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BSc (Hons) in Information Technology

Specializing in *********

Department of Information Technology

Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

Sri Lanka

month year



Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science
Special (Honors) in Information Technology

Specializing in ***** *****

Department of Information Technology

Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

Sri Lanka

month year

I declare that this is my own work, and this proposal does not incorporate without
acknowledgment any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any other
university or institute of higher learning, and to the best of our knowledge and belief, it does
not contain any material previously published or written by another person except where the
acknowledgment is made in the text.

Name Student ID Signature

Signature: Date:

Signature of the Supervisor: Date:

This component seeks to improve the children's overall communication abilities and targets
children with impairments who have difficulty speaking vocally. The target audience for this
component includes children with impairments who fall into this category. The kid will first
hear an audio recording of how to properly pronounce the name of the item, and then they
will watch a demonstration of how to spell the word using an image of the item. This will
take place on its own. Students will have the ability to practice pronouncing words in a step-
by-step manner on a platform that our group worked on constructing. At the same time, other
users will be able to determine whether or not they are correctly speaking the phrase. After
that, a specialized direct voice recognition software program that is employed to detect the
students' pronunciation of the word is utilized in order to record the students' pronunciation
of the word that is being stated by the application. The algorithm will first perform an audio
check to ensure that the pronunciation is accurate before moving on. If a student earns a
grade that is lower than fifty percent, the system will suggest a few simple things to say to
them to help them feel better. These things can be said at any time during the grading
process. One of the most important aspects of teaching is paying attention to the student's
vocal reaction and helping the learner improve their vocabulary so that they can express their
thoughts more effectively.


Before I begin, I would want to take a moment to show my appreciation to everyone

who helped me in the course of my research. Without your active engagement,
cooperation, involvement, and assistance with my study, I would not have been able
to make any headway at all. People like my supervisor are the ones that keep me
focused on maintaining my professionalism and doing the right thing, and for that I
want to express my gratitude to them. When things are rough, they keep me focused
on maintaining my professionalism and doing the right thing. This endeavor would
not have been successful without her unwavering support and participation. Because
of the guidance and support that I received from my co-direction supervisor; I was
able to finish this proposal paper within the allotted time.

I would want to offer a special expression of appreciation to my fellow researchers,

all of whom have contributed to the accomplishment of this project in one way or
another. In addition, I would like to extend my most sincere gratitude to everyone,
but particularly to my parents and the other members of my family who have
consistently provided me with both spiritual and financial support. In closing, I
would like to offer my most sincere gratitude to each and every one of my dear
friends who helped me in any way with the development of this project report in
whatever capacity they were able.



TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS........................................................................................................vii
LIST OF APPENDICES..............................................................................................................vii
1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND & LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................7
1.2 RESEARCH GAP......................................................................................................13
1.3 RESEARCH PROBLEM.............................................................................................14
1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES..........................................................................................15
1.4.1 MAIN OBJECTIVE...........................................................................................15
1.4.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES.....................................................................................15
2 METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................16
1.1. System Architecture..............................................................................................16
2.1 Development Process............................................................................................17
2.1.1 Tools and technologies..................................................................................18
2.2 Component............................................................................................................19
2.3 COMMERCIALIZATION ASPECTS OF THE PRODUCT...............................................20
2.4 TESTING & IMPLEMENTATION..............................................................................21
2.4.1 Testing...........................................................................................................21
3 RESULTS & DISCUSSION................................................................................................24
3.1 RESULTS.................................................................................................................24
3.2 RESEARCH FINDINGS.............................................................................................25
3.3 DISCUSSION...........................................................................................................26
4 SUMMARY OF EACH STUDENT’S CONTRIBUTION.........................................................27
5 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................28
6 REFERENCES..................................................................................................................29

7 APPENDICES..................................................................................................................30

Table 2.1 TEST CASES........................................................................................................12

Figure 1.1 VOKI APPLICATION........................................................................................10
Figure 1.2 FOTOBABBLE LOGO.......................................................................................11
Figure 1.3 AV Phonetics APPLICATION............................................................................12
Figure 2.1 Component Diagram............................................................................................17


Abbreviations Description


Even while your eyes move quickly over the words, your brain seems to be able to
figure out what they mean nearly immediately. Writing gives us the ability to
generate and interpret words even when we do not have access to sound, which is an
important development considering that sound may have been the original mode of
communication. This method of assisting pupils in their academic pursuits has been
utilized for a significant amount of time by educators all around the world. The role
that visuals play in assisting people in remembering words hasn't received a lot of
attention from researchers in the scientific community, for the most part. During the
encoding process, the development of mental images occurs when visual information
is paired with verbal information. The significance of this image is communicated
through the use of both visual and verbal clues. The codes are processed and stored
in the brain in a manner that is dependent on the particular region of the brain that is
responsible for doing so. The user has the option of using the image in addition to the
word's translation in their native language while they are fetching a word. This
choice is available to them. Even if the written code is misplaced, it is still possible
to obtain the message in the form of a visual representation. There is a possibility
that the Dual Code Theory has a neurological basis. The writers came to the
conclusion that learning words just through reading and listening was not as
beneficial as learning them through images. It has been discovered that different
regions of the brain are responsible for the processing and storage of words and
images. As a consequence of this, concepts can be thought of as huge networks of
interconnected neurons in the brain. These networks have the capacity to maintain
and bolster the information that they possess collectively. [02]

When compared to other primates, human beings are far superior in terms of their
ability to pick up new languages. By the time they are in their early 20s, people who
speak their native language have a vocabulary that contains at least 20,000 basic
terms and the morphologically complicated variants of those words; however, other
estimates suggest that this number is actually much higher. The process of fast-
mapping is an illustration of how young infants are able to associate new words and

ideas within a short amount of time, which gives the appearance that they are
effortlessly and quickly learning new words. Due to the undeniable superiority of
young humans as word learners, researchers have been inspired to investigate the
process of word acquisition in newborns and children separately and to approach the
mechanics of word learning in a way that is distinct from how they approach the
acquisition of other components of mental computation.

Students take part in a variety of oral language activities designed to improve their
conceptual and vocabulary knowledge throughout the course of the school day. In
addition, students listen to stories and nonfiction materials being read aloud during
this time. Both all-inclusive reading programs and more specialist phonics and word-
recognition training programs include components that teach spelling and word
recognition, respectively. Many teachers instruct their pupils in phonics and word
recognition by utilizing a basal reading program that is supplied by the school
system. This is typically a curriculum that includes of materials that are appropriate
for the student's grade level, such as a guide for teachers and reading materials for
students, in addition to supplementary resources. When teaching children phonics
and word-recognition strategies, it is important to provide them with opportunities to
become comfortable with a variety of reading-related skills and concepts. These
reading-related skills and concepts include, but are not limited to, alphabetic
knowledge, phonemic awareness, sound-symbol relations, word-identification
strategies, spelling and writing connections, related reading practice, and reading
fluency. [03]

Users with and without disabilities can benefit from a variety of applications that are
available in voice recognition and speech-to-text software. Speech-to-text software
has been used to assist those who struggle with writing to increase their writing
production and to enable individuals who have physical limitations with an
alternative means of accessing a computer. Other applications include the use of
speech recognition for the study of other languages, voice-activated goods for the
blind, and many other applications in mainstream technology. Many well-known
applications in the customer service business have been pushed to the forefront of
innovation as a direct result of recent technological advancements. We have all made

use of voice recognition technologies in our day-to-day lives, and the majority of the
time, we have done so without even realizing it. A few examples of this include
voice-activated dialing on our mobile phones, automated phone menus and
directories, and integrated voice commands on smartphones. Voice recognition
software is used on a daily basis in the legal and medical fields by experts to
transcribe essential information and dictation notes[12]. Newer applications of the
technology include those in the military, navigation systems, speech recognition in
automobiles (such as Ford SYNC), "smart" homes designed with voice command
devices, and video games such as End War, which allow the player to give orders to
their troops using only their voice.

Students who have disabilities still face difficulties while using voice recognition
technology in its current form, despite the significant progress that has been made in
the field over the previous 20 years. In the beginning, students need to get used to
using speech-to-text, just like they would any other new piece of technological
equipment. This includes teaching the software to recognize their voices, becoming
familiar with a new mode of writing, comprehending the differences between
speaking and writing, and making corrections to errors that are found within the text.
It's possible that this will make the writing process much more frustrating for
students who already struggle with reading and writing, students who have learning
challenges, or students who are very young. Students need to become accustomed to
speaking more slowly so that the technology can more accurately record their
thoughts. Even though the software has improved, speech-to-text technologies are
not always capable of identifying the voices of young children. Students need to be
aware of the differences between speaking in conversation and speaking to write
since these two activities demand different skill sets. Speaking to write is an activity
that requires students to speak to write. This may be difficult for early authors
because they have not yet learned to differentiate between the two. When younger
kids use speech recognition technology, it may be more challenging for them to
begin differentiating between speaking and writing. Therefore, it is absolutely
necessary to combine the use of speech recognition technology with teaching on
writing skills, including brainstorming, drafting, and organizing[12].

The need for error correction and monitoring of words that were incorrectly detected
is an additional essential component that is included in the utilization of voice
recognition algorithms. Students need to be vigilant in looking for errors that the
program does not recognize because newer programs do not generate spelling errors
and improve when users correct words that they have incorrectly recognized. Even
though this step might be challenging for those with reading difficulties, an
application that is able to read text aloud to the user can be of great assistance to
them when it comes to editing and modifying their work.

Increases in writing production, improvements in writing mechanics, increased

independence, decreased anxiety around writing, and improvements in core reading
and writing abilities are some of the potential benefits for students with disabilities.
Other potential benefits include improved access to computers, increased writing
production, and improvements in writing mechanics[12].

Enhanced availability - Hands-free computing through the use of speech

recognition technologies may be beneficial for students who have motor skill
limitations, physical disabilities, blindness/low vision, or other difficulties accessing
a standard keyboard and mouse. This type of computing eliminates the need for
students to use their hands. You can improve student access to technology and
activities in the classroom by removing any physical obstacles that can get in the way
of writing or navigating the computer.

The creation of writing - Students that struggle academically may benefit

from the use of speech recognition technology, which can lead to writing that is more
reflective and considered. Studies involving students with learning difficulties in
middle and high school have indicated that input via speech is less demanding, and
students often generate papers that are longer and of higher quality when utilizing
speech recognition software.

Writing mechanics and procedures - Speech recognition technologies, when

combined with the capabilities of word processors, may be able to help alleviate
some of the challenges that students may encounter when attempting to master
writing mechanics. It eliminates potential impediments, such as trouble with

handwriting or the requirement to transcribe thoughts while brainstorming, because
students are often able to write more quickly with speech recognition software. When
writers with learning difficulties are unclear about the right spelling of a term, they
will frequently skip over it. This can result in pieces of writing that are either too
brief, do not contain the necessary components, or do not accurately reflect the
student's genuine ability. Speech recognition and word processors have the ability to
alleviate some of these worries by enabling students to get their ideas down on paper
without having to worry about these or any other aspects of technical writing.

Increased freedom and autonomy - A human transcriber is a low-tech solution

for the classroom that allows the attention to shift away from the physical act of
writing and more toward the expression of thoughts and knowledge. This is
beneficial for students who have learning difficulties, physical disabilities, or weak
motor skills. However, when it comes to writing assignments, the student is
completely reliant on the instructor or the assistant. When asked, students who utilize
transcribers for their writing projects frequently report "spending less time planning
and arranging because they thought they were holding the transcriber waiting or felt
humiliation about making mistakes or asking for multiple readings of what was
written." Students may achieve greater levels of autonomy in their writing and other
academic pursuits by making use of tools that convert speech to text. If the speech-
to-text program also has text-to-speech characteristics, the student will be able to
hear their material read aloud to them numerous times and will be able to repair their
faults on their own with greater independence.

Desertion of anxiousness - Students who struggle with writing often

experience feelings of embarrassment about "the appearance of their writing due to
brevity of sentence or paragraph length, illegibility of handwriting, and/or misspelled
words," which can be alleviated by speech recognition software, which also enables
the student to work in a more independent manner. Speech recognition software
gives students who are studying English as a second language or who are learning
English as a foreign language the opportunity to improve their pronunciation in a
risk-free and low-stress setting. Students need not worry about feeling ashamed
while they engage in many repeats of a word that is foreign to them. Speech

recognition capabilities have recently been added to a number of well-known foreign
language software applications specifically for the purpose of fulfilling this

Ability gains in reading and writing at the fundamental level - In the domains
of reading and writing, voice recognition technologies have been demonstrated to be
useful as a form of remediation for kids who have learning difficulties, according to
research. Students are able to get valuable insight into crucial aspects of phonemic
awareness, such as sound-symbol correspondence, when the teacher let the students
to see the words on the screen as they dictate. The speech-to-text tool gives pupils a
firsthand demonstration of the relationship between the way a word looks and how it
sounds as they talk and watch their words appear on the screen as they do so. It is
believed that the effectiveness of speech recognition in resolving reading and
spelling deficiencies is due, at least in part, to the fact that the text can be presented
in two different ways: visually and audibly.


The group of researchers at the Georgetown University Medical Center scanned the
twelve individuals' brains using functional MRI. The visual word form area
(VWFA), which is situated on the surface of the brain behind the left ear, was the
primary focus of the investigation by the researchers. The fusiform face area is the
area that corresponds to the right hemisphere of the VWFA. When it comes to young
children and people who are illiterate, both the VWFA and the fusiform face area
respond to faces. When reading, word recognition takes place in the VWFA area of
the brain. The fluctuation of the audio signal over time is analogous to the changes
that occur in the level of activity in the brain over time. Electrocorticograms (ECoG)
were recorded from the brain activity of sixteen individuals by Lorenzo Magrassi, a
neurosurgeon at the University of Pavia in Italy, and his team. The researchers were
able to record people's brain activity directly from the surface of Broca's region
regardless of whether or not they read the text out loud .[01]

Children who have difficulties communicating through speech can benefit from the
development of fundamental language skills as well as other means of expression
and communication by using these applications, which are enjoyable, educational,
and simple to access. It is possible to communicate in a variety of ways thanks to the
availability of tools such as text-to-speech converters, visual communication
platforms, news websites designed specifically for people with special needs and
learning issues, notetaking and writing applications, and text-to-speech tools. This
article contains additional tactics that can be used to empower students who have
difficulties with their speech.

Words that appear often throughout written material are referred to be high-
frequency words. The top 100 most common words make up around half of the
information we take in, and the top 25 most common terms account for the remaining
one third (Fry & Kress, 2012). A child who is able to recognize the 100 most
common keywords has the foundation necessary to read the majority of a typical
work. Because high-frequency words are so common, beginning readers should learn
to recognize them. In many different subjects, students are shown graphic

representations of these terms that are used frequently. Youngsters can be helped to
restart this reading strategy, which is how experienced readers comprehend written
words that are known to them (Ehri, 2005). This can be accomplished by explicitly
introducing high-frequency sight words to the children .[04]

App for English articulation and pronouncing is the name of a mobile application
that can help improve your English pronunciation and articulation. It is possible that
it will teach letter sounds as well as word pronunciation. There are approximately a
thousand words to target that have 22 letter sounds. The software allows kids to
engage with letter sounds in three ways: word games, sentences, and stories.
Children will learn correct pronunciation, letter and word recognition, and
fundamental sentence structure while participating in these activities. Students have
the opportunity to record and listen to their own voices as they pronounce letters and
words coupled with narration when using the Articulation Station. As a consequence
of this, students develop their self-awareness and may become aware of errors in
their own pronunciation. There are two-word activities, and each activity has
multiple levels. You have the option of concentrating on the initial, medial, or final
sound of the letter. It is possible that it will teach letter sounds as well as word
pronunciation. There are approximately a thousand words to target that have 22 letter
sounds. The software allows kids to engage with letter sounds in three ways: word
games, sentences, and stories. Children will learn correct pronunciation, letter and
word recognition, and fundamental sentence structure while participating in these
activities. Students have the opportunity to record and listen to their own voices as
they pronounce letters and words coupled with narration when using the Articulation
Station. As a consequence of this, students develop their self-awareness and may
become aware of errors in their own pronunciation. There are exercises involving
two words, such as flashcards or matching, and each activity has a variety of
difficulty levels. You have the option of concentrating on the initial, the middle, or
the last letter sound .[05]

A picture dictionary, also referred to as a visual dictionary, is a type of dictionary

that illustrates the meaning of words through the use of photographs. It should go
without saying that these phrases are commonly utilized in the teaching of nouns;

but, when the situation calls for it, images can also be utilised to convey abstract
ideas such as feelings. Visual dictionaries, in contrast to traditional dictionaries, are
not sorted alphabetically but rather thematically, and an image is associated with
each theme in the dictionary. Traditional dictionaries also do not contain visual
dictionaries. Visual dictionaries are useful resources for a variety of people,
including students, teachers, translators, and even parents. Visual dictionaries are
helpful resources that can be applied to a variety of contexts. The use of these
dictionaries is beneficial to people of all ability levels, so everyone can take
advantage of them .[06]

The fact that children need to be taught to correlate the word with the meaning
represented by the picture it includes could be one of the reasons for this. This is a
step that was not explicitly done in many of the research that were conducted on
picture-embedded words. Learners have been assisted in making an association
between the word and the concept represented by the picture through the use of a
range of strategies in previous research in related fields. One method entails
explaining to children in no uncertain terms that a picture that is shown alongside a
word is a representation of that word. Lang and Solman discovered that this method
led to increased learning in comparison to situations in which the association was not
made explicitly clear[07]. The second strategy is called picture-to-text matching, and
it involves asking children to actively match words with the pictures that represent
them. According to Fossett and Mirenda, this method is more effective than just
teaching using pictures next to their corresponding words[08].

A third method is called picture fading, and it involves presenting a picture in or

around a word, and then fading it out over the course of a sequence of images. Both
Smeets, Lancioni, and Hoogeveen and Tabe and Jackson used picture fading to
teach children sight words, and while the former study found that picture fading was
more effective than putting pictures next to words, the latter study found no
difference in the outcomes of using picture fading versus putting pictures next to
words[09]. Richardson et al. conducted an experiment in which they compared three
distinct training approaches using either picture fading, picture matching, or text
alone with echoic cues(10). The experiment was conducted with seven participants

and utilized individual sessions. They found that some participants learned terms
more rapidly using the picture-matching approach as opposed to the text-alone
strategy; nevertheless, neither the picture-matching method nor the picture-fading
method resulted in greater overall mastery than text alone did in the final posttest.
The fourth strategy is called "word morphing," and it involves using a sequence of
images or animations in which a picture transforms into a word. This provides a
gradual transition that is meant to assist the youngster in developing a link between
the two concepts. Miller and Miller discovered that learning was enhanced when
animations transitioned from a picture to a word rather than when the picture was
placed next to the word[11]. Later on, Sheehy found that a technique that was
comparable to this one led to greater learning than a teaching method that focused
only on words.

Voki is also available either online or as an app for Apple or Android devices, Voki
gives users the ability to select a "talking head" character, modify its appearance and
clothing, and then add narration by either recording their own voices or typing a
script to be read by an artificial voice. Voki can be accessed either through the
website or downloaded from the app store. Voki is aimed primarily for educators
who wish to produce brief instructional videos, but students are just as capable of
making effective use of the platform to convey either information or narratives to
their peers. A shorter number of character options are available in the free version,
whereas a greater variety of options and a longer recording period are available in the


Fotobabble App users can upload images to the Fotobabble website or the iPhone
app, record comments about the photos, and then share the photos via email, text
message, or social networking for an engaging approach to record speaking and
pronunciation practice. These tools can be used by teachers to develop materials that
explain course content or that provide a pronunciation model for students to imitate.
In addition to helping students practice their pronunciation while expressing their
ideas creatively, students can also use these tools to help other students practice their
pronunciation. Students might feel more engaged in their studies if the materials they
use for practice are tailored to meet their particular requirements. For example, the
materials could include words that the students particularly need to be able to say,
such as the names of streets in their local community, words related to their jobs or
activities, or even the names of their favorite beverages from Starbucks.


The Phonetics is a comparable mobile application was developed by a group of

students at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. It features animated illustrations
of the articulatory system in a three-dimensional "wire-frame" style, demonstrating
the correct pronunciation of each phoneme along with recorded examples of words.
The software does not feature videos of a real person speaking like Sounds of Speech
does, but it does include full animations for a variety of example words and
minimum pairings. Users have the option of listening to either a guy or a woman's
voice, and recordings can either be played at the typical speed or at a slower
pace. Both of these apps can serve either as a model for teachers to follow in the
classroom or as a resource for students to use outside of class for review and
practice. In addition, dictionaries that include sound recordings, such as the Merriam-

Webster Learner's Dictionary and the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Online, as well as any dictionary app or stand-alone electronic dictionary, can
provide a practical model of the correct pronunciation of individual words. These are
very helpful for students who want to independently verify how correctly they are
pronouncing a new word.

Figure 1.3 AV Phonetics APPLICATION


Systems View Pronounce View Pronounce Students are Analysis of
and selected and selected allowed to pronunciation
select picture elect word repronounce difference
pictures name words words and

     

Learn With



Pumpic App


Out Machine
Super Why


In the context of education, "inclusion" refers to an atmosphere of mutual respect for

the distinctive qualities and expectations of each individual student. On the other
hand, the educational system needs to make an effort to address the difficulties that
are experienced by all students, including those who have specific educational
requirements. The primary objective of this research is to determine whether or not
including students with disabilities in educational settings is beneficial. Learn and get
experience. Students who have disabilities should be educated alongside their
typically developing peers. System and social life are two of the most pressing
concerns that the globe faces in the modern day. The findings of this study gave us
the opportunity to share our perspectives on different approaches to educational
reform for children who have exceptional needs. In this study, document analysis
case studies are used to examine changes in social and educational policies that have
an effect on children with disabilities who are enrolled in elementary and
intermediate schools. As a consequence of this, it is imperative that children who
have disabilities have the same opportunities for schooling as their classmates who
do not have disabilities. More and more evidence suggest that children who have
disabilities can benefit from using instructional programs.



 Develop pronunciation components of words and images by allowing

students to pronounce them and analyze the comparison of actual
pronunciation and students' pronunciation.


 develop words and images selection pane and pronunciation component

 Develop customized direct speech recognition to detect students'

pronunciation of the word pronounced by the application.

 develop the system to analyze the voice response of the student and assist in
vocabulary improvement


2.1 System Architecture

2.2 Development Process

2.2.1 Tools and technologies


SciPy is an open-source library written in Python that is utilized for the purpose of
resolving mathematical, scientific, engineering, and technical issues. A large variety
of high-level Python commands are made available to users, enabling them to alter
data as well as visualize it. NumPy is an extension of Python that serves as the
foundation for SciPy. It's possible to say "Sigh Pi" when you're referring to SciPy.
Numpy is an extension for Python that serves as the foundation for SciPy, which is a
collection of mathematical methods and convenience functions. It does this by
presenting the user with high-level commands and classes that can be used to
manipulate and visualize data. This provides a huge boost to the capabilities of the
interactive Python session. SciPy is a scientific Python open source library that is
published under the BSD licensed umbrella and is used to carry out mathematical,
scientific, and engineering computations. The name is pronounced as "Sigh Pi."

NumPy, which enables straightforward and efficient manipulation of N-dimensional

arrays, is required for the SciPy library. The SciPy library was designed to be
compatible with NumPy arrays and offers a wide variety of numerical procedures
that are both user-friendly and efficient. Some examples of these procedures include
routines for numerical integration and optimization. All together, they are compatible
with the most common operating systems, can be set up in a short amount of time,
and don't cost anything. Both NumPy and SciPy are user-friendly, but they are also
strong enough that some of the most accomplished scientists and engineers in the
world rely on them. The NumPy module is responsible for providing SciPy with its
fundamental data structure, which is a multidimensional array. There are certain
functions in NumPy for linear algebra, fourier transforms, and random number
generation; however, these functions do not have the same degree of generality as
their SciPy equivalents.

Figure 2.2 SCIPY


NumPy is the essential package for carrying out computational tasks in the scientific
community using Python. A multidimensional array object, various derived objects
(such as masked arrays and matrices), and an assortment of routines for fast
operations on arrays are all provided by this Python library. These operations include
mathematical, logical, shape manipulation, sorting, selecting, I/O, discrete Fourier
transforms, basic linear algebra, basic statistical operations, random simulation, and a
great deal more. The ndarray object is the fundamental building block of the NumPy
library. This wraps n-dimensional arrays of similar data types, and for optimal
efficiency, many operations are carried out in compiled code.

The term "vectorization" refers to the absence of any explicit looping, indexing, or
other similar operations in the code. These operations are, of fact, still taking place,
but they are doing so "behind the scenes" in optimized, pre-compiled C code. NumPy
provides complete support for an object-oriented methodology, beginning once more
with the ndarray data structure. As an illustration, ndarray is a class that includes a
variety of different methods and characteristics. As a result of the fact that many of
its methods are mirrored by functions in the NumPy namespace's outermost
namespace, the programmer is free to write code in whichever paradigm best suits
their needs. Because of this versatility, the NumPy array dialect and the NumPy
ndarray class have become the standard language for the interchange of multi-
dimensional data in Python.

The use of NumPy is becoming more commonplace in a wide variety of business

applications as its popularity grows. As a consequence of this, it is absolutely necessary to
have an understanding of what it is that this library is going to provide. Because of its syntax,
which is not only strong but also concise and expressive all at the same time, NumPy is
considered to be one of the most powerful Python modules. In addition to being used for
array computation, it gives users the ability to handle data stored in vectors, matrices, and
arrays of larger dimensions. It is also widely used in the business world. This article will
provide an overview of what NumPy is in Python as well as the fundamental capabilities of
the NumPy module. NumPy is an acronym that stands for numerical Python. It refers to a
library that contains multidimensional array objects as well as a set of functions for

manipulating those arrays. Due to the fact that it enables users to execute mathematical and
logical operations on arrays, it is one of the Python packages that is utilized the most for
scientific computing. NumPy is a scripting language that is written in Python. In 2005,
Travis Oliphant developed NumPy by extensively altering the predecessor program Numeric
and adding features from the rival program Numarray. The forerunner to NumPy was a
program called Numeric, which was created in 1995 by Jim Hugunin with the assistance of a
number of other programmers. A developer for NumPy named Travis Oliphant was
successful in uniting the community in support of a single array package; thus, he moved the
functionality of Numarray to Numeric and released NumPy 1.0 in the year 2006. Now that
we have an understanding of What is NumPy in Python, let's look over its history. Let's
move on to the next topic and talk about why we use it. Python provides us with lists that can
function as arrays, however the processing of these lists is rather slow. NumPy's array object
should be up to 50 times faster than Python's standard list object, according to the project's
stated goal. A diverse set of mathematical procedures based on arrays are all within the
scope of its applicability. It extends Python with advanced analytical structures that ensure
fast computations with arrays and matrices, as well as a large library of high-level
mathematical functions that work with these arrays and matrices. Additionally, it adds fast
computations with arrays and matrices to the capabilities of the Python programming
language. Unlike lists, NumPy arrays are stored in memory in a single continuous area,
making it easier for
programs to swiftly
access and change the
data contained
within them.

Figure 2.3 Features of numpy


Matplotlib is a data visualization and graphical plotting toolkit that can be used with
Python and its numerical extension NumPy. It is compatible with multiple platforms.
As such, it provides a feasible open source alternative to the software package
MATLAB. Developers also have the option of utilizing the Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs) provided by matplotlib in order to incorporate plots
within GUI programs.

Because of the way a Python matplotlib script is organized, the generation of a visual
data plot can typically be accomplished with only a few lines of code in the vast
majority of cases.

Two application programming interfaces, such as and, are covered by the matplotlib
scripting layer. The matplotlib library sits atop the pyplot application programming
interface (API), which is a hierarchy of Python code objects. pyplot in addition to an
Object-Oriented Application Programming Interface (OO API) collection of objects
that may be assembled with more flexibility than pyplot. This application
programming interface (API) gives users access to the backend layers of Matplotlib.
The pyplot API offers a user-friendly stateful interface that is modeled after
MATLAB. In point of fact, matplotlib was first conceived of and developed as an
open-source alternative to MATLAB. It is considered to be more difficult to use,
despite the fact that the OO API and its interface offer greater levels of customization
and power than pyplot.

Uncompiled source files for Matplotlib are also available for download. In order to
compile from source, it is necessary for your local system to have the correct
compiler for your operating system, as well as all dependencies, setup scripts,
configuration files, and patches that are necessary. Because of this, the installation
can end up being really difficult. You may also think about utilizing the ActiveState
Platform, which will automatically generate matplotlib from its source code and
package it for your operating system. A user interface (UI) and menu structure are
built whenever matplotlib is used to make a plot. The user interface allows for
customization of the plot, as well as the ability to pan, zoom, and toggle different

sections. Data manipulation and analysis are the primary purposes for which
matplotlib makes use of the Pandas package. Dataframe is the name of the object that
represents a 2D data table that is stored in memory by Pandas. pandas, on the other
hand, is not a mandatory dependency of matplotlib like numpy is.

Figure 2.4 Matplotlib

2.3 Component

Identify and develop the pronunciation components of words and images by having
students pronounce them and then analyzing the differences between actual
pronunciation and the pronunciation of the students Additionally, provide a word and
image selection window, as well as a pronunciation component, to aid in the
knowledge advancement of kids with special needs. As part of this component,
tailored direct speech recognition is developed to detect students' pronunciation of
words pronounced by the program, as well as a system to analyze students' voice
responses and assist them in improving their vocabulary.


It may be necessary for individuals who have trouble reading or who have visual
impairments to modify the display of text in order to make it simpler to read. Their
capacity to change the appearance of the text is restricted when it is presented as a
picture of the text. When you write content with the use of an online content editor,
the formatting will be done for you automatically. If you believe that you require text
that deviates from the style, you should be able to adjust the style for that text using
the formatting tools that are supplied by online content editors. You should only ever
supply a picture of text rather than actual text in extremely unusual instances, such as
when a logo is being used. Screen-reader users will be able to view the text even if
you do this, but you will be required to give the exact same text as the image's text

Different people have different capacities for taking in knowledge, which is

especially relevant when discussing educational settings. Some people might prefer
information to be presented in text, while others would prefer it to be provided in
video or audio; the accessibility needs of the individual can also play a role in their
preferences. However, while accessibility for images typically focuses on providing
a text alternative for users of screen readers, we can also look at the issue from the
other side of the coin—namely, providing a graphic alternative for text in order to
make the information or concept that is being referenced easier to comprehend. This
is also for the benefit of folks who have trouble reading.


2.5.1 Testing

Test Test case Test input Values Test Expected Actual Test
case Name Procedure Output Result Resul
ID t






Table 2.1 TEST CASES



It is essential that the application be supported by a cartoon-style graphical user

interface that is brightly colored and animated in order to provide the youngsters with
a reason to use the application. In this investigation, a smart phone and a smart watch
were utilized as the experimental tools because the autistic youngsters enjoyed
playing with both of these types of smart technologies. Because the application was
developed with special need students serving as instant testers, it was certain that the
straightforward design, technological allure, and game-like format utilized in this
application would make it possible to break down the barrier of communication
between autistic children and their families by assisting in the acquisition of new
vocabulary in a shorter amount of time when compared to the acquisition of
vocabulary without the assistance of smart devices and beacons. Validation of the
application that was developed on an experimental basis was carried out in the homes
of two families that had children with special needs. This application has captured
the attention of these two youngsters and their family from the very beginning, and
they have thoroughly enjoyed use it. In all of these case studies, the children's
families were able to understand what the children required, which led to an increase
in the amount of communication that took place between the children and their
relatives. The participation of the families in the experiment was driven by their
shared desire to improve their children's capacity for communication and to improve
their ability to name basic things that they required for daily life. A conference with
the parents took place not long after the trial, and at this time, they were requested to
express and discuss their findings regarding the functioning, usability, and their
general pleasure. Both sets of people said that they were pleased with the application
and intended to keep using it to help them with the repetitious task of learning new
words and practicing their pronunciation numerous times each day.


The proposed system's architecture dictates that it be hosted on a server so that it may
always be accessed by end users. This server not only provides hosting for the hosted
system but also a domain name and database space. If users try to access the system
using that domain name, they will be successful. Keep an eye out for details
regarding any actions taken within the system that are recorded here. All the parents
need is the domain name to connect to the system from anywhere in the world. If a
person logs in and looks at their children's activities, the data will be stored in the
database for future use. Since this is a novel concept for a system, it would be
excellent if parents and students with unique needs served as beta testers.

For children who have Learning Disabilities as well as children who have other kinds
of disabilities, there is still a need for additional research on the effectiveness of
speech recognition. However, technological advancement is continuing, and new
solutions are being developed for many of the difficulties that have been experienced
in the past. For instance, many of the most recent versions of speech recognition
software now feature voice profiles for youngsters, which means that they are getting
more accurate at differentiating between words uttered by users who are younger. It
makes sense for students to obtain some experience with speech recognition as voice
recognition technology becomes increasingly integrated into the day-to-day
operations of several industries, including the military, the medical field, and the
judicial system. Some technologies that were originally developed for users with
disabilities have since made the transition into mainstream technology, becoming
something that all of us have grown to rely on in our day-to-day lives. As a result of
this, experts in the technology industry are beginning to believe that all children
should obtain a technology education that represents the future of human-computer
interactions, which they predict will be predominantly accomplished through the use
of voice and touch.


Member  Components  Tasks 

 develop words and images

selection pane and
pronunciation component

 Develop customized direct

speech recognition to detect
students' pronunciation of the
word pronounced by the

develop the system to analyze

the voice response of the student
and assist in vocabulary


The current state of pronunciation is far from ideal for numerous reasons, and it
would be unfair to place the blame on any one set of people, whether teachers,
pronunciation experts, or academics. The study of language pronunciation, despite its
theoretical and practical importance, has fallen out of favor in recent decades.
Incorporating pronunciation into oral skills and other classes, and focusing on both
segmental and supra-segmental features, when possible, is something teachers should
do whenever they have the chance and time to do so, with a particular eye on
students with special needs of varying levels and abilities. It's not enough to simply
focus on how words are spoken in isolation. Instead, it should be recognized as an
essential component of conversation and incorporated into academic work. Sounds,
syllables, stress, and intonation are all components that teachers can emphasize to aid
their students. Students will have a better idea of where to put their efforts if they
have a foundational understanding of how these parts work. Teachers can use class
time to raise students' awareness of pronunciation and provide practice with correct
pronunciation. Because altering one's pronunciation habits is laborious and calls for
the student's time and effort, teachers should urge their students to carefully examine
their own pronunciation and practice speaking skills as often as possible in and out of
the classroom. Gaining proficiency in listening to and speaking in both formal and
casual settings can help students gain confidence in their interactions with native
speakers both within and outside of the classroom. As a result, it's safe to say that
improving students' pronunciation can have a significant impact on their ability to
communicate once they've put in the time and effort to do so.


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