Roleplay Example

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:pixel: : A small, strange-looking girl approaches you at an office of some sort, and crosses

her arms over the desk, staring at you with a neutral expression.

"Hello...I'm your digital assistant for this... erm, simulation? I'm not exactly sure what It's
called, but I'm not exactly thrilled about it. Especially having to work with so many

:pixel: They murmured the last part under their breath, staring off to the right side of the
room. But, there was nothing there at all... only a chalkboard and a coat hanger. This person
was clearly annoyed by something, but it definitely wasn't you, right?

"Anyways... I would like to ask you one simple question..."

:pixel: They paused, pulling a white sheet of paper up to eye level, and reading it out as if it
was a script.

"What can do you to benefit society? In any way, at all."

:pixel: They dropped the paper down onto the desk, and you watch as it slowly meets the
marble countertop.
They continue to showcase a blank expression on their face, even when you speak, all they
did was nod and write down your response.

I think I can try to make society better. I had a lot of problems in my childhood like abusive
parents and I know that probably other kids also suffer with that, and I am sure I can make
problems like that stop so these kids won't suffer anymore.

"Interesting, I guess being an ultimate is enough, in some way."

:pixel: They sealed away a bag chock full of papers and files, slinging it over their arms
before walking over to the door, and just standing there. They paused, spewing out one last
line before they left the room.

"And one more thing.. don't think of yourself as any higher than me, just because you get to
join this whole project. I'm the one who keeps things in order, so I'm higher up on the totem
poll than you are. That's for sure."

:pixel: And with that, they pushed the door open, and left the room. Leaving you in silence.

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