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Give examples of entertaining plans for a weekend.

1. Listen to a conversation between two friends about plans. What does Listen to the dialogue.
each of the phrasal verbs mentioned in the dialogue mean? Match
the phrasal verb and its meaning by writing the number of the phrasal
verb next to its meaning.
leave home to go to a social
1 Go back event

return to a place
2 Check in

arrive and register at a place

3 Drop by
Remember that phrasal verbs
ask many people the same are verbs with a main verb
4 Ask around question and a couple of other words.
Their meaning is not obvious
from the meanings of the
5 Give out arrive without an appointment
individual words in them.
So, you can’t translate them
6 Go out
give to many people literally to your language.
(usually at no cost)

2. Choose 4 of the phrasal verbs you heard in the dialogue. Write your own
dialogue of 50-60 words where the characters use the phrasal verbs
with each other.

Good ways to organize ideas. Group work. Form groups of four. Select not mind. give no importance,
one phrasal verb (each group must have a different phrasal verb). Make not making a big deal
a mind map with the phrasal verb at the center. Write all the words
related to the phrasal verb. You can include sentences, examples, and grill.
drawings. Be prepared to show your work to the class and explain the or hot coals, usually on a
relationships among the elements in your mind map. metal frame

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