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Written Unit I Test
Subject : English
Grade : XII
Semester :I
Academic year : 2022-2023
Name/No/Class : _______________________________ / _____ / ______


A. Read an article below carefully then find out 10 (ten) sentences based on their kinds of Present
Monster of disguise
Right now, most sixteen-year-old girls are juggling schoolwork, friends and going to concerts but Lara
Wirth from Melbourne has quite a different hobby. Several times a week, the self-taught special effects
make-up and body artist transforms herself into monsters, reptiles and creative characters. She has
done hundreds of face and body paintings over the last two years and believes that her blue, giant-
teethed ‘Monster’ creation is the best thing that she has done so far. Her designs have been getting
bigger and better all year, something you can see from her Instagram page, where she regularly shares
her creations. Lara has picked up many fans since the Instagram homepage featured one of her photos.
In fact, this year alone she has gained an extra 50,000 followers. Typically, Lara spends much of her
week on her hobby but as her exams are coming up, she’s got less time. So, for the time being, she is
creating just one design a week but hopes to pursue her passion as a career one day soon.

No. Sentence Time Expression Kind of Present Tenses










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B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of Present Tenses verbs in brackets!

The Sneaker Don

Benjamin Kapelushnik is no ordinary teenager. He has managed to turn a childhood passion into a
business and is now a sneaker supplier to the stars. He 11. … (work) in the business for more than
five years. And since he started, his business 12. … (not need) complicated marketing strategies.
Store managers sell shoes to him that the footwear company hasn't released yet. Strictly speaking, the
store managers 13. … (break) the rules by doing this but for Benjamin, it means his sneakers are
always sought-after. His best customer, DJ Khaled, 14. … (help) to build Benjamin’s reputation
over the years and Benjamin now 15. … (have) an impressive celebrity clientele as a result.

11. ________________________________________________
12. ________________________________________________
13. ________________________________________________
14. ________________________________________________
15. ________________________________________________

C. Complete the sentences with the appropriate Idioms! Some number will have the same Idioms!
16. Linn cheated in the test but the teacher didn’t care. She ………. to it.

17. My parents got me a brilliant birthday gift. I was ……….!

18. My team easily got through to the quarter finals. It was ……….……….

19. I did wonder if we’d made a mistake when we found the pool empty. The thought had ……….

20. My teacher gave me some good advice. Now I need to ……….

21. Everything has gone wrong today, but the awful weather was ……….

22. I hate having to meet people for the first time. I’m no good at ……….

23. Sorry I’m late. I was reading my book and completely ………. time.

24. There was a lot ………. to in those instructions, but I think I got everything.

25. The test was ………. I finished it in ten minutes!

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D. Read the text and find out 5 (five) Collocations and 5 (five) Phrasal verbs, then analyze kinds of
those Collocations!

The problem with stereotypes

School stereotypes are largely an invention of the American movie industry and a consistently annoying lie that
we’re just expected to accept. They create stories that are basically based on joke characters, rather than complex
individuals that are closely modelled on real-life people. It’s careless writing, and a lot of it just encourages
mean behavior. For example, if you believe the movie versions, the most popular girl in school can be openly
rude or make ridiculous demands on all her other classmates and they just give in to her. Where I’m from in
Ireland, that kind of thing is relatively unknown. If you bully the people around you, you are never popular, no
matter how popular you are. It’s readily accepted that even the shyest girl in school would not hold back if
someone insulted her straight out. No one would put up with that – it’s just so unrealistic. And how many kids
really want to spend their lives trying to live up to the expectations of others? Most people just want to get on
with each other.


26. ________________________________________  Type __________________________

27. ________________________________________  Type __________________________
28. ________________________________________  Type __________________________
29. ________________________________________  Type __________________________
30. ________________________________________  Type __________________________

Phrasal Verbs
31. _______________________________________
32. _______________________________________
33. _______________________________________
34. _______________________________________
35. _______________________________________

E. Read these sentences and find out the meaning of Phrasal Verb in each sentence!

36. His uncle passed away last night after a long illness.

37. We ran out of shampoo so I had to wash my hair with soap.

38. You should sleep over tonight if the weather is too bad to drive home.

39. Can you turn the music up? This is my favourite song.

40. I work out at the gym three times a week.

41. My wife backed me up over my decision to quit my job.

42. The woman broke down when the police told her that her son had died.

43. He's lucky to be alive. His shop was done over by a street gang.

44. It's a fancy restaurant so we have to dress up.

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45. I need to figure out how to fit the piano and the bookshelf in this room.

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