Soal Kelas XI 2022 2023

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Jalan Raya Kudus-Jepara Kilometer 20 Mayong, Jepara Kode Pos 59464 Telepon 0291-754093
Surat Elektronik
I. Choose one of the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!
(pilihlah satu jawaban yang tepat dengan menyilang a, b, c, atau d!)
This dialogue is for questions 1 to 3. E. Yessi offers Anita to have lunch together
Yessi : Please come in, Nita. This dialogue is for questions 4 to 6.
Anita : Thanks. I'm so tired. Your house is far from Dear Kevin,
the highway. I'm glad to know that you are concerning to
Yessi : I should have picked you up. I'm sorry. your future. To select best study which suits you,you
should consider the following steps.
Anita : It's okay. it's my fault because l didn't call
you. First, you should know yourself. You have to
find out what interests you most and what you enjoy
Yessi :Would you like something to drink?
doing the most. Along with this, once you know your
Anita : Yes, please. skills, talents, attitudes and aptitudes, you can
Yessi : The weather is hot outside. You can turn on identify the study where you can work freely without
the fan. feeling any burden. Second, if you are confused, you
should consult to your family, friends, and teachers.
Anita : Okay. By the way, where are your parents?
However, it must be you who should take the final
Yessi : They are still at works. It istwelve o'clock. call in selecting study. Next, explore different study
Let's have lunch. options. You can imagine yourself studying different
Anita : But I have just arrived. types of fields which you like to select one from.
Then, you should meet real people to get valuable
Yessi : No problem. Let's go. suggestion from the people who are in reality with
1. Where does the dialogue take place? that field of study. Next steps are finding out basic
A. At school. qualification, evaluating yourself, and finding a role
B. At Yessi's home. model. The last step is that making decision. After
C. At Anita's home. considering thoroughly about all thestudies that
D. At their office. interest you, you can minimize your option and select
E. At a restaurant. the one best suited to you.
2. Why does Yessi suggest Anita turn on the fan? Well, that's all I know. If you are still
A. Anita is thirsty. confused, you can meet me in person.
B. Anita is hungry. Sincerely,
C. Anita is tired. Haris Lou
D. The weather ishot. Education Consultant
E. There are no parents at home 4. We know from the letter that Kevin is confused
about ....
3. We know from the dialogue that ....
A. which job he should choose
A. Anita called Yessi to pick her up
B. which study is suitable for him
B. Anita doesn't know Yessi's house
C. which university he should register
C. Yessi and her parents are at home
D. Yessi asked Anita to visit her
D. whether he looks for a job or continues D. The man wants to watch drama series.
studying E. The man's opinion is boring and monotonous.
E. what course he should choose 9. Man : What do you think of our school?
5. From the text, even though Kevin can consult to Woman : I think that our school is great. We
his parents, friends, teachers, and the writer, . ... have won some competitions this year.
A. Kevin should not believe them Man : That's true.'Màny students compete to
B. Kevin cannot take their consideration enroll this school.
C. Kevin should choose his parents' choice What can we learn from the dialogue?
D. Kevin is the one who makes decision A. They are talking about school competition.
E. Kevin is still confused and worried B. They do not study in the same school.
6. ”After considering thoroughly about all the C. They have won some competition this year.
studies that interest you, you can minimize your D. The man agrees with the woman's v opinion.
option and select the one best suited to you.”
E. The man's opinion is different from the
The underlined word has similar in meaning to.... woman's.
A. cut down This dialogue is for questions 10 to 12
B. increase Father : Are you ready, May?
C. exaggerate May. : Yes, Dad.
D. appreciate Father : Well, do you need any money?
E. choose May : I don't think so. If I do, I will use my saving.
7. Man : I met Delia yesterday. She looked Father : Be sure to call us as soon as you arrive.
different. She looked arrogant.
May : I will if I get a chance, Dad. Things are
Woman : From my point of view, one must rather hectic. Perhaps, I will call you at night.
change with the times.
Father : Okay. I think the distance between your
Man : That's exactly what I think. I heard that school and aunty's house is not far. You can walk or
her family moved to a real state where many rich ride a bike.
people live there.
May : Yes, Dad. I have to go. Bye, Dad.
What does the man mean?
Father : Bye.
A. He agrees with the woman.
10. Where is May going to go?
B. He dislikes the woman's opinion.
A. To the airport.
C. He partly agrees with the woman.
B. To her aunt's house.
D. He has different opinion.
C. To her school.
E. He considers that the woman is wrong.
D. To a boarding house.
8. Man : I think there is no interesting program
on TV. E. To the bus station.

Woman : I don't get along with it. There are 11. What does father want May to do when she
some drama series which are interesting to arrives?
watch. A. Go to sleep immediately.
Man : My mom also said so. But in my B. Go to the location alone.
opinion, most of the stories are boring and
C. Call her family soon.
D. Use her own money.
What can we learn from the dialogue?
E. Stay at her grandmother's house.
A.The woman is boring:
12. What is father's suggestion?
B. The woman likes today's drama series.
A. Walk or ride a bike to school.v
C. The woman agrees with the man's opinion.
B. Call him every day.
C. Go to aunt's house. E. Genius people.
D. Call him in the morning. 16. ”Maybe because they are not conforming.”
E. Ask her some money The underlined word can be replaced with
This text is for questions 13 to 16 A. rebelling
Most people are afraid to break rules. B. annoying
However, others believe that rules are meant to be C. liberating
broken. What about you?
D. flouting
Rules are used for telling someone that they
have to obey a rule even if they do not want to. The E. obeying
problem with a rigid approach to rules is that it 17. Man : This Saturday I would like to invite
divides people, either you are a conformist or a rebel. you to come at the drama performance.
I think not all rules are equal. Some were created to
Woman : Is it only for the members of the drama
control people, and some were created for people's
safety. I think people choose to break the rules that
limit them, not just because they don't like the rules. Man : Yes, but we can invite some of our
Breaking rules is like cheating. Behavioral scientists friends and family.
found a correlation between dishonesty and Woman : I'm. afraid I can't. I have a family
creativity. People with the most creative jobs or gathering on this Saturday.
mindsets are more likely to break the rules. The more
creative one is, the easier it is to tell the story in a Man : That's alright.
way that justifies breaking the rules. There's an What does the woman mean?
emotional upside, too - people who break the rules
A. She refuses the invitation.
feel smarter than the rest. Maybe because they are not
conforming. They are also liberated - getting rid of B. She will come to the drama performance.
rules allows their brains to think freely and let their C. She is the member of the drama club.
creative juices flow without limitations.
D. She will go to the drama performance with
In my opinion, rules are for everyone and her family.
everyone should follow them. Break the rules, but
E. She cannot come to the family gathering.
consider the consequences on the rest, not only on
you. 18. Man : Excuse me, Ma'am. We were
wondering whether you are free this Friday.
13. What is the text about?
Woman : I think I'm free on that day.Why?
A. The definition of rules.
Man : We just thought it would be nice to
B. Why people break rules.
have you over for dinner. Our division has a little
C. How to create rules. celebration for our sales success.
D. Kinds of rules. Woman : I'd love to. I'll be coming.
E. The benefits of rules. Man : Thank you, Ma'am.
14. From the text, we know that the writer . ... What does the man invite the woman for? afraid to break rules A. A meeting.
B. likes breaking rules B. A dinner.
C. doesn't agree with rules C. A bazaar.
D. is a rebel D. A birthday celebration.
E. hates rules E. A book sale.
15. Based on the text, who often break rules? 19. Woman : If you have no plans for this evening,
A. Behavioral scientists. Mr. Rolland, I'd like to invite you to have dinner
with us.
B. People with the most creative jobs. v
Man : I'd love to. What time?
C. Innocent people.
Woman : It is at 7 p.m. at Josh Restaurant.
D. People with high temper.
Man : ….
What is the bęst response to say next? New Holland, PA 17557
A. I'm sorry I'm busy now. (Black-tie optional)
B. I don't think I have dinner. RSVP by January 23, 2022
C. Great. I'll be there. v at
D. I'm afraid we can't meet. 22. The event of the invitation is . . . .
E. I disagree with you. A. the board meeting with directors
20. Man : We're going to hold a conference on B. the opening of new offices
Monday start from 10 o'clock in the meeting C. the launch of new product
room. Would you like to come?
D. the trade show
Woman : Yes, with pleasure. It is an important
event for our company. E. the appreciation ceremony

Man :... 23. We know from the invitation that . . . .

What is the best response to say next? A. the event will be held at 7 p.m.

A. Thanks for coming. B. the guests should wear white attire

B. That sounds great. C. the invitèes do not need to reply the invitation

C. That is a good suggestion. D. the invitees are all the directors of the
D. I'm afraid you can't come.
E. the event will be held in a restaurant
E. Thank you for agreeing.
24. The synonym of the word "reception” is
21. Woman : Excuse me, Sir. I was wondering if you
would like to come to our winning celebration. A. appreciation

Man : First of all, congratulations on your B. acceptance

winning. I'm proud of you. C. party
Woman : Thank you,Sir. We would be happy if D. ceremony
you come.
E. celebration
Man :
This text is for questions 25 to 28
What is the best response to say next?
When we visit a public place, we may find
A. That would be wonderful. ~ people littering. Personally, I don't like people who
B. Sorry, I couldn't watch the competition. litters. I think littering should be fined.

C. That's amazing winning. First,there is lack of awareness of people.

People litter because they feel no sense of ownership.
D. I wish I could see the match. They believe that someone else will pick up after
E. Thank you for coming to my event. them. Even worse, they notice that the litter has
accumulated. As the result, the litter will affect on
This text is for questions 22 to 24
humans' health and surrounding environment.
The Board of Directors
Second, most litters are cigarette butts and
of plastic bottles. As we know, cigarette butts take 2-5
Marrie Consulting Corporation years to break down. They make up nearly 20% of all
items littered and leach toxic chemicals into our
cordially invites you to a reception and dinner
water. Plastic bottle also takes one million years to
on the occasion of the opening of its break down and release a harmful chemical, BPA,
new offices. into our water when it degrades. You know what?
·There are 26 billion plastic water bottles are thrown
Friday, the twenty-eighth of January, away annually.
two thousand and twenty-two Finally, cleaning and picking up trash take a
At seven o'clock in the evening lot of money. For instance, in Texas, 24 million
dollars are spent every year to pick up trash off the
24 Besen Parkway
roadsides. Only 10% of highways are cleaned by
volunteers, the other 90% are cleaned by people paid Transit may also serve as a temporary means of
with the tax. We have to pay transportation, guard, transportation to persons having their private vehicles
equipment, staff, and their food. repaired.
From those reasons, I absolutely agree that The.second reason is that public transportation
littering should be fined. benefits those who choose to ride, as well as those
who have no other choice. Over 90 percent of public
25. What issue is discussed in the text?
assistance recipients do not own a car and must rely
A. The danger of litters. on public transportation. Public transit provides a
B. Why people litters. basic mobility service to them and to all others
without access to a car.
C. Littering should be fined.
The third reason is that the existence of public
D. How to clean and pick up litters.
transportation can also help to reduce the town
E. Why we need to clean environment. problems. When people prefer public transportation
26. According to the text, why do people litter? to their private vehicles, it can reduce road
congestion and travel times, air pollution, and energy
A. They have no waste bin. and oil consumption, all of which benefit both riders
B. They feel no sense of ownership. and non-riders alike.
C. They will pick litter up later. From these reasons, areas with public
transportation systems offer advantages to businesses
D. They have paid tax.
and individuals choosing to work or live in them.
E. They are in the public place. Therefore, it is obvious that public transportation is
27. The following are the negative effects of important.
A. it harms environment 29. The purpose of the text is to ....
B. it causes some diseases for humans A. persuade,the readers to use public
C. it affects aesthetic value of places transportation

D. it causes soil and water pollutions B. persuade the readers to think that public
transportation is important
E. it provides money for waste pickers
C. inform the readers the system of public
28. Most of the text uses
A. simple present tense
D. convince the readers that we should use
B. simple past tense public transportation
C. past perfect tense E. explain the readers about the effects of using
D. present perfect tense public transportation

E. simple future tense 30. The main idea of the third paragraph is ....

This text is for questions 29 to 32 A. public transportation makes people have their
own cars
The Importance of Public
B. public transportation provides access to public
Transportation facilities in town
In some towns, there is no public C. public transportation gives assistance to those
transportation, except motorcycle taxis. Some people who do not have money
find difficulties to go to somewhere inside the town. I
think public transportations in the town are very D. public transportation reduces the use of
important. private vehicles to public facilities

The first reason is that public transportation E. public transportation benefits for those who
provides people with mobility and access. People do not have cars or private vehicles
need public transportation to employment, 31. Which of the followings is not the problem that
community resources, medical care, and recreational most cities face?
opportunities in communities. Public transportation
A. Travel times.
may also be serving as a temporary means of
transportation until they are able to purchase a car. B. Air pollution.
C. Domestic problem. B. They have different opinion.
D. Road congestion. C. They do not like their uniform.
E. Energy and oil consumption. D. They like wearing uniform to school.
32. ”...and must rely on public transportation." E. The woman disagrees with the man's opinion
(paragraph 3) 36. Man : Are you ready to go to school now?
The underlined word has similar in meaning to.... Woman : I think I'm not going to school today.
A. depend on Man : What's the matter?
B. bank on Woman : I'm dizzy and I feel like throwing up.
C. refer to What should I do?
D. trust on Man :…
E. doubt on What is the best response to reply next?
33. Man : I'll help you with the shopping bag. A. You should go to school.
Woman : Thank you very much. B. I don't care anymore.
Man : What did you buy? C. That's not a good idea.
Woman : Those bags contain daily needs. D. Take a rest and I'll call your teacher.
What does the man offer to help? E. You must go to the school and inform your
A. Going shopping.
37. Man : Do you think our school will open
B. Buying daily needs.
next month?
C. Carrying the shopping bags.
Woman : I don't think so. The condition is
D. Choosing daily needs. getting worse. We should obey the rules.
E. Driving the woman to the market Man : ….
34. Woman : What's wrong with you? You look What is the best response to say next?
A. I know what you think.
Man : I have a terrible stomachache.
B. I feel I like your idea.
Woman : You should stop eating spicy food. I'm
C. I agree with your opinion.
sure you will get better soon.
D. I don't know what to do.
Man : You're right. This must be because of
spicy food. E. We are in different school.
What are they talking about? This text is for questions 38 to 40
A. Spicy food. I think that today's reader is a lot more sincere about
the comic book than the original readers were. I think
B. The man's bad habits.
the public in general is much more interested in all
C. A terrible stomachache. media than they were in my generation. My
D. Eating regularly. generation was totally involved in a media, but as
spectators. Today's generation is involved as
E. Feeling unwell.
participants. I think the average reader participates in
35. Man : Some students do not like wearing the development of the media. He's a lot more sincere
uniform. What do you think? about it. He's a lot more involved with it. He wants to
Woman : I disagree with it. In my opinion, see the best he can get out of it. I think today's
wearing uniform saves money. movie-goer is a lot more involved in the movie.
That's why | think movies change.
Man : That's right. I don't have many clothes.
If l wear my own clothes, other students will Source: Captain America Masterworks Vol. 10
notice that I have few clothes to wear. 38. What is the speaker's opinion?
What can we learn from the dialogue? A. Movies change.
A. The man hates wearing uniform.
B. His generation and today's generation are 40. "My generation was totally ....”
almost similar. The underlined word has similar in meaning to....
C. The movie-goer today is a spectator. A. completely
D. The media changes because of the movie- B. partly
C. considerably
E. Today's generation does not like watching
movies. D. partially

39. Based on the speaker, who is more sincere? E. somewhat

A. The speaker himself.

B. Today's generation.
C. The speaker's generation.
D. The old movie-goers.
E. The media.
Kunci Jawaban

1. B 11. C 21. A 31. C

2. D 12. A 22. B 32. A

3. E 13. B 23. B 33. C

4. B 14. A 24. E 34. C

5. D 15. B 25. C 35. D

6. E 16. E 26. B 36. D

7. A 17. A 27. E 37. C

8. B 18. B 28. A 38. A

9. D 19. C 29. B 39. B

10. B 20. E 30. E 40. A

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