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Karen Xie

Hawrylczak Pd. 3
Annotations Pg. 42-80

Quote Annotation

"He was going among white people, so he Bigger assumes that the disparity between
would take his knife and gun; it would make being black and white can be patched if he
him feel that he was the equal of them, give has something over them. In his case, they
him a sense of completeness" (Wright 43). are weapons. His belief that this will affect his
position is convoluted and shows that he
believes violence is a legitimate solution.

" 'Are you the Thomas boy?' 'Yessum' " "Boy" and the repetition of the answer
(Wright 45). "Yessum" is something used a lot in the
novel. Boy has always been used to
intimidate and belittle, even subconsciously.

"He squeezed through and stood The whole scene draws into an extremely
uncertainly...she was staring at him and he uncomfortable scenario. Bigger is a fish out of
looked away in confusion. He was glad when water, and his anxiety is apparent in his
she left" (Wright 45). character.

Bigger's lack of variation in all of his

" 'I'm Mr. Dalton.' 'Yessuh.' '...?' 'Yessuh.' '...?' responses make the dialogue seem
'Suh?' '...?' 'Oh, yessuh!" (Wright 47) one-sided and forced. This conversation
would never happen on the streets.

" 'How much rent do you pay?..Married?..Sit His confusion makes this seem like an
down...' " (Wright 48-49) interrogation. Dalton has a real curiosity
about the life Bigger lives since it's
poverty-stricken and he finds that fascinating.

"I'm a supporter of the National Association Although he is a white man, it's different and
for the Advancement of Colored People. Did good for Bigger to see a situation where his
you ever hear of that organization?" (Wright employer is attempting to make strides. He
53) must speak for a bigger audience that
recognizes brutality faced by minorities.

"In all of the white women he had met...there His dramatic change in attitude when faced
was always a certain coldness and with something new--he'd never even thought
reserve...but this girl waded right in...I bet she about the possibility that a white person
spends plenty of dough...millions must be as would find him interesting in the way he found
common to him as nickels" (Wright 59) them. He could be a gold digger.
"Now, what did ​that​ mean? She was on ​his Classic Bigger misinterpreting her stunted
side. What side was he on? Did that mean because of his immense wealth (obviously
that she liked colored people?" (Wright 64) that contributes to some of her quirkiness)
and not knowing how to respond to remarks
that aren't flagrantly racist.

"Were they making fun of him? What was it Wright writes of that he has an immense
that they wanted? Why didn't they leave him hatred to himself. Bigger seems to hate his
alone? He was not bothering them...He was differences and his dissociation and
very conscious of his black skin...maybe they awareness of his difference being all in his
did not despise him...the badge of shame mind shows he has some loose screws.
which he knew was attached to a black skin"
(Wright 67)

"His moving would have called attention to He is analyzing every moment because he
himself and his black body...if he were white, feels isolated when he is the isolating factor.
if he were like them, it would have been His struggle is not unjustified because he is
different. But he was black" (Wright 69) different, but only through that one identifying

" 'Where's your father?' 'Dead...killed in a riot Explains why the only parent in his life is his
when I was a kid' " (Wright 74) mother. He was stunted from a young age
because the expectations of being a
breadwinner in his family overshadowed a life
that he could've led.

"He was not driving; he was simply sitting and Those last couple swigs are going to have an
floating along smoothly through darkness" effect on what his character does. His
(Wright 78) descriptive language is written for a reason,
to emphasize the actions and consequences
that'll follow Bigger trying to drink his
problems away.

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