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Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents.

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Rizal's London's studies, Parisian Universal Exp

1. which stands for Redencion de Los Malayos was also formed. Its purposes were: (a) to propagate useful knowledge, in any forms,
in the Philippines; and (2) to promote the redemption of Malayan race.
2. Rizal was chosen to be in this position in La Solidaridad by an unanimous vote of all the members.
4. founder and performer of Wild West shows Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show in 1890 which presented the skills and life of American
Indians became the inspiration of Rizal in naming his one societal club as Indios Bravos.
7. Alang, Rizal's pen name on his pamphlet "La Vision del Fray Rodriguez which was published in Barcelona.
8. Rizal returned to London on December 24 1888 and spent Christmas and New Year's eve with them
10. a place where Manuel T. Hidalgo the husband of saturnina exiled
12. FriarCon ict, it escalated when rizal left the country and the lipino persecutes to sign it
14. Rizal's rst article on La Solidaridad
17. Skills of the American and European passenger that Rizal entertained while on board to London

1. Rizal lived here while in Brussels Belgium
3. A medical student at UST and a friend of RIzal who was imprisoned for owning a copy of Noli Me Tangere
5. The name after kidlat's group whereas the purpose was to stand not to be ashamed of being called Indios
6. Rizal was allegedly him a serial killer at the London at that time.
9. he was called this by the gambling lipinos because the were angry when they learned Rizal's moralizing
11. A Temporary group whereas the members include Antonio and Juan Luna, Gregorio Aguilera, Fernando Canon, Lauro Dimayuga,
Julio Llorente, Guillermo Puatu, and Baldomero Roxas
Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. Create and
print customized word search, criss-cross, math puzzles, and more-using your own word

Rizal's London's studies, Parisian Universal Exp

1. which stands for Redencion de Los Malayos was also formed. Its purposes were: (a) to propagate useful knowledge, in any forms,
in the Philippines; and (2) to promote the redemption of Malayan race.
2. Rizal was chosen to be in this position in La Solidaridad by an unanimous vote of all the members.
4. founder and performer of Wild West shows Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show in 1890 which presented the skills and life of American
Indians became the inspiration of Rizal in naming his one societal club as Indios Bravos.
7. Alang, Rizal's pen name on his pamphlet "La Vision del Fray Rodriguez which was published in Barcelona.
8. Rizal returned to London on December 24 1888 and spent Christmas and New Year's eve with them
10. a place where Manuel T. Hidalgo the husband of saturnina exiled
12. FriarCon ict, it escalated when rizal left the country and the lipino persecutes to sign it
14. Rizal's rst article on La Solidaridad
17. Skills of the American and European passenger that Rizal entertained while on board to London

1. Rizal lived here while in Brussels Belgium
3. A medical student at UST and a friend of RIzal who was imprisoned for owning a copy of Noli Me Tangere
5. The name after kidlat's group whereas the purpose was to stand not to be ashamed of being called Indios
6. Rizal was allegedly him a serial killer at the London at that time.
9. he was called this by the gambling lipinos because the were angry when they learned Rizal's moralizing
11. A Temporary group whereas the members include Antonio and Juan Luna, Gregorio Aguilera, Fernando Canon, Lauro Dimayuga,
Julio Llorente, Guillermo Puatu, and Baldomero Roxas

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