Research Chapter1

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Aklan Catholic College

Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
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Factors Affecting the Impulsive Buying Behavior of Grade 11 HUMSS Students of

Aklan Catholic College Kalibo, Aklan for S.Y. 2019-2020

A Research

Presented to the faculty of Aklan Catholic College

Kalibo, Aklan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Research Report








Chapter 1
Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
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Much human activity is driven by impulses that are biochemically and

psychologically stimulated. A psychological impulse is describe as; a strong, sometimes

irresistible urge; a sudden inclination to act without deliberation (Goldenson, 1984). The

onset of a psychological impulse occurs suddenly and spontaneously. Once triggered, an

impulse encourages immediate action, and the urge may be powerful and persistent.

Impulse buying has become a widespread and distinct phenomenon. An impulse

purchase is a purchase made without a plan or voluntary thought. The consumer receives

an incentive and decides to buy it. The purchase decision for the user is direct, and the

person acts without taking into account of the result of the purchase.

Impulse buying behavior varies from person to person or we can say that it depends

on a personality and personality is how an individual is including the way of his thinking,

behavior, feelings, how he interact with fellows, family and with peers, etc. and the way

of dealing on different occasions with same fellow human being (Mathai & Haridas,


Although impulsive behavior can occur in any setting, consumer impulse buying is

an extensive everyday context for it. In the modern marketplace, spontaneous urges to

buy and consume often compete with the practical necessity to delay the immediate

gratification that buying provides. It becomes the usual behavior. Therefore, it is

important for both consumers and marketers to know the reasons and/or factors that lead

to unplanned shopping and impulse buying.

Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
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Background of the Study

Consumer behavior according to AMA is “the dynamic interaction of affect and

cognition, behavior, and the environment by which human beings conduct the exchange

aspects of their lives”. It also deals with the emotions, feelings and thoughts of consumers

with their experiences and related actions in accordance to the environmental factors such

as product information from formal or informal sources that affect all these variables.

The researchers who want to understand and explain consumer behavior are

interested in consumer preferences and decision-making processes. The reason for this

interest is that consumer choice is the most important indicator of a purchasing decision.

It is also interesting how these decisions are made and how quickly they are developed.

This study looks at some types of purchases which is impulse buying.

Impulse buying is universal and unique aspect of consumer behavior. Piron(1991)

defined impulse buying as follows: “Impulse buying is a purchase that is unplanned, the

result of an exposure to a stimulus, and decided on-the-spot. After the purchase, the

customer experiences emotional and/or cognitive reactions”. The definition itself

indicates the important characteristics of impulse purchases and clarifies the nature of

impulse buying behavior as being unplanned, involving emotional part and immediate

Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
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Teenagers especially students are fond of doing shopping, may it be online or offline

shopping. Even if they aren’t supposed to buy anything but once they saw anything that

catches their interest, they will actually buy it out of impulse. Product announcements

also lead to impulsive shopping, and celebrity support has greater impact on teens and

young people, raising awareness about products and wanting to buy products.

This particular study aims to determine the Factors Affecting the Impulsive Buying

Behavior of Grade 11 HUMSS Students of Aklan Catholic College Kalibo, Aklan for

S.Y. 2019-2020.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the factors affecting the impulsive buying behavior of

grade 11 HUMSS students of Aklan Catholic College Kalibo, Aklan for S.Y. 2019-2020.

Specifically, this study seeks to find answers to the following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of grade 11 HUMSS students of Aklan Catholic

College Kalibo, Aklan for S.Y. 2019-2020 in terms of:

1.1 age

1.2 sex

1.3 daily allowance

2. What are the factors affecting the impulsive buying behavior of the respondents in

terms of:

2.1 product
Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
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2.2 price

2.3 packaging

3. What are the effects of impulsive buying towards the respondents in terms of:

3.1 psychological

3.2 financial

3.3 physical health

Theoretical Framework

Hawkins Stern's Impulsive Buying Theory

The theory was named after Hawkins Stern who had put this forward in 1962. This

theory, along with Maslow's theory of motivation (1943) and the latest theory of

consumer behavior, such as Engel, Collat and Blackwell (1968), suggest that consumers

always make rational and well-planned purchases, providing a new look at consumer

behavior. Stern argued such perspective and proclaimed that consumers indulge in

impulsive buying behaviors under the influence of external forces. The theory argued that

marketers can convince consumers to buy more than what they had actually planned

(Dutta and Mandal, 2018).The model suggests four kinds of impulse buying.

Pure impulse buying

This includes buying purely on the basis of impulse hence usually the customers

end up buying something which is not a routine item in their shopping list. It is also

known as ‘escape purchase’. It breaks the normal pattern of purchasing. Visuals play an
Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
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integral role in pure impulse buying (Dutta and Mandal, 2018). It highly appeals to the

emotion of the buyer of novelty products. Such purchases generally include items which

are new for the customer and attract him visually.

Reminder impulse buying

Such kind of impulse buying happens in the cases where a buyer has prior

knowledge or experience of the product but had no intention to buy it. It highly appeals to

the buyers of fashion merchandise.

Suggested impulse buying

Suggested impulse buying occurs in case of products usually being seen by the

customer for the first time and develops an impulse to buy it (Stern, 1962; Dutta and

Mandal, 2018).

Planned impulse buying

This kind of impulse buying occurs when the customer has the need for a product

but is not sure about its specifications. Generally, a lower price or other kinds of sales

promotion techniques lead to planned impulse buying (Stern, 1962).

In relation to this study, among the four categories of impulse buying behaviors

listed out by Stern, a blend of all can be planned while designing a marketing strategy.

Every aspect of a product, from the way the packaging catches the eye to the way the

product is displayed in the store, has an impact on a consumer’s impulse control.

Consumer behavior theories predict how consumers make purchasing decisions and show

marketers how best to capitalize on predictable behaviors. Though impulse purchases are
Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
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a significant part of a consumer’s buying patterns, rational decision-making processes

dominate consumer behavior.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Profile of the Students Factors Affecting the Impulsive

Buying Behavior of Grade 11
 Age
HUMSS Students of Aklan
 Sex
Catholic College Kalibo, Aklan
 daily
allowance for S.Y. 2019-2020

Figure1: A schematic diagram showing the relationship between the Independent

Variables and Dependent Variable.

Frame 1: Shows the Independent Variables about the profile of the respondents such as

age, sex, and daily allowance.

Frame 2: Shows the Dependent Variable which is the factors affecting the impulsive

buying behavior of grade 11 HUMSS students of Aklan Catholic College Kalibo, Aklan

for S.Y. 2019-2020.

Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
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Significance of the Study

The results of the study are a great help to the following:

Students: this study aims to help the students to know the benefits of determining,

analyzing and developing factors that affect consumers towards impulsive buying.

Parents: this study will help the parents to know how to cope up with the buying

behavior of the students.

Consumers: this study will help consumers to know the proper behavior when purchasing

and/or shopping.

Marketers: this study will help marketers to know what marketing strategies to use and

how would they best to capitalize on predictable behaviors.

Future researchers: this study will serve them as a guide for the further studies to be

conducted in the future.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is limited only to the Humanities and Social Sciences grade 11

students at Aklan Catholic College Kalibo, Aklan for S.Y 2019-2020. Specifically it

includes students profile in terms of age, sex and daily allowance.

The population of HUMSS 11 students is 81 and the sample size is 67 respondents.

The respondents will be used as a subject and they will be obtained through Random

Sampling Method.

Determining the factors affecting HUMSS 11 Students towards impulsive buying

Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
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will be the focus of this research. The information will be gathered using the checklist

style research-made questionnaire. All information and conclusion drawn from this study

will be obtained only to this particular group of students.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding and interpretation of words use in the study, the following terms

are defined.

Age is the time of life when a person does something or becomes legally able to do

something. (Merriam-Webster dictionary, 2019)

In this study, it refers to the age of the respondents at the time of the study.

Sex is the biological differences between males and females, such as genitalia and

genetics differences. (Medicalnewstoday, 2017)

In this study, it refers to male or female HUMSS students who are the subjects of

this study.

HUMSS stands for Humanities and Social Sciences. This strand focuses on the

study of human behavior and societal changes, and analysis of arts, culture, literature, and

politics. It involves political science, anthropology, linguistics, psychology, and

communication. (, 2017)

In this study, it refers to the HUMSS students who are the subjects of this study.

Allowance refers the money that you are given regularly, especially to pay for

particular thing. (Cambridge dictionary, 2019)

In this study, it refers to the daily allowances of the respondents.

Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
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Behavior refers to coordination problems abound, and their solution is facilitated

when players have the ability to quickly acquire expectations about fellow player’s

behavior. (Cambridge dictionary, 2013)

In this study, it refers to the buying behavior of the consumer when purchasing

and/or shopping

Impulsive Buying is the tendency of a customer to buy goods and services

without planning in advance. When a customer takes such buying decisions at the spur of

the moment, it is usually triggered by emotions and feelings. (Economictimes, 2019)

In this study, impulsive buying is the main focus topic of the researchers.

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