 116/1; description sheet: Pottery Dishes; Pottery Bowl
3 Plate 23 7/1; 7/3; 7/5; 7/6; 7/26; 7/27; 8/7; 8/8; 9/37; 9/2; 29/7; 35/1; 37/26; 37/19;
description sheet: Bowls made of Sandy Clay; Bowls made of'Clay
3 Plate 24 55/2; 55/4; 55/12; 55/19; 55/32; 56/1; 16/13; 58/8; 58/9; description sheet:
Fragments with Anomalous Impressions
3 Plate 25 48/2; 48/5; 48/1; 48/6; 66/8; 66/2; 66/3; 66/10; 66/41; 66/83; 66/85; 66/6; 66/15;
66/20; 66/18; 66/17; 66/19; 66/16; 66/9; 66/5; 66/1; 66/106; 66/63; 66/35;
66/72; 66/73; 66/4; 66/108; description sheets: Pottery Vase; Earthenware Cups

Bishop Book II contd.

Mf. no. Plate no. Caption

3 Plate 26 71/4; 71/1; 71/3; 69/16; 69/3; 69/2; 71/6; 68/15; 68/29; 68/8; 68/1; 68/16; 68/7;
68/6; 68/19; description sheets: Pottery Disc; Pottery Ball Pottery Spinning Whorl,
including photo of spindle-whorls of clay and stone
3 Plate 27 65/11; 65/24; 65/14; 65/23; 65/20; 65/29; 65/28; 65/32; 65/27; 79/4; 79/2; 79/3;
79/1; 79/5; description sheet: Pottery Implementor Trinket, Pottery Whistles
3 Plate 28 Class 75/1258; 75/1216; 75;1279; 75/164; 75/1269; 75/1270; 75/1273; 75/1259;
75/1262; 75/1220; 75/1231; 75/1219; 75/1276; 75/1272; 75/200; 75/1; 75/3;
75/793; 75/173; description sheet: Pottery Rings
3 Plate 29 73/24; 73/56; 73/72; 73/78; 74/51; 74/52; 74/53; 74/83; 74/26; 74/40; 74/27;
74/40; 74/82; 74/15; description sheet: Earthenware Lugs; Earthenware Handles
3 Plate 30 Fig. 171 [no caption]; SCP-896 [2 views]
3 Plate 31 76/1; 76/4a; 76/4b; 78/2; 78/4; 78/12; description sheet: Clay Vessel with Pointed
3 Plate 32 111/1; 112/2; 112/3; 112/2; 111/4; 111/2; 11/1; 111/6; 112/5; 11/11; 11/10; 11/7;
11/6; 73/59; description sheet: Monochrome Pottery Bowl; Lugs and Handles of
Anomalous Type
3 Plate 33 126/2; 126/1; 126/3; 121/1; 121/58; description sheet: Red Pottery Bowl of'
Anomalous Type; Thick- Walled Basins
3 Plate 34 125/1; example reproduced from "An early Chinese culture", J.G..Anddersson; and
from "Prehistoric Japan.", N,G,. Mumo; description sheet: Pottery Stand of Cup or
3 Plate 35 81/14; 81/2; 90/9; 90/8; 93/1; 81/4; 93/5; 101/1; 94/15; 94/4; 102/1; 101/4;
101/9; description sheet: Painted Pottery with Black Designs only on Rim
3 Plate 36 94/1 (SCP-888); 94/2; 81/la; 81/lb; description sheet (See Plate 35)
3 Plate 37 96/1; 98/28; 98/la; 98/lb; 98/2a; 98/2b; description sheet: Pottery Bowls with
Introverted Mouth-Black on Red
3 Plate 38 98/6; 98/7; 98/45; 98/27; 98/17; 98/16; 98/53; 98/12; 98/18; 98/964; 96/2; 96/4;
98/43; 98/49; 98/10 (SCP-638)
3 Plate 39 99/la; 99/lb; 99/14 (SCP-653); 99/2(SCP-657); 100/216; 99/18; 99/7; 100/961;
description sheet: Painted Pottery with Everted Rim Black on Red
3 Plate 40 98/56; 99/23; 96/140; 99/22; 100/828; 100/1029; 100/1950; 96/67; 99/20; 100/193;
3 Plate 41 82/8; 82/1; 82/6; 82/7; 82/2; 95/14; 95/1; 82/13; 95/4; 82/19; 85/67; 82/10;
82/11; 85/66; description sheet: Painted Pottery Bowl with Introverted Rim--Black on
White Slip
3 Plate 42 99/13; 99/3; 97/1; 97/12; 103/10; 99/679 (SCP-652); 99/680a; 99/680b; 97/11
(SCP-644); 99/681 (SCP-656); description sheet: Painted Pot with Everted Rim--
Black on Red
4 Plate 43 88/1; 91/3; 88/2; 88/8; 88/7; 91/11; 91/10; 91/12; 91/9; 91/5; 91/8; 91/4; 91/la;
91/2a; 91/lb; description sheet: Painted PotteryBowl with Introverted Rim--Black on
Red with White Border; Painted Fragments --Black on Greyish-white Slip
4 Plate 44 89/15; 89/5; 92/5; 92/1; 92/3; 92/6; 92/4; description sheet: Painted Fragments with
Everted Rim--Black on Red with White Border
4 Plate 45 84/48; 84/56; 84/38; 80/4; 80/2; 65/ 2; 65/3; 65/1; 65/22; 65/4; 65/5; 65/6; 65/2;
65/3; 65/1; 65/22; 65/4; 65/5; 65/6; 64/1; 64/2; 64/6; 64/4; 66/77; 66/75;
description sheets: Painted Pot-sherds of Special Material, Painted Fragments-- White
on Red with Black Border; Objects of Earthenware
4 Plate 46 132/14; 132/11; 132/12; 132/15; 132/7; 132/1; 132/4; 132/5; 132/10; 132/8; 132/6;
132/3; 132/9; description sheet: Stone Arrow-heads
4 Plate 47 133/19; 133/17; 133/16; 133/18; 133/15; 133/5; 133/1; 133/25; 134/3; 134/5;
143/11; 134/1; 134/14; description sheet: Stone Adz; Stone Spade

Bishop Book II contd.

Mf. no. Plate no. Caption

4 Plate 48 135/5; 135/1; 135/6; 135/50; 135/8; 135/51; 135/2; 135/44; 135/10; description
sheet: Stone Scraper
4 Plate 49 136/1; 136/24; 136/6; 137/2; 137/1; 137/4; 138/3; 138/8; 138/4; 138/7; 138/2d;
description sheet: Stone Chisel; Stone Ax; Stone Knife
4 Plate 50 139/3; 139/6; 141/1; 141/3; 141/9; 141/8; 141/4; 142/3;141/11; 142/3;141/11;
example reproduced from Prehistoric Japan, N.G. Mumo; description sheet: Stone
Disc with Perforation; Mortar and Pestle
4 Plate 51 143/1; 143/26; 143/28; 143/21; 143/10; 143/14; 143/30; 144/6; 144/4; 144/29;
140/48; 140/5; 140/2; 140/28; 140/47; description sheets: Polishing and Grind
Stones; Stone Ring; Stone Ball
4 Plate 52 145/10; 145/12; 145/6; 145/8; 145/7; 145/1; 145/4; 145/2; 145/18; 145/14; 145/3;
145/25; description sheet: Stone Implements
4 Plate 53 150/14; 150/19; 150/101; 150/52; 150/13; 150/40; 150/67; 150/87; 150/86; 150/65;
150/93; 150/38; 150/17; 150/6; 150/8; 150/5; 150/7; 150/9; 150/53; 150/11;
150/20; 150/2; 150/4; 150/28; 150/18; 150/15; 150/33; 150/31; 150/56; 150/25;
150/53; 150/16; description sheet: Bone Arrow-Heads
4 Plate 54 151/1; 151/2; 151/32; 151/4; 151/18; 151/3; 151/21; 151/12; 151/14; 151/7;
151/63; 151/43; 151/68; 151/66; 151/67; 151/65; 151/61; 151/62; 151/33;
151/60; 152/ 8; 152/76; 152/14; 152/25; 152/22; 152/16; 152/42; 152/98; 152/34;
152/112; 152/12; 152/2; 152/9; 152/6; 152/26; 152/10; 152/5; 152/11 152/15;
152/28; 152/13; 152/3; 152/1; 152/4; description sheet: Bone Needle; Bone Pin
4 Plate 55 153/1; 153/23; 153/2; 153/49; 153/11; 153/6 153/15; 160/11; 155/11; 155/6;
155/1; 160/15; 160/ 20; 160/9; 160/6; 160/27;160/4; 160/1; description sheet: Bone
Awl,Antler Awl; Bone Instrument
4 Plate 56 163/1; 165/1; 165/2; 164/5; 164/6; 164/7; 164/2; 164/3; 164/4; 166/2; 166/1;
description sheet: Shell Implements
4 Plate 57 66/22; 66/82; 128/10; 166/3; 66/11; 66/78; 66/21; 66/76; 66/81; 162/11; 162/80;
162/88; 162/87; 162/64
4 Plate 58 15/1; 54/1; 45/30; 61/1; 74/29; 6/21; 74/47; 74/48; 74/46
4 Plate 59 Hang-chow, Chekiang (locals making pottery); 122/280; unidentified image
4 Plate 60 96/66; 98/42; 64/5; 98/47; 98/48; 108/11; 94/3
4 Plate 61 84/52; 129/1
4 Plate 62 59/1; 148/2; 148/4; 145/23; 145/29; 154/1
4 Plate 63 98/1; 98/2; 32/1; 31/1; 116/1; 99/2(SCP-657); 99/1; 96/1; 111/2; 7/23; 7/5; 7/2;
7/6; 112/3
4 Plate 64 58/6; 64/1; 64/6; 128/9; 117/9; 117/3; 20/10; 67/25; 43/1; 66/74; 94/2; 126/3;
31/2; 94/1; 126/2; 30/1; 32/2; 125/1; 66/72; 66/35; 66/16; 99/680; 125/2; 66/73;
4 Plate 65 39/6; 6/90; 55/31; 25/3; 26/1; 55/2; 6/111; 6/141; 4/15; 6/121; 55/29; 24/12;
26/3; 26/5; 55/16; 6/135; 6/3; 4/8; 24/13; 55/32; 55/1; 55/28; 121/50; 101/12;
101/1; 101/2; 6/127; 58/15; 121/15; 121/32; 121/5; 55/15; 55/12; 128/6; 128/8;
58/5; 101/21; 121/47; 41/20; 41/4; 41/16; 41/8; 41/34; 41/14
4 Plate 66 163/1; 132/5; 132/4; 155/2; 155/3; 165/1; 145/6; 155/8; 145/7; 145/11; 138/1;
133/1; 134/14; 136/6; 137/1; 138/2; 135/51; 136/1; 134/1; 135/2; 135/1; 133/15
4 Plate 67 152/16; 152/5; 151/2; 151/6; 152/2; 152/3; 152/4; 154/1; 151/14; 150/7; 150/8;
151/61; 152/13; 151/67; 150/27; 150/9; 150/12; 150/10; 150/18; 150/40; 150/13;
150/14; 150/15; 150/19; 150/28; 150/45; 1:32/3;132/11; 132/15; 132/14; 150/1;
4 Plate 68 2 prints: Museum of Shansi Provincial Library, Taiyuan, Shansi; Magistrate of
Wanch'uan Hsien, J.C. Wei, T,.S.Chin, CM. Chao, W.J. Chang, K.Z. Tung
4 Plate 69 3 prints: Field Headquarters at Ching-ts'un; Staff members and the field labors; Finds
transporting from Wan-ch'uan to Yun-ch'eng

Bishop Book II contd.

Mf. no. Plate no. Caption

4 Plate 70 3 prints: View of Wan-ch'uan city; View of the whole site, N to S; NS trench, section 5
4 Plate 71 3 prints: Dwelling-pit between sections 13 & 14, NS trench; Skulls & skeletons in
section 20, NS trench; Dwelling-pits between sections 14 & 20, NS trench
4 Plate 72 3 prints: NS trench, section 5; EW trench, section 02; Skull in section 10, NS trench
4 Plate 73 2 prints: Two ovens from section 21, NS trench; Oven from section 21, NS trench
4 Plate 74 3 prints: NS trench, section 48; NS trench, section 48 NS trench, section 38
4 Plate 75 3 prints: View of B site; View of B site; View of the whole site
5 Plate 76 1-22: Painted sherds, black on red, Autumn 1930
5 Plate 77 1: Painted bowl, black on red; 2-3: Painted sherds, black on red; 4: Red ware
5 Plate 78 1-2: Pot and sherd, red and black on white coating; 3: Pot, black on pinkish red; 4:
Sherd, black on white coating; 5: Sherd, black and white on deep red
5 Plate 79 1-14: Sherds, black patterns with white, enclosed lines on red ground, especially applied;
15-18: Sherds, with red ground, especially applied, black patterns on white coating; 19-
36: Sherds, black on white coating; 37-39: Sherds, black on white coating, and with
orange red slip on the lower part
5 Plate 80 1: Sheid with basket impression and clay rolls; 2-6: Sherds with notched horizontal
handle; 7-17: Sherds with vertical lug; 18-19. Pottery lids with lug; 20-22: Coarse
wares; 23-26: Sherds with lattice-work impression
5 Plate 81 la: Pottery phallus; lb: Pl. 194, photo book 3; 2: Pottery whistle; 3-13: Stone
implements (knives, ax, adzes, chisels and roundel with perforation)
5 Plate 82 1-17: Bone implements (awls, pins, needles and arrow heads); 18: Shell implement
(possibly an arrow head); 19: Stone arrow head (slate)
5 Plate 83 1-4: Four types of painted wares with dotted spaces representiing red slips; 5-11: Six
types of unpainted wares; 12-20: Stone implements (scraper, knife, ax, chisels, adzes,
and roundel with perforation); 21: Shell object
5 Plate 84 1-11: Different types of pottery ring; 12-22: Bone implements (arrow heads, needles, pin
and awl); 23: Shell implement (possibly an arrow head); 24: Stone arrow head (slate)
5 Plate 85 3 prints: Trenches with laborers; description sheet: Miscellaneous Finds

Bishop Book III

Mf. no. 5(B2)-7(B8)

IDC no. BP-3

Mf. no. Plate no. Caption

5 1-12 Yang Chu-chang [Yang-ch'u chen]

5 13-18 Shang Hsien Ts'un [Shang-hsien ts'un]
5 19 Yu Tao Ho [Yii-tao-ho]
5 20-24 Tao Yuan P'u, Taiku [T'ao-yuan p'u, T'ai-ku]
5 25-30 Ku Tui Ts'un, Hsing Chiang [Ku-tui ts'un, Hsin-chiang]
5 31 Hsien Ts'un, Chishan [Hsieh ts'un, Chi-shan]
5 32-35 Mei Chia Wan, Hotsin [Mi-chia wan, Ho-chin]
5 36-42 Chiu Chia Cha, Yung Ho [Ch'iu-chia ch'e(?), Jung-ho]
5 43 Yung Cheng [Y"un-ch'eng]
5 44-48 Hsi Ying Ts'un, Hsia Hsien [Hsi-yin ts'un, Hsia-hsien]
5 49 (SCP- Pei Chang Ts'un, Hsia Hsien [Pei-chang ts'un, Hsia-hsien]
5 50-67 Hui Kan Ts'un, Wenshi [Hui-k'ang ts'un, Wen-hsi]
5 68-69 Tung Li Ts'un, Nan-fu Pan [Nan-fu pan, Tung-li ts'un]
5 70 Ku Ching, Nanhsien [Ku-ch'eng, Lan-hsien]
5 71-72 Poo Leh [Pao-te]

Bishop Book III contd.

Mf. no. Plate no. Caption

6 73 Wan Chia Wan, Poo Leh [Wang-chia wan, Pao-te]

6 74-76 Hu Kou Cheng, Chang Chih [Hu-k'ou chen, Ch'ang-chih]
6 77 Hu Cheng, Chang Chih [Hu-k'ou chen?, Ch'ang-chih]
6 78-93 Yen-tze Ko-ta, Houtotzu, Wan chuan, Shansi, Oct. 30 to Nov 8, 1930
6 94-96 Finds & work at the E branch, N.S. trench no. III
6 97 View of older road to the dwelling place of Fen-yin, Hou-to-tzu, Wan chuan
6 98 View of the trench of Fen-yin, Hou-to-tzu
6 99 View of Yen Chia-chuang, S. of Fen-yin
6 100-101 View of the longitudinal section at Fen-yin, Hou-to-tzu site, Wanchuan
6 102 Entire view of the excavation ground at Fen-yin, Hou-to-tzu site
6 103 View of N,.S. trench at Fen-yin
6 104 Glazed pottery lion found at Fen-yin
6 105-106 [Pottery] Found at Yen tze Ko-ta, Wan chuan
6 107 Shansi Provincial Library, Nov 1930
6 108 Hou-to-tzu site of the Han dynasty, 20/3/31, tiles & potsherds
6 109 Lunch at the field at Fen Yin, Hou-to-tzu site, Wanchuan
6 110 K.Z. Tung and field laborers
6 111 Excavation Chintsun, Oct.-Nov. 1930, Wanchuan, Shansi
6 112 Messrs..Chang Wei Jan, K.Z. Tung ... among the field laborers
6 113-120 Potshards from Wanchuan, Shansi (no. 119 missing)
6 121-127 Buddhist sculpture caves - S. of Hochow [Ho-k'ou?] (S. Taiyuan), Shansi, Nov. 1930
6 128 Shell objects: Wa tang "kung-yi-tzu-sun"
6 129 Stele at Pei Wu-tsien, Shansi
6 130 Stele at Ping I Ts'un, Ping Ching Hsien
6 131-135 Pei-ling-miao (temple) 15 li S. of Wan-chuan, Shansi, Nov. 1930
6 136-137 View of Pei-ling-miao, Nov, 1930
6 138 Iron implement - knife, saw, shovel, arrow head - from Han dynasty site of Yen-tze
Ko-ta, Wanchuan, Shansi
6 139-146 Views of excavations at Chin Ts'un, Neolithic site at Wanchuan, Shansi, Oct,-Nov. 1930
6 147 [no print]
6 148-149 Basket impressions on pots from Chin Ts'un, Shansi, Nov, 1930
6 150 Pot shard from Chin Ts'un, Nov. 1930
6-7 151-189 Pot shards from Chin Ts'un, Wanchuan, Shansi, Nov 1930
7 190-194 Earthenware, stone and shell objects from Chin Ts'un
7 195-197 [no prints]
7 198-202 Chin Ts'un, Wanchuan, Nov 1930
7 203 Stone axe, Wanchuan, 1932
7 204 Stone chisel (actual size), Wanchuan, 1932
7 IM-7M; 9M; [finds from] Fang Shan site, near Tatung Fu, Shansi, Oct. 1925
7 8M; 10M [finds from] P'ing Ch'eng site, Shansi
7 12M Stone hoe (no. 571.25-8) from Shih Hsiang
7 13M [no print--duplicate of 12M]
7 14M Upper: SCP-786; lower: SCP-787
7 15M A: SCP-789; B: SCP-796; C: SCP-788; D: Not in FGA
7 16M SCP-898
7 17M [no description]
7 18M SCP-807
7 19M-20M [no descriptions]
7 21M [no description]
7 22M Upper: SCP-812; lower: SCP-808
7 23M Upper: SCP-799; lower: SCP-790

Bishop Book III contd.

Mf. no. Plate no. Caption

7 24M [no description]

7 25M Upper: SCP-792; lower: SCP-816
7 26M SCP-897, tai-ku, Shansi, Fall of 1933
7 27M A: SCP-801; B: SCP-805; C: SCP-814; D: SCP-821; E: SCP-806
7 28M Upper SCP-810; lower left SCP-803; lower right SCP-804
7 29M [no description]
7 30M-32M [prints missing]
7 33M Chin Tzu, 20 miles s. of Taiku, Shansi, 1931

Bishop Book IV
Mf. no. 7(B9)-7(E10)

IDC no BP-3

Mf. no. Plate no. Caption

7 IA-7A Liang Tzu [Niang-tzu kuan?], Shansi, 1933

7 8A-11A Liang Tzu Kuan [Niang-tzu kuan], Shansi
7 12A-13A Tien Lung Shan, Shansi, 1933
7 14A-18A Liang Tzu Kuan [Niang-tzu kuan], Shansi, 1933
7 19A-21A Pagodas, S. Tai Yuan, Shansi
7 22A Buddhist caves, Tien Lung Shan
7 23A-25A Tien Lung Shan
7 26A-33A Tien Lung Shan, Shansi, 1933
7 34A Pagoda at Chin Tzu [Chin-tz'u], Shansi
7 35A Museum at T'ai-yuan, Shansi, 1933
7 36A-41A Tien Lung Shan, 1933
7 42A Iron figure at Chin Tzu [Chin-tz'u], 1933
7 43A-44A Four iron figures, Chin Tzu Temple, 1933
7 45A-49A Chin Tzu Temple
7 50A Cedar tree planted by Tsoo Tsoo, Chin Tzu [Chin-tz'u]
7 51A Chou dynasty cedar tree, Chin Tzu [Chin-tz'u]
7 52A-59A Chin Tzu Temple
7 60A-63A Chi Wang Miao (a temple of King Chi), Chi Shan, Shansi, 1933
7 64A-67A On the way to Fen-chou, Buddhist images
7 68A-69A South gate, T'ai-yuan
7 70A-72A To see fossils led by Mrs. Wang, Tung Shan, Shansi
7 73A San Chia L'ien(?), Hsing Chiang [Hsin-chiang]
7 74A Hsing Chiang [Hsin-chiang]
7 75A From Hsing Chiang to Chishan, 4/26/33
7 76A-77A Ku Tui Ts'un site, Hsing Chiang, 4/25/33
7 78A Hotsin [Ho-chin], Shansi
7 79A Cheng Wu Miao, Hotsin [Ho-chin]
7 80A-88A Yu Men Kou, Hotsin [Ho-chin]
7 89A-93A Yu Wang Miao, Hotsin [Ho-chin]
7 94A-97A Chin Feng Lou at Yu Men
7 98A On the way to Yung Cheng [Yun-ch'eng]
7 99A Bell tower at Yung Cheng [Yun-ch'eng]
7 IOOA-101A Salt field at Yung Cheng
7 102A-103A Transport cart from Lin-tsin to I-shih
7 104A I-shih
7 105A Temple of Yu Wang at Hsia Hsien

Bishop Book IV contd.

7 106A-109A Yao Tai, Hsia Hsien

7 110A they layers at Hui Kan Ts'un, Wenshui, Shansi


Works by Carl Whiting Bishop


Archaeological Research in China 1923-1934.--Washington, DC.: Freer Gallery of Art, [nd] 2 v,. (Not published)

Excavation of a West Han dynasty site at Yen-tzu Ko-ta, Wan Ch"'uan Hsien, Southwestern Shansi (conducted jointly
in the autumn of 1930 by the Freer Gallery of Art of Washington, D.C. and the Shansi Provincial Library of Tai-y"uan,
Shansi; written by Carl Whiting Bishop, Ko Huang, W.J. Chang, and K.Z. Tung.)--Shanghai, 1932.

Man from the farthest past (Smithsonian scientific series ; v.. 7), by Carl Whiting Bishop, Charles Greeley Abbot and
Ales Hrdlicka.--New York : Smithsonian Institution Series, Inc., 1930.. 397 p..

Origin of the Far Eastern Civilizations : a Brief Handbook (Smithsonian Institution war background studies ; no. 1).--
Washington : The Smithsonian Institution, 1942. 53 p.


"Ancient archers, rubbings and caltrops," China journal, v. 18, no. 1 (Jan. 1933), p. 16-17.

"An ancient Chinese capital : earthworks at old Ch'ang-an," Antiquity, v. 12, no. 45 (Mar.. 1938), p. 68-78, (Reprinted
in Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1938.--Washington, DC., 1939.. p.. 569-578..

"Ancient remains on Lighthouse Point," China journal of science and arts, 3 (June 1925), p. 330-331,

"Anthropology of northern China, by S.W. Shirokogoroff, Shanghai, 1923," [book review], Geographical review, 18
(Apr. 1928), p.. 343-344..

"Archaeological expedition to China," in Exploration and fieldwork of the Smithsonian Institution in 1927--
Washington, D.C.., 1928 p. 109-118.

"Archaeological field-work in China," in Exploration and fieldwork of the Smithsonian Institution in 1928..--
Washington, DC., 1929, p.. 133-140..

"Asie des Moussons, by Jules Sion," [book review], Geographical review, 19 (July 1929), p. 514-516.

"The beginnings of civilization in Eastern Asia," Supplement to the Journal of the American Oriental Society, no.. 4
(Dec. 1939), (containing proceedings of a symposium entitled "The beginnings of civilization in the Orient : a
symposium at the meetings of the American Oriental Society, Baltimore, April 13, 1939"). p.. 45-61.

"The Beginnings of North and South in China," reprinted from Pacific affairs, vol. 7 (1934), p.. 297-325..

Introduction to: The birth of China : a study of the formative period of Chinese civilization, by Herrlee Glessner Creel..-
-New York : Reynal & Hitchcock, 1937. p. 7-10.

"The bronzes of Hsin-cheng Hsien," reprinted from The Chinese Social and Political Science Review, vol., 8, no. 2
(Apr. 1924), p.. 297-325..

"China, aesthetic development," in Chinese art, a selection of articles from the new 14th edition of the Encyclopaedia
Britannica,--New York : Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1929. 3 pages

"China magnificent : five thousand years of Chinese art, by Dagney Carter," [book review], Pacific affairs, 9 (Mar.
1936), p. 112-114.

"China's first unifier : a study of the Ch'in dynasty as seen in the life of Li Ssu (280?-208 B.C), by Derk Bodde,
Leiden, 1938," [book review], Pacific affiars, 12 (Mar. 1939), p.. 67-90.

"China's part in the war," reprinted from The journal of race development, vol. 9, no.. 1 (July 1918), p.56-70.

"The Chinese : their history and culture, by Kenneth Scott Latourette, New York, 1946," [book review], Geographical
review, 24 (Oct. 1934), p. 686-687.

"The Chinese expedition," Museum journal (University of Pennsylvania. University Museum), v. 8, no. 3 (Sept.. 1917),
p. 197-201.

"The chronology of ancient China," reprinted from Journal of American Oriental Society, vol. 52 (1932), p.. 232-247.

"La civilisation Ainou et les cultures Arctiques, by George Montandon, Paris, 1937," [book review], Geographical
review, 29 (Jan.. 1939), p.. 167-168..

"A civilization by osmosis--ancient China," American scholar, v 5, no. 3 (summer 1936).. p.. 323-328.

"The civilization of the East, III, China; IV. Japan, by Rene Grousset, New York; London, 1031-19341031-1934,"
[book review], American journal of archaeology, 39 (July/Sept. 1935), p. 434-435.

"Early empires of Central Asia : a study of the Scythians and the Huns and the part they played in world history, by
William Montgomery McGovern, Chapel Hill, NC, 1939," [book review], Pacific affairs, 13 (Sept. 1940), p.. 359-362..

"The elephant and its ivory in ancient China," reprinted from The journal of the American Oriental Society, vol.. 41
(1921), p. 290-306,

"Expedition to the Far East," Musuem journal (University of Pennsylvania. University Museum), v. 7, no,. 2 (June
1916), p. 97-118.

"The find at Hsin Cheng Hsien," Artibus Asiae, vol. [3], no, 2/3 (1928/29), p. 110-141..

"The four hundred million : a short history of the Chinese, by Mary A.. Nourse, New York, 1935," [book review],
China magazine, 1935, Apr.., p. 19.

"Genghis Khan, the emperor of all men, by Harold Lamb, New York, 1927," [book review], Geographical review, 18
(Oct. 1928), p.. 699-700.

"The geographical factor in the development of Chinese civilization," reprinted from The Geographical review, vol. 12,
no. 1 (Jan. 1922), p.. 19-41.

"Historical and commercial atlas of China, by Albert Herrmann, Cambridge, Mass.., 1935," [book review],
Geographical review, 27 (July 1937), p. 515-517..

"The historical geography of early Japan," [paper, read at the joint meeting of the American Geographers and the
American Geographical Society, April 1922], Geographical review 13 (Jan.. 1923), p. 40-63, reprinted in Annual report
of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1925--Washington, D.C.., 1926, p. 547-568.

"The horse and the sword, by Harold Peake and Herbert John Fleuie, New Haven; London, 1933," [book review],
Pacific affairs, 7 (Dec.. 1934), p.. 478-479.

"The horses of T'ang T'ai-tsung," Museum journal (Univeriity of Pennsylvania. University Museum), v. 9, no.. 3/4
(Sept,./Dec. 1918), p, 244-272.

"Das Land der Seide and Tibet im Lichte der Antike, by Albert Herrmann, Leipzig, 1938," [book review],
Geographical review, 29 (Oct. 1939), p. 693-695.

"Long-houses and dragon-boats," Anti ui , 12 (1938). p. 411-424.

"A Masamune blade," Museum journal (University of'Pennsylvania. University Museum), 5 (Dec,. 1914), p.. 206-212.

"Mongols of Manchuria : their tribal divisions, geographical distribution, historical relations with Manchus and
Chinese, and present political problems, by Owen Lattimore, New York, 1934," [book review], Geographical review,
25 (Apr. 1935), p. 349.

"The Neolithic age in northern China," Antiquity, 1933, p. 389-404.

"New light on the most ancient East : the oriental prelude to European history, by V. Gordon Childe, London, 1934,"
[book review], Pacific affairs, 7 (Dec. 1934), p.. 474-476..

"The new Stone Age in northern Europe, by John Mason Tyler, New York, 1921," [book review], Geographical
review, 12 (Apr. 1922), p.. 322-323.

"Notes on Chinese statuary," Museum journal (University of Pennsylvania. University Museum), v. 7, no. 3 (Sept.
1916), p.. 152-177..

"Notes on the tomb of Ho Ch'u-ping," Artibus Asiae, vol. [3], no. 1 (1928), p.. 34-46..

"Origin and early diffusion of the traction-plough," Anti ui , vol. 10 (1936), p.. 261-281, reprinted in Smithsonian
Annual report for 1937, p.. 531-547..

"Our opportunity in China," National Republic, vol. 16, no.. 6 (Oct. 1928), p. 30-31, 37.

"The peoples of Asia, by L.H. Dudley Buxton, London, 1925," [book review], Geographical review, 18 (Jan.. 1928),
p. 169-171,.

"Pottery Statue of a Lohan," Museum journal (University of Pennsylvania, University Museum), v...5, no.. 3 (1914), 6 p..

"Prehistoric pottery in China, by G.D. Wu, Lodnon, 1938," [book review], Antiquity , 13 (Dec. 1939), p.. 478-481.

"Prehistory : a study of early cultures in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, by Miles C. Burkitt, Cambridge, 1921,"
[book review], Geographical review, 12 (Apr. 1922), p.. 320-321..

"The problem of the Min River caves," reprinted from The Chinese social and political sicence review, vol. 10, no.. 1
(Jan. 1926), p.1-16.

"Recent accessions of Chinese sculpture," Museum journal (University of Pennsylvania. University Museum), V. 9,
no.. 2 (June 1918), p. 123-147.

"Rhinoceros and wild ox in ancient China," China journal, v. 18, no.. 6 (June 1933). p. 322-330.

"The rise of civilization in China with reference to its geographical aspects," reprinted from Geographical review,
vol. 22, no.. 4 (Oct,. 1932), p. 617-631,.

"The ritual bullfight," China journal of science and arts, v. 3, no, 12 (Dec. 1925), p.. 630-637, reprinted in Annual report
of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1926, p.. 447-455.

"Serindia : detailed report of explorations in Central Asia and westernmost China carried out and described under the
orders of H.M. Indian government, by Aurel Stein, Oxford, 1921, v 1," [book review], Geographical review, 12 (Apr..
1922), p.. 660-662..

"Shantung, China's holy land," Museum journal (University of Pennsylvania. University Museum), v. 12, no. 2 (June
1921), p. [85]-115.

"The Silk Road, by Sven Hedin, New York, 1938," [book review], Geographical review, 30 (July 1940), p, 515-516.

"Sino-Iranica : Chinese contributions to the history of civilization in ancient Iran, by Berthold Laufer, Chicago, 1919,"
[book review], Geographical review, Oct., 1922, p. 662-664.

"Tibetan sacred art illustrated by two Tibetan paintings in the museum," Museum journal (University of Pennsylvania.
University Museum), 5 (Dec. 1914), p. 189-205.

"Turkestan reunion, by Eleanor Holgate Lattimore, London, 1935," [book review], Geographical review, 25 (Apr.
1935), p. 350-351..

"Two Chinese bronze vessels," Museum journal (University of Pennsylvania. University Museum), v. 9, no.. 2 (June
1918), p. [99]-120..

"Two early Chinese Buddhist sculptures," Museum journal (University of Pennsylvania. University Museum), v. 7,
no. 4 (Dec. 1916), p. 245-262,

"Two sculptured Chinese heads," Museum journal (University of Pennsylvania, University Museum), v,. 5, no. 3
(1914), 4 p.


"Early Chinese cultures and their development : a new working hypothesis, by Wolfram Eberhard," translated and
reprinted in The Smithsonian report for 1937, p. 513-530.

"The origins of the Chinese civilizations, by Hemi Maspero," translated from Annales de geographie, v. 35, no.. 194
(Mar. 15, 1926).

Bibliography compiled by
Lily Kecskes
Head Librarian

Catalogue of the Herzfeld Archive

First publication of Joseph M. Upton's Catalogue of the Herzfeld Archive,

compiled in 1974

Freer Gallery of Art & Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives,

Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

IDC number: HP-1

PUBL I S H E R S 2000

Table of Contents


Preface 3

Introduction 5

Travel Journals:
List of Journals 15
Note 16
Catalogue of Contents 17

List of Sketchbooks 29
Catalogue of Contents 30

Catalogue of Contents 59

Photographic Files:
The Use of the Photographic Files 79
List of Photographic Files 79
Catalogue of Contents 80

Drawings and Maps:

Catalogue of Contents 217

Paper Squeezes of Inscriptions:

Catalogue of Contents 245

Records of Samaria Expeditions:

Catalogue of Journals, notebooks and sketchbooks 253

List of Archaeological Artifacts in Archive 265

Bibliography prepared by Dr George C. Miles 269

The Herzfeld Archive was established in the Freer Gallery of Art on April 26, 1946 when Dr. Alexander Wetmore,
Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, accepted Professor Herzfeld's gift in the following note:
April 26, 1946
Dear Professor Herzfeld:
Mr. Wenley has transmitted to me your communication of April 24, by which you present to the Smithsonian
Institution your Archive, as described in your letter to him of April 18, 1956,
On behalf' of this Institution I have pleasure in accepting your gift under the terms stated and at the same time I
assure you of its appreciation of your generosity in making this valuable material available to our own staff and
to other students of the subjects treated.
Very truly yours,
/Sgd,/ A, Wetmore

Professor Emst Herzfeld,

10 Boyard Lane,
Princeton, NJ.

Professor Herzfeld's gift was made in his Statement of'Gift to Dr. Wetmore of'April24, 1946, in which he wrote:

April 24, 1946

My dear Dr. Wetmore:
Having duly consulted with the Director of the Freer Gallery of Art, I hereby present to the Smithsonian
Institution, the Archive described in my letter of April 18, 1946 to the Director of the Freer Gallery of Art, with
the proviso that said Archive be deposited in, and under, the direction of the Freer Gallery of Art,, It is
understood that this Archive is not to become part of the art collections, exhibited and stored, but should be
considered as library and study material only.
Ernst Herzfeld.
Dr. Alexander Wetmore, Secretary,
Smithsonian Institution,
Washington 25, D.C.
Through Mr. A..G Wenley, Director,
Freer Gallery of Art.

In his letter of'April 18, 1946 to Mr. Wenley, Professor Herzfeld described what he had in mind., The following are
excerpts from that letter:
"If the Freer Gallery would accept it, I have the wish to give to it some scientific material to be part of the study
collection, not intended for exhibition among the main collection. It consists mainly of the following groups:
I. About 80 wooden boxes with photographic negatives each, and twenty files of blueprints, the catalogue of the
2.. Several hundred large drawings, water-colours, plans, maps of oriental buildings, sculptures, objects of art,
etc., also a number of squeezes of inscriptions.
3. About 50 sketchbooks with the original surveys made in the field, and a number of'box-files with notes, texts
of inscriptions, inventories, dummy-arrangements for planned publications, etc..
4. Some remnants of a collection of antiquities, potteries and metal-work of'no special material value, but of'
some scientific interest.
5, Finally, some instruments for photography, surveying and drawings.
The material was collected on expeditions in the Near East and during excavations at Samaria, Sistan,
Pasargadae and Persepolis, from 1903 to 1936. Most of the monuments and documents were unknown at that
time, about half of them are still unpublished and otherwise unknown, a considerable number has meanwhile
perished and disappeared.. ,"
After reserving some material which he might himself' publish, he wrote:
"For the rest, I wish that, at the discretion of the Freer Gallery, the material would be made accessible to
students, for study as well as publication, this last under the usual form of acknowledgement, for instance, "by
courtesy of the Freer Gallery, Herzfeld archives" or something to that effect",.
And he concluded,

"I should be much reassured in knowing that these things which constitute a great amount of work and may still
become useful for studies were safely kept at a place like the Freer Gallery."

In 1968 Dr. John A. Pope, at that time Director of the Freer Gallery, asked me to catalogue the Hexzfeld Archive and
gave me his full support, which has been continued by his successor as Director, Dr.. Harold P. Stern,
I am greatly indebted for their generous assistance to members of the Staff of the Freer Gallery, particularly to Dr..
Thomas Lawton, Assistant Director, Mrs.. Priscilla Smith, Librarian, Dr.. Esin Atil, Assistant Curator for Near Eastern
Art, Lloyd Langford, editor, Raymond Schwarz and Miss Ursala Paxiser of the Photographic Department, Martin Amt,
Craig Korr and Frank Haentschke..

I would also like to thank Professor Herzfeld's nephew, E.F.Bradford, Esq., Dr. Rudolf Sobernheim, Dr. Jans Kxoger
and Dr.. Donald N. Wilber for help in the identification of certain photographs or for information; and my particular
thanks are due to Mrs. Franz Pariser, who transcribed the Gothic script in which Hexzfeld wrote his first two Journals,
and to Herzfeld's former collaborator, Friedrich Kreftei, and his wife, Maria, who reviewed the transcribed texts of all
the Journals.
Joseph M. Upton

The Herzfeld Archive as it now exists in the Freer Gallery of Art and is described in the following pages consists of the
generous gift of Professor Ernst Emil Herzfeld, supplemented by gifts from his sister, Mrs. Charlotte M. Bradford, and
Dr. George C. Miles, formerly Director of the American Numismatic Society, New York.

It seems fitting to begin the description of the Archive with a reference to the last of Herzfeld's books, The Persian
Empire: Studies in Geography and Ethnography of the Ancient Near East, edited by Professor Gerold Walser and
published posthumously (Wiesbaden, 1968), because it illustrates one facet of the maturity Herzfeld had achieved at
the end of a lifetime's devotion to the study of the civilizations of the Near East. Each of his almost 200 publications
(listed in a Bibliography (Appendix A) prepared by Dr, George C.. Miles which appeared in Ars Islamica VII (1940),
supplemented by Professor Richard Ettinghausen in Ars Islamica XV/XVI (1951), reveals a growth of knowledge and
understanding from the time of Herzfeld's publication of his Inaugural-Dissertation for the Doctor's degree, granted by
the Philosophy Faculty of'Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Berlin, The title was Pasargadae, Aufnahmen and
Untersuchungen zur persischen Archaeologie. (Berlin, August 5, 1907).. An expended version was subsequently
published in Klio, Beitrage zur alten Geschichte, VIII (Leipzig, 1908) under the title "Pasargadae, Untersuchungen zur
persischen Archaologie

After mentioning the formidable problems of editing a work twenty years after the death of the writer and enumerating
some of'the reasons for and against its publication. Professor Walser writes (p.XII) in the Preface to The Persian
"All these negative arguments are outweighed by the brilliant and original cast of this work, a worthy successor
to the masterpieces "Archaeological History of Iran" and "Iran in the Ancient East". The present book contains a
most valuable historical geography of the Near East from Sumer to the Arabs. No modern scholar would be able
to survey this enormous field out of autopsy, historical, archaeological and linguistic knowledge. Herzfeld was
not a specialist in a modern sense, but his universal view made him superior to today's specialization. Even if he
committed philological errors three decisive gifts made him a real historian, namely the imaginative way of
reviving the past in the landscape, further an extraordinary memory for anything he had ever seen and read and
finally an unexhaustible and original gift of combining facts into greater human and historical connections,,...
What we know about the East from Herodotus' and Xenophon's accounts is presented and completed by Herzfeld
from oriental sources.... His last study will be indispensible to any further research on the Achaemenian Empire."

From September 1903 to September 1906 Herzfeld was a member of the German expedition conducting archaeological
excavations at Qal'at Shirgat (Assur). His spontaneous response to intellectual stimuli and to opportunities, led him to
start an herbarium of local plants with a record giving the Latin classification, location, date and the Arabic name as
provided by herdsmen or farmers, checked where possible by literary references,, This was published as
"Herbaraufnahmen aus Kal'at-Serkat-Assur" in Beihefte zur orientalischen Literatur-Zeitung (Berlin, 1908) and was
supplemented by similar information collected during his archaeological expedition with Professor Sari-e, published as a
Supplement, "Herbaraufnahmen" in Vol.IV of the Archaologische Reise.,,.There he explains (p.25, VolJV) that his
purpose was to provide material which could be used to describe the geographical distribution of plants and to aid in the
recognition of plants in Assyrian plant-lists.

The foundation of'Herzfeld's extraordinary first-hand knowledge of the area and archaeological monuments of the upper
Tigris region and of'western Iran was laid during a trip of about three months' duration from Shergat via Baghdad,
through Luristan, Arabistan and Fars to Shiraz, It was his first visit to Samarra which was to become a focal point in his
later career; and the trip was to provide clear proof of his courage, physical stamina, resourcefulness and determination
to record the maximum amount of scientific information.. Experienced Europeans in Shushtar thought him lucky to have
escaped with his life. For most of the trip he traveled by caravan, his only companions three Arabs and guides from a
variety of tribal groups.

The Journals of the trip in Herzfeld's handwriting are in the Archive (N-81/82), as well as some of the photographic
negatives taken at the time. Some of the contents were used in a revised and expanded form for two publications:
"Untersuchungen uber die historische Topographie der Landschaft am Tigris, kleinen Zab and Gebel Hamrin",
Memnon, Zeitschrift fur die Kunst- and Kultur-Geschichte des Alten Orients. I (Leipzig, 1907); and "Eine Reise durch
Luristan, Arabistan and Pays", Petermanns Mitteilungen, LIII (Gotha, 1907), each with a map prepared by Herzfeld on
the basis of'his daily recordings..
On his return to Berlin from this trip on which he had first visited Persepolis and Pasargadae, Herzfeld was introduced
to Friedrich Same by Eduard Meyer. This meeting wan to mark a crucial point in his career, to a lifetime of fruitful and
close association, and to their joint expedition to the area of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers from October, 1907 through

March, 1908.. The results were published in four large volumes under the title Archaologische Reise im Euphrat- and
Tigris-Gebiet (Berlin,Vols.I and III (Plates), 1911; Vols.II and N, 1920).

But even before this undertaking, Herzfeld had expanded his knowledge of the Near East by a trip with Samuel Guyer
in Cilicia. The results were published in "Eine Reise durch das westliche Kilikien im Friihjahr 1907" in Petermanns
Mitteilungen, LV (Gotha, 1909); and in a joint report with Guyer,"Einige Ergebnisse ihrer ...... archaologischen
Forschungsreise durch Kilikien" in the Archaeologischer Anzeiger, Jahrbuch des kaiserlich deutschen archaologischen
Instituts (Berlin, 1909).

Sarre and Herzfeld left Istanbul, crossed overland to Tarsus, then by boat via Iskenderun to Beirut. From there they
traveled via Horns and Hama to Aleppo, then along the west bank of the Euphrates to its juncture with the Khabur,
thence north and east to Mosul and from Mosul along the course of the Tigris to Basra, with side trips to Seleucia,
Ktesiphon and Babylon.

The methodical, scientific examination of Islamic ruins in the Near East began with Carsten Niebuhr in 1765/66.
Despite reports of isolated monuments since then, a coordinated survey was missing.. The general purpose of the
expedition was to locate and evalue Islamic ruins in the area in terms of their potential importance as sites for scientific
excavation. A crucial element in the achievement of this objective was the preparation of a detailed map. Although the
standard maps of 1883 and 1890 had replaced most previous maps, a map for archaeological purposes required far
closer examination, not only of the intricate canal systems of the area, but of the many changes in the courses of the
rivers, especially the Tigris, known to have taken place in historic times. The detailed daily mesurements at every stage
of the journey and their translation into the two maps in the publication were Herzfeld's assignment. For this he had
been well prepared by the experience derived from his 1905 trip..

But the textual explanations that accompany the maps go far beyond the minimum requirements.. In the Introduction to
the chapter on the map of the itinerary, Herzfeld wrote (Vol.l, p.iII): "The exploration of the monuments of Islamic
culture is still left to private initiative, and without Max van Berchem and Friedrich Sarre little would have been done
for it...... All sorts of observations of an historical, geographical and natural-science type are taken up in this chapter, as
well as the archaeological description of the small cultural remains of all epochs, as they stand along the rims of all
paths in the East.. Only in the rarest instances do these have an obvious archaeological value; but systematically
collected and examined, they become a "monumental source of the first order for historical geography...."
The methods and goals of the expedition were explained in Herzfeld's article "Uber die historische Geographie von
Mesopotamien. Ein Programm." Petermanns Mitteilungen, LVI (Gotha, 1909).

Herzfeld's assignment in Volume I was not only the preparation of the map with explanatory texts, but also that of the
chapter on Samaria of'which he had already published studies made in January, 1904 and September, 1905 under the
title Samarra: Aufnahmen and Untersuchungen zur islamischen Archaeologie (Berlin, 1907).. In addition to this chapter,
most of the sections in Volume IV which deal with specific sites and monuments were also prepared by Herzfeld.. The
drawings of'plans, elevations and ornament already show his skill as a draughtsman and the keenness of his deep
interest in architecture, which he regarded as the basic element in the artistic production of any time or place.. The
chapters also illustrate the practice he followed in all his subsequent major publications of using evocative sketches to
enliven the text..

I am indebted to Mr.. Jens Kroger, Berlin, for the information that two Journals of the Expedition - from Eregli to
Ktesiphon - and 11 sketchbooks of the stretch from Aleppo to Ktesiphon are now in the Staatliche Muscen zu Berlin,
Islamisches Museum (East Berlin).

But the first volume of this publication is important for another reason, The Arabic inscriptions collected during the
survey were deciphered, analyzed and discussed in their appropriate context by Max van Berchem. He was not only the
most skilled of the scholars working in that specialized field, but it was due to his enthusiasm and persistence that the
vast cultural wealth embodied in Arabic historical inscriptions throughout the area was to be preserved in the Corpus
Inscriptionum Arabicarum, of which Herzfeld was destined to complete the volume on Aleppo.. It seems certain that his
character, example and skills were a great stimulus to Herzfeld; and they were to remain devoted friends and colleagues
until van Berchem'a death in March, 1921..

Herzfeld's association with Professor Sarre had another important consequence.. Sarre had studied and photographed the
major monuments along the great historic road from Baghdad to Tehran in 1896.. Herzfeld had recorded: many of the
same monuments in 1905; so they collaborated on the volume Iranische Felsieliefs. Aufhahmen and Untersuchungen
von Denkmalern aus Alt- and Mittelpersischer Zeit (Berlin, 1910)..

In 1910 Professor C..H.Becker founded in Hamburg a periodical, Der Islam, in which during the next twelve years many
important articles in the burgeoning field of Islamic studies were published. In the first two issues, Herzfeld published
studies of far-reaching consequence: "Die Genesis der islamischen Kunst and das Mshatta-Problem" in Der Islam, I
(Strassburg, 1910), keyed to the famous Mshatta facade in the Kaiser Friedrich Museum; and "Die Qubbat al-Sakhra,
ein Denkmal fruhislamische Baukunst" in Der Islam, II (Strassburg, 1911), dealing with the archaeological
ramifications of the historic Muslim shrine in Jerusalem,

By then the expedition to Samarra had been organized under the over-all direction of Sarre with Herzfeld as Field-
Director.. No one was at the time more familiar with the ruins and their historical implications. The work started at the
beginning of 1911 and the excavations were terminated on July 7, 1913..

Although, as the excavations progressed, Herzfeld published preliminary reports not only of the discoveries, but of their
implications and relationships to monuments elsewhere, the definitive publications began to appear only after World
War I with Volume I, "Der Wandschmuck von Samarra and seine Ornamentik".. Die Ausgrabungen von Samarra
(Berlin, 1923).. This was followed in 1925 by Volume II, "Die Keramik von Samarra" by Sarre with an Epigraphic
Section by Herzfeld. In 1927 Volume III, "Die Malereien von Samarra" appeared with a dedication reading "Grafen
Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg in Erinnerung an den Sommer in Tadjrish in dem dies Buch entstand". (The
German summer Legation of the Minister, Graf Schulenburg, was in that suburb of Tehran). Volume V, "Die
vorgeschichtliche Topfereien von Samarra" was published in 1930; and the publication of Volume VI, "Die Geschichte
der Stadt Samarra" almost coincided with Herzfeld's death in January, 1948..

The destruction of architectural remains at the excavations by weather and military activities during World War I,
Herzfeld's preoccupation with other studies, and the inaccessibility of essential material, such as the photographic
negatives in Germany during the Nazi period, prevented completion of the projected Volume IV, a comprehensive
description of the architectural remains at Samarra. On the condition of the excavations in 1923, Herzfeld wrote
(Journal N-83, p., 16) "The excavations in the palaces have been completely robbed of bricks, one sees only the
trenches, instead of walls. No pavements. The other excavations are blown away [silted] and vegetation begins to grow
over them."

The importance of the discoveries at Samarra, which was for much of the ninth century the center of the Islamic world,
cannot be exaggerated. They constitute not only a foundation stone in the study of Islamic civilization, but also a
landmark in the study of the arts which preceeded and followed that period. They have and continue to stimulate
scholars still concerned with themes, such as those presented in Herzfeld's "Die Ausgrabungen in Samarra and das
Verhaltnis der friihislamischen Kunst zum spaten Hellenismus" in the Archaologischer Anzeiger, Jahrbuch des.
kaiserlich deutschen archaologischen Instituts (Berlin, 1912), "Mshatta, Hira and Badiya.. Die Mittellander, des Islam
and ihre Baukunst" in Jahrbuch der preussischen Kunstsammlungen, XLII (Berlin, 1921) and articles for the
Encyclopedia of Islam.

I am again indebted to Jens Kroger for the information that the photographic negatives of the expedition, four small

All of the other records of the expedition-

notebooks and two sketchbooks of ceramics are in the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Islamisches Museum [East Berlin]..
account books, notebooks, sketchbooks, maps, drawings and water-colors,
as well as many photographic prints, are in the Herzfeld Archive. Some of this material is of particular importance
because, as Dr. Richard Ettinghausen pointed out "..... the frescoes (lineal descendants from the lost Sasanian art of'
painting) are now destroyed and live only in Herzfeld's photographs and water-colors". (Ars Islamica, Vols.. XV-XVI,
p. 263).

The Samarra excavations appear to have aroused Herzfeld's particular' interest in two subjects: prehistoric remains in the
Near' East and the Sasanian empire.. During subsequent years he was to publish no fewer than sixteen studies of
prehistoric remains -pottery, bronzes, seals. After the last season at Samarra he turned his attention to the ruins at
Paikuli in Kurdistan.. Sir Henry Rawlinson had been "the first to explore and copy the inscription of Paikuli" in 1836
and 1844.. Herzfeld wished to examine the architectural remains and make a new record by photographs, drawings and
paper squeezes of the inscribed blocks, hoping to find additional blocks which had escaped Rawlinson's search, and to
check the readings in the light of the latest information as well as to attempt a reconstruction of the monument.
Herzfeld made his first trip to Paikuli in 1911 (Journal S-7, pp.36/38) and his second at the close of the Samarra
excavations in 1913 (Journal S-10, pp.,26/28).. These trips he summarized in a preliminary report "Die Aufnahme des
sasanidischen Denkmals von Paikuli" in Abhandlungen der koniglich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
(Berlin, 1914).. On the stone monument were two identical inscriptions in Middle Persian scripts Herzfeld called
Parthian Pahlavik and Sasanian Parszk. By 1917 he had completed a translation of the incomplete texts and, in the
process, had compiled a Pahlavi vocabulary to which he was to make intermittent additions and emendations throughout
his life.. The publication of Narseh's monument, Paikuli: Monument and Inscription of the Early History of the Sasanian

Empire (Berlin, 1924), was dedicated to Sir Henry Rawlinson.. At the time, Herzfeld regarded it as "by far the most
important relic of'the Sasanian age"..

Herzfeld's third trip to Paikuli was in June, 1923 (Journal N-84, pp.51/53) when he found 30 additional inscribed blocks
- too late for inclusion in the printed text..

When he left Princeton in 1946 to return to the Near East, Herzfeld took with him the unpublished Paikuli material.
After his death the material was returned to the Archive.. In 1953 all of the Paikuli and Middle Persian epigraphic
material was examined and catalogued by Professor' Joan Pierre de Menasce, O.P.., who intended to publish the new
inscriptions. Copies were or are also in the hands of Professors Richard N. Frye, W..B. Henning and Helmut Humbach,
In the Archive are the original paper squeezes of all of the inscribed blocks, the negatives, prints, drawings and
working notes. These are of particular importance in the light of the report of'Professor Humbach in a letter of
February, 1972 that only half' of the material recorded by Herzfeld in 1913 and 1923 is still available at the site, the
balance having been used by villagers in the construction of a village some hundred yards from the monument.
The original Pahlavi vocabulary is not in the Archive; but there are extensive notes and studies of Middle Persian
epigraphy, especially inscriptions on coins, seals end seal impressions, reflecting Herzfeld's appreciation of the vital
importance of such sources for the study of the Sasanian period,

During World War I Herzfeld, as a Reserve Officer, was attached to the Staff of His Highness Duke Adolf Friedrich zu
Mecklenburg in Turkey, but completed the manuscript of Paikuli in Europe during a long period of convalescence from
malaria in 1917. After the war he received substantial help in arranging for its publication from friends in England,
notably Sir Thomas Arnold and Professor Edward G. Br'owne, and from members of the Parsi community in Bombay,
especially from Dr.. J.J.Modi and Sir Dorabji Tata..

He was less fortunate in reviving his joint undertaking with Charles Fossey, Director of the French Archaeological
Mission at Hamadan, and so published alone Am Tor von Asien, Felsdenkmale aus Iran Heldenzeit (Berlin, 1920).. He
regarded the work as a continuation of that already done by Professor Sarre and in the Preface, after a tribute to Sarre,
dedicated the volume to "Frau Maria Sarre, geborene Humann, Shirfin i Zaman Shirin is the name of the most
celebrated lady in Persian literature and Zaman means "world"). The Preface was drafted in Linderhof in July, 1920.
Given the time and place, the wording seems to me particularly moving and revealing of the spirit which was to sustain
Herzfeld in his work for another 28 years through a second World War and the demoralizing and tragic years of the
Nazi domination of his homeland..

The last paragraph reads: "Unter ihrem Namen soil dies Buch hinausgehen.. Mag man uns allen korperlichen Besitz an
diesen Dingen stehlen, mag man unsere Reisen and Forschungen verbieten odes verhindern: wit, worden uns these
Under geistig jeden Tag neu erobein! Das wind uns niemand in der Welt wehren. Und wean einmal der "erwunschte
Tag and die ersehnte Stunde" kommt, wo dies unsex ganzes heutiges Geschlecht in Grabern modest, mit seinen wUsten
Hades, seiner eklen Habgier and seinem blinden Hass, --dann werden uns unsere Werke nachfolgen.. Sie werden far uns
zeugen. Das wind das Gericht sein.. Und sonst nichts and niemand."

Because of the disruptions of the war, Herzfeld was unable to publish studies in 1915 and 1918, although he did publish
articles and reviews on Assyrian and Islamic problems in 1917 and 1919 in Der Islam and in the Orientalistische
Literaturzeitung (Leipzig).. In 1920 he published a basic contribution to the study of Sasanian art, "Der Thron des
Khosro, Quellenkritische and ikonographische Studien uber Grenzgebiete der Kunstgeschichte der Morgen- and
Abendlandes" in the Jahrbuch der preussischen Kunstsammlungen, XLI (Berlin, 1920); and in 1921 an article of far-
reaching significance for Islamic studies, "Khorasan.. Denkmalsgeographische Studien zur Kulturgeschichte des Islam
in Iran" in Der Islam. XI (Strasburg,1921). In 1922 his attention was focussed on monuments of the Islamic period in
Iran, Egypt and Iraq.. But in 1923, after the publication of the fast volume of the report on the excavations at Samaria,
his fortunes took a new turn.

On February 14, 1923 Herzfeld left Berlin on what was to become a most productive expedition of discovery and
research. He returned to Berlin from the second part of the trip at the end of October 1925. The Journals of these trips
are numbers N-83/65 in the Archive, The final Journal, covering his stay in Mashbad and the trip from there to Tehran
is, unfortunately, not in the Archive. He published a summary of the trip as "Reisebericht" in the Zeitschrift der
deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, Neue Folge V (Leipzig, 1926).. During these travels with cameras and
sketchbooks, he not only revisited and rechecked many familiar monuments in Iraq and Iran, but assembled masses of
new material. The photographic negatives, drawings and sketchbooks of these trips are in the Herzfeld Archive.

Although opinions might differ on the relative importance of the results of the trips, perhaps the most outstanding by
periods were these:

Prehistoric: the discovery of the Stone Age village at Persepolis;

Elamite and pre-Achaemenid: a new inscription at Sarpul; the rock relief at Kurangun; and the recording of the rock
tomb. Da u Dukhtar;

Achaemenian: a further investigation of the ruins at Pasargadae where he was to conduct excavations in 1928; a
complete record of the existing ruins on the terrace at Persepolis, including the recording of all inscriptions by paper
sqeezes, the preparation of a map of the terrace and city area, the recording of the inscriptions on the tomb of Darius at
Naqsh-i Rustam, the discovery of the Fratadara temple on the plain in front of the terrace, and the drafting for the
Persian Government of a plan for the preservation of the ruins. The last was to contribute to the passage of a law to
protect antiquities, to the termination of the French monopoly of archaeological excavations, and to the ultimate grant to
the Oriental Institute of Chicago University of a concession to excavate at Persepolis;

Seleucid: the recording of the temple remains at Khurha;

Early Christian: a study and record of the rock-cut tombs on the island of Kharg;

Sasanian: additional discoveries at Paikuli; new studies of the grottoes at Taq-i Bustan and the making of full-scale
tracings of all the textile patterns which form the basis of our knowledge of Sasanian textiles (these tracings are in the
Archive); a complete photographic record with detailed notes of all of the royal rock reliefs at Taq-i Bustan, Naqsh-i
Rustam, Naqsh-i Rajab, Naqsh-i Bahrain, Barm-i Dilek, Firuzabad, Guyum, Sax, Mashhad and Bishapur, (including the
statue in the round of Shapur I in the cave); the making of paper squeezes of all Pahlavi inscriptions; a record of the
architectural remains at F-nuzabad and of the fire-temples at Baze'ur and Farrashband; a preliminary study of the
ruins in Sistan at Kuh-i Khwaja (where he conducted limited excavations in 1929) and of Shahristan;

Islamic: extensive records of architecture and inscriptions of mosques, shrines and tombs (mostly pre-Safavid) at Qum,
Isfahan, Istakhr, Shiraz, Mil-i Qasimabad, Khargird, ills and across Khurasan at Sangbast, Nishapur, Sabzewar,
Damghan, Bistam, Radkan and Simnan; a photographic record of the antiquities in the Shah's Museum with measured
drawings of important bronzes and enamelled glass objects..

Some of this material Herzfeld published in 1927 and 1928, notably in "La Sculpture rupestre de la Perse sassanide" in
the Revue des arts asiatiques. Annales du Musee Guimet. V. No.III (Paris, 1928) and in a series of four brief illustrated
articles for The Illustrated London News, but his major publication, in 1927 was the volume on the paintings at

In 1928 Reza Shah dedicated a new road between Khurramabad and Ahwaz. Herzfeld was invited to join the party and
was treated with remarkable cordiality by His Majesty.. (The Journal of the trip is in the Archive, N-47). He took
advantage of the opportunities on the trip to note archaeological features, copy inscriptions, such as those at Pul-i
Kalhur, and record the construction and contents of a newly discovered prehistoric grave at Gilweran.

Earlier in 1928 Herzfeld carried out a short season of excavations at Pasargadae of'which he published a report,
"Bericht fiber die Ausgrabungen von Pasargadae, 1928" in the first issue of Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, The
problem of'studying and organizing his large accumulation of notes, photographs and objects and of publishing the
material was already worrying him in November, 1923, as he noted in his Journal (N-84, pp.,7/8). The problems were
intensified as a result of his archaeological travels in 1923/25; and in 1927 he stopped writing book reviews, as he said
they were too time-consuming.. In the late 1920's he found a partial solution by establishing a periodical, the
Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran of'which the first volume appeared in 1929 and the last (Volume IX) in 1938..
He had hoped to attract contributors; but, in fact, practically all of the studies came from his own pen.. (In 1968 the
publication was resumed as: Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Neue-Folge by the Tehran Branch of the Deutsche
Archaologisches Institut)..

The range of'Herzfeld's interests is reflected in the studies he published in the periodical., These include notes on Tell
Halaf and Hittite art; on the art of the 2nd millenium B.,C, in the Near East, including studies of roll and stamp seals; an
essay on Old Oriental archaeology of the historic and prehistoric periods, as well as an essay on myths and history..

His concern with the Achaemenian period resulted in the publication of important cuneiform inscriptions; an essay on
Median history and Achaemenian military affairs, as well as another on Medians and Parthians, He also published in the
Mitteilungen studies of aspects of the difficult problem of'Zarathustra (Zoroaster), the Avestan texts and the related
history of Sakastan - all to be brought together in 1947 in his two-volume publication Zoroaster and his World

(Princeton, 1947), The Mitteilungen also include studies of'Achaemenian and Sasanian objects, post-Sasanian
inscriptions, and Arabic inscriptions from Iran and Syria. Much of the material which formed the basis for these studies
is to be found in the notebooks, sketchbooks and photographs in the Archive.

Herzfeld was able to do much of his work in Tehran on leave of absence from the Faculty of the University in Berlin,
because about 1927 he rented and furnished a large house in Tehran where he installed his exceptionally comprehensive
library and all his study material.. Letters in the Archive indicate that at the time there were hopes that the establishment
might become a German Archaeological Institute; but the world economic and political situation was soon to destroy
such possibilities..

The existence of fresco paintings at Kuh-i Khwaja in Sistan was established by Sir Aurel Stein. The exact location of
what promised to be the major series was pin-pointed by Herzfeld in a vaulted corridor filled with rubble and earth
which became apparent as he measured and planned the palace ruins in 1925. His subsequent study of the history of the
area and times increased his conviction of the probable importance of'the site. In February, 1929 he left Tehran for
Kuh-i Khwaja with the limited objective of recording and, if possible, removing the frescoes. He returned to Tehran in
April. The remains of the paintings were photographed in black and white and by a three-filter system in color.. In
addition, Heezzfeld made detailed notes and water-color copies. Despite their fragile condition, the best-preserved of the
paintings were removed and taken to Tehran.. Due to a variety of circumstances only one example now survives in the
Metropolitan Museum, New York.. As with the paintings at Samarra, the only records now are Herzfeld's water-color
copies.. He published the most important Kuh-i Khwaja material in Iran and the Ancient East; but all of the records of
the expedition - negatives, plans, notebooks, sketchbooks and water-colors are in the Archive..

There were distinct advantages for Herzfeld in Tehran.. During his many years of travel and work in the Near' East he
had often visited dealers in antiques whose confidence in him was such that they would tell him where their objects
actually came from. Dealers from both Tehran and the provinces brought things to him to examine and identify.. His
primary interest was in their archaeological significance; and he encouraged the dealers to bring him small objects and
bits of'no apparent commercial value.. These relationships were invaluable in 1929 when a flood of material from Tepe
Giyan (Nihavand) and the graves in Luristan wore brought to Tehran by dealers who had bought them from peasants
and tribesmen. From them, Herzfeld was able to assemble a representative collection of prehistoric pottery and
artifacts of'prime archaeological importance. He had also been able over the years to build up a valuable series of coins,
especially Parthian and Sasanian, and of seal stones and bullae..

In 1929 he published another series of three brief articles on prehistoric pottery and bronzes in The Illustrated London
News; and in 1932 he started the publication of a comprehensive series on prehistoric pottery and artifacts, Iranische
Denkmaler (Berlin, 1932).. The original drawings and water-colors for the latter are in the Archive.

There is also in the Archive an undated, unaddressed, but signed proposal in English for the publication of all of
Herzfeld's unpublished material. It was probably written in 1930.. Twenty-two volumes were envisaged, to be issued at
the rate of two a year at an estimated cost of $168,000, or $13,000. a year over a twelve year period. The material was
organized into ten categories and is significant for the range of interests it reveals.. The ten categories are:

I.. Prehistoric Period

II.. Pre-Achaemenian Monuments
III.. Excavations of Pasargadae, 1928
IV.. A. The Hellenistic Period
B. Excavations of Kuh-i Khwaja, Slstan
V. Sasanian Epoch..
A.. Sasanian Architecture
B. Corpus of Sasanian Sculpture [including coins and textiles]
C.. Corpus Inscriptionum Parthicarum [including bullae]
D.. Paikuli Supplement
VI. Muhammadan Monuments in Persia
VII The Excavations of Samarra..
A.. Topography, History and Inscriptions
B.. Private houses
C.. Palaces
D.. Mosques and tombs
E.. Stone Age Cemetery Supplement
VIII.. Muhammadan Monuments in Syria.
A.. Aleppo

B. Hama, Hims, Ma'arra, Sarmin, Der'a
C. Damaskus
IX. A. Collection of about 120 antique, Oriental and about 300 Arsacid and Sasanian seals and about 120 similar
small objects
B.. Collection of Old Persian, Arsacidan, Sasanian Coins, about 2,000 pieces
C. Muhammadan Applied Art
X. Books:
I. Arabic Ms, of Ibn al-Fagih in Library of Mosque, Mashhad
2.. 'Ahdnama in Chehel Sutun, Isfahan

Although parts of this ambitious program were wholly or partially carried out in subsequent years, it is a great loss to
the field of Near Eastern studies, in view of the exceptionally high quality of Herzfeld's work, that he could not do it all..
However, the atmosphere in both Europe and the United States at the time was such that no institution would have felt
able to accept so long a commitment..

But Herzfeld's life was to take another turn. In the spring of 1931 he moved from Teheran to Persepolis as Director of
the Archaeological Expedition of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. No one could have been better
qualified.. His previous visits to the ruins, especially the weeks of intensive study and recording in 1923/24 had provided
him with a unique knowledge and familiarity.. Friction with Iranian officials developed later and led him to resign in late
1934. He was succeeded as Director by Dr.. Erich Schmidt who continued the work there until the outbreak of World
War II in 1939..

Herzfeld's major purpose at Persepolis was to try to locate and identify the structures on the terrace and their
relationships and to examine the ruins of buildings on the plain in front of the terrace. His most spectacular and widely
publicized discovery was the eastern stairway of the Apadana with the grandiose procession of tribute-bearers. The
buildings, inscriptions and sculptures at Persepolis are, in fact, a veritable encyclopedia of information not only about
the Imperial Court, but about the economy and characteristics of the varied races and peoples encompassed in the vast
Achaemenian Empire under Darius and Xerxes,

The most important work at Persepolis, including the excavation of the Stone Age village and test digs at Istakhr' and
Naqsh-i Rustam, was done during Herzfeld's tenure, He was ably assisted by two excellent draftsmen, Friedrich Krefter
and Karl Bergner and, for the prehistoric village, by Donald E. McCown. Herzfeld himself published three brief articles
on the new discoveries in The Illustrated London News and a much fuller discussion in Iran in the Ancient East.
The definitive publication of the expedition, Persepolis (Chicago, 1953) was prepared by Dr. Schmidt. In the Preface
(p.IX) he states that Herzfeld had reserved for himself "an exhaustive study of the Apadana processions". This was
never completed as a separate study, with the photographs and drawings which Herzfeld would surely have used,
although his conclusions are probably contained in the text of Chapters XIV-XVI of The Persian Empire, published
posthumously.. Related material is in the Archive..

The original drawings by Krefter and Bergner are in the Archive, as well as Herzfeld's drawings and water-colors of the
prehistoric pottery and small objects; and four sketchbooks (SK-XIX/XXII).. There are scattered studies of the
cuneiform and Arabic inscriptions at Persepolis in the notebooks, as well as most of the original paper squeezes of the
cuneiform inscriptions.. There is also a complete file of Expedition prints, including those of the structures in the plain,
the prehistoric village, Naqsh-i Rustam and Istakhr. The negatives are the property of the Oriental Institute are in
Chicago with, presumably, the other records of the expedition, although at least one Herzfeld notebook was reported to
be at the Archaeological Museum in Tehran..

When Herzfeld left Persepolis he went to London.. He made one brief trip to Berlin, but never returned to Germany
again; and during his subsequent stay at Princeton he adopted United States citizenship.. While in Persepolis and
London he continued to write and publish studies in the Archaeologische Mitteilungen, but his major publication in
1935 was the Archaeological History of Iran (The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy, 1934 (London, 1935).. It
is a masterpiece of 112 pages in which he presents clearly and brilliantly a distillation of the evidence assembled in his
years of intensive study of Iranian archaeological remains.

In 1936 Herzfeld was appointed Professor in the School of Humanistic Studies of the Institute for Advanced Study at
Princeton and he remained there until 1946, following his retirement in 1944.. Also in 1936 he delivered the Lowell
Lectures in Boston which were to appear in an expanded and revised form five year's later in a superb volume, Iran in
the Ancient East. Archaeological Studies Presented in the Lowell Lectures at Boston (London and New York, 1941),
dedicated to Ada Small Moore (Mrs. William H.. Moore). This book is a compromise with the aspirations he had
expressed in his 1930 proposed program of publication.. He has included new material, i,e.. Kurangun, Khurha,

Firuzabad, Kuh-i Khwaja; but it seems clear that even the generous size of the volume gave him too little scope to
develop the discussion of any subject and its historical significance in the comprehensive fashion he would probably
have liked. The original negatives, drawings and text are in the Archive..

Herzfeld was fortunate to find in Dr. Richard Ettinghausen a friend who, as editor of Ars Islamica. facilitated the
publication of'his basic and comprehensive studies of Damascus, envisaged in his 1930 program. The study,
"Damascus: Studies in Architecture....", appeared in four installments in Ars Islamica,1942-1948, Herzfeld was able to
include in these studies some of the material he had collected in Hama, Hims, Ma'arra, Sarmin and Der'a. Of the
contents, Ettinghausen wrote in his obituary of Herzfeld which also contains biographical information, as well as an
admirable summary of his scholastic training and accomplishments (Ars Islamica, VoL.XV-XVI, 1951, pp, 261/267)
.the whole [is] based on about eighty monuments, many of them little known or unpublished". The negatives, original
drawings and notes are in the Archive. The significance of this fact is emphasized, by a comment Herzfeld made in a
letter written in Damascus on August 28, 1946. " it would be impossible to make that summary which we made
from 40 to 30 years ago. Everything is deeply coated with inches of oilpaint or, worse, with thick layers of cement,
coloured in white and blue and red; and it is impossible to see that there is anything old under such a coating. It is a
closed chapter This comment undoubtedly applies as well to the Aleppo material mentioned below.

Also on Herzfeld's 1930 list was a volume on the topography, history and inscriptions of Samarra in the Samarra Series.
The text had been completed and printed in Germany before World War II. The plates had also been prepared. Under
circumstances verging on the miraculous they were not destroyed during the terrific wartime bombing. After years of
tedious negotiation with United States Military Occupation officials (described in detail in correspondence in the
Archive) permission was finally granted for the publication of "Geschichte der Stadt Samarra.. Bd,,VI", Die
Ausgrabungen von Samarra (Hamburg-Berlin, 1948). The volume unfortunately appeared only after Herzfeld's death on
January 21,1948 at the age of sixty-eight and a half, so it includes an obituary by his former colleague in Iraq and
Cilicia, Samuel Guyer.

Although Herzfeld habitually worked simultaneously on a variety of studies, there were three, aside from the reworked
Iran in the Ancient East, on which he concentrated during his ten years in Princeton. The first to be published was
Zoroaster and His World (Princeton, 1947). This is a highly specialized and technical attempt to review the
orthographical and linguisitic features of the Avesta to extract historical information supporting the identity of
Zoroaster and critical aspects of the world he lived in. In the Archive is a copy with Herzfeld's annotations and
corrections; and in his notebooks are voluminous studies and reading notes on various aspects of the problems and their
relationships to Achaemenian and Sasanian history..

The second publication with which he was concerned was that of Aleppo. The Swiss scholar, Max van Berchem, had
initiated at the turn of the century a project to publish in a series of volumes a Corpus of Arabic inscriptions as one basis
for Islamic studies. These were published in Cairo as Memoires de 1'Institut frangais d'Archeologie orientale. Under the
stimulus of'van Berchem, Dr. Moritz Sobernheim had prepared a volume, "Inscriptions de la Syrie du Nord", published
in 1909. This was to be supplemented by a second volume on Aleppo by Dr.. Soberneim with the collaboration of
Herzfeld.. Inscriptions were collected and recorded by them in 1908 and 1914; of which Sobernheim published a
selection in Der Islam, Vo1.XV (1926). Herzfeld continued to assemble material during several trips between 1914 and
1930. He also prepared a map and drew plans and elevations of certain monuments with sketches of details. Paper
squeezes of the inscriptions had been given to the Deutsche Morgenlandische Gesellschaft in Halle and were
unavailable for the final recension,

After the war Professor Sobernheim was diverted from his archaeological work and died in 1933 before the text was in
its final form. While at Princeton Herzfeld checked and organized the entire material and was reading the proofs in
Cairo in 1947 when he was stricken by the illness which proved to be fatal after his arrival in Switzerland.. After a
further delay the work finally appeared in three volumes, Inscriptions et Monuments d'Alep. Materiaux pour un Corpus
Inscriptionum Arabicarum, Deuxieme Partie: Syrie du Nord. (Le Caire, 1955).

The Archive contains the negatives and original drawings for the publication as well as several notebooks of
inscriptions and sketchbooks of measurements, preliminary notes and details.. There is also a large number of prints,
several hundred with negatives of cut film and some without negatives. Many are unfortunately not identified, but
appear to have been taken in northern Syria as some are duplicates of views appearing in identified prints..

The third major publication on which Herzfeld was working at Princeton was The Persian Empire: Studies in
Geography and Ethnography of the Ancient Near East (Wiesbaden, 1968). It represents again a summary of Herzfeld's
lifelong studies of various aspects of the geography and cultural history of the Near East.. This publication also suffered
a series of harrowing experiences, all described in correspondence in the Archive, but was finally to see the light of day

through the generous good offices of'Professor Get-old Walser (Bern) with the cooperation of"his colleagues and of
German institutions. Although the manuscript had been given to a printer in 1947, Professor Walser explains the
reasons for its publication twenty years later. In happier days and in robust health Herzfeld would certainly have
supplemented the text with maps, drawings and photographs as had been his custom; but scholars should be grateful to
have this final work from his pen, as it is..

In the Archive are Herzfeld's manuscript, as well as scattered references to the subject matter in his notebooks and
working papers. In the case of this volume as of the Aleppo publication much credit is do to Dr. Ettinghausen for his
patient and persistent efforts to achieve the final publications,

But this brief review of'what may appear now to be Herzfeld' s major contributions leaves an unsatisfactory impression
of the potential value of the Archive. One may be tempted to conclude that because so much of the material in the
Archive has been published, one might better turn to the publications, when available.. But published photographs were
usually selected to illustrate specific points in the exposition of 'a theme and may prove to be equally valuable when
used in other contexts.. In such cases, access to the negatives and drawings may be more satisfactory than reliance on
less distinct reproductions. Furthermore, despite Herzfeld's extraordinary industry in making the material he had
assembled available to scholars, there is a large residue not yet published and of exceptional value because of the times
and places of its recording..

For Herzfeld was basically a humanist, interested in every aspect of the lives of'his contemporaries - the Arabs and
Persians among whom he worked for so many years. He was observant of the daily lives of the humble and the great,
their habits and beliefs, the methods by which they met their daily needs from farming, herding, commerce or
government service. He was observant of the geographical features of the area - the rivers, canals, and tremendous
mountain ranges which had determined the paths of communication for thousands of years and had, in some instances,
assumed a religious significance.

As an archaeologist he was concerned with the tangible traces of 'a procession of cultural groups which had moved
along these paths, sometimes in one direction, sometimes in another.. Although historians may, for convenience, define
historical events by area or period, those boundaries are largely artificial in any cultural sense, "The unity of Asia,
although rarely achieved in its political history, is a real factor in the history of its civilization " (Herzfeld, Iran in the
Ancient East, p.7).. Themovement of merchants, pilgrims and scholars across the vast area was often unimpeded,
despite local wars which might delay a traveler or cause him to alter his route; but the cultural interchange in the area
from China and India to the Mediterranean was normal; and each culture left a more or less tenacious tradition.,

Among the evidences of cultural movements and inter-relationships Herzfeld regarded epigraphic material as of crucial
importance. For that reason his sketchbooks and notebooks are replete with copies of complete or partial inscriptions in
cuneiform, Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, Pahlavi, Arabic or Persian on a great variety of objects - stone, potsherd, coins,

All of these interests are reflected in material in the Archive, even though it should be pointed out that at least a reading
knowledge of German is essential for the most rewarding use of the material, Although perhaps half' of it concerns the
Arab world, one may perhaps in conclusion quote the assessment of a leading contemporary Russian specialist,
Vladimir G. Lukonin He writes (Archaeologia Mundi "Peraia II" (Geneva, 1967, pp..40/41) ".,.Ernst Herzfeld, a scholar
who opened up a whole new period of archaeology.,..

Herzfeld - a linguist and paleographer, equally at home in ancient and modern tongues, an excellent architect and
draughtsman, a historian of the widest interests and a skilled archaeologist - poured out in his works a great flood of
new ideas: sometimes over-daring, sometimes too hastily arrived at, but always stimulating in their novelty and
unexpectedness. All subsequent study of the culture of Iran in the Hellenistic period and the early Middle Age has been
inspired by these ideas,,.. It is probably true to say that he never visited any remains of the past in Iran without writing at
least a few pages to record his impressions and conclusions, He also produced the first serious general study of the
archaeology of Iran, the course of lectures published in 1935 under the title of the Archaeological History of Iran ...".

The following Indices of Herzfeld's Journals, notebooks, sketchbooks, drawings, squeezes, photographs and artifacts
will define the scope of the Archive..

List of Journals

The eight Journals referred to in the Index are in Herzfeld's handwriting in German.. They have been transliterated into
typed versions of which each page is faced by a xerox copy of the original, showing sketches and inscriptions,, The
Archive numbers are as follows:

N-81 "Von Kalat Schergat nach Schiraz, 190.5". September 4 - November 19, 1905.. Describes the trip by caravan
from Schergat to Baghdad, thence to Qasr-i Shirin and from there to Shushtar and Ahwaz,, From Ahwaz via
Behbehan to Schiraz..

N-82 "Von Schiraz nach Teheran and Konstantinopel, 1905". November 20, 1905 - January 5, 1906..

S-7 "Samarra. Tagebuch 2. Reise nach Sulaimaniyyah and nach Ktesiphon-Baghdad", pp,5-50, June 3-29, 1911
and pp.63-95, September 12-October 8, 1911, Round-trip from Samarra. Includes topographical and
archaeological notes, especially of'Budkhaneh (Paikuli), Kerkuk and Imam Dur'.

S-10 "Tagebuch der Ruckreise von Samarra, 1913". July 8- August 7, 1913.. Notes end at Asadabad, Includes Paikuli
and monuments along historic road with extensive notes on Taq-i Bustan,

N-83 "Tagebuch. Persien I, 1923". February 14 - November 14, 1923. From Berlin to Pasargadae via Basra,
Baghdad, Paikuli, Taq-i Bustan, Hamadan, Teheran, Khurha, Qum and Isfahan.,

N-84 "Tagebuch.. Persien II, 1923-1924".. November 15,1923 - April 30, 1924.. From Pasargadae to Bushire via
Naqsh-i Rustam, Persepolis, Shiraz, Istakhr, Firuzabad, Farrashband, Sar Mashhad, Bishapur, Da u Dukhtar
and Kharg

N-85 "Afghanistan -Ostpersien I.. 1924-1925".. December 1, 1924 -March 21, 1925. The Journal ends at Salami, just
before Herzfeld reached Mashhad. From Bombay to Mashhad via Kabul, Sistan (KUh-i Khwaja and
Shahristan), Kuhistan (Birjand, Khargird) Journal No II which would cover the stay in Mashhad and the trip to
Tehran via Sangbast, Nishapur, Sabzevar, Damghan, Bistam, Radkan and Simnan is not in the Archive..

N-47 "Trip to Khurramabad and Ahwaz". October 25 - November, 19, 1928.. Herzfeld traveled in Reza Shah's party
for the inauguration of the new road and took advantage of'the opportunity to copy archaeological inscriptions,
such as those at Pul-i Kalhur, and record a newly discovered prehistoric grave and contents at Gilweran.

The handwritten text of Journals N-81-82 in Gothic script was first transliterated by Mrs.. Franz Pariser who was also
helpful in deciphering other puzzling words in the Archive. A typed version of all of the Journals was then sent to
Herzfeld's former collaborator, Friedrich Krefter, who filled in the undeciphered words and smoothed out the text for
clarification. His comments, followed by a K, appear at the bottom of the page.

Of the texts Krefter writes:

"Herzfeld's Deutsch lasst zuweilen zu wunschen iibrig. Aber wenn man, wie ich, weiss, unter welchen
Umstanden abends, bei schlechter Beleuchnung, nach einem muhewollen Reisetag, die Tagesnotizen geschrieb-
en werden mussen, dann wind man H's Versuch, in einem Satz moglichst viele Angaben unterzubringen, einige
Nachsicht entgegenbringen mussen

An expanded and carefully reworked version of parts of the trip from Baghdad to Shiraz (N-8 1) was published in two
parts entitled "Eine Reise durch Luristan, Arabistan and Fars" in Peteimanns Geographische Mitteilungen. 1907, Heft
III and Heft IV.. Included are two detailed maps, but none of the sketches in the Journal or of the photographs taken
enroute.. Those photographs which have been located are to be found in Photo File 30..

In the printed version and on the maps the transliteration into German of many place and personal names differs from
that in the Journals, but the system used is explained in a table on the maps; and Arabic, Persian or Turkish terms are
elucidated in the text,. Xerox copies of the text and prints of the maps are included at the end of N-8 1.



It is impractical to include in the Index the name of every person or place mentioned in the Journals. These were
essentially short-hand notes intended to remind Herzfeld of facts to be incorporated in subsequent finished studies,
Many of the items, especially in the first two Journals, are topographical notes for the preparation of maps. Herzfeld
tended to note everything he saw and heard, so the Journals contain descriptions of plant and animal life, as well as
comments on the countless people he encountered, their economic and their social activities. The Journals also contain
descriptions of the practical daily problems of travel, especially with a caravan; the dreams or nightmares he
experienced on sleepless nights; and a great variety of thoughts on politics, people or history which crossed his mind
during the sometimes tedious hours of travel, He even includes snatches of poetry.

The items entered in the Index are, therefore, primarily those of archaeological significance in the narrow sense of ruins,
buildings and artifacts, especially if Herzfeld inserted a sketch, He was accustomed on these exploratory trips to
supplement the Journals with comprehensive photographic record (see the Index to the Photographic File) and
sketchbooks (see the Index to the Sketchbooks).

The circumstances under which the Journals were written often led to inconsistencies in the spelling which was
sometimes again modified in printed texts. It might also be mentioned that there are differences in the transliteration of
Near Eastern script according to the French, German or English systems, not to speak of the "personal" systems
sometimes adopted by writers in the field. Since Herzfeld published in all three languages, all three systems occur in the
catalogues of the Archive; but I am confident that that fact will cause no particular hardship for scholars.


Catalogue of Contents

Ab-i garm (between Khurha and N-83 p.1. Sketch: plan of bath
Abadeh N-83 pp.132/133. 11/7 - 10/23. Trip from Isfahan via Marg, Maqsud
Beg, Yezdikhast. Conversations with officials in Abadeh
Abdanan N-81 p86.. 10/15/05; p.101. 10/22/05. Sasanian ruins: Kal'a-i
Abdanan, castle on isolated hill; Kalek -i Abdanan, small palace
in plain; Hazar An-1, ruins and many smaller ruins. Robbery by
Taki Khan, a Direkwand Lur
Abuzar (Khuzistan) N-85 pp. 130/131. 3/15/25. Ruins of Ismaili fortress with shrine
Adjin (between Sunghur and N-83 p..75.. 6/28/23
Ahwaz N-81 pp.136/144. 11/1 - 3/05.. Sketch: plan of house for Ter Meulen
(p..142); plan of location of old barrage
Akbar Mirza, Sarim al-daula, son of N-83 p, 127. 10/25/23
Zill es-Sultan
Ambar-i Seimere N-81 pp76/85 10/14-15/05.. Residence of Mir Seid Muhammad Khan..
" and nearest path from Gulf to North Persia....."
Asadabad S-10 p.56.8/7/13. Row of larger Tells nearby.
N-83 p.76 6/29-30/23.. "...hellenistische and arsakidische
Architecturteilen. Steinen der islamischen Zeit von 1000-1200 n.
Chr," Kullin Tepe, Khakriz
`Ashiq (Samarra area) N-81 pp., 17/20, 9/4-5/ 05.. Castle.. Sketch: front of bridge (p..17);
elevation and plan of niches and brickwork (p.19)
Asmanabad (Smawad) N-81 pp.,51/53.. 10/8/05. Trip from Gilan to Zarna. Sasanian and earlier
Auzdar (Slstan) N-85 p.11.. 3/25/25.. Achaemenian ruins
Baba Munir N-84 p.169. 4/15/24/ Imamzadeh, 894 H.
Babylon N-83 pp,.27/30. May, 1923.. Account of fate of Babylon expedition finds
during World War I
Baghdad S-7 pp.79/81.9/17/11.. Comments on old Baghdad

N-83 pp. 10/36. 3/25-5/24/23.. Notes on Talisman Tor, Mustansiriyya

Madrasa, Sultanatspalaste, in der Zitadelle, Mirjaniyya Madrasa,
Khan Ortma. Side trips to Ctesiphon, etc. (pp.16/36).. Comments
on British and Arab personalities and on political views of
Bahram I N-84 p.136, 4/7/24. Comments on relief at Bishapur
Bahram II N-84 p..127, 3/3/24.. Relief at Sat Mashhad
N-84 p. 143.. 4/7/24. Relief at Bishapur
N-84 p.156. 4/8/24. Relief at Saraw Bahram
N-82 pp.3/4. 11/23/05.. Reliefs at Baim-i dilak
Bahram V Gar N-83 pp.24/25. 5/12/23.. Silver plate in possession Khayyat
Bahram Chubm N-81 p.74. 10/14/05, Ruins of city similar to Sasanian Derre-i shahr
Ba'kuba N-81 p.29..9/26/05
Baku N-82 pp.96 ff. 12/19/05 - 1/2/06, Trip from Baku via Elizawetpol,
Batum, Platana, Tripolis, Tiflis Mention of Sinope, Kerazunt,
Trapezunt, Sinob, Ineboli, Philippopel to Constantinopel
Balad (SE of Balad) S-7 pp. 68/69.9/13/11.. Shrine of Seyyid Muhammad with cupola
Band-i Amir 1923 See Firuz Mirza
Barrn-i dilak (Shiraz) N-82 pp..3/4.. 11/23/05.. Four Sasanian reliefs. Sketch: flower in hands
of figure in one relief
N-84 pp.65 ff. 12/31/23
Ba`rurah S-10 p.3.. 7/8/13... Village of Islamic potters

Basra 5-10 pp.5/8. 7/9/11.. Account of political strife between `Udjaimi and
Sayyid Talib Bey
Bahbehan N-81 pp. 156/163, 11/7-8/05. Sketch: Lur and Arab bits (p.156); plan of
tent camp of Governor, Ezam al-mulk
Bell, Miss Gertrude N-83 p.12, 4/5/23.. Quote "uncrowned Queen of Iraq"
Birjand (Kuhistan) N-85 pp.. 119/121. 3/9/25. Notes on types of house plans and domes
between Birjand and Dastgird. Sketches: plans (pp,.120/121)
Bishapur see Shapur
Bistun S-10 pp50/52 8/4-5/13., Discussion of reliefs,, Sketch: location of
Darius relief (p,.50)
N-83 pp70/72 6/26/23 Sasanian capital, Khusro II; Parthian
worshipper; relief' of'Mithradates II; inscriptions of Darius,
Mithradates and Gotarzes; 12/13th c. tombstones
Bombay N-83 p4. 3/16/23. Refused permission to disembark
N-85 pp.8/9. Notes on inscribed sarcophagus.. Sketch: Kufic (p.8);
water-jug (p.9)
Bormamitin area N-81 p.171., 11/11/05. Sketch: millstones
Burujir'd N-47 p.3. 10/26/28. Inscription of Masjid-i Jami`, 1022 H.
Bushire N-84 pp. 177/178. 4/22-28/24. Enxoute to Europe
Castell Hall S-7 p.12. 6/5/11 Islamic ruins
Chehel Sutun (Isfahan) N-82 pp.49/50. 12/1/05. Sketch: lion column base (p.50)
N-83 p,124.. 10/23/23. Sketch: location of paintings, discussion of
Chehel Sutun and objects in museum (Korans, Wasf-nameh)
(pp. 124/126)
Constantinopel N-82 p.122 ff. 1/3/06. Visits to Aga Sofia and the Museum
Corpus of Arabic Inscriptions in N-84 pp88/90 March, 1924
Persia, Outline
Corpus Inscxiptionum Partharicarum, N-84 pp, 85/88 and p,91.. March, 1924
Ctesiphon and Salman Pak S-7 pp 81/89. 9/17-18/11.. Sketch: wooden beam construction (p.86);
small construction (p,.87)
N-83 pp. 17/18.4/19/23, Visit to and comments on Taq
Da u Dukhtar (Husainabad, Fars) N-84 pp. 165/167. 4/12/24. Rock tomb, type of Persepolis tombs, with
discussion of dating. Sketch: architectural details (p.166)
Daghun (between Qum and Khurha) N-83 pp.92/94. 10/8/23, Stone lions; Imamzadeh Ja`far, restored by
Shah `Abbas I
Damghan N-83 p.,101.. 10/12/23. Pottery types in early ruins like those in Khurha
Daniel, Menachem (Baghdad N-83 p 19.4/25/23
philantropist, 1923)
Darband gorge N-83 pp.54/55.. 6/9/23. Babylonian reliefs and ruins
Dashtak siyah (Firuzabad) N-84 pp. 115/118. 3/26/24. Imamzadeh Ja`far
Destagerd-i Khusr'aw, 1905 See Eski Baghdad
Daulatabad (Khurha vicinity) N-84 p..25. Nov, 25, 1923. Comparison of ceramics with those at
Naqsh-i Rustam
Deli `Abbas N-83 pp,37/41 5/24-26/23.. Trip from Baghdad via Khan Bani Sa`ad,
Nahrawan, Ba'quba, Khan al-Musabbagh, Abu Saida to Deli
`Abbas, with comments on Arab and British officials
Dexre-i shahr (the old Seimere) N-81 p74/75, 10/14/05. Extensive ruins, Sasanian and into the 14th
century; probable historical development of area,. Sketch:
loophole (p.74); bridge (Pul-i Derre shahr) (p.75)
Dilijan N-83 pp. 101/102 10/13/23. From Khurha to Dilijan via Nain and Ab-i
Garm Popular conception of "antiques" of peasants of'Dilijan..
Sketch: plan of old bath (inside covers of N-83)
Dinawar N-83 p.,72.. 6/27/23.. Pre-Sasanian monuments, Tell Nasiliyan, Tell
Shahr-i Dagianus
Dizful N-81 pp,99/116.. 10/22-25/05.. Sasanian antiquities seen, Sketch: Talar
in house (p.. 103); upper part of Sasanian silver figure (p.109);
Lale-i `Abbas, a lily (p..113). Commercial trade in Dizful
pp.109/ 110 and pp. 114/116

Djibbarat S-7 pp65/66.9/12/11.. Ruin mound pie-islamic and Islamic
Dogumbezan N-81 p.168.. 11/11/05. Sketch: plan of caravansarai and khan (p. 168)
Dukkan-i Daud (rock tomb) S-10 pp.35/36. 7/28/13. Notes on tomb. Sketch: of location (p.35)
N-83 pp.57/58. 6/13/23. Another visit
Dulab (near Zendan) N-81 p.32. 9/10/05. Ruins of walls
Dur N-81 pp. 12/15.. 9/4/05. Description of Imam Dar. Sketch: patterns of
brick mosaic (p. 13)
S-7 pp48/50, 6/22/11.. Notes on construction and inscriptions of
Imam Dur
Eski Baghdad (between Zendan and N-81 pp, 15/16, 9/4/05.. Arab city ruins.. Praetorian camp. Sketch:
Qasr-i Shirin) outline plan of city (p.15)
N-81 p..32. 9/10/05. Further comments
Fahliyun (Fahliun) N-84 pp, 168/169.4/13/24., Also visited, with Kaleh Safid, in 1905.
Tomb of Shaikh, 716 H. and Kufic rock inscription. Reference to
inscribed tile (Elamite ?) found in Tulespid
Farhad-Shirm tomb See Sahna
Farrashband N-84 pp.119/120..3/27/24. Sasanian ruins and Chahar Taq, reminiscent
of Alamundar church in Rusafa. Sketch: plan of Chahar Taq
Ferman Ferrna N-83 p.76.. Owner of Adjin. For rock sculpture of father, Timur Mirza,
see under Pul Abginne, In 1905 Ferman Ferma Governor of
Kirmanshah, Burujird, Luristan
Firuz Mirza, Nusrat al-daula N-84 pp.26/31. 11/26-31/23.. Son of Ferman Ferrna. Visit to Persepolis
as Gov..-Gen. of Fars with distinguished company. Also to Nagsh-
i Rajab, Naqsh-i Rustam, Istakhr, Band-i Amrr via Radjiabad
(Achaemenian ruins).. Comments of Prince Firuz on excavations
and preservation of monuments (pp.30/31)
Firuzabad (between Kerind and N-83 pp.59/60. 6/14/23.. In the valley from Kerind a whole series of
Husainabad) Tells. Nearby the rock drawing of an ibex
Firuzabad N-84 pp.108/110.. 3/22-23/24.. Notes on gorge.. Kaleh-i Dukhtar, Kale-i
Pisar, the bridge and inscription, reliefs, and Ardashir's palace.
(3/24-25/24). The old round city, Ardashir Khurreh, the tower
(pp. 110/114); list of'photographs taken at Firuzabad (pp.111/112),.
see Dashtak siyah for Imamzadeh Ja'far'
Ganawa N-84 pp, 175/176.4/16-17/24, Trip from Baba Munir to Kharg via oil
fields and Ganawa
Gez (between Murtchekhan and N-83 pp. 113/120. 10/18/23.. see itinerary Isfahan-Shiraz
Gilan N-81 pp.50/100. 10/7-22/05.. Gilan to Duzdap via Tengaw-Gi1an
Gilweran (4-5 Klm, from N-47 pp.57/62. 11/16/28 Notes on prehistoric grave. Sketch: elevation
Khurramabad on old road) of grave (p.58); pottery and bronzes (pp.58/62)
Gumbadh-i Sabz (Qum) N-83 pp,91/92. 10/7/23.. Inscriptions noted
Hajji Mulla Ali (Wekil of Lynch in N-81 pp99/100. 10/22/05
Hajjiabad (near Siwand) N-84 p.15. 11/19/23.. In gorge
N-84 pp,74/75. 3/4-5/24.. Astodan with inscription (Kuh-i Gerdelak)
and two Shapur I Pahlavi inscriptions
Hajjiabad (between Taq-i Bustan and S-10 p,49. 8/4/13... Sketch: Sasanian capitals and bases
N-83 pp.69/70, 6/26/23. Column bases and capitals, Sasanian or
Hamadan N-83 pp.77/82., 7/1-4/23,. Lion, Esther's tomb. Gumbad-i Alawiyyan,
Imamzadeh Baba Tahir', Kufic tombstones in cemetery Sar-i ahl-i
qubur, antiquities for sale
Hend e Mil N-81 p.71.10/13/05. Residence of Jehan Bakhsh. Tombstones of great
variety of carved reliefs and Persian letters; tall pointed
monuments; and small domes for graves
Harnawa (Harunabad) N-83 p.61. 6/16/23. Many old settlements
Harunabad S-10 p.41. 7/30/13. Notes on Tell nearby (like one near Kerind)

Hasanabad S-10 p..42. 7/31/13. Sketch: plan of 3 village houses
Hasanabad N-83 p..61.. 6/16/23 Many Tells, two meaningful
Hasht Behisht (Isfahan) N-82 p.47, 12/1/05. Sketch: plan (p.48)
N-82 pp.55/58. 12/4/05. Sketch: plan and location of tile panels with
detailed description of'subjects and colors
N-83 p.131. 11/6/23. Changes since 1905
Haushqury (Qasr-i Shirin) S-7 pp.27/28.6/12-13/11. Notes on ruins
Herzfeld's reflections on trip through N-81 p..112.. 10/23/05. Comments on characteristics of Persians in
Luristan, Dizful (pp. 116-118)
HOrm S-7 pp.32/34, 6/17/11. Enroute from Qasr-i Shir-m to Paikuli Old-
Babylonian inscription
Husainabad (between Daghun and N-83 p,94,10/9/23, Via Daulatabad, Kal'a Tcham, Deh-i No
N-84 p.25,,11/25/23. Comparison of ceramics with those at Naqsh-i
Husainabad (between Kerind and N-83 p,60, 6/15/23, Large Tell
Husainabad (NW of Tulespid, near N-84 pp. 162/165. 4/11/24. Description of pre-Sasanian area and rock
Jinjan) relief of Kurangun
Imam Dar, see Dar
Imamzadeh Dar ahani N-84 pp, 157/159. 4/9/24.. Sketch: plan of shrine (p.157); elevation and
plan of second Imamzadeh (p.158)
Imamzadeh Jawer (Ja'far?) N-81 p.76. 10/13/05.. Tomb with mukarnas
Imamzadeh Ja'far (Firuzabad) see Dashtak siyah
Imamzadeh Shah Isma'il N-84 pp.21/22.. 11/24/23. Astodans. Sketch: elevation of one tomb
Isfahan N-82 pp.44/75. 11/29-12/7/05, See also Chehel Sutan and Hasht
Behisht Discussion of tilework in Isfahan (pp.59/60); sketch of
rug pattern (p.61); description of rugs for sale (pp70/71) with
sketch of lily design (p.71)
N-83 pp.12/132. 10/19-11/7/23. Chehel Sutan with reliquaries
(pp. 124,126); Masjid-i `Ali (pp. 122,127); Mashid-i Jum'a
(pp. 122,128); Shahristan with minaret "Chan Rustan" (p.127)
Masjid-i Shah (p. 127); Imamzadeh Isma'il (Jewish Nabi `Isaya)
(pp, 127, 130); Chehel Dukhtaran madrasa (p.128); Chinas-i
Dalbati (p..128); Minare-Baba Tuteb (p,129); Baba Sukhta
(pp.128,129); Baghuch Khana (p..129); Tabariq (p.129); Baba
Qasim (pp.129,130); Takht-i Pulad (pp,129,132); Harun-i Wilaya
(p.130); Ja'fariyya (p, 130); entrance of Qaisariyya (p.130); Hasht
Behisht (pp.130,132)
Ishnash (near Eski Baghdad) N-81 p,16.. 9/4/05. Ruins similar to those in Eski Baghdad
Istakhr (see Firuz Mirza for visit in N-84 pp.75/83.. 3/5-8/24.. Comment on city area, the mosque, city gate,
1923) date and list of types of ceramics (pp81/83). Sketch: plan of ruins
and gateway (p.77)
Itineraries N-83 p.104 10/14/23. Dilijan-Isfahan
N-83 pp. 114/115. 10/18/23. Isfahan-Bushire and Shiraz-Bushire
Jehan Bakhsh N-81 p.71. 10/13/05. First robber at Hend e Mil
Jelah (between Dur' and Eski N-81 p.15. 9/5/05. Continuous ruinfield along er-Resas canal
Jinjan N-84 pp. 161/162. 4/10/24.. Ruins with Achaemenian column bases
reminiscent of'Persepolis
Julfa N-82 pp,67/69. 12/6/05. Two churches
Kabul N-85 pp.,4/6.. 12/1/24 Notes on objects in Museum, including Korans.
Sketch: turban and cap on figures from Kafiristan
Kaff `Ali (S of Sumaikah) S-7 p.77. 9/14/11.. Two-room shrine, 9'' c.. Sketch: bell-shaped capital
as in Samaria
Kal'at al-Mufti N-83 p..39.. 5/26/23.. The larger of two Tells between Abu Saida and
Deli 'Abbas

Kalab Kihil gazi (40 field wells) N-81 p,53.10/9/05. Peculiar system of raising water into wooden tubs
for watering cattle
Kale-i Bandar (old Pahndizh, Shiraz) N-84 p.61. 12/29/23. Sketch of site and deep well
Kal'at al-bint N-81 pp.1/4. 9/2/05.. Sketch: of wall and of groove construction
Kaleh-i dukhtar' (near Ribat-i Safid) N-85 pp..70a/71. 2/25/25. Sketch: fire-temple at Kale-i dukhtar, also
plans of fire-temples at Hatra, Shahristan, Qasr-i Shirin,
Farrashband, Kuh-i Khwaja and Samaria
Kal'at al-Jebbar N-81 pp.6/7.. 9/2/05. Ruins of a city without castle such as Kal'at el-
bint. Sketch: location
Kale-i Khusrawi (near Taq-i Bustan) N-83 p.67. Sketch of ruins
Kallan (Kallar'?) N-83 pp..49/51. 5/29/23., Trip from Kifri via Sarkalan and Kallan
(Kal'a-i Shirwana)
Kamin near Siwand N-84 pp.10/11.. 11/19/23.. Sketch: roof tile
Kangawar S-10 pp.54/56.. 7/6/13.. Sketch: plan of location of ruins of temple
Karrachi N-83 p.8. 3/18/23.. Refused permission of disembark
Kartir' Hormizd Inscriptions at Sarmashhad, Naqsh-i Rustam and Naqsh-i Rajab
Kavar N-84 p. 103.3/20/24.. Trip from Tryun via Fakhrabad
Kazerun N-84 pp..130/131..4/3/24
Kefil S-10 pp.8/9.7/9/13.. Inscription on minaret and sketch plan
N-83 pp..19/21..4/27/23
Kel-i Daud (near Sarpul) N-81 p.39. 10/2/05
Kerkuk S-7 pp..43/47. 6/25-26/11.. Sketch: plan of new cathedral, Mar Daniel
and Akanthus capital (p..44). Comments on Ulu Jami' and shrine
of S.. Tahmazgerd, martyrs' graves.. Not older than 1000 A.D.
Kerind S-10 pp.38/39.7/29/13.. Comments on city
N-83 p.59.. 6/14/23. Building remains, apparently similar to Kangawar
Khajar N-84 pp. 105/106. 3/21/24. Trip from `Kawar Sarai. Table reckoning
travel time from Bishapur to Bushire
al-Khalrfe(Samarra) N-81 pp.20/23.9/6/05.. Important for architectural history.. Sketch:
elevation and plan of windows of mosque (p.23)
Khan abu Gissare N-81 p.30. 9/26/05.. Comment on caravan traffic
Khan-i Khurra N-83 p.136. 11/11/23... 8-sided Safavid caravansarai between Dehbid
and Abadeh
Khanisin N-81 pp.34/35. 9/29/05.. With comments on pilgrim traffic to shrines in
Iraq (pp.55/56)
S-7 pp..23/27.6/9-11/11.. Sketch: plan of lodging
Khan Ortuma (Baghdad) N-85 p,20. 1923
Kharg (see Shiraz for information re Kharg from British Consul, Mr.
Chick, in March, 1924)
N-84 pp, 175/177. 4/18-22/24.. Notes on rock tombs (reminiscent of
Palmyra) and Imamzadeh Mir Muhammad (date of Ja'fariyyah in
Isfahan and Waramrn, etc.. Sketch: crosses and other symbols on
Khargird N-85 pp..137/143.. 3/20-21/25. Detailed notes on Nizamiyya mosque
and Ghiyathiyya madrasa. Sketch: section plan of mosque
(p..138); Ghiyathiyya inscriptions (p..139); tile panel of madrasa
(p.141); painted tile (p.142); door inscription of'madrasa (p.143)
al-Kharsuin N-83 p.16.. 4/17/23.. Visit and observation re ruins, probably
Nebukadnezar's time. Sketch: plan of'temple with ziggurat
Khayyat, Djirdjis (antique dealer, N-83 pp.23/25.. 5/12/23... Important antiques for sale: Hellenistic,
Baghdad) Parthian, Sasanian and Islamic
N-83 pp.32/35.. 5/18/23.. More discussion of antiquities, including
important Sasanian bullae
Khunik N-85 p.102. 3/5/25.. Types of domed house construction in Sistan.
Sketch: plans and elevations of typical examples
Khurha N-83 pp.95/101. 10/10-12/23... Notes on temple ruins, graves and
ceramics. Sketch: possible plan and sockel of corner column

Khurramabad N-47 pp.10/16.. 10/27/28. Notes on Persian inscription in late Kufic
script, (p.10); and on old 29-arch bridge.. Sketch: arch
construction (p,13); detail of citadel bastion (p 16)
Kifri N-83 pp.45/48 5/28/23. Trip from Qara Tepe to Kifri via Qom al-sang
(story of Braim Samun), Zengabad (Roshan Qubadh), Kulladjo
(Tepe Kalan), Shimana Bridge (Tell Dapat or Zabath)
Kermanshah (Kirmanshahan) S-10 pp.44/45. 8/1-3/13. Comments on stop in city
N-83 pp.,62/64. 6/17-24/23.. Includes notes on antiquities at the dealer's,
Mikael, and on local foreign residents
Kuhistan N-85 p..132. 3/15/25.. Comments on characteristics of area as refuge in
historical times for oppressed minorities
Konak N-81 pp. 122/123. 10/25/05, Sketch: Plan and elevation of dome like
Sitt az-Zubaida; elevation of'Magam of Shaikhabad, near Konak
Kufa N-83 pp.21/22 4/28/23.. Comparison of ruin field with Samaria and
Old-Basra (Zubair). Notes on mosque entrance and Qasr Ziyad
Kuh-i Gerdelak (near Hajjiabad, N-84 p.74., 3/4/24.. Astodan with inscription
Kuh-i Khwaja ("Ushidarna des N-85 pp, 12/18. 2/5-8/ 25.. Notes on architecture, paintings and
Awesta") Srstan ceramics. Sketch: plan or ruins (p.13a); arch construction and
plan (p,16); pottery shapes (p.17)
N-85 pp.72 and 79/80. 2/26-27/25. Second visit with comments on
construction and dating, Sketch: section of plan of upper fortress
Kurangun N-84 pp. 163/164. 4/10/24.. Notes on relief "das alteste Iran and wohl
des Orients iiberhaupt". See Sih Tulul
Kyzrobat N-81 p.33.. 9/10/05. Three Tells of Babylonian appearance with
Sasanian ruins on top of one
Lag N-85 p.144., 3/21/25. Two small ruins of Khargird-Nizamiyya type.,
Sketch: plan and elevation (p.144)
Lkuer (Samarra area) N-81 p..20. 9/6/05.. Used as brick quarry for modern Samaria
Luristan (1905) Detailed description of geographical features between Qasr-i
Shrrin and Dizful given, with map, in Herzfeld's report "Eine
Reise durch Luristan, Arabistan and Fars", Petexmanns
Geographische Mitteilungen. 1907, Helf LIII, pp.49-63 and 73-
Madrasa Mader-i Shah (Isfahan) N-82 p.54., 12/2/05. Sketch: "bat" pattern
Mahidasht N-83 pp.61/62. 5/16-17/23.. Description of valleys and ranges enroute
Harnawa-Mahidasht Note on dirty town of Kalhur Kurds
Malwiyya and mosque (Samaria) N-81 pp,.22/25.9/6/05
Manjur S-7 pp.9/10. 6/4/11.. Mound of Babylonian shreds
Masjid-i Bardi (Shrraz) N-81 pp. 188/192. 11/16/05.. Sketch: canalization of water (p,.190)
Masjid-i Shah (Isfahan) N-82 pp.65/66,. 12/5/05.. Sketch: Plan of entrance
Masjid-i Sulaiman N-47 pp.50/52.. 1/12/28.. Notes.. Sketch: plan and architectural details
MIl-i Azdaha N-84 pp.158/.;59.. 4/9/24.. Sasanian tower', reminiscent of Paikuli
Mirjaniyya (Baghdad) N-83 p.20., 4/27/23
Mixza Ali Khan Mustawfi (2n N-81 p.100 and pp. 103/104. 10/22/05.. Visit at home
highest official in Dizful, 1905)
Muhammad abu'l-Hasan (S.of S-7 pp.76/77 9/14/11.. Old tomb with pointed cupola
Murcheh Khan (between Dilijan and N-83 pp,111 and 113.. 10/17/23.. Shah `Abbas caravansarai Further
Isfahan) comments on stone door's at Wendadeh
Mustansiiyyah madrasa (Baghdad) N-83 p.10. 3/26/23. Visit and legend
Mustashar al-a'zam (Shir'az) N-84 pp.62/64 and 69.. 12/31/23... Notes on exceptionally fine and varied
private collection, including important Sasanian (Stakhrian) and
Islamic coins
Naqsh-i Rajab N-84 p.59. 12/22/23. Notes on reliefs of Ardashir I and Shaper I with
Kartir inscription. see Sarmashhad

Naqsh-i Rustam N-82 pp.15/31.. 11/24/05.. Sasanian reliefs and Achaemenian tombs.
Sketch: details (pp. 16/17); elevation of Darius' tomb;
Kaaba(p. 18); dune-like mound in front of tombs
N-84 pp, 15/26, 11/20-26/23. Study of tombs and reliefs; squeezes of
cuneiform, Greek and Pahlavi inscriptions; notes on Achaemenian
city and plan of area. Sketch: sarcophagi in tomb of'Darius (p..19).
Similarities of ceramics with those of Khurha (p.25)
Nagsh-i Rustam N-84 pp.72/74.. 3/3-4/24. Checked inscriptions and comments on dating
of tombs
Nejef N-83 p.22.. 4/28/23.. Safavid entrance to mosque compared with
mosques in Samaria and Qazvin
Neh N-85 p.103. 3/5/25. Sketch: vertical windmill
Paikuli S-7 pp.36/38. 6/18/11. Budkhaneh.. Made squeezes of 28 inscribed
blocks. Sketch: details of costume and a possible elevation of
S-10 pp.26/28.7/21-23/13. Inscriptions from blocks
N-83 pp.51/53. 5/30-6/7/23.. Trip to Paikuli via Zhala and work there,
including new names in inscriptions.. Sketch: bell-shaped capital
N-83 p,52.6/7/23. Trip from Paikuli via Diagiaish, Qaslan, Darband,
Khan-i Naft to SarpuL, see Mil-i AMaha for comparison of
Paitaq (Taq-i Girra) N-81 pp.39/41. 10/2-4/05.
N-83 pp.58/59.6/13/23..
Pasargadae N-82 pp.22/31. 11/25-26/0.5. Sketch: section of old rock-cut road from
Siwand (p.22); plan of immediate area of tomb of Cyrus
(pp..23/24); plan of anten of palace (p.29)
N-83 pp, 139/143, 11/13-14/23.. Sketch: detail of columns and bases
(p..140); doorway of tomb of Cyrus (p.141)
N-84 pp..1-11.. 11/13-18/23.. Notes on ruins around tomb of Cyrus, 7 c..
H; caiavansarai, 8t' c.. H..; bath, Safavid (p.8). Sketch: 2 painted
potsherds (p.3); rough topographical plan of citadel and
surrounding area (p.5); section of polished stone from altar (p.8);
section Achaemenid road between Pasargadae and Siwand (p. 10)
Pengeraw (Pengerab) N-81 p.87. 10/17/05.. Large Sasanian ruinfield

Persepolis N-82 pp.9/15. 11/24/05. Sketch: general site of terrace (p..10); hole for
roof timbers (p..11); traces of balustrade on stair's (p.12); lotus
buds in King's hands and plan and elevation of S. tomb (p..14)..
N-84 pp,31/58. 11/30-12/22/23.. Preparation of plan; squeezes of all
inscriptions - cuneiform, Arabic, Pahlavi and Persian; notes on
graffiti, sculptures, ceramics, neighboring ruins.. Sketch: plan of
terrace (p.47); wing of Ahuramazda symbol with traces of color
Persepolis N-84 pp.83/96., 3/8-13/24. Discovery of astodan (p.83); notes on
European graffiti (pp,84/85), grave mounds; Fratadara reliefs, city
N-84 p,96.3/14/24. Arrangements with Fiiuz Mirza re publication of
report with recommendations for preservation of ruins.
Persia N-84 p.100 3/19/24.. Proclamation of Persian Republic awaited on 20"',
the eve of No Ruz
Personal comments on Misc.. topics N-83 pp. 102/104. 10/13/23, Comments on possible results of current
political attitudes in Germany under Streseman
N-83 pp. 104/106.. 10/14/23.. Reflections on what caused the ruin of the
N-83 pp, 106/108. 10/15/23.. General observations on Persian people
and politics
N-83 pp. 109/111, 10/16/23... Observations on the historic relationships
between the Slavs and Western Europe
N-83 pp. 111/112, 10/17/23.. Comments on donkeys and horses

N-83 pp, 113/120. 10/18/23. Observations on British customs, war
memorials and cultural and political conditions in Europe
N-84 pp.7/8. 11/17/23.. Reviews past experience and worries about vast
amount of study material accumulated
N-84 pp.12/13. 11/19/23 Comments on Democracy and Mussolini
N-84 pp.. 104/105. 3/20/24. Verses of a poem commencing "War es der
N-84 p..107.. 3/21/24.. Another try at poem beginning "Hande satteln
flunk die Pferde..."
N-84 pp. 116/118.. 3/26/24. Comments on approaches to art history and
to life in general; and on Persia's three great periods:
Achaemenid, early Sasanian and Buwayid
N-84 pp. 170/175.4/15/2.4, Historical role of Germany since
Charlemagne. Applies the thesis "Morality can only be judged by
intention" to historical developments in the Near East and Europe
Personal comments N-85 pp. 104/108. 2/5/25. Speculations on the great political events of
the past 100 years; and appeals for the recognition of culture,
knowledge and art as the bases of" civilization
Peshawar N-85 pp.2/3.. 11/16/24, Sketch: gray stone dish ("Opferschale")
Photographs: N-84 p.9. 11/13-18/23., Taken at Pasargadae
p..109 and 111/112. 3/22/24. Taken at Firuzabad
pp.92/94. Taken at Persepolis, Istakhr, Shah Sherwan, Naqsh-i
Rajab, Naqsh-i Rustam
pp. 125/126.. 3/30/24. Taken at Sat Mashhad and Farrashband
pp.132/13.3. 4/5/24 and pp..138/1.39.4/7/24.. Taken at Bishapur
pp. 144/157.4/7/24. Taken at Persepolis
p..155. Taken at Naqsh-i Bahram, Mil-i A2daha, Kurangun, Da u
Dukhtar, Dar Ahani, Jinjun, Kale-i Safid, Brshapur
Pir Bakran N-83 p.132.. 11/6/23. Sketch of glazed tile
Pul Abginne (between Ribattak and N-84 p.129.. 4/2/24.. Rock relief of T-rmur Mirza, father of Farman
Kazerun) Farma (Qajar Period)
Pul-i Gamasan N-81 p,75,,10/14/05, Ruins near Bahram Chubrn
Pul-i Dukhtar (vicinity of Pul-i N-47 p.36. 10/30/28. Comments on bridge.. No inscription
Pul-i Kalhur (on Kalkan river by N-47 pp..23/24.. Sketch: Kufic inscription, 374 H.
tunnel between Khurramabad and
N-47 pp.30/33. 10/30/28.. Notes on bridge. Sketch: plan of area of
bridge (p.30); construction (p.32); two identical inscriptions
Qadirabad N-83 pp.138/139, 11/12/23. Trip from Dehbid
Q5'rn (Kuhistan) N-85 p,119...3/9/25.. Mosque inscription of Qadi Shams al-din al-
Qarani, c. 770 H.
N-85 pp.130/131.. 3/15/25. Notes on fortress.. Sketch: section of plan of

Qa'in N-85 p.134. 3/15/25. Notes on mosque

Qanatabagh N-84 pp.120/121. 3/28/24. With Tells and Sasanian city ruins
Qara Aghlan S-10 p.17.7/13/13. Sketch: house plan and kubbah
Qara Tepe (Kurdistan) N-83 pp.41/44. 5/27/23.. Trip from Deli 'Abbas via Nahr Shohane, Tell
Manzil (Ishtar-statuette), Khir Suweine, Qyshla Suweine (ruins),
Kashheh Pass, Narimchai. Comments on inhabitants and
Qasimabad (Mil-i Qasimabad). N-85 pp.35/38.2/15-16/25. Notes on tower, inscription etc. Sketch:
knotted character of Kufic script (p.37)
Qasr-i Abu Nast- (Shrraz) N-82 pp.4/5.. 1/23/05.. Sketch: top section of standing doorway, (p.5)
N-84 pp.65/67. 12/31/23.. Sketch plan of area, including Barm-i dilek
(p.65).. see also Shiraz
Qasr hint al-gadi S-7 pp.93/94.. 9/19/11, Terrace wall. Sketch: canal opening

Qasr-i ShirIn N-81 pp..36/38.9/30-10/1/05. Sketch: "laulam" blossom
pp.41/49. 10/4-6/05, On Customs administration
S-7 pp.28/31. 6/14/11.
Qazvin N-83 pp.82/84. 7/5-6/23.. Trip from Hamadan to Qazvin via Ab-i Garm..
Mosque compared with that in Nejef (p.22)
Qum (Kum) N-83 pp.88/91.. 10/4-6/23. Trip from Waramin via Abarik, Hajjiabad,
Karimabad, Sar-i Masila, Muhammadabad, Kadj, Kumrud, Qara
Tepe. Treasures of the Shrine, Older grave towers of'761/1359
and 792/1390
N-83 pp..91/92. 10/7/23.. Visit to 3 sanctuaries: Gumbadh-i Sabz
Qumrud (Qaratepe) N-83 p.90. 10/5/23. Ruin mound on the edge of the salt desert emoute
to Qum
Quruqtchai (between Dilijan and N-83 p..106.. 10/15/23 Trip from Quruqtchai to Wandadeh
Radjiabad (Achaemenian ruins). Visit see Firuz Mirza
with Firuz Mirza, 1923.
Ram-shahr.. see Shahristan
Rasht N-82 p..93..12/17/05
Rasm al-Band S-10 pp.13/14.. 7/11/13. Sketch: construction of dam
Ray (Rhages, Raga) N-82 pp.88/89. 12/16/05.. Tower of silence and ruins
N-83 p.86. 10/1/23. Camped at Citadel
Reza Shah N-47 pp. 17/19. 10/28/28.. Dinner at Khurramabad with gift of engraved
silver map
pp.25/26. 10/30/28.. Opening of new road by Shah
pp.40/46. 11/2-3/23. Mired in impassable roads. On foot and by
launch to Ahwaz
Ribat N-84 p.169 4/4/24. Enroute to Baba Munu
Ribat-i Safid (Khurasan) see Kale-i Dukhtar
Rabat-i turk (between Dilijan and N-84 p.104. 10/14/23... Trip Ribat - Quruqtchai
Ribattak N-84 p., 128. 3/31/24. Trip from Sar Mashhad
Rusafa Alamundarchurch reminiscent see Farrashband
of Chahar Taq in Farrashband.
Sahnah (Sahna) S-10 pp.52/54. 8/5/13.. Visit to so-called tomb of Farhad and Shirin.
Sketch: base of column (p.53)
Salman Pak (Ctesiphon) N-83 pp. 17/18.4/19/23. Sketch: two carved stucco ornaments
Samarra N-81 pp.25/27. 9/6/05.. Description of shrines in city.. Sketch: section of
city walls (p.25); elevation of golden dome of mosque and cupola
of minaret (p.26)
N-83 pp..15/16.4/9-16/23... Visit with comments of personalities, state of
ruins and Caliph's palace.. Comparison of ruins with Kufa (p,21);
of mosques with those at Nejef and Qazwin (p.22); and fate of the
lost finds from Samarra during World War I.
Sar Mashhad N-84 pp. 122/128.3/29-30/24.. Six groups of Sasanian ruins between
Qanatabagh and Sar Mashhad, 28-mile stretch. Three Chahar'
Tags, relief of Bahrain II and inscription of Kartir. Sketch: hand
of King holding Queen's arm (p.127)
Saraw Bahrain N-84 p.156.. 4/8/24. Relief of Bahrain II, full-face. Sketch: details of
sculpture (p.156)
Sarkis, Yusuf (Baghdad) N-83 p.19.4/25/23.. "Very fine library, almost complete about Iraq"
Sarpul N-81 p..41.. 10/3/05, Recorded 4 reliefs on N wall; reliefs on S wall.
Sketch: map showing location of reliefs (p.41)
5-10 p.31. 7/26/13.. Photographs of reliefs and notes on ruins
N-83 pp.55/57.. 6/11-12/23.. Made squeezes of inscriptions.. Arsacid
relief with Pahlavi inscription of'Ardvaran V (Hartaban)
Sarre, F. N-83 p.31. Fate during World War I of Sarre's "hebb"
Seleacia (Seleukia) S-7 pp.89/92.9/19/11. Sketch: construction of city wall (p.91)
Sehdeh (Kuhistan) N-85 p.126.. 3/13/25. Notes on Ismailite fortresses in area

Shahr-i Dagianus (between N-83 p,.73. 6/27/23. Four large mounds
Miyanriyap and Sunghur)
Shahristan (Sistan) N-85 pp.19/27.2/11-14/25. Description of ruins "more a large fortress,
than a city".. Believes to be pre-Islamic city "Ramshehrestan".
Sketch: plan of fortress (p,22); plan of domed building (p,23);
pottery shapes (pp.25/26); plan of another domed building (p.26)
Shaikhan Samsam el-mamalek Shir N-81 pp37/38 9/30-10/1/05 and N-81, pp.45/46 10/6/05..
Muhammad Khan. Head of the Kurds
in Qasx-i Shirm, 1905.
Shaikh Khazal (Hazal) N-81 pp.140/141. 10/31/05.. Visit to Shaikh on his boat at Muzaffarieh.
Sardar al-`arfa, Gov.. of'Muhammera and head of all Arabs in
Arabistan (1905).
Shaper' I N-82 pp.3/4. Relief at Barrrr-i dilak
N-84 pp. 140/143. 4/7/24.. Reliefs at Shaper (p.136)
Shaper (Bishapur) N-84 pp.129-143.. 4/.3-7/24. Detailed notes on Sasanian reliefs (Shaper
I, Bahram I and II) and on Shaper I statue in cave.. Sketch: of cave
and figure (p.133); basin in cave (p. 134); details of Sasanian
sculptures (p..134); plan and location of'sculptures and cave
(p, 139); diagram of relief' diorama of Shaper I (p, 140); details of'
sculptures (pp, 140/143); plans for construction of expedition
house (at Persepolis?) (pp.153/154)
Shiraz N-84 pp, 59n2, 12/23-3/2/24. Visit to Hafiziyya (pp61/62); to Chehel
Tan and Haft Tan (p.62 and 72); to Qasr-i Abu Nasr and Barrn-i
dilak (pp.65/67); references by Persians to ruins in and near
Shiraz (pp.68/69); visit to Mashriqain (pp.69/70), Sketch:
pp.69/70; notes on city gates, Khatun and Shah Da'i allah
Information from British Consul, Mr.. Chick, re Sar Mashhad,
Kharg, the oil regions, Bushire, Reshahr, Gumeck (pp.97/102)
Shushtar N-81 pp. 127/130. 10/26-27/05.. Sketch: a well-house (p.130)
Sirwan (Shirvan) (Mahsabadhan) N-81 p,65.. 10/10/05. Sasanian and early Islamic ruins: Kalawazi, Kel-i
biilin, Saraw Kalan (Kal'a-i Kalan), Marakes.
Sih Tulul N-84 pp, 162/162, 4/10/24. Sketch: location of relief (p.163). see
Sinope N-82 p.110. 12/28/05.. Sketch: plan of harbor (p.,110), emoute from
Persia to Germany
Sistan N-85 pp.10/11. 1/25-2/4/25. Notes on Auzdar and other Tells
p.38. 1/16/25. Returned from Qasimabad
p..70 2/25/25. Again at Kuh-i Khwaja
Strzygowski S-7 pp.51/57. About 6/30/11. Herzfeld's reply to an article criticizing
"Die Genesis der islamischen Kunst..." in Der Islam-I
Sunghur N-83 pp, 74/76.6/27/23.. Imamzadeh in the city and Imamzadeh Malag
outside; Kufic tombstones; and comments on the inhabitants
Sill (Shill) N-81 pp.186/187. 11/15/05., Sketch: roof construction
Sulaimaniyyah S-7 pp.,40/41 6/21/11. Description of antiques for sale. Sketch:
Sasanian seals
Tang-i Lulian Canyon between Bistam and Radkan
Tang-i Shamshirbur Canyon between Radkan and Damghan
Taq-i Bustan S-10 pp,46/48.8/4/13.. Discussion of Sasanian reliefs Sketch:
headband of fallen enemy (p.46); girdle of King, scanthus
N-83 pp64/69.6/21-24/23.. Small grotto: Shaper II and III.. Squeezes of
textiles of hunting reliefs in large grotto of Khusro II. Notes on
Kale-i Khusrawi
Taq-i Girra (Tak i Geraw) N-81 pp.39/40. 10/2/05.. Sketch: back wall of Taq and braided ornament
S-10 p.35/37. 7/28/13. Notes on photos. Sketch: location
Texila N-85 pp, 1/2. 10/14-15/24. Sketch: temple and tower
Teheran N-82 pp..81/93,. 12/14-16/05. Herzfeld's fist visit

N-83 pp.84/85 7/8-9/23. Trip from Qazvin to Teheran. No Diary in
Tekrit N-81 pp.8/12.. 9/3/05, Tekrit al-'Atik, the old Arab city. Sketch: ruins
(p.9); plan of old staircase (p..10); plan of Naqib's house (p.11);
location of old Teluit (p.12)
Tell Ciah-i Gulan N-83 p.67. 6/21/23
Tell Ciah Kabud N-83 p.67. 6/21/23
Tell Dahab (between Tell al-Jebbar N-81 pp.7/8.. 9/2/05.. Apparently old Assyrian ruins, also Arab graves.
and Tekrit) Sketch: topography (p.7); bowl (p.8)
S-7 pp.,70/71.. 9/13/11.. Ruins of small Babylon village. Sketch: coin
of Vologazes (p, 70)
Tell Dhahab (Ctesiphon) S-7 pp.82/83. 9/17/11. Comments on ruins
Tell Musayikh S-7 p.66.9/12/11.. Isolated Tell with qubbah and Arab graves
Tell `Umair (Seleucia) S-7 pp.92/93. 9/19/11
Teng-i Serrefi N-81 p..170. 11/11/05. Sketch: remains of walls (p.170)
T`ryun N-84 p.102. 3/20/24.. Trip from Shiraz via Pul-i Fasa
Tulespid N-84 pp. 160/161.. 4/10/24.. Ruins of Achaemenian city with notes on
geography of area. See also Fahliun for reference to inscribed tile
Wandadeh (between Dilijan and N-83 pp. 108/109.. 10/16/23. Trip via Mehme and Djoshagan-i gali.
Isfahan) Notes on limestone doors
Waramin (Veramm) area N-83 pp.86/88 10/2-4/23. Recorded all inscriptions
Warka N-83 pp32/35. 5/18/23.. Important Sasanian bullae
Yazur' S-7 pp.9/10. 6/4/11 and p.70, 9/13/11.. Mound of Babylonian sherds
Yazdikhast N-82 pp.41/42. 11/29/05. Sketch: plan of site of town; tile of
N-83 p.137. 11/11/23
Zangawar, (known with Shirvan as N-81 pp.57/64. 10/10/05. Tell, probably Sasanian, with comments on
Mahsabadhan by Arab geographers) inhabitants, economy and languages. Sketch: felt cap and clubs of'
tribesmen (p.59)
Zarna (ruins of Kel i Kharabe, N-81 pp.53/54.. Ruins old, but virtual stone piles,, 10/9/05
Zendan (between Khan abu Gissare N-81 pp30/31.9/30/05, Sketch: plan of wall with round towers, Ruins
and Qasr-i Shirin) of city
S-7 pp. 17/18.6/7/11. Sketch: brick arch construction similar to Taq-i
Zubair (old Basra) N-83 p,9. 3/24/23, Comparison with Samarra


List of Sketchbooks
(On 35 mm. film, All notes in German)


SK-I Persien, 1923 30

SK-II Persien, 1923 30
SK-III Peisien, 1923 32
SK-IV Persien, 1923 33
SK-V Persien, 1923 34
SK-VI Persien, 1923 35
SK-VII Persien, 1924 36
SK-VIII Peisien, 1924 37
SK-IX Pasargadae I, 1928 38
SK-X Pasargadae II, 1928 39
SK-XI Pasargadae III, 1928 39
SK-XII Persien-Khurasan, 1925 40
SK-XIII Persien, Sistan - Quhistan, 1925 42
SK-XIV Sistan- Tehran, 1929 43
SK-XV Kuh-i Khwaja, 1929 43
SK-XVI P.T.. (mostly Persepolis) 44
SK-XVII Persepolis 45
SK-XVIII Damascus (Spring, 1930); Persepolis (Spring, 1931) 46
SK-XIX Persepolis 47
SK-XX Persepolis 48
SK-XXI Persepolis 49
SK-XXII Persepolis 49
SK-XXIII Spalato 50
SK-XXIV Primarily measurements for topographical maps. No films 50
SK-XXV Miscellaneous prehistoric objects 50
SK-XXVI "Sammlung Hahn, etc." 51
SK-XXVII Antiquitaten I 53
SK-XXVIII Antiquitaten II 54
SK-XXIX Antiquitaten III 55
SK-XXX Antiquitaten IV 55
SK-XXXI Antiquitaten V 56
SK-XXXII "Damas I" 56
SK-XXXIII "Damas II" 57
SK-XXXIV "3 Haleb" 57
SK-XXXV "4 Homs" 58


Catalogue of Contents
(Negative numbers are in parentheses)

SK-I Skizzenbuch I. Persien, 1923. pp.1-56

(6098) p.1 Taq-i Kisra, stucco fragments

(6126/27) pp.2-5 Travel-log Deli 'Abbas, Qara Tepe, Kifri, May 27-29,1921 see Journal, N-83 where
(6099/6100) information is repeated. On p..5 is a Pahlavi inscription
(6127) p4 Tell Ishan, profiles of three potsherds
(6128) pp.6-7 Paikuli., details of crown of Narseh and bell-shaped capital
(6129) p.8 Sarband i Shaikhan near HOrin. Sketch of figures, arms, etc.
(6102) p.9 Taq-i Bustan, cross-section of column; details of harness of Shabdiz, shoulder and
crown of Anahit
(6130) p.10 Sarpul. Pahlavi inscription; Taq-i Girra, masons' marks
(6103) pp.,11-12 Harnawa-Harunabad. Rim profiles of pottery
(6104) p..13 Taq-i Bustan. Measurements for plan of grottoes
(6105) pp. 14-15 Kale i Khusrawi Profiles Sasanian pottery
(6133) p 16 Taq-i Bustan and Bistiin. Details of capitals
(6106) p,17 Bistnn. Greek inscription and gravestone of 1232 H. in cemetery N of Bistun
(6134) p,18 Tepe Maringan, SE of Sunghur between Sunghur' and Qara Tepe. Profiles of pottery
(6107) p. 19 As'adabad. Part of column and tombstone with Arabic inscription
(6135) p.20 As'adabad, Column bases
(6108) p.21 As'adabad, Kufic panel; in Sunghur, tombstone with Kufic; at F`rrtizabad between
Kerind and Harunabad an incised drawing of hunter, and prey
(6136) p,22 Darband i Shaikhan, cuneiform inscription
(6109) p23 Hamadan, Gumbadh i `Alawiyyan Kufic,. Sura 76, 5 and 6
(6137) p,24 Hamadan, tombstone inscriptions (Kufic) in cemetery Sar i Ahl al-Qubur
(6110) p..25 Qazvin, Three Safavid tile inscriptions, white on blue
(6138) p.26 Bistun, Kufic tombstone inscription
(6111/12) pp.27-29 Sunghur'.. Kufic and Naskhi tombstone inscriptions
(6144) p.30 Kale i Khusrawi near Kermanshah. Kufic inscription on tombstone
(6113) p.31 Waramin Mosque inscription on outer, door, and one of Sayyid `Ala in the city
(6141) p32 Waramin, Kufic inscription in Imamzadeh Sayyid ` Ala
(6114) p.33 Rayy. Kufic inscription of 534H. on iron door plaque; silk roundel Tehran
(6115/19) pp.34-43 Taq-i Bustan.. Drawings of designs on textiles (most are mirror images)
(6147) p.44 Arabic inscription on inlaid copper tray, Berlin Museum (?)
(6120/21) pp.45-47 Husainabad, opposite Neizar'. Pottery profiles
(6122) pp,48-49 Daulatabad, near Khurha. Pottery profiles
(6123/24) pp50-53 Khurha and Khurha-Shahriyar. Pottery profiles
(6123) p.51 Khurha-Shahriyar. Copper arrow head
(6125) pp.54-56 Measurements for plan of temple area at Khurha, Oct,11, `23

SK-II Skizzenbuch II. Persien, 1923. pp.1-58

(6609) p.1 Dhu'l-Kifl, Inscription of minaret, upper, and lower, lines (all that remain)

(6660/61) pp.2-5 Baghdad. Measurements for the plan of the Iwan of Qal'ah
(6662) p.6 Tehran, Museum of Shah. Left, Rayy, barbotine jar; right, Damghan,,jar, with long
(6612/13) p.7 Tehran, Museum of Shah. Damghan, 3 prehistoric cups
(6663) p.8 Tehran, Museum of Shah. Damghan, left, cup of foot; center, jar; right, vase
(6614/16) p.9 Tehran, Museum of Shah, Baznagird, enamelled glass bowl.. Probably Neg. 1375
(6664) p. 10 Tehran, Museum of Shah, Baznagird, 2 enamelled vases: left, Negs..1368/69; right,
Negs. 1370/71
(6617) p.11 Tehran, Museum of Shah, Baznagird, left, engraved jug, Neg. 1315; center, inlaid jug,
inscription Mosuli, 673 H.., Neg. Nos. 1319/20; right, plaine jug, Neg. Nos.. 1329/30
(6665) p..12 Tehran, Museum of Shah, Baznagird, right, inlaid copper jug, Neg. Nos. 1323/24,
1327/28; left, inlaid bronze box with maker's name, Negs. 1313/14
(6618) p.13 Tehran, Museum of Shah, Baznagird, large inlaid basin, signed, ca.. 15 photos, see Neg..
1335; at right, 5 shallow engraved or inlaid plates or trays, copper, bronze or silver.
Negs. 1356,1362
(6666) p.14 Tehran, Museum of Shah, Baznagird, scale drawing of engraved bronze jug on p.11
(6619) p.15 Tehran, Museum of Shah, Baznagird, scale drawings of 1s, 2° and 4 trays on p..13..
Negs. 1355, 1351, 1357
(6667) p.16 Tehran, Museum of Shah, Damghan, 3 small jars or cups
(6620) p..17 Tehran, Museum of Shah, 2 jars from Damghan; I jug from Ashraf with pattern
pressed from textile
(6668) p.18 Tehran, Museum of Shah, Baznagird, 3 enamelled glass bowls. Probably Neg. Nos.
(6621) p19 Tehran, Museum of Shah, Baznagird, scale drawing inlaid candlestick, Neg.. 1312
(6669) p.20 Notes on outing to Takht-i Rustam, south on rim of Shahriyar area.. Sept. 23, 1923.
Also drawings 2 agate inscribed seals (Pahlavi) in Coll. of 650 seal stones belonging to
Mirza Hajji Abdul-Husain Khan, Tehran
(6622) p.21 Tehran, Mus. of Shah, profiles of 4 large cooper or bronze trays, engraved
(6670) p.22 Tehran, Mus of Shah, left, cooper inlaid candlestick, Neg. 1311; right, plain bronze
mortar, Neg.. 1309
(6623) p.23 Tehran, Mus. of Shah, plain spindle candlestick, Neg. 1310
(6671) p.24 Tehran, Mus.. of Shah, Baznagird, engraved copper pitcher, Neg. 1322; and oval copper
bowl, Neg. 1325
(6624) p.25 Tehran, Mus. of Shah, Baznagird, undecorated copper jug, Neg. 1326; cover of beaten
copper, Neg. 1366
(6672) p.26 Tehran, Mus.. of Shah, left, engraved copper flower-pot, Neg 1331; right, Baznagird,
plain copper flower-pot, Neg.. 1332
(6625) p.27 Tehran, Mus, of Shah, profile of basin.. No photo.. Below, bronze jar with handle, Neg.
1367; and cover of beaten copper
(6673) p.28 Tehran, Mus.. of Shah, Baznagird, top, copper bowl; lower right, turquoise blue jar,
Neg.. 1381; lower left, so-called Sultanabad faience jug, Neg.. 1382
(6626/27) p.29 Tehran, Mus, of Shah, Baznagird, deep engraved bronze bowl with scalloped edge.,
measured drawings.. Neg. 1350
(6674) p.30 Rayy, notes on visit of Oct.. 1, 1923 and pottery fragments from Cheshmeh `All
(6628) p31 Rayy, more notes on Rayy and pottery and itinerary October 2, 1923 from Rayy to
Varamin via F`rruzabad and Talimabad
(6675) pp..32-33 Varamin, Oct. 2,1923.. Kufic and Naskhi stucco inscriptions of Mihrab and dome room
(6629) of Haram. Worker's name and date
(6676) p.34 Varamin mosque.. Naskhi building inscription and Kufic panel
(6630) p.35 Varamin mosque, large inscription of Iwan of Haram; brickwork
(6677) pp.34a, -b Varamin, tomb tower. Kufic inscription of Sayyid 'Ala al-din
(6678) p.36 Varamin, tomb tower, plan and elevation
(6632) p.37 Kuhnagil near Varamin. Imamzadeh Yahy.a, son of Imam Musa al-Kazim. Cursive
inscription on sockel, 707 H.
(6667) p38 Varamin, Oct.. 4, 1923.. Cartouches of Kufic brick; and itinerary from Varamin to Qum
(continued on pp.39 and 40)
(6633) p.39 Varamin, Pier, bearing dome. Brick pattern "hazarbaf'

(6680) p.40 Tell Qara Tepe, enroute to Qum, with pottery grave deposits; also two inscriptions in
(6634) p.41 Qum, Oct. 7, 1923, Tomb of Shah Hamzah with phallic-topped minaret, modern blue
tile, Neg. 2522; Naskhi inscription on minaret in the old Meidan (madrasa)
pp.42-45 Three tombs (Gumbadan-i sabz) in Qum
(6680A) p.42 Inscription of 761 H..
(6635) p,.43 Inscription of 761 H.. and plan of Tomb I, 12-sided outside, 8-sided inside
(6650/51) p.44 Inscription of 792 H. on Tomb II
(6636) p.45 Plans of Tombs II and III
(6649) p.46 Itinerary from Qum to Daghun, Oct.. 8, 1923; and note on Imamzadeh Ja'far on way to
(6652) Sawah
(6637) p.47 3 silver drachmas with Arabic and Pahlavi inscriptions
(6653) p,.48 Itinerary (Oct. 9, 1923) from Daghun to Paitakht-i Khurramshah via Khurha,
(6648) Husainabad, Daulatabad, Hajjiabad, (ends on p.49)
(6638) p.49 Khurha, face and side of capital and cross-section of column
(6647) p.50 Khurha, Oct. 10, 1923... measured drawing of column and base
(6639) p.51 Khurha, capital and plaster moldings
(6645/46) pp.52-54 Khurha, measurements and sketches for topographical plan of area and ruins
(6641) p,55 Khurha, measurements of columns and capitals
(6642/44) pp, 56-58 Khurha, measurements of capitals and blocks

SK-III Skizzenbuch III. Persien, 1923. pp.1-50

(6789) p.1 Khurha, Two gravestones: inscriptions of 1031 and 1034 H.

(6814) p.2 Itinerary Oct.. 13, 1923 Khurha -Dilijan. Section of plan on p.3
(6790) p3 Measured plan of bath at Abigarm (rest of plan on p2)
(6791/92) pp..4-7 Itinerary Dilijan (Oct. 14, 1923) - Gaz (Oct.. 18, 1923)
(6815) p.4 Frag. 12 c.. Kufic tombstone
(6791) p.5 Doors of limestone in garden at Wandadeh
(6792) p.7 Isfahan, PUl i Khadju, masons' marks
(6817) p.8 Isfahan, Masjid i Godwlya, inscriptions and sketch of entrance
(6793) p.9 Isfahan, Imamzadeh `Askar and Takiye i Zulama, inscriptions, and sketch of entrance
(6818) pp.10-11 Isfahan, Masjid i Juma'. Outer door inscription, sketch of entrance brick mosaic, 515
(6794) H. Chehel Sutun, location of paintings inside; and Persian names of certain monuments
in Isfahan
(6819) p.12 Isfahan, Vase-shaped column bases at Chehel Sutun, with comments
(6795) pp.13-14 Curzon's notes on buildings in Isfahan
(6796) p..15 Isfahan.. Detail of capital, portal of Masjid i Jum'a. Neg. 2554 (section on p.14)
(6821/22) p.16 Isfahan, Harun i Wilayet, inscriptions
(6797) p.17 Isfahan, Masjid i `All, brick monograms and sketch of minaret. Negs., 2577/78
(6823) p..18 Isfahan, Masjid i `All, outer, portal, inscription of 918 H.
(6798) p.19 Isfahan, Imamzadeh Isma'il, Ja'farlya (plan and date 720 H), note on Nabl `Isaya and
inscription at Khwadja i `Alam
(6824) p.20 Isfahan, Ja'farlya, inscription on upper, rim of 8-sides turbe
(6799) p.21 Isfahan, Ja'fariya, inscription over door.. Babylonian standing bronze figure and silver
Parthian coin, both in Tardoff' Collection
(6825) p.22 Isfahan, Ja'fariya, cornice inscription
(6800) p.23 Isfahan, Imamzadeh Isma'il, inscription and sketch of locations
(6826) p..24 Isfahan, Imamzadeh Isma'il, inscription on door plaque and elsewhere
(6801) p.25 Isfahan, plan of minaret of Khwaja i `Alam and notes an decoration; stone relief
(6827) p.26 Isfahan, Pil i Khadju, inscription and stone door, in Shahristan
(6802) p, 27 Isfahan, Masj id i Shah, inscription on outer gate, 1025 H.. written by `All Riza al-
Abbasi (the Miniaturist)

(6803) pp.28-20 Isfahan, Minaret Chehel Dukhtaran inscriptions: lower (p.29) Neg.. 2547; upper (p,30)
(6828/29) Neg. 2544. Brickwork (p31); sketch of location of inscriptions
(6804) p,31 Isfahan, Minaret Sarabun, details of decoration
(6830) p.32 Isfahan, Masoleum, Sultan Sandjar or Chenar, i Dalbati, measured plan and tomb
(6805) p.33 Isfahan, Du Minare i Baba Tutab and inscriptions of madrasa Baba Qasim
(6831) p.34 Isfahan, Tomb outside of Imamzadeh Isma'il, inscription
(6806) p35 Isfahan, Madrasa i Madar, i Shah, portal on Chahar Bagh, inscription of 1122 H.
(6832) p36 Isfahan, Shaikh Lutfullah, portal on Maidan, inscription
(6807) p37 Pir Bakran.. Oct.30, 1923 trip via Djulfa. Inscriptions in main room. Negs. 2616, 2622
(6833) p..38 Pu Bakran, sarcophagus inscription.. "Palace is called Lindjan, Esther Khatun"
(6808) p.39 Pir Bakran, measured drawing of plan of building
(6834) p.40 Pir Bakran, measured plans of buildings
(6809) p41 Pir Bakran, inscriptions, Ziyaratgah Sarah bat Asir, (Hebrew)
(6835) p.42 Pit, Bakran, Lindjan, plan and details of Jewish sancturary
(6810) p,43 Isfahan, plan of Imamzadeh Isma'il and Chenar, i Sukhta
(6836) pp.44-45 Isfahan, plan of Imamzadeh Isma'il and Chenar i Sukhta
(6837) pp.46-47 Isfahan, Sayyid Ja'far sarcophagus inscriptions and notes on lion tombstones
(6838) p.48 Khan i Khurra (Nov. 11, 1923), plan
(6813) p,49 Itinerary Dehbid - Tell Bahram i Bahman
(6839) p.50 Unidentified plan of building

SK-IV Skizzenbuch IV. Persien, 1923. pp.1-59

(6840) p..1 Pasargadae, Mashhad i Madar' i Sulaiman, sketch of NW portal of mosque; copy of
enframing inscription of 612 or 622 (?) H.
(6868) p.2 Pasargadae, Tomb of Cyrus: inscription of 762 H. On S corner and Kufic on NW side
(6841) p..3 Pasargadae, Mashhad i Madar' i Sulaiman, 3 fragments of SW door of mosque with
Naskhi inscription
(6869/70) pp,4-7 Pasargadae, palace with the column, measured plan, column, and relief with the horse
(6871) p..8 Pasargadae, palace with the Genius, measured plan and note, "traces of red color on
fringes and wings"
(6844) p..9 Pasargadae, Tomb of Cyrus, details of columns and bases
(6872) p.10 Pasargadae, measurements for topographical map of site
(6845) p.11 Pasargadae, cuneiform inscription and sketched reconstruction of elevations of palaces
with the column and with the relief'
(6873) pp, 12-13 Pasargadae, measurements for plans and elevations of palaces
(6874) p 14 Pasargadae, inscribed pier and column bases
(6847) p.15 Pasargadae, tomb (like Kaaba at Naqsh-i Rustam), measured sketch
(6875) p.16 Pasargadae, 18 masons' marks on terrace blocks
(6848/50) pp, 17-21 Pasargadae, profiles of pottery and stone vessels
(6850) p..21 Pasargadae, Kufic inscription and ornament on 2 stone sarcophagi, one of 616 H.
(6878) p22 Pasargadae, column base of peribolos at N corner of tomb
(6851) p.23 Pasargadae, measured plan of tomb of Cyrus
(6879/80) p,24 Pasargadae, inscriptions of tombstone and 3 sarcophagi and measured sketch of mihrab
(6852) p..25 Pasargadae, measured sketches of door of tomb of Cyrus
(6881) pp,.26-27 Pasargadae, measurements for map of Pasargadae
(6882) p.28 Pasargadae, notes on citadel terrace, 3 masons' marks, and mound near the single pier
(6854) p.29 Pasargadae, fragments of stone paving of citadel and sketch of location of temple
(6883) p.30 Pasargadae, measured sketches of two altars
(6855) pp31-32 Pasargadae, plan of Cyrus's tomb and mosque, with notes on area

(6856) p.33 Pasargadae, plan of terrace of citadel, with notes
(6885) p..34 Naqsh-i Rustam, Greek inscription on Shapur-Valerian relief
(6857) p,35 Naqsh-i Rustam, list of photographs taken
(6886) p36 Hajjiabad gorge, Qabr i Kalantar Arabic sarcophagus inscription; English names at
Cyrus's tomb; potsherd from Naqsh-i Rustam
(6858) p.37 Naqsh-i Rustam, Kartir inscription, lines 36-68, copied from original. Pahlavi
(6887) p.38 Naqsh-i Rustam, potsherds
(6859) p.39 Naqsh-i Rustam, Kartir inscription, lines 1-14 with superposed sketch plan of area,
tombs and enclosure wall. Plan of roof of tower
(6888) pp.40-41 Naqsh-i Rustam, Tomb of Darius, measured plan and elevation
(6889) p.42 Naqsh-i Rustam, the altars, measured plan and elevation
(6898) p.43 Naqsh-i Rustam, section for map. Position of altars and quarries
(6890) p..44 Naqsh-i Rustam, section for map, from Ardashir relief to SW enclosure wall
(6899) p.45 ' Naqsh-i Rustam, plans of 5 houses on top of mountain
(6892) p..46 Naqsh-i Rustam, insignia on head-gears in Bahram reliefs. Notes of area.. Plan of cliff
face with tombs (continued on page 47)
(6900) p.47 Naqsh-i Rustam, continuation of plan on p..46; plan of quarries and structures behind
the altars
(6892/94) pp.48-53 Naqsh-i Rustam, measurements for map of Naqsh-i Rustam (completed Nov.. 26, 1923)
(6895) p..54 Imamzadeh Shah Isma'il, tombs (astodans)
(6865) pp.55/56 Naqsh-i Rustam, plan of tower and details of door
(6866) p.57 Naqsh-i Rustam, notes on water channels in area
(6897) p.58 Persepolis, 1928.. Small fragments of stone decoration
(6867) p..59 Persepolis, 1928., 4 examples of glazed tiles with color notes

SK-V Skizzenbuch V. Persien, 1923. pp.1-60

(6901) p..1 Persepolis, record of temperatures for 8 days, Nov.. 30 -Dec.7,1923

(6932) p.2 Persepolis, Tairara. Pahlavi inscription
(6902) p.3 Persepolis, Ta6ara, Pahlavi inscriptions and Arabic inscription of Abu Kalinjar, 418 H..
(6933) p..4 Persepolis, Taeara, Kufic inscription of Baha al-daulah, 392 H.; and start of one of
'AdUd al-daulah 344 H.. Completed on page 5
(6903) p.,5 Persepolis, Ta6ara, 2" Kufic inscription of AdUd al-daulah, 344 H.
(6934) p.6 Persepolis, Taara, 3 Arabic inscriptions
(6904) p.7 Persepolis, Ta6ara, inscription of `Imad al-din, Hazarasp, of 444 H. and European
(6935) p..8 Persepolis, Ta6ara, Arabic inscription of 562 H. of Abu'l Fawaris column bases of
Band-i Amir and Nagare Khaneh
(6905) p.9 Persepolis, Ta6ara, inscriptions of 648 H and 668 H..
(6936) p.10 Persepolis, Ta6ara, inscription of 773 H. of Abu Yazid (Shah Shuja')
(6906) p.11 Persepolis, Ta6ara, inscriptions of 773 H. (Abu Yazid) and 826 H.. (Ibrahim Sultan)
(6937) p.12 Persepolis, Ta6ara, 3 Arabic inscriptions: 1) Aqqoyunlu; 2) 773 H..; 3) 826 H.. (Ibrahim
Sultan) and English graffiti
(6907) p.13 Persepolis, Ta6ara, 2 Kufic inscriptions: 1) undated, 2) 366 H..; Herbew inscription;
and European g r a f f i t i , including British Mission of 1820 and Kinneir, 1926
(6938) pp.. 14-15 Persepolis, Hadish of Xerxes, measured plan
(6939) pp. 16-17 Persepolis, Hadish of Xerxes, plan, E section and window
(6940) p.18 Persepolis, Hadish of Xerxes, plan, central section
(6910) p.19 Persepolis, Hadish of Xerxes, plan, western section
(6941) pp20-21 Persepolis, Hadish of Xerxes, plans, other sections
(6942) p.22 Persepolis, Hadish of Xerxes, plan, N vestibule
(6912) p.23 Persepolis, staircase E of Hadish
(6943) p.24 Persepolis, plan of area between Hadish and terrace steps

(6913) p..25 Persepolis, palace on the deep terrace
(6944) p.26 Persepolis, N vestibule of SE palace
(6914) p.27 Persepolis, plan of Tetrapylon (?)
(6945) p.28 Persepolis, "Gartenhalle"
(6915) p.29 Persepolis, "Gartenhalle", fragments of column and base
(6946/47) p.30 Persepolis, plan and elevation of staircase from Hadish to deep terrace
(6919) p.31 Persepolis, plan of staircase between Hadish and Ta6ar'a
(6948/49) pp..32-3.5 Persepolis, measured sketches of terrace walls near Hadish and Ta6ara
(6950) p.36 Persepolis, Ta6ara, Arabic inscriptions of 773 H. and of 826 H.. (Ibrahun Sultan)
(6919/20) p.37 Persepolis, Ta6ara, Arabic inscription of 316 H..; Main Gate, European graffiti, mostly
(6951) p.38 Persepolis, plan of unfinished door in N, opposite 100-colunm hall
(6920) p.39 Persepolis, fragments of capitals from unfinished gate
(6952) pp.40-41 Persepolis, Main Gate, measured plans of northern and southern halves
(6931) p.42 Persepolis, Main Gate, Arabic inscription of 373 (?), European graffiti, and details of
capitals and columns
(6961) p.43 Persepolis, plan and profile of rock-cut basin in front of Apadana
(6930) p.44 Persepolis, pottery fragments from Main Gate
(6960) p.45 Persepolis, Ta6ara, design on costume of Darius; graffito of Ardashir I (note of 1931
on others in Haram attributed to Stakhr-Shah)
(6927/29) pp..46-51 Persepolis, measured plan of Main staircase of terrace to Apadana and from ground to
(6957/59) terrace
(6926) p.52 Persepolis, Ta6ara, Arabic inscriptions (completed on p.53)
(6956) p.53 Persepolis, Ta6ara, details of decoration on costume of Darius
(6925) p..54 Persepolis, plan of doors N of terrace; Arabic inscription of 881 H. (Aggoyunlu) in
(6924) pp,56-57 Persepolis, W vestibule of Apadana, plan
(6922/23) pp.58-60 Persepolis, column bases of Apadana and of E vestibule

SK-VI Skizzenbuch VI. Persien, 1923. pp. 1-60

(6963) p.l Persepolis, northern Vorhalle of the Apadana. Plan

(6993) p.2 Persepolis, Ahuramazda symbol of E door of S side of 100-column hall. Sketch with
color notes, fresh when unearthed; bases of columns of'Apadana. Profiles.
(6864) p..3 Persepolis, 100-column Hall; drawings of niche, door, and window.
(6994) p.4 Persepolis, 100-column Hall; plan of S half
(6965) p.5 Persepolis, 100-column Hall; plan of N half
(6995) p.6 Persepolis, 100-column Hall; plan of vestibule
(6966) p.7 Persepolis, 100-column Hall; volutes, base, plan of column, fragments of capital and
masons' marks.
(6996) p.8 Persepolis, Radish: cuneiform inscription on King's robe (a and b)
(6967) p.9 Per'sepolis, Radish: cuneiform inscription (c) and German verse on window
(6997) pp..10-11 Persepolis, Ta6ara, plans of E and N sides
(6998) p.12 Persepolis, Ta6ara, plan of W side
(6969) p.13 Naqsh-i Rajah: Pahlavi and Greek inscriptions; monograms on caps, Crownpiince's
head-dress, and 3 masons' marks
(6999) pp. 14-15 Persepolis, Ta6ara. Plans S Vorhalle and Hall
(7000) p.16 Persepolis, Hadish. Sketched ends of 2 dagger sheathes.
(6971) p.17 Persepolis, Radish, Plan of terrace foundations and of fountain (section on p.16)
(7001) p..18 Persepolis, Plan of S tomb and details
(6972) p.19 Persepolis, Topographical sketch of S part of enclosure wall on the mountain, high up
(7002) p.20 Persepolis, Topographical sketch of N end of enclosure wall on mountain

(6973) p.21 Persepolis, Tripylon volutes; detail of relief of Darius and Xerxes
(7003) p.22 Persepolis, Tai;ara, details of sculptures
(6974) p.23 Persepolis, Hadish, details of sculptures
(7004) p.24 Persepolis, Tripylon, costumes of 4 throne-bearers
(6975) p.25 Persepolis, Ta6ara: Syrian and Hebrew inscriptions
(7005) p.26 Persepolis, Tai;ara: Arabic and Hebrew graffiti; Hadish: palm tree and details on E
(6976) p.27 Persepolis, Hadish: column base; Tai;ara: palm tree, palmettes, and masons' marks
(7006) p.28 Persepolis(?), Pahlavi inscription copied in situ 9, XII, `23
(6977) p.29 Persepolis, Tripylon: capital and base
(7007) p.30 Persepolis, 100-column Hall: capital. Apadana: details of capital
(6978) p.31 Persepolis, E Vorhalle of Apadana. Fragments of lion capitals
(7008) p.32 Persepolis, Taeara: details of figures. SO. palace details of parasol, fly-switch and lotus
(6979) p.33 Persepolis, Tar;ara English graffiti. Taiara: Arabic inscription of 826 H., Naqsh-i
Rajab: Pahlavi inscription
(7009/11) pp34-38 Persepolis. Apadana: details of figures in great Tribute procession
(7011/15) pp38-46 Persepolis.. 100-column Hall: details of throne-bearers
(6986) p47 Persepolis, plan of N tomb
(7016) p.48 Persepolis, plan of building in plain SW of terrace
(6987) p49 Persepolis, notes on remains of other buildings in city area
(7017/18) pp.50-53 Persepolis., measurements of levels for general plan of area
(7019) p,54 Naqsh-i Rajab. Sketch plan of location of Sasanian reliefs
(6990) p.55 Persepolis, European graffiti
(7020) p.56 Persepolis, continuation of level measurements for plan
(6991/92) pp.57/60 Persepolis, sections of sketch plan in area of Terrace

SK-VII Skizzenbuch VII. Persien, 1924. pp.1-60

(6726) p.1 Persepolis.. Measurements for plan of part of terrace between Apadana and Taiara
(6759) pp.2-3 Persepolis. Measurements for plan of buildings adjoining Tripylon
(6760) p4 Persepolis. Measurements of unfinished tomb, parapet blocks, and mason's sign
(6728) p.5 Shiraz, Mashrigain. Sketches of stone mihrab, sarcophagus and niche. Arabic inscriptions,
828 H.
(6761) p6 Guyum (Feb. 18, 1924) Sketch figure of Bahrain II; also Arabic inscription 692 H. (Kegs.,
2490/91 for figure)
(6729) p.7 Shtraz. Plan and detail of Khattin
(6762) p.8 Shiraz. Ornamental detail at Shah Da'i; rosette and crown in Sasanian reliefs and sketch
plan of 3 tombs at Naqsh-i Rustam
(6730) p.9 Kuh-i Girdelak. Pahlavi inscription; plan and elevation of Bahram relief at Naqsh-i
(6763) p.10 Hajjiabad, Shah Sherwan. Pahlavi inscription (Pahlavik)
(6731) p.11 Hajjiabad, Shah Sherwan. Pahlavi inscription (Par'sik)
(6764) p.12 Istakhr. Plan-of gate
(6732) p.13 Istakhr. Topographical sketch and inscriptions: Pahlavi and Arabic
(6765) pp. 14- Istakhr, Plan and measurements of mosque remains
(6733) 17
(6767) p.18 Istakhr, mosque.. Arabic graffiti and section column base
(6735/37) p.19 Istakhr', mosque. Details capitals and bases
(6768) p.20 Istakhr. End of Istakhr mosque measurements. Persepolis: 3 throne-bearers on Tripylon
(6738) pp.21- Persepolis, Tripylon. Throne bearers
(6769) 23

(6730) p.24 Persepolis, Tamara. Foreign graffiti and sketch of palm tree ornament
(6740) p.25 Persepolis. N.. corner of terrace. Plan and details of sculpture
(6771) p.26 Persepolis,. N. of city area, a rock tomb, plan elevation
(6741) p.27 Persepolis, S city area, plan; detail of costume
(6772) pp,28- Persepolis. N city are, plan
(6742) 29
(6773) p.30 Persepolis. N city area, measured sketch of Fratadara figure and location
(6743) p.31 Persepolis, sketch of Fratadara Queen
(6774) p.32 Itinerary 3/19-21/24. Tryun to F-rruzabad
(6744) p.33 Firuzabad. Topographical sketch of valley and bridge with Pahlavi inscription
(6775) pp.34- Firuzabad. Plans of Ardashir's palace
(6745) 37
(6777) p.38 Frruzabad. Kaleh-i Dukhtar, measured plan
(6747) p.39 Firuzabad. 4 monograms, fragment of Achaemenid column and measurements for
Ardashir palace
(6778) p40 Firuzabad. Masons' marks on "takht", measurements of tower, sketch of ornament from
Imamzadeh Ja'far,
(6748) p.41 Flruzabad. Stone ornament from Imamzadeh Ja'far in Deh-i shahr and plan of column
(6779) p.422 near' Firuzabad. Itinerary Firuzabad-Dashtak Siyah.. Plan of Chahar Taq in Farrashband
(6749) p.43 Itinerary Farrashband- Qanatabagh. Notes on Chahar Tags
(6780) p.44 Castrum-type building and ruin between Qanatabagh and Sar Mashhad
(6750) p.45 Sat Mashhad. Details of sculpture and lines 34-46 of Pahlavi inscription
(6781) p46 Sax- Mashhad. Lines 16-33 of Pahlavi inscription
(6751) p,47 Sax- Mashhad. Plan of building and lines 1-16 of inscription
(6782) p.48 Sar Mashhad. Lines 39-59 of inscription
(6752) p. 49 Sar Mashhad. Sketch plan of building and lines 33-38 of inscription
(6783) p,50 Itinerary Sat, Mashhad - Tang-i Chikan, April 1-3, 1924
(6753) p.51 Shapur'. Notes on largest relief
(6784) p.52 Shaper. Pahlavi inscription of Bahrain I (Narseh); foreign graffiti on statue in cave.
(6754) p.53 Shaper. Cistern; elevation and plan of reliefs
(6785) p.54-57. Shaper. Notes and sketches of details of individual reliefs,. Itinerary Shaper-NUrabad
(6787) p.58 Nerabad., Arabic inscription of Imamzadeh Dar, ahani with sketch of door.. Also sketch of
throne foot from Bahram relief, Shaper'
(6758) p.59 Nurabad. MIl-i AMana.. Plan and elevation
(6788) p.60 Jinjtin.. Plan and elevation of column base. See also SK-VIII, p. I

SK-VIII Skizzenbuch VIII. Persien, 1924. pp.1-35

(7023) p.1 Jinjun, column bases. See also SK-VII, p..60

(7042) p,2 Kurangun, sketch of rock relief and plan
(7024) p3 Sketch of Tul i Surna, showing location of Da u Dukhtar', Kufic inscription
commemorating road and Naskhi inscription of 716 H.
(7043) p.4 Da u Dukhtar, plan and elevation of tomb
(7025) p.5 Da u Dukhtar, capitals and bases
(7044) p,6 Tulespid, tile with cuneiform inscription and old Elamite stamp. Itinerary April 14/15,
'24 Fahliun-Haftdasht via MIl-i Azdaha and Baba Munir Imamzadeh
(7026) p,7 Baba Munir, tomb plan and elevation, Arabic inscription on wooden sarcophagus,
896 H.
(7045) p..8 Kharg, MR, Muhammad inscription.. Sketch of tomb II with reclining figure
(7027) p..9 Kharg, plan of tomb II
(7046) p.10 Kharg, details of tomb II
(7028) p.11 Kharg, further ornamental details of tomb II

(7047) p 12 Kharg, plan and elevation of tomb I
(7029) p.13 Kharg, plan and elevation of tomb 9
(7049/52) pp, 14-23 Kharg. Sketch plans of 64 tombs; elevation of tomb 9
(7053) pp.24-25 Gannawa - "gopal". Capital (now in Field Museum) and 9th c. ornamental details,
(7036) stone
(7054) p.26 Hamadan. Hebrew inscription on sarcophagus, Esther's tomb; and stone column base
(7037) p.27 Bisutun, Stone capital., Three wooden capitals from Pashand and Kushkizar near Yeni
(7055) p,28 Purdisar, Taligan, wooden capital; sketch plan of Alamut
(7038) p.29 unidentified plan
(7056) pp30-31 Designs of furniture
(7057) pp.32-33 Table design and Achaemenian stones from Shirwan, near Hamadan, brought from
(7040) Citadel; also parts of stone box, apparently for gold and silver tablets
(7058) p.34 Ray.. Section of plan of tower, where silk textiles allegedly found. Damghan, Plan of
building (partial) of Sasanian I period
(7041) p.35 Shaper (1 Klm. N) Imamzadeh Sayyid Husain. Plan and elevation.

SK-IX Skizzenbuch IX. Pasargadae I, 1928. pp. 1-48

(6607) p,1 Pasargadae, temple plan

(6556) p.2 Pasargadae, measurements for temple plan. April 13, 1928
(6605/6) p.3 Pasargadae, altar, plan
(6557) p.4 Pasargadae, palace S. Details of column base
(6604) p.5 Pasargadae, palace S. Fragments of horses' heads and tile
(6558) p.6 Pasargadae, palace S. Isometric sketch of doorway and pavement
(6603) p.7 Pasargadae, palace S, plan
(6559) p. 8 Pasargadae, palace S, cuneiform inscription; details of lion
(6602) pp.9-12 Pasargadae, palace P. measured sketches of piers and column shaft
(6600) p.13 Pasargadae, palace S, column base and palace R, costume detail of winged Genius
(6562) p.14 Pasargadae, palace S, detail lion; Palace R, of Genius
(6599) p.15 Pasargadae,,palace S, section of molding and fragmentary lion's head with horse's
mane and horns
(6563) p.16 Pasargadae, palace S, clothing detail; palace P, base and cuneiform inscription
(6598) p,17 Pasaigadae, palace P. Fragments of tiles, inscriptions and column base
(6564) p.18 Pasargadae, palace P, scetch plan
(6595/97) pp, 19-21 Pasargadae, palace P, colored crayon sketches of fragments of wall decoration
(6566) pp.22-23 Pasargadae, palace P, Fragments of cuneiform inscriptions
(6567) p.24 Pasargadae, palace P, Fragments of cuneiform; and palace S sculpture; also entrance to
tomb of Cyrus from inside
(6593) pp.25-26 Palace P. Colored crayon wall decoration;and profile of column base
(6592) pp..27-28 Pasargadae, Palace R. Fragments of stone sculpture
(6591) p.. 29 Pasargadae, measurements for plan of temple
(6571) p.30 Pasargadae, palace R, fragments of sculpture
((6590) pp.31-32 Pasargadae, palace R, measured sketches of foundations
(6589) p33 Pasargadae, palace R, sketch of winged Genius and foundations
(6573) p.34 Tomb of Cyrus, Islamic remains
(6588) p35 Tomb of Cyrus, Arabic tombstone and inscriptions
(6574) p.36 Tomb of Cyrus, column base and Arabic inscription
(6587) p.37 Palace P, small water basin

(6575) p.38 Palace R, plan of gate
(6586) p,39 Palace P, west doorway
(6576) p.40 Palace P, plan of antae and fust columns in vestibule
(6582-85) pp.41-48 Measurements for topographical plan of ruins of Pasargadae
(6581) p.49 Tomb of Cyrus, Arabic inscriptions on mihrab

SK-X Skizzenbuch X. Pasargadae 11,1928. pp.1-31 and 40-46

(6054) p.1 Pasargadae, plan of altar. See p.3

(6090) p.2 Pasargadae, Palace with columns. Stone fragments
(6055) p.3 Pasargadae, side view of altar on p.1
(6056/57) pp4-8 Pasargadae, 9 Frags, of animals' heads from Palace with columns
(6058) p.9 Pasargadae, Frag. No. 10 and colored piece from Palace P
(6086) p..10 Pasargadae, lion's head
(6059) pp.11-12 Pasargadae, 8 stone Frags. from Palace P
(6060) pp, 13-14 Pasargadae, Palace P, remains of standing figures
(6061) p.15 Pasargadae, studies of roof construction
(6062) pp.16-18 Pasargadae, Palace P, Frags.. of figures
(6063) p,19 Pasargadae, Palace P, sketch of position of door
(6081) p.20 Pasargadae, Palace, lower part of figure of servant
(6064) p.21 Pasargadae, Palace S, human and animal feet of door frieze
(6080) p.22 Pasargadae, topographical sketch
(6065) p.23
(6091) combined photo of pp.22 and 23
(6079) p..24 unidentified topographical sketch
(6066) p..25 Naqsh-i Rustam, flowing cape of Valerian
(6078) p.26 Persepolis, Fratadara figure (Queen) with offering
(6067) p.27 Persepolis, Fratadara figure with barsom
(6077) p.28 Persepolis, Ta6ara, elevation of W wall
(6068) p.29 Persepolis, Ta6ara, elevation and plan of doorway
(6076) p.30 Persepolis, plan of section of main staircase
(6069) p..31 Istakhr, sketch of astodana
pp.32-39 blank
(6075) p.40 Pasargadae, panorama from citadel, May 11, 1928
(6070) p41
(6092/93) combined photo of pages 40/41
(6071) p43 Pasargadae, panorama from temple mounds to altars. May 10, 1928
(6074) p.44 Pasargadae, panorama from temple mound to W-NE., May 10, 1928
(6072) p.45
(6095) combined photo of pp.44/45
(6096) p.46 Pasargadae, view from temple mound towards the Tomb of Cyrus May 5, 1928

SK-XI Skizzenbuch XI. Pasargadae III, 1928. pp. 1-48

(5999) p,1 and Persepolis, Tachara and Darius cuneiform inscription

(6052) back of
front cover..
(6051) p. 2 Persepolis, Fratadara door and 4 Frags. Apadana sculpture
(6000/04) pp.3-10 Persepolis. Fragments of prehistoric pottery
(6005) p.11 Persepolis, Fratadara door; Naqsh-i Rustam, remains of god seated on serpent throne

(6006/07) pp.12-16 Persepolis, fragments prehistoric pottery
(6007) p,15 Plan of Takht-i Taus (?) Rustam
(6043) p.16 small stone pendant
(6008) p..17 Persepolis, Hadish cuneiform inscription; textile pattern; and notes on Sasanian
inscribed seal
(6009) pp. 18-19 Persepolis, prehistoric flints
(6040) p.20 Itinerary:--- via Ribatak to Sat Mashhad
(6010/14) pp.21-29 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery and flints
(6035) p.30 Persepolis, Artaxerxes I, start of panel
(6015) p.31 Persepolis, cuneiform inscrip, Artaxerxes (?)
(6034) p.32 Burujird, inscription of 'Abbas I (1022 H.) in Masjid-i Jum'a
(6016) p33 Khurramabad road. Persian inscription on W side of square monument with dedication
of'new road by Reza Shah (1307 H.) superposed.
(6033) p..34 Khurramabad road, beginning of inscription on p.33 S. side
(6017) p.35 Khurramabad road, E side
(6032) p.36 Khurramabad road, N side, apparently 6 c. H.
(6018) p.37 Pul i Kalhur, Arabic Kufic inscription, 374 H. Publ., AMI, Vol. I, Fig.1
(6031) p.38 British Museum, Kufic tombstone, 445 H.
(6019) p39 British Museum, Kufic tombstone, 455 H.
(6020/21) pp40-43 unidentified measured plans and elevations
(6022) pp.44-46 Gilweran, near Khurramabad, bronze, stone and pottery from prehistoric grave
(6023/25) p..47 Gilweran, near Khurramabad, elevation and plan of grave; Arabic tombstone in
Munich Exposition, 1910
(6026) p.48 Demavand area, pottery and stone objects

SK-XII Skizzenbuch XII. Persien -Khurasan, 1925. pp.1-57

(This notebook was photographed twice, so one number is of a duplicate)

(5875) p.1 Sangbast, painted Kufic inscription

(5935/36) p.2 Sangbast, Kufic inscription, dome room. Sura 21, 35-36
(5876) p.3 Sangbast, Kufic inscription, minaret.. Sura 41, 33
(5934) p.4 Nrshapur', 2 glazed ceramics and 1 celadon
(5877) p.5 Nrshapur, Muhammad Makhruq, Persian inscriptions in entrance bay and above mosaic
(5942) of door
(5933) p.6 Nrshapur, Muhammad Makhruq, Persian inscription on wooden door and plan of
(5943) tambour of Shaikh `Attar'
(5878) p.7 Nrshapur', Shaikh `Attar, Lines 10,11 and 16 of Persian inscription on tombstone of
(5944) Shah Sultan Husain
(5932) p.8 Nishapur', stucco fragments from Teppe Alp Arslan
(5879) p..9 Nrshapur, plaster fragment and potsherds from Teppe Alp Ar'slan and dated Kufic
(5946) inscription of mosque of Bayazd in Bistam
(5931) pp. 10-11 Za'farani, plan and elevation of caravansarai
(5880) pp..10-11 Za'farani, plan and elevation of caravansarai
(5930) p.12 Za'farani, sketch of ice-house and ruins of caravansarai
(5881) p.13 Nazabad, plan and elevation of domed building (Sarbadar'idenzeit) and carved wooden
(5950) capital from Sabzevar

(5929) pp, 14-15 Khosrogird, minaret, elevation and plan
(5882) pp 14-15 Khosrogird, minaret, elevation and plan
(5923) p.16 Khosrogird, minaret, upper Kufic inscription
(5883) p.17 Khosrogird, minaret, lower Kufic inscription
(5927) p.18 Sabzevar, pottery profiles
(5884) p,19 Pagal'eh, (.3r ceramic profile from Sabzevar); Kufic inscription; plan of dome tomb
(5956) east of Surkhar,
(8885) pp.20-22 Pagal'eh, pottery profiles
(5886) p,23 Miyandasht, Persian inscription, 1291 H.. Mayamai, Persian inscription time of Shah
(5961) `Abbas II
(5923) p..24 Bistam, brick ornamentation of minaret
(5887/89) p.25 Bistam, Kufic inscription of minaret
(5922) pp.26-27 Bistam, so-called Kashane tombtower, plan and interlaced Kufic inscription with
(5964) builder's name
(5890) pp.26-27 Bistam, so-called Kashane tombtower, plan and interlaced Kufic inscription with
(5965) builder's name
(5921) p,28 Bistam, Mashhad, aivan between 1S and 2n courtyards, Kufic inscription with
(5966) builder's name
(5891) p.29 Bistam, S facade of mosque of shrine, elevation
(5920) p.30 Bistam, mosque of Bayazid, plan and elevation
(5892) p.31 Bistam, Kale i Kuhna, pottery fragments. Detail inscribed Kufic panel of wooden door
(5969) (Oljaitu) with artisan's name
(5919) p,32 Bistam, Plan and elevation Oljaitu building; detail carved wooden doors. Also part of
(5970) Pahlavi inscription of Mil-i Radkan, see-p.33
(5893) p,33 Mil-i Radkan, Kufic and Pahlavi inscriptions
(5918) p.34 Mil-i Radkan, plan and architectural details; section inscription
(5894) p,35 Mil-i Radkan, Kufic inscription
(5917) p,.36 Mil-i Radkan, elevation
(5895) p.37 Damghan, Tarik Khana, plan (cont'd p.38); column construction
(5916) p.38 Damghan, Tarik Khana, plan cont'd; section of minaret
(5896/97) p.39 Damghan, brickwork of minaret
(5915) p.40 Damghan, Section A of minaret repeated; Chehel sutun, minaret, plan
(5980) p..41 Damghan, Masjid-i Jami', tile inscription
(5914) pp,42-43 Damghan, Masjid-i Jami', minaret, brickwork and inscription
(5899) pp..42-43 Damghan, Masjid-i Jami', minaret, brickwork and inscription
(5913) pp44-45 Damghan, Pir `Alamdar, tomb, Kufic inscription, elevation of door, and architectural
(5983) details

(5900) pp,44-45 Damghan, Pir `Alamdar, tomb, Kufic inscription, elevation of door and architectural
(5984) details
(5912) p.46 Damghan, inscriptions of mosque near Pir `Alamdar, and over door of Chehel
(5985) Dukhtaran
(5901) p.47 Damghan, Chehel Dukhtaran, Kufic inscription (end on p.46)
(5911) p.48 Damghan, Chehel Dukhtaran, elevation of door and arhitectural details
(5902) p.49 Damghan, Pir `Alamdar, architectural details and building near Imamzadeh 'Ali
(5910) p.50 Damghan, Imamzadeh Ja'far, inscription on turbe for T-imur Mirza; Ahuan, Ribat i
(5989/90) Anoshirwan, plan (see p.51)
(5903) p,51 Ahuan, Ribat i Anoshirwan, completion of plan on p.50
(5909) p..52 Simnan, Masjid-i Juma', minaret and iwan inscriptions
(5904) p.53 Simnan, garden door.. Ray, designs in silks from graves
(5908) p.54 Sasanian stucco tile, colored
(5905) p.55 Tehran Museum, inscription on large copper vessel from Sabzevar
(5907) p.56 Ray stucco wall decoration. Qum (Aug. 30, 1925) inscriptions on silk rugs in Shrine
(5996) and notes on other rugs
(5906) p.57 Ray, inscription on A. U. Pope silk fragment, allegedly from grave

SK-XIII Skizzenbuch XIII. Persien, Sistan - Quhistan, 1925. pp.1-48

(6528) Inside Camera settings

(6504) p.1 Peshawar Museum, inscription of 483 H..
(6529) p..2 Bombay Museum, Kufic inscription on sarcophagus, 410 H..
(6505) p.3 Notes on maps of Sistan
(6530) p..4 Kt h i Khwaja, sketch plan of section of palace
(6506/08) pp.5-10 Kuh i Khwaja, palace, measured plans
(6508) p.1 l Kuh i Khwaja, elevation of Qubba
(6534) p.12 Kuh i Khwaja, elevation reminiscent of Aiwan i Karkh; profile above paintings in Gallery
(6510) p.13 Kuh i Khwaja, elevation of doorway and plan of section of fort with round tower
(6511) pp,14-15 Kuh i Khwaja, measured plans of fort
(6512/13) pp, 16-20 Shahristan, topographical map ofterrain and ruins
(6514/15) pp.21-24 Shahristan, profiles of pottery
(6541) p..25 Zahidan, tomb inscription, 850 H..
(6542) p.26 Mil i Qasimabad, lower Kufic inscription
(6517) p..27 Mil i Qasimabad, upper Kufic inscription
(6544) p18 Kelat i Abuzar', plan of main section
(6544) pp, 28-29 Khargird, Ghiyathiya, measured plan, W section
(6545) p.30 Khargird, Ghiyathiya, great gate inscription and notes on dating
(6519) p.31 Khargird, Ghiyathiya, measured plan S side. N section identical. Color' notes on tiles
(6546) p..32 Khargird, Ghiyathiya, masters' inscriptions
(6546) p.32-33 Khargird, Ghiyathiya, E section and S facade, outside

(6521/22) pp.34/35 Khargird, mosque of Nizam al-mulk, Great Kufic inscription
(6548) pp.36/37 Khargird, Nizamiyya, measured plans
(6549) p.38 Khargird, Ghiyathiya, measured plans of sections; section of inscription and Kufic
(6524) p.39 Khargird, Nizamiyya, mihrab floral designs
(6550) p.40 near Ribat i Safid, Kale i dukhtar (and Kale i pisar), plan and notes
(6525) p.41 Mil i Radkan, inscription and notes on construction
(6551) p.42 Mil i Radkan, plan; and Tus, tomb tower tambour
(6526) p.43 Tus, plan and 2 inscriptions
(6552) pp..44-45 Tus, plan of ground and upper storeys; and plan of mud brick building
(6553) p.46 Sangbast, plan of tomb
(6554) p..48 Notes on map of Persia

SK-XIV Skizzenbuch XIV. SYstan -Tehran, 1929. pp.1-18

(6481) p.1 Mi1 i Naderi, details of brickwork; and Kale i Sang

(6492) p..2 Kerman, Sang i Atabek, elevation of mihrab
(6482) p3 Kerman, Masjid i Jum'a, inscriptions (767 H..), mihrab inscriptions and master's name in
corner, of mihrab, Also notes on Takiyya Husainiyya
(6493) p.4 Kerman, Karavansarai Ganj 'Ali Khan. Inscription with master's name
(6483) p.5 Kerman, Masjid i Jum'a, inscriptions (767 H), master's name, and Naskhi inscription of
515 H.
(6494) p..6 Na'in, inscriptions on wooden minbar, 711 H. and on wooden door 874 H. Sketch plan
(6484/85) p.7 Isfahan, plan of entrance to Masjid i Jum'a, location of inscription of 768 H.
(6495) p..8 Isfahan, Masjid i Jum'a, main iwan of Malik Shah. Location of 3 inscriptions
(6486) p.9 Isfahan, Malik Shah, the great inscription
(6496) p.10 Isfahan, Malik Shah, inscription in smaller dome, 481 H.
(6487) P. 11 Isfahan, Malik Shah, inscriptions in dome, Sura 7,52 and 3,16-
(6497) p.12 Isfahan, Malik Shah, measured elevation
(6488) p.13 Cuneiform inscription on silver jar, Achaemenid (Hamadan)
(6499) p.14 Isfahan, another sketch of Malik Shah elevation
(6489) p.15 Isfahan, ornamental motif in Great mosque
(6500) p.16 Sawah, minaret inscription 504 H.; Frag. with Kufic inscrip.
(6490) p.17 Silver dish, Artaxerxes I, measurements (done Persepolis 7/7/34)
(6501/02) p.18 Silver dish, Artaxerxes I, cuneiform inscription

SK-XV Skizzenbuch XV. Kuh i Khwaja, 1929. pp.1-48

(6294) p.1 Sasanian stone elephant.. Publ.. AMI, Vol.. III, Pls.. I and II
(6321) pp.2-3 Sistan, prehistoric hand-made pottery.. Coll.. Major Skrine
(6322) p..4 Sistan, 1 Achaemenid roll seal; 3 Sasanian seals.. Coll. Skrine
(6296) p.5 Kuh i Khwaja, plaster, decoration outer gate (1S period); elevation of picture gallery
(6323) p..5a Kuh i Khwaja, elevation niches N side of courtyard (15 period); plan (2n period)
(6297) p.6 Kuh i Khwaja, water-color of 2 panels: 1) ornament, 2) acrobats (colored microfilm)
(6324) p.7 Kuh i Khwaja, water-color of 2 panels: 1) ornament, 2) seated figure (colored
(8218) microfilm)
(6298) p.8 Kuh i Khwaja, water-color of 2 panels: ornaments (colored microfilm)
(6325) p..9 Kuh i Khwaja, water-colors of 1) head of male on p..7; flute player; border (colored
(8220) p.10 Kuh i Khwaja, water-colors of 1) borders; 2) ornament (colored microfilm)
(6326) P. 11 Kuh i Khwaja, stucco wall decoration in window (2 period)

(6300) p..12 Kuh i Khwaja, colored crayon of rider (with color notes) and list of paintings (colored
(8222) p..13 Kuh i Khwaja, door of fire-temple (elevation); elevation uppertower room with painting
(6346) traces
(6301) p.14 Kuh i Khwaja, plan of room on p,13; color noted; inscribed Sasanian seal with bust
(Coll., Major Khareghat, Srstan)
(6328) p.15 Kuh i Khwaja, elevation N wall of room
(6302) p.16 Kuh i Khwaja, elevation room above N gate
(6329) pp. 17-18 Kuh i Khwaja, plan, including temple, and elevation of gallery of niches, W front of
(6303) courtyard
(6330) pp, 19-20 KUh i Khwaja, measurements for elevations of palace ruins
(6331) p,21 Kuh i Khwaja, plan of pilaster and sketch of left side of standing figure
(6305) p.22 Kuh i Khwaja, colored crayon of standing figure with color notes (colored microfilm)
(8223) p,'23 KUh i Khwaja, measurements of fasade with standing figures
(6306) p.24 Kuh i Khwaja, construction of arches and elevation of central doorway
(6333) p.25 Kuh i Khwaja, plan of fort on mountain
(6308) p.26 Kuh i Khwaja, reconstruction courtyard facades
(6334) p.27 KUh i Khwaja, Plan NW corner great court
(6309) p,28 KUh i Khwaja, sketch stucco procession of 3 horsemen
(6335) p.29 Kuh i Khwaja, sketch stucco panel horseman slaying lion
(6335) pp.29-30 Kuh i Khwaja, plan of painted gallery; water-color of figure with crescent on head
(6310) (colored microfilm, p.30)
(8224) p,31 Kuh i Khwaja, water-color 3 figures, one with winged cap (colored microfilm)
(6311) p,32 Kuh i Khwaja, water-color of borders and panel of ornament (colored microfilm)
(6337) p.33 Kuh i Khwaja, water-color of borders; and Hittite stone jar from Mahmudrya, Publ.
AMI, Vol.II, P1.. II (colored microfilm)
(8227) p,,34 Kuh i Khwaja, water-color two figures with trident and spear (?) (colored microfilm)
(8228) p35 Kuh i Khwaja, sketch of standing figure with spear; stairway construction
(6313) p,,36 Kuh i Khwaja, elevation of gateway dome and plan of Cella
(6339) p..37 Kuh i Khwaja, water-color and color notes of King and Queen (colored microfilm)
(6314) p,38 Kuh i Khwaja, Crayon of King and Queen and plan and elevation of fire altar (Parthian)
(8230) (colored microfilm)
(6515/16) pp.39-42 Kuh i Khwaja, profiles of pottery
(6342) p.43 Kuh i Khwaja, elevation of painted window; stone and pottery objects
(6317) p.44 Kuh i Khwaja, restoration of courtyard, 2° period; and color notes (colored microfilm)
(8231) p.,45 Kuh i Khwaja, crayon sketch of 5 attendant figures, W side of Gallery (colored
(6344) microfilm)
(8232) p,.46 Kuh i Khwaja, pottery profiles
(6345) p.47 Kuh i Khwaja, measurements periods 1 and 2 in Gallery
(6319) p.48 Kuh i Khwaja, cartoon of camp in courtyard (yadkar' Kuh i Khwaja)

SK-XVI Skizzenbuch XVI. P.T. (mostly Persepolis). pp.1-105

(6220/23) inner cover Persepolis, measured details of wall construction, terrace wall, N. side
(6291) andpp,1-3
(6223) p5 Akhur i Rustam, elevation and plan of rock tombs (ostadan)
(6224) pp.7-8 Persepolis, stonemasons' marks
(6225) p.9 Pasargadae, stonemasons' marks

(6286/89) pp.10-16 Persepolis, measurements of levels of terrace
(6230) p.17 Persepolis, elevation of column, Apadana
(6231/34) pp.18-25 Persepolis, measurements section of foundation walls
(6281) p.26 Persepolis, measurements Radish staircase
(6235) p.27 Persepolis, Hadish, column bases West half
(6280) p.. 28 Persepolis, Hadish, column bases East half
(6236) p..29 Persepolis, Hadish, elevations
(6279) p.30 Persepolis, Hadish, measurements section of plan
(6237) p.31 Persepolis, Hadish, measurements elevation foundation
(6276/78) pp..32-36 Persepolis, Tiipylon area measurements
(6242) p.37 Persepolis, plan of double staircase
(6275) pp.38-39 Persepolis, Tiipylon measurements
(6274) p.40 Persepolis, unidentified
(6244) p.41 Persepolis, measurements underground canal
(6272/73) p.42 Persepolis, measurements section 100-colunm hall
(6245/47) pp.43-47 Persepolis, measurements Tripylon
(6248) pp..48-49 Persepolis, Harem, Darius, door and window openings
(6268) p 50 Persepolis, Tripylon vestibule
(6249) p.51 Persepolis, column bases
(6267) p.52 Persepolis, measurements by 100-column hall
(6250) p.53 Persepolis, measurements by 100-column hall
(6266) p.54 Persepolis, measurements underground canal (?)
(6251) p.55 Persepolis, measurements underground canal (?)
(6265) p.90 Persepolis, double staircase, measurements of elevation
(6264) p.92 Persepolis, outline panorama of mountains from terrace
(6252/63) pp.94-105 Persepolis, Main Gate, measured drawings of details of bulls and capitals

SK-XVII Skizzenbuch XVII. Persepolis. pp.1-104

(7385/86) p.1 Persepolis. Measurements for beginning of Apadana drainage system

pp.2-5 blank
(7435) p..6 Istakhr. Measurements for plan; and for Excavation No.4
(7387) p.7 Istakhr. Elevation of city wall (30/11/32)
(7436) p.8 Istakhr. Measurements for Excavation No..4 and sketches of 2 column bases
(7388) p.9 Istakhr.. Sketch of Excavation No.4
(7437) p.10 Istakhr. Measurements for Excavation No.2
p.11 blank
(7438) p.12 Persepolis. Elevation of Tripylon stairs
p.13 blank
(7439) p.14 Persepolis, Main gateway, plan and elevation of S doorway
(7389) p..15 Persepolis, Main gateway, plan and elevation of E doorway
(7440) p..16 Persepolis, Main gateway, plan of W doorway
(7390) p.17 Persepolis, Main gateway, mason's mark and detail of volute
(7441) p.18 Persepolis, Ta6ara, plan of SE corner; Radish, section of vestibule and plan of drainage
system N of Hadish
(7391) p.19 Persepolis, section of column base
(7442) p.20 Persepolis, drawings of canals, N section of great Hall of Apadana
(7392) p..21 Persepolis, SE corner of Apadana
(7443) p.22 Persepolis, column bases N of Hadish in front of small staircase
(7393) p..23 Persepolis, drainage system N of Ta6ara
(7444) p.24 Persepolis, drainage system of Apadana and 100-column Hall
(7394) p.25 Persepolis, drainage system N of 100-column Hall

(7445) p.26 Persepolis, Stairway to drainage system E of 100-column Hall
(7395) p.27 Persepolis, Foundation levels of Apadana and 100-column Hall
(7446) p.28 Persepolis, walking lion on King's robe, Ta6ara
(7396) p.29 Persepolis, reconstruction of glazed tile dado with color notes
(7449) p30 Persepolis, TaCara, Designs on King's robe, N doorway
(7397/7402) pp,31-41 Persepolis, measurements for plans of various structures on terrace
p.42 blank
(7403) p.43 Istakhr. Plan and elevation of tower in Excavation No3
(7453) pp.44-45 Persepolis, outer wall, N side
p.46 blank
(7406) p.47 Persepolis, Fratadara building, section of plan
(7454) p.48 Naqsh-i Rustam, measurements for enclosure wall
(7407) p.49 Naqsh-i Rustam, plan of enclosure wall
(7455) p.50 Naqsh-i Rustam, detail of 47
(7408) p..51 Naqsh-i Rustam, more measurements for wall
(7456) p.52 Persepolis, Hadith, measurements for retaining wall
(7409) p.53 Persepolis, Plan of mound E of Tairara
(7457) p.54 Naqsh-i Rustam, continuation of measurements in 51
(7410) p.55 Naqsh-i Rustam, plan of another section of enclosure wall
(7458) p.56 Persepolis, SE wall of Tripylon
(7411) p,57 Persepolis, NE corner of Apadana
pp.58-59 blank
(7481/82) pp..60-84 Istakhr, measurements for city plan, Nov,14, 1933
(7424) p..85 Persepolis, drainage opening near great staircase
(7471/72) pp.86-88 Persepolis, graves (?)
(7426/29) pp.89-95 Istakhr, fragments of stone capitals
(7476) pp.96-97 Persepolis, graves on Mt. to N
(7477) p.98 Measurements for plotting of mound near Gerchek (?)
(7431) p..99 Persepolis, unexplained plan
(7478/79) pp..100-102 Akhur-i Rustam, astodans
(7433) pp, 103-104 Persepolis, glazed bricks from revetment, with color notes

SK-XVIII Skizzenbuch XVIII. Damascus (Spring, 1930); Persepolis (Spring, 1931)

(7295) p.1 Damascus, Sitt al-Sha'm, tomb plan and elevation. Inscription of 568 H.
(7321) p.2 Damascus, Inscription of 575 H. of Malik al-Mansur; inscription of Magbara Bab al-
Saghir; and plans of graves of Nural-din and Sukaina (one or both marked "erledigt,
July, 1934" [destroyed]
(7296) p3 Damascus, inscription of Nur al-din on stone sarcophagus.. Notes on Muristan Nuri,
inscriptions and decoration
(7322) pp.4-5 List of photos of Taq-i Bustan and of those taken in Damascus (Apr. 10, 1930),
(7297) continued on p..6
(7323) p.6 Damascus, Arabic inscription of 610 H..
(7298) p.7 Damascus, Raihaniyya inscription of 575 H. and Sitta Raqiyya of 608 H..
(7324) p.8 Damascus, Inscription of 497 H..; Aleppo, Citadel, Greek inscription of sarcophagus,
Aleppo, inscription above mihrab, Shaihh Makruf, Shadbakatiyya; Beirut, fragmentary
Kufic inscription of 3 (?) 84 H.
(7299/7303) pp.9-17 Persepolis, studies of costumes of throne-bearers and men in Tribute procession

(7330) pp. 18-21 Persepolis, measured plan of Harem (?)
(7331/33) pp.22-25 Persepolis, objects found and stonemasons' marks; also column base from Bend-i Amir
(7334) p.26 Persepolis, pier, doors and niche, Harem
(7308) p.27 Persepolis, Radish. , masons' marks and Sasanian graffiti
(7335) p.28 Persepolis, section of Harem plan and threshold block
(7309) p.29 Persepolis, Harem, door-post block and fragments of cuneiform inscription
(7336) p.30 Persepolis, Cornice of Harem and English graffiti
(7310) p.31 Persepolis, details of door, Harem (?)
(7337) pp.32-33 Persepolis, fragments of stone sculptures
(7338) p.34 Persepolis, water channel S of Harem
(7312) p.35 Persepolis, location of Artaxerxes I find, July 12, 1932; Istakhr, remains of city gate
(7339) p.36 Persepolis, map of prehistoric remains to S. Nov. 19, 1931
(7313) pp..37-38 Istakhr, Two sections of topographical map. Nov.. 20/21, 1931
(7314) p39 Istakhr, measurements for plan
(7341) p..40 Persepolis, trench from NE corner of Harem to M; Istakhr, measurements and cross-
(7315) p.41 Persepolis, measurements for plan of prehistoric mound
(7342) p.42 Istakhr, plan, Excavation No.1 (continued on p.47)
(7316) p.43 Persepolis, prehistoric ruins, plan upper level
(7343) p.44 Persepolis, plan of section of Harem; Istakhr, capital or base (?) from Excavation No.1
(7317) p.45 Persepolis, column and base measurements in Harem
(7344) p.46 Istakhr, plan of Excavation No. I (continuation of p.47)
(7318) p.47 Istakhr, continuation of plan on p.42
(7345) p.48 Istakhr, plan of Excavation No.3

SK-XIX Skizzenbuch XIX. Persepolis. pp.1-48

(7346) p.l Persepolis, measurements for mountains on edge of plain: Kuh-i Nasare-Khans, Kuh-i
Sachl, Kuh-i Gerd.
(7367) p.2 Persepolis, plan of summit of Kuh-I Sachl and of cistern
(6347) p.3 Persepolis, sketch: elevations of Kuh-i Sachl and Kuh-i Nasare-Khans. Measurements for
map of plain; astodans on Kuh-i Sachl.
(7368) p.4 Persepolis, measurements for map of plain
(7348) p.5 Persepolis, course of Polvar river across plain
(7369) p.6 Persepolis, sketch of stone quarry (?)
(7349) p.7 Two stone graves between Naqsh-i Rajab and Naqsh-i Rustam (continuation on p. 14)
(7370) p. 8 Persepolis, plan of building by Fratadara relief (continuation of plan on p.9)
(7550) p.9 Persepolis, continuation of proceeding; remains of Geek inscription. For photos of Greek
inscriptions see N-127, No.6
(7371) p.10 Persepolis, Finds near Fratadara figure: alabastron, bronze ring, altar, and column base
(7351) p.11 Persepolis, Harem, plan (continued on p. 12)
(7372) p.12 Persepolis, Harem, plan (continued from p.11)
(7352) p.13 Persepolis, Harem, plan continued
(7373) p.14 Persepolis, continuation of grave studies on p.7
(7353) p.15 Persepolis, Fratadara ruin with drawing of 4 finds (continued on p.20)
(7374) p.16 Persepolis, plan Tripylon and small staircase (continued on p.19)
(7354) p.17 Persepolis, plan of building N of Tripylon (continued from p.16)
(7375) p.18 Persepolis, Fratadara ruins. Stone plaque with lion and affronted sphinxes (location on
p.15); remains of jar from E of'Ta6ara
(7355) p.19 Persepolis, continuation of plans on pp.16 and 19
(7376) p.20 Persepolis, Joins plan on p.15.. Continuation of measurements on p..16 of building near
Fratadara relief
(7356) p.21 Persepolis, measurements of building near Fratadara relief and plan joining those on
pp.8,9, and 15

(7377) p.22 Persepolis, plan of unfinished gateway N of Apadana
(7357) p.23 Persepolis, measurements for Fratadara ruins
(7378) p.24 Istakhr, 4 stone fragments noted on pp..25/26
(7358) p.25 Istakhr, Excavation No.2, plan (continued on pp,.28/29)
(7379) p.26 Istakhr, Excavation No.5, plan and elevation
(7359) p.27 Istakhr, Continuation of plan on p.25
(7380) p.28 Istakhr, continuation of Exc. No.2 (p.25); and plan of Excavation No.1
(7360) p.29 Istakhr, plan of city wall of Exc. No.3; continuation of plan of Exc. No.2 (p.25)
(7381) p.30 Persepolis, plan of rooms N of Harem
(7361) p.31 Persepolis, plan of Tripylon stairway
pp.32-43 blank
(7382) p,44 Persepolis, location of "goldnes Schmuckstab"
(7363) p.45 Persepolis, prehistoric village, kiln
(7383) p46 Persepolis, prehistoric village, kiln
(7364) p..47 Persepolis, location of "Bronzebeschlag"
(7384) p.48 Persepolis, measurements for map of Hajji Nasrullah water channel (ganat) from Istakhr

SK-XX Skizzenbuch XX. Persepolis II. pp.1-80

(7059) p..1 Persepolis, measured drawings of fallen crenellated blocks

(7098) p.2 Persepolis, banister with crenellations, small staircase
(7060) p.3 Persepolis, measurements for elevation of ruins on the terrace
(7099) p.4 Persepolis, measured column bases, pair of fallen lions, and masons' marks on bases
(7061) p.5 Persepolis, plan of column bases in square hall of Harem. (joins plans on pp..7, 9 and 11)
(7100) p..6 Persepolis, plan (joins pp.2, 9 and 10)
(7062) p.7 Persepolis, plan, section of Harem (joins p.5)
(7101) p.8 Persepolis, measurements to establish levels of ruins on terrace
(7063) p..9 Persepolis, plan (joins pp, 1,2,5,6, and 7)
(7102) p.10 Persepolis, plan, area N of Harem
(7064) p.11 Persepolis, plan, area N of Harem
(7103) pp.12-13 Persepolis, crenellations of N stairway to Apadana
(7104) p.14 near Istakhr. Plans and elevations of 2 astodans
(7066) p.15 near Istakhr, sketch of location of preceeding
(7105/06) pp.. 16-19 near Istakhr (?), plans and elevations of more astodans
(7107) p.20 Garmabad, cliff with 19 astodans
(7069) p.21 Garmabad (?), cliff with single large astodan
(7108/09) p22 Persepolis, measurements for area from Terrace to Istakhr; and for road from watergate
(7970) p,23 Persepolis, plan of ruins in the plain (?)
(7110/11) p.24 Persepolis, plan of ruins N of terrace (?)
(7071) p.25 Persepolis, plan and elevation of small astodans
(7112) p.26 Persepolis, possibly stone quarry
(7072) p.27 Persepolis, section of terrace retaining wall
(7113) pp..28-29 Persepolis, section of terrace retaining wall
(7114) p..30 Persepolis, measurements for plan of terrace
(7074) p.31 Persepolis, unidentified plan
(7115) pp.32-33 Persepolis, section elevation S wall of terrace
(7116) pp.34-35 Persepolis, elevations of sections of retaining wall
(7117/21) pp.36-44 Persepolis, detailed sketches of construction of top courses of retaining wall
(7081) p.45 Persepolis, detailed measurements group of column bases, possibly in Harem
(7122/23) pp.46-49 Persepolis, elevations of sections of retaining wall

(7124/25) pp.50-53 Persepolis, more plans showing construction top courses of retaining wall or Apadana
(7126) p.54 Persepolis, wall and column bases of Apadana (continued on p.55)
(7087/88) pp.55-57 Persepolis, elevation of foundation of Apadana; and underground drainage channel
(7128/29) pp,58-61 Persepolis, plan of terrace retaining wall by Apadana
(7130) pp.62-63 Persepolis, column bases of N vestibule and central hall of Apadana
pp.68-71 blank
(7134) p.72 Persepolis, unidentified plan
(7094) p.,73 Persepolis, plan related to pp.3 and 7
(7138) p74 Persepolis, unidentified plan
(7138) pp, 74-75 Persepolis, plan related to p..5
(7137) p.76 Persepolis, plan related to pp.3, 6 and 7
(7096) p..77 Persepolis, plan related to p.3
(7136) p.78 Persepolis, plan related to p8
(7097) p.79 Persepolis, measurements for elevations from Main gate to Apadana
(7135) p.80 Persepolis, drawing of concave door cornice. See Photo Album 39, p,.10

SK-XXI Skizzenbuch XXI. Persepolis. pp.1-17

(7041) p.1 Persepolis, Main Gate, measured drawings of bulls, full face
(7140) pp4-5 Persepolis, measured sketches of capitals, columns and bases
(7147) p.7 Persepolis, scale drawings of columns, capitals and bases
(7142) p.8 Istakhr, excavation No.2, plan
(7143) p.10 Istakhr', continuation of plan on p..8
(7144) p.12 Persepolis, measured sketches of bases and lion capital
(7148) p.13 Persepolis, Apadana, sketches of parts of capitals
(7145/46) pp. 14-16 Persepolis, Apadana, measurements of columns
(7150) p.17 Persepolis, unfinished gateway, column and capital

SK-XXII Skizzenbuch XXII. Persepolis. pp.1-53 and last page

(7151/52) pp.l-3 Persepolis, Apadana, E (new) staircase: plan and elevation of crenellations
(7179) pp.4-5 Persepolis, Apadana, same: details of construction and decoration. Transition to Tripylon
(7180) pp..6-7 Persepolis, Tripylon, partial elevation and plan
(7181/82) pp.8-11 Persepolis, Tripylon staircase and capital
(7184) pp, 14-15 Persepolis, elevation of E stairway, Hadish
(7185) pp. 16-17 Persepolis, elevation of W stairway, Hadish
(7186) p.18 Persepolis, elevation of small staircase, Hadish (?)
(7160) p.19 Persepolis, facade of Palace H
(7187) pp.20-21 Persepolis, stairway of Ta6ara
(7188) pp22-23 Persepolis, stairway of Ta6ara
(7189) pp14-25 Persepolis, elevation of section of Ta6ara
(7190) pp.26-27 Persepolis, elevation of Main Staircase
(7191) p.28 Persepolis, front view of bull, Main Gateway

(7165) p.29 Persepolis, measurements
(7192) p.30 Persepolis, plan of forecourt stairway, Hadish
(7166) p31 Persepolis, plan Main Gate, W doorway
(7193) pp. 32-33 Persepolis, plan of ruins behind Main Gateway, N of Apadana
(7194) p34 Persepolis, plan of E door, Main Gateway
(7168) p35 Persepolis, plan of E wall of N section
(7195) p.36 Persepolis, columns of Main Gate, plan
(7169) p.37 Persepolis, unidentified sketches
(7196) p38 Persepolis, plan, ruins of Main Gate
(7170) p..39 Persepolis, measurements of columns, Main Gate
(7197) p,40 Persepolis, plan of basin by Main Gate
(7171) p.41 Persepolis, 100-column Hall, plan of doorway
(7198/99) pp..42-45 Persepolis, 100-column Hall, remains of N wall
(7200/03) pp46-53 Persepolis, 100-column Hall, remains of E wall
(7204) back page Naqsh-i Rustam, elevation of tomb; detail of bull capital

SK-XXIII Skizzenbuch XXIII. Spalato. pp.1-16

(6156) p1 Bastistero di Salona, V c. Deeply cut stone capital

(6161) p.2 Stone capital published by Gurlitt.. Kowalczyk, Denkmaler d. Kunst in Kroatien (53)
(6157) p.3 Protome on cathedral tower
(6160) p.4 Capital in front of door of Jupiter temple. Akanthus and compostion strongly reminiscent
of Korykos
(6158) p.5 Capital of Jupiter temple
(6159) p.6 Capital with bird and oak leaves with acorn

SK-XXIV Skizzenbuch XXIV. Messungen

No microfilms.. This consists primarily of measurements for topographical maps with calculations,

pp.1-15 Pasargadae
pp, 17-21 Naqsh-i Rustam
pp.23-37 Khurha columns: measurements and calculations of heighths
pp.39-63 Persepolis, Terrace
pp.65-75 Naqsh-i Rustam
pp.77-79 F`rruzabad
pp.81-229 Persepolis: Terrace and city area
pp.230-250 Pasargadae: calculations referring to Skizzenbuch Pas. I (SK-IX)

SK-XXV Skizzenbuch XXV. Miscellaneous prehistoric objects. pp.1-71

(unless noted, even pages are blank)

(6162) p.1 Nineveh, prehistoric pottery

(6916) p,,2 bibliographical references
(6681) p3 Nineveh, Kassite cylinder seal
(6717) p.4 bibliographical references
(6682) p5 Animal beads c.. 2500 B,.C,
(6683) p,7 Ur pottery
(6684) p.9 al-'Ubaid type pottery from Ur
(6718) pp. 10-11 Two Sumerian (?) seal stones and notes
(6686) p..13 Two clay animals from Ur
(6719) pp.14-15 Three types of cylinder seals from Ur, pre-3500 R.C.

(6688) p..17 Misc. stone objects from Ur
(6689) p..19 Stone frog and bronze pick in British Museum
(6722) pp.20-21 Gold coin and Sasanian seal stones in British Mus.
(6691) p.23 Stones and pottery, Nineveh and Ur
(6692) p.25 Animal head like early Sumerian
(6693) p..27 Khinaman bronze vessels in British Mus. Of Nihavand-Harsin type
(6694) p..29 Khinaman ceremonial bronze axe in B..M., like Harsin
(6695) p..31 Bronze ceremonial axe in B.M., from Hamadan
(6723) p.32 unidentified stone jar
(6696) p..33 Alabastron from Samarra
(6697/99) pp.,35-39 Mussel shells
(6700/01) pp..41-43 outline of bowl
(6702) p.45 bowl of bright green marble, Samarra No.199
(6703) p,.47 potsherds: light and dark blue; and dark brown, slmost black.. Samarra (?)
(6704) p.49 thick glass vessel, Samarra
(6705) p,51 Patterns on Samarra pottery
(6706) p.53 Pottery jar, Samarra
(6707) p.55 Clay idol in three pieces
(6708) p..57 Two painted potsherds, Samarra (?)
(6709) p.59 Samarra objects in shist
(6710) p.60 Vial of ringed stone or glass, Samarra
(6711) p..63 Vial, painted clay.. Samarra No. 751
(6724) pp..64-65 Marble rim, Samarra
(6713) p.67 shallow stone vessel from Samarra
(6714) p..69 Iron dagger handle with human masks from Harsco
(6725) pp..70-71 Inscribed Sasanian bullae from Takht Abu Nasr (Shiraz), Dec.. 25,1933; and Kufic
(6715) inscription from Kermanshah

SK-XXVI Skizzenbuch XXVI. "Sammlung Hahn, etc." pp.1-90, photos of sketches.

(unless noted, backs of each page are blank. Some of these seals are published in AMI, Vol. V, pp.49-124. The
Inventory numbers refer to Herzfeld's Inventories, Archive N-89 and 91.) Most of the objects are prehistoric.

(7205) p.l small stone figure

(7206) p.2 lapislazuli inscribed roll seal with cuneiform inscription. From Wanna al-sudum
(7207) p.3 cylinder seal (Inv. No.278) with notes
(7208) p.4 hand, deep-red roll seal with 3 zones of decoration
(7292/94) p..4a 3 roll seals, including one on p.25, SK-XXVIII
(7209) p..5 roll seal, shell, cf. SK-XXXI, p.16
(7210) p.6 flat seal (no photograph or sketch)
(7211) p..7 button seal, limestone. Inv. No.241
(7212) p..8 Petschaft (seal), basalt. cf. Nihavand
(7213) p.9 rectangular seal, lion and ibex.. Limestone. Inv.. No. 2812.. SK-XXVIII, p.34
(7214) p,10 round seal stone with row of animals. Inv. No.239. Fara-type
(7215) P. i 1 round seal stone. Inv. No.235.. Limestone, cf. Tepe Giyan
(7216) p.12 small head of animal, yellowish limestone (?)
(7217) p.13 white limestone masque.. Inv. No.195
(7218) p.14 small head, aragonit. Inv. No.193
(7219) p.15 small haematite head. Inv. No. 194
(7220) p.16 small limestone standing figure
(7293) p. 16a small standing figure in long coat
(7221) p.17 small yellowish-green limestone standing figure
(7222) p.18 aragonit, very white (no illustration)
(7223) p.19 flat limestone seal.. cf. p.9
(7224) p.20 round seal, black stone. Inv.. No.240. cf. Tepe Giyan
(7225) p.21 bright red flint seal.. Inv. No. 238 (no illustration)
(7226) p.22 gray flint seal. Inv. No.236. Fara-type (no illustration)

(7227) p,,23 dark gray flint seal (no illustration)
(7228) p.24 irregular, deeply cut seal, with notes
(7229) p.25 round, gray black seal. Inv. No.237
(7230) p.26 black stone round seal. Inv. No.772
(7231/32) p.27 white marble animal from Warka. Inv. No.132
(7233) p.28 reclining animal, white marble. From Warka Inv. No.133
(7234) p.29 small soapstone jar (?), Inv. No, 80
(7235) p.30 white marble animal's masque. From Warka. Inv. No.131
(7236) p,32 small alabaster kneeling gazelle (?) or camel (??)
(7237) p34 recicling bull, yellowish limestone, Inv.No,130 (?)
(7238) p35 small reclining bull, limestone
(7239) p36 small reclining bull, blue-gray limestone
(7240/41) p.37 small animal, gray striped slate from Tell `Isharah
(7242) p.38 small boar.. (no illustration)
(7243) p.39 flat, yellow-brown limestone boar
(7244) p,40 flat red slate (no illustration)
(7245) p.41 limestone, flat (no illustration)
(7246) p,42 lion, outstretched. Fossilized ivory (?)
(7347) p.43 mussel seal (no illustration)
(7248) p.44 goat's head, hard, smooth limestone
(7249) p.45 seal, boar. White limestone
(7350) p.46 small limestone head. Inv, No.,136.. Resembles horse
(7251) p.47 limestone, flat, white. Inv. No. 137
(7252) p48 reclining animal with head turned back. red slate
(7253) p.49 flat animal seal, translucent aragonit
(7254) p.50 limestone, flat animal seal from Warka
p.51 flat animal seal (no microfilm)
(7255) p.52 aragonit, reclining bull seal
(7256) p.53 aragonit seal. Inv.. No.,135. From Warka
(7257) p,54 aragonit seal, kneeling animal, badly preserved
(7258) p.55 white limestone animal seal
(7259) p.56 limestone bull seal
(7260) p.57 half of woman's figure, limestone
(7261) p.58 small bronze standing figure. Inv. No 1506
(7262) p.59 bronze figure. Inv. No.1510
(7263) p.60 small bronze horse's head. Inv. No.1810. From Isfahan
(7264) p.61 small bronze horse. Inv. No. 1755
(7265) p,62 bronze horse trapping
(7266) p.63 aragonit kneeling bull
(7267) p.64 limestone bull
(7268) p.65 small limestone bull's head
(7269) p.66 mussel (no illustration)
(7270) p.67 small monkey
(7271) p.68 figure resembling a rat (no illustration)
(7172) p,.69 reclining cat, white limestone. Inv. No,. 143
(7273) p.70 9 small objects, mussel
(7274) p.71 small kneeling bull, mussel.. Constantinople
(7275) p.73 standing bull, mussel
(7276) p,74 outstretched lion, mussel, and notes
(7277) p.75 outstretched lion, mussel. In British Museum
(7278) p.76 limestone stag (?), head turned alongside.. British Mus
(7279) p.77 limestone vulture (?).. Brit. Mus. One in Frau Sarre's collection is published
(7280) p.78 limestone head of bull (?). Louvre
(7281) p.79 small head of bull. Louvre
(7282) p.80 fish, mussel.. From Warka. Louvre
(7283) p.81 terracotta bear (?). Constantinople
(7284) p.82 pierced bead. Constantinople. From Fara
(7285) p.83 round seal, drilled.. Constantinople. From Fara

(7286) p.85 bronze, 3 dogs side by side.. British Museum
(7287) p.86 standing man and lion. Aleppo
(7288) p.87 bronze horse from Isfahan. Inv.. No. 1810
(7289) p.88 red stone bull's head. Achaemenian. Inv.. No.1503. Tehran
(7290) p.89 bone, Hellenistic figure of female nude
(7291) p.90 unidentified head in profile

SK-XXVII Skizzenbuch XXVII. Antiquitaten I. pp.1-49

(The numbers in black are from Herzfeld's Inventory. Those preceded by "ph" or "Photo" refer to negatives)

(6425) p.1 Nizamabad, Sasanian, horseman, stucco; details of hooves (Neg.2158). The figures in
these measured drawings of stucco from Nizamabad are all fragmentary.
(6478/79) p..2 Nizamabad, Sasanian, horseman
(6426/27) p..3 Nizamabad, Sasanian, horses (Neg..2161)
(6477) p.4 Nizamabad, Sasanian, wall panels (Neg.2147)
(6428) p. 5 Nizamabad, Sasanian, horse's head (Neg.2156) and headless standing figure (Neg..2147),
(6476) p..6 Nizamabad, Sasanian, wall decoration, stucco (Neg.2149)
(6429) p.,7 Nizamabad, Sasanian, wall panels (Negs..2153, 2151)
(6475) p.8 Nizamabad, Sasanian, wall fragments and Arabic inscription
(6430) p.9 Nizamabad, Sasanian, boot and hands (Neg. 2154a), stucco; and Ray, stucco (?) roundel of
face in sun disk
(6474) p..10 Nizamabad, Sasanian, pieces of stucco wall decoration
(6431) p,11 Nizamabad, Sasanian, pieces of stucco wall decoration with color notes
(6473) p.12 Nizamabad, Sasanian, similar pieces and dragon's leg (Neg.2155)
(6432) p.13 Nizamabad, Sasanian, Frags, of circle and wings
(6472) p..14 Nizamabad, Sasanian, stucco plaques with animals (Neg..2150) and Sasanian stone
elephant (Baghdad)
(6433) p.15 Nizamabad, Sasanian, Frags. of stucco (Neg. 2148)
(6471) pp. 16-17 measured plans of unidentified buildings
(6470) p.18 Tepe Giyan, dagger, hilt (Neg. 488)
(6435) p..19 Tepe Giyan, 10 seal stones, some published in AMI, Vol..V, pp.49-124
(6469) p,20 Two bronze daggers, one from Hamadan (Negs. 492, 496)
(6436) p.21 Tepe Giyan, roll and stamp seals. See note p.19
(6467/68) pp.22-24 Sasanian and Parthian stamp seals
(6438) p.25 Five Sasanian seal stones; and bronze pitch fork (Tepe Giyan (Neg..724)
(6465) p.26 Tepe Giyan, Four lance heads, bronze (Negs.492, 495, 793)
(6439) p.27 Tepe Giyan, twelve carved stone seals.. See note p..19
(6464) p.28 Five silver or bronze pins (Negs.243, 244,245) and a metal mace (Neg.. 14)
(6440/41) p.29 Tepe Giyan, 15 flat seals. See note p.19
(6428) p..30 A bronze ax (Neg.534) and a pick head (Neg.. 542)
(6442) p.31 Tepe Giyan, 9 flat seals.. See note p..19
(6462/63) p.32 Bronze pick (Tepe Giyan, Neg.542) and cooper, human figure (Neg. 1176)
(6443) p..33 Five roll seals with cuneiform inscriptions
(6460) p.34 Tepe Giyan, large jar and rims (Negs.8, 90, 755, 761, 771)
(6444) p.35 Tepe Giyan, Two large jars (Neg..89)
(6459) p.36 Tepe Giyan, two large jars with details (Negs..82, 713, 758, 766)
(6445) p..37 Tepe Giyan, 5 jar's with details (Negs.85, 136, 186, 189, 712, 714)
(6458) p.38 Tepe Giyan, 6 jars and jugs (Negs..44, 68, 84, 85, 196, 203)
(6446) p.39 Tepe Giyan, 8 jars, jugs and bowls (Negs.38, 39, 42, 63, 93, 102, 108, 186, 196, 752)
(6457) p.40 Tepe Giyan, 4 albarellos (Negs.3, 4, 67, 207, 754, 764)
(6447) p..41 Tepe Giyan, 4 cups. (Negs.1, 9, 10, 76, 92)
(6456) p.42 Tepe Giyan, 4 jar's (Negs..47, 61, 76, 765, 765a)
(6448) p.43 Tepe Giyan, large jar and 3-legged jar, (Negs..74, 87)
(6454) p.44 Tepe Giyan, 8 jars, bowls, jugs (Kegs. 37, 69, 137, 193, 749, 764a, 770, 772)
(6449) p.45 Tepe Giyan, 3 small jars (Negs. 79, 133, 751, 760)

(6453) p.46 Tepe Giyan, 5 small jugs (Negs. 2, 46, 65, 66, 203, 763)
(6450) p.47 Prehistoric pottery, jar and bowl (Neg.73)
(6452) p.48 Prehistoric pottery, 4 pieces (One piece Neg. 34)
(6451) p,49 Prehistoric pottery, objects from Demavand region, Zun and Sarun

SK-XXVIII Skizzenbuch XXVIII. Antiquitaten II. pp.1-35

(The numbers in black are Herzfeld Inventory numbers; those preceeded by "ph" or "Photo are negative numbers)

(6380) p.1 Three polished jugs or vases

(6423) p.2 Six polished jugs or jars (Kegs. 105, 200)
(6381) p.3 Pottery, including bull's head, Tepe Giyan (Negs. 45, 47)
(6422) p.4 Pierced bells from Tepe Giyan and Hamadan, small beaker (Sawa) and bronze mirror
(6382) p..5 Small mirror, copper bowl, 3 small covers of copper, bronze or brass and pierced iron
plaque with invocation to Muhammad and 'Al-1
(6421) p.6 Animal vase (Bujnurd), copper bowl (Neg.23) and bronze candlestick
(6383) p.8 Five small glass bottles or vials (Sawa)
(6384) p..9 Four, small cut or, molded glass bottles (Sawa)
(6419) p.10 Five glass objects: bottle (Sawa), bowl (Ray)
(6385) p.11 Misc.. small objects of glass, lead, ivory and porcelain
(6418) p.12 Bronze tripod, bone buttons and carved beads (some published in AMI, Vol.V, pp.49-124)
(6386) p.13 Carved beads, jewelry, roll seal (Tepe Giyan) and 3-legged jar, (Neg.68)
(6417) p.14 Gold ring (Neg.498), stone bowl (Mashhad), copper bowls (Nihavand) (Negs..17, 521) and
alabaster vase (Samarra)
(6387) p.15 4 hand-made small jars in Richard Coll., Louvre; and lance head, Tepe Giyan (Neg. 495)
(6416) p.16 Nihavand.. 2 daggers, 2 lance heads (Negs. 492, 533, 793, 794)
(6388) p.17 Nihavand.. Bronze pick and ax head (Negs. 536, 537, 797)
(6415) p.18 Bronze bit (Neg..778), bronze lamp and 4 small animals or birds (Hamadan,
(6389) p.19 Alabaster vase (Babylon) and small bronze bowl
(6414) p.20 Pottery jug, Kharaj (Richard Coll., Louvre) and 7 small glass bottles (Hamadan,
(6390) p.21 Misc.. small objects: glass, pottery, stone (Baghdad, Hamadan, Constantinople)
(6413) p..22 Arabic glass stamp (Hamadan), clay figurines (Hamadan, Baghdad), cuneiform tablet
(Hamadan) Sasanian bulls (Hamadan) and small animal
(6391) p.23 Two clay and bronze human figures as pins (Cairo and Constantinople).. Side view of
painted clay figure on p.22
(6412) p..24 Small carved beads or seals (some published in AMI, Vol,.V, pp.49-124), Sasanian seal,
stone ape and bronze bull's head. All acquired in Constantinople
(6392) p.25 Roll and stamp seals, weights, small animals and birds (Constantinople, Baghdad)
(6411) p..26 Bronze jewelry (Negs..245,252) and slate "dish" (Cairo)
(6393) p.27 Two Tepe Giyan large jars (Negs. 88, 135, 871)
(6410) p..28 Tepe Giyan, two jars, one small cup (Negs.62, 68, 132)
(6394) p.29 Tepe Giyan, albarello and 3 small jar's (Negs. 36, 64, 75, 112, 137, 767)
(6409) p.30 Tepe Giyan, two large jars (Negs. 77, 756)
(6395) p.31 Tepe Giyan, two large jar's (Kegs. 71, 134)
(6408) p..32 Ray, long-snouted jug (Meyer Coll.., Tehran); 3-legged jug with bits of glaze inlay on
(6396) p.33 Cuneiform inscription on part of gold tablet. Hamadan, Oct.. 30, `29
(6407) pp.34-35 Cuneiform inscription on both sides of bronze plaque. Publ.. AMI, Vol.. II, p.117 and
(6397) VO1..IX, p.159 (Negs.303-306)
(6406) p.36 Sardonyx roll seal with cuneiform inscription (possession Procureur, general, Isfahan); nail
with incomplete cuneiform inscription (Hamadan)
(6398) p.37 Two sections cuneiform plaque in Brit. Mus..; engraved mussel shell (Isfahan, Harsin type)
(6405) p..38 Eleven seal stones or beads, some publ. AMI, Vol,V, pp.49-124
(6398) p.39 Luristan bronz ox with human mask (Nihavand)
(6404) p..40 Two Luristan bronzes (Nihavand); section of bit and affronted lion
(6400) p.41 Bronze or, silver, pieces and"engraved stone (Harsur, Tepe Giyan) Negs.252, 254
(6401) p.43 Button seal stones (Tepe Giyan, Tepe Yadgar). Some published AMI, Vol.V, pp.49-124

(6402) p,45 Seal stones (Tepe Giyan), weights, small stone animal heads (Tello). See note No.43
(6403) p.47 Small stone animals (1 from Tello) with drilled markings.. See note for No. 43

SK-X XIXSkizzenbuchXXIX. Antiquitaten III. pp. l-24

(The numbers in black are from Herzfeld's Inventory; those preceeded by "ph" or "photo" are negative numbers)

(6192) p..1 8 small bronzes of Luristan type and Sasanian (?)

(6193) p.2 12 small bronze animals or birds, Luristan, Harsin type
(6194) p.3 9 small bronze animals, Tepe Giyan and Harsin. (see Neg.504)
(6195) p.4 Tepe Giyan. 6 bronze pins and a spatula. (see Neg,242)
(6196) p..5 13 bronze and silver pins. (see Negs. 214, 244)
(6197) p.6 Tepe Giyan or Harsin., 12 bronze and silver pins and needles. (see Negs. 240, 241, 243,
(6198) p.7 Tepe Giyan or Harsin.. 12 Misc. bronze spoons, etc. (see Negs. 242, 243)
(6199) p..8 Tepe Giyan or Hat-sin. Misc. bronze pins, needles. (see Negs. 240,241, 243)
(6200) p.9 Tepe Giyan or Harsin. Misc. silver and copper rings. (see Neg.248)
(6201) p.10 Tepe Giyan or Harsin. 2 bullae (Publ, AMI) and Misc. copper objects (see Neg. 289)
(6203) p.1 l Tepe Giyan or Harsrn. Copper earring, spirals, etc. (see Negs. 253, 489)
(6204) p.12 Silver torques. (see Negs. 249, 251, 256, 499)
(6205) p.13 Tepe Giyan and Harsin. Silver and bronze torques and bracelets. (see Negs. 249, 499)
(6206) p,14 Tepe Giyan and Harsin. 6 bracelets, (see Neg.. 247)
(6207) p.15 Tepe Giyan and Harsin. Silver rings and spirals. (see Neg.,257)
(6208) p,16 Tepe Giyan and Harsin. 4 stone or bronze mace heads (see Negs. 14, 502)
(6210) p, 16a Mace head, iron
(6209) p.17 Tepe Giyan 3 bronze and stone mace handles,, (see Negs. 14, 503)
(6211) p.18 Tepe Giyan.. 2 bronze and stone handles. (see Negs..13, 730)
(6212) p..19 Tepe Giyan. 2 bronze ax heads
(6213) p.20 Bronze ax head and handle, (see Negs. 544, 791)
(6214) p.21 Tepe Giyan.. 2 bronze ax heads.. (see Neg. 790)
(6215/16) p.22 Tepe Giyan, 2 bronze ax heads..
(6217) p.23 Tepe Giyan, 2 bronze ax heads.. (see Neg. 538)
(6218/19) p.24 Tepe Giyan 2 bronze ax heads. (see Neg.. 542/786)

SK-XXX Skizzenbuch XXX. Antiquitaten IV. pp.1-24

(Numbers in black refer to entries in Herzfeld's Inventory.. The pieces in the Hahn Coll, are so marked
(see also SK-XXVI, "Sammlung Hahn, etc.. ")

(6164) p. l 14 Sasanian button seals, 1 Islamic

(6165) p,2 12 Sasanian and Achaemenian seals and 3 "cat's eye" pieces (see Neg. 496)
(6166) p.3 12 Misc. seal stones, including 1 cuneiform roll seal, Most are pre-Sasanian
(6190) pp.3a-4 23 Achaemaenian stamp seals
(6168) p,5 20 Sasanian seal stones, 4 with inscriptions
(6169) p..6 29 Sasanian seal stones, animals, birds, 3 with inscriptions
(6170) p.7 19 Sasanian seal stones and 1 Arabic., 5 with inscriptions
(6171) p.8 24 haematite weights (frogs, ducks, etc.), some with human figure or motif
(6172) p..9 22 Misc.. stone weights and small figures
(6173) p, 10 18 Misc, small stone figures, some from Tello
(6174) p. 1 1 13 small stone figures of animals or birds (one publ in AMI, Vol.V, 49-124)
(6175) p 12 12 small stone animals, two stamp seals
(6176) p.13 15 small stone or metal objects; ring bezels, stamp seals, Tepe Giyan beads. (see Negs..
252, 254, 506)
(6177) p.14' 20 small stone or metal objects: beads, stamp seals. Some published in AMI
(6178) p.15 Tepe Giyan. 22 steatite beads, buttons. Some publ. AMI
(6179) p,16 Tepe Giyan. 15 buttons and seals. Some Publ. AMI
(6180) p..17 Misc. carved buttons, beads, seals. Some Publ. AMI
(6181) p.18 4 stone pendants (Tepe Giyan), clay masque and carved stone. (see Negs. 496,506)

(6182) p.19 8 Sasanian button seals, silex object from Pasargadae, and 2 beads (Tepe Giyan).. (see
Negs. 496,506)
(6183) p.20 8 small bronzes, mostly Babylonian
(6184/85) p21 3 small bronze animals and snake (Tepe Giyan)
(6186) p.22 7 small bronzes: mostly Tepe Giyan, I possibly Achaemenian
(6187) p.23 Bronze human figure from Birs; votive figure from Hat-sin
(6189) p.23a Confronted Ibex, bronze, Harsin
(6188) p.24 4 bronzes, including pendant with Pahlavi inscription

SK-XXXI Skizzenbuch XXXI. Antiquitaten V. pp.1-24

(6347) p.1 Tepe Giyan, Crete, 3 bronze hatchets (Kegs. 536, 543,786,787)
(6348) p..2 Tepe Giyan, bronze pick (Neg..532)
(6349) p.3 Tepe Giyan, 3 bronze hatchets (Negs.. 543,788)
(6350) p.4 Bronze pickax and lance-tip (?)
(6351) p.5 Tepe Giyan, 2 bronze chisels
(6352) p.,6 Tepe Giyan, 2 curved bronze chisels (1 in Neg.531)
(6353) p..7 Tepe Giyan, bronze pick; handle decoration with "Janus" head (Harsin)
(6354) p.8 Harsin, decorated bronze ax, bell and handle
(6355) p..9 Harsin, 3 bronze "buttons" (?)
(6356) p.10 Harsin, bracelet and horse-bit
(6357) p.l l Marble and alabaster jars, clay seal, amber lion, jar (Hillah)
(6358) p.12 Jar (Hillah), stone bowl (Mashhad) and bronze incense burner (Neg. 438)
(6359) p.13 Gray stone lamp with Kufic inscription
(6378) p..13a White polished stone cover
(6360) p.14 Flints from Muhammadabad near Tehran
(6362/68) pp 15-22 Drawings of 69 Achaemenian and pre-Achaemenian roll seals, some published in AMI,
(6372/77) Vo1..V, pp.49-124. Those in Hahn Coll. so marked
(6369) p..23 Seven early button seals or beads
(6371) p..23a Clay figurines of nude woman and lion
(6370) p.24 Clay figurines of woman, dog and animal (fragmentary)

SK-XXXII Skizzenbuch XXXII, marked "Damas. I" . pp. 1-24

(8233) p. I Citadel (March 29,1914).. Ornamentation on towers and wall

(8234) p.2 Citadel (March 29,1914).. Profiles of inscription enframements and stylized fleur-de-lis
(8235) p.3 Citadel (March 29,1914). Coats of arms and hexagon
(8236) p..4 Great Mosque. Door, capital with cornucopias, top of minaret and coat of arms
(8237) p..5-6 measurements for plan of citadel
(8239) p.7 Citadel (April 1,1914). Molding marked "erledigt July, 1934"; capitals in Dj.. Sadat; Greek
(8240) p.8 Citadel (April 1,1914), stone capital
(8241) p.9 capital of mihr'ab in gate of Citadel; machicolation of Bab al-Sa1am
(8242) p.10 sarcophagus, Sakina
(8243) p..10a Passage of citadel (?)
(8244) p.11 Tomb of Bill ; Magbarat, marked "erledigt July, 1934); sarcophagus covers of'Omar ibn
'Abd al-'Azrz
(8245) p.12 Capital and window, Dj, al-Djarrah; Kufic inscription
(8246) p.13 panorama of minaret tops
(8247) p.14 Salihiya, Raihun, plan of entrance, marked "erledigt July, 1934"; Salihiya, 3 antique basalt
(8248) p.15 Plan and elevation of mausoleum of Ibn'Abdallah, marked "erledigt July, 1934"
(8249) p.15a entrance E of Bahadur As

(8250) p.16 Section of dome of Madrasa Sahib al-Rumi; 3 coats of aims
(8251) p.17 Section of mukarnas, Dj. Tainabiyya, 779 H.
(8252) p.18 Plan of Dj, Tainabiyya
(8253) p.19 Doorways of Dj. Tainabiyya
(8254) p.20 Salihiya, plan of Mahall al-Sikka
(8255) p.21 Tomb in garden, marked "erledigt July, 1934"
(8256) p.22 Plan and inside elevation of preceeding
(8257) p.23 Section of mukarnas, Dj. Tauba, 632 H.
(8258) p.24 Citadel, sketch of location of towers

SK-XXXIII Skizzenbuch XXXIII, marked "Damas. II". pp. 1-15

(8259) p.1 Plan of Madrasa Rashrdiyya, 750 H.

(8260) p,2 Dj Qinishliyya, cross-section
(8261) p.3 Dj. Qinishliyya, plan
(8262) p.4 Dj. Qinishliyya, main doorway and coat of aims
(8263) p.5 Dj. Zawiyat Sa'd al-din, plan
(8264) p6 Zawiyat Sa'd al-din, springing of dome
(8265) p,7 Tomb of Muhammad al-Harmali, plan., Marked "erledigt July, 1934"
(8266) p8 Turbe Sanaisan, plan, section of dome and details
(8267) p..9 Salihiyya, tomb of Qaimari, plan
(8268) p.10 Sahib Rumi in Maidan, plan
(8269) PA I Dar,al-fugaha, elevation
(8270) p..12 Bab Shargr, 3 profiles of moldings
(8271) p.,13 Bab Shargr, plan
(8272) p.14 Djobar, Kanisat al-Khidr, plans, elevation
(8273) p.15 Deraa, Dj, al-Dar'a. 2 Greek inscriptions
(8274) p..16 Madrasa Saif al-din, Qilidjeh
(8275) p.17 Muristan of Nur al-din, panelling of door; Hamah, grill of the minbar stairs
(8276) p..18 Unidentified pattern

SK-XXXIV Skizzenbuch XXXIV, marked " 3 Haleb". pp. 1-43

(8278) p. I Dj,. Sharaf, Mamluk cartouche and entablature; Dj Zikki, inscription and bosse; Dj , ?
(8279) p2 Takkiyya Bairam Baba, entablature and inscription; al-Djunsiyya, inscription; Saqaq
Tavil, inscription
(8280) p.3 Dj. Mawazini, inscriptions and decorative panel
(8281) p.4 Dj. Mawazini, notes; Qastal Bizzr, Mamluk cartouche; Sabil Shaikh Haidarr inscription
(8282) p.5 Arabic inscriptions
(8283) pp,5-8 sketch for plan of citadel wall
(8285) p.8 notes on minaret of Dj.. Dabbagha al-'atiga; details Utrush inscription; cartouche of Bai
bogha Saif al-din on Qastal Hammam al-Tall
(8286) p.9 notes on mihrab in Khangah fi'1 Farafra; Kufic inscription, Bab Antakiya
(8287) p.10 Khangah fi'l Farafra, plan
(8288) p.11 Khangah fi'1 Farafra, plan and details of mihrab
(8289) p,12 Khangah fi'1 Farafra, ornament of cupola; notes on Dj. Kamiliyya and Dj. Firdaus
(8290) p.13 notes and inscriptions, Shaikh Harawi
(8291) p.14 Shaikh Harawi, plan and elevation of tomb and Sabil inscription
(8292) p.15 Inscriptions: Tawashi fountain, Madrasa Kamiliyya tower, Haram Qarasongor
(8293) p.16 Madrasa Qarasongor, portal, cartouche, inscription 703 H.
(8294) p..17 Bab Antakiya, plan
(8295) p.18 Inscription in hall of Gr. Mosque
(8296-) pp., 19-22 Kufic inscription on minaret, Gr. Mosque
(8300) p.23 Khan Sibl (between Sarmin and Ma'arrat), plan, elevation and cartouche
(8301) p..24 Sarmin, plan of Gr. Mosque

(8302) p.25 Ma'arrat al-Nu'man, 2 basalt capitals
(8302-03) pp.25-26 Plan of Nab! YU a with elevation of minaret
(8304-05) pp.27-28 Ma'arrat, Gr.. Mosque, details of small qubba, inscriptions and decorative plaque
(8306-07) pp.29-30 Ma'arrat, Madrasa, plan, elevation of door, details of dome and inscriptions; Khan
Shaikhan, antique capital
(8308-09) pp.31-32 Hama, Gr.. Mosque, notes on Greek inscription; Mamluk cartouche
(8310) p.33 Hama, Gr. Mosque, Arabic inscription and Mamluk cartouche
(8310-11) pp.33-34 Hama, inside and outside of Hasanain and inscription of window in Gr. Mosque.
(8312) p.35 Hama, capital, note on minbar of Taki al-din, etc.
(8313) p36 Hama, Haram, main section, plan
(8314-15) pp.37-38 Hama, unidentified plan, note on minaret of Abu'l fida mosque and inscription on capital
(8316) p.39 Hama, Dj. Nurl, inscription and frieze of animals and scroll
(8317) p.40 Hama, notes on tomb mosque of Abu'l Fida and sketch of mihrab columns
(8318-19) pp.41-42 Hama, Dj. NUri, decorative panels, etc..
(8320) p.43 Hama, Mamluk cartouche, window of Gr.. Mosque with inscription of 894 H.

SK-XXXV Skizzenbuch XXXV, marked " 4 Horns". pp. 1-18

(8321) p.1 Hims, inscription of Khalid and notes on Gr. Mosque (Dj. Nur!)
(8322-24) pp.2-4 Hims, plan and elevation of Gr. Mosque
(8324) p.4 Hims, inscribed basalt block; plan and notes of tomb
(8325) p.5 Hims, inscriptions and cartouche
(8326) p..6 Hims, Gr.. Mosque, basalt capital
(8327) p.7 Hims, Dj. Kabir, carved decoration
(8328) p.8 Hama, frame of Nur al-din inscription
(8329) p..9 Hama, Gr. Mosque, plan and elevation of tomb chamber
(8330) p.10 Hama, Gr. Mosque, plan, Haram, tomb
(8331) p.l1 Hama, Gr. Mosque, plan, inscription on minbar
(8332) p.12 Hama, Gr. Mosque, plan E hall
(8333) p.13 Hama, Gr. Mosque, plan W wall, cartouche
(8334) p..14 Hama, Gr. Mosque, elevation.. Hims, Gr. Mosque, courtyard
(8335) p..15 Hama, elevation of sarcophagus of Fuddah
(8336) p.16 Hama, Arabic inscription
(8337) p.17 Hama, Mawlawiyya, elevation of portal
(8338) p.18 Hama, Mawlawiyya, plan

Catalogue of Contents

For convenience in locating the notebooks, a brief description of their appearance follows each Archive number.. For the
most part, the notations are in German in Herzfeld's writing.. The page numbers of some of the notebooks are noted, but
there are no microfilms.

N-1 (cloth-covered sketch-book 43/40 '/4")

p..1 Two Sasanian seals with Pahlavi inscriptions
p.3 Kufic seal: Abu Shuja and (on Rev..) Muhammad ibn al-Husaih ibn al-Muzaffar. See also N-4, p.2
p.5 Pahlavi inscriptions from Sasanian seals. Four
p.7 Pahlavi inscriptions from Sasanian seals. Four
P.9 Pahlavi inscriptions from Sasanian seals.. Five
p..11 Pahlavi inscriptions from Sasanian seals.. Five
p.13 Pahlavi inscriptions from Sasanian seals. Two
(In all above cases type of stone and subject are noted)
N-2 (black leatherette covers: 4 '/4 x 6")
Designs on 57 Paithan coins with descriptive notes; notes on Drouin article "Monnaies Sasanides inedites";
notes on Sasanian coins in Paruck
N-3 (orange Soennecken paper notebook)
Photographs or sketches and notes on 38 Sasanian or Parthian seal-stones in British Museum, Bibliotheque
Nationale, Berlin, etc. and list of place-names in Pahlavi on seals
N-4 (small cream-colored memorandum tablet)
P, l Pahlavi inscriptions on Sasanian seal-stones
p..2 Kufic inscriptions.. See also N-I, p.3
p3 Cuneiform inscription on green, flecked stone, British Museum
pp 4-9 Miscellaneous stamp seals
p..10 Hebrew (Aramaic ?) inscription on stone fragment
p.11 Greek inscription on carnelian
p..12 Aramaic (?) inscription
p..13 Arabic inscribed ring
pp.14-15 Stamp seals
p.16 Fragment of Aramaic (?) inscription
p..17 Hebrew inscription on roll seal
pp.18-19 Cuneiform fragments
pp.20-22 Sasanian stamp seals
pp..23-24 Monograms on Sasanian seals
p.25 Pahlavi inscription on seal-stone
p.26 Seal of Atur-Ormizd
p.27 Seal of Atur Ardashir
pp..28-57 Pahlavi inscriptions on Sasanian seals with notes on material of each seal-stone
N-5 (black leatherette covers, 5 x 7")
Analysis of place-names in Pahlavi geography (Shahreha e Eran).. 49 pages with insertion at beginning of 6
pages of Pahlavi text with transliteration
N-6 (black leatherette covers 6 'A x 8 '/2")
Excerpts from the Bundahesh (Pahlavi), Denkart (Pahlavi), PA NAM e Yazdane (Pahlavi) and Ibn al-Athir
N-7 (green Tumbler notebook 6'A x 8'A")
Ka'ba i Zardusht Pahlavi Inscription and Kartir inscription with English translation
N-8 (green Tumbler notebook 4 'A x 8 3/4")
Notes from Olaf Hansen "Die Mittelpersischen Papyri der Papyrus Sammlung der Staatischen Museen zu
Berlin"; and other sources

N-9 (green Tumbler notebook 6 x 9")
Cuneiform inscription on Herzfeld's Luristan dagger,. A listing of Pahlavi inscriptions, starting with the
Avroman parchment through inscriptions at Darband, after those of'Mihrnarseh at Firuzabad. Drawing of
Sasanian seal inscription (incomplete) made in Ba'quba, May 25, 1923. Starting from the back of the notebook
is a listing of drawings, apparently for a study of Sasanian sculpture, coats of aims and helmets, beginning with
a plan of Taq-i Bustan and ending with a relief of Bahrain II on horseback
N- 10 (hard-covered brown notebook 3 3/4 x 6 '/4")
Ten pages of Pahlavi vocabulary, apparently from the Yashts
N- 11 (small green Primus notebook 4 x 6") pp. 1-45 and loose slips numbered 46-72
Sasanian seal-stones, many with inscriptions, P.1 is marked "Calcutta," but it is uncertain whether that refers to
all pages from 1 to 45. The loose slips are of objects mostly in European museum collections
N-12 (small green Primus notebook 4" x 6")
pp.1-7 Four Sasanian seal-stones with inscriptions, those on pp,5-7 having identifying numbers, possibly to
N-13 (green Tumbler notebook 5 3/4 x 8 3/4")
Monograms from Sasanian sculptures and seal-stones
N-14 (pink-colored Soennecken notebook 5 '/ x 8")
Pahlavi text of Shahreha e Eran, followed by notes from Arab and Persian historians
N-15 (green-covered Soennecken notebook 5 '/4 x 7 /8")
Excerpts from texts dealing with Sistan. Pahlavi Afdr a Sagastan, Mah e Fravartin, PA NAM e Yazdan, with
discussions by Markwart and Noldeke
N- 16 (brown paper Oxford file pack)
Pie-historic seal-stones; inked drawings of 6.5 cylinder seals from Harsin, Nihavand, Tepe Giyan, etc. Herzfeld
inventory numbers are noted in black
N- 17 (brown paper Oxford file pack)
Pahiavi vocabulary. Continued in N- 18
N- 18 (brown paper Oxford file pack)
Continuation of Pahlavi vocabulary in N-17
N-19 (brown canvas folder, bound in brown leatherette)
168 Sasanian seal-stones.. Photographs, drawings and notes. From Leclerq, Thomas, de Sacy, Horn and
Steindorff; etc..; and from public and private collections
N-20 (black leatherette notebook 5 x7 '/z")
List of purchases of antiques in Baghdad, April 1923 with sketches and prices
N-21 (small rust-colored sketchbook 3 3/4 x 5") Inside cover, note on small silver bowl from Nihavand
p..1 Ashmolean Museum, Two small bronze animals
p.2 Ashmolean Museum.. Terra cotta figurine of nude goddess
p.3 Ashmolean Museum.. Small gold crouching calf; stone (?) goat
p.. 4 Ashmolean Museum.. Four stone weights from Kish
p.. 5 Ashmolean Museum. (?). Earrings
p.. 6 Ashmolean Museum. (?).. Stone seal, Djamdat Nasr
p.7 British Museum. Lapis cylinder seal (10939) from Ur
P.8 British Museum.. Mussel cylinder seal (10530) from Ur
p..9 British Museum.. Gold earring from Ur
P.10 British Museum. Lapis amulet (10985) from Ur
p.11 Purchases in Baghdad from Th. Meymarian. Sept.28, 1930
p.12 Four Sasanian seals, one with inscription (from N-11)
p..13 Cylinder seal with cuneiform inscription; Nihavand jar
p,14 Reference to two Luristan bronzes in British Museum
N-22 (hard, dark-blue, loose-leaf notebook 4 '/2 x 6 '/z")
Catalogue of 112 cylinder seals with rough sketches, Inventory numbers and references to drawings in sketch-
N-23 (hard, dark-blue, loose-leaf notebook 4 '/z x 6 '/z")
Arrangement of water-colors prehistoric pottery PPA for publication of Oriental Institute, Chicago. Persepolis
N-24 (gray, cloth-covered notebook 4 x 6'/z") Miscellaneous notes:
pp, 1-2 Romanesque building at Asfeld, near Rheims reminiscent of palace at Firuzabad
pp.3-4 Discussion of types of "central" buildings
pp.,5-7 Sasanian bridge and arch construction
pp.8-11 Gate designs (Byzantine, Armenian, Parthian); entrances, like Aleppo

pp. 12-14 Gothaer gem of Shaper
pp.15-16 Discussion of representation of nude figures in Sasanian art
pp. 16-19 Protocols
p.20 Details from Tartan
p.21 Ornaments
p.22 Weapons
pp.23-24 Khosro's throne
pp.25-26 Taq-i Bustan and Sasanian ornament
pp. 37-39 Sasanian mounted battle scenes
pp.40-41 Head-gear of Sasanian "Wiirdentrager"
pp.42-43 The Gotarzes relief at Bistun
pp.44-45 Representation of profile and full-face in Sasanian art
pp.46-53 Use of folds in Sasanian sculpture
pp..54-58 The sun nimbus
pp.59-62 Banquet scenes
pp.62-64 "Victories"
pp.64-65 Romulus and Remus motive
pp. 66-75 Notes on old buildings in Rheims-Verdun area
pp.77-78 List of books purchase
N-25 (black loose-leaf notebook 4 x 6")
Apparently a comparative study of certain Sanskrit words with Avestan, Greek and Latin
N-26 (soft brown leather notebook 4 x 8 '/4")
Epigraphical studies with references in Pahlavi, Persian, Hebrew, Greek and Latin
N-27 (hard brown mottled notebook 33/4x 5 3/4")
Notes and sketches of buildings and inscriptions: Aleppo and Damascus
N-28 (greenish cloth flexible cover 4'/4 x 6'/4"), marked "Kriegs-Tagebuch"
Various military notes and records of August 1915; and sketch plans of large house and two small houses in
Baghdad, large building with library in Qyzqaleh, and construction of roofs in Oleszkowiczy, north of Brest-
N-29 (green cover marked "My Notes on" 4 x 6'/4")
Lists photographs taken in Turkey, Hatra, etc. 1916 and in Persia, 1925 (includes prints in Photo Files 10 and
11); also lists contents of cases of frescoes and stucco from Kuh-i Khwaja in Bartus's handwriting
N-30 (shiny, black notebook 5 x7 3/4")
pp.1-13 Reconstruction of Pahlavi inscription at Paikuli
pp.14-15 Plan of squeezes of Kartir inscription, Naqsh-i Rustam
p.16 Tell (?), Arabic inscription of 601 H..
p..17 Dhu'l-Kifl, minaret, 2-line fragment of inscription
p..18 Bistun, Greek inscription and Kufic tombstone.. See SK-I, p.26
p..19 Asadabad, Naskhi and Kufic tombstones.. See SK-I, pp.. 19 and 21
pp.20-21 Sunghur', Arabic tombstones.. See SK-I, pp. 27 and 29
p.22 Kale i Khusraw, Kufic tombstone.. See SK-I, p.30
p23 Tehran, Shah's Museum.. Three master's signatures on metal objects
pp.24-28 Veramin, inscriptions in Great Mosque, mihrab, and tomb tower of 'Ala al-din
p.29 Kuhnagil, long Arabic inscription of 707 H.
pp.30-32 Qum, inscriptions, including Gumbad-i sabz
pp.33-34 Qazvin, three inscriptions
p.35 Hamadan, Kufic inscription
p.36 Coin inscriptions: Arabic and Pahlavi
pp.37-66 Isfahan, 44 Arabic or Persian inscriptions, including a few from Pir-i Bakran
p.67 Pir-i Bakran, Hebrew inscription
pp.68-71 Mashhad-i Madar-i Sulaiman, Arabic inscriptions, including sarcophagi near, tomb of Cyrus
p.72 Qabr-i Kalantar' near Hajjiabad, Naskhi inscription
p..73 Naqsh-i Rustam, Greek inscription on Shaper' relief
p.74 List of squeezes made at Naqsh-i Rustam
p.75 Naqsh-i Rustam, Persian inscription of Shah'Abbas

p.76 Persepolis. Pahlavi inscription in Tachara
pp.77-95 Persepolis. 26 Persian or Arabic inscriptions
pp.96-97 Persepolis. Syrian and Hebrew inscriptions
p. 98 Persepolis, Cuneiform inscription, Hadish, on Darius' robe
p., 99 Persepolis.. Kufic on fold of garment, Tachara
p.. 100 Persepolis, Stonemasons' marks
pp.102-105 Persepolis. Cuneiform inscription, Apadana stairway
pp. 106-113 Persepolis. Cuneiform inscription, Terrace. Persian, Elamite and Babylonian versions
p..114 Persepolis. Hadish, cuneiform inscription
pp, 116-117 Persepolis. cuneiform inscription
pp.118-119 Shiraz.. Mashrigain, mihrab and sarcophagus inscriptions
p.120 Shiraz.. Shah da'I allah inscription, 807 H
p..121 Shiraz.. Chehel Tan tombstone 654 H., reference to second tombstone
p..12.5 Notes on Aegean Neolithic ware
pp. 127-129 Notes on Early Bronze Age bronzes
pp 154-157 Pahlavi text, second Kartlr, inscription
pp.162-182 Pahlavi text, Paikuli inscription
N-31 (mottled red notebook 6 x 8 '/")
Contains extract of Arabic text of Ibn 'Asakir regarding Great Mosque of Damascus.. Given to Max van
Berchem by Rene Dussaud in 1911. Also extracts from Berlin Safavi Ms.. in Arabic regarding Yelbogha
N-32 (yellow notebook 6 x 3 3/4")
Contains draft outline of chapter headings and sub-headings for The Persian Empire, with identification of 17
proposed illustrations. See N-120/121 for Ms.. edited and published posthumously by Prof. Gerold Walser,
1968.. The first chapter, "The Horse in the Ancient East..,..," bears a notation "Veroffentl. d., Turk. Geschichts
Kommission, V. Serie.. No..2a.. Ausgrabungen von Alaca Hoyuk von Dr. Hemit Zubeyr Ko§ay, (Ankara, 1944)..
Der Gold-eisen dolch (?) in dem darauf folgenden Nummern." The notebook also contains miscellaneous notes
related to the study
N-33 (36 pages of notebook without cover, p..2 missing 6'/4 x 8")
Miscellaneous notes on prehistoric objects from Harsin, Tepe Giyan, etc.. with related study material
N-35 (speckled green and purple notebook 3 x 6")
Miscellaneous notes related to Herzfeld's trip 1924/25 to Kabul and from Quetta to Tehran via Mashhad..
Includes bibliographical material, itinerary Quetta-Duzdap, bolugs of Mashhad, names of officials, etc. Also
extract Afghan letter refusing transfer personal goods to German Legation in Kabul before payment of duty
N-36 (beige linen sketchbook 7 x 5")
Twelve pages of Sasanian seal impressions with official inscriptions
N-37 (beige linen sketchbook 7"x5", marked "B")
p.1 Bronze axe-head, Harsin.. Tehran Museum
p.2 Notes on Luristan bronze daggers with cuneiform inscriptions
p.3 Greek inscription on stone tablet, Susa
p..4 Apparently a quotation from a Greek elegy on the Parthians
p.5 Inscription on silver, bronze inlaid candlestick
p.. 6 Arabic inscription on Herzfeld's pen-box
p.7 Bronze kettle with cuneiform inscription
pp.8-9 Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a.. Arabic inscriptions in dome chambers
pp, 10-11 (a) Sasanian bulla with inscription, Tehran Museum (b) Arabic inscription on wooden door, Abadeh
pp.12-13 Arabic inscription of 520 H. on wooden door, Abadeh
p.14 Itinerary Kazerun - Dar Ahani via Bahram II relief near Nurabad
p..15 Quotation from letter from Enno Littman on'Adud al-daula inscription of 363 H.
p. 16 List of purchases in Hamadan
p. 17 Seal from Nihavand vase with cuneiform inscription
pp, 18-19 Cuneiform inscription of Artaxerxes on silver plate from Hamadan
p.20 Notes on prehistoric seals in British Museum
p.21 Cuneiform inscription on Luristan bronze vessel
p.22 Sasanian seal with Pahlavi inscription, Munich
p.23 Early bronze picks and pins from various sites
p.24 Early bronze rings, pendants, etc. from various sites

p.25 Prehistoric seals and bracelet. Constantinople and Damascus
pp..26-27 Stone basin in Constantinople and notes on objects there
p18 Arabic inscription on E door of city-gate. Constantinople (?)
p. 29 Tabula ansata in Damascus Museum, 456 H..
pp30-32 Arabic inscriptions, Damascus Museum.. Noted Aug.! Sept.. 1941
N-38 (dark green hard-covered sketchbook .5 x 7")
pp. 1-8 Misc, objects in Museum, Constantinople (1927), including Assyrian and Hittite (Boghaskoi)
p.9 (a) Relief of boar, Constantinople (b) Arabic inscription in Damascus Museum
P,10 Plan and inscription, tomb of Nur al-din, Damascus, Marked "erledigt July, 1934"
p.11 (a) Sasanian seal with Pahlavi inscription (b) Arabic inscription and fleur-de-lis, Muristan Nuri,
p.12 List of photographs taken in Damascus, April 10, 1930
p.13 Arabic madrasa inscription, 603 H..
p.14 Three Arabic inscriptions in Damascus, one now in new museum
p..15 Aleppo, Greek inscription in Citadel and two Arabic builders' signatures. Note: "The mihrab and all
wooden and marble pieces have been stolen from the Magam Ibrahim"
p..16 Kufic inscription, Beirut Museum
p.17 Two bronzes from Haisin, Museum Tehran.. AMI, vol. VIII, fig, 118c
pp., 18-19 Four Sasanian bullae from Khaffadji area and one from Nihavand, all with Pahlavi inscriptions
p.20 Bronze dagger handle, standing figure
p.21 Luristan iron pick with inscription
p.22 Haematite mace head, attributed to Harsin
p..23 Sawa, glazed tiles with Kufic inscription
pp.24-25 Cylinder and stamp seals from Mesopotamia and Kufic tombstone of Abdullah ibn Salih from Istakhr
pp.26-27 Sketch detail of soffit, Mashhad al-Hasan, Damascus; and inscription of Yahya al-Kitani.. August 11,
p.28 Arabic inscription, Damascus, north city gate, 538 H,.
N-39 (beige sketchbook 9 '/4 x 6", marked "Sketchbook Bergner")
The late Karl Bergner was a highly gifted architectural draftsman who worked in his late 20's for Professor
Herzfeld at Persepolis and subsequently for Dr, Erich Schmidt at Istakhr. He usually took a trip during his
vacation.. On one such trip in 1935 he painted these water-colors for his own pleasure
p. 1 Persepolis column and plain, Oct.. 6, 1935
p. 2 Kumishah, mosque
p.3 Mahun (shrine), March 3, 1935
p.4 Ice-houses in Kerman, April 3, 1935
p..5 Tulip and pansy
p.6 Masjid-i Jum'a near Kerman, April 3, 1935
p..7 Unfinished tomb of Kambyses near Persepolis, April 28, 1935
p.8 Ruins of a garden house two Km W.. of Persepolis, July 5, 1935
P.9 Beginnings of a pencil sketch
p. 10 Left side of Taq-i Kisra, Ctesiphon
N-40 (beige sketchpad 9 x 6", brown paper)
Two pen and water-color sketches of Assur', 1904
N-41 (purple notebook 4 '/z x 7 '/z")
54 separate sheets of drawings of objects, mostly Hittite
N-42 (small speckled notebook 3 x 5 '/z" )
Pocket diary: includes preparations for 1923-24 trip Baghdad-Tehran.. Expense accounts, names and addresses
of officials, purchases, some sketches and inscriptions. Some of the contents transferred to Journal N-83
N-43 (small speckled notebook 3 x 5 '/z" )
Pocket diary of trip Tehran-Kharg, 1924.. Some of the contents transferred to Journal N-84.. Contains expense
accounts, itineraries, names and addresses, some sketches and inscriptions and notes, such as names of old city
gates in Shir'az
N-44 (small black notebook 23/4x 4 '/4" )
List of exposures of 18 films which appear to cover a trip from Jerusalem to Constantinople, including views in
Petra, Tiberius, Bethlehem and Rhodes. No date and may not be in Herzfeld's writing.. Prints may be among
unidentified photos in Photo Files

N-45 (small green notebook 2 '/2 x 4 '/2")
Contains brief' quotations from various writers, such as Plato, Kant, Pascal, Nietsche, Wilde, which apparently
appealed to Herzfeld
N-46 (cloth notebook bound in red leather 3 x 5 '/2")
Miscellaneous expense accounts at Persepolis and names of publications ordered. Also draft of a letter arguing
that the Excavation Law be interpreted to permit the exportation of'the clay tablets for treatment, decipherment
and publication abroad
N-47 (cloth notebook bound in red leather 3 x5 V2" )
Note inside says "Received from Prof. Grohmann on October 29, 1957"
Account of trip with Reza Shah, transliterated as Journal N-47 (see list of Travel Journals). Also account of trip
Tehran-Kuh-i Khwaja via Baghdad and Karrachi Feb. 17 - March 19, 1929
N-48 (brown leather folder 3 '/2 x 6 '/4")
Miscellaneous notes on separate slips of paper include bibliographical references to archaeological sites in
Iran, travels in Italy with sketches of inscribed Islamic or earlier objects in public and private collections,
epigraphical notes on Pahlavi words, excerpts from items related to Protocols, quotations from Reiner Maria
Rilke, applied to Islamic buildings or arts
N-49 (mottled brown notebook 7 x 9")
Financial accounts for trip Pasargadae, Persepolis, Sar Mashhad, 1928 and Sistan Expedition, 1929
N-50 (mottled brown notebook 5 x73/4 ")
Expense accounts including travel Duzdap, Mashhad, Tehran, 1925; rugs and other purchases; and household,
N-51 (white bank-book 5 x7 ''/2")
Imperial Bank of Persia, Tehran. A/c, Oriental Institute Persian Expedition, 1932-33
N-52 (green bank-book 43/4x 7 '/4")
Imperial Bank of Persia - Shiraz.. A/c, Oriental Institute Persian Expedition (Rials and Dollars) 1931-33
N-53 (brown bank-book 5 x 5 '/2")
Bank-book of the Imperial Ottoman Bank, Baghdad. Herzfeld's a/c, 1923-24
N-54 (blue embossed 4 x 5 '/2") Directory of offices of the Banque Imperiale Ottomane
N-55 (red bank-book 4" x 6") Imperial Bank of Persia.. Herzfeld's personal Rial account 1929-31
N-56 (red leather 3 '/2 x 5")
Herzfeld's Address Book
N-57 (black leather 3 '/2 x 4 '/2")
Diary, 1930
N-58 (red leatherette 3 3/4 x4 1/2 ")
Diary, 1931
N-59 (purple leatherette 3 x 5" )
Diary, Jan. 1, 1932 - March 20, 1933. Itinerary Kozerun - MYl i Azdaha
N-60 (black leatherette, gold-rimmed 2 3/4" x 4")
Diary, 1933
N-61 (black leatherette 2 /4 x 4")
Diary, 1934
N-62 (red leatherette 3 x 4")
Diary, 1935. In London
N-63 (brown leatherette, marked "Tagliche Notizen" 2 '/2 x 4")
Diary, probably 1922
N-64 (brown leatherette 3 '/4x 5")
Diary, 1936. In London, to N.Y. Sept.16, in house, Princeton, Oct. 12
N-65 (black leatherette, stamped 1937 3 x 5")
Diary, 1937. From June 4 to October 7 in Europe
N-66 (black leatherette stamped 1938 2 '/4 x 4")
Diary, 1938.. From July 5 to Oct. 26 in Europe and Egypt
N-67 (red leatherette, stamped 1939 2 '/2 x 4")
Diary, 1939.
N-68 (red leatherette, stamped 1943 2 '/2 x 4")
Diary, 1943. Trip to Santa Fe
N-69 (black leatherette, stamped 1944)
Diary, 1944. His library, bought by Metropolitan Museum, taken June 21st. Packers at Princeton house Dec. 4-

N-70 (black leatherette, stamped 1945 2 '/2 x 4")
Diary, 1945. To Santa Fe July. 15, return Sept. 23. "End of War" Aug, 14
N-71 (brown leatherette, stamped Diary 2 '/2 x 4")
Diary, 1923. Much of the information repeated in Journal N-83
N-72 (blue leatherette, stamped Letts's Quikref Diary 2 '/2 x 4 ''/2")
Diary, 1925. Includes trip from Karrachi via Kuh-i Khwaja, Mashhad, Bistam to Tehran. Covers the itinerary in
the missing Journal which followed Journal N-85; and stay in Tehran until October
N-73 (black leatherette, stamped Diary 2 '/2 x 4")
Diary, 1926. Another trip to Persia, May 1, Includes visit to Alamut
N-74 (red leatherette, stamped Notizkalendar 3 x 6")
Diary, 1926, with a few entries Jan.-March in Berlin
N-75 (purple leatherette, stamped Diary 3 '/4 x 5")
Diary, 1927. In London, July 14-August 11, then Paris one week. Left -Berlin Nov. 8 for Constantinople, then
to Aleppo, Cairo, Baghdad, Tehran
N-76 (blue cloth, stamped Diary 23/4x 4 3/4")
Diary, 1928, Excavations at Pasargadae April 11; back in Tehran June 12. Trip to Nihavand, July 23-August 3
N-77 (black leatherette, gold-rimmed 3 '/4 x 5")
Diary, 1929. Itinerary and notes Sistan Expedition: from Tehran, Feb. I l - return Tehran, April 27
N-78 (orange notebook 5 '/2 x 9")
Quotations in Greek from Appollionius of Rhodes and Aeschylus; also, in German, from Ed.. Meyer, regarding
manual workers, such as smiths, carpenters
N-79 (green Tumbler notebook 43/4x 9")
Notes on Tell Halaf and Doura Europos
N-80 (green Tumbler notebook 63/4x 8 ''/2")
Reading notes on metals and smiths
N-81 (red Moroccan leather 7 x8 ''/2")
Journal marked "Von Kalat Schergat nach Schiraz 1905"., See list of'Travel Journals. Placed in the Journal are a
dozen or so letters of introduction or orders in Arabic, Persian or English used for the trip
N-82 (same as N-81)
Journal marked "Von Schiraz nach Teheran and Constantinopel 1905," See list of Travel Journals
N-83 (same as N-81)
Journal marked "Tagebuch Persien I,1923," See list of Travel Journals
N-84 (brown tooled leather 6 '/2 x 8 '/4")
Journal marked "Tagebuch Persien II, 1923-24.." See list of Travel Journals,, Enclosed in the Journal is a note
from Sven Hedin whom Herzfeld saw in Tehran
N-85 (limp brown tooled leather 6 '/4 x 8")
Journal marked "I Afghanistan-Ostpersien 1924-1925." See list of Travel Journals
N-86 (same as N-85)
Notebook marked "III Tehran 1925." Consists of'reading notes on cuneiform and Pahlavi inscriptions and
related subjects.. The notebook also contains a collection of typed slips headed "Inhaltsverzeichnis der
Tagebucher Persien 1925" with sub-headings: Geographie, Satrapienliste, Waffen and Trachten, Erekhsha,
Kushan-Tokharer etc.., Saken-Skythen, Awesta: Sprache - Schrift - Geschichte, Vishtasp and Zoroaster, Titel,
Achaemenidenstammbaum, Achaemenideninschriften, Graber, Reliefs, Arsakidische Adelshauser, Miinzen,
and Pahlavi-Literatur.. The full value of this Index is impaired by the fact that Notebook II is not in the Archive
N-87 (same as N-85 )
Notebook marked "Pahlavi Inschriften 1923-26" On fly-leaf: Outline Corpus Inscriptionum Partharicarum
p.1 Saipul
pp.2-3 Naqsh-i Rustam, Pahlavi and Greek
p.4 Naqsh-i Rajab
pp.5-8 Naqsh-i Rustam
pp..9-11 Persepolis, Tachara
p 12 Inscriptions on 4 Sasanian seal-stones
pp.13-15 Naqsh-i Rajab, Kartir inscription
p.16 Persepolis, Tachara
p..17 Five masters' signatures: Naqsh-i Rustam, Naqsh-i Rajab, Persepolis
pp. 18-22 Persepolis, Hebrew inscriptions
p,23 Three seal-stones: two Pahlavi, one Arabic
pp.24-29 Naqsh-i Rustam, Kartrr inscription

p.30 Bistun, Greek inscription
pp.31-34 Persepolis, European graffiti
p.35 Stone masters' signatures: Taq-i Gina, Bistun, Firuzabad
p.36 Arabic and Pahlavi inscriptions on coins
pp.37-52 Paikuli, new blocks
pp.53-56 Imamzadeh Shah Isma'il, astodan inscriptions
pp.57-62 Inscriptions on Sasanian and Parthian coins
p.63 Seal-stones with Pahlavi and Arabic inscriptions
pp.64-65 Sasanian coins
p,66 Arabic coin inscriptions
p.67 Parthian coins
pp.68-69 Inscriptions on Sasanian coins
pp.70-71 Sasanian bullae
p.72 Two Parthian coins, inscriptions
p.73 Soghdian coin inscriptions
pp.74-81 Nineteen Sasanian and Parthian coins in the collection of Mustishar-i a'zam, Shiraz
pp.82-83 Comparison of script on silver vessels with that at Imamzadeh Shah Isma'il
pp.84-89 Stakhrian coins in British Museum, inscriptions
pp.90-92 Reconstruction of Paikuli inscription
pp.93-94 Hajjiabad (Shah Sherwan)
p.95 Naqsh-i Rustam and Kuh-i Girdelak
p. 96 Istakhr, city-gate
p.. 97 Sasanian coin inscriptions
p..98 Firuzabad
pp.99-106 Sar Mashhad, Kartir inscription
pp.107-108 Shapur (Bishapur)
p.109 Unidentified
p.110 Taxila, Asoka inscription
pp. 111-114 Inscribed bullae
pp, 115-116 Mil-i Radkan
p.117 Inscribed seal-stone
pp.118-119 Turfan, Hephthalite
N-88 (black and tan stamped notebook 6 1/ x 8")
Contains cuneiform inscriptions from Assur; Greek inscriptions from Cilicia; notes on Islamic architecture,
including the Mustansiriyya in Baghdad; itinerary Qyzribat -Khaniqin with notes on mosque in Kerkuk;
itinerary Hamadan -Enzeli; extract from van Berchem's Journal on the Great Mosque at Damascus; extract from
Enno Littmann's article (in Italian) on the inscriptions in Harran and Zebed, With the notebook are a few pages
of notes related to the Damascus mosque
N-89 (large gray cloth-covered book)
Inventory of objects in Herzfeld Collection, Nos 1-2032, most with sketch, description, place of acquisition,
price and provenance,, There are some cross-references to sketchbooks and, in some cases, a note of disposition
N-90 (same as N-89 )
Inventory of Herzfeld's Collection., Nos..1-1864 are, in general, a duplication of the entries in N-89, except for
the following: entries 105-120 differ from those in N-89; entry 786 is a stone statuette, in N-89 it is a bronze
lamp, each missing in the other volume; 3 unnumbered bowls between entries 1543-44 in N-89 are not in N-90..
Also included in N-90 are entries 2885-2980, mostly objects from Nihavand and Hat-sin
N-91 (large brown leather book)
Inventory of Herzfeld's Collection. Continuation of N-89, Nos.. 2032-2884 (No.2032 is used twice, once for
another coin in N-89).. No prices are entered after 2535. Nos.,2261-2511 are headed "Tepe Giyan, Fall 1926-
Spring 1927." There are frequent references to photos or sketchbook entries and many of the objects are noted
as in the Field Museum, Chicago
N-92 (same as N-89)
Inventory. Nos.. 1-34 headed "1928. Pasargadae'; Nos. 1-79 which follow in another series are from Nihavand,
Harsin, Baghdad, etc.
N-93 (red leatherette book 8 x 10")
Marked "Katalog meiner Bibliothek I E.Herzfeld 1918." Alphabetical catalogue by authors

N-94 (same as N-93)
Second volume of library catalogue
N-95 (light brown heavy cardboard folder 9 1/2 x 14")
Marked "Sasanidische Stoffe," Material for a study of Sasanian textiles, including drawings, photographs, notes
and two original water-colors (D-1212-1213), TA, pl.LXIII, top and pl.LXV, bottom
N-96 (same as N-95)
Marked "Sasanidische Scuiptur," Notes, drawings, tracings, photographs dealing with Sasanian sculpture,
especially costumes and head-dresses, much of it published
N-97 (pink, heavy cardboard folder 9 1/2 x 14")
Marked "Sasanidische Gemmen. " Notes, photographs and drawings for the study of seal-stones and coins.
Some published in AMI, vol,IX
N-98 (large tan heavy cardboard folder, marked "Feuertempel")
Apparently drafts for an article on Fire Temples, including Masjid-i Sulaiman (Nov.1928); Takht -i Rustam
(Sept.. 1923); Kuh-i Khwaja (1924, 1929); Shahristan (Feb.. 11-14, 1925); Firuzabad (Ardashir Khurrah) (March,
1924); Qaleh-i Dukhtar (1925); and Girah (Sar Mashhad) (Mar.. 29, 1924).. A revised version starts on p.16.
Includes quotations from N-84, for instance, on pp.2-4
N-99 (brown mottled cardboard cover 33/4x 5 3/4")
Damascus: Arabic inscriptions and sketches with notes regarding buildings
N-100 (same as N-99)
Damascus: guide to location of monuments ( a few in Aleppo)
N-101 (gray, heavy cardboard folder; marked "Damaskus, Umayyaden Moschee")
Contains notes by Rene Dussaud on the mosque; also a notebook of Aleppo inscriptions and notes
N-102 (green, heavy cardboard folder 9 3/4 x14")
Contains notes and tracings of throne-bearers at Persepolis; a folder of cuneiform inscriptions; another with
notes relating to a bronze with cuneiform inscriptions, published in AMI, volIX, p1.I, with a letter from Sidney
Smith offering alternative reading; a short review of Iran in the Ancient East by Sir John Marshall; and a folder
of cuneiform inscriptions on Luristan bronzes
N-103 (blue, hard cardboard folder 9 1/2 x 13")
Notes on Achaemenian throne-bearers: Persepolis, Behistun, Naqsh-i Rustam
N- 104 (large, green heavy cardboard folder; marked "Knh-i Khwaja")
Contains correspondence related to the Sistan Expedition and the draft copy of 'a letter to the Notgemeinschaft,
Berlin, explaining the problems related to passage of an Antiquities Law and proposing an Expedition to
protect Persepolis and excavate Istakhr
N-105 (smooth black notebook 9 x 11 1/2")
Contains bibliographical references to following buildings as well as inscriptions and sketches of some
architecture or ornament., Buildings primarily in Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah and Hims, but also Madrasa
Nizamiyya (Khargird), Imam Dur; Dhu-1 Kifl, Masjid-i'All (Isfahan), Zubair; Kharg and Baba Munir (Fans)
N- 106 (brown tooled leather notebook 4 x 8", marked "Keil-inschriften I")
pp. 1-6 Persepolis. Tachara, cuneiform inscriptions and transliterations
pp. 7-13 Persepolis Hadish, cuneiform inscriptions and transliterations
p..14 Persepolis. From Indian tribute, inscriptions and transliterations
pp 15-16 Pasargadae, inscriptions and transliterations
pp. 17-34 Persepolis. Tachara, inscriptions and transliterations
pp,,36-37 Persepolis, Apadana, inscriptions
pp38-49 Persepolis. Great Terrace, inscriptions and transliterations
pp.50-51 Naqsh-i Rustam, Darius tomb, inscriptions and transliterations
p.54 Darga-i Shaikhan, inscriptions and transliterations
pp.56-58 Persepolis. Visadahya, inscriptions
pp.59-62 Persepolis,. Stairs E.. of Hadish, inscriptions
pp.63-68 Persepolis. Hadish pier; inscriptions
pp.69-70 Persepolis.. Table of tribute-bearers
p31 Tulespid, tile, inscription and transliteration
p.72 Hamadan.. Column base, inscription and transliteration
pp.73-75 Hamadan. Silver tablet, inscription and transliteration
p,.76 Susa, stamped tile, inscription and transliteration
pp.77-80 Hamadan, gold tablet (Oct.30, 1929), inscriptions
pp.81-87 Isfahan, Safavid building inscriptions, Arabic
p,88 Hamadan, Hebrew inscription, Esther's tomb

p.89 Damavand, Arabic inscription (Mar 12, 1927)
pp, 90-90a Hamadan, bronze tablet (Oct. 1929), cuneiform
pp.91-92 Tehran, cuneiform inscription and transliteration
p.93 Hamadan, bronze dagger, cuneiform inscription and transliteration
p,94 Hamadan, column base, cuneiform and transliteration
p.95 Harsin, bronze dagger, cuneiform and transliteration
p.96 Susa, Greek inscription
pp.97-109 Persepolis. Artaxerxes tomb, cuneiform with transliteration and identification of throne-bearers
pp.110-111 Persepolis. Cuneiform inscription on door-knobs with transliteration
pp. 112-115 Persepolis. Charter of Xerxes, transliteration
p..116 Hamadan, silver dish, cuneiform and transliteration (Oct.1932)
p.118 Cuneiform inscriptions and transliterations on bronze daggers and bowl
pp..119-121 Cuneiform inscriptions, probably on glazed tiles
pp. 122-124 Persepolis, Apadana glazed tiles, cuneiform
pp. 125-129 Cuneiform and transliteration (unidentified)
pp. .130-131 Pasargadae, fragments cuneiform with transliterations
p.132 Luristan copper fragment and seal with cuneiform and transliteration
p.133 Dhu'l-Kifl, Arabic minaret inscription
N- 107 (same as N-106, marked "Keilinschriften II")
p.l Pasargadae.. Palace S, cuneiform inscription
p.2 Pasargadae. Palace P, cuneiform inscription
p3 Pasargadae.. Palace S, fragment of cuneiform inscription with transliteration
pp.4-7 Pasargadae.. Palace P, fragments of cuneiform inscription with transliteration
p..8 Pasargadae. Stone-masons marks near tomb of Cyrus
p.9 Pasargadae.. Tomb of Cyrus, Arabic inscription
p..10 Pasargadae. Tomb of Cyrus, Arabic inscriptions of mihrab
pp. 11-24 Pasargadae.. Measurements and notes for map.. April-May, 1928
p.25 Arabic inscription of Shaikh Omar Suhrawardi
p.26 Arabic inscription on tile of Shaikh'Umar, Baghdad
pp.27-28 Arabic inscription on jug from Basra, Coll.Mr.. Monk, Baghdad
p.29 Sardonix seal with cuneiform and transliteration
pp.30-40 Persepolis. Tomb of Artaxerxes 111. 30 excerpts cuneiform inscription with transcriptions (June 23,
1931).. Refer to throne-bearers
p.45 Persepolis. Door-knob with cuneiform and transcription (May 3, 1931)
pp.46-47 Persepolis.. Fragments cuneiform inscriptions with transcription
p 48 Persepolis, Stone-masons marks, Harem
p,49 Persepolis. Hadish, Sasanian graffiti
pp,50-53 Persepolis, Lists of inscriptions
p.. 54 Persepolis.. Radish, cuneiform on King's robe
p 55 Persepolis. European graffiti and Pahlavik inscribed weight from Shamsabad
pp.56-60 Persepolis,48-line cuneiform inscription with transliteration (Oct.3, 1931)
p.61 Persepolis, Tachara, cuneiform inscription
p.62 Persepolis Tachara, fragment cuneiform inscription with transliteration (July 12, 1932)
p. 63 Persepolis Tachara, two fragments cuneiform with transliteration (July 12, 1932)
pp.64-68 Persepolis. Fragments with cuneiform inscriptions
pp.69-71 Persepolis. Fragments of cuneiform inscriptions found in Fratadara temple.. Sept. 14-22, 1932
p.72 Hamadan, silver dish, cuneiform inscription
p.73 Persepolis. Apadana, glazed tile frieze (Feb.. 17,1933)
p. 74 Persepolis. Clay tablet with cuneiform inscription (Nov.. 23,1932)
N-108 (same as N-106, marked "Arabische Inschriften I). Note inside says "Received from Prof. Grohmann on
October 29, 1957"
P.1 Dhu'l-Kifl, minaret inscription
pp,1 a-2 Bistun, Kufic tombstone of Abu Nasr ibn Ahmad
pp..3-5 Sunghur, three tombstone inscriptions
p6 Hamadan, Gunbadh i'Alawiyan, Kufic inscription

p.7 Asadabad.. Column base and tombstone, Kufic
p.8 Asadabad.. Tombstone in Naskhi, 949 H..
p,8a Note on Gunbadh i'Alawiyan
p.9 Hamadan, Kufic tombstone
p. 11 Kale i Khusraui (near Kermanshah), Kufic tombstone
p,11 Tehran, Shah's Museum. Two bronze vessels signed `All ibn Mahmud al-Mossuli
p.. 12 Tehran. Metal cassette signed'Ali ibn Muh'd ibn Abdullah al-Airivani
pp, 13-18 Waramin, inscriptions in Great Mosque
P. 19 Kuhnagil, near Waramin, Arabic inscription of 707 H.
p.20 Qum., Minaret in maidan-i kohne.. Fragments of Naskhi inscriptions
p. 21 Qum Workman's signature "Ustad'Abbas" on lion in cemetery
pp12-24 Qum. Gunbadh-i sabz I and II, Arabic inscriptions
p.25 Qazvin. Gate of police-station, Arabic inscription
p. 26 Qazvin. S end of avenue, three Arabic inscriptions
p.27 Isfahan. Walled-up door of Masjid-i Jum'a. Kufic inscription
pp.28-30 Isfahan Minaret of Chehel Dukhtaran,. Three inscriptions
p31 Isfahan.. Minaret of Khwaja i'Alam, inscriptions
pp.32-33 Isfahan. Baba Qasim, inscriptions
pp.34-38 Isfahan, Dja'fariyya, inscriptions on building and sarcophagus
pp, 39-44 Isfahan.. Imamzadeh Isma'il, Arabic inscriptions and designs
p.45 Isfahan. Minaret Sarabun, Kufic and design
pp.46-49 Isfahan.. Masjid-i 'All, inscriptions
pp. 50-52 Isfahan.. Harun-i Wilayet, Arabic and Persian inscriptions
p,53 Isfahan,. Chenar-i Dalbati, Arabic, 859 H.
pp..54-55 Isfahan Masjid-i Shah, two Arabic inscriptions, 'Ali Riza'Abbasi, 1025 H
p.. 56 Isfahan.. Shaikh Luffullah, signed'Ali Riza'Abbasi
p.57 Isfahan.. Godwiya, Arabic, signed Abu Sa'id Imami, 950 H.
p...58 Isfahan.. Imamzadeh'Askar, signed'Ali Ja'far Imami
p.. 59 Isfahan.. Madrasa Madar-i Shah, signed Abd al-'Rahim al-Jaza' iii
pp.60-65 Pir-i Bakran (near Isfahan), 7 Arabic inscriptions
p.66 Isfahan, Pul-i Khaju, Arabic in brick
pp, 67-68 Pasargadae, Cyrus' tomb, N door of mosque, inscriptions of Salghur Sa'd
pp..69-70 Pasargadae, Mashhad i Madar-i Sulaiman. Inscription on sun-dial
p.71 Pasargadae. Kufic left of door
pp.72-75 Pasargadae. Inscriptions on 4 sarcophagi
p.. 76 Hajjiabad, Qabr-i Kalantar, Naskhi, 243 H..
pp,77-78 Naqsh -i Rustam, two Arabic inscriptions
pp.79-102 Persepolis Tachara, 24 Arabic or Persian inscriptions
p.103 Persepolis. Visadahya, Arabic, Kufic, 373 H.
pp, 104-112 Persepolis. Tachara, 12 additional Arabic inscriptions
p.113 Rayy, iron door with Kufic, 534 H.
p.114 Inscription on copper plate.. See Inv. No. 1632
pp., 115-116 Waramin, Gunbadh-i'Ala al-din, Kufic, 675 (?) H.
p.117 Khurha, two tombstones near Imamzadeh, 1034, 1031 H.
pp. 118-119 Shiraz, Mashiiqain, one Kufic, one Naskhi 882 H.
pp..120-121 Four rectangular sealstones with Kufic inscriptions
pp.122-125 Dinars or dirhems with Kufic inscriptions
pp.. 126-127 Seal-stones with Arabic legends
pp. 128-129 Shiraz. Shah i Da'i, inscriptions: 807 H. and 920 (?) H.
pp,130-131 Shiraz. Khatun, two inscriptions
p.132 Guyum, tombstone, 6921 H.
p..133 Istakhr.. Mosque, three Arabic graffiti
p.134 Istakhr. City-gate Kufic
p,135 Persepolis, Tachara window, Arabic 683 H..
p.136 Imamzadeh Dar Ahani (near Nurabad) 771 H..

pp.137-138 Noyak, Khak-i Rustam (Mamasseni area), Kufic and tombstone
p.139 Bab Munir (E of Mishun), Persian, 796 H,
pp.140-142 Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a, tympanum inscriptions
N- 109 (same as N- 106, marked "Arabische Inschxiften II )
Note says "Received from Prof: Grohmann on October 29, 1957"
The first pages of the notebook are unnumbered, but consist of the following items: 1 page of Persian words
with their probable Pahlavi origins; 7 pages of measurements for a map of Shaluistan; 4 pages of what seems to
be a study of the markings on Kushan coins; bibliographical notes on Qa'in, Turbat-i Haidari and Khwaf; 3
pages of a parody in verse of a New Year's party. The inscriptions through 46 are numbered in red..
Nos.. 1 Peshawar Museum, Kufic, 482 H.
2 Bombay Museum, Kufic on sarcophagus (Koranic)
3-4 Mil-i Qasimabad, Kufic
5-7 Khargird. Ghiyathiyya, 3 Arabic inscriptions
8-8a Khargird. Nizamiyya, 2 Kufic inscriptions
9 Mil-i Radkan, Kufic, 608 H.
10- 12b Tus, 4 tombstones in the Haruniyya and 2 in Mashhad
13-15 Sangbast, minaret, tile mosaic and painted inscriptions
16-18 Nishapur. Muhammad Makhruk, building and door inscriptions
19 Nishapur.. Shaikh `Attar, excerpts from tombstone inscription
19a Potsherds from Nishapur and Bistam
20-21 Khosrogird, minaret inscriptions, Kufic
22 Paqaleh (near Mehr (Revand)), Kufic
23-24 Miyandasht, caravansarai of 'Abbas II (restored), 3 inscriptions
25-26 Bistam. Minaret, Kufic
Nos.27 Bistan. Iwan between 1st and 2nd courts of Mashhad (Shrine)
28-28a Bistan.. 30-cornered tomb tower, inscription
29 Bistan, Mosque of Bayazid, Kufic
30-31 Bistan. Kufic on door and masters' inscriptions
32-32a Mil-i Radkan. Kufic cornice inscription
33 Mil-i Radkan. Remains of Kufic door inscription
34-(34) Mil-i Radkan. Pahlavi inscription
35 Damghan. Pir'Alamdar, Kufic
36 Damghan.. Pir' Alamdar, fragment Kufic door-post inscription
37 Damghan.. Minaret, Chehelsutun, Kufic
38 Damghan.. Minaret, Cheheldukhtaran, Kufic door inscription
39 Damghan. Cheheldukhtaran, building inscription, 446 H.
40 Damghan. Minaret, Masjid-i Jami', upper Kufic inscription
41 Damghan. Minaret, Masjid-i Jami', lower inscription
42-43 Damghan.. Remains of Naskhi inscription, mosque of Khubadanda
44 Damghan.. Turbe in courtyard of Imamzadeh Ja'far, Shahrukh inscription
45 Simnan. Minaret of Masjid-i Jum'a Kufic
46 Simnan., Gr.. Iwan, Masjid-i Jum'a. 828 H
pA7 Damghan, Pir "Alamdar, painted Kufic inscription
p..48 Two forged inscriptions on printed silks from Rayy
p.49 Floral Kufic inscription on bronze object
p.50 Tehran, Library of Palace. Illuminated Shahnama, prose Arabic introduction, 833 H
p.51 Tehran, Library of Palace.. Further notes on manuscripts and miniatures
p.52 Kabul.. Notes on 2-vol.. Kufic Koran, parchment
p.53 Kabul. Notes on 1-vol.. Kufic Koran, parchment
p.54 Kabul. Small Kufic Koran, paper
p.55 Nizamabad, Kufic graffito. Twenty-seven un-numbered pages of measurements for plan of
p..56 Maima, mihrab, Kufic inscriptions (photo, Bishop Linton)
pp.57-61 Khuxramabad, Kufic inscriptions with textual references on preceeding page
p.62 Pul-i Kalhur, Kufic inscription, 337 H.

p.63 Textual references to Barsuq
p.64 Glass seal, Kufic, 11th c. (Coil. Mrs.. Parr, Tehran, 1929)
p.65 Kirman, Masjid-i Jum'a. Inscriptions on doors
p. 66 Kirman.. Small Kufic inscription above door, 515 Shamsi (?)
p.67 Kirman. Mihrab, master's signature
p. 68 Kirman, caravansarai Ganj 'Ali Khan.. Inscriptions by'Ali Riza'Abbasi
p.69 Na'in, inscriptions on wooden minbar and
p.71 Pasargadae, Tomb of Cyrus, mihrab inscriptions Six page of satirical verse, un-numbered
p.72 Burujird, Masjid-i Shah, reparation inscription, 1022 H.
p.73 Isfahan, Gr, mosque, door on narrow street, Kufic
p.. 74 Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a, Kufic inscriptions, 481 H.
p..75 Sawah, minaret, Kufic, 504 H, (from photo, Pope)
p.76 Tile at dealer's in Tehran. Kufic
p.77 Maragha, Kufic, 542 H.. (from drawing, Godard)
p.78 Notes on inscriptions in Damascus
p. 79 Inscriptions on silver, inlaid bronze, Tehran dealer (same: N-110, p..17)
p.80 Inscriptions on Herzfeld's silver inlaid bronze pen-box.. Ars Islamica III, 1936, pp.3.5-43
p.81 Ladjim, Imamzadeh'Abdullah, tomb tower. Kufic and Pahlavi, 413 H.
p.82 Isfahan, Malikshah, Nizam al-mulk, Kufic
N- 110 (name as N- 106, marked "Arabische Inschriften III")
P. I The Throne Sura as a decorative Kufic panel
pp.2-8 Isfahan, Safavid inscriptions
p.9 Damavand (May 12, 1927) Inscriptions on wooden window frame and door
pp. 10-11 Baghdad, two inscriptions of Shaikh'Umar Suhrawardi
pp.12-13 Inscriptions on clay jug from Basra (Coll.. Mr. Monk, Baghdad)
p.14 Abadeh, wooden door. Kufic 520 H..Reading Enno Littmann
p.. 15 Abadeh.. Kufic 363 H. Reading Enno Littmann
p.16 Herzfeld's silver inlaid pen-box.. See N- 109, p.80
p..17 Inscription on bronze seen in Tehran (same as N-109, p.79)
p 18 Unidentified building inscription (Isfahan?)
p.19 Isfahan, inscription of 481 H,
p..20 Waramin, Kufic decorative brick panel
p.21 Dhu'l-Kifl, minaret, letters from two lines of inscription
pp.22-26a Abadeh, Kufic inscriptions on two wooden doors
pp. 27-32 Damghan, inscriptions on wooden doors
p33 Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. Great drome inscription of Malikshah
p.. 34 Isfahan.. Inscription in small dome
p.35 Baghdad, Bab al-Wastani, inscription.. Also on Talisman gate
p36 Sixth wooden door, Kufic
p.37 Niebuhr's copy, inscription on Talisman gate, Baghdad
p.38 Istakhr, tombstone, Kufic
p.39 Black stone from Hamadan, Kufic
p.40 Sawah, large tiles from minaret, 504 H.. Kufic
p.41 Isfahan, window lintel 563 H. on street Maidan to old Chaharbagh
p.42 Zahidan, tombstone 852 H.
p.43 Milestone of Haiun al-Rashid from Egypt (in Munich Exposition, 1910)
p.44 Bronze vessel (Coll. Sidney Barney.. London. Oct.23, 1935). Kufic inscription, Sasanian style
p.45 Another bronze, same owner and date, 782 H. "Looks Mamluk, but at same time, Persian"
p.50 Sin (near Isfahan. M..B..Smith, Nov.. 1935).. Minaret inscription 526?, Kufic
p..55 Sin (near Isfahan. M..B.Smith, Nov. 1935).. Carved and painted plaster inscription, 529 H..
p.56 Unidentified Pahlavi inscription, apparently also with Kufic date. Note says "Kufic date
apparently 413, corresponding to 389 of Tab (aristan) era"
p.58 Qazvin, mosque (photo Pope, London, July 1936), Waqf, Naskhi

N-111 (large black letter file 11 x 13 '/2", marked (CIA Damaskus)
Contains study notes on Arabic historical inscriptions in Damascus (a few in Hamah) (see also N-99). The
folder also contains (1) corrected galley proofs of a text by van Berchem for a selection of von Oppenbeim's
photographs of buildings in Damascus; (2) an outline in Herzfeld's writing of a method proposed for the pub-
lication of historical Arabic inscriptions in Syria (in this instance, the Jam'i Nuri in Hamah), based on van
Berchem's system for the Corpus, with marginal comments by Sobernhein.. (This was apparently a pre-cursor
for the Aleppo volumes): and (3) miscellaneous inscriptions, including Damascus, Diarbekir and Gulpaigan
N-112 (another file like N-111)
Notes for a study of "Islamic Inscriptions from Iran," with a list of 218 inscriptions with cross-references to
notebooks and sketchbooks.. Folder also contains: (1) photo from A..U.Pope of inscription of'Masjid-i Jam'i,
Qazvin; (2) inscriptions from mosque and minaret at Barsian; and (3) unidentified tracings of Kufic
inscriptions, possibly at Persepolis
N- 113 (another notebook like N-111)
Contains the following: sketches of 2 Sasanian coins in the British Museum; letter from Karl Bergner (Oct.. 12,
1935) about ruins in Rud-Kur area (AMI, vol.Vllf, pp. 1-4); correspondence about Avesta translations and clay
tablets; notes on Assyrian dynasties; also on Pahlavi place and historical names; page proofs of article on
Sagastan; notes on cuneiform inscription of Apadana; typed drafts of article on the name "Persepolis", on
Achaemenian sculpture, Naqsh-i Rustam and Istakhr (these may be drafts for lectures); letter to Sir John
Marshall about Aramaic inscription at Taxila; miscellaneous notes on cuneiform inscriptions and pages from
ZDMG articles: "Achaemenidisches," Weissbach and "Uber einige persische WSrter im Sanskrit," Thieme
N-114 (red Morocco leather notebook 7 x 8'/2")
Transliterated Pahlavi text of'Farvardin Yasht 13
N-115 (thick black cloth-covered diary 4 x 6 '/2")
Entries from Sept. 1-14th, 1905 in Gothic script. Beginning of trip from Schergat, reported in Journal N-81
N- 116 (hard black covers 9 x 11 '/2")
Marked "Alep I." Contains typed copy of pp. 103-236 (inscriptions 51-111) of Tome II, Fasc.1 of the Corpus
Inscriptionem Arabicarum
N-117 (same as N-116)
Marked "Alep II.." Typed text of pp., 237-250 of Fasc.1 and 251-411 of Fasc.2. Inscriptions of the
Mashhad al-Husain (No,212).. Corpus
N-118 (package of yellow cardboard 9 3/4 x 12'/2 x 2'/2")
Contains mounted prints of'Plates of Corpus (drawings not included).. Negative numbers of photographs and
Archive numbers of drawings are noted in the printed volumes (Freer Lib.. No. 492..717, M2f (3 vols. )).
Missing from package are pls.l, 2, 4, 51, 84, 156, 157 and prints not in Archive file of negatives
N-119 (tan linen folder 9 '/2 x 11 '/2 x 3")
Heizfel'd's original typed manuscript for The Persian Empire
N- 120 (black leatherette zippered case 11 x 13 '/2 x 2")
Ms. of The Persian Empire, Prof: Gerold Walser's edited copy of Chapters I-X
N-121 (same as N-120)
Ms, of The Persian Empire, Prof. Gerold Walser's edited copy of'Chapters XI-XVI with Indices
N- 122 (plain cover of gray paper 10 x 13")
The Introduction, List of abbreviated Titles, and Table of Contents of Sir Aurel Stein's Innermost Asia (1928)
N-123 (same as N-122)
"Section II - The Remains of Kuh-i-Khwaja" (pp. 909-924) of Sir Aurel Stein's Innermost Asia (1928)
N-124 (plain paper cover 9 '/2 x 12 '/2", marked Reprint of INDIA ANTIQUA. E.J. Brill - Leyden - 1947).
(5 copies) "Early Historical Contacts between the Old-Iranian Empire and India," E.E,Heizfeld. pp. 180-184 of'

N-125 (white cardboard scrapbook box)
This box contains the following items:
1. "Damascus: Studies in Architecture-II" (Ars Islamica) page proofs of text
2.. "Damascus: Studies in Architecture-I" (Ars Islamica) page proofs of' illustrations
3 "Simplified Outline of Sanskrit Historical Phonology..,,"' FEdgerton
4.. Notebook of rough sketches and descriptions of 74 objects (perhaps for unidentified loan)
5.. List of'Persepolis Expedition field negatives with numbers of corresponding Oriental Institute catalogue
6. Herzfeld's undated proposal for publication of 22 volumes over a 10-year period, covering his life work to
about 1932
7.. Letter of April 19, 1934 from N.L,Falcon enclosing photo of "boulder" (astodan?) in Tang Malagha with
map of location
8. Notes and sketches of'rock-tombs in Paphlagonia
9. Note on ruins at Holilan (near Kermanshah) and sketch of Luristan bronze
10.. Pencil sketches of three bridges near Khunamabad and letter, Feb. 2, 1926
11.. Notes and copies of Arabic inscriptions in Great Mosque, Hamah and in Damascus
12, Photostat copy of "An Achaemenian tomb-inscription at Persepolis, " Davis. JRAS, April, 1932
13. Newspaper clipping from Dichtung and Welt (Prague) No.40, 1929.. "Arkona and Rethra," Eine Glosse zu
Strzygowskis Werk, "Altslaview Kunst." J. Peisker
14. First version of "Damascus: Studies in Architecture IV" (final version published in Ars Islamica
15. Notes on Hebrew inscriptions in synagogue, Aleppo
16.. Notes on bronze object with cuneiform inscription AMI, vol.IX, pp, 159-177 (see Photo File 6-18/22)
17.. Six offprints of "Damascus: Studies in Architecture-IV"

N-126 (white cardboard scrapbook box)
This box contains the following items:
1 . Blue pamphlet. "Composition of Ancient Persian Artifacts Spectrographic metallographic analysis by
Lucius Pitkin. Inc. N.Y., Objects probably from prehistoric finds at Nihavand or Harsin

2. Similar pamphlet from same firm, 1938: "Observations of the Nature of some ancient Persian iron" (dagger
and bracelet). Folder also contains letter from" British Museum (1936) regarding analysis of glazes on two
fragments from Nihavand; also a letter from the Chemical Laboratory of the Berlin Museum discussing an
analysis of copper spear-heads and methods of drying-out clay tablets with cuneiform inscriptions found at
Persepolis (1933)

3.. Manilla envelop with following correspondence:

Nat Letter to Dr. CR. Becker (founder of'the Journal of Islamic Studies, Der Islam, and subsequently
Minister of Education for Prussia). From Tehran (Zarganda, German Summer Legation), July 22,
1923. Herzfeld gives summary of trip London-Baghdad and on to Tehran via Paikuli (see N-33, pp.1-
89); continents on costs of caravan travel and notes still uncertain over permits for travel to
Afghanistan and money for continuation of trip
No.2 To Dr.. Becker from Tehran, Sept.30, 1923 Explanation of withdrawal of permission to go to
Afghanistan (accused of being Bolshevik or British agent); Parsis offered money for trip and Herzfeld
asked for 1000 pounds stlg.; mentions results of trip from Basra to Tehran in archaeological inform-
ation and artifacts
No. 3 From N.S.Nyberg, Cairo (Matarieh), April 10, 1924, Long letter on decipherment of certain Pahlavi
words and about Avroman documents, which Herzfeld sent him better copies and photographs..
Comments "Wean es nun endlich fiber Iran zu tagen beginn, so ist das zum allergrossten Teil Ihr'
Verdienst and Ihr unsterblicher Ruhm"
No.4 From Nyberg, Uppsala, Nov..18, 1926, Thanks Herzfeld for Reisebericht (ZDMG) and congratulates
on new Pahlavi inscriptions (quotation in No, 3 is from this letter)
No.5 To Dr.. Becker from German Legation, Tehran, March 30,1928. Reviews significance of'Kartir
inscriptions and prehistoric pottery from Persepolis. Writes of house, library and collections as
foundation for German Institute in Persia and of lectures and teaching; arrival of Krefter for
Pasargadae excavations and related difficulties in getting official permission; of abrogation of French
archaeological monopoly, problems relating to it, and arrival of Godard as Director; and of his acute
financial problems
No.6 To Excellenz Schmidt-Ott (Deutsche Notgemeinschaft, Berlin) from Basra-Karrachi, Feb.26, 1929..
Thanks for funds for Sistan Expedition and describes trip with Reza Shah from Khurramabad to
Ahwaz; and his own trip from Tehran enroute to Sistan
No. 7 From Minister Becker, Berlin, Dec.30, 1929. Comments on financial difficulties in Germany and
changes in Ministries and Faculties.

4.. Large mounted print, Stolze photo. Naqsh-i Rustam, Sasanian combats

5.. Large mounted print. Stolze photo.. Naqsh-i Rajab, Shaper, investiture

6. Large mounted print, Aleppo, Bab Antakiya

N-127 (large green Index Box File 11 x 14 x 3", marked "Sent from Cairo") Contains the following items:
1.. Folder marked "Pahlavi" contains studies of Pahlavi inscriptions, such as monograms on bullae, and what
appears to be a preliminary draft of an article attempting to elucidate the relationships between monumental and
cursive scripts and Pahhlavik, Parsik and book Pahlavi. It starts: "Die Awesta-schrift ist, trotzdem sie die
einzelnen Buchstaben nicht verbindet, eine Schreibschrift, eine Kursive, keine Denkmalschrift, keine

2.. Envelope containing pages apparently from a draft of The Persian Empire, Chaps. XIV-XV dealing with the
Achaemenian Satrapies as reflected in the figures of Tribute-bearers and Throne-bearers at Bistun, Persepolis
and Naqsh-i Rustam

3.. Folder marked "Aramaeisches". Contains tracings and photographs of Aramaic inscriptions from various
sources and a Table comparing Hebrew letters of the alphabet with those found in other inscriptions including
Avroman, Naqsh-i Rustam, Hajjiabad, Paikuli, Persepolis and Taq-i Bustan

4.. Folder containing photographs and blueprints of'squeezes of the Kartzr inscription, Naqsh-i Rustam

5. Folder marked "File III" containing photographs and blueprints of'squeezes of inscriptions at :
(1) Saipul (cuneiform)
(2) Naqsh-i Rajab (Kartir)
(3) Hajjiabad
(4) Naqsh-i Rustam (Ardashir)
(5) Arabic inscriptions at Persepolis

6.. Folder marked "File II" contains reading notes on "Tabula Pentisgerdana (?), Tomascheck; also miscellan-
eous loose sheets found in "Corpus Inscriptionum Partharicarum", including Sasanian seal-stones, Heph-
thalite coins, Greek and cuneiform inscriptions; and an envelope with Oriental Institute photographs of stone
blocks inscribed in Greek from the Fratadara temple, Persepolis (see SK-XIX, p.9 and 15); and a photo of'
three cylinder seals

7. Folder containing a copy of the Pahlavi inscription on the Ka'ba at Naqsh-i Rustam (either for Ghirshman or
by him)

8. Black, loose-leaf notebook marked "A Corpus of Parthian and Sasanian Inscriptions, Texts, Transcriptions,
Translations",, A note in the hand of Pere de Menasce says: "E..H. worked on this book up to the time of his
death. The Illustrations are in Albums I, II, III, IV." For the Albums see N-129-132

N-128 (same as file N-127)
Contains the following items:
1.. A brown envelope marked "Pahlavi Material List". The bulk of the material on the inscriptions at Paikuli is in
N- 128, supplemented by an Album of photographs and blueprints in N- 129 and a black, loose-leaf notebook
(Corpus), No.8 in N-127.. The material was examined and catalogued in 1953 by Prof: J.. de Menasce,
University of Fribourg, Switzerland., His detailed catalogue and comments are given in two papers in the file,
one entitled "A Provisional Inventory of the Literary Remains of the late Professor E,.E..Herzfeld concerning
Iran,,.."; the other "A Guide to the Middle Persian material in the Herzfeld Archive......,,".. The Guide also has
additions or emendations in pencil, presumably entered at a later date, probably by Prof. R.N.Frye.. An
element of confusion is introduced in the Paikuli material by the 32 blocks either newly discovered or
cleaned, re-photographed and re-drawn by Herzfeld in 1924, after the publication of the earlier blocks had
appeared in the Paikuli volume. The new blocks required some re-arrangement in the ordering of the original
blocks. As Prof:. de Menasce implies in his note, only a close study of the material by a competent scholar can
determine which of the proposed arrangements is the correct one.

In addition to the above guides, there is (1) a separate undated and unsigned sheet entitled "Pahlavi Material
in the Herzfeld Collection" and (2) a new summary of Herzfeld's last arrangement of Paikuli blocks, including
those unpublished, based on the arrangement in No. 13, N-128. The summary gives the old (Herzfeld's)
numbers of the original squeezes in the Archive (noted on separate file catalogue cards) and the new numbers
given to the squeezes when they were re-organized for storage.. The summary also gives the negative numbers
of the squeezes and stones (when available) and the numbers of the published blocks as they appear in
Herzfeld's last copy..

With the papers noted above is a detailed catalogue of three of the four large Albums in N-129, prepared by
Pere de Menasce, as well as correspondence of'Mr. Wenley, Prof. de Menasce and others concerning the
publication of the Paikuli material. For information about the squeezes themselves, see the "Catalogue of

2.. A folder of heavy white paper with the Kartir inscription at Sar Mashhad, enclosing 4 photographs (with
blueprints) of'sections of the inscription; a tracing of an unidentified amulet with page giving inscriptions in
two Pahlavi scripts: cursive and book Pahlavi; 2 pages of what appear to be Pahlavi inscriptions on bullae.
The folder is marked "All these to be microfilmed for Rev, J.. de Menasce"

3.. Manila folder containing: (1) the Pahlavi and Greek texts of the Ka'ba inscription, Naqsh-i Rustam; (2) a
comparative table of transliterated texts of the Kartir inscriptions at Sar Mashhad, Naqsh-i Rustam.. K i Z
(Ka'ba) and Naqsh-i Rajab

4.. Tracings of 26 Paikuli block inscriptions, and photographs of 126 (all but three) of the small transcripts of the
blocks from Herzfeld's last copy. Those missing are (1) transcript of a seal inscription, (2) of an unnumbered
block E 1, and (3) of a new unnumbered block marked "before D-5.." See No. 13 for the small transcripts. On
the back of each photograph is noted the number of the block and its location in the series of blocks

5. Manila folder marked "Paikuli, the Sasanian Version.. Blueprints of the unpublished squeezes. The numbers
on the back refer to those given by E, H, to his latest copies of the blocks"

6.. Manila folder of blueprints of unpublished Pahlavik or Parthian squeezes. A note on the cover (which also
includes folder 5) by P. de Menasce says: "Blueprints.. These are photographs of E..H.'s latest squeezes mostly
unpublished or photographed anew." The numbers on the backs are from Herzfeld's last copy

7.. Manila folder with blueprints of Kartir inscription, Naqsh-i Rajab; large photographs of (1) Greek inscription
at Sarpul, (2) Kartftr inscription, Naqsh-i Rajab,(3) (right side of'Main Staircase, Persepolis, and (4) Pahlavi
and Greek inscriptions on horse's rump, Naqsh-i Rustam

8.. Photographic negative of Squeeze 93, 9 x 11 ".. Paikuli, p.109.. Another Neg.. 4396

9.. Photographic negative of Squeeze 93, 9 x 11 ".. Paikuli, p, 145,Another Neg.4317

10.. Long manila envelope contains small drawings of individual Paikuli blocks and long strips of'transcript,
apparently showing an attempt to reconstruct the lines of the inscriptions. Envelope also contains tracing of a
coin of Phraates IV with Greek inscriptions

11.. (brown notebook 4 x 7" marked "Parthian")
A record of the Pahlavik stones as prepared by Rawlinson in Hebrew script with Herzfeld's notations of

12. (same as No..l 1, marked "Sasani")

Similar record of Rawlinson's list of the Parsik stones in Hebrew with, in some cases, Herzfeld's
transliteration into Pahlavi. Also contains 11 slips of blocks with existing text supplemented by Rawlinson's

13, Manila envelope of Institute of Advanced Study contains two white envelopes marked A and B. On the large
envelope is written "Paikuli, Last Copy. All numbers written by J, de Menasce refer to this On A de
Menasce wrote "The Paikuli Inscription, pahlavIk. Last state of'Herzfeld's arrangement. Contains unpublished
material" The copy of the unnumbered block E' l in this file is t h e only copy so far located in the Archive..

On B de Menasce wrote "The Paikuli Inscription, parsik. Last state of Prof', Herzfeld's arrangement. Contains
unpublished material." (The unnumbered block marked "before D-5" seems to be another version of the block
following E-7 (J.M.U.'74))

14. (small cloth-covered notebook 5 x 3 ''/2" , marked "Paikuli II, 1923, 1-7 Juni")
This is the field sketchbook of Herzfeld's last trip to Paikuli with sketches of new inscriptions and notes.. Also
contains sketch of an inscribed Sasanian bulla from Sarpul
N-129 (black Index Box File like N- 127)
Contains four large albums of photographs and blueprints
1. Album marked Album I, "Pahlavi Inschriften b.." It bears a notation by de Menasce: "Fragments of the Paikuli
inscription newly washed and newly found stones photographed (since the publication of Paikuli )....." Includes
photographs of'stones and some blueprints of tracings. At the end of the Album are tracings of squeezes of
sections of the Pahlavi inscription at Sar Mashhad

2. Marked Album II "Pahlavi Inschriften c." A notation by Prof. de Menasce reads: "The Paikuli Inscription,
Sasanian (Parsik) as published by E.H.." Photographs of stones and blueprints of tracings. The following
tracings have corrections made by Herzfeld: All and A12 (p.5), B7 (p..11), B14 (p.18), F6 (p.38), H2 (p.47)

3. Album III, Notation by de Menasce reads " 22 leaves, pages numbered from 1 to 44; on the cover "Corpus
Inscriptionum Parthicarum" (this title does not correspond to the contents): the former title, almost erased,
seems to have been "Pahlavi Inschriften a." The Inventory by de Menasce (N-128, No.. 1) gives a page by page
description of the contents of' Album II consisting almost exclusively of Aramaic and Pahlavi inscriptions from
Sarpul, Naqsh-i Rustam, Naqsh-i Rajab, Hajjiabad, Taq-i Bustan, etc. through that on the Mil-i Radkan

4.. Album IV. Notation by Prof. de Menasce reads: "The Paikuli Inscription, Parthian (Pahlavik) as published by
E..H." Photographs of stones and blueprints of tracings.. The following tracings have corrections by Herzfeld:
A'11 (p.23), B'l (p.24), B'll (p.28), B'9 (p..29), C'1(p.31), C'3 (p.34), C'4 (p.35), C'6 (p.36), C'9 (p.37), D'7
(p.41), E'7 (p.45), D'12 (p.46), E'14 (p.47), F'2 (p.49), G'3 (p.58), G'6 (p.60) The page numbers refer to the

Neither in this case, nor in Album II have most of the changes been incorporated on the transcripts in N-128,
No 13 (the final copy)
N-130 (white scrap-book box)
Contains a coarse tan envelope marked "Akten -Expedition nach Persien von C.F.Andreas, Erbschaft an Prof.
G.. Hoffmann - Kiel." Within is a blue folder marked "Pars, Expedition des C.F..Andreas. Nach meinem Tode
ungelesen zu verbrennen. G..H..." The blue folder contains correspondence related to the expedition and
Andreas' work, dating mostly from the 1870's.. In addition there are galley proofs of an undated lecture given at
the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society in which Andreas outlined his goals in visiting Persia.

N-131 (a bundle of manilla envelopes tied with string,, 10 x 14") They contain the following material:

A. Professor Herzfeld's personal correspondence: letters A-L, with index

B. Same, letters M-Z

C. Personal financial papers: 1944-1946 D.

D,. D- 1-91 Personal correspondence between Herzfeld and Dr. Ettinghausen, Sept.6, 1944,-Dec.29, 1947.
Concerns primarily the Damascus articles for Ars Islamica

E. E-1-116 Personal correspondence between Herzfeld's sister (Mrs.. Charlotte Bradford) and Dr, Ettinghausen,
Dec 1, 1947 - Dec. 1, 1953. Includes correspondence dealing with the completion of the Aleppo publications in
Cairo and the Samaria, vo1.VI in Germany

F F-1-25 Letters to Prof. Herzfeld from his sister, Oct.24, 1946 - April 26, 1947. Concern principally the
closing of the house in Princeton

G G-1-102 Correspondence dealing with the publication of Herzfeld's last four works: Zoroaster, Aleppo,
Samaria, vol.Vl and The Persian Empire

H. Biographical notes about Professor Herzfeld and his sister, Mrs. Bradford

The Use of the Photographic files
The organization of the prints in the Archive was based on the purely practical problem of getting them prepared in the
shortest possible time to make them available to scholars, The prints are from three sources: (1) those from glass
negatives; (2) those from cut film; and (3) those for which there are no negatives,

The Archive contains Herzfeld's glass negatives, numbered from 1 to 3850.. Of most of these he had blueprints made
which he had arranged in 16 binders by general categories - i.e.. Prehistoric pottery, bronzes, stone; Persepolis; Sasanian
monuments; Syrian monuments, Persian architecture and landscapes, etc. - irrespective of the number on the negative..
These formed the nucleus for the preparation of the Photo Files. The 16 binders of blueprints have been replaced by
Photo Files, Nos. 1-16.. The prints in each File are arranged in the same order as the blueprints; and the number of the
negative is enclosed in parentheses. Following a brief identification, is a reference to the place where the print has been
published, if that is the case and such publication has been located.

In addition to the blueprint binders there were three Albums - Photo Files 25 (Sasanian buildings), 27 (Paithian and
Sasanian sculptures) and 28 (Pre-Achaemenian monuments and Pasargadae) - in which Herzfeld had arranged prints in
a sequence for study or publication purposes. The order in those Photo Files retains that in the Albums.

In addition to the glass negatives, there is an even larger number of cut films. On his archaeological study trips,
Herzfeld was accustomed to supplement his photographs on glass plates with photographs on cut film - sometimes of
the same subjects, often of other subjects. For purely practical reasons it was not feasible to postpone arranging the
Photo Files until prints of all the cut films were available. Where prints were already available, they were sometimes
identified on the back or could be identified from other prints; but in many instances, especially of landscapes, it has not
been possible to place them, except in general categories.

Prints from the cut films have been organized, so far as feasible, in groups of'related material and placed in the Photo
Files of'similar subject matter, The negative number appears in the Photo File., Some of the prints are old and some
new, printed en masse for identification purposes. One should not, therefore, conclude that the print in the Photo File is
the best copy obtainable, although some of the film, dating from 1905 is not in the best condition,.
Herzfeld also collected prints from many sources for study purposes.. Of those there are no negatives, that absence being
indicated in the Lists by parentheses enclosing no number. So far as possible, the prints have been identified and placed
in the appropriate Photo File.

The Samaria material, Photo Files 19-23, is in a special category.. Files 22 and 23 were arranged in Albums labeled
"Palaste and Moscheen-I and -II", respectively. The only identification was written on the backs of the prints, glued to
the pages of the Albums. These notations have been transferred to the captions in the Photo Files. These two Albums
apparently were arranged by Herzfeld with a view to a publication of the architecture of Samaria which was never
prepared. The drawings for such a publication are in the Archive.. The glass negatives for the publication of the
excavations at Samaria (6 vols.), as well as for the Sarre-Herzfeld Archaologische Reise im Euphrat- and Tigris-Gebiet
(4 vols.) are apparently in the Islamic Section of the Museum in East Berlin. However, the Archive does contain some
cut film of material from both expeditions. The negative numbers are given in the Photo Files, especially in File 31..

With such a large number of prints, especially in view of the fact that some were arranged in different fashions for
different purposes, it is inevitable that there should be some duplication and that related material may be found in
several Photo Files.. The only way a user can be sure he has not missed material concerning his particular interest is to
examine the Photo File Lists where every print is recorded, Inasmuch as scholars study the same monument from
different points of view, the fact that a photograph has been published in one context does not diminish its value in
another context.

List of Photographic Files

The titles for Files 1-16 are those used by Herzfeld for his blueprint files

file page

1 "Prehistoric pottery, etc., bronzes, stone" (2 vols.) 80

2 "Pre-Achaemenian, Pasargadae, Naqsh-i Rustam, Istakhr" (2 vols.,) 85
3 "Pre-Achaemenian objects" (2 vols.) 90
4 "Prehistoric Persepolis" (2 vols.) 94

5 "Persepolis" (3 vols.) 95
6 "Achaemenian and Sasanian Inscriptions" 104
7 "Sasanian Architecture" (2 vols.) 106
8 "Sasanian Monuments" (2 vols) 110
9 "Coins" 116
10 "Persian Architecture and Landscapes" (2 vols) 120
11 "Persian Architecture" (2 vols..) 126
12 "Syrian Inscriptions" 132
13 "Miscellaneous, Shah's Museum" and related prints (3 vols.) 135
14 "Syria: Architecture and Inscriptions" and related prints (2 vols..) 142
15 "Aleppo" (3 vols.) 150
16 "Syrian Architecture" and related prints (2 vols..) 161
17 Kuh-i Khwaja with Sasanian elephant and Hittite pyxis 167
18 Paikuli 170
19 Samarra. Wandschmuck 174
20 Samarra. Wandschmuck and Geschichte der Stadt Samarra 174
21 Samarra.. Malereien 174
22 Samarra. Palaste and Moscheen-I 174
23 Samarra Palaste and Moscheen-II 175
24 Miscellaneous monuments in Iran, Afghanistan, Samarcand 176
25 "Sasanidischer Bauten", apparently arranged as a survey 178
26 Miscellaneous prints, including Baghdad, Korykos, India 181
27 "Parthian and early Sasanian sculptures" and related prints, Nos. 1-49 are from Album arranged 188
by Herzfeld
28 "Pre-Achaemenid Monuments and Pasargadae.." Album 190
29 "Kuh-i Khwaja and Shahristan" with pencilled and colored blueprints of paintings. Album 193
30 Photographs mostly in Persia, including some from 1905 and 1923-25 trips 195
31 Miscellaneous photographs, Mesopotamia (a few Syria) 203
32 Miscellaneous small prints, mostly Iraq and Syria; some personal in Europe 207
33 Photos of paper squeezes: cuneiform and Arabic inscriptions 211
34 Photos of'some drawings and maps in Archive 215
35 Oriental Institute prints, Persepolis, Drawings, views of terrace, Main entrance, Expedition house 216
36 Oriental Institute prints, Persepolis, Apadana, Eastern stairway 216
37 Oriental Institute prints, Persepolis, Eastern stairway, other sections 216
38 Oriental Institute prints, Persepolis. Other views of same, plus Tripylon, Xerxes palace and 216
Tripylon capital
39 Oriental Institute prints, Persepolis, 100-column Hall, Tachara, northern stairway of Apadana, 216
Palace H
40 Oriental Institute prints, Persepolis. Achaemenian tombs, astodana, Fratadara temple, Naqsh-i 216
Rustam, Istakhr
41 Oriental Institute prints, Persepolis. Small objects 216
42 Oriental Institute prints, Persepolis. Stone-age village, Tal-i Bakun 216

Catalogue of Contents
Photo File 1 (2 vols.)
"Prehistoric pottery, etc., bronzes, stone"

The abbreviations used in captions of published photos are:

Frye -The Heritage of Iran, R..N. Frye
AMI - Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Herzfeld
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld
ID - Iranische Denkmaler. Lieferung 3/4 Niphauanda, Herzfeld
SK - refers to Herzfeld's Sketchbooks in the Archive

The contents of the file consist almost exclusively of'objects from Tepe Giyan, Nihavand. The Inventory number's refer
to entries in either N-91 (a general inventory) or N-92 (principally prehistoric objects). The number of the negative is in

Vol.!, Nos. 1-110

1 (234) Tepe Giyan, Nihavand, View of ruins

2 (235) Tepe Giyan, Nihavand. View of ruins
3 ( 8) Tepe Giyan, Nihavand, large jar.
3 ( 8) Tepe Giyan, large jar,
4 (761) Tepe Giyan.. ID, pl.ll, 1
5 (90) Tepe Giyan. Rim, ID, p1.II, 2
6 (755) Tepe Giyan., ID, p1.I, 1
7 (771) Tepe Giyan. Rim. ID, p1, I, 4; IAE, pl.XVIII, top
8 (12) Tepe Giyan. ID, p1.I, 3
9 (11) Tepe Giyan. ID, pLI, 5
10 (70) Tepe Giyan. ID, p1. I, 2
11 (60) Tepe Giyan. ID, p1.Il, 3
12 (201) Tepe Giyan. ID, pl.IV, 3
13 (128) Tepe Giyan, ID, p1.I11, 5
14 (129) Tepe Giyan.. Rim. ID, pl., III, 4
15 (867) Tepe Giyan Rim.. ID, p1111, 3; IAE, pl,XVIII, center
16 (714) Tepe Giyan. ID, p1111, 2
17 (712) Tepe Giyan Rim. ID, p1.I11, 1
18 (89) Tepe Giyan ID pLVI, 7
19 (863) Tepe Giyan. ID, pl.VII, 2
20 (136) Tepe Giyan.. ID, p1.VII, 5
21 (132) Tepe Giyan.. ID, pl.VII, 1
22 (756) Tepe Giyan. ID, pl. VII, 4
23 (77) Tepe Giyan. ID, pl.VI, 5
24 (134) Tepe Giyan ID, pl.VII, 3
25 (62) Tepe Giyan. ID, p1.V1, 6
26 (72) Tepe Giyan.
27 (80) Tepe Giyan. ID, pl.VI, 1
28 (81) Tepe Giyan
29 (71) Tepe Giyan. ID, pl.V, 1
30 (766) Tepe Giyan. ID, pl.IV, 2
31 (713) Tepe Giyan. Rim. ID, pl.IV, 1
32 (758) Tepe Giyan. ID, pl.V, 3
33 (82) Tepe Giyan. Rim. ID, pi V, 6; IAE, pl.XVIII, bottom
34 ( 7) Tepe Giyan
35 ( 5) Tepe Giyan. Section of rim, detail ofNo34
36 ( 6) Tepe Giyan. Another view of No.35
37 (135) Tepe Giyan. ID, pl.VIII, 1
38 (87) Tepe Giyan. ID, p1.,VII, 6
39 (74) Tepe Giyan
40 (868) Tepe Giyan. Jar.. ID, pl. IX, 2
41 (65) Tepe Giyan, small jar. ID, pl.XII, 3
42 (66) Tepe Giyan. Top view of No 41.ID, pL.XII, 2
43 ( 2) Tepe Giyan. Another view of No. 41
44 (79) Tepe Giyan ID, pl..XII, 8
45 (751) Tepe Giyan. Another view of No.44
46 (133) Tepe Giyan. Small-handled jar
47 (760) Tepe Giyan. Small jar. ID, pl.XII, 5; IAE, pLXX, bottom right, 1
48 (763) Tepe Giyan. Two small jars. ID, pl.XII, 1 and 4; IAE, pLXX, top right
49 (200) Tepe Giyan, small two-handled jar ID, pLXIV, 3
50 (198) Tepe Giyan ID, pl.XIII, 8
51 (36) Tepe Giyan. ID, p1,XI1I, 2
52 (73) Tepe Giyan. ID, pl,XIII, 2 (cleaned version)
53 (749) Tepe Giyan.

54 (112) Tepe Giyan. ID, pl.XIV, 4
55 (64) Tepe Giyan. Another view of No.54
56 (768) Tepe Giyan, two small jars. ID, pl.XII, 6 and 7
57 (111) Tepe Giyan.,ID, pl,XIII, 1 and 3
58 (76) Tepe Giyan. ID. pl.XI, 17-18
59 (197) Tepe Giyan, small jar., ID, pl.XIII, 4
60 (9) Tepe Giyan, small cup. ID, pl.XV, 7; Frye, fig.13
61 (10) Tepe Giyan. ID, pL,XV, 8
62 (206) Tepe Giyan.. ID, pl.VX, 2
63 ( 1) Tepe Giyan.. ID.. pl.XV, 1
64 (92) Tepe Giyan.. Two small cups. ID, pl.XVI, 7-8
65 (202) Tepe Giyan.. Two goblets. ID, plXIII, 7 and 9
66 (47) Tepe Giyan.. Two goblets. ID. pl,XVI, 9-10
67 (110) Tepe Giyan. Goblet.. ID, pl.XX, 4
68 (61) Tepe Giyan.. Goblet.. ID, pl..XIII, 6
69 (93) Tepe Giyan. Small jar and jug. ID, pl.XI, 13-14
70 (203) Tepe Giyan Vase.. ID, pl,XIII, 5
71 (199) Tepe Giyan.. Tall goblet, ID, pL,XX, 6
72 (53) Tepe Giyan. Two tall goblets. ID, pl.XVI, 5-6
73 (134) Tepe Giyan. Tall cup. ID, pL,XVI, 4
74 (24) Tepe Giyan.. Small vase and jar. ID, pLXVI, 2-3
75 (385) Tepe Giyan Plain jar. ID, pl.XVI, 1
76 (208) Tepe Giyan. Three small jars. ID, pl.X, 1-3
77 (209) Tepe Giyan. Two small jars. ID, pl.X, 15-16
78 (186) Tepe Giyan Two small jars. ID, pl.X, 13-14
79 (189) Tepe Giyan.. Two views of small jars. ID, pl.X, 9-10
80 (85) Tepe Giyan. Two small jars. ID, pl.XI, 9-10
81 (44) Tepe Giyan. Small jar and jug. ID, pl.XI, 11-12
82 (115) Tepe Giyan Three small jar's or jugs.. ID, pl,X, 6-8
83 (46) Tepe Giyan.. Two small jugs.. ID, pl..XI, 7-8
84 (196) Tepe Giyan. Two small jugs. ID, pl.X, 4-5
85 (752) Tepe Giyan. Spouted bowl and jug.. ID, pl,XI, 3
86 (42) Tepe Giyan. Spouted jug and jar. ID, pl.XI, 1-2
87 (84) Tepe Giyan. Two spouted jars. ID, p1.XI, 4
88 (97) Tepe Giyan. Small jar and cup.. ID, pl.X, 17-18
89 (767) Tepe Giyan.. Albarello.. ID, pl.XVII, 5
90 (207) Tepe Giyan.. Albarello. ID, pL,XVII, 2-3
91 ( 4) Tepe Giyan.. Another view of No. 90
92 (67) Tepe Giyan. Albarello. ID, pl.XVIII, 8
93 (754) Tepe Giyan.. Albarello. ID, pl.XVIII, 5; IAE, pL.XX, bottom right, 2
94 (187) Tepe Giyan.. Two albarellos. ID, pl.XVII, 2-3
95 (764) Tepe Giyan. Albarello. ID, XVIII, 6
(764a) Tepe Giyan. Jar.. ID, pl.XVIII, 1
96 ( 3) Tepe Giyan. Another view of No. 95
97 (191) Tepe Giyan.. Two small jars. ID, pl.X, 11-12
98 (192) Tepe Giyan.. Small jar. ID, pLXVII, 1
99 (869) Tepe Giyan, three-legged jar. ID, pl.XIX, 8
100 (772) Tepe Giyan. ID, pl.XIX, 5
101 (190) Tepe Giyan.. ID, pl.XIX, 7
102 (770) Tepe Giyan. ID, pL,XIX, 6
103 (719) Tepe Giyan.. ID, pLXIX, 1-2
104 (68) Tepe Giyan, three miscellaneous pieces. ID, pl.XVIII, 4; XIX, 3-4
105 (137) Tepe Giyan. Two jars. ID, pl.XVIII, 2-3
106 (193) Tepe Giyan. Two jars.. ID, pl.X, 19-20
107 (73) Tepe Giyan.. Jar. ID,. pl.IX, 1
108 (759) Tepe Giyan. Bowl. ID, pl,XXII, 14; IAE, pl.XXIII, right, bottom
109 (194) Tepe Giyan. Bowl. ID, pl.XXIV, 11

110 (86) Tepe Giyan.. Bowl and plate. ID, pl.XXIII, 12-13

Vol.2, Nos.111-220, plus related photos

111 (43) Tepe Giyan. Two bowls. ID, pl.XXIII, 10-11

112 (69) Tepe Giyan. Bowl and jar. ID, pLXI, 15-16
113 (773) Tepe Giyan. Bowl. ID, pl.XXIV, 10
114 (750) Tepe Giyan. Bowl. ID, pl.XXIV, 9
115 (63) Tepe Giyan. Two bowls. ID, pl.XXIII, 7-8
116 (106) Tepe Giyan, Shallow bowl., ID, pl.XXIV, 8
117 (102) Tepe Giyan. Shallow bowl. ID, plXXIV, 6 (?)
118 (39) Tepe Giyan Two bowls, ID, pl.XXIII, 5-6
119 (38) Tepe Giyan. Two bowls. ID, pl.XXIII, 3-4
120 (866) Tepe Giyan. Two bowls
121 (870) Tepe Giyan.. Bowls. ID, pL,XXIV, 4-5
122 (108) Tepe Giyan. Bowls.. ID, pl.XXIV, 1-2
123 (40) Tepe Giyan. Bowl. ID, pl.XXIII, 9
124 (37) Tepe Giyan. Bowl and jug. ID, pLXI, 5-6
125 (107) Tepe Giyan. Shallow bowl on legs,. ID, pl.XXIV, 7
126 (204) Tepe Giyan. Jar.. ID, pl.XXI, 1
127 (195) Tepe Giyan. Top view of No. 126.. ID, pl.XXI, 2
128 (765) Tepe Giyan.. Small bottle, top view. ID, pl.XXI, 4
(765a) Tepe Giyan. Small bottle, top view. ID, pLXXI, 4
129 (109) Tepe Giyan.. Two square bottles. ID, pl.XX, 5
130 (753) Tepe Giyan.. Pottery stand.. ID, p1.XX, 2
131 (205) Tepe Giyan.. Cluster of 7 jars. ID, p1..XXI, 6; IAE, pl.XXIV top, center
132 (104) Tepe Giyan.. Pottery stand,. ID, pl.XXI, 5
133 (769) Tepe Giyan.. Pottery slab. ID, pl.XXIV, 6
134 (720) Tepe Giyan. Rhyton. ID, pl.XXII, 8; IAE, pLXV, right
135 (864) Tepe Giyan. Rhyton. ID, pL,XXII, 7; IAE, pl.XV, right
136 (865) Tepe Giyan. Rhyton. ID, pl,XII, 2-4
137 (45) Tepe Giyan. Frags, of painted animals.. ID, pl.XIV, 2; XXII, 1
138 (47) Tepe Giyan. Frags, of painted animals. ID, pl.XX, 6; XIV, 1
139 (1076) Tepe Giyan, potsherds, ibex.. ID, pl.XVII, 7-8
140 (1075) Tepe Giyan ID, pl.XV, 3-4; IAE, p1.,XIV
141 (1086) Tepe Giyan.
142 (1085) Tepe Giyan. ID, pLXV, 5-6
143 (1078) Tepe Giyan, potsherds. ID, pl..XXIII, 1-2; IAE, pl.XIV
144 (1144) Tepe Giyan. ID, pL VI, 2-4; IAE, pl.XIV
145 (1080) Tepe Giyan. Potsherds and figurine
146 (131) Tepe Giyan. Another view of No. 145
147 (1077) Tepe Giyan. Potsherds. ID, pL V, 5; pl..IX, 4
148 (1084) Tepe Giyan. Potsherds. ID, pl.ll, 4 and 6
149 (1083) Tepe Giyan. Potsherds, ID, p1.3; IAE, p1..XIV
150 (1079) Tepe Giyan.. Potsherds. ID, pl.XX, 1
151 ( 78) Tepe Giyan. Large jar
152 ( 59) Tepe Giyan.. Rim of preceeding. ID, pill, 5
153 ( 91) Tepe Giyan. Large jar.. ID, pl.V, 1
154 (715) Tepe Giyan.. Rim of preceeding. ID, pi.V, 4; IAE, pl.XIX, center
155 (871) Tepe Giyan. Large jar.. ID, pl.VIII, 2
156 ( 88) Tepe Giyan.. Detail of preceeding.. ID, pl.IX, 6; IAE, pl.XIX, bottom
157 ( 83) Tepe Giyan. Large jar. ID, pl.VI, 8
158 (130) Tepe Giyan Cup. ID, pl.IX, 3
159 ( 762) Tepe Giyan. Detail of rim. ID, pl.IX, 5; IAE; pl.XIX, top
160 ( 96) Tepe Giyan Cup. ID, pl.XIV, 5
161 (114) Tepe Giyan. Jug.. ID, pl.XVII, 4
162 (113) Tepe Giyan. Cup.
163 (105) Tepe Giyan, Cup and jug

164 (148) Tepe Giyan Isfahan. Loom weight
165 (1176) Tepe Giyan, Metal figure, IAE, pl.XXXII, right
166 (1098) Tepe Giyan. Metal figure and ring
167 (1140) Tepe Giyan. Bronze bulls' heads
168 (161) Tepe Giyan, Shahriyar. Incense burner. IAE, pl,XXI, bottom
169 (539) Tepe Giyan. Bronze bell (?). IAE, pl.XXIX
170 (540) Tepe Giyan. Another view of preceeding
171 (521) Tepe Giyan.. Two metal bowls
172 (732) Tepe Giyan. Two metal bowls
173 (733) Tepe Giyan, Metal bowl
174 ( 17) Tepe Giyan. A small metal bowl
175 ( 16) Tepe Giyan. Metal bowl and handled pan
176 ( 522) Tepe Giyan. Two fragmentary metal bowls
177 (734) Tepe Giyan. Fragments of bowls
178 (15) Tepe Giyan. Two metal cups
179 ( 18) Tepe Giyan, Two metal goblets
180 (736) Tepe Giyan. Metal jug
181 (523) Tepe Giyan. Copper fragment: religious procession,, IAE, pl.XXI, top
182 (523) Tepe Giyan. Another view of preceeding
183 ( 524) Tepe Giyan. Another view. IAE, pl.XXI, bottom
184 (731) Tepe Giyan. Fragments 3 silver vessels
185 (1091) Tepe Giyan, Three copper objects
186 (23) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. Three metal objects
187 (507) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. Four strings of beads
188 (508) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. Four strings of beads
189 (501) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. Three strings of beads
190 (500) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. Five strings of beads
191 (506) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. Assorted stones, some publ. IAE, pl.XXX
192 (496) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. Assorted stones
193 (498) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. Jewelry
194 (236) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. Three metal head-bands
195 (237) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. The same
196 (238) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad.. The same
197 (239) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. The same
198 (249) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. Bracelets or necklets
199 (251) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. Three necklets. IAE, pl.,XXX
200 (499) Tepe Giyan and Baghdad. Silver bracelets
201 (246) Harsin. Bronze bracelets
202 (255) Tepe Giyan. Plaque and ring
203 (247) Tepe Giyan. Bracelets
204 (497) Tepe Giyan. Bracelets
205 (254) Tepe Giyan and Constantinople, Bracelets
206 (248) Tepe Giyan. Rings, IAE, pl.XXX
207 (250) Tepe Giyan. Rings
208 (256) Tepe Giyan. Rings
209 (257) Tepe Giyan. Silver whorls
210 (253) Tepe Giyan, Silver spirals. IAE, pl.XXX
211 (240) Tepe Giyan. Bronze pins
212 (241) Tepe Giyan. Bronze pins
213 (243) Tepe Giyan Bronze pins and needles
214 (244) Tepe Giyan. Bronze and silver pins
215 (245) Tepe Giyan Bronze and silver pins
216 (242) Tepe Giyan, Small bronze "spoons"
217 (502) Tepe Giyan Two stone mace-heads. IAE, pl.,XXVI
218 (503) Tepe Giyan. Two stone mace-heads. IAE, pl.XXVI
219 (14) Tepe Giyan.. Three stone mace-heads. IAE, p1..XXVI
220 ( 13) Tepe Giyan. Two stone mace-heads

Prints not in Herzfeld's blueprint binder

p..1 (5008) Stone bead necklaces

p.2 (5006) Stone bead necklaces and rings
p.3 (5007) Stone bead necklaces
p.4 (5009) Metal pins
p.5 (5067) Tepe Giyan. Jewelry, cf.IAE, pl.XXX, right
p..6 (5068) Tepe Giyan.. Another arrangement of preceeding
p.7 (5069) Tepe Giyan.. Jewelry. IAE, pl.XXX, left
p..8 (5070) Mostly Tepe Giyan. Seal stones. Drawings of some in AMI, vol..V, figs.. 11-25; and p1.II
p.9 ( ) Tepe Giyan. Seal stones. See comment p.8
p.10 ( ) Tepe Giyan. Same as preceeding
p.1 l ( ) Tepe Giyan. Same as p.8
p..12 ( ) Tepe Giyan.. Stone pendants or whorls. Comment as p.8
p.13 ( ) Tepe Giyan Stone whorls, pendants and seal-stone.. See comment p.8
p.15 (5003) Tepe Giyan. Bronzes. IAE, pl.XXV, top
p.17 (3966) Tepe Giyan. Four small pots
(3962) Tepe Giyan. Four small pots
p.18 (3965) Tepe Giyan. Four small pots
( ) Tepe Giyan.. Four small pots
p.19 ( ) Gilweran. Bronze beaker (File 3-103), cleaned.. British Museum photo
p.20 ( ) Restored bowl (File 4-31). Buffalo Museum photo
( ) Variation of Tepe Giyan jar, File 1-7
p.21 (3862 Duplicate prints
p..22 (3966) Duplicate print
(3964) Copper jug and jar with long beak
p.23 (3963) Miscellaneous Luristan bronzes
(3961) Luristan bit
p.24 (3958) Cylinder seal impressions
(3960) Four views of small stone head. Also File 13, p.1 lb
p.25 ( ) Reconstructed bead necklaces
p.26 ( ) Same as preceeding
p.27 ( ) British Museum photo of pottery
p..28a ( ) British Museum photo of small stone pendants
p..28b ( ) Miscellaneous bronzes
p.29a ( ) Miscellaneous whorls or buttons
p,29b ( ) British Museum photo of small metal objects
p..29c ( ) Three gold and lapis pins
p.30 ( ) Two views of iron bull
p.31 (5071) Tepe Giyan. Buttons and pendants.. AMI, vol.V, p1.I

Photo File 2 (2 vols.)

"Pre-Achaemenian, Pasargadae, Naqsh-i Rustam, Istakhr"

The abbreviations used in captions of'published photos are:

AHI - Archaeological History of Iran, Herzfeld
AMI -Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Herzfeld
Frye - The Heritage of Iran, R..N..Frye
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld
TA - Am Tor von Asien, Herzfeld
The number of the negative is in parentheses.
Vol.1, Nos.1-112

1 (2169) Fahliyun river from Kurangun rock relief

2 (1490) Kurangun rock relief. AHI, p1.II

3 (1492) Kurangun rock relief. IAE, p1.XXXIII, bottom
4 (1491) Kurangun rock relief. Detail
5 (2170) Kurangun rock relief Detail
6 (2171) Kurangun rock relief. Two figures,. IAE, pL.XXXIV, upper left
7 (2172) Kurangun rock relief, Closer view. IAE, pl.XXXIV, upper right
8 (2173) Kurangun rock relief. Single worshipper. IAE, pl.XXXIV, lower right
9 (2174) Kurangun rock relief. Group worshippers. IAE, pl.XXXIV, lower left
10 (2175) Kurangun rock relief, Procession
11 (1495) Saipul. From E
12 (1493) Sarpul, Closer view of Mt.
13 (1494) Sarpul. Same
14 (1496) Sarpul. From S. TA, pLl
15 (1498) Sarpul. Annubanini relief, TA, pLII, left
16 (1499) Sarpul. Annubanini relief, TA, pLII, right
17 (1497) Sarpul. Annubanini relief.
18 (1500) Sarpul.. Annubanini relief.
19 (1505), Figure with inscription. TA, p1.III, pLIV, left (detail)
20 (1501) Figure with inscription.. Closer view
20a ( ) Figure with inscription.. Enlargement of No.18, detail
20b ( ) Figure with inscription.. Enlargement of No.. 19, detail
21 (1502) Figure with inscription. Another exposure of No.20
22 (1503) Figure wish inscription, Detail of inscription
23 (1504) Figure wish inscription. Another exposure of No.22
24 (2176) Figure wish inscription. Taking a squeeze of Artaban inscription
25 (2177) Ffgure wish inscription. Taking a squeeze of Annubanini inscription
26 (1506) Figure wish inscription. Third sculpture. TA, pl.IV, right
27 (1507) Figure wish inscription. Another exposure of No.26
28 (1508) Horin-Skaikhan.. View of valley
29 (1509) Horin-Skaikhan, Rock relief
30 (1510) Horin-Skaikhan. Rock relief, closer view
31 (1511) Dukkan-i Daud tomb. TA, pl.V; IAE, pl,XXXV, left
32 (1512) Dukkan-i Daud tomb, Closer view.. TA, pl.,VI
33 (1514) Dukkan-i Daud tomb, Relief of worshipping figure
34 (1513) Dukkan-i Daud tomb. Closer view
35 (1515) Paitaq Pass from S.. TA, pl.VIII, bottom
36 (1516) Sahna. View towards Bistun. TA, pl.VIII, top
37 (1517) Sahna. Gorge, view towards Bistun
38 (1007) Sahna Tomb
39 (1518) Sahna, Tomb, closer view. TA. pl. VII
40 (1178) Sahna. Small tomb
41 (985) Sahna. Small tomb, closer view
42 (1008) Sahna. Waterfall in gorge
43 (2178) Sarpul. Stone oil-press (N). N of town
44 (1520) Khak-i Rustam (Mamasseni). Da u dukhtar, tomb
45 (1521) Da a dukhtar. Tomb
46 (1522) Da u dukhtar. Tomb. IAE, plXXXV, right
47 (1523) Da u dukhtar. Closer view.. IAE, pLXXXVIII, right; AHI, pl.V, left
48 (1527) Da u dukhtar.. Detail of column. IAE, pLXXXVI, right
49 (1525) Da u dukhtar. Column bases with Chief of Rustam tribe.. IAE, pl.XXXVI, left
50 (1524) Da u dukhtar'. Inside tomb
51 (1526) Da u dukhtar. Inside tomb, looking out
52 (1519) Sardasht.. Kurdish guest-house (mosque)
53 (1528) Pasargadae, Takht-i Sulaiman. S side
54 (300) Pasargadae, Takht-i Sulaiman.. W side
55 (298) Pasargadae, Takht-i Sulaiman. N and W sides
56 (1529) Pasargadae, Takht-i Sulaiman. W and S sides. Frye, fig.21
57 (1530) Pasargadae, Takht-i Sulaiman. W and S sides
58 (299) Pasargadae, Takht-i Sulaiman. N side, close-up

59 (416) Pasargadae, Takht-i Sulaiman. N and W sides
60 (1531) Pasargadae, Takht-i Sulaiman. S side. IAE, pl.XL, top
61 (1534) Pasargadae, Takht-i Sulaiman. N corner from W, close-up
62 (1535) Pasargadae, Takht-i Sulaiman. S side, corner.. Frye, fig.22
63 (1014) Pasargadae Valley with temple mound
64 (413) Pasargadae. Temple mound
65 (1163) Pasargadae. Temple mound
66 (419) Pasargadae.. Temple mound, excavated foundations
67 (474) Pasargadae Temple mound, excavated foundations
68 (460) Pasargadae. Temple mound, excavated foundations
69 (301) Pasargadae.. Altars and temple mound
70 (302) Pasargadae.. Closer view of preceeding
71 (265) Pasargadae.. Altars, showing hollow construction
72 (2212) Pasargadae. Another view of preceeding
73 (2213) Pasargadae. Altars from side
74 (449) Pasargadae Altars showing stairs to top
75 (448) Pasargadae. Tomb of Cyrus and gorge. IAE, pl.XLI, bottom
76 (1543) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus. S and E sides
77 (2204) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus. N and W sides
78 (2205) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus. Closer view of preceeding
79 (1541) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus. W and S sides
80 (1542) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus. S and E sides
81 (2206) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus. N and W sides, close-up
82 (2207) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus Doorway from outside
83 (2208) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus. Mihr'ab inside
84 (2209) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus. Doorway from inside
85 (2210) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus. Fallen column NE corner
86 (2211) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus. Column base on W side
87 (2202) Pasargadae, building R.. Joins No.88 to form panorama
88 (2201) Pasargadae, building R. See No.87
89 (2199) Pasargadae, building R.. Gate. Joins No. 90 to form panorama
90 (2200) Pasargadae, building R. See No.89
91 (2203) Pasargadae, building R. Foundations
92 (294) Pasargadae, building R.. Foundations with winged Genius
93 (296) Pasargadae, building R. Foundations
94 (1009) Pasargadae, building R. Foundations
95 (417) Pasargadae, building R. Gateway with winged Genius
96 (997) Pasargadae, building R., Winged Genius
97 (1540) Pasargadae, building R. Winged Genius
98 (1539) Pasargadae, building R. Winged Genius
99 (2198) Pasargadae, building R. Making squeeze of head of Genius
100 (471) Pasargadae, building R, Detail of head and crown of Genius
101 (468) Pasargadae, building R.. Fragment of crown of lamassu, detail of fringes
102 (454) Pasargadae, building R. Winged Genius
103 (2191) Pasargadae, building S. From E
104 (2190) Pasargadae, building S. SE corner
105 (1536) Pasargadae, building S. Closer view of preceeding
106 (1537) Pasargadae, building S. S side
107 (457) Pasargadae, building S. Anta of E portico with inscription
108 (467) Pasargadae, building S. Closer view of inscription
109 (2189) Pasargadae, building S. Another exposure of No.108
110 (957) Pasargadae, building S. Anta of W side of S portico
111 (2194) Pasargadae, building S. Another view of No,. 110
112 (1157) Pasargadae, building S. S portico, looking E

Vol.2, Nos.113-225 and related photos

113 (2193) Pasargadae, building S. Column base. IAE, pl.LVI, bottom, left

114 (1161) Pasargadae, building S, N portico foundations
115 (418) Pasargadae, building S, Same
116 (2192) Pasargadae. Building P, Foundation stones
117 (1190) Pasargadae, building S, Central room and door to W portico
118 (2195) Pasargadae, building S. Lower part of sculptured door-jamb
119 (2196) Pasargadae, building S, Lower part of sculptured door-jamb, opposite No.118
120 (2197) Pasargadae, building S. Lower part of sculptured doorjamb
121 (1179) Pasargadae, building S. Another view of No. 118
122 (981) Pasargadae, building S. Detail of No. 121
123 (980) Pasargadae, building S. Fragment of capital
124 (982) Pasargadae, building S. Another view of No.123
125 (453) Pasargadae, building S. Fragment of capital. IAE, pl.XXXIX, top left
126 (470) Pasargadae, building S. Another view of No. 125
127 (276) Pasargadae, building S. Fragment of capital
128 (451) Pasargadae, building S. Fragment of horse's head.. IAE, pl,XXXIX, top right
129 (275) Pasargadae, building S.. Fragment of horse's head
130 (277) Pasargadae, building S. Another view of No.129 (?)
131 (455) Pasargadae, sculptor's model of ear; fragment of column base
132 (272) Pasargadae, building S. Two fragments of sculpture
133 (988) Pasargadae, building R. Distant view
134 (412) Pasargadae, building P. S pier of E portico
135 (1538) Pasargadae, building P. S pier of E portico
136 (466) Pasargadae, building P. Closer view of inscription in No.135
137 (415) Pasargadae, building P. Excavated wall
138 (459) Pasargadae, building P.. E portico excavated
139 (297) Pasargadae, building P.. W portico
140 (295) Pasargadae, colonnade
141 (1187) Pasargadae, building S. column bases
142 (458) Pasargadae, building P. Foundation of door
143 (278) Pasargadae, building P. Lower part of sculptured figure
144 (452) Pasargadae, building P. Lower part of sculptured figure. IAE, pl.LXXI, top right
145 (450) Pasargadae, building P. Fragment of sculpture of Cyrus
146 (491) Pasargadae, building P. Fragments of Cyrus inscription
147 (462) Pasargadae, building P. Same as above
148 (463) Pasargadae, building P. Same as above
149 (1117) Pasargadae, building P. Eye of Cyrus. IAE, pl,LXXII, center
150 (469) Pasargadae, building P. Painted coverings of columns
151 (465) Pasargadae, building P. Fragment of painted surface
152 (464) Pasargadae, building P. Other fragments
153 (456) Pasargadae, building P.. Same
154 (409) Pasargadae, building P.. Same
155 (410) Pasargadae, building P.. Same
156 (1533) Pasargadae. Tomb, W side
157 (1532) Pasargadae. Tomb, inside
158 (1119) Pasargadae.. Large jar (fragmentary)
159 (1006) Pasargadae. Prehistoric potsherds
160 (1160) Pasargadae. Section of column base IAE, plXXXIX, bottom
161 (2215) Pasargadae. Rock-cut road to Persepolis
162 (2216) Pasargadae.. Another view
163 (2217) Pasargadae.. Another view
164 (2214) Pasargadae. Another view
165 (1545) Bistun rock from E
166 (1547) Foot of Bistun rock (joins No.167). TA, pl.IX
167 (1546) See No. 166
168 (1544) Foot of Bistun rock. IAE, pl..XL, bottom
169 (1548) Bistun, Darius relief. TA, pl.X
170 (1549) Bistun, Darius relief. Another view
171 (1550) Relief of Asurnazirpal, Ninuud. TA, pl.XI, left

172 (1551) Relief of Merodach baladan TA, pl.XI, right
173 (1468) Cuneiform clay tablet
(1468a) Another view
174 (422) Cuneiform clay tablet from Susa
175 (308) Cuneiform inscribed copper "shield." Other views, AMI, vol.IX, pLI
176 (307) Reverse side of No.175
177 (326) Babylonian clay tablets
178 (2240) Naqsh-i Rustam. Tomb of Darius. Left side. Joins No.-179 below
179 (2241) Naqsh-i Rustam. See No. 178
180 (268) Naqsh-i Rustam. Cuneiform inscription, Old Persian text
181 (1564) Naqsh-i Rustam. Another section of No.180
182 (1567) Naqsh-i Rustam Another section of No. 180
183 (1568) Naqsh-i Rustam. Another section of No.180
184 (1565) Naqsh-i Rustam, Section of AKK (?) text
185 (1566) Naqsh-i Rustam, Section of Aramaic text
186 (964) Naqsh-i Rustam. Aramaic text
187 (2242) Naqsh-i Rustam. Section of Aramaic text
188 (2243) Naqsh-i Rustam. Section of Aramaic text
189 (1186) Naqsh-i Rustam. Section of Old Persian text
190 (1185) Naqsh-i Rustam. Section of Old Persian text
191 (1184) Naqsh-i Rustam. Section of same
192 (1183) Naqsh-i Rustam. Section of same
193 (1182) Naqsh-i Rustam. Section of Aramaic text
194 (1181) Naqsh-i Rustam. Section of Old Persian text
195 (1180) Naqsh-i Rustam. Squeeze of section of Aramaic text
196 (1062) Naqsh-i Rustam. Squeeze of another section
197 (1061) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Squeeze of another section
198 (1060) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Squeeze of another section
199 (1059) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Squeeze of another section
200 (1058) Naqsh-i Rustam. Squeeze of another section
201 (1057) Naqsh-i Rustam. Squeeze of another section
202 (1056) Naqsh-i Rustam. Squeeze of another section
203 (1055) Naqsh-i Rustam. Squeeze of another section
204 (1054) Naqsh-i Rustam. Squeeze of another section
205 (1053) Naqsh-i Rustam, Squeeze of another section
206 (1052) Naqsh-i Rustam. Squeeze of another section
207 (1051) Naqsh-i Rustam. Squeeze of another, section
208 (1050) Naqsh-i Rustam. Squeeze of another section
209 (421) Bull's head from Stakhr (Brummer)
210 (420) Another view
211 (411) Another view
212 (2179) Jinjun, site of Achaemenian column bases. Joins Nos..213 and 216 to form panorama
213 (2180) See No. 212
214 (2182) Tell near Mil-i Azdaha
215 (2184) Jinjun Achaemenian column base 1
216 (2181) Jinjun. See No. 212
217 (2185) Jinjun. Achaemenian base I, another view
218 (2186) Jinjun. Achaemenian base 2
219 (2187) Jinjun. Another view of Achaemenian base 2
220 (2188) Jinjun, Achaemenian base 3
221 (2183) Kaleh-i Safid, distant view
222 (2249) Shiraz, Qasr-i Abu Nasr.. Door-frame
223 (2250) Shiraz, Qasr-i Abu Nasr. Another view
224 (2251) Shiraz, Qasr-i Abu Nasr. Fallen lintel
225 (2252) Shiraz, Qasr-i Abu Nast, Sculptured door-jamb
Prints not in Herzfeld's blueprint binder
p.1 (4097) Pasargadae. Panorama of ruins
(4095) Pasargadae. Panorama of plain

0 (4093)
Pasargadae. Panorama of tomb of Cyrus
Pasargadae. Panorama from citadel overlooking plain

Photo File 3 (2 vols.)

"Pre-Achaemenian Objects"

The abbreviations used in captions of published photos are:

AMI -Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran. Herzfeld
Frye-The Heritage of Iran, R.NFrye
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld

The SK number refers to Herzfeld's Sketchbooks (see Catalogue of Contents of Sketchbooks); the Inv. No., refers to
Herzfeld's Inventories (N-89 to 92), as does the TG (Tepe Giyan) number. The notations are those made by Herzfeld on
the blueprints. The negative numbers are in parentheses,,

Vol.1, Nos.1-100

1 (788) Tepe Giyan. Two bronze axes

2 (543) Tepe Giyan. Two bronze axes
3 (538) Tepe Giyan. Two bronze axes
4 (786) Tepe Giyan. Two bronze axes. One, AMI, vol.l, pl.IV
5 (787) Tepe Giyan. Two bronze axes
6 (535) Tepe Giyan, Single axe. AMI, vol.l, pl.IV
7 (534) Tepe Giyan. Three axes
8 (536) Tepe Giyan. Two digitated axes, one from Crete
9 (790) Tepe Giyan. Two digitated axes
10 (789) Tepe Giyan and Crete, 4 axes, 3 digitated. IAE, p1. XXVII, bottom
11 (544) Tepe Giyan. Digitated axe and handle. AMI, vol.1, pl.V
12 (791) Tepe Giyan. Another exposure of preceeding
13 (1148) Tepe Giyan. Three hammer axes
14 (542) Tepe Giyan. Three axes, one digitated
15 (537) Tepe Giyan. Four axes, two digitated. IAE, pl.XXVII, center
16 (797) Kirmanshah (Nihavand). Digitated axe
17 (532) Tepe Giyan. Hammer axe
18 (730) Tepe Giyan. Bronze stand on legs
19 (533) Tepe Giyan. Three daggers, IAE, pl.XXVIII
20 (796) Tepe Giyan. Five short swords
21 (492) Tepe Giyan Six lance-tips
22 (958) Six lance-tips
23 (959) Three daggers
24 (487) Tepe Giyan. Two bent sword blades
25 (485) Tepe Giyan. Two daggers
26 (484) Tepe Giyan Two bent sword blades
27 (488) Tepe Giyan Two daggers
28 (494) Tepe Giyan. Three daggers
29 (792) Tepe Giyan. Four lance-tips
30 (793) Tepe Giyan. Five arrows
31 (794) Tepe Giyan. Six arrows
32 (493) Eleven arrows
33 (495) Tepe Giyan Five arrows
34 (795) Tepe Giyan. Three sickles
35 (530) Tepe Giyan. Three copper spatulas
36 (960) Six miscellaneous instruments
37 (961) Tepe Giyan Three chisels
38 (531) Tepe Giyan. Seven miscellaneous instruments
39 (724) Tepe Giyan. Two pitchforks
40 (725) Tepe Giyan. Single fork from preceeding

41 (541) Tepe Giyan. Three horse-bits
42 (490) Tepe Giyan. Two harness rings
43 (491) Tepe Giyan. Three copper ornaments
44 (489) Tepe Giyan. Eight small copper appliques
45 (741) Tepe Giyan. Clay figure of bos primigenius, IAE, pl.XV, left
46 (742) Tepe Giyan. Another view of preceeding
47 (740) Tepe Giyan.. Preceeding restored, as published
48 (504) Tepe Giyan. Clay lion and plaque. IAE, p1.III, 8
49 (737) Tepe Giyan.. Four clay figurines. IAE, pl.. II, left
50 (744) Tepe Giyan.. Sections of 2 painted figures
51 (745) Three molded figurines
52 (969) Tepe Giyan.. Two clay animals., AMI, vol.11, p1.IIi; and IAE, pLIII, 10
53 (746) Tepe Giyan.. Six small clay animals. One, IAE, p1.III, 9
54 (747) Six small clay animals. Three in IAE, p1..lll, 6, 7, 9, 11
55 (748) Six small clay animals. Two in IAE, p1.III, 9, 10
56 (743) Clay plaque and part of animal
57 (1141) Four stone weights, etc. One in IAE, p1.IIi, 12
58 (826) Tepe Giyan Miscellaneous pieces, stone jewelry, seals, etc.. Some published AMI, vol.,V, p1.1 and
IAE, pLXVL. From this number through No, 71 many are reproduced in line drawings in AMI,
vol.V, figs. 11-25
59 (829) Tepe Giyan. Fifteen stone buttons
60 (831) Tepe Giyan. Seventeen stone buttons or, rings
61 (833) Tepe Giyan. Three stone buttons
62 (823) Tepe Giyan. Nineteen stone buttons or beads
63 (1082) Tepe Giyan. Fourteen stone buttons or seals
64 (1081) Tepe Giyan. Six stone seals
65 (830) Tepe Giyan, Six stone seals
66 (834) Tepe Giyan. Twelve stone seals
67 (822) Tepe Giyan and other sites.. Twelve stone seals
68 (824) Tepe Giyan and other, sites. Six stone seals
69 (835) Tepe Giyan and other sites. Twelve stone seals
70 (832) Tepe Giyan and other sites.. Four stone seals
71 (825) Tepe Giyan and other sites.. Ten stone seals
72 (252) Tepe Giyan and other sites. Eight pieces of jewelry
73 (892) Tepe Giyan and other sites. Nine small stone chisels
74 (1110) Nihavand. Stone axe. IAE, pl.XXVI, center
75 (891) Nihavand.. Plain bowl
76 (1376) Nihavand Jug with burnished decoration (possibly in Shah's Museum, through No.. 84)
77 (1377) Nihavand, Another exposure of No. 76
78 (1378) Nihavand. Another exposure of No.76
79 (1379) Harsin. Jug with long spout and bull's head
80 (1380) Harsin. Large jar, with raised decoration
81 (1383) Harsin. Small jar and jug
82 (1384) Harsin. Three painted cups
83 (1385) Damghan. Cup and two small jars
84 (1386) Damghan.. Cup and two small jars
85 ( 35) Saveh. Bowl (restored)
86 (116) Saveh. Another exposure of preceeding
87 ( 26) Saveh. Painted bowl
88 ( 25) Saveh. View of base of preceeding
89 (118) Saveh. Plain bowl (restored)
90 (358) Plain, deep bowl
91 (380) Awa, so marked on back of print, perhaps Saveh. Two small bowls
92 (379) Awa, so marked on back of print, perhaps Saveh Cup and small bowl
93 (103) Burujird. Painted jar
94 (292) Burujird. Painted jar
95 (351) Burujird. Painted jar
96 (352) Burujird. Painted jar

97 (1118) N Iran. Painted jar. IAE, pl.XXII, center
98 (117) Gilveran. Jar with raised decoration
99 (126) Gilveran, Large jar
100 (378) Gilveran. Deep bowl

Vol.2, Nos.101-203 and related objects

101 (528) Gilveran. Long-spouted copper jug

102 (529) Gilveran. Another exposure of No. 101
103 (526) Gilveran. Copper beaker (cleaned) IAE, plXXV
104 (527) Gilveran, Another exposure of No. 103
105 (100) Raga. Long-spouted jug
106 (565) Muhammadabad. Flints (1 from Nihavand)
107 (557) Muhammadabad. Miscellaneous flints (2 from Egypt)
108 (98) Aleppo and Baghdad. Two clay animals. IAE, pl,XXIV
109 (1175) Aleppo and Baghdad. Painted bowl and fragment
110 (1174) Sistan. Two pottery vases
111 (1159) Sistan. Painted jar
112 (19) Sistan. Painted jar
113 (392) Sistan. Miscellaneous bronzes, weapons and pick-axe, four
114 (486) Sistan. Two short swords and lance-tip
115 (391) Sistan. Three copper instruments
116 (48) N Iran. Deep jar
117 (119) N Iran. Pottery jar. IAE, plXXIV, bottom, left
118 (56) Yarym Tepe Small jar
119 (384) N Iran. Plain two-handled jar
120 (49) N Iran. Plain two-handled jar
121 (360) N Iran. Plain jug with slip
122 (127) N Iran. Plain jug with slip
123 (55) N Iran. Jug with burnished decoration
124 (355) N Iran. Jug with painted decoration
125 (356) N Iran. Jar, incised decoration
126 (376) N Iran. Jug, same
127 (123) N Iran. Jug, same
128 (28) N Iran. Long-spouted jug. IAE, pl.XXIII, right
129 (58) N Iran. Long-spouted jug. IAE, pl.XXIII
130 (30) N Iran. Long-spouted jug. IAE, pLXXIII; Frye, fig..18
131 (27) N Iran.. Long-spouted jug
132 (377) N Iran. Long-spouted jug
133 (383) N Iran. Long-spouted jug, twisted handle
134 (359) N Iran. Long-spotted jug, decoration incised
135 (122) N Iran. Jar with slip decoration
136 (353) N Iran. Jar with slip decoration
137 (51) N Iran. Two small jars, slipped
138 (382) N Iran. Small jar, slipped
139 (361) N Iran. Two small jugs
140 (54) N Iran, Two small jugs, gray-ware
141 (33) N Iran. Two small jugs (right, Constantinople). IAE, pl.XXIII, r. top
142 (32) N Iran. Two cups, gray-ware. IAE, pl.,XXIII, top left
143 (31) N Iran. Two vases, gray-ware
144 (50) N Iran. Cup and jug, painted
145 (386) N Iran, Jug, painted
146 (120) N Iran. Jug, ribbed
147 (52) N Iran. Jug
148 (862) N Iran.. Tall beaker
149 (860) N Iran. Jug, gray-ware
150 (125) N Iran. Two small cups
151 (124) N Iran, Cup and jar

152 (362) N Iran. Jug and bowl
153 (381) N Iran. Two jars
154 (188) N Iran., Shallow bowl
155 (861) N Iran. Two 3-legged shallow bowls
156 (121) N Iran. Two 3-legged shallow bowls
157 (357) N Iran. Two of same
158 (29) N Iran. Two 3-legged shallow bowls. IAE, pl,.XXIII, left, bottom
159 (57) N Iran. Dish on tripod. IAE, pl,XXIII, 1 next to bottom
160 (387) N Iran. Dish on stand. IAE, pl,XXIV, bottom row, right
161 (285) Harsin. Copper jug
162 (279) Harsin. Copper pitcher with long spout, Frye, fig.19
163 (394) Luristan. Shallow dish, bronze, long spout
164 (735) Luristan. Bronze jug
165 (281) Harsin. Another exposure of No.164
166 (284) Harsin.. Two bronze jugs
167 (286) Harsin.Two bronze jugs
168 (288) Harsin,,Bronze situla
169 (3181) Luristan. Tall bronze cup
170 (230) Harsin. Bronze bowl
171 (3213) Luristan. Bronze jug, long spout
172 (3214) Luristan. Another view of No. 171
173 (389) Harsin. Bronze torque and bracelet
174 (390) Harsin.. Bronze torque
175 (399) Harsin. Torque and-bracelet
176 (283) Harsin, Four bracelets
177 (396) Harsin.. Top of pin and affronted goats, bronze
178 (1142) Luristan.. Pendant and votive figure
179 (290) Luristan. Three parts of votive offerings
180 (287) Harsin. Digitated axe
181 (525) Harsin. Digitated axe and affronted animals
182 (398) Harsin. Two rings and bases of votive offerings, bronze
183 (395) Harsin. Three bronze bases
184 (289) Harsin, Four bronze covers
185 (397) Luristan. Pair of rings from bit
186 (726) Luristan. Horse-bit. Frye, fig. 15
187 (729) Tepe Giyan. Horse-bit
188 (728) Tepe Giyan. Another view of No.187 and plain bit (Luristan), IAE, pl.XXIX, lower
189 ( 393) Harsin. Horse-bit
190 (282) Harsin.. Another view of bit in No.189 and another bit
191 (3182) Luristan. Three short swords.. See IAE, p1,XXVIII, 5
192 (3180) Luristan. Dagger and short swords.. See IAE, pl XXVIII, 1, 2, 4
193 (723) Luristan. Two jars. One in IAE, pl.XXII
194 (95) Luristan. Two jars
195 (716) Harsin, Painted jar. IAE, pl.XXII
196 (717) Harsin, Another exposure of No. 195 (cleaned)
197 (354) Harsin.. Painted jar
198 (101) Harsin (?). Painted jug
199 (94) Harsin. Painted jug
200 (722) Harsin. Painted jug with handle
201 (99) Harsin Long-spouted jug. IAE, pl..XXII
202 (721) Raisin (?). Saddle jug, pottery
203 (3215) Luristan (?). Tripod jar and pitcher
Prints not in Herzfeld's blueprint binder
P.1 ( ) Bought in Baghdad. Painted jug in K.F.Museum, Sarre Coll
( ) Same source and collection. Painted jar
p.2 ( ) Tall painted jar. Same source and collection

Photo File 4 (2 vols.)
"Prehistoric Persepolis"

The abbreviations used in the captions of'published photos are:

IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld
ID - Iranische Denkmaler. Lieferung 3/4 Niphauanda, Herzfeld

These two volumes contain photos of the finds from a village excavated on the plain near the ruins of Persepolis. They
should be studied in conjunction with the water-colors and ink drawings: D-405-636 and D-682-688. See also Photo
File 41

Vol.!, Nos. 1-98

1 (890) Excavated hearth

2-8 (509-10; 512-13; 516-17; 1169-70) Flints
9-11 (342, 511, 518) Flints. ID, pl.XXV
12-14 (514-15; 519-20) Flints. ID, pLXXIV
15 (1168) Flints
16-19 (563-64; 566; 857) Flints. ID. plXXVI
20 (261-62) Stone vases, ID, pl. XXIII
21 (340) Stone beads. ID, pl.XXVIII
22 (341) Large stone mortar (?). ID, pl.XXVIII
23 (1088) Miscellaneous clay objects
24 (1087) Miscellaneous clay objects. ID, pl.XXIX
25 (1090) Pottery beads. ID, pl.XXIX
26 (1089) Pottery beads
27 (293) Two pottery animals. ID, pl.XXX
28 (590) Large pottery jar
29 (560) Another view of preceeding. ID, pl.XXI
30 (584) Large painted bowl. ID, pl.XIX; IAE, pl.V, bottom
31 (813) Painted bowl, ID, pl.XX
32 (578) Another exposure of preceeding
33 (816) Painted bowl. ID, pl.XX
34 (573) Another view of preceeding
35 (562) Fragment of large jar. ID, plXXI
36-43 (801-03; 1032; 1034-35; 1094; 1145) Fragments of painted bowls
44 (1030) Potsherds. ID, pl.XXII
45-51 (805-08; 1096; 1147; 1154) Potsherds
52 (872) Painted potsherds.. ID, pl.XXII
53-98 (809-12; 814-15; 817-21; 836-56; Fragmentary bowls and painted potsherds
858-59; 873-881; 1036;
1093; 1146)

Vol.2, Nos.99-193

99-153 (291; 339; 343; 346; 546-49; 551; Fragmentary

553; 556; 559; 568-72; 574-77; bowls and potsherds
579-83; 585-89; 882-89; 893-907;
154 (591) Deep cup. ID, pl.XVI, 1
155- (344-45; 348; 367; 545; 550; 552; Painted potsherds
170 554-55; 558; 561: 774-76; 779;
171 (777) Potsherds, Two top in ID, pl.XXI, left
172- (347; 349-50; 778; 780-85; 799; Potsherds
187 800;804;1033;1092;1095)
188 (1037) Potsherds,. ID, plXXII
189-93 (1026-29; 1031) Painted potsherds

Photo File 5 (3 vols.)

The abbreviations used in captions of published photos are:

AHI - Archaeological History of Iran, Herzfeld
AMI - Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Herzfeld
Frye - The Heritage of Iran, R,N,,Fxye
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld

The negative numbers are in parentheses

Vol.1, Nos. 1-172

1-2 (1576-77); Joined to form panorama of terrace from SE corner., AMI, vol.I, fig.2
also roll
film 4070)
3 (1654) Hadith from SE corner. AMI, vol.1, fig.29
4 (2365) See No,8
5-7 (2364; Joined to form panorama of 100-Column Hall from Mt. top. AMI, voL1, fig,21
8-14 (2253-59) Joined with Nos.4, 6, 7, (10 photos) to make panorama of terrace. IAE, pl.XLVII
15 (2261) View from N.. AMI, vol.1, fig.5
16 (2260) Enclosure wall on Mt.
17-19 (2283-85) Joined to make panorama of enclosure wall on Mt. From E. AMI, vol.I, fig.44
20 (2262) N facade of terrace. AMI, vol.I, fig.6
21 (2281) Quarry
22 (2269) Quarry near corner of terrace
23 (2270) Corner of terrace
24-26 (2265-67) Joined to make panorama of terrace from plain. AMI, vol.l, fig. 1
27 (1579) Grand staircase. AMI, vol.I, fig. 7
28 (401) Grand staircase. From plain
29 (403) Grand staircase. From plain
30 (1162) Grand staircase. From top
31 (1580) Grand staircase, Right side. AMI, vol.I, fig,.8; IAE, pl.XLIX, bottom
32 (1581) Grand staircase. Left side
33 (1578) Grand staircase. Upper section
34 (2268) Terrace wall to right of staircase
35 (1572) SW corner of terrace from plain
36 (1574) Another view of preceeding
37 (2272) Supporting wall W facade of terrace. AMI, vol.1, fig.3
38 (2271) Supporting wall W facade of terrace,,
39 (2274) Corner of W facade
40 (2273) W facade
41 (2275) Trilingual cuneiform inscription on W facade
42 (2276) Closer, view of No,,41
43-44 (2277-78) Join to form Old Persian text
45-46 (2279-80) Join to form Elamite and Babylonian texts
47 (1573) Mts, to right of terrace
48 (2286) Entrance gate from N. AMI, vol.I, fig.9
49 (1582) Main gate. IAE, pl.XLIX, top
50 (2299) Main gate. With basin
51 (1583) Main gate. Colossal bulls
52 (1585) Main gate.. One bull. IAE, pl.LIX, left
53 (2289) Main gate.. One bull, side view. AMI, vol.1, fig.10
54 (2287) Main gate. Front view of human-headed bulls
55 (2288) Main gate. Closer view, one bull
56 (408) Main gate. Three-quarters view

57 (406) Main gate. Three-quarters view, human-headed bulls
58 (1584) Main gate. Close-up, human-headed bulls. IAE, pLLIX, right
59 (2294) Main gate. Cuneiform inscription
60 (2293) Main gate. Cuneiform inscription, closer view
61 (2290) Main gate. Columns
62 (2291) Main gate. Columns. IAE, plLVII, right, bottom
63 (2295) Unfinished doorway on terrace. AMI, vol,I, fig. 12
64 (2296) Another view of No.62
65 (2297) Fallen bull capital
66 (2292) Double exposure of No.64
67 (2298) Foundations of unfinished doorway
68 (1566) Stairway to Apadana.
69 (274) Stairway to Apadana. Detail
70 (270) Stairway to Apadana. Lion attacking bull
71 (1590) Stairway to Apadana.. Another view of No.70
72 (1592) Stairway to Apadana. Procession of archers
73 (1003) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of lion attacking bull
74 (1591) Stairway to Apadana Cuneiform inscription
75 (266) Stairway to Apadana.. Base of chariot
76 (1594) Stairway to Apadana. Tribute-bearers
77 (273) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of No. 76
78 (271) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of No. 76
79 (1588) Stairway to Apadana..Joined to Nos. 88 and 99 to form panorama of tribute-bearers. AMI,
vol.I, figs 13-15
80 (1596) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of No,.81, men and oxen
81 (1605) Stairway to Apadana, Section of tribute procession
82 (1604) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of No.81, chariot
83 (1608) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of ox
84 (1606) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of 3 figures
85 (993) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of 3 figures
86 (1593) Stairway to Apadana.. Section of 6 figures
87 (996) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of 4 figures
88 (1589) Stairway to Apadana. See No,79
89 (1597) Stairway to Apadana. Detail, figures with rams, detail of No.94
90 (1598) Stairway to Apadana. Detail figures with horses, detail of No.91
91 (1603) Stairway to Apadana. Section of procession
92 (998) Stairway to Apadana, Detail of No.91, horses, armbands, etc..
93 (1156) Stairway to Apadana Detail of No.91, bearers of bowls, etc.
94 (1602) Stairway to Apadana. Section of procession
95 (1609) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of rams
96 (994) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of horses
97 (968) Stairway to Apadana. Closer, view of rams in No.95
98 (995) Stairway to Apadana.. Detail, cypress and figure
99 (1587) Stairway to Apadana..See No.79
100 (1595) Stairway to Apadana. Section of procession, detail of No.102
101 (1599) Stairway to Apadana. Section of procession
102 (1600) Stairway to Apadana. Section of procession
103 (1607) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of No. 106, donkey
104 (991) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of No,, 100, 4 figures
105 (967) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of No. 100, horse
106 (1164) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of No. 102, donkey
107 (1601) Stairway to Apadana. Section of procession
108 (992) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of No. 107, camel
109 (267) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of No. 107, humped bull
110 (1571) Stairway to Apadana. Procession of guards
111 (1612) Stairway to Apadana. Section of procession
112 (1616) Stairway to Apadana.. Section of procession
113 (1614) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of guards. AMI, vol.I, fig. 17

114 (1615) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of guards. No.113
115 (1611) Stairway to Apadana. Section of procession
116 (1610) Stairway to Apadana. Section of procession
117 (1613) Stairway to Apadana.. Section of procession
118 (2300) Stairway to Apadana. Detail of cypress
119 (2301) Apadana. Columns of W portico
120 (2302) Apadana Columns
121 (2303) Apadana.. Columns of E portico
122 (1621) Apadana. Columns of W portico..AMI, vol.!, fig..20
123 (1622) Apadana. Columns. IAE, pl.LIII, left
124 (259) Apadana.. Columns
125 (1618) Apadana. Columns
126 (1625) Apadana. Columns. IAE, pl.LIII, right
127 (1623) Apadana. Columns
128 (2310) Apadana.. Columns
129 (2311) Apadana.. Column and fallen capital
130 (1617) Apadana. Columns of central hall and E portico. AMI, vol.l, fig.19
131 (1624) Apadana. Columns
132 (1620) Apadana. Column of E portico
133 (1619) Apadana. Columns of E portico
134 (986) Apadana. Columns by moonlight (?)
135 (407) Apadana. Columns
136 (1165) Apadana.. Columns by moonlight (?)
137-138 (2304-05) Join, Apadana columns. IAE, pl,LVII, left
139 (2306) Apadana. Capitals., IAE, pl.LVII, right, top
140 (2307) Apadana. Bases
141 (2308) Apadana. Capital
142 (2309) Apadana.. Capital
143 (2312) Apadana. Part of capital on ground
144 (2313) Apadana. Another view of same
145 (2314) Apadana. Column base. IAE, pl, LVI, bottom, right
146 (2315) Apadana. Column bases
147 (2316) Apadana. Base. IAE, pl.LVI, top, right
148 (2317) Apadana.. Base. IAE, p1.,LVI, top, left
149 (2362) Unfinished doorway, colossal bull
150 (2363) Portico.. 100-Column Hall in background
151 (2357) Portico. Fallen column
152 (2358) Portico. Base
153 (2359) Portico, Section of capital
154 (2361) Portico.. Same
155 (2360) Portico. Same
156 (5083) 100-Column Hall, door.. AMI, voL,I, fig.22; IAE, pl.LXVII, bottom
157 (2356) 100-Column Hall, door., Detail of No.156. IAE,pl.LXVII, top
158 (2354) 100-Column Hall, door.. Detail of opposite side, guards
159 (2355) 100-Column Hall, door. Detail of No. 156
160 (2349) 100-Column Hall, door. Detail of No., 158, guards with shields
161 (2352) 100-Column Hall, door. Detail of No.156, Persian and Mede
162 (2351) 100-Column Hall, door.. Ahuramazda relief
163 (2350) 100-Column Hall, door. Ahuramazda symbols
164 (1627) 100-Column Hall, door. Artaxerxes on throne. AMI, vol.I, fig.23; !,AE, pLLXVIII, left
165 (1626) 100-Column Hall, door, Throne-bearers
166 (1628) 100-Column Hall, door.. Throne-bearers
167 (2348) 100-Column Hall, door.. Throne-bearers
168 (1629) 100-Column Hall, door. Detail of No.167
169 (1630) 100-Column Hall, door. Another detail of No.167
170 (1631) 100-Column Hall, door.. Another detail of No., 167
171-172 (1632-33) 100-Column Hall, door. (Joined) throne-bearers. IAE, pl.LXIX

Vol.2, Nos. 173-354, plus pages of related photos

173 (1635) 100-Column Hall, door.. Hero fighting bull.. IAE, pl.LXVI, right
174 (963) 100-Column Hall, door. Another view of No.173
175 (962) 100-Column Hall, door. Hero fighting lion
176 (1637) 100-Colunm Hall, door. Hero fighting lion.. IAE, pl.LXVI, left
177 (404) 100-Column Hall, door. Hero fighting gxiffm. IAE, pl.LXV, right
178 (1636) 100-Column Hall, door. Hero fighting griffin
179 (1634) 100-Column Hall, door. Hero fighting monster. IAE, pl,LXV, left
180 (1186) 100-Column Hall, door',, Hero fighting monster
181 (1638) Tripylon AMI, vol.1, fig.26
182 (1646) Tripylon. Darius under parasol. IAE, plLXX, left
183 (2341) Tripylon Detail of King's head in No.182
184 (2345) Tripylon Ahuramazda relief
185 (1639) Tripylon. Darius on throne, Xerxes behind him
186 (1640) Tripylon. Another view of preceeding. AMI, vol.I, fig,27; IAE, pl.LXVIII, night
187 (2346) Tripylon.. Detail of No. 185
188 (1641) Tripylon. Detail ofNo.185, throne-bearers
189 (983) Tripylon. Detail of No.188
190 (999) Tripylon. Detail of No..188
191 (1644) Tripylon. Another detail of No. 188
192 (1645) Tripylon.. Detail of No.188
193 (1642) Tripylon Another detail of No..188
194 (1643) Tripylon. Detail of No.188
195 (2347) Tripylon. Column base
196 (1681) Tachara of Darius,, From N. AMI, vol.I, fig.39
197 (258) Tachara of Darius. A closer view of preceeding
198 (2328) Tachara of Darius, From W
199 (2326) Tachara of Darius.. Pier with cuneiform inscription
200 (2325) Tachara of Darius. One wall
201 (2327) Tachara of Darius.. Door. IAE, pl.XLV, left
202 (1683) Tachara of Darius., Portico. IAE, pl..LV, right
203 (1684) Tachara of Darius. Portico.Darius leaving. AMI, vol.I, fig.40
204 (1685) Tachara of Darius. Head of Darius, once inlaid. AMI, vol.I, fig..41; !,AE, plLXXIII, left
205 (1688) Tachara of Darius. Detail of garment
206 (1686) Tachara of Darius.. Another detail of garment
207 (1687) Tachara of Darius, Another detail of garment
208 (1690) Tachara of Darius.. Detail lion border of garment
209 (1689) Tachara of Darius. Closer view of No.208
210 (1692a, Tachara of Darius., Graffito of human heads.. IAE, pl.LXXI1, bottom
211 (1691a, Tachara of Darius. Graffito, another view.. 1691a, AHI, pI.X, left
212 (1682) Tachara of Darius. Hero strangling lion. AMI, vol.l, fig.42; IAE, pl.LXX
213 (2324) Tachara of Darius. Hero stabbing bull
214 (1677) Tachara of Darius. Inscription of Artaxerxes III. Frye, fig.39
215 (1191) Tachara of Darius. Line of guards
216 (1001) Tachara of Darius. Section of No.215
217 (260) Tachara of Darius. Line of guards, section of No.215
218 (1666) Tachara of Darius Heads of two guards. Frye, fig.32
219 (1675) Tachara of Darius. Bull's head. IAE, pl,LXII, top
220 (1676) Tachara of Darius.. Lion's head. IAE,pl.LXII, bottom
221 (2331) Tachara of Darius: Servants mounting stairs
222 (1678) Tachara of Darius, Three figures
223 (1679) Tachara of Darius Two figures
224 (1680) Tachara of Darius. Four figures
225 (2329) Tachara of Darius. Figures mounting steps
226 (405) Tachara of Darius.. Same subject

227 (263) Tachara of Darius, Detail of Nos, 221 and 226
228 (400) Tachara of Darius, Another exposure of preceeding
229 (2330) Tachara of Darius. Xerxes inscription on supporting wall in front of Tachara
230 (2323) Fragment of bull's head
231 (1000) Second Court of Honor. E supporting wall
232 (1664) Detail of No.231.. AMI, vol.1, fig..37
233 (1665) Detail of No.231
234 (1669) Second Court of Honor, Procession with horse
235 (1670) Second Court of Honor, joins preceedings
236 (2332) Court of Honor, W supporting wall. AMI, vol,I, fig.38
237 (1671) Two guards.. Berlin Museum. TA, pLXVI
238 (1673) Head, detail of No.239
239 (1674) Single figure in Shah's Museum, Tehran
240 (1672) Second Court of Honor, E supporting wall. AMI, voLl, fig.36
241 (1002) Second Court of Honor. E supporting wall, two standing guards
242 (1667) Plaster cast of guard, Berlin Museum.. TA, pl..XVI
243 (1668) Bust of servant. Berlin Museum. TA, pl.XVI
244 (1650) Court of Honor. Small: E stairway. AMI, vol.I, fig.28
245 (1649) Court of Honor, Closer view of No.244
246 (2342) Court of Honor Part of animal in the round
247 (1651) Stairway to Tripylon and Hadish
248 (2340) Stairway to Tripylon and Hadish. Cuneiform inscription
249 (2341) Stairway to Tripylon and Hadish. Cuneiform inscription
250 (1652) Hadish of Xerxes. Open door. AMI, vol.l, fig.30
251 (2336) Hadish of Xerxes. Cuneiform inscription
252 (1656) Hadish of Xerxes,, IAE, pl.LIV, bottom
253 (1657) Hadish of Xerxes.
254 (1655) Hadish of Xerxes.
255 (1653) Hadish of Xerxes. Back with staircase, AMI, vol.I, fig.34; IAE, pl.LV, left
256 (1659) Hadish of Xerxes,, Xerxes leaving. AMI, vol.I, fig,32
257 (984) Tripylon. Darius under parasol
258 (402) Tripylon. Detail of preceeding.. IAE, pl.LXXI, top, left
259 (2333) Hadish. Two servants. AMI, vo1..I, fig.33
260 (1663) Hadish. W side E window, detail of short sword
261 (1662) Hadish. S side W window, man with goat
262 (1661) Hadish,. S side E window, two men with ibex
263 (1660) Hadish. Another exposure of preceeding
264 (1658) Hadish. Side stairway
265 (2335) Hadish, Another view
266 (2338) Hadish. Rear terrace all with staircase
267 (2334) Hadish., Closer view of staircase
268 (2337) Hadish. Rear terrace wall
269 (2339) Hadish. Detail of preceeding
270 (2343) SE palace on terrace
271 (2263) SE palace and SE section of terrace, joins No.272. AMI, vol.l, fig.43
272 (2264) SE palace. See No.271
273 (2282) Mt. Slope back of terrace
274 (1647) SE palace. Doorways
275 (1648) SE palace. King stabbing griffin
276 (2750) SE palace, during excavation, (For Expedition house and museum, ca. 1931)
277 (2747) SE palace, during excavation.
278 (2743) SE palace, during excavation. Foundation of doorway
279 (2739) Column base with Fr. Krefter
280 (2746) SE palace, during excavation. Old walls
281 (2748) SE palace, during excavation. Two column bases
282 (2741) SE palace, during excavation. Original walls and floor
283 (2749) SE palace, during excavation. Four column bases
284 (2740) SE palace, during excavation. Corridor

285 (1575) Water channel on Mt. Slope
286 (2318) N tomb. AMI, vol.l, fig.45
287 (1693) N tomb. Facade. AMI, vol.I, fig.46
288 (1695) N tomb. Detail of throne, throne-bearers and lion relief, right half
289 (1696) N tomb. Throne-bearers, left half
290 (1694) N tomb. Artaxerxes, doorway. AMI, vol.I, fig.47; IAE, pl.XLV, right
291 (2319) S tomb. Artaxerxes II.
292 (1697) S tomb.. Closer view
293 (1698) S tomb. Facade (joined with Nos.294-295). IAE, pl.LXXIV
294 (1700) S tomb. See No.293 Joined to No.295, AMI, vo1.,I, figs,48-49
295 (1699) S tomb.. See No.294
296 (1701) S tomb. Interior, AMI, vol.I, fig..50
297 (1702) Unfinished tomb of Darius III. AMI, vol.I, fig.53
298 (1704) Unfinished tomb of Darius III. Facade. King worshipping
299 (2366) Unfinished tomb of Darius III. Detail of No.298, Figure of King
300 (1703) Unfinished tomb of Darius III.. Rock quarry near tomb
301 (2320) Southern section,. Huge column base. AMI, vol.1, fig.52
302 (2321) Southern section. Another view of No..301, excavated
303 (2322) N section, door Fratadara. AMI, vol.I, fig.,55
304 (335) Persepolis. Fragments of glazed brick wall panels
305 (336) Persepolis.. Another view same subject
306 (337) Persepolis. Another view same subject
307 (338) Persepolis. Another view same subject
308 (989) Foundations of fire temple in plain
309 (987) Foundations of fire temple in plain
310 (990) Foundations of fire temple in plain
311 (1552) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Joins No.316 to form panorama
312 (1555) Plain, looking from Naqsh-i Rustam
313 (1554) Mt.. ranges behind Naqsh-i Rustam.
314 (2231) Mt. ranges behind Naqsh-i Rustam.
315 (2232) Mt. ranges behind Naqsh-i Rustam.
316 (1553) See No.311
317 (2218) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Area of fire altars and quarry.. Nos. 317, 318 or 319 and 320 overlap to form
a panorama
318 (2219) Naqsh-i Rustam.
319 (2221) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Another exposure of No.318
320 (2220) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Pair of fire altars
321 (2222) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Detail of No.320
322 (2224) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Another view of fire altars
323 (2223) Naqsh-i Rustam.. View over plain from Mt. behind fire altars
324 (2226) Naqsh-i Rustam.. View to left of preceeding, showing Ka'ba i Zardusht
325 (2225) Naqsh-i Rustam. View to left of preceeding, across plain
326 (2233) Naqsh-i Rustam.. View from Mt. across plain, tomb in left lower corner
327 (2227) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Altar on Mt. above tombs
328 (2228) Naqsh-i Rustam. Ruins of altar on Mt.
329 (2229) Naqsh-i Rustam. Another view of No.327
330 (2230) Naqsh-i Rustam. Quarry
331 (2245) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Cliff with tombs and Ka'ba
332 (1557) Naqsh-i Rustam. Tomb of Darius
333 (1556) Naqsh-i Rustam. Two tombs
334 (2236) Naqsh-i Rustam. Tomb of Xerxes
335 (2235) Naqsh-i Rustam. Tomb of Darius and Sasanian relieves
336 (2234) Naqsh-i Rustam.. From tomb of Darius, looking towards Istakhr
337 (2237) Naqsh-i Rustam. Detail of tomb of Xerxes
338 (1570) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Detail of No.339
339 (269) Naqsh-i Rustam. Tomb of Darius, cuneiform inscription
340 (1569) Naqsh-i Rustam. Detail ofNo.339
341 (2238) Naqsh-i Rustam. Interior of tomb

342 (2239) Naqsh-i Rustam. Tomb of Darius, another photo of interior
343 (1559) Naqsh-i Rustam, tomb of Xerxes. Throne and King
344 (1558) Naqsh-i Rustam, tomb of Xerxes. Closer view of King
345 (1189) Naqsh-i Rustam, tomb of Xerxes. Detail of throne-bearers
346 (1561) Naqsh-i Rustam, tomb of Xerxes. Detail of throne-bearers, overlaps No.347 at right
347 (1560) Naqsh-i Rustam, tomb of Xerxes, See No.346
348 (1562) Naqsh-i Rustam, tomb of Xerxes. Close-up of No.349
349 (1563) Naqsh-i Rustam, tomb of Xerxes. Doorway
350 (2244) Naqsh-i Rustam, Ka'ba i Zardusht. IAE, pl.XLI, top, right
351 (2246) Naqsh-i Rustam.
352 (264) Naqsh-i Rustam.
353 (2247) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Doorway. IAE, pl.XLI, top, left
354 (2248) Naqsh-i Rustam, View from inside
Prints not in Herzfeld's blueprint binder-
p, 1 (4066) Persepolis panorama.. From S
(4067) Persepolis panorama., From S with column base on plain
p.2 (4072) Persepolis panorama. Making squeeze of foundation inscription
(4071) Persepolis panorama. Closer view of preceeding
p.3 (4070) Persepolis panorama.. Looking W from SE corner, AMI, vol.1, fig..2
(4062) Persepolis panorama. Garden terrace, AMI, vol.I, fig.35
p.. 4 (4064) Persepolis panorama. (Damaged film) Terrace, SE corner
(4065) Persepolis panorama. Another exposure of preceeding
p. 5 (4082) Persepolis panorama.. Central hall of Hadish
(4081) Persepolis panorama. Apadana, looking toward gateway
p. 6 (4080) Persepolis panorama.. Apadana, looking from Tripylon
(4075) Persepolis panorama. Central hall of Radish
p. 7 (4069) Persepolis panorama.. Terrace, looking NW
(4063) Persepolis panorama.. On terrace, looking S
p. 8 (4068) Persepolis panorama. Terrace from the E
(4083) Persepolis panorama. 100-Column Hall
p. 9 (4079) Persepolis panorama. Hadish, looking from Tachara
(4061) Persepolis panorama. E section of terrace, looking towards N tomb
p.10 (4073) Persepolis panorama. N section of city. AMI, vol.I, fig.54
(4074) Persepolis panorama. Water channel near Naqsh-i Rajab.. AMI, vol.I, fig.. 4
P.11 (3899) Naqsh-i Rustam panorama.. Tombs
(4088) Naqsh-i Rustam panorama. Tombs
p.12 (4086) Naqsh-i Rustam panorama.
(4090) Naqsh-i Rustam panorama. Quarries and altars
p.13 (4084) Naqsh-i Rustam panorama.. From quarry near Persepolis
p.14 (4076) Naqsh-i Rajab panorama
(4091) Naqsh-i Rajab panorama. (Reliefs in cleft, center of photo)
p.15 (4077) Imamzadeh Shah Isma'il panorama, Astodana near Persepolis
p..16 Six photos taken at Persepolis by Miss Constance Warner, following construction of living
quarters and museum. Includes a photo in Santa Fe. No negatives

Vol.3, pp.1-63. Miscellaneous photos of Persepolis and related monuments

p. 1 ( ) Persepolis. Terrace from plain. (All of these prints through p.9 (except for p.7a) were probably
bought by Herzfeld in Shiraz in 1905)
p. 2 ( ) Persepolis. Entrance, human-headed bulls
p. 3 ( ) Persepolis. Doorway of Tachara
3a ( ) Persepolis., Terrace with tents
p. 4 ( ) Persepolis.. Entrance, lions
p. 5 ( ) Persepolis Another view of same
p. 6 ( ) Persepolis. Tripylon, Darius, cf. vol.2-182 p.
p.7a ( ) Persepolis. Detail of border of Darius, cf. vol.2-258
b ( ) Persepolis., 100-Column Hall, King on throne
p. 8a ( ) Persepolis. King stabbing monster

b ( ) Persepolis.. Another view of same
p. 9 ( ) Persepolis. 100-Column Hall
p.10a (2304- Persepolis.. Column, Apadana, IAE, pl..LVII
10b (2255- Persepolis.. Apadana, AMI, vol.I, fig.18
p..1la ( ) Persepolis.. Apadana, entrance stairway
l lb ( ) Persepolis. Same as preceeding
p, 12a (4085) Panorama. Imamzadeh Shah Isma'il
12b (4078) Panorama. (Damaged) Persepolis, terrace, looking N
p.13a (4087) Panorama. Naqsh-i Rustam, tombs
13b (4092) Panorama. Persepolis, road nearby, looking towards Naqsh-i Rustam
p. 14a (5423) Panorama.. Unidentified
14b (4129) Panorama.. On Mts. at Naqsh-i Rustam
p. 15a (5420) Panorama,, Unidentified
p. 15b (5421) Panorama,, Another view of preceeding
p. 16 (4095) Panorama.. (Damaged), unidentified
p.. 17a (5424) Panorama. Tennis courts in garden, unidentified
b (4130) Panorama.. Harvesting grain, unidentified
p. 18a (3954) Silver bowl. Artaxerxes 1. AMI, vol.VII, pl..l
b (3955) Silver bowl. Details of inscription. AMI, vol..VII, p1.1
p.19a (3956) Silver bowl. Reverse.. AMI, vol.VII, p1.II
b (3957) Silver bowl. Other sections, inscription. AMI, vol.VII, p1..II
p. 20 ( ) Stakhr, bull's head. See Photo File 2-209
p. 21 ( ) Persepolis. Squeeze of cypress (drawing). IAE, fig.373
p.. 22 ( ) Six small carved stones.. (drawing). IAE, fig.267
p.. 23 (1699- Persepolis, S tomb, cf. vol.1-294.. AMI, vol.l, figs..48-49
p.24a (5030) Small turbaned head, full face
b (5031) Same, profile
c ( ) Same, three-quarter view
d ( ) Same, rear view
p.25a ( ) Head in profile. Assyrian
b ( ) Head in profile. Merodach baladan
c ( ) Head in profile. Persepolis, cf vol.2-237
d ( ) Head in profile. Persepolis, cf vol.2-242
p.26a (1673) Head in profile. Persepolis, servant
b ( ) Head in profile. Persepolis, another servant, cf vol.1-243
c ( ) Head in profile. Persepolis, servant
p.27a ( ) Khorsabad relief (apparently dealer's photo)
b ( ) Assyrian relief (apparently dealer's photo)
p..28a ( ) Susa. Frieze of archers in Louvre
b ( ) Another view of preceeding
c ( ) Babylonian map, stone.. British Museum
p.29a ( ) Sumerian vase. MMA. IAE, pl.XXIV
b Egyptian bronze, Horus
p..30a ( ) Stone plaque, affronted lions
b ( ) Persepolis.. Foundation tablets and stone box
c ( ) Persepolis. Gold and silver foundation tablets
p.31a ( ) Persepolis.. Corner of terrace by drive
b ( ) Persepolis.. Apadana columns from side
c ( ) Persepolis, View on terrace, looking towards entrance
d ( ) Persepolis. Entrance with figures and columns, Naqsh-i Rustam in rear
p.32a ( ) Persepolis. View on terrace
b ( ) Persepolis. Tachara.W front
c ( ) Persepolis.. Hadish with small staircase
d ( ) Persepolis.. 100-Column Hall
p.33a ( ) Persepolis. View on terrace

b ( ) Persepolis,. Excavations: stones on terrace, ca 1932
c ( ) Persepolis. Another view of preceeding
d ( ) Persepolis. Same as preceeding
p.34a ( ) Persepolis. View of ruins from plain
b ( ) Persepolis. Mts., looking toward Naqsh-i Rustam
c ( ) Persepolis. Village with Naqsh-i Rustam in background
d ( ) Naqsh-i Rajab. Sasanian relief, View towards Naqsh-i Rustam
p.35a ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam
b ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, Tomb IV
c ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam. Ka'ba i Zardusht
d ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam Tombs I-III
p.36a ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam. Ka'ba i Zardusht
b ( ) Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes (Photo 1905 purchase ?)
p.37a ( ) Persepolis. Charioteer
b ( ) Persepolis. Apadana inscription.. (Print purchased 1905?)
p.38a (2238) Naqsh-i Rustam. Tomb of Darius, interior
b ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam. Ka'ba i Zardusht
p.39a ( ) Persepolis, Tripylon. Friedrich Krefter with Herzfeld's Irish terrier, Tai. ca. 1933
b ( ) Istakhr. See File 7-74
c ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, altars
p.40a ( ) Pasargadae. Tomb, W side, cf. File 2-2-156
b ( ) Pasargadae.. Building P, cf. File 2-2-140
c ( ) Pasargadae. Another view of preceeding
d ( ) Pasargadae. Building S, SE corner, cf. File 2-1-104
p.42a ( ) Bistun, Darius relief, Photo, Burckhart
b ( ) Bistun, Darius relief. Photo, Burckhart
p,43a ( ) Bistun, Darius relief, Photo, Blucher
b ( ) Bistun, Darius relief. Photo, Kronecker
c ( ) Bistun, unidentified rock tombs. Photo, D.Mann
p.44 (4079) Persepolis panorama.. Radish, looking from Tachara
p.46a (4080) Persepolis panorama.. Apadana, looking from Tripylon
b (4078) Persepolis panorama.. (Damaged) Apadana and entrance
p.47a (4075) Persepolis panorama.. Central hall, Radish. AMI, vol.I, fig.31
b (4082) Persepolis panorama,. Another view of preceeding
p.48a (4061) Persepolis panorama. E section, looking toward N tomb
b (4068) Persepolis panorama. Terrace from the E
p.49a (4083) Persepolis panorama. 100-Column Hall
b (4081) Persepolis panorama. Apadana, looking toward entrance
p.50a (4064) Persepolis panorama.. (Damaged) SE corner from plain
b (4062) Persepolis panorama.. Garden terrace. AMI, vol,I, fig.35
p.51a (4069) Persepolis panorama,. Terrace from Mt..
b (4063) Persepolis panorama.. On terrace, looking S
p.52a (4072) Persepolis panorama,. Making squeeze of foundation inscription
b (4071) Persepolis panorama. Closer view of preceeding
p.53a (4070) Persepolis panorama. Looking W from SE corner. AMI, vol.1, fig.2
b (4065) Persepolis panorama, SE corner of terrace from plain
p54a (4074) Persepolis panorama. Water channel N of terrace. AMI, vol.I, fig.4
b (4073) Persepolis panorama. N section of city. AMI, vol.I, fig.54
p.55a (4066) Persepolis panorama. Ruins from S
b (4067) Persepolis panorama. Closer view with column bases
p.56a (3899) Naqsh-i Rustam, panorama. Tombs
b (4089) Naqsh-i Rustam, panorama. Looking towards Istakhr.. See another exposure, 4089a
p.58a (4090) Naqsh-i Rustam, panorama. Showing quarries and altars
b (4086) Naqsh-i Rustam, panorama.. Full sweep
p.59a (4087) Naqsh-i Rustam, panorama. Three tombs and Ka'ba
b (4088) Naqsh-i Rustam, panorama. Four tombs
p.60a (4084) Naqsh-i Rustam, panorama. From Persepolis quarry
b (3898) Naqsh-i Rustam, panorama. From Naqsh-i Rajab

p.61 (4092) Naqsh-i Rustam, panorama, From Persepolis-Istakhr road
p.62a (4077) Imamzadeh Shah Isma'il panorama. Astodana near Persepolis
b (4085) Imamzadeh Shah Isma'il panorama. A closer view
p, 63a (4076) Naqsh-i Rajab, Cleft with Sasanian reliefs
b (4091) Naqsh-i Rajab. Closer view
p, 64a ( ) Persepolis, terrace, Living quarters and museum Herzfeld constructed on old foundations
b ( ) Another view of preceeding
c ( ) Another view
d ( ) Comparison of construction methods in Santa Fe, New Mexico
e ( ) A section of newly discovered E stairway
f ( ) Another view of preceeding
p 65a (8342) Langsdorff, Herzfeld and Krefter in front of expedition house, ca. 1933
b ( ) Herzfeld seated by entrance gateway.. Photo, HF..V.Bassowitz
c ( ) Herzfeld feeding pet boar, "Bulbul" (nightingale)
p.66a ( ) Oct.28, 1932. Herzfeld, staff and visitors at time of visit of Reza Shah
b ( ) Herzfeld leaving Persepolis, July 18, 1933
c ( ) Visit to Istakhr with Firuz Miiza, 1924
p. 67 ( ) Baron Max v.Oppenheim, excavator of Tell Halaf and long-time friend of Herzfeld shortly
before his death in 1946
p.68a ( ) Photo in color of winged Genius at Pasargadae, Photo, Krefter
b (5260) Tachara of Darius
c (5261) Persepolis plain from terrace (?)

Photo File 6
"Achaemenian and Sasanian Inscriptions"
The abbreviations used in captions of published photos are:
AMI - Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Herzfeld
Frye - The Heritage of Iran, R..N.Frye
Paikuli - Paikuli, Monument, etc.,, Herzfeld
TA - Am Tor von Asien, Herzfeld
SK - refers to Herzfeld Sketchbooks in the Archive Album - refers to the Albums, numbering four, with the Paikuli
material, The actual squeezes of inscriptions on the Paikuli blocks are in the Archive.. Reference should be made to
Photo File 18, "Paikuli.."
Negative numbers are in parentheses..

Nos. 1-127

1 ((431) Pahlavi rock inscription, Persepolis area., Frye, fig.60

2 ((426) Pahlavi rock inscription, Persepolis area.. Another exposure
3 ((315) Sasanian clay bullae. Two
4 ((316) Sasanian clay bullae. Three with monograms and inscriptions
5 ((317) Sasanian clay bullae. Eight with ibexes
6 ((318) Sasanian clay bullae. Six, mostly with Pahlavi inscriptions
7 ((319) Sasanian clay bullae, Four with figures and Greek inscriptions
8 ((320) Sasanian clay bullae. Six with animals
9 ((321) Sasanian clay bullae. Two. Frye, fig.57
10 ((322) Sasanian clay bullae. Two with official Pahlavi inscriptions
11 ((323) Sasanian clay bullae.. Two with similar inscriptions
12 (324) Sasanian clay bullae. Three with animals
13 (3200) Sasanian clay bullae. Two with official inscriptions
14 (3201) Sasanian clay bullae. Another view of 13
15 (3208) Sasanian clay bullae. Another view of 13
16 (1451) Clay tablet with cuneiform inscription..
17 (1452) Clay tablet with cuneiform inscription.. Possibly squeeze of preceeding tablet
18- 22 (303-306; Copper tablet with cuneiform inscription on each side. AMI, vol.IX, pp, 159-177, with 1 pl.
23 (325) Six seals or tablets with cuneiform

24-29 (309-14) Gold tablets with cuneiform. No.28, publ. Frye, fig.38
30- 35 (1010-13; Squeezes of Pahlavi inscription, Sar Mashhad
36 (1914) Sarpul, Pahlavi inscription. TA, pl.XXVI, bottom, right
37 (1915) Sarpul, Pahlavi inscription. TA, pl.XXVI, bottom, left
38 (1977) Firuzabad. Pahlavi inscription of Milunarseh. Another view in No.120
39 (1978) Naqsh-i Rajab. Kartir inscription. Other views, Nos. 104-105
40 (1979) Persepolis. Tachara inscription. See also Nos. 106-107
41-51 (1980-90) Sar Mashad. Kartir inscription
52 (1991) Istakhr city gate. Pahlavi inscription. Another exposure 3940
53 (1992) Paikuli. View from ruins
54 (1994) Paikuli. Ruins, Paikuli, p1.4
55 (1993) Paikuli. View of ruins
56 (2674) Paikuli. Architectural fragments, crenellation
57 (1995) Paikuli. Architectural fragments
58 (1996) Paikuli. Bust of Narseh
59 (1997) Paikuli. Detail ofpreceeding
60 (1998) Paikuli,. Another bust of Narseh
61 (828) Paikuli. Inscribed block (Parsik) new. Sas.VIIl. Squeeze Neg.4400
62 (827) Paikuli. Another exposure of preceeding. Squeeze Neg.4401
63 (757) Paikuli. Inscribed block
64 (727) Paikuli. Defective exposure of No.61
65 (505) Paikuli. Parsik F 12 (tracing) Paikuli, vol.ll, p.90. Squeeze Neg.4386
66 (1999) Paikuli. Pahlavik F'2. Paikuli, volII, p.178.. Sq. Neg,4333
67 (2000) Paikuli. Pahlavik F'6 (cleaned), Paikuli, vol,ll, p.182. Sq. Neg.4335
68 (2001) Paikuli. Pahlavik F'7. Paikuli, vol.II, p..184. Sq..Neg,4336
69 (2002) Paikuli. Pahlavik F'8. Paikuli. vol,ll, p..190. Sq. Neg4339
70 (2003) Paikuli. Two blocks
71 (2004) Paikuli. Pahlavik, Sq Neg,4402
72 (2005) Paikuli. Pahlavik.. Sq. Neg.,4403
73 (2006) Paikuli Block
74 (2007) Paikuli. Parsik H 8. Paikuli, vol.ll, p.112. Sq. Neg.4397
75 (2008) Paikuli. New block. Sq., Neg.,4404
76 (2009) Paikuli. Closer view of No..75
77 (2010) Paikuli. Parsik B7 (cleaned). Paikuli, vo1..II, pp34-35., Sq. Neg.4358
78 (2011) Paikuli. Block
79 (2012) Paikuli, Block
80 (2013) Paikuli, New block. Sq. Neg.4405
81 (2014) Paikuli.,
82 (2015) Paikuli. New block. Sq.. Neg..4406
83 (2016) Paikuli New block. Sq. Neg.4407
84 (2017) Paikuli. Block
85 (2018) Paikuli. Parsik B 1.Paikuli, voL,II, p.130. Sq, Neg4309
86 (2019) Paikuli. Pahlavik Cl. Paikuli, vo1.,ll, p144 Sq. Neg.4316
87 (2020) Paikuli Pahlavik D' 10. Paikuli, vol.ILp.166.. Sq. Neg.4327
88 (2021) Paikuli.. Parsik B 5. Paikuli, vol.ll, p.31. Sq.Neg.4356
89 (2022) Paikuli Block
90 (2023) Paikuli, Parsik B 12. Paikuli, vol.11, p.45. Sq.Neg.4363
91 (2024) Paikuli.. Parsik C 3. Paikuli, vol.ll, p. 51. Sq. Neg.4366
92 (2025) Paikuli Parsik D 3.. Paikuli, vol.Il, p.61. Sq.Neg.4371
93 (2026) Paikuli. Parsik D 6. Paikuli, vol.11, p.65. Sq. Neg.4373
94 (2027) Paikuli. Parsik E 7.. Paikuli, vol.II, p.72. Sq. Neg.4377
95 (2028) Paikuli. Parsik F 13. Paikuli, vol.ll, p.92. Sq. Neg.4387
96 (2661) Shah Sherwan. Gorge of Hajjiabad
97 (2662) Joins preceeding
98 (2663) Hajjiabad. View from cave
99 (2664) Hajjiabad. Pahlavik text
100 (2665) Hajjiabad. Close-up of text

101 (2666) Hajjiabad. Another exposure of text
102 (2667) Firuzabad, Mihrnarseh inscription at bridge
103 (2668) Another view of preceeding
104 (2669) Naqsh-i Rajab.. Kartir, inscription. See also No.39
105 (2670) Naqsh-i Rajab. Another view
106 (2671) Persepolis, Tachara. Pahlavi inscription. See also No.40
107 (2672) Persepolis, Tachara. Another exposure
108 (2673) Kuh-i Girdelak (between Naqsh-i Rustam and Hajjiabad. Pahlavi inscription
109 (2673a) Kuh-i Girdelak Another exposure
110 (2675) Paikuli. Bust of Narseh
111 (2676) Paikuli. new block. Sq. Neg.4408
112 (2677) Paikuli. Sq. Neg.4409
113 (2678) Paikuli, block.,
114 (2679) Paikuli, block.
115 (2680) Paikuli, block.
116 (2681) Paikuli block.
117 (2681a) Paikuli, new block. Sq. Neg.4410
118 (2681b) Paikuli, block.
119 (2682) Paikuli, block.
120 (2683) Paikuli, block.
121 (2684) Paikuli, new block. Sq, Neg4411
122 (2685) Paikuli, new block., Sq. Neg..4412
123 (2686) Paikuli, new block. Sq. Neg.4413
124 (2687) Paikuli, new block. Sq. Neg.4414
125 (2688) Paikuli, new block.
126 (2689) Paikuli, new block. Sq. Neg.4415
127 (4513) Naqsh-i Rajab, bust and inscription of Kartrr. Photo, Stolze. Paikuli, voL.II, p.210
128a ( ) Trilingual cuneiform inscription. Persepolis (?)
b ( ) Section of Old Persian cuneiform inscription
129a ( ) Four clay ostraca
b ( ) Section of cuneiform inscription. Elamite (?)
130a (3941) Hatra, Arabic and Pahlavi inscriptions
b (3942) Hatra. Close-up of Pahlavi in preceeding
131 (5004) Cuneiform inscriptions on pre-Achaemenid daggers. IAE, pl.XXVIII

Photo File 7 (2 vols.)

"Sasanian Architecture"

The abbreviations used in the captions of published photos are:

AHI - Archaeological History of Iran, Herzfeld
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld

Reference should also be made to Photo File 25, "Sasanidischer Bauten", and to Photo Files 17 and 29, which deal
specifically with Kuh-i Khwaja,, The number, of the negative is in parentheses..

Vol.1, Nos.1-128

1 (2382) Khurha. Village. Forms panorama with 2381-83-84

2 (2381) Khurha. See No..l
3 (2383) Khurha. See No.1
4 (2384) Khurha. See No.1
5 (2385) Khurha. Columns in distance
6 (2387) Khurha. Columns and village
7 (2386) Khurha. Columns and ruins
8 (2388) Khurha. Columns. AHI, pl.. VI
9 (2389) Khurha. Columns and temple ruins
10 (2390) Khurha, Columns and temple ruins
11 (1713) Khurha. Columns. JAE, pLLXXXVIII, top

12 (1714) Khurha Columns and capital
13 (1715) Khurha, Columns, lower sections and bases
14 (1716) Khurha. Columns, lower sections and capital
15 (2392) Khuxha. Column bases.. IAE, pl.LXXXVIII, bottom
16 (2391) Khurha. Capital on ground, showing crossed bands
17 (1717) Khurha. Capital on ground, showing volutes
18 (1718) Khurha. Columns with capitals. IAE, p1,LXXXIX, top
19 (1719) Khurha. Single column and capital
20 (1720) Khurha., Single column
21 (2393) Khurha. Column base
22 (2394) Khurha. Corner stone
23 (2395) Khurha, Corner stone
24 (1721) Khurha. Foundation stone
25 (2380) Kangavar (?).. Distant view of mound
26 (1711) Kangavar. Built-in columns, IAE, pl.LXXXVII, top
27 (1712) Kangavar.. Mosque (1 pier missing in photo)
28 (1710) Kangavar. Column section and base of temple
29 (928) Kangavar. Column base. IAE, pLLXXXVII, bottom
30 (2369) Kangavar. Column bases in field
31 (2372) Kangavar. Detail of one base
32 (2373) Kangavar.. Detail of 2" base, another view in No.33
33 (2374) Kangavar, See No.32
34 (2375) Kangavar, Close-up of base in No.30
35 (2376) Kangavar. Another base in No.30
36 (2377) Kangavar. A third base in No.30
37 (2370) Tepe near Kangavar.. (Tell: Khizil ?)
38 (2371) Tepe near Kangavar.. Another view
39 (2378) In Asadabad Re-used temple blocks
40 (2379) Asadabad Column base with guilloche
41 (1737) Kharg. Decorative details of two tombs
(1737a) Kharg. Another view of preceeding
42 (2396a) Kharg, General view of tombs
43-46 (2396-2399) Kharg. General views of tombs
47 (1723) Kharg. Single tomb
48 (1722) Kharg. General view of elaborate tombs and Imamzadeh
49 (1724) Kharg. A single tomb
50 (1725) Kharg Another single tomb
51 (1726) Kharg, Interior of tomb with reclining figure
52 (1727) Kharg. Another view of No.51.. AHI, pl.XIX, bottom
53 (1730) Kharg. Another view of No.51
54 (1728) Kharg. Details of moldings
55 (1729) Kharg. Detail of molding
56 (1733) Kharg. Closer view of tomb in No.48. AHI, pl.XIX, top
57 (1734) Kharg. Interior of tomb
58 (1731) Kharg.. Detail of No. 56. IAE, pL,XCIII, left, bottom
59 (1732) Kharg. Interior of tomb
60 (1735) Kharg. Interior of tomb
61 (1736)(1736a) Kharg. Details of moldings (1736a)
62 (2404) Takht-i Rustam (Shahriyar). AHI, p1..XV, left; IAE, pl.XCV, right
63 (2405) Takht-i Rustam (Shahriyar). Lower platform and Imamzadeh from near top
64 (1745) Takht-i Rustam (Shahriyar). Top
65 (2406) Takht-i Rustam (Shahriyar). Lower platform. IAE, pl.XCV, left
66 (2407) Takht-i Rustam (Shahriyar), Lower platform
67 (2408) Takht-i Rustam (Shahriyar). Imamzadeh and lower platform
68 (2409) Takht-i Rustam (Shahriyar). Imamzadeh
69 (2409a) Takht-i Rustam (Shahriyar). Imamzadeh
70 (2410) Taq-i Bustan.. Hollyhocks
71 (2411) Istakhr City gate

72 (2412) Istakhr. City gate and aqueduct
73 (2413) Istakhr Mosque, fallen column and base
74 (2414) Istakhr. Mosque, standing column and capital
75 (2416) Istakhr. Mosque, another view of standing column
76 (2415) Istakhr. Mosque, detail of column and capital
77 (1746) Istakhr Mosque, close-up of capital
78 (2417) Between Persepolis and Naqsh-i Rajab. Dakhmah
79 (2418) N of Persepolis. Dakhmah
80 (2423) Imamzadeh Isma'il. Group of dakhmahs
81 (2421) Imamzadeh Isma'il, Section of No.80
82 (2422) Imamzadeh Isma'iL Group of dakhmahs
83 (2420) Imamzadeh Isma'il. Group of three dakhmahs
84 (2419) Imamzadeh Isma'il. Single dakhmah, detail of No.81. Inscription in Neg,3943
85 (1743) Taq i Gixra. Paikuli, p1.218, center
86 (2424) Shiraz. Qasr-i Abu Nasr. End of fortress
87 (1744) Taq i Gixra. Section. Paikuli, p1.218, right
88 ( ) Taq-i Kisra, Archaeologische Reise, vol.111, pl.XXXIX
89 (1201) Taq-i Kisra. Two pieces of stucco decoration
90 (1739) Qasr-i Shirin. Temple (Tchuarqapu)
91 (1740) Qasr-i Shirin. Palace
92 (1741) Qasr-i Shirin. Palace, corridor
93 (1742) Qasr-i Shirin. Section of aqueduct (?)
94 (1738) Dastagird.. Detail of brick construction
95 (1747) Firuzabad, Kaleh-I dukhtar
96 (1748) Firuzabad. Gorge below Kaleh-i dukhtar
97 (1751) Firuzabad, Kaleh-I dukhtar. From N. AHI, pl..XIV
98 (1749) Firuzabad, Kaleh-I dukhtar. Round tower from E
99 (1750) Firuzabad, Kaleh-I dukhtar. Another view of preceeding
100 (1752) Firuzabad, Kaleh-I dukhtar. Inside large Iwan
101 (1753) Firuzabad, Kaleh-I dukhtar. N wall of large Iwan, interior
102 (1754) Firuzabad, Kaleh-I dukhtar. Central room with cupola
103 (1755) Firuzabad, palace. E front
104 (2425) Firuzabad, palace, Exterior (joins No. 105)
105 (2426) Firuzabad, palace. See No.. 104
106 (2427) Firuzabad, palace. Inner court
107 (2428) Firuzabad, palace. Wall beside opening of large Iwan
108 (2429) Firuzabad, palace. Lateral view of cupola
109 (2430) Firuzabad, palace. Inner court
110 (2431) Firuzabad, palace. Court left of small Iwan. AHI, pl.XV, right.
111 (2432) Firuzabad, palace. Court left of large Iwan
112 (2433) Firuzabad, palace. Detail of No, 114
113 (2434) Firuzabad, palace, Facade under cupola
114 (2435) Firuzabad, palace, Facade under cupola with "Egyptian" cornice
115 (2436) Firuzabad, palace., Court, large Iwan
116 (2437) Firuzabad, palace. Cornice, detail of No. 114
117 (2438) Firuzabad, palace. Cupola above No.114
118 (2439) Firuzabad, palace. Substructure of fixe-temple
119 (2440) Firuzabad, fire-temple. More distant view in No, 118
120 (2441) Closer view of No. 118
121 (2442) Closer view of No.118. On top of substructure
122 (2443) Firuzabad, inner core of tower
123- (2444-2446) Other views of tower in No. 122
127 (2447) Firuzabad.. Door of Imamzadeh with inscribed plaque
128 (2448) Farrashband. Fire-temple Vol.2, Nos.129-243
129 (2449) Farrashband. Qanatabagh, fue-temple
130 (2450) Detail of preceeding
131 (2451) Farrashband. Ruin field

132 (2452) Behind Sar Mashhad,. Small stone structure
133 (2453) Behind Sar Mashhad., Interior
134 (3178) Bishapur.. Large spring S of temple ruins
135 (3175) Bishapur. From NW
136 (2454) Bishapur, Ruins of fort S of gorge
137 (2455) Bishapur. Another view of No. 136
138 (2456) Bishapur. Gorge from NW
139 (2466) Bishapur, Gorge, N side, with Sasanian reliefs
140 (2457) Bishapur.. Building with consoles
141 (2458) Bishapur Detail of No. 140
142 (2459) Bishapur. Cornice of spring (now buried)
143 (2460) Bishapur. Spring
144 (2461) Bishapur, Another view of No.143
145 (1756) Mil-i Azdaha. Tower
146 (1757) Mil-i Azdaha. Another view of tower
147 (1758) Mil-i Azdaha. Third view of tower
148 (1759) Mil-i Azdaha. Detail of construction
149 (2034) Qaleh-i dukhtar, near Baze'ur. General view of site
150 (2035) Baze'ur, fire-temple,
151 (2037) Baze'ur, fire-temple. Another view
152 (2039) Baze'ur, fire-temple. Interior
153 (2036) Baze'ur, fire-temple.. Interior, section of dome
154 (2038) Baze'ur, fire-temple. Detail of construction
155 (2029) near Rayy. Brick archway
156 (2030) near Rayy, Nizamabad, provenance of Sasanian stuccos in Berlin and Pahlavi ostraca in
British Museum
157 (2033) Paqaleh (Khurasan). General view
158 (2031) Paqaleh (Khurasan). Detail of No.157
159 (2032) Paqaleh (Khurasan). Another view
160 (432) Shiraz. Qasr-i Abu Nasr
161 (1004) Shir'az. Qasr-i Abu Nasr, Qaleh-i Bandar near entrance to Saadi tomb
162 (1005) In desert E of Bam, ruined fort or town.
163 (1022) In desert E of Barn, ruined fort or town. Another view (?)
164 (2045) Sistan, Shahristan. Panorama
165 (2046) Sistan, Shahristan.
166 (2041) Sistan, Shahristan., E
167 (2040) Sistan, Shahristan. N
168 (2042) Sistan, Shahristan. S
169 (2044) Sistan, Shahristan. W
170 (2043) Sistan, Shahristan.
171 (2047) Sistan, Shahristan.
172 (2048) Sistan, Shahristan.
173 (2049) Sistan, Shahristan
174 (2051) Sistan, Shahristan. Imamzadeh near Shahristan
175 (2050.) Sistan, Shahristan.. Another view of No.174
176 (2052) Kuh-i Khwaja. Island in the Hamun Sea
177 (2053) Kuh-i Khwaja, Another view. AHI, pl,VII, top
178 (2054) Kuh-i Khwaja, S end of island.. IAE, pl.XCVI, top
179 (2055) Kuh-i Khwaja. Another view of No. 178
180 (2056) Kuh-i Khwaja., W fort from S beach
181 (2057) KUh-i Khwaja Another view of No.180
182 (2059) Kuh-i Khwaja,. Town from beach. E fort on top
183 (2058) Kuh-i Khwaja. Another view of No.182
184 (2060) Kuh-i Khwaja. Town from SE
185 (2061) Kuh-i Khwaja, Town, upper part, W front
186 (2063) Kuh-i Khwaja, Palace from top of hill
187 (2064) Kuh-i Khwaja. Another view of No.186
188 (2065) Kuh-i Khwaja.. W side of palace

189 (2066) Kuh-i Khwaja. City gate near SE corner,
190 (2067) KUh-i Khwaja. Another view of No. 189
191 (2068) Kuh-i Khwaja. On street, looking up to palace
192 (2069) Kuh-i Khwaja. Another view of No. 191
193 (2070) KUh-i Khwaja. Street from E to W below palace
194 (2071) Kuh-i Khwaja. Another view of No.193
195 (2073) Kuh-i Khwaja. Turn in street
196 (2074) Kuh-i Khwaja. Outer gate of palace
197 (2072) KUh-i Khwaja. Another view of No.. 196
198 (2076) Kuh-i Khwaja. Main palace gate, W side
199 (2077) Kuh-i Khwaja. Another view of No. 198
200 (2078) Kuh-i Khwaja.. Detail of No., 199
201 (2075) Kuh-i Khwaja Detail of No.199
202 (2079) Kuh-i Khwaja. Great court, S front with E fort
203 (2080) Kuh-i Khwaja Another view of No.202. IAE, plXCVI, center
204 (2081) Kuh-i Khwaja Court, NW corner
205 (2082) Kuh-i Khwaja. Detail of No.205
206 (966) Kuh-i Khwaja. Great court. Vault and gallery N side
207 (1158) KUh-i Khwaja, Main facade, partially excavated, IAE, pl. XCVI, bottom
208 (1172) Kuh-i Khwaja. Detail of No.107
209 (1173) Kuh-i Khwaja. Second period of facade with stucco figure
210 (179) KUh-i Khwaja. Vaults in front of gallery
211 (2083) Kuh-i Khwaja. Vaulted room above gallery
212 (2084) Kuh-i Khwaja. Detail of No..211
213 (2085) Kuh-i Khwaja. Great court, S wing
214 (2087) Kuh-i Khwaja. T-shaped room E of great court
215 (2088) Kuh-i Khwaja. Court behind T-shaped room
216 (2086) Kuh-i Khwaja. Room adjoining T-shaped room
217 (2100) Kuh-i Khwaja. Gallery before excavation
218 (2089) Kuh-i Khwaja Entrance to temple
219 (2090) Kuh-i Khwaja, Another view of No.218
220 (2091) Kuh-i Khwaja. Temple from E
221 (2092) Kuh-i Khwaja. Another view of No.220
222 (2093) Kiih-i Khwaja.. Room with girder vaults
223 (2094) Kuh-i Khwaja. Another view of room in No.222
224 (2095) Kuh-i Khwaja NW room of palace
225 (2096) Kuh-i Khwaja., Another view of No.224
226 (2097) Kuh-i Khwaja N gate from inside
227 (2098) KUh-i Khwaja. Another view of No.226
228 (2099) Kuh-i Khwaja. N gate, looking N
229 (2101) Kuh-i Khwaja. N gate from outside
230 (2062) Kuh-i Khwaja. N gate from W
231 (2102) Kuh-i Khwaja., E fort
232 (2103) Kuh-i Khwaja Another view of No.231
233 (2104) Kuh-i Khwaja W fort from NE
234 (2105) Kuh-i Khwaja. E fort from SW
235 (2106) Kuh-i Khwaja,. W fort entrance
236 (2107) Kuh-i Khwaja.. Another view of No.235
237 (1116) Kuh-i Khwaja and Shahristan. Fragments red, hard-fired pottery
238- (1111-1115) Kuh-i Khwaja Fragments unglazed pottery
243 (1102) Kuh-i Khwaja. Fragments painted pottery
244 (3943) Imamzadeh Shah Isma'il. Squeeze of inscription. Neg.2419. See File 7-84

Photo File 8 (2 vols.)

"Sasanian Monuments"

The abbreviations used in captions of'published photos are:

AHI - Archaeological History of Iran, Herzfeld
AMI - Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Herzfeld
Fiye - The Heritage of Iran, R,N,Fxye
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld
SR - Revue des Arts Asiatiques, Vol, 5, 1928. No.III. "La Sculpture rupestre de la Perse sassanide," Herzfeld
TA - Am Tor von Asien, Herzfeld
SK - refers to Herzfeld Sketchbooks in the Archive.
Negative numbers are in parentheses
Vol.!, Nos. 1-164

1 (1901) Marble dice-player. TA, pLXVIIl

2 (1902) Another view of No]
3 (1906) Taq-i Bustan, small grotto. Standing figure of King
(1906a) Masque of satyr.. TA, pl.XIX, center
4 (1705) Hatra. Griffin.. TA, pl..LXI, top
5 (1706) Hatra. Door-jamb
6 (1707) Hatra. Door-jamb, sculptured decoration, TA, pl,XLI, left
7 (1709) Hatra. Doorjamb
8 (1708) Hatra. Doorjamb, sculptured decoration. TA, pL.XLI, right
9 (1905) Cast of relief. Antiochus of Commagene. TA, pl.XIV; IAE, pLCV, center
10 (926) Hamadan, stone lion. IAE, pl.CV, bottom
11 (1903) Hamadan, stone lion. Another view of No.10
12 (1904) Hamadan, stone lion., Another view of No. 10
13 (2492) Persepolis Fratadara. Queen IAE, pl.LXXXVI, left
14 (2493) Persepolis. King IAE, pLLXXXVI, right
15 (2494) Bistun. Arsacid relief. TA, pl.LII, top left; IAE, fig.385 shows drawing
16 (2495) Bistun, Another view of No. 15
17 (2126) Large stone head in Tehran Museum
18 (1908) Bistun, relief Mithradates I & Gotaizes IL TA, pl.XXII, bottom; AHI, pl.VII, bottom
19 (1909) Bistun, relief Mithradates I & Gotarzes IL TA, pl.XXI.
20 (1910) Bistun, relief Mithradates I & Gotaizes II. TA, p1.XXIII, bottom
21 (1911) Bistun, relief Mithradates I & Gotarzes II.. IAE, pLCVIl, center
22 (1907) Bistun. Mithradates II.. IAE, pl.CVII, bottum; TA, pi.XXII, top
23 (1912) Sarpul, relief Artaban. TA, pl.XXVI, top left
24 (1913) Sarpul, relief Artaban,. TA, pl.XXVI, top right
25 (1765) Persepolis, Tachara, Stakhrian graffito. IAE, fig.401 (drawing)
26 (1761) Firuzabad. Ardashir I relief. Frye, fig.,84
27 (1762) Firuzabad Detail, Ardashir and Artaban. AHI, pl.,XI, top; IAE, pl.,CIX, top; SR, pl..XXXVI,
28 (1763) Firuzabad. Detail, Shaper and Vizier. IAE, pl.CIX, bottom
29 (2785) Firuzabad., Ardashir horsemen
30 (1764) Firuzabad. Detail, Page and opponent
31 (1760) Firuzabad., Ardashir investiture and bridge
32 (2781) Firuzabad. Ardashir investiture..SR, pl.XXXV, fig. 1; 16,E, pl.CVIII, top
33 (1766) Naqsh-i Rajab. Cleft with sculpture
34 (1767) Naqsh-i Rajab. Closer view of No..33
35 (2778) Naqsh-i Rajab. Ardashir investiture. SR, pl.XXXV, fig.2
36 (2745) Naqsh-i Rajab. Another view of No.35. IAE, pl.CVIII, bottom
37 (1768) Naqsh-i Rajab. Detail of Ardashir I in No.35
38 (1769) Naqsh-i Rajab. Detail of god in No.35
39 (1770) Naqsh-i Rajab. Detail of small figure in No.35
40 (2742) Naqsh-i Rajab. Another view of preceeding. IAE, pl.CX, top
41 (1771) Naqsh-i Rustam. Ardashir I and Bahram IV. TA, pl.XXIV
42 (1772) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Closer view of preceeding
43 (2784) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Ardashir I investiture in No.41. SR, pl. XXXVI, fig.3; rye, fig.79
44 (167) Naqsh-i Rustam. Closer view of No.43
45 (2462) Naqsh-i Rustam. Detail of Hormizd.. IAE, pl..CXI, right
46 (2463) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Detail of Ardashir I. AMI, vol.IX, 2, pl.IIa

47 (2464) Naqsh-i Rustam. Detail, heads of Ardavan and Ahriman under hooves
48 (2466a) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Another view of No. 47
49 (485) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Another view. IAE, pl.CX, bottom
50 (2800) Naqsh-i Rajab. Shapur I with attendants. SR, pl.XXXVII, fig. 5
51 (1773) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Detail, Shapur I. IAE, pl.CXII, left
52 (1776) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Detail, attendants
53 (1774) Naqsh-i Rustam. Detail, figure of Shapur
54 (1777) Naqsh-i Rustam. Detail, attendants
55 (3203) Naqsh-i Rustam. Helmets of attendants. AMI, vol.IX, 2, pl.I
56 (3202) Naqsh-i Rustam. Helmets of attendants. Exye, fig,107
57 (1775) Naqsh-i Rustam. Another view of No.55
58 (2779) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Shapur I investiture. SR, pl.XXXVII, fig.,6
59 (1778) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Detail of Shapur. IAE, pl.CXII, right
60 (1779) Naqsh-i Rustam, Shapur I on throne
61 (433) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Another view of preceeding
62 (2799) Naqsh-i Rustam. Shapur and Valerian. SR, plXXXVIII,fig.7; IAE, pl.CXIII, top
63 (2467) Naqsh-i Rustam. Head of Shapur I.. Exye, fig. 81; AMI, vol. IX, 2, pl.lrb; IAE, pl.CXI, left
64 (2465) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Detail of No. 62, Heads of Valerian and Roman
65 (170) Naqsh-i Rustam. Valerian. Detail of No.62. IAE, pl.CXIV, bottom
66 (2496) Bishapur. Shapur I and Valerian
67 (1780) Bishapur. Detail. Figure of Hoimizd
68 (2789) Bishapur. Valerian. S.R. pl.XXXVIII, fig.8; IAE, pl.CXIV, top
69 (2468) Bishapur, Detail.. Prostrate Roman under horse
70 (2790) Bishapur.. Large panel, Shapur, and Valerian. SR, pl.. XXXIX, fig.9
71 (1781) Bishapur., Detail, central panel. IAE, pl,CXVI, bottom
72 (1782) Bishapur.. Detail, left above. Saluting horsemen
73 (2469) Bishapur.. Detail, another view of No..72
74 (1783) Bishapur.. Detail, left below. Saluting horsemen
75 (1784) Bishapur. Detail, right above, No, 1, standing figures.. Detail of No.81
76 (1785) Bishapur.. Detail, right above, No,2, standing figures. Detail ofNo.81
77 (1786) Bishapur.. Detail, right below, No. 1, standing figures
78 (1789) Bishapur. Double exposure
79 (1787) Bishapur. Right below, No.2, standing figures
80 (1788) Bishapur,. Right below, No.3, standing figures,. IAE, pl.. CXIX, night
81 (2469) Bishapur. Detail, right side above. See Nos.75-76
82 (3176) Bishapur. Large semicircular relief. Shaper's triumph
83 (2792) Bishapur. Closer view. SR, pl.XXXIX, fig. 10;IAB , pl CXV
84 (1790) Bishapur. Center panel, Shapur and Valerian. AHI, pl.XI, bottom; IAE, pl.,CXVI, top
85 (1791) Bishapur. Left side, two lower rows.. AHI, pl.XII, top
86 (1792) Bishapur. Right side
87 (1793) Bishapur.. Right side, rows 2 and 3 with elephant..AHI, pl.XIII; IAE, pl.CXVIII, top
88 (1794) Bishapur. Right side of No.82, row 4. IAE, pl.CXVII, top
89 (2470) Bishapur. Shapur enthroned
90 (2797) Bishapur. Detail of King's figure. IAE, pl.CXX, right
91 (1795) Bishapur. Detail, left top. Attendants. SR, pl.XL, fig, 11
92 (1796) Bishapur. Detail, left bottom. Attendants.. AHI, pl. XII, bottom; IAE, pl.CXVII, bottom
93 (1798) Bishapur. Detail, right, bottom. Attendants with elephant (joins No.93)
94 (1797) Bishapur. See No.93. IAE, pl.CXVIII, bottom
95 (1799) Bishapur. Detail of two heads in No.93
96 (2471) Bishapur. Detail, right side, top
97 (1805) Cave of Shapur behind Bishapur
98 (1808) Valley behind (E of Bishapur), with cave
99 (1809) View from entrance of cave, looking towards Bishapur
100 (1807) Entrance of cave with fallen statue in foreground
101 (1806) Back of figure, looking into cave
102 (1800) Ceiling of cave
103 (2796) Statue of Shapur I (front).. SR, pI.,XL, fig.. 12; IAE, pl.CXXI, right
104 (1802) Statue of Shapur I, back of figure

105 (1803) Fallen figure, showing feet in situ
106 (1804) Detail of head
107 (1801) Detail of head. Frye, fig.82
108 (1810) Side view of head,. IAE, pl.CXXI, left
109 (3162) Bishapur Investiture of Bahrain I
110 (2798) Bishapur. Closer view. SR, pl.XLI, fig. 13; IAE, pl. CXIII, bottom
111 (2472) Bishapur. Detail of No. 109, horses
112 (2473) Bishapur.. Detail of No,109, head of Hoimizd
113 (2474) Bishapur. Detail of No.109, head of Bahram I. IAE, pl, CXI, center
114 (2475) Bishapur. Detail of No,109, chlamys of god
115 (2788) Bishapur. Bahrain II and Arabs.. SR, pl.,XLII, fig.16
116 (1812) Bishapur. Close-up of King., lAE, pl.CXXI (joined to No.117)
117 (1811) Bishapur. Close-up of Arabs. See No,, 116
118 (2478) Bishapur.. Detail, head of Bahram II. AMI, voLIX, 2, pl.IIIa
119 (3177) Bishapur. Relief in No. 115 with water channel in front
120 (2787) Naqsh-i Rustam, Bahrain II with attendants. SR, pl. XLII, fig.15; AHI, pL,IV
121 (2477) Naqsh-i Rustam, Bahram II with attendants.. Left side of preceeding. Frye, fig.108
122 (2479) Naqsh-i Rustam, Bahram II with attendants. Right side with Elamite figure
123 (430) Naqsh-i Rustam, Bahrain II with attendants. Close-up of right side with King
124 (425) Naqsh-i Rustam, Bahrain II with attendants. Close-up of left side.. IAE, pl.CXXIV, left, top
125 (2476) Naqsh-i Rustam, Bahrain II with attendants. Close-up of standing Elamitc figure
126 (3179) Camping in front of Naqsh-i Bahrain
127 (2777) Naqsh-i Bahram, Bahrain II enthroned. SR, pl.XLI, fig. 14
128 (1816) Naqsh-i Bahrain, Bahrain II enthroned. Close-up of King. IAE, pl.CXX, left
129 (1815) Naqsh-i Bahrain, Bahram II enthroned, Detail, two attendants at left. IAE, pl. CXXIV, left
130 (1814) Naqsh-i Bahrain, Bahrain II enthroned. Detail, King's head and attendants. Frye, fig. 109
131 (2485) Sar Mashhad. General view
132 (169) Sar Mashhad.. Scaffolding for squeeze
133 (171) Sar Mashhad. Another view of No. 132
134 (2780) Sar Mashhad. Bahrain II slaying lions. SR, pl.XLIII, fig., 17
135 (2487) Sar Mashhad. Another view of No., 134. Frye, fig.93
136 (1817) Sar Mashhad. Detail of King and lions. IAE, pl.CXXII, left
137 (1819) Sar Mashhad,. Detail of Queen. IAE, pl.CXXIII, right
138 (2489) Sar Mashhad, Detail, head of King
139 (2488) Sar Mashhad.. Detail, head of Queen
140 (2486) Sar Mashhad. Detail, head of dead lion
141 (2786) Naqsh-i Rustam. Bahrain II in mounted fight.. SR, pl.XLIII, fig. 18; TA, pl.XXIII, middle
142 (2480) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Another view of No. 141
143 (2481) Naqsh-i Rustam, No, 141 partly cleared. Bahrain II above, Horrnizd II below
144 (2482) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Detail of Bahram II
145 (2483) Naqsh-i Rustam. Detail of Hormizd II
146 (1813) Naqsh-i Rustam. Horsemen's duel
147 (428) Naqsh-i Rustam. Another view of No. 146
148 (427) Naqsh-i Rustam. Detail of standard-bearer. AMI, vol,.IX, 2, pl.XI
149 (2484) Naqsh-i Rustam. Detail of armor and trappings
150 (334) Shiraz. Barrn-i dilak. Three reliefs, Bahrain 11
151 (965) Shiraz. Barm-i dilak, Bahrain II and Nah-ld
152 (434) Shiraz. Barrn-i dilak.. Bahrain II
153 (424) Shiraz. Barrn-i dilak, Bahrain II
154 (2490) Guyum, Relief of Bahrain Il
155 (2491) Guyum Another view of No. 154
156 (429) Naqsh-i Rustam, investiture of Narseh. (base cleared)
157 (2801) Naqsh-i Rustam, investiture of Narseh. Investiture. SR, pl.XLIV, fig.19
158 (168) Naqsh-i Rustam, investiture of Narseh.. Detail of goddess and Crown Prince.. IAE, pl.CXXIV,
159 (1822) Naqsh-i Rustam, investiture of Narseh. Detail, head of goddess. IAE, pl.CXXV, right

160 (1821) Naqsh-i Rustam, investiture of Narseh. Detail, head of Narseh. IAE, pLCXXV, left; AMI,
vol, IX, 2, pl.IIIb
161 (1820) Naqsh-i Rustam, investiture of Narseh.. Detail, head of Vizier. Frye, fig.78
162 (2400) Taq-i Bustan, Panorama. Joins Nos. 163-165
163 (2401) Taq-i Bustan. See No. 162
164 (2402) Taq-i Bustan.. See No.162 Vol.2, Nos.165-301
165 (2403) Taq-i Bustan. Panorama. See No. 162
166 (1826) Taq-i Bustan.. General view.. TA, pl.XXVII
167 (163) Taq-i Bustan. View across pond to grottoes.. TA, pl.XXVIII
168 (1825) Taq-i Bustan. Closer view of No.167
169 (2776) Taq-i Bustan. Another version of preceeding
170 (1823) Taq-i Bustan. Looking out from large grotto
171 (1824) Taq-i Bustan.. Herzfeld's camp. See No, 170
172 (2782) Taq-i Bustan, Investiture of Ardashir II. SR, pl.XLV, fig .22
173 (172) Taq-i Bustan, Investiture of Ardashir II. Closer view. TA, pl.XXIX
174 (2814) Taq-i Bustan, Investiture of Ardashir II.. Close-up of Mithra and King (joins No.17.5) IAE,
175 (2761) Taq-i Bustan, Investiture of Ardashir IL King and Hormizd. See No. 174
176 (1827) Taq-i Bustan, Investiture of Ardashir II. Close-up of Mithra
177 (1219) Taq-i Bustan, Investiture of Ardashir IL Another view of No, 176
178 (1828) Taq-i Bustan, Investiture of Ardashir II. Detail of No.175. King and Horrnizd
179 (1829) Taq-i Bustan, Investiture of Ardashir II. Detail of Mithra (light-struck)
180 (1830) Taq-i Bustan, Investiture of Ardashir II.. Detail of Ardashir II
181 (1831) Taq-i Bustan, Investiture of Ardashir II.. Ardashir II relief. Horrnizd on prostrate figure. TA,
182 (1832) Taq-i Bustan, Investiture of Ardashir II. Ardashir II relief. Detail, head of Hoimizd
183 (1221) Taq-i Bustan, small grotto.
184 (1150) Taq-i Bustan, small grotto.Another view.. TA, pl.XXXI
185 (1834) Taq-i Bustan, small grotto.. Shapur II and III
186 (2783) Taq-i Bustan, small grotto. Closer view.. TA, p1.XXXII; SR, pl..XLV, fig.21
187 (1835) Taq-i Bustan, small grotto..Detail, Shapur II
188 (1220) Taq-i Bustan, small grotto,.Detail, Shapur III
189 (1836) Taq-i Bustan, small grotto.Another view of No, 188
190 (1833) Taq-i Bustan.. General view of grottoes
191 (1839) Taq-i Bustan. Another view. TA, pl.XXXIII
192 (1838) Taq-i Bustan.. Closer view
193 (2791) Taq-i Bustan Right front of large grotto (joins No. 194). SR, pl.XLVI, fig.23
194 (1837) Taq-i Bustan.. Left front of large grotto, Khusro II.. Joins No.193
195 (1840) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto.. "Angel", right.. TA, pl.XXXVI
196 (1841) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto. "Angel", left. TA, pl.XXXVI I, center
197 (1842) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto. Left pillar, floral panel
198 (1843) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto. Another exposure of No.197
199 (1844) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto.. Another exposure of No. 197
200 (1845) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto., Another exposure ofNo.197
201 (1846) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto.. Left pillar, detail of upper section
202 (1847) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto. Detail of preceeding. TA, pl.XXXIX
203 (1849) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto. Left pillar, detail of lower section
204 (165) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto. Right pillar, floral ornament
205 (2795) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto. Close-up, right pillar. TA, pl.XXXVIII; SR, pl.XLVI, fig.24
206 (1848) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto,. Right pillar, detail of top. IAE, pl.CXXX, top
207 (1850) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto,, Another detail of preceeding. IAE, plCXXX, bottom
208 (1851) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto. Another detail ofNo.204
209 (1853) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto. Khusro II on Shahdiz TA, pl.XLIII; TA, p1., XLII,,joined with
210 (1857) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto.. Another exposure of No.209
211 (2819) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto,, Another exposure of No.209
212 (1855) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto. Detail of King's trousers. TA, pl.LXII

213 (2820) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, Detail of coat of mail on Shabdiz
214 (2821) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto. Front view of horse (relief of Fath'Ali Shah in background)
215 (1854) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Khusro II with Anahit and Hormizd, TA, pl.XLIV; TA,
pl.XLII (joined with No.209)
216 (1856) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel.,King and Hormizd. AMI, vol.IX, 2, pl,Xll
217 (1858) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. King and Anahit. TA, pLXLIX, bottom (joined with
218 (1859) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. King and Hormizd.. See No.217
219 (1860) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Head of Anahit
220 (2822) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Head of Khusro II
221 ( ) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Pencilled blueprint of No,220
222 (2817) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Head of Khusro II
223 (1862) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Another exposure of No.222
224 (1862a) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Another exposure of No.222
225 (1861) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel.,Head of Hormizd
226 (2823) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Another exposure of No.225
227 (1865) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, lower panel. Left pilaster with capital and molding
228 (1866) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Right pilaster. TA, pl.LIV, top
229 (1867) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Another view of No. 228.. TA, pLLIV, bottom
230 (1217) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, left side, boar hunt. TA, pl.XLV, bottom; TA, pLXLVI, joined to
231 (1868) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. See No, 230
232 (2858) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. First and second Mahouts
233 (1869) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Section below No.232..TA, pl,.XLVIII; Frye, fig.97
234 (1875) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Musicians in boat. IAE, pl.CXXVII, bottom
235 (1876) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Another group of musicians in boat
236 (1876a) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Another exposure of No235
237 (1877) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel., Khusro II, standing in boat. TA, pl.XLIX, top
238 (2859) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Another exposure of No.277. IAE, pLCXXVII, top;
AMI, voi,IX, 2, pLIX
239 (1879) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Fifth Mahout, under No.233
240 (1870) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel, Mahouts below boat. TA, pl.XLVII
241 (1874) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Detail of boars, IAE, pLCXXVIII, bottom
242 (1874a) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel., Another exposure of No.241
243 (2803) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Elephants carrying boars,. AMI, voLIII, pl,Ill
244 (2802) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Section below No.283. IAE, pI.CXXIX, left; AMI,
vo1.III, pl.IV
245 (2793) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Detail of No..241 SR, pLXLVII, fig.25
246 (1872) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Detail, section below No.245
247 (1873) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel, End of hunt, right border
248 (1864) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Textile pattern. Drawing from Sarre's squeeze..TA,
249 (1863) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, upper panel. Textile pattern. Drawing from Sarre's squeeze.. TA,
pl.LXIII, bottom, right
250 (1879) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, right side, deer hunt.
251 (1218) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, right side, deer hunt. Another exposure of No.250
252 (2818) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, right side, deer hunt.. Another exposure.. TA, pl.XLV, top
253 (162) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, right side, deer hunt., Detail, King hunting, beneath parasol. TA, pl.L;
Frye, fig.96
254 (1881) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, right side, deer hunt. Elephants
255 (1880) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, right side, deer hunt.. King under parasol
256 (1883) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, right side, deer hunt.. Musicians
257 (1878) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, right side, deer hunt. King on horseback. TA, pLLII, bottom
258 (1882) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, right side, deer hunt. Camels. IAE, pl.CXXVIII, top
259 (2794) Taq-i Bustan, large grotto, right side, deer hunt,. Fallen deer.. IAE, pl.CXXIX, right; SR, pl.
XLVII, fig.26
260 (1852) Taq-i Bustan.. Statue in round, Khusro II.. TA, pLLII, top, right
261 (1887) Taq-i Bustan, capital A Khusro II.. TA, pl.LV

262 (1886) Taq-i Bustan, capital A Khusro II. Another exposure of No.261
263 (1889) Taq-i Bustan, capital A Khusro II.. Another exposure. TA, pl.LVI, left
264 (1884) Taq-i Bustan, capital A Khusro II. Tree of Life and Anahit
265 (1388) Taq-i Bustan, capital A Khusro II. Anahit
266 (1891) Taq-i Bustan, capital A Khusro II. Tree of Life. TA, pl.LIX, top
267 (1890) Taq-i Bustan, capital A Khusro II.. Tree of Life
268 (1892) Taq-i Bustan, capital A Khusro II. Tree of Life, detail of palmetto
269 (1893) Taq-i Bustan, capital A Khusro II. Another detail of No.268
270 (1894) Taq-i Bustan, capital B. Anahit, TA, pl.LVIII, right
271 (1895) Taq-i Bustan, capital B. Khusro II.. TA, pl.LVIII, left
272 (1885) Taq-i Bustan, capital B. Ornament., TA, pl.LIX, bottom
273 (929) Bistun village, capital. Tree of Life and Khusro II
274 (1899) Bistun village, capital. Khusro II, another view. TA, fig.28
275 (1900) Bistun village, capital. Anahit
276 (1898) Bistun village, capital. Ornament
277 (1896) Kale i kuhna, near Kirmanshah, capital. TA, pl.LX, bottom
278 (1897) Kale i kuhna, near Kirmanshah, capital. Another view of No.277
279 (166) Isfahan. Capital A.. Tree of Life and khurasan Khwarneh. AMI, vol.IX, 2, pl.X, top
280 (1151) Isfahan. Capital B. Ornament and Khusro II. AMI I, vol. IX, 2, pl.X, bottom
281 (2147) Nizamabad, near Rayy, in Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin. Stucco figure. See SK-XXVII, p.5
282 (2162) Nizamabad, near Rayy, in Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin. Stucco head
283 (2163) Nizamabad, near Rayy, in Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin. Another stucco head
284 (2158) Nizamabad, near Rayy, in Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin.. Stucco horse. See SK-XXVII, p..1..
See No.299
285 (2160) Nizamabad, near Rayy, in Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin. Stucco horse
286 (2161) Nizamabad, near Rayy, in Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin. Stucco horse. See SK-XXVII, p.3
287 (4509) Nizamabad, near Rayy, in Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin. Stucco horse's head. See SK-
XXVII, p.5
288 (2157) Nizamabad, near Rayy, in Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin. Stucco horse's head
289 (2159) Nizamabad, near Rayy, in Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin,. Stucco horse
290 (2148) Nizamabad, near Rayy, in Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin. Fragment of stucco horse
291 (2150) Nizamabad, near Rayy, in Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin. Stucco plaques with animals.. See
SK-XXVII, p.14
292 (2155a) Nizamabad. In Islamic Museum, East Berlin. Stucco fragments of griffin. See SK-XXVII,
293 (2155) Nizamabad. Another exposure of No.292
294 (2154) Nizamabad. In West Berlin.. Stucco panel and trouser leg (2154a)
295 (2149) Nizamabad. Stucco panel
296 (2153) Nizamabad.. In Islamic Museum, East Berlin. Stucco lintel. See SK-XXVII, p.7
297 (2151) Nizamabad.. Another exposure of No,296
298 (2152) Nizamabad. Another exposure of No.296
299 (4510) Nizamabad sketches. p,1 of SK-XXVII. See No.284
300 (4511) Nizamabad sketches.. p.54 of SK-XII
301 (4512) Kuh-i Khwaja Stucco panel. p.1 l of SK-XV

Photo File 9
The abbreviations used in captions of published photos are:
AMI - Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Herzfeld
Frye - The Heritage of Iran, R.N.Frye
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld
K-SC - Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India, No.38 "Kushano-Sasanian Coins," Herzfeld

Nos. 1-97 are of prints in Herzfeld's Blueprint File. They are followed by Nos. 1-95 (not in the Blueprint File) and
duplicates. The photos frequently combine coins of various rulers, the principal ones being noted in this List.. The
complexities of identification do not make it feasible to catalogue the individual coins at this time.

Nos. 1 - 97, Blueprint File

1 (601) Mithradates I. Six coins, obv.,

2 (621) Mithradates IL Five coins, obv.
3 (708) Mithradates II. Five coins, obv.
4 (600) Phraates IV. Six coins, obv.
5 (709) Phraates IV. Six coins, obv.
6 (711) Phraates IV.. Five coins, obv..
7 (676) Phraates IV, Eight coins, obv.
8 (695) Phraates and Musa, his wife.. Six coins, obv. Frye, fig.72
9 (704) Phraates IV. Seven coins, obv.
10 (701) Phraates IV. Five coins, obv.
11 (691) Vologazes V. Six coins, obv.
12 (672) Vologazes V. Six coins, obv.
13 (369) Four coins, rev
14 (671) Four coins, rev.
15 (666) Seven coins, obv..
16 (700) Nine coins, revs, including horses and Pegasus
17 (710) Eight coins, rev. Incl, horses, Pegasus and Nike
18 (599) Eight coins, rev..
19 (603) Eight coins, rev.
20 (690) Eight coins, rev., incl. omphalus, urn
21 (673) Ten coins, rev,, incl. Birds
22 (620) Eight coins, rev.
23 (669) Six coins, obv..
24 (1450) Nineteen coins, obv.
25 (1449) Rev. of coins in No.24
26 (670) Shaper 1.. Three coins, obv, and rev. One pubL. AMI, vol.IX, 2, pl.IV, 4
27 (707) Varhran II.. Five coins, 4 obv.., 1 rev.. Two pubL. AMI, vol. 1X, 2, pl.IV, 1 and 3
28 (702) Shaper II.. Five coins, 4 obv.., 1 rev., Two pubL., AMI vol.IX, 2, pl.IV, 5, 6
29 (703) Varhran IV and V. Six coins, obv. Two puhl. AMI, vol.1X, 2, pl.V, 1,2
30 (689) Peroz.. Five coins, obv.. Three publ AMI, vol.IX, 2, pl.IV,7-9 (print follows No.73 in file)
31 (705) Kavadh I.. Six coins, obv.. AMI, vol.,IX, 2, pl.V, 3-4
32 (667) Khusro II and Hormizd IV.. Four coins, obv. AMI, vol.IX, 2, pls.,V, 5-6 and VI, 1.2..5..6.. See also
IAE, pl.CXXXI (print follows No.83)
33 (373) Kavadh II Sheroe and Ardashir II.. Four coins, 3 obv.., 1 rev. AMI, vol.IX, 2, pl.V, 7-8
34 (914) KhusroII, Hormizd IV and Yezdegerd III. Four coins, 3 obv., 1 rev.
35 (2139) Kushan. Hormizd I, Varhran V. Seven coins, obv. K-SC, p1.111, No.. 17a and pl.IV, Nos.38-39
36 (2140) Rev, of coins in No..35
37 (940) Kushan. Peroz.. Shaper II and ?. Six coins, obv. K-SC, p1.31a, 33d and 40
38 (939) Rev. of coins in No.37
39 (693) Mithradates. Eight coins, 5 obv,,,3 rev..
40 (913) Mithradates and Kushan. Six coins, 3 obv.., 3 rev.
41 (2141) Kushan.. Shaper I, Peroz I, Hormizd I, Ormies-Hormizd, nameless Governor.. Ten coins, obv.. K-
SC, p1..1,2,3a,3b,6a; II, 13a-b; III. 16a; IV, 24a, 27
42 (2137) Rev.. of coins in No.. 41
43 (2138) Another exposure of coins in No.41
44 (2142) Rev,. of coins in No..43
45 (1121) Kushan. Eight coins, obv.
46 (370) Kushan. Eight coins, rev.
47 (706) Kushan (?).. Six coins, obv..
48 (932) Kushan. Coin, obv.. and rev., K-SC, p1.,I, No.7b
49 (933) Kushan, Hormizd and Varhran I.. Three coins, obv. and rev. K-SC, p1.I1I.. 16c-d, 18a
50 (936) Kushan. Hormizd. Two coins, obv. and rev. K-SC, p1.II, 15a-b
51 (938) Kushan.. Bage M...,, (casts).. K-SC, pl.IV, 22b-c
52 (937) Kushan. Peroz I. Two coins, obv. and rev. K-SC, p1.I, 5a-b
53 (935) Kushan. Shape I and Hormizd I. Three coins, obv. and rev. K-SC, pl.l. 3c-d; 11,10

54 (934) Kushan. Baga Vorohrane, Hormizd I, Varhran I, Peroz II Five coins, obv.. and rev. K-SC, pl.I,
8a; II, 14a; III, 19a and c; IV, 31d
55 (596) Kushan (?). Eight coins, rev.
56 (372) Kushan (?). Eight coins, rev.
57 (371) Eight coins, rev.
58 (697) Shapur I, Ardashir L. Twelve coins, obv.,
59 (699) Rev.. of coins in No.58
60 (682) Shapur I. Twelve coins, obv.
61 (678) Rev. of coins in No.60
62 (613) Hormizd I, Varhran I, Varhran II. Thirteen coins, obv.
63 (595) Rev.. of coins in No.62
64 (683) Narseh, Hormizd II, Shapur II. Eleven coins, obv.
65 (681) Rev. of coins in No.64
66 (668) Shapur II. Thirteen coins, obv.
67 (664) Rev., of coins in No.66
68 (604) Ardashir II, Shapur III, Varhran IV. Thirteen coins, obv..
69 (607) Rev. of coins in No. 68
70 (627) Yezdegerd I, Varhran V. Thirteen coins, obv.
71 (597) Rev. of coins in No.70
72 (625) Varhran V, Yezdegerd I, Kai Peroz (a), Kai Peroz (b). Thirteen coins, obv
73 (602) Rev. of coins in No. 72
74 (593) Valash, Jamasp, Kavad I (a) and (b). Twelve coins,obv
75 (605) Rev.. of coins in No.74
76 (615) Kavad I1 (b). Twelve coins, obv.
77 (614) Rev., of coins in No.76
78 (592) Kavad I (b), Khusro I. Twelve coins, obv.
79 (594) Rev, of coins in No.78
80 (610) Khusro I, Hormizd IV. Twelve coins, obv.
81 (611) Rev. of coins in No.80,
82 (606) Khusro II. Twelve coins, obv..
83 (612) Rev. of coins in No.82
84 (608) Khusro II, Kavad Peroz. Twelve coins, obv.. One publ. IAE, pl.CXXX
85 (609) Rev. of coins in No.84
86 (692) Ardashir III. Eleven coins, obv.
87 (694) Rev.. of coins in No.86
88 (665) Varhran Chobin, Varhran, Hormizd V, Khusro, Yezdegerd III. Twelve coins, obv.
89 (677) Rev.. of coins in No..88
90 (375) Khusro II (?).. Fifteen coins, obv.
91 (374) Rev., of coins in No.. 90
92 (1131) Late Sasanian with Arabic on edge. Twelve coins, obv.
93 (1120) Rev.. of coins in No.92
94 (1130) Late Sasanian with Arabic on edge. Twelve coins, obv
95 (675) Rev., of coins in No.94
96 (1127) Muslim. Thirteen coins, rev..
97 (674) Obv.. of coins in No.96

Nos.1-95. New series of photographs not in Blueprint File

1 (941) Alexander. Thirteen coins, obv.

2 (942) Rev. of coins in No.1
3 (619) Greek, Twenty-two coins, obv.
4 (622) Rev. of coins in No.3
5 (624) Greek.. Fifteen coins, obv.
6 (623) Rev. of coins in No.5
7 (910) Seleucid (7). Eleven coins, obv.
8 (909) Rev. of coins in No..7
9 (908) Achaemenian and Greek. Fifteen coins, obv.

10 (617) Rev., of coins in No.9
11 (943) Achaemenian, Seleucid, Sasanian. Eleven coins, obv.
12 (944) Rev. of coins in No. 11
13 (668) Seleucid (?). Eighteen coins, obv.
14 (680) Rev. of coins in No. 13
15 (596) Elymais. Seventeen coins, obv.
16 (912) Rev. of coins in No. 15
17 (915) Seleucid (?), Kushan, Fifteen coins, obv.
18 (916) Rev. of coins in No. 17
19 (687) Parthian. Fifteen coins, obv..
20 (686) Rev. of coins in No. 19
21 (364) Phraates IV. Thirteen coins, obv,
22 (363) Rev. of coins in No. 21.
23 (365) Phraates IV. Nine coins, obv.
24 (366) Rev.. of coins in No.. 23
25 (368) Phraates IV. Thirteen coins, obv..
26 (367) Rev.. of coins in No,, 25
27 (476) Stakhrian (?).. Twenty small coins (copper?), obv.
28 (477) Rev. of coins in No., 27
29 (696) Stakhrian (?).. Fourteen small coins, obv.
30 (698) Rev. of coins in No. 29
31 (651) Mithradates 1.. Fourteen coins, obv.
32 (636) Rev, of coins in No. 31
33 (1128) Mithradates II, Twelve coins, obv..
34 (1126) Rev., of coins in No. 33
35 (640) Mithradates II. Twelve coins, obv
36 (475) Rev of coins in No. 35
37 (645) Mithradates II. Thirteen coins, obv.
38 (644) Rev., of coins in No. 37
39 (478) Mithradates II. Ten coins, obv.
40 (479) Rev, of coins in No.. 39
41 (629) Mithradates II.. Twelve coins, obv.
42 (632) Rev. of coins in No.. 41
43 (474) Mithradates II, Twelve coins, obv.
44 (641) Rev. of coins in No. 43
45 (630) Mithradates II. Thirteen coins, obv
46 (631) Rev. of coins in No.. 45
47 (649) Mithradates II, Twelve coins, obv..
48 (648) Rev, of coins in No. 47
49 (1125) Seleucid. Twelve coins, obv. (Rev. in No. 95)
50 (1123) Phraates IV. Twelve coins, rev. (Obv., in No,, 94)
51 (483) Phraates IV. Thirteen coins, obv.
52 (482) Rev. of coins in No. 51
53 (481) Phraates IV and Musa Twelve coins, obv.
54 (480) Rev., of coins in No,, 53
55 (918) Phraates IV.. Fourteen coins, obv.
56 (919) Rev. of coins in No.. 55
57 (917) Parthian, Thirteen coins, obv.
58 (658) Rev.. of coins in No. 57
59 (657) Parthian. Seventeen coins, obv.
60 (661) Rev, of coins in No. 59
61 (628) Phraates IV. Eleven coins, obv,.
62 (652) Rev. of coins in No.. 61
63 (646) Phraates IV,, Twelve coins, obv.
64 (647) Rev. of coins in No,. 63
65 (654) Phraates IV.. Twelve coins, obv.
66 (653) Rev.. of coins in No. 65
67 (911) Parthian. Twenty coins, obv.

68 (626) Rev. of coins in No.. 67
69 (633) Parthian. Twenty eight coins, obv
70 (634) Rev of coins in No. 69
71 (679) Paithian. Thirteen coins, obv.
72 (650) Rev of coins in No. 71
73 (642) Parthian. Fifteen. coins, obv.
74 (643) Rev. of coins in No. 73.
75 (639) Parthian Sixteen coins, obv.
76 (635) Rev, of coins in No.. 75
77 (637) Parthian. Twelve coins, obv.
78 (638) Rev. of coins in No. 77
79 (473) Paithian. Eleven coins, obv..
80 (472) Rev, of coins in No. 79
81 (663) Parthian. Sixteen coins, obv..
82 (660) Rev, of coins in No. 81
83 (656) Parthian. Fourteen coins, obv..
84 (655) Rev. of coins in No.83
85 (685) Parthian. Seventeen coins, obv..
86 (684) Rev, of coins in No. 85
88 (662) Parthian. Fourteen coins, obv.
89 (659) Rev. of coins in No. 88
90 (616) Paithian. Vologazes V (?).. Thirteen coins, obv.
91 (618) Rev. of coins in No, 90
92 (1129) Paithian. Tluee coins, obv. and rev..
93 (474) Duplicate print of No.43
94 (1124) Phraates IV.. Twelve coins, obv. (Rev.. in No,.50)
95 (1122) Seleucid., Twelve coins, rev.. (Obv. in No.49)

Photo File 10 (2 vols.)

"Persian Architecture and Landscapes"

The abbreviations used in captions of published photos are:

AMI - Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Herzfeld
SA-Il - Ars Islamica, X (1943), "Damascus: Studies in Architecture, IL.....," Herzfeld
SPA - Survey of Persian Art (A.U,Pope, ed)
ZDMG - Zeitschrift der deutschen mozgenlandlischen Gesellschaft.. Neue Folge V (Leipzig, 1926). Herzfeld's
Vol.l. Nos.1-181

1 (3018) Damghan, citadel

2 (2737) Damghan, Chehel Sutun mosque. Courtyard
3 (3047) Damghan, Chehel Sutun mosque.. Another view of preceeding
4 (3046) Damghan, Chehel Sutun mosque.. Closer view, central section
5 (3044) Damghan, Chehel Sutun mosque.. Lateral view; pillars and arches
6 (3043) Damghan, Chehel Sutun mosque. Minaret
7 (3042) Damghan, Chehel Sutun mosque,. Minaret, opposite side
8 (3045) Damghan, Chehel Sutun mosque. Minaret, detail of brickwork and inscription
9 (3041) Damghan, Chehel Sutun mosque.. Minaret, another view
10 (3030) Damghan, Chehel Sutun mosque.. Minaret, close-up of inscription
11 (3029) Damghan, Prr-i Alamdar. General view of tomb
12 (3031) Damghan, Prr-i Alamdar.. Portal
13 (3035) Damghan, Pir-i Alamdar.. Close-up of inscription
14 (3033) Damghan, Pu-i Alamdar',. Close-up of inscription
15 (3032) Damghan, Prr-i Alamdar.. Close-up of inscription, with names
16 (3034) Damghan, Prr-i Alamdar Close-up of inscription
17 (3036) Damghan, Mr-i Alamdar Close-up of inscription, date 418 H.
18 (3038) Damghan, Prr-i Alamdar. Painted inscription inside tomb
19 (3039) Damghan, Prr-i Alamdar.. Another, section of painted inscription

20 (3037) Damghan, PYr-i Alamdar.. Another section of painted inscription
21 (3040) Damghan, Chehel Dukhtaran, General view of tomb
22 (3027) Damghan, Chehel Dukhtaran. Inscription with date, 448 H.
23 (3026) Damghan, Chehel Dukhtaran.. Detail of inscription
24 (3025) Damghan, Chehel Dukhtaran. Portal
25 (3024) Damghan, Chehel Dukhtaran. Another view of portal
26 (3023) Damghan, Chehel Dukhtaran. Detail upper section of portal
27 (3028) Damghan, ruins of Khodabandeh mosque.. Nastchi inscription
28 (3020) Damghan, ruins of Khodabandeh mosque. Builder's inscription
29 (3021) Damghan. Unidentified building
30 (3019) Damghan.. Turba in courtyard of Imamzadeh Dja'far
31 (3022) Damghan. Unidentified square tomb
32 (3048) Damghan.. Top of minaret with inscription
33 (3049) Damghan. Another view of No.32
34 (3050) Inscribed band of another minaret
35 (3051) Inscribed band of another minaret., Another view of No.. 34, start of inscription
36 (2946) Bistam, Imamzadeh Mahmud, General view
37 (2948) Bistam, Imamzadeh Mahmud, General view.. Closer view outside wall
38 (2947) Bistam, Imamzadeh Mahmud, General view, Minaret, complete view
39 (2949) Bistam, Imamzadeh Mahmud, General view, Minaret, upper inscription and ornament
40 (2951) Bistam, Imamzadeh Mahmud, General view, View of both inscriptions
41 (2950) Bistam, Imamzadeh Mahmud, General view. Detail of lower inscription
42 (3002) Bistam, Imamzadeh Mahmud, General view.. Lower inscription with date
43 (2945) Bistam. Mausoleum, Shrine of Bayazid, center. General view
44 (3003) Bistam.. Mausoleum.. Entrance, Shrine of Bayazid
45 (3004) Bistam. Mausoleum. Shrine of Bayazid. Another view of No.44
46 (2937) Bistam. Mausoleum. Side Iwan in Bayazid complex
47 (2938) Bistam. Mausoleum.. Another view of No.46
48 (2939) Bistam, Shrine of Bayazid. Looking out of portal in No.44
49 (2940) Bistam, Shrine of Bayazid.. Another view of No.48 with inscription above door'.
50 (2941) Bistam, Shrine of Bayazid. Looking up at vault in No.. 44
51 (2942) Bistam, Shrine of Bayazid. Detail of decoration in No.45
52 (2946) Bistam, Shrine of Bayazid.. Detail of decoration in No.46
53 (2936) Bistam, Shrine of Bayazid. Detail, tiles of drum in No.47
54 (2932) Bistam, tomb tower.. General view
55 (2934) Bistam, tomb tower.. Another general view
56 (2933) Bistam, tomb tower.. Another general view
57 (2931) Bistam, tomb tower.. Close-up of dome and inscription
58 (2930) Bistam, tomb tower. Close-up, another section of inscription
59 (2929) Bistam, tomb tower. Another section of preceeding
60 (2928) Bistam, tomb tower.. Another section of inscription
61 (2927) Bistam, tomb tower.. Another section
62 (2926) Bistam, tomb tower.. Another section
63 (2925) Bistam, tomb tower.. Another exposure of No,. 58
64 (3017) Mil-i Radkan, Nika.. Distant view
65 (3005) Mil-i Radkan, Nika. Close-up of tomb tower
66 (3010) Mil-i Radkan, Nika. Close-up of inscription
67 (3014) Mil-i Radkan, Nika.. Close-up of another, section
68 (3013) Mil-i Radkan, Nr-lca.. Close-up of another section
69 (3015) Mil-i Radkan, Nika. Detail.. AMI,, top
70 (3016) MIl-i Radkan, Nika. Detail of inscription
71 (2944) Mil-i Radkan, Nika. Detail of inscription
72 (2943) MIl-i Radkan, NI-lca. Detail.. AMI, vol.IV, pl..I,bottom
73 (3009) Mil-i Radkan, Nika. Detail of inscription
74 (3011) Mil-i Radkan, Nika. Another, detail
75 (3012) Mil-i Radkan, Nika.. Another detail
76 (3006) Mil-i Radkan, Nika. Portal
77 (3008) M11-i Radkan, Nika. Detail of portal. (Neg.. 3007, ,.No..78, is duplicate)

79 (2924) Boulder with Kufic inscription
80 (2923) Karavansarai.
81 (2922) Karavansarai. Detail of Iwan
82 (2914) Sabzawar. Citadel
83 (2915) Sabzawar. Minaret
84 (2918) Sabzawar. Minaret, section of inscription
85 (2917) Sabzawar.. Minaret, section with inscription
86 (2919) Sabzawar. Minaret, close-up of inscription
87 (2921) Khosrogird, minaret. Dated 505 H.
88 (2920) Khosrogird, minaret.. Another view
89 (2918) Khosrogird, minaret. Another view
90 (2909) Khosrogird, minaret. Closer view of inscriptions
91 (2913) Khosrogird, minaret. Detail, lower inscription
92 (2912) Khosrogird, minaret, Another detail, lower inscription
93 (2910) Khosrogird, minaret. Detail, upper inscription
94 (2911) Khosrogird, minaret.. Detail, upper inscription
95 (2902) Khosrogird, minaret. Detail, lower inscription
96 (2903) Khosrogird, minaret. Detail, lower inscription
97 (2908) Nishapur. Tepe Alp Aislan (joins No.98 for panorama)
98 (2907) Nishapur. See preceeding
99 (2143) Nishapur. Stucco fragments from Tepe Alp Arslan
100 (2906) Nishapur. Shrine of Muhammad Mahruq (Bagh-i Khayyam)
101 (2905) Nishapur. Entrance to Shrine
102 (2904) Nishapur. Farid al-din 'Attar, tombstone
103 (2999) Qadam Gah (between Nishapur and Mashhad). Shrine
104 (3000) Qadam Gah (between Nishapur and Mashhad). Distant view
105 (3001) Qadam Gah (between Nishapur and Mashhad). Panelled door of Shrine
106 (2995) Tus. Ruins of citadel
107 (2994) Tus. Another view
108 (2993) Tus.. Another view
109 (2996) Tus.. From town wall
110 (2990) Tus. Ruins
111 (2997) Tus. Garden with Ferdowsi's grave
112 (2998) Tus., Another view of same
113 (2992) Tus., Ferdowsi's tombstone
114 (2991) Tus,.Another view of tombstone
115 (2988) Tus.. Mongol mausoleum
116 (2989) Tus.. Another view of exterior
117 (2987) Tus.. View of interior
118 (2986) Tus. Entrance of same tomb
119 (2985) Tus. Detail, mukarnas dome with plaster decoration
120 (2984) Tus.. Same tomb, detail of mihrab (?)
121 (2983) MIl-i Radkan, Kui. View of tomb tower
122 (2982) Mil-i Radkan, Kui. Another view
123 (2958) Mil-i Radkan, Kui. Inside, looking up into dome
124 (2959) Mil-i Radkan, Kui. Detail of outside inscription
125 (2960) Mil-i Radkan, Kui, Another detail
126 (2735) Mil-i Radkan, Kui. Another detail
127 (2738) MII-i Radkan, Kui. Another detail
128 (2961) MII-i Radkan, Kui.. Another detail
129 (2962) Sangbast. Mausoleum and minaret
130 (2965) Sangbast, minaret. Top section with inscription
131 (2966) Sangbast, minaret. Another section of inscription
132 (2963) Sangbast, minaret. Another section of inscription
133 (2964) Sangbast, minaret. Another section of inscription
134 (2967) Sangbast, tomb interior, Painted Kufic inscription below dome
135 (2968) Sangbast, tomb interior. Another section of same
136 (2969) Sangbast, tomb interior.. Another section

137 (2980) Sangbast, tomb interior. Brick inscription at base of dome
138 (2981) Sangbast, tomb interior.. Another section of inscription
139 (2979) Sangbast, tomb interior. Another section
140 (2978) Sangbast, tomb interior. Another section
141 (2977) Khargird, Nizamiyya. General view
142 (2976) Khargird, Nizamiyya. General view, joins No. 143. SA-II, fig.34, top
143 (2975) Khargird, Nizamiyya. See preceeding
144 (2974) Khargird, Nizamiyya. Another section. SA-II, fig.34, lower left
145 (2973) Khargird, Nizamiyya., Section of inscription and decorated mihrab. SA-II, fig.37, left
146 (2972) Khargird, Nizamiyya. Close-up of preceeding
147 (2971) Khargird, Nizamiyya. Detail of preceeding. SA-II, fig.,37, right
148 (2736) Khargird, Nizamiyya, the Great Inscription. Joins No.149. SA-II, frg.,35
149 (2970) Khargird, Nizamiyya, the Great Inscription. See preceeding
150 (2955) Khargird, Nizamiyya, the Great Inscription. Joins No. 151. SA-II, fig36
151 (2956) Khargird, Nizamiyya, the Great Inscription,, See preceeding
152 (2954) Khargird, Nizamiyya, the Great Inscription. Joins No. 153.. SA-II, fig.36, lower
153 (2953) Khargird, Nizamiyya, the Great Inscription. See preceeding
154 (2952) Khargird, Nizamiyya, the Great Inscription. Detail letter "m." SA-II, fig,34, lower right
155 (2957) Khargird, Nizamiyya, the Great Inscription. Section of inscription
156 (2896) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. General view
157 (2899) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya Portal
158 (2900) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. Another view of portal
159 (2894) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. Upper section with tile-work
160 (2895) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. Tile panel with Naskhi script
161 (2901) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. Building inscription (?) in Naskhi
162 (2885) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. Inner courtyard
163 (2884) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. Inner courtyard, entrance Iwan
164 (2887) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. Inner courtyard, corner
165 (2888) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. Closer view of part of preceeding
166 (2889) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. Detail of tile-work in preceeding
167 (2890) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya,,,Detail of preceeding
168 (2891) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya Detail of tiles, inner courtyard
169 (2893) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya Other details of same
170 (2892) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya,, Further details
171 (2886) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. View of 2nd large Iwan, inner courtyard
172 (2880) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. Upper part of Iwan, inner courtyard
173 (2882) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. Looking up at roof of preceeding
174 (2883) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya Inner courtyard, side panel
175 (2879) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya,. Inner courtyard, mihrab (?)
176 (2878) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. Close-up of dome of preceeding
177 (2881) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya. Cubicle in inner courtyard
178 (2897) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya., Exterior, general view of side or back
179 (2898) Khargird, Ghiyathiyya.. Closer view of preceeding
180 (920) Shimran (?). Graf Schulenberg's tent
181 (924) Shimran (?). View of Elburz range

Vol.2, Nos. 182-325

182 (970) Tehran, Herzfeld's house, ca. 1929. In his library

183 (8343) Tehran, Herzfeld's house, ca. 1929.. Library
183 (972) Tehran, Herzfeld's house, ca, 1929. Living-room
184 (973) Tehran, Herzfeld's house, ca. 1929. Bedroom
185 (974) Tehran, Herzfeld's house, ca. 1929. Living-room
186 (975) Tehran, Herzfeld's house, ca. 1929. Herzfeld in rear garden
187 (976) Tehran, Herzfeld's house, ca, 1929. Livingroom
188 (977) Tehran, Herzfeld's house, ca. 1929. Front garden with Herzfeld's dog. Floberger
189 (1209) Tehran, Herzfeld's house, ca. 1929. Doorman, Mashdi Husain
190 (1211) Painting of Burg Arnstein, reminiscent of Firuzabad fort

191 (1211 a) Another photo of preceeding
192 (1212) Sketch map. Mosul. Joins No.193
193 (1213) Sketch map. Mosul, See No. 192
194 (1214) Sketch map. Mosul. Joins No.192
195 (1223) Tehran. Graf Fr. von der Schulenberg,German Minister, ca. 1930
196 (1224) Sketch map. Bogan
197 (1225) Sketch map. East of Bogan
198 (1226) Sketch map. Miyanduab
199 (1227) Sketch map. Bana
200 (1228) Sketch map. Bistun
201 (1229) Sketch map. Saqqiz (?)
202 (1230) Sketch map,. Bogan
203 (1301) Unidentified landscape
204 (1302) Mehriwan plain with Zarebar lake from S. Paikuli, pl221, top
205 (1303) Unidentified landscape
206 (1304) Awraman range with Dargah Shaikhan valley in foreground, from N.. Paikuli, p1.221, bottom
207 (1305) Unidentified camp. Luristan (?)
208 (1306) Kurdish villagers with drums and fife. Dancing at Duzli, Awraman. Paikuli, pl223, top
209 (2108) Shahkuh range in background
210 (2110) Tang-i Shamshiibur,. See ZDMG, Reisebericht
211 (2109) Tang-i Shamshirbur.
212 (2111) Tang-i Shamshirbur.
213 (2112) Tang-i Shamshirbur,
214 (2113) Tang-i Shamshirbur.
215 (2114) Shahkuh range. Joins No.216
216 (2115) Shahkuh range. See preceeding
Next page, top: Nos215 and 216 joined; bottom: Nos. 221 and 223,joined. Unidentified
Next page, top: Nos..229 and 230 joined; bottom: two unidentified prints, joined
217 (2118) Mashhad. area.. Possibly Major Melvin Hall, 1925
218 (2533) Sunghur
219 (2712) Unidentified building with large pool. Joins Nos, 227 and 228
220 (2712a) Another exposure of No. 219
221 (2713) Unidentified landscape. Joins Nos.,223 and 229
222 (2714) Shimran Entrance to German summer Legation
223 (2715) See No.221
224 (2716) Shimran. Officer's house at German summer Legation
225 (2718) Shimran. Inside Legation garden, drive to main gate
226 (2719) Shimran. House in Legation garden
227 (2720) See No.220
228 (2721) See No.220 Next pages: Three joined panoramas of 1) Nos. 220,227,228; 2) Nos249 and 251;
3) Nos.257 and 258
229 (2722) See pages following No.216
230 (2723) See pages following No. 216
231 (2724) Kelat, snow scene.. Persian dignitaries, 1925, with Gov..-General Firuz Mirza
232 (2725) Kelat, snow scene. Persian dignitaries, 1925, with Gov -General Firuz Mirza
233 (2726) Kelat, snow scene. Persian dignitaries, 1925, with Gov .-General Firuz Mirza
234 (2727) Another exposure of No, 228, unidentified garden
235 (2728) Shimran (?), unidentified garden
236 (1205) Unidentified landscape.
237 (1206) Unidentified landscape,
238 (1207) Unidentified landscape,
239 (1208) Unidentified landscape..
240 (1210) Herzfeld (center) at Command Post in Kurdistan, World War I
241 (1215) Unidentified landscape
242 (1216) Panorama of Shahrazur plain. Joins Nos. 254-255.. Paikuli, pls225-226. See File 18 for marked
prints, joined
243 (1222) Sarpul: mounds of Hulwan.. Paikuli, p1.90, bottom

244 (1231) Sulaimaniyya. Courtyard of house
245 (1232) Sulaimaniyya. Courtyard of house
246 (1233) Sulaimaniyya. Courtyard of caravansarai
247 (1234) Sulaimaniyya. Another view of courtyard in No.245
248 (1235) Pir'Omar Gudiin (?) from Surdash
249 (1235) Unidentified. See page before 229 for panorama.
251 (1237) See No. 249
252 (1238) Pir'Omar Gudrin (?).. From Surdash
253 (1239) Pir'Omar Gudrin (?)..
254 (1240) Panorama of Shahrazur plain, See No.242
255 (1241) See No.242
256 (1242) Awraman range from Tapa Kuna. Paikuli, p1.143, bottom
257 (1243) Unidentified landscape. Joins No.258
258 (1244) See No.257
259 (1245) Unidentified landscape. Joins No.. 260
260 (1246) See No.259
261 (1247) Sitak. East of Goize (?) and Sulaimaniyya. Joins No.262
262 (1248) See No. 261
263 (1249) Unidentified landscape. Joins No264
264 (1250) See No.263
265 (1251) Sitak. Panorama. Joins No.266
266 (1252) See No. 265
267 (1253) Unidentified landscape
268 (1254) View from Shiwakel towards Gummo
269 (1255) Gwaradim
270 (1257) Joins No, 270A, Panorama from Gwaradim
270A (1256) See No.270
271 (1258) Unidentified landscape
272 (1259) View from Surdash over Tabin valley, Piadara Mt. and Sab breakthrough. Panorama.. Paikuli,
p1.227. See File 18 for joined and marked prints
273 (1260) Joins No. 272
274 (1261) Joins No.272
275 (1262) Panorama (4 prints) from Bana, seen from south to north.
276 (1263) Panorama (4 prints) from Bana, seen from south to north.
277 (1264) Panorama (4 prints) from Bana, seen from south to north.
278 (1265) Panorama (4 prints) from Bana, seen from south to north.
279 (1266) Unidentified landscape
280 (1267) Unidentified panorama (two prints)
281 (1268) Unidentified panorama (two prints)
282 (1269) Sardasht. Houses destroyed by Russian troops
283 (1270) Sardasht. Mill
284 (1271) Village between Sardasht and Koisandjak
285 (1272) Unidentified camel caravan
286 (1273) Sardasht. Merle's (?) house
287 (1274) Re'is-i Qandilah (Awraman area ?)
288 (1275) Panorama, the Pass over Kjolu (Salara); view onto Bard e Spian from Kandila. Two prints
289 (1276) Panorama, the Pass over Kjolu (Salara); view onto Bard e Spian from Kandila.
290 (1277) Unidentified landscape
291 (1279) Panorama, view from camp on the Kelai (Ashtar), looking north. Two prints
292 (1278) Panorama, view from camp on the Kelai (Ashtar), looking north.
293 (1280) Also panorama. Five prints
294 (1281) Also panorama.
295 (1282) Also panorama.
296 (1283) Also panorama.
297 (1284) Also panorama.
298 (1285) Unidentified panorama. Two prints
299 (1286) Unidentified panorama.
300 (1287) Unidentified panorama. Two prints

301 (1288) Unidentified panorama..
302 (1289) Unidentified panorama.. Two prints
303 (1290) Unidentified panorama..
304 (1291) Unidentified panorama.. Two prints
305 (1292) Unidentified panorama.
306 (1293) Unidentified panorama. Two prints
307 (1294) Unidentified panorama.
308 (1295) Unidentified panorama. Two prints
309 (1296) Unidentified panorama.
310 (1297) Unidentified panorama. Two prints
311 (1298) Unidentified panorama.
312 (1299) Mountains E of Rania (between Sardasht and Koisandjak (?)
313 (1300) Rania: spring and mound from N. Paikuli, p1.11, bottom
314 (1478) Unidentified landscape
315 (1479) Glen of Tuwela in Awraman mountain. Paikuli, pl. 222, top
316 (1480) Purd-i Kurran ("the children's bridge"). Paikuli, p1..224, 'bottom
317 (1481) Purd-i Kurran ("the children's bridge").
318 (1482) Canyon of Aw-i Shirwan with Purd-i Kurran. Paikuli, p1..224, top
319 (1483) Panorama (4 prints), Palangan Pass. Paikuli, p1.128, bottom..
321 (1484) Panorama (4 prints), Palangan Pass. Paikuli, p1..128, bottom.
320 (1485) Panorama (4 prints), Palangan Pass.. Paikuli, p1.128, bottom.
322 (1486) Panorama (4 prints), Palangan Pass.. Paikuli, p1.128, bottom.
323 (1487) Between Kurrakale and Mil-I Palangan Pass. Paikuli, p1.104
324 (1488) Descent from Mil-i Palangan Pass on way to Keimansh: Paikuli, p1,114, bottom
325 (1489) Through the Kara Su between Kale-i Yawar and Kermanshah.

Photo File 11 (2 vols.)

"Persian Architecture"
The abbreviations used in captions of published photos are:
AHI - Archaeological History of Iran, Herzfeld
Browne - A Vol. of Oriental Studies, Presented to Edward G. Browne...on his 60th Birthday, Cambridge, 1922. "Die
Gumbadh-i-'Alawiyyan and die Baukunst der Ilkhane in Iran," Herzfeld
SA-I - Ars Islamica, VoLIX (1942). "Damascus, Studies in Architecture.. The Mukarnas Dome. The Madrasa,"
SK - refers to Herzfeld's sketchbooks in the Archive

Vol.l, Nos. 1-152

1 (1196) Carved building blocks. Unidentified

2 (2707) Baghdad (?), unidentified building with two tiled domes
3 (2702) Another exposure of No.2
4 (2701) Baghdad (?). stuccoed portal to courtyard in No..6
5 (2708) Another exposure of No.4
6 (2703) Baghdad (?), courtyard from entry
7 (2709) Another exposure of No.6
8 (2700) Detail of decorations of portal in No.4
9 (2704) Dhu'l-kifl (?), possibly minaret from the back
10 (2710) Dhu'l-kifl, minaret.. SA-I, fig.72
11 (2704a) Dhu'l-kifl, minaret.. Detail of brick decoration
12 (2705) Dhu'l-kifl, minaret. Part of Naskhi inscription
13 (2706) Dhu'l-kifl, minaret.. Another exposure of No.12
14 (1193) Baghdad, Mustansiriyyah. Part of Naskhi inscription
15 (1194) Baghdad, Mustansiriyyah.. Detail of inscription. See Archaeologische Reise, pl.CXXX
16 (1171) Baghdad (?), unidentified Naskhi inscription
17 (177) Baghdad. Bab al-Wastani, decorated portal
18 (2699) Baghdad, Mirdjaniyyah. Portal. See Archaeologische Reise, pl.X and Photo Nos. 339-340
19 -(2697) Baghdad, Mirdjaniyyah. Detail of portal

20 (2695) Baghdad, Mirdjaniyyah. Another detail of No. 18
21 (2698) Baghdad, Mirdjaniyyah, Another detail of No.18
22 (2731) Baghdad, ruins in the Qal `a. Iwan
23 (2733) Baghdad, ruins in the Qal `a. Iwan. Another exposure of No.22
24 (2732) Baghdad, ruins in the Qal `a, Iwan.. Closer view of Iwan
25 (2696) Baghdad, ruins in the Qal `a. Iwan Decorative panel
26 (2694) Baghdad, ruins in the Qal `a.. Iwan Decorated dome of niche
27 (2734) Baghdad, ruins in the Qal `a. Iwan Another view of No26
28 (2730) Baghdad, ruins in the Qal `a. Iwan Decorative panel
29 (1940) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan.. General view
30 (1941) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan. Main facade,. Browne, p1.I
31 (1942) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan. Closer view of portal
32 (1943) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan. Still closer view. Brown, pl,II
33 (1944) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan. Detail of central section
34 (1945) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan. Detail of border
35 (1947) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan. S corner
36 (1946) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan, SW corner,, Browne, p1.III
37 (1948) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan Qibla wall, middle panel, Browne, pl.IV
38 (1950) Hamadan,'Alawiyyan. Mihrab
39 (1949) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan. Mihrab Browne, pl.V
40 (1951) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan. Closer view of mihrab
41 (1952) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan. Detail of mihrab, Browne, pl. VI
42 (1953) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan. Another detail of mihrab
43 (1954) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan. Decorative panel
44 (1955) Hamadan, 'Alawiyyan. Detail plinth base S wall. Browne, pl.VII
45 (1956) Hamadan. Tomb of Esther, general view
46 (927) Hamadan. Tomb of Esther, closer view.. AHI, pl.XX, top
47 (1957) Hamadan.. Tomb of Avicenna near tomb of Esther
48 (2530) Hamadan. Hebrew tombstone
49 (2531) Hamadan. A second Hebrew tombstone
50 (2532) Hamadan. Tombstone with Kufic inscription
51 (2534) Sunghur. Traditional house
52 (2535) Asadabad (?). Cemetery with domed building
53 (2536) Asadabad (?). Tombstone
54 (2537) Asadabad (?). Closer view of decorated tombstone in No.53
55 (2538) Asadabad (?). Part of Hebrew tombstone
56 (2539) Asadabad (?). Tombstone
57 (931) Unidentified mountains
58 (921) Alamut. General view
59 (925) Alamut,, The castle
60 (922) Alamut (?)
61 (930) Alamut.
62 (923) Alamut. Valley and Elbuiz Mts..
63 (2500) Rayy. Ruins fields
64 (2498) Rayy. Joins No 65 to form panorama of ruin fields
65 (2499) Rayy. See No,64
66 (2501) Rayy Citadel (?).. Joins No.69 to form panorama
67 (1920) Rayy. Section of cultivation
68 (1919) Rayy. Another section of cultivation
69 (2502) Rayy. See No.66
70 (1918) Rayy. Section of cultivation
71 (1917) Rayy. Another section of cultivation
72 (1916) Rayy. Citadel ruins
73 (1922) Rayy, Cheshme'Ali. With Fath'Ali Shah relief
74 (1923) Rayy, Cheshme'Ali. With Fath'Ali Shah relief
75 (1921) Rayy, Cheshme 'Ali.
76 (182) Rayy, Cheshme'Ali. With Fath'Ali Shah relief
77 (180) Rayy, Cheshme'Ali. Fath'Ali Shah relief

78 (2503) Rayy. Sasanian (?) ruins
79 (1924) Rayy., Illicit excavations
80 (1925) Rayy. Other illicit excavations
81 (174) Rayy. Tomb tower
82 (1926) Rayy. Another view of tomb tower
83 (1927) Rayy, Tomb tower, portal
84 (2717) Rayy, Minaret (?), Perhaps in garden of Shah'Abdul'Azim
85 (2497) Rayy,. Closer view of preceeding
86 (1137) Tehran, Gulistan Palace. Marble throne of Kerim Khan Zand
87 (1136) Tehran, Gulistan Palace. Peacock throne
88 (1135) Tehran, Gulistan Palace. "Coronation throne", three-quarters view
89 (164) Tehran, Gulistan Palace. Side view of preceeding
90 (978) Tehran, Gulistan Palace. Front view of No.88
91 (979) Tehran, Gulistan Palace. Another front view of No.88
92 (971) Tehran, Gulistan Palace. Peacock throne, front view
93 (1928) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami',. General view
94 (1929) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami' Main entrance
95 (1930) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami',. Main entrance, lower section
96 (1931) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami'.. Upper section of No.94
97 (2504) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami'. Detail of No.96
98 (2506) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami'. Detail of No.97
99 (2505) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami'. Another detail of No.96
100 (2515) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami', Interior, side aisle
101 (2508) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami'. Detail, builder's (?) inscription
102 (1932) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami'. Qibia wall
103 (2509) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami'. Inscribed plaque on Qibia wall
104 (2510) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami', Second inscribed plaque on Qibia wall
105 (1934) Varamin, Masjid-i Jdmi', Mihrab(?). See No.102
106 (175) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami'.. Closer view of No.105
107 (1069) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami'. Mihrab, upper section
108 (1933) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami'. Detail of preceeding
109 (185) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami'. Another detail of No.107
110 (2512) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami',. Mihrab, upper section
111 (2513) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami'. Another exposure ofNo.110
112 (2511) Varamin, Masjid-i Jdmi', Mihrab, detail of upper niche
113 (2514) Varamin, Masj id-i Jami'.. Closer view of No.112
114 (2518) Varamin, Masjid-i Jdmi', Detail of Kufic inscriptions
115 (2517) Varamin, Masjid-i Jdmi', Detail of stucco panel
116 (1935) Varamin, Masjid-i Jdmi', Interior, tile and stucco work
117 (2507) Varamin, Masjid-i Jdmi', Detail of No. 116
118 (2516) Varamin, Masjid-i Jami'., Detail of Naskhi inscription
119 (2519) Varamin, tomb tower of 'Ala al-din. General view
120 (1936) Varamin, tomb tower of 'Ala al-din. Closer view
121 (181) Varamin, tomb tower of 'Ala al-din. Similar view taken 20 years earlier
122 (1937) Varamin, tomb tower of 'Ala al-din. Upper section of tower
123 (2520) Varamin, tomb tower of 'Ala al-din. Upper section with inscription
124 (2521) Varamin, tomb tower of'Ala al-din.. Another exposure of No. 123
125 (1938) Varamin, tomb tower of 'Ala al-din. Detail of inscription in No, 123
126 (1939) Unidentified landscape
127 (2117) Qum. Shrine of Fatma, general view
128 (2706a) Qum. Town square with wind-towers
129 (2522) Qum. Tomb of Shah Hamza, general view
130 (2524) Qum, Gumbadh-i sabz. Two tomb towers or Imamzadehs
131 (2523) Qum, Gumbadh-i sabz, Dome chamber
132 (2525) Qum, Gumbadh-i sabz. Another view of dome chamber
133 (2527) Qum, Gumbadh-i sabz. Detail of inscriptions in No.132
134 (2528) Qum, Gumbadh-i sabz. Detail of inscriptions in No. 131
135 (2526) Qum, Gumbadh-i sabz.. Second tomb, mihrab (?)

136 (2529) Qum, Gumbadh-i sabz, Second tomb, section of dome inside
137 (2540) Qara Tepe (near Qum)
138 (2541) Isfahan, Chehel dukhtaran, minaret,, 501 H.
139 (2555) Isfahan, Chehel dukhtaran, minaret. Lower section
140 (2543) Isfahan, Chehel dukhtaran, minaret. Another exposure of No.139
141 (2542) Isfahan, Chehel dukhtaran, minaret. Upper section
142 (2546) Isfahan, Chehel dukhtaran, minaret. Upper section
143 (2545) Isfahan, Chehel dukhtaran, minaret. Another exposure of No. 142
144 (2547) Isfahan, Chehel dukhtaran, minaret. Inscription on "base"
145 (2544) Isfahan, Chehel dukhtaran, minaret. Lowest inscription on "cylinder"
146 (2548) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a, portal., Inscription
147 (2549) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a, portal,, Detail of No. 146
148 (2550) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a, portal, Detail. See SK-III, pp.,10-i l and 14-15 for copy of inscription
and measured drawings
149 (2554) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a, portal. Another detail
150 (2553) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a, portal. Detail of No. 146
151 (2551) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a, portal. Another detail of inscription
152 (2552) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a, portal Another detail

Vol.2, Nos. 153-338

153 (945) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. Entrance from street

154 (956) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a, Detail of No. 153
155 (1960) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. Mihrab of Uljaitu, 710 H.
156 (1958) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. SW Iwan and portal to sanctuary
157 (1961) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. Mihrab and minbar,
158 (1959) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. Tile mosaic
159 (1964) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. Niche and mukarnas
160 (1962) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. Close-up of niche in No.159
161 (1967) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a.. Niche with two mukarnas
162 (1963) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. Qibia wall (?), see column in No. 157
163 (1966) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a,. Mihrab (?)
164 (1969) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. Tile-work and carving, niche
165 (1970) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. Panel with long inscriptions
166 (1965) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. Tile-work in Iwan
167 (1968) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. Mihrab (?) with mukarnas
168 (2116) Isfahan, Masjid-i Jum'a. Section with long Arabic inscription
169 (2556) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Ja'far.. Exterior
170 (2557) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Ja'far. Double exposure
171 (2558) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Ja'far, Inscription over portal
172 (2559) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Ja'far. Dome and upper inscriptions
173 (2560) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Ja'far,. Another exposure of No.172
174 (2561) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Ja'far Detail of inscription with date 72- H.
175 (2562) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Ja'far. Tomb
176 (2563) Isfahan, Chinas-i Dalbek (?).. Exterior, portal
177 (2564) Isfahan, Chinas-i Dalbek (?). Exterior, side
178 (2565) Isfahan, Chinar-i Dalbek (?). Building inscription over door
179 (2566) Isfahan, Chinar-i Dalbek (?).. Courtyard with Iwan
180 (2567) Isfahan, Chinas-i Dalbek (?).. Tomb in No. 179
181 (2569) Isfahan, Bagh-i kushkhaneh, minaret.. General view
182 (2568) Isfahan, Bagh-i kushkhaneh, minaret. Upper section
183 (2570) Isfahan, Sarban minaret. General view
184 (2571) Isfahan, Sarban minaret. Upper section
185 (2573) Isfahan, Bab Tutab Double minaret, general view
186 (2572) Isfahan, Bab Tutab Upper sections of minarets
187 (2576) Isfahan, Khwaja'Alam, minaret.. Lower section
188 (2575) Isfahan, Khwaja'Alam, minaret.. Detail with inscription
189 (2574) Isfahan.. Unidentified minaret, lower section

190 (2541a) Isfahan, Masjid'Ali, minaret. General view (double exposure)
191 (955) Isfahan, Masjid'Ali, minaret. With facade
192 (2577) Isfahan, Masjid'Ali, minaret. Upper section
193 (2578) Isfahan, Masjid'Ali, minaret. Lower section
194 (946) Isfahan, Masjid'Ali. Facade and portal
195 (1972) Isfahan, Masjid'Ali. Upper section of facade
196 (2579) Isfahan, Masjid 'Ali, Detail of No. 195
197 (2580) Isfahan, Masjid'Ali, Another detail of No.195
198 (953) Isfahan, Masjid'Ali, Detail, lower right corner of panel, See No, 194
199 (1971) Isfahan, Masjid'Ali. Inscribed panel, 1013 H., Shah'Abbas
200 (2581) Isfahan, Mausoleum of Harun i vilaya. Portal
201 (2582) Isfahan, Mausoleum of Harun i vilaya Detail, panel above door
202 (2583) Isfahan, Mausoleum of Harun i vilaya. Detail, inscriptions above door
203 (2585) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Isma'il (?) Back wall and base of drum
204 (2584) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Isma'il (?). Courtyard Iwan
205 (2586) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Isma'il (?). Courtyard with two large stone basins
206 (2590) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Isma'il (?). Inscribed metal panel
207 (2591) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Isma'il (?). Another view of No.,206
208 (2588) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Askar al-Zulama Portal
209 (2587) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Askar al-Zulama. Close-up of tilework in No.208
210 (2589) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Askar al-Zulama, Door with wood mosaic
211 (2593) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Askar al-Zulama. Entrance
212 (2592) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Askar al-Zulama. Vaulting over entrance in No.211
213 (2594) Isfahan, Imamzadeh Askar al-Zulama, Detail of tilework in No.211
214 (2595) Isfahan.. Meidan with Masjid-i Shah, general view
215 (952) Isfahan, Masjid-i Shah. Inscription on outer portal
216 (2596) Isfahan, Masjid-i Shah. Another view of No.215
217 (2597) Isfahan, Masjid-i Shah. Tile panel at side of entry
218 (951) Isfahan, Masjid-i Shah. Close-up of panel
219 (2599) Isfahan, Masjid-i Sheikh Lutf Allah,. Portal
220 (2598) Isfahan, Masjid-i Sheikh Lutf Allah. Panel at left of doorway
221 (2600) Isfahan, Masjid-i Sheikh Lutf Allah. Detail, tiles above doorway
222 (2601) Isfahan, Kaisariye. Entrance to bazar, spandril of Iwan
223 (2602) Isfahan, Kaisariye. Double exposure
224 (2603) Isfahan, Kaisariye. Another double exposure
225 (2604) Isfahan, Chehel sutun. Lower part of palace facade A
226 (2605) Isfahan, Chehel sutun.,. Looking up into half-dome of mirror-work
227 (2606) Isfahan, Chehel sutun. Interior of painted cupola
228 (2607) Isfahan, Chehel sutun. Stone column base, lions
229 (2608) Isfahan, Chehel sutun. Stone lion, part of fountain
230 (2609) Isfahan, Chehel sutun. Stone standing figures, fountain
231 (2610) Pir-i Bakran (near Isfahan) mausoleum. General view
232 (2611) Pir'-i Bakran (near Isfahan) mausoleum. Closer view
233 (2612) Pir-i Bakran (near Isfahan) mausoleum. Still closer general view
234 (2613) Pir-i Bakran (near Isfahan) mausoleum. Facade, great Iwan
235 (2614) Pir-i Bakran (near Isfahan) mausoleum. Side view
236 (2616) Pir-i Bakran, interior, Arabic inscription
237 (2618) Pir-i Bakran, interior. Decorated spandril
238 (2620) Pir-i Bakran, interior. Looking out
239 (2617) Pir-i Bakran, interior. Paneling and inscriptions
240 (2619) Pir i Bakran, interior. Entrance to darvish cell
241 (2621) Pir-i Bakran, interior. Entrance to another cell
242 (2622) Pir-i Bakran, interior. Side panel of niche in No.241
243 (2623) Pir i Bala-an, interior. Side panel in No.240
244 (2624) Pii--i Bakran, interior.. Builder's inscription (?)
245 (2625) Pir-i Bakran, interior. Mukarnas dome
246 (2626) Pir-i Bakran, interior, Lower section of No.245
247 (2629) Pir-i Bakran, interior. Decoration, detail of No.246

248 (2627a) Pir-i Bakran, interior.. Inscription in tympanum
249 (2628) Pir-i Bakran, interior. Another exposure of No.248
250 (2627) Pir-i Bakran, interior. Looking up at vault in No.245
251 (2631) Pir-i Bakran, interior. Section of inscription, mihrab, No.253
252 (2630) Pir-i Bakran, interior.. Detail of tympanum of mihrab (?)
253 (2631a) Pir-i Bakran, interior. Mihrab
254 (2615) Pir-i Bakran, interior. Grill
255 (2632) Lingan (near Isfahan), Jewish sancturary. AHI, pl.XX
256 (2633) Pasargadae.. N door of mosque near tomb. See N-117, p.67
257 (2637) Pasargadae.. Sarcophagus I, near tomb. See N-117, p..72
258 (2638) Pasargadae. Sarcophagus II, near tomb. See N- 117, p..73
259 (2635) Pasargadae.. Sarcophagus III, near tomb. See N-117, p..74
260 (2636) Pasargadae. Sarcophagus IV, near tomb.. See N- 117, p.75
261 (2634) Naqsh-i Rustam. Inscribed stone plaque
262 (2744) Band-i Amir. View of barrage
263 (2646) Shiraz. Quran Gate (Allahu Akbar) from city side
264 (2647) Shiraz. Quran Gate (Allahu Akbar).. Tea-house near Quinn gate; city in background
265 (2648) Shiraz. Quran Gate (Allahu Akbar). Mashrigain, Kufic inscription
266 (2640) Shiraz. Quran Gate (Allahu Akbar). Corner tower of citadel of Kerim Khan
267 (2639) Shiraz.. Quran Gate (Allahu Akbar). Tile panel above entrance to citadel: Rustam slaying the
White Div (monster)
268 (2641) Shiraz. Quinn Gate (Allahu Akbar). Courtyard with Kerim Khan tile panels
269 (2642) Shiraz. Quran Gate (Allahu Akbar). Entrance to Vakil mosque
270 (2645) Shiraz, Vakil mosque.. Interior courtyard
271 (2643) Shiraz, Vakil mosque. Detail, panels in No.269
272 (2644) Shiraz, Vakil mosque. Details of panels in No.. 271
273 (1973) Shiraz. Floral tile panels, Kerim Khan
274 (1974) Shiraz.. Tile spandril, court scenes, Kerim Khan
275 (2649) Shiraz.. Floral panel, Kerim Khan
276 (1975) Shiraz.. Dado of sculptured figures, Qajar
277 (2656) Shiraz.. Tomb, Khatun Qiyamat
278 (2653) Shiraz.. Tile dado, textile pattern
279 (2654) Shiraz Tile dado, another textile pattern
280 (2655) Shiraz.. Two tombstones in Haft Tan (?)
281 (2651) Shiraz.. Haft Tan
282 (2650) Shiraz. Tombstones in Chehel Tan garden
283 (2652) Shiraz. Chehel Tan
284 (2711) Cemetery in Bakhtiari country
285 (1976) Metal door to Imamzadeh with inscription
286 (2657) Firuzabad, Saljuq Imamzadeh. Carved stones, re-used
287 (2658) Firuzabad, Saljuq Imamzadeh.. More re-used carved stones
288 (2660) Kharg, Imamzadeh Mir Muhammad.. General view.. SA-I, fig.64
289 (2659) Kharg, Imamzadeh Mir Muhammad.. Entrance. SA-I, fig.66
290 (1063) Nain, Masjid-i Jami' Inner courtyard
291 (1067) Nain, Masjid-i Jami' Inner courtyard. Colonnade
292 (948) Nain, Masjid-i Jami' Inner courtyard.. Minbar
293 (1064) Nain, Masjid-i Jami' Inner courtyard. Mihrab
294 (949) Nain, Masjid-i Jami' Inner, ccourtyard. Detail, upper panel of mihrab
295 (178) Nain, Masjid-i Jami' Inner courtyard. Detail, half-dome of mihrab
296 (1064) Nain, Masjid-i Jami' Inner courtyard. Detail, arch in front of mihrab, right side
297 (1065) Nain, Masjid-i Jami' Inner courtyard. Detail, left side of arch in No.296
298 (184) Nain, Masjid-i Jami' Inner courtyard. Detail, soffit
299 (950) Nain, Masjid-i Jami' Inner courtyard.. Detail, one column
300 (183) Nain, Masjid-i Jami' Inner courtyard. Detail of another column
301 (947) Nain (?). Carved wooden panels of a minbar
302 (1023) Nain (?). Qibia wall with mihrab and Kufic and Naskhi inscriptions
303 (1073) Carved tombstone.
304 (1017) Carved tombstone.

305 (1020) Carved tombstone.Another exposure of No. 304
306 (1015) Kerman, Masjid-i Jami', Facade, 750 H.
307 (1025) Kerman, Masjid-i Jami', Detail, left side. Photo, April 1929
308 (1072) Kerman, Masjid-i Jami'. Qibia wall, mihrab and minbar
309 (1071) Kerman, Masjid-i Jami'.. Another exposure of No.308
310 (1074) Kerman, Mosque facade (tekkiye ?). Photo, April 1929
311 (1024) Kerman, Mosque facade (tekkiye ?). Detail of tilework in No. 310
312 (954) Kerman, Mosque facade (tekkiye ?). Masjid'Ali inscription
313 (176) Kerman, Ganj 'Ali Khan, caravansarai. Courtyard
314 (1070) Kerman, Ganj'Ali Khan, caravansarai. Tiled spandril
315 (1068) Kerman, Ganj 'Ali Khan, caravansarai. A second tiled spandril
316 (1019) Kerman, Ganj 'Ali Khan, caravansarai, A third tiled spandril
317 (1152) Kerman, Ganj 'Ali Khan, caravansarai. A fourth tiled spandril
318 (1018) Kerman, Ganj 'Ali Khan, caravansarai, Inscription. Scribe's signature
319 (1021) Mil-i Naderi (between Barn and Zahidan). Photo, April 1929
320 (1016) Mil-i Naderi (between Barn and Zahidan), Top section
321 (2868) Sistan, Mil. General view
322 (2863) Sistan, Mil. Upper sections with inscriptions
323 (2870) Sistan, Mil. Detail of upper inscription
324 (2871) Sistan, Mil. Lower inscription
325 (2872) Sistan, Mil.. Another section of lower inscription
326 (2873) Sistan, Mil. Another exposure of No.325
327 (2874) Zahidan. Ruins of old city
328 (2875) Zahidan..Ruins of fort
329 (2876) Zahidan.Ruins
330 (2877) Zahidan.Tomb, place of pilgrimage with votive offerings
331 (2860) Sistan, Qale-i Kuh. General view
332 (2861) Sistan, Qale-i Kuh. Closer view
333 (2862) Sistan, Qale-i Kuh. Outer walls
334 (2863) Sistan, Qale-i Kuh. Ruins
335 (2864) Sistan, Qale-i Kuh. View looking over Abuzar
336 (2865) Sistan, Qale-i Kuh. Ruins of construction
337 (2866) Sistan, Qale-i Kuh. View over another qal'a (film damaged)
338 (2867) Sistan, Qale-i Kuh. View over cultivated fields
339 (1192) Baghdad.. This and the following badly damaged negatives, useful for study purposes only, are
probably of the Mirjaniyya and belong in the Baghdad series, Nos. 18-21
340 (1195) Baghdad. See note above

Photo File 12
"Syrian Inscriptions"
Although labelled Syria inscriptions, this file contains, in addition, a series of Mamluk or Ayyubid inscriptions from
Tripolis, photographs of a palace (?) interior in Samaria, a few miscellaneous prints of Samarra, and some of members
of Herzfeld's family or friends, as well as photographs of unidentified people

Nos. 1 - 124

1 (3210) Samarra, 1930. Prehistoric grave

2 (3189) Samarra, 1930. Another view of No.1
2a (3190) Samarra, 1930. Large stone basin
2b (3197) Samarra, 1930. Another view of No. 2a
2c (3212) Samarra, 1930. Shrine mosque with tiled dome, See File 23-13
2d (3211) Samarra, 1930. Shrine mosque with tiled dome, courtyard. See File 23-14
3 (3856) Tripolis, Mamluk inscription. Left section, See No.4
4 (3862) Tripolis, Mamluk inscription.. Right section of No.3
5 (3865) Tripolis, Mamluk inscription.. Two inscriptions
6 (3547) Tripolis, Mamluk inscription. Complete inscription,. See Nos.7-9
7 (3550) Tripolis, Mamluk inscription. Central section, inscription in No.6

8 (3422) Tripolis, Mamluk inscription. Right end, inscription in No.6
9 (3546) Tripolis, Mamluk inscription.. Left end of inscription in No.6
10 (3859) Tripolis, Mamluk inscription.
11 (3858) Tripolis, Mamluk inscription. Right end. Joins left section in No.13
12 (3861) Tripolis, Mamluk inscription.. Double exposure
13 (3860) Tripolis, Mamluk inscription, Left section, joins right section in No.11
14 (3863) Tripolis, Mamluk inscription.. See No.15, left section, lower inscription and two bottom lines of
upper inscription
15 (3864) Tripolis, Mamluk inscription,. Close-up of top line, lower inscription in No. 14; and left section
of 4-line upper inscription in No. 14
16 (3579) Tripolis? Mamluk inscription
17 (3582) Tripolis? Another Mamluk inscription
18 (3425) Tripolis? Mamluk entry with mukarnas and re-used capital
19 (3541) Tripolis? Minbar
20 (3424) Tripolis? Mihrab and minbar, re-used capitals
21 (3544) Tripolis? Mosque portal
22 (3545) Tripolis? Mamluk inscription, another section in No,23
23 (3548) Tripolis? See No.22
24 (3539) Tripolis? Mamluk inscription in tympanum
25 (3532) Tripolis? Re-used block with Mamluk inscription
26 (3533) Tripolis? Another similar block and inscription
27 (3451) Tripolis? Mamluk plaque on wall
28 (3453) Tripolis? Mamluk inscription over door
29 (3454) Tripolis? Inscribed plaque with Turkish tughra
30 (3456) Tripolis? Mamluk inscription and ornament above door
31 (3457) Tripolis? Mamluk inscription on wall
32 (3391) Tripolis? Window grill in unidentified building
33 (3850) Tripolis? Page from printed book with Mamluk inscription
34 (3776) Tripolis? Turkish mosque: Ottoman inscription and decoration
35 (3406) Tripolis? Two Mamluk inscriptions above doorway
36 (3423) Tripolis? Another exposure of No.24
37 (3401) Tripolis? Inscription on boulder
38 (3403) Tripolis? Inscribed plaque over lintel
39 (3400) Tripolis? Lintel inscription in No,40 (reversed)
40 (3404) Tripolis? Correct view of No.39
41 (3405) Tripolis? Section of Mamluk inscription
42 (3399) Tripolis? Lintel with Mamluk inscription
43 (3407) Tripolis? Left side. Mamluk inscription. Right side, No.44
44 (3402) Tripolis? See No.43
45 (3531) Tripolis? Mamluk or Ayyubid inscription.
46 (3601) Tripolis?
47 (3586) Tripolis?
48 (3552) Tripolis?
49 (3592) Tripolis?
50 (3594) Tripolis?
51 (3600) Tripolis?
52 (3771) Tripolis?
53 (3774) Tripolis?
54 (3866) Tripolis?
55 (3527) Tripolis?
56 (3529) Tripolis?
57 (3780) Tripolis?
58 (3779) Tripolis?
59 (3767) Tripolis?
60 (3766) Tripolis?
61 (3589) Tripolis?
62 (3580) Tripolis?
63 (3581) Tripolis?

64 (3769) Tripolis?
65 (3611) Samaria, palace or museum. Mamluk style, Detail of No.68
66 (3602) Samaria, palace or museum.. Another detail of No.68
67 (3603) Samaria, palace or museum. Ornate, columned niche with display of 19th-20th c.. Japanese
68 (3605) Samaria, palace or museum. Upper facade with painted cornice and panel
69 (3604) Samaria, palace or museum.. Another view of No.67
70 (3606) Samaria, palace or museum. Separate, highly ornamented panel
71 (3607) Samaria, palace or museum.. Another view of No.65
72 (3608) Samaria, palace or museum. End panel, possibly with inscription
73 (3609) Samaria, palace or museum. Decorated arch
74 (3612) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Syriac
75 (3427) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Two squeezes, Syriac
76 (3428) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Syriac
77 (3078) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Greek and Syriac
78 (3079) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Greek and Syriac
79 (3080) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Syriac
80 (3081) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Two Syriac
81 (3082) Samaria, squeeze of inscription.. Greek and Syriac
82 (3083) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Syriac
83 (3084) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Greek and Syriac
84 (3085) Samaria, squeeze of inscription.. Greek and Syriac
85 (3086) Samaxia, squeeze of inscription. Greek and Syriac
86 (3087) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Greek and Syriac
87 (3088) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Three Syriac
88 (3089) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Two Syriac
89 (3090) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Two Syriac
90 (3091) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Syriac
91 (3092) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Greek
92 (3093) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Greek and Syriac
93 (3094) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Syriac
94 (3095) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Syriac
95 (3429) Samaria, squeeze of inscription.. Greek
96 (3430) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Syriac
97 (3431) Samaria, squeeze of inscription. Syriac
98 (3432) Samaxia, squeeze of inscription.. Syriac
99 (3433) Samaria, squeeze of inscription.. Syriac
100 (3434) Samaria, squeeze of inscription.. Greek and Syriac
101 (3342) Two unidentified persons
102 (3247) Unidentified Syrian or Turkish police officer
103 (3770) Unidentified Syrian or Turkish army officer
104 (3574) Professor Moritz Sobernheim. On horseback
105 (3568) Professor Moritz Soberr heim .(The negatives of Nos.105-109 are missing)
106 (3576) Professor Moritz Sobexnheim.
107 (3577) Professor Moritz Sobernheim ..
108 (3575) Professor Moritz Sobernheim ..
109 (3569) Professor Moritz Sobernheim..
110 (3570) Mrs. Ludwig Schiff, mother of Mrs. Sobexnheim
111 (3571) Mrs. Sobernheim and baby
112 (3240) Moritz Sobernheim and Herr Boldt
113 (3595) Herzfeld's sisters, Elizabeth and Charlotte with Sobernheim
114 (3522) Herzfeld's sisters with Herr Boldt, Elizabeth's husband
115 (3610) Herzfeld's sisters
116 (3597) Another view of No.115
117 (3572) Sobernheim family. See photo for identification
118 (3573) Another view of No. 117
119 (3655) Unidentified European couple, Syria
120 (3695) Unidentified Syrian family group (males)

121 (3584) Unidentified group, Syria
122 (3758) Unidentified ladies, Syria
123 (3246) Double exposure of No. 124
124 (3761) Unidentified family group, Syria

Photo File 13 (3 vols.)

"Miscellaneous, Shah's Museum" and related objects

The abbreviations used in captions of published photos are:

AMI - Archaeological Mitteilungen aus Iran, Herzfeld
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld Ars Islamica. Vol.111 (1936), pp.35-43
SK - refers to Herzfeld's Sketchbooks in the Archive
Inv. - refers to Herzfeld's Inventories, especially N-90 and N-91

Vol.l, Nos.1-135

1 (20) Bujnurd. Bronze vase. Inv.. No..2494. IAE, pL.XXV, bottom, left.. See SK-XXVIII, p.6
2 (21) Nihavand Gold buckle in British Museum
3 (2la) Another exposure of No..2
4 (22) Bronze horse and two pins, Pin (left) Constantinople. See SK-XXVIII, p.23; horse, Bujnurd; pin
(right) Baghdad.. Inv. No. 104. AMI, vol.I1, p1.III
4a (138) Eighteen small bone inlays or pendants. For most, see SK-XXX, pp.. 10-12
5 (139) Twelve small bronze birds, etc. See SK-XXX, pp.13-14
6 (140) Eleven small stone amulets
7 (141) Eighteen small stone weights, ducks, etc..
8 (142) Twelve small stone human and animal figures
9 (143) Six objects: green stone plaque with monster (Inv. 228); mother of pearl dish, Kufa (Inv.
No.226); 2 inscribed stones (1 Greek); Greek intaglio; and amulet
10 (144) Nine small carved stone figures
11 (145) Twenty small stone pendants, etc.. See SK-XXVIII, p..21; XXX, p.10
12 (146) Twenty small haematite weights
13 (147) Fourteen small pendants and "scarabs"
14 (149) Baghdad (Seleucia ?) small bone or ivory column, capital and base
15 (150) Eight misc. bronze objects. See SK-XXVIII, p.25; XXIX, p.2; XXX, pp.21-22
16 (151) Two small metal figurines and "horn"
17 (152) Tepe Giyan. Five small bronze animals. Inv. Nos. 2282 and 2287.. See SK-XXX, pp.21-22
18 (153) Luristan. Six small bronze animals, See SK-XXIX, pp.2-3
19 (154) Tepe Giyan, Babylon and Luristan.. Four metal objects.. Inv.. Nos. 205, 2208, See SK-XXX,
19a (155) Luristan? Two bronzes. Inv. No. 773. See SK-XXX, pp.22,24
20 (156) Luristan.. Seven small bronze animals.. Inv.. Nos.. 208, 790-792, 1509. See SK-XXIX, pp.2,3 and
16,E, pLXXXI, top
21 (157) Luristan. Seven small bronze animals. See IAE, pl. XXXI, top and SK-XXIX, pp.1-3
22 (158) Small bronze birds and animals.. See SK-XXIX, p.l; XXX, p.22
23 (159) Babylonian and Bujnurd. Five bronzes of animals. See IAE, pL.XXXI, top and SK-XXIX, p.2;
XXX, pp.20-22
24 (160) Luristan. Nine small bronze humans and animals.. See SK-XXIX, p..1
25 (210) Four clay figures or heads.. Inv. No.. 72 and SK-XXVIII, p.22
26 (211) Two clay female figurines. See SK-XXVIII, p.23
27 (212) Four small stone jars or vases
28 (213) Two small stone containers
29 (214) Hellenistic head and hand from Warka. Inv.. Nos.. 221 and 79
30 (215) Terra cotta.. Old Babylonian from Hilla. Clay plaques, copulation scenes.. Inv.. Nos.. 73-74
31 (216) Alabaster bulbous vase
32 (217) Clay mold and cast, standing nude
33 (218) Shallow stone saucer
34 (219) Lower section of jar, polished black stone with inlay. Inv. No.82

35 (220) Alabaster conical vase
36 (221) "Slate" palette of ducks from Cairo. See SK-XXVIII, p.26
37 (222) Bronze plaque of Napoleon. Shah's Museum, Tehran
38 (223- Small standing ram, filagree, gold or silver
39 (224) Eleven stone chess-men
40 (225) Seven stone chess-men and whorl. For one see Inv. No. 795
41 (226) Five carved bone or ivory objects. No,1 in Inv. No. 1699
42 (227) Five carved bone or ivory objects
43 (228) Eleven misc. ivory or bone objects. The last one is object No.. H95 in Archive artifacts
44 (229) Small bone buttons or whorls. Thirty-two
45 (230) Small bone buttons or whorls. Twenty-three
46 (231) Small bone buttons or whorls. Twenty
47 (232) Small bone buttons or whorls,, Fifteen
48 (233) Eight bone or ivory chessmen or thumb-guards
49 (327) Sasanian jug with incised and applied decoration.
50 (328) Sasanian jug with incised and applied decoration.See Photo File 25,171
51 (329) Sasanian pottery fragment with two peacocks
52 (330) Sasanian,. Two pottery fragments with stamped designs
53 (331) Sasanian stone elephant. AMI, vol,I1I, p1.II
54 (332) Sasanian stone elephant. The other side, AMI, vol.Ill, p1..1
55 (333- Sasanian seal, IAE, pl,CXXXI; AMI, vol.1I, p1,I
56 (423) Ostraca with inscription (Pahlavi)
57 (436) Clay lamp with Kufic writing.
58 (437) Clay lamp with Kufic writing,, Top view. See SK-XXXI, p.13
59 (438) Bronze censer from Hamadan, Early Islamic. Inv. No.796., See SK-XXXI, p.12
60 (439) Glass bottle. Inv. No,2523. See SK-XXVIII, p.7
61 (440) 15th c, Persian bowl, Water-color drawing is D-841
62 (441) 15th c.. Persian jar with horseman
63 (442) Two bronze mirrors: 1 Achaemenian, second with Chinese characters
64 (443) Three early clay figurines
65 (444) Six misc.. bronze buckles
66 (445) Fragment stamped earthenware, Sasanian
67 (446) Small jug with inlay, Sasanian
68 (447) Stone jar with incised procession of sphinxes
69 (718) Two earthenware jars with painted decoration
70 (738) Five painted clay or stone animal heads. See Inv. Nos. 2708-10
71 (739) Earthenware head and mounted figure
72 (1038) Small silver bowl, Parthian.
73 (1039) Small silver bowl, Parthian. Floral design on outside. Another view No.78 and 81
74 (1040) Small silver bowl, Parthian. Another exposure of No. 73
75 (1047) Deep silver bowl with incised decoration, Parthian
76 (1042) Deep silver bowl with incised decoration, Parthian.View of bottom
77 (1043) Deep silver, bowl with incised decoration, Parthian.,Side view. See also Nos. 78b and 83
78 (1044) Another view of No. 73; and rock crystal mace-head (?)
78a ( ) Another exposure of silver bowl in No.73
78b ( ) See No.77
79 (1045) Another exposure of No.78
80 (1046) Rock crystal in No.78
81 (1047) See No.73
82 (1048) See No.73
83 (1049) See No.77
84 (1099) Small bowl and fragment of Samaria-type pottery
85 (1100) Aweh (Saveh?).. Half of glazed bowl, outside (Tang type)
86 (1101) Aweh (Saveh?). Inside of same bowl
87 (1103) Aweh (Saveh?). Fragments of glazed bowl, floral pattern
88 (1104) Aweh (Saveh?). Glazed bowl. No.H43 in Archive artifacts

89 (1105) Fragments of glazed pottery, Samarra-type
90 (1106) Two glazed fragments, one from Kiih-i Khwaja
91 (1107) Two fragments glazed (lustre ?) pottery, Samarra-type
92 (1108) Bowl (lustre ?), Samarra-type
93 (1109) Fragmentary glazed jug (lustre ?), Samarra-type
94 (1132) Scalloped bowl (lead ?)
95 (1133) Eight small glass pitchers,, First 3, bottom row Inv, Nos. 1512-14, "From Hamadan, Sasanian
96 (1134) Seven misc. Islamic pcs., 2 silver-inlaid
97 (1138) Pottery (?) bird
98 (1139) Three small metal vessels. Inv. No.2491
99 (1143) Beads and gold necklace with pendant
100 (1149) Gandhara, Steatite offering-plate, carved,. AMI, vol.II, p1.1
101 (1153) Figured silk with Arabic notation
102 (1155) Six Islamic bronze mirrors
103 (1177) Shield and arrows,, Persian or Mughal
104 (1197) Ishara, Small standing headless robed figure.. Front and back
105 (1198) Three fragmentary stone objects
106 (1199) Hittite (?) clay plaque. Fight with a monster. AMI, vol.1I, pl.XVII. Another exposure in No.107
107 (1200) See No.. 106
108 (1411) Rayy. Incised and glazed howl. Inv. No. 1574. Another view, No. 206
109 (1203) Bow1. Black and bright blue on white. Inv, No.1577
110 (1204) Bowl. Bright blue with black overglaze, Inv.No 1560
111 (1307) Tehran, 1923.. Persian dignitary in Gulistan Museum
112 (1308) Another view of same in vestibule
113 (1309) Shah's Museum. Bronze mortar. See SK-II, p.22
114 (1310) Shah's Museum. Spindle candlestick. See SK-II, p.23
115 (1311) Shah's Museum.. Round, engraved bronze candlestick. See SK-II, p.22
116 (1312) Shah's Museum, Octagonal, engraved bronze candlestick from Baznagird. See SK-II, p,.19
117 (1313) Shah's Museum, Small engraved bronze chest, Baznagird. See SK-II, p..12. Another view in
118 (1314) Shah's Museum.. Bronze ewer, engraved Baznagird, See SK-II, pp. 11 and 14.. Other views in
Nos.. 120-122
119 (1315) See No. 117
120 (1316) Another view of No.119
121 (1317) Detail of No, 119
122 (1318) Detail of No. 119
123 (1319) Shah's Museum. Inlaid bronze ewer. See SK-II, p..11. Other views in Nos. 124 and 125
124 (1320) See No. 123
125 (1321) See No, 123
126 (1322) Shah's Museum.. Engraved bronze jug from Baznagird. See SK-II, p.24. Another view in
127 (1323) Shah's Museum. Bronze jar or part of ewer, engraved Baznagird., See SK-II, p.12, Other views
in Nos. 128,131,132
128 (1324) See No,127
129 (1325) See No, 126
130 (1326) Shah's Museum. Plain bronze jug, Baznagird. See SK-II, p.25
131 (1327) See No. 127
132 (1328) See No.127
133 (1329) Shah's Museum., Plain bronze ewer, Baznagird See SK-II, p.11. Another view in No.134
134 (1330) See No.133
135 (1331) Shah's Museum.. Bronze mortar, engraved. See SK-II, p.26

Vol.2, Nos. 136-274

136 (1332) Shah's Museum. Plain bronze mortar, Baznagird. See SK-II, p.26
137 (1333) Shah's Museum.. Large silver-inlaid basing Baznagird, signed. See SK-II, p..13, Other views in
Nos. 138-153

138 (1334) View from above
139 (1335) Side view
140 (1336) View of bottom
141 (1337) Detail of inscription on rim
142 (1338) Detail of another part of inscription on rim
143 (1339) Section of band, figural decoration
144 (1340) Another section of band, figural decoration
145 (1341) Closer view of No. 146
146 (1342) Another section of band, figural decoration
147 (1343) Closer view of No, 146
148 (1344) Another section of band, figural decoration
149 (1345) Closer view of No.146
150 (1346) Closer view of No. 148
151 (1347) Another section of band, figural decoration
152 (1348) Another section of band, figural decoration
153 (1349) Another section of band, figural decoration
154 (1350) Shah's Museum.. Bronze basin, engraved, rim scalloped, Baznagird. See SK-II, p.29
155 (1351) Shah's Museum. Bronze basin, engraved, Baznagird. See SK-II, p.15. Another view in No. 156
156 (1352) See No,155
157 (1353) Shah's Museum. Bronze tray, engraved. See SK-II, p.21 (?)
158 (1354) Shah's Museum.. Bronze tray, engraved. See SK-II, p.21 (?)
159 (1355) Shah's Museum, Bronze tray, engraved, Baznagird, See SK-II, p15
160 (1356) Shah's Museum., Bronze tray, engraved.. See SK-II, p.13
161 (1357) Shah's Museum.. Bronze tray, silver inlay, Baznagird. See SK-II, p.,15.. Other views in Nos. 162-
162 (1358) See No. 161
163 (1359) Detail of rim, No.161
164 (1360) Another detail of rim, No.161
165 (1361) Shah's Museum. Bronze tray, inlaid (?).. See SK-II, p.21 (?)
166 (1362) Shah's Museum. Bronze tray, inlaid, fluted edge, Baznagird. See SK-II, p.13.. Other views in
Nos. 167-168
167 (1363) Detail of decorated band, No.. 166
168 (1364) Detail of center field. No,166
169 (1365) Shah's Museum. Bronze pot, inlaid (?). See SK-II, p.21 (?)
170 (1366) Shah's Museum. Bottoms of two copper pots. See SK-II, p..25 (?)
171 (1367) Shah's Museum. Plain basin with ring handles. See SK-II, p.27
172 (1368) Shah's Museum. Enamelled glass vase, Baznagird. See SK-II, p.10. Another view in No.173
173 (1369) See No. 172
174 (1370) Shah's Museum. Enamelled glass vase, Baznagird. See SK-II, p.10. Another view in No.175
175 (1371) See No. 174
176 (1372) Shah's Museum. Enamelled glass bowl, Baznagird. See SK-II, p.18
177 (1373) Shah's Museum. 2nd bowl, same provenance and reference
178 (1374) Shah's Museum. 3rd bowl, same provenance and reference
179 (1375) Shah's Museum. Fragmentary enamelled glass dish, Baznagird. See SK-II, p.9
180 (1381) Shah's Museum.. Turquoise faience. Two-handled jug. See SK-II, p.28
182 (1387) Shah's Museum. Two glazed tiles. Inv. No.1566 (in Freer, Na,H 52); Inv. No., 1540 (Rayy) in
K,F.Museum, Berlin
183 (1388) Glazed tile (Freer H 51).. Inv. No., 1541
184 (1389- Two glazed tiles. Inv No. 1569, Rayy, gold lustre; Inv.. No.1567 (Freer No,H 54)
185 (1390) Glazed tile. Inv.No.1539, Rayy
186 (1391) Glazed tile. Lustre,. Inv. No.1559
187 (1392) Glazed tile. Rayy. Inv. No.1538
188 (1393) Bowl. Lustre, outside dark blue, Rayy. Inv. No.1573
189 (1394) Bowl, Minai.
190 (1395) Bowl, Minai..
191 (1396) Bowl, Minai.
192 (1397) Bowl, Garrous

193 (1398) Bowl, Minai, Inv.. No.1575
194 (1399) Bowl, Minai. Rayy. Inv.. No.1576
195 (1400) Bowl, Minai Rayy.. Inv. No. 1543, K.,F..Museum, Berlin
196 (1401) Another exposure ofNo.195
197 (1402) Bowl. Lustre, Rayy. Inv. No.1588
198 (1403) Bowl, Rayy.. Turquoise, gold lustre gone. Inv.No..1553
199 (1404) Bowl, Rayy Simulated Kufic. Inv. No.1548
200 (1405) Bowl, Rayy. Inv. No.1554
201 (1406) Plate. Rayy. Incised, glazed. Inv. No.1549
202 (1407) Plate. Rayy. Tehran. Incised, glazed. Inv.No.1550
203 (1408) Bowl, Zenjan. Inv. No.1553
204 (1409) Bowl, Zenjan. Inv.. No, 1552
205 (1410) Bowl, Rayy. Inv. No. 1551
206 (1202) Another exposure of bowl in No,108
207 (1412) Bowl, Rayy.. Inv.. No, 1542. In K.F.Museum, Berlin
208 (1413) Another view of No.207
209 (1414) Unglazed, incised jug,. Kufic on rim
210 (1415) Unglazed, incised jug.. Rayy Inv.. No.1545
211 (1416- Fragment gold-lustre. Rayy. Inv.. No, 1565; fragment unglazed jar, Rayy. Inv. No.1595
212 (1417- Small white glazed bowl; fragment unglazed pitcher. Inv.. No. 1570
213 (1418) Molded pitcher, partly glazed, Rayy. Inv.. No.1546
214 (1419) Gold lustre pitcher, Rayy. Inv. No.1547
215 (1420- Hexagonal gold lustre bowl, Rayy.. Inv.. No.. 1564; dark blue bowl, gold lustre, Rayy. Inv.
1420a) No.1563
216 (1421) So-called rectangular "Ateshkardan," Rayy,. Inv, No.. 1556
217 (1422) Turquoise blue double bowl, Rayy.. Inv. No..1580
218 (1423) Molded hexagonal bowl, turquoise glaze, Rayy.. Inv. No. 1579
219 (1424) Tazza, green glaze.. Inv.. No.1578
220 (1425) Three Parthian jugs
221 (1426) Parthian pitcher (Inv. No.52, Freer H 26); glass bowl, Inv..No..59; and Parthian two-handled jar
222 (1427- Lustre pitcher, Rayy.. Inv.. No. 1544; green and black pitcher. Inv. No. 1561
223 (1428- Cup, flower petals; glass bottle, decorated by wheel
224 (1429) Alabaster vase (perhaps Inv.. No.623. Compare with Photo No.31)
225 (1430) Fragmentary engraved copper plate, Inv. No.1632. See SK-I, p.44
226 (1431) Left: Rayy, bronze cup "form Sasanian, work probably early Islamic,." Inv, No, 1680; right:
Rayy, bronze lamp. 12th c Inv. No,1679
227 (1432) Rayy. Copper censer and pair of bronze "feet". ca. 1200. Inv. No.1678
228 (1433) Horse-cover, probably Bukhara embroidery
229 (1434) Gold brocade on dark red, Inv. No.1517.. See SK-I, p.33
230 (1435) Zenjan area.. Part of lion masque, wood, Early Safavid (?).. Inv.. No.1637. (Freer H 16)
231 (1436) Pierced octagonal wooden panel
232 (1437) Bronze cover (Inv.. No,1599) and spindle candlestick, 13th c.. Inv. No.1300
233 (1438) Five tall bronze candlesticks in front of printed cotton
234 (1439) Pair of bronze legs for table or stand. Rayy, 12th c. Inv., No. 1677
235 (1440) Shahriyar. Bronze incense burner. InvNo,.1676.. Also in File 1-168. IAE, pl.XXI, bottom
236 (1441) Rayy. Inscribed door-plate, iron, dated 534 H. See SK-I, p.33
237 (1442) Isfahan Start of'Ahd-nameh in Kufic with interlinear Naskhi,. Another section and end in Nos.
238-239. See end of File 13, vol3, pp. 1-8 for these and other sections of the document
238 (1443) See No.237
239 (1444) End of document.. See No.237
240 (1445) Isfahan Pages of Koran in Kufic
241 (1446) Isfahan, Pages of another Koran in Kufic
242 (1447) Tooled leather book-cover, 16th c.. Inv. No. 1639
243 (1448) Pen drawing of horse, dated 1150 or 1151 H. Inv. No.1640

244 (1453) Stone Elamite statue, side view
245 (1454) Same, front view
246 (1455) Same, back view
247 (1456) Marble plaque of bull. Inv. No.541. Probably from Samarra
248 (1457) Bakhtrian, silver medallion. Grasshopper (locust) and grapes. Inv. No.687
249 (1458) Bakhtrian, silver medallion. Same subject as preceeding. Inv. No.688
250 (1459) Bakhtrian, silver medallion. Female figure with snake. Inv. No.689
251 (1460) Bakhtrian, silver medallion. Winged bust. Inv. No,690
251a ( ) Another photo of No.250
251b ( ) Another photo of No.251
252 (1461- Isfahan. Bronze figure of captive, back view. Same front view. IAE, pl.XXXII, bottom (three
1461a) views). Side view in No.253
253 (1462- Coin of Phraates IV in center of silver bowl (see No.254 for revs); Figurine in 252, side view..

254 (1463- Two fragments of pottery; bottom of silver bowl in No,253

255 (1464- Small stone head, side and front views,. TA, pLXV, top
256 (1465- Two exposures of Persian painting. Madonna and Child, Italian style
257 (1466) Pair of gold earrings.. Parthian (?)
258 (1467) Six small stone objects
259 (1469) Basalt piece with representation of altar (?), rams, etc, and cuneiform inscription. Other views in
Nos. 260-261.. Fragment of Kudurru found in Ctesiphon Samaria, vol.VI, pl.XXXIII
260 (1470) See No.259
261 (1471) See No.259
262 (1472) Assyrian relief of standing figure. Upper part
263 (1473) Assyrian relief of standing figure. Lower part
264 (1474) Rectangular seal of stone or clay, perhaps inscribed.
265 (1475) Three metal pieces: candlestick, Indian; large basin (dam); and bowl, incised.. Perhaps all Indian
266 (1476) Three plates, probably tinned-copper, one with Armenian inscription
267 (1477) Metal applique; pan for scales; cover (?); all engraved
268 (2119) Daghestan, large bronze kettle on legs
269 (2120) Carved wooden bracket or capital
269a ( ) Another exposure of No.270
270 (2121) A second carved wooden capital
271 (2122) A third carved wooden capital
272 (2123) Section of carved wooden door with Arabic inscriptions
273 (2124) Pair of carved wooden doors
274 (2125) Another pair of carved wooden doors

Vol.3, Nos.275-335, and additional photos

275 (2127) Metal plaque of human figure

276 (2128) Shah's Museum. Section of fresco painting (Rayy type)
277 (2129) Shah's Museum. White and cobalt bowl (Samaria type)
278 (2131) Shah's Museum. Glazed bowl, "palmettos" (Nishapur type)
279 (2130) Shah's Museum. Glazed bowl, bird (Nishapur type)
280 (2132) Shah's Museum. Deep, molded, glazed bowl, fox (?), Rayy. Other side in No.281
281 (2133) Shah's Museum, Lion, other side of bowl in No.280
282 (2134) Shah's Museum, White and cobalt blue (Samaria type)
283 (2135) Shah's Museum. Copper lustre, radiating bands
284 (2136) Shah's Museum. Copper lustre vase, bird with human face, Rayy
285 (2164) Two fragments, silk textile, Saljuq
286 (2144) Glazed jug and small pitcher on Cashmere textile
287 (2145) Fragment blue and white Safavid plate See No.288
288 (2146) Bottom of No.287 with simulated Chinese markings

289 (2165) Fragmentary silk textile, Saljuq.
290 (2166) Fragmentary silk textile, Saljuq.
291 (2167) Fragmentary silk textile, Saljuq.
292 (2168) Fragmentary silk textile, Saljuq
293 (3183) Impressions of two cylinder seals
294 (3184) Metal bowl with human-headed Arabic letters
295 (3185) Impressions of three cylinder seals
296 (3186) Silver-inlaid pen-case (Freer Acc. No,36.7). Ax's Islamica, III, 1936, pp.35-43. See No.,297
297 (3187) Side views of pen-case in No.296
298 (3192) Pair of carved wooden doors. Dated 363 H.
299 (3193) Pair of carved wooden doors. Dated 520 H.
300 (3194) Impressions of two cylinder seals
301 (3195) Pair of carved wooden doors, Another exposure p.22a (Neg. No. 3959)
302 (3196) Impressions of two cylinder seals
303 (3198) Three shell objects,. Upper two publ. AMI, voL,V, p1.I1I. Bottom piece, Inv. No.2867
304 (3204) Impressions of cylinder seals. Four'
305 (3205) Impressions of cylinder seals Three. See reference for No.303 and p.9-b
306 (3206) Impressions of cylinder seals. Two. See reference for No303
307 (3207) Impressions of cylinder seals. Four. See reference for No.303
308 (3209) Two carved stones: right, Inv No.2874, AMI, vol.V, p1.III; left, AMI, voL.VI, p.223
309 (3216) Metal ewer, bird. Sasanian style. Purchased Baghdad, 1929
310 (3233) Three pieces of gold jewehy, detail of No313
311 (3234) Gold rings or earrings, detail of No.313
312 (3235) Double string gold beads with gold pendants, detail of No.313
313 (3236) Misc. group of pieces of gold jewelry and stone seals
314 (3237) Another exposure of No.313
315 (3238) Amulet case caps and cylinder seals, detail of No.313
316 (3239) Two halves of gold buckle
317 (3256) Cairo, Arab Museum. Misc. carved wooden panels
318 (3257) Cairo, Arab Museum,, Carved wooden panels with Arabic inscriptions
319 (3258) Cairo, Arab Museum,. The same with some duplicates
320 (3259) Cairo, Arab Museum., Small tomb-stones
321 (3261) Cairo, Arab Museum. Three fragments painted Fatimid woodwork
322 (3536) Silver-inlaid bronze basin, Damascus,l4th c., other, views in Nos.331, 332 and 334
323 (3740) Hims, hanging lamp, Khalid A closer view in No,,324
324 (3720) Hims, hanging lamp, Khalid. See No323. Taken in 1914
325 (3775) Sections of carved wooden minbar
326 (3851) Page from printed book discussing 14th c. candlestick
327 (3853) Another page of inscriptions
328 (3854) A third page of inscriptions
329 (3867) Incised owner's inscription on metal piece
330 (3868) Incised and inscribed bronze ewer, Damascus, 14th c. View of opposite side in No.333
331 (3869) See No 322.
332 (3870) See No.322.
333 (3871) See No.330
334 (3872) See No,322
335 (3878) Large silver-inlaid tray with signs of Zodiac

Prints not in Herzfeld's Blueprint Binder

pp. 1-8 ( ) Isfahan, 'Ahd-nameh. Of 15 prints, only 3 have negatives (Nos.237-239)

p.9a (3945) Impressions of three cylinder seals
b (5013) Impressions of two cylinder seals,
p. 1 Oa ( ) Impressions of cylinder seal
b ( ) Misc. beads, perhaps from Assur'
p, l la ( ) Cobalt blue inscribed tile
b (3960) Four views of small stone head
p.,13 ( ) Stone stele with masque, 8 km E of Khiav. Photo, Wilber

p..15 ( ) Two views of beaten copper beaker from Kakawand, near Kermanshah, 1930
p. 16a ( ) Parthian(?) glazed bowl and human-headed vase
b ( ) Standing bronze bull with 4 rings around neck
p.17a (5535) p.4 from SK-V, Persepolis. Inscription of'Adud al-daulah
b (5536) p.5. Continuation of preceeding
p.18a (5533) p.25 of SK-VI, Persepolis. Hebrew inscription
b (5534) p.26. Continuation of preceeding p.
p..19 ( ) Three squeezes of Arabic inscriptions
p.21a ( ) Kawat (?) - Kala. Panel, carved wooden door of palace room
b ( ) Stone fragment from Nimxud Dagh. TA, p.91, fig.22
p.22a (3959) Pair of wooden doors. See No.301
b (3850) Plate from printed book, Arabic text
p.23 (5005) Page from Qazwini Ms., Sane Collection
p.24a (5002) Impressions of four cylinder seals. IAE, pl,XVII, top
b (5000) Impressions of five cylinder seals
p.25 (5001) Impressions of three cylinder seals. IAE, pl.XVII, top

Photo File 14 (2 vols.)

"Syria: Architecture & Inscriptions", plus related photos
The abbreviations used in the captions of published photos axe:
Corpus - Materiaux pour un Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicaxum, Part II, Tome II, vol.3, Plates. Herzfeld
SA-II - Ars Islamica, X (1943), "Damascus: Studies in Architecture, II," Herzfeld
SA-III - Ars Islamica, XI-XII (1946).. "Damascus: Studies in Architecture - III.. The Ayyubid Madrasa," Herzfeld
SA-IV - Ars Islamica, XIII-XIV (1948).. "Damascus: Studies in Architecture-IV. The Mosque," Herzfeld

Vol.l, Nos.1-155

1 (3199) Interior of dome, Masjid-i Jami', Isfahan (in the file by accident)
2 (3372) Ma'axxa. Minaret of Gr.Mosque. SA-Il,fig.56
3 (3251) Ma'arra. Minaret of Gr.Mosque. Detail of above.. SA-II, fig.60
4 (3371) Warm. Minaret of Gr..Mosque.. Ablution kiosk in courtyard of Gr.. Mosque
5a (3376) Ma'arra. Minaret of Gr.Mosque Detail of preceeding
B (3376a) Ma'arra. Minaret of Gr..Mosque Inscription of Khan Shaikun
6a (3836) Warm. Minaret of Gr.Mosque. Inscription in Gr. Mosque
b (3836a) Ma'axra. Minaret of Gr.Mosque. Another inscription, same place
7 (3835) Warm. Minaret of Gr.Mosque. Another inscription, same place
8 (3837) Ma'arra. Minaret of Gr..Mosque. Nabi Yunis, general view
9 (3833) Warm. Minaret of Gr..Mosque. Madrasa inscription
10a (3834) Ma'arra. Minaret of Gr.Mosque. Another inscription in madrasa
b 3834a) Warm. Minaret of Gr'..Mosque. Inscription in entrance, madrasa
I la (3375) Ma'axra, Minaret of Gr.Mosque. Re-used Byzantine panel
b (3375a) Sarmin.. Zawiyah inscription, Shaikh'Abd al-Kaxim al-Khayati
12 (3368) Saxxnin.. Inscription in entrance
13 (3367) Sarmin.. Inscription on outer wall, Gr.. Mosque
14 (3369) Ma'axra. Yusha' inscription
15a (3370) Saxxnin.. Gr. Mosque, inscription C
b (3370a) Sa min. Inscription B in Gr. Mosque
16a (3373) Saxmin.. Khan Tuman, inscription
b (3373 a) Sarmin. Beginning of inscription.. Khan Tuman (?)
17 (3374) Saimin. Inscriptions E and F in Gr.. Mosque
18 (3366) Saxmin. Khan al-sibl.. Recording inscription
19 (3365) Saxmin. Re-used inscribed block in pier
20 (3692) Hamah. Tomb of Abu'l fida, general view
21 (3691) Hamah.. Dj. Nuri, general view
22 (3332) Hamah. Tomb of Abu'l fida, general view
23 (3415) Hamah, Great Mosque. Detail of construction
24a (3418) Hamah, Great Mosque, Minaret inscription

b (3418a) Hamah, Great Mosque, Inscription
25 (3114) Hamah, Great Mosque. Another exposure of No.24a
26 (3116) Hamah, Great Mosque. Window with inscribed architrave
27 (3414) Hamah, Great Mosque. Courtyard
28 (3408) Hamah, Great Mosque, Another section of courtyard with minaret
29a (3409) Hamah, Great Mosque. Another view of window in No.26
b (3409a) Hamah, Great Mosque., Inscription on column. See No.36
30 (3105) Hamah, Great Mosque. Window B, inscription
31 (3412) Hamah, Great Mosque. Window A, inscription
32 (3413) Hamah, Great Mosque. Another exposure of No 30
33 (3107) Hamah, Great Mosque. Left section of inscription in No. 31
34 (3118) Hamah, Great Mosque. Window C, inscription
35 (3106) Hamah, Great Mosque. Right section of inscription in No.31
36 (3420) Hamah, Great Mosque, Epiphania, general view
37 (3117) Hamah, Great Mosque. Wooden minbar
38 (3104) Hamah, Great Mosque. Wooden sarcophagus
39 (3112) Hamah, Great Mosque. Interior view with minbar
40a (3410) Hamah, Great Mosque. Lintel inscription, 823 H.
b (3410a) Hamah, Great Mosque, In courtyard
41a (3421) Hamah, Great Mosque. Right section, window C, inscription
b (3421a) Hamah, Gr..Mosque, Epiphania, Inscription. g
42 (3110) Hamah, GrMosque, Epiphania. Cola a, inscription
43 (3109) Hamah, Gr.Mosque, Epiphania. Cols. b and g, inscriptions
44 (3108) Hamah, Gr.Mosque, Epiphania. Col. h, inscription
45a (3416) Hamah, Gr'.Mosque, Epiphania. Col.g, inscription
b 3416a) Hamah, Gr.Mosque, Epiphania. Col.h, inscription
46a (3411) Hamah, Gr.Mosque, Epiphania. Col.g, inscription
b (3411a) Hamah, Gr,Mosque, Epiphania. Col.g, inscription
47a (3419) Hamah, Gr.Mosque, Epiphania. Col, a, inscription
b (3419a) Hamah, Gr..Mosque, Epiphania Col.,d, inscription
48 (3113) Hamah. Gr, Mosque, inscribed column
49 (3283) Hamah. 'Izzi inscription
50 (3111) Hamah. Gr, Mosque, Epiphania, inscription E
51 (3704) Hamah, Dj. Nuri, Mihrab and minbar. SA-II, fig.73
52 (3703) Hamah, Dj. Nuri,. Wooden balcony
53 (3701) Hamah, Dj. Nuri. Old mihrab. SA-II, fig..77
54 (3282) Hamah, Dj. Nuri Inscription by stair-case
55 (3702) Hamah, Abu'l fida. Portal
56 (3289) Hamah, Abu'l fida Double column of "chains"
57 (3285) Hamah. Bridge inscription
58 (3288) Hamah. "Snake" mosque, inscription
59 (3700) Hamah. Hasanain, inscription of Nut al-din, 540 H.
60 (3115) Hamah. Mosque (?) inscription
61 (3278) Hamah. Dj. Hasanain, inscription in 2nd courtyard
62 (3297) Hamah.. Dj, Nuri, inscription, left section
63 (3281) Hamah, Right section of preceeding
64 (3699) Hamah. Amir Aqush, inscription
65 (3286) Hamah. Muristan Nuri, inscription
66 (3690) Hamah. Inscriptions: 'Izzi (left); Abu'l fida (right)
67 (3284) Hamah. Muristan Nuri, inscription in NE corner
68 (3280) Hamah, Dj. Hasanain, inscription
69 (3279) Hamah. House of al-Tutan, inscriptions
70 (3549) Hamah. Inscription of 723 H. near bridge
71 (3697) Hamah.. Suq, inscription
72 (3417) Hamah. Father and sons (Emir Keilani?)
73 (3696) Hamah, Palace of Emir Keilani. Walls and ceiling
74 (3698) Hamah, Palace of Emir Keilani. Painted ceiling
75 (3694) Hamah, Palace of Emir Keilani. Another section of painted ceiling

76 (3693) Hamah. Private house, door and section of wall
77 (3578) Jerusalem. Synagogue (?), interior
78 (3452) Jerusalem. Interior, Dome of the Rock (?)
79 (3455) Jerusalem. Aqsa mosque, minbar of Nur al-din. SA-IV, fig.24
80 (3498) Jerusalem. Two inscriptions, 6th c.. H.
81 (3499) Jerusalem. Closer view of lower inscription in No..80
82 (3778) Cairo (?), inscribed wooden panel
83 (3393) Cairo, unidentified building
84 (3394) Cairo, unidentified building. Detail of facade in preceeding
85 (3781) Cairo, unidentified building. Hakim mosque. Nilometer
86 (3768) Cairo, unidentified building.. Unidentified building, springing of dome
87 (3263) Cairo, unidentified building. Another exposure of No,86
88 (3241) Cairo, unidentified building. View with pyramids
89 (3772) Another exposure of No.,88
90 (3777) Cairo (?), view along the Nile
91 (3523) Another exposure of No.90
92 (3396) 'Akka. Fortress
93 (3394) 'Akka. Another view of fortress
94 (3542) 'Akka. Baibars relief. Corpus, T.II, vol.3, p1..IXa
95 (3583) Sea of Galilee (?)
96 (3660) Unidentified wall
97 (3397) Unidentified landscape. The four photos (97-100) may all be of the same Crusader's castle in
98 (3398) Ruin.. See No..97
99 (3395) Castle.. See No.97
100 (3540) Another view. See No.97
101 (2773) Amrith. Two unidentified towers or tombs. Hittite (?)
102 (2772) Amxith. Closer view of the ruin at left in No. 101
103 (2764) Amrith. Closer view, ruin at night
104 (2767) Amrith. Profile of lion, detail of Nos.. 101 and 103
105 (3763) Amman, ruins of palace. Parthian (?)
106 (3762) Amman, ruins of palace. Close-up of decorated panels in No. 108
107 (3764) Amman, ruins of palace, Close-up of arcade
108 (3765) Amman, ruins of palace, Corner of room with arcade and panels
109 (3664) Der'a. Inscription of Salah al-din Yusuf 11,651 H.
110 (3663) Der'a, Gr. Mosque.. Arcaded hall. See No. 116
111 (3662) Der'a, Gr. Mosque.. Ruins of courtyard
112 (3661) Der'a, Gr, Mosque. Courtyard with arcade
113 (3659) Der'a, Gr. Mosque. Courtyard with minaret
114 (3652) Der'a, Gr. Mosque.. Greek inscription, tabula ansata
115 (3651) Der'a.. Unidentified portal
116 (3649) Der'a, Gr. Mosque. Columns of arcaded room
117 (3650) Der'a, Gr. Mosque.. Details of two antique capitals
118 (3648) Der'a, Gr.. Mosque.. Greek inscription, tabula ansata
119 (3786) Baalbek.. Section of wall with Arabic inscriptions, See Nos. 132 and 137 for details
120 (3787) Baalbek. Another view of No,, 119
121 (3852) Baalbek. Squeeze of Kufic inscriptions
122 (3855) Baalbek. Squeeze of Inscription I
123 (3788) Baalbek. Squeeze of another section of Inscription I
124 (3528) Baalbek, Inscription.. III
125 (3794) Baalbek, Inscription.. IV
126 (3789) Baalbek, Inscription. V
127 (3524) Baalbek, Inscription, VI, door lintel
128 (3790) Baalbek, Inscription.. VII, tabula ansata
129 (3782) Baalbek, Inscription. XIV
130 (3784) Baalbek, Inscription, XIV, another view
131 (3585) Baalbek, Inscription. XIV, another exposure of No.129
132 (3785) Baalbek, Inscription. XV, detail of No. 119

133 (3599) Baalbek, Inscription.. XV, another view of No.132, tabula ansata
134 (3525) Baalbek, Inscription. XV, another view of No.132
135 (3537) Baalbek, Inscription. XVI, right section
136 (3526) Baalbek, Inscription. XVI, left section
137 (3783) Baalbek, Inscription. XVII, detail of No. 119
138 (3857) Baalbek, Inscription. XIX
139 (3593) Baalbek, Inscription.. XX
140 (3351) Baalbek, Inscription. XXIV (?), tabula ansata and Mamluk blazons
141 (3598) Baalbek, Inscription. XXV
142 (3535) Baalbek, Inscription. XXV, another exposure of No. 141
143 (3773) Baalbek, Inscription. XXV, a 3rd exposure
144 (3596) Baalbek, Inscription. XXVI and part of XXIX
145 (3793) Baalbek, Inscription.. XXVI, closer view
146 (3792) Baalbek, Inscription. XXVII
147 (3534) Baalbek, Inscription. XXIX
148 (3587) Baalbek, Inscription. XXX
149 (3590) Baalbek, Inscription. XXXI
150 (3791) Baalbek, Inscription. XXXII
151 (3588) Baalbek, Inscription, XXXIII
152 (3530) Baalbek, Inscription.. XXXIV, on pier
153 (3538) Baalbek, Inscription. XXXIV, close-up
154 (3591) Baalbek, Inscription. XXXVI
155 (3838) Petra. General view

Vol.2, Nos.156-187, plus related photographs

156 (3839) Petra. Cliffs, general view

157 (3840) Petra. Cliffs, general view
158 (3841) Petra., Cliffs with tombs
159 (3845) Petra. Cleft in Mts. from high up
160 (3843) Petra. Cleft from bottom
161 (3847) Petra. Cliff face with tombs. See No.167 for close-up of one section
162 (3244) Petra. Cliff face, general view
163 (3657) Petra Cleft in Mts. from bottom
164 (3245) Petra. Ruins of ashlar-faced building
165 (3842) Petra. Combination rock and ashlar tomb
166 (3843) Petra, Tombs, closer view of left section of No.171
167 (3844) Petra Tombs, close-up of section of No. 161
168 (3846) Petr'a. Single tomb
169 (3849) Petra. Tomb, detail of right section of No.166
170 (3242) Petra. Cliff face with tombs
171 (3243) Petra. Closer view of No.170
172 (3653) Petra., So-called Treasury; another exposure, No, 174
173 (3654) Petra. Single tomb
174 (3656) Petra. See No, 172
175 (3658) Petra. View of No.174 through cleft in Mt.
176 (3753) Baalbek (?). Another view of left section, No.181
177 (3754) Baalbek (?). Ruined facade
178 (3755) Baalbek (?). Another view of loft side, No. 181
179 (3756) Baalbek (?). Section of cupola
180 (3757) Baalbek (?). Possibly another view of No.177
181 (3758) Baalbek (?). General view of ruin complex
182 (3760) Baalbek (?). Possibly another view of ruin in No.180
183 (3876) Baalbek. Colonnades
184 (3873) Unidentified 2-faced bust. Satyr full-face
185 (3874) Unidentified 2-faced bust. Profile
186 (3875) Unidentified 2-faced bust. Female, full-face
187 (3877) Unidentified 2-faced bust. The same, three-quarter profile

The following are not in Herzfeld's Blueprint file

pp. 1-3 ( ) Damascus, Gr. Mosque, before fire of 1893.. These 3 prints joined. SA-IV, fig. 15. Photo,
p.4 ( ) Damascus, Tomb of Saladin. SA-III, fig.132
p.5-1 ( ) Damascus, Tomb of Saladin. SA-III, fig.131
2 ( ) Damascus, Salihiya. Mihrab, minbar. SA-IV, fig. 23. Photo, Oppenheim
p6-1 ( ) Jerusalem, Aqsa Mosque. Minbar of Nur al-din. SA-IV, fig.24
2 ( ) Aleppo. Gr. Mosque. Minbar of Qarasongor. SA-IV, fig.25
p.7-1 ( ) Damascus, Salihiya. Inscription and medallion. SA-III, fig. 112. Photo, Bell
2 ( ) Damascus, Salihiya. Another section. SA-III, fig. 113. Photo, Bell
p.8-1 ( ) Damascus. Two inscriptions.. SA-III, fig. 135. Photo, Bell
2 ( ) Hims. Khalid inscription. Photo, v. Berchem
3 ( ) Hims. House of Hasan Naqib. Squeeze of inscription.. Photo, Oppenheim
p.9 ( ) Damascus (?). Unidentified family group, Arabs
p.11-1 (4210) Jerusalem (?), street scene
2 (4205) Jerusalem, Hejaz Railroad.. Station, probably pre-World War I
3 (4209) Jerusalem, Hejaz Railroad.. Train yard
4 (4208) Jerusalem, Hejaz Railroad. Group at station
p.12-1 (4204) Jerusalem. Entrance to the Haram
2 (4201) Jerusalem. Another view of preceeding
3 (4203) Jerusalem, Jaffa gate (?)
4 (4227) Jerusalem.. Street from Wailing Wall (?)
p..13-1 (4204) Jerusalem (?), Hejaz Railroad. Car-yard
2 (4207) Jerusalem (?), Hejaz Railroad. Loading platform
3 (4206) Jerusalem (?), Hejaz Railroad.. Flat cars
4 (4280) Unidentified town, Palestine or Syria
p..14-1 (4278) Palestine or Syria.. Women at doorway
2 (4276) Palestine or Syria. Cactus hedge
3 (4258) Palestine or Syria.. Olive tree
4 (4266) Palestine or Syria. Street with cactus hedge and tomb
p.15 ( ) Jerusalem, al-Agsa.. Mihrab and minbar. Photo, Bonfils
p.. 17-1 ( ) Jerusalem. Birkat sultan.. Mamluk sarcophagus
2 ( ) Unidentified inscription with blazons
p. 18-1 ( ) Unidentified portal
2 ( ) Ragga.. Detail of palace
p.19-1 (5233) Hamah, Gr.. Mosque..
2 (5237) Hamah, Gr. Mosque. Re-used temple door in outer wall
3 (5240) Hamah, Gr.. Mosque.. This and next two, re-used antique capitals
4 (5236) Hamah, Gr. Mosque.
5 (5235) Hamah, Gr. Mosque,
p.20-1 (5231) Hamah. Tomb of'Izz al-din
2 (5234) Hamah.. Gr. Mosque, minaret. Kufic inscription
3 (5232) Hamah. Antique capital
4 (5238) Hamah. Water-wheels
5 (5239) Hamah. Another view of preceeding
p.21-1 ( ) Hamah. Djami' Nuri, minaret
2 ( ) Hamah.. Gr. Mosque, minaret
3 ( ) Aleppo. Panorama from the E
4 ( ) Hamah. Dj. Nuri, exterior
5 ( ) Hims. Tekkiye
6 ( ) Aleppo. Dj. Utrush, window and columns
p..22-1 (4197) Hamah, Gr. Mosque. Courtyard
2 (4213) Hamah, Gr. Mosque. This and next two other views, courtyard
3 (4211) Hamah, Gr.. Mosque.
4 (4198) Hamah, Gr. Mosque.
5 (4212) Hamah, Gr.. Mosque. Courtyard with minaret

6 (4199) Hamah, Gr.. Mosque. Courtyard
p,23-1 ( ) Hamah. Squeeze, decree of Emir Ghazzal.. Photo, v. Berchem
2 ( ) Hamah. Squeeze, decree of Emir Ghazzal Muristan Nuri. Squeeze of inscription. Photo, v.
3 ( ) Hamah.. Squeeze, decree of Emir Ghazzal. Djami' Nuri, Inscription
p.24-1 ( ) Hamah. Squeeze, decree of Emir Ghazzal. Gr. Mosque. Inscribed column
2 ( ) Hamah. Squeeze, decree of Emir Ghazzal. Inscription of Emir Aqqush. Photo, v. Berchem
3 ( )'" Hamah. Squeeze, decree of Emir Ghazzal. Tracing of Guri cartouche on bridge.. Photo v.
p,25-1 ( ) Hamah.. Squeeze, decree of Emir Ghazzal, Dj. Nut al-din, inscription, cf. p,23-3, Photo v..
2 ( ) Hamah. Squeeze, decree of Emir Ghazzal. House of al-Tutan, inscription. Photo, v. Berchem
p.26-1 ( ) Hamah. Squeeze, decree of Emir Ghazzal, Inscription of Emir Tibay on bridge. Squeeze. Photo,
v.. Berchem
2 ( ) Hamah.. Squeeze, decree of Emir Ghazzal Squeeze of inscription of Nut al-din. Photo, v.
p..27-1 ( ) Ma'arra, Inscription and decoration, cf. Photo File 14-9, Photo, v Berchem
2 ( ) Jerusalem, Aqsa mosque. Mihrab and minbar of Nur al-din
p28-1 ( ) Hims. Khalid inscription. Photo, v. Berchem
2 ( ) Hims. Inscription
p.29-1 (5124) Hims, Part of city wall
2 (5132) Hims.. Street and minaret
3 (5128) Hims. Gr. Mosque, antique capital
4 (5131) Hims. Another view of preceeding
5 (5129) Hims.. City gate
p.. 30-1 (5130) Hims Mill near city
2 (5125) Hims. Water-wheel
3 (5126) Hims.. Dervishiyya, water-wheel
4 (5123) Hims. Gr.. Mosque, window
5 (5127) Hims. City wall (?)
p.31-1 ( ) 'Akkar. Facade with two lion plaques
2 ( ) 'Akkar. Detail, Baibars lion
p.32-1 ( ) 'Akkar. Squeeze of inscription, dated 728 H.
p.33-1 ( ) Baalbek, Kubbat al-Amdjad. SA-III, fig. 124
2 ( ) Baalbek, Kubbat al-Amdjad. SA-III, fig, 125
p.35-1 ( ) Baalbek (?).. Ruins of building with 6 columns
2 ( ) Baalbek (?). Colonnade with Roman capitals
p.37-1 (4299) Petra.. General view of tombs
2 (4298) Petra, Tomb facade
3 (4300) Petra. Tomb facade, cf. File 14-168
4 (4295) Petra,, Tomb and rocks
p.39-1 (4302) Petra, Tombs
2 (4301) Petra. Approaches to Petra (?)
3 (4296) Petra, Tombs
4 (4297) Petra, Approaches to Petra (?)
p.40-1 (4291) Petra Approaches to Petra (?)
2 (4294) Petra.. Tombs
3 (4292) Petra. Approaches to Petra (?)
4 (4293) Petra. Tombs Photo
p.41-1 ( ) Latakie. Bull capital. Photo, Service des Antiquites
2 ( ) Latakie. Another view of preceeding. Same source
p.42-1 ( ) Damascus Museum.. Capital from Temple of Si. Photo, Service des Antiquites
2 ( ) Latakie. Carved panel from Omayyad mosque. Same source
p.43-1 ( ) Carved torsos, perhaps part of capital.
2 Opposite side of preceeding. Perhaps in Damascus Museum

Note: The prints from p,45 on, are from unmarked films. Most were probably taken by Herzfeld 1908-14 or 1914-30,
during the periods when he and Sobernheim, or he alone, were recording inscriptions on and near Aleppo. Herzfeld
traveled also in Palestine and other places in Syria. Unless the prints are labelled, the locations are uncertain, though
probably in Palestine or Syria,
p.45-1 (4284) Unidentified city
2 (4286) Unidentified city..
3 (4283) Unidentified city.
4 (4285) Unidentified city..
p.46-1 (4271) Unidentified landscape. Palestine or Syria
2 (4281) Unidentified landscape,
3 (4282) Unidentified landscape.
4 (4279) Unidentified landscape.
p.47-1 (4269) Unidentified village. Palestine or Syria
2 (4264) Unidentified village.
3 (4268) Unidentified village.
4 (4267) Unidentified village.
p.48-1 (4246) Unidentified ruin. Syria (?)
2 (4250) Unidentified ruin.. Syria (?)
3 (4247) Unidentified ruin. Syria (?)
4 (4248) Unidentified ruin.. Syria (?)
5 (4249) Unidentified ruin. Syria (?)
p..49-1 (4251) Unidentified ruin.. Syria (?)
2 (4262) Unidentified ruin. Syria (?)
3 (4256) Man praying
4 (4200) Hamah (?), re-used antique capital
5 (4232) Unidentified section of circular colonnade
p.50-1 (4259) Unidentified fortress or fortified town, See p.55-2
2 (4261) Mamluk portal with inscription
3 (4231) Unidentified building
4 (4260) Section of Kufic inscription.. See p.59-4
5 (4230) Unidentified pool
p..51-1 (4245) Base of stone tower in p.51-2
2 (4244) Unidentified stone tower.. See p.51-1
3 (4243) Section of building, possibly related to p51-1
4 (4236) Another unidentified stone tower
5 (4242) Courtyard at base of tower in p51-4
p.52-1 (4241) Unidentified building
2 (4235) Unidentified building
3 (4239) Unidentified building
4 (4240) Section of wall with Arabic inscription
p..53-1 (4233) Unidentified building
2 (4234) Unidentified building
3 (4238) Unidentified building
4 (4237) Unidentified building
p54-1 (4277) Landing stage for river boats
2 (4263) Unidentified water-fall
3 (4275) Two local officials, Syria
4 (4257) Olive (?) tree
5 (4270) Irrigated garden
p.55-1 (5590) Unidentified section of fortified wall
2 (5588) Possibly part of fortified village in p.50-1
3 (5600) Unidentified ruin
4. (5589) Probably part of p.55-2
p.56-1 (5586) Unidentified ruin with sculpture
2 (5570) Ruin with Gothic arch
3 (5587) Fragment, Hellenistic or Roman sculpture
4 (5601) Section Crusader building with Gothic elements

p..57-1 (5544) This and the three following prints appear to be of a new (ca, 1920) agricultural settlement,
probably in Syria
2 (5543)
3 (5555)
4 (5541)
p58-1 (4106) Unidentified "modern" rural settlement
2 (4123) Unidentified Mamluk building
3 (5542) Another view of figures in p,57-2
4 (4110) Two Muslim women with baby in cemetery
5 (4116) Antique carving re-used as lintel, Syria
p.59-1 (5583) Unidentified stone building. Opposite side in p.59-3
2 (5584) Detail of portal with inscription in, p.59-3
3 (5585) See p,59-1
4 (5606) Another view of Kufic inscription in p.50-4
5 (5592) Hamah, water-wheel
p.60-1 (5591) Hamah, water-wheel
2 (5622) Unidentified street scene
3 (5557) Hamah, domes of Gr. Mosque
4 (4104) Unidentified portal.
5 (4105) Unidentified portal.,
p.61-1 (5577) Ruins of unidentified classical building with colonnade. [Palmyra, Syria]
2 (5582) Ruins of unidentified classical building with colonnade. [Palmyra, Syria]
3 (5581) Ruins of unidentified classical building with colonnade. [Palmyra, Syria]
4 (5575) Ruins of unidentified classical building with colonnade. [Palmyra, Syria]
p.62-1 (5579) Possibly belongs with prints on p. 61., [Palmyra, Syria]
2 (5574) Possibly belongs with prints on p.. 61. [Palmyra, Syria]
3 (5578) Possibly belongs with prints on p.. 61, [Palmyra, Syria]
4 ( ) Three unidentified columns with antique capitals
p..63-1 ( ) Unidentified columns and capitals
2 ( ) Unidentified column and capital
3 ( ) Stone column base
4 ( ) Unidentified colonnade
p.64-1 (5573) Unidentified classical ruins perhaps related to prints on p.61. [Palmyra, Syria]
2 (5576) Unidentified classical ruins perhaps related to prints on p.61. [Palmyra, Syria]
3 (5580) Unidentified classical ruins perhaps related to prints on p.61. [Palmyra, Syria]
4 (5572) Unidentified classical ruins perhaps related to prints on p.61. [Palmyra, Syria]
p.65-1 (5548) Unidentified "Ionic" capitals. Other views in p.67-3 and 68-1-4
2 (5571) Round stone column
3 (5554) Block with fret (swastika) and rosette
4 (5521) Cairo, 'Ann mosque, Column and capital
p.66-1 ( ) Unidentified columns with Roman (?) capitals.
2 ( ) Unidentified columns with Roman (?) capitals.,
3 ( ) Unidentified columns with Roman (?) capitals.
4 ( ) Unidentified columns with Roman (?) capitals.
p.67-1 (5546) Close-up of capital in p.67-3
2 (5545) Section of square capital
3 (5552) Another view of p.65-1
4 (5547) Plain capital
p..68-1 (5551) Re-used "Ionic" capital, three-quarter view
2 (5553) Full-face of preceeding
3 (5550) Another "Ionic" capital
4 (5549) A third "Ionic" capital
p.69-1 ( ) Damascus. Citadel tower E. Inscription of Muhammad'Adil I, 610 H.
2 ( ) Inside of unidentified dome, cf. p,69-5
3 ( ) Mukarnas dome
4 ( ) Springing of dome, inside
5 ( ) Another view of p,69-2

p. 70-1 ( ) Unidentified minaret
2 ( ) Damascus, Suq Saridja with minaret
3 ( ) Unidentified gate
4 ( ) Damascus. Jami' Sadat, inscription
5 ( ) Damascus. Dj. Utrush, portal
p.71-1 (5618) Unidentified river
2 (5619) Unidentified gorge
3 (5598) Dead olive (?) tree
4 (5566) Unidentified river valley
5 (5615) Camel caravan
p.72-1 (5614) Unidentified building by dry riven-bed
2 (4107) Unidentified castle
3 (4111) River bank with flowering tree
4 (5428) Unidentified cliff, possibly sculptured
5 (5438) Hut with bark roof
p.73-1 (5560) Istanbul..
2 (5558) Istanbul.
3 (5563) Istanbul.
4 ( ) Unidentified street, Turkey (?)
5 (5609) Unidentified portal
p.74-1 (5602) Jerusalem. Dome of the Rock
2 (5612) Jerusalem. Seated man in striped kaftan
3 (5603) Possibly a baptismal scene along the Jordan.
4 (5604) Possibly a baptismal scene along the Jordan.
5 (4101) Unidentified garden with cypress trees
p.75-1 (5569) Unidentified island
2 (5610) Painted ceiling
3 (5608) Vegetable stall with merchants and onlookers
4 (4112) Sketch, possibly of interior of mudhif
p.76-1 (5607) Unidentified market-place, flock of sheep
2 (4122) Portrait of three Syrian children
3 (5597) Herzfeld and Sobernheim recording inscriptions, ca.. 1914
4 (4121) Turkish officer-
5 (5605) Another instance of Herzfeld and Sobernheim recording inscriptions, ca. 1914
p..77 (5624) Damascus.. Dj. Sadat by bab al-Amara. Greek inscription

Photo File 15 (3 vols.)

The abbreviations used in captions of'published photos are:
Corpus - Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicaxum, 2eme Partie-Syrie du Nord. Tome 2 - Fasc.3 - Planches
SA-I - Ars Islamica, IX (1942) "Damascus: Studies in Architecture, I.. The Mukarnas Dome, the Madrasa"
SA-II - Ars Islamica, X (1943) "Damascus: Studies in Architecture, II. The Cruciform Plan.. Syrian Architecture,
Period of Nur ad-Din"
SA-III - Ars Islamica, XI-XII (1946) "Damascus: Studies in Architecture, III.. The Ayyubid Madrasa.. The Turba"
SA-IV - Ars Islamica, XIII-XIV (1948) "Damascus: Studies in Architecture, IV. The Mosque"

Vol.!, Nos. 1-189

1 (3808) Mosque of Shihab al-din. Inscription Ghuri, 893 H. Corpus, pl.CLXIa

2 (3804) Mosque of Qiyan. Hittite inscription. Corpus, pLIVd
(3804a) Mosque of Qiyan. Inscription, 825 H. Corpus, pLCLXXIIIb
3 (3382) Bab al-Nasr, inscription of Zahir Ghazi, 609 H. Corpus, pl.VIa
4 (3059) Tomb of Shihab al-din, near Bab al-Nasr, inscription
5 (3054) Bab al-Faraj. Qaitbai, 893 H. Corpus, pl.Xb
6 (3052) Bab al-Djinan, inscription Ghuri, 918 H. Corpus, pL.VIb
7 (3055) Tower S of Bab Antakiya. Qaitbai, 892 H. Corpus, pl..XXIIa (detail pl.XXIIlc)
8 (3349) Second tower S of Bab al-Djinan. Mu'ayyad Shaikh, Corpus, pl.VIIIc

9 (3347) Lion ornament. Cox us, pl.VIIIa
10 (3354) Mu'ayyad Shaikh, lion. Cox us, pl.IXe
11 (3355) Mu'ayyad Shaikh, lion. Corpus, pl.IXf
12 (3053) Bab Antakiya. (Joined to No.13.) Corpus, pl.,XIIlb
13 (3065) Bab Antakiya.. See No.12
14 (2765) Bab Antakiya.. Corpus, pl.XIVa
15 (3385) Bab Antakiya. Inscription Mu'ayyad Shaikh, 823 H. Cox us, plXIVb
16 (3056) Bab Antakiya, Inscriptions. Barquq, 792 H.; Malik al-Nasir, 804 H. Corpus, pl.XVb .
17 (3379) Bab Antakiya.. Inscription, 899 H. Corpus, pl.,CLXIXa
18 (3384) Bab Antakiya. Squeeze of inscription of 407 H. Corpus, pl.XIIIa
19 (3387) Bab Antakiya. Inscription in No, 18. Cox us, pl.XIIIa (left)
(3387a) Bab Antakiya. Another view of No, 19, Corpus, pl.XIIIa (right)
20 (3388) Mosque al-Nur.. Corpus, pl.XVIIIa
21 (2770) Western part of southern wall. Cox us, pl,XVIa
22 (2768) Bab Qinnasrin in 1930, Corpus, pl.XVIb
23 (3386) Citadel. View from Bab Qinnasrin. Cox us, pl,IIIb
24 (3066) Bab Qinnasrin, In 1908, Corpus, pl.XVIIa
25 (2775) Bab Qinnasrin In 1916. Corpus, pl.XVIIb
26 (3497) Bab Qinnasrin. Detail in 1908.. Corpus, pl.XVIIIb
27 (3063) City wall. Tower E of Bab al-Magam.. Corpus, pl.XXIIld
28 (3062) Bab al-Magam,
29 (3377) Bab al-Magam,. Corpus, pl.XXa
30 (3317) Bab al-Maqam. Inscription
31 (3068) Tower in front of Bab Qinnasrin., Inscription 903 H. Corpus, pl.XXIlb
32 (3060) Bab al-Nairab, Barsbai inscription.. Detail. Corpus, pl.XXc
33 (3380) Bab al-Malik, inscription 876 H.. Corpus, pl.XXIIIe
34 (3061a) Eastern city wall, cartouche, Ghuri. Corpus, pl.XXIIIa
(3061b) Eastern city wall, cartouche, Ghuri,. Corpus, pl.XXIIIb
35 (3383) Bab al-Qanat,. Ghuri, 915 H. Corpus, pl.XXIa
36 (3381) Bab al-Qanat. Inscription Ghuri, 915 H. Corpus, pl.XXIb
37 (3746) Citadel. View from the Gr. Mosque (from W).. Corpus, pLIIIc
38 (3749) Citadel. View from Bab al-Qanat (from NE). g2! pus, pl.IIIa
39 (3320) Tower of Sultan Sulaiman, Tower A.. Corpus, pl,XXXIIc
40 (3318) Another view of same
41 (3752) Citadel, N bastion. Cox us, plXXXc
42 (3316) Citadel, N bastion.. Frontal view
43 (3319) Citadel, N bastion. Detail
44 (3378) Citadel, N bastion.. Detail
45 (3315) Citadel, N bastion.. Detail
46 (3751) Citadel, N bastion. Inscription. Corpus, pLXXXb
47 (3266) Citadel, S bastion, outer, tower. Corpus, pl.XXXIa
48 (3348) Inscription of Nut al-din.. Tower B. Corpus, pl.XXXIVd
49 (3352) Inscription of Nut al-din, Tower C. Corpus, pl.XXXIVc
50 (3739) Grand entrance to citadel from SW. Corpus, pl.XXVIIIb
51 (3742) Bridge and chateau of citadel. Cox us, pl.,XXIXa
52 (3679) Grand entrance and bridge. Cox us, pl.XXXa
53 (3312) Front view of entrance
54 (3275) Chateau. Small windows, architect's signature, inscription. Corpus, pl.=Id
55 (3264) Chateau.. SE corner, machicolations and part of inscription. Corpus, pl.XXXIIb
56 (3290) Chateau. Grand window.. Qaitbai,877 H. Corpus, pl.XXXIla
57 (3686) Chateau, Gate tower, at head of bridge.. Cox us, pl. XXXIb
58 (3274) Chateau. Gate tower, inscription
59 (3273) Citadel. Iron gate at head of bridge
60 (3268) Citadel. Another view of No.59. Corpus, pl.XXXVIb
61 (3270) Citadel. Barbican at head of bridge. Inscription 914 H. Joins No.62. Corpus, pl.XXXIIc
62 (3269) Citadel. Right half of inscription in No.61
63 (3272) Citadel, Main entrance, inscription at back of bay, 691 H. Cox us, pl,XXXVa
64 (3265) Citadel. Dragon gate. One inscription undated; one 786 H. Corpus, pl.XXXVb

65 (2729) Citadel. Detail of No. 64
66 (3276) Citadel. Bay of grand entrance, inscription 874 H. Corpus, pl.XXXIIIa
67 (3277) Citadel. Same location., Inscription ca850 H. Corpus, pl..XXXIVb
68 (3276) Citadel.. Second iron gate from outside
69 (3299) Citadel. Second gate from inside.. Corpus, pl.XXXVIa
70 (3300) Citadel. Third iron gate. Corpus, pl.XXXVIIa
71 (3271) Citadel,. Another view of No.70. Corpus, pl.XXXVIIb
72 (3747) Citadel. Grand entrance and chateau, seen from inside
73 (3748) Citadel. Another view of No.. 72.. Corpus, pl.XXXIXb
74 (3103) Citadel Doorway of court of chateau. Corpus, pl,XLb
75 (3741) Citadel.. Doorway to hall of chateau. Cox us, plXla
76 (3740) Citadel.. Entrance of chateau. Cox us, pl.XXXIVa
77 (3313) Citadel, Dome of hall of chateau.. Corpus, pl.XLIIb
78 (3744) Citadel. Rim of dome of chateau
79 (3681) Citadel. Great window of chateau, from inaide. Qaitbai.880 H. Corpus, pl.XLIIa
80 (3750) Citadel,, View inside
81 (3743) Citadel. Gate, palace of al-Aziz Muhammad. Corpus pl. La
82 (3294) Citadel, Another exposure of No.81
83 (3685) Citadel. Inscription in No.81. Muhammad al-ashraf Sha'ban,769 H. Corpus, pl.Lb
84 (3684) Citadel. Inscription near the qa'a. Cop us, pl..XLVc
85 (3293) Citadel. Inscription of Malik al-'Aziz, 631 H. Corpus, XLVb
86 (3295) Citadel. Inscription of Ahhraf Sha'ban Cog us, pl,XLVa
87 (3687) Citadel, Interior Corpus, pl.XXXIXa
88 (3745) Citadel.. View inside
89 (3291) Citadel, Maqam Ibrahim. Nur al-din. Corpus, pl.XLIVd
90 (3682) Citadel, Maqam Ibrahim. Inscription. Corpus, pl.XLIVc
91 (3683) Citadel, Maqam Ibrahim, Inscribed console. Corpus, pl.XLIVb
92 (3292) Citadel, Lower Maqam, Inscription. Cor us, pl,XLIVa
93 (3297) Citadel, Lower Maqam. Interior. Mihr'ab and carved door. Corpus, pi. XLVIIIa; §A-II, fig.80
94 (3680) Citadel, Lower' Maqam. Another view of mihrab
95 (3298) Citadel, Lower Maqam., Detail of No.94, Corpus, pl.XLVIIb; SA-II, fig.53
96 (3314) Citadel, Lower Maqam.. Wooden window soffit. Cox us, pl..XLVIIIb
97 (3322) Citadel, inside
98 (3324) Citadel, Upper Maqam. Arcades of courtyard.. Corpus, pl.XLIXa
99 (3321) Citadel, Upper Maqam., Inscription of Zahir Ghazi.610 H.
100 (3335) Citadel, Upper Maqam. Another view of No,99. Corpus, pl..XLIXb
101 (3323) Citadel, Upper Maqam., Inscription. Corpus, p1.XXXIIlb
102 (3628) Gr.Mosque, courtyard, View towards citadel
103 (3296) Gr'.Mosque, courtyard., Corpus, pl.LVb
104 (3624) Gr.Mosque, courtyard. Ablution kiosks
105 (3688) Great minaret. Corpus, pl.LVIc
106 (3616) Great minaret, Another view
107 (3618) Great minaret.. Corpus, pl.LVIb
108 (3617) Great minaret. Corpus, pl LVId
109 (3222) Great minaret. Principal border, southern face. Corpus, pl.LXIIIb; §A-II, fig.58
110 (3221) Great minaret. Principal border, northern face. Cox us, pl.LXIIIc
111 (3224) Great minaret. Upper story, W and S facades. Corpus, pl.LXIIIa; SA-II, fig.55
112 (3615) Great minaret.. S fagade
113 (3619) Great minaret.. Three upper stories, Joins No.114.. Corpus, p1,LVIII
114 (3620) Great minaret. See No. 113
115 (3621) Great minaret. Third story
116 (3223) Great minaret. Lower story, S face.. Corpus, pl.LIXa
117 (3217) Great minaret., Lower story, N face. Corpus, pl,.LIXc
118 (3218) Great minaret. Lower story, E face. Corpus, pl.LIXd
119 (3219) Great minaret. Lower, story, W face
120 (3220) Great minaret, Another view of No, 119. Corpus, p1.,LIXb
121 (3689) Gr. Mosque. Principal door, qibliyya. Cox us, pl.LXIVa
122 (3626) Gr, Mosque. Mibrab, minbar, inscription of Qala'un, 684 H. Corpus, pl.LXVb

123 (3625) Gr. Mosque, Grilled arcade, tomb of St. Jean. Corpus, p1.LXVa
124 (3629) Gr.. Mosque.. Minbar of Qarasongor, Nasir Muhammad, 693-741 H. Corpus, pl.,LXVId; SA-IV,
fig. 25
125 (3627) Gr. Mosque. Door of hudjat al-khatib, Abu'l-fida, 746 H. Corpus, pl.LXIVb
126 (3622) Gr. Mosque. Decree of Yashbek al-Badjasi, 871 H.
127 (3623) Gr. Mosque. Inscription N colonnade. Sultan Barquq, 797 H. Corpus, pl.LXVIa
128 (3733) Salihin, Magam Ibrahim, cemetery. Corpus, pl,LXXIIa
129 (3158) Salihin, Magam Ibrahim, cemetery. Cenotaphe I. Corpus, pl.LXVIIIa; SA-II, fig.57
130 (3350) Salihin, Magam Ibrahim, cemetery. Antique capital. Corpus, pl.LXVIIIc
131 (3356) Salihin, Maqam Ibrahim, cemetery. Antique basalt capital. Corpus, pl.LXVIIIb
132 (3147) Salihin, Magam Ibrahim, cemetery. Tympanum inscription 479 H. Corpus, pl,LXIXa
133 (3145) Salihin, Magam Ibrahim, cemetery. Another view of No, 132
134 (3146) Salihin, Magam Ibrahim, cemetery.. Another view of the following print
(3148) Salihin, Magam Ibrahim, cemetery. Mihrab inscription 505H, with mason's name. Corpus,
135 (3143) Salihin, Magam Ibrahim, cemetery. Mihrab, 505 H. Corpus, pl.LXXIb
136 (3144) Salihin, Magam Ibrahim, cemetery. Inscription of Zahir Ghazi, 594 H. Corpus, pl.. LXXIc
(3144a) Salihin, Maqam Ibrahim, cemetery. Antique basalt door. Corpus, pl.LXIXb
137 (3360) Salihin, Magam Ibrahim, cemetery. Cenotaphe I. Corpus, pl.LXXIIb
138 (3351) Salihin, Maqam Ibrahim, cemetery. Cenotaphe IL, Corpus, pl.LXXIVe
139 (3488) Djami' al-hadjdjarin. Inscription of'Imad al-din Zengi, 522-541 H. Cor us, pl.LXXVIc
140 (3489) See 13 9, "On tower is 545 H." Corpus, pLLXXVIb
141 (3737) Mashhad al-Husain, from E. Corpus, pl.LXXVIIIc
142 (3560) Mashhad al-Muhassin. Inscription of Zengi, 537 H. Corpus, pLLXXIXe
143 (3562) Mashhad al-Muhassin, Inscription of Nur al-din, 541 H. See No.144
144 (3734) Mashhad al-Muhassin. Another exposure of No,143
(3734a) Mashhad al-Muhassin. Third view. Cor us, pl.LXXIXa
145 (3561) Mashhad al-Muhassin., Inscription of Zahir Ghazi, 609 H. Corpus, pl.,LXXIXc
146 (3563) Mashhad al-Muhassin. Inscription of 'Aziz Muhammad, 632 H. Corpus, pl.LXXIXd
147 (3485) Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya. 545 H. Corpus, pl.LXXXVIa
148 (3359) Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya, Corpus, pLLXXXVIIa
149 (3495) Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya. Great cornice
150 (3496) Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya, Great cornice, another view
151 (3358) Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya. Great cornice, northern side. Corpus, pl. LXXXIXb
152 (3353) Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya, Great cornice, detail, Corpus, pl.XC (bottom right)
153 (3494) Masjid-i Ibn al-Iskafi. Inscription of 541 H.. Corpus, p1.,LXXVIa; SA-II, frg.84
154 (3492) Another view of No.153
155 (3630) Muristan al-'atiq 540-550 H. Corpus, pl..XCIIa
156 (3141) Muristan al-'atiq. Inscription, upper part of door
157 (3493) Muristan al-'atiq. Another view of No, 156. Corpus, pl.XCIIIa
158 (3140) Muristan al-'atiq.. Lower part of door, Corpus, pl.XCIIIb
159 (3139) Masjid-i Shaikh'Abdullah. Inscription, 558 H. Corpus, pl.CIIIa
160 (3738) Mashhad al-Husain. View from S. Corpus, pl.XCVIa
161 (3728) Mashhad al-Husain. View from NE., Corpus, pl.XCVlb
162 (3337) Mashhad al-Husain. Stonework
163 (3330) Mashhad al-Husain.. Cemetery before door of court. Corpus, pl. LXXIVa
164 (3250) Mashhad al-Husain.. Gate of courtyard. Cor us, pl,CIIa
165 (3357) Mashhad al-Husain. Vault of portal. Corpus, pl.XCVIIIa
166 (3361) Mashhad al-Husain.. Inscription of Zahir Ghazi, 596 H. Corpus, pl. XCVIIIb; SA-II, fig.85
167 (3735) Mashhad al-Husain. Imitation in stone of wooden ceiling. Corpus, pl.CIIb
168 (3559) Mashhad al-Husain. Interlacing above main Iwan. Inscription, 569 H. Corpus, pl.XCVIIa
169 (3645) Mashhad al-Husain. Mihrab with silkcover., Cor us, pl.CVIa
170 (3729) Mashhad al-Husain. Mukarnas, cupola of Annex. Corpus, pl.Ca
171 (3730) Mashhad al-Husain.. Interior of tambour
172 (3731) Mashhad al-Husain. Another view of No.171. Corpus, pl..Cb; SA-II, fig.59
173 (3727) Mashhad al-Husain. Another view of No.172
174 (3134) Djami' al-Shaibani, Inscription of 581 H. Corpus, CIIIb
175 (3362) Madrasa al-Sharafiyya, portal. Corpus, pl.CXXXVIb

176 (3486) Djami' al-Dabbagha al-'Atiga Minaret, from street, Corpus, pl.ClVb
177 (3248) Djami' al-Dabbagha al-'Atiqa. Minaret, upper stories. Corpus, pl.CIVa.
178 (3613) Madrasa al-Shadbakhtiyya. Door, Inscription of 589 H. Old knocker. Cor us, pl.CIVb
179 (2771) Madrasa al-Shadbakhtiyya, Iwan and courtyard. Corpus, pl.CVa
180 (2774) Madrasa al-Shadbakhtiyya. Marble mihrab. Corpus, p1.,CVIIIb; SA-II, fig..72
181 (2766) Madrasa al-Shadbakhtiyya. Interior, Cor us, pl.CVc
182 (3150) Shaikh Paris. Inscription of 601 H. Cor us, pl.CIIIc
183 (3149) Shaikh Paris. (a) Inscription of 602 H.-Corpus, pl.CXIIf; (b) 601 H., plCXIle
184 (3153) Shaikh'Ali al-Harawi. (a) Inscription of 749 H. Corpus, pLCXIIc; (b) door of sanctuary,
inscription 602 H.. Corpus, pl.CXIIa
185 (3154) Shaikh'Ali al-Harawi, (a) Inscription of 602 H.. Corpus, pl.CXIId; (b) another inscription
186 (3157) Shaikh'Ali al-Harawi. Inscription to left of No. 185a. Corpus, pl. CXIIIc
187 (3156) Shaikh 'Ali al-Harawi. (a) Hebrew inscription.. Corpus, plCXIVb; (b) another view of lintel, on
basalt supports, with Arabic inscription, pLCXIVa
188 (3151) Shaikh'Ali al-Harawi.. (a) Reverse of lintel with Arabic inscription. Corpus, pl,.CXIVd; (b)
cenotaphe in courtyard, pl,CXIIIb
189 (3152) Shaikh 'Ali al-Harawi. (a) Basalt vat. Corpus, pl.CXIVc ; (b) inscription

Vol.2, Nos.190-313, plus extra pages not in Herzfeld's Blueprint File

190 (3155) Shaikh'Ali al-Harawi. (a) Inscription. Corpus, pl. CXIla; (b) Qastal Tawashi, inscription
191 (3132) Shaikh'Ali al-Harawi. (a) Inscription. Corpus, plCXVIIa; (b) Sidi Gauth, basalt door,
p1. CXVIIc
192 (3166) Madrasa Zahiiiyya. Portal. Corpus, pl.CXXb
193 (3160) Madrasa Zahiriyya. Courtyard
194 (3167) Madrasa Zahiriyya. Courtyard. Corpus, pLCXIXb
195 (3163) Madrasa Zahiriyya, Capital. Corpus, plCXIXa
196 (3168) Madrasa Zahiriyya. Mihrab. Corpus, pl.CXXa
197 (3159) Madrasa Zahiriyya. Springing of dome. Corpus, pl,CIa
198 (3346) Madrasa Zahiriyya Courtyard
199 (3363) Madrasa al-Kamiliyya, vault over portal. Cor us, CXXXVIa; SA-III, fig. 101
200 (3644) Dar al-hadith Ibn Shaddad, mihrab. Corpus, pl.CXXXVIIIb
201 (3138) Djami' Shaiifzadeh, Inscription 615 H. Corpus, pl.CXXIId
202 (3136) Dar al-hadith Ibn Shaddad, inscription 618 H. Corpus, pl.CXXIIe
203 (3504) Madrasa al-Sultaniyya,. Base of minaret and inscription 620 H
204 (3505) Madrasa al-Sultaniyya. Another view of No.203. Corpus, pl.CXXVa
205 (3508) Madrasa al-Sultaniyya. Inscription 620 H. Corpus, pl.CXXVa, right
206 (3509) Madrasa al-Sultaniyya. Another section of No.205. Corpus, pLCXXVb
207 (3510) Madrasa al-Sultaniyya Another section of No.205. Corpus, pl.CXXVc, left
208 (3506) Madrasa al-Sultaniyya.. Inscription 874(?), Corpus, pl.CXVIld
209 (3507) Madrasa al-Sultaniyya. Window of mausoleum, Corpus, pl.CXVIIb
210 (3249) Madrasa al-Sultaniyya. Marble mihrab. Corpus, pl.CVIIIa
211 (3169) Turbat Umm Malik al-Afdal. Mausoleum of Queen. Corpus, p1. CXXVIIc
212 (3172) Turbat Umm Malik al-Afdal. Inscription 621 H. Cor us, pl.CXXVIId
213 (3170) Turbat Umm Malik al-Afdal. Cenotaph of Princesses (a) Corpus, pl, CXXVIIa; (b) pl.CXXVIIb
214 (3133) Madrasa al-Atabekiyya, Portal, inscription 620 H. Corpus, pl.CXXVIb
215 (3137) Mausoleum of Banu'l-Kashshab. Inscription 633 H. Corpus, pl..CXXIlc
216 (3135) Madrasa al-'Ala'iyya. Inscription (a) 633 H. Corpus, p1,CXXIIa; (b) 654 H., pl..CXXIIb
217 (3364) Khangah fi'l-Farafra.. Vault of portal. Corpus, pl..CXXXIVa
218 (3142) Khanqah fi'l-Farafra. Lintel inscription 635 H. Corpus, pl.CXXXIVb
219 (3490) Khanqah fi'l-Farafra. Mihrab. Corpus, pl.CXXXVIIIa
220 (3491) Double exposure
221 (3334) Djami' al-Hayyat. Courtyard. Corpus, pl.CXVb
222 (3460) Djami' al-Hayyat. Stone altar (?).. Corpus, pl.CXVf
222a (3460a) Djami' al-Hayyat.. Another view of No.222. Corpus, pl.CXVd
223 (3328) Djami' al-Hayyat. Antique capitals. Corpus, pl.CXVa
224 (3458) Djami' al-Hayyat. Hebrew inscription. Cor us, pl.CXIIb

225 (3165) Firdaus. Courtyard
226 (3161) Firdaus. S facade with gibliyya., Corpus, pl.CXXXb
227 (2763) Firdaus, Colonnade
228 (3173) Firdaus. S colonnade of courtyard. Corpus, pl.CXXXb
229 (3174) Firdaus.. Inscription of Daifa Khatun
230 (3171) Firdaus. Mihrab and minbar of qibliyya. Corpus, pl., CXXIXb
231 (3487) Firdaus.. Springing of dome
232 (3614) Madrasa al-Karimiyya. Portal inscription 654 H. Corpus, pl.CXXVla
233 (3705) Maqamat. Mausoleum of Qarasongorr, seen from door of Kamiliyya. Corpus, pl.CXLb
234 (3708) Inscription of son of Qarasongox, Nasir ad-din Muhammad, 709 H.
235 (3476) Djami' Altynbogha, Portal. Inscription 718 H. Corpus, pl.CXLIc
236 (3807) Djami' Bahsita. Minaret inscription 751 H. Corpus, pl.CXLVIIIa
237 (3806) Djami' Bahsita. Detail of inscription
238 (3715) Muristan Arghan. Inscription 755 H. Corpus, pl.CXLVId
239 (3712) Muristan Arghan. Inscriptions 755 H. and 825 H. Corpus, pl. CXLVIc
240 (3711) Muristan Arghan. Decree, 846 H. Corpus, pl.CXLVIa
241 (3714) Khan al-Qadi. Decree 845 H. Car us, l.CLXIIIe
242 (3713) Khan al-Qadi. Decree on console. Cor us, pl.CLXIIId
243 (3390) Kharabkhaneh, latrine inscription 765 H. Marked "falsch"..
244 (3389) Another view of No.243
245 (3473) Inscription of Shaikh Djemal, 854 H. Corpus, p1..CLIIc
(3473a) Qastal Harabkhana, inscription 765 H.Corpus, pl.. CLXIIIc
246 (3709) Madrasa Sahibiyya.. Inscription 765 H. Corpus, pl.CLIIb
247 (3706) Madrasa Sahibiyya. Inscription 909 H. decree 896 H. Corpus, pLCLIIa
248 (3516) Djami' Taghriberdi Interior. Corpus, pl.CXXXIXb
249 (3553) Djami' Taghxiberdi. Minbar inscription,, Corpus, pl.CLIVa
250 (3513) Djami' Taghriberdi.. Cover of Koran box, dated 799 H. Corpus, pl.CLIVb
251 (3478) Djami' Menglibogha Minaret inscription. Corpus, CXLVIb
252 (3477) Djami' Menglibogha.. Portal inscriptions 769 H. and 927 H.. Corpus, CXLIXa
253 (3514) Djami' Sakakini. Portal inscription 773 H. Corpus, p1.CXLIXb
254 (3481) Djami' Tawashi. Corpus, pl.CLIa
255 (3805) Madrasa al-Djunsiyya. Portal inscription 799 H. Corpus, pl.,CLIIIa
256 (3717) Djami' Utrush.. Inscriptions 801 H. and 812 H.
257 (3229) Djami' Utrush Inscription 801 H. Corpus, pl.CLVIIIb
258 (3716) Djami' Utrush.. Decoration of windows. Corpus, pl.CLVIIIa
258a (3232) Djami' Utrush, N door inscription 812 H. Corpus, pl.CLVIIIc
259 (3225) Djami' Utrush. Decree of 908 H. Corpus, pl.,CLIXa
260 (3231) Djami' Utrush. Decree of 894 H, See No, 263
261 (3554) Djami' Utrush. Another view of No259
262 (3226) Djami' Utrush.. Another view of No.263
263 (3227) Djami' Utrush. Decree of 894 H. Corpus, p1.,CLIXb
264 (3521) Madrasa al-Saffahiyya. Portal inscription 828 H. Corpus, pl.CLIIIb
265 (3515) (a) Bab Nairab; (b) Shaikh al-Djamal, inscription 854 H. Corpus, pl.CLXIIIb
266 (3228) Qastal sahat Bizza. Inscription 883 H. Corpus, pl.. CLXVb
267 (3732) Ansari. Mausoleum of Qasrauh and cemetery. Corpus, pl.CLXb
268 (3567) Ansari. Inscription 833 H., mausoleum. Cox us, pl.CLXa
269 (3565) Ansari.. (a) Mausoleum of Ezdemir.893 H. Corpus, pl. CLXVIb; (b) a second inscription, same
place, same date, pl.CLXVIc
270 (3566) Ansari, Gr. Mosque. Gate inscription 833 H.
(3566a) Ansari, Gr.. Mosque. Inscription on S wall
271 (3557) Ansari, Mausoleum of Ezdemir. Grilled window E, inscription 893 H. Corpus, pl.CLXVIIb
272 (3558) Ansari, Mausoleum of Ezdemir. Grilled window W, inscription 893 H. Corpus, pl.CLXVIIa
273 (3164) Ansari, Mausoleum of Ezdemir. Arch in funeral chamber. Corpus, pl.CLXVla
274 (3736) Ansari, Mausoleum of Ezdemir. Cenotaph inscription 893 H.. Corpus, pl.CLXVId
275 (3564) Ansari, Turbat Misrbay, inscription 901 H. Cor us, pl. CLXIb
276 (3470) Djami' Sharaf. Corpus, pl.CLXVIIIb
(3470a) Djami' Zikki. Inscription 843 H. Corpus, pl.CLXIIb
277 (3474) Djami' Zikki. Waqf of 963 H. Corpus, pI.CLXIIc

278 (3469) Djami' Zikki. Inscription,. Corpus,pl.CLXIIa
279 (3710) Khan Khairbek., Inscription 923 H. Corpus, pLCLXXIb
280 (3511) Qastal al-Haramain. Inscription 865 H. Corpus, pl.CLXc
281 (3475) Djami' Hadjdji al-Haramain, Inscription 896 H, Corpus, pl.CLXVIIIa
(3475a) Djami' Hadjdji al-Haramain.Inscription 897 H. Corpus, pl.CLXVIIIc
282 (3480) Djami' Oghlubek Inscription 982 H. Corpus, pl.CLXXIe
283 (3471) Qastal al-Haramain, Qaitbai, 877 H. Cog us, pl. CLXVIIId
284 (3472) Qastal ramadaniyya
285 (3555) Qastal Djami' al-Umari. Inscriptions 728 and 796 H. Corpus, p1.,CXLVIIb
286 (3482) Djami' Tawashi. Portal inscription 944 H. Corpus, pl.CLb
287 (3520) Sabil Bab al-Maqam. Inscription 831 H. Corpus, pl.CLXIIIa
288 (3479) Maqamat Ghulbek. Inscription 881 H. Cor us, pl.CLXIVb
289 (3230) Bairam Baba. Inscription
290 (3326) Hammam al-Qadi. Portal inscription 914 H. Corpus, pl.CLXIXb
291 (3810) Khan al-Qassabiyya. Inscription 916 H. Corpus, plCLXXIa
292 (3057) Sabil'Ali Bay. Inscription 915 H. Corpus, pl. CLXIXc
293 (3484) Khairbeg. Inscription 920 H.
294 (3556) Gateway of Khan Khairbeg. 920 H. Corpus, pl. CLXXa
295 (3707) Another view of No.294
296 (3064) Gateway of Khan al-Qassabiya,914 H. Corpus, pl.CLXXb
297 (3803) Djami' Qiyan, Doorway of antique materials,, Cog us, p1..CLXXIIIc
298 (3517) Qastal near Bab al-Qanat. Cor us, p1.CLXXId
299 (3518) Djami' Khosrowiyya, 933 H.
300 (3519) Sultan Walida.. Inscription 959 H. Corpus, pl.CLXXIc
301 (3483) Doorway of maktab al-Hamawi. 968 H. Corpus, pl.CLXXIIa
302 (3809) Utchkan. Inscription, Cog us, pl.CLXXIIb
303 (3461) Courtyard of synagogue
304 (3462) Synagogue: interior
305 (3463) Another view of No.304
306 (3464) Synagogue, N side aisle
307 (3465) Synagogue. Interior
(3465a) Synagogue, Hebrew inscription
308 (3466) Synagogue. Central hall
309 (3467) Synagogue. Antique capital
310 (3468) Synagogue, Interior
311 (3459) Synagogue. Courtyard
312 Synagogue. Duplicate of No,311
313 (3512) (a) Herzfeld, Sobernheim, Guyer (?) [not Guyer] and Arab; (b),. wooden panel., Inscription Abu

Related photographs not in Blueprint File

p.. 1-1 (3902) Citadel, Interior, of hall of chateau. Corpus, pl.XLIa

2 (3904) Another view of preceeding, Cor us, p1.XLIb
3 (3922) Djami' Altynbogha, courtyard, Cor us, pLCXLIa
4 (3916) Mashhad al-Husain. Impluvium of kitchen, Corpus, p1Clb
p.. 2-1 ( ) Qastal Djami' al-Sharaf, Cor us, p1.LXVIIla
2 (3905) Citadel, lower Magam., Window above mihrab. Corpus, p1.,XLId
3 (3917) Madrasa al-Sultaniyya. Tomb Zahir Ghazi. Corpus, pl.CVb
p. 3-1 (3927) Qastal Djami' al-Sharaf. Corpus, plCLXVIIIe
2 (3920) Madrasa al-Karimiyya. Window lintel inscription 855 H. Corpus, pLCXXVIc
3 (3910) Mashhad al-Husain.. View from Djabal Djaushan, looking E. Corpus, pl.LXXVIIIa
4 (3928) Djami' Qiyan, side view. Corpus, pLCLXXIIIa
p. 4-1 (3923) Firdaus, basin in courtyard.. Corpus, pI.CXXXIIIb
2 (5509) Falaise of Djabal Djaushan, Cor us, pl.LXXIXb
p.. 5-1 ( ) Madrasa al-Halawiyya Capital of inner colonnade.. Corpus, pl.LXXXVb
2 ( ) Madrasa al-Halawiyya, Second capital.. Corpus, pl.LXXXVa
3 ( ) Madrasa al-Halawiyya.. Third capital, Corpus, pLLXXXVd

4 ( ) Madrasa al-Halawiyya. Fourth capital. Cox us, pl. LXXXVc
p.. 6-1 ( ) Madrasa al-Halawiyya.. Fifth capital. Corpus, pl.LXXXVe
2 (3919) Djami' al-Hayyat.. Colonnade in courtyard. Corpus, pl.CXVe
3 (3906) Citadel, Lower Maqam. Antique basalt capital. Cox us, pl.XLIe
p. 7-1 ( ) Qastal al-Shu' aibiyya, cornice, detail. Photo, Bell.. Cox us, l XCc
2 ( ) Qastal al-Shu' aibiyya, cornice, detail. Photo,Bell. Cox us, l..LXXXVIc
p. 8-1 (3911) Qastal al-Shu' aibiyya, cornice, detail. Cox us, pl.LXXVIb
2 (3918) Djami' al-Hayyat, antique column. Cox us, pl. CXVc
3 (3908) Salihin. Section of cenotaph II., Corpus, pl. LXXIVb
4 (3901) Cartouche. Muhammad ibn Qaitbay. Cox us, pl. XXIIIc
5 (3921) Firdaus, column capital in white marble. Cox us, pl.. CXXIXc
p.. 9-1 ( ) Ansari.. Mausoleum of Ezdemir, cenotaph 893 H. Corpus, pl.CLXVId
2 (3907) Salihin. Cenotaph I. Corpus, pl.LXXIVd
p.10-1 (3909) Salihin. Detail, of preceeding. Corpus, pl.LXXIVc
2 (3915) Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya, section of cornice. Corpus, pl.XCb
3 (3900) Antique sarcophagus in citadel. Corpus, pl.lvc
4 (3914) Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya, section of cornice.. Corpus, pl.Xca
p.11-1 ( ) Eagle in basalt. Photo, Bell. Cox us, pl..Iva
2 ( ) Hittite stele and rabbit. Photo, Bell., Corpus, pl.lvb
3 ( ) Citadel. Pair of crouching lions, basalt. Photo, Bell. Corpus, pl.lve
p.12-1 ( ) Madrasa al-Halawiyya.. Interior. Photo, Thevenet.. Corpus, pl.LXXXIVa
2 ( ) Madrasa al-Halawiyya. Another view. Photo, Oppenheim. Corpus, pl.LXXXIVb

Vol.3, pp. 13-103

p.13-1 ( ) Gr. Mosque. View of courtyard, looking E. Corpus, pl.LVa

2 ( ) Gr. Mosque. Two fountains and minaret. Corpus, pl.LIVb
3 ( ) Cit. Mosque. Eastern wing of courtyard., Corpus, pl..LIVa
p..14-1 ( ) Turbat al-Magamat, Djami' Darag. Corpus, pl. CLXIVa
2 ( ) Gr. Mosque. Courtyard, N wing with large fountain.. Corpus, pl.LIVc
p.15 ( ) Citadel, Lower Maqam. Mihrab of Nur al-din. Photo, Thevenet, pre-1900. Corpus, pl.XLVI
p. 16 ( ) Bridge and chateau from top of escarpment. Photo, Thevenet.. Corpus, pl.XXIXb
p.17-1 ( ) Citadel, from outside Bab Antakiya, West. Corpus, pl.lla
2 ( ) Grand entrance from SE.. Photo, Oppenheim. Corpus, pl.XXVIIIa
p..18-1 ( ) Maqamat. Mausoleum of Qarasongorr from in front of door of Kamiyya,. Photo, Thevenet..
Cox us, pl.CXLa
2 ( ) Muristan.. Courtyard. Photo Thevenet. Corpus, pl.. CXLVb
p.19-1 ( ) Bab Antakiya, salient with portal.. Photo, v.. Berchem, Corpus, pl.XVa
2 ( ) Khan al-Asal, inscriptions 774 and 791 H. Photo, Oppenheim. Corpus, pl. CXLVIIa
p.20-1 ( ) Djami' Altynbogha, mihrab and minbar in stone.. Corpus, pl.CXXXIXa
2 ( ) Mausoleum of Khairbek, inscription 920 H. Corpus, pl..CLXXIIc
p.21-1 ( ) Ferdows, portal.. Photo, Oppenheim. Corpus, pl. CXXXIIIa
2 ( ) Muristan, portal.. Inscriptions 755 and 810 H. Photo, Oppenheim. Corpus, pl.CXLVa
p..22-1 ( ) Window of Turbat al-Djadala (?). Photo, Oppenheim. Corpus, pl.CLIVc
2 ( ) Qastal at the side of the Bab al-Djinan. Photo, Oppenheim. Corpus, pl..CLXVa
p.23-1 ( ) Tower, NW salient of citadel.. Photo, Bonfils, Corpus, pl..VIIa
2 ( ) Mausoleum of Khairbek, inscription 920 H.. Photo, Oppenheim. Corpus, pl. CLXXII
p..24-1 ( ) Djami' Utrush.. W and S facades.. Photo, Oppenheim. Corpus, pl..CLVIIa
2 ( ) Djami' Utrush.. W facade. Photo, Same. Cox us, pl.CLVIIb
p.25-1 ( ) Mashhad al-Husain.. W facade of courtyard. Photo, Oppenheim.. Corpus, pl..XCVIIb
2 (3912) Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya. N.. face of great cornice, Inscription 545 H. Corpus, pl..LXXXIXa (two
prints joined)
p..26-1 ( ) Citadel.. Wall of lions, N side, Photo, Oppenheim. Cox us, pl.VIIb
2 ( ) Citadel. N salient, lions and ornaments,parpens. Photo, Oppenheim. Corpus, pl.VIIIe
p.27-1 ( ) Minarets: Menglibogha and Taghriberdi. Corpus, pl..CLIVc
2 ( ) Minaret Djami' al-Qadi or Mihmandar.. Corpus, pl.CLIVa
3 ( ) Djami' Utrush.. NW salient and minaret. Corpus, pl.CLIVb
p..28-1 ( ) Djami' al-Tawashi, general view. Corpus, pl.CLa

2 ( ) Minaret of the Saffahiyya. Corpus, pl.CXLVIIIb
p.29-1 ( ) Mashhad al-Husain. View of SE corner. Photo, Oppenheim. Corpus, pl,LXXVIIIb
2 (3737) Mashhad al-Husain. View of E side, Corpus, pl,LXXVIIIc
p..30-1 ( ) Qastal Qaransongor, blazon and part of inscription 703 H. Photo, Bell. Corpus, pLCXLIb
2 ( ) Mashhad al-Husain, impluvium of kitchen. Corpus, pl.CIc
p.31 (3619) Great minaret, three upper stories. Joined to Neg.3620. Corpus, pl.LVIII
p.32 (3269) Citadel, barbican at head of bridge., Joined to Neg, 3270. Corpus, pl.XXXIIIc
p.33-1 ( ) Entrance to madrasa al-Mugaddamiyya.. Inscription 564 H. Photo, Preusser. Cor us, pl.LXIXc
2 ( ) Bab Qinnasrin, inner portal. Photo, Reuther. Corpus, pLXXb
p.34-1 ( ) Ferdows, general view from NE. Corpus, pLCXXXIIIc
2 ( ) Turbat Umm Malik al-Afdal. Cenotaph of Princesses. Inscriptions 641 and 644 H. Corpus,
p35-1 ( ) Citadel. Grand entrance with bridge
2 ( ) Citadel. Front view, main facade
p.36-1 ( ) Citadel. General view of inside
2 ( ) Gr. Mosque, courtyard with citadel in background
p.37-1 ( ) View overlooking Great Mosque, towards citadel
2 ( ) View nearer grand entrance to citadel
p..38-1 ( ) Modern (ca. 1940) view of grand entrance
2 ( ) Closer view of grand entrance
p..39-1 ( ) Great Mosque. Courtyard
2 ( ) Great Mosque. Principal gate of qibliyya. cf. File 15-121
p.40-1 ( ) Great minaret.
2 ( ) Great minaret.
p.41 ( ) Great minaret.. Cf. File 15-106
p.42-1 ( ) Great Mosque.. Mihrab and inscriptions 684 H. and minbar,. cf. File 15-123
2 ( ) Great Mosque.. Grilled arcade, tomb of St. Jean, cf File 15-122
p.43-1 ( ) Great Mosque. Courtyard during prayers
2 ( ) Great Mosque. Another version of preceeding
p.44-1 ( ) Great Mosque, Mihrab and minbar
2 ( ) Great Mosque, Courtyard
p.45-1 ( ) Shaikh Bekir'. General view
2 ( ) Shaikh Bekir., Another version of preceeding
p.46-1 ( ) Shaikh Bekir. Mihrab
2 ( ) Shaikh Bekir. Detail of mihrab
p.47-1 ( ) Djami' al-Dabbagha al-'Atiqa, minaret, cf. File 15-176
2 ( ) Maqamat Ghulbak. Cf. File 15-288
p.. 48-1 ( ) Magamat Ghulbak.
2 ( ) Maqamat Ghulbak.
p.49-1 ( ) Djami' 'Adiieh (Turkish). General view
2 ( ) Djami' 'Adiieh (Turkish).. Another general view
p..50-1 ( ) Djami' 'Adiieh (Turkish). Third general view
2 ( ) Djami' 'Adiieh (Turkish). Fourth general view
p.51-1 Djami' 'Adiieh (Turkish). Fifth general view
2 ( ) Khairbeg, exterior inscription 290 H. Cf. File 15-293
p.52-1 ( ) Khairbeg, exterior inscription 290 H. Another view of building
2 ( ) Khairbeg, exterior inscription 290 H. Closer view of inscription and facade
p.53-1 ( ) Halawiyyah mosque, mihrab.
2 ( ) Halawiyyah mosque, mihrab.
p,54 ( ) Citadel, door to hall of chateau,cf.File 15-75
p..55-1 ( ) Utchkan, inscription, cf. File 15-302
2 ( ) Dragon gate, cf. File 15-64
p,56-1 ( ) Djami' Utrush.
2 ( ) Djami' Utrush.
p.57-1 ( ) Synagogue, courtyard. Cf.. File 15-303
2 ( ) Synagogue, courtyard. Before repairs
p.58-1 ( ) Citadel, Lower Maqam, mihrab. Old photo of File 15-94
2 ( ) Synagogue, courtyard

p.59-1 ( ) Unidentified mosque with minaret..
2 ( ) Unidentified mosque with minaret.Another view
p.60-1 ( ) Djami' al-Sarawi
2 ( ) Djami' Tawashi. Portal Inscription 944 H.., cf. File 15-286
p.61-1 ( ) Han Vezir. Courtyard
2 ( ) Han Vezir. Detail of facade
p.62-1 ( ) Han al-Sabun. Photo, Oppenheim
( ) Han al-Sabun. Detail of facade
p.63-1 ( ) Han al-Sabun. Window
2 ( ) Han al-Sabun. Closer view of preceeding
p..64-1 ( ) Maison Qashyqbash, ceiling of liwan..
2 ( ) Maison Qashyqbash, ceiling of liwan.
p.65- ( ) Maison Ghazzati (?), ceilings and windows..
68 ( ) Maison Ghazzati (?), ceilings and windows.
p..69-1 ( ) Ecole Syrienne, old ceiling.
2 ( ) Ecole Syrienne, old ceiling. Another view
p.70-1 ( ) Private house. Courtyard.. Photo, Sarre
2 ( ) Private house. Liwan. Photo, Sane
p.71-1 ( ) Private house. Outer courtyard. Photo, Sarre
2 ( ) Aleppo. Unidentified courtyard
p.72-1 ( ) Aleppo. Unidentified street scene
2 ( ) Citadel wall, N salient, detail with lion. Photo, Beylie. Cf. Corpus, pl.VIIIe
p.73 ( ) Ferdows, interior courtyard,
p.74-1 ( ) Ferdows, interior courtyard. Variation of Corpus, p1..CXXX
2 (5507) Djami' Hayyat
p.75-1 ( ) Djami' Tawashi. General view, Variation of Cor us, pl.CLa
2 ( ) Djami' Tawashi. Portal, cf. Corpus, pl.CL a and b
p.76-1 ( ) Unidentified inscription
2 (5508) Mashhad al-Husain, portal of the court, cf. Corpus, p1.Clla
3 ( ) Djami' Sharaf, cf. Corpus, pl.CLXVIIIb
4 ( ) Near Sharaf. Inscription and cartouche
p.77-1 ( ) Maqamat, general view
2 ( ) Citadel, interior of hall of chateau, cf Corpus, pl.XLIa
3 ( ) Qastal al-Haramain, cf.Corpus, pl.CLXVIIld
p.78-1 ( ) Djami' Utrush, general view. Variation of Corpus, p1.CLVII
2 ( ) Great Mosque, minbar of Qarasongor. SA-IV, fig.25
p.79-1 ( ) Mihrab, Djami' Shadbakhtiyya, cf. File 15-180
2 ( ) Porte Bey'Adlieh
p.81-1 ( ) Shu'aibiyyah, great cornice. Photo, Bell. Cf. File 15-151
2 ( ) Ferdows, sarcophagus
3 ( ) Madrasa of Malik al-Zahir, portal
4 ( ) Zahiriyya, arched squinch, cf. File 15-197
p.82-1 ( ) Domed squinch in building near Khan Vezir
2 ( ) Unidentified minaret
3 ( ) Synagogue, courtyard. Cf. Filp 15-303
4 ( ) Synagogue, courtyard. Detail
p.83-1 ( ) Djami' Utrush
2 ( ) Great Mosque, courtyard and minaret
3 ( ) Tower E of Bab al-Maqam. Qaitbey, 898 H.
4 ( ) Citadel, portal of chateau.. Photo, Bell. Cf. File 15-74
p.84-1 ( ) Qal'a al-Zahir', re-used capital.
2 ( ) Qal'a al-Zahir', re-used capital.Another view
3 ( ) Ferdows.. Courtyard
4 ( ) Ferdows. Detail of tomb
p.85-1 ( ) Khan al-Sabun
2 ( ) Khan Vezir
3 (5520) Along the citadel moat
4 ( ) Khan Hajji Musa

p.86-1 ( ) Djami' Tawashi. Window flanked by decorated columns and re-used capitals
2 ( ) Djami' Tawashi. Another capital
3 ( ) Djami' Tawashi. Closer view of preceeding
4 ( ) Djami' Tawashi. Close-up of 4th column and capital
p.87-1 ( ) Citadel Grand entrance
2 ( ) Citadel. Wall from Bab Qinnasrin, towards W
3 ( ) Citadel. Dragon gateway. Photo, Miss Bell
4 ( ) Citadel. Another view of preceeding. Photo, Bell
p.88-1 ( ) Ferdows, tomb windows,.
2 ( ) Ferdows, tomb windows.
3 ( ) Khan Vezir. Courtyard
4 ( ) Khan Vezir. Entrance
p.89-1 ( ) Citadel, grand entrace
2 ( ) Market, with citadel in rear. Photo, Oppenheim
3 ( ) Citadel from near Bab Qinnasrin
4 ( ) View of citadel
p..90-1 ( ) Great Mosque, courtyard
2 ( ) Inscription, Madrasa Han al-Tuttune (?)
p.91-1 ( ) Panorama of citadel,
2 ( ) Panorama of citadel, Another view
p.92 ( ) Panorama of Maqamat
p.93-1 (5197) Citadel, Maqam Ibrahim, window of Nur al-din.
2 (5193) Citadel, Maqam Ibrahim, window of Nur al-din..
3 (5196) Citadel, Maqam Ibrahim, window of Nut- al-din..
4 (5200) Salihin, Maqam Ibrahim, cenotaph I
5 (5207) Sultaniyya, inscription
p.94-1 (5208) Shu'aibiyya, section of great cornice
2 (5510) Citadel, dragon gate. Another negative 5510a
3 (5206) Shu'aibiyya, inscription
4 ( ) Aleppo street scene, March, 1918
p.95-1 (5173) Citadel in background
2 (5175) Unidentified cemetery
3 (5172) Roof-top view, Djami' Utrush marked by x
4 (5171) Mashhad Ferdows, courtyard, cf. File 15-226
5 (5160) City gate in the suburbs
p.96-1 (5159) Ferdows, courtyard
2 (5166) Synagogue, corridor
3 (5174) Sarcophaus I, Salihin, Maqam Ibrahim
4 (5167) Citadel, 2nd gate. Inscription
p,97-1 (3923) Ferdows. Courtyard. Corpus, pl.CXXXIIIb
2 (5209) Ferdows. Portal
3 (3921) Ferdows. Capital. Corpus, pLCXXIXc
4 (5210) Sultaniyya, tomb of Zahri
5 (5248) Ferdows, courtyard
p.98-1 (5199) Salihin, Harawi inscription
2 (5204) Djami' Tawashi, general view
3 ( ) Traced copy of 98-1
4 (3900) Citadel, marble sarcophagus. Corpus, pl. IVc
5 (5202) Djami' Tawashi, window
p..99-1 (5249) Djami' Zahiriyya. Construction detail
2 (5201) Djami' Zahiriyya. Another similar detail
3 (3916) Djami' Zahiriyya, Vault. Corpus, pl.Clb
4 (5252) Djami' Zahiriyya, Wall
5 (3905) Citadel, Lower Maqam, window.. Corpus, pl.XLId
p.100-1 (3928) Djami' Qiyan, side view. Corpus, p1..CLXXIIIa
2 (5211) Citadel. Cartouche of Muhammad ibn Qaitbay
3 (6203) Citadel, Qaitbey cartouches, Tower E near Bab al-Maqam
4 (5247) Salihin, Harawi inscription

5 (3901) Citadel, cartouche of Muhammad ibn Qaitbay. Corpus, pl..XXIIIc
p.101-1 (5189) Citadel, general view
2 (5250) Aleppo street scene
3 (5188) Bab Qinnasrin, Umayyad ca.823 and Qansur, 907 H.
4 (5205) Bab al-Maqam. Barsbai
5 (3918) Djamil' al-Hayyat. Antique capitals and columns. Corpus, pl.CXVc
p.102-1 (3922) Djami' Altynbogha. Corpus, pL,CXLIa
2 (5246) Salahin, dome
3 (3917) Madrasa, Sultaniyya. Tomb of Zahir Ghazi. Corpus, pl.CVb
4 (5251) Ansari
5 (5245) Back of Salihin (marked on other prints "Rims tekkiye")
p.103-1 (3903) Citadel. Interior of hall of chateau, cf,p,1-1
2 (3924) Djami' Sharaf, inscription. Corpus, pl.CLXVIIIb
3 (3925) Djami' Sharaf, inscription. Full view of preceeding

Photo File 16 (2 vols.)

"Syrian Architecture," plus related photos
The abbrevi SA-I - Ars Islamica, IX. "Damascus: Studies in Architecture, I. The Mukarnas Dome. The Madrasa"
SA-II - Ars Islamica, X. "Damascus: Studies in Architecture, IL, The Cruciform Plan., Syrian Architecture, Period of
Nur al-din"
SA-III- Ars Islamica, XI-XIL. "Damascus: Studies in Architecture, III. The Ayyubid Madrasa, The Turba"
SA-IV - Ars Islamica, XIII-XIV. "Damascus: Studies in Architecture, IV.. The Mosque"

Vol.l, Nos.1-156

1 (3929) Damascus, Salihiya. Raihan, dome. SA-III, fig..126

2 (3930) Baalbek, Kubbat al-Amdjad. SA-III, fig. 127
3 (3931) Damascus, Salihiya, Raihan, dome.. SA-III, fig. 128
4 (3832) Baalbek. Kubbat al-Amdjad. SA-Ill,frg129
5 (3933) Baalbek. "Monkey's cupola." SA-Ill, fig.130
6 (3934) Damascus. Jakmakiya, portal.. SA-III, fig. 140
7 (3935) Damascus.. Salihiya. Turba al-Kaimari, inscription. SA-III, fig. 141
8 (3936) Damascus.. Salihiya, Sahiba.. SA-III, fig. 142
9 (3937) Damascus. Jami' Jarrah,. SA-III, fig. 144
10 (3939) Damascus. Salihiya, al-rukniya. SA-III, fig.145
11 (3067) Hims, general view
12 (3726) Hims, Great Mosque. Mosaic
13 (3301) Hims, Great Mosque. Mihrab
14 (3798) Hims, Great Mosque. closer, view of mihrab
15 (3719) Hims, Great Mosque, Inscription
16 (3718) Hims, Great Mosque. Inscribed column
17 (3302) Hims, Great Mosque. Another view of preceeding
18 (3303) Hims, Great Mosque, Another view of No.16
19 (3813) Hims, Tekkiye Darvishiyya Portal
20 (3072) Hims, Tekkiye Darvishiyya. Detail of preceeding
21 (3811) Hims, general view.
22 (3812) Hims, general view.. Another view in Neg3812a
23 (3252) Hims, Minaret al-magtuma, Abu'l fawaris inscription
24 (3262) Hims, Minaret al-magtuma. A second inscription.
25 (3801) Hims. Jami' al-fada'ih inscription
(3801a) Hims Wagf of Tuban
26 (3343) Hims.. Street scene
27 (3335) Hims.. Portal inscription
28 (3802) Hims.. Khalid, interior
29 (3310) Hims.. Klialid (?), inscription Ghuri
30 (3253) Hims.. Wooden panel with inscriptions and decoration.. SA-II, fig..86, bottom
31 (3255) Hims.. Detail of preceeding

32 (3254) Hims. Inscribed wooden panel. SA-II, fig.86, 2nd from top
33 (3260) Hims. Details of inscriptions in Nos.30 and 32
34 (3308) Hims. Three inscribed panels
35 (3307) Hims. Another view of No. 34
36 (3797) Hims. Khalid, four sections of inscribed panel
37 (3722) Hims. Khalid panel, Baibars variant
38 (3724) Hims. Inscribed panel of five lines
39 (3723) Hims.. Close-up of lower half of panel in No. 36
40 (3815) Hims. Mardan. Left section of 3-line inscribed panel
41 (3725) Hims, Close-up of upper half of panel in No.. 36
42 (3309) Hims, Khalid, beginning of inscription F
43 (3070) Hims. Mill, inscription over door
44 (3073) Hims. Jami' al-Baqa'i, inscription
45 (3071) Hims. Jami' al-Shurafa, inscription
46 (3077) Hims. Waqf of Tuban in courtyard
47 (3069) Hims. Mill inscription
48 (3796) Hims, Inscription on private house
(3796a) Hims Turkish inscription. See p.42b
49 (3305) Hims. Khalid, inscription K
50 (3306) Hims. Khalid, inscription G
51 (3076) Hims. Wagf of Tuban
52 (3058) Hims. Another waqf of Tuban.
53 (3311) Hims. Khalid, inscription W
54 (3304) Hims.. Great Mosque, inscription N wall
55 (3074) Hims. Jami' 'Abdullah b, Mas'ud, inscription
56 (3075) Hims. Jami' al-Hanabila, inscription
57 (3795) Hims. Citadel, octogon of Shirkuh
58 (3814) Hims. Konak, Shirkuh inscription
59 (3799) Hims. Khalid, Ghuri inscription
60 (3800) Hims. Another exposure of preceeding
61 (3338) Damascus.. General view
62 (3339) Damascus, Street
63 (3329) Damascus. E entrance of Great Mosque
64 (3333) Damascus. Police officer
65 (3345) Damascus. River view
66 (3341) Damascus.. Street scene
67 (3344) Damascus, Bab al-salam
68 (3435) Damascus. Bab al-faraj, inscription
69 (3436) Damascus. Bab shaghur, inscription
70 (3327) Damascus. Door weight?
71 (3678) Damascus, Great Mosque. W propylon, inscribed pier
72 (3671) Damascus, Great Mosque,. Bab al-band
73 (3673) Damascus. Another view of preceeding
74 (3675) Damascus, Great Mosque. Inscribed column a. Other views in Nos.75, 76, 78
75 (3676) Damascus, Great Mosque., See No. 74
76 (3677) Damascus, Great Mosque.. See No. 74
77 (3672) Damascus, Great Mosque. Bab Imara, beaten metal door
78 (3668) Damascus, Great Mosque. See No.. 74
79 (3101) Damascus, Great Mosque. Inscription and intarsia work
80 (3102) Damascus, Great Mosque. Inscription and tiles
81 (3097) Damascus, Great Mosque. Khoshqadam inscription 868 H. and tiles
82 (3099) Damascus, Great Mosque. Inscription an d tiles
83 (3667) Damascus, Great Mosque.. Bab al-band from courtyard
84 (3670) Damascus, Great Mosque.. Main entrance
85 (3674) Damascus, Great Mosque.. Unidentified arch
86 (3665) Damascus, Great Mosque. N hall, Kufic inscription
87 (3669) Damascus, Great Mosque.. N hall, end of Mu'ayyad inscription
88 (3119) Damascus, Citadel.. SE corner. Towers D and E

89 (3126) Damascus, Citadel. E side, southern halt. Tower E
90 (3438) Damascus, Citadel. E side, SE Tower D
91 (3443) Damascus, Citadel, South, Towers B and C
92 (3125) Damascus, Citadel. South side, Tower C
93 (3121) Damascus, Citadel. South, Towers A, B and C
94 (3130) Damascus, Citadel.S from inside, Towers B and C
95 (3124) Damascus, Citadel, Southeast corner, Tower M
96 (3447) Damascus, Citadel. N wall between K and L.. W side of Tower K
97 (3439) Damascus, Citadel., North (W). Tower K (Mu'ayyad inscription)
98 (2847) Damascus, Citadel, Tower K (Mu'ayyad inscription) NW entrance on canal
99 (3437) Damascus, Citadel. N Tower K. Mu'ayyad
100 (2849) Damascus, Citadel, Citadel, NW Tower L (W of K)
101 (3127) Damascus, Citadel, Tower K from NE (double exposure)
102 (3123) Damascus, Citadel, Tower K from NE
103 (3120) Damascus, Citadel. Another view of preceeding
104 (3442) Damascus, Citadel., Tower H, N side
105 (3441) Damascus, Citadel.. N Tower G
106 (3096) Damascus, Citadel. Main door E
107 (3098) Damascus, Citadel. Portal E. See No.111
108 (3100) Damascus, Citadel. Detail of preceeding
109 (3500) Damascus, Citadel, Main door, eastern, from postern. Inscription
110 (3426) Damascus, Citadel. Sanjar inscription
111 (3448) Damascus, Citadel., Inscription on portal E. See No.107
112 (3449) Damascus, Citadel, Another exposure of preceeding
113 (3446) Damascus, Citadel. Bab al-nasr, entrance from courtyard
114 (3129) Damascus, Citadel. Between Towers E and F, from Bab al-nasr
115 (3501) Damascus, Citadel. Corner Tower D, inscription
116 (3502) Damascus, Citadel. Another part of inscription in preceeding
117 (3503) Damascus, Citadel. Tower G, above Baibars inscription
118 (3131) Damascus, Citadel. Tower G, inscription 715 H.
119 (3444) Damascus, Citadel. Tower G, E side above Baibars inscription
120 (3440) Damascus, Citadel. Tower K and mosque entrance
121 (3122) Damascus, Citadel. Another view of preceeding
122 (3445) Damascus, Citadel. Detail of mosque entrance
123 (3450) Damascus, Citadel. Inscription
124 (2825) Damascus, Citadel. Greek inscription
125 (3931) Damascus.. Maqbarat Bilal
126 (3832) Damascus. Tomb of Bilal
127 (2834) Damascus.. Carved wooden screen from mosque at Bab Musalla. SA-II, fig.82
128 (3830) Damascus.. Suq Sanija (at Shayabini) Tughtakin inscription, ca. 500 H.
129 (2855) Damascus. Another exposure of preceeding
130 (2857) Damascus, Muristan Nuri, portal from outside, SA-I, fig.43
131 (2849) Damascus, Muristan Nuri.. Door from inside. SA-I, fig.54
132 (2850) Damascus, Muristan Nuri.. Cupola over door. SA-I, fig.44
133 (2851) Damascus, Muristan Nuri. Courtyard. SA-I, fig.42
134 (2856) Damascus, Muristan Nuri. Window grill
135 (2816) Damascus, Tomb of Nur al-din. SA-I, figA1
136 (2854) Damascus, Tomb of Nur al-din. Another view. SA-I, fig.60
137 (2806) Damascus, Tomb of Nur al-din. Cupola from below. SA-I, fig.45
138 (2830) Damascus, Tomb of Nur al-din. Sarcophagus. SA-I, fig.74
139 (3633) Damascus, Tomb of Nur al-din. Courtyard
140 (2807) Damascus, Sittna Sha'm inscription
141 (2835) Damascus. Turbat'Ala al-din, dome. SA-III, fig.120
142 (2852) Damascus. Raihaniyya, inscription
143 (2810) Damascus, Turba al-Najmiya. SA-III, fig.. 123
144 (2828) Damascus, Turba al-Najmiya. Another view. SA-III, fig.121
145 (2751) Damascus, Sha'miya-Husamiya. Court. SA-III, fig. 114
146 (2756) Damascus, Sha'miya-Husamiya. Portal. SA-Ill, fig. 115

147 (2760) Damascus, Sha'miya-Husamiya. Sarcophagi. SA-I, fig.73
148 (2755) Damascus, Sha'miya-Husamiya. Mihrab.. SA-II, fig.78
149 (2753) Damascus, Jami' al-agsab.. SA-IV, fig.27
150 (2758) Damascus, Jami' al-aqsab. Manjaq mihrab
151 (2837) Damascus, Salihiya, Jami' al-Hanabila, Courtyard, SA-IV,fig.20
152 (2836) Damascus, Salihiya, Jami' al-Hanabila. Courtyard.. §A-IV, fig.21
153 (2841) Damascus, Salihiya, Jami' al-Hanabila Interior. SA-IV, fig.26
154 (2846) Damascus, Salihiya, Jami' al-Hanabila. Mihrab
155 (2844) Damascus, Salihiya, Jami' al-Hanabila. Inlaid panels, minbar
156 (2838) Damascus, Salihiya, Jami' al-Hanabila. Decorated arch

Vol.2, Nos. 157-216, plus pages 1-56

157 (2840) Damascus. Hanabila, window screen. SA-IV, fig..7 (drawing)

158 (2812) Damascus. 'Iqbal, inscription
159 (2809) Damascus. Salihiya. Abu Jarash. SA-III, fig, 122
160 (3640) Damascus, `Adiliyya. SA-III, fig.93
161 (3639) Damascus, `Adiliyya, Portal, upper section
162 (2827) Damascus, `Adiliyya. Portal., SA-III, fig.88
163 (3641) Damascus, `Adiliyya. Portal from below
164 (2811) Damascus, `Adiliyya. Another exposure of preceeding
165 (2826) Damascus, `Adiliyya. Portal from inside. SA-III, fig.89
166 (2804) Damascus, Salihiya, Madrasa Sahiba. SA-Ill,fig98
167 (2832) Damascus, Salihiya, Madrasa Sahiba. Portal. SA-III, fig.99
168 (2833) Damascus, Salihiya. Street scene.SA-III, fig. 133
169 (2824) Damascus, Salihiya. Preceeding from opposite direction,. SA-III, fig. 134
170 (3336) Damascus, Jami' Tauba. Ablution basin
171 (2757) Damascus, Jami' Tauba. Mihrab. SA-Il, fig.79
172 (2813) Damascus, Salihiya. Tashtdar inscription, SA-III, fig., 139
173 (2829) Damascus, Muristan al-Qaimari. Portal
174 (2831) Damascus, Muristan al-Qaimari. Another exposure of preceeding.,SA-III, fig.103
175 (2843) Damascus, Muristan al-Qaimari. Court. SA-III, fig. 111
176 (2845) Damascus, Muristan al-Qaimari. Another view of court,, SA-III, fig. 110
177 (2839) Damascus, Muristan al-Qaimari.. Decorated panel. See p, 48-2
178 (2808) Damascus, Jami' al-Jarrah.. Courtyard. SA-IV, fig.28
179 (2805) Damascus, Jami' al-Jarrah. Interior. SA-IV, fig.29
180 (3128) Damascus, Qilijiyya SA-III, fig.92
181 (3646) Damascus, Qilijiyya. Inscription, right section.. SA-III, fig.95
182 (3647) Damascus, Qilijiyya,. Inscription, left section.SA-III, fig.94
183 (3636) Damascus. Madrasa Muhyi al-din 652 H. Jauziyya
184 (2769) Damascus. Salihiya. Muhajirin
185 (3642) Damascus. Zahiriyya (Baibars) mukanas over portal. §A-III, fig. 100
186 (3638) Damascus, Baibars. Mosaics (?)
187 (3643) Damascus, Baibars. Another view of preceeding
188 (3826) Damascus, Salihiya, al-Takritiya. Stucco inscriptions and decoration. SA-III, fig. 137
189 (3828) Damascus, Salihiya, al-Takritiya, Another view of preceeding. SA-III, fig.138
190 (3829) Damascus, Salihiya, al-Takritiya. Another view of No.188. SA-III, fig. 136
191 (3818) Damascus, Manjagiyya.. Courtyard
192 (3821) Damascus, Manjaqiyya. Portal
193 (2853) Damascus, Tengiziya. Mukanas over portal. SA-III, fig. 102
194 (3827) Damascus, Yelbogha. Portal., SA-IV, fig.35
195 (3825) Damascus, Yelbogha. Inscription
196 (2848) Damascus, Yelbogha. W door of court. SA-IV, fig.34
197 (3824) Damascus, Yelbogha. Decoration and inscription, central section. SA-IV, fig.38
198 (3822) Damascus, Yelbogha. Right section of No.197.SA-IV, fig.37
199 (3823) Damascus, Yelbogha. Left section of No.197. SA-IV, fig.36
200 (2759) Damascus, Yelbogha. Great Mosque, N door. Also Jaqmaqiyya and Khinaqiyya
201 (2752) Damascus, Yelbogha. Jaqmaqiyya

202 (3337) Damascus, Yelbogha.. Jami' al-Tauba. SA-III, fig.143
203 (2754) Damascus, Yelbogha. Jami' Mu'allaq
204 (2815) Damascus, Yelbogha. Jami al-Kharratin
205 (2762) Damascus, Yelbogha., Muhajirin
206 (3635) Damascus, Yelbogha. Hammam Qaitbai
207 (3543) Damascus (?). Hammam (?)
208 (3820) Damascus.. Lutfi Pasha
209 (3817) Damascus, Khan Asad Pasha
210 (3666) Damascus. Jami' Safifa (?). Inscription
211 (3634) Damascus. Satylmush in Qanavat. Inscription
212 (3637) Damascus, Salihiya. Hamza inscription
213 (3816) Damascus, Salihiya, Hamza al-Ja'fari, inscription
214 (3631) Damascus, Salihiya.. Inscription next to Kurd 'All. Close-up of No.215
215 (3632) Damascus, Salihiya. See No. 214
216 (3340) Damascus. Unidentified inscription
Photographs not in Blue-print File
p. 1-1 O Damascus, General view from Salihiya
2 () Damascus, section of city wall.
p. 2-1 () Damascus, section of city wall.
2 O Damascus, section of city wall, Another view
3 () Damascus, section of city wall. Closer view of 2-4
4 O Damascus, section of city wall,
p. 3-1 O Damascus. Panorama,Great Mosque in foreground
2 O Damascus. General view from Salihiya
p. 4-1 O Damascus. View along river. Photo, Burchardt
2 () Damascus. Street scene
p. 5-1 O Damascus. Panorama, Suq Hamidiyya and S side citadel
2 O Damascus.. Panorama, Suq Midhat Pasha
p. 6-1 O Damascus. Donkey and horse market
2 O Damascus. Another view of preceeding
p. 7-1 () Damascus, Bab al-salam
2 () Damascus, Bab al-salam.
3 () Damascus, Bab al-salam.
4 O Damascus, Bab al-salam,
p. 8-1 () Damascus.Great Mosque, Bab al-band columns
2 O Damascus.Great Mosque,old library in courtyard
3 O Damascus, Anonymous carved stucco mausoleum
4 O Damascus. Street alongside mausoleum of Baibars. Cf p32-2
P, 9-1 O Damascus (?). Squeeze of Kufic inscription
2 O Damascus. Objects in Arab Museum
P.11-1 O Damascus. Salihiya, al-Takritiya Cf. File 16-190
2 O Damascus. Near the great Baibars turba. Lion monograms
p. 12-1 () Damascus. Suq al-gatn. Dar al-qu'ran (madrasa) al-khaidarriyyah, Engraved door knocker,
878 H.
2 () Damascus. Close-up of engraved, inscribed roundel in preceeding
p. 13-1 () Damascus. Salihiya. 'Umariyyah, wagf of 821 H.
2 O Damascus, Another view of preceeding
p,14-1 O Damascus, Citadel, gate inscription,, Cf, File 16-107
2 O Damascus. Citadel, wagf inscription.. Cf. File 16-109
p.15-1 O Damascus. Suq Saruja, Mosque al-ward. Inscription
2 O Damascus.Jami' 'Umari at Tura bridge between Damascus and Salihiya.
Inscription Izz al-din
p.16-1 O Damascus.. Salihiya. Mausoleum of three brothers, ca.670 H. Two inscriptions
2 O Damascus.Salihiya.Mausoleum of an Amir, 722 H. Inscription
p 17-1 () Damascus. Madrasa Sittna Sha'm intra muros. Inscription
2 O Damascus. Another exposure of preceeding
p.18-1 O Damascus. Jami Tengiz (at time of photo, Cadet School), decree of Amir Manjaq, 769 H.
2 O Damascus. Salihiya. Waqf of Princess Khadija Khatun, inscription

p.19-1 () Damascus. Bab al-Salam, inscription of Malik Salih Ayyub, 641 H.
2 () Damascus. Bab Tuma, inscription of Sultan Muhammad Nasir Muhammad, 734 H.
p.20-1 O Damascus.. Waqf inscription on road Damascus-Midan
2 O Damascus. Salihiya. Mausoleum of wife of Amir Aibak, inscription
p,21-1 Damascus. Citadel, moat. Inscription of Malik `Adil (disappeared, 1894)
2 O Suq al-sinaniyya. Inscription Nut al-din 569 H. Inscriptions arabe de Syrie
p.22-1 O Damascus. Citadel. Inscription of `Adil (?) Saif al-dunya wal-din Abu Bela, 614 H..
2 ( Damascus. Citadel, Baibars inscription. Between Towers F and G
p..23-1 O Damascus. Citadel, Baibars inscription on Tower C
2 () Damascus. Unidentified inscription. Photo, Oppenheim, 1911
p,24-1 O Damascus. Great Mosque, inscribed panel
2 O Damascus.. Another inscribed panel in Great Mosque
p.25-1 O Damascus. Sukainah., Five photographs of inscribed carved wooden sarcophagus., Through
p.27-1 O Damascus. Jami' 'Umar.. Inscription. See p.30-1
p.27-2 O Damascus. Bab al-saghir, sections of inscribed stone sarcophagus, 439 H.. in name of Fatima.
Three photos through p..28-2
p.29-1 O Damascus. Mausoleum of Baibars See also p.32-2
2 () Damascus (?) Unidentified stone sarcophagus
p.30-1 O Damascus. Jami''Umar, near Tauba. Inscription. See p,27-1
2 O Damascus. Left side of preceeding inscription
p.31-1 O Damascus. Jami' Darwishiya (?), mihrab and inscribed carved wall panels. Three photographs,
through p.32-1
p.32-2 () Damascus.. Mausoleum of Baibars. Photo, Oppenheim. See p..29-1
p.33-1 () Damascus. Salihiya, Muristan of Shaikh Muhiyyadin, reign of Malik az-Zahir. Portal
with two inscriptions.. Photo, Miss Bell. Three photographs through p,34-1
p.34-2 O Damascus. Quartier Qabr'Aatkeh, mosque of Khaled al-Teruzu. Inscription. Photo, Oppenheim
p,35-1 O Damascus.. General view from Salihiya
2 O Damascus. Bab al-nasr (?), Photo, Burchardt
3 O Damascus. Great Mosque, S door. See p,53-1
p.36-1 O Damascus. Great Mosque, courtyard corridor
2 O Damascus.. Cemetery, another, view in p.36-4
3 () Damascus. Great Mosque, Bab al-band
4 () Damascus, See p. 36-2
p.37-1 O Damascus.. Great Mosque, section of courtyard
2 O Damascus.. Baibars library, ca. 1250
p.. 38-1 () Damascus. Bab sharki. See p.38-2 photo invented
2 O Damascus.. View of above from same side (exterior)
3 O Damascus.. Portal of Arab Museum ('Adiliyya). See File 16-162
4 O Damascus. Muristan of Nur al-din
p.39-1 () Damascus. Ta'usiyya (dupl. of p.49-1)
2 () Damascus, Bab al-Salam Malik Salih Ayyub. Photo, Oppenheim
p.40-1 O Damascus, Bab al-Salam. Photo, Burchardt
2 O Damascus, cemetery. Photo, Burchardt
p,4l-1 () Hims. Wooden panel. Photo, Oppenheim, 1911.. See File 16-30-33
2 () Hims. House of Hasan Naqib. Oppenheim squeeze of inscription
p,42-1 O Hims. Khaled inscription. Photo, v Berchem.. Another view. File 16-37
2 O Inscription.. Photo, Oppenheim. Another view p.48-2
p.43-1 (5136a) Unidentified dome and two minarets
2 (5153) Unidentified bath (?) with four domes
3 (5139) Unidentified portal with mukarnas dome
4 (5137) Unidentified stream
p.45-1 O Damascus, Hanabila, inscription. Photo, Oppenheim
2 () Unidentified room
3 (5161) Street with hotel, possibly in Jerusalem
4 (5142) Damascus with Barada River and bridge
p.46-1 (5147) Antique dealer in shop. Possibly Jerusalem or Damascus
2 (5150) Unidentified painted ceiling

3 (5140) Street scene with minaret. Probably Syria
4 (5148) Another street scene with minaret. Probably Syria
p.47-1 (5212) Damascus, citadel. Tower A, S side, inscription
2 (5226) Damascus, citadel. Decorated plaque
3 (5220) Damascus, citadel,
4 (5250) Damascus, citadelKhoshgadam inscription 866 H,Tower A
5 (5218) Damascus, citadel. Ancient capital
p48-1 (5143) Damascus, citadel. Towers B and C
2 () Damascus,. Salihiya, Muristan Qaimari, panel. See File 16-177
3 (5146) Damascus (?) Unidentified interior
4 (5144) Damascus. Possibly a section of citadel
p.49-1 (5149) Damascus. Duplicate of p.39-1
2 (5154) Damascus. Sadat, Bab al-Imara
3 (5449) Damascus. Stone basin (?)
4 (5151) Damascus. Salihiya, street scene
p.50-1 (5448) Damascus.. Inscription between maidan and Bab Saghir., Closer view in p.51-2
2 (5514) Damascus.. Muristan
3 () Damascus, Hanabila,inscription 847 H.. Photo, Oppenheim
4 () Damascus, Jami' Sayifa
5 () Damascus (?) Unidentified Hebrew device
p.51-1 (5158) Damascus. Street scene
2 (5165) Damascus.. Seep, 50-1
3 (5162) Damascus.. Street scene
4 (5164) Damascus, Re-used basalt column base (?)
p.52-1 (5229) Damascus. Jami' Hanabila, courtyard (replica of Umayyad mosque)
2 (5228) Damascus. Salihiya, Muristan
3 (5225) Damascus. Jami' Hanabila, courtyard
4 (5163) Damascus. Salihiya, street scene with minaret
5 (5157) Damascus.. Another street scene in Salihiya
p.53-1 (5217) Damascus, Great Mosque. S door. See p.35-3
2 (5222) Damascus, Great Mosque.. Exit from mosque
3 (5224) Damascus, Great Mosque.. Detail of p.53-1
4 (5221) Damascus. "Babelsberg" view along stream
5 (5223) Damascus. Jaqmaqiyya inscription
p,54-1 (5216) Damascus, Muristan Nuri. Courtyard
2 (5227) Damascus, Muristan Nuri.. Portal
3 (5219) Damascus, Muristan Nuri.. Lumber-yard (?)
4 (5213) Damascus, Muristan Nuri.. citadel.. Tower B
5 (5215) Damascus, Muristan Nuri.. Tower C, S side, Qalaun
6 (5214) Damascus, Muristan Nuri. Machicolation
p.55-1 O Damascus, Muristan Nuri, detail from mihrab SA-I, fig.55
2 () Damascus, Muristan Nuri, detail from mihrab. SA-I, fig.56
p.56-1 (3938) Damascus. Minaret, Jami' Janah
2 (3819) Damascus. Mandjaqiyya. Another view File 16-191

Photo File 17
Kuh-i Khwaja with Sasanian elephant and Hittite pyxis
The abbreviations used in the captions of published photos are:
AHI - Archaeological History of Iran, Herzfeld
AMI - Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Herzfeld
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld
SK - refers to Herzfeld's Sketchbooks in the Archive
This file should be used in conjunction with File 29, Kuh-i Khwaja and Shahristan Album"; see also File 7, "Sasanian
Architecture" and File 8, "Sasanian Monuments".. Nos.. 1-99 and pages 1-2 are from black and white negatives, except
for Nos..47-99 which are prints made from colored negatives.

(3967) Herzfeld's Persian and Arab staff at Kuh-i Khwaja

2 (3968) The staff with Herr Barthus, who removed paintings from walls
3 (3969) Palace court, main facade.. E fort above. See File 29-26
4 (3970) Barthus at work in gallery behind front of court
5 (3871) N facade., E fort and entrance to temple. AHI, p1.VIII
6 (3972) Facade of N gallery. Torso of male figure
7 (3973) Outer palace gate, stucco decoration. AHI, pl.X, right. See File 8-301
8 (3974) Outer palace gate, stucco decoration. IAE, pl.XCIX, left
9 (3975) Fire altar. IAE, pl.XCIX, right
10 (3976) Town from S. East fort in background
11 (3977) S wall of temple. Stucco frieze, horsemen
12 (3978) Adjoins No.11, Horseman attacked by lion (?)
13 (3979) Palace, room with girder marks
14 (3980) Room used as kitchen off main entry
15 (3981) Palace. Tower of E wall. Another view in No,20
16 (3982) Basalt rim of plateau
17 (3993) Kuh-i Khwaja from S with lake dry
18 (3984) Turning point of street
19 (3985) Floating chlamys of male stucco figure
20 (3986) Tower of E wall, closer view in No, 15
21 (3987) Street leading up towards mountain
22 (3988) Main gate from above.. CF. File 7-196
23 (3989) Entrance gate of palace; details of stucco in Nos.7-8
24 (3991) Gallery with paintings. IAE, pl..C, left; AHI, p1.,VIIl, right
25 (3992) T-shaped room on E side of court; another view in No.38
26 (3993) Palace gate from inside
27 (3994) Vaults inside E fort
28 (3995) Round gallery in round tower of E fort. Another view in No.31. See File 29-69
29 (3996) E fort from W
30 (3997) E fort from N
31 (3998) Another view of No.28
32 (3999) Vaults in E fort
33 (4000) Palace from top of hill
34 (4001) E fort
35 (4002) Palace, main facade. IAE, pl.XCVI,bottom
36 (4003) Palace, middle room of temple. IAE, p1..C, right
37 (4004) General view of ruins from plain. Cf. File 7-182
38 (4005) Another view of No.25
39 (4009) Sasanian stone elephant, Right side. AMI, vol.lll, p1.1
40 (4010) Sasanian stone elephant. Left side.. AMI,vol.III, pl.rl
41 (4011) Hittite stone pyxis. AMI, vol. II, pl.. II, upper left
42 (4012) Another view.. AMI,vol.II, p1.II, upper right
43 (4013) Another view.. AMI,vol.Il, p1.I1, lower left
44 (4014) Another view.. AMI, vol. II, pl. II, lower right
45 (4015) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Section of wall
46 (4016) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Section of wall
47 (4017) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery, King and Queen.. IAE, pl.CIV, top.. Colored Neg..; colored slide
48 O Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Outlined print of preceeding
49 (4018) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Man's head, cf. File 29-124
50 (4019) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Head in Greek style.. IAE, pl.CII, right; SK-XVI, p.34; cf.
File 29-118
51 O Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery, Outlined print of preceeding
52 (4020) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Section of wall
53 (4021) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery.. Section of wall, cf. File 29-119
54 (4022) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Bust of goddess. IAE, pl. CIII, bottom. Colored slide 5112
55 O Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Outlined print of preceeding
56 (4023) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery.. Detail of preeeding. Cf. File 29-121
57 (4024) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery, Decorated borders of garment. Cf. File 29-116. Colored slide 5107

58 (4025) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Section of wall. Colored slide 5116
59 (4026) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery, Cf. File 29-104
60 (4027) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery, Ornament. IAE, p1.CI, top left. Colored slides 5103, 5109;
drawings, D-356
61 O Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery, Outlined print of preceeding
62 (4028) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Nude figure with bird (?).. Colored slide 5098
63 (4029) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Eros on leopard. IAE, pl.CI, bottom right. Cf. File 29-106
Colored slide 5106
64 O Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery.. Outlined print of preceeding
65 (4030) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Flute player. IAE, pl.CIII, top left; cf. File 29-109
66 O Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Outlined print of preceeding
67 (4031) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Acrobats (?), cf. File 29-113
68 (4032) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Ornamental design,. IAE, p1,CI, top right. Cf. File 29-99.
Colored slide 5103;
drawing D-357
69 O Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery, Outlined print of preceeding
70 (4033) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Small male head.. IAE, pl.CIII, top right; cf. File 29-108
71 O Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Outlined print of preceeding
72 (4034) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Eros on horseback.. IAE, pl..CI, bottom left; cf. File 29-107;
SK-XVI, p. 12; colored slide 5105
73 O Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery, Outlined print of preceeding
74 (4035) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Section of wall, Cf. File 29-101
75 (4036) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Vaulted ceiling. Cf. File 29-93. Colored slide 5100
76 (4037) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Part of head. Cf. File 29-123. Colored slide 5108
77 (4038) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Part of head,. Cf. File 29-110
78 (4039) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Part of head. Cf. File 29-100
79 (4040) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Head of spectator, Iranian style. IAE, pl.,CII, left; SK-XVI, p.46;
colored slide 5110
80 O Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Outlined print of preceeding
81 (4041) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Head, colored slide 5117
82 (4042) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Rosette, cf. File 29-97
83 (4043) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Rosette, cf. File 29-96
84 (4044) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Rosette, cf. File 29-84
85 (4045) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery, Three gods. IAE, pl.CIV, bottom; SK-XVI, p.31; Cf. File 29-117
86 O Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Outlined print of preceeding
87 (4046) KUh-i Khwaja, painted gallery,. Section of wall
88 (4047) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Rosette, cf. File 29-88
89 (4048) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Section of wall, cf. File 29-111
90 (4049) Kuh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Ornamental border, cf.File 29-102
91 (4050) KUh-i Khwaja, painted gallery. Section of wall, cf. File 29-112
92 (4051) Kuh-i Khwaja. S castle with Hamun Sea. Another view File 7-180; colored slide 5101
93 (4052) Kuh-i Khwaja. Ruins from plain. E castle in background; colored slide 5099
94 (4053) Kuh-i Khwaja. Closer view of preceeding
95 (4054) Kuh-i Khwaja Mountain view with dried Hamun in foreground,, Another view File 17-17;
colored slide 5097
96 (4055) Kuh-i Khwaja Dried up Hamun from base of mountain, Taken 1929
97 (4056) Kuh-i Khwaja. Ruins from top of mountain. Colored slide 5102
98 (4057) Kuh-i Khwaja. Closer view of preceeding
99 (4058) Kuh-i Khwaja. Ladies in British Consulate garden, Nasratabad1929
p.1-1-2 ( ) Daulatabad, Sistan, enroute from Kuh-i Khwaja, April 1929, Photo, Lackner
3 (8345) Kuh-i Khwaja.. Tents in palace courtyard with Prof. Herzfeld, March 1929. Photo, Lackner
4 (4451) Sistan, tea-house
5 (4452) Hamun Sea with tutins, probably 1925.
6 (4453) Hamun Sea with tutins, probably 1925.
p.2-1 O British Consulate, 6-wheeler enroute to Nasratabad, March 1929. Photo, Lackner
2-4 O Loading truck on tutin to cross Shela, March 1929, Photo, Lackner

Photo File 18
The original squeezes of the inscribed blocks published in Paikuli, Monument and Inscription of the Early History of
the Sasanian Empire are in the Archive. So, also, are the negatives of the blocks and of the squeezes. No prints of most
of the negatives of the squeezes (Neg. Nos..4304-4435a) are in this Photo File, but the negative numbers are noted in the
Freer xeroxed copy (Freer Lib. No.955. H38), Of the other illustrations in Paikuli, some prints (a few with negatives)
are in the Archive; but many prints and negatives are missing. The prints that exist are in this File, together with some
which clearly belong with them, but were not used in the publication. Places illustrated may be located on the two maps
in the publication. So far as feasible, the print of each new unpublished block is mounted with the print of its squeeze on
the same page..

p. 1 O Paikuli. View N of Zarda Kiaw. Paikuli, vol.II, p.1

p. 2-a O Paikuli. Spring below monument. Paikuli, vol.11, p.2, top
b () Paikuli. View E, Paikuli Pass. Paikuli, vol.11, p.2, bottom
p. 3-a O Shiwakel: view of Surkan Pass. Paikuli, vol.II, p. 3, left
b O Populus Euphratica tree near spring, Paikuli, vol.II, p.3, right
p. 4-a () Butkhana from West. Paikuli, voLIl..p4
b () Village of Gwaradim on way to Sulaimaniya-Bana
p. 5-a () Paikuli. S side of monument. Paikuli, vol.I1 p.,5, top
b () N side of monument, Paikuli, vol.II, p.5, bottom
p. 6-a () E side of monument.Paikuli, vol.II, p.6, top
b O Qasr-i Shirin: main entrance of Haushquiy ruins,, Paikuli, vol.II, p.6, bottom
p. 7-a () Paikuli, bust of Narseh.. E side of monument. Paikuli, vol.II, p.7, top
b O Paikuli, bust of Narseh. W side.Paikuli,voLII, p.7, bottom
p.. 8-a O Paikuli, bust of Narseh. S side. Paikuli, voLII, p8, top
b () Paikuli, bust of Narseh. S side. Paikuli, vol.I1, p..8, bottom
p. 9-a () Paikuli, bust of Narseh. N side. Paikuli, vol.11, p.9, top
b O Paikuli, bust of Narseh.. Another bust, N. side, p.9, bottom
p.. 10 O View from Surkew Pass on Gunnno range. Paikuli, vol.11, p.21
p. 11 O Glen of Tuwela in Avroman: walnut plantations. Paikuli,vol.II, p.23
p.12 O Navsud in Avroman: village on mountain spur, from N. Paikuli, vo1..II, p.35
p. 13 (4513) Naqsh-i Rajab, Bust and inscription of Kartir., Photo, Schulze. Paikuli, vol..ll, p.210
p. 14-a (5525) Dastagerd: city wall from SE (section in Arch. Reise, vol.IV, pl.CXXVIII, top). Paikuli,
vol.II, p..214, top
b (5527) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra, at sunrise.. On left, mounds of Harim i Kisra,. Paikuli,vol.II,
p.214, center
c (5524) Qasr-i Shirin Ruins called Haushquxy. Paikuli, vol.II, p.214, bottom
p.15-a (5523) Khanigin,bridge over Alwan river.Paikuli, vol.II, p.215, top
b (5526) Qasr-i Shirin. Ruins of Haushquxy, from NE. Paikuli, vol.11, p.215, center
c (5528) Qasr-i Shirin. Seen from NE; on the right, ruins of Sasanian fort. Paikuli, vol.11, p.215, bottom
p.16-a O Qasr-i Shirin. Haushquxy, ruins of palace. Paikuli,vol.II, p217, top
b O Qasr-i Shirin. Another view of preceeding, P.217, center
p. 17 O Qasr-i Shirin. Haushquxy, ruins and village. Paikuli, p.217, bottom
p.18-a (1710) Kangavar, column near mosque. Paikuli, voL1I, p218, top
b (1743) Taq-i Gixra. Paikuli,vol.II, p.218, center
c (1744) Taq-i Gixra. Cornices. Paikuli,vol.II, p.218, right
p.19-a O Kangavar, remains of W front of temple. Paikuli, vol.II, p.219, top
b (1711) Kangavar, remains of W front of temple. Paikuli,vol.II.p.219, bottom
p.20-a O Sarpul. Kurdish woman with jewelry., Paikuli, vol.II,p.220, top
b () Climbing in the Avroman. Paikuli, vol.II, p.220, bottom
p.21-a () In der Schlucht zwischen Dargah Shaikhan and Duzli
b (8348) In the Avroman
p.22-a (8347) Top of Pass in Avroman Dagh
b () High up on the Avroman Pass
p.23 O Tuwela, Avroman
p.24-a () Unidentified scene in preceeding area
b O Two Kurds at prayer

p.25-a (1482) Canyon of Aw in Shirwan with Purd i Kurran. Paikuli, vol.II, p.224, top
b O Purd i Kurran, the "children's bridge"(?). Paikuli,vol.II, p.224,bottom
p26-a (5529) Panorama with Neg5530., Qasr-i Shirin, Haushqury: village with ruins of hunting lodge
and game preserve. Paikuli, vol.11, pp.225-226
b (5531) Panorama with Neg.,5532. Khoratan range from Zarda Kiaw on left (N) to Banakhelan
ford on right (S).. Paikuli.vol.II, pp225-226
p.27 (1240) Panorama with Neg.. 1241, Shahrazur plain from Ahmadawa: (a) Pusht i Kale i Shamiran; (b)
Kazheka; (c) Tapa kurra; (d) Zarda Kiaw; (e) Gulambar. Paikuli, voL11, pp.225-226
p.28 (1259) Panorama with Negs. 1260 and 1261. Surdash, view down West: (a) Spilkan,northeinmost
spur of Pir Omar Gudrun; (b) Bazian range; (c) Qarachatan plain; (d) Tabin valley; (e)
Doladrezh glen; (f) Tokma range; (g) Piadara range; (h) breech of the Lesser Zab near
Dukkan. Paikuli, vol.II, p.227
p,29-a (4438) Paikuli. Parsik block B10, Paikuli, vol.11, p..41
b (4361) Paikuli. Squeeze ofpreceeding, No.58 Paikuli, vol.1I, p40
p.30-a (4439) Paikuli. Parsik block E3.. Paikuli, vol.11, p. 68
b (4375) Paikuli. Squeeze of preceeding, No.73. Paikuli, vol.11, p.67
p,31-a (4440) Paikuli. Pahlavik block B'7. Paikuli, vol.11, p.136
b (4312) Paikuli. Squeeze of preceeding, No. 10.. Paikuli, vol.11, p.135
p.32-a (4441) Paikuli. Pahlavik block C'2.. Paikuli, vol.I1, p.146
b (4317) Paikuli Squeeze of preceeding, No.14 Paikuli, vol.11, p. 145
p.33-a (4436) Paikuli. Pahlavik block F'll. Paikuli, vol.11, p.. 188
b (4338) Paikuli. Squeeze of preceeding, No. 35. Paikuli, vol.I1, p.187
p.34 a (4437) Paikuli. Pahlavik block C'13. Paikuli, volII, p.158
b (4323) Paikuli. Squeeze of preceeding, No.20. Paikuli, vol,I1, p. 157
p.35 (4402) Paikuli, Pahlavik squeeze. No.100
p.36 (4410) Paikuli, Pahlavik squeeze. No.101. Neg. of stone 2681a
p.37 (4408) Paikuli, Pahlavik squeeze. No.99. Neg. of stone 2676
p,.38 (4419) Paikuli, Pahlavik squeeze. No.97 Neg. of stone 2681
p,39 (443 1A) Paikuli, Pahlavik squeeze. No.124. Neg. of stone 2017
p.40 (4418) Paikuli, Pahlavik squeeze.. No.98
p41 (4416) Paikuli, Pahlavik squeeze.. No.123. Neg. of stone 2680
p42 (4417) Paikuli, Pahlavik squeeze.. No.102
p43 (4409) Paikuli, Pahlavik squeeze. No. 104. Neg of stone 2677
p.44 (4403) Paikuli, Pahlavik squeeze. No.103. Illus., F , fig..46
p..45 (4407) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No. 119. Neg.. of stone 2016
p.46 (4405) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No.118
p.47 (4401) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No.115
p.48 (4406) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No. 114, Illus., F.frg.47
p.49 (4428) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No. 105. Neg. of stone 2011
p.50 (4423) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No.107.. Neg. of stone 2014
p.51 (4421) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze.. No.113, right; No. 112, left
p.52 (4413) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze.. No.111., Neg. of stone 2686
p53 (4412) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No.117. Neg. of stone 2685
p.54 (4400) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No.118
p.55 (4422) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze,. No.106. Neg of stone 2683
p.56 (4435) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze.. No.121
p.57 (4414) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No. 110. Neg of stone 2687
p.58 (4404) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No.108
p.59 (4411) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze.. No. 120. Neg. of stone 2684
p.60 (4427) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No.109. Neg. of stone 2688
p.61 (4415) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No.113. Neg.. of stone 2689
p.62 (4434) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No.128
p.63 (4433) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No.61, top. Paikuli, vol.1I, p.46; No.127, bottom
p.64 (4429) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze.. No.131, top left; No.130, bottom left; No. 132, bottom left; No.129,
bottom right
p.65 (4432) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No.126 (?)
p,66 (4426) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No.125
p.67 (4420) Paikuli, Parsik squeeze. No.55A. Paikuli,vol,II, p.34

Paikuli negatives.. Unless noted elsewhere, no prints are in the file.
(4303) Pahlavik squeeze. 1, AT Paikuli, vol.Il, p.117
(4304) Pahlavik squeeze. 2, A'2.. Paikuli, p.119
(4305) Pahlavik squeeze. 3, A'3 Paikuli, p.121
(4306) Pahlavik squeeze.. 4, AT. Paikuli, p.123
(4307) Pahlavik squeeze. 5, A'10. Paikuli, p.125
(4308) Pahlavik squeeze. 6, A'11. Paikuli, p..127
(4309) Pahlavik squeeze.. 7, B'1.. (Stone Neg.2018). Paikuli, p.129
(4310) Pahlavik squeeze. 8, B'4.. Paikuli, p..131
(4311) Pahlavik squeeze. 9, B'6.. Paikuli, p.133
(4312) Pahlavik squeeze. 10, B'7.. (Stone Neg..4440). Paikuli, p.135
(4313) Pahlavik squeeze.. 13, B'9.. Paikuli, p.137
(4314) Pahlavik squeeze.. 122, B' 11.. Paikuli, p.139
(4315) Pahlavik squeeze. 12, B'13. Paikuli, p.141
(4316) Pahlavik squeeze. 13, Cl. (Stone Neg.2019).. Paikuli, p.143
(4317) Pahlavik squeeze.. 14, C'2.. (Stone Neg.4441). Paikuli, p.145
(4318) Pahlavik squeeze.. 15, C'3.. Paikuli, p..147
(4319) Pahlavik squeeze.. 16, C'4., Paikuli, p.149
(4320) Pahlavik squeeze.. 17, C'6. Paikuli, p.,151
(4321) Pahlavik squeeze. 18, C'9. Paikuli, p.153
(4322) Pahlavik squeeze. 19, C' 10. Paikuli, p..155
(4323) Pahlavik squeeze. 20, C13. (Stone Neg.4437). Paikuli, p.157
(4324) Pahlavik squeeze. 21, C'14.. Paikuli, P..159
(4325) Pahlavik squeeze.. 22, D'7.. Paikuli, p..161
(4326) Pahlavik squeeze. 23, D'8. Paikuli, p..163
(4327) Pahlavik squeeze.. 24, D'10.(Stone Neg.2020). Paikuli, p.165
(4328) Pahlavik squeeze.. 25, D'15. Paikuli, p.167
(4329) Pahlavik squeeze.. 26, E'7.. Paikuli, p.169
(4330) Pahlavik squeeze.. 27, E'12. Paikuli, p.171
(4331) Pahlavik squeeze. 28,E'14. Paikuli, p.173
(4332) Pahlavik squeeze.. 29, E'15. Paikuli, p.175
(4333) Pahlavik squeeze. 30, F'2. (Stone Neg.1999). Paikuli, p.,177
(4334) Pahlavik squeeze. 31, F'3. Paikuli, p..179
(4335) Pahlavik squeeze.. 32, F'6.. (Stone Neg.2000). Paikuli, p.181
(4336) Pahlavik squeeze.. 33, F'7.. (Stone Neg. 2001). Paikuli, p.183
(4337) Pahlavik squeeze.. 34, F'8.. Paikuli, p.185
(4338) Pahlavik squeeze.. 35, F'11 Paikuli, p.187
(4339) Pahlavik squeeze. 36, F'12. (Stone Neg.2002). Paikuli, p..189
(4340) Pahlavik squeeze. 37, F'13 Paikuli, p.191
(4341) Pahlavik squeeze. 38, G'1. Paikuli, p.193
(4342) Pahlavik squeeze. 39, G'3. Paikuli, p.195
(4343) Pahlavik squeeze.. 40, G'6.. Paikuli, p.197
(4344) Pahlavik squeeze. 41, G'9. Paikuli, p.199
(4345) Pahlavik squeeze. 42, G'l1. Paikuli, p.201
(4346) Parsik squeeze.. 43, Al.. Paikuli, p.10
(4347) Parsik squeeze.. 44, A2.. Paikuli, p.12
(4348) Parsik squeeze.. 45, A4.. Paikuli, p.14
(4349) Parsik squeeze.. 46, A5.. Paikuli, p.16
(4350) Parsik squeeze.. 47, A9.. Paikuli, p..18
(4351) Parsik squeeze.. 48, All Paikuli, p.20
(4352) Parsik squeeze. 49, A12. Paikuli, p.22
(4353) Parsik squeeze, 50, B2., Paikuli, p.24
(4354) Parsik squeeze. 51, B3.. Paikuli, p.26
(4355) Parsik squeeze.. 52, B4.. Paikuli, p.28
(4356) Paisik squeeze. 53, B5. (Stone Neg.2021). Paikuli, p.30
(4357) Parsik squeeze. 54, B6., Paikuli, p.32
(4358) Paisik squeeze.. 55, B7..(Stone Neg.2010). Paikuli, p.34
(4359) Paisik squeeze. 56, B8. (Stone Neg.2022). Paikuli, p.36

(4360) Parsik squeeze, 57, B9. Paikuli, p.38
(4361) Parsik squeeze, 58, B10. (Stone Neg.4438). Paikuli, p.40
(4362) Parsik squeeze, 59, B 11. Paikuli, p.42
(4363) Parsik squeeze.. 60, B12. (Stone Neg.2023). Paikuli, p.44
(4364) Parsik squeeze.. 61, B14. Paikuli, p.46
(4365) Parsik squeeze. 62, C2. Paikuli, p.48
(4366) Parsik squeeze. 63, C3.. (Stone Neg.2024). Paikuli, p50
(4367) Parsik squeeze.. 64, C4. Paikuli, p.52
(4368) Parsik squeeze. 65, C9.. Paikuli, p.54
(4369) Parsik squeeze. 66, C11, Paikuli, p.,56
(4370) Parsik squeeze. 67, D2. Paikuli, p.58
(4371) Parsik squeeze. 68, D3.. (Stone Neg. 2025). Paikuli, p.60
(4372) Parsik squeeze. 69, D5, Paikuli, p.62
(4373) Parsik squeeze, 70, D6. (Stone Neg.2026), Paikuli, p.64
(4374) Parsik squeeze. Another view of 4374A.71, D15 Paikuli, p.66
(4375) Parsik squeeze, 72, E3. (Stone Neg. 4439). Paikuli, p.67
(4376) Parsik squeeze. 73, E5, Paikuli, p.69
(4377) Parsik squeeze. 74, E7.. Paikuli, p.71
(4378) Parsik squeeze. 75, E10. Paikuli, p.73
(4379) Parsik squeeze. 76, E12, Paikuli, p.75
(4380) Parsik squeeze.. 77, E13. Paikuli, p.77
(4381) Parsik squeeze.. 78, E16. Paikuli, p.79
(4382) Parsik squeeze. 79, F3. Paikuli, p.81
(4383) Paisik squeeze. 80, F5. Paikuli, p.83
(4384) Parsik squeeze, 81, F6. Paikuli, p.85
(4385) Parsik squeeze. 82, F9. Paikuli, p.87
(4386) Parsik squeeze. 83, F12. (Stone Neg. 505).. Paikuli, p.89
(4387) Parsik squeeze.. 84, F13. (Stone Neg.2028). Paikuli, p.91
(4388) Parsik squeeze.. 85, F15. Paikuli, p.93
(4389) Parsik squeeze. 86, G2. Paikuli, p.95
(4390) Parsik squeeze, 87, G6. Paikuli, p.114
(4391) Parsik squeeze. 88, G13 Paikuli, p..99
(4392) Parsik squeeze.. 89, G15.. Cf.also 4392A Paikuli, p.101
(4393) Parsik squeeze.. 90, H2. Paikuli, p.103
(4394) Parsik squeeze. 91, H5. Paikuli, P.105
(4395) Parsik squeeze. 92, H6.. Paikuli, p..107
(4396) Parsik squeeze. 93, H7. Paikuli, p.109
(4397) Parsik squeeze.. 94, H8. Paikuli, p.111
(4398) Parsik squeeze.. 95, H11 . Paikuli, p.113
(4399) Parsik squeeze. 96, H15 Paikuli, p.115
(4404A) Duplicate of 4404
(4409A) Duplicate of 4409
(4410A) Duplicate of 4410
(4418A) Duplicate of 4418
(4419A) Duplicate of 4419
(4420A) Duplicate of 4420
(4424) Squeeze Nos.92 and 132. (92, File 18-5 1; 132, File 18-64)
(4425) Old Squeeze No.98. Unidentified
(4427A) Duplicate of 4427
(4430) Squeeze 123 (tracing File 18-41),bluepiint No.4416
(4430A) Duplicate of 4430
(4431) Duplicate of 4431A
(4434A) Duplicate of 4434
(4435A) Duplicate of 4435

Photo File 19
Samarra: Wandschmuck

These are prints of illustrations in vol.I. Die Ausgrabungen von Samarra, insofar as they were found in the Archive.
Plate numbers and captions are from the published volume. There are no negatives for these prints in the Archive. See
Note for File 21

[Publisher's note: To help you to identijy the prints in Photo File 19, xerox copies of the 'list of plates', from Band I of
'Die Ausgrabungen von Samarra' have been inserted at the back of this catalogue].

pp.1-102 are from the volume

pp.102-109 are photos of the Expedition house and of Arab foremen
pp.110-121 are snapshots,. Some are identified, some are cross-referenced to prints in other Samarra files: 20-23

Photo File 20
Samarra:Wandschmuck and Geschichte der Stadt Samarra

Unless noted, no negatives are in the Archive. See Note for File 22..
pp,1-56 Prints of illustrations in vol.II, Die Ausgrabungen von Samarra, "Die Keramik" von R. Sarre, insofar as
found in the Archive.. These are supplemented by unpublished photos of ceramics,, The inventory
numbers were noted on the backs of the prints and refer to the Expedition Inventory of Finds in the
Archive (Archive No,S-1).. The negative numbers proceeded by an "S", also noted on the backs, refer
to a Samarra listing. Plate numbers refer to the printed text.
pp.57-86 Include prints of illustrations in vol.VI, Die Ausgrabungen von Samarra,"Die Geschichte der Stadt
Samarra." Plate numbers are those given in the printed text. Also included are related panoramic views,
p.73 Papyrus, with Arabic inscription
p.77 Fragments of marble,inscribed
p.79-83 Inscription of the Caliph al-Mustansir on the Jisr Haibah
p.85 Linen with Arabic inscription
pp.87-88 Air photos of Samarra, Muhedschir and Istabulat
pp,.89-102 Views of surroundings of Samarra, some identified

Photo File 21
Samarra : Malereien

Prints of illustrations in vol.111, Die Ausgrabungen von Samarra, insofar as available in the Archive. Plate numbers are
from the printed text.. In some cases, the black and white print also has a colored duplicate. At the end of the file (III, 1-
13) are prints of apparently unpublished pieces, unless noted,. The inventory numbers on the backs of the prints refer to
the Expedition Inventory of Finds in the Archive (Archive No..S-1); and the negative numbers to the Samarra series. No
negatives are in the Archive.. See Note for File 22..

[Publisher's note: To help you to identify the prints in Photo File 21, xerox copies of the 'list of plates' from Band III of
'Die Ausgrabungen von Samarra' have been inserted at the back of this catalogue].

Photo File 22
Samarra: Palaste and Moscheen - I

The records in the Archive of the excavations at Samarra are listed in the Catalogue of Notebooks under the series S-1
through S-41.. The drawings are given in the Index of Drawings: D-1016-1140 and D-1234-1237.. With a few
exceptions, noted in the Photo Files, the negatives are not in the Archive

Mr.. Jens Kroger, Berlin, West Germany, wrote on July 3,1971 that he had been to East Berlin to look for the Samarra
negatives.. They are in the Islamic Department (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Islamisches Museum, 102 Berlin, Bodestr

1-3, German Democratic Republic), The numbers in red (on the backs of certain prints in the Archive, as noted in the
Photo Files) are the negative numbers and are referred to as Sam 1, Sam 2, etc. in the Museum file.

On Dec.,22, 1971, Mr.. Kroger sent the following list of Sketchbooks and Notebooks in East Berlin, shown him by Mr
Enderlein, the head of the Dept. He noted that "due to water they are mostly in very bad condition"; and commented
that the booklet No, 14 could be of interest if one were to work on the houses of Samarra..

Herzfeld Material in Islamisches Museum, East Berlin

1., Sketchbook. Nr.l Aleppo-Hammam

2.. Sketchbook.. Nr.2 Hammam-Halebiye
3. Sketchbook. Nb.3 Halebiye-'Arban
4.. Sketchbook.. Nr..4 'Arban-Homedat
5.. Sketchbook. Nr.5 Mosuy
6.. Sketchbook.. Nr.6 Mosul-Samarra
7.. Sketchbook.. Nr.7 Halebiye (Sitt Zubaida), Baghdad-Ktesiphon
8.. Sketchbook.. Nr..8 Baghdad
9.. Sketchbook.. No Nr, Aleppo-'Anah
10.. Sketchbook.. No Nr. 'Anah-Baghdad-Harbah
11.. Sketchbook.. No Nr. Samarra-Baghdad-Ktesiphon
12.. Reisetagebuch Sarresche Expediton 1907-08, starting 25..X..1907 Eregli-Aleppo-Mosul-Baghdad
13. Reisetagebuch Sarresche Expedition 1908, Baghdad-Ktesiphon
14.. Small booklet on Samarra: 9..I.1911-26.I.1911 with rough sketches of the following houses: I-X
15.. Small booklet with measuring points (Samarra?)
16.. Small booklet of the photos taken during Samarra excavations
IT Small booklet with short notes, also on Samarra ceramics
18. Sketchbook, Keramik I Samarra
19.. Sketchbook, Keramik II Samarra

Herzfeld apparently envisaged one or two volumes of the Samarra series to deal with the architecture of the palaces,
mosques and private houses. Files 22 and 23 were Albums of'photos arranged, perhaps, in a tentative order. The only
identification was written on the backs of the prints which were glued to the Album page. In removing for re-mounting,
the writing was sometimes damaged by the glue. All that was legible is noted,

The first number was in red crayon and is the number used in the captions as the negative number.. In some cases, an
additional number was given in blue crayon, possibly indicating a revision of,the list or an alternative negative. The
encircled number on the margin gives the position in the Album. There is in the Archive a package of duplicate prints of
many of these which are, for the most part, unpublished. They should be studied in conjunction with the Sketchbooks,
Notebooks, drawings and; File 19, Die Wandschmuck.

Nos. .1-145 Mostly ruins and finds at Bait al-Khalifa

pp, 1-34 Small objects of metal, shell, glass, stucco, stone and wood

Photo File 23
Samarra: Palaste and Moscheen - II

1-2 Unidentified tombs

3 Tomb of Saiyyid Muhammad near Balad
4-20 The Shrine and mosque in Samarra
21-22 Shrine, Shaikh Muhammad abu'l-Hasan near Sumaikah
23-25 Qubbat al-Sulaibiyyah
26 Mutwakkiliyyah
27-30 Qubbat al-Sulaibiyyah
31-38 Mutawakkiliyyah
39-67 Great Mosque and Malawiyyah
68-85 al-'Ashiq
86 Mangur
87-103 Balkuwara

104 Panorama: Tell al-'Alidj
105-110 Qadisiyyah
111-125 Balkuwara
126 Panorama: Sulaibiyyah and'Ashiq
Nos. 127-182 are not in the Album. They are miscellaneous photos of all ruins mentioned, plus some of Imam Dun

Photo File 24
Misc. Monuments in Iran, Afghanistan, Samarcand

The prints are from various sources.. Unless a negative number is given, no negative is in the Archive.
1 Tehran, Entrance Sepah Salar mosque
2 Tehran. Shems al-Imarah, garden side. Qajar harem in Gulistan palace
3 Tehran, Gulistan palace. Throne iwan
4 Tehran, Gulistan palace. From throne iwan,overlooking garden
5 Tehran, German Legation.Entrance ca. 1928
6-8 Tehran, German Legation. Garden side. Herzfeld talking with the Minister, Graf vd.
Schulenburg, ca.1928
9-13 Tehran. Brick kilns in southern part of city on road to Shah Abdul Azim, ca. 1930
14 Tehran, Lumber yard next to kilns
15 Tehran. Environs
16 Tehran. Majlis (Parliament) building, ca. 1930
17 Rayy. Cheshmeh'Ali.. Fath'Ali Shah hunting
18 Rayy? Path 'Ali Shah hunting
19 Rayy. Tower of Silence from mountain. Probably taken by Herzfeld in 1905
20 Rayy. Ruin fields
21 Veramin, Tomb tower.
22 Veramin, Tomb tower. Inside
23 Veramin or Rayy. Herzfeld photographing
24 (3887) Rayy. Panorama of ruins of citadel
25 (3886) Shiraz. Polo ground at Takht-i Qajar with ziggurat tower
26 (3889) Panorama of the Darya-i Namak (Salt Sea)
27 (3888) Panorama of a village near Kumrud
28 (923) View of Alamut and Elburz Mts.
29 View of Alamut valley
30 Simnan, minaret, Lower Kufic inscription
31 Simnan, minaret. Another view of inscription
32 Ardabil, Tomb, Master's signature
33 Khurramabad, Tower or minaret.Photo,Treskinsky
34-37 Simnan, minaret
38 Damghan, Mosque and minaret
39 Damghan. Minaret
40-41 Ghadamgah, Shrine E of Nishapur on Mashhad road
42-43 Nishapur. Tomb of Muhammad Mahruq in Bagh-i Khayyam
44-45 Mashhad. Airplane photos of Shrine complex of Imam Riza
46 Mashhad. Golden dome of Shrine
47 Mashhad. Entrance to Shrine courtyard
48 Mashhad. Silver doors of Shrine
49 Mashhad. Interior of Shrine
50 Mashhad. In Shrine complex
51-55 Mashhad. House and garden of Maj. Melvin Hall, ca. 1925
56-57 Mazanderan.. Crib for silk-worms (?)
58 Mazanderan Thatched crib or haystack
59 Mazanderan On road Rasht-Qazvin, Fall,1928
60 Mazanderan. Bridge of burnt-brick
61-62 Mazanderan. Thatched houses
63-65 Saveh (Sawa). Photos, A.U.Pope
66-69 Maima. Photos, A.U.Pope

70 Isfahan. View from roof of Ali Kapu
71 Isfahan. The great Maidan
72 Isfahan. Entrance Masjid-i Shah
73 Isfahan. Another view from Maidan
74 Isfahan. Masjid-i Shah. Photo, Profelt
75 Isfahan. At left of entrance, Masjid-i Shah.Photo, Burchardt
76 Isfahan.. Entrance, Masjid-i Shah
77 Isfahan. Entrance, Masjid-i Shaikh Lutfullah
78 Isfahan. Another view. Photo, Burchardt
79 Isfahan. Entrance to the Bazar
80 Isfahan Entrance to the Bazar (Qaisari)
81 Isfahan. Unidentified iwan
82 Isfahan Pul-i khadju
83 Isfahan Entrance, Masjid-i Shah
84 Isfahan. Another view of No.83
85 Isfahan, Madrasa Mader-i Shah. With scaffolding
86 Isfahan, Madrasa Mader-i Shah..
87 Isfahan.. Babaruk
88 Isfahan. Madrasa Mader-i Shah. Silver doors
89 Isfahan. Hasht Behisht palace. Photo, Profelt
90 Isfahan. Chehel Sutun, entrance iwan. Photo, Profelt
91 Isfahan, Takht-i pulad, Masjid of Rukn al-mulk.
92 Isfahan, Takht-i pulad, Masjid of Rukn al-mulk. Gate. Photo, Profelt
93 Isfahan, Chehel Sutun.. With reflecting pool. Photo, Profelt
94 Isfahan, Chehel Sutun, Closer view
95 Isfahan, Chehel Sutun, Wall paintings
96 Isfahan, Chehel Sutun,Closer view of large painting in No.95. Photo, Profelt
97 Isfahan, Ali Kapu. From Maidan.Photo,Tardoff, 11/4/23
98 Isfahan, Ali Kapu. Balcony niches. Photo, Profelt
99 Isfahan, Chehel Sutun, Library doorway. Photo, Profelt
100 Isfahan, Chehel Sutun. With pool. Photo, Burchardt
101 Isfahan, Chehel Sutun., Section of painted ceiling, Photo, Burchardt
102 Isfahan, Chehel Sutun, Another section,Photo,Burchardt
103 Isfahan. Ateshgah
104 Isfahan. Minaret 'Ali. Photo, Profelt
105 Isfahan. Cemetery. Photo, Profelt
106 Isfahan. All Verdi Khan bridge
107 Near Isfahan. Karavansarai
108 Isfahan. Entrance, All Kapu
109 Isfahan, Masjid-i Juma', dome chamber of Malikshah (3949). See also Nos. 178-182
110 Isfahan, Masjid-i Juma', dome chamber of Malikshah. Another section (3953)
111 Isfahan, Masjid-i Juma', dome chamber of Malikshah, Buttresses. Photo, A.U.Pope
112 Isfahan, Masjid-i Juma', dome chamber of Malikshah. Another view. Photo, A.U.Pope
113-114 Isfahan, Masjid-i Juma', dome chamber of Malikshah. Internal structure. Photo,
115 Isfahan, Masjid-i Juma', dome chamber of Malikshah Kufic inscription., Photo,
116-117 Isfahan, Masjid-i Juma', dome chamber of Malikshah. Interior (116 (3947) )
118-123 Isfahan, Masjid-i Juma', dome chamber of Malikshah. Architectural details., Photo,
124 Isfahan, Tabarak, Photo, Profelt
125 Isfahan, Tabarak Another view
126-128 Isfahan. Masjid-i Juma', details, Photo, A,U.Pope
129 Isfahan Minaret. Photo, Burchardt
130 Isfahan. Closer view of preceeding
131 Isfahan. Pigeon tower
132 Isfahan. Closer view of preceeding. Photo, Profelt
133 Isfahan, Manufacture of printed cotton cloth (kalam kar)

134 Isfahan. Carpet knotting
135 Isfahan. Harvesting tobacco
136 Isfahan. Entertainers in ballet skirts
137 (3885) Panorama, Isfahan.. All Verdi Khan bridge
138 (3883) Panorama, Isfahan. Looking towards Julfa from Ali Verdi bridge
139 (3893) Panorama, Isfahan. Pir-i Bakran
140 (3879) Panorama, Isfahan, Qal'at Tabarak
141 (3880) Panorama, Isfahan. Another view of preceeding
142 (3881) Panorama, Isfahan. (Shahristan), Sasanian bridge
143 (3882) Panorama, Isfahan. Pul-i khadju
144-146 Imamzadeh Karrar. Mihrab and details.. Photos, M..B..Smith. 1/4/34
147 (3892) Panorama, Yazdikhast.
148 (3890) Panorama, Yazdikhast.Another view
149 (3891) Panorama, Yazdikhast.
150 Shiraz, Masjid-i No. Courtyard
151 Shiraz, Masjid-i No. Minbar
152 Caravansarai near Shiraz
153 Shiraz. Bagh-i Dilgusha.. Photo, Burchardt
154 Shiraz.. Entrance to Masjid-i No (?). Photo, Burchardt
155 Shiraz. Close-up of No.154. Photo, Burchardt
156 Shiraz. Masjid-i No..(?). Photo, Burchardt
157 Shiraz,, Another view of preceeding. Photo, Burchardt
158 (3894) Band-i Amir. Panorama
159-160 (4059-4060) Other panoramas of Band-i Amir
161 Yazd, entrance to bazar. From rear. Photo, Burchardt
162 Yazd, entrance to bazar. From front. Photo, Burchardt
163 Afghanistan.. Kabul. Tomb (?) courtyard
164 Afghanistan. Bamiyan. Buddha
165 Afghanistan. Herat, minarets and tomb
166 Afghanistan, Bamiyan. Approaching Buddhas
167 Afghanistan, Bamiyan. Another view of No. 166
168 Afghanistan, Bamiyan. Buddhas
169 Afghanistan, Bamiyan. Buddhas
170-173 Samarcand. Tomb of Timur. Photo, Burchardt
174-175 Samarcand. Marketplace and mosque of Ulugh Beg. Photo, Burchardt
176 Samarcand. Carved stone sarcophagus. Photo, Burchardt
177 Samarcand. Tiled wall surface. Photo, Burchardt
178 (3950) Isfahan, Masjid-i Juma', dome chamber of Malik Shah. See also Nos. 109-123
179 (3952) Isfahan, Masjid-i Juma', dome chamber of Malik Shah.
180 (3951) Isfahan, Masjid-i Juma', dome chamber of Malik Shah.
181 (3948) Isfahan, Masjid-i Juma', dome chamber of Malik Shah..
182 (3946) Isfahan, Masjid-i Juma', dome chamber of Malik Shah. Elevation of one corner

Photo File 25
"Sasanidischer Bauten"

This group of prints was arranged by Herzfeld, apparently as a survey of Sasanian architecture. Many of the prints also
appear in Photo File 7. The numbers in parentheses are the negative numbers, if a negative exists in the Archive. The
abbreviations of books where photos are published are as follows:
AHI - Archaeological History of Iran, Herzfeld
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld
Paikuli - Paikuli Monument...., Herzfeld

1 (2033) Khurasan, Paqal'eh. Near Mehr

2 (2032) Khurasan, Paqal'eh. Castle N of Mehr' on natural rock
3 (2031) Khurasan, Paqal'eh
4 (2034) Khurasan, Baze'ur'. "High-place" (temple to r.. of photo)
5 ( ) Khurasan, Baze'ur. Temple to left of photo

6 (2039) Khurasan, Baze'ur, Qal'eh-i dukhtar. Interior
7 (2037) Khurasan, Baze'ur, Qal'eh-i dukhtar. Outside
8 (2036) Khurasan, Baze'ur, Qal'eh-i dukhtar. Dome, inside
9 (928) Kangavar. Stone base of column. IAE, pl.LXXXVII, bottom
10 (2378) Asadabad. Stone capital and doorway
11 (2379) Asadabad. Column base (?)
12-13 (2381-84) Khurha. Panorama
14 (2387) Khurha, columns. Village in background
15 (2390) Khurha, columns.
16 (1713) Khurha, columns, IAE, pl
17 (1714) Khurha, columns.
18 (2388) Khurha, columns, AHI, pl.VI
19 (1715) Khurha. Close-up of lower sections of columns
20 (1716) Khurha.. Same as preceeding with capital
21 (2394) Khurha. Architectural block
22 (2393) Khurha., Column base
23 (1721) Khurha. S corner in situ
24 (1717) Khurha,, Capital
25 (1719) Khurha. Three-quarter view of capital
26 (1720) Khurha. Capital
27 (1718) Khurha. Capitals. IAE, pl..LXXXIX, top
28 (2392) Khurha., Temple bases excavated. IAE, pl.LXXXVIII, bottom
29-30 (3944) Cilicia. Uzunja Burg.Temple of Zeus, Seleucus Nicator. Details of capitals in IAE,
32 (3898) Istakhr. Panorama. View towards N
33 (4089a) Panorama.. Naqsh-i Rustam, looking towards Istakhr and Naqsh-i Rajab
34 O Istakhr. City gate in foreground. Naqsh-i Rustam in background
35 (2412) Istakhr. City gate and aqueduct. On hills to right, dakhmah
36 (2411) Istakhr. City gate from SW
37 (2414) Istakhr. Mosque, before excavation
38 (2413) Istakhr. Mosque with Naqsh-i Rustam in background
39 (2415) Istakhr. Column with capital
40 (1746) Istakhr. Capital
41 (3895) Kharg. Panorama
42 (3896) Kharg, Panorama
43 (3897) Kharg. Panorama, catacombs and Imamzadeh Mir Muhammad
44 (1722) Kharg. Catacombs, large No.2 in foreground
45 (1724) Kharg, large catacomb No,1(with sculpture).
46 (1726) Kharg, large catacomb Nod (with sculpture).
47 (1725) Kharg, large catacomb No.1 (with sculpture),. Right side
48 (1728) Kharg, large catacomb No.1 (with sculpture). Carved molding
49 (1730) Kharg, large catacomb No.1 (with sculpture). Center
50 (1728) Kharg, large catacomb No.1 (with sculpture), Sculpture of deep recess, r.
51 (1729) Kharg, large catacomb No.1 (with sculpture). Molding
52 (1733) Kharg, catacomb No.2. Entrance, AHI, pLXIX, top
53 (1731) Kharg, catacomb No.2. Left side.. IAE, pl.XCIII,left,bottom
54 (1736) Kharg, catacomb No,1, detail of right side, right corner
55 (1734) Kharg, catacomb No.2. Anteroom, door and right side
56 (1735) Kharg, catacomb No.2. Background
57 (1732) Kharg, catacomb No.2. Right side
58 (1723) Kharg, Unidentified tomb
59 (1736a) Kharg, catacomb No.2.
60 (1737a) Kharg, catacomb No.2.
61 (1737) Kharg Catacomb No,.3,anteroom, left side
62-65 (2396-99) Kharg, small rock tombs
66 () Masjid-i Sulaiman. Corner of platform
67 () Masjid-i Sulaiman. Platform
68 (2048) Sistan, Shahristan. N part of town, inner wall

69 (2041) Sistan, Shahristan, E side where branch of Helmand river flowed
70 (2079) Sistan, Kuh-i Khwaja. Gr. court, S front main section. E castle above
71 (2085) Sistan, Ktih-i Khwaja. Court of palace, S side with main gate
72 (2096) Sistan, Kuh-i Khwaja.. NW room of palace
73 (2066) Sistan, Kuh-i Khwaja. Lowest town wall. City gate near SE corner
74 (2084) Sistan, Kuh-i Khwaja. N wing of T-room. E side of court
75 (2076) Sistan, Kuh-i Khwaja. Inner palace gate, 2nd period, W half
76 (2408) Takht-i Rustam (Shahriyar). Imamzadeh and lower platform (r)
77 (2404) Takht-i Rustam (Shahriyar). Whole hill with upper and lower platforms
78 (2407) Takht-i Rustam (Shahxiyar). Corner of lower platform
79 (2406) Takht-i Rustam (Shahriyar). Lower platform
80 (2372) Hajjiabad (between Kermanshah and Bistun). General view
81-86 (2369; 73-77) Hajjiabad (between Kexmanshah and Bistun). Column bases
87 (2417) Persepolis Astodan to N
88 (2418) Persepolis. Detail of preceeding
89 (1747) Firuzabad. Kal'eh-i dukhtar nearby
90 (1748) Fixuzabad. Gorge below Kal'eh-i dukhtar, near bridge of Mihxnaxseh.
91 () Firuzabad, Kal'eh-i dukhtar.
92 O Fixuzabad, Kal'eh-i dukhtar. Drawn plan and elevation
93 O Fixuzabad. Entrance to gorge
94 (1750) Fixuzabad, Kal'eh-i dukhtar. Round tower (dungeon)
95 (1749) Fixuzabad, Kal'eh-i dukhtar. Round tower
96 (1753) Fixuzabad, Kal'eh-i dukhtar, Large iwan in front of dungeon, L. Side
97 (1752) Fixuzabad, Kal'eh-i dukhtar.. Same. L. side and background
98 (1754) Central room with cupola in dungeon
99 (1755) Firuzabad, Palace of Ardashir I.. Front with hot spring
100-101 (2425-26) Firuzabad, Palace of Ardashir I. Side view
102 (2429) Firuzabad, Palace of Ardashir I. N side of front
103 (2428) Firuzabad, Palace of Ardashir I. Left section of front
104 (2434) Firuzabad, Palace of Ardashir I. Middle cupola, looking toward third cupola
105 (2433) Firuzabad, Palace of Ardashir I. Detail of preceeding
106 (2435) Fixuzabad, Palace of Ardashir I. Interior of third cupola, right side
107 (2438) Firuzabad, Palace of Ardashir I. Wall above No. 106
108 (2427) Fixuzabad, Palace of Ardashir I. Iwan behind 3 cupolas,court front
109 (2436) Firuzabad, Palace of Ardashir L. Detail of preceeding
110 (2432) Firuzabad, Palace of Ardashir L. Another detail of No.108
111 (2430) Firuzabad, Palace of Ardashir I.. Courtyard
112 (2431) Firuzabad, Palace of Ardashir I. Courtyard, iwan to right, opposite main front. AHI,
pl.XV, right
113-116 (2443-44; 45a; Firuzabad.. Tower (core of staircase)
117-118 (2657-58) Fixuzabad. Imamzadeh, re-used carved Saljuq blocks
119 (2447) Firuzabad. Imamzadeh, with drum of antique granite column
120 (2455) Fixuzabad.. Castle
121 (2454) Firuzabad. Another view of preceeding
122 (2441) Firuzabad.. Substructure of fire-temple
123 (2442) Firuzabad. Ruins of fire-temple
124 (2439) Fixuzabad. More distant view of No. 122
125 (1759) Mil-i Azdaha. Detail of corner
126 (1758) Mil-i Azdaha, Entrance
127 (1757) Mil-i Azdaha. Three-quarter view of one side
128 (1756) Mil-i Azdaha. Similar view of other side
129 (1005) Fortified town or fortress in desert E of Bamm
130 (1022) Another view of preceeding
131 (2030) Nizamabad.. SW of Rayy (source of Sasanian stucco in Museum, Berlin)
132 (2029) Nizamabad View of room in ruins
133 () Faxxashband, Ateshgah.
134 (2448) Faxrashband, Ateshgah. Another view

135 (2450) Farrashband, Ateshgah. Interior dome construction
136 (2449) Farrashband, Ateshgah. Another view of outside
137 (2452) Rubble structure behind Sar Mashhad
138 (2453) Inside preceeding structure
139 (432) Shiraz, Qasr-i Abu Nasr. General view from plain
140 (2424) Shiraz, Qasr-i Abu Nasr. Fortress wall
141 () Near Kazerun. Palms and mountains
142 O Kazerun, general view across roofs
143 (2461) Bishapur. The spring
144 (2460) Bishapur. Closer view of preceeding
145 (2459) Bishapur. Carved stone in preceeding "now buried under highway"
146 (3457) Bishapur. Ruins of building with consoles
147 (3458) Bishapur.. Another view of preceeding
148 (3175) Bishapur. Entrance to gorge from NW
149 (3178) Bishapur. View of stream lower down than sculptures
150 ( ) Photo of drawing of Taq-i Kisra made Dec. 1869
151 (173) Ctesiphon.Taq-i Kisra.. Facade
152 ( ) CtesiphonTaq-i Kisra. Detail, left facade
153 ( ) Ctesiphon Taq-i Kisra. View from NW
154 ( ) Qasr-i Shirin. Fire temple
155 (1741) Qasr-i Shirin. Part of palace
156 (2038) Khurasan, Baze'ur. Kal'eh-i dukhtar. Section
157 (1739) Qasr-i Shirin. Temple. Paikuli, pL216, bottom
158 (1740) Qasr-i Shirin Palace, Paikuli, p1216, top
159 (1742) Qasr-i Shirin. Temple. Paikuli, p1.216, center
160 ( ) Qasr-i Shirin. Haushquiy. Paikuli, p1..217, bottom
161 ( ) Qasr-i Shirin. Haushqury. Paikuli, p1.217, top
162 ( ) Qasr-i Shirin. Haushqury. Paikuli, p1.,217, center
163 (5528) Qasr-i Shirin, Panorama of town. Paikuli, p1.,215, bottom
164 (5524) Qasr-i Shirin Panorama,palace. Paikuli, p1.214, bottom
165 (5526) Qasr-i Shirin.. temple. Paikuli, p1.215, center
166 ( ) Palm garden, Diyala region. Panorama
167 ( ) Paikuli. S side of monument.. Paikuli, p1..5, top
168 (330) Arsacid potsherds from Khurasan and Sistan
169 (329) Sasanian. Potsherd with peacocks. Baghdad
170 (445) Sasanian. Potsherd, Baghdad
171 (328) Sasanian. Jug with inlay, Property Breasted, Baghdad
172 (327) Sasanian. Jug

Photo File 26
Miscellaneous prints, including Baghdad, Korykos and India.

Mostly from cut film. Identifications, if given on the backs of'prints, have been copied.. Dates given are when the photos
were probably taken. Numbers at left are of prints, not pages,.

1 (4825) Baghdad, 'Agrquf. 1923.

2 (4828) Baghdad, 'Agrquf. 1923.
3 (4824) Baghdad, 'Agrquf. 1923.
4 (4827) Baghdad, 'Aqrquf. 1923.
5 (4829) Baghdad, 'Agrquf.1923.
6 (4826) Baghdad, 'Agrquf.1923.,
7 (4770) Unidentified garden
8 (4834) Turkey (?). Entrance with tiles and inscriptions
9 (4833) Turkey (?). Street with overhanging balconies
10 (4835) Venice.. Enlargement of plaque in 5727 (File 32-54)
11 (4830) Roman sarcophagus with Latin inscription
12 (4831) Venice. Unidentified building
13 (4857) Baghdad. View with Sitta Zubeida

14 (4864) Iraq.. Carriage with troika
15 (4763) Unidentified village street in Iraq (Salman Pak ?)
16 (4865) Carriages and river boat along the Tigris
17 (4841) Garden. Baghdad (?)
18 (4842) Another view of preceeding
19 (4762) Iraq (?) Unidentified stream
20 (4765) Iraq (?) Unidentified street
21 (4769) Iraq (?) Unidentified bridge
22 (4767) Iraq (?) Washing horses in stream below bridge in No.21
23 (5298) Baghdad, at horse-races. December, 1910
24 (5288) Baghdad, at horse-races,. December, 1910
25 (5299) Baghdad, at horse-races. December, 1910
26 (5297) Baghdad, at horse-races. December, 1910, Local dignitaries
27 (5290) Baghdad, at horse-races,, December, 1910. Another version of preceeding
28 (5296) Baghdad, at horse-races. December, 1910. Horse and groom
29 (5295) Baghdad, at horse-races, December, 1910,. Start of race
30 (5291) Baghdad, at horse-races, December, 1910. Line-up
31 (5292) Baghdad, at horse-races. December, 1910.
32 (5289) Baghdad, at horse-races. December, 1910.
33 (5293) Baghdad, at horse-races. December, 1910.
34 (5294) Baghdad, at horse-races. December, 1910.
35 (5268) Muscat (Maskat). Persian Gulf. Probably 1924
36 (5269) Muscat (Maskat).
37 (5270) Muscat (Maskat).
38 (5272) Straits of Hormuz,,
39 (5273) Straits of Hormuz..
40 (5271) Muscat anchorage
41 (5276) Persian Gulf. Sea gulls
42 (5277) Persian Gulf. Sea gulls
43 (5275) Persian Gulf. Ship's Captain
44 (5278) Straits of Hormuz,,
45 (5279) Straits of Hormuz,,
46 (5382) Lingah (?)
47 (5274) Juncture of sea and Tigris
48 (5281) Muhammera
49 (5283) At the mouth of the Tigris
50 (5280) Muhammera
51 (5284) Sailboats on the lower Tigris. Probably 1924
52 (5285) Sailboats on the lower Tigris,.
53 (5287) Sailboats on the lower Tigris.
54 (5286) Sailboats on the lower Tigris.
55 (5340) Aleppo, distant view
56 (5341) Deir Hafer (?).
57 (5342) Deir Hafer (?). Another view 5674 (File 32-232)
58 (5343) Meskineh.
59 (5344) Meskineh.Stone capital
60 (5346) Eski Meskineh.
61 (5345) Eski Meskineh. Another exposure of preceeding
62 (5347) Thapsakus-Tell al-Thadagana (?).,
63 (5348) Thapsakus-Tell al-Thadagana (?).
64 (5349) Thapsakus - Tell al-Thadagana (?)
65 (5350) Thapsakus - Tell al-Thadagana (?).
66 (5351) Thapsakus - Tell al-Thadagana (?).,
67 (5352) Difsa (?) on the Euphrates (Alatis).
68 (5353) Difsa (?) on the Euphrates (Alatis).
69 (5354) Exedra, NW of Suriyyah.
70 (5355) Exedra, NW of Suriyyah.
71 (5356) Exedra, NW of Suriyyah.

72 (5357) Exedra, NW of Suriyyah.
73 (5358) Castle of Suriyyah.
74 (5359) Castle of Suriyyah.
75 (5360) Raqqah. Mosque
76 (5361) Raqqah. City wall
77 (5364) Raqqah Capital, Tulunid style
78 (5362) Raqqah. City wall
79 (5365) Raqqah. Another view of capital in No. 77
80 (5363) Raqqah. Glazed bowls
81 (5366) Raqqah. Capital,late Byzantine style
82 (5368) Raqqah. Capital, Hittite style
83 (5370) Raqqah. Another view of preceeding
84 (5371) Raqqah. Capital, Hittite style
85 (5369) Raqqah. Another view of preceeding
86 (5367) Raqqah. Two capitals, late Byzantine style
87 (5372) Raqqah. Capital with Zengi inscription
88 (5374) Raqqah, Capital, Ionic style
89 (5375) Raqqah. Antique capital
90 (5373) Raqqah. Another view of capital in No,87
91 (5376) Sunset from the Zor
92 (5377) Meeting with Shekkapolyon (?). Iraq
93 (5378) Meeting with Shekkapolyon (?). Shows panniers for wives
94 (5379) Meeting with Shekkapolyon (?).
95 (5383) Portrait of Ibrahim Askar
96 (5380) Donkey caravan.
97 (5381) Donkey caravan.
98 (5382) Donkey caravan.
99 (5384) Arta Zabieh (?), cook
100 (5386) "Railroad accident," Between Munich and Salzburg, 1910
101 (5385) Another view of preceeding
102 (5391) Salzburg.
103 (5387) Salzburg.
104 (5388) Salzburg.
105 (5389) Salzburg. Fountain
106 (5392) Trieste, docks
107 (5395) Brindisi,,
108 (5394) Brindisi,, Church portal
109 (5390) Salzburg, closer view of No. 105
110 (5393) Br'indisi, column
111 (5396) Cairo, Bab Nasr.
112 (5397) Cairo, Bab Nasr. Another view, File 32-106
113 (5398) Cairo, Bab Nasr.
114 (5400) Cairo, Hakim mosque. Minaret
115 (5399) Cairo, Hakim mosque.
116 (5401) Cairo, Hakim mosque.. Courtyard
117 (5402) Cairo, Hakim mosque.
118 (5403) Cairo, Hakim mosque.
119 (5404) Cairo, Hakim mosque. Fallen capitals
120 (5405) Jaffa. Gardens, orange grove
121 (5408) Jaffa. Orange grove
122 (5407) Jaffa,, Orchard
123 (5406) Jaffa. Orange grove
124 (5409) Jaffa. Antique capital
125 (5410) Jaffa. Another antique capital
126 (5411) Beirut harbor.
127 (5412) Beirut harbor.
128 (5413) Baalbek, mosque.
129 (5414) Baalbek, mosque.

130 (5415) Beirut harbor
131 (5417) Samarra-type stucco panelFilm marked "E.H.116"
132 (5416) Expedition photos, possibly of Prof. Sarre, 1908. Film marked "E.H.31"
133 (5419) Group with tent.Film marked "E.H.182"
134 (5418) River-crossing with horses. Film marked "ER. 169"
135 ( ) Shahr-i Zohak (Baluchestan?). This print and two following stamped "Crown copyright.
Sept,20, 1943. Hq.S.O.S. in C.B.I. (China, Burma, India)"
136 ( ) Shahr-i Zohak (Baluchestan?)
137 ( ) Shahs-i Zohak (Baluchestan?).
138 ( ) Minas (Baluchestan?). This and two following prints by A. Engler, Swiss architect
139 ( ) Detail of preceeding
140 ( ) Stupa in valley below the minas in No.138
141 ( ) Mattscha, Samarcand area. Carved wooden column and brackets, now in Tashkent
Museum. Photo, Andrejew 1915
142 ( ) Servan cloister. Carved column and bracket, Photo,Tokarski, 1923
143 ( ) Van, Ulu Gami.
144 ( ) Van, Ulu Gami, inscription of 13th c.
145 ( ) Tashik-kala, 7-8th c. Reconstruction of small house of 12th c.
146 ( ) Caravansarai near Termez, about 8th c.
147 ( ) Djantuyk-Kala, 13th c.
148 ( ) Djajtuyk-tTala, 12th c.
149 ( ) Tower of preceeding building
150 ( ) Ancient Merv, corridor, probably 12th c.
151 ( ) Kawat-kala. Stucco, 12th c.
152 ( ) Kawat-kala. Peasant house with ornamentation like Kaftan Khurh (?)
153 ( ) Castle 36 near Berkut-kala, ca.6th c.
154 () Kawat-kala. Reconstruction of small house of 12th c.
155 (4226) Uzunja Burj, Cilicia. See IAE, pl.LXXXIX
156 (4225) Uzunja Burj, Cilicia. Film marked H.152
157 (4224) Uzunja Burj, Cilicia. Film marked H. 148
158 (3944) Uzunja Burj, Cilicia. Capitals of temple of Seleucus Nicator
159 ( ) Bursa, Ulu Cami. 1946
160 ( ) Bursa, Ulu Cami. 1946
161 ( ) Bursa, Murat I Cami. 1946
162 ( ) Bursa, Mur'at I Cami. 1946
163 (5561) Turkey, Istanbul (?).
164 (5564) Turkey, Istanbul (?).
165 (5562) Turkey, Istanbul (?).
166 (5599) Turkey, Istanbul (?).
167 ( ) Alahan Monastyr. Monument
168 ( ) Alahan Monastyr. Detail of No. 167
169 ( ) Olba, standing figure
170 ( ) Unidentified carved cornice
171 ( ) Unidentified town
172 ( ) Kyzkale
173 ( ) Unidentified building
174 ( ) Unidentified ruins
175 ( ) Pirene (?). "Blick von der Burg ins Lamasthal"
176 ( ) Korykos. General view
177 ( ) Korykos. Another general view
178 ( ) Korykos. Gate of street of tombs, east of church
179 ( ) Korykos. Stone capital in castle
180 ( ) Korykos. A country castle by moonlight
181 ( ) Korykos Greek inscription in small temple
182 ( ) Korykos. Capital from great temple
183 ( ) Korykos. Another view of No.182
184 ( ) Korykos. East church
185 ( ) Korykos. Capital from smallest chapel

186 ( ) Korykos, Tivakki church,, Capital,side aisle
187 ( ) Koxykos, Tivakki church,. S side aisle
188 ( ) Korykos, Tivakki church,, Capitals
189 ( ) Koxykos, Tivakki church. Floor stones
190 ( ) Koxykos, Tivakki church. Mosaics
191 ( ) Korykos, Tivakki church. Mosaics
192 ( ) Korykos, Tivakki church. Another view of No.189
193 ( ) Koxykos, Tivakki church,,
194 ( ) Korykos, Tivakki church.
195 ( ) Korykos, Tivakki church. Pfauen-kirche
196 ( ) Koxykos. Altar or sarcophagus
197 ( ) Korykos. Pier in Grabkirche
198 ( ) Koxykos. NE pier in Grabkirche
199 ( ) Korykos. Pilaster in Grabkirche
200 ( ) Korykos. Column base in Grabkirche
201 ( ) Koxykos. Capital in Grabkirche
202 ( ) Meriamlik, general view
203 ( ) Meriamlik, Kuppelbasilica. Treppe
204 ( ) Meriamlik, Kuppelbasilica. Capital
205 ( ) Meriamlik, basilica. West
206 ( ) Meriamlik, basilica. Upper mosaic
207 ( ) Meriamlik, basilica. Another section of upper mosaic
208 ( ) Mexiamlik, basilica. Lower pavement
209 ( ) Kowie, Sa'at-khana,
210 ( ) Kowie, Sa'at-khana Interior
211 ( ) Ala Kilise
212 ( ) Unidentified building
213 ( ) Gesims ornament
214 ( ) Anazarba
215 (4119) Brindisi
216 (4117) Unidentified building, Europe..
217 (4124) Unidentified building, Europe.
218 (4108) Unidentified square, Europe
219 (4228) Spalato (?)
220 (5620) Egypt (?), carts and carriages by river, Cf, File 32-227 and 233
221 (4102) Egypt, man standing in front of cafe
222 (4103) Egypt (?). Unidentified building
223 (4109) Egypt, small sphinx
224 (4220) Istanbul (?)
225 (4221) Istanbul harbor
226 (4222) Brindisi
227 (4223) Istanbul harbor
228 (4229) Brindisis
229 (5664) Probably Persian Gulf, 1924..
230 (5660) Probably Persian Gulf, 1924.
231 (5659) Probably Persian Gulf, 1924.
232 (5657) Probably Persian Gulf, 1924.
233 (5656) Probably Persian Gulf, 1924.
234 (5662) Probably Persian Gulf, 1924.
235 (5677) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque.,Indian photographs probably 1925
236 (5676) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque.Detail of No.239
237 (5675) India (?), unidentified garden
238 (4839) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque.
239 (4840) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque.
240 (4868) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque.
241 (4870) Old Delhi. Lower section of temple
242 (4866) Old Delhi. Section of Hindu frieze
243 (4869) Old Delhi. Detail of No.244

244 (4867) Old Delhi. Section of architectural frieze, Hindu
245 (4837) Old Delhi. Row of decorative arches, Hindu
246 (4871) Section of sarcophagus and stele, apparently in museum
247 (4838) Detail of No.245
248 (4832) Two capitals and border, apparently in museum
249 (4836) Fragment of carved stone decorated block
250 (5300) Lahore. Asaf Khan
251 (5302) Lahore. On way to Shah Jehan's tomb
252 (5301) Lahore. Asaf Khan, interior of portal
253 (5303) Lahore. Probably on way to Shah Jehan's tomb
254 (5304) Lahore, Shalimar garden..
255 (5305) Lahore, Shalimar garden.
256 (5307) Lahore. Detail of Shah Jehan's tomb
257 (5306) Lahore. Shah Jehan's tomb
258 (5308) Lahore.. Detail of Shah Jehan's tomb
259 (5311) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque..
260 (5310) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque.
261 (5312) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque..
262 (5309) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque.
263 (5313) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque.
264 (5316) Delhi fort.
265 (5314) Delhi fort. Carved door
266 (5317) Delhi fort. Pavilion
267 (5318) Delhi fort. Detail of No.266
268 (5315) Delhi fort. Detail of No.267
269 (5319) Delhi fort. Inside pavilion
270 (5321) Delhi fort. Inside pavilion
271 (5320) Delhi fort. Detail of No.269
272 (5322) Delhi, Juma' mosque. Columns
273 (5323) Delhi, Juma' mosque. Interior detail
274 (5334) Agra. Akbar's tomb, entrance
275 (5324) Agra. Horse's tomb on way to Akbar's tomb
276 (5326) Agra, Akbar's tomb..
277 (5325) Agra, Akbar's tomb.
278 (5327) Agra, Akbar's tomb..
279 (5331) Agra, Akbar's tomb. Cupolas of upper story, close-up of No.,282
280 (5328) Agra, Akbar's tomb. Cenotaph
281 (5333) Agra, Akbar's tomb.
282 (5330) Agra, Akbai's tomb.. See No,279
283 (5329) Agra, Akbar's tomb. Cenotaph, detail
284 (5332) Agra, Akbar's tomb. Column bases
285 (5335) Agra, Akbar's tomb. Grill
286 (5337) Agra,tomb of Himad ad-daulah,Taj Malek. Interior
287 (5336) Agra,tomb of Himad ad-daulah,Taj Malek.
288 (5339) Agra,tomb of Himad ad-daulah, Taj Malek,. Detail of stone intarsia
289 (5338) Agra,tomb of Himad ad-daulah, Taj Malek Detail of carved stone panels
290 (4682) Lahore. Detail of Shah Jehan's tomb
291 (4686) Unidentified ruin with column bases
292 (4687) Detail of No.291
293 (4680) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque. See No.240
294 (4683) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque.
295 (4681) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque.
296 (4678) Old Delhi, Qutb mosque.
297 (4679) Baluchistan. Unidentified men and car, 1925
298 (4690) Baluchistan. Baluchis or Pathans
299 (4688) Baluchistan. Herzfeld
300 (4667) Sistan. 1928(?) automobile and tribesmen
301 (4685) Unidentified English children.,

302 (4684) Unidentified English children.
303 (4691) Unidentified English children,


Center for Byzantine studies

4th April 1975

Dear Mrs. Smith.

I enclose a copy of my identifications of the Cilician photographs in the Herzfeld Archive. I hope to come down to
look for the missing negatives next Thursday (11th). Could you perhaps ring me -232-3101 (extension 228) - or
leave a message if I am not available - if this day is not convenient for you.

Thank you for all your help.

Yours sincerely,

sk ,kkLt

155 (4226) Uzunja Buij, Temple of Seleucus Nicator

156 (4225) Uzunja Bur j, Temple of Seleucus Nicator, another view (film marked H. 152)
157 (4224) Uzunja Burj, Temple of Seleucus Nicator, another view (film marked H. 148)
158 (3944) Uzunja Burj, Temple of Seleucus Nicator, capitals (published IAE, pl. LXXXIX)
*159 ( ) Bursa, Ulu Cami 1946
* 160 ( ) Bursa, Ulu Carni 1946, another view
* 161 ( ) Bursa, Murat I Cami 1946
* 162 ( ) Bursa, Murat I Cami 1946, another view
*163 (5561) Istanbul
*164 (5564) Istanbul
*165 (5562) Istanbul
* 166 (5599) Istanbul
167 ( ) Alahan Monastyr, shrine
168 ( ) Alahan Monastyr, shrine, detail
169 ( ) Uzunja Burj, cuirassed statue (published MAMA III p1.33)
170 ( ) Meriamlik, Kuppelkirche, cornice (published MAMA II p1.51)
171 ( ) Korykos, Land Castle from SW
172 ( ) Korykos, Sea Castle, tower
173 ( ) Unidentified building
174 ( ) Meriamlik, Theklabasilika and cisterns
175 ( ) Pirene (?), view of the Lamus valley from the castle
176 ( ) Korykos, general view of the castles
177 ( ) Korykos, another general view of the castles
178 ( ) Korykos, Tetrapylon
179 ( ) Korykos, Land Castle, Byzantine capital in small SW Chapel (published MAMA II p1.192)
180 ( ) Korykos, Land Castle, view of walls from E (published MAMA II p1.187)
181 ( ) Korykos, Greek inscription in Smail Temple
182 ( ) Korykos, capital from Great Temple
183 ( ) Korykos, another capital from Great Temple (published MAMA II p1.4)
184 ( ) Korykos, Querschiffbasilika, N wall from apse
185 ( ) Korykos, Land Castle, smallest church, Byzantine capital
186 ( ) Korykos, Cathedral, capital (cf. MAMA II fig.97)
187 ( ) Korykos, Cathedral, capital (published MAMA II p1..87)
188 ( ) Korykos, Cathedral, architectural fragments

189 ( ) Korykos, Cathedral, excavations
190 ( ) Korykos, Cathedral, mosaic pavement
191 ( ) Korykos, Cathedral, mosaic pavement (cf. MAMA II fig. 106)
192 ( ) Korykos, Cathedral, excavations
193 ( ) Korykos, Cathedral, apse interior (cf. MAMA II p1.93)
194 ( ) Ala Kilise, apse ..(published Zeit. f Ges. d. Arch, p1,2)
195 ( ) Korykos, Cathedral, mosaic pavement (published MAMA II p1.105)
196 ( ) Korykos, sarcophagus
197 ( ) Korykos, Grabeskirche, pier and capital (cf, MAMA II pl. 147)
198 ( ) Korykos, Grabeskirche, another pier and capital (cf. MAMA II pl. 146)
199 ( ) Korykos, Grabeskirche, interior of cistern
200 ( ) Korykos, Grabeskirche, column base (published MAMA. II pl.144)
201 ( ) Korykos, capital from Grabeskirche found in Armenian church (published MAMA II pl..
202 ( ) Meriamlik, cistern W of Kuppelkirche
203 ( ) Meriamlik, Kuppelkirche, steps of W court
204 ( ) Meriamlik, Kuppelkirche, gallery-capital (published MAMA II p1.60)
205 ( ) Meriamlik,Theklabasilika, capital (published MAMA II p1.3)
206 ( ) Meriamlik, Theklabasilika, later Byzantine floor mosaic
207 ( ) Meriamlik, Theklabasilika, later Byzantine floor mosaic (published MAMA: II p1.,36)
208 ( ) Meriamlik, Thieklabasilika, earlier mosaic pavement
* 209 ( ) Kowie, Sa'at Khana exterior
* 210 ( ) Kowie, Sa'at Khana interior
211 ( ) Ala Kilise, console (published Zeit. f. Ges, d. Arch. p1.8)
212 ( ) Korykos, Querschiffbasilika from SE (cf. MAMA.. II pl. 113)
213 ( ) Meriamlik (?), cistern
214 ( ) Anazarba, Triple Arch
All photographs are of sites in Cilicia, except for a few marked*.. The photographs must have been taken in 1906 an
1907, during Herzfeld's travels in Cilicia with Samuel Guyer.


Guyer, S 'Ala Kilise, ein kleinasiatischer Bau des V. Jahrhunderts', Zeitschrift fair Geschichte der
Architektur III (1909-10), 192-199

Herzfeld, E & Guyer, S Meriamlik and Korykos. Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua II, (Manchester 1930)

Keil, J & Wilhelm, A (mit Beitrage von E. Herzfeld) Denkmaler aus Rauhen Kilikien Monumenta Asiae Minoris
Antiqua III, (Manchester 1931)

Photo File 27
"Parthian and early Sasanian Sculptures"
Numbers 1-49 are in the Album, added are related photos from various sources,, The abbreviations used in the captions
of published photographs are as follows:
AHI - Archaeological History of Iran, Herzfeld
AMI Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Herzfeld
Frye- The Heritage of Iran, R.N..Frye
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld
SR - Revue des Arts Asiatiques, No..IIL, "La Sculpture rupestre de la Perse Sassanides", Herzfeld
TA - Am Tor von Asien, Herzfeld

1 (1728) Kharg, large catacomb. Interior, right molding

2 (1730) Kharg, large catacomb. Interior
3 (1728) Kharg, large catacomb. Interior, left molding
4 (1726) Kharg, large catacomb. Interior
5 (1908) Bistun., Sculpture Mithradates II and Gotarzes IL. AHI, p1.VII, bottom

6 (1910) Bistun. Sculpture Gotarzes II. TA, pl.XXIII, bottom
7 (1909) Bistun. Inscription at preceeding. TA, pl.XXI
8 (2494) Bistun. Boulder with Parthian figure. TA, p1, LII, top
9 (2495) Bistun. Another view of preceeding
10 (1705) Hatra. Hippocamp. TA, pl.LXI, top
11 (1913) Sarpul. Artaban relief, TA, pLXXVI, top right
12 (2462) Naqsh-i Rustam. Head of god. IAE, pl.CXI, right
13 (2779) Naqsh-i Rajab. Shaper I. SR, pl,XXXVII, fig .6
14 (2784) Naqsh-i Rustam. Ardashir I, Investiture. SR, pl.XXXVI, fig.3
15 (2778) Naqsh-i Rajab, Ardashir I, investiture. SR, pl.XXXV, fig.2
16 (1769) Naqsh-i Rajab, Ardashir I, investiture.
17 (1768) Naqsh-i Rajab, Ardashir I, investiture.
18 (1772) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Ardashir I and Varhran II
19 (167) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Ardashir I and Hormizd. Investiture
20 (1760) Firuzabad.. Sculpture Ardashir I and bridge
21 (2781) Firuzabad. Detail ofpreceeding. IAE, pl,CVIII, top
22 (1765) Persepolis., Sgraffito Ardashir I (?)
23 (1761) Firuzabad Panel: Ardashir's victory over Ardavan Frye, fig.84
24 (1763) Firuzabad.. Shaper and Dadhbundadh. IAE, pl.CIX, bottom
25 (2785) Firuzabad.. Ardashir panel
26 (1762) Firuzabad. Ardashir and Ardavan. IAE, pl.,CIX, top
27 (1764) Firuzabad. Page and adversary
28-33 ( ) Salmas (Dilman, Azerbaijan). Ardashir I and Shaper I
34-37 ( ) Shimbar, Bakhtiari. Sub-arsaciden sculpture
38 (2780) Sar Mashhad. Varhran II. SR, pl.XLIII, fig., 17
39 (2487) Sar Mashhad. Lion hunt. F , fig.93
40 (2489) Sar Mashhad. Figure of Varhran II
41 (2488) Sar Mashhad, Figure of the Queen
42 (2478) Bishapur, Head of Varhran II.. AMI, IX, 2, pLIIIa
43 (2486) Sar Mashhad. Fallen lion
44 (2485) Sar Mashhad View of relief and inscription
45 (1819) Sar Mashhad. King and lions. IAE, pl.CXXIII, right
46 (1817) Sar Mashhad. Queen, heir and Vizier. IAE, pl.CXXII, left
47 (3179) Naqsh-i Bahram (Nobandagan)., Camp opposite
48 (1815) Naqsh-i Bahram (Nobandagan). Varhran II on throne. IAE, pl.CXXIV, left
49 (1816) Naqsh-i Bahram (Nobandagan), Officials. IAE, pLCXX, left
50-51 ( ) Terra cotta horsemen. Parthian.. Berlin
52 ( ) Cast of plaque with 2 figures., Paithian, Berlin
53 ( ) Stone (?) figure in relief from Assur, Parthian
54 ( ) Taq-i Girra
55 ( ) Bishapur. Governor's picnic in front of Shaper relief
56 ( ) Bishapur'. Investiture. Photo, Stolze. Andrae, Perse II
57 ( ) Bishapur'. Shaper and Arabs, Photo, Stolze
58 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam. Shaper I investiture. Photo, Stolze
59 ( ) Bishapur. Shaper's triumph. Photo, Stolze
60 ( ) Bishapur. Detail of preceeding. Photo, Stolze
61 ( ) Taq-i Bustan. Khosro II between Anahit and Hormizd
62 ( ) Naqsh-i Rajab, Ardashir investiture. Photo, Stolze
63 ( ) Akhur-i Rustam. Group of dakhmas. AHI, p1..V
64 ( ) Taq-i Bustan.. Deer hunt
65 ( ) Taq-i Bustan. Ardashir II. Photo, Burchardt
66 (2814) Taq-i Bustan. Joined with Neg:.2761 to form relief of Ardashir II with Hormizd and
Mithra. IAE, pl..CXXVI
67 ( ) Taq-i Bustan. Standing figure and capitals. Photo, Dr-.Mann
68 ( ) Taq-i Bustan. Capital of Khusro II
69 ( ) Taq-i Bustan. Another exposure of preceeding
70 ( ) Taq-i Bustan. Grotto and pavilion
71 ( ) Taq-i Bustan. Grotto, Photo, Burchardt

72 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam. Shapur I investiture
73 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam. Shapur I and Valerian
74 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam. Jousting match
75 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam. Shapur I and Valerian
76 (2400) Taq-i Bustan. Joined to negatives 2401-03 to form panorama of site, approaching from
77 ( ) Isfahan. Sasanian capital
78 ( ) Isfahan. Second Sasanian capital
79 ( ) Naqsh-i Rajab. Shapur I and dignitaries
80 ( ) Naqsh-i Rajab. Dignitaries
81 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam. Bahram II and Elamite figure
82 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam. Ardashir I and Varhran II
83 ( ) Bishapur, N side sculptures three and four
84 ( ) Bishapur. N side sculpture one
85 ( ) Bishapur, Cave with standing statue of Shapur I
86 ( ) Bishapur. Interior of cave
87-90 ( ) Shiraz, Barm-i dilak Reliefs of Bahram IL. Photos possibly by Schulze
91 ( ) Silk textile, 6th c. V & A Museum, London
92 ( ) Silver plate. Shapur I (?). Dealer's photo
93 ( ) Silver plate. Khosro IL. TA, p1.LIII
94 ( ) Sasanian intaglio. TA, pl XXIII
95-96 ( ) Bronze figure, Parthian (?)
97 ( ) Agate cup in B.N,, Paris
98-100 Marble figure of nude female
101 ( ) Bronze nude female figure. Dealer's photo
102 ( ) Stone draped figure, female. Dealer's photo
103-105 ( ) Stone standing figure,female
106-107 ( ) Stone (terra cotta ?) figure from Assur
108 ( ) Warka, 4 bullae, 2-3c. B.C. Herzfeld's Inv. No.94
109 ( ) Hatra. Building remains
110 ( ) Hatra. Building remains
111 ( ) Hatra. Carved lintel
112 ( ) Hatra. Carved lintel,detail of No.261
113 ( ) Hatra. Carved archivolt
114 ( ) Hatra. Fragmentary columns and architrave, stucco
115 ( ) Ras al-'ain on the Khabur. Lower part of seated stone figure,, Parthian. TA, pl.XXV
116 ( ) Ras al-'ain on the Khabur. Another view of preceeding
117 ( ) Hatra or Assur. Base of excavated statue
118 ( ) Hatra or Assur. Stone hand
119 ( ) Hatra or Assur. Sections of crenellation
120 ( ) Hatra or Assur. Sections of stucco panel
121 ( ) Hatra or Assur. More sections of stucco panel
122 ( ) Hatra or Assur. Stucco plaque, Parthian
123-136 ( ) Hatra or Assur Fragments of stucco panels
137 ( ) Baked brick object
138 ( ) Stucco fragment, Sasanian or Parthian
139 (5427) Oil press. Location not given

Photo File 28
Album: "Pre-Achaemenian Monuments and Pasargadae"
The abbreviations used in the captions of published photos are:
AHI - Archaeological History of Iran, Herzfeld
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld
Frye - The Heritage of Iran, R,N.Frye
Paikuli - Paikuli Monument Herzfeld
TA - Am Tor von Asien,Herzfeld

1 (1491) Kurangun, relief sculpture.
2 (2171) Kurangun, relief sculpture. Detail. IAE, pl.XXXIV, top right
3 (2172) Kurangun, relief sculpture, Detail. IAE, pl.XXIV, top left
4 (1492) Kurangun, relief sculpture. Procession, IAE, pl.XXXIII, bottom
5 (2170) Kurangun, relief sculpture.. Ceremony
6 (2173) Kurangun, relief sculpture. Detail IAE, pl.XXXIV, bottom right
7 (1490) Kurangun, relief sculpture. General view. AHI, p1.I1
8 (2174) Kurangun, relief sculpture. Detail. IAE, pl.XXXIV, bottom left
9 (2175) Kurangun, relief sculpture, Detail
10 ( ) Tell near Asadabad. Harnawa
11 ( ) Harnawa
12 ( ) Harunabad.
13 ( ) Harunabad..
14 (1007) Sahna. General view of tomb
15 (1518) Sahna. Large tomb. TA, pl.VII
16 (2169) Fahliyun River at Kurangun. Jinjun in background
17 (1516) Sahna. Looking West, TA, p1.VIIl, top
18 (985) Sahna. Small tomb
19 (1008) Sahna. Waterfall at end of gorge
20 (1517) View of Bistun from Sahna
21 (1512) Dukkan i Daud, tomb. TA, pl. VI
22 (1513) Dukkan i Daud, tomb. Detail ofNo,23
23 (1514) Dukkan i Daud, tomb. Sculptured relief
24 (1520) Khak i Rustam, Da u Dukhtar., General view
25 (1522) Khak i Rustam, Da u Dukhtar. Tomb.. LAE, pl.XXXV, right
26 (1527) Khak i Rustam, Da u Dukhtar. Capitals. IAE, pl.XXXVI, right
27 (1525) Khaki Rustam, Da u Dukhtar. Bases. IAE, pLXXXVI, left
28 (1523) Khak i Rustam, Da u Dukhtar. Close-up of tomb. IAE, pl.XXXVIII, right
29 ( ) Paphlagonia, Qaleqapusu Photo, Leonhard
30 (1526) Da u Dukhtar. Door from inside
31 (1524) Da u Dukhtar.. Interior of tomb
32 (2179) Jinjun. Forms panorama with Negs.2180-81
33-35 (2185-87) Jinjun. Achaemenian capital
36 (2188) Jinjun. Another capital,partly buried
37 (4096) Pasargadae. Panorama
38 (4097) Pasargadae. Panorama (overlaps preceeding at right)
39 (300) Pasargadae. Terrace, Takht-i Suleiman
40 (416) Pasargadae. Terrace
41 (4094) Pasargadae. Panorama,, View from terrace
42 (4093) Pasargadae. Panorama, tomb and village
43 (1528) Pasargadae, terrace.
44 (1530) Pasargadae, terrace.
45 (299) Pasargadae, terrace.
46 (1531) Pasargadae, terrace. IAE, p1.,XL, top
47 (1535) Pasargadae, terrace. Close-up of corner. Frye, fig.22
48 (1534) Pasargadae, terrace,, Another view of preceeding
49 (413) Pasargadae, panorama of temple.
50 (1014) Pasargadae, panorama of temple.
51 (301) Pasargadae, panorama of temple,
52 (414) Pasargadae, temple foundations.
53 (419) Pasargadae, temple foundations.
54 (302) Pasargadae. Altars and temple
55 (460) Pasargadae. Temple foundations
56 (2206) Pasargadae. Tomb of Cyrus, close-up
57 (1543) Pasargadae. Tomb of Cyrus, general view
57a ( ) Pasargadae. Nomads at tomb
58 (448) Pasargadae. Gorge with road to Persepolis. IAE, pl.XLI, bottom
58a (1542) Tomb of Cyrus

58b (2204) Tomb with pillars and gateway
59 (449) Pasargadae, altars,,
60 (2213) Pasargadae, altars.
61 (2212) Pasargadae, altars.Showing hollowing
62 (2247) Naqsh-i Rustam. Ka'ba-i Zardusht, door. IAE, pl.XLI, top left
63 (2248) Naqsh-i Rustam, Ka'ba (?) from inside
64 (2207) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus. Door
65 (2209) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus. Door from inside
66 (2633) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus. Door of Salgharid mosque
67 (2208) Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus, Mihrab inside tomb
68 (2638) Pasargadae, Muslim tombstone near tomb of Cyrus,,
69 (2635) Pasargadae, Muslim tombstone near tomb of Cyrus
70 (2637) Pasargadae, Muslim tombstone near tomb of Cyrus,.
71 (2636) Pasargadae, Muslim tombstone near tomb of Cyrus,.
72 (2210) Pasargadae. Column near tomb of Cyrus
73 (2211) Pasargadae. Column base near tomb
74 (454) Pasargadae.. Fragment of crown of lamassu
75 (1532) Pasargadae.. Tower, outside
76 (1523) Pasargadae.. Tower, inside
77 (2201) Pasargadae, building R. Panorama formed with Negs.2199 and 2202
78 (2203) Pasargadae, building R. Foundation of lamassu
79 (2200) Pasargadae, building R. Basis of column
80 (1539) Pasargadae, building R. Winged Genius
81 (997) Pasargadae, building R. Another view of preceeding
82 (1540) Pasargadae, building R. Closer view of Genius
83 (468) Pasargadae, building R. Detail of robe
84 (471) Pasargadae, building R. Crown of Genius
85 (417) Pasargadae, building R.
86 (294) Pasargadae, building R.
87 (296) Pasargadae, building R.Foundation of door
88 (1009) Pasargadae, building R..
89 (2191) Pasargadae, palace S.
90 (2190) Pasargadae, palace S.
91 (1537) Pasargadae, palace S.
92 (2194) Pasargadae, palace S. N ante of W portico
93 (1536) Pasargadae, palace S. SW corner of room with two antae
94 (1157) Pasargadae, palace S. Border of W portico
95 (2193) Pasargadae, palace S. Base of column. IAE, pL,LVI, bottom, left
96 (1187) Pasargadae, palace S. Column base, excavated
97 (2197) Pasargadae, palace S. Door jamb
98 (1190) Pasargadae, palace S..Door from main hall
99 (2189) Pasargadae, palace S,Anta with Cyrus inscription
100 (467) Pasargadae, palace S.Close-up of inscription
101 (457) Pasargadae, palace S.S anta of E portico
102 (1161) Pasargadae, palace S.
103 (418) Pasargadae, palace S.E portico
104 (451) Pasargadae, palace S.Fragment of horse's head. IAE, pl.,XXXIX, top
105 (412) Pasargadae, palace P.
106 (459) Pasargadae, palace P..
107 (1538) Pasargadae, palace P.. Anta with inscription
108 (295) Pasargadae, palace P. Column bases
109 (458) Pasargadae, palace P.
110 (415) Pasargadae, palace P.
111 (297) Pasargadae, palace P. Column bases
112 (469) Pasargadae, palace P.. Fragments, painted wall surfaces
113 (465) Pasargadae, palace P. Other fragments
114 ( ) Pasargadae, palace P. Water-color reconstrcution of painting in preceeding
115 (464) Pasargadae, palace P. Another fragment of painted wall surface

116 (409) Pasargadae, palace P. Another view of preceeding
117 (455) Pasargadae, palace P. Fragment of stone border
118 (276) Pasargadae, palace P. Fragment of stone capital
119 (470) Pasagadae, building S. Fragment of stone lion's head
120 (453) Pasagadae, building S. Another view. IAE, pl.XXXIX, top left
121 ( ) Persepolis. Oriental Institute photograph of fragment of animal's head
122 (981) Pasargadae, palace S, door-jamb.
123 (272) Pasargadae, palace S, door-jamb. Fragments of umbrella (?)
124 (2195) Pasargadae, palace S, door-jamb.
125 (2196) Pasargadae, palace S, door-jamb.Opposite side
126 (1006) Pasargadae Pre-historic potsherds
127 (1119) Pasargadae. CitadeL,Pait of large earthenware jar
128 (1544) Bistun. Fashioned surface for sculpture, IAE, pl.XL, bottom
129 (1482) Purd i Kurran.Canyon Aw i Shirwan. Paikuli, p1.224, top
130 (1480) Purd i Kurran. Paikuli, p1.224, bottom
131 (1481) Purd i Kurran Crossing bridge
132-135 ( ) Annith. Tomb towers (?)

Photo File 29
Album: "Kuh-i Khwaja and Shahristan"
with pencilled and colored blueprints of paintings.
The abbreviations used in captions of'published photos are:
AHI - Archaeological History of Iran, Heizfeld
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld
This File should be studied in conjunction with Photo Files 7 and IT

1 ( ) Dried bed of Hamun Sea

2 (2052) Island in the sea, seen from E
3 (2054) Town on S slope, from sea. IAE, pl.XCVI, top
4 (3983) Island from S in dried-up sea
5 (2057) W fort and town wall
6 (3976) Town from S, East fort on top
7 (2065) Town wall, W side. Slide Neg.5120
8 (4000) Palace from top of hill
9 (2061) Upper part of town, from W
10 (2063) Palace from top of hill. Slide Neg.5121
11 (2060) Town: S and E sides
12 (2066) S gate of town
13 (2069) Serpentine street, leading up
14 (2070) Another street leading up
15 (2074) Outer gate of palace
16 (3987) Street leading up. From W, turning to right
17 (3984) Turning point of street in No. 16
18 (3993) Palace gate from inside
19 (3989) Exterior gate of palace
20 (3974) Stucco decoration.. Detail of No.21. IAE, pl. XCIX, left
21 (3973) Stucco decoration., Outer palace gate. AHI, pl.X, right
22 (2076) Inner palace gate
23 (2078) Detail NW corner
24 (2080) Court of palace. Main front
25 (2085) Court of palace. S side with main gate
26 (3969) Palace. Main facade. Slide Neg.5118
27 (2083) Palace, T-shaped room.
28 (3992) Palace, T-shaped room.
29 (2087) Palace, T-shaped room.
30 (2088) Palace, E of court..
31 (2086) Palace, E of court

32 (2084) Palace, N wing
33 (966) Palace, N facade of court.
33a (3971) Palace, N facade of court. AHI, pl.VIII, left
34 (2082) Palace, N facade of court.
35 (2089) Palace, Entrance of temple
36 (179) Palace. NW corner of court
37 (1172) Palace. Door of gallery with paintings. IAE, plXCVI, bottom
38 (4002) Palace. Main facade. IAE, pl.XCVI, bottom
39 (3972) Palace. Facade, torso of male figure
40 (3985) Palace. Facade, floating chlamys of figure
41 (3978) Palace. Remains, stucco scene of horseman and lion(?)
42 (3977) Palace. Remains, stucco frieze of horseman
43 (3970) Palace.. Gallery with paintings
44 (3991) Palace. Another view of preceeding. IAE, pl.C, left; AHI, pl.VIII, right
45 (3975) Palace. Stone fire altar. IAE, pl.XCIX, right
46 (4003) Palace. Middle room of temple. IAE, pl.C, right
47 (2092) Palace. Temple before excavation
48 (2100) Palace. Painted gallery before excavation
49-51 ( ) Nauiuz pilgrims passing through the ruins, returning from the Shrine on top of the Mt.
March 1929. Photo, Lackner
52 (2097) Palace.. Vault with traces of painting
53 (2094) Palace. Room with cupola
54 (3979) Palace. Room with girders
55 (2099) Palace. N gate
56 (2096) Palace. Vaulted room
57 (3986) Tower of E wall
58 (2062) North wall
59 (2101) North gate
60 (3996) E fort. From W
61 (3994) E fort.Vaults inside
62 (3997) E fort.. From N
63 (3999) E fort.. Vaults
64 (2106) W fort, entrance
65 (2103) E fort, situation on rim of rock
66 (2105) W fort, S and E sides
67 (2104) W fort. Another view of No,64
68 (3982) Basalt rim of plateau
69 (3995) E fort. Gallery in round tower.. Slide Neg. 5119
70 (2045) Shahristan. Forms panorama of W side with Neg. 2046
71 (2044) Shahristan. W side, middle and northern part
72 (2043) Shahristan. Ditch on N front
73 (2040) Shahristan. Water-gate of town
74 (2041) Shahristan. E side where branch of Helmand flowed
75 (2042) Shahristan. S point of town
76 (2049) Shahristan.. N side of center, of town
77 (2048) Shahristan. Wall dividing N quarter of town
78 (2047) Shahristan. Lower part of W side, middle of town
79 (2051) Shahristan. Imamzadeh near N point of Shahristan
80 (2050) Shahristan. Detail of No.79
81-83 ( ) Sistan. Crossing the Shela, March 1929. Herzfeld Expedition. Photos, Lackner
84 (1102) Kuh-i Khwaja Potsherds. Also Neg. 1111
85 (1115) Kuh-i Khwaja, More potsherds. Also Neg. 1116
86 (423) Kuh-i Khwaja. Inscribed potsherd
86a ( ) Small stone figure
87 (1106) Kuh-i Khwaja. Glazed potsherd
88 (1112) Kuh-i Khwaja. Potsherds
89 (1114) Kuh-i Khwaja. Potsherds with unglazed, combed decoration
90 (1113) Kuh-i Khwaja. More unglazed potsherds

91 (4015) Kuh-i Khwaja. Section of paintad surface from gallery
92 (4016) Kuh-i Khwaja. Another, similar section
Nos93 - 126 are blueprints of sections of the painted gallery, most of them outlined in pencil or water-color.. The cross-
references are to the black and white prints in Photo File IT
93 (4036) Kuh-i Khwaja. Painted gallery. See File 17-75
94 (4044) Kuh-i Khwaja. Ornament,.See File 17-84
95 (4047) Kuh-i Khwaja. Ornament.. See File 17-88
96 (4043) Kuh-i Khwaja. Ornament, See File 17-83
97 (4042) Kuh-i Khwaja, Ornament.. See File 17-82
98 (4027) Kuh-i Khwaja. Ornament, water-color. IAE, pl.CI, top left, See File 17-61
99 (4032) Kuh-i Khwaja. Ornament, water-color. IAE, pl.CI, top right. See File 17-69
100 (4039) Kuh-i Khwaja. Border. See File 17-78
101 (4035) Kuh-i Khwaja. Border. See File 17-74
102 (4049) Kuh-i Khwaja. Border. See File 17-90
103 (4028) Kuh-i Khwaja.. Seated figure. See File 17-62
104 (4026) Kuh-i Khwaja. Acrobats. See File 17-59
105 (4025) Kuh-i Khwaja. Figure with crescent crown, water-color. See File 17-58
106 (4029) Kuh-i Khwaja. Figure riding lion. IAE, pi.Cl, bottom, right,. See File 17-63
107 (4034) Kuh-i Khwaja. Horseman. IAE, pl.CI, bottom left.. See File 17-73
108 (4033) Kuh-i Khwaja. Greek-type head.. IAE, pl.CIII, top right. See File 17-71
109 (4030) Kuh-i Khwaja,. Flutist.. IAE, pl.CIII, top left. See File 17-66
110 (4038) Kuh-i Khwaja. Seated figure, See File 17-77
111 (4048) Kuh-i Khwaja., Head.. See File 17-89
112 (4050) Kuh-i Khwaja Acrobats (?). See File 17-91
113 (4031) Kuh-i Khwaja,. Acrobats. See File 17-67
114 (4046) Kuh-i Khwaja Bust. See File 17-87
115 (4022) Kuh-i Khwaja. Bust. IAE, pl.CIII, bottom. See File 17-55
116 (4024) Kuh-i Khwaja.. Borders. See File 17-57
117 (4045) Kuh-i Khwaja. Three figures. IAE, pl.CIV, bottom.. See File 17-86
118 (4019) Kuh-i Khwaja, Head. IAE, pl.CII, right. See File 17-50
119 (4021) Kuh-i Khwaja. Head (?). See File 17-53
120 (4041) Kuh-i Khwaja Head. See File 17-81
121 (4023) Kuh-i Khwaja, Part of figure, water-color. IAE, p1.CIII, bottom
122 (4040) Kuh-i Khwaja. Iranian head. IAE, pl.CII, left. See File 17-80
123 (4037) Kuh-i Khwaja. Part of hand. See File 17-76
124 (4018) Kuh-i Khwaja. Man's head.. See File 17-49
125 (4017) Kuh-i Khwaja. Three figures.. IAE, pl.CIV, top. See File 17-47
126 (4020) Kuh-i Khwaja. Part of figure, See File 17-52
127 ( ) Kuh-i Khwaja. Nauruz pilgrims.. March 1929.. Photo, Lackner Another version of the
pilgrims crossing the ruins is in Slide 5122
128 ( ) Sistan., Daulatabad, April 1929, Herzfeld's camel caravan. Photo, Lackner
129 ( ) Sistan. Saint's tomb between Duzdab and Sistan.. Photo, Lackner
130 ( ) Sistan. Road between Duzdab (Zahidan) and Sistan. Photo, Lackner

Photo File 30
Photographs mostly from Persia, including photos from the 1905 and 1923/25 trips.
A miscellaneous collection of prints from cut film. If Herzfeld numbered the negative, i.e. E.H..2, the number is given.
An identification, if noted on the back of the print, is also given. Otherwise, the space is left blank, The numbers at left
are of prints, not pages.

1 (4131) Unidentified reed village., H.I. No.2

2 (4132) Taq i Girra. H.I. No.3
3 (4133) Sarpul. Dukkan i Daud. H.I. No,.4
4 (4134) Saxpul. Rock sculpture. H.I. No. 5
5 (4135) Saxpul. Dukkan i Daud. H,L, No.6
6 (4136) Tomb.Farhad and Shirin, near Sahna. R.I. No.7
7 (4137) Kel-i Daud.. H..I Na9

8 (4138) Kel-i Daud. H.I. No.10
9-11 (5495) Taq-i Gixra. Remains of ancient road. Also Negs. 5496/97
12 (5425) Taq-i Girt a. Fallen stones
13 (5433) Taq-i Gixra. More fallen stones
14-16 (5429) Taq-i Gixra, Details. Also Negs.5431/32
17 (5458) Saipul. H.1.8
18 (4252) Unidentified Tell
19 (5152) Kal'at al-Jebbax, Sept.2, 1905. E.H.I.8
20 (5133) Kal'at al-Jebbax, Sept.2, 1905. E.H.I.7
21 (5135) Kal'at al-Jebbax, Sept.2, 1905. E.H.I.6
22 (5134) Kal'at al-Jebbax, Sept.2, 1905. E.H.I.10
23 (5136) Baghdad, German Club garden, Sept22, 1905. E.H.V,7
24 (5430) Taq i Gixra Detail
25 (5459) Taq i Gixra. H.I.I
26 (5494) Taq i Gixra. Side view
27 (5479) View of Quhrah area. In background, Qal'a Sefid, Fars. H.II.15
28 (5180) Taje, ruins. H,,II.,No113
29 (5474) Duzan in Pusht-i Kuh. H..IILNo, 27
30 (5478) Cistern between Dutcumbzani and Shaxxifi H,IL,No 19
31 (5475) Tang-i Dexre-shehr from W, Oct16, 1905. H.III.30
32 (5179) Saraw-Kal'e, ruins, Oct.11, 1905. HIIL,28
33 (5476) Dexre-Shehr, Oct.15, 1905. Single ruin. H.III.29
34 (5477) Dexre-Shehr, Oct.15, 1905. From W. H,III.31
35 (5451) H..1I21
36 (5466) H.IL.22
37 (5465) M1..23
38 (5506) Kal'at al-bint, Sept.2, 1905. I
39 (5467) H.II.16
40 (5468) H.,IL,17
41 (5452) H.III.25
42 (4254) Kal'at al-bint
43 (4484) Unidentified Tell
44 (4494) Kal'at al-bint area (?).
45 (4502) Kal'at al-bint area (?).
46 (4501) Kal'at al-bint area (?).
47 (4495) Tell Kashshaf. Arch. Reise, pLXXVI, IV6
48-49 (4496) Tell Kashshaf. Also Neg.4497
50 (4485) Qal'at al-bint. Arch.Reise, pLXXVI. IV.7
51 (4487) Qal'at al-hint, Arch.Reise, pl.XXVI. IV.8
52 (4486) Qal'at al-bint..
53 (4486a) Qal'at al-Jebbax IV.,9
54 (4487a) Qal'at al-Jebbax. Arch. Reise, pLXXVIl
55 (4498) Qal'at al-Jebbax. Arch. Reise, pl, XXVII. IV. 10
56 (4500) Qal'at al-Jebbax.
57 (4499) Qal'at al-Jebbax.
58 (4139) H,IINo,18
59 (4142) Single figure with gun. H.IIINo336
60 (4140) H,III26
61 (4141) H.IILNo33
62 (4143) Seated figure with attendants. H,,IIINo35
63 (4144) Imamzadeh (?) with palms. H.IV.No.37
64 (4146) River. H.IV. No.30
65 (4146) H.IV. No.40
66 (4147) Horseman,, H..IV. No.46
67 (5501) Qasr-i Shirin, Qal'a. H.IV.45. Joins No.70
68 (5457) Qasr-i Shirin, Qal'a. H,IV.43
69 (5185) Qasr-i Shirin, Qal'a. H.IV.44
70 (5502) Qasr-i Shirin, Qal'a. H.IV,42. Joins No.67

71 (5472) Qasr-i Shirin. Town.Ruins in heights behind. H.IV.41
72 (5473) Qasr-i Shirin. Camp near town. H.IV.38
73 (5455) Qasr-i Shirin. Escort.. H.III.34. See Journal N-81, p,45
74 (4148) H.IV.48
75 (4149) H.V.49
76 (4150) H.V.51
77 (4151) HV.52
78 (4152) H.V.No..53
79 (4153) Fording a river. HV.No.54
80 (4154) H.V.No.,55
81 (4255) Unidentified Tell or ruin
82 (5469) Dizful, Daughter of Hajji'Ali, H,VL No.61
83 (4155) Dizful. Another view of No,82. H.VI. No.62
84 (4156) Dizful. H. VI. No,63
85 (4157) Dizful. H.VI. No.64
86 (4158) Dizful. Bridge.. Possibly old barrage, Ahwaz. See Journal N-81, p.143. HVI. No.65
87 (4159) Dizful. Palm grove. H.VI.No.66
88 (4160) Dizful.. H.VI. No.67
89 (5454) Luristan. Kal'a i Abdanan,,Oct,17, 1905. H.VI.70
90 (5500) Luristan. Kal'a i Abdanan. From SW. H.VI,68
91 (5183) Luristan. Kal'a i Abdanan Detail. H.VL,69
92 (5492) Alamut in Elburz Mts.
93 (5447) Veramin. Rear view of mosque (?)
94 (5446) Near Vetamin. Yakhchal (icehouse)
95 (5436) Near Veramin. Ruin mound
96 (5244) Village road past Veramin
97 (5444) Cemetery between Pasargadae and Sivand. Cf. No.99
98 (5441) Paikuli, bust of Narseh
99 (5443) Closer view of No,97
100 (5426) Samarra, drawing of standing figure
101 (4161) Persepolis, Palace of Xerxes, section. H.VII. No.73
102 (4162) Persepolis., Apadana columns. H.VII. No.74
103 (4163) Persepolis, Great entrance. EVIL No.75
104 (4164) Persepolis.. Stairway (double exposure).H.VII. No.76
105 (4165) Persepolis. Cuneiform insciiption,H.VII..No.. 78
106 (4166) Persepolis, 100-column hall. Doorway.H.VII. No. 79
107 (4167) Persepolis, 100-column hall. Detail of doorway. H.VII.No.80
108 (4168) Persepolis, 100-column hall.. Doorway. EVIL No.81
109 (4169) Persepolis, 100-column hall., Fallen capital.H.VII. No.82
110 (4171) Yazdikhast, H.VIII.No.89
111 (4170) Shiraz, H.VIII. No.85. Group of unidentified men,.
112 (4172) Shiraz,, H.VIII. No.90. Similar to preceeding
113 (4173) Isfahan. Chehel sutun. H.VIII. No.91
114 (4174) Isfahan,
115 (4175) Shiraz, Qasr-i Abu Nasr. Doorway,, H.IX., No.99
116 (4176) Shiraz, Qasr-i Abu Nast,, HIX.. No,, 101
117 (4177) Persepolis, terrace from plain. Left side. H.IX. No.103
118 (4178) Persepolis, terrace from plain. Right side. H.IX. No.104
119 (4179) Shiraz, Kulah ferengi. H.IX. No.106
120 (4181) Shiraz, Kulah ferengi,. H.X No.112
121 (4180) Shiraz, Kulah ferengi. H.X.109
122 (4182) Shiraz, Kulah ferengi. H.X. 113
123 (4183) Naqsh-i Rustam. Ka'ba i Zardusht. H.XI. No.122
124 (4184) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Tomb of Darius,, H..XL, No.124
125 (5470) Pul i Khan, between Persepolis and Shiraz. H.IX. 100
126 (5463) Shiraz,, Barmi-i dilak. Sasanian reliefs. H.IX.98
127 (5184) Shiraz. Qasr-i Abu Nast,, Doorway. H.IX..102
128 (5462) Shiraz. Baim-i dilak., See No. 126. H.,IX.97

129 (5461) Naqsh-i Rustam. Tombs. H.XI.128
130 (5460) Naqsh-i Rustam. Interior of tomb of Darius. HAL 131
131 (5456) Naqsh-i Rustam. Tomb of Darius. H.XI,129
132 (5493) Persepolis. Lion slaying bull. H.VII.77
133 (5187) Naqsh-i Rustam. Horsemen's duel. H.XI.121
134 (5176) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Ardashir and Hormizd. H.XI.126
135 (5182) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Shapur and Valerian. HAL 123
136 (5177) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Bahram IL H.XL125
137 (4185) Persepolis, tomb, H.XI. No.127
138 (4186) Naqsh-i Rustam. Narseh and Nahid. HAL No, 130
139 (4187) Persepolis. N side of terrace. H.XI. No.132
140 (4188) Postwagon (1905).. H,XIL, No. 133
141 (4189) Pasargadae.. Ruins by tomb (?), HAIL No.134
142 (4190) Pasargadae. Building with column. HAIL No,, 135
143 (4191) Pasargadae. Group of peasants. HAIL No, 136
144 (4192) Pasargadae. Terrace. HAIL No. 137
145 (4193) Pasargadae. Tomb of Cyrus. H.XIL. No.138
146 (4194) Pasargadae. Terrace. H.XII. No,. 139
147 (4195) Pasargadae. Tomb of Cyrus (light-struck).. H.XII. No.140
148 (4196) Shiraz. Takht-i Qajar from distance. Nov../Dec., 1905
149 ( ) Ctesiphon. Sept..19, 1905.. Detail
150 (4752) Tribal rug, hanging, etc.
151 (5519) Ctesiphon
152 (5170) Tribal rug (see No. 150) and khatamkar, box
153-161 (5241) Isfahan Photos of two Sasanian capitals. Also in Negs5242; 5485/91
162 (5181) Shiraz. Kulah ferengi (?). H.VIII.86
163 (5480) Shiraz. Tile panel
164 (5482) Shiraz. Kulah ferengi. See No, 120
165 (5484) Shiraz. Another view of Kulah ferengi.. See No.119
166 (4450) Shiraz.. Qasr-i Abu Nasr.Three local dignitaries
167 (5155) Shiraz.. Hafiziyya
168 (5156) Shiraz.. Courtyard of Govenor's palace
169 (4448) Persepolis Nusrat ad-daula and friends, Nov.24, 1923.. See Journal N-84, p..27.. Another
170 (4449) Another version of preceeding
171 (5499) Pats, Pul-i Murd. H.II.24
172 (5498) Pars, Pul-i Mind, H.I1,20
173 (5453) Fats, Sharrafi.. S ruins. H,IT.14
174 (5471) Shustar, Imamzadeh S of city.. H.,V.50
175 (5483) Isfahan, Chehel Suture, painted decoration. H. IX. 105
176 (5481) Isfahan, Chehel Sutun, painted decoration.. H,.VIIL,95
177 (5178) Isfahan, Chehel Sutun, painted decoration.. EHX.110
178 (5186) Isfahan, Chehel Suture, painted decoration. E.H.VIII,.88
179 (5141) Isfahan (?).. Unidentified porch
180 (5464) Isfahan.. Chehel sutun., HVI11.87
181 (5243) Isfahan. Hasht behisht (light-struck)
182 (5503) Tekcrit from river. Sept. 3, 1905
183 ( ) Baghdad, Bab al-wastani. Arch. Reise, pl.,XLXIX
184 (5145) Camels and drivers
185 (5504) Lur nomads.
186 (5616) Lur nomads.
187 (4807) Street, possibly in Hamadan,. GNo.2
188 (4806) Taq-i Bustan. Musicians at grotto,. G.I
189-192 (4444) Army cantonment (Tehran, Bagh-i Shah ?), World War I. Other negatives 4445-47
193-195 ( ) German officers' billet. World War I
196 ( ) Kurdistan. German troops. World War I
197 ( ) Taq-i Bustan. Grottoes
198 ( ) Taq-i Bustan.. Large grotto

199-201 ( ) Humped cattle and oxen in Persia
202-204 ( ) Small unidentified stone structure
205 (4478) Khosrogird, village
206 (4458) Kuh-i Khwaja, island in Hamun Sea
207 (4468) Khosrogird,village
208 (4459) Kuh-i Khwaja., View on top of mountain
209 (4462) Sangbast. Village entrance (?)
210 (4461) Kuh-i Khwaja.. On top of mountain
211 (3884) Khurha. Panorama of village
212 (4808) On road, possibly between Taq-i Bustan and Hamadan, G.3
213 (4809) Hamadan (?). G.4
214 (4810) Mt. Alwand (?). G.5
215-220 (4848) Unidentified caravansarai.. Other Negs.4849-53
221-223 (5439) Yazdikhast. Other Negs..5440, 5442
224 (5445) Khurha. Cemetery
225 (5505) Pir Bakran. Kufic script in brick
226 ( ) House in Taurus Mts.
227 ( ) Rayy. Citadel
228 ( ) Rayy. Cheshmeh'Ali. Relief of Fath'Ali Shah
229-231 ( ) Demavand village. Ruins in 1930
232 (4772) Qum. Stone lion.. A,2
233 (4771) Another exposure of No..232. A.I
234 (4773) Enroute Qum - Khurha (?) A.3
235 (4774) Unidentified river. A.4
236 (4775) Botte (dried shrubs for fuel) piled on village roof. A.5
237 (4799) Imamzadeh or well (?) near Khurha. E.6
238-243 ( ) Sasanian ruins south of Harsin,1930
244 (4798) E.5
245 (4797) Mountain saddle. E.4
246 (4796) E,3
247 (4795) Gravestone with Naskhi inscription. E.2
248 (4794) Khurha. E.l
249 (4804) Khurha. F.6
250 ( ) Sauj Bulak, scenery
251 Winnowing wheat
252 Potter at work
253 (4803) Khurha..Camp. F.5
254 (4802) Khurha Closer view of No.255. F..4
255 (4801) Khurha.. Ruins. F.3
256 (4805) Khurha.. Village. Forms panorama with No, 257.F.I
257 (4800) Khurha.. See preceeding. F.2
258 ( ) Pul i Kalhur.. Photo,Meyer, ca.1928
259 ( ) Khurramabad, fortress. Photo, Meyer. ca.1928
260 ( ) Pul i dukhtar. Photo, Meyer. ca. 1928
261 ( ) Pul i dukhtar. Opposite bank.. Photo Meyer. ca. 1928
262 (4782) Unidentified ruins, possibly Khurha.C.l
263 (4784) Unidentified ruins, possibly Khurha..C.3
264 (4783) Unidentified ruins, possibly Khurha. C.2
265 (4785) Unidentified landscape, possibly near Khurha.C.,4
266 (4786) Unidentified landscape, possibly Khurha.C.5
267 (4787) Unidentified landscape, possibly Khurha.C.6
268 ( ) Shushtar bridge
269 (4781) Isfahan. All Verdi Khan bridge. B.6
270 (4779) Isfahan. Courtyard of private house. B.5
271 (4780) Isfahan. Another view of No.270, B.4
272-274 (4859) Isfahan. Views of two Sasanian capitals. Other Negs.4860-61
275 ( ) Khan Shahraban on Khurasan road. SA-II, fig.31
276 (4778) Leaving Isfahan on Shiraz road. B.3

277 (4777) Shah'Abbas caravansarai, Isfahan-Shiraz road. B..2
278 (4776) Detail of No.277. B..1
279 (4817) Unidentified village
280 (4818) Closer view of No.279
281 (4788) Possibly ruins of Sasanian bridge, Isfahan. D. 1
282 (4789) Another view of No.281. D.2
283 (4768) Building near Veramin
284 (4816) Khurha Columns
285 (4764) Khurha. Imamzadeh
286 ( ) Shiraz, crossing flood at Kahwekhane Zargam. 1924
287 (4760) Khurha, tombstone
288 (4761) Gorge before Firuzabad. See No.330
289 (4455) Ruins near Rushtkhar
290 (4465) Castle near Chaman
291 (4456) Kafirkale, village
292 (4477) More distant view of No.290
293 (4454) Ruins near Salami (?)
294 (4474) Barn, not far from Salt desert. Well (?)
295 (4463) Lasgaid, ruins
296 ( ) Mezinen. Yakhchal (icehouse)
297 (4473) Rewand, ruin
298 (4471) Baze'ur, chahar taq
299 ( ) Meimei. General view of mosque from street
300 ( ) Meimei. Mosque from courtyard
301 (4457) Khosrogird, village
302 (4470) Ruin near Simnan
303 (4469) Bistam, Shrine,,
304 (4472) Bistam, Shrine,
305 (4467) Unidentified mud-brick building
306 (4475) Interior of unidentified brick dome
307 (4460) Unidentified inscribed stone
308 (4464) Djelalabad, Bakhtrian camels.
309 (4466) Djelalabad, Bakhtrian camels.
310 (5435) Farraahband, chahar taq
311-312 ( ) Kharg., Mausoleums. Photo, Ayers
313 (5434) Kharg, Imamzadeh (?)
314 (4791) Unidentified ruins, probably in eastern Iran. D,4
315 (4790) Another view of No314. D.3
316 (4792) Another view of No,314D.5
317 (4793) Another view of No.314.,D..6
318 (3895) Kharg, panorama.
319 (3896) Kharg, panorama.
320 (3897) Kharg, panorama.. Catacombs and Imamzadeh
321 (4811) Unidentified landscape, eastern Iran (?). H.I
322 (4814) Unidentified landscape, eastern Iran (?). H.4
323 (4812) Unidentified landscape, eastern Iran (?). H.2
324 (4813) Eastern Iran (?). Distant village., H.3
325 (4815) Eastern Iran (?).. Distant village. Camel caravan, H..5
326 (4821) Eastern Iran (?).. Distant village. Camel skeleton
327 (4820) Eastern Iran (?).. Distant village. Mounted horseman
328 (4822) Unidentified inscribed stone
329 (4823) Another view of No 328
330 (4766) Near Firuzabad.. See No.288
331 (4845) Nomadic black tents
332 (4854) Unidentified village
333 (4855) Unidentified Tell or fortress
334 (4858) Another view of No333
335 (4856) Unidentified valley

336 (4819) Persepolis, bull's head from capital
337 (4846) Unidentified excursion, probably in Elburz Mts., ca.,1905
338 (4847) Another view of No.337
339 (4843) Herzfeld lunching with friend,See also File 32-259
340 (4862) Graf Schulenburg (German Min Tehran) and Teymourtash (Min of the Court) ca. 1930
341 (4863) Teymourtash, ca.1930
342 (4844) Herzfeld with sister, Charlotte (center) and identified lady, perhaps in Syria, ca. 1910. See
File 32-73
343 (4978) Unidentified landscape.
344 (4974) Unidentified landscape.
345 (5666) Unidentified village.
346 (4982) Unidentified village,
347 (4979) Unidentified village.
348 (5643) Small caravan
349 (5633) Unidentified village
350 (5625) Grave by unidentified village
351 (5635) Threshing grain
352 (5634) Unidentified rock inscription
353 (4989) Sasanian capital, Taq-i Bustan. See File 8-272
354 (4981) Unidentified landscape.
355 (4971) Unidentified landscape.
356 (4973) Unidentified landscape.
357 (4955) Unidentified ruined caravansarai
358 (4956) Close-up of 357
359 (4953) Baked brick ornament, probably from wall in No.360
360 (4951) Wall with baked brick ornament
361 (4952) Another view of ornament.. See No.359
362 (4920) Stone capital
363 (4943) Inscribed stones (?)
364 (4966) Unidentified landscape in Iran
365 (4965) Unidentified landscape in Iran
366 (4959) Unidentified landscape in Iran
367 (4958) Unidentified landscape in Iran
368 (4937) Upper section of tombstone
369 (4935) Upper section of another tombstone
370 (4963) Scaffolding and making of paper squeeze, Sarpul (?)
371 (4961) Scaffolding and making of paper squeeze, Sarpul (?)
372 (4962) Scaffolding and making of paper squeeze, Sarpul (?)
373 (4964) Scaffolding and making of paper squeeze, Sarpul (?)
374 (4941) Cuneiform rock inscription.
375 (4942) Cuneiform rock inscription. (double exposure?)
376 (4945) House in Zagros Mts. (?) Other views follow
377 (4950) House in Zagros Mts, (?)
378 (4948) House in Zagros Mts, (?)
379 (4946) House in Zagros Mts.. (?)
380 (4947) House in Zagros Mts. (?)
381 (4949) House in Zagros Mts. (?)
382 (4940) Tombstone, probably in Kurdistan.. Two figures, one with gun
383 (4939) Tombstone, probably in Kurdistan.. Single figure with gun
384 (4917) Tombstone, probably in Kurdistan,, Two figures, one with gun
385 (4944) Tombstone, probably in Kurdistan. Row of flat tombstones
386 (4936) Tombstone, probably in Kurdistan., Elaborately ornamented and inscribed
387 (4938) Tombstone, probably in Kurdistan. Inscribed
388 (4968) Unidentified village (Sarpul?)
389 (4960) Another view of same village
390 (4954) Post wagon with four horses, 1905
391 (4957) Unidentified town,Kurdistan
392 (4967) Extraordinary mountain formation

393 (4969) Unidentified town on plateau
394 (4701) Kuh-i Khwaja, 1925. Distant view
395 (4668) Kuh-i Khwaja, 1925. Ruins from Hamun Sea
396 (4674) Kuh- i Khwaja, 1925. Loaded tutin (reed raft)
397 (4720) Kuh-i Khwaja, 1925. Another view of ruins from the sea
398 (4711) Kuh-i Khwaja, 1925, Tutins
399 (4722) Kuh-i Khwaja, 1925. Shore of Hamun with tutin
400 (4664) Kuh-i Khwaja, 1925. Loaded tutin
401 (4665) Kuh-i Khwaja, 1925. Tutins
402 (4703) Kuh-i Khwaja, 1925. Hamun Sea
403 (4663) Two Iranian officers or gendarmes, 1925
404 (4705) Village on shores of Hamun, 1925
405 (4713) Street in Duzdap (?), 1925
406 (4669) Village in Sistan, 1925
407 (4710) Gateway in Sistan, 1925
408 (4672) Shahristan ruins, 1925
409 (4693) Kuhistan, 1925. Village
410 (4676) Kuhistan, 1925. Village with camel caravan
411 (4702) Kuhistan, 1925. Domed houses
412 (4699) Kuhistan, 1925. Camel caravan
413 (4723) Kuhistan, 1925. Village
414 (4708) Kuhistan, 1925. Landscape
415 (4712) Kuhistan, 1925. Village, domed houses
416 (4731) Kuhistan, 1925. Landscape
417 (4662) Kuhistan, mountains and roads along the Afghan frontier, 1925.
418 (4726) Kuhistan, mountains and roads along the Afghan frontier, 1925.
419 (4732) Kuhistan, mountains and roads along the Afghan frontier, 1925.,
420 (4704) Kuhistan, mountains and roads along the Afghan frontier, 1925.
421 (4724) Kuhistan, mountains and roads along the Afghan frontier, 1925..
422 (4727) Kuhistan, mountains and roads along the Afghan frontier, 1925.,
423 (4117) Kuhistan, mountains and roads along the Afghan frontier, 1925.
424 (4729) Kuhistan, mountains and roads along the Afghan frontier, 1925.
425 (4707) Kuhistan, along the road Zahidan-Mashhad. 1925.
426 (4728) Kuhistan, along the road Zahidan-Mashhad. 1925.
427 (4677) Kuhistan, along the road Zahidan-Mashhad. 1925.
428 (4696) Kuhistan, along the road Zahidan-Mashhad.1925
429 (4718) Kuhistan, along the road Zahidan-Mashhad. 1925.
430 (4714) Kuhistan, 1925.. Large camel caravan
431 (4661) Kuhistan, 1925.. Small camel caravan
432 (4697) Kuhistan, 1925. Camels
433 (4689) Kuhistan, 1925. Camels
434 (4715) Kuhistan, 1925. Camels
435 (4716) Kuhistan, 1925.. Single rider on camel
436 (4721) Kuhistan, 1925, partridge feigning broken wing.
437 (4698) Kuhistan, 1925, partridge feigning broken wing.
438 (4719) Kuhistan, 1925, partridge feigning broken wing.
439 (4706) Probably eastern Khurasan, 1925 Landscape
440 (4733) Probably eastern Khurasan, 1925 Village in plain
441 (4666) Probably eastern Khurasan, 1925. Village in depression
442 (4700) Probably eastern Khurasan, 1925. Village in plain
443 (4671) Probably eastern Khurasan, 1925. Courtyard.
444 (4660) Probably eastern Khurasan, 1925. Domed tomb
445 (4673) Probably eastern Khurasan, 1925. Village street
446 (4730) Probably eastern Khurasan, 1925. Garden
447 (4709) Khurasan, 1925. Typical landscape
448 (4692) Khurasan, 1925. Shahkuh range with snow
449 (4675) Khurasan, 1925. Another, view of preceeding
450 (4725) Khurasan, 1925. Stream and poplars

451 (4695) Khutasan, 1925. Another view of Shahkuh range
452 (4670) Khurasan, 1925. Horseman in pine grove
453 (4694) Khurasan, 1925. Another glimpse of Shahkuh range
454 (5262) Mazanderan. Elaborate raised house. Photos 454-459 taken by Karl Bergner,1936
455 (5263) Mazanderan Detail of 5262
456 (5264) Mazanderan. Crib for grain
457 (5265) Mazanderan., Thatched houses and cattle
458 (5266) Mazanderan.. Thatched houses
459 (5267) Mazanderan, Thatched houses and cattle
460 (5074) Shiraz.. Street, looking towards Koran Gate
461 (5075) Shiraz Chehel Tan
462 (5257) Shiraz. Bagh-i Eram with cypresses
463 (5258) Shiraz. Pavilion in Bagh-i Exam
464 (5259) Shiraz. Inner court of Chehel Tan

Photo File 31
Miscellaneous photographs: Mesopotamia (a few Syria)

s at left refer to prints, not pages.

1 ( ) Baghdad. The Maude bridge
2 ( ) Baghdad. Panorama,looking upstream from Maude bridge
3 ( ) Baghdad., Tigris, alongside da'irah (ferry)
4 ( ) Baghdad. Sa'diyyah on the Tigris
5 ( ) Baghdad. View from American Consulate
6 ( ) Baghdad. Another view from same place
7-11 (4536) Baghdad. Palm grove. Other vievs in Negs.4532-35
12 ( ) Baghdad. Panorama of Ma'ruf and Zubaidah
13 (5422) Panorama. Seleucia (?)
14 ( ) Panorama. Seleucia from N
15 (4519) Baghdad, Tigris shoreline.
16 (4518) Baghdad.
17 (4517) Baghdad.
(4516) Baghdad. Tigris river boat
19-21 (4521) Baghdad. View from hotel root,, Other Negs.4523,4525
22 (4522) Baghdad. Hotel terrace on the Tigris (Tigris Palace ?)
23 (4528) Baghdad.. Street scene by bridge
24 (4524) Baghdad. Hotel courtyard
25 (4529) Baghdad.. Street scene by bridge
26 (4520) Baghdad.Hotel courtyard
27 (4530) Baghdad. Khaseki mosque
28 (4531) Baghdad. Minaret in Suq al-ghazi
29 (4527) Baghdad. Man standing on hotel roof
30 (4526) Baghdad. Street with porters
31 (5517) Seleucia. See No.63
32 (5518) Seleucia.
33 (5437) Unidentified village
34 () Baghdad, Talisman Gate
35 (5511) Sinjar, Sittne Zeinab, mihrab
36 ( ) Unidentified defile
37 ( ) Unidentified rock tomb

38 (5138) Unidentified landscape
39 (5190) Antique capital, Jaffa
40 ( ) Seleucia. al-Sur. Arch. Reise, vol.IV, pl.CXXIII, top
41 ( ) Seleucia. Qasr bint al-Qadi, Arch. Reise, vol.IV, pLCXX III, bottom
42 ( ) Ctesiphon, panorama
43 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra. Complete facade. Photo, Koldewey
44 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra. Right wing collapsed
45 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra Section of facade and vault
46 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra. Buttress (taken at sunrise). Arch. Reise, vol.IV, pl.CXXV,left
47 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra. Detail inner surface of arch. Arch. Reise, vol.IV, pl.CXXV, right
48 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra. Inside of arch, Arch. Reise, vol,I1I, pLXL; details Samarra, 1907 report,
49 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra. Side view.. Arch. Reise, vol.lll, pl,XLIV, left
50 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra.. Back view. Arch. Reise, voLIII, pl..XI1I
51 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra. Detail of back of side. Arch. Reise, vol. III, pl.XLII
52 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra,. Gallery back of fiont. Arch. Reise, vol. IV, p1.,CXXVII
53 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra, Springing of vault. Arch. Reise, vol,Ill, pl.XLIV, right
54 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra. Door, rear wall. Arch. Reise, vol.IV, pl.CXXI, top left
55 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra. Side room. Arch. Reise, vol. IV, pl.CXXVI, bottom
56 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra. View through side door, 1908. Arch.Reise, voL.IV, pL.CXXVI, top right
57 (4541) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra. Horseman at side door.. Neg.5519, another version
58 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra.. Side door, 1907, Samarra,Preliminary Report, fig.7
59 ( ) Seleucia. Qasr bint al-Qadi (Samarra photo No. 238)
60 ( ) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra, detail (Samarra photo 236)
61 ( ) Seleucia.Tiles from city wall. (Samarra photo 239)
62 ( ) Gateway, Samarra (?)
63 (4540) Seleucia, See No.3 1. Arch. Reise, voLII, fig. 157
64 (4539a) Another view of'No.63
65 (4539) Seleucia.
66 (4537) Seleucia. Section of No.65
67 ( ) Dastagerd. Prison from E. Arch. Reise, vol..IV, p1.,CXXVIII, top
68 ( ) Dastagerd. Parapet of'city wall, Arch.Reise, vol.IV, pl.CXXVII, top
69 ( ) Dastagerd. Prison from E.
70 ( ) Dastagerd. Closer view of'No.69
71 (5191) Qasr-i Shirin.. Chuar qapu (chahar taq)
72 (5195) Qasr-i Shirin., Hadji qalasy
73 (5193) Qasr-i Shirin, Chuar qapu
74 (5194) Qasr-i Shirin. Another view of preceeding
75 (5192) Ctesiphon, Taq-i Kisra, detail
76 ( ) Qasr-i Shirin. Palace, rooms, Khosro II
77 ( ) Qasr-i Shirin. Audience Hall, Khosro II
78 ( ) Unidentified mosque
79 ( ) Stucco from al-Kana's (?) vis-a-vis Tekrit
80 ( ) Mosul, Nabi Yunus
81 ( ) Irbil
82 (4253) Unidentified brick interior.. See File 14, p.75-4
83 (5617) Tekrit.
84 (4120) Tekrit. River bank
85 (4100) Baghdad. Tomb of Suhrawardi
86 (5623) Baghdad or Mosul, workmen

87 (4114) Mosul (?). Along the river
88 (4115) Mosul (?). River bank
89 (4118) Mosul (?). View over city
90 (5556) Unidentified mosque with four minarets
91 (4126) Palm grove
92 (4125) Unidentified camp
93-94 (4127) Joins Neg.4128 to form view of river bank, Tekrit
95 (5559) Unidentified harbor
96 (5565) Beirut harbor (?)
97 (5567) Unidentified sea-coast
98 (5568) Another version of preceeding
99-102 (5595) Unidentified camp, possibly Sarre-Herzfeld. Other views in Negs.5593-94 and 5596
103 (5611) Balcony of inner courtyard. Syria ?
104 (5613) Two unidentified ladies. Syria ?
105 (5621) Interior of unidentified bazaar
106 (4113) Courtyard in No, 103
107 (4274) Unidentified fortress
108 (4265) Cossack and two women, Kurdistan (?)
109 (4273) Unidentified landscape
110 (4272) Unidentified town, Kurdistan (?)
111-116 (4214) Banks of unidentified river, eastern Iraq (?). Other views in Negs. 4213-any 4215-19
117-120 ( ) Unidentified stone building or buildings
121 (5450) Hamah, Nuri mosque, column
122 (5516) Cairo, Ann mosque. Capitals
123 (5515) Cairo, Ann mosque. Capital
124 (5512) Abu Hurairah,, Younger grave, Arch. Reise, vol.l, fig.59
125 (5513) Abu Hurairah.. Older grave. Arch. Reise, vol..l, fig.64
126-141 (4565) Cairo, Ann- mosque, capitals. Other capitals in Negs.4566-81
142 (4642) Sinjar.. Distant view
143 (4641) Sinjar. Overlooking town
144 (4652) Sinjar, Another version of preceeding
145 (4643) Sinjar,.Looking into courtyard of caravansarai
146 (4645) Sinjar. View. Neg.4646 is duplicate
147 (4644) Sinjar.. Inside town. Cf:, Arch.Reise, vo1.,111, pl.LXXXIV
148 (4649) Sinjar (?).. Doorway with decoration and inscription,. Neg.4648 is duplicate
149 (4655) Sinjar, Tomb of Zeinab.. Cf. Arch. Reise, vol.I1I, pl.LXXXVII
150 (4654) Sinjar, Tomb of Zeinab Duplicate of No.149
151 (4650) Sinjar, Tomb of Zeinab. Detail, Neg.4651 is duplicate
152 (4653) Sinjar, Tomb of Zeinab. Another, detail. Neg.4658 is duplicate
153 (4655) Unidentified portal
154 (4656) Sinjar Sittne Zeinab. Cf. No.35
155 (4647) Sinjar.. Carved jamb
156 (4657) Sinjar. Mihrab
157 (4492) Mosul, Great Mosque. Mihr'ab
158 (4492a) Mosul, Great Mosque. Another exposure of preceeding
159 (4493) Mosul, Great Mosque. Pier. Neg. marked V.9
160-162 (4507) Mosul (?), Penga (?). Upper part of doorway. Other Negs.4508 and 4508a
163-164 (4505) Mosul, Yahya abu'l Kerim., Arch. Reise, vol.1l1, pl.CIl (there called Abu'l Qasim). Another Neg.
165 (4504) Mosul, Yahya abu'l Kerim Ct. Arch. Reise, vol.111, pl.CIl

166 (4506) Double exposure
167 (4504a) Another exposure of'No.165
168 (4503) Mosul. Yahya abu'l Kerim.,
169 (4488) Mosul. German Consulate-General..
170 (4491) Mosul.
171 (4489) Possibly of Consulate-General
172 (4490) Another view of preceeding
173 (4585) Unidentified scene
174 (4601) Qusair al-Dibsi (?)
175 (4599) Qusair al-Dibsi. Cf: Arch. Reise, vol.1, fig..52
176 (4600) Qusair al-Dibsi. CfArch. Reise, vol.1, fig.53
177 (4592) Eragiza, ruins of Abu Hanayah. See Arch. Reise, vol.I, figs., 41-42. Neg.4586 is duplicate
178 (4589) Eragiza, ruins of'Abu Hanayah, Neg.4594 is a duplicate
179 (4590) Eragiza, ruins of Abu Hanayah. Another view
180 (4591) Eragiza, ruins of Abu Hanayah. Neg. 4595 is a duplicate
181 (4608) Rusafa, Basilica.. Arch. Reise, vol.II1, pL,LX
182 (4607) Rusafa, Basilica. Arch. Reise, vol.III, pl.LX. Neg. marked 1.15
183 (4621) Pompeiopolis. Neg4622 is a duplicate
184 (4619) Rusafa (?)
185 (4612) Rusafa, Basilica. Arch. Reise, vol.III, pl.LX. Neg. marked 1.14
186 (4618) Rusafa
187 (4611) Rusafa, Martyrium. Arch. Reise, vol.III, pl.LX.. Neg. marked 1.16
188 (4620) Rusafa, Martyrium. Cf. Arch. Reise, vol.111, pl.LXII
189 (4617) Rusafa, Martyrium. (?), Neg.4616 is a duplicate
190 (4615) Rusafa. Basilica,. Cf. Arch. Reise, vol.111, pl.LIX
191 (4613) Rusafa,. The church "extra mums." Cf', Arch. Reise, vol.I1, fig, 151
192 (4584) Unidentified courtyard. Another view in No.194
193 (4609) Unidentified stone building
194 (4583) See No. 192
195 (4614) Closer view of No., 196
196 (4610) Possibly another view of'No.191
197 (4602) Abu Hurairah. Older tomb, Cf. Arch. Reise, vol.1, fig,61
198 (4593) Abu Hurairah. Younger tomb. Cf. Arch. Reise, vol.1, fig.58
199 (4603) Unidentified rubble ruins.. Neg.4505 is a duplicate
200 (4606) Another exposure of'No.199. Neg.4504 is a duplicate
201 (4597) Abu Hurairah, minaret,. Cf. Arch. Reise, vol.1, fig..55
202 (4596) Abu Hurairah, minaret.. Another view. Neg..4598 is a duplicate
203 ( ) Unidentified mukarnas
204 ( ) Qasr al-Mudiq. Inscription with ornamental designs
205 (4582) Aleppo. City wall, lion relief
206 (4514) Tekrit, Tigris river. Cf. Arch. Reise, voLl, fig. 106
207 (4515) Tekrit, Tigris river. Close-up of raft in preceeding
208 (4635) Unidentified landscape
209 (4537a) Unidentified landscape with Tell
210 (4638a) Unidentified police post (?)
211 (4587) Three men, possible telegraph operators
212-213 (4633) Unidentified river.. Another view in Neg.4631
214-219 (4626) al-Sufaiyah, ford and bridge ruins.. See Arch. Reise, vol.I, fig.,91. Other Negs of series are
4623-25; 4627-28

220-227 (4629) Views of setting up and within a camp, probably of the Sarre-Herzfeld Arch. Reise, Oct.1907 -
March 1908, Other Negs, in group are 4630,32,34,36,38-39.. Neg4637 is a duplicate of
228-229 (4543) Passengers on a Tigris river-boat. Also Neg.4542
230 (4545) Amara (Kut ?) from the river
231 (4544) Korna village, Another view in No.239
232-234 ..(4546) Sailing dhows on the Tigris, south of Amara. Other views Negs4548-49
235 (4547) Tigris, south of Amara, by full moon
236-238 (4552) Uzeir on the Tigris.Three views of town with mosque. Other Negs.4550-51
239 (4553) Korna village. See No.231
240-241 (4557) Basra harbor. Another view Neg4556
242-243 (4555) The Shatt al-arab, views of shore with palm trees.. Another Neg.4554
244 (4558) Zubeir (old Basra)
245 (4560) Umm al-awlad. See Arch. Reise, vol. IV, pl.XXXVI
246 (4559) Umm al-awlad.. Closer view of ruin
247 (4561) The Persian Gulf'
248-249 (4563) Gulf of Aden with town.. Another Neg. 4564
250 (4562) Persian Gulf'
251 (4588) Swinging a horse on board in a sling
252 (4480) Nimrud, Back view of'stone figure in No.256
253 (4479) Nimrud. Head, three-quarter view
254 ( ) Nimrud. Inscribed stone
255 (4478) Nimrud. Inscribed stone (Tell Kashaf ?)
256 (4481) Ninuud. Profile of figure in No,252
257 (4483) Nimrud. Section of horned crown
258 (4482) Nimrud.. Stone with relief decoration of palmettes
259 ( ) Kefil, Tomb of Ezekiel. SA-I, fig.61
260 ( ) Baghdad, Sitta Zubeida,. Photo, Burchardt. SA-I, fig,63
261 (5073) Baghdad, Talisman Gate.
262 (5172) Baghdad, Talisman Gate.. Arch. Reise, vol.I11, pl.XI
263 (5254) Baghdad. Tigris, Maude Bridge
264 (5255) Baghdad.. Kazimein (?)
265 (5256) Baghdad.. Tigris river front

Photo File 32
Miscellaneous prints: personal, mostly in Europe, plus many in Syria or Iraq,
including photos of Bedouin life and travel.

The numbers at left are of prints, not pages..

1-6 (5864) Unidentified city in Germany or Austria (Braunschweig ?).. Other Negs.. 5863, 66, 68, 70,72
7 (5865) Unidentified pavilion in Braunschweig (?)
8 (5860) Herzfeld's sister, Charlotte, ca. 1910.
9 (5859) Herzfeld's sister, Charlotte, ca.1910..
10 (5867) Unidentified Avenue, in Austria or Germany
11 (5869) Herzfeld's sister, Charlotte
12 (5873) Unidentified park in Germany or Austria
13 (5871) Mr. and Mrs.. Ludwig Schiff and Prof. and Mrs, Moritz Sobernheim, with unidentified lady
14 (5841) Three unidentified ladies with boy
15 (5862) Mr.. and Mrs.. Schiff with lady

16 (5840) Unidentified lady
17 (5861) Mr. and Mrs. Schiff', parents of Mrs. Sobernheim
18-24 (5858) Flight of the Zeppelin, 1908-10 (?). Other Negs5852-57
25 (5801) Venice, St. Mark's Square, 1910-13
26 (5820) Venice. Courtyard of Doge's palace
27 (5797) Venice. St. Mark's Square
28 (5821) Venice. Corner of pillar of'Doge's palace
29 (5819) Venice. Lion
30 (5816) Venice, Herzfeld on balcony at Square, looking across to Santa Maria Salute
31 (5807) Venice, Corner pillar of Doge's palace
32-33 (5815) Venice. View from balcony. Another view Neg. 5817
34 (5818) Venice Venice Herzfeld's sister, Lotte, in gondola
35 (5804) Venice, Ornamented piers in front of St. Mark's
36-37 (5811) Venice. Detail of preceeding. Another detail, Neg.5810
38 (5813) Venice. Statue of lion
39 (5799) Venice.. Arcade of Doge's palace
40 (5802) Venice. Grill in St. Mark's
41-42 (5809) Venice.. Byzantine carved slab, St.. Mark's, Another view Neg.5806
43 (5808) Venice. Statue of four Kings
44 (5805) Venice.. Byzantine carved slab (peacocks), St.Mark's
45 (5812) Venice.. Similar slab of griffins
46 (5798) Venice Columns, St. Mark's
47-49 (5826) Herzfeld's study, 5 Niirnberger Pl.., Berlin. 1906-07 (?). Another view, Neg.,5827; another with
Herzfeld's sister, Lotte, Neg5825
50-53 (5824) Torcello (?).. Cloisters. Other views, including church in Negs.5814, 22, 28
54 (5727) Venice (?).. Five sculptured roundels.. Enlargement in File 26-10
55-56 (5800) Venice. Detail of St. Mark's with duplicate print
57-58 (5803) Venice.. Pier in front of St. Mark's with duplicate print
59-62 (5843) Dr Sobernheim with unidentified lady and two Arabs. Other versions in Negs.5842, 50-51
63-64 (4290) Heizteld with Professor and Frau Sarre on pier, 1908. On deck in Neg4287
65 (4289) Herzfeld with Frau Sane and unidentified man on deck, 1908
66 (4288) Sobeinheim, Aleppo (?), 1909 (?)
67 (5844) Prof. and Frau Sane on ship-board, 1908
68-72 (5847) Dr. Sobernheim and Frau Sane on ship-board, 1908, Other Negs. 5845-46, 5848-49
73 -79 (5839) Herzfeld's sister, Lotte, with friends.. Italy (?). Other Negs.5923, 29-30, 34, 37-38
80 (5832) Herzfeld in Cairo or Alexandria, ca. 1908
81 (5833) Unidentified girl
82 (5831) Unidentified child
83-88 ( ) Small harbor and unidentified ruins, some of them Ottoman, enclosed in a letter to Herzfeld
from Ladislas Lorent, Istanbul, July 6, 1946..
89 (4926) Venice (?). Another version of roundels in No.54
90-94 (4919) Five rather indistinct views of what appears to be the carved top of'perhaps a stone post.. Other
95 (4925) Two carved blocks with figures and ornament in style of Palmyra
96-102 (4931) Unidentified stone cornice and fragments of carved decoration, including panels. Other
Negs.4927-29, 32-34
103 (4916) Unidentified ruins. Standing columns and architrave. Turkey (?)
104 (4915) Closer view of No.103
105 (4930) Stone slab with stylized palms and rope pattern. Greek (?)
106 (4918) Cairo, Bab Nasr. Another view, File 26-112

107 (5741) Unidentified town with Roman ruins. Syria
108 (5735) Unidentified clock tower, Syria
109 (5749) Unidentified ruins of stone building, Syria
110-112 (5737) Unidentified street scene, Iraq or Syria. Other Negs.5736, 38
113 (4890) Loaded raft. These prints, through No.151, of an archaeological expedition were taken at Assur,
114 (4881) Raft crossing river
115 (4873) Riverbank
116 (4737) Tell
117 (4736) Herd of goats grazing
118-120 (4875) Arabs fording the river or bathing. Other Negs. 4886, 91
121-122 (4753) Expedition house. Double exposure, Neg.4735
123 (4750) Team of donkeys with sledge
124 (4877) Donkeys
125-129 (4744) Bedouin workmen. Other Negs4751, 80, 85, 89
130 (4872) Single Arab with long braids, possibly trusted slave of a Sheikh
131 (4749) Grazing camels with Bedouin in background
132-133 (4748) Mounted Sheikh with escort carrying long spears. Another Neg,4743
134 (4878) Sheikh at left with armed escort and Turkish officer
135 (4876) Visiting dignitary, possibly Governor. With escort
136 (4892) Visiting dignitary, possibly Governor. With aide and Turkish officer
137 (4734) Visiting dignitary, possibly Governor. With water-pipe and workmen
138 (4874) Rails, wheels and wagonettes of'narrow-gauge railway
139-142 (4888) Camels transporting railway parts and supplies. Other Negs. 4741-42, 4884
143-144 (4879) Black felt Bedouin tents.. Another Neg.4887
145 (4882) Three Bedouin (double exposure)
146-148 (4747) Bedouin men and children. Other Negs.4739, 4883
149 (4738) Landscape
150 (4745) Pair of'turkeys
151 (4740) Turkish official
152 (4746) Turkish or Syrian official
152 (4752) Family treasures: rug,vase, tea-pot, etc. Another version in File 30-150
154-156 (4906) Bedouin horseman with long spear. Other versions Negs.4902, 04. Also Nos.,346-347,
Negs.4896, 4901
157 (4903) Arrival of Turkish officials by carriage
158 (4913) Bedouin Sheikhs and escort
159 (4911) Military escort of officials
160-161 (4897) Another version of Bedouin in No.158.. Another Neg4900
162 (4912) Soldiers and horsemen outside unidentified town
163 (4905) Military post or caravansarai (?). Another view in File 32-209
164 (4908) Military escort. Another version of File 32-184
165 (4907) Caravan leaving unidentified village, Syria
166-171 (5642) Camel caravan, Iraq. Other views in Negs.4990-94
172-183 (4985) Watering horses, These prints through No.201 are possibly of'Herzfeld's trip across the
Hanuin, 1905, including his camp and horses.. Other Negs.. 4970, 76, 83, 86, 95, 97, 99; 5637-
184-185 (5648) Mounted escort, another view of'No.164. Another Neg,.5645
186 (4987) Watering the horses
187-190 (4977) Unidentified landscapes. Other views in Negs.. 4972, 75, 84
191 (5627) Path along a wadi

192-195 (5628) Isolated tree and isolated group. Other views, Negs.5626, 29-30
196 (5632) Unidentified landscape
197 (5631) Unidentified stream
198-199 (4988) Halt at river bed. Another view, Neg.5636
200-201 (5611) Mounted peddler (?).Another view, Neg.5640
202-207 (5682) Apparently views of a conference in a tent between Bedouin and Europeans (German?), World
War I. No. 225 belongs in same group. Other Negs. 5680-81, 83-85
208 ( ) English soldiers from Kut arriving in Nisibin,. World War I. Photo, Mack
209 (5695) Another view of military post, No. 163
210 (5696) Courtyard of'caravansarai, Syria
211 (5707) Carriage horses
212 (5725) Unidentified teamster
213 (5694) Another view of File 26-16, river ferry
214 (5691) Distant view of unidentified town, Syria
215 (5692) View of another unidentified town
216 (5698) House in a town, Syria
217 (5724) Herzfeld and Sobernheim drinking tea with Syrians, ca. 1914
218-219 (5711) Unidentified Syrian. Close-up, Neg.5712
220 (5718) Herd of goats, Syria
221 (5699) Mounted peddler (?), Syria
222 (4998) Fording a stream
223-224 (5688) Arab acrobat standing on horse. Another view, Neg. 5687
225 (4893) See No.202
226 (4895) Arabs in town, Syria
227 (4898) Probably lower Tigris shore.. Related views: File 26-220, File 32-233
228-229 (4894) River bank with camels and donkeys, Syria. Another Neg.4914
230-232 (4909) Deir Hater (?). Details in Negs.5673-74. Other views: File 26-74-75
233-238 (5717) Scenes, probably along lower Tigris.. Other Negs. 5716,19-23, Related views: File 26-220; File
239 (5715) Syrian merchant astride a donkey
240 (5686) Line-up of school boys, Iraq
241 (5714) Three Iraqi soldiers
242 (5726) Arab in front of'chineh wall, Iraq
243 (5713) Three soldiers, Syria
244-246 (5703) Unidentified river scenes, Syria. Other Negs. 5689, 97
247 (5702) Unidentified building, Syria
248 (5706) Arab bathing or fishing
249 (5700) Mounted., Arabs, Apparently same figures as in No. 160
250 (5701) Unidentified Arabs
251-253 (5709) Camels by telegraph line, Syria. Other Negs. 5708, 10. See also Nos.348-349, Negs.4899, 4910
254-257 (5704) Unidentified landscapes, probably Iraq. Other Negs. 5690, 93; 5705
258 (58 Unidentified European. See File 31-11
259 (5835) Unidentified man. See File 30-339
260-264 (5667) Unidentified street scenes with palms, cemetery, etc. Probably lower Tigris. Other Negs.,5649-
265-266 (5678) Small river steamer "EKINJI", probably Syria. Another version, Neg.5679
267-270 (5658) Unidentified coast-lines. Other Negs 5661, 63,65
271-273 (5668) Syrian gentleman with small grandson. Other views, Negs.5669-70
274-275 (5672) Unidentified Syrian. Another exposure, Neg.5671
276 (4980) Detail of unidentified stone building

277-279 (5653) Unidentified town in Syria.. Other Negs.5654-55
280-282 (5644) Unidentified group of Bedouin horsemen, Syria. Other view, Negs..5646-47
283-290 (5732) At stations of Taurus Express, Turkey or Syria, pre-World War L, Other Negs.5728-31, 33, 42,
291-296 (5795) Misc. unidentified scenes in Syria.. Other Negs..5734, 39, 43, 85, 94
297-298 (5746) Horse-drawn merchandise wagons. Another view, Neg..5745
299 (5747) Four small boys in best clothes, Syria
300 (5748) Cemetery, Syria
301-303 (5791) Unidentified river, Syria (?). Other views, Negs..5788, 93
304 (5792) Water-wheels, Syria
305 , (5789) Unidentified landscape, Syria (?)
306 (5790) Another unidentified landscape, Syria (?)
307-309 (5769) Watering the horse, Syria.. Other versions, Negs..5770-71
310-312 (5768) European hunter with Bedouin guide, Syria.. Variations, Negs.5765-66
313-319 (5755) Bedouin activities along a river, Syria. Includes filling water-bags and spearing fish. Other
Negs. 5756, 72-75, 96
320-332 (5750) Bedouin black tent and activities, Syria.. Other Negs.5740, 51-54, 57, 76-78, 82, 84, 87
333-345 (5783) Bedouin animal husbandry and agriculture, including harvesting of'grain. Other Negs. 5758-64,
67, 79-81, 86
346 (4896) Syrian officer and guard. See No, 154
347 (4901) Syrian officer and mounted Bedouin. See No.154
343-349 (4399) Camels, Another Neg.. 4910.. See No,251

Photo File 33
Squeezes: Cuneiform and Arabic inscriptions.

If the squeeze exists in the Archive, the number of the squeeze is given. References, such as N-115 or SK-V, refer to
Herzfeld's Notebooks and Sketchbooks in the Archive.. Melikian published the inscriptions noted in Le monde iranien et
1'Islam, vol.l, "Le Royaume de Salomon".

p.1-a (5036) (top) Squeeze 22; (bottom) Squeeze 20

p.1-b ( ) Reverse of 1-a (top) Squeeze 22. Marked on print "Akkad.. Ild 6-11"; squeeze marked "5-11"; on
back "9". This Herzfeld's old number.. The new number is 22
p.1-c ( ) Rev., of 1-a (bottom) Squeeze 20.. Marked on print "Akkad. links IVa, 19-24".. Squeeze marked
18-24; on back "18"
p.2-a (5037) (top) Squeeze 31; (bottom) Squeeze 23
p.2-b ( ) Rev.. of 2-a (top) Squeeze 31.. Marked on print "Akkad", VIc, 36-39". Squeeze marked "35-39"
p..2-c ( ) Rev.. of 2-a (bottom) Squeeze 23. Marked on print
"Akkad M II b 5-11". Squeeze marked "6-11"; on back, "7"
p.3 (5038) Squeeze 1.. Another print of p.16-c
p.4-a (5039) (top) Squeeze 40; (bottom) Squeeze 38
pA-b ( ) Rev.. of 4-a (top) Squeeze 40, Marked on print "bab M IIId 12-16".. Squeeze marked on back
p.4-c ( ) Rev., of 4-a (bottom) Squeeze 38. Marked on print "bab M Ib 1-6".. Squeeze marked "1-5' ; on
back, NiRb bab 3"
p.5-a (5041) (top) Squeeze 18; (bottom) Squeeze 19
p.5-b ( ) Rev.. of 5-a (top) Squeeze 18.. Marked on print "Akkad.. L. II a 1-5". Squeeze marked "NiRb bab
p.5-c ( ) Rev.. of 5-a (bottom) Squeeze 19.. Marked on print "Akkad. links. Ha 6-12"
p.6-a (5040) (top) Squeeze 21; (bottom) Squeeze 24
p.6-b ( ) Rev, of 6-a (top) Squeeze 21.. Marked on print "Akk. Ia' 1-2". Squeeze marked "1-5' ; on back

p..6-c ( ) Rev. of 6-a (bottom) Squeeze 24.. Marked on print "Akkad II Ilc 6-11 ". Squeeze marked "5-11 ;
on back "18"
p.7-a (5042) (top) Squeeze 42; (bottom) Squeeze 26
p.7-b ( ) Rev.. of 7-a (top) Squeeze 42. Marked on print "bab Mitte V 23-26". Squeeze marked "23-27"
p. 7-c ( ) Rev. of 7-a (bottom) Squeeze 26. Marked on print "Akk.r. IIIc 12-18"., Squeeze marked "15" on
p.8-a (5043) (top) Squeeze 45; (bottom) Squeeze 41
p.8-b ( ) Rev, of 8-a (top) Squeeze 45. Marked on print "bab R, Ic 1-5". Squeeze marked "NiRb bab 3 [?]
p.8-c ( ) Rev., of 8-a (bottom) Squeeze 41. Marked on print "bab M IVc 16-22"., Squeeze marked on back
p.. 9-a (5045) (top) Squeeze 25; (bottom) Squeeze 30
p..9-b ( ) Rev.. of 9-a (top) Squeeze 25.. Marked on print " Akk, IVb 19-24".. Squeeze marked "19" on
p.9-c ( ) Rev, of 9-a (bottom) Squeeze 30.. Marked on print "V 24-30" [Akkad ?]
p.10-a (5044) (top) Squeeze 29; (bottom) Squeeze 28
p.10-b ( ) Rev., of 10-a (top) Squeeze 29. Marked on print "IIb' .5-10" [Akkad ?].. Squeeze marked on back

p.10-c ( ) Rev., of 10-a (bottom) Squeeze 28. Marked on print "Akk. rechts V 21-26".. Squeeze marked
p..11-a (5046) (left) Squeeze 32; (right) Squeeze 33. NiR, large, lower inscription, last paragraph of Elamite
text, marked "a"
p.11-b ( ) Rev., of 11-a (left) Squeeze 32. Marked on print (33-40 16".. Squeeze marked "17-40" [Akkad ?]
( ) Rev of 11-a (right) Squeeze 33.. Marked on print"7" [Akkad ?]. Print numbered Squeeze 33, but
p.11-c no squeeze located. Another exposure, p.41-b
p..12 (5047) Squeeze No. 7. An enlarged view of p.15-b
p..13-a (5050) (top) Squeeze No..8; (bottom)Squeeze 9
p.13-b ( ) Rev.. of 13-a (top) Squeeze 8.. Print marked "M 13-20". Squeeze numbered "8"
p.13-c ( ) Rev. of 13-a (bottom) Squeeze 9. Print marked "M 21-25" . Squeeze numbered "11"
p.. 14-a (5049) (top) Squeeze 14; (bottom) Squeeze 3
p,14-b ( ) Rev, of 14-a (top) Squeeze 14. Marked on print "r.. 14-20". Squeeze marked "9"
p.. 14-c ( ) Rev. of 14-a (bottom) Squeeze 3. Marked on print "L. 13-18".. Squeeze numbered "7"
p.15-a (5052) Squeeze 7
p.15-b ( ) Rev. of 15-a. Marked on print "M 8-13". Squeeze marked "NiR 4"
p.. 16-a (5053) (top) Squeeze 17; (bottom) Squeeze 1
p.16-b ( ) Rev, of 16-a (top) Squeeze 17.. Marked on print "R 35-39". Squeeze marked "18"
p.16-c ( ) Rev. of 16-c (bottom) Squeeze 1. Marked on print "L 1-6".. Squeeze marked "NiR I".. Another
print p. 3
p, 17-a (5054) Squeeze 6
p.. 17-b ( ) Rev. of 17-a. Marked on print "M 1-7"
p.18-a (5055) (top) Squeeze 4; (bottom) Squeeze 15
p.18-b ( ) Rev. of 18-a (top) Squeeze 4. Marked on print "R 21-26". Squeeze marked "12"
p.18-c ( ) Rev, of 18-a (bottom) Squeeze 15. Marked on print "L 19-24". Squeeze marked 18-25
p.. 19-a (5056) Squeeze 11
p.19-b ( ) Rev.. of 19-a. Marked on print "M 31-40". Squeeze marked "NiR 17 (?)
p.20-a (5057) Squeeze 16
p.20-b (..) Rev, of 20-a. Marked on print "R 27-34"
p.21-a (5058) (top) Squeeze 2; (bottom) Squeeze 12
p.21-b ( ) Rev. of 21-a (top) Squeeze 2. Marked on print "L 7-12". Squeeze marked "5"
p.21-c ( ) Rev. of 21-a (bottom) Squeeze 12.. Marked on print "r 1-6". Squeeze marked "NiR 3"
p.22-a (5059) (top) Squeeze 44; (bottom) Squeeze 43
p.22-b ( ) Rev.. of 22-a (top) Squeeze 44, Marked on print "bab IVc.. 37-39". Squeeze marked "36-39"

p.22-c ( ) Rev., of 22-a (bottom) Squeeze 43.. Marked on print "bab Mb 32-36"
p.23-a (5060) (top) Squeeze 46; (bottom) Squeeze 39
p.23-b ( ) Rev of 23-a (top) Squeeze 46, Marked on print "bab R Id 1-5", Marked on squeeze "NiRb bab
P.23-c ( ) Rev.. of 23-a (bottom) Squeeze 39. Marked on print "bab M IIIc 11-18". Squeeze laarked "12"
p.24-a (5061) (left) Squeeze 36; (right) Squeeze 34
p.24-b ( ) Rev of 24-a (left) Squeeze 36. Marked on print "bab L Va 24-30"
P.24-c ( ) Rev. of 24-a (right) Squeeze 34.. Marked on print "L bab IIIa 13-19".Squeeze marked "11"
p.25-a (5062) Squeeze 37
p,25-b ( ) Rev. of 25-a.. Marked on print "Bab L VIa 30-39"
p..26-a (5063) Squeeze 5
p..26-b ( ) Rev,. of 26-a. Marked on print "L 25-32". Squeeze marked "13"
p.27-a (5064) (top) Squeeze 13; (bottom) Squeeze 10
p.27-b (5035) Rev.. of'27-a (top) Squeeze 13.. Marked on print "R 7-13'.. Squeeze marked "6"
p.27-c (5035) Rev. of 27-a (bottom) Squeeze 10. Marked on print "M 25-30".. Marked on squeeze "25-31 and
p28-a (5065) Squeeze 27
p.28-b ( ) Rev. of'28-a.. Marked on print "Akkad.. Rechts. IVd 16-22".. Squeeze marked "17"
p.,29-a (5066) Squeeze 35
p..29-b ( ) Rev.. of 29-a. Marked on print "bab L IIIb 12-19". Squeeze marked "13"
p.30 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription. Lines 50-60, a and b
p.31 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription.. Outlined blueprint of above
p.32 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription. Lines 50-60, c and d
p,33 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription, Outlined blueprint of above
p.34 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription. Lines 50-60, e and f'
p.35 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription. Outlined blueprint of above
p.36-a (5051) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription. Last paragraph of Elamite text: b(left), c (right)
p.36-b ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription.. Rev. ofpreceeding
p.37 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription. Rev. of 38-a
p..38-a (5033) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription, Last paragraph of Elamite text: d (left), e (right)
p.38-b ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription, Rev. of 38-a (left)
p.39-a (5034) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription. Another exposure of'38-a
p.39-b (5035) (top) Squeeze 13. See prints p.27-b and c; (bottom) Squeeze 10.. See prints p..27-b and c
p.40-a (5048) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription. End of Elamite text, marked f (left), g (right)
p.40-b ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription. Rev, of 40-a (left) marked "1"
p.40-c ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription. Rev of 40-a (right) marked "2" on back of print
p.41-a ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, large, lower inscription. Rev. of 40-a
p.41-b ( ) Another exposure of p.11-c
p.42 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. W. stairway. Blueprint of squeeze. Photo of stone: File 5-217, Neg.. 1677,
F , fig.30, Old Persian. For inscription see N-106, pp.23-26
p.43 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. S-hall, W pier. Photo, Sarre. For cuneiform inscriptions see p.44; for
Arabic text, p.74
p.44 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara,. Blueprint of inscriptions in photo, p.43.. For Old Persian text, see N-106,
pp, 17-18; for Babylonian text, see N-106, pp.19-20; for Elamite text, see N-106, pp.21-22
p.45 ( ) Persepolis, great terrace inscription (blueprints).. Old Persian text, Col.,I., See Photo File 5-43,
Neg. 2277. For text, see N-106, pp.38-40 and N-30, pp.. 112-113
p.46 ( ) Persepolis , great terrace inscription (blueprints)., Old Persian text, CoLII. See Photo File 5-44.,
Neg.2278. For text, see N-106, pp.,41-43. Blueprint overlaps preceeding
p.47 ( ) Persepolis, great terrace inscription (blueprints)., Elamite text. See Photo File 5-45, Neg., 2279..
For text, see N-106, pp.44-46 and N-30, pp. 107 and 111

p.48 ( ) Persepolis, great terrace inscription (blueprints).. Babylonian text, See Photo File 5-46, Neg..
2280. (blueprint overlaps preceeding). For text, see N-106, pp.. 47-49 and N-30, p.109
p.49 ( ) Persepolis. Staircase in front of Apadana, W field., Blueprint, Photo of stone: Photo File 5-74,
Neg.1591. For text, see N-106, pp.35-37 and N-30, pp, 103-105
p.50 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. Stairway from S-hall, E panel. Blueprint. For text, see N-106, pp.30-32
p.51 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. Same, center panel.. For text, see N-106 pp.33-34
p,52 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. Same. W panel. Blueprint.. Photo of stone; Photo File 5-229, Neg..2330
(bottom 4 lines concealed in photo). For text, see N- 106, pp.27-29
p.53 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara, E supporting wall of 2nd Court of Honor..Blueprint, Photo of'stone: Photo
File 5-231, Neg.. ?00
p.54 ( ) Persepolis.. Hadish. Blueprint. Top: Old Persian text.. See N-106, p.7.. Center: Babylonian text.
See N-106, p.8. Bottom: Elamite text. See N-106, p.9
p.55 ( ) Persepolis. Tacara.. Blueprint. Top: Old Persian text, See N-106, pl.. Center: Elamite text.. See
N-106, p3. Bottom: Babylonian text. See N-106, p..2
p. 56 ( ) Persepolis.. S wall, opposite Tacara. Old Persian Squeezes 90-93.. Blueprint
p. 57 ( ) Persepolis.. Between two forecourts. Babylonian text.. Squeezes 101-102. Blueprint
p.. 58 ( ) Persepolis. Elamite text.. Squeeze 103.. Blueprint
p.59 ( ) Persepolis.. Radish window: 1-2 Old Persian text. See N-106, p..10.. 3 Babylonian text. See N-
106, p.12.4 Elamite text, See N-106, p.11
p.60 ( ) Persepolis.. Tachara (continuation of'blueprint in 59). 5 Old Persian text.. See N-106, p.4.. 6
Elamite text. See N-106, p..5.. 7 Babylonian text.. See N-106, p.6. 8-10 Hadish, text on folds of
King's robe., See N-106, p..13
p.61-a (1058) Naqsh-i Rustam, Aramaic squeeze. See also Photo File 2-196-208 for duplicate prints
p.61-b (1062) Naqsh-i Rustam, Aramaic squeeze..
p.62-a (1052) Naqsh-i Rustam, Aramaic squeeze.,
p.62-b (1056) Naqsh-i Rustam, Aramaic squeeze.
p.63-a (1053) Naqsh-i Rustam, Aramaic squeeze.
p.63-b (1055) Naqsh-i Rustam, Aramaic squeeze,
p.64-a (1059) Naqsh-i Rustam, Aramaic squeeze.
p.64-b (1054) Naqsh-i Rustam, Aramaic squeeze..
p.65-a (1060) Naqsh-i Rustam, Aramaic squeeze.
p.65-b (1051) Naqsh-i Rustam, Aramaic squeeze..
p,66-a (1061) Naqsh-i Rustam, Aramaic squeeze..
p.66-b (1050) Naqsh-i Rustam, Aramaic squeeze.
p.67 ( ) Persepolis.. Astrlabi, II c.. Arabic squeeze 23 (numbered in red "I") .. For text, see N-108, pp.108
and 110 and SK-V, p.52. Blueprint
p.68 ( ) Persepolis.. Tachara.. Blueprints: (left)'Adud al-daula c.. 344 H. For text, see N-108, p..81 and
SK-V, pp..4-5 (back of print marked "5"); (right) Baha al-daula, dated 392 H. For text, see N-
108, p.84 and SK-V, p.4
p.69 ( ) Persepolis. Tachara.. Blueprint (numbered "5" on back).. Abu Kalidjar, dated 418 H. For text, see
N-108, p..85 and SK-V, p3
p.70 ( ) Persepolis. Tachara.. Blueprint (marked "7" on back).. Time of''Adud al-daula c..344. For text,
see N-108, p.82 and SK-V, p..5
p.71 ( ) Persepolis.. Blueprint (numbered "8" on back): (left) 'Ali b.. Sultan Khalil; (right) Arabic squeeze
No..25.. 'Ali b. Sultan Khalil. For text, see N-108, p.101 and SK-V, p.12. Text published,
Melikian, p.33
p.72 ( ) Shiraz, Khatun, Arabic squeeze No. 14. Blueprint (numbered "10" on back).. For text,see N- 108,
p.73 ( ) Persepolis. Blueprint marked "16" on back.. Arabic
p34 ( ) Persepolis. Blueprint marked "13" on back.. Ibrahim Sultan b, Shahrokh, dated 826 H. For text,
see N-108, p.97. Text published, Melikian, p.25, pl.. X

p.75 ( ) Isfahan (top) Arabic squeeze No.4. Blueprint numbered "14" on back. Imamzadeh Isma'il, For
text, see N-108, p,.42 Shiraz (bottom) Arabic squeeze No.18. Shah Da'i. For text, see N-108,
p.76 ( ) Persepolis, Blueprint numbered "11" on back. Nasir al-din Shah, dated 1294 H. For text, see N-
108, p.79
p.77 ( ) Persepolis.Arabic squeeze No. 26 (blueprint marked "10" on back). Dated 826 H. For text, see
N-108, p.98 and SK-V, p,.36 Text published Melikian, pl.XI
p.78 ( ) Persepolis. Nasir al-din Qajar, Blueprint marked "7" on back
p.79 ( ) Persepolis.. Arabic squeeze No.24. Blueprint numbered "8" on back. Dated 881 H. For text, see
N-108, p.102 and SK-V, p.54. Text published Melikian, pp.34-34, pl.XII
p, 80 ( ) Shiraz (upper left) Arabic squeeze 17, Khatun; (upper right) unidentified 2-line squeeze;
(bottom) Arabic squeeze 21

Photo File 34
Prints of drawings and maps

p.1 ( ) Persepolis D-857, IAE, pLLVIII. Apadana columns

p.2 ( ) Taq-i Bustan D-717, Plan of'grottoes
p..3 ( ) Aleppo D-44, Corpus, vol.I1I, pl.LXIl and SA-II, fig..53. D-65, Corpus, pl.LXXa
p.4 ( ) Aleppo D-78, SA-II, fig,46.. D-165, SA-II, fig,47
p.5 ( ) Persepolis D-843, IAE, pl..XLVIII, Firuzabad, Kaleh-i dukhtar D-716, Gira district, fire-temple
D-721 SA-II, fig, 22.. Baze'ur, Kaleh-i dukhtar D-722, SA-II, fig.23
p.6 ( ) Kurangun D-787, IAE, p.189, fig304; rock tomb D-777, TA, p.10, fig.5; IAE, p.202, fig.310;
Sahnah D-776.. IAE, p201, fig309
p.7 ( ) Hims D-71,D-83-85, SA-II, figs.65-67b. Aleppo D-42, Corpus, pLLXI and D-38, Corpus, pl.LX
p.8 ( ) Biza'a and Cairo D-147-149, SA-Il, figs.48-50
p..9 ( ) Aleppo and Ma'arra. D-22, SA-II, figs,. 51-52
p.10 ( ) Tympanum decoration D-126, SA-II, fig.83 ; Aleppo, Shu'aibiyya D-40, Corpus,
pl.LXXXVIlb; Aleppo, citadel D-43, Corpus, pLXXXVIII
P,11 ( ) Arches Taq-i Bustan, Aleppo, Ctesiphon, Khargird D-150-153, SA-II, figs.38-41
p,12 ( ) Damascus, great mosque D-119, SA-IV, fig.. 16; Aleppo, Zahiriyya D-12, Cox us, vol.3,
p.13 ( ) Hamah D-125, SA-II, fig. 64; Aleppo, Gr.. mosque D-3, Corpus,vol..lll, pl.LIII and SA-IV,
fig. 17; Aleppo,Firdaus D-28 and D-838, Cor us, vo1.,lll, plCXXVIII
p.14 ( ) Damascus, Hanabila D-323, SA-IV, fig. 7; Aleppo, Sultaniyya D-7, Corpus, vol..111, pLCXXIII;
Aleppo, Jami' Utrush D-69, Corpus, voLIll, pLCXLIIIa; Damascus, Salihiyya un-numbered
drawing,SA-III, fig, 145; Aleppo, citadel D-266, Corpus, vol.III, pl.XLIIIc; Ma'arra, Abu'1
Fawaris un-numbered drawing, SA-III, fig.97
p.15 ( ) Persepolis,, scale drawing of great Eastern staircase with notations in Arabic of tribute groups.
D-1239 (original, only copy). Photostat
p.16 (8339) Map (D- 1240) Tracing of area Tiflis south to Maskat; Assur east to Herat
p.17 (8340) Map (D-1241) Tracing of area Asia Minor (Sinope) south to Mt. Sinai, Alexandria east to
Tabriz (Tawriz)
p.18 (5010) Sketches of Greek bronzes
p.19 (8341) Page 38 from Notebook N-110.. Sketch of tombstone with Kufic inscription at Istakhr
There are no prints in this file of the following maps, of which the negatives are in the Photographic Department of the
Freer Gallery
(5537) Map. Reiseroute in West-Cilicien [left section] from Herzfeld,"Eine Reise durch das westliche
Kilikien im Friihjahr 1907", p1.3 in Petermanns Geogr. Mitteilungen, LV (Gotha,1907)
(5537a) The right section of preceeding map
(5538) Section 1 of map in 5538a

(5538a) Map. Routenkarte, Section 2 of 2, from Herzfeld, "Sine Reise durch Luristan, Arabistan
and Fars", p1.5 in Petermanns Mitteilungen, LIII (Gotha. 1907)
(5539) Map.. Routenkarte, section 1 of 2 from Herzfeld, "Fine Reise durch Luristan, Arabistan and
Fars", p1..7 in Petermanns Mitteilungen, LIII (Gotha, 1907)
(5539a) Section 2 of preceeding map
(5540) Map. Routenkarte von Nordwest-Persien, Section 1 of 2. From Julfa to Qazvin and Rasht. pL. 10
of A.F,Stahl in Petermanns Mitteilungen, (Gotha, 1907)
(5540a) Map.. Routenkarte: Section Tabriz, Qazvin, Rasht, Hamadan. Also Barferush, Firuzkuh and
Jajerud. From preceeding article

Photo File 35

Files 35-42 consist of Oriental Institute prints of which the negatives are in Chicago. The prints may be published only
with the written permission of the Oriental Institute..
Persepolis: drawings, views of the terrace. Main entrance, Expedition House

Photo File 36
Persepolis: Apadana, Eastern stairway: rear section, right side; rear section, left side

Photo File 37
Persepolis: Apadana, Eastern stairway: rear, main frieze of Tribute procession, sections 1-5

Photo File 38
Persepolis: Apadana, Eastern stairway: rear main frieze of Tribute procession, sections 6-7;
Tripylon stairways; W stairway of Xerxes palace;
detail views of "Lamassu" from Tripylon capital

Photo File 39
Persepolis: excavation of foundation tablets and statue of steer; 100-column Hall; Tachara of
Darius; small stairway; Apadana, Northern stairway and miscellaneous prints; fallen column
and bull capital; Palace H

Photo File 40
Persepolis: NE tower, clay tablets and area; quarry and underground channels;
Achaemenian tombs; Astodana; Fratadara temple; Naqsh-i Rustam; Istakhr

Photo File 41
Persepolis: small objects

Photo File 42
Persepolis: stone-age village, Tall-i Bakun

The physical location of drawings is given on the corresponding card in the card index of drawings. The abbreviations
used in captions of'published drawings are:
IAE - Iran in the Ancient East, Herzfeld
AMI - Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, Herzfeld
Corpus - Materiaux pour un Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Part 11, Tome II (Aleppo), Herzfeld
ID - Iranische Denkmaler, Lieferung 3/4 Niphauanda, Herzfeld
SA-I - Ars Islamica. IX, "Damascus: Studies in Architecture, I. The Mukarnas Dome The Madrasa," Herzfeld
SA-11- Ars Islamica, X. Same study, IL."The Cruciform Plan. Syrian Architecture, Period of Nur al-din," Herzfeld
SA-III - Ars Islamica, XI-XII, Same study, III. "The Ayyubid Madrasa, The Turba," Herzfeld
SA-IV - Ars Islamica, XIII-XIV. Same study, IV. "The Mosque," Herzfeld
TA - Am Tor von Asien, Herzfeld
SK- - The sketchbooks are in the Archive, See Index of Sketchbooks

Catalogue of Contents

D-1 Aleppo.. Elevation of portal of Mashhad al-Husain.. Corpus , pl,XCIX Neg.3361 for detail, Corpus,
D-2 Aleppo, Plan of Madrasa al-Kamiliyya.. Corpus, pl,CXIb
D-3 Aleppo. Plan of Great Mosque.Corpus, pl.LIII
D-4 Aleppo.. Plan of entrance to Citadel, Corpus, pl.XXVI
D-5 Aleppo. Plan of Madrasa al-Halawiyya. Corpus, p1..LXXXII
D-6 Aleppo. Plan of Citadel.. Corpus, pl.XXV
D-7 Aleppo. Plan of'Madrasa al-Sultaniyya,Corpus, pl.CXXIII
D-8 Aleppo., Plan of'Muristan Arghun. Corpus, pl.CXLI1Ib.
D-8a Aleppo. Another copy of D-8
D-9 Aleppo., Elevation of'portal of Firdaus. Corpus, pl.CXXXII; photo, pl.CXXXIIIa (photo, Oppenheim)
D-10 Aleppo Elevation of portal of Madrasa al-Zahiriyya. Corpus, pLCXXI. Neg..3166, Corpus, pl.CXXb
D-11 Aleppo. Elevation of portal of Madrasa al-Shadbakhtiyya Corpus, pl,CVIL, Neg.3613 for detail,
Corpus, pl.CVIb
D-12 Aleppo. Plan of'Madrasa al-Zahiriyya.. Corpus, pl.CXVIIIb
D- 13 Aleppo. Eight interlaced arches. Cor us, pl.CIX
D-14 Aleppo. Elevation of'portal of'Muristan Arghun. Cor us, pl.CXLIVb; photo, Cor us, pLCXLVa
D-15 Aleppo, Plan of the Bab Qinnasrin. Corpus, plXIIb
D-16 Aleppo,. Plan of the Mashhad al-Muhassin. Corpus, pLLXXX
D-17 Aleppo Elevation of'portal of Khanqah fi'1-Farafra, Corpus, pLCXXXVb. Neg.3364 for detail,
Corpus, pl.CXXXIVb
D-18 Aleppo, Cenotaph I of Salihin, elevation. Corpus, pl.. LXXIIIa, b.. Neg.3360 for photo, Corpus,
D- 19 Aleppo. Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya. Kufic inscriptions. Corpus, pl.XCI (all but bottom line, which is in D-
D-20 Aleppo. Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya.. Kufic inscription. Corpus, pl.XCI (bottom line). P1.XC for photo of
D-21 Aleppo. Jami' al-Hajjarin, inscription No91, Kufic.. Corpus, pl.LXXVIIIc (right half). Negs.3488/89,
Corpus, p1..LXXVIb, c. For left half see D- 158
D-22 Aleppo Elevation of Great Minaret (left) and minaret of Ma'arra (right). Corpus, pl.LVIIa, Photos of
first, Negs.3616-18, 3688, Corpus, pl.LVIa-d See SA-II, figs.51-52
D-23 Aleppo. Elevation of portal of'Madrasa al-Sultaniyya.. Corpus, p1..CXXIVb, Photo of detail, Corpus,
pl..CXXVa, Neg..3505
D-24 Aleppo.. Elevation of portal of Madrasa al-Karimiyya Corpus, pL.CXXIVa Photo of detail, Corpus,
p1.CXXVIa, Neg3614
D-25 Aleppo. Elevation Section a-b, Mashhad al-Husain. Corpus, pl.XCVb, Partial photo, Corpus,
pl.XCVIIb, west facade of court.. See also pLXCIV for plan

D-25a Aleppo.. Tracing of D-25
D-26 Aleppo. Elevation of door of Ibn Tarira, Mashhad al-Muhassin. Corpus, pl.LXXXIb
D-27 Aleppo. Partial plan of Mashhad al-Husain,Full plan D-839, Corpus, pl..XCIV
D-28 Aleppo, Pencilled plan of Firdaus, Full plan (inked) D-838. Corpus, pL.CXXVIII
D-29 Aleppo. Elevation of portal, Jami' Altynbogha. Corpus, pl..CXLIVa
D-30 Aleppo. Plan of lower Magam Ibrahim at Salihin. Corpus, pl.XLIIIa.. See SA-II, fig.66
D-31 Aleppo.. Elevation of portal of Madrasa al-Mugaddamiyya.. Corpus, pl..LXXXIa.. Partial photo. Cox us,
D-32 Aleppo.. Plan of Bab Antakiya. Corpus, pl..XIIa
D-33 Aleppo. Elevation of facade, Muristan al-'Atiq. Corpus, pl.XCIIb. Photos of details. Corpus, pl.
XCIIIa (Neg.3493) and b (Neg..3140)
D-34 Aleppo.. Plan of upper Maqam
D-35 Aleppo. Plan of'Jami' Taghriberdi.. Corpus, pl..CXLIIb
D-36 Aleppo.. Elevation of'portal of Madrasa al-Kamiliyya. Corpus, p1..CXXXVa.. Photo of vault.. Corpus,
pl.CXXXVI, Neg.3363
D-37 Aleppo. Madrasa al-Zahiriy.ya,elevation of the qibliyya. Corpus, pl. CXVIIIa. Detail, Corpus, pl.
CXIXb, Neg.3167
D-38 Aleppo. Great Minaret, cornice of lower stage, elevation, Corpus, p1. LX. Photo, Corpus, pl..LIXa,
D-39 Aleppo.. Plan of Madrasa al-Shadbakhtiyya.. Corpus, pl.CXa
D-40 Aleppo. Perspective of portal, Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya. Corpus, pl. LXXXVIIb
D-41 Aleppo.. Khanqah fi'1-Farafra, plan.. Corpus, pl.CXb
D-42 Aleppo. Great Minaret, cornice of 3rd storey, elevation. Corpus, pl.LXI
D-43 Aleppo. Citadel.. Elevation of 3rd iron door of grand entrance,, Cox us, pl.XXXVIII. Photos, Corpus,
pl. XXXVIIa (Neg.3300) and b (Neg..3271)
D-44 Aleppo.. Great Minaret, principal cornice, elevation, Corpus, pLLXII and SA-Il, fig.53.. Photo, Corpus,
pl. LXIIIb, Neg.3222
D-45 Aleppo. Mashhad al-Husain, cut c-d. Corpus, pl.XCVa. See pl.XCIV for full plan.
D-45a Aleppo. Tracing of D-45
D-46 Aleppo. Great mosque, Great Minaret inscription No.75C, Kufic. Corpus, pl.LXXVIIa
D-47 Ma'arra. Great Minaret, elevation of 2nd storey. Corpus, pl.LVIIb
D-48 Aleppo. Elevation of palace of al-Malik al-'Aziz. Corpus, pl.LIb and SA-III, fig.. 104. Photos, Corpus,
pl.La (Neg.3294) and b (Neg.3685). Another version in D-77
D-49 Aleppo. Bab Qinnasrin, elevation of'E face of W salient. Corpus, pl..XIXd. Photo, Corpus, pl.XVIIIb
(Neg 3497)
D-50 Aleppo. Salient between Bab al-Djinan and Bab Antakiya. Corpus, pl.XLb.. Photo, Cox us, pl..Xa
D-51 Aleppo. Plan of Jami' al-Hajjarin.. Corpus, pl.XCVc
D-52 Aleppo. Plan showing the locations of the Great Mosque and the ancient Cathedral. Corpus, pl.LII
D-53 Pir Bakran, Linjan. Inscriptions in Naskhi carre. Corpus, pl.CLVb.
D-53a Pir Bakran, Linjan. Tracing of D-53
D-54 Isfahan, Great Mosque.. Inscription in Naskhi carne.. Corpus, pl.CLVc
D-54a Isfahan, Great Mosque. Tracing of D-54
D-55 Aleppo. Plan of mausoleum of Qarasongor. Corpus, pl. CXLIIa
D-56 Aleppo.. Elevation of'portal of'Madrasa al-Sharafiyya. Corpus,pl.CXXXVIIb, Photo, pl.CXXXVIb,
D-57 Aleppo. Plan of'Bab al-Maqam. Corpus, pl..Vc
D-58 Aleppo. Citadel. Plan of Tower of Sultan Sulaiman., Corpus, pl..XXIV
D-59 Aleppo. Citadel, plan of'Byzantine cistern.. Corpus, pl.XXIVc
D-60 Aleppo. Plan of arsenal and casemates. Citadel. Corpus, pl.XXIVd
D-61 Aleppo.. Drain outlets of lower Maqam Ibrahim. Corpus, pl.LXVIlf
D-62 Aleppo. Inscription No.78 of Zengi. Corpus, pl.LXVIIe

D-62a Aleppo. Tracing of'D-62
D-63 Aleppo. Great Mosque. Cornice of facade added by Qasrauh.. Corpus, pL.LXVIIb
D-63a Aleppo. Tracing of D-63
D-64 Aleppo. Plan of the Bab al-Nasr, Corpus, pl.Vb
D-65 Aleppo,. Plan of mihrab of the Sultaniyya, Corpus, pl. LXXa
D-66 Aleppo, Citadel, basin. Corpus, pl.LXVIIe
D-67 Aleppo. Citadel, N tower, inscription No.49. Corpus, pl.LIa Photo, pl.XXXb, Neg.3751
D-68 Aleppo. Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya,plan and elevation. Cor us,pl.LXXXVIIIb and SA-II, fig.45
D-69 Aleppo. Plan of Jami' Utrush. Corpus, pl.CXLIIIa
D-70 Aleppo. Turbat Umm Malik al-Afdal. Cor us, pl.CXVI
D-71 Aleppo. Great Mosque, door-knocker. Corpus, fig.62
D-72 Aleppo. Citadel. Cut of original sections of grand entrance. Corpus, pl. XXVII
D-73 Aleppo. Citadel, perspective view. One version of Corpus, pl.XXVII (see D-80)
D-74 Aleppo, Two loopholes, Bab Qinnasrin. Corpus, pl.XIXa and b
D-75 Aleppo. Bab Qinnasrin, Impluvium. Corpus, pLXIXb
D-76 Aleppo. Plan of'Bab al-Hadid. Corpus, pl.Va
D-77 Aleppo Elevation of palace of al-Malik al-'Aziz, Another version of'D-48
D-78 Aleppo.. Qastal al-Shu'aibiyya, elevation and cut of great cornice.. Corpus, pl.LXXXVIIIa and SA-II,
D-79 Aleppo. Citadel. Cut of wells, satura. Corpus, pl.XXIVa
D-79a Aleppo. Another version of D-79
D-80 Aleppo. Citadel. Perspective of'original parts of'grand entrance. Corpus, pLXXVII, another version of'
D-81 Aleppo. Iron grill of tomb of'St.. Jean. Corpus, pl.. LXVIla. Photo of entire grill,, Corpus, pl.LXVa, Neg..
D-81a Aleppo. Another copy of D-81
D-82 Aleppo. Maqam Ibrahim, inscription No.88, Kufic. Corpus, pLLXXVIIb (right third),, For left two-
thirds see D-157
D-83 Hamah. Jami' Nuri. SA-II, fig.65
D-84 Hamah. Jami' al-Husanain.. SA-II, fig.67a
D-85 Hamah.. Jami' al-Husanain.. SA-II, fig, 67b
D-86 Ma'arrat al-Nu'man, minaret. SA-Il, fig.63
D-87 Aleppo. Sidi Ghauth, stone door.. Corpus, pl.CXVIc. Photo, Corpus, pl.CXVIIc, Neg3132, right
D-88 Aleppo. Another copy of D-41
D-89 Aleppo. Fortifications..Sculpture of'affronted lions. Corpus, fig..34
D-90 Aleppo.. Fortifications, inscription on iron door. Cor us, fig.32
D-91 Aleppo. Shaikh Muhassin Hearth in kitchen. Corpus, fig,66
D-92 Aleppo. Masjid Ahmad al-Iskafi. Two capitals, Corpus, fig.70
D-93 Aleppo. Medallion with name of Shu'aibiyya architect.. Cor us, fig.74
D-94 Aleppo.. Cenotaph with inscription No. 136, Corpus, fig.86
D-95 Aleppo, Window grill with inscription No.247. Corpus, fig. 122
D-96 Aleppo. Sabil Bab al-Maqam. Mamluk cartouche Cor us, fig.. 116
D-97 Aleppo. Muristan Arghun. Sketch for Corpus, fig. 102
D-98 Aleppo.. Qastal Hammam al-Tall. Sketch for Corpus, figs. 100 and 101
D-99 Aleppo. Hammam al-Qadi,inscription. Cor us, fig,. 129
D-100 Aleppo. Jami' Hajji al-Haramain,inscription. Corpus, fig. 127
D-101 Aleppo. Madrasa al-Sahibiyya,inscription No.187.. Corpus, fig. 104
D-102 Aleppo. Turbat Shaikh'Ali al-Harawi, inscription No.139. Corpus, fig.88
D-103 Aleppo. Turbat Shaikh'Ali al-Harawi..inscription No. 137.. Corpus, fig.87
D-104 Aleppo fortifications. Inscription No.32 Corpus, fig.26

D- 105 Aleppo fortifications.. Inscription No,34, cartouches.. Corpus, fig..29
D-106 Aleppo fortifications.. Inscription No.33.. Corpus, fig .28
D-106a Aleppo fortifications. Tracing of'D-106
D-107 Aleppo fortifications. Inscription No.34,cartouches. Corpus, fig.30
D-108 Aleppo fortifications. Inscription No.36. Corpus, fig.31
D-109 Aleppo fortifications.. Inscription No. 38, masons' marks.. Corpus, fig.33
D-110 Aleppo fortifications.. Inscription No39. Corpus, fig.35
D-111 Damascus, Qubbat al-Asafir, Water-color., SA-III, fig..57
D- l l la Damascus, Qubbat al-Asafir. Tracing of D-111
D-112 Aleppo. Jami' al-Utrush. Mamluk blazon. Corpus, fig. 115
D-113 Aleppo. Jami' al-Sarawi, plan of'portal.. Corpus, fig. 107
D-114 Aleppo. Madrasa al-Sultaniyya al-Zahiriyya. Inscription No. 148. Corpus, fig.91a
D-115 Aleppo. Great Mosque, basin. Corpus, pl.LXVIId
D-116 Aleppo. Citadel, sketch of ashlar
D-117 Aleppo.. Plan of'Citadel. Herzfeld drawing May 1908-June 1909
D-118 Aleppo. Mashhad Husain. Tracing not published. CL Corpus, pls.XCIV-XCV
D-119 Damascus. Great mosque, plan. SA-IV, fig. 16
D-120 Damascus.. Jami' Yelbogha, plan.. SA-IV, fig. 18
D-121 Damascus. Salihiya. Jami' al-Hanabila, plan. SA-IV,fig. 19
D-122 Damascus. Jami' Yelbogha, portal.. SA-IV, fig.1 l
D- 123 Damascus. Jami' al-Tawba, plan. SA-IV, fig.33
D-124 Damascus.. Plan unidentified building marked "unpublished"
D-125 Hamah, Jami' Nuri, plan. SA-II, fig.64
D-126 Damascus.. Six spandrils with marble mosaic: top left, Taq-i Bustan, right, Aleppo, Mashhad al-Husain.
Center left, Aleppo, Shadhbakhtiya, right, Aleppo, Sultaniya,. Bottom left, Aleppo, Firdaus, right,
Damascus, Jakmakiya.. SA-II, fig.83
D-127 Sha'miya. Plan and sections. SA-III, figs. 116-119,
D- 127a Sha'miya. Another version of D-127
D-128 Damascus, plan of citadel. Herzfeld drew in Oct.1920
D- 129 Aleppo. Three magic knots.. SA-III, figs..20-22
D-130 Damascus, Madrasa al-Nuriya.. Entrance, front view. SA-I, fig.75
D-131 Damascus, Madrasa al-Nuriya. Entrance plan. SA-I, fig.76
D-132 Damascus, Madrasa al-Nuriya. Entrance, cross section.. SA-I, fig.77
D-133 Damascus.. Madrasa Igna'iyya. Pencil plan marked "unpublished"
D-134 Damascus. Inked version of'D-133 also marked "unpublished"
D-135 Damascus. Jami' al-Aksab,plan. SA-IV, fig..31
D-136 Damascus. Jami' al-Ahmar, plan. SA-IV, fig.32
D-137 Damascus. Jami' al-Tawba, plan. SA-IV, fig.30
D-138 Aleppo, Salihin. Mihrab.. SA-II, fig.62
D-139 Damascus.. Hammam Qait Bey, plan. Marked "unpublished"
D-140 Damascus.. Pencil version of'D-139
D-141 Damascus. Madrasa Jaqmaqiyya, plan. Marked "unpublished"
D-142 Damascus. Pencil version of D-141
D-143 Damascus. Zahiriyya, portal dome. Marked "unpublished"
D-144 Damascus.. Madrasa Igna'iyya, elevation. Marked "unpublished"
D-145 Hamah, Jami' Nuri, ornament of minbar
D-146 Mosul. House plan. SA-II, fig.44
D-147 Biza'a near Manjib. Minaret, SA-II, fig..48
D-148 Cairo, Bab al-Futuh. SA-II, fig.49
D-149 Cairo, Bab al-Futuh.

D-150 Taq-i Kisxa. Arch.. SA-II,fig.40
D-150a Taq-i Kisra, Variations of D-150
D-151 Taq-i Kisra. Cornice, SA-II, fig..38
D-152 Aleppo. Bab Qinnasrin, arch. SA-II, fig.41
D-153 Khargird. Madrasa, mihrab SA-II, fig.39
D-153a Khargird. Another version of D-153
D-154 Ma'arrat al-Nu'man, Fountain of Great Mosque. §A-II, fig.13
D-154a Ma'arrat al-Nu'man.. Another copy of D-154
D-155 Damascus. Salihiya, al-Takritiya. Mihrab and window. SA-II, fig.83
D-155a Damascus. Another copy of D-155
D-156 Baalbek, Inscription of Nur al-din. Kufic. Corpus, pl..LXXVIId
D-156a Baalbek, Tracing of D-156
D-157 Aleppo.. Maqam Ibrahim, inscription No. 88, left two-thirds.. See D-82 for right third
D-158 Aleppo. Jami' al-Hajjarin Kufic inscription, left side.. Corpus, pl,LXXVIIc. See D-21 for right side
D-159 Mardin. Madrasa al-Kasimiya. Plan (pencil). §A-I, fig.29
D-160 Damascus. Eleven Mamluk blazons. Marked "unpublished"
D-161 Data. Great Mosque, plan. Marked "unpublished"
D-162 Damascus (?) Qubbat, plan and elevation. Pen and pencil sketch marked "unpublished,"
D-163 Damascus (?) Inked plan in D-162
D-164 Damascus. Roundel and border, marked "unpublished"
D-165 Cairo. Bab al-Nasr, cornice.. SA-II, fig.47
D-166 Kilijiya, plan. SA-III, fig.2.. Damascus
D-167 Aleppo. Masons' marks.. Corpus, frg.21 (tracing)
D-168 Aleppo. Jami' Taghxiberdi., Design of cover of Quran. Tracing.
D-168a Aleppo.. Full tracing of D- 168. Corpus, pl.,CLVa
D-169 Damascus. Jami' al-Tairuzi (?), plan. Marked "unpublished"
D-170 Damascus. Kilidjiyya, elevation of portal. Another version of SA-III, fig.91
D-171 Damascus.. Sitta Khatun [Salihiya, al-Murshidiya (Khadidja Khatun)], plan, marked "published"
D-172 Maiyafarakin.. Old mosque. Tracing of plan by Guyer..
D-172a Maiyafarakin. Finished plan of D- 172. SA-IV, fig. 13
D-173 Urfa. Complex of Ulu Jami', Tracing of drawing by Guyer, marked "unpublished"
D-174 Damascus. 'Adiliya, plan. SA-III, fig.1
D-175 Ma'axra, Nabi Yusha'. Sketch. SA-III, fig.,5
D-176 Ma'arra, Nabi Yusha'. Plan. SA-II, fig..6
D-177 Damascus. Salihiya,al-Sahiba,plan. SA-IIl, fig.,10
D-178 Hims, Darwishiya. Plan. SA-III, fig. 18
D-179 Hims, Darwishiya.. Mihrab, SA-III, fig. 19
D-180 Damascus, Maridaniya, plan and elevation. SA-III, figs.33-34
D-181 Damascus. Salihiya,al-Rukniya, plan. SA-III, fig.36
D-182 Nishapur. Tombstone of'Faxid al-din'Attar. SA-III, figs,49-51
D-183 Damascus. Turba al-Kaimariya, window. SA-III, fig.52
D-184 Damascus, Salihiya, Muristan al-Kaimari. Plan. SA-III, fig.53
D-185 Damascus, Salihiya, Muristan al-Kaimari.. Ornamental frame. See D-185a
D-185a Damascus, Salihiya, Muristan al-Kaimari,. Original of D-185. SA-III, fig..54
D-186 Damascus, Salihiya, Mmistan al-Kaimaxi. Ornamental roundel. SA-III, fig.55
D-187 Damascus. Turbat al-'Izziya. Ornamental roundel, SA-III, fig.56
D-188 Damascus.. Turbat al-Nadjmiya, plan. SA-III, fig.61
D-189 Damascus.. Farrukhshahiya, plan and elevation. SA-Ill, figs. 62-63. See D-189a
D-189a Damascus.. Another elevation of D-189
D-190 Damascus. Salihiya, al-Murshidiya (Khadidja Khatun), bracket. SA-III, fig.87

D-191 Damascus, Bilal. Plan. SA-III, fig.15
D- 192 Damascus, Bilal. Arch over door. SA-III, fig. 16
D- 193 Damascus, Salihiya. Muristan al-Kaimari, arch, SA-III, fig. 17
D-194 Damascus, Salihiya. al-Rukniya, section (tracing). SA-III, fig.37
D-195 Damascus, Salihiya. Turbat Aidekin. Front and antique windows (tracing). SA-III, figs. 84-85
D-196 Ma'arra, Abu'l Fawaris. Squinch and signature (tracing). SA-III, fig.4
D-197 Damascus. Salihiya, al-Sahiba. Elevation of portal (tracing). SA-III, fig. 11
D- 198 Damascus. Salihiya, al-Atabekiya. Elevation of portal (tracing). SA-III, fig. 12
D-199 Damascus. Sahiba, window. SA-III, fig. 13
D-200 Damascus. van Berchem, "Plan" Q, window. SA-III, fig. 14
D-201 Damascus. Rukniya, Char'Ali (tracing); Karaman, Khatuniya, Char'Ali (tracing). See D-201a
D-201a Damascus. Originals ofD-201. SA-III, figs.43-44
D-202 Damascus. Turbat'Ala al-din (Sitta Sha'm al-Sughra'). SA-III, figs..58-60
D-203 Damascus. Salihiya, al-Takritiya. Tambour (tracing). SA-III, fig.82
D-204 Ma'aiia, Nabi Yusha, antique capital.. SA-III, fig.7
D-205 Ma'arra, Nabi Yusha, antique capital. SA-III, fig..8
D-206 Ma'arra, Nabi Yusha, antique capital. SA-III, fig.9
D-207 Isfahan, Brussa, Shiraz. Goal posts and tombstones (tracings).. SA-III, figs.45-48
D-208 Damascus. 'Aziziya, portal (tracing). SA-III, fig..66
D-209 Damascus, Salihiya, al-Natifrya (tracing). SA-III, fig.67
D-210 Damascus, Salihiya, al-Mu'azzamiya (tracing). SA-III, fig.68
D-212 Damascus, Salihiya,. Building (tracing).. SA-III, fig..69
D-213 Damascus, Salihiya. Abu Djarash (Abdullah al-Rakki), cupola (tracing). SA-III, fig.74
D-214 Samaria.. Nail heads (tracing).. SA-I, fig..47
D-215 Damascus, Aleppo. Mosul. Door knockers (tracing). SA-I, figs 48-50
D-216 Shiraz. Rock-hewn mihrab above Allahu Akbar Pass (tracing). See D-371 for sketch. SA-I, fig.52
D-217 Bab Munir. Mausoleum of a Sufi (tracing). SA-I, fig..67
D-218 Zubair (Old Basra), Tomb of Hasan al-Basri (tracing). SA-I, fig. 68
D-219 Susa. Tomb of Daniel (tracing). SA-I, fig..69
D-220 Damascus Museum.. Magsura. SA-II, fig .76
D-221 Hamah. Scrolls with animals (tracing). SA-Il, fig. 17
D-222 Van.. Ulu Djami', plan. SA-IV, fig. 14
D-223 Mardin...Ulu Djami', plan (measured by S. Guyer).. SA-IV, fig. 12
D-224 Damascus. Muristan Nuri, door. SA-I, fig.46
D-225 Damascus, Salihiya.. al-Raihaniya. Tambour (tracing).. SA-III, fig.86
D-226 Damascus, Salihiya. 'Ali al-Farithi.. Window with inscription, SA-III, fig..81
D-227 Damascus. Turbat al-'Izziya. Inscription over gate. SA-III, fig.80
D-228 Damascus, Salihiya, al-Shibliya. Elevation, section and plan. SA-III, figs..76-79
D-229 Damascus, Salihiya. Abu Djarash (Abdullah al-Rakki), plan. SA-III, fig..75
D-230 Damascus, Isfahan, Bxussa. Three truncated cone capitals (tracing). SA-III, figs.40-42. See D-230 a, b
D-230a Ink copy of D-230
D-230b Brussa, Yilderim Bayazid (in D-230). SA-III, fig.42
D-231 Damascus. End of entablature for inscription with date 722 H.. Marked "unpublished"
D-232 Damascus.. Kilidjiya, tambour. SA-III, fig.3
D-232a Damascus. Tracing of D-232
'D-233 Damascus. Salihiya, al-Chaharkasiya..plan. SA-III, fig.70. Det is in SA-III, figs..71-73
D-234 Damascus.. Salihiya, al-Rukniya.. Elevation (section in D-194). SA-III, figs.38-39
D-235 Damascus. Farrukhshahiya, two small ornaments. SA-III, figs.64-65
D-236 Damascus, Maridaniya, wooden panel. SA-III, fig.35
D-237 Aleppo. Utrush, stone capital (tracing). SA-III, fig..32

D-238 Assur, Mosul, Baghdad. Wooden capitals (tracing). Finished drawing D-1 146. SA-III, figs.29-31
D-239 Aleppo. Six antique capitals (tracing)SA-III, figs.23-28
D-240 Korykos.. Spherical pendentive (tracing and notes).. SA-II, fig.25,right
D-241 Hamah. Inscription of'Nur al-din (tracing), SA-II, fig. 16
D-241 a Hamah, A tracing of D-241
D-242 Hamah. Djami' Nuri. Mihrab of Abu'l Fida (tracing),, SA-II, fig.18, center
D-243 Damascus, Muristan Nuri. Frame around vault over entrance,, SA-I, fig.2
D-244 Khosrawiyyah. Column base. Marked "unpublished"
D-245 Bahramiyyah. Column base. Marked "unpublished"
D-246 Aleppo. Citadel, bridge tower.. Corpus, fig.43 (without shading)
D-247 Aleppo.. Zahiriyya. Tracing of inscribed panel., Marked "Cf, Skizzenbuch 2, p.39" [SK-?]
D-248 Aleppo. Citadel. Capital of mihrab at door (tracing)
D-249 Aleppo., Zahiriyyah, antique capital
D-250 Damascus. Farrukhshahiyya, plan. Marked "published"
D-251 Damascus. Madrasa Sahiba, plan. Marked "published"
D-252 Damascus. Salihiyya, Turba, plan. Marked "published"
D-253 Samaria [?]. House XI, formerly VII, plan. Marked "unpublished"
D-254 Damascus.. Djami' Taurizi, plan (pencil). Marked "unpublished"
D-255 Damascus? Shaikh Muhassin, Inked plan
D-256 Damascus,. Turba Taurizi. Pencilled elevations. Marked "unpublished"
D-257 Damascus.. Plan. Marked "unpublished"
D-258 Hamah, Djami' al-Hasanain (tracing), Marked "published'
D-259 Hims.. Affronted lions in sculpture. Blazon resembling fleur-de-lis, Marked "unpublished". See D-260
D-260 Hamah and Hims. Three blazons. Rims marked "published"; others "unpublished"
D-261 Damascus.. Base of dome. Elevation (tracing)
D-261a Sanah. Blazon, Mamluk
D-262 Damascus.. Tracing of plan, Salihiya
D-263 Aleppo. Citadel, mihrab plan
D-264 Aleppo. Plan of city.. Corpus, pl.I
D-265 Aleppo. Citadel. Cross section of wall near Lower Maqam. Corpus, plXLIIIb
D-266 Aleppo. Citadel. Plan of Upper Magam. Corpus, pl.XLIIIc
D-267 Aleppo. Turbat'Ali al-Harawi, plan.. Corpus, pl.CXIa
D-268 Aleppo. Shaikh'Alt al-Harawi. Inscription No,, 136 of cenotaph. Corpus, pl.CXVIa
D-269 Aleppo.. Dar al-hadith Ibn Shaddad, plan. Corpus, pl. CXXXVIIa
D-270 Aleppo., Djami' Altynbogha, plan. Corpus, plCXLIIc
D-271 Aleppo., Advanced northern tower of Citadel., Corpus, pl..XIa
D-272 Aleppo,. Salihin. Detail of cenotaph I. Corpus, pl. LXXV. Photo, pl.LXXIVc
D-273 Aleppo.. Salihin, Cenotaph III, detail. Corpus, pl.LXXV., Photo, pl,.LXXIVb
D-274 Aleppo, Salihin. Cenotaph inscription. Cor us, pl. LXXV. Photo, pl.,LXXIVd
D-275 Aleppo, Salihin, Cenotaph inscription. Corpus, pl.LXXV. Photo, pl.LXXIVe
D-276 Aleppo, Salihin. Ornamental detail. Corpus, pl.LXXV
D-277 Aleppo, Salihin. Decorative border. Corpus, pl.LXXV, Photo, pl. LXXIVe
D-278 Aleppo, Salihin. Decorative border. Corpus, pl.LXXV
D-279 Aleppo, Salihin. Decorative border (tracing).. Corpus, pl.LXXV
D-280 Aleppo, Salihin.. Mihrab border. Corpus, pl.LXXV
D-281 Aleppo, Salihin. Cenotaph II, decorative border, Corpus, pl,LXXV
D-282 Aleppo. Plan of city (unfinished tracing, another D-282a). See Corpus, p1.I
D-283 Aleppo. Salihin. Enframement of inscription. Corpus, fig.64
D-284 Aleppo, Ornamental border. Corpus, fig.63, Another copy, D-284a

D-285 Aleppo. Framework of'mihrab (tracing),Corpus, fig..72 Other copies D-285a-c
D-286 Aleppo, Mashhad al-Husain. Romanesque capital (tracing). Corpus, fig.79
D-287 Aleppo, Mashhad al-Husain, Another version of D-286, Corpus, fig,80 and SA-II, fig. 19a. Another
copy D-287a
D-288 Aleppo, Zahiriyya, Mihrab Romanesque capital (tracing). Corpus, fig.89
D-289 Aleppo. Djami' Hayyat. Romanesque capital, Corpus, fig,.94 and SA-II, fig192
D-290 Aleppo. Another capital from same place. Cor us, fig.94. Tracing D-291
D-292 Aleppo. Citadel, Basalt capital. Corpus, fig.42
D-293 Aleppo. al-Karimiyya, capital (tracing). Corpus, fig..97
D-294 Aleppo. Djami' al-Hayyat, minbar Sketch and notes. Corpus, fig.96. Tracing 294a
D-295 Aleppo,. Madrasa al-Shadhbakhtiyya, door knocker and [inscription D-268]. Corpus, fig..85
D-296 Damascus. Citadel, Romanesque capital, Corpus, fig 94 and SA-II, fig, 19c
D-297 Iran.. Stone doors. SA-II, fig 12
D-298 Hamah. Frame of inscription of Nur al-din. SA-II, fig, 14
D-299 Hims Inscription Khalid b, al-Walid (tracing) SA-II, fig..28
D-300 Taq-i Bustan.. Harp-player, textile.. Pencil (crayon version D-300a)
D-301 Taq-i Bustan.. King standing in boat, textile, inked. Pencil version D-301
D-302 Taq-i Bustan. Three figures in boat, textiles
D-303 Taq-i Bustan. Harp-player, textile
D-304 Taq-i Bustan, Standing figure, textile with birds, crescents, etc,
D-305 Taq-i Bustan. Another version of D-304
D-306 Taq-i Bustan. Standing figure with boars' heads, birds, etc.
D-307 Taq-i Bustan. Another version of D-306
D-308 Taq-i Bustan. Standing figure, textile with griffins
D-309 Taq-i Bustan. Two figures in boat. Textiles
D-310 Taq-i Bustan.. Standing figure. Textiles: griffins
D-311 Taq-i Bustan. Skirt of mounted figure, textile. Ink, Pencil version D-311 a; crayon version D-31 lb, plus
tracing of'rosettes
D-312 Taq-i Bustan. Medallions and Kufic inscription. Inked variation, D-312a
D-313 Taq-i Bustan. Textile pattern, 6-pointed -flower (ink)
D-314 Taq-i Bustan. Horseman's costume, textile (pencil).Ink variation D-314a
D-315 Taq-i Bustan. Textile: griffin and medallions (ink). Pencil detail, D-315a
D-316 Taq-i Bustan.. Large palmette on pilaster (pencil)
D-317 Taq-i Bustan. Textile: affronted griffins, TA, fig.42
D-318 Taq-i Bustan. Sketch of details of palmette on pilaster
D-319 Damascus, Salihiya, Djami' al-Hanabila. Acanthi.. SA-IV, fig.5
D-320 Damascus, Salihiya, Djami' al-Hanabila. Molding of mihrab. SA-IV, fig.8
D-321 Damascus, Salihiya, Djami' al-Hanabila, Frankish capital, SA-IV, fig.1 Another version D-321a
D-322 Damascus, Salihiya, Djami' al-Hanabila. Antique vine scroll,, SA-IV, fig, 6
D-323 Damascus, Salihiya, Djami' al-Hanabila. Window screen. §A-IV, fig.7
D-342 Damascus, Great Mosque. Greek mason marks. SA-IV, fig. 1
D-325 Damascus, Great Mosque. Kufic graffiti
D-326 Damascus, Djami' al-Djariah. Capital, SA-IV, fig.9
D-327 Damascus, Djami' al-Djarrah. Window,. SA-IV, fig..10
D-328 Damascus. Tomb of Safwat al-Muluk, SA-IV, fig.20
D-329 Damascus. Frame of inscription of al-'Adil. SA-IV, fig. 15
D-330 Ma'arrat al-Nu'man, Great Mosque. Two basalt doors
D-331 Ma'arrat al-Nu'man, Great Mosque.. Architrave with Greek letters. SA-II, fig. 10
D-332 Ma'arrat al-Nu'man, Great Mosque. Door of Dar al-Fukara. SA-II, fig.9
D-333 Ladhakiya. Pyramidal pendentives. SA-II, fig, 26

D-334 Korykos. Spherical pendentive. SA-II, fig.25
D-335 Hims. Cenotaph of Fada SA-II, fig..29
D-336 Spherical and pyramidal pendentives. SA-II, fig.24
D-337 Kuh-i Kirwaja. Audience room. SA-II, fig.23. Drawing of top in D-337a
D-338 Kuh-i Kirwaja. T-shaped room. SA-II, fig, 22, Measured sketch of elevation and plan in D-338a
D-339 KUh-i Kirwaja. Gate. SA-II, fig.21, right. Left in D-340
D-340 Kuh-i Kirwaja. See D-339
D-341 Khunik, Shusp. Houses.. SA-II, fig..5
D-342 Sistan, Nih, Dastgird.. Plan of houses. SA-II, fig. 7
D-343 Kuh-i Kirwaja, fort. SA-II, fig.4
D-344 Farrashband valley, fort.. SA-II, fig,5
D-345 Dehbid. Khan-i Khurra. SA-II, fig.3
D-346 Ribat Zafarani. SA-II, fig, 2
D-347 Baghdad.. Mustansiriya. SA-II, fig,30
D-348 Assur, carved stucco. IAE, fig.387
D-349 Assur, carved stucco..
D-350 Kuh-i Khwaja. T-shaped room, elevation. Detail of elevation and plan in D-350a
D-351 Kuh-i Khwaja. Molding
D-352 Kuh-i Khwaja. Elevation and plan of decorative niche in palace
D-353 Kuh-i Khwaja. Elevation and plan of arch in palace
D-354 Kuh-i Khwaja. Water-color painting of King and Queen. Sketch in D-354a, See IAE, pl.CIV,
Neg,4017., An ink version in D-354
D-355 Kuh-i Khwaja Sketch map of Sistan area of Hamun
D-356 Kuh-i Khwaja.. Water-color, of decorative panel in ceiling., See IAE, pLCI, top left, Neg.4027
D-357 Kuh-i Khwaja. Water-color sketch of decorative panel in ceiling.. See IAE, pl.CI, top right, Neg.4032
D-358 Kuh-i Khwaja, Water-color of ornametal squares
D-359 Six Ionic-type impost blocks. Published, among others, in IAE, fig.321
D-360 Khurha, capital. IAE, fig,384.. Incomplete sketch in D-360a
D-361 Taq-i Bustan. Capital and three related examples. IAE, fig.322
D-362 Ming-Oi. Sketch of three figures.. IAE, fig.405
D-363 Khargird.. Nizamiyya. Inscription of Nizam al-Mulk. SA-II, fig. 1
D-364 Bab Munir, plan. SA-I, fig..20
D-365 Kaleh-i Kuhna,near Sarpul. Plan., SA-I, fig.2 1. (drawing is preliminary plan)
D-366 Pit Bakran, plan. Marked "VI. Series, Persia, Muhammadan Period.. Unpubl." Another copy in D-366a
D-367 Bistam. S wall of Shrine, elevation. Marked "VI Series. Persia., Muhammadan Period. Unpubl."
D-368 Elevations: Khosrogird; Mil-i Radkan, Nika; Damghan minaret, Chihil Sutun; Damghan nnaret,
Masjidi Djuma'. Marked "Unpubl,"
D-369 Isfahan, Imamzadeh Isma'il. Marked "Unpubl".
D-370 Kum,. Three Gumbadh-i sabz,. Marked "Unpubl."
D-371 Shiraz. Mashriqain, Khatun, Guyum, Da'i. Marked
"Unpubl".. Pencil.. Sketch of D-216
D-372 Isfahan. Masjid-i Djuma'. Portal of 515 H. Ink.. Marked "Unpubl."
D-373 Isfahan.. Old Great Mosque. Restoration of portal. Ink. Marked "Unpubl."
D-374 Ahuan.. Ribat Anoshirwan, plan.. SA-II, fig.43
D-375 Cross sections of Indian minarets. Marked "Unpubl."
D-376 Ab-i'arm, near Khurha, plan,. Marked "Unpubl." A finished drawing in D-376
D-377 Pit Bakran. Suffat Sayyid Musa. Plan and elevation of details, Marked "Unpubl."
D-378 Isfahan. Russian Consulate. Plan,1905
D-379 Qasr-i Shirin. House (Khan of Petroleum Co.), marked "Unpubl.)
D-380 Waramin., Imamzadeh'Ala al-din.. Plan and elevation of details. Marked "Unpubl."

D-381 Damghan. Niza'abad (?). Plan and elevation. Marked "Unpubl."
D-382 Isfahan., Chihil Dukhtaran and Khwadja'Alam. Plans. Marked "Unpubl."
D-383 Isfahan. Imam Dja'far. Marked "Unpubl."
D-384 Waramin. Brickwork. Marked "Unpubl."
D-385 Kurdistan. Mantelpieces. Marked "Unpubl."
D-386 Waramin.. Brickwork and inscription. Marked "Unpubl."
D-387 Damghan. Pir Alamdar. Portal. Marked "Unpubl."
D-388 Isfahan, Chenar i Valbali (?). Marked "Unpubl."
D-389 Isfahan, Chenar i Valbali (?). Masjid-i Djuma'. Portal.. Plan of half dome
D-390 Isfahan, Chenar i Valbali (?). Khwadja'Alam. Chihil Dukhtaran. Section of minarets. Marked
D-391 Kelat-i Abazar.plan.. SE Khurasan.. Marked "Unpubl.."
D-392 Mil-i Radkan (N of Tus). Section. Marked "Unpubl."
D-393 Isfahan. Dja'fariyya. Section. Marked "Unpubl."
D-394 Damghan, Chihil Dukhtaran. Elevation of'portal. Marked "Unpubl,"
D-395 Sangbast, plan. Marked "Unpubl."
D-396 Tus, Haruniyya. Plan. Marked "Unpubl."
D-397 Shiraz. Villa Heinecke. Marked "Unpubl.."
D-398 Isfahan. Persian bath, 1905. Marked "Unpubl."
D-399 Shiraz. House and park (of' Herrn Heinecke-Rower).. Marked "Unpubl."
D-400 Damghan. Chihil Dukhtaran. Plan. Marked "Unpubl."
D-401 Isfahan. Bath in Russian Consulate, 1905. Marked "Unpubl."
D-402 Hot springs in Taurus Mts. N of Gtilhek Boghaz (?). Marked "Unpubl."
D-403 Khargird. Nizamiya, elevation. SA-II, fig.32. Another part in D-403a
D-404 Khargird. Nizamiya, plan. SA-II, fig.33
D-405 Note: Drawings D-405 through D-485 (water-colors) are mounted on mats numbered PL.XXXIII
through PLLXI. They were apparently prepared for some publication not yet located. Other water-
colors have similar notations. The large numbers, such as No.3445, apparently refer to a catalogue or
inventory, not located.
D-405 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstruction of conical bowl. P1.XXXIII, left
D-406 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery Reconstruction conical bowl No..2101.. PI.XXXIII, right
D-407 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstruction conical bowl No.3366. PI..XXXIV. Preliminary drawing
D-408 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstruction deep jar.. P1.XXXVI
D-409 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstruction deep jar. P1.XXXVI
D-410 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstruction conical bowl, P1.XXXVII
D-411 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstruction conical bowl with ibex.. P1.XXXVII
D-412 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed top of conical bowl with deer(?) and swastika,
No.3305. PI.XXXVII
D-413 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed jar No.3445. PLXXXIX
D-414 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery.. Reconstructed jar with deer (?), No.2073. P1.XXXIX
D-415 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed bowl, ibex, No.2389a, P1.XXXIX
D-416 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed bowl, ibex.. No.2156. PL.XXXIX
D-417 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery.. Reconstructed section of bowl. P1..LX
D-418 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Fragment with gazelle(7),No.3365. P1.XL
D-419 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Fragment with gazelle(?). P1.XL
D-420 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery.. Fragment with gazelle(?). PI.XL
D-421 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed body of jar with ibex, No.2390A. P1.XL
D-422 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed side of bowl with animals. P1.XLI
D-423 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery, Fragment. Pl.XLI
D-424 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Fragment with "human" figure. P1.XLI

D-425 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Fragment with "human" figure.. P1.XLI
D-426 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed bowl with animal. PLXLI
D-427 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstrution large jar No.3454 Pl.XLIII
D-428 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstruction top and shoulder of large jar No.2434. PLXLIII
D-429 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Fragment. PI.XLIV
D-430 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Fragment with rabbit(?). PLXLIV
D-431 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Fragment. PLXLIV
D-432 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Another fragment. PI.XLIV
D-433 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Section of large jar with birds, PI.XLIV
D-434 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Fragment. PLXLIV
D-435 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery Fragment
D-436 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Fragment with bird
D-437 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed bowl. Pl.XLV
D-438 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed conical bowl (section).P1.XLV
D-439 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Section of reconstructed bowl. P1.XLV
D-440 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Fragment. P1.XLV
D-441 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery.. Reconstructed bowl. Pl.XLV
D-442 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Section side of conical bowl. PI.XLV
D-443 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed bowl.. P1.XLV
D-444 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed bowl.. Pl.XLV
D-445 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery.. Section of bowl rim. Pl.XLV
D-446 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed bowl with "beetle"(?).. Pl.XLVI
D-447 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Another example of D-446
D-448 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed bowl, ibex horns.. Pl.XLVI
D-449 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Fragment with "scorpion"(?).. P1.XLVI
D-450 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery.. Reconstructed bowl. P1.XLVI
D-451 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Fragment. PLXLVI
D-452 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed bowl No.3391. PLXLVII
D-453 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed bowl No.2399.. PLXLVII
D-454 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed side of bowl No.3399. Pl.XLIX
D-455 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery Reconstructed side of bowl No.3827. Pl..XLIX
D-456 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Reconstructed side of bowl No.3833. P1..XLIX
D-457 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Sections of decoration. P1.L
D-458 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery. Side of bowl No.3832.Pl. L
D-459 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery, reconstructed bowl.. No.3444. Pl.L
D-460 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery, reconstructed bowl. No.2182. P1.LII
D-461 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery, reconstructed bowl. No.2177. Pl.LII
D-462 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery, reconstructed bowl. No.3737. PI..LII
D-463 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery, reconstructed bowl. No.2113.. Pl.LIV. Inside, D-463a
D-464 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery, reconstructed bowl. No.3266.. PI.LIV.Inside, D-464a
D-465 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery, reconstructed bowl. No.3265. Pl.LV. Inside, D-465a
D-466 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery, reconstructed bowl. No.2183. P1.LV. Inside, D-466a
D-467 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Top of conical jar.. PLLVII
D-468 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Rounded jar. PLLVII
D-469 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Section of bowl.. PLLVII
D-470 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl. PLLVII
D-471 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Section of conical vase. PLLVII
D-472 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Round-bottomed bowl No.2208. PLLVII
D-473 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Side of bowl. Pl..LVII
D-474 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Side of another bowl. Pl..LVII

D-475 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Side of a third bowl. P1.LVII
D-476 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Deep bowl No.4048,PL.LVIII
D-477 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Deep vase No.2135.Pl.LVIII
D-478 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Side of deep bowl on feet No.3309. Pl.. LIX
D-479 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Side of bowl No.4053, PLLIX
D-480 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl. Pl.LX
D-481 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Another bowl. PLLX
D-482 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No.4082 P1.LX
D-483 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction, Conical vase, P1.LXI
D-484 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Top part of conical vase. Pl.LXI
D-485 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Conical vase No.2343A.. P1.LXI.
D-486 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Deep bowl No.3380. PiLI

Drawings of Persepolis pottery from D-486 through D-634 are water-colors, unless otherwise noted..
D-487 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,. Conical vases or cups (three).. P1.LXII
D-488 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,, Conical bowl with ibex horns. PLXXXII
D-489 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No.2181. Elevation and interior. P1.LVI
D-490 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Sections of two bowls
D-491 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Rim of large bowl
D-492 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,, Conical bowl No.2106. P1.XXV
D 493 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Bowl No 3277. Elevation and interior. P1.LVI
D-494 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Tall, thin vase No.2165
D-495 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Side and interior of bowl
D-496 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Deep cup No..2391
D-497 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Round-bottomed cup No, 3260
D-498 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Conical bowl
D-499 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction, Bowl. P1.LIII
D-500 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Jar No.3371
D-501 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Round-bottomed jar No 3190
D-502 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Elevation and inside, conical bowl
D-503 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Conical bowl No.2105
D-504 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No,2128
D-505 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Round-bottomed cup No.2192. PLXXIX
D-506 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Round-bottomed jar No.2108
D-506a Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,. Tall, thin jar No.2042
D-507 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Jar No.2102
D-508 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Round-bottomed bowl No.3251. P1.XXXIV
D-509 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Jar
D-510 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,. Bowl No.3868. P1.XLVIII
D-511 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl on stand No.3254, elevation and inside
D-512 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Side of bowl
D-513 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Side of bowl with wavy floral pattern
D-514 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Section of bowl No.3375
D-515 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Tops of'vase No.3372
D-516 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl and rim
D-517 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Fragment of'bowl with animal
D-518 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Fragment with animals
D-519 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Conical bowl
D-520 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No.3294
D-521 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No.3202

D-522 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Two jugs :No.2449 (left), No.2441 (right)
D-523 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl
D-524 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No.3419
D-525 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl
D-526 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,, Bowl No.4128
D-527 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction, Deep bowl No.2340A
D-528 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Profiles of two bowls, Nos3275-76
D-529 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction, Profile of bowl No.3295
D-530 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl marked PPA 2161
D-531 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Section of bowl
D-532 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Section of bowl No.4044
D-533 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Section of bowl
D-534 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Section of bowl No.4000
D-535 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Section of another bowl
D-536 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Section of bowl
D-537 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Section of conical bowl
D-538 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Elevation and inside of bowl No.2075
D-539 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Section of No.5543
D-540 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction, Elevation and inside of bowl on foot No.2120
D-541 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Section of bowl No.3839
D-542 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Rim of'bowl No,3925
D-543 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No.3423
D-544 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction, Bowl No,3373
D-545 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No.,4140
D-546 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Top of vase No.2159
D-547 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No.3729
D-548 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl
D-549 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,, Bowls Nos.4138 and 4136
D-550 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Side of bowl No.3420
D-551 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction, Side of'bowl No,3441
D-552 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Part of rim of bowl
D-553 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,. Elevation and inside of deep vase No.2109
D-554 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,, The same of bowl No3233
D-555-557 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Fragments
D-558 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No,4075
D-559 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Fragment
D-560 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No.3292
D-561 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction, Vase No.5545
D-562 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Top of vase No.5544
D-563 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No.4050
D-564 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction, Bowl
D-565 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl. Line drawing, IAE, fig.56
D-566 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Top of jar No. 2442
D-567 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Outline and pattern of bowl
D-568 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No.3264
D-569 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Fragment
D-570 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Profile and inside of bowl
D-571 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Jai-
D-572 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Jar No.2126
D-573 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Jar

D-574 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,, Jar No.2118
D-575 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Jug No.,2110
D-576 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Jar No.2111
D-577 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Small jar
D-578 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Small vase
D-579 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,. Small bowl No.2117
D-580 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Section of bowl No,2815
D-581 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Small conical vase
D-582 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No.2796 (2786 ?)
D-583 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Small pot No.2632
D-584 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No.2833
D-585 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Small jar
D-586 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,. Beaker No.4304
D-587 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,. Section of bowl No.4293
D-588 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.
D-589 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Section of jar No.3173
D-590 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction, Top of incurving bowl or cup, No.3253
D-591 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,, Jar No.3199
D-592 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Fragment
D-593 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl No,2116
D-594 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Fragment
D-595 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Fragment
D-596 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bottom of jar
D-597 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Top of bowl or vase, No.3993, P 1.XLII obv.
D-598 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Fragments
D-599 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction., Three fragments, numbered 92, 87, 88
D-600 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Fragments of two tall vases, numbered 91, 93
D-601 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Side of bowl, numbered 74
D-602 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Fragment, numbered 71
D-603 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction, Vase, numbered 79
D-604 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Fragments,numbered 82 and 89
D-605 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Fragment
D-606 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Section of bowl
D-607 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Rim of bowl
D-608 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Fragment
D-609 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Sides of conical vase with bulls.. P1.XXXVIIh Line
drawing at right, IAE, fig.82
D-610 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,, Fragments with bulls
D-611 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl.. ID, p1..II, 2 (another view or similar bowl)
D-612 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl. ID, pl.IV, 4
D-613 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl. ID, pl. IV, 2
D-614 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl. ID, pl.IV, 3
D-615 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl. ID, pl.IV, 6
D-616 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl. ID, pl.IV, 5
D-617 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Demons and triangles. ID, Lieferung 2, fig. 1
D-618 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,. Part of vase. Neg,591.. ID, pl.XVI, 1; IAE, fig,97; AMI,
vol.II, fig.. 11
D-619 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction,, Cylindrical vase with squares. IAE, pl.X, left
D-620 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Conical ware with meander, design. IAE, pl.X, center

D-621 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Profile and inside of conical bowl No. 2043. IAE, pl.IV,
D-622 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl. PLLIIl.. IAE, pl.IV, right
D-623 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl. PI..XLII, middle. IAE, pl..VIl, top. Black wash
version D-623a
D-624 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Bowl. PI..XLII, under. IAE, pl..VIL. Black wash version
D-624a. Note days "cf. Egyptian pre-dynastic 'bull's head-amulets' "
D-625 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Vase with crescent and ibex. PI.XXXVIL. IAE, pl.VIII,
top left
D-626 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Fragment with head of Bos primigenius. IAE, pl.VIII,
top right
D-627 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Vase with abstract design..No..2158.P1.LIIL IAE, p1. VIII,
bottom left
D-628 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction, Vase with abstract design. IAE, pl.VIII, bottom
D-629 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Vase with abstract animal design. LAE, pl.IX.. Black and
white wash version D-629a
D-630 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Vase with meander pattern. IAE, pl..IX, bottom.. Black
and white version D-630a
D-631 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Cylindrical vase with geometric design. IAE, pl..X, right
D-632 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction.. Fragment with leopard.. P1.XXXV. IAE, pLXI, top.
Smaller section D-632a
D-633 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Vase with great ibex No.2160. PLXXXV. IAE, pl..XI,
D-634 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Cup with pair of wild sheep. PL.XXXI. IAE, pl.XII
D-635 Persepolis, prehistoric pottery reconstruction. Pen drawing of'potsherds chipped for scrapers.. Same
subject in D-635
D-637 Nihavand, prehistoric pottery. Pencil drawing of rim. IAE, fig. 151
D-638 Nihavand, prehistoric pottery. Pen drawing of profiles and designs. ID, pl. XXV, top
D-639 Nihavand, prehistoric pottery.. Pen drawing of same subject. ID, pl.XXV, bottom
D-640 Nihavand, prehistoric pottery. Ink of profiles and designs. ID, pl.XXVI, top
D-641 Nihavand, prehistoric pottery. Same subjects. ID, pl..XXVI, middle
D-642 Nihavand, prehistoric pottery. Ink of same subjects. ID, pl.XXVI,top
D-643 Nihavand, prehistoric pottery.. Ink of same subjects. ID, pl.XXVI,bottom
D-644 Nihavand, prehistoric pottery. Ink of same subjects. ID, pl.XXVI
D-645 Luristan.. Bronze, floral ornament. Pen. LAE, fig.237
D-646 Sistan. Prehistoric pottery. Vases and bowl. Ink, IAE, figs.. 168-169
D-647 Damghan. Prehistoric pottery. Spouted jar., Ink.. IAE, fig..212
D-648 Damghan and Ashraf. Prehistoric pottery shapes.. IAE, figs.. 205 (jug, top left) and 207 (jar, center 2nd
D-649 Damghan. Prehistoric pottery jar and bottle. Ink.. Jar, IAE, fig.207
D-650 Raga (Rayy). Prehistoric pottery jar. Ink
D-651 Tepe Giyan. Prehistoric pottery. Shoulder of large jar with eagle design. AMI, vol..Il, fig. 11
D-652 Burudjird. Prehistoric pottery. Shoulder of large jar with spread eagles. AMI, vol.Il, fig. 11
D-653 Sabzawar. Prehistoric pottery, profiles of rims. Ink
D-654 Khurha, Daulatabad, Shahriyar. Prehistoric pottery. Profiles of rims, handle. See SK-I, pp.48-53
D-655 Khurha, Tepe Maringar (E of Sunghur), Husainabad (opp. Naizar). Prehistoric pottery. Rims and
handle. Ink. See SK-I, pp. 18, 45, 47, 50, 51 and for Tepe Maringar pieces, Inv. No.800
D-656 Pasargadae. Pottery profiles, rims, etc. Ink.See SK-IV, pp.12, 18, 19, 21, 29, 36
D-657 Kuh-i Khwaja. Pottery. Profiles of rims and bases. See SK-XV, pp.41-42
D-658 Persepolis. Prehistoric pottery.. Profiles of Class E shapes. Pencil. ID, pl.XVII
D-659 Nihavand, Tepe Giyan. Prehistoric pottery.. Head of rhyton. Ink. ID, fig.4 (Lieferung 3/4)

D-660 Harnawa, Tell Ishan, Kale i Khosrowi. Prehistoric pottery. Rims and handles. See SK-I, pp,4, 11, 12,
14, 15
D-661 Naqsh-i Rustam, Persepolis, Sistan. Pottery profiles and patterns.. Ink.. See SK-IV, pp.38, 44; SK-VIII,
p.25; and SK-XIII, pp.21-23
D-662 Shahristan, Kuh-i Khwaja. Pottery profiles, rims.. Pencil and ink. See SK-XIII, pp.22-24 and SK-XV,
D-663 Luristan, bronze bowl.. AMI, vol. VII, figs. 1-2
D-664-665 Nihavand, Tepe Giyan, thin copper hoop, Ink. IAE, fig263
D-666 Harsin, copper jars, etc. See IAE, figs.227, 230, 232
D-667 Nihavand, Tepe Giyan.. Copper jars and cups. See IAE, figs. 228, 230, 232
D-668 Nihavand, Tepe Giyan. Ink.. See IAE, figs..227, 231
D-669 Nihavand, Tepe Giyan. Copper and silver pieces. Ink.. Copper vessel with religious procession,, IAE,
pl.XXI. Negs. 523-24
D-670 Demavand, Khunamabad. Pottery and bronzes. Ink
D-671 Nihavand, Tepe Giyan.. Horse bits, lance heads, copper bands. Ink
D-672 Luristan bronzes. Bits,torques, etc, Pencil and ink
D-673 Nihavand, Tepe Giyan, Harsin. Copper and bronze pieces
D-674 Tepe Giyan. Forks of thin copper. Ink. IAE, fig..260
D-675 Tepe Giyan and misc.. Bronze objects, bells, tools, etc. Ink
D-676 Nihavand, Tepe Giyan. Bronze daggers. Ink
D-677-678 Nihavand, Tepe Giyan.. Bronze weapons.. Ink
D-679 Raisin area.. Decorated copper spouted can.. Coll. T,L,Jacks (APOC), Tehran
D-680 Gilweran-Khurramabad., Two decorated copper cans with spouts.. Lower one, IAE, fig226; upper, as
photograph, IAE, pl.XXV, Neg.526
D-681 Persepolis. Prehistoric flint tools.. See ID, pls..XXIV-XXV
D-682 Persepolis, Prehistoric pottery. Fragment with bull's head. Water-color
D-683-684 Persepolis, Prehistoric pottery. Demon. Water-color
D-685 Persepolis, Prehistoric pottery. Bird. Water-color
D-686-687 Persepolis, Prehistoric pottery. Fragments. Water-color. ID, pl.LI, below
D-688 Persepolis, Prehistoric pottery,, Top of bowl. Water-color
D-689-690 Kuh-i Khwaja. One building period of front. IAE, pl.XCVIII, top and bottom
D-691 Kuh-i Khwaja., Plan of fort on Mt. Top.. Measured sketch, D-691a
D-692 Kuh-i Khwaja. General plan and section of main building,. IAE, pLXCVIL, Variations of same building,
D-694 Kuh-i Khwaja. Fire altar, base.. IAE, fig.397
D-695 Sistan. Shahristan. Topographical plan of ruins. Another copy. D-696
D-697 Khurha,. Topographical plan. IAE, fig382 Variant, D-698
D-699 Khurha. Elevation of columns.. IAE, fig 383. Another copy, D-699a
D-700 Naqsh-i Rustam. Tomb of'Darius, plan. IAE, fig.326. Other versions are, D-700a (1:100) and D-700b
D-701 Masjid-i Suleiman (Oil Fields), plan.. IAE, fig.399
D-702 . Kangavar'. Columns and bases. Marked "Publ.."
D-703 Kangavar. Columns.. Marked "Unpubl."
D-704 Isfahan, Masjid-i Jami' (print) drawn by Eric Schroeder in 1931 for the American Institute for Persian
Art & Archaeology
D-705 Da u Dukhtar,. Plan and elevation. IAE, pl.XXXVII
D-706 Ceramic. Blue and white plate.Water-color.Neg,2145
D-707 Shiraz, Four blueprint sections of a map of the city made in 1306 H. for the Gov..-General, Firuz Mirza
D-708 Mashhad. Shrine of Imam Riza Plan of area with numbered key to various sections
D-709 Mashhad, Tracing of'city area
D-710 Ardabil.. Tracing of Sarre's plan of Shrine
D-711 Khargird. Plan

D-712 Map of Abjaij and Ramgird, Preliminary sketch by Karl Bergner. Achaemenian ruins in the plain of
Persepolis, AMI, vol.VIII, following p4
D-713 Khargird. Ghiyathiya, plan. SA-II, fig .42
D-714 Shiraz Garden house of Hajji'Abdullah Ghaffar Isfahani in Masjid-i Bardi near Shiraz. E.H. drew in
1905. Gotheim, Geschichte d. Garten Baukunst
D-715 Firuzabad, Qaleh-i Dukhtar, Plan. Palace of'Ardashir, (pencil, incomplete)
D-716 Firuzabad, Qaleh-i Dukhtar, Plan and elevation of palace of Ardashir, Drawn by F.. Krefter (sepia print,
2 copies),
Marked "Unpublished"
D-717 Taq-i Bustan. Plan of grottoes (sepia print)
D-718 Damascus, Unidentified map. 1:4000
D-718a Isfahan. Bath of the Russian Consulate. Water-color of tile panel of horseman spearing dragon. Drawn
by E.H. 1903 ('05 ?). Marked "Unpublished"
D-719 Hamadan, Gumbadh-i'Alawiyyan.. Vol.of Oriental Studies presented to E.G.Browne. E.Herzfeld, "Die
Gumbadh-i'Alawiyyan etc.," p,188 D-719a is apparently another version
D-720 Reims. Eglise d'Asfeld la-ville Plan drawn April, 1905 by EH. Reminiscent of the palace of Ardashir
at Firuzabad
D-721 Gira District. Fire temple. Plan. SA-I, fig.22
D-722 Kaleh-i Dukhtar,near Baze'ur,,Plan. SA-I, fig.23
D-723 Gira. One of the 4 fire temples near Dieulafoy's Farrashband. Elevation
D-724-725 Baze'ur, Kaleh-i Dukhtar
D-726 Firuzabad. Plan of fire temple
D-727 Kuh-i Khwaja Plan of fire temple
D-728-729 Sistan,.Shahristan, plan of fire temple
D-730 Firuzabad. Sketch and measurements of the bridge
D-731 Istakhr. Columns and elevation., SA-I, fig. 51
D-732 Istakhr.. Studies of capitals
D-733 Khurha. Column bases
D-734 Taq-i Bustan. Study of attached column
D-735 Asadabad. Decorated column. See also D-750
D-736 Kangawar. Profile of capital
D-737 Qasr-i Shirin Plan of palace (?)
D-738 Qasr-i Shirin.. Plan of fire temple
D-739 Taq-i Girra. Main border and sockel profiles.. E,H,,Jan. 1917
D-740 Taq-i Girra. Profiles
D-741 Mil-i Azdaha Plan and elevation
D-742 Paikuli. Details of column drum
D-743 Paikuli. Capital
D-744 Paikuli. Details of stepped crenellation
D-745 Paikuli. Details of structure
D-746 Paikuli. Crenellations
D-747 Paikuli. Attempted reconstruction
D-748 Firuzabad. Egyptian type molding
D-749 Asadabad, Column bases.
D-750 Asadabad, Column bases.. See also D-735
D-751 Masjid-i Suleiman (Oil fields)., Elevation and plan of tower (?) and base
D-752 Firuzabad. Details of Palace of Ardashur I with measurements. For masons' marks see also D-754
D-753 Firuzabad. Details of tower with measurements
D-754 Firuzabad. Masons' marks on temple
D-755 Nizamabad (?). Stucco relief panels with measurements
D-756 Luristan, Kal'a i Abdanan in Pusht-i Kuh. E.H. Oct.17, 1905

D-757 Shiraz.Design for a silver frame for Firuz Mirza, Gov,-Gen. of Fars, 1925
D-758 Tus., Suggested plan and design for tomb of Firdowsi
D-759 Tehran. Design of'vignette for Anjuman Athar-i Melli (Soc. for the Protection of National Monuments)
D-760 Inscription in Kufic "fleuri", Bombay Museum.. Marked "Unpublished"
D-761 Damghan,. Pir'Alamdar Kufic inscription with interlacing, dated 417 H. Marked "VL, Series,. Unpub-
lished,," Water-cplor
D-762 Mil-i Radkan near Kuchan. Kufic inscription of 680 H. Water-color marked "Unpublished"
D-763 Damghan, Chehil Dukhtaran. Part of Kufic inscription. Pencil.Marked "Unpubl."
D-764 Damghan. Pir Alamdar.. Section of inscription and borders. Pencil and ink.. Marked "Unpubl."
D-765 Persia.. Kufic monograms in brick. Marked "Unpubl."
D-766 Nine lines of Naskhi. Note says "my blue vase, verses of Hafiz"
D-767 Bistam.. Tomb tower, dated 1313 (713 H.). Pen drawing of Kufic inscriptional tiles. See Neg. 2931,
Photo File 10-57
D-768 Fragment of Kufic inscription on stone.Corpus, T.II, Fasc.l, fig.81
D-769 Part of'stone border with hare, Marked fig..8, but publication un-named
D-770 Twelve figures from coins: Figs.8 and 12.. IAE, fig.389; Figs.1, 9, 11.. IAE, fig390; Figs,7 and 10.
IAE, fig.394. D-770a is tracing of'seven figures. See also D-796 for tracing of some figures
D-771 Seven figures from coins: Fig..1..IAE, fig.389; Fig.2. IAE, fig.394; Fig.5. IAE, fig.393. See also D-796
D-772 Sarpul.. Sculpture. Triumph of'Annubanini with Akkadian inscription. IAE, fig,297
D-773 Sarpul. Akkadian weapons. IAE, fig.299
D-774 Sarpul. Annubinini., IAE, fig.298
D-775 Horin.. Jewelry and weapons of figure. IAE, fig.301
D-776 Sahna. Rock-cut tomb. IAE, fig,309 and TA, p.9, fig.4
D-777 Fakhrigah (Fakluika). Rock-cut tomb, IAE, fig.310 and TA, p.10, fig.5
D-778 Persepolis,. Northern angle of enclosure wall. IAE, fig.329
D-779 Naqsh-i Rustam. Topographical plan 1:1000 with measurements
D-780-781 Paikuli. Reconstrctions of tower-
D-782 Paikuli, Attempted reconstruction, E.H. June 1911
D-783 Kharg, catacombs. Plan, elevation and details. Marked "Unpublished"
D-784 Kharg, catacombs,. Marked "Unpublished"
D-785 Kharg, catacombs.. Marked "Unpublished"
D-786 Naqsh-i Rustam.. Door of'Kaaba i Zardusht. LAE, fig.323
D-787 Kurrangun. LAE, ig..304.. Printed copy D-787a
D-788 Da u dukhtar. Plan (tracing). Original D-794. 16,E, pl,XXXVII
D-769 Khurha. Capitals. IAE, fig.375
D-790 Kharg. Plan and elevation of tomb
D-791 Rock sculpture near Horin. LAE, fig.300
D-792 Bayazid, Armenia. Rock sculpture, IAE, fig,386
D-793 Da u dukhtar'. Elevation of facade. IAE, fig317., Other versions D-705 and D-788
D-794 Da u dukhtar. Plan and section
D-795 Naqsh-i Rustam. Printed tracing of topographical plan
D-796 Figures from coins. Another version of'D-770 and D-771
D-797 Pasargadae, attempted restoration of'temple, AMI, vol.I,p1I,bottom; LAE, pl.,XLIV, top
D-798 Pasargadae, attempted restoration of temple.. AMI, vol.I, p1, I, top; LAE, pl..XLIV, bottom
D-799 Pasargadae.. Reconstruction of palace 'S'.. !AE, pLLXIII, top.. Inked version D-799a
D-800 Pasargadae. Plan of area with altars and building. Measured drawing. Tracing in D-800a
D-801 Pasargadae, Palace with the column. Plan, apparently before excavation..
D-801a Pasargadae, Palace with the column. Apparently after excavation
D-80lb Pasargadae, Palace with the column.. Plan..reconstrcuted

D-802 Pasargadae, Palace with the column.. Measured pencil drawing of temple with altars.. Plan and elevation
of ruins. Tracings, D-802a (plan) and b (elevation)
D-803 Pasargadae, Palace with the column.. Tomb tower, elevation and plan. See D-803a (tracing) for door
D-804 Pasargadae, Palace with the column. Plan and elevation of'building with doorway
D-805 Pasargadae, Palace with the column.. Reconstructed column and capital. IAE, fig..344. Another copy D-
D-806 Pasargadae, Palace with the column.. Reconstructed elevation of palace (?)
D-807 Pasargadae, Palace with the column. Palace reconstruction, Plan and elevations. Another version D-
D-808 Pasargadae, Palace with the column. Air view of tomb of Cyrus and colonnade.. Another version D-
D-809 Pasargadae, Palace with the column. Palace "S".. Plan and elevation of pier 3 and head of fallen steer..
Tracings D-809a and b
D-810 Pasargadae, Palace with the column.. Plan of building with column. Partial tracing D-810a
D-811 Plan of building with inscribed corner pier and location of'remains of bi-colored ante-room
D-812 Pasargadae, Palace with the column.. Palace "S".. Pier 2, elevation and plan. Tracings of details D-812a
and b (partial tracings). Two copies of each
D-813 Pasargadae, Palace with the column. Tracing of pier: plan and elevation. Possibly from Palace "S"
D-814 Pasargadae, Palace with the column. Palace "S". Pier 1. Plan and elevation and main door; West
D-814a Pasaigadae, Palace with the column. Tracing of pier 1 in D-814
D-815 Pasargadae, Palace with the column.. Winged genius
D-816 Pasargadae, Palace with the column. Plan and elevation of doorway
D-817 Pasargadae, Palace with the column.. Profile.. Tracing D-817a
D-817b Pasargadae, Palace with the column. Column bases.. Cyrus' tomb ( and of Anatolian and Mesopotamian
bases) IAE, figs.341-343. See also 817-817c. Other variations in 817d-f
D-818 Pasargadae, Palace with the column. Tomb tower. Detail
D-819 Pasargadae, Palace with the column.. Ornamental detail
D-820 Pasargadae, Palace with the column. Tomb of Cyrus, studies of door-
D-821 Pasargadae, Palace with the column. Palace with relief (two copies)
D-822 Pasargadae, Palace with the column.. Palace "S", reconstructed elevation. IAE, pl.XLIII, bottom
D-822a Rock tomb..Plan and elevation (unidentified)
D-823 Dukkan i Daud.. Plan and elevation.. TA, p.7, fig .3
D-824 Examples of crenellations: Parthian, Sasanian, Muslim
D-825 Pasargadae. General map of ruin fields, F.Krefter;1928
D-826 Istakhr. Plan of SE gate
D-827 Istakhr. Contour map, 1935
D-828 Istakhr.. Plan and section (exact location not indicated)
D-829 Sistan, Shahristan (Ramshahr i Kaivishtasp). Sepia print
D-830 Persepolis. Prehistoric village. Contour plan and section. Smaller version D-831
D-832 Pasargadae. Panorama and general plan. Sepia prints (2 copies)
D-833 Istakhr. Excavation 3. Plan and section
D-834 Istakhr. Excavation 1. Plan and section
D-835 Istakhr.. City wall.. IAE, pl.XCII
D-836 Istakhr. Mosque (unfinished pencil plan)
D-837 Peisepolis. SE and NE tombs.. Pencil sketch
D-838 Aleppo. Plan of Firdaus. Corpus, pl.CXXVIII, Another copy D-28
D-839 Aleppo. Plan of Mashhad al-Husain. Corpus, pl.XCIV. Another copy D-27
D-840 Palmyra.. Map of 1899
D-841 Persian 15th c. ceramic.. Blue and white, dragon and plants.. Water-color
D-842 Persepolis. Isometric plan of Tripylon, numbered 10. Bergner, 1935

D-843 Persepolis. Isometric drawing of Great Staircase, Apadana and Tripylon, marked No.36, P1.,48.
Krefter. IAE, pl.XLVIII
D-844 Persepolis. Plan of"ruins on terrace, marked 48.. Bergner, 1934
D-845 Persepolis, Elevation of terrace wall, S side, numbered 13.. Bergner, 1935
D-846 Persepolis. Isometric drawing, Tachara, numbered 6
D-847 Persepolis. Plan of section of terrace wall, numbered 7
D-843 Persepolis. Isometric plan of entrance gate, numbered 2
D-849 Persepolis. Isometric drawing of corner of Apadana, numbered 4
D-850 Persepolis Isometric plan of section of Apadana, numbered 5
D-851 Persepolis. Isometric drawing, SW corner, wall and small palace
D-852 Persepolis. Isometric drawing, section of terrace wall and Tachara, numbered 3
D-853 Persepolis Isometric plan and elevation of main staircase to terrace, numbered 1.. Bergner, 1935 IAE,
D-854 Persepolis, Elevations of ceremonial staircases to Apadana, numbered 11. Bergner.1934
D-855 Persepolis., Isometric plan of Hadish, numbered 9. Bergner, 1935
D-856 Persepolis. Reconstruction of entry gate.. Krefter, 1934.. IAE, pl.Ll
D-857 Persepolis. Apadana, four orders of'columns. Krefter, 1935. IAE, pl.LVIII
D-858 Persepolis, Reconstruction of facades, 100-Column Hall, Tripylon and Apadana, numbered 35. Krefter,
D-859 Persepolis., Elevations of Tachara. Bergner. 1935
D-860 Persepolis. Isometric plan of Tachara
D-861 Persepolis. Plan of 100-Column Hall, 1:200
D-862 Persepolis. Tracing of Tachara plan
D-863 Persepolis. (1) Plan of 100-Column Hall, numbered 25. IAE, fig,.331; (2) plan of Hadish, numbered 26
IAE, fig,.335
D-864 Persepolis Elevations and isometric drawings of small staircases, numbered 49.. Bergner 1934
D-865 Persepolis. Plan of part of Harem of Xerxes, numbered 19
D-866 Persepolis.. Plan of Harem of Xerxes, numbered 29.. IAE, fig.337
D-867 Persepolis Plan of Harem of Darius, numbered 30. IAE, fig.336
D-868 Persepolis. Plan of part of Harem of Xerxes, numbered 18. Bergner, 1934. IAE, fig.337
D-869 Persepolis (1) Plan of Tripylon gate.. IAE, fig,332; (2) Tachara of Darius.IAE, fig333
D-870 Persepolis. Map showing location of prehistoric mounds
D-871 Persepolis (1) Plan of Apadana.. IAE, fig330; (2) Plan of main entry staircase and hall
D-872 Persepolis.. Restoration in elevation of East and West stairways of courtyard in front of Hadish,
numbered 16.. Bergner, 1935, Pencil drawing D-876
D-873 Istakhr (?).. Isometric plan of buildings with rooms numbered 1 to 41, numbered 47a,. Bergner, 1933
This joins D-874 (marked 47b) with overlap of rooms 18-21
D-875 Istakhr (?). Tepe Persepolis,PPA (prehistoric mound). Profile of S wall of test trench I. Bergner, 1933
D-876 Istakhr (?).. Pencil version of D-872, numbered 15. Bergner, 1935
D-877 Istakhr (?).. Main terrace plan, showing water conduits and drains,, Bergner, 1934,. IAE, fig.. 307
D-878 Istakhr (?). Plan of Apadana before excavation
D-879 Istakhr (?).. Bronze doors of'Harem buildings.. Krefter, Berlin, 1931
D-880 Istakhr (?).. Bull capitals, side and front views.. Beigner, 1934
D-881 Istakhr (?). Hadish plan
D-882 Istakhr (?). Plan, entrance hall 1:100
D-883 Istakhr (?).. Plan (general) section of Apadana, Hadish and Tachara
D-884 Istakhr (?).. Isometric drawing of small staircase
D-885 Istakhr (?). Sketch map apparently showing debris on terrace before excavation
D-886 Istakhr (?).. Plan of Tachara before excavation
D-887 Persepolis (?). Unidentified plan and molding
D-888 Persepolis (?)., Section of terrace retaining wall

D-889 Persepolis. Sketch plan of Tripylon
D-890 House or tomb from Lynch, Armenia II, fig, 125, p,63.. Note says "British Museum". Probably used to
show typical house plan
D-891 Doruzan. Bard Burrida. Reconstruction of'barrage. See AMI, vol.VIII, article by Bergner on
Achaemenian ruins in Persepolis plain
D-892 Persepolis. Probably facade of tomb
D-893 Persepolis. Unidentified ink sketch of'restoration of a facade.. Another version D-894
D-895 Persepolis. Ink sketch reconstruction of unidentified facade
D-896 Persepolis, Capital bases in Apadana
D-897 Persepolis Ornamental borders on King's robe
D-898-899 Persepolis, Decorative ornaments, palms, rosettes
D-900 Pasargadae. Three ink sketches for reconstruction of temple. See AMI, vol.1, p1.1 and D-797-798
D-901 Map (sketch) from Stratosthenes with distances of Alexander's march (?)
D-902 Sculpture. Figures of priests or worshippers. IAE, fig.314
D-903 A-L Persepolis. Sculpture. Thirty throne-bearers from relief of Darius
D-904 Persepolis. Water-color of Ahuramazda, Hall of 110-Columns. Shows original colors. IAE, plLXIV
(black and white)
D-905 Greek map of Iranian Empire
D-906 Persian pottery, Garrus carved type, water-color. Shallow bowl with eagle (fragment)
D-907 Persian pottery, Garrus carved type, water-color. Base and side of bowl with encircled bird (fragment)
D-908 Persian pottery, Garrus carved type, water-color. Rim and base of bowl with eagle (fragment)
D-909 Persian pottery, Garrus carved type, water-color.. Two fragments: one with Kufic, one with palmette
D-910 Ptolemy's map of West Asia
D-911 Naqsh-i Rustam. Bahram relief with Elamite figure
D-912 Samarra. Restoration of glazed tile with palmette on scroll,. See Inv. No.867 in Journal of Samarra
finds and Samarra, vol.II; Keramik, fig. 125
D-913 Persian ceramics, Garrus, carved type, water-color. Side of bowl with birds
D-914 Three bowls with Kufic script (fragments)
D-915-916 Taq-i Bustan, textile.. Rug patterns on edge of boats.. IAE, fig.417
D-917 Samarra. Standing figure with calf on shoulders. Textile
D-918 Taq-i Bustan, textile. Three patterns.. IAE, fig.421; AMI, vol.IX, fig.25, p.146
D-919 Bisutun. Design on capital
D-920-923 Taq-i Bustan. Textile designs on one of four harpists
D-924-927 Taq-i Bustan.. Textile designs on trousers of 2nd, 1st, 6th and 3rd mahouts
D-928 Taq-i Bustan, textile design.. Harpist in right boat
D-929-930 Taq-i Bustan, textile design. Harpist in left boat
D-931-932 Taq-i Bustan, textile design. Harpist in right boat
D-933 Taq-i Bustan, textile design. Rower in 2nd royal boat (right)
D-934-936 Taq-i Bustan, textile design. Harpist
D-937 Taq-i Bustan, textile design. Mahout, first row, left
D-938 Taq-i Bustan, textile design. Fifth mahout
D-939 Taq-i Bustan, textile design.. Five musicians in boat
D-940 Taq-i Bustan, textile design. Third mahout
D-941 Taq-i Bustan, textile design.. Second mahout
D-942 Taq-i Bustan, textile design.. Rower, left boat
D-943 Taq-i Bustan, textile design. Arrow-bearer in left boat
D-944 Taq-i Bustan, textile design.. Left oarsman in left boat
D-945 Taq-i Bustan, textile design. Oarsman in right boat
D-946-947 Taq-i Bustan, textile design. Oarsman in left boat
D-948 Taq-i Bustan, textile design. Arrow-bearer in left boat
D-949-950 Taq-i Bustan, textile design. Arrow-bearer in right boat

D-951 Taq-i Bustan, textile design. Trousers, coat, aims
D-952 Miscellaneous sources. Sasanian textile designs
D-953-954 Miscellaneous designs from Sasanian silver in Smirnoffs publication
D-955 Miscellaneous ornaments from Taq-i Bustan and Bistun
D-956 Taq-i Bustan. Sketch of textile with affronted griffins. Finished drawing TA, fig.42
D-957 Taq-i Bustan. Kufic graffito
D-958 Arsacid coins, devices. IAE, fig.388
D-959 Graeco-Bactrian coins, animal designs
D-960 Paithian coins, devices. IAE, fig.391
D-961 Arsacid coins, symbols of cities. IAE, fig.395
D-962 Persepolis. Graffito of Shaper i Papakan, brother of Ardashir I. IAE, fig.401
D-963 Persepolis Graffito of Papak. IAE, fig.402
D-964 Firuzabad. Coats of Arms. IAE, fig,403
D-965 Sasanian Coats of Arms. AMI, vol.IX, fig.4, p.107
D-966 Sasanian crowns. AMI, vol.IX, fig.1, p.1022
D-967 Head and crown of Khusro II. AMI, vol.IX, frg..21, p.141; IAE, fig.418
D-968 Sasanian goddess from Isfahan capital. IAE, fig. 413; AMI, vol.IX, fig..24, p.146
D-969 Sasanian relief'. Copy from Flandin and Coste "Vue du bas-relief de Darabgird"
D-970 Sketch map of Gur,perhaps also from Flandin and Coste. See D-969
D-971 Arsacid (?) relief from Grelot. Source not given
D-972 Parthian worshipper near Bistun. IAE, fig.385
D-973 Arsacid slate palette. IAE, fig,396
D-974 Kushan gold coins. Devices.. IAE, fig.412
D-975 Kushan coins. Devices
D-976 Arsacid coins. IAE, figs392-393
D-977 Kushan coins, figures of divinities, AMI, vol.IX, frg,5, p109 and fig.,28, p,155
D-978-979 Kushano-Sasanian coin of Peroz. IAE, fig.406
D-980 Naqsh-i Rustam. Fighter on horseback. Drawing by Morier. AMI, voLIX, fig, 18, p.135
D-981 Four busts, perhaps from Paikuli
D-982 Sasanian sculpture. Bahrain IL. AMI, vol IX, fig.17, p.134
D-893 Sasanian sculpture.. Head of'Bahram II
D-984 Naqsh-i Rustam. Studies of details, including hands, monograms
D-985 Paikuli. AMI, vol.IX, fig.8, p.112
D-986 Rock crystal figure at St.. Denis of Khusro II.. IAE, fig.408; AMI, vol.IX, fig. 12, p..127
D-987 Sasanian,probably Paikuli, bust of Narseh
D-988 Taq-i Bustan.. Head of Shaper III. AMI, voLIX, fig.9, p.113
D-989 Head of Bahram V.. AMI, vo1.IX, fig.10, p..118
D-990 Sasanian silver head (Freer Coll. No.34. 23). AMI, vol.IX, fig.15, p..130
D-991 Taq-i Bustan.. Crowns of Ohrmizd and Anahit. AMI, voLIX, figs.2-3, pp.105-106
D-992 Crowns of Khusro II from capitals. AMI, vol.IX, fig.23, p,.143
D-993 Taq-i Bustan.. Two deer from hunt. IAE, fig.419
D-994 Taq-i Bustan. Two camels carrying dead animals. IAE, fig.420
D-995 Taq-i Bustan.. Head and hand of Nike.. IAE, fig.416
D-996 Sat Mashhad. Bust of Queen. IAE, frg..410
D-997 Coin of Khusro II.. Hephthalite. AMI, vol.IX, fig. 26, p.151
D-998 Coin. Hephthalite. AMI, vol.IX, fig, 27, p.151
D-999 Design from coin.. Goddess
D-1000 Design from coin. God with trident
D-1001 Design from coin.. Horse with MI
D-1002 Design from coin. Horse

D-1003 Map: Umgebung von Baghdad (1916),. (Two copies)
D- 1004 Map: Umgebung von Baghdad (1916). Herzfeld Blatt 3 (6 copies) used in Saxre-Herzfeld, Reise im
Euphrat- and Tigxisgebiet
D-1005 Map: Plan of Mosul (4 copies and 1 colored), Saxre-Herzfeld, Reise im Euphrat- and Tigxisgebiet,
Blatt 4
D-1006 Map: Samarra. Blatt 1 (9 copies)
D-1007 Map: Samaxra. Blatt 2 (9 copies)
D-1008 Map: Samaxra,. Blatt 3 (7 copies)
D-1009 A-C Maps: Set of sections T.C. 108-118 of 1917, 6" to a mile of area of Iraq, including Samaria
D-1010 Map. Plan of Baghdad
D-1011 Map.. Sketch map of'Samaxrah, T.C. 97(B),1917
D-1012 Map. Reduced photo of Euphrates area from Muhassin to Wadi'Ali
D-1013 Map,. Area Baghdad-Basra. Water-color
D-1014 Sketch map 1:100,000 of unidentified area in Iraq
D-1015 Map: Topographical. Tigris, north of Samaxra
D-1016 Samaxra. Large plan of'palaces. Printed versions: D-1016 A-C
D-1017 Samaxra. Large plan of unidentified palace. Printed versions D-1017 A-B
D-1018 Samaxra., Large plan of unidentified palace
D-1019 Samaxra. Plan of unidentified palace. Water-color
D-1020 Samaxra.. Plan and topographical surroundings of unidentified palace
D-1021 Samaxra. Plan, Mutawakkiliyye mosque
D- 1022 Samarra, Balkuwara, Domes
D-1023 Samaxra, Balkuwara. Bath. Plan and details
D-1024 Samaxra, Balkuwara. Isometric restoration.. Another version D- 1025
D- 1026 Samaxra, Balkuwara. Mosque
D-1027 Samaxra, Balkuwara, Bath
D-1028 Samaxra, Balkuwara. Plan, including bath
D-1029 Samaxra, Balkuwara. Elevation
D-1030 Samaxra, Djausaq Plan and elevation
D-1031 Samaxra, Djausaq. Plan. Blueprint D- 1032
D-1033 Samaxra, Djausaq. Plan of building with tile or brick floor
D-1034 Samaxra, Djausaq.. Isometric reconstruction of entrance and stairs to lake or river. See also D-
D-1035 Samaxra, Djausaq. Rim of basin (?). See also D-1045
D-1036 Samaxra, Djausaq. Plan of buildings
D-1037 Samaxra, Djausaq.. Isometric reconstruction
D-1038 Samaxra, Djausaq. Plan of building
D-1039 Samaxra, Djausaq.. Elevation and plan of window. Another copy D- 1040
D-1041-44 Samaxra, Djausaq. Blueprints of plan
D-1045 Samaxra, Djausaq. Plan of'square room with basin. See D-1035
D- 1046 Samaxra, Djausaq. Large plan., Another version D- 1047
D-1048 Samaxra, Djausaq. Wall elevations
D- 1049 Samaxra, Djausaq. Plan of building with dome
D-1050 Samaxra, Djausaq. Plan
D-1051 Samaria.Studies of architectural detail
D-1052 Samaxra. Bath, numbered 15
D-1053 Samaxra.. Tomb, numbered 8
D- 1054 Samaxra. Tombs, numbered 2 and 3
D-1055 Samaxra. Qubbat al-Sulaibiyya.. Plan and elevation
D-1056 Samaxra, Ghaibat al-Mahdi., Elevation, numbered 7

D-1057 Samaria, Ghaibat al-Mahdi. Plan, numbered 6
D-1058 Samarra. Unidentified plan, numbered 4
D-1059 Samarra. Ashiq. Elevation, numbered 10. Copy D-1060
D-1061 Samaria, Mosque of the Mahdi and Mashhad'All al-Hadi. Plan
D-1062 Samarra.. Mashhad of 'Ali al-Hadi.Plan. Measured plan D-1063
D-1064 Samaria, Ghaibat al-Mahdi. Elevation
D-1065 Samaria, Mosque of the Mahdi. Plan
D-1066 Samaria., Sur `Isa. Measured plan
D-1067 Samaria, Mashhad of'All al-Hadi. Plan
D-1068 Samarra. Mosque of the Mahdi. Plan
D-1069 Samarra.. Mashhad. Plan
D-1070 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Haus XIII, marked "from Sketchbook"
D-1071 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Istabulat. Blueprint
D-1072 Samaria, marked "unpublished". Haus VI and VII, numbered 23
D-1073 Samaria, marked "unpublished". Haus III, numbered 20
D-1074 Samarra, marked "unpublished" Haus IX and X, numbered 25
D-1075 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Haus V, numbered 22
D-1076 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Haus XI, numbered 26
D-1077 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Haus IV, numbered 21
D-1078 Samarra, Great Mosque, marked "unpublished". Plan, numbered 13
D-1079 Samarra, Great Mosque, marked "unpublished". Plan, numbered 11
D-1080 Samarra, Great Mosque, marked "unpublished". Plan, numbered 5
D- 1081 Samarra, Great Mosque, marked "unpublished". Plan, numbered 12
D-1082 Samaria, Great Mosque, marked "unpublished". Plan with Malwiyya, numbered 16
D- 1063 Samarra, Great Mosque, marked "unpublished". Plan, marked "unpublished ?"
D-1084 Samarra, marked "unpublished", Sur'Isa. Plan, numbered 17
D-1085 Samarra, marked "unpublished".. Haus XIV, numbered 29
D-1086 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Haus I and II,numbered 19
D-1087 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Haus XII, numbered 27
D-1088 Samarra, marked "unpublished".. Haus VIII, numbered 24
D-1089 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Haus XIII, numbered 28
D-1090 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Tell al-'Atiq (blueprint)
D-1091 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Unidentified plan (blueprint)
D-1092 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Great mosque, numbered 9
D-1093 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Haus V,VI and VIa, marked "from Sketchbook"
D-1094 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Haus II and III.. Plan. Marked "two on plan"
D-1095 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Haus XII. Plan
D-1096 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Haus XI H (sketchbook)
D-1097 Samarra, marked "unpublished". Haus II.. Marked "check with Sketchbook (formerly I)"
D-1098 Samarra.. Ghaibat al-Mahdi. Ornament.. SA-II, fig.75
D-1099 Samarra. Niche in private house. SA-I, fig.. 17
D-1100 Samaria, Djausaq al-Khakani. Crenellations from the the interior court. Preliminary sketch in D-1 105.
SA-I, fig..16
D-1101 Samarra, Djausaq. Reconstruction of portal and stairs to lake. See also D-1034, 1039 and 1102
D-1103 Samaria, Djausaq. Isometric reconstruction, marked "VII Series: Samaria"
D- 1104 Samarra, Djausaq. Reconstruction of palace. Same without fountain D-1 104a
D- 1105 Samaria,, Djausaq.. Variation of D-1100., Object listed: Inv. No..728 in Journal of Samarra Finds
(Archive S-1)
D-1106 Samarra.. Decorative panel
D- 1107 Samaria, Part of Kufic list of Imams.. Location not given

D-1108 Samaria. Lead glass object, Inv. No.602. Profile D-1 108a
D- 1109 Samarra. Fragments of stone or stucco, apparently used for the reconstruction in D-1105 and D-1100..
Drawing marked "There are 9 more pieces"
D-1110 Samarra. Parts of plate or dish of onyx. Inv. No.583
D-1111 Samarra. Thirteen sheets of drawings of pottery, etc., marked "Book 3"
D-1112 Samarra. One page of drawings of'small objects,marked "Book 1, p.1"
D-1113 Samarra. Haus IV. Marked "from Sketchbook". Unpublished
D-1114 Samarra. Haus IV and V. Marked "from Sketchbook". Unpublished
D-1115-16 Samarra.. Balkuwara (print).. Marked "Original was with D.,Reimer" (publisher)
D-1117 Samarra. Haus VIII. Quranah, Marked "agrees with Sketchbook (formerly Va. Unpublished"
D-1118 Samarra, Haus XIV (bei Sur'Isa). Marked "from Sketchbook, Unpublished"
D-1119 Samarra.. Haus I
D-1120 Samarra.. Quranah, H.I
D-1121 Samarra. Haus I and II
D-1122 Samarra, Djausaq.. Court,, Unpublished
D-1123 Samaria, Djausaq. Niche (blueprint)
D-1124-26 Samarra, Djausaq, Plans
D- 1127 Samarra.. Haus XIII
D-1128 Samarra. Djausaq. Isometric plan
D- 1129 Samarra, Unidentified plan
D-1130 Samarra. Great mosque. Elevation and plan, "colonnade" Unpublished
D-1131 Samarra, Small tomb near Samarra
D-1132 Samarra, Great mosque. Mihrab, measured drawing
D-1133 Samaria, Great mosque. Floor
D-1134 Samarra, Great mosque, Portal (?).. Unpublished
D-1135 Samarra. Bath, plan
D-1136 Samarra.. Profiles of bowls., "Klasse Ab."
D-1137 Imam Dur. Wall revetment.Water-color
D-1133 Samarra. Restored plate. Inv. No.784. Water-color
D-1139 Samarra.. Photographic mosaic map.. Blueprint D-1140
D- 1141 Kushan coins. Enthroned kings
D-1142 Map: Area Van to Shiraz, Persepolis, Marked fig296 (also 305)
D-1143 Pasargadae-Persepolis. Stone mason's marks. See IAE, figs.338-339
D-1144 Map: Ruins along old roads Siwand, Shiraz, Firuzabad, Farrashband, Sax Mashhad, Shapur. Two
D-1145 Mosul. Wooden capital
D-1146 Mosul - Baghdad.. Wooden capitals. SA-III, figs. 29-31. Tracing D-238
D-1147 Korykos.. Frieze of great temple
D-1148 Map: Cities of Bassorah and Achar.. Water-color
D-1149 Susa. Fragments of'horse with paint
D-1150 Tepe Gawra, Horses
D-1151 Bronze tablet of a King of Abdadana, AMI, vol.IX, fig1, p.161
D-1152 Qyzqapan. Median tomb.. IAE, fig313
D-1153 Kurangun. IAE, fig.303
D-1154 Dukkan i Daud. Sculptured figure. IAE, fig.315; TA, fig.8
D-1155 Qyzqapan. Plan.. IAE, fig.311
D-1156 Qyzqapan. Ceiling, detail. IAE, fig312
D-1157 Sakawand. Tomb relief. IAE, fig.316
D-1158 Kishesim. IAE, fig.306
D-1159 Harhar. IAE, fig.305

D- 1160 Proto-Ionic columns. IAE, fig320
D- 1161 Iskelib and Qaleqapusu: columns.. IAE, figs.318a and b
D-1162 Qyzqapan or Da u dukhtar. Capital. IAE, fig.350
D-1163 Near Sulaimaniyya. Section of D-1163a. IAE, fig319
D-1163a See D-1163. TA, fig.7
D-1164 Pasargadae.. Tomb of Cyrus.. Plan. IAE, fig.325
D-1165 Pasargadae.. Metal construction clamp. IAE, fig. 340 (right)
D-1166 Pasargadae. Sculpture. IAE, fig,363
D-1167 Uzunja Buij (Cilicia). Capital, IAE, fig.376
D-1168 Istakhr, capital. IAE, fig.377
D-1169 Istakhr, capital, IAE, fig378
D-1170 Istakhr, capital. IAE, fig.379
D-1171 Kangavar. Profile of column bases. IAE, fig.381
D-1172 Kangavar Plan,elevation of columns, IAE, fig.380
D-1173 Imamzadeh Sayyid Husain near Shapur IAE, fig,398
D-1174 Takht-i Sulaiman (near Tehran). Topographical sketch. IAE, fig.400
D-1175 Hajjiabad. Column bases. TA, fig..29
D-1176 Hatra Door, jamb. Sculpture. TA, fig,19
D-1177 Musasir. IAE, fig. 308
D-1178 Pasargadae. Column bases
D-1179 Sillyon, Syrt-Dagh. Cornices
D-1L30 Naqsh-i Rustam. Tomb of Darius from inside (Krefter drawing, 1933)
D-1181 Persepolis, mason's marks
D- 1182 Achaemenian column bases
D-1183 Pasargadae.. Details of costume of winged Genius and lamassu
D-1185 Pasargadae. Details of hair and feathers of'lamassu
D-1186 Pasargadae. Palace S. Column base
D-1187 Pasargadae. Sculpture. Fragments of lion's head. Other versions D- 1187 a and b
D-1188 Pasargadae.. Fragment of horse's head, Others D-1188b
D-1189 Pasargadae. Fragments of'sculpture, Others D-1 189b and c
D-1190 Pasargadae. Fragments of animal's head
D- 1191 Pasargadae. Fragments of lion's paw
D- 1192 Pasargadae.. Fragments of sculpture
D- 1193 Pasargadae. Fragments of'clothing, Palace S
D-1194 Pasargadae.. Stone fragments, Palace S
D-1195 Pasargadae. Small water basin near Palace P
D-1196 Pasargadae. Palace P. Column base
D-1197 Pasargadae. Citadel. Stone fragments
D-1198 Pasargadae.. Lower section, figure of King
D-1199 Pasargadae. Remnants of color on stone fragments
D- 1200 Pasargadae. Fragments of'painted stucco
D-1201 Pasargadae.. Reconstruction of'painting on columns
D-1202 Firuzabad.. Fragment of Achaemenian column
D-1203 Three Parthian crowns. IAE, fig.404
D-1204 Two monograms from head-dresses.. AMI, vol.IX, p.842, fig.22
D-1205 Head of Varhran II. IAE, fig.409
D-1206 Four, head-dresses. AMI, voLIX, 2, fig.,19
D-1207 Crown of'Peroz. AMI, vol.IX, 2, fig. 11
D-1208 Crown of Ormizd. AMI, vol.IX, 2, fig.7
D-1209 Sculpture of Mithradates II.. TA, fig. 11

D-1210 Textile designs. Hellenistic. IAE, fig.421, left
D-1211 Crown of Anahit. Taq-i Bustan. AMI, vol.IX, 2, fig.6
D- 1212 Ming-Oi, Water-color of textile pattern. TA, pl.LXIII, top
D-1213 Toyoq Mazar. Water-color of Sasanian textile. TA, pl. LXV, bottom
D- 1214 Taq-i Bustan.. Lotus from Ardashir's investiture. TA, fig. 15
D-1215 Kale i Kuhna: details of'Sasanian capitals. TA, fig.30. Another version in D-1216
D- 1217 Sasanian textile, Berlin. TA, p1.,LXIV, top
D-1218 Taq-i Bustan, patterns of Anahit textiles,. TA, p1, LXV, left
D-1219 Taq-i Bustan, patterns of Anahit textiles. TA, pl.LXV, right
D- 1220 Taq-i Bustan, textile patterns. TA, fig.36
D-1221 Taq-i Bustan, textile patterns. Ibex. TA, fig.35
D-1222 Taq-i Bustan, textile patterns.. TA, fig,37
D- 1223 Taq-i Bustan, textile patterns. Boar's head, TA, fig.39
D-1224 Taq-i Bustan, textile patterns. TA, fig.40
D-1225 Taq-i Bustan, textile patterns.. Hippocamp. TA, fig.43
D-1226 Taq-i Bustan, textile patterns. TA, fig.32
D-1227 Taq-i Bustan, textile patterns, Hippocamps. TA, fig.42
D- 1228 Taq-i Bustan, textile patterns. Pattern of birds. TA, fig..41. Another version D- 1229. TA, fig.34
D-1230 Taq-i Bustan, textile patterns. Pattern. TA, fig.33
D-1231 Taq-i Bustan. Profile of arch (detail).. TA, fig. 18
D-1232 Taq-i Bustan, textile patterns. Textile pattern, TA, fig.38
D-1233 Taq-i Bustan, textile patterns. Textile pattern, hippocamp. IAE, fig.414
D-1234 Samarra, painted design on wood; water-color. Samarra, vol,I, plXLII, top
D-1235 Samarra, painted design on wood; water-color. Samarra, vol.1, pl.XLII, bottom
D-1236 Samarra, painted design on wood; water-color, Samarra, vol.l, pl..LXIX, right
D-1237 Samarra, painted design on wood; water-color. Samaria, vol.I, pl.LXIX, left
D-1238 Persepolis, Ground plan of Harem (Krefter drawing). (Photo in Oriental Institute file of prints)
D-1239 Persepolis. Scale drawing of'great Eastern staircase with notations in Arabic of tribute groups (xerox,
only copy). In Photo File 34
D-1240 Map. (Neg.8339) tracing of area Tiflis south to Maskat; Assur east to Herat
D-1241 Map. (Neg. 8340) tracing of area Asia Minor (Sinope) south to Mt. Sinai, Alexandria east to Tabriz
D-1242 Map.. Tracing of area old Jaxartes delta south to Karachi, Kuh-i Khwaja east to Multan
D- 1243 Map. Tracing of area Tashkand south to Maskat, Manqyshlaq east to Dardistan
D-1244 Map. Tracing of area Batum south to Susa, Ankara east to Hamadan. Includes Assyrian (?) and Greek
D-1245 Map. Labelled "Map of Achaemenian Empire: Tome Darius-Xerxes"
D-1246 Map.. Tracing of area from top of Caspian Sea south to Makran, from Euphrates river east to the Hindu
Kush,Gives apparently Avestan place-names
D-1247 Map. Tracing of area from Assur east to Khunsar; from Bijar south to Hor Musa. Mainly Zagros
mountain region
D-1248 Map. Tracing of,mainly, Tigris-Euphrates valley with coast of Palestine: goes east to Isfahan, west to
Memphis. Pre-Achaemenid period . Modified version D-1249
D-1250 Map. Printed outline map with names and boundaries inserted.. "Persisches and Macedonisches Reich,"
Flussnetz Karten zu Kiepert's Atlas Antiquus
D-1251 Map Printed map (Reimer) of Achaemenian Empire
D-1252 Map.. Aleppo (two blueprints). Cf. Corpus, p1.1
D-1253 Map. Friedrich Delitzsch's modification of Keipert's Carte generale des provinces Europeenes et
Asiatiques de 1'Empire Ottoman for instruction in Assyriology
D-1254 Map. Survey of India, Southern Asia Series, North Persian Sheet (1914)
D-1255 Map. Sheet No.2 of map published in Paikuli, Tigris and northern Zagros area

D-1256 Map. Prussian "operationskarte" for Uxmija area (1918) with Herzfeld's travel route north of the
Kermanshah-Hamadan line in Kurdistan
D-1257 Map.. Keipert's "Syria, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Armenian Maior-" from Formaae Orbis Antiqui, 1910
D-1258 Map.. Keipert's Vorder-Asien, 1896 with Herzfeld's tracing of de Morgan's Mission 1888-91 and
Rawlinson, Zohab to Khuzistan, 183 6. Unmarked copy, D- 1259
D-1260 Map.. Kiepert "Asia Minor cum oxis ponti Euxini VII." In series Formae Orbis Antiqui, 1910
D-1261 Another copy of D-1250
D-1262 Map.. Egypt in Muslim times
D- 1263 Map.. Photo (two sections) of "Routenkarte von Nordwest-Persien," in report by A.F. Stahle in
Petermann's Mitteilungen,1907.Neg. 5540: Kaswin to Djulfa and Rescht; Neg.. 5540a: Hamadan to
Kaswin; Barfurush to Firuzkuh
D-1264 Map.. Photo (two sections) of "Reiseroute in West-Cilicien" (Match-June 1907).. Drawn by Herzfeld
and published in Petermann's Mitteilungen, 1909. Neg.5537 is left section, Neg.5537a is tight-hand
D-1265 Map.. Part No.2 (from Pul-i Murd to Shiraz) of "Routenkarte von Baghdad nach Shiraz", Petermann's
Mitteilungen, LIII, p1.7 (1907).. Neg.5539 is of Part 1, Neg.5539a of Part 2
D-1266 Map.. "Ubersichtsskizze von Dr.. Max v Oppenheim's Reise vom Mittelmeer zum Persischen Golf,
D-1267 Maps.. "Ubersichtskarte der Alien Kulturlandet Vorder-asiens..." Berlin, 1905
a.. Reste alley Epoche (nach Reisen)
b.. Basse-Mesopotamie, IVe siecle avant J-Chr.,
c.. Sudbabylonische Ruinen (Fisher)
d. Map with a few notations
D-1268 Map. "Lower Mesopotamia 1:1000000." From Baghdad to Persian Gulf, British War Office, 1907;
by German General Staff, 1911 and printed 1915
D- 1269 Map. German General Staff guide to sectional operational maps, including Near Eastern sheets, 1917

Catalogue of Contents

The references to N- and SK- refer to Notebooks and Sketchbooks in the Archive. The squeezes are divided into Arabic
script, Middle Persian and Cuneiform. The number of the squeeze comes first, followed by the negative number, when a
photographic negative exists.
Arabic No, 1 ( ) Imam Dur,478 H. Marked in red "SAM" (Samarra)
2 ( ) Mangur, 2nd door sgraffito. Marked "SAM"
3 ( ) Four duplicate squeezes, single line, numbered 3/3c. Marked in red "SAM"; in blue 499
4 ( ) Isfahan.. Imamzadeh Isma'il, tomb inscription, 6 lines. Marked in red 92a, See N-117, p.42 and
File 33-75
5 ( ) Isfahan. Chenar-i Dalbati., Square Kufic
and Naskhi.. See N-117, p.53 and SK-III, p.32
6 ( ) Isfahan. Imamzadeh Isma'il, Square composed of square Kufic. See N-117, p.44 and SK-III,
7 ( ) Isfahan. Imamzadeh Isma'il. Single line of Naskhi from tomb
8 ( ) Bistam. Single line, Kufic fleuri. Khodabandeh See N-118, p.31a
9 ( ) Bistam. Four squeezes single line Kufic fleuri. Khodabandeh, numbered 9/9c. See N-118,
10 ( ) Tus, Haxuniyya, Tombstone II. Marked "1" on four squeezes, numbered 10/10c. See N-118,
11 ( ) Tus, Haruniy.ya. Tombstone I Marked "2" on three squeezes, numbered 11/1 lb. See N-118,
12 ( ) Tus, Haiuniyya. Magbara. Two lines Naskhi. See N- 118, p.12
13 ( ) Tus, Haxuniyya. Magbara. Koranic side inscriptions. Two squeezes numbered 13/13a. See N-
118, p12c
14 ( ) Shiraz. Khatun. Seven lines of Naskhi, See N-117, p.131 and File 33-72
15 ( ) Shiraz. Shah Da'i Marked 2a.. See N-117, p.129
16 ( ) Shiraz Shah Da'i, Marked 2b. See N-117, p.,129
17 ( ) Shiraz., Khatun Medallion, Naskhi. See N-117, p.130 and File 13-(3), p.19
18 ( ) Shiraz, Shah Da'i Marked in red 926 or 92b, two lines. See N-117, p.128 and File 33-75,
19 ( ) Two panels wooden door, numbered 19/19a, Kufic, dated 363 H. See File 13-298
20 ( ) Two panels wooden door, numbered 20/20a. Kufic, dated 520 H. See File 13-299
21 ( ) Long panel of'wood or stone.. Naskhi and Kufic squares. Marked in red 89c.. See File 13-(3),
22 ( ) Inlaid metal tray with signs of Zodiac.. Whole field and two details, numbered 22/22b.. See
File 13-157-158
23 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. Three inscriptions numbered on back in red 79.. For top: see N-117, p,108
and SK-IV, p.52. For bottom: see N-117, p.110 and File 33-67
24 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara Ten-line Naskhi dated 881 H.., numbered in red 86.. See N-117, p.,102,
SK-V, p.54 and File 33-79. Melikian, pl..XII, pp,.34-35
25 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara.. Eight lines of Naskhi dated ca881 H. Marked on back in red 91b. 'Ali b.
Khalil b.Hasan, Aqqoyunlu. See N-117, p.101 and File 33-71, right
26 ( ) Pexsepolis, Tachara.. Five lines of Naskhi dated 826 H. Marked in red on back 80.. See N-117,
p.98 and File 33-77.. No.26a is squeeze of right edge
27 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara.. Writing by Ardashir graffito
28 ( ) Rayy. Iron plaque from door, dated 534 H.. See N-117, p.1 13, SK-I, p.33 and File 13-236
29 ( ) Sunghur, tombstone. Single line Kufic.. See N-117, p,4 and SK-I, p,28, top
30 ( ) Sunghur, tombstone.Borders in three sections, numbered 30/30b.. Kufic. See N-117, p3 01 .5
and SK-I, p.29
31 ( ) Kale-i Khusrawi (near Kermanshah). Tombstone. Kufic. See N-117, p. 10 and SK-I, p.30

32 ( ) Pasargadae. Tomb of Cyrus, mihrab.. Four sections, numbered 32/32c. See N-118, p.71 and
SK-IX, p.47
33 ( ) Pasargadae.. Tomb of Cyrus, sundial
34 ( ) Pasargadae. Palace R. Detail of colossal door figure. See SK-IX, p.28
35 ( ) Pasargadae. NE door at tomb of Cyrus. Fragment of Naskhi inscription on 2nd door frame.,
See SK-IV, p.3 and SK-IX, p.34
36 ( ) Pasargadae.. E door near tomb of Cyrus. Gateway of Salgharid Muzaffar Sa'd, 591-623 H. In
five sections, numbered 36/36d. See N-117, p.68 and opposite p.69
37 ( ) Pasargadae. At tomb of Cyrus. Sarcophagus I. Two squeezes numbered 37/37a, See N-117,
p.72 and SK-IV, p.,24
38 ( ) Pasargadae. Sarcophagus III. See N-117, p.74
39 ( ) Pasargadae, Sarcophagus IV.. See N-117, p.75
40 ( ) Pasargadae. N door of Mosque at tomb of Cyrus.. Four squeezes numbered 40/40c.. 40 - top
section, left upright; 40a - section of lintel; 40b - central section of lintel; 40c - right end of
lintel. See N-117, p.67 and File 11-(2)-256
41 ( ) Pasargadae, Tomb of'Cyrus, al-...
42 ( ) Taq-i Bustan. Section of carpet in King's boat. Two squeezes, numbered 42/42a, (These Taq-i
Bustan squeezes are included here to avoid another series of numbers)
43 ( ) Taq-i Bustan. Section of carpet
44 ( ) Taq-i Bustan. Textile pattern
45 ( ) Rim of metal jar or pitcher marked "No, 15. Inschrift auf ob. Rand"
46 ( ) Section of rim of metal tray.. Marked "No.16. Zodiacus"
47 ( ) Section of rim of metal tray. Marked "No. 15 Schulter u. Bauch"
48 ( ) Inscription on rim of unidentified tray
49 ( ) Roundel surrounded by inscription.. Marked "722"
50 ( ) Inscribed unidentified fragment, possibly stone
51 ( ) Section of large inscription on metal tray
52 ( ) Section of rim of tray, possibly with fish. Marked "568"
53 ( ) Possibly part of'No.522. Marked "No.26, grosse Inschrift"
54 ( ) Section of shoulder of inscribed metal jug or jar. Marked "No,. 17 Schulter"
55 ( ) Seven squeezes or pencil rubbings of inscribed border
56 ( ) Pencil rubbing of section of large inscription
57 ( ) Three squeezes of sections of narrow borders
58 ( ) Two squeezes marked "No.. 16 Inschrift auf Schulter"
59 ( ) Seated prophet or saint with halo. Possibly from a wood-block, ca. 5" x 6". Qajar period
60 ( ) Similar squeeze of warrior killing Div
61 ( ) Similar squeeze of two warriors fighting

Squeezes of Middle Persian inscriptions. The squeezes themselves are in metal files in the Archive, Details of the
squeezes are in the card catalogue.. The numbers of photographic negatives are given in parentheses. The first number is
the number of the squeeze,
No.1 (4303) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p.117
2 (4304) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli, p.119
3 (4305) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli., p.121
4 (4306) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p.123
5 (4307) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli,. p.125
6 (4308) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p.127
7 (4309) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p.129
8 (4310) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli p,131
9 (4311) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli p.133
10 (4312) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli.. p.135

11 (4313) Pahlavik, publ, Paikuli, p.137
12 (4315) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p.141
13 (4316) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p.143
14 (4317) Pahlavik, publ.. Paikuli., p.145
15 (4318) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p.147
16 (4319) Pahlavik, publ.. Paikuli. p.149
17 (4320) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p.151
18 (4321) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p.153
19 (4322) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p.155
20 (4323) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli, p.157
21 (4324) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli, p.159
22 (4325) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli.. p.161
23 (4326) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli, p.163
24 (4327) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p.165
25 (4328) Pahlavik, pubi.. Paikuli. p.167
26 (4329) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p.169
27 (4330) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli.. p.171
23 (4331) Pahlavik, publ.. Paikuli, p..173
29 (4332) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli., p.175
30 (4333) Pahlavik, publ, Paikuli. p.177
31 (4334) Pahlavik, publ.. Paikuli.. p.179
32 (4335) Pahlavik, publ, Paikuli. p.181
33 (4336) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli.. p..183
34 (4337) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli, p..185
35 (4338) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p.187
36 (4339) Pahlavik, publ.. Paikuli. p.189
37 (4340) Pahlavik, publ, Paikuli., p.191
38 (4341) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli. p..193
39 (4342) Pahlavik, publ, Paikuli.. p,195
40 (4343) Pahlavik, publ.. Paikuli.. p,197
41 (4344) Pahlavik, publ. Paikuli p..199
42 (4345) Pahlavik, publ.. Paikuli. p..201
43 (4346) Parsik, publ.Paikuli, p.10
44 (4347) Parsik, pubs Paikuli.. p.12
45 (4348) Parsik, publ..Paikuli., p..14
46 (4349) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p..16
47 (4350) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.18
48 (4351) Parsik, publ.Paikuli., p.20
49 (4352) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.22
50 (4353) Parsik, publ..Paikuli. p.24
51 (4354) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.26
52 (4355) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.28
53 (4356) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.30
54 (4357) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.32
55 (4358) Parsik, publ..Paikuli. p.34
56 (4359) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.36
57 (4360) Parsik, publ..Paikuli. p.38
58 (4361) Parsik, publ..Paikuli. p.40
59 (4362) Parsik, publ.Paikuli,, p.42
60 (4363) Parsik, publ..Paikuli. p.44

61 (4364) Parsik, publ..Paikuli. p.46
62 (4365) Parsik, publ..Paikuli, p.48
63 (4366) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.50
64 (4367) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.52
65 (4368) Parsik, publ..Paikuli, p.54
66 (4369) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.56
67 (4370) Parsik, publ..Paikuli. p.58
68 (4371) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.60
69 (4372) Parsik, publ..Paikuli.. p.62
70 (4373) Parsik, publ.Paikuli., p.64
71 (4374A) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.66
72 (4375) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.67
73 (4376) Parsik, publ.,Paikuli. p,.69
74 (4377) Parsik, publ.Paikuli, p.71
75 (4378) Parsik, publ.Paikuli.. p.73
76 (4379) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.75
77 (4380) Parsik, publ..Paikuli. p.77
78 (4381) Parsik, publ..Paikuli.. p.79
79 (4382) Parsik, publ..Paikuli. p.81
80 (4383) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p,83
81 (4384) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.85
82 (4385) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.87
83 (4386) Parsik, publ..Paikuli.. p.89
84 (4387) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.91
85 (4388) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.93
86 (4389) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.95
87 (4390) Parsik, publPaikuli.. p.97
88 (4391) Parsik, publ.Paikuli, p.99
89 (4392) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.101
90 (4394) Parsik, publ..Paikuli. p.103
91 (4394) Parsik, publ.Paikuli.. p.105
92 (4395) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.107
93 (4396) Parsik, publ.Paikuli. p.109
94 (4397) Parsik, pubLPaikuli. p.111
95 (4398) Parsik, publ.Paikuli.. p.113
96 (4399) Parsik, publ..Paikuli.. p.115
97 (4419) Pahlavik, unpublished..
98 (4418) Pahlavik, unpublished..
99 (4408) Pahlavik, unpublished.
100 (4402) Pahlavik, unpublished.
101 (4410) Pahlavik, unpublished..
102 (4417) Pahlavik, unpublished.
103 (4403) Pahlavik. Illus, in Frye, Heritage of Iran, fig.46
104 (4409) Pahlavik. Unpublished
105 (4428) Parsik, unpublished.
106 (4422) Parsik, unpublished.
107 (4423) Parsik, unpublished..
108 (4404) Parsik, unpublished.
109 (4427) Parsik, unpublished.
110 (4414) Parsik, unpublished. 777j
111 (4413) Parsik, unpublished,
112 (4421,4424). Parsik, unpublished.
113 (4415) Parsik, unpublished.
114 (4406) Parsik. Illus. in Frye, Heritage of Iran, fig.47
115 (4401) Parsik, unpublished.
116 (4400) Parsik, unpublished.
117 (4412) Parsik, unpublished.
118 (4405,4421) Parsik, unpublished.
119 (4407) Parsik, unpublished.
120 (4411) Parsik, unpublished..
121 (4435) Parsik, unpublished,
122 (4314) Pahlavik. Paikuli, p,.139
123 (4416) Pahlavik..Unpublished
124 (4431A) Pahlavik.Unpublished
125 (4426) Parsik, unpublished (?)
126 (4432) Parsik or Pahlavik
127 (4433) Parsik..
128 (4434) Paxsik.
129 (4429) Pahlavik.
130 (4429) Pahlavik.
131 (4429) Pahlavik..
132 (4429) Parsik
133 (1979) Persepolis, Tachara (the top 12 lines)

Squeezes of cuneiform inscriptions. The squeezes themselves are in metal files in the Archive, The first number is that
of the squeeze.. Where photographs of the squeezes exist, the negative numbers are given in parentheses, Details are on
cards in the card catalogue.

No. .1 (5053, bottom and 5038) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Lines. 1-6, left
2 (5058, top) Naqsh-i Rustam. Lines 7-12, left
3 (5049,bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Lines 13-18, left
4 (5055,top) Naqsh-i Rustam. Lines 21-26, night
5 (5063). Naqsh-i Rustam. Lines 25-32,left
6 (5054).. Naqsh-i Rustam, Lines 1-7, middle
7 (5052 and 5047) Naqsh-i Rustam. Lines 8-13, middle
8 (5050,top) Naqsh-i Rustam. Lines 13-20, middle
9 (5050,bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam. Lines 21-25, middle
10 (5035,bottom, 5064, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam.. Lines 25-30
11 (5056) Naqsh-i Rustam. Lines 31-40, middle
12 (5058, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam. Lines 1-6, right
13 (5035, top and 5064, top) Naqsh-i Rustam. Lines 7-13, right
14 (5049, top) Naqsh-i Rustam. Lines 14-20, tight
15 (5055, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam, Lines 19-24, left
16 (5057) Naqsh-i Rustam. Lines 27-34, right
17 (5053, top) Naqsh-i Rustam,. Lines 35-39, right
18 (5041, top) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "Akkad. L" Ha 1-5
19 (5041, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "Akkad. L" Ha 6-12
20 (5036, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "Akkad. L" IVa 19-24
21 (5040, top) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "Akk. Ia' 1-2"
22 (5036, top) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "Akk. IId 6-11
23 (5037, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "Akk M.. IIb 5-11"

24 (5040, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked.. "Akk, He 6-11"
25 (5045, top) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "Akk IVb 18-24"
26 (5042, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "Akk, r. IIIc 12-18"
27 (5042, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "Akk. r IVd 16-22"
28 (5044, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked.. "Akkr IVd 16-22
29 (5044, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "Akk. II b' 5-10"
30 (5045, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked.. "V 24-30"
31 (5037, top) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "Vie 36-39"
32 (5046, left) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked.. "Z 33-40 16"
33 (5046, right) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "7"
34 (5061, right) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "L bab Illa 13-19"
35 (5066) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked.. "bab L IIlb 12-19"
36 (5061, left) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "bab L Va 24-30"
37 (5062) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked.. "Bab L VIa 30-39"
38 (5039, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked.. "bab M Ib 1-6"
39 (5060, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "bab M. IlIc 11-18"
40 (5039, top) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked.. "bab M. IIId 12-16"
41 (5043, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "bab M. IVc 16-22"
42 (5042, top) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "bab Mitte V 23-26"
43 (5059, bottom) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "bab M. VIb 32-36"
44 (5059, top) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "bab. Vic 37-39"
45 (5043, top) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked. "bab.. R. Ic 1-5"
46 (5060, top) Naqsh-i Rustam: print marked.. "bab. R. Id 1-5"
47 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, squeeze marked. "28-31"
48 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, squeeze marked. "35-39", in black, "39"
49 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, squeeze marked. "28-33"
50 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, squeeze marked. "34-38".. Nos.. 50-53 appear to be, from the
nature of the squeeze, part of the same inscription as Nos.54-57,
51 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, squeeze marked. "35-39"
52 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, squeeze marked,. "35-38"
53 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, squeeze marked. "35-39"
54 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, squeeze marked. "NiR Z. 41-49 (2)".. Numbers 54-57 are clearly
parts of the Darius inscription
55 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, squeeze marked.. "Darius, NiR., Z., 41-49 rechts 4"
56 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, squeeze marked, "41-49"
57 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, squeeze marked. "42-48"
58 ( ) Bronze tablet. Front. AMI, vol.,II, p.117 and voLIX, p 159, p1.I, top
59 ( ) Bronze tablet, Rev. Same references,pi.l,bottom

The following are blueprints of squeezes,apparently made from negatives not in the Archive..
60 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Elamite text, 68a. File 33-47
61 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription.. Old Persian text, 69e File 33-45
62 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Old Persian text, 69a. File 33-45
63 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Old Persian text, 69b. File 33-45
64 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription,. Old Persian text, 69c,. File 33-45
65 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Old Persian text, 69d. File 33-45
66 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Old Persian text, 70f:. File 33-46
67 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription, Old Persian text, 70g File 33-46
68 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Old Persian text, 70e. File 33-46
69 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Old Persian text, 70d. File 33-46

70 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Old Persian text, 70b. File 33-46
71 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription,, Old Persian text,70g. File 33-46
72 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Old Persian text, 70a. File 33-46
73 ( ) Sarpul
74 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Babylonian text, 67h., File 33-48
75 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Babylonian text, 67e. File 33-48
76 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription, Babylonian text, 67b. File 33-48
77 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Babylonian text, 67a. File 33-48
78 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Babylonian text, 67d. File 33-48
79 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Babylonian text, 67c. File 33-48
80 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription, Babylonian text, 67f. File 33-48
81 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Babylonian text, 67g. File 33-48
82 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription, Elamite text, 681 File 33-47
83 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription, Elamite text, 68g. File 33-47
84 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Elamite text, 68c. File 33-47
85 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Elamite text, 68d. File 33-47
86 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Elamite text, 68a.. File 33-47
87 ( ) Persepolis, Great Terrace inscription. Elamite text, 68b. File 33-47
88 ( ) Persepolis. Tachara, stairway from S hall, eastern panel. Numbered 72. File 33-50
89 ( ) Persepolis. Stairway to forecourt Hadith-Tachara. 65a. File 33-53
90 ( ) Persepolis, stairway opposite Tachara.. 64a, File 33-56
91 ( ) Persepolis, stairway opposite Tachara. 64b,. File 33-56
92 ( ) Persepolis, stairway opposite Tachara. 65b. File 33-56
93 ( ) Persepolis, stairway opposite Tachara., File 33-56
94 ( ) Persepolis, stairway in front of'Apadana. 71a File 33-49
95 ( ) Persepolis, stairway in front of Apadana. 71c. File 33-49
96 ( ) Persepolis, stairway in front of Apadana. 71b. File 33-49
97 ( ) Persepolis, stairway in front of'Apadana,. File 33-49
98 ( ) Persepolis, stairway in front of Apadana., File 33-49
99 ( ) Persepolis, stairway in front of Apadana. 71d, File 33-49
100 ( ) Persepolis, stairway in front of Apadana., 7le. File 33-49
101 ( ) Persepolis. Between 2 forecourts. Joins No.102. 66a. File 33-57
102 ( ) Persepolis. 66d, File 33-57. Joins No, 101, (right edge missing)
103 ( ) Persepolis In second forecourt, 94. File 33-58
104 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. S stairway. 74a. File 33-52 right
105 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. S stairway. 74b. File 33-52 left
106 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. W stairway. 75a. File 33-42
107 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. W stairway,, 75b, File 33-42
108 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara.. W stairway.. 75c. File 33-42
109 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara,. S hall, W pier. Old Persian text, 76a. File 33-44
110 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. S hall. Babylonian text, 76b. File 33-44
111 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. S hall. Elamite text, 76c. File 33-44
112 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. S stairway, middle. 73a File 33-51
113 ( ) Persepolis, Tachara. S stairway, middle. 73b. File 33-51
114 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, Great lower inscription. 77-6. File 33-30, left
115 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, Great lower inscription. 77-5. File 33-30, right
116 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, Great lower, inscription. 77-3. File 33-32, right
117 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, Great lower inscription,. 77-4. File 33-32, left
118 ( ) Naqsh-i Rustam, Great lower inscription. 77-1. File 32-34, right
119 ( 5051) Naqsh-i Rustam, Great lower inscription. Last paragraph Elamite text b. 78-6. File 33-36b, left

120 (5051) Naqsh-i Rustam, Great lower inscription. Elamite text, c. 78-5. File 33-36b, right
121 (5034) Naqsh-i Rustam, Great lower inscription. Elamite text, e. 78-3. File 33-37, right
122 (5033) Naqsh-i Rustam, Great lower inscription. Elamite text, d. 78-4., File 33-37, left
123 (5048) Naqsh-i Rustam, Great lower inscription. Elamite text,78-2. File 33-40c
124 (5048) Naqsh-i Rustam, Great lower inscription. End of Elamite text, marked "g".. 78-7. File 33-41a,
125 (5046) Naqsh-i Rustam, Great lower inscription. End of Elamite text, marked "a". 78-7. File 33-41b

Note: The locations of individual squeezes which make up a panel are noted on the blueprints.

Catalogue of Journals, Notebooks and Sketchbooks

The material from the excavations at Samarra, except for the photographs mounted in Photo Files 19-23, is in an "S"
series, the drawings and maps are in the "D" series..

S-1 (large book bound in gray cloth 11 x 17"), marked "Samarra Fundjournal.." Contains 1161 entries of'finds with
sketches, location, description, date of discovery, Inventory number and cross-references to photographs and

S-2 (brown cardboard folder 9 x 11 '/2") Corrected page-proofs of Vol.VI, "Die Geschichte der Stadt Samarra"
(November 28, 1945)

S-3 Package of second copy of'page-proofs of Vol.VI

S-4 (white Scrapbook box) containing

:1 (green Tumbler notebook 4 3/4 x 8 3/4"), marked "Samarra Kleinfunde, Text-abb." Outline of illustrations with
Inventory numbers.
:2 (same), marked "Samarra," Miscellaneous notes dealing primarily with derivations and meanings of Arabic,
Persian and Greek terms
:3 Manilla envelope with airplane photographs of Samarra (British Airforce and British Museum)
:4 Small Manilla envelope of blueprints of photos in Item 3
:5 (green Tumbler notebook 7 3/4 x 10"), marked "Samarra" Arabic quotations dealing with place-names or the
uses of certain words
:6 (gray cloth-covered booklet 4 1/2 x 6 3/4") Workmen's payroll, Samarra January 9, 1911 - August 30,1911
:7 (small brown notebook 3 3/4 x 6 1/2"), marked "Kisten der 2ten Samarra Campagne". List of cases and contents
:8 (mottled green and tan cover 4 x 6 1/2") Another list of cases with Inventory numbers

S-5 (Large heavy cardboard folder 10 x 14"), marked "Samarra. Aufstellungen fur die Gesamtpublication, etc."
a.. An outline for the illustrations of a Samarra Publication, "Private Houses and Wall-decorations.."
b. Copy of the agreement between Prof. Sarre and Herzfeld governing the conduct of the Expedition
at Samarra, October 1, 1910
c. Herzfeld's "Entwurf fiir' die Publication des Materials von Samarra. Zugleich Inventar des
Photographien and Zeichnungen."
d.. Request from Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft .... for a brief report of work at Samarra for the annual
report.. September 16, 1918
e.. Draft of Herzfeld letter to the Generalverwaltung der Koniglichen Museen requesting a position as Assistant on an
Expedition in Babylonia or Assyria
(undated, but apparently in 1906 after Herzfeld's return to Berlin from his trip in Khuzistan)
f. List of 68 pages of road-maps, entitled "Expedition nach Mesopotamien."
g.. Printer's revised estimate of costs of publication of the first two volumes of the Samarra Series.
August 11,1919
h.. Copy of Prof'. Sarre's letter to Exz von Harnack, President of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft,
requesting funds for the Samarra publications. May 5, 1919

S-6 (black and gray notebook 8 1/4 x 10"), marked "Samarra Tagebuch I, Ernst Herzfeld." Covers period October 10,
1910 - September 11, 1911.. Account of trip from Berlin via Brindisi, Beirut, Raqqa, Baghdad, arriving in Samarra
January 9, 1911.. Followed by description of excavations through September 11,1911

S-7 (same), marked "Samarra, Tagebuch 2.. Reise nach Sulaimaniyyah and nach Ktesiphon-Baghdad.. Ernst Herzfeld"..
First pages are bibliographical notes on proposed trip,. Trip began (p.6) June 2, 1911; he arrived at Paikuli via
Khaniqin June 17th; back in Kerkuk June 24th and Imam Dur June 29th. Pp.51-53 draft of reply to Strzygowski's
review of "Die Genesis der islamischen Kunst...,, " Pp.58-62 notes on Gertrude Bell's Amurath; pp.,63-95 account of
round-trip Samarra to Baghdad-Ktesiphon, September 12th- October 8th, 1911; pp. 96-98 "Desiderata in Aleppo"
(Transliterated, typed copies of these two trips are in the Archive with "Journals")

S-8 (same), marked "Samarra, Tagebuch 3. Ernst Herzfeld," Contains description of'work in Samarra from October 11,
1911 to January 14, 1912 and trip via Baghdad emoute to Bombay

S-9 (same), marked "Tagebuch, Samarra, 2te Campagne. No.I Herzfeld left Berlin October 5, 1912, arrived in
Samarra November 30th,, Account of'second campaign of work through July 6, 1913.. In a note at the front of the
Journal Herzfeld wrote: "Die in diesem Buche enthaltenen Beschreibungen u. Deutungen sind durchaus nicht alle
richtig, sondern teilweise durch den Verlauf der Grabungs-ergebnisse verandert and moderiert worden. Z.B.. sind die
Untersuchung fiber Ellenmasse u. Proportionen der Bauten nicht publicationsfahig, sondern mussen auf Grundlage
der letzten Messungen an der Gr. Moschee samtlich nochmals durchgerechnet werden. Das bezieht sich auch auf
den anderen Tagebiicher,." Samarra, July 2,1913

S-10 (same), marked "Tagebuch der Ruckreise von Samarra 1913. Ernst Herzfeld July 8, 1913 - August 7, 1913. This
account of the trip via Kirind, Kermanshah, Bistun, Taq-i Bustan, and Kangawar stops at Asadabad. (A
transliterated, typed copy of the trip is in the Archive with "Journals")

S-11 (large folder of'heavy tan cardboard 9 1/2 x 13 1/2"), marked "Samarra, Holz". Contains water-colors of wooden
panels (Nos.D- 1234-1237) and miscellaneous drawings of'wood, stone and glass objects with cross-references to
sketchbooks (S-12-29) and to the "Fundjouinal"

S-12 (beige cloth-covered sketchbook 5 x 10"), marked "Samarra 1, Funde The inventory numbers noted in the
sketchbooks refer to entries in the Samarra Fundjournal (Archive No.S-1) where rough sketches accompany detailed
descriptions, location of finds, etc., cross-referenced to the sketchbooks of'measured drawings. In the Fundjournal,
the unpublished Houses have been re-numbered.. Herzfeld used In. as the abbreviation of Inventory in all his
references, so that is used here.. The number of the microfilm of each page is given in parentheses..

(7483) p.1 Fragments. Glass, pottery, mother-of-pearl., In..1/2

(7484) p.2 Fragments. Stucco decoration
(7485) p.3 Fragments.. Stone and wood. In. 16
(7486) p..4 Fragments. Stucco decoration of mihrab of Great Mosque and roundel of mother-of-pearl.
(7487-88) pp.5-6 Fragments. Stucco decoration, mihrab. Great Mosque.. In. 13
(7489) p.7 Notes on stone fragments of columns
(7490) p..8 Stone capital. In.40
(7491) p.9 Fragments of stone ornament.. In.38/39
(7492) p.10 Fragments of'stone ornament,. And water-color of potsherd. In.36
(7493-96) pp.11-14 Fragments of'stucco decoration of mihrab, Great Mosque.. In. 17/19
(7496) p.,14 Bronze hook and fragment of stone lion's head.. In,. 26
(7497) p.15 House III. Fragment of'stucco decoration, In.49
(7498) p..16 Fragment of'preceeding and alabaster inscription from Takrit.. In..50
(7499) p,,17 Stone and stucco fragments.. In..32/35
(7500) p.18 Base of jar, marble fragment, and pieces of wood from door of Great Mosque. In.21, 24, 28
(7501) p.19 Stone fragments.. In. 23, 30
(7502) p.20 Sections of'stucco panels. In.47/48
(7503) p..21 Small stone object and section of'stucco panel. In.56, 61
(7504) p..22 Fragments of stucco from House B; and a small marble capital. In.62/65
(7505) p.23 Sketches of stucco found by Viollet
(7506) p.24 Stone fragments of ornament. In.58/59
(7507) p.25 Fragments of stucco from House B
(7508) p..26 Two small pitchers from House 1 and crayon-colored section of painted stucco. In.71,76/77
(7510) p,,28 Sections of'3 small unglazed pitchers and fragments of'stucco from Houses I, II and III.. In.
74/75, 78, 81
(7511) p..29 Fragments of'stucco decoration from Houses II and III
(7512) p..30 Fragment of marble decoration and of stucco panel from House I. In.79/80
(7513) p31 Ornamented baked tile and fragments of stucco from House II.. In..254
(7514) p.32 Stucco.. Fragments from House II, In..82, 85
(7515) p.33 Stucco. Half-column; and stone and stucco ornament. In.83, 86

(7516) p.34 Stucco. Fragments
(7517) p.35 Stucco,, Fragments and stone base from House VI.. In.. 185, 189
(7518) p36 Three alabaster bases from House VI. In.186/188
(7519) p,37 Fragment of stucco and marble from Kurah.In.199
(7520) p.38 Fragments of large marble tray and rectangular plaque of carved bone. In. 110, 151, 196
(7521) p.39 Two small gray stone lamps. In.108, 126, 141
(7522) p.40 Fragments of deep bowl and shallow straight-sided bowl, both alabaster. In,95,116
(7523) p..41 Small clay animals and balls, In, 125, 129, 160, 168
(7524) p.42 Fragments of mother-of-pearl and glass. In. 111/112, 120, 176
(7525) p,43 Fragments. Two glass bowls. In.130, 169
(7526) p.44 Fragments.. Glass plate and bottle. In. 107, 128
(7527) p.45 Fragments.. Glass bottles. In, 102/103, 109, 123, 149
(7528) p,,46 Small glazed lamp, cover and spinning-whorl. In. 150

S-13 (same), marked "Samaria 2, Funde"

(7529) p.1 From Houses VII and VIII.. Stucco fragments.. In..206/207, 215
(7530) p.2 From House IX.. Stucco fragment, alabaster base and bronze bell. In.208/209, 219, 225
(7531) p.3 Small clay jug, bottle top of glass and two objects of copper and clay. In. 66/68, 195
(7532) P..4 Eleven small glass bottles. In.98, 100, 104, 118, 121, 123, 127, 136, 143
(7533) p.5 Twelve small glass bottles. In.97, 114, 145, 161, 177/178, 184, 198, 201, 203
(7534) p6 Fifteen small glass bottles and cups.. In..105, 118/119, 127, 131, 142, 201, 223
(7535) p.7 Eight small objects of bronze, copper or bone. In. 113, 122, 137/139, 144
(7536) p8 Twelve small objects of copper, bronze or stone. In. 144, 147, 154/155, 162, 191
(7537) P. 9 Nine small objects of bronze, copper or bone. In.165, 193, 202/203, 205, 226
(7538) p 10 Bone or ivory plaque, blue-glazed jar and yellow-glazed jar. In.88, 90, 224
(7539) p,,11 Two glazed jugs.. In.89, 92
(7540) p.12 Two-handled tall glazed jug and fragmentary glazed bowl. In.91, 94
(7541) p 13 Four glazed jugs or bowls. In.96, 115, 179, 190
(7542) p.14 Glazed jar, bowl and small lamp. In.99, 101, 181
(7543) p.15 Two small lamps, two bowls. In.124,146, 171,180
(7544) p.16 Small glazed lamp and fragment white porcelain bowl (Chinese). In. 192, 197
(7545) p.17 Iron spike and ring.. In, 150, 200
(7546) p.18 Two unglazed jars and a bowl. In.,158, 172/173
(7547) p.19 Three thin-bodied, unglazed pitchers. In. 132/133, 148
(7548) p..20 Unglazed pitcher, jar and cup. In, 159,183, 213
(7549) p.,21 House IX. Fragments stone pavement or dado and base (continued on p.22), In.57, 211, 220,
222, 227
(7550) P.22 Two copper bands from well in Great Mosque. In.241
(7551) P.23 Miscellaneous copper nails and appliques, mother-of-pearl ring. In.242, 243, 249
(7552) p..24 Two pierced alabaster plaques. In.245/246
(7553) p..25 Misc. stucco and stone vessels. In.244,247/248, 251
(7554) p.26 Carved legs of stone vessels. In.250
(7555) p.27 Fragments of two stone vessels. In.251/252
(7556) p.28 Decorated handles of three pottery jars
(7557) p29 Three decorated handles: 2 pottery, 1 marble. In.256, 262
(7558) p.30 Stucco relief (House IX) and 2 small glazed lamps. In.259, 261, 269
(7559) p..31 Fragments of'stone dish and legs. In.,260, 265
(7560) p32 Fragments of carved stone vessels. In.268, 270, 287/288
(7561) p.33 Fragments of carved stone vessels. In.265, 284, 287/288
(7562) p34 Fragments of carved stone vessels, In,284/285, 292

(7563) p.35 Fragments of carved stone vessels. In 292
(7564) p.36 Fragments of glass bottles. In.293
(7565) p.37 Six small glass bottles and cups; copper applique and nail. In.293/294, 327
(7566) p.38 Small glass bottle, glazed lamps and bone die In.283, 294, 326
(7567) p.39 Fragments of five glazed bowls or jars from Kurah, In273/277
(7568) p.40 Fragment of'stone dish; ornament of mother-of-pearl. In286, 325
(7569-70) pp.41-42 Fragmentary jars and jugs. In295/300. From Parthian cemetery, Shabbat al-Hawi, with
Islamic ruins on top.. Fund journal entries 295-384 (except for 299) are from this site
(7571) p.43 Two tall jars and bowls.. In,301/303
(7572) p.44 Five bowls from same site (except 308). In. 304/308
(7573) p.45 Five jars from same site. In..309/313
(7574) p.46 Four jars and bowls, In, 314/317

S-14 (same), marked "Samarra Funde 3"

(7575) p.1 Five small glass bottles.. In319/322, Objects on pages 1-16 are from Parthian cemetery,
Shabbat al-Hawi
(7576) p.2 One stone, three copper objects, pottery jar. In.323/324, 327, 329
(7577) p.3 Five alabaster vessels, In330/334
(7578) p.4 Glass tear bottles, iron object, pottery bowl. In.336/338
(7579) p.. 5 Pottery objects. In339/343
(7580) p..6 Two jars and beads, In. 344/346
(7581) p.7 Four bowls, one alabaster. In.347/348, 351/352
(7582) p.8 Two bowls, section of vase. In.349/350, 353
(7583) p.9 Three jars, stone spoons, In.354/356, 358
(7584) p.10 Parthian bowl, plaster cover. In.357, 360
(7585) p.11 Five small bottles, bronze legs, copper pieces In,358, 361/366
(7586) p.12 Two covers of'stone vessels, In,. 368
(7587) p.13 Marble cover and painted bowl. In.370/371
(7588) p.14 Six examples of pottery. In.372/375
(7589) p.15 Two small bottles, pottery, stamped clay.. In.376/378, 381/382
(7590) p.16 Fragments of glass. In. 380, 383/384
(7591) p.17 From House XVII. Fragments of stone and glass. In385/386, 388, 392
(7592) p.18 From House XVII. Fragments of marble and copper. In. 390/391, 393
(7593) p,19 From al- `Ashiq. Lustre bowl and stone vessel. In.443
(7594) p.20 From al- `Ashiq.. Marble object and stone leg, In.440, 444
(7595) p.21 From al- `Ashiq. Baked tile and stone legs. In.441, 444
(7596) p,22 From al- `Ashiq. Fragments stone box and cover. In.445, 447
(7597) p.23 From al- `Ashiq.. Fragments alabaster vessels. In.448, 450/452
(7598) p.24 From al- `Ashiq. Fragments alabaster vessels In.449/450
(7599) p..25 From al- `Ashiq.. Small copper or bronze vessels. In.452, 454/456
(7600) p.26 Misc. objects: bronze, copper, mother-of-pearl. In.457/458, 473/474
(7601) p.27 Qubbat al-Sulaibiyyah, Steel sabre blade, In471
(7602) p.28 al-'Ashiq. Misc. fragments of'pottery. In. 422/423, 425, 429/430
(7603) p.29 al-'Ashiq.. Lamp and two jars. In.420/421, 424
(7604) p.30 al-'Ashiq.. Fragments glazed pottery, glass bottle, coppers.. In416, 489/490
(7605-07) pp.31-33 Balkuwara. Fragments stucco decoration.. In.481, 483/484
(7607-08) pp.33-34 Manqur, Fragments large glass jug. In.482, 485
(7609) p.. 35 Fragments of window glass.. In,487
(7610) p.36 Fragments of'stucco and marble decoration.. In.483, 493
(7611) p.37 Fragment of window glass. In.487

(7612) p.38 Glass pitcher
(7613-15) pp.39-41 Fragments of stucco reliefs (al-'Ashiq) and small glass vial. In.511
(7616) p.42 Glass bottle and three fragments. In.500/501
(7617) p,43 Two glass handles and unglazed jug.. In,505/506
(7618) p.44 Small copper bowl; top of large unglazed jar.. In.508/509
(7619) p,45 Section baked brick stand; fragment of marble. In.510,517
(7620) p.45a Profile of jug
(7621) p.46 Bronze mortar (purchased)

S-15 (same) marked "Samaria Funde 4"

(7622) P.1 Miscellaneous Viollet finds at Ashiq
(7623) p,2 Fragments, three glass bottles, pitchers.. In461
(7624) p.3 Fragments of glass vessels. In,460, 462
(7625) p.4 Stone capital of mihrab, Great Mosque, and glass lamp
(7626-27) pp5-6 Bronze cup and fragments of true and imitation celadon, In.44, 54/55
(7628) p.7 Cover of'porcelain-like pottery
(7629) P.8 Fragment.. White porcelain-like bowl
(7630) p.9 Fragment.. Cover, thick green glaze on cream-white
(7631) p.10 Fragment. Base of whitish glass
(7632) p 11 Fragments. Two bowls: whitish and blue glass
(7633) p.12 Fragments. Whitish glass bowl and bottle top.In.389
(7634) p.13 Fragments.. Bottle top and lamp base of glass.In.547
(7635) p,14 Fragments.. Three glass bottle tops.. In.460
(7636) p.15 Fragments, Glass vase. In417
(7637) p.16 Fragments. Glass handles and sections
(7638-39) pp.17-18 Stone cover (In.513) and glass lamp from House VI. In.,552
(7640) p 19 Pieces or, mussel and marble decoration. In. 635, 693,703,752, 802, 829, 880
(7641) p20 Fragment of marble column (In.881) and pieces of teak beams
(7642) p,,21 Marble fragment

S-16 (same) marked "Samaria Funde 5"

(7643) p.l Fragments. Marble ornament. In.554, 625, 635
(7644-49) pp,2-7 Fragments.. Marble ornament. In..556, 559, 621/622, 626, 630/631, 634/635, 637
(7650) p.8 Fragment of painted, carved wood.. In, 652
(7651-52) pp 9-10 Fragments of painted panels (In,617, 651) and
piece of marble decoration (In,.627)
(7653) p..11 Fragment of marble decoration.. In629, 648
(7654) p 12 Sections of granite and marble columns. In. 628, 633
(7655) p,,13 Fragments. Marble decoration., In,555, 635, 637/638
(7656) p..14 Fragments,. Alabaster sockel and marble paving. In.620, 632
(7657-58) pp 15-16 Fragments.. Marble paving, In,620/621, 623, 639
(7659) p,,17 Fragments. Of marble and a wooden panel. In.624, 639, 657
(7660) p.18 Fragments. Painted, carved wood and roller., In.. 658, 660, 616
(7661) p..19 Pieces of'wood panelling and fragment of glass wall decoration.. In,660, 663
(7662) p20 Fragments of glass wall decoration.. In. 561
(7663) p,,21 Leaf-shaped glass for wall decoration.. In. 602
(7664) p.22 Pieces of glass wall decoration and fragments of window panes. In.561, 609
(7665) p.23 Fragments.. Glass window panes and vessels. In.562,604
(7666-67) pp,24-25 Fragments.. Glass vessels and cut inlays. In.606/607, 610/611
(7668/69) pp.26-27 Fragments.. Carved wood panels and mother-of-pearl inlays. In.557, 596, 662, 669/672

(7670) p.28 Fragments. Stone vessels. In.585,587
(7671) p.29 Fragments, Carved stone and wooden intarsia. In. 586/587, 597
(7672) p.30 Fragments. Wood and lacquer and window panes in plaster. In.597/599
(7673) p31 Miscellaneous copper objects, In,600
(7674-75) pp.,32-33 Iron nails, 6 small glass bottles and fragment of a "bomb." In601, 612, 649, 663, 671, 683,
(7676-77) pp.34-35 Fragments of wooden furniture. In.618/619, 653
(7678) p,36 Gold-plated copper nails and fragment of marble inlay. In664, 675, 697
(7679) p,37 Fragments. Marble decoration. In, 681, 684, 689
(7680-87) pp.38-45 Fragments. Marble for wall decoration or pavements. In,629, 656, 661, 691, 693, 698/699,
(7688) p.46 Fragments. Glass. In.707, 711/712
(7689) p.47 Copper clamp and floor tiles. In.708, 712

S-17 (same), marked "Samarra Funde 6"

(7690) p.l Fragments of stone decoration. In.717/718
(7691) p1 Shells inlaid in bitumen; wooden knob and fragments of glass bottles. In,.622/624
(7692) p.. 3 Small glass bottle; fragment of'stone pavement and plaster decoration (reconstructed in
In.728).. In.705, 721, 725
(7693-94) pp.4-5 Fragments.. Marble decoration, glass, mother-of-pearl and glazed tile. In.729, 730, 732/735
(7695-96) pp.6-7 Fragments.. Glazed tile,. In, 704,716,739
(7697-99) pp.8-10 Fragments. Carved marble decoration, In 732, 736, 738
(7700) p.11 Marble baluster. In,742
(7701-02) pp.12-13 Marble inlays or parts of pavement. In.737, 746
(7703) p.14 Fragments of carved marble decoration and lapis lazuli. In732, 736/737, 743
(7704) p.15 Mother-of-pearl inlays, green mosaic and marble fragments. In.732, 751, 740
(7705-06) pp.16-17 Stone inlays. In.751/753
(7707-09) pp. 18-20 Fragments of carved marble decoration. In.. 738, 751/752, 755 (752 continued on p.21)
(7710-18) pp.21-29 Fragments of wooden furniture and paneling.. In702, 774, 786, 793, 797, 809 (774 continued
on p.. 30)
(7719) p.30 Marble fragments (one without number)..In.587
(7720) p.31 Fragment of silver with copper applique (no number); six inscribed metal stamps (five
without numbers); three fragments glazed pottery. In, 590, 593, 600, 807
(7721-26) pp.32-37 Fragments. Vessels of plaster, earthenware or, stone. In.734, 790, 798, 816, 851, 885
(7727-34) pp..38-45 Fragments. Carved, sometimes painted, wood (teak) panels. In.,868/870, 890
(7735-36) pp.46-47 Two glazed handle palmettes; iron nails. In..762, 861

S-18 (same), marked "Samarra Funde 7"

(7737) p.1 Misc.. small bronzes and copper nails. In. 780, 825, 860
(7738-39) pp.2-3 Mostly bronze nail caps, some gilded; copper coin. In.670, 675, 697, 788, 825, 860
(7740) p,4 Two copper charms. In.788, 895
(7741-45) pp.5-9 Miscellaneous small objects in bronze, copper and iron, some gilded.. In,600, 769,788, 810,
825, 895
(7746) p.10 Iron nails; small clay plaque of men with traces of color. In.764,769,788, 825
(7747) p.11 Glazed tile. In795
(7748-49) pp, 12-13 Fragmentary wood and ivory objects. In.774, 783, 877, 886
(7750) p.14 Ebony and mother-of-pearl inlays. In.774, 783, 857, 886/887
(7751) p.15 Miscellaneous small objects of'wood and ivory.. In597, 783, 809, 823
(7752) p.16 Small wooden box with scrap inscribed paper; glass and plaster grillwork.In.597, 783, 893
(7754) p..17 Plaster buttons, whorls or appliques. In.. 658, 778, 823, 892
(7755) p,18 Carved wooden panel. In.,923

(7756) p.19 Carved wooden panel. With inscription (un-numbered)
(7757-58) pp.20-21 Carved wooden panel. Painted, In.. 924
(7759) p.22 Wooden or ivory inlays; copper clamps.. In.. 972/973
(7760-610) pp.23-24 Carved wood fragments.. In.,923/924, 963
(7762) p.25 Inscribed cut-glass pitcher from Kufa (Baghdad dealer)., No number
(7763-64) pp..26-27 Fragments of wood, copper applique and ebony inlay. In.980, 989
(7765) p..28 Glass and mother-of-pearl inlays. In,986
(1766-67) PP.29-30 Carved wooden panels. In.925. (Continued P. 31)
(7768-73) pp.31-36 Potsherds with stamped roundels. From Ghana'ur (purchase).. In985. See also S-19, pp.20-23
(7774) p. 37 Fragments of carved, painted wood. In.979
(7775) p.. 38 Heavy bronze hook. Inv.990
(7776-770) pp.39-40 Fragments of wooden door. In,965. Continued on p.41
(7778) p.41 Marble top of column (?). In.983
(7779) p.42 Sections black marble wall-covering; carved wooden panel,. In.925,983
(7780-82) pp43-45 Fragments of wall decoration, marble and tile. In.982, 984
(7782) p,45 Base of glazed plate (purchase). In.996
(7783-84) pp..46-47 Miscellaneous objects: ebony and bone inlays, glass bottles, edge of glass plate, copper
clamp, In.,979, 995, 997/999

S-19 (same), marked "Samaria Funde 8"

(7785-87) pp.1-3 Marble fragments from Throne-room: bird's head, camel's feet, water-spout etc.. In,.917/918
(7788) p,4 Fragments of stucco coating of column. In.,920
(7889) p.5 Stucco fragment from mihrab. No number
(7790-93) pp..6-9 Fragments of carved marble and stucco decoration. In913, 915, 966, 968, 977
(7794-97) pp.10-13 Flat marble shapes from wall covering or floor. In.916, 967
(7798-99) pp.14-15 Fragments.. Marble reliefs,one signed. In.966
(7800) p..16 Fragments.. Marble vessel and glazed tile. In.993/994
(7801) p.17 Fragments. Wall covering and camel's foot from paving. In.918, 984
(7802-03) pp.18-19 Decorated handles of pottery jars. Inv. 720, 762, 787, 806
(7804-07) pp.20-23 More stamped roundels on pottery from Ghana'ur' In.985. See also S-18, pp,31-36
(7807) p, 23 Throne-hall. Fragment of wooden capital (no number)
(7808) p.24 Throne-hall.. Fragments of wooden window frame and roller (no number)
(7809-10) pp.25-26 Marble sections of wall-covering. In.911
(9810) p.26 Section of floor; alabaster. In.912
(9811) p.27 Pieces of ordinary glass and glass tile. In.. 784, 887
(7812-13) pp..28-29 Pieces of glass tiles and plaster grill. In.750,779, 781, 887, 954, 987
(7814-27) pp.30-43 Fragments of glass vessels (many cut): handles, rims, tops of bowls, pitchers, cups, lamps, etc.
In.606, 734, 761, 767, 770, 799, 800, 805, 814, 827, 854, 856, 888, 899, 949, 951, 953, 970,
(7828-29) pp.44-45 Painted wooden panel and borders.. In874
(7830) p.46 Section of'wooden or marble archivolt. No number

S-20 (same), marked "Samarra Funde 9"

(7831) p"1 Three small copper coins from House VII (In. 166/167); parts of "bombs" from House XIV
(7832) p.2 Unglazed bowl and red cooking-pot.. In.419
(7833) p3 Part of wooden panel. No number
(7834) p.4 Copper clamps, In,944,972
(7835) p.5 Fragments. Pierced, polished pot.. In830
(7836) p..6 Fragments.. Carved stucco.. Viollet
(7837) p..7 Fragments.. White-glared, straight-sided bowl. In.930a

(7838) p.8 Similar to p.7 with blue-flecked rim. In.928a
(7839) p.9 One bowl similar to p.8.In.928c; and a blue, incised glass bowl. In,.855
(7840) p.10 Small steatite (?) cup.In.734; and wooden molding. In.793
(7841) p.1 l Carved agate seal, Achaemenian., Numbered 931,but number is incorrect
(7842) p.12 Frontal view of figure from Easter Island
(7843) p. 12a Rough outline of pattern, perhaps on bowl
(7844) p 13 Fragments of carved stucco
(7845-46) pp, 14-15 Water-colors of fragments of four pierced bowls, prehistoric

S-21 (same), marked "Samarra, Planaufnahmen 1"

These sketchbooks of Planaufnahmen (S-21/29) contain principally measurements for the preparation of architectural
plans or topographical maps.. Many of the plans are unidentified in the sketchbooks, but may be identified by a close
comparison with the finished drawings in the Drawing File (Nos.D-1016/1140).. Whenever the entry in the sketchbook
is identified, that is noted; otherwise the entry is simply described as "measurements for an architectural plan or
(7847-51) pp,1-5 Measurements for plans
(7852) p.6 Eight-sided marble column
(7852-55) pp.7-9 Plans for House IV (formerly called III), Qurainah
(7856) p.10 Stucco panels., Two walls of House I
(7857) p. I l Stucco panels. House IV, room 2 and House V, room 1
(7858) p.12 Stucco panels. House III, room 1 and House IV, rooms 1 and 3
(7859) p..13 Stucco panels, House II, hall
(7860) p.14 Plan of'House II (formerly I), S section and stucco panel
(7861) p,15 Stucco panels from House II
(7862) p.16 Plans of House III (formerly II).. See also pp.33-36
(7863-64) p.17 Stucco panel. House III, room 2 and topographical measurements
(7864) p.18 List of'workmen fined
(7865) p. 19 Plan of'House II (formerly I).. E section
(7866) p..20 Plan of House II (formerly I). W section
(7867) p21 Stucco panel, House II
(7868) p.22 Stucco panel, House II and plan,N section of courtyard
(7869) p,23 Stucco panel. House III
(7870-72) pp.24-26 Stucco panels from House VII
(7873-74) pp.27-28 Plans of House I and of House II (formerly I), N section
(7875) p,29 Stucco panels. House VIII
(7876-77) pp,30-31 Stucco panels, House VII
(7878) p.32 Plan. House VIII (formerly Va)
(7879-82) pp33-36 Plan. House III (formerly II) with stores, E section. See also p.16
(7883-84) pp,37-38 Plan.. House VII (formerly V), S section
(7885) p.39 Plan.. SW section of proceeding
(7886) p.40 Plan. House VIa and VIIa (formerly V), lower section
(7887-88) pp.41-42 Plan., House VI (formerly counted to V)
(7889) p..43 Plan. House VII (formerly counted to V), SE section
(7890) p.44 Plan. House VIa (formerly counted to V)

S-22 (same), marked "Samaria Planaufnahme 2"

(7891-7909) pp, 1-21 Measurements for architectural plans
(7910) p..22 Plan. House V (formerly numbered IV)
(7911) p23 Plan. House IX (formerly numbered VI), SE section
(7912) p.24 Plan. House X (formerly numbered VI), SW section
(7913) p,'25 Plan. House IX, between two courtyards

(7914) p.26 Plan. House IX (between 2nd courtyard and House X), NE section
(7915) p.27 Stucco panels in House XI (formerly VII), in Qatun.
(7916) p.28 Stucco panels in House XI (formerly VII), in Qatun,. Plan and more panels
(7917-18) pp.29-30 Water tiles and stucco panels in House XI
(7919) p.31 Stucco panels. House VII
(7920) p32 Stucco panels. House XI
(7921) p.33 Stucco panels., House VII, Qatun
(7922-25) pp.34-37 Stucco panels, House III
(7926) p.38 Unidentified panel and another from Houses IX and X (formerly VI)
(7927) p.39 Plans of Houses I and Ia
(7928) p.40 Stucco and moldings from Houses I, II (formerly I) and V

S-23 (same), marked "Samaria Planaufnahme 3"

(7929) p. I Stucco panels from House XIII
(7930) p.2 Pipe and door from House VIII
(7931) p.. 3 Stucco panels. House XIII
(7932-33) pp.4-5 Stucco panels. House XII
(7934) p..6 Plan of'House XIII (formerly IX)
(7935-36) pp.7-6 Stucco from House XII (formerly House IX) and plan of bath
(7937-38) pp,9-10 Plans of House XII, S and NW sections
(7939-40) pp.11-12 Stucco panels. House XII and plan of House XIV (formerly VIII)
(7941) p.,13 Stucco panels.. House XII
(7942) p.14 Stucco panels. House XIII
(7943-48) pp. 15-20 Stucco panels. House XII
(7949) p.21 Plan. House XII (formerly IX), SE section
(7950) p..22 Plan. House XII, S section; and House XIII (formerly IX), SE section
(7951-52) pp.23-24 Plan House XIII, dome-room and W section
(7953-74) pp,25-46 Measurements for architectural plan, possibly of'Balkuwara

S-24 (same), marked "Samaria Planaufnahme 4"

(7975-87) pp.1-14 Measurements for topographical map
(7988-93) pp. 15-20 Architectural plans
(7994-95) pp.21-22 Apparently sketch of roofing system
(7996-8004) pp.23-32 Measurements for plans and elevations
(8005-08) pp.33-35 Plans of a talar
(8009) p,36 Plan of mosque, Mangur
(8010-17) pp37-44 Other plans and elevations, Mangur (?)
(8018-19) pp45-46 Stucco panels in House XIe (formerly VII), Qatun

S-25 (same), marked "Samarra Planaufnahme 5"

(8020-25) pp,1-6 Measurements for topographical map and (p.6) Kufic inscription
(8026-27) pp.7-8 Two Kufic inscriptions and painted wall decoration, Imam Dur (?)
(8028-29) pp.9-10 Measurements for topographical map and (p.9) Plan and wall decoration
(8030-31) p..l0a-b Sketches of Imam Dur (?)
(8032) p.11 Measurements for topographical map
(8033) p..12 Marble fragments found by Miss Bell at Bait al-Khalifah
(8034-35) pp.13-14 Measurements for topographical map
(8036-37) p.15-16 Stucco panels
(8038) p..17 Measurements for hippodrome terrace
(8039) p.18 Stucco panels from Qasr al-'Ashiq
(8040-41) pp, 19-20 Measurements for map "Ausflug nach Tell al-Aswad," Dec.24, 1911

(8042) p.21 Plan of "Bartus-Tempel" with capital, etc.
(8043) p.22 Stucco panels. Houses VII and II
(8044) p.23 Stucco panels. Houses III and XII
(8045) p.24 Stucco panels. Houses III and XII
(8046) p.25 Stucco panels. House III
(8047) p.26 Stucco panels., House XII
(8048) p, 27 Stucco panels. Houses XIa and XII
(8049) p.28 Stucco panels,. Houses XId and XIII
(8050) p.29 Stucco panels. Houses X and XIc
(8051) p.30 Stucco panels, House XIII
(8052) p.31 Stucco panels. Houses XIII and XII
(8053) p.32 Stucco panels. House XII
(8054) p.33 Stucco panels. Houses II and III
(8055) p, 34 Stucco panels. Houses VII amd XVII (Djubairiyyah)
(8056) p.35 Stucco panels. House XV
(8057) p.36 Stucco panels.. House XVI
(8058-59) pp,37-38 Stucco panels. House XVII
(8060) p39 Stucco panels. No provenance given

S-26-28 (same), marked "Samarra Planaufnahme 6-8"

Each of these sketchbooks contains only measurements and sketches for plans of unidentified buildings or maps..
(8061-8106) Sketchbook 6
(8107-47) Sketchbook 7
(8148-92) Sketchbook 8

S-29 (beige cloth-covered sketchbook 5 x 8"), marked "Samarra kleine Plane."

(8193) p.1 Plan. al-Isha ain
(8194) p.2 Plan. sur al-Wastani
(8195) p.3 Plan. Dar Bakhtishu'.
(8196) p.4 Plan, sur al-Wastani
(8197-8200) pp..5-8 Measurements for topographical map
(8201-10) pp..9-18 Plans and details of unidentified buildings
(8211-12) pp. 19-20 Measurements for elevations
(8213-14) pp.21-22 Unidentified plans
(8215) p.24 Plan of building in Djubairiyyah
(8216) p.25 Profiles of details, Mshatta (?)

S-30 (large folder of heavy tan cardboard 9 1/2 x 13 1/2") marked "Samarra, Privathauser.." Contains measured
drawings of plans and architectural details with cross-references to sketchbooks (S-12/29) and to the Fundjournal.
The material on the houses should be studied in conjunction with the photographs in Photo Files 19-23 and the
unpublished plans and drawings in the "D" (drawings) file.
S-31 (large green heavy cardboard folder 10 x 13 1/2"), marked "Samarra, Geschichtliches.," Miscellaneous material
a: a letter to van Berchem (November 10, 1911) enclosing a copy of an inscription at Imam Dur with Herzfeld's
reading and related material;
b: a letter to Geheimrat Ed.. Meyer discussing the wall and moat at Samarra;
c: a discussion of the Arabic measurement "ell" inresponse to an article by C.. A. Nallino, Turin, 1893;
d: a letter to Dr.. Becker, Hamburg, March 15, 1913, describing revolutionary activities of Persians in Baghdad and
Anglo-Russian activities in Persia with comments on the Young Turks and the Persian Prince, Salar ad-dauleh;
e: a letter to Dr.. Becker,December 21, 1910, regarding fragments of papyrus with Arabic inscriptions found at
Samarra, together with pertinent photographs and sketches;
f: miscellaneous inscriptional material from Samarra and a plan of the Shiite sanctuary in 1911 with the
inscriptions of the sardab of the Mahdi;
g: clippings from German newspapers regarding the excavations at Samarra;

h. miscellaneous note, including two letters from Pere Anastase about changes in the Arabic readings in a
publication by Massignon and concerning the cupola at Salman Pak; a note on the Arabic musical scale; and
one on Gertrude Bell's publication, Ukhaidir

The numbers are those painted in red on the objects when they were listed by Dr, Richard Ettinghausen . Dimensions
are in millimeters
HI Heavy iron padlock with screw key.. L. 380, W. 178.. Islamic, 18th-19th c..
H2 Heavy iron padlock with screw key.. L,280,W.178.. Originally painted black, Islamic, 18th-19th c..
H3 Tinned copper ewer with flat sides, handle and spout. H.355,D.153.. Medallions with lion-mask and sun's rays.
Decoration of lozenges, palmettes and pseudo-script, Persian, Yazd, 19th c.
H4 Tinned copper basin with wide scalloped rim. H. 102, D. at top 268.. Persian, Yazd, 19th c..
H4A Tinned copper pierced seive belonging to H4. D. 178
H5 Fragments of badly corroded, crushed copper ewer, Kufic inscriptions on shoulder and sides. Persian, 11/12th c.
H6 Heavy bronze caldron with three legs. H, 178, D,.482, Two ring handles on top; 4 horizontal flanges on rim, two
with medallions with incised decoration of bands, Daghestan, 12-13th c.
H7 Round, shallow, eroded copper tray,, H..26, D.,242 Incised decoration: central medallion, interwoven bands; outer
border of scrolls and interwoven bands broken by of six medallions; inside and outside of outer border are
incised fish, Persian, 12-14th c.

H8 Folding wooden reading-stand with painted floral patterns. H.470, W.191.. Persian, 18-19th c..
H9 Musical instrument (Oriental lute, t with three strings and reddish wooden cocoanut-shaped sounding-box
covered with parchment.. Stem of wood, section with 3 hooks for strings, metal. L.750, D..of box 115.. Persian,
19th c. Also listed with this, but un-numbered, the wooden stem of a lute, painted black. L.455..W, 127
H10 Sounding-box and lower metal bracket for strings. L.318, D.,95. Persian, 19th c..
H11 Wooden box containing roughly rectangular sounding-box of stretched hide for a lute (?). Tin cigarette box
contains gut strings. L.242, W. 140, H..51.. Persian or Arab (?)
H12 Round box (papier mache) with raised floral decoration in yellow on red, green and black ground. H. 102, D. 142..
Persian or Syrian, 18-19th c
H12A Cover of'box in H12
H13 Round wooden box with painted design of heads and flowers. H.51, D,68. Persian, Qajar, 19th c..
H13A Cover of preceeding
H14 Small ball-like container without cover. 11.70, D..57. Black and white floral sprays on yellow ground.. Possibly
Persian, 19th c..
H15 Modern Bedouin club with knob of bitumen. L.533, D. of head 64
H16 Carved wooden mask of lion (right side missing). 546 x 292 x 40.. Probably Persian, possibly Isfahan, 17-18th c.
(photo in File 13-230)
H17 Carved fruit-wood lady's cigarette-holder.. L. 160, D.12., Floral decoration. Persian, 19th c..

H18 Alabastron of'yellowish white alabaster, lip damaged, H,.275, (Missing, but possibly that in File 13-224)

H19 Unglazed, pear-shaped bottle, top missing. Light reddish clay, 11.121, D,.50,. Parthian (?)
H2O Small tall vase with body tapering towards the foot and neck.. Light reddish clay. H. 190, D. of body 50, D. of top
and base 29, Parthian (?)
H21 Hemispherical bowl, light brown glaze in inside. Badly eroded, H,70, D. 118.. Parthian, Warka Inv. No.46a
H22 Bowl with pointed bottom, sand-colored glaze inside, eroded, H..96, D. 118 Paithian. Inv. No..46b
H23 Two-handled amphora with decomposed, iridescent glaze.. Parthian, 11,228, (Missing, but possibly Photo File 13-
H24 Small two-handled amphora with fluted body. Green glaze decomposed to gray.. H146. Parthian (Missing, but
possibly in Photo File 13-221)
H25 Jug with one handle. Parts of lip broken off. Green glaze, partly iridescent. H.222., Parthian, (Missing, but
possibly in Photo File 13-220)
H26 Flat-bottomed one-handled jug, top of neck broken off. Pitted blue glaze, decomposed to gray. H. 126 Parthian.
Inv. No,.52.. Photo File 13-221
H27 Globular vase, tapering to narrow foot and narrow neck. Green glaze mostly decomposed to silvery gray. H.115..
Parthian. Inv.Na,41
H28 Small globular jar with low neck and wide opening. Green glaze mostly decomposed to gray pitted surface..
H. 104. Parthian.. Inv.. No.42
H29 Flat canteen with two loop handles. Green glaze, mostly flaked off. H. 127.W.83, depth 45.. Parthian

H30 One-handled jug in form of kneeling female figure (Goddess ?) holding grapes, etc. (face gone). Yellow body,
badly eroded glaze, apparently turquoise and cobalt blue, H. 163, W.77, depth 72, Probably Paithian
H31 One-handled round lamp with long spout, Green glaze, partly iridescent.. L..102 x 64 x 45. Parthian. Marked
"Kaschan 05"
H32 One-handled polygonal lamp, tip of spout broken off. Green glaze mostly decomposed to silvery gray,, L. 90 x 64
x 51. Paithian. Illegible notation on the bottom
H33 Small lamp with pinched spout. Green glaze decomposed to a silvery gray. L..61 x 51 x 32. Paithian. Marked
"Der'" which may refer to Der ez-Zor in Iraq
H34 Lamp with pinched spout and handle. Partly iridescent glaze, H..45, D.90. Parthian
H35 Small vase with fluted body, top of'neck missing. Green glaze now mostly covered with golden iridescence.
H.76, D.64. Marked on bottom "Meyadin"(?).. Parthian
H36 Crude figure of'goddess (?).. Coarse earthenware with whitish glaze, Traces of'red and black color,, H. 153 x 57 x
26.. Possibly Neo-Babylonian
H37 Flat pottery piece in shape of'a double axe-head.. Traces of black and red color,, May be a human head(?) H.. 115
x 32 x 16.. Like H36, may be Neo-Babylonian
H38 One-handled jug, reddish clay with impressed double circles and inlaid bits of turquoise glaze. Bottom
blackened. H.102, D.102, Marked "Sasanid"
H39 One-handled jug with engraved wavy line on body and appliques on top of handle.. H. 115, D.127..Sasanian
H40 One-handled,jug, unglazed with incised and applied decoration with inlaid turquoise glaze chips.. H. 161, D. 178.
Sasanian. Photo File 13-49
H41 Bowl fragment with mottled decoration in yellow, green and purple glazes of Tang type,. Persia, 9th c. Marked
"Sawah" (several pieces missing).. (This item is missing, but may be that illustrated in Photo File 13-85/86
H42 Bowl with petal-shaped edge and 5 ridges on walls. White glaze, partly turned light brown. Imitation of Sung
pottery (several pieces missing).. Persian, 12th c..
H43 Large bowl with sketchy swastika in aubergine. One piece of wall missing. Swastika made of floral leaves and
stems. H.85, D.292. Marked "Sawah Persian, 11/12th c.. In Photo File 13-88
H44 Bowl with engraved design and holes piercing the walls. Turquoise glaze with pool in center. Several pieces
missing. H.64, D..141.. Persian, 12th c.
H45 Small white cup in imitation of Chinese Ting ware, White glaze partly turned brown.. Part of edge missing,, H.38,
D..76,. Persian, 11th c.
H46 Small bowl on narrow foot with decoration of holes pierced through the wall. Pale brown glaze with golden
iridescence.. H.54.D.115. Persian, 12th c..
H47 Jar. Yellowish body, underglaze cobalt and black decoration of broad band of zig-zag lines and black
"palmettes.." H32, D..64. Persian, 13th c..
H48 Vase.. Copper lustre, thin neck glazed cobalt inside. Band of birds in medallions on body with simulated
inscription.. H.. 14, D.90. Marked "Sawah". Persian, 14th c..
H49 Half' of a star tile with lustre decoration, cobalt and turquoise.. Palmettos and inscribed border.. Dated 627 H.. 190
x 91.. Persian, Kashan
H50 Vase in form of'seated figure (top of'head missing). Plain turquoise glaze with touches of cobalt, H132 x 64 x
92.. Persian, 13-14th c..
H51 Small octogon tile. Lustre decoration with central circle enclosing four Kashan leaves., One corner missing..
D..102, Persian, 13th c.. Inv. 1541. Photo File 13-183
H52 Small octogon tile. Lustre decoration with central rosette.. One corner missing and part of lustre rubbed off.
D. 115 Persia, 14th c.. Inv. 1566, Photo File 13-21
H53 Fragment of octogon tile. Copper lustre and cobalt blue. Diaper pattern, inscribed border. D. 153.. Persian, 14th c.
H54 Octogon tile. Cobalt blue with black and white interlaced bands.. D.83.. Persian, 14th c.. Inv.. 1567. Photo File 13-
H55 Trapezoidal tile. Turquoise, cobalt and black scroll and palmetto decoration. 146 x 57.. Persian, 13th c. Kashan
H56 Flower vase with high neck and three openings on the sides. Whitish body, white slip, cobalt underglaze design
of'scrolls and palmettos. Marked "Sawa." H.122, D. 104.. Persian, 17th c.
H57 Bowl. Blue and white decorations on the inside and outside. Design of hookah-smoking man in center roundel..
D. 136. Persian, 17th c.. (Missing)
H58 Bowl. Yellowish body, blue underglaze decoration of insects (butterflies ?). H.42, D83, Persian, 15/16th c.. Rim
H59 Bowl.. White body, underglaze blue and aubergine decoration of gazelles, trees and birds on white. H.40, D..77,
Persian, 16th c.. Rim repaired
H60 Plate. White body, blue underglaze floral design.. Simulated Chinese characters on base. Piece of'rim missing.
H.26, D,134. Persian (Nayin?), 17th c.
H61 Square tile, polychrome.. Two figures seated in garden. 185 x 26. Persian, Qajar, 18/19th c.

H62 Fragments of lustre ware. Persian, 9th c,
H63-H65 American Indian pottery (returned at Herzfeld's request to Dr. Ettinghausen)
H66 Seventeen potsherds from Sistan. Sent at Herzfeld's request to J.M. Upton Returned to the Archive 11/11/74
H67 Box of ostraca with Pahlavi inscriptions. Sent at Herzfeld's request to the British Museum (microfilms in the
H68 Cigar box with torso of'small animal and fragments of'what appear to be one or more larger animals,. The
material is a coarse earthenware or stucco with traces of red and possibly black color. Provenance not given
H69 Box marked "Pasargadae" with three pottery fragments
H70 Small cardboard box with 16 potsherds, surface finds from Kuh-i Khwaja
H71 Cigar box with miscellaneous potsherds and glass. Unmarked
H72 Plaque. Possibly horse's head with traces of'red color. 140 x 65. Was with H68, but may not belong there
H73 Earthenware stamp (?), Hard-fired reddish clay with figure of human bust in double oval frame with one pair of
short streamers.. Possibly Indian, 19th c., .51 x 70 x 20
H74 Earthenware mold of hard-fired clay with tan slip. Stylized unit of flowers and leaves. 83 x 40 x 17, Possibly
Indian, 19th c..
H75 Earthenware mold of hard-fired yellow clay. One edge broken and missing. Pattern of single leaf with traces of
black in hollows. Possibly Indian, 19th c.
H76 Flat pottery fragment, whitish clay, Unmarked

H77 Green glass vial with flared neck and stippled body. H..95, D..32.. Islamic, 10/12th c..
H78 Lavendar glass vial with fluted body. H. 115, D.38. Syrian, 12th c.
H79 Heavily corroded thick glass ring in mille fiore technique (broken, two pieces).. D,95, thickness 7. Marked "2968
Hats" which may stand for Harsin (prehistoric)
H80 Five fragments of'glass rings in mille fiore technique
H81 Tapered turquoise green vial (repaired, top edge missing). H.82, D..28.. Marked "Sawa," Inv2513 Persian,
10/12th c.. (Ref. SK-XXVIII, p.8)
H82 Tapered green glass pin. L.82. Islamic, 9/12th c.

H83 Pair of druggist's scales with round horn trays, Probably English, 19th c.

H84 Fragment with carved pattern of triangular units. 115 x 95. Islamic. Provenance not given
H85 Fragment with carved pattern. 140 x 90 x 40. Possibly surface find near Taq-i Kisra. Sasanian
H86 Fragment of carved border with arabesques and traces of blue color. 150 x 230 x 45.. Persian, 12/13th c,
H87 Hexagonal tile with word al-malik in relief on blue ground. 80 x 35.. Persian, 12th c.. (marked H88, but H87 on
Ettinghausen's list)

Bone or Ivory
H88-H94 Small objects of'bone with human heads or circular ornaments on Ettinghausen's list and sent at Herzfeld's
request to Edward Cans, New York. Illustrated in Photo File 13-41/42.
H95 Die for playing dice. 50 x 6.. Islamic, 9/10th c.. Photo File 13-43

Painted plaster
H96 Three small cardboard boxes, marked in red 1-3... Contain samples of painting on plaster from excavations at
Pasargadae.. Achaemenian See Photo File 2-150/155

H97 Slate tablet with geometric patterns in relief on both sides, Arabic writing (possibly worker's signature) on one
H98 Carved gray stone leg of stand, marked "Sam 281," probably Samaria.. L.,60, D20, Islamic, 9-12th c.
H99 Dark gray stone ornament in shape of'prism. L. 25 x 10.. Islamic

11100 Vase with small opening, top rim restored.. Plain celadon-colored glaze, 11.120, D.145. Persian, 16/17th c..
H101 Bowl with palmette design in blue and black on white ground.. Floral branches on outside. Persia, early 13th c..

A. Fragment of fluted attached column, marble, marked "Korykos," 90 x 102 x 50
B. Stone fragment from Sar Mashhad with Pahlavi script. Shows extremely fragile, flake-like character of the cliff.
200 x 160 with several small chips
C. Plain wooden ring. D, 85 Numbered H89, but replaced on Ettinghausen's list
D. Herzfeld's personal seal with Kufic lettering,, On long metal handle
E. Herzfeld's personal annotated copy of Zoroaster (2 vols.)

With the exception of the artifacts listed above, those appearing in Herzfeld's Inventories (Archive Nos. N-89-92) are
now widely scattered in private and public collections, including those at the Natural History (Field) Museum and the
Oriental Institute (Chicago), the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), the Freer Gallery of Art (Washington), the
British Museum (London), the Staatliches Museum (Berlin-Dahlem) and the Altes Museum (Munich). Professor
Herzfeld sold his library to the Metropolitan Museum of Art when he left Princeton. With the volumes was included a
miscellaneous assortment of notebooks, sketchbooks, photograph albums and maps of'which a summary listing is on
file in the Archive, through the courtesy of Mrs.. Prudence Oliver Harper, Curator, Ancient Near East Department,,

The Writings of Ernst Herzfeld

This bibliography, compiled by Dr.. George C. Miles, was published as a tribute to Professor Herzfeld on the occasion
of'his sixtieth birthday in Ars Islamic. VII (Ann Arbor 1940), pp..82-92. He published a supplement in Archaeologic
orientalia in Memoriam Ernst Herzfeld, (Locust Valley, 1952), pp..279-280; and added another item in a recent letter.,
The asterisks and comments in brackets were added by Dr., Richard Ettinghausen, editor of'Ars Islamica to aid those
users particularly concerned with Islamic matters.. They have kindly permitted this bibliography to be included with the
catalogue of the Herzfeld Archive..



1.. Passrgadae, Aufnahmen and Untersuchungen zur persischen Archaeologie. (Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der
Doktorwurde genehmigt von der Philosophischen Facultat der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Berlin) Berlin,
August 5, 1907.. 32 pp., 1 pl.. (Pp.. 1-28 correspond to pp.. 1-28 of No.7 below; pp.. 29-31 contain a summary of the
second part of'No.7; the plate is identical with Pl. I of No.7)
*2.Samarra, Aufnahmen and Untersuchungen zur' islamischen Archaeologie.. Berlin, 1907.. viii +92 pp., 23 text illus., 8
*3 Untersuchungen fiber die historische Topographie der Landschaft am Tigris, kleinen Zab and Gebel Hamrin.. In
Memnon, Zeitschrift fur die Kunst-und Kultur-Geschichte des Alten Orients, I (Leipzig, 1907), 89-143, 9 illus.., 217-
38, 2 illus., 1 map..
*4. Eine Reise durch Luristan, Arabistan and Fars.. In Pettermans Mitteilungen.. LIII (Gotha, 1907), 49-63, 73-90, 1
map (being P1.7 of the volume)..

5.. C.F. Lehmann-Haupt, Materialien zur alteren Geschichte Armeniens and Mesopotamiens.. Berlin, 1907.. In Memnon.
Zeitschrift fur die Kunst- and Kulturgeschichte des Alten Orients, I (Leipzig, 1907), 265-67..
6.. General de Beylie, L'Architecture des Abbasides au IXe siecle, Paris, 1907. In Memnon, I (Leipzig, 1907), 267-68,



7.. Pasargadae, Untersuchungen zur' persischen Archaologie. In Klio. Beitrage zur alten Geschichte, VIII (Leipzig,
1908), 1-68, 3 pls.. (Cf. No.l above..)
8.. Herbaraufnahmen aus Kal'at-Serkat-Assur. Beihefte zur orientalischen Literatur-Zeituns (Berlin, 1908), pp.29-37..



9.. Hellenistisches aus Kilikien: Olba, die Stadt der Teukriden.. In Sitzungs-Berichte der archaologischen Gesellschaft zu
Berlin, No. 34, Marz-Sitzung (Berlin, 1909), 13-22..
10.. Eine Reise durch das westliche Kilikien im Fruhjahr 1907. In Pettermans Mitteilungen, LV (Gotha..1909), 25-34, 1
map (being P1.3 of the volume).
*11.Uber die historische Geographie von Mesopotamien.. Ein Programm. In Pettermans Mitteilungen, LV (Gotha,
1909), 345-49..
12.. S.Guyer u. E..Herzfeld, Einige Ergebnisse ihrer, ....... archaologischen Forschungsreise durch Kilikien.. In
Archaeologischer Anzeiger, Jahrbuch des kaiserlich deutschen archaologischen Instituts (Berlin, 1909), Marz-
Sitzung, cols. 433-50

*13. Das heutige Persien. In Pettermans Mitteilungen.. LV (Gotha, 1909), 190-92..
(This is a review of Eugene Aubin's' La Perse d'aujourd'hui..)
* 14.. L.. d.. Olmer, L'industrie persane, Rapport sur une mission scientifique en Perse.. In Petermanns geographischer
Literatur-Bericht fur 1909 (Gotha, 1909), p.170..
15.. Ed.. Gaebler and E. Oppermann, Schulwandkarte von Palastina zur Zeit Christi. In Orientalistische Literaturzeitung,
XII (Leipzig, 1909), cols. 484-85.
16.. Adolf Michaelis, Ein Jahrhundert kunst-archaologischer Entdeckungen. Leipzig, 1908.. In Zeitschrift fur Geschichte
der Architektur, III, Hft.. 1 (Heidelberg, 1909), 22..



17.. Friedrich Sarre and Ernst Herzfeld, Iranische Felsieliefs, Aufnahmen and Untersuchungen von Denkmalern aus Alt-
und Mittelpersischer Zeit. Berlin, 1910.. 277 pp., 115 text illus. (in a separate folio) 2 maps, 51 pls. (This, the
original edition, was limited to some 100 copies. In 1920, but still dated 1910, an unauthorized reprint was issued
with plates reduced in size and bound in with the text volume)
* 18 Die Genesis der islamischen Kunst and das Mshatta-Problem, In Der Islam, I (Strassburg, 1910), 27-63, 19 text
illus.,, 4 pls.,; 105-44, 4 text illus.,, 1 pl..
19. Das Alter der altpersischen Keilschrift, In Zeitschxift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, LXIV
(Leipzig, 1910), 63-64,
20.. Denkmaler aus alt- and mittelpersischer Zeit. In Wochenschrift fur klassische Philologie. XXVII, No.51 (Berlin,
December 19, 1910), cols. 1410-11 (A report of E.H.'s communication to the Archaologische Gesellschaft zu
Berlin. March 1, 1910..)

*21 Friedxieh Sarre, Erzeugnisse islamischer Kunst. Teil II: Seldschukische Kleinkunst, In Orientalistische
Literatuizeitung, XIII (Leipzig, 1910), cols. 214-17.
22, Heinrich Kohl, Kasx Firaun in Petra. 13.. Wissenschaftliche Veroffent-lichung der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft, In
Orientalistische Literatuizeitung. XIII (Leipzig, 1910), cols. 413-14.
*23.. Dr. A, Noldeke, Der Heiligtum al-Husains zu Kerbeld In Orientalistische Literatuxzeitung, XIII (Leipzig, 1910),
cols.. 449-54.
24. Richard Kiepert, Karte von Kleinasien. In Orientalistische Litexaturzeitung, XIII (Leipzig, 1910), cols.. 548-49.
25. Sir W.M.Ramsay and Gertrude L. Bell, The Thousand and One Churches., London, 1909.. In Berliner philologische
Wochenschrift, XXX, No.43 (Berlin, October 22, 1910), cols. 1354-55..



*26.. Friedrieh Sarre and Ernst Herzfeld, Archaologische Reise im Euphrat- and Tigris-Gebiet (Foxschungen zur
islamischen Kunst, I, herausgegeben von Friedrich Sarre). Vol..1, Berlin, 1911.. xii +252 pp,,, 132 text illus.,, 2
maps.. Vol.III, Berlin, 1911.. xii pp.., 120 pls. (For Volumes II and IV, see the year 1920.)

*27 Die Qubbat al-Sakhra, ein Denkmal fxuhislamischer Baukunst.. In Der Islam, II (Strassburg, 1911), 235-44, 1 plan
in the text..
1,,.1 41 .i l.. x1L.1 j t W l31
*28, J' ) Translation by Kazim al-Dudjaili,. In Lughat al-`axab, Pt.3 (Baghdad,
Ramadan, 1329 H..,- 1911 A.D..), 81-94..

*29 ^'JAL P'd' %04 tJ Translation by Kazim al- Dudjaili,. In Lughat al-'arab, Pt.5 (Baghdad, Shawwal,
1329 H. - 1911 A,D.), 134-46..

*30 Max van Berchem and Jos., Strzygowski, Amida. In Orientalistische Literaturzeitung. XIV (Leipzig, 1911), cols..
397-435. (This is more than a review; it should actually be listed as an article,.)
31.. Zu Strzygowski's Aufsatzen in Der Islam Bd.lI, 79 ff, u.. OLZ 1911 Nr4.. In Der Islam, II (Strassbuxg, 1911), 411-
13... (On two articles by Strzygowski, one dealing with Herzfeld's "Die Genesis der islamischen Kunst" (No.18
above), the other "Felsendom and Aksamoschee.")
*32 C.F.. Lehmann-Haupt, Armenien einst and jetzt, Reisen and Forschungen. Bd.I: Vom Kaukasus zum Tigris and
nach Tigranokerta. In Petexmanns geographischer Literaturbericht, Pettexmans Mitteilungen.. LVII (Gotha,
1911), 151.



*33. Erster Vorlaufiger Bericht fiber die Ausgrabungen von Samaria, mit einem Voxwort von Friedrich Sarre.
Herausgegeben von der Generalverwaltung der koniglichen Museen. Berlin, 1912.. xii + 49 pp.., 10 text illus.,, 15

*34. Die Ausgrabungen in Samarra and das Verhaltnis der friihislamischen Kunst zum spaten Hellenismus. In
Archaologischer Anzeiger, Jahrbuch des kaiscrlich deutschen archaologischen Instituts (Berlin, 1912), April-
Sitzung, cols. 135-40,
*35. Die deutschen Ausgrabungen in Samarra.. In Leipzig illusrierte Zeitung. August 22, 1912, pp. 335-39, 11 illus.

36 G. Schumacher, Karte des Ostjordanlandes. In Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, XV (Leipzig, 1912), co1.,365.



*37, 'Anna (Kusair'Anua, das "kleine Kastell'A.").. In Enzyklopaedie des Islam,' I(Leiden end Leipzig,1913), 353-55;
Encyclopaedia of Islam. I (Leyden and London, 1913), 336-39..

'Hereafter abbreviated EI(G) for the German and EI(E) for the English edition.. The volume year, not the fascicle
year, is cited throughout.

*38,. Arabeske In EI(G), I, 380-84.. 2 pls.; Arabesque.. EI(E), I, 363-67.. 2 p1s,

*39, 'Askar Samarra oder'Askar al-Mu'tasim. In EI(G), I, 507-8; EI(E), I, 488-89.
*40 Babil., In EI(G), I, 570-71; EI(E), I, 548-50..
*41. Bakhtegan ode' Pi6agan. In El(G),I, 625-26; Bakhtigan EI(E), I, 601,
*42. Balis In EI(G), I, 645-46; EI(E), I, 620-21..
*43.. Bam In EI(G), I, 667; EI(E), I, 640-41,
*44. Bampur. In EI(G), I, 670-71; EI(E), I, 644
*45. Barimma.. In El(G), 1,687; EI(E), I, 660..
*46. Bawazl4j, odes Bawazi4j al-Malik. In EI(G), I, 712; El(E), I, 683..
*47.. Bawlaan. In El(G), 1,712; EI(E), I, 683-84..
*48. Birs, auch Birs Nimrud, In EI(G), I, 756-57; EI(E), I, 726..
*49. Bisutun. In EI (G).I, 764-65; EI(E),I,734,

*50. H.. v., M2ik, Reise des Araber's Ibn Batuta durch Indien and China.. In Orientalistische Literaturzeitung,. XVI
(Leipzig, 1913), col. 81..



51, Die Aufnahme des sasanidischen Denkmals von Paikuli..'In Abhandlungen der koniglich preussischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften, Phil,-Hist. Klasse. Nr.,1 (Berlin, 1914). 29 pp., 2 text illus., 3 pls.
*52. Mitteilung caber die Arbeiten der zweiten Kampagne von Samarra..In Der Islam, V (Strassburg, 1914), 196-204, 1
plan in text.
*53, Mashhad'Ali, ein Bau Zengi's II a..H 589.. In Der Islam.. V (Strassburg, 1914), 358-69, 5 text illus., 5 pls..
54.. Hatra In Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, LXVIII (Leipzig, 1914).. 655-76..
55.. Hana et Mari In Revue d'assyriologie et d'archeologie orientale, XI, No.3 (Paris, 1914), 131-39, 3 text illus.



*56 Die Tabula ansata in der islamischen Epigraphik and Ornamentik. In Der Islam. VI (Strassburg, 1916), 189-99, 14
text illus.
*57. Alongoa. In Der Islam.. VI (Strassburg, 1916), 317-27.

*58, Zur Flurys Aufsatz Bd. VI, 71 ff. In Der Islam.VI (Strassburg, 1916), 210-14..
(On S.. Flury's "Die Gipsornamente des Der es-Surjani." Der Islam, VI, 71-87..)


*59.. Heinrich Gliick, Der Breit- and Langhausbau in Syrian, auf Kultur-geographischer Grundlage bearbeitet.
Heidelberg, 1916. In Archiv fir Wiitschaftsforschung im Orient, III, Hft.. 1/2 (Weimar, 1917), 2 pp.



60. Archaologische Parerga:. I, Kinalma - Kizwadna. II. Hypsomata. In Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, XXII
(Leipzig, 1919), cols. 212-14.
*61. Archaologische Parerga: III. Das assyrische Zeit, IV. Das Gemalde "Die Konige der Erde." In Orientlistische
Literatuizeitung, XXII (Leipzig, 1919), cols,249-56, 4 text illus.
62. Vergangenheit and Zukunft der Erforschung Vorderasiens. In Der neue Orient.. IV (Berlin, 1919), 313-23.

*63.. J. Stizygowski, Die Baukunst der Arrnenier and Europa. In Archiv fir Geschichte and Aesthetik der Architektur,
in Wasmuths Monatshefte fur Baukunst. IV (Berlin, 1919), 1-14.
*64. "Cur me quaerellis exanimas tuis?" In Archiv fur Geschichte and Aesthetik der Architektur (see No.. 63 above), IV
(Berlin, 1919), 98-99.. (Further notes on Strzygowski's Die Baukunst der Arrnenier and Europa.)



65 Am Tor von Asien, Felsdenkmale aus Irans Heldenzeit. Berlin, 1920.. xii + 164 pp., 44 text illus., 65 pls..
*66 Friedrich Sane and Ernst Herzfeld, Archaologische Reise im Euphrat- and Tigris-Gebiet (Forschungen zur
islamischen Kunst, I, herausgegeben von Friedrich Sarre).. VoLII, Berlin, 1920 xii +395 pp., 245 text illus., 2 maps,
VoLIV, Berlin, 1920.. viii +59 pp., 22 text illus., 27 pls.
(For Volumes I and III, see the year 1911..)
*67, Der Thron des Khosro, Quellenkritische and ikonographische Studien fiber Grenzgebiete der Kunstgeschichte des
Morgen- and Abendlandes.. In Jahrbuch der preussischen Kunstsammlungen, XLI (Berlin, 1920), 1-24, 103-47, 36
text, illus., 2 pls.
68. Archaolosische Parerga: V. Die assyrische Saule. In Orientalistische Literaturzeitung. XXIII (Leipzig, 1920), cols.

Streck, Seleucia and Ktesiphon ("Der Alte Orient," hrsg. Von der Vorderasiat. Gesellschaft, XVI, 1917, 3/4).. In
69.. M..
Petermanns geographischer Literaturbericht, Petermanns Mitteilungen.. LXVI (Gotha, 1920), 175..



*70..Mshatta, Hira and Badiya, Die Mittellander des Islam and ihre Baukunst. In Jahrbuch der preussischen
Kunstsammlungen. XLII (Berlin, 1921), 104-46, 17 text illus., 10 pls.
*71, Khorasan. Denkmalsgeographische Studien zur Kulturgeschichte des Islam in Iran. In Der Islam.. XI (Stiassburg,
1921), 107-74, 2 maps..
72.. Khattische and Khaldische Bronzen.. In Festschrift zu C.F.Lehmann-Haupts Sechzigstem Geburtstage,
herausgegeben von K. Regling and H. Reich, in Janus, Arbeiten zur alten and byzantinischen Geschichte, Hft.. I
(Wien and Leipzig, 1921), 145-57, 1 text illus.., consisting of 22 drawings.
*73.. 'Baubeschreibung,' in Moritz Sobernheim, Die Inschriften der Moschee von Hims. In Festschrift zu C.F. Lehmann-
Haupts Sechzigstem Geburtstage (see No. 72 above), Hft.. I (Wien and Leipzig, 1921), 233-39, 2 text illus.



*74.. Die Gumbadh-i-'Alawiyyan and die Baukunst der Ilkhane in Iran.. In A Volume of Oriental Studies, Presented to
Edward G. Browne ,......on his 60th Birthday. Cambridge, 1922.. Pp.. 186-99, 7 pls
*75. Eine Bauinschrift von Nizam al-mulk. In Der Islam.. XII (Strassburg, 1922), 98-101, 1 text illus..
*76. Max van Berchem, geb, den 16.. Marz 1863, gest. den 7. Marz 1921.. In Der Islam.. XII (Strassburg, 1922), 206-13..

*77, Etimologia d'al-gaysariyyah. In Oriente modern, I (Rome, 1922), 691.
*78.. Dr. Paul Schwarz: Iran in Mittelalter nach den arabischen Geographen. IV.. Leipzig, 1921. In Der Islam, XII
(Strassburg, 1922),131-38.
79. Theodor Dombart, Der Sakralturm. I. Teil: Zikkurat. Mnnchen, 1920. In Der Islam, XII (Strassburg, 1922), 240-42.
*80. Max Herz Pascha, Die Baugruppe des Sultans Qalaun in Kairo.. Hamburg, 1919. In Der Islam.. XII (Strassburg,
1922), 242-43.
*81. Dr. ing.. Adolf Neynaber, Die Wehrbauten des Iraq, Berlin, 1920. In Der Islam. XII (Strassburg, 1922), 244..
*82, Dr. ing. Karl Muller, Die Karawansarai im vorderen Orient, Berlin, 1920. In Der Islam, XII (Strassburg, 1922),
*83.. Captain K.. Archie C. Creswell, A Brief' Chronology of the Muhammadan Monuments of Egypt to AD. 1517..
Cairo, 1919.. In Der Islam, XII (Strasbburg, 1922), 246-48..


*84.. Der Wandschmuck der Bauten von Samarra and seine Ornamentik.. Volume I, Die Ausgrabungen von Samarra
(Forschungen zur islamischen Kunst, II, herausgegeben von Friedrich Sarre).. Berlin, 1933.. xii + 236pp., 321 text
illus., 101 pls.

*85. Dr.-Ing. Karl Muller,. Die Karawanserai im vorderen Orient, Berlin, 1920, In Orientalistische Literaturzeitung,
XXVI (Leipzig, 1923), cols.. 175-76..


86.. Paikuli, Monument and Inscription of the Early History of the Sasanian Empire (Forschungen zur islamischen
Kunst, III, herausgegeben von Friedrich Sarre). Berlin, 1924.. 1. xiv + 248pp. 42 text illus.., 2 maps; II, 228 pls..



*87.. (Friedrich Sarre, Die Keramik von Samarra), Anhang I, Epigraphinches.. Volume II, Die Ausgrabungen von
Samarra (Forschungen zur islamischen Kunst, II, herausgegeben von Friedrich Sarre). Berlin, 1925.. Pp.. 81-92, 30 text

88.. Les Monuments nationaux de la Perse. Conference faite a Teheran, le 13 aont 1925. Brochure 2, Publications de la
societe Athare Melli (Teheran, 1925). 20 pp.. (accompanied by Persian translation,

27 pp.).



*89, Reisebericht.. In Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. Neue Folge V (Leipzig, 1926), 225-84.
90. Eine neue Darius-Inschrift aus Hamadan. In Deutsche Literaturzeitung.. Neue Folge III (Berlin, 1926), cols. 2105-8..
*91, Einige Biicherschatze in Persien.. In Ephemerides Orientales (Otto Harrassowitz), No.. 28 (Leipzig, 1926), 1-8..

*92, Friedrich Sarre, Ardabil, Grabmoschee des Schech Safi.. Denkmaler persischer Baukunst, Teil II.. In Deutsche
Literaturzeitung.. Neue Folge III (Berlin, 1926), cols. 174-77..
*93.. KA.C.Creswell, The Origin of the Cruciform Plan of Cairene Madrasas.. Cairo, 1922.. In Deutsche
Literaturzeitung.. Neue Folge III (Berlin, 1926), cols.. 417-23..
*94. Andre Godar'd, Ghazni.. Samuel Flury, Le Decor epigraphique des monuments de Ghazna. Paris,1925. In Deutsche
Literaturzeitung. Neue Folge, III (Berlin, 1926), cols, 668-71..



*95. Die Malereien von Samaria. Volume III, Die Ausgrabungen von Samaria (Forschungen zur islamisehen Kunst,II,
herausgegeben von Friedrich Sarre), Berlin, 1927. 111 pp.., 83 text illus.., 88 pls.
*96. Haditha (al-Mausil, al-Furat, DZr'Lh).. In EG(G), II (Leiden and Leipzig, 1927), 206-7; EI(E), II, 194-5.
*97. Hafrak. In EI(G),II, 228; EI(E), 215..
*98. Ha'ir odes Hair. In EI(G), II, 234; EI(E), II, 221..
*99 Hamrrn. In Ei(G), II, 269; EI(E), 11,254.
*100. Harba. In EI(G), II, 282; EI(E), 11,266.
101. The Past in Persia: I.. The Prehistoric Period, to the Rise of Achaemenian Rule in Iran, 550 B.C. In The Illustrated
London News. November 19,1927, p,926, 7 illua. and supplementary text on p.905..
102.. The Past in Persia: II.. The Achaemenian Period: Remarkable Discoveries at Persepolis (550-330 BC.). In The
Illustrated London News, December 24.,, 1927, p..1148, 3 illus.; 5 illus, and supplementary text on p..1146; 4 illus.
and supplementary text on p..1147..
103. Translated by Matin Daftariin

JA,uT a4!
No. 3 (Teheran, 1305 H), 65 pp..

4,1)13 cjj , )
out JA-a
Translated by M. Minoviin No. 4 (Teheran, 1305 H.).. 23 pp., I pl..



105.. A New Inscription of Darius from Hamadan.. Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India.. No. 34. (Calcutta,
1928), iii + 7 pp.
106.. A New Asokan Inscription from Taxila. In Epigraphia Indica.. XIX, Pt.VI, No.41 (Calcutta, 1928), 251-53, 2 pls..
107.. Volker and Kulturzusammenhange im Alten Orient. In Deutsche Forschung, Aus der Arbeit der Notgemeinschaft
der deutschen Wissenschaft (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Hft.. 5 (Berlin, 1928), 33-67.
(Also translated into Georgian by L. Tschubinaschwili, Tiflls, 1931)
108. Drei Inschriften aus persischem Gebiet.. In Altorientalische Studien. Bruno Meissner, zum sechzigsten Gebuitstag,
am 25. April 1928 Gewidmet von Freunden, Kollegen and Schiilern. I (Leipzig, 1928), 81-86, 3 text illus.
109.. La Sculpture rupestre de la Perse sassanide. In Revue des arts asiatique, Annales du Musee Guimet, V, No.. III
(Paris, 1928), 129-42, 8 pls.
110.. The Hoard of the Karen Pahlavs. In The Burlington Magazine.. LII, Mo.. CCXCVIII (London, 1928), 21-27, 1 pl..
11 l.. The Past in Persia: III.. The Hellenistic and the Sassanian Period: From 330 B.C. to 630 AD. In The Illustrated
London News. February 11, 1928, p.204, 3 illus..; 9 illus. and supplementary text on p.205..
* 112.. The Past in Persia:.. IV.. The Muhammedan Period, Since 630 AD,- Treasures of Bygone Architecture. In The
Illustrated London News, August 18, 1928, pp.310-11, 10 illus.



113.. Bericht fiber die Ausgrabungen von Pasargadae. In Archaeologische Mittellungen aus Iran, herausgegeben von
Ernst Herzfeld, I (Berlin, 1929), 4-16..3 pls.. and a map.. (Hereinafter abbreviated AMI )
144.. Rapport sur 1'etat actuel des mines de Persepolis et propositions pour leur' conservation. In AMI, I (Berlin, 1929),
17-40, 30 pls., 1 map.. Accompanied by a by a Persian translation:

)O Wyl)
x,w)lr fro JJO1 t53 volts "15)14

,1T46 $4g73 . ut tee. i j4

pp. 1-24 == 41-64.,
* 115. Bericht fiber archaologische Beobachtungen im sudlichen Kurdistan and Luristan. In AMI, I (Berlin, 1929), 65-
75, 1 text illus., 6 pls..
116.. Zarathustra, Teil I: Der geschichtliche Viitaspa. In AMI, I (Berlin, 1929), 76-123.
117.. Masjid-i-Sulaiman, In Naft, APOC Magazine. V, No.6 (London, 1929), 5-8, 3 text illus.
118.. Prehistoric Persia: I.. A Neolithic Settlement at Persepolis - Remarkable New Discoveries. In The Illustrated
London News, May 25, 1929, p.892, 5 illus., 14 illus.. and supplementary text on p.893.
119.. Prehistoric Persia: II.. A Revelation of the Early Bronze Age Craftsman's Mastery in the Arts of Metal-Work,
Jewellery, and Painted Pottery, In The Illustrated London News.. June 1, 1929, p.942, 4 illus, 24 illus., with
supplementary text on pp943-45.
120. Prehistoric Persia: III.. Wonderful Relics of the Stone and Bronge (sic!) Ages: New Light on the Art Affinities of
Early Civilizations,. In The Illustrated London News June 8, 1929, p.982, 4 illus.,; 10 illus.. and supplementary text
on p.. 983..



121.. Die vorgeschichtlichen Topfereien von Samaria. Volume V, Die Ausgrabungen von Samarra (Forschungen zur
islamischen Kunst, II.. herausgegeben von Friedrich Sarre), Berlin, 1930.. 110 pp.,, 240 text illus., 47 pls.
122.. Kushano-Sasanian Coins.. Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India, No.38 (Calcutta, 1930), vi + 51 pp., 24
text illus.,, 4,. tables, 4 pis..
123.. Meriamlik and Korykos, Zwei Christliche Ruinenstatten des Rauhen Kilikiens: Aufnahmen von E. Herzfeld, mit
einem begleitenden Text von S.. Guyer. Monuments Asiae Minoris Antigua (Publications of the American Society
for Archaeological Research in Asia Minor), Vol. II (Manchester University Press, 1930).. 207 illus.. (including plans
and maps).
124.. Vishtaspa. In Dr. Modi Memorial Volume ... edited by The Dr. Modi Memorial Volume Editorial Board (Bombay,
1930), pp,,182-205.
125, Zarathustra, Teil II: Die Heroogonie. In AMII (Berlin, 1930), 125-68.
126.. Zarathustra, Teil III: Der Awestische Vigtaspa. In.AMI, I (Berlin, 1930), 169-85, 1 table.
127.. Zarathustra, Teil IV: Zarathustra and seine Gemeinde, In AMI, II (Berlin,1930), 1-48.
128.. Zarathustra, Teil V: Awestische Topographie. In AMI, II (Berlin, 1930), 49-98..
129.. Zarathustra, Nachwoit.. In AMI, II (Berlin, 1930), 99-112.
130.. Ariyaramna, Konig der Konige In AMI, II (Berlin, 1930), 113-27, 5 text illus.
131. Die sasanidischen Quadrigae Solis et Lunae In AMI, II (Berlin, 1930),128-31, 1 text illus..
132. Hettitica.. In AMI, II (Berlin, 1930), 132-64, 7 text illus.,, 1 table, and 7 pls.
133.. Hettitica (Schluss). In AMI. II (Berlin, 1930), 165-203, 4 illus.. and 10 pls.
134.. Dareios Soter, In AMI.. III (Berlin, 1930), 1-11..
135.. Spendarmat-Demeter.. In AMI, III (Berlin, 1930), 12-25..
136.. Ein sasanidischer Elefant. In AMI, III (Berlin, 1930), 26-28, 1 text illus.,, 4 pls..



137. Die Magna Charta von Susa. Teil I: Text and Commentar, In AMI, III (Berlin, 1931), 29-81, 1 sketch map in text
and 3 tables.
138.. Die Magna Charta von Susa.. Teil II: Die Gatha des Dareios, In AMI, III (Berlin, 1931), 83-124, 1 text illus..
139.. Sakastan, Geschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den Ausgrabungen am Knh i Khwadja In AMI, IV (Berlin, 1931), 1-
44, 3 sketch maps..
140.. Anhang I : Stilkritische Untersuchung and Datierung der Steinbilder. In Max Freiherr, von Oppenheim, Der Tell
Halaf. Eine neue Kultur im altesten Mesopotamien (Leipzig, 1931), pp,.225-33.. See also the English version:
141.. Appendix I: Stylisitic Investigation and Dating of the Stone Carvings.. In Baron Max von Oppenheim, Tell Halaf.
A New Culture in Oldest Mesopotamia, translated by Gerald Wheeler (London and New York (no date)), pp,. 258-
71.. (Revised and translated without Herzfeld's knowledge,)



142. A New Inscription of'Xerxes from Persepolis. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization (The Oriental Institute of
the University of Chicago), No.5 (Chicago, 1932).. viii + 14. pp.., 5 pls.
143. Iranische Denkmaler, Lieferung I, Reihe I (Vorgeschichtliche Denkmaler): A. Tafeln I-XVIII, Steinzeitlicher
Hugel bei Persepolis (Berlin, 1932). 18 pp. 20 text illus.., 18 pls.
144. Iranische Denkmaler Lieferung 2, Reihe I (Voigeschichtliche Denkmaler): B. Tafeln XIX-XXX, Steinzeitlicher
Hugel bei Persepolis (Berlin, 1932) 12 pls..
145, Sakastan, Geschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den Ausgrabungen am KU h i Khwadja. In AMI, IV (Berlin, 1932),
45-116, 1 sketch map.
146, Xerxes' Charta von Persepolis. In AMI, IV (Berlin, 1932), 117-39.
* 147. Postsasanidische Inschriften. In AMI. IV (Berlin, 1932), 140-56, 11 text illus., 1 plate.
148. Aufsatze zur altorientalischen Archaologle: I.. Geschichte and Vorgeschichte. In AMI, V (Berlin, 1932), 1-48.



149. The Traditional Date of'Zoroaster. In Oriental Studies in Honor of Cursetji Erachji Pavey, edited by Jal Dastur
Cursetji Pavey, with a Foreword by A..V.Williams Jackson, Oxford, 1933. Pp. 132-36.,
150. Iranische Denkmaler. Lieferung 3/4, Reihe I (Vorgeschichtliche Denkmaler): B. Tafeln I - XXVII, and Tabelle,
Niphauanda (Berlin, 1933).. 19 - 26 pp., 4 text illus., 1 table, 27 pis.
151.. Aufsatze zur altorientalische Archaologie: II.Stempelsiegel., In AMI, V (Berlin. 1933), 49 - 103, 25 text illus., 3 pls.
152.. Aufsatze zur altorientalische Archaologie: II.. Stempelsiegel (continued). In AMI, V (Berlin, 1933), 105-24, 17 text
153.. Smerdis and Pseudosmerdis. In AMI, V (Berlin, 1933), 125-42..
154.. Summa imis confundere.. In AMI.. V (Berlin, 1933), 143-48.,
* 155. 'Die Konige der Erde' zu'Der Islam' XIV, 402-6. In AMI, V (Berlin, 1933), 149-52.
156.. Mythos and Geschichte.. In AMI, VI (Berlin, 1933), 1 - 109.
157.. Triumphs of'Digging at Persepolis In The Illustrated London News.. February 11, 1933, p.207, 5 illus. (article not
written by E.H., but based on his report..)
158.. "The Magnificant Discovery" at Persepolis. In The Illustrated London News.. March 25, 1933, p.406, 2 illus..; 7
illus.. with supplementary text on pp. 401-5..
159.. The Great Persepolis Discovery. In The Illustrated London News, April 1, 1933, p.453, 4 illus.; 8 illus. with
supplementary text on pp.. 454-55..
160.. Xerxes in Ancient Persian Art: The Colour 'of Treasures from the Great Persepolis Discovery, In The Illustrated
London News, April 8, 1933, p 488, with 3 illus, in color and supplementary text..



161.. Aufsatze zur altorientalischen Archaeologie, III: Der Tell Halaf and das Problem der hettitischen Kunst. In AMI,
VI (Berlin, 1934), 111-223, 1 text illus., 5 pls.
162.. Eine Silberschfissel Artaxerxes' I.. In AMI, VII (Berlin, 1934), 1-8, 2 text illus., 4 pls.
163. Medisch and Paitisch, In AMI, VII (Berlin, 1934.), 9-64, 1 sketch map.
uuo-W t5t (& CY1 "Af
In No.6Teheran, 1312H.,)..
13 pp.., 4 pls.



165.. Archaeological History of Iran (The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy, 1934). London, 1935. xii + 112
pp.., 13 text illus.., 20 pls.
* 166 (Epigraphical Notice appended to) Imam Zade Karrar at Buzun, A Dated Seldjuk Ruin, by Myron Bement Smith.
In AMI, VII (Berlin, 1935), 73-81..

167 Xerxes Areios. Beitrag zur medischen Geschichte and zum achaemenidischen Heerwesen (Aufsatze zur
altorientalischen Archaeologie, III (wrongly listed as IV in the Table of Contents of the Heft)). In AMI, VII (Berlin,
1935), 82-137.



168. Uga- Eos. In Annuaire de l'institut de philologie et d'histoire orientales et slaves, N, Pt.. 2 (Melanges Franz
Cumont) (Bruxelles, 1936), 731-53..
* 169.. A Bronze Pen-Case. In Ars Islamica, III (Ann Arbor, 1936), 35-43, 2 pls.
170.. Der Tod des Kambyses: hvamr9yug amryata. In Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies. VIII (Indian and Iranian
Studies Presented to George Abraham Grierson on his Eighty-fifth Birthday 7th January, 1936). London, 1936.. Pp..
171.. Iranische-Kunst and Religion and die Inschriften.. In Oostersch Genootschap in Nederland Verslag von het Achtste
Conies gehouden to Leiden op 6-8 Januari, 1936, pp, 12-20, 1 pl..
172.. Die Einwanderung der Iranier.. In the same publication as No.. 169 above, pp.60-62..
173.. The Iranian Religion at the Time of Darius and Xerxes. In Religions, The Journal of Transactions of the Society
for Promoting the Study of Religions, No, 15 (London, 1936), 20 -28.. (A lecture delivered to the society on February
174, Die Religion der Achaemcniden.. In Revue de Phistoire des religions (Annales Musee Guimet), CXIII (Paris,
1936), 21-41.. (A lecture delivered before the VIe Congres de l'histoire des religions. Bruzelles, September
175. Die Silberschusseln Artaxerxes' des I.. and die goldene Fundamenturkunde des Ariaramnes. In AMI, VIII (Berlin,
1936), 5-51..
176.. Xerxes' Verbot des Daiva-Cultes.. In AMI, VIII (Berlin, 1936), 56-77..
*177.. Arabische Inschriften aus Iran and Syrien. In AMI, VIII (Berlin, 1936), 78 -102, 7 text illus.

178.. George G.. Cameron, History of Early Iran, Chicago, 1936.. In Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society. XXIII
(London, 1936), 654-59..



179.. Old-Iranian "Peership".. In Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, VIII (London, 1937), 937-45.
180.. Die Kunst des zweiten Jahrtausends in Vorderasien (I.. Teil). In AMI, VIII (Berlin, 1937), 103-60, 123 text illus..,
11 pls..



181.. Altpersische Inschriften. Erster Erganzungsband zu den archaeologischen Mitteilungen aus Iran.. Berlin, 1938, viii
+384., pp., 20 text illus., 16 pls.
182.. Die Kunst des zweiten Jahrhunderts in Vorderasien (II. Teil), In AMI, IX (Berlin, 1938), 1-79, 177 text illus., 1 pl..
183.. Axvarta-xvarnah = Naphtha.. In AMI, IX (Berlin, 1938), 80-89.
184.. Khusrau Parwez and der Taq i Vastan. In AMI, IX (Berlin, 1938), 91-158, 28 text illus., 12 pls..
185.. Bronzener'Freibrief eines Konigs von Abdadana. In AMI, IX (Berlin, 1938), 159-77, 1 text illus., 1 sketch map, 1
186.. Notes on the Achaemenid Coinage and some Sasanian Mint-Names. In Transactions of the International
Numismatic Congress ... June 30-July 6, 1936, edited by J. Alien, H. Mattingly and E..S.G. Robinson (London,
1938), pp.. 413-26, 32 text illus..
187.. Iran as a Prehistoric Centre, by Ernst Herzfeld and Sir Arthur Keith. A Survey of'Persian Art (London and New
York, 1938),1,42-58.,


188.. The Aryan Myth of Naphtha (sic).. In lime Congres mondial du petiole. Paris 1937 (IV, Section V: Economie et
statisti ue (Paris, 1939), 21-23..


189. Iran in the Ancient East. Archaeological Studies Presented in the Lowell Lectures at Boston., London and New
York, 1941.. x +364 pp., 421 text illus,, 131 pls.


* 190. Damascus: Studies in Architecture, I. The Mukarnas Dome The Madrasa, In Ars Islamica. IX (Ann Arbor, 1942),
1-53, 40 text illus.., 17 pls. (For Parts II-IV, see 1943, 1946, 1948.)


* 191 Damascus: Studies in Architecture, II.. The Cruciform Plan. Syrian Architecture, Period of Nur al-Din.. In Ars
Islamica. X (Ann Arbor, 1943), 13-70, 29 text illus.., 34 pls.. (For Part I, see 1942; Parts III-IV, see 1946, 1948.)


* 192.. Damascus: Studies in Architecture, III.. The Ayyubid Madrasa. The Turba. In Ara Islamica, XI-XII (Ann Arbor,
1946), 1-71, 87 text illus., 25 pls. (For Parts I-II, see 1942, 1943; Part IV, see 1948)
*193. Friedrich Sarre. In Ars Islamica, XI-XII (Ann Arbor,1946), 210-12.



194.. Early Historical Contacts Between the Old-Iranian Empire and India.. In India Antigua: A Volume of Oriental
Studies Presented by His Friends and Pupils to Jean Philippe Vogel, C.I.E., on the Occasion of the Fiftieth
Anniversary of his Doctorate. (Kern Institute, Leyden, 1947), 180-84,.
195. Zoroaster and His World.. Princeton University Press, 1947, 2 vols., xii + 410 pp.., viii + 441 pp..



* 196.. Geschichte der Stadt Samarra,. Volume VI, Die Ausgrabungen von Samaria (Forschungen zur islamischen Kunst,
I,,, herausgegeben von Friedrich Sarre). Hamburg - Berlin, 1948.. vi + 290 pp., 37 text illus., 33 pls., 1 map, 5 aerial
maps in pocket, inserted obituary by Samuel Guyer (pp.v-vi)..
* 197.. Damascus: Studies in Architecture, IV.. The Mosque. In Ars Islamica, XIII-XIV (Ann Arbor, 1948), 118-36, 14
text illus.,16 pls. (For Parts I-III, see 1942, 1943, 1946)


198. The Highway System in the Near East from 2000 B.C. to 500 B.C.. In W,J.Lane and Jean Labatut, Highways in
our National Life A Symposium (Princeton, 1950), 10-15..


199.. Tishtriya and Satavesa. In. M.P.Khareghat Memorial Volume, I (Bombay, 1953), 88-115.


*200.. Inscriptions et Monuments d'Alep (Materiaux pour un Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum, deuxieme partie, Syrie
du Nord, Tome II), Tome LXXVIII, Memoires publies par, les membres de l'Institut Francais d'Archeologie
Orientale du Caire. Le Caire, 1954, Planches. 173 pls..

*201. Inscriptions et Monuments d'Alep, Tome LXXVI. Memoires, etc. Le Caire, 1955, Textes. xvi + 250 pp,., 83 text
*202, Inscriptions et Monument d'Alep, Tome LXXVII, Memoires., etc.. Le Caire, 1956, Textes, 243 pp., 48 text illus..


203 The Persian Empire.. Studies in Geography and Ethnography of the Ancient Near East.. Edited from the
Posthumous Papers by Gerold Walser, Wiesbaden, 1968. xxi + 392 pp., 1 map.

Publishers note: These xerox copies of the 'list of plates' from Band I of Die
Ausgrabungen von Samarra' can help you to identify the prints in Photo File 19.






I. Haus II von Zimmer 27 nach Osten XVIII.Om. 25, 28, 182, 23 und 24.
gesehen. XIX. Orn. 27 tad 135.
Haus III von Zimmer 23 each Hof 3 XX. Orn. z8x und 28.
gesehen. XXI. Orn. 3o und 32.
Haus XIa von Zimmer x zum Hof XXII. Kapitelle der cAmru-Moschee in Alt-
(n. Norden) gesehen. Kairo, zu Orn. 21-33.
IL Haus VI, Grabungsbeginn. Gesims vom Bib al-Fut ih in Kairo, Holz-
Haus IX von Si den gesehen. scbnitzerei aus der `Amru-Moschee,
Haus IX von Norden gesehen. zu Orn. 40; und Orn. 33.
III. Haus XII, Siidostecke des Gro8en Hofes XXIII.Om. 49 und 50.
und Zimmer 17, x8 und x5. XXIV. Kapitelle von San Marco, Agshehr,
Haus XII, Blick von Zimmer 15 und x6, Blstfln und aus Raqqa, zu Orn. 52.
rechts x3 und 14. XXV. Orn. 71, 54, x6 and 74.
Haus XII, Blick von Zimmer 27 durch XXVI. Orn. 54b, 69, 72 und 66.
26 and 25, rechts 28. XXVII.Orn. x6, 46, 63, 86, 121, 149, 150, 159
IV. Haus IV, Zimmer x, N. und O. Fliigel, und i6o.
Orn. 131. XXVIII.Orn. 62, 91, 8o, 6o und 59.
Haus XII, Zimmer x5, S: Fliigel, Orn. XXIX. Soffite einer Tur der Ibn Tulun-
153, 38 und x66. Moschee, Kairo, und Orn. 76.
Haus XVI (Bartus), Orn. 123. XXX. Graffito-Muster zu Orn. 156; Orn. 87.
V. Haus XII, Blick durch Zimmer 8, 4, 7 XXXI. Orn. go, 88 und 8g.
and 6, Orn. 55, x39, 136, 141 und 62. XXXII.Orn. g1.
Haus XII, N. W.-Ecke, des Hofes 1g, XXXIII.Orn. 94, 92, 96 und 93.
wit Tiiren zu Zimmer x6 (l.) und 17 XXXIV. Om. 95,94 und 45b.
(r.), Ornamente 62,124, 137 und 44. XXXV. Orn. g8 und gg.
VI. Haus XII, Zimmer 8, S.W.-Ecke, XXXVI.Orn, xoo.
Orn. 139. XXXVII.Orn. 101 und 102.
BalkuwIra, Orn. 64 und 156 XXXVIII. Orn. xoia.
VII. Haus XIII, Zimmer xx, Westwand. XXXIX. Orn. io4, io6, 107 und 86.
VIII. Hats XIII, Tur von Zimmer 6 zu 4; XL. Orn. 105, 153 und 38.
Ornament 58. XLI. Orn. tog, Soffite einer Tur aus der Ibn
Haus IV, Zimmer 7, Ostfliigel. Orn. 126. Tulun-Moschee and Om. 114.
Djausaq, Orn. 134 XLII.Orn. xxo und 192.
Haus XIII, Blick durch Zimmer 7, 6 und XLIII.Orn. 113, 54b, 114 und Si.
5; Orn. 145, 144 und 67. XLIV. Orn. 117.
Haus XV, Orn. 94 und Kante 45b. XLV. Orn. 1x8.
IX. Alabasterne und marmorne Sockeisteine XLVI.Orn. 8z, 122, 123 und 1 xg.
I-N 187, 209, 56, 186, 188 und 185. XLVII.Orn. 129, 45a, 12x, 126, x28 und 6.
X.Marmorfliese I.-N. 39; Ziegel I: N. 654, XLVIII. Om. 130-
Orn. 121; Kalksteinplatte I.-N. 777. 1L. Om. 131.
XI. Tonkriige L-N. 152 und x82; Sand- L. Orn. 137 und 132.
steinstUck I: N. 268; Gipssaulchen LI. Orn. 135 und 134.
I.-N. 82 und 83, mit Orn. 213. LII.Orn. 6o, 8o, 136, 55, 36, 141 und 62.
XII.Orn. I und Orn. 3. LIII.Orn. 147, 97, 67, 144, 138.
XIII.Orn, 34, 4, 279 und 7. LIV. Orn. 157 und 140.
XIV. Orn. 73, 125, x3, 52 und 5x. LV, Orn. 146, 144, 145 und 67.
XV. Orn. 14 und 39. LVI.Orn. 158 und 151.
XVI. Orn. x8, 20 und 1g; geschnitzte Bretter LVII.. Orn. 153a, 38, 84, x53-und 68.
aus Kairo, zu Orn. 48. LVIII.Orn. x67,'155, 17, 65, 155 und 154.
XVII.Orn. 22 und a6. LIX. Balkuwara, Orn. x56.

* 236

LX. Orn. 152, 70, 162 und 8. LXXXII.Orn. 232 und 231.
LXI.Orn. 166, 68, 165, 163 und 8. LXXXIII.Orn. 232 a.
LXII.Orn. 167. LXXXIV. Orn. 232b.
LXIII. Orn. x71. LXXXV. Orn. 235, 233, 225 und 205.
LXIV. Orn. 172. LXXXVI. Orn. 222, 234 und 239.
LXV. Orn. 172. LXXXV II.Orn. 241 und 238.
LXVI. Alte Gebetsnische in der Ibn Tulun- LXXXVIII.Orn. 251.
Moschee, Kairo. LXXXIX. Orn. 253, 252 Und 251
LXVII, Orn. 175, 195, 1g6, 1go, x866, ,86a XC. Rusafa, Fries in der Sergios-Basilika
und 187a. und Ornament 259 und 258.
LXVIII.Orn. 201, 199 a, 193 a, 197, 185 und 198. XCI.Orn. 260.
LXIX. Orn. x876, 187a, Igga, 1936, 18o, XCII. Orn. 263, 274, 266 und 274.
194, i86b, 189, 194 und iggb. XCIII. Orn. 269 und 268.
LXX.Orn. x846, 215, 218, 1748 und 217. XCIV. Orn. 270, 273 und 274.
LXXI.Orn. 188a, 192 und i88b. XCV. Orn. 271 und 272.
LXXII.Orn. 204, 215, 219 und 205. XCVI.Orn. 275, 276 und 264.
LXXIII. Orn. 207, 210 und 211. XCV I I.Orn. 272 und 277.
LXXIV. Orn. zo8 und 209._ XCVIII. Geschnitzte Holzbretter aus dem Ara-
LXXV. Orn. 219. bischen Museum in Kairo und
LXXVI.Orn. 21g. Orn. 278.
LXXVII.Orn. 219. IC. Orn. 281, 282 und 284.
LXXVIII. Gebetsnische von Makan `Abd al-`Aziz. C. Orn. 283, 281, 282 und 286.
LXXIX. Orn. 221 und 228. CI. Parthische Wandornamente ausAssur und
LXXX. Orn. 225, 226 und 223. Tiirsturz des Sonnentempels von
LXXXI.Orn. 224, 230, 218 und 174g. Hatra.
Publishers note: These xerox copies of the 'list of plates' from Band III of Die
Ausgrabungen von Samarra' can help you to identify the prints in Photo File 21.




* tog
I. Djausaq, Harem. Tanzerinnen and Reiterinnen in quadratischem and achteckigem
II. Djausaq, Harem. Bild der Tanzerinnen, teilsweis erganzt * Bruchstucke von weiteren
III. Djausaq, Harem. Reste von Gegenstucken zum Bilde der Tanzerinnen * drei manniiche
Kopfe * Bruchstilck vom Najaden-Bilde, Haus XVI.
IV. Djausaq, Harem. Jagerinnen and Reiterinnen in kreisformigen Rahmen.
V. Djausaq, Harem. Jagerin * Tiger als Zwickelfiillung.
VI. Djausaq, Harem. Bild der Jagerin, teilweis erganzt * der Tiger, teilweis erganzt.
VII. Djausaq, Harem. Stehende mannliche Gewandfiguren in Arkaden * Reste von Gegen-
stucken zum Bilde der Reiterinnen in Kreisen.
VIII. Djausaq, Harem. Stehende mannliche Gewandfiguren in Arkaden.
IX. Djausaq, Harem. Mannerkopf and Frauenschulter * zwei mannliche Kopfe vom
X. Djausaq,Harem.Bruchstticke vomArkaden-Bilde:1,3,5,6 and 7Saulenteile, 2 Bogen-
stiicke, 4 ands Gewander, 8 and 9 Teile eines Schi fes.
XI. Djausaq, Harem. Fiillhornranken mit jagdtieren * Bruchsti cke der Fiillhornranken.
XII--XIV. Djausaq, Harem. Zusammenstellung von Bruchstucken des Fillhornranken-Bildes.
XV. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstucke vom Fiullhornranken-Bilde. Adler, Reh and Vogel
XVI. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstiicke vom Fiillhornranken-Bilde. Unterkorper einer knieenden
Frau * Stuck von einer hockenden Frau mit Kissen.
XVII. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchsti cke vom FUllhornranken-Bilde. Ranke mit Hasenkopf
Ranke wit Trauben.
XVIII. Djausaq, Harem. Schaltanzerinnen mit Tieren als Fullwerk.
XIX. Djausaq, Harem. Schaltanzerinnen mit Tieren als Fullwerk.
XX-XXI. Djausaq, Harem. Zusammenstellung von Bruchstiicken des Schaltanzerinnen-Bildes.
XXII. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstiicke vom Schaltinzerinnen-Bilde. Torso einer Tanzerin
Kopfund Oberkorper einer Tinzerin, Randstiick.
XXIII. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstucke vom Schaltanzerinnen-Bilde. Gewand and Fuii einer
Tanzerin, mit zwei Vogeln * Gewand einer Tanzerin, Randstuck.
XXIV. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstticke vom Schaltanzerinnen-Bilde. Gewand einer Tanzerin,
and Rabe * Gewand einer Tanzerin, and Reiher.
XXV. Djausaq, Harem. Bruehstucke vom Schaltanzerinnen-Bilde. Nackter Torso einer
Tanzerin * Fries von Singvogeln, Eckstilck.
XXVI. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstiicke vom Schaltanzerinnen-Bilde. Kopf and Schal einer
Tu=rin, and Reiher * Torso einer Tanzerin.
XXVII. Djausaq, Harem, Bruchstiicke vom Schaltanzerinnen-Bilde. Baste einer Tanzerin, and
Vogelkopf * Teil vom Kopf and Schal einer Tanzerin.
XXVIII. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstucke vom Schaltanzerinnen-Bilde. Kopf mit Schal, Fu1, and
Vogel * Reste von einem Schal, and Rabe, Randsti ck.
XXIX. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstucke vom Schaltanzerinnen-Bilde. Teile von Tieren * Pferd
and Vogel.
XXX. Djausaq, Harem. Gemalde der Kuppelmitte : stehende Frauen and Vogel.
* 110

XXXI. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstucke vom Gemi lde der Kuppelmitte : Gewandstuck and
Frauenkopf * zwei Frauenkopfe.
XXXII. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstuck vom Scl altanzerinnen-Bilde : Tanzerin, Saule oder
Baumstamm fassend * Bruchstuck vom Gemalde der Kuppelmitte : Frauenkopfe and
XXXIII. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstiicke vom Schaltanzerinnen-Bilde : drci Vogel.
XXXIV. Djausaq, Harem. Oberteil eines Adlers * Adler, Flugel spreizend * Unterteil eines
Adlers auf Kugel.
XXXV. Djausaq, Harem, Kleine Frauenkopfe and -Hande von verschiedenen Bildern.
XXXVI. Djausaq, Harem. Kleine Frauenkopfe von verschiedenen Bildern.
XXXVII. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstucke von gemusterten Gewandern.
XXXVIII. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstt'icke von gemusterten Gewandern.
XXXIX. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstiicke von gemusterten Gewindern.
XL. Bruchstucke von gemusterten. Gewandern and ornamentale Kanten aus dem Harem
des Djausaq, Reste kufischer Buchstaben aus Haus V.
XLI. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstucke von gemusterten Gewandern.
XLIL. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstucke von gemusterten Gewandern.
XLIII. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstiicke von gemusterten Gewandern.
XLIV. Grot3e Moschee, Springbrunnen: Perlenkanten * Djausaq, Harem: ornamentale
XLV. Djausaq, Harem. Fries von Fasanen in Sechsecken.
XLVI. Djausaq, Harem. Bruchstucke von Tierfriesen, and zwei Frauenkopfe.
XLVII. Djausaq, Harem. Tierfriese: Rebhuhner, Enten, and andere Bruchstiicke.
XLVIII. Djausaq, Harem. Tierfriese : Enten in Perlenkreisen, Rebhuhner, and andere Bruch-
XLIX. Djausaq, Harem. Tierfriese: Eaten in Wellenranken, and PerlhUhner.
L. Djausaq, Harem. Tierfriese: Lowen and Jagdtiere in Ftillhornranken, Vogel in
Kreisen, and zwei Ornamente.
LI. Haus XVI. Fischerin and Rahmen * Bruchstiicke von Najaden and Raubtieren.
LII. Haus XVI. Bruchstucke vom Najaden-Bilde.
LIII. Haus XVI. Bruchstiicke vom Najaden-Bilde : Frauenkopfe and -Hande * Fische
im Netz.
LIV. Haus XVI. Zwei Frauenkopfe vom Najaden-Bilde.
LV. Haus XVI. Gefliigeltes Ungeheuer vom Najaden-Bilde * Djausaq, Harem. Bruch-
stiicke von einem Panther, and Pferdekopf.
LVI. Haus XVI. Fries von Reihern * Fries von Enten in Wellenranken.
LVII. Aus Privathausern: Bruchstucke von Frauengestalten, Tieren and Ornamenten.
LVIII. Aus Badern: Brucbstucke von Ornamenten.
LIX. Haus XIII, Zimmer 12, Reste eines Wandbildes mit hockenden Mannergestalten,
umrahmt von einem Fries von Papageien, uber Orn. 158 * Persepolis, Tribut der
LX. Djausaq, Thronsale. Tonkrug als Bildsaule, Oberer Teil * Bikinis eines Priesters.
LXI. Djausaq, Thronsale. Bildnis eines Priesters.
LXII. Djausaq, Thronsale. Bruchstiicke von Bildsaulen : Bruchstiicke einer Frauengestalt
mannlicher Kopf mit Nimbus.
LXIII. Djausaq, Thronsale. Brucbstiicke von Bildsaulen : mannlicher Kopf mit Nimbus and
Kopf and Schulter eines Priesters.
LXIV. Djausaq, Thronsale. Bruchsti cke von Bildsaulen: Mittelteil eines stehenden Ritters
Kopf and Schulter eines Priesters.
LXV. Djausaq, Thronsale. Bruchstucke von Bildsaulen: Mittelteil eines stehenden Ritters
and Hande and Stab eines Priesters.
LXVVI. Djausaq, Thronsale. Bruchstiicke der Bildsaule eines stehenden Ritters mit Schwert.
LXVII. Djausaq, Thronsale. Bruchstiicke von Bildsaulen : Frau mit Meistersignatur and Ente.*
Reste von drei Meistersignaturen.
LXVIII. Djausaq, Thronsale. Oberteil einer Bildsaule : Frau mit Meistersignatur.
LXIX. Djausaq, Thronsale. Bruchstacke einer Bildsaule : Ganze Gestalt einer Frau.
LXX. Djausaq, Thronsale. Bruchsti cke von Bildsaulen : Oberkorper einer Frau and Teile
eines Frauenkopfes * Siegel des Magiers Azadmard * Siegel des Magiers Bafarne.
LXXI. Djausaq, Thronsale. Bruchstiucke von Bildsaulen : Oberkorper einer Frau and
LXXII. Djausaq, Thronsale. Bruchstucke von Bildsaulen: Ente mit Meistersignatur * Reste
von Meistersignaturen * Sasanidisches Siegel.
LXXIII. Dj.ausaq, Thronsale. Scherben eines Tonkruges mit Tuschzeichnungen : Meister-
LXXIV. Djausaq, Thronsale. Scherben eines Tonkruges mit Tuschzeichnungen, and Bruch-
stuck ciner Bildsaule,
LXXV. Djausaq, Sardib. Grol3er Kamelskopf * Djausaq, Thronsale. Scherben eines Ton-
kruges mit Tuschzeichnungen.
LXXVI. Djausaq, Sardib. Ein Kamel des groi3en Kamelfrieses, wiederhergestellt.
LXXVII. Djausaq, Sardib. Hinterbeine eines grolen Kamels and gemalte Palmette * Bruch-
stiicke des groBen Kamelfrieses mit gemalten Palmetten.
LXXVIII. Djausaq, Sazdab Gemalte Palmetten and Schwanz eines stilisierten Tieres * Bruch-
stiicke des groi3en Kamelfrieses : Beinstucke.
LXXIX. Djausaq, Sardib. Kamelkopfe * Bruchstiicke der grol3en Kamelfrieses : Schwanze and
LXXX. Djausaq, Sardab. Kopfe, Hals and Hinterbein * Bruchstiicke des groi3en Kamel-
frieses: Kopfe and Haarswcke.
LXXXI. Djausaq, Sardib. Bruchstiicke des grot3en Kamelfrieses : Halsstiicke * Schulterstiicke.
LXXXII. Djausaq, Sardib. Bructtstiicke des groi3en Kamelffrieses : Hals- and Schulterstiicke.
LXXXIII. Djausaq, Sazdab. Bruchstucke des grol3en Karaelfrieses. Hinterbeine and Rocker
Beine, and Schwanz eines stilisierten Tieres.
LXXXIV. Djausaq, Sazdab. BruchstUcke des grof3en Kamelfrieses : Hocker- and Beinstucke.
LXXXV. Djausaq, Sardab. Nach links schreitende Kamele and Randstucke * Bruchstacke des
kleinen Kamelfrieses : nach rechts schreitendes and liegendes Kamel, Kopfe and
LXXXVI. Djausaq, Sardib. Bruchsti cke nach links schreitender oder laufender Kamele *
Bruchstucke des kleinen Kamelfrieses : liegende Kamele nach links, Kopfe and Rand-
LXXXVII. Djausaq, Sardab. Verschiedene Bruchstiicke des kleinen Kamelfrieses.
LXXXVIII. Djausaq, Sardab. BruchstUcke each rechts schreitender oder laufender Kamele *
Bruchstucke des kleinen Kamelfrieses : liegende Kamele nach rechts, undKopfe.
Register to Photographs of

Antoin Sevruguin
in the

Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives

Compiled by
Colleen Hennessey

Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives

Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.

The Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery form the national
museum of Asian art for the United States. Under the auspices of the Smithsonian
Institution, they house the nation's collections of Asian art and are dedicated to
exhibition, research, and education programs that enhance awareness and understanding
of Asia.

The Freer Gallery of Art holds some of the world's finest Asian art, and was
gift to the nation from the Detroit industrialist and art collector Charles Lang Freer (1854-
1919). The Gallery, which opened to the public in 1923 as the Smithsonian's first fine
arts museum, contains a growing Asian collection of twenty-six thousand objects
comprising Chinese, Japanese, Korean, South and Southeast Asian and West Asian art.
The Freer Gallery also houses significant 19th- and early 20th-century American Art that
includes the world's most important collection of works by James McNeill Whistler
(1843-1903). In accordance with the founder's wishes, only works in the permanent
collection are shown at the Gallery.

The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery was inaugurated as a separate museum in 1987

to increase the range of Asian art activities at the Smithsonian and to develop an active
international loan exhibition program. The Sackler Gallery's growing collection of Asian
art is founded on a gift of one thousand masterworks given by the late medical researcher,
publisher, and art collector Dr. Arthur M. Sackler (1913-1987). The Gallery houses
ancient paintings from Iran and India. Since the Gallery's inauguration, the collection has
been augmented with contemporary Japanese ceramics and prints, South Asian textiles
and village arts, Chinese paintings and contemporary photographs. Administered by a
single staff, the Freer and Sackler Galleries are located in adjoining buildings on the
National Mall.


The Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives, under the
administration of the Freer and Sackler Library, serves as a depository for the records of
the two galleries and has a mission to collect and preserve primary source materials that
support the holdings of the two museums. It seeks to acquire new collections, prepare
collections for research use, and create and maintain research tools in an effort to make
these materials available to the staff of the two galleries, research scholars, students, and
the general public. As a user of the Research Libraries Group, the Archives enters its
cataloguing records into the automated information network RLIN. The Archives is open
for research, by appointment. For information telephone (202) 357-4880, extension 341,
or write the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives at the Arthur M.
Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, 1050 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington,
D. C. 20560-0707.

It was a rare privilege for this arm-chair traveler to visit the magnificent country
of Iran through these historic and visually arresting photographs of Antoin Sevruguin in
the course of this filming project. Cataloguing of the materials could not have been
possible, however, if it were not for the significant efforts and expertise that many, both
past and present, have provided. Thanks to Myron Bement Smith's habitual tendencies to
accumulate, the photographs he helped to acquire are now more readily at the disposition
of scholars, as he had wished. Those images have been further enhanced by the eighteen
albumen prints generously donated by Jay Bisno.

The earliest work undertaken at the Smithsonian to catalogue Sevruguin prints in

the Smith Collection was completed by Joan Nugent in 1976. Subsequently, under the
guidance of Joseph M. Upton, enormous accomplishments were made by Sarah
Newmeyer, Holly (Frances) Edwards, and Elizabeth Kelly, to arrange, describe and
rehouse the materials. Funding from the National Committee to Honor the Fourteenth
Centennial of Islam supported their work that resulted in the Index to the Myron Bement
Smith Islamic Archives, 1983. In 1989 and 1990 the Women's Committee of the
Smithsonian Associates funded a condition survey and provided support for duplication
and rehousing of the negatives.

Staff of the Galleries have been generous in sharing their expertise for the
photographs, in particular, Massumeh Farhad, Associate Curator of Islamic Art, Ann C.
Gunter, Associate Curator for Ancient Near Eastern Art, Marjan Adib of Administration,
Michael Bryant of Photographic and Imaging Services, and Martha Smith of the
Department of Conservation and Scientific Research. Additionally helpful were former
curator Glenn D. Lowry, Susie Nemazee, Dabney Can, volunteer Lauretta Kendrick, and
Christine Hennessey. Library staff assisted in the realization of this register, especially
Lily Kecskes, Head Library and Archives, and Kathryn Phillips, Reiko Yoshimura, Shu
Yue, and volunteer Barbara Schultz.

Scholars have always been generous with their knowledge to identify images,
none more so than Reza Sheikh, whose assistance has been invaluable. Guest-curator
Frederick N. Bohrer shared his understanding of the materials with the archivist, as did
Elsbeth Dusinberre, Corien J.M. Vuurman, Ali Behdad, and Julia Ballerini. Editor
Liesbeth Hugenholtz ably and patiently brought this guide to fruition, and photographer
Peter Moerkerk produced the remarkably fine filming for IDC Publishers. Most of all, I
wish to thank Dr. Emanuel Sevrugian for his utmost kindness in providing us with a
family history, and the remembrances conveyed from his father, Andre "Darvish"
Sevrugian (1894-1996), who had been a painter in the prolific family tradition.

Colleen Hennessey, Archivist


Introduction 1

Biographical Information 2

Note on Scope and Content 4

Organization and Arrangement 9

Series Descriptions

Series 1: Myron Bement Smith Collection

1.1: Modern Prints from Negatives 11

1.2: Gelatin Silver Prints-Upton 69

1.3: Gelatin Silver Prints-Smith 75

Series 2: Antoin Sevruguin Photographs 82


Antoin Sevruguin (late 1830s-1933) operated the most celebrated

commercial photography studio in Tehran during the later nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries. His career coincided with a critical period of modem
Iranian history, an era of gradual change, stretching from the reign of Nasir
al-din Shah (reigned 1848-1896) to that of Reza Shah Pahlavi (reigned 1925-
1941). His photographs were perhaps the most widely circulated and published
in the West.

Commercial studios understood that photography was the optimal tool

for marketing the nostalgic pleasures and illusions of the Middle East that
Western audiences entertained. Sevruguin, as many others had done before
and after him, also created an image of the Near East for foreign viewers that
reinforced certain Orientalist stereotypes. However, as one who had lived most
of his life in Tehran, Antoin Sevruguin also had an ardent affection for Iran
and Iranian culture. Rather than being a detached observer, he maintained a
personal and informed relationship with the country he chose to live in and
visually portray. His photography served audiences both indigenous and

The studio's commercial success did not deter Sevruguin's aesthetic

concerns. His photographs also displayed a conscious use of composition,
light, and visual contrasts, and could be viewed as works of art for their own
sake. The photographs that Antoin Sevuruguin created captured a remarkable
time in Iranian history. As his photographs found their way to the West in the
form of collectible souvenirs and as images to be used in travelogues and
archaeological and ethnographic studies, his portrayal of Iran came to be the
turn-of-the-century image of Persia perceived by Western audiences. The rich
plurality of his subject matter and the complex diversity of his imagery
continue to challenge the viewer in multiple ways.'

Today, the extant remains of Sevruguin's studio negatives and a group

of original albumen and silver prints, over 850 images, are housed in the Freer
Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives. These constitute
the largest body of his work anywhere in the world. The bulk of the materials
date from the 1880s to about 1910, the period when he was most active, and
form a representative picture of his overall work.

' For an in-depth study of Antoin Seviuguin and his works, the reader is directed to the
monograph entitled Sevruguin and the Persian Image: Photographs of Iran, 1870-1930, in the
Asian Art and Culture series published in 1999 by the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and the
University of Washington Press. Edited by Frederick N. Bohrer, the volume includes essays
by Julia Ballerini, Ali Behdad, Frederick N. Bohrer, Corien J.M. Vuurmaan and Theo H.
Martens, and Reza Sheikh. A helpful brief' bibliography also appears in the volume.

Antoin Sevruguin, an Armenian Christian of Russian descent, was born

in the late 1830s (precise date of birth not known) at the Russian embassy in
Tehran.' His father, Vassil de Sevruguin, a diplomat with the Russian
embassy in Tehran, married Achin Khanoum, and together they had seven
children: four boys (Ivan, Antoin, Kolia, and Emanuel) and three girls (whose
names are not known). Following Vassil de Sevruguin's untimely death from a
horse riding accident, his wife moved to her hometown T'bilisi, the capital of
modern-day Georgia. Financial circumstances then forced the family to move
to the provincial town of Akoulis, where the brothers attended school. After
graduation, Antoin returned to T'bilisi and took up painting, but soon became
fascinated by the new medium of photography. It was there that he worked
with the Russian photographer Dimitri Ivanovich Ermakov (1845-1916), and
was greatly influenced by the extensive photographs Ermakov had taken while
traveling in Iran, Crimea, Central Asia, and Caucasus.

It was sometime in the 1870s, that Sevruguin decided to undertake a

photographic survey of the people, landscape and architecture of Iran, and
persuaded his brothers Kolia and Emanuel to assist him in this adventure.
They embarked by caravan to Azerbaijan and then continued the project in
Kurdistan and Luristan. This became the first of many expeditions throughout
the land that Sevruguin undertook during his lifetime in his wish to make an
exhaustive photographic survey of Iran. Ultimately, the three bothers went to
Tehran, where in 1883 they established a photographic studio located on Ala
al-dawla Street (Firdawsi Avenue). Antoin was the artistic heart of the
business, while his brothers, especially Emanuel, did the managerial work.

In Tehran, Seviuguin married Louise Gourgenian, an Iranian-

Armenian, and they had seven children: four boys (Sasha, Andre, Ivan, and
Misha) and three girls (Olga I, Mary, and Olga II). As the business prospered,
Sevruguin's skill in photographic portraiture attracted clients from the elite,
and earned him a position as one of the official court photographers to Nasir
al-din Shah. To keep himself up to date on new developments in photography,
Sevruguin made yearly trips to Vienna and other European cities, buying
cameras and chemically prepared glass plates.

A highlight in Sevruguin's career came from an important commission

from the German art historian Friedrich Sarre (1865-1945). Sarre contracted

2 Much of what we know of Antoin Sevruguin's life comes from the extensive remembrances
of one of his children, Andre Sevrugian (1894-1996), as relayed through Andre's son, Dr.
Emanuel Sevrugian of Heidelberg, in letters to Susie Nemazee of the Arthur M.Sackler
Gallery, November 5 and 27,1990, and to Colleen Hennessey of the Arthur M. Sackler
Gallery, February 21, 1991. This biographical segment is drawn largely from the essay by
Corien J:M.. Vuurman and Theo H. Martens that appeared in Sevruguin and the Persian
Image.- Photographs of Iran, 1870-1930, in the Asian Art and Culture series published in
1999 by the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and the University of Washington Press..

Antoin and his brother Emanuel to organize a major expedition through
southern and southwestern Iran, in order to photograph the Achaemenid (ca.
550-331 B.C.) and Sasanian (ca. A.D. 224-651) rock graves and monuments.
Unrest among many of the southern tribes had dissuaded Sarre from
undertaking the dangerous expedition, and it was to Antoin's advantage that he
had friendly contacts among the various tribal chieftains, many of whom were
his clients. It is likely that Sarre used all of Sevruguin's photographs in
Iranische Felsreliefs (Berlin, 1910), published in collaboration with Ernst
Herzfeld. Perhaps due to the contractual agreement, the book did not credit
Sevruguin's name, leaving him deeply disappointed that his significant efforts
from a complicated and dangerous mission had garnered him no public credit.

Recognition did come, however, at international photographic

exhibitions, where Sevruguin received various prizes and medals, including
those won in Brussels in 1897 and Paris in 1900. Awarded the Persian
imperial order-the Lion and Sun-by Nasir al-din Shah for his service to the
royal house, Sevruguin was also conferred the title of khan (prince), and
became known as "Antoin-Khan" in Tehran.

Art ruled Antoin's life, and he was voracious reader of history, poetry,
and literature in Persian, Russian, French, and Armenian. He is described as
friendly, lovable, and magnanimous, and at festivities would readily recite by
heart, in Persian, long passages from Firdawsi's Shahnamah (Book of kings).
His friends included courtiers, dervishes, tribal chieftains, intellectuals, and
diplomats. As a painter, he also studied traditional Persian painting, and
admired French impressionism and Rembrandt's works, working to capture
light in his photographs the way he so admired in Rembrandt's paintings.

Internal political tensions between constitutionalists and reactionaries

led to civil unrest in Tehran in 1908. Next to Sevruguin's photographic studio
lived Zahir al-dawla, the governor of Rasht, who was a staunch
constitutionalist. Because of him the entire street was plundered by soldiers of
the shah, and Zahir al-dawla's house was bombed. The bombing and pillaging
heavily damaged Sevruguin's collection of photographs. Of the more than
seven thousand glass plates, only two thousand could later be reassembled and
restored. During the reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi, the family suffered a second
financial blow. In efforts to modernize his country, the shah ordered that the
two thousand remaining glass plates of Sevruguin's photograph collection be
confiscated with the view that they represented "old-fashioned" Iran. This
brought an end to the once prominent photographic enterprise. Antoin
Sevruguin succumbed to a kidney infection in his late nineties and died in
1933. He is buried in the family tomb in Tehran.


The photographs of Antoin Sevruguin, 855 images, filmed herein for

microfiche publication, are found in two collections in the Freer Gallery of Art
and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives. These have been arranged and
described by the archivist respectively under Series 1 and Series 2 of the
register. The images, nearly all undated, were created during Sevruguin's
active period, the end of the 1870s to about 1930, from the later years of the
Qajar dynasty (1848-1922) to the beginning of the Pahlavi dynasty (1925-
1941). Geographically, Sevruguin's camera recorded peoples and sites
throughout Iran, as well as some locations in and around Baghdad, Iraq.

As a court photographer, he was especially prolific in documenting

Nasir al-din Shah and his court, and thereafter, all subsequent rulers up to the
coronation of Reza Shah Pahlavi. Many of his pictures were devoted to
imperial ceremonies and residences, and included formal portraiture of elite
and middle-class members of society, religious figures, and culture groups.
For his Western clients, he created images of women, ethnographic portraits,
and staged scenes of people in daily activities. His diverse subject matter also
included marketplaces, sports activities, religious and newsworthy public
events, ancient monuments, and Islamic and modern architecture. Of his
surviving corpus, Sevruguin's efforts to combine the artistic and the
documentary are especially visible in his landscapes. There is also an
interesting group of images that depict a significant number of art objects.

Series 1: Myron Bement Smith Collection

The most comprehensive and voluminous of these groups, filmed as

Series 1, is found in the Myron Bement Smith Collection? Divided into three
subseries, these include the extant original negatives produced by the studio,
and two groups of gelatin silver prints acquired separately from the shop.

Myron Bement Smith (1897-1970) was an American, born in 1897 at

Newark Valley, New York, who had a forty-year career as a classical
archaeologist, architect, and art historian. After graduating from Yale
University in 1926, he was awarded a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship in
1927-1928 for the study of Italian medieval brickwork. A research fellowship
from the American Council of Learned Societies enabled him to spend four
years (1933-1937) in Iran directing his own expedition for the study of Islamic
architecture, in particular the Masjid-i D'Juma at Isfahan, and established his
life-long devotion to West Asia. In 1938, following his return from Iran, he

s For an examination of collector Myron Bement Smith and the provenance of Seviuguin
photographs in archives of the Freer and Sackler Galleries, see Julia Ballerini's essay in
Sevruguin and the Persian Image. Photographs of Iran, 1870-19.30, in the Asian Art and
Culture series published in 1999 by the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and the University of
Washington Press..

began a thirty-year association with the Library of Congress as Honorary
Consultant, where he had a prominent role in the establishment of the Near
Eastern Section of the Library. Smith was awarded a doctoral diploma in 1947
in Islamic Archaeology from John Hopkins University, and in 1964 he
received the Order of Homayoun, Iran's highest decoration for scholarly
achievement. He died in 1970 at the age of seventy-three in Washington, D.C.

As early as 1929, following his return from Italy, Smith was sounding
out scholars and administrators about the feasibility of establishing a central
depository for material dealing with historic architecture to be available to all
scholars. After his return from Iran in 1937, he was concerned with the
problem of finding some place where he could store and work with his large
collection of photos and negatives (900 from Italy, plus 11,000 from Iran),
drawings, maps, and other forms of documentation. The Library of Congress
agreed in 1938 to provide Smith with two rooms and facilities for making
photographic prints, where he retained his accumulating collections until 1956.

In 1939, Smith drafted a program for an Archive for Islamic Culture

and Art, which was adopted by the American Council of Learned Societies in
1941. In 1942, James R. Jewett, professor emeritus of Arabic studies at
Harvard, gave the ACLS $9,000 for the initiation of the program, and Smith
engaged in an active attempt to supplement the material in the Archives by
gifts or loans of photographs from a variety of sources useful for scholarship.
The Committee for Islamic Culture was established in 1948 by Smith to plan
and operate the "Islamic Archives." Throughout its life the Committee never
had but three members, those being John Albert Wilson and T. Cuyler Young,
with Smith as the chairman and director for the Archives. After 1956 the
Archives was centered at the home residence of Myron Bement Smith in
Washington, D.C.

According to the official minutes, the Committee for Islamic Culture

reported purchasing 696 glass plates of Antoin Sevruguin during their fiscal
years 1951-1952 from the American Presbyterian Mission in Tehran.' News
of their sale by the mission apparently came through T. Cuyler Young, then
serving on special appointment at the American Embassy, Tehran. It was
recorded that Sevruguin's heiress gave these plates to the mission with
instruction that they be sold for the benefit of the mission. When Antoin
Sevruguin retired about 1930, it was his daughters who continued to run the

4 This information is drawn from the minutes of the fourth meeting, held 15 September 1952,
and the fifth meeting, held 17 November 1952, of the Committee for Islamic Culture, Myron
Bement Smith Collection, According to the minutes, funds in the amount of two hundred
dollars were reimbursed to T. Cuyler Young, who had been empowered to purchase all the
remaining Sevxuguin photographic negatives and their catalog list from the American
Presbyterian Mission, Tehran. The purchase was to include any and all rights held by the
original or later owners. Thus far, the archivist has not located further documentation in the
Smith Collection regarding the acquisition of the Sevxuguin negatives, including the described

studio until at least 1937.5 It was probably Sevruguin's daughter Mary who
had been able to recover some of the glass plate negatives, perhaps through her
friendship and that of her husband, James Badui, with the crown prince who
was later to be the last shah of Iran, Muhammad Reza Shah (reigned 1941-79).

Subseries 1.2 and 1.3 describe two groups of gelatin silver prints
whose provenance can be linked to the Sevruguin studio. The first of these, as
recorded in the official minutes of the sixth meeting, held on 24 October 1953,
of the Committee for Islamic Culture, was a gift from Joseph Upton to the
Islamic Archives of sixty-six photoprints that he had purchased in 1928 from
Sevruguin, Tehran. Upton (1901-1981), trained as an Islamic specialist at
Harvard University, had spent fourteen years of intermittent residence in Iran
through 1958, working on archaeological digs sponsored by the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, and performing some intelligence work during the war period.
The images that he acquired mostly portrayed people-royalty and ethnic
types-and their activities, as well as a few views of Tehran, townscapes, and

Subseries 1.3 is comprised of gelatin silver prints acquired by Myron

Bement Smith from the shop after he had viewed a portion of Sevruguin's
negatives in 1934, as recorded in the Committee's minutes of the fourth
meeting, 15 September 1951. Thus far, eighty-two of these prints have been
found in the Collection and filmed herein. Smith's intense interest in
architecture is reflected in his choice of selection, with most images being of
ancient monuments and Islamic architecture, and only a few prints showing
people and landscapes.

As early as 1943, Myron Bement Smith had written to Charles G.

Abbot, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, inquiring whether the Institution
would wish to accept on deposit the Archives for Islamic Culture and Art. In
response to that query, Archibald G. Wenley, then director of the Freer Gallery
of Art, expressed interest for the possible deposit.' Apparently, the
arrangement had been unrealized, and it was not until 1971, that Katharine
Dennis Smith, Myron's widow, asked Harold P. Stern, fourth director of the
Freer Gallery, to examine the Islamic Archives, now some 87,000 items
documenting Islamic art and culture from Spain to India. A year later, when
Katharine D. Smith offered a number of embroideries to the Smithsonian
Insitution, further interest in the Archive was expressed by Eugene I. Knez,
Associate Curator, Asian Ethnology, Department of Anthroloplgy of the U.S.
National Museum (subsequently the National Museum of Natural History).'

5 Letter, unsigned typescript, 26 January 1937, Katharine Dennis Smith to Mrs. [Richard T]
Merrick, Myron Bement Smith Collection.
'These documents are found under Archive for Islamic Culture and Art, Freer Gallery of Art
Central Files, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives.
' Documentation in the Smith Collection accession file, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M.
Sackler Gallery Archives.

In 1972, Katharine Dennis Smith bequeathed the Islamic Archives to
the Smithsonian Institution, and in agreement with the Committee for Islamic
Culture, it was transferred on loan to the National Anthropological Archives,
National Museum of Natural History, where it could be preserved and made
useful to scholars. In January of 1973, Mrs. Smith gave partial rights of the
materials to the Institution, and by 1985 all interests, rights, and title had been
granted. Perhaps because the Freer Gallery already possessed a substantial
archive on the Middle East in the papers of archaeologist ErnstHerzfeld, the
Islamic Archives was transferred to the Freer Gallery in 1977. The Archives is
now catalogued as the Myron Bement Smith Collection.

Series 2: Antoin Sevruguin Photographs

In 1985 the Freer Gallery received another important donation of

photographs by Antoin Sevruguin, eighteen unmounted albumen prints, as a
gift from Jay A. Bisno, an employee in the archaeology section of the Los
Angeles County Museum of Natural History Museum. Bisno (born 1939) had
purchased the prints from a junk/book/antiquities shop in the Old City of
Jerusalem in 1969. Described under Series 2 of the register, these include
images that portray Nasir al-din Shah, the shah's funeral in 1896, and his
assassin Mirza Riza Kirmani. Nearly half of the prints depict criminals,
executions and punishments, although there is also a portrait of Muzaffar al-
din Shah, and images of religious figures, a falconer, and a mosque.

Concluding comments:

The reader will notice that identifications provided by the archivist in

the note fields of this register may have been recorded from the writings of a
variety of authors, resulting in a mixing of styles and terminology, and
different systems of transliteration. Locations are given as far as they could be
ascertained on the basis of available historical and contemporary sources, and
any dates listed are from the Western calendar. While it was not always
possible to determine the photographer's purpose in making an image, or the
circumstances under which it was made, the archivist's subject analysis in this
register has attempted to capture the essence of a group of images. It should be
kept in mind, however, that each genre described may include different types
of visual information and meaning, and that whilst images of people may be
found most significantly under "portraits," they may also appear in views of
"architecture" and "landscapes."

The photographs of Antoin Sevruguin filmed herein are open for

research to students, scholars, and to. the general public. Copyright to the
originals is held by the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
Archives. Any commercial use or publication of the images is strictly
prohibited without prior written permission from the Archives.

Credit for images in Series 1 must include:
Myron Bement Smith Collection
Freer Gallery of'Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives
Smithsonian Institution
Photographer: Antoin Sevruguin (and negative number, when appropriate)
Credit for images in Series 2 must include:
Antoin Sevruguin Photographs
Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives
Smithsonian Institution

The Freer and Sackler Galleries Archives also houses a small number
of photographs of Antoin Sevruguin that have not been filmed as part of this
microfiche publication. The Ernst Herzfeld Papers include a few Sevruguin
photographs portraying people, and another group documenting the site of
Persepolis that Herzfeld may have acquired in 1905 at Shiraz. There are also
two photographs by Antoin Sevruguin, reproduced in stereopticon format, in
the Foreign Missions Library Lantern Slide Collection, a gift in 1991 of Alvin
0. Bellak.

Interest in the photographs of Antoin Sevruguin also resulted in three

exhibitions of selected images by the Freer and Sackler Galleries. The first,
curated by former intern Holly Edwards in 1981, consisted of twenty
photographs mounted in a nonexhibition office area of the Freer. The second
was organized ten years later by Glenn D. Lowry, then curator for Islamic art,
and displayed twenty-six of the prints in the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery from
30 September 1990 through 26 May 1991. Most recently, an exhibition of
Sevruguin's works, guest-curated by Frederick N. Bohrer, is on view in the
Arthur M. Sackler Gallery from 21 November 1999 through 28 May 2000.

The astonishing range of Antoin Sevruguin's photographs, and the

prolific output of the studio, provides today's viewer with an important
resource for examining the cultural histories and hierarchical elements of
Iranian society. They assist the scholar in studying architectural sites that may
have been damaged or destroyed, or are unavailable for first-hand
investigation. Increasingly, the prints are valued for their artistic elements that
may sometimes overshadow their documentary value. Most significantly,
Sevruguin's images form part of an ongoing history that links a distant past
and place to the present.


The photographs of Antoin Sevruguin have been fully processed for

this microfiche publication. They are catalogued at the collection level in the
RLIN database of the Research Libraries Information Network, and are
described and illustrated in volume 3 of the monograph Guide to Photographic
Collections at the Smithsonian Institution, (Washington: Smithsonian
Institution Press, 1992). The images have been organized into the following
two series:

Series 1: Myron Bement Smith Collection

1.1: Modern Prints from Negatives

IDC no. SP-1, mf. 1-15

1.2: Gelatin Silver Prints-Upton

IDC no. SP-1, m£ 16-17

1.3: Gelatin Silver Prints-Smith

IDC no. SP-1, mf. 18-19

Series 2: Antoin Sevruguin Photographs

IDC no. SP-1, mf. 20


1.1: Modern Prints from Photonegatives

IDC no. SP-1, mf. 1-15

Modern contact prints from the photonegatives of Antoin Sevruguin in the Myron Bement
Smith Collection were produced by the Freer Gallery during the 1980s for reference
purposes. In some cases the size was altered in the resulting print and exterior edges of
image were cropped. As the negatives were not in an apparent original order, efforts were
undertaken to impose a subject arrangement that would enhance accessibility for the user.
The present arrangement and description reflects that imposed by the archivist.

Housed with nearly 300 of the photonegatives in this collection, were handwritten
identifications recorded on scraps of paper. Those identifications (not filmed with this
project) have been transcribed herein under the caption field for the reader, with the
spelling having been retained as closely as possible to the original recording. A note
field has been supplied by the archivist to give further clarification or information.
Printed manufacturing labels from Sevruguin's negative boxes (also not included with
this project) have been preserved and are available in the repository for analysis.

In preparation for this filming project, a current assessment of the negatives finds that
there are 689 negatives in the collection, mostly consisting of gelatin dry plates, as well
as some collodion wet plates and a few cut films. These measure from 9 x 11 cm. to
18 x 24 cm., and may exhibit structural damage in the form of broken or cracked
supports. Each image in this series has an accompanying negative number that was
artificially assigned by the Freer Gallery, and is currently used to identify the item.
According to internal gallery memorandum, this number was created as each box of
negatives was unpacked by staff, thus the first negative from box one was assigned
number 1.1. This provides a rough suggestion for the numbers given, although
inconsistencies exist. A few plates were unnumbered or partially numbered, and to
remedy this, the present archivist has assigned a "0" to the number, such a 0.1 for the
first of the previously unnumbered plates. Inked on some of the original photonegatives
was one or more numbers. In the negative field that follows, these numbers have been
recorded in parenthesis after the artificial number.

Subject arrangement:
-Courtiers and Courts
-Thrones, Crowns, Celestial Globes
-Carriages and Horses
-Foreign Royalty, Diplomatic and Consular Service
-Military-Officers and Soldiers
Subject arrangement continued:
People continued:
-Daily activities
-Performing arts
-Rites and Ceremonies
-Qajar-Rock reliefs
-Fortress and Tower of Silence
-City gates
-City gates
-Triumphal arches
-Street scenes, Parks and Gardens
-Mosques, Shrines and Tombs
-Yazd-i Khast
-Townscapes and Villages
-Figurines and Incense burner
-Prints and Drawings

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

1(A2) ROYALTY-Shahs
1(A3) Caption: Fath Ali Shah 49.2 (742)
Note: Fath Ali Shah (reigned 1797-1834)-copy of art
work; see also: fiche 16(A2)

1(A4) Caption: Mohammad Shah 49.4 (209)

Note: Muhammad Shah (reigned 1834-1848)-copy of art

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

Nasir al-din Shah (reigned 1848-1896)

1(A5) Caption: Nasr-i Din Shah 31.1 (584)
Note: Nasir al-din Shah in front of Peacock Throne; see
also: fiche 20(A2)

1(A6) Caption: None 51.8

Note: Nasir al-din Shah standing outdoors

1(A7) Caption: Dentist of Nasir Din Shah 47.11

Note: Barber dyeing Nasir al-din Shah's mustache

1(A8) Caption: Nasr-i Din Shah 51.5 (1151)

Note: Nasir al-din Shah examining decorative objects with
his attendants in the Gulistan Palace. Neg. nos. 15.3, 54.5,
15.9, 17.6, 61.4, 3.6 also record events on same day.

1(A9) Caption: None 3.6

Note: Nasir al-din Shah seated with back to mirror in
Gulistan Palace (same day as above)

1(A10) Caption: Nasr Din Shah and member of court 51.12

Note: Probably receiving report in Gulistan Palace; same
room appears in 55.2 (Gulistan Palace)

1 (B 1) Caption: Nasr Dinshah firman 13.03

Note: Receiving report in Gulistan Palace (1191)

1(B2) Caption: None 51.6 (109?)

Note: Nasir al-din Shah, Kamran Mirza on right, Amin al-
sultan on left

1(B3) Caption: None 17.2

Note,. Nasir al-din Shah supervising banquet for Ashpazan

1(B4) Caption: Nasr al Din Shah and court 19.1

1(B5) Caption: NasrDin Shah and ministers 58.9 (1147)

1(B6) Caption: None 32.6 (637)

Note: Nasir al-din Shah in village

l (B7) Caption: Nasr din Shah and court atAbshar 51.13

Note: Same event as 13.01 and 55.1

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

1(B8) Caption: Nasr Din Shah at Abshar-Shimran 13.01

1(B9) Caption: None 55.1

Note: Nasir al-din Shah in his later years, being read to
near Lar River. Probably same trip as 51.13 and 13.01

1B(10) Caption: Nasri Din hunting 42.8

Note: Malijak (?) holding gun

1(C1) Caption: Nasr din Shah and attendants 51.2 (928)

Note: Nasir al-din Shah and his eunuchs, with hand on
head of Agha Muhammad Khan Khaja

1(C2) Caption: Statue of 'Nasr ud din Shah 48.3

Note: Nasir al-din Shah's son stands to his right

1(C3) Caption: None 14.10

Note: Nasir al-din Shah (under umbrella on black horse)
with his cavalry; on expedition to Lar

Nasir al-din Shah-Family

1(C4) Caption: Abbas Mirza 51.16
Note, Grandfather of Nasir al-din Shah-copy of art work

1(C5) Caption: Mother ofNasr-i Din Shah 43.8

1(C6) Caption: Daughter of Nasr Din Shah 47.12 (229)

Note,: Aghdas

1(C7) Caption: None 0.4 (113)

Note: Kamran Mirza, son of Nasir al-din Shah

Muzaffar al-din Shah (reigned 1896-1907)

1(C8) Caption: None 51.7
Note: Muzaffar al-din Shah in his younger days

1(C9) Caption: None 51.14

Note: Muzaffar al-din Shah after coronation, 1897 (1075)

1(C10) Caption: Muzaffari Din Shah 49.7 (235)

1(D 1) Caption: None 51.9

Note: Muzaffar al-din Shah in Gulistan Palace

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

1(D2) Caption: Nasr ed Din and court 16.7

Note: Muzaffar al-din Shah in maydan-i Mashgh

Muhammad All Shah Qajar (reigned 1907-1909)

1(D3) Caption: None 51.15
Note: Half-length portrait of Muhammad Ali Shah Qajar

1(D5) Caption: None 36.11 (69)

Note: Prince Abu'lfath Mirza salar al-dawla, brother of
Muhammad Ali Shah

1(D6) Caption: SardarAsad (?) and his Baktiari guard 46.13 (774)
Note: Salar al-dawla with guardsmen

Ahmad Shah Qajar (reigned 1909-1925)

1(D4) Caption: None 44.8 (765)
Note: Ahmad Shah Qajar about age 12

Reza Shah Pahlavi (reigned 1925-1941)

1(D7) Caption: None 48.12
Note: Reza Shah Pahlavi, portrayed when still minister of
War (appt. in 1921)

1(D8) Caption: Reza Pahalvi and the Russian Ambassador 26.1

1(D9) Caption: Riza on horse 27.8

Note: As Minister of War

1(D10) Caption: Commercial Treaty Iranian Ministers 27.7

1(M) ROYALTY-Courtiers and Courts

1(E2) Caption: Iranian Minister 53.5
Note: Mirza Ibrahim Ghafari-"muawin al-dawla" (helper
of the state)

1(E3) Caption: Vazir of Nasr Din Shah 41.13 (763)

Note: May have erroneously been identified as -prime
minister Mirza Taqi Khan, the Amir-i kabir

1(E4) Caption: Zair-IDowlah 49.3 (675)

Note: Zahir al-dawla, son-in-law and master of ceremonies
of Nasir al-din Shah; see also,: fiche 16(A4)

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

1(E5) Caption: Mustofyi Mamalik 41.2

Note: Mirza Yusuf Ashtiyani, the mustawfi al-mamalik, ca.
early 1880s-copy of art work; see also: fiche 16(A3)

1(E6) Caption: Iranian Minister 26.14 (878)

Note: Majd al-dawla

1(E7) Caption: None 22.4

Note: Mushir al-dawla, Husayn Khan (later sipahsalar)

1(E8) Caption: Government minister 52.2

1(E9) Caption: Court of Mohammad Shah 54.7

Note: Nasir al-din Shah era-copy of photograph

2(A1) Caption: Ministers of'court 58.8 (246)

Note: Nasir al-din Shah era-Amin al-sultan seated fourth
from right; same day as 51.6

2(A2) Caption: Court of Nasr Din Shah 54.9 (1113)

Note: Same ceremony (a New Year salam?) as 15.2, 51.3,
and 51.10 & 51.4 (Gulistan Palace)

2(A3) Caption: None 15.2

Note: Same ceremony as above, 54.9; man on right in
turban with medals is Zahir al-dawla, master of ceremony

2(A4) Caption: None 51.3

Note: Same ceremony as above, 54.9

2(A5) Caption: None 16.9

Note: Procession of men in garden

2(A6) Caption: Outdoor ceremony 24.9a (1131)

2(A7) Caption: Celebration in Gulestan Palace 58.3 (1163)

Note: Banquet scene, same event as 60.9 and 24.8

2(A8) Caption: None 60.9

Note: Banquet at Gulistan Palace

2(A9) Caption: None 24.8 (1002)

Note: Row of seated men in Gulistan Palace complex

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

2(A10) Caption: Men at banquet 24.7 (1121)

Note: From right to left: Mirza Tahir, the mustawfi bashir
al-mulk (the one who sees for the state); Ahmad Mirza, the
abud al-dawla (the strong right arm of the state);
Mohammad Taqi Mirza, the ruknal-dawla (supporter of
the state); Abbas Mirza Malek Ara; Abd al-Samad Mirza,
the izz al-dawla (glory of the state); Shahzada the omid al-
dawla (pillar of the state)

2(B 1) Caption: Loaded table 58.6

2(B2) Caption: None 16.8 (1029)

Note: Men before banquet table

2(B3) Caption: A Dinner Party 57.5 (999)

Note: Ashpazan ceremony, Amin al-sultan can be seen at
head of left row of seated men, looking into the camera-
same event as 60.10 and 17.2 (Nasir al-din Shah)

2(B4) Caption: None 60.10

Note: Ashpazan ceremony banquet, as above 57.5

2(B5) Caption: Game ofNasr ed din Shah 43.7 (433)

Note: Boy (Malijak?) posing with a stuffed leopard, an
ibex, a deer, and a gazelle

2(B6) ROYALTY-Residences

ROYALTY Residences-Gulistan Palace (Tehran)

2(B7) Caption: Gulistan Palace 57.6 (1098)
Note: Interior of Gulistan Palace, audience hall

2(B8) Caption: None 15.3

Note: Throne room of Gulistan Palace with Takhta tavus
(Peacock Throne) at the Buyutat-same day as 54.5, 17.6,
61.4, 15.9, 51.5, and 3.6

2(B9) Caption: Gulestan Palace 54.5 (991)

Note: Throne room of Gulistan Palacesee 15.3

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

2(B 10) Caption: None 17.6

Note: Throne room of Gulistan Palace; see also: 15.3

2(C1) Caption: Gulistan Palace, reception room 61.4

Note: Throne room of Gulistan Palace; see also: 15.3

2(C2) Caption: Salon and thrones at Gulistan Palace 49.6 (798)

Note: See also, fiche 18(E9)

2(C3) Caption: Gulistan Palace 55.2 (1040)

Note: Room interior-same as 51.12 (Nasir al-din Shah)

2(C4) Caption: Gulestan, opposite side of reception marble 51.10

throne (1011)
Note: Same event as 51.4, 28.1, 54.9, 15.2, and 51.3

2(C5) Caption: None 51.4

Note: Reception at Gulistan Palace

2(C6) Caption: Reception at Gulestan 28.1 (53)

Note: Reception at Gulistan Palace

2(C7) Caption: None 29.11 (253)

Note: Imarat-i badgir (Tower of the Winds)-part of
Gulistan Palace complex; see also.- fiche 18(E6)

2(C8) Caption: Dari Ahmasi 28.2 (122)

Note: Part of Gulistan Palace complex; see also: fiche

2(C9) Caption: None 56.4

Note: Portion of Gulistan Palace complex

2(C10) Caption: Bagh-i Atabeg 35.6

Note: Gulistan Palace (?)

ROYALTY--W-Residences Jdentif ed
2(D1) Caption: None 25.1
Note: Shahristanak, Nasir al-din Shah's royal summer
villa north of Tehran-rear view seen from above

2(D2) Caption: None 18.4 (1218)

Note Shahristanak-view from above

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

2(D3) Caption: Shimran, royal summer house 54.8

Note: Shahristanak-front view

2(D4) Caption: Royal villa at Cherestanek, north of Tehran 47.8

Note: Nasir al-din Shah's royal pavillion,called the tower
(built 1848), at the port of Anzali (later called Bandar
Pahlavi) in Gilan, overlooking the Caspian Sea

2(D5) Caption: Shimran, Bagh-i Ferdous 58.2

Note: Bagh-i firdaws, Nasir al-din Shah's royal summer
villa in north Tehran (Shimran), and residence of the
Shah's cousin; see also,: 20.184 (Architecture-
Townscapes and Villages) for comparative view

2(D6) Caption: Bagh-i Ferdows underground room 39.2b (632)

2(D7) Caption: Baghi Shah in Tehran 44.2 (446)

2(D8) Caption: Wrought iron bridge and equestrian statue of 46.11 (291)
Baghi Shah

2(D9) Caption: Royal Summer house in Shimran 42.10

Note: Identified as Atabak's (Amin al-sultan's) residence

2(D10) Caption: Royal Summer house, Shimran 54.6

2(El) Caption: Bagh-i Ferdous above Tajrish 48.11

Note: Huzkhana, Saltanatabad (built by 1882), Nasir al-din
Shah's royal summer villa north of Tehran

2(E2) Caption: Saltanatabad 46.7

2(E3) Caption: None 23.6 (1127)

Note: Abdarkhana and horloge of Saltanatabad

2(E4) Caption: None 60.8

Note: Ishratabad Palace near Tehran

2(E5) Caption: None 28.4

Note: Chihil Sutun Palace ("Forty C61umns"-comPleted
in 1647 for Shah Abbas II) at Isfahan-exterior view

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

2(E6) Caption: None 28.3

Note: Chihil Sutun Palace (Forty Columns), Isfahan-
exterior view

2(E7) Caption: Cihil Sutun Palace, Isfahan 35.5 (899)

Note: View from talar

2(E8) Caption: Cihil Sutun 29.12 (182)

Note: Ayinakhana (Hall of Mirrors)-view of rear of
building; see also. 40.6

2(E9) Caption: Cihil Sutun Palace, Isfahan 40.6 (182)

Note: Ayinakhana (Hall of Mirrors)-view of rear of
building; see also. 29.12

3(A1) Caption: None 22.5
Note: Palace villa

3(A2) Caption: None 56.9

Note Villa and water fountain

3(A3) Caption: None 19.9

Note: View from villa in 56.9, looking towards water

3(A4) ROYALTY Thrones, Crowns, Celestial globes

3(A5) Caption: None 35.11 (303)
Note: Takhta tavus (Peacock Throne) in Gulistan Palace

3(A6) Caption: Peacock Throne 37.10 (637)

Note Takhta tavus (Peacock Throne) in Gulistan Palace

3(A7) Caption: None 15.9 (943)

Note: Takhta tavus (Peacock Throne) in Gulistan Palace

3(A8) Caption: Summer Residence 33.8 (258)

Note: Nadiri throne in Gulistan Palace

3(A9) Caption: Taq-i Kujani 49.1 (268)

Note: Headpiece worn by the Shah at Nawruz

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

3(A10) Caption: None 51.11

Note: Jewel-encrusted (celestial ?) globe

3(BI) ROYALTY-Carriages and Horses

3(B2) Caption: Droshka 20.03
Note: Horse and driver with an open carriage

3(B3) Caption: None 50.6 (982)

Note: Men on horses pulling a carriage

3(B4) Caption: Landau of Nasr Din Shah 61.7

Note: Men standing before a carriage

3(B5) Caption: None 59.5

Note: Horse and attendants (royal horse?)

3(86) ROYALTY-Camps See also: fiche 12(B6)

3(B7) Caption: None 15.4
Note: Royal camp in valley-distant view

3(B8) Caption: Abi Garm ofDamavand 50.4 (1209)

Note: Possible hunting camp in Lar Valley near Tehran--
distant view

3(B9) Caption: Camp 14.11

Note: Royal encampment-distant view

3(B10) Caption: None 54.10 (958)

Note: Camp in valley-distant view

3(C1) Caption: None 19.3

Note: Royal encampment-distant view (1091?)

3(C2) Caption: None 32.8 (635)

Note: Royal encampment-distant view

3(C3) Caption: None 16.3 (966)

Note: Camp near stream

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

3(C4) Caption: Elephant 53.4

Note: Camp with black tent: royal presence of elephant
could suggest not being far from Tehran; may be dushan
tappa-one of Muzaffar al-din Shah's favorite sites outside

3(C5) Caption: Nasr al Din Shah and court 19.2

Note: Outdoor gathering (for horse racing?) near large
royal tent at dushan tappa

3(C6) Caption: Kadkhoda on donkey 23.3

Note: Kadkhuda (village chief)

3(C7) PEOPLE Foreign royalty, Diplomatic and Consular service

3(C8) Caption: King of Bukhara 20.238

3(C9) Caption: Son of a King of Bahrain 54.12

3(C10) Caption: Grand Duke... Brother of the Czar 43.2

Note: Man wearing hat, standing fourth from the right in
the second row, is Prince Firouz Mirza Firouz (Nusrat
al-dawla), Minister of Foreign Affairs; person standing
between Grand Duke and man with boater hat and glasses
is Hishmat al-dawla; photo taken ca. 1909 in Tabriz

3(D1) Caption: None 24.6 (1173)

Note: Turkmen representatives at maydan-i Mashgh

3(D2) Caption: Turkish embassy celebration 48.14

3(D3) Caption: Shumiatsky commercial treaty 27.6

3(D4) Caption: Russian exposition 26.13

Note: Third from right in front row is Moustaffi al-
mamalik; fourth from right in front row is Mushir dawla

3(D5) Caption: Celebration of May Day at Russian Embassy in 31.6

Tehran in 1926 or 1927
Note: Man with beard in front-row, is droshka driver of
Czarist ambassador; 2"d to right of man with beard is
director of Russian Bank; 3rd is interpreter or clerk; is
Russian consul (Pleyot); 2"d on left hand is Russian
ambassador (Yiuiienev)

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

3(D6) PEOPLE-Military-Officers and Soldiers

3(D7) Caption: None 19.6 (790)
Note: Portrait of seated officer-British medal near throat

3(D8) Caption: None 0.9

Note: Portrait of standing officer,

3(D9) Caption: Army Officers 58.4

Note: Portrait of two men

3(D10) Caption: None

Note: Soldiers standing behind barbed wire; person second
from left identified as Hussn al-dawla (Shaghaghi--?)

3(E1) Caption: Group of officers of former dynasty

Note: Officers of the Cossack Brigade

3(E2) Caption: Soldiers or police

Note: Possibly a regiment assigned to Zill al-sultan

3(E3) Caption: None

Note: Possibly a regiment assigned to Zill al-sultan

3(E4) Caption: Camel Corps of Iranian Army

Note: Regiment known as zanburak-chi, at the maydan-i
Mashgh, just north of the Square of Cannons (maydan-i

3(E5) Caption: Maneuvers-Shimran 52.11 (909)

Note: Shah's escorting regiment in front of Mt. Damavand
overlooking Dashta Lar

3(E6) Caption: None 22.3 (963)

Note: Cossacks at maydan-i Mashgh, possibly same day as

3(E7) Caption: None 16.6

Note: Cossacks at maydan-i Mashgh, facing east with
mountains in background, possibly same day as 22.3 above

3(E8) Caption: None 23.8 (996)

Note: Military ceremony, same event as 15.5

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

3(E9) Caption: None 15.5

Note: Probably Abdul-Hosayn Farman-farma (minister of
Defense) on horseback in maydan-i Mashgh

4(A1) Caption: None 2.06

Note: Soldier's standing before a mosque

4(A2) Caption: None 56.1

Note: Soldiers along a tree-lined street, Tehran

4(A3) PEOPLE-Portraits

4(A4) Caption: Adib - a well known writer, now 20 years dead 46.1

4(A5) Caption: Kamal ul Mulk 54.11

Note: Kamal al-Mulk, Muhammad Ghaffari, artist

4(A6) Caption: None 60.12

Note: Khizil-copy of a photograph

4(A7) Caption: Staff of Imperial Bank of Iran 30.9

4(A8) Caption: None 51.1
Note: Studio portrait of a Western man posing in costume

4(A9) Caption: None 0.8

Note: Seated Western (?) man in costume

4(A10) Caption: None 18.5

Note: Portrait of a seated man-a Bakhtiari (?)

4(B1) Caption: None 1.8a

Note: Portrait of a bearded man

4(B2) Caption: None 1.8b

Note: Portrait of a bearded man--copy of a photograph

4(B3) Caption: None 2.08

Note: Group portrait-copy of a photograph

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

4(B4) Caption: None 2.09

Note: Group portrait

4(B5) Caption: None 37.13 (397)

Note: Group portrait at bazaar

4(B6) Caption: None 14.3

Note: Three men with a stag

4(B7) Caption: None 56.11

Note: Campsite, group portrait at a formal ceremony with (1076)
some form of transaction taking place (man in center has
paper and pen; standing men are carrying gifts); Amin al-
dawla is in center with white shawl around neck

4(B8) Caption: None 23.4

Note: Group of men standing near motor car

Portraits Hermaphrodit+,-Unidentified
4(B9) Caption: Middle Sex 20.04 (926)

4(B 10) Caption: woman with chadurpitchah 18.2
Note: Western woman posing in chadur; see also.: 61.10

4(Cl) Caption: Persian woman with Galeon 61.10

Note: Western woman in studio posing with chadur and
hookah; see also: 18.2

4(C2) Caption: None 32.5

Note: Studio portrait of a woman in European dress

4(C3) Caption: None 2.07

Note: Seated veiled woman with pearls

4(C4) Caption: None 2.05

Note: Half-length portrait of a veiled woman

4(C5) Caption: None 26.11 (143)

Note: Veiled Persian woman standing in courtyard

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

4(C6) Caption: Persian girl 21.4

Note: Seated Persian girl in ballet costume-copy of a

4(C7) Caption: Persian woman 42.4 (707)

4(C8) Caption: Two Persian women 53.3

4(C9) Caption: Persian women under a Kursi 43.10 (143)

Note: See also: 30.3

4(C10) Caption: Persian Kursi 30.3 (865)

Note: See also. 43. 10

4(D1) Caption: Under a Kursi 13.438

4(D2) Caption: Moslem women 52.4c (95?)

Portraits-Groups (men and women)-Identified

4(D3) Caption: Amuz Mirza and his sons 58.1

4(D4) Caption: Sevruguin family 24.9b

Note: Antoin Sevruguin (seated at left) with a portion of
his extended family: father-in-law, two sons, two
daughters, and his wife, Louise

4(D5) Caption: None 1.20

Note: Sevruguin family portrait

Portraits-Groups (men and women)-Unidentified

4(D6) Caption: Note weave of binding midriff of man at left... 21.7
charioteer, (a Greco-Roman bronze)
Note: Portrait of a family (?)

4(D7) Caption: None 18.6

Note: Group portrait of hospital staff and patients

Portraits Armenians
4(D8) Caption: Armenian girl and costume 46.15 (334)
Note: Armenian woman: see also,. fiche 16(E7)

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

4(D9) Caption: Armenians, from Salmas 36.14 (359)

Note: Nestorian Christian Family

4(D10) Caption: Armenian school 43.1

Note: Group portrait of students and faculty

4(El) Caption: Bakhtiar Sardar Zafar 24.11

Portraits Kurds
4(E2) Caption: Kurdish costume 46.12 (442)
Note: Kurdish (or Armenian ?) woman in elaborate
costume; see also: fiche 17(A5)

4(E3) Caption: Kurdish woman 37.6 (473)

4(E4) Caption: Ali Zllahis 15.6

Note: Portrait of Kurdish family (?)-note boy's hat

4(E5) Caption: Kurdish Chiefs 52.4a

4(E6) Caption: A Lur 57.3

4(E7) Caption: A Gashgai 61.3

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

5(Al) PEOPLE-Religious

5(A2) Caption: Mullah mudaris 46.17
Note: Most powerful member of the clergy in parliament,
ca. 1900 black turban denotes Shiite faith and being a
direct descent of Imam Husayn

5(A3) Caption: Mullahs about to eat 0.5

Note: A group of ulema (Muslim scholars and clerics),
gathered at the house of Malijak for his wedding reception;
black turbans indicated those who were seyyids, direct
descendants of one of the Imams

5(A4) Caption: None 56.3

Note: Group portrait of mullahs

5(A.5) Caption: Mullahs on strike 23.13

5(A6) Caption: Mullahs taking bast 24.2

5(A7) Caption: Dervish 56.2 (151)
Note: Dervish or cleric (?)-copy of photograph; see also:
fiche 16(D8)

5(A8) Caption: A Darvish 1.4

5(A9) Caption: Dervish 28.7 (7)

Note: Dervish-seated portrait; see also fiche 20(B2)

5(A10) Caption: Dervish headdress 46.8 (490)

5(131) Caption: Negro Dervishes 39.1 (870)

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

5(B2) Caption: Group of Bahais 47.7

Note: Top row, left to right: two unidentified men,
Elizabeth H. Stewart, Abdu'l-Baha holding a picture of his
father Baha'ullah, (founder of the Bahai faith), Haji
Ghulam Riday-i-Isfahani (Amin-i-Amin); bottom row left
to right: Mulla Bahram Akhtar Khavari, Dr. Susan I.
Moody, unidentified boy, Siyyid Assadu'llah-i-Qumi
(Mirza Musa Assadu'llah Qumi) and unidentified man

Religious Catholics
5(B3) Caption: Jean d'Arc School 41.5
Note: Group portrait of students and faculty at the Jean
d'Arc School, Tehran

5(B4) Caption: None 41.9

Note." Group portrait, Jean d'Arc School

5(B5) Caption: Jean d'Arc School 41.10

Note: Group portrait

5(B6) Caption: Jean d'Arc School 41.11

Note: Group portrait

5(B7) Caption: Jean d'Arc School 58.5

Note: Group portrait seen at distance outside of school

5(B8) Caption: Jean d'Arc School 20.232

Note: Group portrait seen at distance outside of school

5(B9) Caption: A Jewish rabbi 37.11

Religious Zoroastrians
5(B10) Caption: Zoroastrian costume 37.4

5(C1) Caption: Zoroastrian women 23.9 (919)

Note: Nomad women

5(C2) Caption: A Zoroastrian Bride 42.3 (16)

5(C3) Caption: Zoroastrian family 27.11

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

5(C4) Caption: Zoroastrian family 53.7

5(C5) Caption: Zoroastrian family 21.6

5(C6) Caption: Zoroastrian family 52.5

Religious rites and Ceremonies

5(C7) Caption: Prayers at masjid-i Shah 53.1

5(C8) Caption: Meeting in Masjid-i Shah 50.5

Note: Month of Muharram, possibly Ashura procession
(behind the flags in the procession are children on mules
with elders on horses-may be re-enactment of Ashura)

(C9) Caption: None 1.3 1156)

Note: Children on horses-figures from Ashura re-
enactment procession

5(C10) Caption: None 14.1

Note: Possibly a Muharram passion play-the "woman"
covered in a veil at the center of the tent holding a paper is
actually a man playing a woman's role, and the "western"
man to his right may be " farangi," a Christian figure in t he
story; crowds of people peer over the wall in background,
scarves hang from tent; see also 52.8

(D1) Caption: Persian crowd in a tent 2.8

Note: Possibly same event as 14.1

5(D2) Caption: Ashura celebration 47.10

Note: Tenth day of the month of Muharram, men in
procession of chanting and flagellation

5(D3) Caption: Ashura 1.1

Note: Month of Muharram, Ashura or Ta'ziya drama, men

performing a ritual called ghama-zani, a form of self-
flagellation, where the flat side of sword is hit on shaven
head and blood blisters form

(D4) Caption: A headcutter 3.2

Note: Ashura, performing ghama-zani, a self-flagellation

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

5(DS) PEOPLE Daily activities

Agricultural laborers
5(D6) Caption: None 1.5a
Note: Threshing

5(D7) Caption: None 2.010

Note: Threshing

5(D8) Caption: Plowing 46.6

5(D9) Caption: Migrants-milking cow 42.6a

5(D10) Caption: None 32.4 (506)

Note: Shepherd; see also fiche 16(B3)

5(E1) Caption: None 1.17

Note: Shepherds and sheep

5(E2) Caption: None 1.18

Note: Shepherd and sheep

5(E3) Caption: Poultry 28.6 (41)

Note: Man on donkey carrying poultry

5(E4) Caption: Chicken Seller 46.16 (257)

Note: See also: 57.8

5(E5) Caption: Poultry 57.8

Note: Same image depicted in 46.16-copy of a

Travelers, Migrants and Camps

5(E6) Caption: Poultry 1.15
Note: Man on donkey-same stretch of road as 1.16, 1.13
and 2.012

5(E7) Caption: None 1.16

Note: men and donkeys in landscape-same stretch of road
as 1.13, 1.15 and 2.012.

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

5(E8) Caption: None 1.13

Note: Children and adults on donkeys-same stretch of
road as 2.012, 1.15 and 1.16

5(E9) Caption: None 2.012

Note: People on donkeys-same stretch of road as 1.15,
1.16 and 1.13

6(A1) Caption: None 1.14

Note: People on donkeys

6(A2) Caption: Migrants 57.2

6(A3) Caption: Ali Maqsud Beg 53.6

Note: Travelers in landscape

6(A4) Caption: None 2.04

Note: Woman with European attire being escorted in
caravan, possibly Dashta-Lar region (Mount Damavand

6(A5) Caption: None 16.4

Note: Men at campsite-man in European attire on right
(could be Sevruguin ?)

6(A6) Caption: None 15.10

Note: Men at campsite

Boats and Boating

6(A7) Caption: Boats of Tigris 44.3 (660)
Note: Arab sailors in circular canoes on the Karun River,
southwest Iran; see also. 60.7

6(A8) Caption: None 60.7

Note: Arab sailors in circular canoes used to transport
passengers and animals across the Karun River; see also:

6(A9) Caption: None 25.2

Note: Port of Bandar Anzali, Gilan

6(A10) Caption: None 3.2 (993)

Note: Seascape with men in boats

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

Craft occupations
6(B 1) Caption: None 37.5 (472)
Note: Girls weaving a large carpet; see also: fiche 16(B6)
for comparative view

6(B2) Caption: Silk weaving 37.9 (592)

6(B3) Caption: Silk Worms 44.13 (659)

6(B4) Caption: Making tiles (painting) 34.7 (590)

Street vendors and Market scenes

6(B5) Caption: Selling medicines 28.5 (783)
Note: Or possibly selling sugar beets (?)

6(B6) Caption: None 14.2

Note: Bazaar in courtyard of mosque

6(B7) Caption: None 24.10

Note: Men selling cloths in bazaar (1197)

6(B8) Caption: Pottery Shop 1.3

6(B9) Caption: Shop in Resht 61.6

Note: Sugar shop, Rasht

6(B 10) Caption: Bazaar 30.4

Note: Bazaar, Rasht

6(C1) Caption: None 60.11

Note: Market scene-food vendors (1247)

6(C2) Caption: Baggali (green grocer ?) 37.8 (299)

6(C3) Caption: None 43.3 (14)

Note: Grocer selling food at market

6(C4) Caption: None 61.2

Note: Man holding snake

6(C5) Caption: Two beggars 26.7 (1449)

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

6(C6) Caption: A beggar 57.1 (921)

6(C7) PEOPLE-Sports
6(C8) Caption: Wrestlers 26.6 (237)
Note: The zurkhana (house of strength); traditional Persian
wrestlers in studio pose-man in back holds a weight
training instrument known as the kabbadeh

6(C9) Caption: Wrestlers 21.1

Note: Two wrestlers in studio pose

6(C10) Caption: Persian athletes 37.3 (898)

6(D1) Caption: Persian wrestlers 44.7 (793)

6(D2) Caption: Athletic exhibition 23.2

Note: Large crowd watching zurkhana wrestlers warming
up, Tehran; may be same event as 0.6 and 50.7

6(D3) Caption: None 0.6

Note: Large crowd watching zurkhana wrestlers perform in
public; may be same event as shown in 23.2 and 50.7

6(D4) Caption: None 50.7

Note: Large crowd watching clowns performing during the
intermission of an exhibition of zurkhana wrestlers; may be
same event as shown in 23.2 and 0.6

6(D5) Caption: None 14.12

Note: Large gathering-annual horse race (1228)

6(D6) Caption: None 23.11

Note: Men posed with rifles for hunting-may be of the
Qashqai tribe

6(D7) Caption: Hunters 24.4

Note: Same event as in 24.3 and 23.10

6(D8) Caption: Hunters 24.3

Note: Men on hunting trip; same event as in 24.4 and 23.10

6(D9) Caption: None 23.10

Note: Men on hunting trip; same event as in 24.4 and 24.3

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

6(D10) Caption: Hunting Hawks 23.12 (947)

Note: Group of men holding hawks

6(E1) Caption: None 14.6

Note: Falcon on stand

6(E2) PEOPLE-Performing arts

6(E3) Caption: Marionettes 24.1
Note: Royal puppet show accompanied by men in
foreground playing musical instruments; puppets include
the king (center on couch), court servants, a eunuch, a
wrestler, women entertainers, members of the Cossack
brigade, the military band, and a policeman

6(E4) Caption: None 50.3

Note: Royal puppet show

6(E5) Caption: Marionettes 50.1

Note: Royal puppet show

6(E6) Caption: None 35.1 (705)

Note: Musical instruments

6(E7) Caption: A Theatrical Performance 23.1

Note: Scene from a theater or film performance-copy of a

6(E8) Caption: Pictures of a Play 21.5

Note: Scene from a theater or film performance-copy of a

7(A1) PEOPLE-Rites and Ceremonies

7(A2) Caption: Funeral 48.9 (250)

7(A3) PEOPLE-Executions
7(A4) Caption: None 30.5
Note: Man executed in public hanging

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

7(A5) Caption: Execution of a thief in gatch 39.2a (512)

Note: Man buried alive in gatch-possibly a Bahais leader,
rather than a common thief or adulterer; see also: fiche
20(D 1)

7(A7) Caption: A duck 58.7
Note: Swan and her young

7(A8) Caption: None 55.5

Note: Bird

7(A9) ARCHITECTURE-Pre-Islamic
. .................

Pre-Islamic-Bishapur See: fiche 7(C7)

Pre-Islamic Nagsh-1 Rajab

7(A10) Caption: None 38.11
Note: Naqsh-i Rajab, relief IV, depicting bust and
inscription of Kartir, the high priest; See also. fiche 18(A9)

7(B1) Caption: None 29.9 (852)

Note: Naqsh-i Rajab, relief III, depicting Shapur I mounted
with suite on foot

Pre-Islamic Nagsh-i Rustam See also: riche 11(C5-

7(B2) Caption: None 31.10a
Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, tomb facades of Darius II,
Artaxerxes I, and Darius I

7(B3) Caption: None 35.8 (828)

Note Naqsh-i Rustam, tomb facades of Darius II,
Artaxerxes I, and Darius I

7(B4) Caption: None 38.9 (598)

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, tomb of °Darius I middle register,
seen from side; see also: fiche 18(B2)

7(B5) Caption: 29.4

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, tomb of Xerxes

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

7(B6) Caption: None 40.10

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, tomb of Xerxes-front facade; see
also,: fiche 18(B1)

7(B7) Caption: Altar of afire temple 39.4 (827)

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, fire altars; See also: fiche 18(B9)

7(B8) Caption: None 35.9 (571)

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, fire altars

7(B9) Caption: None 38.4 (823)

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, Tower-from southwest

7(B10) Caption: None 29.5 (572)

Note Naqsh-i Rustam, rock relief II, depicting the triumph
of Shapur I; and rock relief IV, depicting equestrian
combat of Bahram II, with modern horsemen

7(C1) Caption: None 38.2

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam (?), Sasanian rock relief depicting
mounted Sasanians and defeated Romans

7(C2) Caption: None 29.8 (601)

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, rock relief IX, attributed to Shapur
II, depicting equestrian combat; See also: fiche 18(B7)

7(C3) Caption: None 29.10 (225)

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, rock relief I, depicting the
investiture of Ardashir I by Hormizd; and rock relief III,
depicting Bahrain II with his court; See also: fiche 18(B6)

7(C4) Caption: None 15.11

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, rock relief I, depicting the
investiture of Ardashir by Hormizd

7(C5) Caption: None 47.3

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, rock relief VI, depicting the
investiture of Narseh by Anahita

7(C6) Caption: Antoine Sevruguin in foreground 38.6 (236)

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, rock relief II, depicting the triumph
of Shapur I over Valerian-with Sevruguin in foreground;
See also: fiche 18(B5)

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

7(C7) Caption: None 31.11 (830)

Note: Bishapur, rock relief depicting Bahrain II's
subjection of Arab tribes; see also. fiche 18(B4)

7(C8) Caption: None 29.1 (822)
Note: Persepolis, terrace viewed from northwest corner-
columns of Apadana visible at right; See also: fiche 18(C3)

7(C9) Caption: None 31.12 (655)

Note: Persepolis, general view from north-with campsite

7(C10) Caption: None 35.12

Note: Persepolis, terrace stairway; See also: 40.11

7(D1) Caption: Note 40.11

Note: Persepolis, terrace stairway; See also: 35.12

7(D2) Caption: None 38.12 (138)

Note: Persepolis, general view from north of the standing
columns of the Apadana-Sevruguin in foreground

7(D3) Caption: None 38.8 (818)

Note: Persepolis, northern wall of the Throne Hall-
viewed from east; See also: fiche 18(C4)

7(D4) Caption: None 30.12 (248)

Note: Persepolis, Throne Hall, northern wall, western
doorway, east,jamb, relief depicting audience and guards;
See also: fiche 18(C9)

7(D5) Caption: None 56.6 (914)

Note: Persepolis, Throne Hall, northern wall, eastern
doorway, west jamb, relief depicting audience and guards;
See also: fiche 18(C10)

7(D6) Caption: None 31.9 (801)

Note: Persepolis, Gate of Xerxes, with guardian bulls of
western doorway; See also: fiche 18(C5)

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

7(D7) Caption: None 38.3

Note: Persepolis, Gate of Xerxes, with guardian bulls of
western doorway-camera equipment visible on site; See
also: fiche 18(C6)

7(D8) Caption: None 31.2 (140)

Note: Persepolis, general view of Gate of Xerxes, with
guardian man-bulls of eastern doorway-viewed from

7(D9) Caption: None 31.10b

Note: Persepolis, Gate of Xerxes, with guardian man-bulls (232)
of eastern doorway, viewed from north-Sevruguin (?) in
foreground; Apadana staircase in background

7(D10) Caption: None 57.9

Note: Persepolis, general view of Gate of Xerxes, with
guardian man-bulls of eastern doorway-viewed from

7(E1) Caption: None 38.7 (619)

Note: Persepolis, Apadana, northern stairway, eastern
wing, with standing columns-viewed from northeast

7(E2) Caption: None 29.7 (174)

Note: Persepolis, Palace of Darius, southern stairway,
central panel, with guards and trilingual inscription of
Xerxes-viewed from southwest; see also: fiche 18(D2)

7(E3) Caption: None 42.7 (806)

Note: Persepolis, Apadana, northern stairway, western
side, tribute procession, with delegations IV-XV-viewed
from northwest; See also: fiche 18(D1)

7(E4) Caption: None 29.3 (802)

Note: Persepolis, Palace of Darius-general view from

7(E5) Caption: None 35.10 (894)

Note: Persepolis, Palace of Darius, western doorway-
view from southwest

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

7(E6) Caption: None 38.1 (573)

Note: Persepolis, Council Hall, King and two attendants
with parasol, Ahuramazda symbol on west jamb of
southern doorway of main hall-view from east; see also:
fiche 18(C8)

7(E7) Caption: None 40.9 (805)

Note: Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes II (Tomb V)

7(E8) Caption: None 29.2 (81)

Note: Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes II (Tomb V)

Pre-Islamic Taq J Bustan.

7(E9) Caption: None 39.9
Note: Taq-i Bustan, Cave of Shapur III-view from water;
See also,, fiche 18(D3)

8(A1) Caption: Taq i Bostan 47.4 (814)

Note: Taq-i Bustan, Cave of Shapur III-view of rock
relief; See also: fiche 18(D4)

8(A2) Caption: None 39.10 (181)

Note: Taq-i Bustan, Cave of Shapur III-view of rock

8(A3) Caption: None 39.11 (599)

Note: Taq-i Bustan, Cave of Shapur III, back wall of large
grotto showing Sasanian reliefs

8(A4) Caption: Taq i Bostan 39.7

Note: Taq-i Bustan, Cave of Shapur III, rock relief
depicting royal boar hunt-Khusrau II in boat; see also:
fiche 18(D7)

8(A5) Caption: None 44.6

Note: Taq-i Bustan, Cave of Shapur III, rock relief
depicting royal boar hunt-Khusrau II in boat

8(A6) Caption: None 47.5 (524)

Note: Taq-i Bustan, Cave of Shapur III, rock relief
depicting royal deer hunt

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

8(A7) Caption: None 39.8 (173)

Note: Taq-i Bustan, Cave of Shapur III-close view of
rock relief depicting royal deer hunt; See also: fiche

8(A8) Caption: None 52.10

Note: Taq-i Bustan, Cave of Shapur III-detail of rock
relief depicting royal deer hunt; See also: fiche 18(D6)

Pre-Islamic Rock inscriptions

8(A9) Caption: None 57.7 (1006)
Note: Rock-cut inscriptions

8(A10) A t.C IITECTURE-Qajar Rock reliefs

8(B 1) Caption: Chashmayi Ali at Shah Abdul Azim 35.4
Note: Qajar rock relief depicting Fath Ali Shah, located
above the spring Chashmayi Ali, Sorsoreh Mountain,
Rayy-includes Western visitors at spring

8(B2) Caption: Chashmajr Ali at Shah Abdul Azim 0.12 (817)

Note: Qajar rock relief depicting Fath Ali Shah-close
view; See also: fiche 18(E2)

8(B3) Caption: None 56.7

Note: Qajar rock relief depicting Fath Ali Shah in royal

8(B4) ARCHITECTURE Fortress and Tower of Silence

8(B5) Caption: None 33.7 (868)
Note: Fortress near rock-cut tombs

8(B6) Caption: Tower of Silence 27.5 (307)

Note: Zoroastrian tower of silence, Rayy

8(B7) Caption: Tower of Silence 61.9

Note: Zoroastrian tower


8(B9) Caption: Pol i Shushtar 28.8 (712)
Note: River Karun and bridge at Shushtar

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

8(B 10) Caption: None 40.3

Note: Pul-i Khwaju-bridge across the Zayandeh Rud,

8(Cl) Caption: None 40.2

Note: Pul-i Khwaju, Isfahan

8(C2) Caption: None 40.4

Note: Pul-i Khwaju, Isfahan

8(C3) Caption: Si o sepol-Isfahan 40.5 (641)

Note: Pul-i Ali Verdi Khan (also known as the Bridge of
Julfa, and the Pul-i Chehar Bagh)-bridge across the
Zayandeh Rud, Isfahan

8(C4) Caption: None 36.5 (686)

Note: View of bridge

8(C5) Caption: None 44.01 (358)

Note: Pul-i Panjabe, bridge of "the Five Waters," on the
road from Tehran to Mazandaran

8(C6) Caption: None 33.2 (190)

Note: Harajun river bridge, Fars province (?)

8(C7) Caption: None 32.10 (720)

Note: Bridge across the Shah Rud, from Tehran to Rasht

8(C8) Caption: None 32.3

Note: View of bridge

8(C9) Caption: Bridge in Resht area 46.18

Note: Rural bridge, Rasht; see also. fiche 17(C2)

8(C10) Caption: Bridge in Resht 46.5 (156)

Note: Bridge on the old caravan road, near Rasht; see also:
fiche 19(D8) for comparative image

8(D1) Caption: None 30.6 (234)

Note: Ruins of bridge and barrages at Dizful; see also:
fiche 17(C1)

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

8(D2) ARCHITECTURE-City gates '

8(D3) Caption: Darwazeyi Dowlat 26.4 (277)

Note: Dawlat Gate, northeast gate of Tehran, with Alburz
mountain range in background-northern view of city in

8(D4) Caption: Darwazeyi Dowleh 37.12 (98)

Note: Gate of Tehran

8(D5) Caption: Maidani Sepah 52.9

Note: Square of Cannons-a view of southwest corner of
the Maydan-i Tupkhana-with Bab-i humayun, or Royal
Door, that lead to royal residential complex, Tehran

8(D6) Caption: Darwazeyi Dowlat 1.5b

Note: City gate, Tehran

8(D7) Caption: Dorwazeyi Dowlat 42.2

Note: City gate, Tehran-seen from outside; see also 21.2
and 44.12 (taken at different time period)

8(D8) Caption: Dorwazeyi Dowlat 21.2

Note: City gate, Tehran-seen from outside

8(D9) Caption: Dorwezeyi Dowlat in Tehran at exit towards 44.12 (116)

Shimran (now gas station there)
Note: City gate, Tehran-seen from outside

8(D10) Caption: None 61.5

Note: City gate, Tehran

8(E.I) ARCHITECTURE-Caravansaraas
8(E2) Caption: Former Qajar castle 43.6 (831)
Note: Caravansarai at Yazd-i Khast

8(E3) Caption: None 30.7 (638)

Note: Caravansarai

8(E4) Caption: None 33.10 (228)

Note: Entrance to caravansarai

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

8(E5) Caption: None 36.9

Note: Caravansarai

8(E6) Caption: Caravanserai 39.5 (172)

8(E7) Caption: None 45.3 (609)

Note: Caravansarai

9(A1) ARCHITECTUREBuildings,
9(A2) Caption: None 1.7

Note: Imperial Bank of Persia, Tehran

9(A3) Caption: None 17.3

Note: Imperial Bank of Persia, Tehran-scene includes
man carrying Chinese lanterns

9(A4) Caption: None 0.14

Note: Detail of Qajar era fresco on top of Imperial Bank,
Tehran; see also: 17.3

9(A5) Caption: None 1.12

Note: Imperial Bank of Persia at the maidan-i Sepah,
Tehran-early Pahlavi era (note: fresco lacks Qajar
inscription as in 17.3; electric wires and cars are visible)

9(A6) Caption: Imperial Bank of Persia 17.8

Note: Pool and fountain in foreground

9(A7) Caption: Banki Milli, Teheran 46.3

Note: Bank-e Melli, National Bank of Tehran

9(A8) Caption: Entrance to Parliament 48.7 (323)

9(A9) Caption: Parliament Building, Teheran 44.5

Note: House of Parliament, Tehran-main entry

9(A10) Caption: Former parliament building 46.10

9(B1) Caption: Barracks in Teharan 36.3 (124)

Note: Embassy compound (?)-Westerners in background

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

9(B2) Caption:
Caption: None
None (964)
20.02 (964)
Square of
Note: Square of Cannons,
Cannons,Tehran—Alburz mountainrange
Tehran-Alburz mountain range
in background

9(B3) Caption: Maidan

Maidan iiSepah
Sepah 41.4(254)
41.4 (254)

9(B4) Caption: None

Caption: None 17.4
(?)-car ininscene
Note: Maydan-i Tupkhana (?)—car scene

9(B5) Caption: None

Caption: None 58.10
Note: Maydan-i Tupkhana, Tehran (1049)

9(B6) Caption: Nazmiyeh 3.3

Avenue near
Note: Avenue near maydan-i
complex ?

9(B7) Caption: Touphaneh

Touphaneh (1010)
3.5 (1010)
Note: Square of
of Cannons—a
Cannons-a view
southwest corner
corner of
the maydan-i Tupkhana, Tehran

9(B8) Caption: None

Caption: None 23.7
Military procession—maydan-i
Note: Military procession-maydan-i Tupkhana,
Tupkhana, Tehran

9(B9) Caption: Gate ofMakhsh

of Makhsh Maidan
Maidan 36.2 (111)
Note: Portal
Portal at
at entrance
entrance to maydan-i
maydan-i Mashq
Mashq (the
(the exercise
military training), Tehran

9(B 10) Caption: Municipalty-Teheran
Municipalty—Teheran 13.165

9(C1) Caption:Makhsh
Caption: Makhsh Maidan
Maidan in
in Teheran
Teheran 36.12
Building complex—man
Note: Building complex-man seated
seated in
in foreground

9(C2) Caption: Maidani

Maidani Makhsh 44.1(94)
44.1 (94)
Military training
Note: Military trainingsquare—dogs
square-dogs devouring
devouring dead
horses in foreground,
foreground, Tehran

9(C3) Caption: Teheran (citadel?)

(citadel?) 44.9
Note: (Citadel ?), Tehran
Tehran (or
(or possibly
possibly city
city gate,
gate, Shiraz
Shiraz ?);
see also:
see 19(B10)
also: fiche 19(B

9(C4) Caption: None 48.10

Note: Garden and house (Tehran ?)

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

9(C5) Caption: None

Caption: None 32.9
Note: Garden and house (Tehran ?)

9(C6) Caption:
Caption: Bushire Telegraph
Telegraph Office
Office 47.6 (49)

9(C7) Caption: None

Caption: None 18.7
Note: House and formal garden at port of Bandar Anzali,
Gilan-bay area
Gilan—bay areaoff
Caspian Sea;
Sea; see
see also:
also: 25.4, 60.4,
16.2, 19.12, 60.6, 56.10, 60.5, and
13.02, 60.5, and 60.3

9(C8) Caption:
Caption: None
None 25.4
Note: House and formal
formal garden at port of Bandar Anzali,

9(C9) Caption:: Pahlivi New

Caption New City
City 60.4
Note: Park
Note: Park area
area at
at port
port of
of Bandar
Bandar Anzali,
Anzali, Gilan

9(C10) Caption:
Caption: None
None 16.2
Note: Park and
and buildings
buildings at
at port
port of
of Bandar
Anzali, Gilan

9(D1) Caption:
Caption: None
None 19.12
Note: Walkway at
at port of Bandar
Bandar Anzali,
Anzali, Gilan

9(D2) Caption:
Caption: None
None 60.6
Note: Park area
area at
port of
of Bandar
Anzali, Gilan

9(D3) Caption:
Caption: None
None 56.10
Note: Park area
area at
port of
of Bandar
Anzali, Gilan

9(D4) Caption:
Caption: None
None 13.02
Park area
Note: Park area at
at port
port of
of Bandar
Bandar Anzali,
Anzali, Gilan

9(D5) Caption:
Caption: None
None 60.5
Note: Park area
area at
port of
of Bandar
Anzali, Gilan

9(D6) Caption:
Caption: None
None 60.3
Note: Aerial
Aerial view
view of
buildings at
at Bandar
Bandar Anzali, Gilan

9(D7) Caption:
Caption: None
None 60.1
Note: Mosque
Mosque at
at Rasht

9(D8) Caption: None

None 2.03
Note: Building

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

9(D9) Caption:
Caption: None
None 18.3

9(D10) Caption:
Caption: None
None 2.013
Government building (?)
Note: Government (?)

9(E1) Caption:
Caption: Baladieh
Baladieh 24.5
(Tehran ?)
Note: (Tehran ?)

9(E2) Caption: None

Caption: None 55.4(1133)
55.4 (1133)
Note: Walled building enclosure—with
Walled building enclosure-with flag

9(E3) Caption:
Caption: None
None 33.6 (302)
Gate and
Note: Gate and outpost
building-sign ininPersian
as Keraj

9(E4) Caption: None

Caption: None 34.1(282)
34.1 (282)
Note: Building with
with conical
conical roof

Buildings-Architectural details
9(E5) Caption:
Caption: None
None 19.4
Note: Wooden doors with inscriptions

9(E6) Caption:
Caption: None
None 50.2
covered with silver plates,
Note: Wooden door covered plates, Madrasa
Madar-i Shah, Isfahan

9(E7) Caption:
Caption: None
None 41.1
Inscriptions on
Note: Inscriptions on wooden

Buildings—Embassies ' •••'::-:

9(E8) Caption: None

Caption: 15.7
Note: British Embassy, Tehran (?)

9(E9) Caption: Interior of British

Interior of British Embassy
Embassy 36.1

10(A1) Interior of
Caption: Interior of British
British Embassy
Embassy 41.7

1 O(A2) Interior of
Caption: Interior of British
Embassy 41.6

Fiche/Frame Description
Description Negative No.

1O(A3) Caption:
Caption: Conference
Conference room
room in
in Russian
Embassy Russian 21.\
writing above: Lenin Lived/Lenin
writing above: Lived/Lenin Lives/Lenin
Lives/Lenin will
will always

10(A4) Caption: Residence salon

Caption: Residence 26.10(11)
26.10 (11)
Note: Residence of an American diplomat (?)see
(?)see also:
fiche 17(B7)

1O(A5) ARCHITECTURE-Triumphal arches
ARCHITECTURE—Triumphal arches
10A6) Caption: Crowning
Crowning ofofReza
Reza Shah (arch) 44.10
Note: Ceremony at archway commemorating
commemorating coronation
coronation of
Reza Shah Pahlvai, Tehran, 1925

10(A7) Caption: None

Caption: 48.1
Note: Triumphal arch of
Reza Shah Pahlavi, Tehran

10(A8) Caption: Triumphal

Triumphal Arch 43.4
Note: Triumphal arch at Square of Cannons, Tehran

1O(A9) ARCHITECTURE-Street Scenes,
ARCHITECTURE—Street Scenes, Parks
Parks and Gardens
10(A10) Caption: None
None 17.7(978)
17.7 (978)
also. 52.7-continuation
Note: Street scene, Tehran; see also: 52.7—continuation of
same street

10(B1) Caption:
Caption: None
None 19.8
Note: Street scene, Tehran

10(B2) Caption: Russian exposition 1.2


Street scene
Note: Street scene in
in front
mosque-possibly entry
into bazaar district of Tehran

10(B3) Caption: None

Caption: None 19.7
scene-Dawlat area,
Note: Street scene—Dawlat area,Tehran
Tehran (?)

10(B4 Caption: None 19.10

Note: Street scene, Tehran; see
see also: 19.8-street may
also: 19.8—street may be (1108)
one that extends
extends around
around corner
corner of
of building
building with
with lion
lion motif

10(B5) Caption: None

Caption: None 22.2
Note: Street scene—sign
scene-sign above
translates as
government hospital entrance, early Pahlavi era

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

10(B6) Caption: Khiabani

Caption: Khiabani Nasirieh 26.2 (295)
Note: Nasseriyeh Street

10(B7) Caption: Khiabani AA'la

Ya i/ Dowleh
Dowleh 18.8
Note: Ala al-dawla Street (Firdawsi
(Firdawsi Avenue), Tehran

10(B8) Caption: Khiabani Cheragh

Cheragh barg 52.1 (1221)
Note: Street scene

10(B9) Caption: Khiabani Arc 13.442

Note: Street scene, Tehran

10(B 10) Caption:: Khiabani Nasiriyeh
Caption Nasiriyeh 52.7
Note: Street scene, Tehran; see also: 17.7-view
see also: 17.7—viewin
in 52.7
52.7 is
northern portion of same street

10(C1) Caption:: Khiabani AA'la

Caption Va ii Dowleh 52.4b
Note: Ala al-dawla Street
Street (Firdawsi
(Firdawsi Avenue),
Avenue), Tehran

10(C2) Caption: None

Caption: 2.01
Note: Street scene before a mosque (may not be Iran ?)

10(C3) Caption:
Caption: None
None 2.02
Note: Street scene

10(C4) Caption:
Caption: None
None 14.7
Note: Tree-lined
Tree-lined street
street with carriages
with carriages

10(C5) Caption:
Caption: None
None 32.7 (436)
Note: Park-i Atabak,
Atabak, pool
pool and

10(C6) Caption:
Caption: None
None 34.5 (100)
Note: Ala al-dawla Street
view in
in snow;
snow; see
see also:
also: 17(B2)

10(C7) Caption:
Caption: None
None 60.2 (1224)
Note: Tree-lined
Tree-lined avenue,
avenue, Dushan
Dushan Tapa

10(C8) Caption:
Caption: None
None 23.5
Note: Tree-lined
Note: Tree-linedavenue
avenue leading
gate and
and garden

10(C9) Caption:
Caption: None
None 33.3
Note: Ala
Street (Firdawsi Avenue), Tehran

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.
Negative No.

10(C 10) Caption: German Embassy
property in
in Gulhak 46.2
Note: German embassy property,
German embassy property,Gulahek—view
Gulahek-view of
of path
by stream; see
see also:
also: fiche 19(D9)

10(D1) Caption: Chehar bagh, Isfahan

Isfahan 44.11
Note: Trees lining Chehar Bagh, the Great Avenue, Isfahan

10(D2) Caption: None

None 55.7
Note: Two men outside walled garden or cemetery

also: 9(D7)
10(D4) Caption: Entrance to Kazemain 41.3
Note: Religious dignitaries in front of shrine; see
see also:
fiche 18(A6)

10(D5) Caption: Kazemain (?)

(?) (663)
37.1 (663)
Note: Shrine Baghdad, possibly Alid sanctuary,
Shrine near Baghdad,
Kazimayn; see
see also: fiche 19(B9)

10(D6) Caption: Tower in Damghan 31.8

Note: Manar of Masjid-i Juma (Great Mosque),
Mosque), Damghan;
see also:
also: 19(A8)

10(D7) Caption: Masjid-I Sheikh

Sheikh Lutfallah
Lutfallah 34.6 (405)
Note: Masjid-i Sheikh
Isfahan-general view of
—general view of
dome and maydan

10(D8) Caption: Isfahan,

Isfahan, Maidani Shah
Maidani Shah 48.4
Note: Great square of Masjid-i Shah (Royal
(Royal Mosque),

10(D9) Caption: Isfahan,

Caption: Isfahan, Madrasa, Madar-i Shah /cupola with
Shah /cupola 53.9
scaffolding ffor
or repairs
repairs by
by the Russiansduring
the Russians during partition

10(D 10) Caption: None 50.8
Aerial view
Note: Aerial view of
of city
trees in
in background;
background; see
48.6 (Architecture
also: 48.6 (Architecture-Townscapes
—Townscapesand and Villages)
Villages) for
comparative view

10(E1) Caption: Imam Riza Meshhed

Meshhed 41 . 14 (103)
41.14 (103)

10(E2) Caption: Al-Anibar

Al-Anibar Qazvin
Qazvin 40.8 (481)
Masjid-i Shah,
Note: Masjid-i Shah, Qazvin
—view of
of iwan

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

10(E3) Caption: None

Caption: 15.12
Mosque of
Note: Mosque of Shah
Hussein, Qazvin-viewof
Qazvin—view of
entrance; see
entrance; seealso:
also: fiche
fiche 18(A4) for
for comparative
comparative image

1O(E4) Caption: None
None 48.5 (619)
Note: Mosque of Shah
Mosque of Shah Sultan
Qazvin-view of

1 O(E5) Caption:Blue
Caption: Blue Mosque
Mosque (Masjid-i Kabud) Tabriz
(Masjid-i Kabud) Tabriz 46.19 (507)
Masjid-i Kabud
Note: Masjid-i Kabud(the
Tabriz-view of
large iwan;
iwan; see
see also:
also: 19(A4)

1O(E6) Caption:
Caption: None
None 56.12
Note: Masjid-i Shah Abdul Azim, Tehran

10(E7) Caption: Qom 54.4(1132)

54.4 (1132)
Note: Masjid-i Shah Abdul
Masjid-i Shah AbdulAzim,
Tehran-court view;
view; see
also: fiche 20(D4) for comparative image

10(E8) Caption: Shah

Shah Abdul Azim
AbdulAzim 1.10
Note: Masjid-i Shah Abdul Azim, Tehran

10(E9) Caption:
Caption: None
None 14.8
Imamzadeh Qassem, Shimiran-distant
Note: Imamzadeh Shimiran—distant view
view at
foothills of Alburz mountain range;
range; see also: 52.3 for
see also:
comparative image

1 l(A1) Caption: Nazmiyeh
Caption: Nazmiyeh 3.4(1092)
3.4 (1092)
Note: Large
Large gathering
gathering before
before mosque;
mosque; see
see also:
also: fiche
19(A9) for
for possible related view

11 (A2) Caption: None
Caption: None 59.1
Note: Cossack
Cossack officers standing
standing before iwan
iwan of
of aa mosque

11 (A3)
11(A3) Caption: None
Caption: None 36.8(274)
36.8 (274)
Shrine of Shaikh
Note: Shrine Safi,Ardabil—view
Shaikh Safi, Ardabil-view of
of mihrab;
mihrab; see
also: fiche 19(A2)

11 (A4) Caption:
Caption: Tombeau
Tombeau dede Sheikh
Sheikh 31.7 (187)
31.7 (187)
Note: Shrine of Shaikh
Shrine of ShaikhSafi,
Ardabil-exterior view of
view of
tomb chamber,
chamber, south
south facade;
facade; see
see also: fiche 19(C7)

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

11(A5) Caption:Imamzadeh
Caption: Imamzadeh Gasim
Gasim 52.3
Note: Imamzadeh
Note: Imamzadeh Qassem,
Qassem, Shimiran;
Shimiran; see
see also:
also: 14.8
14.8 for
comparative image

11 (A6)
11(A6) Caption:
None 32.2(704)
32.2 (704)
Note: Mosque of Gawhar
Gawhar Shad,
Shad, Mashhad—view ofdome
Mashhad-view of dome
and top of manars;
and manars; see
also: fiche
fiche 19 (AIO)

11(A7) Caption:
Caption: None
None 56.8(1159)
56.8 (1159)
Manar and
Note: Manar and rooftops

11(A8) Caption:
Caption: None
None 36.6
Note: Gunbad-i Alawiyan, Hamadan-view
see also: fiche 19 (A7)
facade; see

11(A9) Caption: None

Caption: 32.1(610)
32.1 (610)
Note: View with mosque

11(A10) Caption: None

Caption: None 33.5(167)
33.5 (167)
Rear view
Note: Rear view of
mosque, (Kashan
(Kashan ?); see
see also:
also: fiche

11(B 1) Caption: None
None 35.3(66)
35.3 (66)
Shrine of
Note: Shrine of Fatima
Fatima al-Ma'suma,
al-Ma'suma, Qum;
Qum; see
see also:
also: fiche

11(B2) Caption: None

Caption: None 36.10
Note: Iwan
Iwan of
of mosque

11(B3) Caption: Qom
Caption: Qom 26.12
Note: Cemetery at Qum—Shrine
Cemetery at Qum-Shrine of of Fatima al-Ma`suma
al-Ma'suma in
background; see
see also: fiche 19(B2)

11 (B4)
11(B4) Caption: Qum 1.9
Note: Shrine of
of Fatima
Qum-distant view

11(B5) Caption: Mashad

Mashad 37.7(892)
Note: Shrine of Fatima al-Ma`suma,
al-Ma'suma, Qum

11(B6) Caption: Shah

Shah Abdul
Abdul Azim 53.10
Note: Shrine of Fatima
Shrine of Fatimaal-Ma'suma,
Qum-north facade;
facade; (1093)
see also:
see 19(B3)
also. fiche 19(B3)

Fiche/Frame Description
Description Negative
Negative No.

11(B7) Caption: Abdul Azim 17.1(1031)

17.1 (1031)
Note: Shrine of Fatima al-Ma'suma, Qum-north facade;
al-Ma`suma, Qum—north facade;
see also: fiche 19(B4)

11(B8) Caption: Imamzadeh

Imamzadeh at Qom 31.3(107)
31.3 (107)
Imamzadeh, Qum; see
Note: Imamzadeh, see also: fiche 19
19 (B

1 l (B9) Caption: None
None 59.12(998)
59.12 (998)
Note: Pishtaq (arched and framed
framed portal) of a ruined
building, Qum

11(B10) Caption:None
Caption: None 30.8
Imamzadeh-Europeans on
Note: Imamzadeh—Europeans onhorses
horses in
in foreground

11(C l) Caption: None
Caption: None 45.4(439)
Imamzadeh with "sugar-loaf'
Note: Imamzadeh "sugar-loaf' dome

1 l (C2) Caption: Imamzadeh
Imamzadeh in
in Nishapur
Nishapur 26.9
Tus; see
Note: Haruniya mausoleum, Tus; also: fiche 19(D3)
see also:

11(C3) Caption:
Caption: None
None 47.2
Note: Tomb of Emir Arghun's
Arghun's daughter, Salmas-(tomb
daughter, Salmas—(tomb
destroyed by earthquake,
earthquake, ca. 1931);
1931); see
see also: fiche 19(C6)

I1(C4) Caption: None
Caption: None 36.7(192)
36.7 (192)
Shrine of
Note: Shrine ofBayazid
Bustam-view of
minaret; see also: fiche 19(D6)

11(C5) Caption: None

Caption: None 30.11(569)
30.11 (569)
Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, Tomb of Darius I-interior view
Darius I—interior view
towards northeast end

11(C6) Caption: None

Caption: None 29.6(61)
29.6 (61)
Naqsh-i Rustam,
Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, Tomb of
of Darius
Darius I,I,northeast
northeast vault;
see also:
see also: fiche 19(D1)

11 (C8)
11(C8) Caption:
Caption: None
None 1.11
Yazd-i Khast—general
Note: Yazd-i Khast-general view
this ancient
ancient fortress

11(C9) Caption: None

Caption: None 1.6
Yazd-i Khast—general
Note: Yazd-i Khast-general view

Fiche/Frame Description NegativeNo.
Negative No.

11 (C 10)
11(C10) Caption: Yazdi
Yazdi Khast
Khast 30.2
Yazd-i Khast—view
Note: Yazd-i Khast-view from
from northwest

11(D1) Caption: None

None 35.7 (387)
Note: Yazd-i Khast-general view
Yazd-i Khast—general view

11(D2) Caption: Bridge of

of Yazdi
Yazdi Khast (196)
30.1 (196)
Note: Wooden bridge that accesses Yazd-i
that accesses Khast-view
Yazd-i Khast—view
from southern side
side of
of fortress

11(D3) ARCHITECTURE-Townscapes and

ARCHITECTURE—Townscapes andVillages
11(D4) Caption: Scene of
of Teheran 48.8 (290)
Note: City rooftops, Tehran

11(D5) Caption: View

Caption: View of
of Teheran from Darwazeyi
Teheran from Darwazeyi Dawlat 31.4 (207)

11(D6) Caption: None

Caption: None 49.5
49.5 (462)
Note: Aerial view of domed rooftops,
Kashan; see
see also.
0.13 and
and fiche
fiche 19(C 1)

11(D7) Caption:
Caption: None
None 0.13 (462)
Note: Aerial view
view of
of domed
Kashan-copy (1615)
negative of 49.5 see also: fiche 19(C1)
49.5 (?); see

11(D8) Caption: None 32.11(810)

32.11 (810)
Note: View of Shushtar

11(D9) Caption:
C aption : Darband 53.8
Note: General view of village

11(D10) Caption: None (522)

45.5 (522)
Note: View of village rooftops, (Manzandaran ?)

11(E1) Caption: Scene

Scene in
in Mazandaran
Mazandaran 42.11
Note: Thatch-roofed resting stop (?), Mazandaran

11(E2) Caption: None

None 14.4
Note: View of Zagros mountains, with men in foreground
standing on city wall, Luristan

11(E3) Caption: General view of Shimran

ofShimran 46.9 (56)
Note: Cultivated
Cultivated fields and gardens
gardens around Shiraz

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

11(E4) Caption: Deyzashur

Caption: Deyzashur 20.184
Note: Distant view of Bagh-i firdaws, Shimran; see
see also:
58.2 (Royalty—Residences)
58.2 (Royalty-Residences) for
comparative image

11(E5) Caption: Shimran 20.172

Note: Townscape

11(E6) Caption: Shimran 20.01

Note: Dirt path and rock wall with gatepost

11(E7) Caption: None

Caption: 48.6(279)
48.6 (279)
Townscape-palm trees
Note: Townscape—palm trees in
in background;
background; see
see also:
50.8 (Architecture—Mosques,
50.8 (Architecture-Mosques, Shrines
Shrines and
and Tombs)
Tombs) for
comparative view

11(E8) Caption:
Caption: None
None 15.8
Note: Townscape

11(E9) Caption:
Caption: None
None 15.1
Note: Townscape

12(A1) Caption:
Caption: None
None 0.2
rooftops against snow-capped mountains
Note: City rooftops

12(A2) Caption: None

Caption: 45.2 (241)
Note: Townscape

12(A3) Caption: None

Caption: 33.4 (700)
Note: Townscape with water and mountains in background

12(A4) Caption: None

Caption: 25.3 (965)
Note: Rooftops of city

12(A5) Caption: Zargandeh 39.6(711)

39.6 (711)
Note: Village building

12(A6) Caption: None

Caption: 47.13(24)
47.13 (24)
Note: General view of village

12(A7) Caption: None

Caption: None 47.1
Note: City rooftops

12(A8) Caption: None 45.7

Note: General view of village

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

12(A9) Caption: Barn

Caption: Barn in
in S.
S. Iran 46.4 (455)
Note: Barns in southern Iran

12(A10) Caption: None 34.2 (289)

34.2 (289)
Note: General view of village

12(B1) Caption: None 37.14(735)

37.14 (735)
Note: General view of village

12(B2) Caption: None 27.3 (447)

Note: General view of village

12(B3) Caption: None

Caption: None 18.1
Note: Townscape

12(B4) Caption: None

Caption: 19.5
Note: Townscape

12(B5) Caption:
C aption :None
None 19.11
Note: General view of village

12(B6) Caption: None 33.1(292)

33.1 (292)
Note: Campsite and village in
in mountains

12(B7) Caption:
Caption: None
None 32.12 (500)
Note: General view of village

12(B8) Caption:
Caption: None
None 0.7 (1129)
Note: Rooftops of small village

12(B9) Caption: None

None 2.011
Note: House in ruins (Gilan ?)

12(B10) Caption:
C aption :None
None 0.10
Note: Buildings along
along seawall

12(C1) Caption:
Caption: None
None 45.6 (617)
45.6 (617)
Note: Hot springs at Damavand mountain, Abigarm; see
also: 43.9 (Landscapes) for comparative view

12(C2) Caption:
Caption: None
None 14.9
Note: Bridge and rock wall

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

12(C3) Caption: None

None 14.5
Note: Woman and boy at spring

12(C4) Caption:: None

Caption None (960)
22.1 (960)
Note: Landscape with building and mounds

12(C5) Caption: None

Caption: None 45.1(556)
45.1 (556)
Note: Stone walls in landscape

12(C6) Caption: None

Caption: 55.3
Note: Landscape

12(C8) Caption:
Caption: Abshar
Abshar 54.3
Note: Waterfall

12(C9) Caption:
Damavand 13.437
Note: Mount Damavand
Damavand of Alburz
Alburz range

12(C10) Caption:Abi
Caption: AbiGarm
Garmon onDamavand
Damavand 43.9 (402)
Note: Hot springs at Mount Damavand, Abigarm; see
see also:
45.6 (Townscapes and Villages) for comparative view

12(D1) Caption:
Caption:Demavand-geyser /Abi garm
Demavand-geyser /Abi 42.9
42.9 (620)
Note: Geyser at Mount Damavand, Abigarm

12(D2) Hills near

Caption: Hills near Gulhak
Gulhak 3.1
Note: Camp before
before hills, Gulahek

12(D3) Caption:: Road to Mazandaran

Caption Mazandaran 42.5

12(D4) Caption: Scene

Scene near Resht 31.5 (160)
Note: Safid Rud with rural buildings near Rasht

12(D5) Caption: Mountains of

Shimran 20.501
Note: Seated man on mountain top, Shimran (1033)

12(D6) Caption: Waterfall-Shimran

Waterfall—Shimran 13.166
Note: Family (?)
(?) and
and soldier seated
seated at

12(D7) Caption: Pol ii Rumi, Shimran 56.5

Note: Pul-i Rumi,
Rumi, Shimran—guards
Shimran-guards atatestate
estate gate
gate and
small bridge over dry river bed

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

12(D8) Caption: Pol i Rumi-Shimran

Rumi—Shimran 13.164
Rumi, Shimran—building
Note: Pul-i Rumi, Shimran-building beside
small bridge
over dry river bed

12(D9) Caption: Sari band-Shimran

band—Shimran 43.5(161)
43.5 (161)

12(D10) Caption: Oldroad

Caption: Old roadto
to Shimran 30.10
Note: Kutalipir Zan (Pass of the Old Woman) on way to
Persian Gulf

12(E1) Caption: None

Caption: None 55.8
Note: Sorkh-i
Sorkh-i Hisar
Hisar Palace,

12(E2) Caption:
Caption: None
None 16.1
Note: Building and view of Alburz mountains,
mountains, north
north of

12(E3) Caption: None

Caption: None 26.3 (109)
Note: Safid Rud valley;
valley; see
see also: fiche 17(C4)

12(E4) Caption: None

Caption: None (749)
36.4 (749)
Note: River gorge

12(E5) Caption:
Caption: None 20.173
Landscape with large rock
Note: Landscape (1021)

12(E6) Caption:
Caption: None 16.5
Landscape view from building
Note: Landscape building porch

12(E7) Caption:
Caption: None 61.8(1048)
61.8 (1048)
Note: Landscape

12(E8) Caption: None

None (913)
55.6 (913)
Note: Landscape

12(E9) Caption:Shimran
Caption: Shimran (298)
33.9 (298)
Note: Landscape

13(Al) Caption: None 34.3

Note: Road from
from Shiraz
Gulf-Maiden's Pass

13(A2) Caption: None

Caption: None 34.4
Note: Landscape with men walking along road

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

13(A3) Caption:
Caption: Road
Road to Abi Ali 54.1
Note: Rider
Note: Rider on
horse on
on road

13(A5) Caption: First truck 27.10 (355)
Note: Russians posedwith
Russians posed with possibly
possibly the
first truck
truck in Iran

13(A6 Caption: None

Caption: None 17.5
17.5 (1031)
Note: Train

13(A7) Caption:: First

Caption First plane in Iran 48.13
Note: Group
Group posed
posed with
with aa Junkers
Junkers airplane

13(A8) Caption: First(?)

Caption: First(?) plane
plane toto land in Iran 48.2
Note: Group
Group posed
posed with
with aa German
German Junkers
Junkers airplane
airplane in Iran,
1928 (Hady Atabay, later head
1928 head of
of Iranian
Iranian military health
military health
services, appears
"e" of "Junkers")

13(A9) Caption:Wireless
Caption: Wireless tower 39.3

13(A10) Caption: Wireless

Caption: Wireless tower
tower (1928) 42.12
Note: Wireless
Note: Wireless tower,
tower, ca.
ca. 1920

13(B1) ARTS-Carpets
13(B2) Caption: None
None 4.5
Note: Carpet

13(B3) Caption: None

None 4.10
Note: Carpet

13(B4) Caption: None

Caption: None 4.12
Note: Carpet

13(B5) Caption: None

Caption: None 7.13
Note: Carpet

13(B6) Caption: None

None 7.14
Note: Carpet

13(B7) Caption:
Caption: None
None 8.9
Note: Carpet

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

13(B8) Caption: None

Caption: 10.1
Note: Carpet

13(B9) ARTS-Ceramics See
ARTS—Ceramics also:ARTS—Figurines
See also: ARTS-Figurines
13(B10) Caption: None
Caption: None 5.3 (983)
Note: Plate

13(C1) Caption:
Caption: None
None 40.1
Note: Broken dish

13(C2) Caption: None

Caption: 7.6
Note: Star-shaped minai dish

13(C3) Caption: None

Caption: None 10.8
Note: Interior of multi-lobed bowl

13(C4) Caption: None

Caption: None 4.6
Note: Exterior of minai bowl

13(C5) Caption: None

Caption: None 7.3
Note: Exterior of minai bowl

13(C6) Caption: None

Caption: None 11.3
Note: Base of minai bowl

13(C7) Caption: None

Caption: None 7.2
Note: Interior of minai bowl

13(C8) Caption:
Caption: None
None 4.3
Note: Interior of minai bowl

13(C9) Caption: None

Caption: None 8.5
Note: Interior of minai bowl

13(C10) Caption: None

Caption: None 17.9
Note: Interior of minai bowl

13(D1) Caption:
Caption: None
None 59.11
Note: Interior of minai bowl

13(D2) Caption:
Caption: None
None 7.1

Note: Interior of minai bowl

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

13(D3) Caption: None

Caption: None 59.3
Note: Interior of minai bowl

13(D4) Caption:
Caption: None
None 6.3
of minai bowl
Note: Interior of

13(D5) Caption:
Caption: None
None 5.5
Note: Interior of minai bowl

13(D6) Caption:
Caption: None
None 9.6
Note: Interior of minai bowl

13(D7) Caption:None
Caption: None 9.7
Note: Interior of bowl

13(D8) Caption:
Caption: None
None 35.2
Note: Interior of dish with scalloped upright sides and
narrow grooved rim, Seljuk dynasty, dated 1210,
1210, signed by
Sayyid Shams-al-Dinal-Hasani—now
Sayyid Shams-al-Din al-Hasani-now in
in art
art collection
collection of
Freer Gallery,

(13(D9) Caption: None

Caption: None 10.5
Note: Interior of bowl

13(D10) Caption: None

Caption: None 9.2
Note: Interior of bowl

13(E1) Caption: None

Caption: None 6.4
Note: Interior of bowl

13(E2) Caption: None

Caption: None 6.5
Note: Interior of bowl

13(E3) Caption: None

Caption: None 5.7
Note: Interior of bowl

13(E4) Caption:
Caption: None
None 10.6
Note: Interior of bowl

13(E5) Caption:
Caption: None
None 6.2
Note: Interior of bowl

13(E6) Caption:
Caption: None
None 9.3
Note: Interior of
of bowl

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

13(E7) Caption:
Caption: None
None 7.8
Note: Interior of bowl

13(E8) Caption:
Caption: None
None 8.6
Note: Interior of bowl

13(E9) Caption: None

Caption: None 10.9
Note: Interiors of two bowls

14(A1) Caption: None

Caption: None 6.1
Note: Interiors of three bowls

14(A2) Caption: None

Caption: None 59.6
Note: Three bowls

14(A3) Caption: None

Caption: None 59.2
Note: Four (Sultanabad ?) bowls

14(A4) Caption: None 59.8

Note: Four (Sultanabad ?) bowls

14(A5) Caption: None

Caption: 9.4
Note: Interiors of three bowls

14(A6) Caption: None

Caption: 7.4
Note: Interiors of four
four bowls

14(A7) Caption:
Caption: None
None 6.7
Note: Interiors of four bowls

14(A8) Caption:
Caption: None
None 4.2
Note: Interiors of four bowls

14(A9) Caption:
Caption: None
None 10.7
Note: Eight bowls

14(A10) Caption:
Caption: None
None 8.3
Note: Interiors of twelve bowls

14(B1) Caption: None

None 59.4
Note: Jar, bowl, and ewer

14(B2) Caption:
Caption: None
None 11.2
Note: Ewer, two jugs, and two bowls

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

14(B3) Caption: None

Caption: None 10.12
Note: Three
Three bowls and
and two jars

14(B4) Caption:
Caption: None
None 8.4
Note: Dish, jug, and
and bowl

14(B5) Caption:
Caption: None
None 6.9
Note: Jar and
and interiors
interiors of two bowls

14(B6) Caption:
Caption: None
None 5.6
Note: Two-handled
Two-handled jar
jar and interiors
interiors of
of two
two bowls

14(B7) Caption:
Caption: None
None 7.10
Jar and interiors of
Note: Jar of three
three bowls

14(B8) Caption: None

Caption: None 8.2
Jar, bowl
Note: Jar, bowl and
and ewer

14(B9) Caption:None
Caption: None 9.9
Two ewers
Note: Two ewers and bowl

14(B 10) Caption: None
Caption: None 11.6
Three jars and
Note: Three and two
two ewers

14(Cl) Caption: None

Caption: None 9.1
Ewer and
Note: Ewer and jug

14(C2) Caption: None

Caption: None 6.8
Note: Bowl, jar, and
and jug

14(C3) Caption: None

Caption: None 6.6
Note: Bowl, two ewers, and two jars

14(C4) Caption: None

Caption: None 59.10
Two jars and
Note: Two and bowl

14(C5) Caption: None

Caption: None 11.4
Note: Jug,
Jug, two
two jars, bowl,
bowl, and
and animal
animal head

14(C6) Caption: None

Caption: None 4.1
Note: Exterior of jar

14(C7) Caption: None

Caption: None 7.7
Exterior of jar
Note: Exterior

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

14(C8) Caption:
Caption: None
None 7.9
Note: Jar and bowl with inscriptions

14(C9) Caption:
Caption: None
None 9.5
Note: Jar

14(C10) Caption:
Caption: None
None 5.4
Note: Vase

14(D1) Caption:
C aption :None
None 11.7
Note: Three jjars

14(D2) Caption:
Caption :None
None 11.8
four jars
Note: Ewer and four

14(D3) Caption: None

Caption: 8.1

Note: Low relief jar with inscription

14(D4) Caption:
Caption: None
None 8.7
Note: Low relief jar
jar with
with inscription—close
inscription-close view

14(D5) Caption:
Caption: None
None 11.5
Note: Jar with low relief

14(D6) Caption: None

Caption: 11.1(1252)
11.1 (1252)
Note: Jar with low relief

14(D7) Caption: None

Caption: 26.5
Note: Ewer, jar
jar with low relief, and vessel

14(D8) Caption: None

Caption: 10.3
Note: Ewer

14(D9) Caption: None

Caption: 7.5
Note: Ewer

14(D10) Caption:
C aption : None 11.9
Figural Jar
Note: Figurai

14(E1) Caption: None

Caption: 4.4
Figural ewer
Note: Figurai

14(E2) Caption:
Caption: None
None 4.9
Figural ewer
Note: Figurai

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

14(E3) Caption: None

Caption: 5.2

Note: Silver and

and gold
ewer-now in Museum f@rr
in Museum
Islamische Kunst, I.2210

14(E4) Caption:
Caption: None
None 9.8
Note: Multi-handled jar

14(E5) Caption:
Caption: None
None 4.8
Note: Multi-handled
Multi-handled jar

14(E6) Caption:
Caption: None
None 5.1
Note: Two-handled
Two-handled jar

14(E7) Caption:
Caption: None
None 4.7
Note: Jar and multi-handled jar

14(E8) Caption: None 10.2

Note: Ornate teapot and sugar bowl;
bowl; see
see also: 58.11
also: 58.11

14(E9) Caption: None

None 58.11
Note: Ornate teapot and sugar bowl

15(A1) ARTS-Figurines
Incense burner
15(A2) Caption:
Caption: None
None 8.8
Note: Ceramic head

15(A3) Caption:
Caption: None
None 59.7
Statue of
Note: Statue of woman
child-front view

15(A4) Caption: None

None 4.11
Statue of
Note: Statue ofwoman
child-back view

15(A5) Caption:
Caption: None
None 59.9
Note: Statue of man

15(A6) Caption:
Caption: None
None 10.10
Note: Ceramic elephant-side view
Ceramic elephant—side view

15(A7) Caption: None

Caption: 10.13
Note: Ceramic elephant-front view
Ceramic elephant—front

15(A8) Caption: None

Caption: 10.4
Note: Horse

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

15(A9) Caption: None

None 7.11
Note: Horse

15(A10) Caption:
Caption: None
None 9.10
Note: Ram

15(B1) Caption: None

Caption: None 7.12
Note: Head
Head of a bull

15(B2) Caption:
Caption: None
None 10.11
Note: Lion's

15(B3) Caption: None

Caption: None 4.13
Note: Incense
Note: Incense burner

15(B4) ARTS-Ivories
15(B5) Caption:
Caption: None
None 51.17
Note: Carved ivory piece

ARTS—Metalwork See:
See: 14(E3)

15(B6) ARTS-Paintings
15(B7) Caption:
C aption :None
None 36.13
Note: Sacrifice of Isaac—oval
Sacrifice of Isaac-oval picture,
signed Sevr[uguin?]

15(B8) Caption:
Caption: None
None 61.1
Note: Western style painting

15(B9) Caption: Painting from Situn

from Chihil Situn 27.4

15(B10) Caption:: None

Caption 33.11
Note: Painting of man on animal skin

15(CI) Caption: None 40.7

Note: Bound illustrated page of Shahnama: Bahram Gur
Hunts with Azada—painting
Azada-painting nownowininHarvard
Harvard University
Art Museums

15(C2) Caption: Miniature

Caption: Miniaturefrom
from Shahnameh
Shahnameh 41.8
Note: Two bound illustrated manuscript pages

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

15(C3) Caption: None

None 46.14
Note: Two
bound illustrated
illustrated manuscript
manuscript pages

15(C4) ARTS-Prints
15(C5) Caption: None 12.1
Ayinakhana (Rail
Note: Ayinakhana (Hallof
by Pascal Coste from Monuments Modernes de de la
la Perse,
Paris, 1867

15(C6) Caption: None

None 12.2
Masjid-i Shah
Note: Masjid-i Shah (Royal

15(C7) Caption: None

Caption: None 12.3
Madrasa-i-Shah Husein, exterior view of mosque,
Note: Madrasa-i-Shah
Isfahan—engravingby byPascal
Pascal Coste
Coste from
from Monuments
Modernes de la Perse, Paris, 1867
la Perse, 1867

15(C8) Caption: None

Caption: None 12.4
Note: Patio and verandah of Marmar Throne,
Throne, Gulistan
Palace, Tehran—engraving
Tehran-engraving bybyPascal
Pascal Coste
Coste from
Monuments Modernes de la Perse, Paris, 1867
la Perse, 1867

15(C9) Caption: None 12.5

Note: Patio and verandah of Marmar Throne,
Throne, Gulistan
Palace, Tehran-lithograph by
Palace, Tehran—lithograph byEugene
Eugene Flandin
Flandin from
Voyageen enPerse
/Eugen Flandin
Flandin et
Coste, Paris, 1844-1854
Pascal Coste, 1844-1854

15(C10) Caption: None

None 12.6
Panorama of
Note: Panorama ofpowder
lithograph by Eugene Flandin from
from Voyage
Voyage en
en Perse
Perse /
Perse Moderne
Moderne /Eugen Flandin et
/Eugen Flandin et Pascal
Pascal Coste,
Coste, Paris,

15(D1) Caption: None 12.7

Note: Old Dowlat
Dowlat Gate,
Tehran-lithograph by
by Eugene
Flandin from Voyage
Voyage en
Moderne /Eugen
Flandin et Pascal
Flandin et Pascal Coste,
Coste, Paris, 1844-1854

15(D2) Kasri Kajar

Caption: KasriKajar 12.8
Note: Palace ofof Qasri-Qajar—lithograph
Qasri-Qajar-lithograph by
by Eugene
Flandin from Voyage
Voyage en
Moderne /Eugen
Flandin et Pascal
Flandin et Coste, Paris, 1844-1854
Pascal Coste, 1844-1854

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

15(D3) Caption: None

Caption: None 12.9
Note: Print
Print ofofmusicians,
signed by

15(D4) Caption: None

Caption: None 12.10
Seated woman with lyre inside
Note: Seated harem-print from
from a

15(D5) Caption: None 12.11

Note: Print of a seated woman inside harem

15(D6) Caption: None 12.12

Note: Print of men eating food in room, captioned
Dijeuner Parsan

15(D7) Caption: None

None 25.5
Note: Illustration
large Persian
Persian man, signed
signed by
by Mak,
and dated 1923, Tehran

15(D8) Caption: None

None 25.6
Note: Illustration of
of man
man viewing
viewing woman
woman with
with aa child,
signed by Mak,
Mak, and
and dated
dated 1923,
1923, Tehran

15(D9) Caption: None

Caption: None 25.7
Illustration, possibly
Note: Illustration, possiblyfor
passion play, showing
showing men
performing ghama-zani
ghama-zani (a (a form
form of self-flagellation), signed
by Mak,
Mak, dated
dated 1923,
1923, Tehran

15(D10) Caption:
Caption: None
None 25.8
Note: Illustration,
passion play,
signed by
Mak, dated
dated 1923,
1923, Tehran

15(E1) Caption:
Caption: None
None 25.9
Note: Illustration, possibly
possibly for passion
passion play, of
of men
performing self-flagellation,
self-flagellation, by Mak

15(E2) Caption: None

Caption: None 25.10
Note: Illustration of woman, signed by Mak, 1924,
Tehran-round picture
Tehran—round picture

15(E3) Caption:
C aption :None
None 25.11
Note: Illustration, possibly for
for passion play, of a
procession, signed
signed by Mak,
Mak, 1923,
1923, Tehran

Fiche/Frame Description Negative No.

15(E4) Caption: None 25.12

Note: Illustration, possibly for passion play, signed by
Mak, dated 1923,
1923, Tehran

15(E5) Caption: None

None 25.13
Note: Illustration, possibly for passion play, signed by
Mak, dated 1923,
1923, Tehran

Series 1: MYRON

1.2: Gelatin SilverPrints—Upton
Gelatin Silver Prints-Upton
IDC no. SP-1,
IDC no. mf. 16-17
SP-1, mf.

Sixty-six original
Sixty-six originalgelatin
purchased by Joseph
Joseph Upton
Upton in 1928 from
in 1928 from
Sevruguin in Tehran. Upton donated donated these
prints to
to the
the Islamic
Islamic Archives, as as reported
reported on
24 October 1953,
1953, in in the
the official minutes of
official minutes of the
the Committee for Islamic Culture.
Culture. The
prints measure
measure from from 16.5 x 22 cm. to aa slightly larger size of 17.5
slightly larger 17.5 x 23 cm. Handwritten
pencil on
in pencil on the
the verso
verso ofofmost
been transcribed
under the
the caption field for forthe
the reader,
reader, with
with the
the spelling
been retained
retained as
as closely
as possible
as possible to
to the
the original
original recording. A A note
note field
field has
has been
been supplied by the archivist to to
give further clarification
clarificationor orinformation.
information.SomeSomeofofthe theimages
images display
display one
one or more
that had
numbers that had been
been inked
inked ononthe
the negative,
negative, andandthese
these have
have been
been recorded in in
parenthesis following
parenthesis following the thecaption
arrangement andand subject
description reflects that imposed by the archivist.archivist.

Subject arrangement:

Fiche/Frame Description

16(A2) Caption: Fatah
Caption: FatahShah
Shah (742)
Fath Ali Shah (reigned
Note: Path (reigned 1797-1834)-copy
art work;
see also:
see 1(A3)
also. fiche 1(A3)

16(A3) Caption: Mostiof

Caption: Mostiof Mamaleh
Mamaleh grand Vizier
mustawfi al-mamalik, ca.
Note: Mirza Yusuf Ashtiyani, the mustawfi
early 1880s—copy
early 1880s-copy of
of art
art work;
work; see
see also: 1(E5)
also. fiche 1(E5)

16(A4) Caption:Maitre
Caption: Maîtredes
Cérémonies (675)
Note: Zahir al-dawla, son-in-law master of ceremonies
son-in-law and master ceremonies of
Nasir al-din Shah,
Shah, see
see also: fiche 1(E4)

16(A5) Caption:
Vieux ministre
ministre (83)
Note: Mirza Abdul Vahab Khan Nizam al-mulk

16(A6) Caption:Invitation
Caption: Invitationchez
Sahah (605)
Note: Palace reception

16(A7) PEOPLE-Military-Soldiers
16(A8) Caption: Poste persane (243)
Caption: Postepersane

16(A9) Caption: Regiment

Caption: Regiment Lore (134)

16(A10) PEOPLE-Daily

Agricultural laborers
16(B 1) Caption:
Caption: la
la culture
culture du
du riz
riz (369)
Note: Workers harvesting ricerice

16(B2) Caption:Maison
Caption: Maisonpaysane
paysane aa Mazandaran
Mayandéran (?)
(?) (114)
Note: Peasant scene, with man guiding cow threshing grain
and woman sorting grain, Mazandaran

16(B3) Caption:
Caption: Le
Le bergerpersan
berger persan (506)
Note: Shepherd; see
see also: 5 (D 10)
also. fiche 5(D10)

Fiche/Frame Description

16(B4) Caption: Pahleir(?)

Note: Fishermen at landing


16(B5) Caption:Lavage
Caption: Lavage du
du _(?)
_(?) aà Ispahan
Ispahan (499)
Note: Men washing clothes

16(B6) Caption: None

Caption: None
Note: Girls
Girls weaving a carpet (491); see
see also:
also: fiche 66 (B
1) for
comparative view

16(B7) Porteurs d'eau

Caption: Porteurs d'eau an
an village
Note: Water carriers

16(B8) Caption:Les
Caption: LesBohemiennes
Bohémiennes (36)
Note: Mendicant women

16(B9) Caption:
Loutis (?)
(?) et
et Lion (428)
Note: Lion keepers

and Market
Street vendors and Marketscenes
16(B 10) Caption: Marchand perse
Note: Portrait of a merchant

16(C1) Caption: Banquier

Caption: Banquier (1057)
Note: Money dealer
dealer (called
(called aa "sarraf

16(C2) Caption:
Caption: Banquier
Banquier (110)
Note: Money dealer

16(C3) Caption: La
Caption: La Glace
Glace (139)
Note: Ice cream vendor, staged in Drill Square, Tehran; see
also: fiche 18(A2)

16(C4) Caption:
Caption: Brocanteurs
Note: Luggage bearers,
bearers, staged
staged in Drill Square, Tehran

16(C5) Caption:Caravane
Caption: Caravane (177)

Fiche/Frame Description

16(C6) Caption: None

Note: People outside of caravansarai (30 ?)

16(C7) Caption:
Caption: None
Note: Men and horses in caravanserai
caravanserai (808)

16(C8) PEOPLE-Towns
16(C9) Caption:
Isfahan (43)
Note: Men in town, Isfahan

16(C10) Caption:
Caption: None
Note: Men outside a hut (461)

16(D1) Caption: My-(?)

Caption: My—(?)
Note: Village along water (508)

16(D2) PEOPLE-Punishment
. " ' •--•-:::•- 'flH

16(D3) Caption:
Caption: Lapunition
La punition aal'atelier
de broderie
Administering discipline by applying the bastinado
Note: Administering bastinado to a
boy's feet
boy's feet at
at textile
textile workshop,
workshop, Rasht; see
see also: 20(D2)
also: fiche 20(D2)
for comparative image

16(D4) PEOPLE-Religious
16(D5) Caption:
Caption: Derviche

16(D6) Caption: Derviche

Caption: Derviche (508)

16(D7) Caption: Derviche

Caption: Derviche negre
nègre (37)

16(D8) Caption: Mollah

Caption: Mollah
Note: Dervish or cleric (?); see
see also:
also. fiche 5(A7)

16(D9) Caption: Le
Caption: Le theatre
théâtre religieuse
Note: Ta'ziya performance

16(D10) Caption: None

Tekiyeh, temporary theatre for religious
Note: Tekiyeh, religious mourning
ceremony of the martyrdom of Imam Hussayn (640 AD)

Fiche/Frame Description

16(E1) PEOPLE-Portraits
16(E2) Caption: My-(?) (15)
Caption: My—(?) (15)
Note: Nur Mahmud, celebrated Jewish doctor, Tehran

16(E3) Caption:
Caption: Famille
Famille Juive
Juive (50)
Note: Nur Mahmud (seated center with book) and his family, a
few patients, and servants in interior coutyard of his house,

16(E4) Caption:Ecole
Caption: EcolePerse
Perse (691)
Note: Persian school

16(E5) PEOPLE-Women

16(E6) Caption:
Caption: Filles armeniennes
arméniennes aa Urmiah
Note: Armenian girls at Urmia

16(E7) Caption: Dame armenne

Caption: Dame arménne (334)
Note: Armenian woman; see
see also:
also: fiche 4(D8)

16(E8) Caption: Juive
Caption: Juive
Note: Jewish village girl in elaborate costume

16(E9) Caption:Juives
Caption: Juives (373)
(373) (1230)
Note: Two tribal women

17(A1) Caption:
Kurdesse (214)
Note: Kurdish woman in front of wall with graffiti

17(A2) Caption:Kurdesse
Caption: Kurdesse (157)

17(A3) Caption:
Kurdesse (208)
Note: Girl carrying water vessel

17(A4) Caption:
Caption: Juive
Juive (32)
Note: Kurdish, Jewish woman reclining on carpets

Fiche/Frame Description

17(A5) Caption:
Kurdesse (442)
Note: Kurdish (or Armenian ?) woman in elaborate costume;
see also:
also. fiche 4(E2)

17(A6) Caption:Juives
Caption: Juives (523)
Note: Two Kurdish women

17 (AT)
17(A7) Caption:
Caption:Balerine persane
Note: Woman dressed in aa ballerina's
ballerina's costume

17 (AS) Caption: Dame
Caption: Dame persane
Note: Iranian woman

17(A9) Caption: Dame

Caption: Dame guetre?
Note: Zoroastrian (?) woman

17(A10) Caption: Dans
Caption: Dans lele harem
harem (835)
Note: Harem fantasy with prostitute (?) and servant

17(B2) Caption:Avenue
Caption: Avenue Alla
Allaeses Dovleh
Dovleh aà Teheran
Teheran (100)
al-dawla Street
Note: Ala al-dawla Street(Firdawsi
Tehran-view in
snow; see
see also: 10(C6)
also. 1O(C6)

17(B3) Caption: Sar tchechme

tchechmé (ancienne
(ancienne rue de Teheran)
Teheran) (262)

17(B4) Caption:La
Caption: LaRue
Rue dada Gaz
Gaz (255)
Note: Gas Street, named after
after the Gas Lamp
Lamp Factory
Factory (Usine
(Usine àa
Gaz) that was established in 1877, Tehran

17(B5) Caption:
Caption: Le
Le Parlement
Note: House of Parliament,
Tehran-exterior court
court view

17(B6) Caption:
Caption: Laplace des canons (la
La place des (la caserve
caserve en 1919)
Note: Barracks at Square of Canons, Tehran

17(B7) Caption: None

Caption: None
Note: Residence of an American diplomat (?) (11); see
see also:
fiche 1O(A3)

Fiche/Frame Description
17(B8) Caption:
Caption: Qurmiseh (?) (42)
Note: View of town and rooftops

17(B9) Caption:Shushtar
Caption: Shushtar (493)
Note: View of bridge and town, Shushtar

17(B 10) Caption:Soultanabad
Caption: Soultanabad (400)
landscape with city viewed
Note: landscape viewed at distance,
distance, (Sultanabad ?)

17(C1) Caption: Chouchtar

Caption: Chouchtar (234)
Note: Ruins of bridge and barrages at Dizful; see
see also: fiche

17(C2) Caption:Recht-lepire
Caption: Recht-lepire bazar
see also:
Note: Rural bridge, Rasht; see 8(C9)
also: fiche 8(C9)

17(C4) Caption:Sefid
Caption: SefidRoud
Note: Safid
Safid Rud valley; see also. fiche 12(E3)
see also: 12(E3)

17(C5) Caption:
Caption: Nocturne
Note: Two men seated on ridge

17(C6) Caption:En
Caption: Enroute
de Recht
Note: Western traveler and men at hut in landscape—rest area?
landscape-rest area?

17(C7) Caption:En
Caption: Enroute
de Recht
Note: Men seated
hut-rest area?


1.3: Gelatin
1.3: Gelatin Silver
IDC no.
no. SP-1,
SP-1, mf.
mf. 18-19

During the
the fourth meeting
meeting ofof the
the Committee
Committee forfor Islamic
Islamic Culture,
Culture, held
held on
on 15
15 September
1951, Myron Bernent Smith
Myron Bement Smithstated
stated that
that he
he had
had seen
seen part
part of the Sevruguin negatives
when he hadhad visited the shop in 1934,
1934, and
and had ordered prints them (as
prints from them (as recorded in
the official minutes).
minutes). Filmed
Filmed herein
herein are
are eighty-two
eighty-two gelatin
gelatin silver
silver prints
prints whose
whose versos
have been
been stamped
stampedwithwith "Photographie
"Photographie Sevruguin," and the photographer's name name in
Persian. Nearly all of
Nearly all ofthe
the images
images concern
concern monuments
monuments and and architecture, and Smith has has

stamped and annotated the versos of these prints as well to record information about the
site depicted, such as country, district, town, monument and detail.
detail. The prints appear
appear to
be relatively the same size with an exterior measurement of approximately 18 18 x 24 cm.,
and an interior image area of 16.5
16.5 x 22.5 cm. A note field has been supplied by the
archivist to identify or describe the images. Some
Some of the photographs display one or
more numbers that hadhad been inked
inked on the negative, and
on the negative, and these
these have
have been
been recorded
recorded in
parenthesis following
following the
the note
note text.
text. The
The present
present arrangement
arrangement andand subject
subject description
reflects that imposed by the
the archivist.

Subject arrangement:
Subject arrangement continued:
Residences-Gulistan Palace
—Residences—Gulistan Palace (Tehran)

Fiche/Frame Description

18(A2) Note: Ice cream vendor;
vendor; see also: fiche 16(C3)
see also:

18(A3) viewing moving

Note: Males viewing movingpictures—magnified
pictures-magnified images
images of
of European
known asas Shahr-i
Shahr-i farang

18(A4) Note: Bazaar

Note: Bazaar scene
scene in
in front of mosque of Shah Sultan Hussein, Qazvin
of mosque Qazvin
see also:
(837); see 10(E3-4) for
also: fiche 10(E3-4) for comparative
comparative images

18(A5) Pilgrims at
Note: Pilgrims at the
the Shrine
Shrine of Najaf, Iraq

18(A6) Note: Religious dignitaries in front

front of
of shrine;
shrine; see
see also:
also: fiche 10(D4)

18(A7) Note: Clerics

Note: Clericsgathered
gathered in
in entrance
entrance portal

Fiche/Frame Description

18(A8) ARCHITECTURE-Pre-Islamic


Pre-Islamic—Naqsh-i Rajab
18(A9) Note: Naqsh-i Rajab, relief IV, depicting bust and inscription
inscription of Kartir,
the high priest; see also:
also. fiche 7(A10)

Pre-Islamic-Nagsh-i Rustam
Pre-Islamic—Naqsh-i RustamSee
18(A10) Naqsh-i Rustam,
Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, three
tombs-general view
view of
of front
front facade;
facade; see
also: neg. no.
no. 38.10—not
38.10-not filmed
filmed with
with this
this project

18(B1) Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, tomb

Naqsh-i Rustam, tombof
Xerxes-front facade;
facade; see
see also: fiche

18(B2) Naqsh-i Rustam,

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam,tomb
I-middle register, seen from
side; see
see also:
also: fiche 7(B4)

18(B3) Note: Bishapur, Sasanian rock relief depicting victory of Shapur I over
see also: neg. no.
Valerian; see no. 38.5—not
38.5-not filmed
filmed ininthis
this project

18(B4) Note: Bishapur, Sasanian

II'ss subjection
see also: fiche 7(C7)
of Arab tribes; see

18(B5) Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, rock relief II, depicting the triumph of Shapur I
over Valerian—with
Valerian-with Sevruguin
foreground; see
see also:
also: fiche 7(C6)

18(B6) relief I,I, depicting

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, rock relief depicting the
the investiture
investiture of
Ardashir I by Hormizd; and rock relief III, depicting Bahram II with his
court; see also:
court; also. fiche 7(C3)

18(B7) Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, rock relief IX, attributed to Shapur II, depicting
equestrian combat; see
see also: 7(C2)
also: fiche 7(C2)

18(B8) relief VI,

Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, rock relief VI, depicting
depicting the
the investiture
investiture of
Anahita; see
Narseh by Anahita; see also:
also: fiche 7(C5)

18(B9) Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, fire altars; see

see also:
also: fiche 7(B7)

18(B 10) Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, Achaemenian grave tower (570)

Fiche/Frame Description

18(C1) Note: Pasargadae,
Pasargadae, tomb of Cyrus (reverse
(reverse angle
angle of fiche
of image on fiche
crew on
on site

18(C2) Note: Pasargadae, tomb of

Pasargadae, tomb ofCyrus

18(C3) Note: Persepolis, terraceviewed
Persepolis, terrace viewedfrom
corner-columns of
Apadana visible at right; see also. fiche 7(C8)
see also:

18(C4) Note: Persepolis, northern wall

Persepolis, northern wall of
Hall-viewed from
from east;
see also: fiche 7(D3)

18(C5) Note: Persepolis, Gate of Xerxes, with guardian bulls of western

doorway; see
see also:
also. fiche 7(D6)

18(C6) Note: Persepolis, Gate of Xerxes, with guardian bulls of western

doorway—camera equipmentvisible
doorway-camera equipment visible on
on site;
site; see
see also:
also: fiche 7(D7)

18(C7) Note: Persepolis, gateway-doorway of

Persepolis, gateway—doorway oftreasury
treasury (894)

18(C8) Note: Persepolis, Council Hall, King and two attendants with parasol,
Ahuramazda symbol on west door jamb of southern
southern doorway of
of main
from east;
east; see
see also:
also: fiche 7(E6)

18(C9) Note: Persepolis, Throne Hall, northern wall, western doorway, east
jamb, relief depicting audience
audience and
and guards; see
see also:
also: fiche 7(D4)

18(C10) Hall, northern

Note: Persepolis, Throne Hall, northern wall,
eastern doorway, west
jamb, relief
jamb, reliefdepicting
audience and
and guards; see
see also: fiche 7(D5)

18(D1) Note: Persepolis, Apadana, northern stairway, western side, tribute

procession, delegationsIV-XV—viewed
procession, with delegations IV-XV-viewed fromfrom northwest;
northwest; see
see also:
fiche 7(E3)

18(D2) Note: Persepolis, Palace of Darius, southern stairway, central panel,

guards and
with guards and trilingual
Xerxes-viewed from
see also:
southwest; see fiche 7(E2)

Pre-Islamic-Taq-i Bustan
Pre-Islamic—Taq-i Bustan
18(D3) Note: Taq-i Bustan,
Bustan, Cave
Cave of
III-view from
from water; see
see also:
fiche 7(E9)

Fiche/Frame Description
18(D4) Taq-i Bustan,
Note: Taq-i Bustan, Cave
III-view of
of rock
rock relief;
relief; see
see also:
fiche 8(A1)

18(D5) Taq-i Bustan,

Note: Taq-i Bustan, Cave
III-close view of rock
rock relief
hunt; see
depicting royal deer hunt; also: fiche 8(A7)
see also:

18(D6) Note: Taq-i Bustan,

Bustan, Cave
Cave of ShapurIII—detail
of Shapur III-detail of rock relief depicting
royal deer hunt;
hunt; see
see also: fiche 8(A8)

18(D7) Note: Taq-i Bustan, Cave of Shapur III, rock relief depicting royal boar
hunt-Khusrau IIIIininboat
hunt—Khusrau boat (812);
(812); see also. fiche 8(A4)
see also:

18(D8) Note: Taq-i Bustan, rock relief depicting investiture of Ardashir II by

Hormizd and Mithra—front
Hormizd and Mithra-front view
view (816)

18(D9) Note: Taq-i- Bustan, rock relief depicting investiture of Ardashir

side view

Pre-Islamic-Taq-i Girra
18(D10) Note: Taq-i Girra, stone structure in hills

Pre-Islamic—Rock Inscriptions
18(E1) Book), two cuneiform inscriptions
Note: Ganjnama (Treasure Book), inscriptions carved
on Mount Alvand,
Alvand, near
Hamadan-a Bakhtiyari
Bakhtiyari stands
stands guard;
guard; see
see also
neg. no.
no. 47.9
47.9 (12)—not
(12)-not filmed
filmed in
in this
this project

Qajar-Rock Reliefs
Qajar—Rock Reliefs
18(E2) Qajar rock relief depicting Path
Note: Qajar Fath Ali
All Shah, above the spring
Chasmayi Ali, Sorsoreh Mountain, Rayy (817); see also.
also: fiche 8(B2)

18(E3) Qajar rock relief, depicting

Note: Qajar depicting Fath
Path Ali Shah hunting, at Sorsoreh
Mountain, Rayy (326)

18(E4) Note: Qajar

Qajar rock relief, above the spring Chasmayi Ali, at Sorsoreh
Mountain, Rayy (?)
18(E5) ROYALTY-Residences-Gulistan
Palace (Tehran)
18(E6) Winds)-part ofofGulistan
Note: Imarat-i badgir (Tower of the Winds)—part GulistanPalace
complex; see
complex; see also: fiche 2(C7)

18(E7)-18(E8) Dari-Ahmasi-part ofofGulistan

Note: Dan-Ahmasi—part GulistanPalace
Palace complex (image filmed
complex (image filmed
twice), see
see also: fiche 2(C9)

Fiche/Frame Description
18(E9) Note: Salon and thrones at Gulistan Palace; see
Note: see also: fiche 2(C2)


ARCHITECTURE—Mosques andShrines
19(A2) Shrine of
Afote: Shrine
Note: of Shaikh
Shaikh Safi,
Ardabil-view of
of mihrab
mihrab (274);
(274); see
see also.
fiche 11(A3)
fiche 11 (A3)

19(A3) Mosque-built in
Note: Masjid-i Kabud (the Blue Mosque—built in 1450
1450 during the rule
of Jahanshah Qaraquyunlu), Tabriz

19(A4) Masjid-i Kabud (the Blue Mosque),

Note: Masjid-i Tabriz-view of large iwan
Mosque), Tabriz—view
see also: fiche 10(E5)
(507); see 10(E5)

19(A5) Note: Masjid-i Kabud (the Blue Mosque), Tabriz

19(A6) Note: Masjid-i Kabud (the Blue Mosque), Tabriz

19(A7) Note: Gunbad-i Alawiyan, Hamadan-view

northeast facade;
facade; see
also: fiche 11(A8)
11 (A8)

19(A8) Manar of Masjid-i Juma

Note: Manar Juma (Great Mosque), Damghan; see
see also:
fiche 10(D6)

19(A9) Note: Mosque of Gawhar

Gawhar Shad, Mashhad;
Mashhad; see
see also:
also: fiche 11(A1)
11 (Al) for
possible related
related view

19(A10) Note: Mosque of Gawhar
Gawhar Shad,
Shad, Mashhad—view ofdome
Mashhad-view of dome and
and top
top of
manars; see
also: fiche
fiche 11 (A6)

19(B1) Imamzadeh, Qum (107); see

Note: Imamzadeh, see also:
also: fiche 11(B8)

19(B2) Cemetery at
Note: Cemetery atQum—Shrine ofFatima
Qum-Shrine of Fatima al-Ma'suma
al-Ma'suma in
in background;
see also: fiche 11(B3)
see 11(B3)

19(B3) Shrine of
Note: Shrine of Fatima
(1093)-north facade;
facade; see
also: 11 (B6)
also. fiche 11(B6)

19(B4) Shrine of Fatima al-Ma'suma, Qum-north

Note: Shrine Qum—north facade; see
see also:
fiche 11(B7)
fiche 11 (B7)

19(B5) Note: Shrine of Fatima al-Ma'suma, Qum

Qum (66);
(66); see
see also: ll(Bl)
also: fiche 11(B1)

Fiche/Frame Description
19(B6) Shrine of
Note: Shrine of Fatima
Qum-view of
of courtyard
courtyard (645)

19(B7) Note: Mosque (606)

19(B8) (Kashan ?)
Note: Rear view of mosque, (Kashan ?) (167);
(167); see
see also:
also: fiche 11(A10)

19(B9) Note: Shrine near Baghdad, possibly Alid sanctuary, Kazimayn (663);
also: fiche 10(D6)
see also.

19(B10) Note: (Citadel ?), Tehran (or possibly city gate, Shiraz ?); see
see also:
fiche 9(C3)

19(C1) Note: Aerial view of domed rooftops, Kashan;
Kashan; see also: l l(D6-7)
also. fiche 11(D6-7)

19(C2) Note: Ruin of palace in Bagh-i Chashma, Ashraf

19(C3) Note: Ruin of palace in Bagh-i

Bagh-i Sahib-i
Sahib-i Zaman,
Zaman, Ashraf

19(C4) Note:
Note: Taq-i-Kisra, palace ruin at Ctesiphon, Iraq

19(C5) Note: Gunbad-i Kabud (blue dome, said to be grave of one of Hulaku
wives), Maragheh
Khan's wives),

19(C6) Tomb of
Note: Tomb of Emir
Arghun's daughter,
Salmas-(tomb destroyed
destroyed by
1931); see also.
earthquake, ca. 1931); also: fiche 11(C3)

19(C7) Note:
Note: Shrine
Shrine of
of Shaikh
Shaikh Safi,
Safi,Ardabil—exterior view of
Ardabil-exterior view of tomb
tomb chamber,
(187); see
south facade (187); see also: 11(A4)
also: fiche 11(A4)

19(C8) Note: Tomb of Hafiz, Shiraz (832)

1 9(C9) Note: Tomb of Ssaadi near Shiraz

19(C 10) Note: Tomb, Shiraz—view
Shiraz-view totonorth
Allah Akbar
Akbar Gate

19(D1) Note: Naqsh-i Rustam, Tomb of Darius I, northeast vault

vault (61);
(61); see
see also:
fiche 11(C6)
fiche 11 (C6)

Fiche/Frame Description
19(D2) Note: Tomb of Esther and Mordechai, Hamadan

19(D3) Tus; see

Note: Haruniya mausoleum, Tus; see also: 11(C2)
also: fiche 11(C2)

19(D4) Note: Shrine of Bayazid al-Bastami, Bustam

19(D5) Note: Shrine of Bayazid al-Bastami, Bustam

19(D6) Shrine of
Note: Shrine of Bayazid
Bayazid al-Bastami,
Bustam-view of
of minaret
minaret (192);
see also: fiche 11(C4)
see 11(C4)
——. __ fjjjjjmjjmmjgjj—ji^

19(D8) Note: Bridge on road to Rasht; see also: fiche 8(C10) for comparative
see also:

19(D9) German embassy

Note: German embassyproperty,
Gulahek-view of
of path
path by
by stream;
see also: fiche 10(C
10(C 10)

Series 2: ANTOIN

2.1: Albumen Prints

IDC no.
IDC no. SP-1,
SP-1, mf. 20

These eighteen
eighteen unmounted prints, catalogued
unmounted albumen prints, catalogued as as the Antoin Sevruguin
Photographs, were donated to to the
the archival collections of the FreerFreer Gallery of ArtArt by
by Jay
Bisno on 23 September,
September, 1985.
1985. The prints measure
measure fromfrom 10.5
10.5 xx 14.5
14.5 to 15.5 x 21 cm.
to 15.5
Handwritten ininpencil
these prints
was aa caption
caption ininFrench.
This has
has been
been transcribed
transcribed under
caption field
field for the reader,
reader, with
with the spelling having
been retained
retained as
closely as
possibletoto the
the original
original recording. A A note
note field
has been
supplied by the
the archivist to give further clarification
clarificationor orinformation.
display one
one or
or more
more numbers
numbers thatthathad
had been
been inked
inked on on the
the negative,
negative, and
and these
these have been
recorded in parenthesis
parenthesis following
following thethe caption
captionor ornote
note text.
text. The
The present
present arrangement
arrangement andand
subject description reflects that imposed by the
subject the archivist.

Subject arrangement:
Executions, Criminals,
Criminals, Punishment

Fiche/Frame Description

20(A2) Caption: Nasr-i Din
Din Shah
Shah (628)
see also: fiche
Note: Nasir al-din Shah in front of Peacock Throne; see

20(A3) Caption: Catafalque

Catafalque dede _ Shah
Shah (368)
Note: Funeral bier of Nasir al-din Shah, 1896

20(A4) Caption: None

Muzaffar al-din Shah (600)
Note: Portrait of Muzaffar

20(A5) Caption: None

Note: Muzaffar Shah (seated) with the Amin
al-din Shah
Muzaffar al-din Amin al-sultan
al-sultan (on right)
and an
an unidentified man; see
unidentified man; also. fiche 1(B2)
see also:

20(A6) Caption: (?-undecipherable)

(?—undecipherable) (83)(83)
Note: Standing portrait of the Amin al-sultan

20(B2) Caption: Derviche (639)
Note: Dervish-seated portrait;
Note: Dervish—seated portrait; see
see also: fiche 5(A9)

20(B3) Caption: Derviches (140)

Note: Dervish and two men

20(B4) Caption: Teheran

Teheran Quartier Juive (1054)
Quartier Juive (1054)
Note: Jewish quarter of Tehran

20(B5) Caption: None

Caption: None
Note: Man with a falcon (1335)

20(B6) Caption: Teheran

Teheran (653)
Palace, Tehran
Note: Large crowd (wrestling match ?) at Gulistan Palace,

20(C2) Caption: Mirza Riza
Note: Mirza Riza Kirmani,
assassin of Nasir al-din Shah, 1896

Fiche/Frame Description

20(C3) Caption: Mirza

Caption: Mina Riza
Riza (623)
Note: Public hanging of Mirza Riza Kirmani, assassin of Nasir al-din
Shah, 12 August 1896

20(C4) Caption: None

Caption: None
Note: Group of prisoners
with guards
(122)-probably not ordinary
prisoners, possibly Bahais
Bahais or
or political revolutionaries
political revolutionaries

20(C5) Caption: Un
Caption: Un brigand
brigand (1264)

20(C6) Caption: Execute

Caption: Execute
Dead prisoner
Note: Dead prisonerin

20(D1) Caption:
Caption: Execute (1131)
Note: Man buried
buried alive
alive in
in gatch—possibly
gatch-possibly aaBahai
Bahai leader,
leader, rather than a
common thief or
or adulterer;
adulterer; see
see also:
also. fiche 7(A5)

20(D2) Caption:
Caption: Bastanad (299)
Note: Administering discipline by applying
applying the bastinado; see also:
fiche 16(D3)
16(D3) for comparative image

20(D4) Caption:
Caption: Shah
Shah _(?) Abdoulazime
_(?) Abdoul azime (85)
Note: Masjid-i Shah
Shah Abdul
Abdul Azim,
Tehran-court view;
view; see
see also: fiche
1 O(E7)for
comparative image

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *



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