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- Priority (n)  /praɪˈɒr.ə.ti/: something that is very important and must be dealt with before

other things = sự ưu tiên
Ex: Banks normally give priority to large businesses when deciding on loans
- Shift (v)= move
- Row (n) /rau/ = argument (n) sự xung đột, mâu thuẫn
- Concern (n)= fear nỗi sợ
- Cut = reduce => cut in the education budget
- Poor (a) -> porverty (n)= penury (n) /ˈpen.jə.ri/= destitution /ˌdes.tɪˈtʃuː.ʃən/
- Glacier (n) a large mass of ice that moves slowly
- Deep underground reservoir
- Replenish (vt) = refill -> replenishment (n)
- A comprehensive assessment: đánh giá toàn diện
- Drill a well, water be taken from wells
- Level off (v) chững lại
- Melt (v) /melt/
- Heighten (v) = increase
- Tide (n): the rise and fall of the sea that happens twice every day
- Validate (v) = proved (v) = confirmed (v): make sth be acceptable or true
- To be in favor of sth = support
- Invade (v)  /ɪnˈveɪd/ enter to a place with army
- Pedestrian (n): người đi bộ
- Widespread corruption: tham nhũng lan rộng
- A driver’s licence: bằng lái xe
- Drink-driving: uống rượu r lái xe
- Security (n): an ninh, bảo mật
- Corrupt (v) tham nhũng
- -> corruption (n) sự tham những
- Arrest (v) If the police arrest someone, they take them away to ask them about a crime
that they might have committed
- Tabloid (n) báo lá cải
- Key (a)= crucial =vital
- Scarcity (n) sự khan hiếm= shortage= the lack of
- Hidden (a) ẩn giấu >< obvious (a) rõ ràng
- Human activities = human practices
- Climatic factors = climate change
- Flushing lavatory
- Water desalination= desalinate sea water
- Drip irrigation >< flood irrigation
- Desalination plants
- Crop irrigation
- Feed gain to animals
- Roughly= about = approximately
- Most of/ much of + the N
- Most/ many/ much + Ns
- Alleviate (v) = reduce (v) giảm; depletion (n)= reduction (n)
- Mass media= big media
- Speculation (n) guess about the future
- An aquifer (n) a layer of rock, sand, or Earth
- Factual (a)= objective (a) thật
- Statistic (n) sự thống kê
- An Allegation (n) sự kết tội; an asset (n)= value things
- A moral (n) chuẩn mực đạo đức relating to the standards of good or bad behaviour
- Ethic (n) đạo đức
- Journalist (n) nhà báo
- Sensational journalist nhà báo phosgn đại sự thật lên
- Inequality (n) sự bất công
- Circulation (n) the number of people that newspapers or magazines are sold
- Evaporation (n) sự bay hơi
- Inverstigative journalist (n) phóng viên cố tìm ra sự thật
- A testimony (n) sự đưa ra bằng chứng; evidence : bằng chứng
- An interpretation (n) =explanation (n)

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